Sunday, January 4, 2009

Schneerson’s quote is from an article in the March 2000 issue of the Washington Report of Middle East Affairs. The quote, from a book review by Lincoln Review editor Allan Brownfeld, reads as follows:
“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: ‘Let us differentiate.’ Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have case of ‘let us differentiate’ between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of (members) of all nations of the world… A non-Jew’s entire reality is only vanity. The entire creation (of a non-Jew) exists only for the sake of the Jews.”

"Jew and Gentile are two worlds, between you Gentiles and us Jews there lies an unbridgeable gulf...There are two life forces in the world: Jewish and Gentile...I do not believe that this primal difference between Gentile and Jew is reconcilable..." - Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 9

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Samedi 21 février 2009

« Le Dieu qui a appris ce que, à part Lui, les dieux ne connaissent pas, qui a connu la mort, qui s’est incorporé les faits de la mort, c’est le Christ. Son entrée dans le monde où existent la naissance et la mort, sa descente dans la nature humaine, ont été des processus réels. Dieu devint un être humain. C’est la formule qui exprime ce que le Christ est devenu pour la Terre : le modèle originel de l’humanité, ce qui donne un sens à l’humanité.

Mais supposons que le processus inverse se soit aussi déroulé. Supposons qu’en même temps que le Dieu devint homme, un homme ait été poussé à devenir dieu, c’est-à-dire à ne plus mourir, à ne plus être soumis aux lois de la vie terrestre. Cet homme serait devenu le dieu le plus misérable, tandis qu’en descendant ici-bas, le Dieu devint l’homme le plus parfait. Voilà l’opposition que vous avez ; ce n’est pas en vain qu’à côté du Christ qui monte au Golgotha on trouve Ahasvérus, l’homme qui devint dieu. Mais c’est un dieu tronqué, qui ne peut plus mourir, qui erre dans le monde, qui reste sur le plan physique en y développant les qualités qui ne devraient être développées qu’au pays du rêve.

C’est un fait prodigieux, spirituel, qui est placé devant notre âme. Au Dieu il est adjoint l’homme qui est devenu dieu, mais d’une façon qui le rend misérable. L’homme qui est devenu dieu manifeste, dans le cours de l’évolution terrestre, le principe qui dit que la divinité ne doit pas descendre sur le plan physique : c’est le judaïsme, la conception du monde de l’Ancien Testament.

Ce fait est un mystère. Si on connaît ces choses on sait qu’Ahasvérus est un être réel. Les légendes d’Ahasvérus sont basées sur des impressions réelles données par la perception d’Ahasvérus qui se trouvait à un endroit ou à un autre. Car Ahasvérus existe : il est le gardien du judaïsme depuis que le mystère du Golgotha a eu lieu. Nous devons bien voir que nous n’arriverons à une connaissance complète de l’histoire que si le spirituel y est inclus.

Nous voyons donc, d’une part Dieu devenu homme dans l’événement du Golgotha, et d’autre part l’homme devenu dieu dans Ahasvérus. L’initié sait qu’Ahasvérus erre réellement sur la terre. Naturellement on ne le voit pas sous la forme humaine. Il est devenu un dieu, mais erre sur la terre. Il est présent dans l’existence terrestre. Pour couvrir toute la réalité, les descriptions historiques doivent tenir compte de la réalité spirituelle qui court à travers le devenir historique de l’évolution humaine.

Assurément bien des choses ne sont présentes qu’en images, mais l’essentiel est de savoir que ces images correspondent à des faits. Il est insensé de dire qu’on ne devrait pas s’exprimer par ces images. Lorsque nous parlons, nous nous exprimons toujours en images. Prenez le mot sanscrit “manas” ; si on comprend ce mot on a devant soi l’image sonore d’une enveloppe, de la Lune qui porte le Soleil. Car lorsque l’Indien disait manas en sanscrit originel, son être de volonté se ressentait comme l’enveloppe qui renferme l’être pensant. Tous les mots remontent à des images, ils ne sont que de simples images, élémentaires. Ce que l’on exprime par les mots ne réside pas dans les mots. Lorsqu’il s’agit de natures spirituelles complexes, qu’on ne peut pas exprimer comme telles par des mots, on est obligé d’en former des images. Ainsi, lorsqu’on parle d’Ahasvérus et de ses légendes de la façon dont on parle en général en images, on utilise des formes d’expression complexes qui font allusion au côté spirituel.

Si quelqu’un se fâche à l’égard de ce mythe, il devrait aussi se fâcher du fait que nous nous sommes formé un langage par lequel nous désirons exprimer quelque chose de substantiel. Il devrait alors exiger que nous soyons muets – car s’il nous est défendu de composer un mythe, l’étape suivante serait de nous interdire de parler. Le processus de représentation en images est le même dans le langage ordinaire et dans l’imagination supérieure dans laquelle se présente, entre autres, Ahasvérus qui est un être spirituel qui passe à travers l’évolution terrestre. Il entrave continuellement le retour de l’être humain au monde spirituel, dont il est sorti lorsqu’il a perdu sa clairvoyance héréditaire, retour prévu par l’évolution grâce au Christ [...]

