VIDEO - 9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks
des "Israéliens dansants" du 9-11, en entrevue
exclusive pour American Free Press
par Dave Gahary
American Free Press
23 septembre 2011

Les lecteurs d'AFP le savent sans doute, ce sont les mêmes Israéliens qui travaillaient pour Urban Moving Systems, une société écran du Mossad qui se trouve au coeur de l'implication israélienne dans les attentats du 11 septembre.
Le sergent Scott DeCarlo n'a jamais parlé aux médias au sujet de cette journée, à l'exception de deux apparitions de 30 secondes dans des vidéos sur Internet provenant de sources indéterminées. En fait, DeCarlo a confirmé que c'est la première et la dernière entrevue qu'il acceptera jamais d'accorder à ce sujet.
DeCarlo a révélé à AFP des détails cachés sur les événements du 11 septembre que les médias auraient dû mettre en lumière il y a 10 ans, sans parler de leur silence quasi-total en ce qui concerne l'implication d'Israël.
Même s'il n'était pas supposé travailler ce jour-là, de DeCarlo a quand même été appelé en service et "affecté à l'autoroute" pour prévenir la circulation d'entrer dans New York.
"Il avait reçu l'ordre "BOLO", c'est-à-dire "soyez à l'affût (Be On the Look Out) d'une camionnette particulière, peut-être chargée d'explosifs", a expliqué DeCarlo, "qui était peut-être sur le point de détruire le pont George Washington."
DeCarlo a expliqué: «Elle [la camionnette suspecte] était en train de venir vers nous, et j'ai saisi mon sergent [DeCarlo lui-même était patrouilleur à l'époque] et dit:« Hé, mec, c'est notre camionnette. «Ce n'était pas exactement la plaque d'immatriculation qu'on cherchait car un chiffre ne concordait pas, mais j'ai dit: "Ça doit être elle, elle est trop similaire".
Il a poursuivi: «La camionnette était en train de sortir du Turnpike [du NJ] (fameuse autoroute à péage) et essayaient de prendre la Route 3. La circulation allait à deux miles à l'heure, donc nous nous sommes approchés à pieds en face de la camionnette, armes au poing, et elle s'est arrêtée. "
Les cinq espions israéliens ont tous refusé de sortir du véhicule, alors DeCarlo a été contraint de recourir à la force.
"Nous leur avons demandé de sortir de la camionnette, mais ils ne nous ont pas écouté", a-t-il dit. "Donc, nous. . . leur avons passé les menottes et l'avons fait aussi vite que possible."
AFP a demandé à DeCarlo pourquoi, selon lui, les Israéliens ont refusé de suivre ses ordres. DeCarlo était incertain, mais il a demandé à l'auteur, "avez-vous déjà eu une arme pointée sur la tête?"
DeCarlo a ensuite décrit ce qui s'est passé après avoir traîné les espions hors de leur camionnette. «Quand nous leur avons traîné hors de la voiture, l'un des gars, plutôt bavard, a déclaré: «Nous ne sommes pas vos ennemis, nous sommes votre ami. Nos ennemis sont vos ennemis,» a déclaré DeCarlo. "A ce moment, ils ont dit qu'ils venaient d'Israël. Ils répétaient: "Hé, nous sommes de votre côté."
«Nous les avons mis dans des cellules de détention du police de l'État du New Jersey situées dans le Meadowlands Stadium, et c'est la dernière fois que je les ai vus", a-t-il dit. Peu après, le FBI aurait pris le relais. Les cinq Israéliens ont été détenus pendant 10 semaines, mais ont finalement été expulsé en Israël sur des accusations de violation des lois d'immigration. En novembre 2001, ils sont apparus à un talk-show de télévision israélienne pour parler du fait qu'ils ont été envoyés aux États-Unis "pour documenter l'événement."
Le sergent DeCarlo a demandé à AFP de demander aux parties intéressées de ne pas communiquer avec lui.
