Eliot Cohen Returns as Romney’s Man on Iran
By Max Blumenthal
In 2005, a group of graduate students at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced and International Studies (SAIS) participated in the school’s annual diplomatic simulation. The high pressure scenario required the students to negotiate a resolution to a standoff with a nuclear-armed “Republic of Pakistan.”Mara Karlin, a student known for her hawkish politics on Israel and the Middle East, played president of the U.S.A.
Though most of the participants were confident they could head off amilitary conflictwith diplomatic measures,Ms. Karlin jumped the gun. According to a former SAIS student, not only did Ms. Karlin order a nuclear strike on Pakistan, she also took the opportunity to nuke Iran. Her classmates were shocked. It was the first time in 45 years that a simulation concluded with the deployment of a nuke.
That year, Ms. Karlin received a plum job in the Bush administration’s Department of Defense where, according to her bio, she was “intimately involved in formulating U.S. policy on Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel-Palestinian affairs.” Lebanon was a special area of focus for Ms. Karlin. She claims to have helped structure the Lebanese armed forces and coordinated relations between the U.S. and Lebanese militaries.
According to the former SAIS student, Ms. Karlin was a favorite of Eliot Cohen, an ultra-hawkish professor of strategic studies at SAIS, which is regarded in American foreign policy circles as a training ground for the neo-conservative movement.
Today, Cohen is among Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney’s top campaign advisers.
He is the primary author of Romney’s foreign policy white paper, which attacks Obama for “currying favor with [America’s] enemies” and “ostentatiously shunning Jerusalem.”
The paper urges a policy of regime change in Iran including possible coordination with Israel on military strikes, allegedly to prevent the Iranian regime from developing a nuclear weapon. It is an aggressive Republican election season document presenting a concoction of post-9-11 unilateralism and unvarnished imperialism as the antidote to a sitting president Cohen accused of “unilateral disarmament in the diplomatic and moral sphere.” More importantly, it suggests that a Romney administration’s foreign policy might look remarkably similar to—and perhaps more extreme than—that of the Bush administration.
Cohen rose through the ranks of the Republican foreign policy elite as a protégé of Paul Wolfowitz, the former assistant secretary of defense who is credited with playing a central role in the push for invading Iraq. Stephen Walt, a professor of international affairs at Harvard University’s School of Government who has been on the receiving end of aggressive attacks by Cohen, called Cohen “a classic neo-conservative.” Walt said: “He is constantly fretting about alleged U.S. vulnerabilities, consistently supportive of increased defense spending and generally inclined to favor U.S. intervention in other countries. Second, like virtually all neo-conservatives, he is also deeply attached to Israel, as well as to the United States.”
Despite Cohen’s deep Israeli ties, he has proved extremely sensitive to critiques of the connection.When Walt and John Mearsheimer, the latter a professor of International Relations at the University of Chicago, published their widely debated paper on the Israeli lobby in 2006,* Cohen authored one of the first attempts to discredit their thesis about a loose coalition of individuals and organizations creating political pressure to move U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israeli direction. In an op-ed in The Washington Post, Cohen accused the authors of “kooky academic work” and “obsessive and irrationally hostile beliefs about Jews.”
“Cohen’s rather hysterical reaction to our work was both typical and easy to explain,” Walt remarked.
“Given that he and other neo-conservatives had played a key role in convincing George Bush to invade Iraq in 2003, he was understandably upset when we pointed this out and provided extensive documentation of their role in the run-up to this disastrous war.
He could not refute our logic or our evidence, however, so he chose tomisrepresent our views and smear us falsely as anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists.”
With the last battalions of U.S. troops preparing to redeploy from Iraq to other conflict zones, Cohen is homing in on Iran. In a September 2009 editorial for The Wall Street Journal, he dismissed diplomacy and sanctions as feasible means of curbing Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions.
“The choices are now what they ever were: an American or an Israeli strike, which would probably cause a substantialwar, or living in aworldwith Iranian nuclear weapons, which may also result in war, perhaps nuclear, over a longer period of time,” he wrote.
As tensions between Israel and Iran rise to unprecedented levels, and Israel’s leaders beseech the U.S. to join a military strike, Cohen’s visions of regime change seem closer to realization than ever.
For him and the neo-conservative policy elite, a Romney victory in November might deliver the next “big prize.”