Comme vous le savez la tradition chrétienne parle du Dieu devenu homme de façon légitime, du Christ Jésus. Par contraste avec le Christ Jésus, on parle d’Ahasvérus, l’homme devenu dieu de façon illégitime qui s’est dépouillé du caractère mortel de la nature humaine. Dans Ahasvérus nous avons donc l’opposé du Christ Jésus. Voilà la base, la signification profonde de la légende d’Ahasvérus qui parle de quelque chose dont il faut parler parce que c’est un fait. Elle parle d’un être qui erre sur la terre. Cette figure d’Ahasvérus existe. Elle erre sur la terre d’un peuple à l’autre, et elle empêche la croyance hébraïque de mourir. Cette figure existe : la figure d’Ahasvérus qui est devenu dieu de façon illégitime.

Pour connaître l’histoire véridique il faut poser son regard sur ces ingrédients de l’histoire. Il faut voir comment, des mondes suprasensibles, les forces et les êtres interviennent dans le monde sensible, comment le Christ est venu des mondes suprasensibles dans le monde sensible. Il faut voir comment, en retour, le monde sensible intervient dans les mondes suprasensibles, et comment nous avons à voir en Ahasvérus une force cosmique réelle, un être cosmique. Naturellement on ne peut voir Ahasvérus qu’à l’aide d’une certaine clairvoyance, et non au moyen des sens physiques, mais la conscience du cheminement d’Ahasvérus a toujours existé. Les légendes qui en parlent ont une bonne base objective. On ne comprend pas la vie humaine si on ne la voit qu’extérieurement, comme elle est décrite dans les livres d’histoire, si on n’examine pas ses formes particulières.

C’est un fait que le Christ vit intérieurement en nous depuis le Mystère du Golgotha, et nous pouvons Le percevoir en nous en vivifiant le regard clairvoyant porté sur notre être intérieur. De même Ahasvérus, le Juif Errant, apparaîtra à la plupart des personnes qui ont développé le regard clairvoyant et regardent autour d’elles au cours de leur vie. On ne le reconnaîtra peut-être pas toujours, on pourra le prendre pour autre chose, mais il est possible au Juif Errant de nous apparaître, de même qu’il est possible au Christ de nous illuminer lorsque nous regardons dans notre être intérieur.

Ces choses font partie des mystères cosmiques qui doivent être dévoilés à notre époque. »

(Rudolf Steiner, Mystère solaire, mystère de la mort, exotérisme et ésotérisme chrétiens, GA211, Genève, 2000, pp. 37 sqq.)

« Aucune âme n’est condamnée à toujours vivre au sein d’une certaine race. Une race, un peuple peuvent rester arriérés, mais les âmes s’élèvent et les dépassent. Pour voir avec une grande précision ce qu’il en est, il faut nous dire que toutes les âmes qui sont actuellement incarnées dans les peuples civilisés ont vécu autrefois dans des corps atlantéens. Certaines d’entre elles se sont développées ; elles n’en sont pas restées au niveau correspondant à des corps atlantéens. Ayant évolué, elles ont pu habiter des organismes plus évolués eux aussi. Seules les âmes restées en arrière ont dû revêtir des corps restés à un niveau inférieur. Si toutes les âmes avaient progressé de la même manière, ou bien la population des races arriérées aurait été peu nombreuse, ou bien ces corps arriérés auraient été habités par des âmes inférieures nouvellement venues. Car il se trouve toujours des âmes pouvant habiter des organismes retardés. Mais aucune ne reste liée à un de ces organismes si elle ne s’y est pas enchaînée de son propre fait. Quel rapport s’établit entre l’évolution des âmes et celles des races, c’est ce qu’un mythe merveilleux nous rappelle.

Les races succèdent aux races, les civilisations aux civilisations. L’âme qui accomplit normalement sa mission terrestre s’incarne dans une race ; elle en acquiert les qualités, elle fait effort de manière à s’incarner la fois suivante dans une race plus évoluée. Seules les âmes qui s’enlisent dans leur race, qui ne font aucun effort pour s’élever au-dessus de la matérialité physique, y sont retenues, en quelque sorte par leur propre poids. Elles s’y incarnent une seconde fois, éventuellement une troisième fois dans une race analogue. De telles âmes exercent sur le corps de la race une influence retardatrice. C’est ce que décrit certaine légende :

« L’homme progresse sur sa voie terrestre en écoutant les grands Instructeurs qui montrent à l’humanité le but qu’elle doit atteindre. S’il s’écarte de cette voie, il lui faut alors rester dans sa race ; il ne peut pas s’élever au-dessus d’elle. Supposons qu’un homme ait eu le grand bonheur de se trouver en présence d’un des grands Guides de l’humanité, du Christ Lui-même, par exemple, d’assister à tous Ses miracles, d’être témoin de Son action pour faire progresser le genre humain ; et que cet homme ait refusé ce progrès, repoussé ce Guide : Il sera condamné à rester dans sa race. A l’extrême, il devra y revenir sans cesse, et c’est ce que présente l’histoire d’Ahasverus, le Juif Errant, qui se réincarne toujours dans la même race parce qu’il a repoussé le Christ. Comme sur des tables d’airain, les grandes vérités de l’évolution humaine sont gravées dans ces légendes.»

Rudolf Steiner, L'Apocalypse de Jean (G.A.104), Paris, 1978, p.65 sqq.

Nous rappellerons seulement ici cet extrait de son essai sur l'Homuncule de Robert Hamerling (1888), qu'il écrivit pour le journal viennois Deutsche Wochenschrift:

"It cannot be denied that Jewry still today presents itself as a self-contained entity and as such has often intervened in the development of our present conditions in a way that was anything but favourable to Western cultural ideas. But Jewry as such has outlived itself and has no justification within the modern life of nations. The fact that it nevertheless has been preserved is a mistake of world history which could not fail to have consequences."