AUDIO - 9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks

9-11 Cop Who Arrested The "Dancing Israelis" Breaks Silence

VIDEO - PressTV Mark Glenn "Israeli agents filmed 911 destruction"
Who Celebrated on 9-11
Immediately after the 9-11 attacks, CBS anchor Dan Rather appeared on David Letterman’s late night program and declared, in a voice dripping with outrage and disgust, that, even as the tragic events of 9-11 were unfolding, a “cell” of America-hating Arabs had been spotted on the roof of a building across the river from Manhattan in New Jersey, videotaping the World Trade Center tragedy and celebrating as the trade towers collapsed.
However, good newsman that he is, Rather was nonetheless dead wrong about the identity of those celebrating the tragedy.
In fact, as American Free Press (AFP) pointed out in a front-page story in its Oct. 1, 2001 issue (which went to press on Sept. 20), those “Arabs” seen dancing merrily, giving each other “high fives” and clearly celebrating the collapse of the trade towers were Israelis—Jewish Israelis—citizens of the nation said to be America’s best ally. And AFP said, flat out, that there was evidence to believe that these Israelis were, in fact, assets of Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad.
For daring to point out these facts, AFP was accused of “peddling anti-Israel conspiracy theories.”
But the story that unfolded in the wake of AFP’s report—which, by the way, constituted the first serious national recitation of the facts surrounding this affair—proved to be even more broad-ranging and more disturbing and pointed to Mossad foreknowledge of—and involvement in—the 9-11 attacks.
Scattered media reports mentioned that five “Middle Eastern” men had been seen “celebrating” the WTC attack, naturally leaving people with the impression that the men were Arabs or Muslims.
However what is interesting is that, in the early days following 9-11, when the story of that particular group of Israelis did leak into the media and the media did, in fact,mention that the men were Israelis, the media turned the tables in Talmudic fashion and cited the story as evidence that theArabs and the Muslims and assorted anti-Semites and critics of Israel were generating disinformation to discredit Israel.
For example, the Sept. 28-30, 2001 issue of USA Today cited the story of the five Israelis (calling them “Jews” and not identifying their nationality) and attempted to suggest that the story was a myth.
USA Today—which calls itself “America’s newspaper”—described the story as one of the “unsubstantiated rumors that implicate Israel” in the 9-11 attacks and one of which “many in the Muslim world are endlessly chewing over and recycling.
It took some six months before America’s oldest and most respected Jewish community newspaper—the New York-based Forward—finally confirmed for the record—in its March 15,2002 issue—that these Israeli Jews (those same ones described as an Arab “cell” by Dan Rather) were connected to the Mossad.
Forward published information that elaborated upon details first entered into the worldwide news record by AFP and which were subsequently picked up and given widespread distribution on the Internet.
Later we’ll discuss, in more detail, what Forward had to say.
However, in the meantime, here’s what AFP reported—some six months before—on Oct. 1, 2001, citing reports appearing at the time in local newspapers in New Jersey and New York and elements from its own inquiries. The essentials of the AFP story were as follows:
In fact, the five Israelis seen in Jersey City—taken into custody by police in East Rutherford,New Jersey—were driving a van belonging to the same Urban Moving Systems upon whose roof the other group of five Israelis were also seen celebrating (and videotaping) the events at the World Trade Center.
Naturally, as any honest observer would have to conclude, it was highly unlikely (to say the least) that all of this—three different groups of Israelis connected to the same network of moving companies all acting in the same fashion in three different locations—could hardly be—as defenders of Israel claimed—“just a coincidence.”
• AFP noted in reporting on the arrest of the Israelis captured in the Urban Moving Systems van in East Rutherford, The Bergen [New Jersey] Record revealed on Sept. 12, 2001 that “sources close to the investigation said they found other evidence linking the men to the bombing plot.” The source told the Record that:
There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted. It looked like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.
The Record also reported that “sources also said that bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives.”
Initially—and this is interesting—other news sources suggested that explosives had been found in the van.
When, in fact, the “official” story from the U.S. government came out—denying the existence of any such explosives —this gave supporters of Israel the opportunity to say that it was a “myth” that these detained Israelis were in the possession of explosives.
