Sunday, January 11, 2009

Le terroriste le plus meurtrier de l'histoire

92 morts

King David Hotel



L'attentat terroriste le plus meurtrier de l'histoire. Commis par l'Irgoune de Menachem Begin

Alain Berenboom: Begin "est pire qu'Hitler", disait son père

"There is an attempt - and even the word Satanic cannot describe its evilness - to deny that six million Jews, men, women and children, were lead by Nazi Germany and its partners to the pits, the poison spewing trucks, to the gas chambers.."
- Menachem Begin

"The growing numbers of revisionist supporters cannot be ignored. We must use every resource to stop revisionism now, before it's too late."
- Edgar Bronfman

The World's biggest terrorist

The bombing of the King David Hotel

The origins of terrorism

Irgun, Stern hid weapons in Synagogue

The financiers of Zionist terror financed nuclear Israel

Jewish Mafia, Lansky, JFK

Meyer Lansky finançait Israël, l'armement de ses organisations terroristes et son arsenal nucléaire.

Begin lié à Mickey Cohen, l'homme de main de Lansky à Hollywood

Lansky lié à Israel, Bronfman et Permindex (Mossad)


Source: Final Judgment, Michael Collins Piper, 1994

Menachem Begin et le Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson (hommage video)

The Rebbe Mendel Schneersonrom, from an article in the March 2000 issue of the Washington Report of Middle East Affairs. The quote, from a book review by Lincoln Review editor Allan Brownfeld, reads as follows:

“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’ Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of (members) of all nations of the world… A non-Jew’s entire reality is only vanity. The entire creation (of a non-Jew) exists only for the sake of the Jews.”

Terroriste, Nobel de la Paix et président!

L'idole de Israel Asper

Derrière la tragédie du 9/11 et la guerre au terrorisme