"On ne peut nier que les Juifs encore aujourd'hui se présentent comme une entité autonome,laquelle est souvent intervenue dans le développement de nos conditions actuelles d'une manière qui était tout sauf favorable aux idées culturelles occidentales. Mais la juiverie en tant que telle a survécu à elle-même et n'a pas de justification dans la vie moderne des nations. Le fait qu'elle a néanmoins été préservée est une erreur de l'histoire du monde qui ne pouvait manquer d'avoir des conséquences." Rudolf Steiner, Robert Hamerling: Homunkulus (Robert Hamerling: Homunculus), in: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Literatur 1884-1902 (Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902), GA 32, 2nd ed. pp. 145-155.

Un sujet d'une brûlante actualité en cette Palestine où S'était incarné jadis Celui que les Juifs renièrent et mirent au ban de leur peuple quand Il en était justement le salut...


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extrait de l'article de Diet:
Sur les traces de l'Holocauste - Commentaires au sujet de Barbro Karlèn et Yonassan Gershom

Gershom en revient à la doctrine de l'âme de la Kabbale, selon laquelle l'âme humaine possède cinq niveaux (d'existence, N.D.T.) (17). "L'inconscient collectif d'un groupe" (Chaja), le quatrième plan d'existence d'une âme, se trouve, conformément à cette doctrine, au-dessus de la "conscience personnelle supérieure" (Neschama) d'un individu. Autrement dit: L'âme groupe détermine le Je "supérieur" humain, elle est – selon Gershom – en quelque sorte la "symbolique existant dans l'élément collectif", le "software" (équivalent au mot actuel de "logiciel", N.D.T.), grâce auquel les informations toutes ensemble, qu'un homme apporte dans la vie, "reçoivent une forme lisible".
Eu égards à cette conception, on ne comprend pas pourquoi l'éditeur de l'oeuvre de Karlèn affirme qu'avec Gershom apparaît "une façon de considérer l'histoire" à partir du judaïsme "qui peut justement surmonter le nationalisme, selon son propre cheminement intérieur: elle place l'Holocauste dans la perspective de la réincarnation et du Karma. Quand aujourd'hui, du judaïsme progressiste surgit une exigence de ce genre surmontant foncièrement tout nationalisme, alors cela mérite une attention toute particulière." (18) – Le rabbin Gershom est quant à lui d'un avis différent: "Les doctrines de la réincarnation ne proviennent pas, comme on pourrait s'y attendre, de courants plutôt "progressistes" au sein du judaïsme. Non, elles ont été transmises par l'hassidisme "ultraorthodoxe" et ont toujours été répandues par lui." (19) – De fait, une telle manière d'envisager la réincarnation en correspondance avec une loi générale d'après laquelle les êtres humains se réincarnent sans cesse dans un seul peuple, et toujours le même, fonde un nationalisme encore plus réactionnaire qu'il n'est principalement possible de le faire sans certains discernements dans le contexte suprasensible. (20)
Gershom n'exprime donc pas une "impulsion universelle", comme le pense Andreas Heertsch, mais une impulsion qui se rapporte à l'âme groupe d'une seul et unique peuple.
Individualité et âme groupe
Dans diverses conférences (21), Rudolf Steiner a développé le fait que l'ancien peuple hébraïque a été le peuple par excellence (en français dans le texte, N.D.T.), au travers duquel la disposition de l'âme groupe s'est révélée au sein de l'humanité. Et tous les Juifs, "ancêtres communs" d'Abraham et de Sarah fondent, selon Gershom, l'identité juive jusqu'à aujourd'hui, qui n'est pas celle d'une race, mais celle d'une "culture souche". (22)
Le principe de ce qui est inhérent à l'âme groupe, auquel l'humanité remonte, a cependant perdu sa signification depuis le Tournant des Âges, "au moment où le Christ est descendu sur notre terre", pour faire place au principe de l'individualité, du "Je traversé de la présence du Christ". Steiner renvoie au fait que nous parvenons à faire l'expérience du coeur spirituel de notre nature humaine, "si nous ne pouvons pas dire uniquement: Moi et le père Abraham, sommes unis, mais: Je et le Père, c'est cela l'élément spirituel qui forme la trame vivante du monde. [...] Nous luttons donc et nous nous élevons peu à peu à la compréhension de ce Je, c'est-à-dire du porteur de l'individualité humaine, et donc de ce qui passe d'incarnation en incarnation." Et dans le même contexte, Rudolf Steiner en vient aussi à parler des souvenirs provenant de vies antérieures. Il explique que seuls les hommes qui se sont détachés de l'âme groupe, et ont développé un Je individuel, auront dans leur incarnation future la faculté de se souvenir de leur vie antérieure d'une manière correcte. Mais ceux qui n'ont pas surmonté la disposition inhérente à l'âme groupe, "ne pourront pas se rappeler de l'existence d'un Je individuel, parce qu'il ne l'ont pas formé, mais du Je-groupe dans lequel ils sont restés."
Comme on l'a déjà mentionné, les destinées décrites par Gershom, et caractérisées par lui comme des victimes réincarnées de l'Holocauste, n'apparaissent pas comme celles d'individus, mais plutôt comme celles de personnalités. Ce n'est pas le Je qui est ici immortel et éternel, mais la personnalité qui est liée à l'âme groupe juive. Des personnalités, comme des âmes de peuple connaissent une enfance, une adolescence, un âge mûr et naturellement aussi une mort. (23) Mais cette mort ne semble pas se produire. Et l'impression surgit donc, que les phénomènes observés par nous dépendent de cette impossibilité à trouver la mort. Cette impossibilité-de-mourir devient un supplice tout particulier. (...)
Dans une étude de Jürn-Hinrich Volkmann, parue dans Das Goetheanum du 29 mars 1998, on mentionne la légende d'Ahasvérus (25), cette légende du Juif errant qui a été éconduit par le Christ portant sa croix et qui n'a plus la faculté de mourir jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Rudolf Steiner a évoqué Ahasvérus à quelques reprises (26), ainsi le 21 mars 1922, à Bern, où il met en opposition Ahasvérus et le Christ: "C'est un processus réel: le Dieu, qui a appris à connaître ce que les Dieux ne connaissent pas par ailleurs, qui a appris à mourir, qui a fait entrer le fait de la mort en Lui, c'est le Christ, le Dieu qui est entré dans ce monde où existent la naissance et la mort, la descente du Dieu dans la nature humaine. [...] Et si autre chose avait eu lieu, lorsqu'au même moment où Dieu devenait homme, un homme avait aspiré à devenir Dieu, c'est-à-dire aspiré à ne plus mourir, à ne plus être soumis aux lois de la vie terrestre, alors il serait naturellement devenu le dieu le plus misérable, tandis que Dieu devenait l'être humain le plus accompli en descendant dans la nature humaine. Nous avons cette polarité, cette opposition! Ce n'est pas sans raison qu'Ahasvérus se tient à côté du Christ montant vers le Golgotha, Ahasvérus, l'homme qui aspire à devenir Dieu, mais qui devient un dieu bâclé, et perd la possibilité de mourir et doit désormais parcourir le monde sans pouvoir mourir."(...)
Gershom croit donc que le "Messie" dont l'Ancien Testament annonce déjà la venue, est devenu le peuple juif lui-même depuis l'Holocauste. Peu avant la fin du second millénaire après l'événement du Golgotha, qui constitue le point central de l'évolution de la terre, une voix s'élève qui veut transférer cet événement: au lieu du Christ, qui, en tant que Dieu est mort sur la croix, ce par quoi l'évolution du Je de tout être humain est surtout devenue possible à partir de cet acte, surgit la notion d'un Messie juif collectif. Mais ce "Messie" ressemble à l'archétype d'une entité, qui se heurte de lui-même franchement à la voie de l'individualisation de l'être humain.
(15) À l'endroit cité précédemment, p.364. Voir aussi p.84 et 103.
(16) Le judaïsme en tant que cheminement spirituel. Entretien avec J. Kritisch, dans Info 3, mai 1997.
(17) YG, p.163 et suiv. Citation p.171.
(18) Th. Meyer: Holocauste et Réincarnation. À la fois une indication sur le contexte karmique entre le judaïsme et le germanisme, dans Der Europäer, 8/1997.
(19) YG, p.245.
(20) Rudolf Steiner a indiqué à plusieurs reprises que des êtres humains, dans certaines circonstances peuvent effectivement répéter leur incarnation dans un seul et même peuple et dans une seule et même ethnie: "Seules ces âmes qui s'enfoncent dans des ethnies qui ne s'efforcent pas de sortir de la matérialité physique, sont pour ainsi dire ramenés de nouveau dans cette ethnie par leur propre pesanteur. [...] Imaginons une personnalité de ce genre, qui se tient par exemple devant le Christ Lui-même, qui voit comment le Christ porte tous les témoignages de son action en faveur du progrès de l'humanité, mais qui ne veut rien savoir de cette élévation et se met en travers de l'action du Christ. Une personnalité de ce genre serait condamnée à rester dans son ethnie. Et si nous pensons cela d'une manière radicale, alors une telle âme devrait sans cesse réapparaître dans la même ethnie et nous avons la légende d'Ahasvérus, qui doit toujours revenir dans la même ethnie, parce qu'il s'est heurté au Christ-Jésus." Rudolf Steiner, conférence du 21 juin 1908, dans L'Apocalypse de Jean (GA 104).