Thus, they said, the entire story of the “dancing Israelis” was just based on reckless and inaccurate news reports that were later retracted and upon—of course—plain old hostility to dear little Israel. Anti-Semites and evil Muslims were collaborating to blame Israel for 9-11, or so they said.
But the fact that there were (presumably) no explosives in the van does not, however, preclude the possibility, as the Bergen Record’s source had contended that the Israelis were “hooked in” with what happened on September 11, considering all of the suspicious activity by three different groups of Israelis all connected to the same network of Israeli moving companies.
And contrary to stories put out by supporters of Israel, the Bergen Record did not retract its original story, for the fact is that the Record never claimed that there were explosives in the van.
So the Record had nothing to retract. Claims that the Record story was wrong are, in short,wrong.
This recalls,of course, the deportation, ten days after the Oklahoma City bombing, of the “right wing” Israeli terrorist, Sharon Toval, a virtual look-alike for accused Okahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh.
The names of these suspects were never released to the public—or at least their names were never published or broadcast in the media.
However, it was not only in the New York-New Jersey area that Israelis working for Israeli-owned moving companies were taken into custody and suspected of involvement in terrorist-related activities.
Israeli-connected moving companies seemed to proliferate in the events surrounding 9-11. For example, on Dec. 24, 2001 AFP reported that:
On Oct. 17, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Pottstown (Pa.) Mercury reported that “two men whom police described as Middle Eastern”were detained in the Pottstown area (which is just northwest of Philadelphia) after being found with“detailed video footage of the Sears Tower in Chicago”—the tallest building in the world,widely mentioned as a possible terrorist target.The Mercury did not identify the men’s nationality, but their names were Moshe Elmakias and Ron Katar.“Moshe” is a Hebrew name which is not likely to have been bestowed on a Muslim or an Arab.A woman named Ayelet Reisler, in their company, was also detained. She had a German passport in her name and medication in a different name.The two men worked for a company known as “Moving Systems Incorporated.”
It was subsequently learned that there was a connecting network of Israeli-owned moving companies alongside Urban Moving Systems and Moving Systems, Inc. that operated under such names as Advance Moving System, AAA Van Lines, State to State Van Lines, America’s Best Movers and Quality Moving Storage—not to mention Moshe’s, which maintained a huge brick 15 story warehouse—employing hundreds of young Israelis—just outside the Holland Tunnel in Jersey City.
But, in the end, it was the five Israelis arrested on the roof of Urban Moving Systems (UMS) inWeehawken who received the most attention from the media and from independent investigators. They were brothers Paul and Sivan Kurzberg, Omer Marmari,Yaon Shmuel and Oded Ellner, all Israelis and all employees of UMS.
On Oct. 8, 2001, The New York Times finally reported on the five Israelis treating it as some sad quirk of fate for five innocent men.The Times did not report—as did AFP—that there may have been more than one Israeli-connected moving company involved and that there were actually other Israeli nationals taken into custody after the bombing.
And in Israel the plight of these lads also got some attention.The mother of one of the detainees told the Israeli newspaper, Ha’aretz, that the FBI had questioned her son as to whether he was an agent of Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad.
However,why the FBI might suspect that Mossad agents—assets of our valued ally Israel—may have been involved in the so-called “Arab terrorist” attack is a question that was carefully ignored by the mainstream media in America.
But these five young Israelis became very controversial,by anyone’s estimation and they had some high-level support.
On Nov. 23, 2001, Forward, the respected New York-based Jewish newspaper, reported that “top-ranking Israeli diplomats”had intervened with Attorney General John Ashcroft on behalf of the aforementioned Paul Kurzberg, his brother, and the three other young Israelis.
In its issue dated Dec. 17, 2001—which went to press on Dec. 7—AFP pointed out that Attorney General Ashcroft had released one of those Israelis—Paul Kurzberg—despite the fact that, according to a Nov. 21 report buried deep inside The NewYork Times, Kurzberg “had trouble” with a seven-hour polygraph test administered by the FBI.
