Friday, May 13, 2011

Commémorations de la Nakba palestinienne, des dizaines de morts Gazaouis, Libanais, Syriens tout au long des frontières israéliennes
Une pile de Palestiniens morts entrave le processus de paix en
raillant insensiblement le monopole juif sur l'agonie.

Les militaires sionistes, en ouvrant le feu sur les manifestations du Sud du Liban, dans la bande de Gaza et les hauteurs du Golan occupées, ont fait tomber en martyrs, au moins 20, personnes

Gaza: 45 Palestiniens blessés par des tirs à la frontière avec Israël (médecins)

Nakba: Damas dénonce comme "criminels" les actes d'Israël au Golan et au Liban

Nakba 63, c’est le moment du retour : Tsahal tue et blesse de tous les côtés

VIDEO - Video of Golan Heights, West Bank clashes as Israeli forces repel protesters - RT

Four killed in Lebanon as Israeli forces fire across border

Israeli troops kill 10 protesters along Lebanon border

'Israel tanks heading towards Lebanon'

Violence erupts in Israel: Syria border breached, truck attack in Tel Aviv Hundreds of Arabs from Syria stormed across the border into Israel on Sunday, prompting Israeli troops to respond with live fire that killed at least four people.

Israeli forces, tanks cross into Gaza


Israeli massacre at Lebanon border

Reports: 20 ‘Nakba’ Protesters Killed as Israeli Troops Attack

Gaza: 45 Palestiniens blessés par des tirs à la frontière avec Israël (médecins)

Israeli shells injure at least 30 demonstrators in Gaza

Palestinian 'nakba' protests turn deadly. Israel sees Iran's 'fingerprints.'

‘Nakba’ Killings: Israeli Envoys Told to Blame Syria

Israel to file UNSC complaint against Syria, Lebanon: Livni: Attempt to infiltrate into Israel is "clear manifestation of lack of acceptance of Israel's sovereignty"; Lebanon also submits complaint.
Ils sont en train de nous faire croire que la "Révolution Arabe" frappe à la porte d'Israël et que cela met Israël en danger... Ça leur donne un bon prétexte pour poursuivre leur politique du sionisme catastrophique (la survie d'Israël nécessite la guerre perpétuelle avec ses voisins).

Début des commémorations de la "Nakba" palestinienne, heurts à Jérusalem-Est

La-Croix / AFP
Vendredi 13 mai 2011

Les Palestiniens ont commencé vendredi à commémorer la "Nakba" (catastrophe), la création d'Israël en mai 1948 et leur exode, avec des manifestations émaillées d'incidents à Jérusalem-Est, en Cisjordanie, et des rassemblements de solidarité en Jordanie et en Egypte.

A Jérusalem, au moins une dizaine de Palestiniens, dont un adolescent de 16 ans, ont été blessés lors de heurts avec les forces israéliennes.

Dans le quartier de Silwan, théâtre de violences quasi quotidiennes, un jeune manifestant a été grièvement blessé dans des circonstances encore non éclaircies et hospitalisé.

Un porte-parole du Croissant-Rouge a confirmé neuf blessés, dont Milad Saïd Ayache, 16 ans, apparemment blessé par balle, ainsi qu'un autre jeune de Silwan, touché par des balles caoutchoutées.

Une source hospitalière palestinienne a fait état d'une trentaine de blessés dans les incidents qui ont éclaté après la prière musulmane du vendredi, dans les quartiers entourant la Vieille ville, ainsi que dans le camp de réfugiés de Chouafat.

Au total, 34 Palestiniens ont été arrêtés dans la région de Jérusalem, a indiqué le porte-parole de la police israélienne Micky Rosenfeld, assurant que les forces israéliennes, qui ont eu trois blessés légers, n'avaient pas tiré à balles réelles.

A Hébron (sud de la Cisjordanie), quelque 500 militants et sympathisants du mouvement islamiste Hamas ont défilé dans le secteur autonome de la ville mais la police palestinienne a empêché les manifestants de marcher vers un barrage israélien.

La police a déployé des milliers d'hommes en renfort à Jérusalem-Est et dans le nord d'Israël, où est concentrée la majorité de la population arabe, l'armée mobilisant de son côté sept bataillons supplémentaires en Cisjordanie occupée, avec des consignes de retenue pour éviter des effusions de sang.