Quotes by Rudolf Steiner:

He is the guardian of Judaism in the time after the Mystery of Golgotha. Initiates know that Ahasuerus walks the Earth to this day. Because he has become a god, we cannot see him in human form, of course. Nevertheless he continues to wander through earthly existence. (...)
As a spiritual being active in cosmic evolution, Ahasuerus attempts to prevent the normal next step for human beings, namely, the possibility of returning, through the Christ, to the spiritual world we left when we lost the faculty of atavistic clairvoyance.(...)
It is undeniably true that the Christ has dwelled in us since the Mystery of Golgotha. When clairvoyant vision is directed inward, we can find the Christ within ourselves. When it is directed outwards, toward human life around us, Ahasuerus, the wandering Jew, appears to us.

The Sun Mystery, Death and the Mystery of Death and Resurrection, GA#211 12 Lectures in Berne, Dornach, Hague, London, Vienna in 1922, Mar 21-July 11, 1922 by Rudolf Steiner

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The Jewish world is still dominated by the racial impulse. The Jews marry among themselves, among their own people; their attention is still focused upon the racial, not upon the spiritual.
Therefore to the question: “Have the Jewish people fulfilled their mission in the evolution of human knowledge?” the answer is: They have fulfilled their mission, for in earlier times the existence of a people who brought a certain form of monotheism into being was a necessity. To-day, however, what is required is spiritual knowledge. The mission of the Jewish people has been fulfilled. Hence this particular mission is no longer a necessity in evolution; the only right course is for the Jews to intermix with the other peoples.