Although Kurzberg had reportedly done“better on a second try,”the Israeli suspect still flunked both times. In fact, the Times had reported, Kurzberg “refused on principle to divulge much about his role in the Israeli army or subsequently working for people who may have had ties to Israeli intelligence.”
Yet, Ashcroft sent Kurzer and his four associates home to Israel, the suspicions surrounding them notwithstanding.
It was upon returning to the fabled land of milk and honey that one of the young Israelis,Oded Ellner,made remarks that today are a part of the lore surrounding suspicion of Israeli involvement in 9-11.
We refer to the often-heard claim that Ellner actually admitted in an interview on Israeli television that he and his colleagues had foreknowledge of the impending attack on the World Trade Center and that, he said, the reason why he and his friends were videotaping was that “our purpose was to document the event.”
Some quickly jumped upon this as some sort of “confession” and circulated the word on the Internet that Ellner had admitted—on television—that he and his associates had advance knowledge of the attack on the trade center and were, therefore, already set up and prepared to videotape the tragedy.
However, the story surrounding Ellner’s televised remarks is actually a distraction and—I am here to tell you without hesitation—is not “proof” of anything, no matter how much people want to believe it is.
While it is absolutely true that, while being interviewed on Israeli television, Ellner admitted he and his friends were videotaping the event,what Ellner said was hardly a confession to anything.
What he was saying, in answer to a question as to why they were videotaping, was essentially: “The reason why we had a video camera there was to film what was happening.”
So, today, while many 9-11 skeptics are often heard telling friends and family—“I’ve seen the video of Ellner saying those words and admitting he and his buddies knew the attack was going to happen and that’s why they were filming it”—the truth is that what those people have seen (circulated on the Internet) is a brief excerpt from the Israeli television interview (conducted in Hebrew) with an English-language voice-over translating Ellner’s comment into an awkward and stilted declarative sentence that has now been immortalized thusly: “Our purpose was to document the event.”
Now this is not to say that Ellner and the “dancing Israelis” did not have foreknowledge of the impending attacks. As we shall see later, there was much more about Ellner and his friends to be unveiled. But this particular comment has clearly been taken out of context.
While these young men—and the other Israelis seen videotaping the world trade center from at least one other location—almost assuredly did know in advance of the attacks and had, accordingly, set up their video equipment to “document the event,” the bottom line question is this: How likely is it that they would have confessed—even by accident—in a television interview conducted before a live audience?
A few folks—who are so determined to believe that Ellner’s words are indeed some sort of confession—will insist forever that Ellner’s“confession” is proof of Israeli foreknowledge and involvement in 9-11. But it isn’t. It’s another one of those stories that “sound good” but one which open-minded and objective folks interested in alternative views relating to 9-11 can not—and will not—find convincing.
However, there is much, much more to their story, and we’ll come back to them later.
In fact, as it was discovered, there were quite a few more other Israelis operating on American soil and they, too, were taken into custody following 9-11 and at least some of them were suspected by the FBI of possible involvement in the 9-11 tragedy.
In fact—as American Free Press reported on Dec. 17—The Washington Post had admitted on November 23 that among a total of some 60 young Israeli Jews picked up by the FBI in the wake of the terrorist attacks, there were a handful actually being held on suspicion of involvement in the terrorist acts of 9-11.
And remember—this admission came from a leading voice of the “mainstream” media, although, certainly, it was not given wide play in the pages of the Post or elsewhere in the media. So the truth is that while most of the Israelis arrested and detained since Sept.11 were held on immigration charges, not suspected of involvement in terrorism, there were exceptions.According to Post staff writer John Mintz:
In several cases, such as those in Cleveland and St. Louis, INS officials testified in court hearings that they were “of special interest to the government,” a term that federal agents have used in many of the hundreds of cases involving mostly Muslim Arab men who have been detained around the country since the terrorist attacks.
An INS official who requested anonymity said the agency will not comment on the Israelis. He said the use of the term “special interest” means the case in question is “related to the investigation of Sept. 11.”