* Walt and Mearsheimer’s book The Israel Lobby & U.S. Foreign Policy (hardcover, 484 pages $30 plus $6 S&H) is available from AFP.Send order to AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite. 100, Washington,D.C. 20003. To order by major credit card, call toll free 1-888-699-NEWS.
Max Blumenthal is an independent journalist who maintains the popular news and commentary website maxblumenthal.com.
Le général Richard Myers et Eliot Cohen.
Cabal of Rabid Warhawks Advising Mitt Romney
The American media is strangely silent about Mitt Romney’s shadow National Security Council, the 50-plus madmen Romney has surrounded himself with as “foreign policy advisers”—many of whom helped push the U.S. into the disastrous war against Iraq. Romney had the chutzpa to name his foreign policy after the Project for a NewAmerican Century, the neo-con dream of a new Pearl Harbor that was fulfilled on 9-11. Several include:
MICHAEL HAYDEN: On CNN (2010), former CIA director and prominent torture advocate, Michael Hayden said attacking Iran over its nuclear program might not be a bad idea. “In my personal thinking . . . I have begun to consider that [nuclear war] may not be the worst of all possible outcomes.”
ELIOT COHEN: Insanely used the 9-11 attacks to advocate war with Iran. Cohen, director of the strategic studies program at Johns Hopkins University, said either we attack Iran, or it gets nukes. “The choices are now what they ever were: an American or an Israeli strike, which would probably cause a substantial war.”
ERIC EDELMAN: Former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney. Earlier this year in an article in the Council on Foreign Relations’s publication Foreign Affairs, Edelman, along with two other co-authors, said that the U.S. will either have to attack Iran or contain its nuclear weapons capability. “The military option should not be dismissed because of the appealing but flawed notion that containment is a relatively easy or low-risk solution to a very difficult problem,” they wrote.
NORM COLEMAN: Former Republican senator from Minnesota. Said that if Israel ever attacks Iran, the United States should join in. Coleman said: “The United States is going to be part of that.”
KIM HOLMES: The Heritage Foundation’s Kim Holmes worried that negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program might be preventing the U.S. from using military force to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Holmes called peace a “serious mistake.”
Should Mitt Romney become president, get ready for more undeclared war, bigger government and a further expansion of the police state.
Irving Kristol, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams Lewis, Douglas Feith
La liste des contributeurs au document du
PNAC "Reconstruire les défenses americaines" (
"Rebuilding America's Defenses") compilé en 2000, qui a appelé à un "nouveau Pearl Harbor":
Roger Barnett, du US Naval War College,
Alvin Bernstein, de la National Defense University, Stephen Cambone, de la National Defense University,
Eliot Cohen, de la Nitze School of Advanced International Studies de la Johns Hopkins University,
Devon Gaffney Cross, du Donors' Forum of International Affairs,
Thomas Donnelly, du Project for the New American Century (PNAC),
David Epstein, du Bureau du Secrétaire de la Défense, Net Assessment,
David Fautua, Lieutenant Colonel de l'armée américaine, Dan Goure, du Center for Strategic and International Studies,
Donald Kagan, de l'Université Yale,
Fred Kagan, de l'Académie militaire américaine de West Point,
Robert Kagan, du Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
Robert Killebrew Colonel américain (à la retraite ),
William Kristol du journal The Weekly Standard,
Mark Lagon de la Commission sénatoriale des affaires étrangères,
James Lasswell de la GAMA Corporation,
I. Lewis Libby de Dechert Price & Rhoads,
Robert Martinage du Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment,
Phil Meilinger du US Naval War College,
Mackubin Owens du US Naval War College,
Steve Rosen de l'Université Harvard,
Gary Schmitt du PNAC,
Abraham Shulsky de RAND Corporation,
Michael Vickers du Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment,
Barry Watts Northrop Grumman Corporation,
Paul Wolfowitz Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, et
Dov Zakheim de System Planning Corporation,
comprend une proportion relativement élevée de noms juifs. Il y a beaucoup
plus d'individus associés au PNAC. (...)
John Bolton, Eliot Abrams, Robert Kagan, Michael Ledeen, William Kristol, Frank Gaffney Jr.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, we have been fed a crock of
Jewish/Zionist dung-heap about the Second World War. Our governments,
beholden to Jewish money and political influence, have been peddling
fantasy stories as “truth”, fairy tales as “fact”, and preposterous
fables as “history”, for seventy years straight. Our criminal
governments have been lying to us and manipulating us into fighting
senseless, catastrophic wars with the sole purpose of vanquishing the
enemies of International Jewry, and thus paving the path for the Jewish
takeover of the entire planet.