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"It cannot be denied that Jewry still today presents itself as a self-contained entity and as such has often intervened in the development of our present conditions in a way that was anything but favourable to Western cultural ideas. But Jewry as such has outlived itself and has no justification within the modern life of nations. The fact that it nevertheless has been preserved is a mistake of world history which could not fail to have consequences."

Rudolf Steiner, The Humunculus of Robert Hamerling (1888), in Deutsche Wochenschrift

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"The best thing that the Jews could do would be to disappear into the rest of humankind ... so that Jewry as a people would simply cease to exist." [Rudolf Steiner, "Vom Wesen des Judentums," DIE GESCHICHTE DER MENSCHHEIT UND DIE WELTANSCHAUUNGEN DER KULTURVOLKER, p. 189.]

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“As you know, we distinguish the Jews from the rest of the earth's population. The difference has arisen because the Jews have been brought up in the moon religion for centuries ... The Jews have a great gift for materialism, but little for recognition of the spiritual world.” [Rudolf Steiner, FROM BEETROOT TO BUDDHISM (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1999), p. 59.]

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"Actual antisemitism is not the cause of this Jewish hypersensitivity, but rather the false image of the anti-Jewish movement invented by overwrought imaginations. Anyone who has dealt with Jews knows how deep runs the tendency to create such an image ... Mistrust of non-Jews has completely taken over their souls ... I consider antisemites to be harmless people." [Rudolf Steiner,"Die Sehnsucht der Juden nach Palästina," Magazin für Literatur, vol. 66 no. 38.]

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"A human soul can develop itself in such a way that it incarnates in a particular race within a given incarnation. If it acquires certain capacities in this incarnation, then in a later incarnation it can incarnate in a different race.(...) The souls certainly do not remain in the races. Soul development is something quite different from race development. (...)
Those who remained behind, who bound themselves up with their race, they degenerated, while the advanced ones founded new civilizations. (...)
How could one express this more clearly than in the image of the person who rejects the leader, and who is incapable of advancing! That is the legend of Ahasver, the Eternal Jew, who sat there and pushed away the greatest leader, Christ Jesus, who wanted nothing to do with evolution, and who therefore must remain in his race, must always reappear in his race. These are myths that have been given to humankind for its eternal memory, so that humankind knows what it is dealing with." (...)
"You might now be inclined to say: Is it not an extremely bitter thought that whole bodies of peoples remain immature and do not develop their capacities; that only a small group becomes capable of providing the germ for the next civilization? This thought will no longer disquiet you if you distinguish between race-development and individual soul-development, for no soul is condemned to remain in one particular race. The race may fall behind; the community of people may remain backward, but the souls progress beyond the several races. If we wish to form a true conception of this we must say that all the souls now living in bodies in civilized countries were formerly incarnated in Atlantean bodies. A few developed there in the requisite manner, and did not remain in Atlantean bodies. As they had developed further they could become the souls of the bodies which had also progressed further. Only the souls which as souls had remained backward had to take bodies which as bodies had remained at a lower stage. If all the souls had progressed, the backward races would either have decreased very much in population, or the bodies would be occupied by newly incoming souls at a low stage of development. For there are always souls which can inhabit backward bodies. No soul is bound to a backward body if it does not bind itself to it. The relation between soul-development and race-development is preserved to us in a wonderful myth. Let us imagine race following race, civilization following civilization. The soul going through its earth mission in the right way is incarnated in a certain race; it strives upward in this race, and acquires the capacities of this race in order next time to be incarnated in a higher one. Only the souls which sink in the race and do not work out of the physical materiality, are held back in the race by their own weight, as one might say. They appear a second time in the same race and eventually a third time in bodies in similarly formed races. Such souls hold back the bodies of the race.
This has been wonderfully described in a legend. We know, indeed, that man progresses further in the fulfillment of the mission of the earth by following the great Leaders of humanity who point out the goals to be attained; if he rejects them, if he does not follow them, he must remain behind with his race, for he cannot then get beyond it. Let us think of a personality who has the good fortune to meet a great Leader of humanity, let us suppose such a personality confronting Christ Jesus himself, for example; he sees how all his deeds are evidence for leading humanity forward, but he will have nothing to do with this progress, he rejects the Leader of humanity. Such a personality, such a soul would be condemned to remain in the race. If we follow this thought to its conclusion such a soul would have to appear again and again in the same race, and we have the legend of Ahasuerus who had to appear in the same race again and again because he rejected Christ Jesus. Great truths concerning the evolution of humanity are placed before us in such a legend as this." (...) [Rudolf Steiner, THE APOCALYPSE OF ST. JOHN, p. 80.]

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"People who listen to the great leaders of humankind, and preserve their soul with its eternal essence, reincarnate in an advanced race; in the same way he who ignores the great teacher, who rejects the great leader of humankind, will always reincarnate in the same race, because he was only able to develop the one form. This is the deeper meaning of Ahasver [The Wandering Jew], who must always reappear in the same form because he rejected the hand of the greatest leader, Christ. Thus each person has the opportunity to become caught up in the essence of one incarnation, to push away the leader of humankind, or instead to undergo the transformation into higher races, toward ever higher perfection. Races would never become decadent, never decline, if there weren't souls that are unable to move up and unwilling to move up to a higher racial form. Look at the races that have survived from earlier eras: they only exist because some souls could not climb higher."(...) [Rudolf Steiner, DAS HEREINWIRKEN GEISTIGER WESENHEITEN IN DEN MENSCHEN, GA 102, p. 174.]