Although referring to Israel as a “close U.S. ally in the fight against terrorism,” the Post pointed out that one Israeli detainee, Liron Diamant, said that while he and his friends had first been mistaken as Arabs, the FBI still nonetheless conducted an “hours-long” interrogation after their Israeli identity had been determined and that they were “questioned in detail about their Israeli military service.”
On Dec. 12, the “Special Report With Brit Hume” on Fox News featured reporter Carl Cameron who unveiled a staggering report on a wide-ranging Israeli espionage ring on U.S. soil.
Cameron’s report on Fox was so immediately controversial primarily because he asserted flat out there was evidence these Israelis were surveilling the reputed 9-11 terrorists prior to the Sept. 11 tragedy. On Dec. 24, AFP summarized Cameron’s report in which he stated in part:
There is no indication the Israelis were involved in the Sept. 11 attacks, but investigators suspect that they may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance and not shared it.
A highly-placed investigator told Fox News there are “tie-ins,” but when asked for details flatly refused to describe them. [The investigator said:]
“Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It is classified information.”
It’s very explosive information, obviously, and there’s a great deal of evidence that they say they have collected. None of it necessarily conclusive.
It’s more when they put it all together. A bigger question, they say, is “How could they not have known?” [That is] almost a direct quote [from the investigators].
Investigators are focusing part of their efforts on Israelis who said they are art students from the University of Jerusalem or Bezalel Academy and repeatedly made contact with U.S. government personnel by saying they wanted to sell cheap art or handiwork.
Documents say they “targeted” and penetrated military bases, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, dozens of government facilities and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel.
Whatever the case, Fox News pulled the transcriptions of Cameron’s broadcast reports off its Internet web site under pressure from such groups as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, but Cameron told Forward he continued to stand behind his story.
Meanwhile, the famed British intelligence and military analysis publication, Jane’s Information Group, noted the peculiar absence of reporting in the American media on this matter and commented:
It is rather strange that the U.S. media . . . seem to be ignoring what may well prove to be the most explosive story since the Sept. 11 attack, the alleged breakup of a major Israeli espionage operation in the United States which aimed to infiltrate both the Justice and Defense departments and which may also have been tracking Al-Qaeda terrorists before the aircraft hijackings took place.
And that alone is an aspect of 9-11 that—for the most part—remains unknown to the broad swath of the American people.
Citing the work by Fox, Le Monde pointed out how Fox refused to cooperate with Le Monde, saying it was “a problem,” but that Fox refused to be specific. Le Monde noted that IO had received a copy of a report prepared by an officer of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and others from the Immigration and Naturalization Service. A spokesman for the DEA, Will Glaspy, confirmed to Le Monde that the DEA “holds a copy” of that report.
The DEA document revealed many of the Israelis had addresses in South Florida very close to the homes of Arabs allegedly involved in the 9-11 attacks. For example, the alleged hijacking ringleader, Mohammad Atta, lived at 3389 Sheridan St. in Hollywood, Fla.,while a group of the Israelis resided only a few blocks away, at 4220 Sheridan.
On March 5, Reuters reported Le Monde’s article (even including the allegation of Israeli foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks).
Reuters, however, cited an un-named FBI spokesman who called it a “bogus story,” saying—despite all the evidence to the contrary—that “there wasn’t a spy ring.”
On March 6, the Associated Press reported the story but did not mention, however, that the Israelis were believed to have had intimate knowledge relating to the 9-11 terrorists.
On March 6, Washington Post staff writers John Mintz and Dan Eggen reported that Attorney General Ashcroft’s spokeswoman at the Justice Department, Susan Dryden, dismissed the story as “an urban myth that has been circulating for months.” She added: “The department has no information at this time to substantiate these widespread reports about Israeli art students involved in espionage.”
So it was that, again and again, the specter of Israeli foreknowledge and involvement in the events of 9-11 reared its ugly head. And even the major media was being forced to acknowledge it. But the story of the Dancing Israelis was not about to go away either.