WWII — A Bloodbath For Jewish Benefit
It is a very difficult thing for Americans, Canadians, Brits,
Australians, Frenchmen, and other Westerners, to come to terms with the
fact that i) WWII was a senseless bloodbath that served no purpose other
than to benefit the Jewish Power Elite in various ways, ii) that we
were fighting on the wrong side, and iii) Hitler was right about
everything. Call it pride, cognitive dissonance, or some combination of
both — nobody likes to admit they were hoodwinked.
Jews fired the first shot in 1933.
Despite popular belief, WWII did not start in September of 1939 with
the British and French declaration of war against Germany; it actually
started in 1933. In 1933, organized Jewry initiated a subversive
economic war against Germany; a boycott of German goods designed to
weaken and destroy Hitler’s National Socialist government. The March
24, 1933, edition of England’s
Daily Express newspaper ran the headline “
Judea Declares War on Germany“. The article reported:
Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war
against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to
declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his
firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the
pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against
Hitler’s people.”
International Jewry formally declared its “holy war” against Germany
long before Hitler began restricting the rights of Germany’s Jews.
Jewry’s war declaration against Germany was issued by Samuel Untermeyer
of the World Jewish Federation who said, in the New York Times of 7 Aug.
1933, that it would be means of an
“economic boycott that will
undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses
by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.”
The Toronto Evening Telegram, February 26, 1940, quoted Rabbi Maurice
L. Perlzweig of the World Jewish Congress telling a Canadian audience
“the World Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years.” The Jewish desire for war was admitted to by Rabbi Felix Mendelsohn in the Chicago “Sentinel” of 8 Oct. 1942 where he states:
“The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.”
Vladimir Jabotinsky (founder of the Jewish terrorist group, Irgun
Zvai Leumi) in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934 (also quoted in “Histoire
de l’Armée Allemande” by Jacques Benoist-Mechin, Vol. IV, p. 303)
months now the struggle against Germany is waged by each Jewish
community, at each conference, in all our syndicates, and by each Jew
all over the world. There is reason to believe that our part in this
struggle has general value. We will trigger a spiritual and material war
of all the world against Germany’s ambitions to become once again a
great nation, to recover lost territories and colonies. But our Jewish
interests demand the complete destruction of Germany. Collectively and
individually, the German nation is a threat to us Jews.” In Les Nouvelles Litterairres, February 10, 1940, Schalom Asch is quoted as saying
: “Even
if we Jews are not physically at your side in the trenches, we are
morally with you. This war is our war and you fight it with us.”
Chaim Weizmann, the late chairman of the World Zionist Organization
and first president of Israel, made clear the genocidal Jewish intention
to destroy Germany.
In a letter to British PM Winston Churchill dated September 10, 1941,
Weizmann spoke about how the Jews of the United States pulled the
nation into the first World War, and he promised they could do it again,
given that Britain fulfilled Zionist demands regarding Palestine.
Weizmann wrote:
“It has been routinely acknowledged by British
statesman that it was the Jews who, in the last war, effectively helped
to tip the scales in America in favour of Great Britain. They are keen
to do it — and may do it — again.” In a Speech on December 3, 1942, in New York,
Weizmann stated:
are not denying and are not afraid to confess that this war is our war
and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry… Stronger than all
fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this
war our financial support on which the entire war production is based,
we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral
energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is
predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in
their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horses
in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute
the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front
is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.”
The 24 July, 1942, edition of the American
Hebrew Magazine made it plainly clear who brought America into the war
when it declared that
“whenever an American or a Filipino fell
at Bataan or Corregidor or at any other of the now historic spots where
MacArthur’s men put up their remarkable fight, their survivors could
have said with truth: the real reason that boy went to his death was
because Hitler’s anti-semitic movement succeeded in Germany.”
Further proof Jews were behind the push for war on both sides of the
Atlantic came in the form of a diary entry made by James Forrestal, who
later became U.S. Secretary of Defense in the Truman administration.
In his diary of 27 Dec. 1945
Forrestal notes that he played golf with Joseph Kennedy (father of
JFK), FDR’s ambassador to Britain, who told him that ex-Prime Minister
Neville Chamberlain
“stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into war.” In 1949,
Forrestal was fired by President Truman and within two months was murdered (ruled a “suicide”) for his opposition to Zionism and the nascent state of Israel.