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Now various things can occur. The little pointer of the balance can swing out towards the one or the other side. The ideal condition would be that a man in each incarnation made a thorough use of his life, that he left unused nothing which he could go through and experience and which could bear fruit for the following incarnation, but that he took everything with him. This as a rule never happens. A man oversteps either to the one side or to the other. He either uses his organization insufficiently, certain forces remain unused and he brings less into the new incarnation than he could have done, or he penetrates too deeply into his organization and becomes too closely involved in his bodily nature. There are two sorts of people. The one kind would like to live entirely in the spirit and not descend to their corporeal nature; they are called dreamers and visionaries by ordinary everyday people. The other kind descend too deeply into the body. They do not draw out from the incarnation what should be drawn out, but grow together with the incarnation. They find it sympathetic and pleasant to be with the incarnation, they do not keep for themselves what progresses from incarnation to incarnation but let it sink down into what ought only to be the instrument for the eternal germ of man's being.
I pointed once before to an important legend that sets before us what a man must experience who descends too deeply into the temporary, transitory nature of the one incarnation. If we think of an extreme case, we can imagine it like this: “What is it to me that I should carry over something to later incarnations? I live in this incarnation, I like it, it suits me very well. I am not concerned further with what I am supposed to make from it.” If this thought is followed out, where does it lead? It leads to a man who sits at the wayside when a great Leader of humanity passes by. He however rejects the ideas of the Leader of mankind. He repulses him and thinks: “I will know nothing of thee, who wouldst guide the kernel of my being into future in-carnations where mankind will be outwardly more perfect. I wish to be united with my present form.” A man who thrusts from him such a Leader of mankind will appear again in the same form. And if this attitude hardens, then he will also thrust from him the Leader in the next incarnation. He will appear again and again as the same figure.
We shall now picture those who listen to the great Leader of humanity. They will preserve the soul with its eternal life-kernel. Mankind will have gone forward but they too will appear in an ever progressed form. He however who thrusts the Leader of humanity from him must reappear again and again in the same way. That is the legend of Ahasuerus [The Wandering Jew], who has thrust from him the Christ, the Leader of humanity. Man has either hardened or possesses the possibility of developing to higher stages. Races would not stay behind and become decadent if there were not men who wish to stay behind and are obliged to stay behind, since they have not developed their eternal life-kernel. Older races only persist because there are men who cannot or will not move forward to a higher racial form. I cannot today speak about the whole series of possibilities, in the course of earthly evolution, for man to become one with the race, to grow together with what is the character of one race or another. Think of the Atlantean race; souls have gone through it, but not all have passed out of it. There are sixteen possibilities of becoming merged with the race. They are called the “sixteen paths of perdition.” On these paths man would merge with the material. By striving forward, however, he is drawn up from race to race to ever higher stages.
We see then that it is actually possible for a man to combine with the one incarnation in such a way that he remains behind in evolution. His other soul-brothers are therefore at a higher stage when he reappears in a new incarnation. He must then content himself with an inferior incarnation which has been left to him in a decadent race. This is some-thing that positively takes place. It need not frighten people, however, for the present phase of evolution. No one is obliged to take all the sixteen paths and thereby fall out of evolution. We must only be aware of the possibility.(...)

Rudolf Steiner, The Influence of Spiritual Beings on Man, Lecture VIII

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So this is more than just a binary world view as in "one versus zero" ("partial" vs "impartial").
It's the one - the chosen one - versus its polar opposite (by inversion) - the despised one - (same with love vs hate, good vs evil); perhaps like the two triangles of the jewish star?
godofreflections.jpg image by fishtheword
Adam and the fallen Adam

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Extraits choisis de The Crisis of Civilisation de Gennady Bondarev (1995), auteur inspiré par la voie anthroposphique de Rudolf Steiner (1961-1925) et ancien président déchu de la Société anthroposophique Russe. J'ai mis en gras le meilleur; à ne pas confondre avec les citations de Steiner qui sont déjà en gras dans le texte. Le texte est en italiques lorsque Steiner est cité.

Steiner: ". . . 20th century mankind has been condemned to the immeasurable sacrifices of human beings for the sake of one goal: to allow criminal politicians in their pact with the infernal forces to rule over this humanity with complete arbitrariness. And so long as one celebrates the victory of 'Bolshevism' or 'American democracy' over 'Fascism' . . . of 'Humanism' over the 'Forces of Darkness', etc., so long as human beings do not recognize the true origins of their sufferings -- then these sufferings and the dark occult-political stratagems of war will never cease." [p. 131-2]


{"conflict management" by a "unified center" at the high degrees} , one may say is the main methodological principle behind the activity of all secret societies in the world today. Without knowledge of it we keep coming up against contradictions in the, at times, relentless struggle waged by representatives of one order against another. In this conflict the physical elimination of members of the opposing Lodge, of those on the profane level, is permitted, not to mention the masses living in the territory governed by the warring Lodges. But at the same time we can observe in the first place a certain unity of goals in the superior of bitterly antagonistic Orders. And secondly, against all those who are knowingly or unknowingly caught up in this battle one uses the tactic of 'two daggers'. Whoever draws back in fear from the one must himself dash into the other." [p. 73]

Regardless of whether there are still truly faithful Christians in the Catholic Church, whether honest people dedicated to a spiritual quest still exist in the Lodges -- both directions have been usurped in their essential being through the hierarchy of power by the forces of evil. The Masonic elite plays with hell; the Catholic (the Jesuits, the 'Opus Dei') consciously wages war against heaven. The first -- proclaiming internationalism -- sets nations under the power of the ahrimanic double of the folk spirits. The second, proclaiming political nationalism, battles against the archangelic leaders of the peoples in order to subject them to the leadership of the luciferic double -- the demons of nationalism.