Dans la Jordanie voisine, qui accueille le plus important contingent de réfugiés palestiniens, des milliers de personnes ont manifesté à Karameh, dans la vallée du Jourdain, en faveur du "droit au retour" des réfugiés, brandissant des drapeaux palestiniens et jordaniens, ainsi que plusieurs centaines dans la capitale Amman.

En Egypte, les autorités ont fermé l'accès à la péninsule du Sinaï, frontalière de la bande de Gaza, ne laissant passer que les résidents de cette région, pour empêcher une marche devant rallier Le Caire au territoire palestinien.

Plusieurs dizaines d'Egyptiens ont manifesté devant l'ambassade d'Israël au Caire en réclamant l'expulsion de l'ambassadeur et la rupture des relations diplomatiques.

"Il y a des préparatifs de manifestations vers les frontières palestiniennes", dimanche 15 mai, date anniversaire de la "Nakba", a souligné jeudi un haut responsable palestinien, Nabil Chaath.

"Ce sera probablement plus facile en provenance du côté égyptien", par rapport aux autres pays limitrophes, a-t-il estimé.

La "Nakba" s'est traduite par l'exode de quelque 760.000 Palestiniens, point de départ de la question des réfugiés, actuellement au nombre de 4,8 millions avec leurs descendants, répartis pour l'essentiel entre la Jordanie, la Syrie, le Liban et les territoires palestiniens.

La résolution 194 de l'ONU dispose que "les réfugiés qui désirent rentrer dans leurs foyers et vivre en paix avec leurs voisins devraient y être autorisés le plus vite possible".(...)

Nakba: Des dizaines de milliers commémorent en Jordanie

Hundreds in Jaffa take to the streets to mark Nakba Day Israeli Arabs participate in protests to mark Palestinian day of mourning of establishment of Israel; some 2,000 people carry Palestinian flags and call out, 'the Israeli government - a terror government.'

Egyptians to join Gazans on Nakba Day

Nakba Day commemorations begin

Neturei Karta protest Shoa Day


LA NEKBA, AN 63 : Le désespoir au quotidien

La Nakba (la catastrophe de 1948) et les blessures de la Cisjordanie

Nakba: Des dizaines de milliers commémorent en Jordanie

Des Palestiniens soulignent leur déracinement par des manifestations aux frontières

Hundreds in Jaffa take to the streets to mark Nakba Day Israeli Arabs participate in protests to mark Palestinian day of mourning of establishment of Israel; some 2,000 people carry Palestinian flags and call out, 'the Israeli government - a terror government.'

Célébrer 63 années de nettoyage ethnique...

The U.S. embassy in Israel warned Americans to avoid demonstrations this weekend marking "Nakba Day," when Palestinians and Israeli Arabs commemorate their losses in Israel's Independence War

Human rights groups petition High Court to overthrow 'Nakba Law'

Two Israeli human rights groups have petitioned Israel's Supreme Court to overturn the so-called Nakba Law

Hamas leader on Nakba Day: The Zionist project must end

Palestinian protesters clash with Israeli forces on Nakba Day

Iran condemns Nakba Day terror at UN

Israeli Violence Marks Nakba Day

Une marche d'un million pour la libération de la Palestine "La troisième Intifada" se prépare à commémorer l'anniversaire de la "Naksa"

For Palestinians, every day is Nakba Day

Le Caire : la police tire sur des manifestants devant l'ambassade d'Israël

Israel in strategic dead-end. Nakba protests: A taste of the future.