Likewise, Roosevelt was guided into the war by Jews. On 9 February
1938, the Polish Ambassador in Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki,
reported to the Foreign Minister in Warsaw on the Jewish role in shaping American foreign policy. His secret reports said such things as:
“The pressure of the Jews on President Roosevelt and on the State Department is becoming ever more powerful …
… The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war
psychosis which would plunge the entire world into war and bring about
general catastrophe.
…the Jews have also created real chaos: they have mixed
together the idea of democracy and communism and have above all raised
the banner of burning hatred against Nazism.
In conversations with Jewish press representatives I have
repeatedly come up against the inexorable and convinced view that war is
inevitable. This international Jewry exploits every means of propaganda
to oppose any tendency towards any kind of consolidation and
understanding between nations.
The American public is subject to an ever more alarming propaganda which is under Jewish influence…
…Propaganda is mostly in the hands of the Jews who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press.”
Roosevelt was surrounded by Jew advisers — rabid anti-German
hatemongers and warmongers of the worst sort — such as Bernard Baruch,
S. I. Rosenman, Sidney Weinburg, Sidney Hillman, Henry Morgenthau Jr.,
and Felix Frankfurter.
Dr. Stephen Sniegoski points out in his book review of
The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State:
“Jews also played a significant role in getting the
United States into World War II to destroy their Nazi nemesis. And they
worked actively to undermine popular noninterventionist resistance to
war. For example, the Anti-Defamation League “employed investigative
agents who secretly penetrated isolationist and anti-Semitic
organizations and collected potentially damaging or incriminating
information” which it turned over to the FBI and other federal agencies.
(p. 110) Ginsberg does not develop this point, but given the fact that
the overwhelming majority of “isolationists” were not enemy agents and
were simply exercising their constitutional right to oppose a policy, it
is apparent that activist American Jews have been quite willing to
crush the civil liberties of others in order to advance their own goals.
Jews also played a critical part in turning the media toward a prowar
stance. (That was quite an achievement, since the American mood in the
1930s was strongly antiwar and “isolationist.”) In Hollywood, Jewish
film makers concentrated on producing anti-Nazi propaganda films to
prepare the masses for a crusade against evil.”
So, as has been clearly demonstrated, WWII was provoked by Jews and
the blame for this catastrophic bloodbath of sixty million human beings
lays squarely at the feet of International Jewry. Hitler did not start
the war nor did he want war. To the contrary, Hitler made it clear that
he was opposed to such a war, having witnessed first hand the hell of
the first catastrophic world war. In 1945
Hitler stated:
is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was
wanted and provoked solely by international statesmen either of Jewish
origin or working for Jewish interests. Nor had I ever wished that after
the appalling first World War, there would ever be a second against
either England or America.”
In fact,
Jew lackey British PM Winston Churchill — who was a self-professed
Zionist, a warmonger, a
terrorist, and mass murderer –
flatly rejected peace offers from Hitler in 1939, 1940 and 1941.
When Hitler’s number two man, Rudolf Hess, made his miraculous flight
to Britain (having to crash land in Scotland) in 1941 to make peace and
end the war,
Churchill had him arrested and imprisoned for life.
Undeniably it was the Jews, and their puppet politicians in America,
France and Britain, who wanted war, and did everything they could to
instigate and then prolong it.
Jews throughout the world often screamed that National Socialist
Germany was intent on ruling the world. The Jewish-controlled US press
collectively referred to Germans as war-like barbarians and “Huns”. The
Theodore Kaufman, in his diabolical anti-Germanic hate screed,
Germany Must Perish!
(published in 1941), accused the Germans of pursuing a policy of world
dominion and therefore advocated their complete annihilation and the
territorial dissection of their nation. Kaufman chillingly wrote:
it must be patent by now that while all the Germans may not approve of
the means being employed by the Nazis in achieving
German-world-dominion, they are practically unanimous in agreeing that
that goal must, now or in the future, be definitely achieved by Germany.