"Both directions come to a synthesis in the asuric spirit of the time, which stands in total opposition to the legitimate time-spirit -- the Archangel Michael -- in that it strives to disconnect culture, the spiritual life, spiritual creativity, from the inspirations of the folk spirits and the genius of language (since it is internationalist); and in that it attempts to subject socio-political, inter-state relations to the narrow-minded egoism of nations, the nationalistic striving for isolation, which was intended to play an increasingly subordinate role.


". . . {good evolutionary impulses} are to a greater or lesser degree opposed by the unified forces of the anti-spiritual and anti-historic impulses . . . . The period of their emergence as separate entities has come to an end, as shown by the appearance of the Asuras in the political and cultural life of humanity. The unity of these forces is clearly manifest in the 20th century. Events like the wars of Germany with the USA and Russia may outwardly represent a contradiction, but they are at the same time merely episodes in the advance of these forces towards their one and only goal: to turn back the universal development of mankind. To this end the paralysis and oppression of Middle and Eastern Europe is essential. On the one hand wars further the attainment of this goal, and on the other, unions -- the mixing of all the peoples of Europe, and later the races, into a grey mass. But other methods are also projected." [p. 194]


"Rudolf Steiner speaks of countless young people who lost their lives in the war and laid aside their ether-bodies still filled with great life forces. These return again to the world and work for its good if human beings will turn their thoughts to the spiritual world. . . . but if everything remains unchanged, the sacrifices of the war will have been for naught!

". . . . The secret occult societies see their principle task in the battle for humanity not only in the use of developmental crises to instigate wars, but also in not allowing the power of sacrifice to be transformed into a noble service for humanity. It is for this reason that the true history of the wars is falsified in every imaginable way. . . . " [p. 113]

"All modern occult-political forces that hinder development through their activity behind the scenes are based ultimately on the partial justification of their strivings. It is of extreme importance to understand this peculiarity of the world-wide struggle in our time. This partial justification proves in reality to be worse than complete error, because it is rooted in the laws of development but stands in their way." [p. 193]


"Jesuitism, which draws support from Zionist racism, issuing it for the purpose of preparing a world-wide 'racial explosion'. And when this takes place it will not strike anyone as being a minor affair. In other words the world is moving towards, not a conservative, but a racist revolution." [p. 164]


"The Jews prepared the body for God and thereby fulfilled a special task of development. This demanded of them an extraordinary expenditure of life-forces. At the moment when God finally became man these forces were well-nigh exhausted. . . . the Old Testament is not history in the usual sense of the word, but the story of a 'path of initiation', of trials of initiation on the path to the mystery, at the mid-point of which God Himself appears. With the event of the Mystery of Golgatha the end of this path had been reached.
". . . .
". . . .After the resurrection of the Lord it {the Jewish people} had the task of returning to the cradle of humanity in order to become the soil through which everything new that had been received through the greatest of all mysteries might be brought to humanity. . . . In other words: the Jews had to give something to the world, and they had to receive something from the world. Therefore they were scattered over the world; it became their task to adapt to other people, to be assimilated and to dissolve in them. The choseness was ended, the goal of initiation attained. . . . " [p. 147]

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"But after Christ's coming everything was new. One {of the Jews} had either to accept Christ, or one succumbed to luciferic-ahrimanic temptations without the support of Jahve, who at that time ceased to be the spirit of the Jewish people.
"In this constellation of forces is rooted the phenomenon of the human being who wished to be God - - Ahasuerus." [p. 147-8]

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"Jahve . . . as a result of his acceptance, as a folk-spirit {of the ancient Hebrews}, of the role of an Archangel, his negative karma formed -- Ahasuerus. The overcoming, the transformation of Ahasuerus frees Jahve from karma, which a Spirit of Form may not have.
"But Ahriman, the spirit of matter, made Ahasuerus his instrument . . . .
". . . .
". . . In the struggle for his {Ahriman's} goals of development, now immediately connected to his incarnation, he sets great store by Ahasuerus. Therefore Ahasuerus must be taken from him. The most important part to be played in the fulfillment of this task falls to the Jews. Thus anyone who rejects them on account of national traits drives them directly into the arms of Ahriman-Ahasuerus; Zionism does the same." [p. 151]