In any event, at long last—as we mentioned at the outset of this chapter—the Jewish newspaper Forward finally acknowledged on March 15, 2002 that there was indeed a Mossad connection to the strange circumstances surrounding the multiple groups of Israelis (with links to a network of Israeli-controlled moving companies) who were observed acting suspiciously (and then taken into custody) on 9-11. The young Israelis were, in fact, assets of Israel’s Mossad.
The Israelis in question were brothers Paul and Sivan Kurzberg, as well as Omer Marmari, Yaon Shmuel and Oded Ellner, the last of whom made the famous remarks on Israeli television—described earlier—about the intent of Ellner and his colleagues to “document the event.”
According to Forward, UMS was “a moving company with few discernable assets” that closed up immediately after the federal authorities began investigating its activities. The owner of UMS, Dominic Otto Suter “fled to Israel” after being questioned by the FBI.
Forward said one of its sources admitted that UMS was a Mossad-connected operation:
According to one former high-ranking American intelligence official,who asked not to be named, the FBI came to the conclusion at the end of its investigation that the five Israelis arrested in New Jersey last September were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems ofWeehawken,N.J., served as a front.
After their arrest, the men were held in detention for two-and-a-half months and were deported at the end of November, officially for visa violations.
However, a counterintelligence investigation by the FBI concluded that at least two of them were Mossad operatives, according to the former American official,who said he was regularly briefed on the investigation by two separate law enforcement officials.
“The assessment was that Urban Moving Systems was a front for the Mossad and operatives employed by it,” he said.
“The conclusion of the FBI was that they were spying on local Arabs but that they could leave because they did not know anything about 9/11.”
However, he added, the bureau was “very irritated because it was a case of so-called unilateral espionage,meaning they didn’t know about it.”
The nature of the investigation changed after the names of two of the five Israelis showed up on a CIA-FBI database of foreign intelligence operatives, he said.At that point, he said, the bureau took control of the investigation and launched a Foreign Counterintelligence Investigation, or FCI.
FBI investigations into possible links to the Sept. 11 attacks are usually carried by the bureau’s counterterrorism division, not its counterintelligence division.“An FCI means not only that it was serious but also that it was handled at a very high level and very tightly,” the former official said.That view was echoed by several former FBI officials interviewed.
The Forward recounting of the saga of the five Israelis was woven into a larger story describing controversy surrounding the separate reports of espionage by the so-called Israeli “art students.”And although (as noted earlier) a spokesman for Attorney General John Ashcroft had dismissed the “art student” affair as an “urban myth,” Forward effectively exposed Ashcroft’s prevarication, admitting that:
In March 2001, the federal National Counterintelligence Executive issued a warning urging employees to report all contact
with people describing themselves as Israeli art students. It said some had gone to private residences of senior U.S. officials under the guise of selling art.
“These individuals have been described as aggressive,” the warning said.“They attempt to engage employees in conversation rather than giving a sales pitch.”However, the warning added that there may be two groups involved, one with an “apparently legitimate money-making goal while the second, perhaps a non-Israeli group, may have ties to a Middle Eastern Islamic fundamentalist group.”
Forward’s suggestion that two such groups were operating (and that one may have been a “non-Israeli group” posing as Israelis) was interesting, for it raises the logical counter-question: Was there also group of Israelis operating in the United States posing as Arabs—a possibility that, in fact, had first been broached by AFP as far back as Dec. 24, 2001 (a point to be examined in greater detail later in these pages.)
On June 21, 2002, ABC’s weekly newsmagazine,“20/20”—featuring hostess Barbara Walters—was forced to acknowledge growing public belief that Israeli intelligence had foreknowledge of—or was perhaps involved in—the 9-11 terrorist attacks, a belief stimulated from awareness of the story of the Dancing Israelis.
In a segment entitled “TheWhite Van,”ABC tackled the problematic fact that these several groups of Israeli nationals in the New York-New Jersey area had been taken into custody on suspicion of having been involved in some way with the terrorist attacks.
