Jeff Rense, la célébrité la plus énigmatique et secrète de la "truther-sphere" anti-"Nouvel ordre mondial" et antisioniste, fait souvent la promotion d'articles et auteurs scandaleusement anti-Islamiques. Certains articles sont en droite ligne avec la pensée des néoconservateurs et/ou juifs sionistes anti-islam (Daniel Pipes, Pamela Geller, etc.).
Mark Glenn, associé au mouvement pour la vérité sur le USS Liberty ainsi qu'au combat antisioniste, a insisté auprès de Rense par le biais de nombreux courriels pour qu'il cesse de diffuser tous ces articles et auteurs (ex: Devvy Kidd) haineux, mal informés et hautement diffamatoires contre l'Islam. (Avec des "leaders" comme ça, pas étonnant que notre soi-disant mouvement tourne en rond! Dès qu'on fait un pas, on recule de deux pas.)
Voici des exemples:

(Image trouvée ici)
La réaction de Rense aux requêtes répétitives de Mark Glenn fut stupéfiante...
Le “truther” Jeff Rense menace de lancer le FBI et le département de la Sécurité intérieure des États-Unis sur moi, ma femme, et mes 9 enfants
Jeff Rense,
Comme vous avez bloqué mon adresse email et que vous venez de me raccrocher au nez au milieu de la conversation, vous avez malheureusement réduit toutes mes possibilité de vous contacter autrement que par une lettre ouverte.
La conversation téléphonique que vous et moi venons d’avoir il y a 5 minutes durant laquelle vous avez parlé de votre projet d’envoyer le FBI et le département de la Sécurité intérieure des États-Unis (une création de Michael Chertof) chez moi, ma femme et mes 9 enfants parce que je mets en pratique les droits qui me sont conférés le premier amendement en m’opposant à la publication de vos articles racistes, diffamatoires et haineux, diabolisant les musulmans, prouve que vous n’êtes pas un homme. De plus, le fait que vous avez envoyé David Duke comme intermédiaire pas moins que 4 fois le mois dernier est une autre preuve confirmant que vous êtes un lâche qui ne peut pas mener ses propres combats.
Comme je vous l’ai indiqué il y a quelques semaines, que vous acceptiez d’être utilisé par les intérêts Sionistes en publiant des articles qui enflamment les niveaux déjà dangereux d’hystérie anti-islamique dans notre pays est totalement intolérable pour quelqu’un qui affirme être un "truther" et quand vous dites pour vous défense que vous essayez d’apporter un "équilibre" et que "la liberté d’expression" est ce qu’il y a de plus important étant donné ce que nous faisons, c’est un mensonge flagrant. Votre "menace" de lancer sur moi la Police Secrète pour MON exercice de MON droit à la libre expression prouve que vous êtes un imposteur et que votre "liberté d’expression" est à sens unique. De plus, vos "craintes" que j’aille “inciter de dangereux musulmans” à vous infliger “des dommages corporels” est totalement risible. Si c’est ce que je voulais faire, je leur donnerai votre numéro de téléphone et votre adresse, qui sont tous les deux en ma possession (de toute façon il ne se passerait rien). Le fait même que vous déclarez cela prouve que vous êtes tombé dans toutes les foutaises Sionistes sur les Musulmans.
Voici donc le marché Jeff, juste pour vous montrer que je suis un homme juste–vous voulez que je n’intervienne plus quand des articles anti-Islamiques sont publiés sur votre site ? Très bien–voici ma contre-proposition–ENLEVEZ LES TEXTES OFFENSANT, MENSONGERS, RACISTES ET HAINEUX ET JE LE FERAI. Vous avez peur que de "dangereux musulmans" vous causent des “dommages corporels” ? ALORS ARRÊTEZ DE LES INCITER EN POSTANT ET HÉBERGEANT DES TEXTES OFFENSANT, MENSONGERS, RACISTES ET HAINEUX. Vous vous souvenez de “ne pas relayer de faux témoignages” Jeff ? Peut-être vous devriez le prendre à cœur. Après tout, si je me mettais –sous les auspices de la ’liberté d’expression’ - à soudainement répandre le mensonge que vous êtes un pédophile, un mari violent, etc, etc, etc, vous (ou l’un de vos amis) n’aurait-il PAS le droit de mettre de la pression sur moi pour que je ne publie pas de telles accusations irresponsables et diffamatoires ?