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"Just as Christian tradition -- Rudolf Steiner tell us -- points to Christ Jesus, the God who lawfully became man, so, in connection with Christ-Jesus one can also speak of Ahasuerus, the man who has unlawfully become God, and who has laid aside the mortality of human nature (in the astral) ... It exists, this Ahasuerus-figure ... the eternal Jew . . . .
"{Still Steiner:}We encounter a mystery here. Whoever has insight into these things knows that Ahasuerus is a real being ... Ahasuerus exists, and Ahasuerus is the protector of Judaism after the Mystery of Golgatha ... Ahasuerus, who goes through world-development as a being, but as a spirit-being, and who continuously hinders man from returning through the Christ -- the way that is appropriate to his development . . . .
"{Still Steiner:} . . . Thus we have the polar opposite to Christ Jesus in Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus wanders around over the earth ... wanders from nation ... sees to it for example that the Hebrew faith does not die out. . . . " [p. 153]
[Steiner again:} To set up a Jewish state means to be reactionary in the most appalling way, in the most shameful way to return to a reactionary attitude and in so doing one offends against everything that is necessary in this realm today (May 8, 1924, GA 353).
"In conversation with a Zionist Rudolf Steiner asked: Are you not again separating out a part from humanity as a whole? And in the lecture quoted above he explains further: Let an answer be given to the assertion that everything has to develop, not out of the universal-human, but out of the national. It was the wish to separate that led to the world war. Thus the greatest tragedy of the 20th century has arisen out of what the Jews also want. We can say: Since everything that the Jews have done could now be done in a conscious way by all people, for example, the Jews could actually do nothing better than to be assimilated with the rest of humanity, to mix with the rest of humanity, so that Judaism as a people would cease to exist. That would be the ideal. But it is opposed on the one hand by the habits of the Jews, and on the other hand by the antipathies of others. Both must be overcome."
". . . .
"Thus the Jahve-element is today an integral part of the nationalism of all peoples, including those who, unlike the Jews, should not as yet be assimilated. . . . The folk-spirits, the archangels, the spirits of language have a moderating influence on the materialistic and abstract spirit of the epoch. The Archangel Michael -- the countenance of the Lord -- leads the human beings who can take their development into their own hands, beyond the national, beyond the folk-element, to the level of the universal-human.
"This level has absolutely nothing in common with Internationalism in the socialist sense. . . . But the wish simply to break with the national on an ideological basis is just as dangerous as when everything is done only out of the national. Our task is simply to grow beyond it. . . . On the general exoteric cultural path we can rise to the universal-human only when the consciousness-soul is realized in us in the spirit of Michael, i.e. through the Christianizing of the soul, through laying aside our own ego in favour of the 'I' of Christ." [p. 154]
". . . the striving of the Jews to become a nation, or even a race, leads them unavoidably to the ruling influence of Ahasuerus. . . . Complete national tolerance must be guaranteed for those Jews who wish to assimilate with the nations in whose midst they were born and grew up, not to mention those who have long acted in this way. . . .
"This is one side of the problem. The other is the sting of Ahasuerus within the Jews themselves. Only they can overcome it. Ludwig Thieben writes: The tragic riddle of the Jewish people lies in the fact that the glory of the anticipation of Christianity became its shadow. This shadow took on the nature of a being, in Ahasuerus, the nurturer of post- Christian Judaism. To transform him from his sombre, stooping form into a being of light who joyfully serves the Christ is the mission of present and future Judaism.
"Thieben, himself a Jew and a European, was conscious of the fact that the destiny of Ahasuerus is a threat to the destiny of European humanity as a whole." [p. 155]
"Generally speaking, the world-wide official voice of the media -- including (as a rule) the anthroposophical press -- which is dedicated to the struggle against anti-Semitism, serves only to aggravate it. The opposing side openly propagates anti-Semitism.
"The assertion that the Germans, and now even the Russians too, are to blame is just as absurd as its opposite -- viz. that the Jews are to blame for everything." [p. 156]

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"It is also incomprehensible to us why no-one looks to the fact that the 'children of Ahasuerus' (we use this term in order not to generalize, and to make it clear that what we say is not applicable to all Jews) build their State on the atavistic principle of 'blood and soil', which is after all what the National Socialists attempted to do. Why are some allowed to do this, while it is forbidden to others in the most categorical way? Why is it not forbidden to everyone?" [p. 157]

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"The 'children of Ahasuerus' hold the Germans responsible for the genocide of the Jews. The peoples of Russia have no less reason to hold the 'children of Ahasuerus' responsible for the same crime {through Bolshevism}. But on this path we drive the crisis still further down a blind alley. It is vitally necessary that within all races and nations people can be found who are able boldly and without prejudice to lay open the history of modern times with all that works in the background, and to found a counter-movement that can lead us out of this blind alley.
"This can be achieved through knowledge and moral purification -- which are asked of the Jews as well as the Russians and Germans . . . . " [p. 160]

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". . . something . . . can be heard, something that is an accord with the real life of our times. It is the statement that speaks of social and historical understanding and of the will to solve, not to aggravate, the social problems:
"'Jews of the world, isolate yourselves no longer, no longer be cocooned up in your racial unity. Through living among other peoples, through speaking their languages, assimilating with their culture, you have received the inestimable gift of the autonomous personality, to which it is given to ascend to unbounded spiritual freedom. Treasure this gift. Treasure the cultures in which you were nurtured, make your contribution to their healthy development, because their destiny is also yours. Outside these cultures you will find no happiness, no higher purpose of existence. Use the conditions of today that have never been so favourable for assimilation with the peoples in whose midst you were born and educated, and with whom in truth you already form a unity. Lend all your forces so that all peoples of the world may live in dignity. Be happy in the measure possible in the place where karma has planted you. Do not carry the arbitrary will of dark politicians into the realm where cosmic laws of the eternal human spirit hold sway.'" [p. 162-3]

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"The 'foot' that is placed on the neck of the Anglo-Saxon peoples will be very heavy in the near future, heavier than it has ever been since the beginning of the world, and than it will ever be in future (cf. Matthew 24; 21). The Jews will be in a particularly dangerous situation; they are basically the only nation that is awaiting the first (physical) coming of the Messiah. Their guide, Ahasuerus, is related through an inner astral affinity to the retarded Time-Spirit that leads the American nation." [p. 177]

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"The Jewish incarnation is full of responsibility, and of dangers. Ahriman knows that if the Jews are divided, and the brothers of Christ help the 'children of Ahasuerus' to recognize their mistake, his incarnation will be greatly harmed." [p. 178]