À noter: comme Saddam Hussein et Kadhafi, Assad fait la guerre à Al Qaida et aux terroristes musulmans fanatiques du même genre.

Joe Lieberman and Al-Qaeda, United on Syria (and other wars of ‘Muslim liberation’)
Oddly enough, this is not the first time in recent memory that the leadership in the U.S. has explicitly advocated merging U.S. policy with al-Qaeda’s goals. From early on in the NATO mission to aid the Libyan rebels and oust Muammar Gadhafi, it was known that many of those so-called “freedom fighters” had ties to al-Qaeda. In fact, U.S. intelligence found that al-Qaeda fighters had swarmed to Libya and tried to “drum up extremist activities.” After Gadhafi was killed, an al-Qaeda flag was raised in the center the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. Following that, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) publicly called themselves the “main beneficiaries” of the instability caused by the NATO war, noting specifically their receipt of weapons.
Aside from all of the terror and abuse the newly empowered National Transitional Council has brought the people of Libya in the form of murder, theft, torture and thuggery, they and their varied militias have also been imposing a harsh brand of militant Islam on Libyans, as opposed to the democratic paradise Obama predicted.
I’m not suggesting a conspiracy theory, just plain stupidity. As I’ve explored elsewhere, while I’m no stranger to Imperial Grand Strategy, I think the system operates in a way such that backward policies are carried out even when many elites recognize they’re against the “national interest.” The real question is how nobody is calling them out on it. Joe Lieberman has just recently called the Syrian rebels “brave freedom fighters” almost synchronous with Ayman al-Zawahiri. How is this not headline news?
Lieberman: US should arm Syrian opposition

VIDEO - RT: ‘US backs Al-Qaeda to mutually destroy Syria’
VIDEO - Le chef d’Al-Qaida soutient la rébellion en Syrie
Israel doesn’t fear regime change in Syria
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Foreign Policy: Israel partisans (and a few token turncoat Arabs) consider Syria next steps
The Israel Lobby’s Role in Pushing for Regime Change in Syria
VIDEO - Israël annonce avoir des contacts avec l’opposition syrienne
Le rapport de la Ligue Arabe donne des preuves de l’implication de la CIA, du MI6 et du Mossad derrière les violences en Syrie
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Arming Al-Qaeda: US to pump weapons into Syria warzone?
Syrian Rebels Captured With Israeli Weapons

With Friends Like ‘Friends of Syria’…
Israel Partisans Prefigure ‘Arab Spring’ at 2009 FPI Forum on ‘Democracy Promotion’
VIDEO - CIA / Mossad Snipers in Syria and the Arab States
VIDEO - US, Israel plot to topple al-Assad Govt'
Asma Al-Assad, Diana of the Middle East: Syria's First Lady on Gaza
Syrian opposition wish to “be friends” with Israel
MK Herzog: Syrian rebels want peace with Israel
VIDEO - Syria – The CIA and NATO Exposed
VIDEO - Imperialists and their Islamists in Syria: Interview with Aijaz Ahmad
Syria: coup engineers used the same sniper tactic to incite Venezuelans in 2002
Qatar goes public on its arming of “peaceful” Syrian uprising
Lieberman says ‘Israel ready to provide aid to wounded Syrians’
Canada sanctions Syria, McCain calls for air strikes: John Baird, Canada's Foreign Minister, closes embassy, says "Assad must go"; McCain says US should lead int'l strikes.
McCain calls for airstrike on Syria Statement is as much a critique of President Barack Obama as a rallying call for an international military campaign, accusing the president of being too soft on Assad.
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In Syria, al Jazeera’s Credibility Implodes
Canada bans all dealings with Syrian central bank, closes Syria embassy
Israel’s No.1 asset [John McCain] in the Senate calls for airstrikes against Syria
Israel mulls ‘charity concert’ for Syrian insurgents
JINSA: Strengthening Israel by promoting Syrian ‘Chalabi’
By Maidhc Ó Cathail
The Passionate Attachment
February 20, 2012
In October of 2001, Mr. Ghadry, along with several Syrian-Americans, formed the Reform Party of Syria. A constitution was written and a constructive and comprehensive program has been put in place to bring regime change to Syria. Today, the party is enjoying the tacit support from many organizations and people in the U.S. administration and think tanks in Washington.
Mr. Ghadry and the other co-founders of RPS are hoping to return to Syria one day to rebuild the country on the basis of principles of real economic and political reforms that will usher democracy, prosperity, freedom of expression, and human rights in addition to lasting peace with open borders with all of Syria’s neighboring countries.
Unfortunately for Perle, Ghadry is seen in many quarters as a front man for Israel. Not only is he a dues-paying member of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, the most powerful Israeli lobby in Washington, but a recent column on his Web site, titled “Why I Admire Israel,” seems to play right into the hands of those who believe the Bush administration’s obsession with regime change in the Middle East is really all about protecting Israel. Did Perle, the savviest of Washington power players, believe that Ghadry’s tub-thumping for Tel Aviv would make him more popular in Syria?
“No,” Perle replied. “I don’t. But he’s his own man. I don’t always understand what he’s doing and why he’s doing it.”
So, in his quest for idealistic dissidents to do in the Middle East what the Walesas and Havels achieved in Eastern Europe, Perle and his acolytes have tapped the discredited Ahmad Chalabi for Iraq, the suspect Amir Abbas Fakhravar for Iran and the allegiance-challenged Fahrid Ghadry for Syria. They’re just not making heroes like they used to.
“The Role of Syria in the Middle East: Friend of Iran, Host to Hamas, and Patron of Hizbullah” – Farid Ghadry, President, Reform Party of Syria
Under the direction of Natan Sharansky, the former Israeli minister who resigned his cabinet seat in 2005 in protest over Ariel Sharon’s Gaza disengagement plan, the [Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies] held a “Democracy and Security” conference in Prague in 2007. It brought together Israeli officials; their American neoconservative sympathizers with their favourite Middle Eastern dissidents in tow — most notably, Richard Perle’s Israel-admiring Syrian protégé Farid Ghadry; and the newly-installed Eastern European democrats swept to power in the wake of a wave of neocon-backed “color revolutions,” the latter group presumably serving to inspire the Arab and Iranian participants to emulate them.
Is there a difference between Bahrain and Syria?
The opposition in Bahrain is a genuine popular movement against an unpopular US and Zionist backed tyrant while the opposition in Syria can be divided in to two main parts. A genuine part which is peaceful, against foreign interference and for democratic reforms and a not so genuine part which is militant, dominated by not so democratic Wahhabi fanatics and Muslim Brotherhood activists, funded and armed by foreign powers, including the Saudi and Qatari Wahhabi dictatorships. This part of the opposition is completely opposed to dialogue and democratic reforms.
Some elements within this disingenuous opposition, which does not seem to have the welfare of the Syrian people as its first priority, are reaching out to the Zionist enemy. Yitzhak Herzog, an alternate on Israel’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee who has previously held ministerial posts, has said the Syrian opposition wants to be friends with Israel.
Zionist media has been working around the clock to demonize the Syrian government while at the same time ignoring the Bahraini uprising and the Saudi crackdown and invasion. It is quite clear which of the two, Assad and Al-Khalifah, the Zionists prefer.
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