A part ça, vous pouvez appeler le FBI, le DHS, l’ATF, l’IRS, la CIA, le DIA, la FDA, le HHS, le HUD, le Service des forêts des États-Unis, le US Postal Service ou n’importe quelle autre agence Fédérale que vous voulez lancer sur moi, je m’en fiche. Je les inviterai à rentrer, leur offrirai une tasse de mon café mondialement connu, et leur expliquerai à quel point vous êtes un lâche et pourquoi vous, avec vos longs cheveux de fille et vos "peurs", devez être ignoré.
Pendant ce temps Jeff, amusez-vous bien avec le dernier feu que vous avez allumé sous votre propre cul, et bonne chance pour essayer de sauver votre réputation une fois que les gens découvrirons que votre méthode pour traiter avec ceux qui sont en désaccord avec vous est de recourir aux agences dont vous n’arrêtez pas d’exposer les dangers.
C’est triste pour différences raisons Jeff, en particulier parce que tout cela est inutile. J’ai clairement répété plusieurs fois que je suis un homme raisonnable prêt à faire tout ce qu’il fallait pour éviter les conflits dans les rangs, quand évidemment ce n’est pas la trahison pure et simple de la vérité. Je ne vous ai jamais ennuyé à propos des conneries que vous dites sur les ovnis, les bigfoot, les lézards géants et tout le reste car j’admets que les goûts et couleurs ne se discutent pas. Votre décision, cependant, de recourir à des méthodes aussi abjectes et sournoises pour faire taire vos détracteurs montre que vous n’êtes pas un adversaire de la tactique Sioniste, mais plutôt quelqu’un qui les utilise quand ça l’arrange.
Pendant ce temps, peut-être j’encouragerai mes amis Musulmans à contacter le FBI et le DHS à propos de VOTRE incitation à la violence et au terrorisme contre EUX lorsque vous publiez des articles et soutenez des invités qui SONT –de votre propre aveu– respectivement mensongers et menteurs.
PS–pas la peine d’essayer de nier la conversation que nous venons d’avoir, Jeff. Vous l’ignorez, mais j’avais un tiers qui a écouté à toute la conversation et qui peut témoigner que tout ce que j’affirme dans cette lettre ouverte a eu lieu.
version originale:
“Truther” Jeff Rense Threatens to call FBI and Department of Homeland Security on me, my wife and 9 kids
AUDIO PODCAST The Ugly Truth, with Mark Glenn
14 oct.2010
Alex Jones the most dangerous man in the ‘truth movement”? THINK AGAIN. For all Jones’ danger as an agent of disinformation, at least he is not ready, willing and able to send armed thugs into the home of someone he disagrees with politically. Come listen to today’s program as we discuss Jeff Rense’s recent threats to have agents of the FBI and Department of Homeland Security visit the home of Mark Glenn, where he resides with his wife and 9 children over a personal dispute.
Jeff Rense’s recent postings of Islamophobic articles of “neo-conservative” orientation on his site is another aspect of this curious story…
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AUDIO PODCAST - The Ugly Truth
Nashid Abdul Khaaliq of comes on the program to weigh on in the latest controversy involving Jeff Rense and the general atmosphere of Islamophobia in the US.
Note-those in the position to assist us with any kind of financial help we strongly ask you do so.
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Un gros tas d'articles mensongers publiés par Rense (visibles à partir du 22-23 oct):
Makow - Mark Glenn's Attack On Jeff Rense
This Is The Disclaimer (qu'il invoque pour justifier de publier des mensonges et de la diffamation sur son site.)
Is Mark Glenn An Intel Asset? (Vraiment exagéré. Désopilant!)Jeff Rense - False Flag Target?Comment Censored On Other Sites
Tout ça dans un même bloc et sur un même sujet: Mark Glenn!!!Et un peu plus tard deux des mêmes liens sont publiés au travers de deux nouveaux articles
Makow - Mark Glenn's Attack On Jeff Rense
Who Is Mark Glenn?Mark Glenn & Victor Thorn - Birds Of A Feather?
Jeff Rense - False Flag Target?
Comparez maintenant avec les 2 articles de Mark Glenn concernant cette controverse (la section commentaires est très révélatrice)
Open Letter to Henry Makow
Rense threatens to call FBI and Homeland Security... (v..f. sur centpapiers et newsoftomorrow:
Mark Glenn menacé par Jeff Rense)
Il vient d'en pondre un dernier, pour répondre à l'accusation risible d'être un "agent des renseignements":
God, What a Month It’s Been, by Mark Glenn
Rense Sends Out More of His Dogs, by Mark Glenn (Glenn s'est fait offrir par un avocat qui se propose gratuitement afin de poursuivre Rense en cour pour les articles de diffamation contre Glenn.)