Israeli soldier shoots photographer

Palestinian Villages Destroyed During the Nakba 1948

Turkey’s Erdogan: Hamas is a political party, not a terrorist group

Israeli FM Rules Out Any Halt to Settlement Expansion

Des Sionistes menacent d'envahir la Bande de Gaza pour libérer Chalit

Israël a révoqué le droit de résidence de 140.000 Palestiniens

Jewish State Kvetching That America Has not done to Iran and Syria what it’s done to Libya

Hamas accepts 1967 borders, but will never recognize Israel, top official says

Erekat: Israel’s cancelation of Palestinian residency is a ‘war crime’

Prelude to Israel’s War on Egypt–Shin Bet: Egypt doing little to stop Gaza arms smugglers

Israeli Army Invades Al Walaja, Orders Demolition of Seven Homes

Israel to limit access to al-Aqsa

VIDEO - AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know

Will Israel ever not be at war? (To Survive, Israel Needs Perpetual War = 'Catastrophic Zionism')

Democratic senators to Obama: Cut aid to Palestinians

‘Israel killed 1,335 Palestinian kids’

UN chief to Netanyahu: Do not withhold tax revenues from PA

An Irish pro-Palestinian activist group has lodged a formal complaint accusing Ireland's largest company of "complicity" in what it said were violations of international law in Israel.

Pulitzer-Winner Stripped Of Honor For Criticizing Israel

Britain’s Jewish “anti-Zionist” pretenders lose another battle

Jewish settler attempts to stab Palestinian farmer south of Nablus

Jerusalem’s mayor says the holy city cannot be divided and will stay Israeli

Israel killed 1,300 kids in Gaza: UN


Les Palestiniens tournent la page noire de la division

Israel “Outraged” as Palestinian Peace Deal Signed

La réconciliation du Fatah et du Hamas fait partie d'un réalignement stratégique plus large à l'initiative de l'Égypte

Pourquoi il n'y aura pas d'État palestinien

Israeli military attaché skips UK visit for Fear of Arrest as War Criminal

Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, Israel's former military intelligence chief, is joining the influential Washington Institute for Near East Policy think tank.

Mike Huckabee removed a statement from his website warning Israel and the Jews "not to insult" the friends they have.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has declared May Birthright Israel month. (Birthright Israel = Bronfman. Ainsi Bloomberg se rapproche toujours plus de la candidature présidentielle...)

$5 million lawsuit targets Jimmy Carter for ‘attacking Israel’

Netanyahu: Hamas-Fatah unity pact is a victory for terrorism

Netanyahu To Pressure Cameron On Palestinian Recognition

New Israeli Discriminatory Laws

'New Israeli passports best in world' Les experts de Big Brother

Canada's staunchly pro-Israel Prime Minister Stephen Harper was re-elected by a wide margin


Israeli Policewoman charged with assaulting Palestinian posted anti-Arab comments on Facebook

Egypt calls on US to recognise Palestinian state

Rapport: La réconciliation, une joie réservée dans la bande de Gaza

Netanyahu: Hamas-Fatah unity deal should worry all those who care about peace

‘One Word’ on Palestinian Reconciliation

Fayyad urges international intervention over Israeli freeze on Palestinian taxes

'Soldiers abused Palestinian' Two Border Guards indicted over checkpoint incident during which they beat 17-year-old

Israeli rabbi calls for Israel’s Palestinian citizens to be “encouraged” to move to Saudi Arabia and Libya

Egyptian youth call for million-man marches to support Palestinians

Hamas makes its position clear: Group leader Haniyeh says Israeli presence 'on our land illegal, cannot be recognized.'

US lawmakers warn against Palestinian unity

Israel FM says Palestinian deal crosses ‘red line’

Egypt warns Israel: Don't interfere with opening of Gaza border crossing
Israel “concerned” over Egypt’s policy on Gaza, Hamas

L’Égypte réaffirme son rôle dans la réconciliation palestinienne

Israeli politicians, security forces push ahead to thwart new Gaza flotilla

Israel targetting ambulances, women and children in Gaza

ISRAELI RIGHTWING REPRESENTED IN US CONGRESS In May 2009, Congressmen Eric Cantor (R., Va.) and Steny Hoyer (D., Md.) wrote to President Barack Obama about U.S. policy toward Israel. Their staff sent the letter as a PDF but forgot to change the name of the file to something other than “AIPAC Letter Hoyer Cantor May 2009.pdf.”