ABC—of course—never mentioned American Free Press (AFP) but it’s clear that AFP’s considerable outreach stimulated discussion of the story in the first place. However, it is no surprise ABC went into a damage-control mode on Israel’s behalf.Those at the highest levels of ABC are, to put it simply, known for their sympathies toward Israel.
ABC’s admissions were grudging at best. ABC would not admit flat out, that the Israelis were Mossad operatives.All ABC would say was that was that there were those in official circles in the United States who said the Israelis were Mossad.They said others don’t think so.
But if they were Mossad agents, ABC assured the audience, they weren’t doing anything against the the United States.At most they were simply monitoring Arab and Muslim groups in the NewYork-New Jersey area.That was a good thing,ABC explained.
Thus, ABC’s presentation sought to refute the evidence and defuse the belief that the Israelis had any involvement in—or even foreknowledge of—the terrorist attack. Barbara Walters summarized the story by lisping smugly,“I hope we’ve put all these wumors to rest.”
The incontrovertible facts

WTC Tower | Floor No. | Location | Date of Report | Average SFRM thickness (in.) | Adhesion/cohesion (psf) | Density (pcf) |
1 | 79 | Multiple tenant floor | 11/24/99 | 2.4 | 333 | 16.6 |
1 | 81 | Multiple tenant floor | 10/24/96 | 2.7 | 270 | 19.0 |
1 | 81 | Multiple tenant floor | 7/16/99 | 2.6 | 377 | 17.5 |
1 | 83 | Suite 8331 | 12/15/99 | 2.2 | 259 | 16.0 |
1 | 85 | Multiple tenant floor | 12/24/97 | 3.1 | 210 | 23.7 |
1 | 85 | Multiple tenant floor | 6/12/99 | 2.9 | 278 | 15.8 |
1 | 85 | Suite 8563 | 8/16/99 | 2.8 | 259 | 16.4 |
1 | 92 | Full floor | 4/2/97 | 2.9 | 348 | 17.9 |
1 | 93 | Full floor | 8/28/98 | 2.1 | 186 | 17.0 |
1 | 94 | Full floor | 12/27/96 | 4.1 | 426 | 20.6 |
1 | 95 | Full floor | 8/24/98 | 2.6 | 258 | 19.5 |
1 | 96 | Full floor | 10/22/98 | 3.1 | 366 | 20.0 |
1 | 97 | Full floor | 10/22/98 | 2.3 | 432 | 23.5 |
1 | 98 | Full floor | 11/19/98 | 2.7 | 425 | 22.6 |
1 | 99 | Full floor | 11/20/98 | 2.4 | 210 | 17.9 |
1 | 100 | Full floor | 11/20/98 | 3.1 | 296 | 17.9 |
1 | 102 | Full floor | 9/28/99 | 2.8 | 327 | 16.4 |
2 | 77 | Full floor | 6/9/98 | 2.5 | 282 | 18.7 |
2 | 78 | Full floor | 4/3/98 | 2.7 | 279 | 17.6 |
2 | 88 | Full floor | 7/5/00 | 2.1 | 219 | 16.3 |
2 | 89 | Full floor | 5/5/99 | 2.8 | 324 | 17.8 |
2 | 92 | Full floor | 2/26/98 | 2.8 | 333 | 20.2 |
2 | 99 | Half floor | 7/28/97 | 2.6 | 284 | 21.1 |
2 | 99 | Half floor | 4/3/98 | 1.8 | 288 | 20.7 |
Further reading
Why 9/11 researchers know the official story is falseThe "Dancing Israelis" FBI Report - Debunked
Millette study fails to refute crucial findings by Harrit et al
Note: The above three articles provide hundreds of references to mainstream sources.
Stranger Than Fiction
The Synagogue of Satan
Waters Flowing Eastward
Sur ce blog:
Les documents du FBI sur les fameux "Israéliens dansants" arrêtés le 11 septembre 2001
Analyse du rapport du FBI sur les "Israéliens dansants"
Démystifier le 11 septembre: Israël et la tactique de l'erreur, par Alan Sabrosky (ancien dir. des études du US Army War College)