Mark Glenn a enfin décidé de lancer un appel au calme...
A Plea for Calm
Contrairement à Rense, Makow et à ces autres que Rense a lancé comme chiens d'attaque contre lui, Mark Glenn (qui s'est mérité une incontestable victoire morale) lance un appel au calme... Il demande de laisser cette affaire mourir. (Il a gagné sur toute la ligne de toute façon) Et il paraît que Rense vit de gros problèmes actuellement et que psychologiquement ça va vraiment pas très bien pour lui... Pour ma part, je considère qu'en publiant n'importe quoi, Rense a assez fait de mal à la vérité et aux vrais héros du mouvement, c'est assez comme ça, ça suffit, et donc si Rense disparaissait et que les gens se tournaient plutôt vers Mike Rivero ( ça serait grandement mieux pour tout le monde. S'ils se tournaient vers MG et Mike Piper, ça serait la meilleure chose qui pourrait arriver, mais bon faut pas rêver, faut pas comparer les pommes avec les oranges...
Rense répond en publiant un autre article poche qui prend sa défense en jetant le discrédit sur Victor Thorn, qui dénonçait Rense il y a au moins 5 ans.
Rense Attackers Discredited Before
Autre petite remarque: apparemment, le web "patriote"/"truther" anglo se scinde irrésistiblement en deux camps opposés, suivant deux fausses alternatives: Alex Jones Vs Jeff Rense (qui rassemble le camp "anti-Alex Jones").
Fausse alternative patriote A et fausse alternative patriote B vous disent que vous devez choisir votre camp en optant pour l'une ou l'autre de ces fausses alternatives.
by Michael Collins Piper
9-11 and the New
Internet Paradigm:
The Necessity for
High-Level Manipulation and
Control of the
Dissemination of Information
Zionist conservative Jonathan Kay has been among the foremost critics of the
growing number of people in the United States and around the globe who have
questioned the official version of what really happened on September 11.
referenced in Chapter 17, Kay’s recent book—Among
the Truthers: A Journey Through America’s Growing Conspiracist Underground—outlines
Kay’s concerns about a variety of conspiracy theories, but makes clear his
foremost worry is the blossoming of 9-11 conspiracies in particular and that an
inordinate number of 9-11 “truthers” point the finger at Israel for that crime.
However, of
course, the truth is that most 9-11 dissidents are still largely determined to
direct the blame for 9-11 at George W. Bush or the CIA or “the military-industrial
complex” or the Illuminati or some combination thereof. Many who do suspect
Israeli complicity would just simply not even mention it.
And then,
naturally—and this must be said—there are also considerable numbers of agents provocateurs who have infiltrated
the 9-11 truth movement (just as they infiltrated the JFK assassination and Oklahoma
City truth seekers) who are consciously (and often quite successfully) muddying
the waters of research through their insertion of distractions and distortions
that redirect focus away from the real conspirators responsible for those
terrorist tragedies.
And this is
something that is critical to remember: at the time of the JFK assassination
there was no Internet. And at the time of the Oklahoma City bombing, the Internet
was in its infancy.
The growing
public awareness that something was wrong with the official explanation of the
JFK assassination was largely stimulated through books, magazine articles, and
lectures at small gatherings around the country by pioneer researchers such as
Mark Lane and Penn Jones and others whose efforts were supplemented
considerably by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s journey into the
word-of-mouth became—during the mid-1960s and beyond—one of the primarily means
of broadening discussion about the Warren Commission cover-up.
needless to say, during this time—and we now know this for a fact—the CIA was
in the front-line (although largely operating behind the scenes)—along with the
FBI—in doing a great deal of mischief designed to confuse research into the JFK
And, I
think, it’s also fair to say that the Mossad’s own fine hand—through its assets
in the mainstream media, in particular—also played a major part in providing
vital support to the intrigues of the CIA and the FBI in this regard.
the same scenario came in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing. This time,
with the rise of desktop publishing and desktop video production, those who
were dissenting against the official version of events had, in some respects,
even greater outreach than the JFK researchers who were giving headaches to
those responsible for the official cover-up.