Barak–”Israel won’t talk to Palestinian government that includes Hamas”

Hamas et Fatah annoncent les détails de l’accord de réconciliation

Israël se mobilise en prévision de l’indépendance palestinienne

Israël lance une campagne internationale contre l’accord Fatah/Hamas

Le Caire mettra fin au blocus de Gaza d’ici quelques jours

Egypt to Open Gaza Border as Israel Cites Concern Over Hamas


VIDEO - Israeli Drone War Crime in Gaza – April 8th, 2011 – Ken O’Keefe

Israel rejects Gaza war compensation

Des colons extrémistes sionistes envahissent le tombeau de Youssef à Naplouse

Fondation d’al-Aqsa : l’occupation facilite les opérations d’assaut de la mosquée sacrée

'State funds enough to equip only 55% of Israelis with gas masks' GOC Home Front Commander announces that IDF will not be able to meet government's demand to supply masks to all citizens without additional funding.

L’état sioniste va faire passer aux futurs bacheliers arabes un examen sur la Shoah

Zionists Torture Female Palestinian Captives through Sexual Harassment

Faire taire ceux qui critiquent Israël - Helen Thomas et le nettoyage politique aux USA

Billboard Company Cancels “Equal Rights For Palestinians” - Israeli Censorship!

The Conservative government of Stephen Harper a Zionist Trojan Horse

Settlers Torch Palestinian Stores In HebronQuantcast
Lands conference awards Safed rabbi who said Jews shouldn't rent to non-Jews

Palestine: Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS). Breaking new barriers

Netanyahu: We will continue diplomatic efforts to thwart new Gaza flotilla

La Turquie met en garde l'entité sioniste contre une attaque de la "Flottille de la Liberté 2"

Les syndicats d’Écosse condamnent la Histadrut israélienne et confirment leur engagement pour le BDS

Settlement sewage floods Beit Ummar


Norman G.Finkelstein, de la culpabilité en politique (+vidéo)

VIDEO - Zionist backpack squatters evict Palestinian granny from her home and force her to sleep rough

Rapport: La tombe de Joseph, une excuse pour voler le patrimoine palestinien

Israeli Shin Bet electrocuted child prisoners to extract confessions

L'occupation accélère la judaïsation de la terre et du peuple à al-Qods occupée

US to UN: Shelve Goldstone Report

‘US helped Israel with UN Gaza war probe’

Because Hannity Asked: Ten Examples Of Fox News Scapegoating Muslims

Iran charges CIA and Israel to help int'l drug smugglers

VIDEO - Victor Arrigoni in Gaza

Poster calling to boycott stores where Arabs work with Jewish women spotted in Jerusalem

US helped Israel contain UN Gaza war probe: report

Settlers injure five Palestinians

Pro-Palestinian activists set sail to 'help' Gaza fisherman ward off Israeli attacks

Two main suspects in slaying of Gaza activist killed in Hamas raid

Report: Quartet may formally recognize Palestinian state if peace talks not renewed

Palestinians silently transferred from East Jerusalem

90% of detained Palestinian minors tortured in Israeli jails

A Zionist Organization of America mission to Congress lobbied for bills that would move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and cut off assistance to the Palestinian Authority if it declares statehood

Turkey demands names of soldiers involved in flotilla raid

Un Bateau Français Pour GAZA

Report: Turkey threatens to leave UN Gaza flotilla inquiry panel over ‘Israel-favored’ draft

Deputy FM: At least 60 UN states back unilateral Palestinian statehood

Australian lawmakers passed a resolution blasting the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign

A Zionist youth movement accused Australia’s largest Jewish school of “discriminating” against its leaders by banning them from canvassing students on its campus

Les enfants palestiniens, dans les prisons israéliennes, l'horreur dans toutes ses dimensions

Palestinian school-girl shot in the head by evil cowards of the yiddish (khazar) occupation - video

Palestinians' UN Recognition Bid To Proceed

Israel approves nearly 300 settlements

Israeli court sentences teen to 6 months

UN: Israel should end eviction of Palestinians from their homes

Former ambassador: UN center for anti-Israel activity (Mais non, écoutez Alex Jnoes et vous comprendrez que l'ONU c'est le summum evil nazi eugénistes! Mega-LOL)

Israel links EU support for Palestinians to anti-Semitism

Une militante pro-palestinienne jugée pour une vidéo incitant au boycott d'Israel

Israel Threatens to Annex West Bank if UN recognizes Palestine

Palestinian Statehood and Bypassing Israel

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned that Israel would no longer be bound by past agreements if Palestinians ask the United Nations for recognition.