And the
advent of the Internet—though, as we said, still in its earliest days of
development—added another dimension that gave considerable outreach to the
critics of the government’s lies surrounding the Oklahoma tragedy.
But by the
time of the 9-11 disaster, the Internet was already holding sway, and it proved
to be a valuable asset in so many ways for those who were seeking to research
the story behind the story of 9-11 and to communicate their findings to the
American people and to the world.
As a direct
consequence, the powers-that-be—whomever you choose to identify as
such—realized that the Internet could prove to be a very real danger to their
continuing domination of the mass print and broadcast media in the United
States and around the globe.
As such,
the powers-that-be realized they simply had to find ways to be able to
circumvent the growing truth movement—a veritable tsunami that was piling up
and preparing to swamp the conspirators and the lies about 9-11 purveyed upon
the American people.
In addition
to this, another (very negative) aspect of the Internet must be considered.
While the
Internet has indeed been a major venue for truth—about 9-11 and so many other
matters—the Internet has also set the stage for a growing amount of
disinformation (both deliberate and unintentional that has had the effect of
negating the very good research on 9-11 and other issues that has been achieved
by sincere truth-seekers.
in this regard, the aforementioned Zionist propagandist, Jonathan Kay, has
summarized the matter well:
Elaborate conspiracy theories now can be
cobbled together literally overnight through the efforts of hundreds of scattered
dilettante conspiracists.
Another result is that conspiracists all around
the world now tend to focus on the same few dozen talking points that figure
prominently on the top websites.
While Kay
doesn’t say it (and he is essentially celebrating this point) the truth is that
what Kay calls, in this regard, the “intellectual balkanization,” that has
resulted means that if some bad information—that is, disinformation (deliberate
or otherwise)—has been inserted into the debate, that disinformation manages to
become an article of faith.
And the
result is that serious, fact-focused researchers—those who pay strict attention
to detail and try to correct the mistakes—often end up being accused of being
the disinformation specialists when, in fact, they are the real truth seekers
trying to discredit the disinformation!
assesses the situation in all-too-accurate terms:
The Internet has produced a radical
democratization of the conspiracist marketplace of ideas.
No longer does one have to spend years
researching and writing a book to attract attention: One can simply set up a blog,
or chime in on someone else’s, with some refinement of the existing collective
In fact, today’s conspiracists don’t even have
to read books—they can pick up all their talking points from Truther websites,
or, better yet, from Truther propaganda videos.
And the
problem is, as we’ve said, that these websites and videos that Kay refers to
sarcastically as the work of those whom he dismisses as “Truther” sources are
not always—in fact, often are not—very reliable sources at all, either as a
consequence of slip-shod research or simply the result of just bad writing that
conveys false ideas as fact.
What has
happened is that—just as Kay has said—many people have been propelled into what
Kay calls “paranoid echo chambers,” in which people repeat back to one
another—via email, via websites, in books and articles based on that
material—an array of misinformation and disinformation that adds nothing to
serious conspiracy inquiry and certainly does it a disservice (which is
something that Kay and others of similar mindset certainly like to see
Again, Kay
is all-too-unfortunately on the mark when he writes:
conspiracist’s network of enablers grows—often to such a point that it crowds
out the conspiracy theorist’s nonbelieving friends. The process resembles the
formation of an electronic cocoon that envelops a conspiracist with codependents.
Surrounded by an enabling group of the like-minded, he gradually embraces the
delusion that his movement has gained critical mass . . . .
consequence is that Kay is absolutely correct when he refers to the “dumbing
down effect” that is arising as a result of the growing world of Internet
conspiracy dabbling and he is very much again on target—all too much so—when he
suggests that modern-day conspiracy theorizing is something that many people
“fit in between video gaming and Facebook.”
In other
words, what Kay calls “conspiracism” is emerging, in many respects, as simply a
hobby, a new form of entertainment!
people—and these are good people—just don’t realize that the world of
conspiracy research is not some game, but a deadly serious realm that
intersects with the very real world of high-level conspiracies shaping the
course of our future.
So the
bottom line truth is that while the Internet has been a valuable tool for
genuine truth-seekers, the Internet—by its very nature—has also become
(particularly in the wake of 9-11) as a considerable and important resource in
the dangerous high-tech arsenal of those who seek to manipulate and misinform
the public, most especially those who rely on the Internet as a source of
information about the very conspiracies that the real conspirators are engaged
The 9-11
experience, so to speak, thus proved to be a very real lesson for those
responsible for 9-11 and its cover-up, for they were able to observe (and quite
carefully) the manner in which information relating to 9-11 emerged and then
circulated via email and other means of Internet communication, including
YouTube and other new formats known as “social media.”
And, for
the record, it has long been an article of faith—and a reasonable one—that in
actual preparation for the orchestration of 9-11, the conspirators had already
set in place more than a handful of individuals, websites and other means
charged with the evil task of “infiltrating” and manipulating and distorting
legitimate efforts to uncover the real truth about 9-11.
In fact, after
9-11, there emerged more than a few people who might be called “instant
internet celebrities” who became known as “9-11 truthers” but who were—from the
beginning—bought-and-paid-for assets of the high-level forces responsible for
9-11 in the first place.
An entire book
could be written about some of these characters, but that’s another matter for
another time. But suffice it to say, they made their influence felt (in one way
or another) and had a considerable impact in shaping not only the 9-11 truth
movement itself, but also by offering up opinions about other matters (various
and sundry) that also had the effect of delegitimizing very real research (some
of it based on years of study) that countered the intrigues of the global
Many of
these operatives spent much of their time putting out what could only be
described as downright “crazy” theories about 9-11 that redirected attention
away from sober, responsible research.
In other
instances, they specialized in cranking out often-reckless theories that were
quite easily refutable, therefore giving credence to the oft-heard claim from
the mainstream media that any and all other dissident 9-11 research was just as
silly and unreliable.
And in a
number of instances, there were several 9-11 “truthers” who, while pointing the
finger of blame at Israel, were (at the same time) engaging in other activity
that led many observers to believe that these individuals were “black
propaganda” operatives trying to bring discredit to those who believed Israel
was indeed responsible for 9-11.
Two such
individuals, Christopher Bollyn and Eric Hufschmid—whom many believe were
“ringers” inserted into the 9-11 truth movement from the beginning—ingratiated
themselves with American Free Press (having pretended to be enthusiastic about
my book Final Judgment) and, over a period of time, engaged in a concerted
effort to influence AFP’s coverage of 9-11—and not in a positive way.
AFP discovered that while Bollyn and Hufschmid supplied a lot of “good”
information, that data was mixed in with a variety of “bad” data, the
consequence of which was that many of the stories the two generated (working
hand-in-hand on a daily basis behind the scenes for well over a year) proved to
be of rather dubious value.
At one
juncture, Bollyn and Hufschmid tried to convince the editors of AFP that
outspoken 9-11 survivor, William Rodriguez—who had been honored by 9-11 truth
seekers all over the United States and around the world for his integrity—was
some sort of “Zionist agent.”
And despite
the fact that independently wealthy American philanthropist Jimmy Walter had
bankrolled speaking engagements by both Bollyn and Hufschmid, the dynamic duo
also spread the word that Walter—who spent millions of dollars of his own money
seeking to alert the public to 9-11 truth—was also a stooge for Israeli
For my own
part, I spent an entire week in Malaysia in the company of both Rodriguez and Walter
and I never saw any sign that they were working to advance Zionist interests in
any way, shape or form.
considering the record of Bollyn and Hufschmid, I think it’s safe to say that
the same thing cannot be said about them.
all of this, more than a handful of 9-11 dissidents (including many who
believed Israel was behind 9-11) ultimately came to conclude Bollyn was
actually a disinformation agent using a perverse back-handed way of
discrediting AFP and those who believed the Mossad was responsible for 9-11.
critics correctly pointed out that Bollyn had a pattern of misquoting sources,
misinterpreting scientific information, and making assertions about certain
matters without any foundational authority.
consequence was that Bollyn’s disinformation gave ammunition to critics of
AFP’s contention that the Mossad was behind 9-11 and as such was
enthusiastically bandied about by Zionist propagandists seeking to undermine
AFP’s thesis even though the questionable material by Bollyn focused on
scientific data that had nothing whatsoever to do with the specific matter of
Mossad involvement in 9-11.