Le cauchemar des sionistes dans cette seule image: les Palestiniens et les Syriens franchissent les barrières qui les séparent de la terre arabe de Palestine à Majdel Shams (photo Jalaa Marey/Reuters)

Move Over AIPAC!

AFP Podcast interviews the main organizer of Move Over AIPAC!, who discusses the upcoming conference in Washington, D.C., designed to loosen the stranglehold AIPAC has on the U.S. Congress.

Listen here.

The Plot Against
Free Speech
By Michael Collins Piper

Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) is an appealing candidate to many conservatives, but he has does have a dark side. Although he fervently declared in 2006 that “the American people have always rallied to the cause of freedom,” just a few years earlier Santorum planned a war against a traditional American liberty — freedom of speech.
In 2003, Santorum planned to introduce “ideological diversity” legislation that would cut federal funding for American universities found to be permitting professors, students and student organizations to openly criticize Israel. Santorum considered criticism of Israel to be “anti-Semitism.”
Santorum wanted to rewrite the federal funding formula under Title IX of the Higher Education Act to include “ideological diversity” as a prerequisite for federal funding. Joining Santorum was another pro-Israel ideologue, then-Sen. Sam Brownback (RKan.), who had his own scheme to institute a federal commission — critics called it a “tribunal” — to be established under Title IX to “investigate” anti-Semitism on American campuses.
Although the average student or academic had not heard of the scheme, Wayne Firestone, director of the Center for Israel Affairs for the Hillel Foundation, said that “Everywhere I go, this is the lead topic. This is drawing a lot of interest.”
It was Hillel — a national network of pro-Israel student- manned “campus police” — that first leaked word of Santorum’s scheme. Further details appeared onApril 15, 2003 in The New York Sun, a pro-Israel daily published by a clique of billionaire financiers.
Hillel told supporters that Santorum and several GOP senators — including Brownback (now governor of Kansas) — had invited representatives of a number of Jewish organizations to attend a private meeting on Capitol Hill to discuss concerns about growing criticism of Israel on campuses.
At the meeting were the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, the Zionist Organization of America, the American Jewish Committee and Hillel.
In the meantime, word of the Santorum initiative was spreading as a result of an exposé by AMERICAN FREE PRESS (AFP). Widely circulated on the Internet, the AFP report arrived in the emails of educators across the United States and around the globe. As a consequence of growing concern about the scheme, the pro-Israel lobby began denying Santorum had proposed such legislation, claiming the AFP story was a lie.
Ultimately, the New York-based Jewish Week reported on May 9, 2003 that the State Department had contacted senators to advise them that Palestinian newspapers were carrying the story about Santorum and asking if the story was true.
Jewish Week’s story — titled “Diversity Disinformation”— declared a “rumor of pending legislation barring campus criticism of Israel [was] sweeping Arab and left-wing media.” The article asserted that “the story originated with . . . conspiracy theorists and Holocaust revisionists.” Obviously, this was a lie, since AFP’s report was based on a story in a pro-Israel newspaper.
Despite this, Jewish Week said the story “has become an article of faith throughout the Arab world and in some U.S. left-wing circles,” and asserted that “to pro-Israel leaders and leading members of the Senate, it’s a dangerous urban legend at best, deliberate disinformation at worst.”
The article in the pro-Israel Sun stated flatly, in discussing the Capitol Hill meeting where the scheme originated:
By the end of the meeting yesterday, Mr. Santorum was talking about introducing legislation that could cut federal funding to colleges where anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiments are prevalent — or more generally, where “ideological diversity” is lacking.
Yet, now that the story had been unveiled, Jewish Week contradicted the Sun and claimed that “No such legislation has been introduced or even contemplated.”
According to an un-named source, cited by Jewish Week, the Capitol Hill meeting featured “many presentations from different groups,” failing to mention that the “different” groups were all pro-Israel organizations.
The “new” version of events, as outlined by Jewish Week, never mentioned that Santorum’s colleague, Brownback, had urged formation of a federal commission to “investigate” so-called anti-Semitism on campus.
So, if the story was an “urban legend,” why did a pro- Israel newspaper publish the story in the first place?
As a candidate for president, Santorum should be forced to address the controversy surrounding this matter.

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