In the end,
after their deception was unmasked, Bollyn and Hufschmid launched a smear
campaign against AFP alleging that we were, too, were really “Zionist agents” trying
to cover up Mossad involvement in 9-11, an allegation preposterous on its face
to anyone familiar with AFP’s work. Bollyn even claimed that Mark Lane—the
anti-Zionist Jewish critic of Israel who pinpointed the CIA’s role in the JFK
assassination conspiracy—was a Zionist and a secret asset of the CIA!
not unpredictably—a few naive folks actually believed these liars, especially
people new to the 9-11 truth movement who didn’t have access to the big
picture. However, when all was said and done, the romance between Bollyn and
Hufschmid came to a bitter end and the two began accusing one another of being
Zionist agents!
And the
strange outside possibility was that both of them could actually have been
right. After all, not all Zionist agents necessarily know the identities of the
others. That’s how complex the world of intelligence intrigue happens to be.
own website devolved into a mish-mash of weird commentary (often referencing
sexual matters, especially human interaction with animals) and once even
included a nude photograph of Hufschmid, taken from the rear, ostensibly for
the purpose of explaining some “health” matter Hufschmid felt would interest
his readers.
Bollyn, an American, had spent time on an Israeli kibbutz and later married an
Israeli woman—who worked for Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic intelligence
agency—was a point many found telling. That his own sister was also married to
a Jew and had taken up residence in Israel was also considered somewhat
It’s always
been my suspicion (based on a variety of data too complicated to delve into
here) that Bollyn was a long-standing international free-lance intelligence
operative who, for at least a substantial part of his career, was working for
the Church of England, which—although many people don’t realize it—has always
been an arm of British intelligence, active in global intrigue. In fact, Bollyn
and his family have multiple “British” connections which also point toward that
needless to say, the British Empire—which has long been under the control of
the Rothschild Dynasty—has always played a peculiar role in advancing Jewish
and Zionist interests, even going back to the days when the woman whom Bollyn
claims as an ancestor, Anne Boleyn, was a central player in a grand design that
disrupted the traditional role of the Roman Catholic Church in Britain and set
the stage for the rise of Jewish financial power in Britain in years to come.
(And that is a story in and of itself—worthy of a book that has yet to be
But for
those who are interested, an English patriot and critic of the New World order
with an abiding interest in 9-11 truth—and who does believe Israel was a key
player in that tragedy—has put together a remarkably detailed website (complete
with a fascinating variety of links and other valuable information) which
delves into the bizarre story of Bollyn and his erstwhile friend Hufschmid. See for more.
In any
event, all of this having been said, it’s quite clear that the circumstances surrounding
9-11 gave Israel—along with other power players on the world stage—a new
understanding of how the Internet worked and how its resources could be
utilized (for better or for worse) in manipulating global opinion.
And as a
consequence, people in high places began working to lay forth a plan to ensure
that, in the future, the Internet could be used for their own benefit and to
undercut those—such as the 9-11 dissidents and other truth-seekers who
questioned “official” stories about such matters as the JFK assassination and
the Oklahoma bombing and other matters—who stood in opposition to the New World
Order agenda.
As we shall
see, this carefully-crafted endeavor had even further consequences when the
plan was skillfully put into actual working order in the wake of the Sandy Hook
shooting in Newtown, Connecticut and the Boston Marathon bombing that followed
not long afterward.
Internet, as a consequence, was no longer simply a venue for truth seekers to “get
the word out” about high-level cover-ups. Instead, it became a vehicle used by
the high-level conspirators to not only confuse the work of the truth seekers
but also to combat them by discrediting them through some of the most
manipulative means possible.
It’s a
story that has never been told before, but it is a story that must be told, if
real truth seekers are going to be able to deal with the big challenges that
lie ahead, particularly when confronted with propaganda and disinformation
designed to frustrate their efforts to combat the very real forces of Evil that
lie behind the New World Order.
Let us then
move forward and examine this extraordinary conspiracy in a way that it has
never before been dissected. It’s a shocker . . .
Des boucs de Judas au sein du "mouvement"...
Disinfo in the 9/11 Truth Movement
Bollyn raconte des bobards à l'émission de RJ Hender
Eric Hufschmid - Zionist Disinfo Agent Provocateur
Jonathan Elinoff: "Core of Corruption" Pourri jusqu'à la moëlle
Les adieux à l'antisémitisme de l'extrême droite
Sur ce blog:
La sainte croisade contre les musulmans
Au tour des colons fanatiques israéliens de brûler le Coran
Rappel: c'étaient pas des musulmans qui ont été arrêté juste après le 11 septembre, c'étaient une soixantaine d'Israéliens
Un rabbin sioniste conservateur, Daniel Lapin, au rally de Glenn Beck (Tea Party)
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