Were the German nations to win this war, not one German would hesitate
laying claim to a share in the loot … Yet defeat will on no account
erase their desire to conquer and rule the world. There is only one way
to frustrate such a desire: the goal of world-dominion must be removed
from the reach of the German and the only way to accomplish that is to
remove the German from the world!” (Kaufman, Theodore. “Germany Must Perish!”, Argyle Press. 1941)
This is a
classic case of Jewish psychological projection, considering that it has always been the
chief objective of the
Jewish religion to rule the earth and
acquire all earthly treasures and possessions;
thereby making all Gentiles into subservient slaves to the Jews. It is
the Jews, not the Germans, who desire world domination, as the
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have made perfectly clear. Not only is Jewish world dominion elucidated in the Protocols (which have undoubtedly
proven to be authentic,
despite endless Jewish kvetching to the contrary) but in all ancient
Judaic religious texts — the Torah, Talmud, books of the Zohar and
Kaballah. Prominent Jewish rabbis from Israel are
quite open about their sinister desire to
murder and
enslave non-Jews.
The Zionist Hand Behind Middle-East Wars
Zionist butcher, Ariel Sharon, puppeteered America's military forces like a marrionette to crush his enemies.
The genocidal destruction that has rained down on the middle-east for the past decade was launched at the behest of a
small cadre of conniving Jewish-Zionist ideologues
who call themselves “neoconservatives.” The brainchild of three Jewish
Communists (“Trotskyites”) Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz and Leo
Strauss, neoconservatism is — and has always been — a Jewish movement,
led by Zionist motivations and for Zionist gain.
article written by Gal Beckerman in the Jewish daily news magazine,
The Forward, opined:
the Jewishness of neoconservatism has always triggered the red,
flashing lights of antisemitism, especially since the start of the Iraq
War (with extra points if it’s Pat Buchanan doing the acknowledging).
But there is some truth to the suspicion. If there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it. It’s a thought one imagines most American Jews, overwhelmingly liberal, will find horrifying. And
yet it is a fact that as a political philosophy, neoconservatism was
born among the children of Jewish immigrants and is now largely the
intellectual domain of those immigrants’ grandchildren.“
Jewish political scientist, Benjamin Ginsberg, acknowledged that neoconservatism
was essentially a product of Jewish tribalism:
major factor that drew them inexorably to the right was their
attachment to Israel and their growing frustration during the 1960s with
a Democratic party that was becoming increasingly opposed to American
military preparedness and increasingly enamored of Third World causes
[e.g., Palestinian rights]. In the Reaganite right’s hard-line
anti-communism, commitment to American military strength, and
willingness to intervene politically and militarily in the affairs of
other nations to promote democratic values (and American interests),
neocons found a political movement that would guarantee Israel’s
Irving Kristol,
the Jewish “godfather” of the neoconservative movement let slip the
Israeli-centric agenda of his nefarious ideology when, in 1973,
he stated:
McGovern is very sincere when he says that he will try to cut the
military budget by 30%. And this is to drive a knife in the heart of
Israel… Jews don’t like big military budgets. But it is now in the
interests of the Jews to have a large and powerful military
establishment in the United States… American Jews who care about the
survival of the state of Israel have to say, no, we don’t want to cut
the military budget, it is important to keep that military budget big,
so that we can defend Israel.”
Fellow neoconservative godfather
Norman Podhoretz has made
similar statements about using American military prowess to protect Israel.
Leo Strauss, also a
Jewish Zionist
and early neocon “intellectual,” advocated the perpetual deception of
the public by those in power for a “greater good.” This “greater good”
that he spoke of was what was
good for the Jews, not the
Gentiles among whom they live. Noam Chomsky has argued that Strauss’s
theory is a form of Leninism, in which society should be led by a group
of elite vanguards, whose job is to protect liberal society against the
dangers of excessive individualism, and creating inspiring myths to make
the masses believe that they are fighting against anti-democratic and
anti-liberal forces. Journalists, such as Seymour Hersh, have opined
that Strauss endorsed noble lies, “myths used by political leaders
seeking to maintain a cohesive society.”
Jewish neocon genocidists like to speak in public about “global
crusades for democracy,” but this is just a clever ruse to deceive the
“Goyim” about their real agenda which is to bolster the hegemonic status
of Israel in the middle-east ensemble. The Jew William Kristol (son of
Irving Kristol), editor of the Weekly Standard,
explained the real reason for the disingenuous rhetoric about global democracy to the Jerusalem Post (27th July 2000):
always thought it was best for Israel for the US to be generally
engaged and generally strong, and then the commitment to Israel follows
from a general foreign policy.”
Two of Leo Stauss’s
more notable protégé’s were none other than Jewish Iraq war architect, Paul Wolfowitz, and
Abram Shulsky. Shulsky was the Jewish Straussian who was appointed head of the
Office of Special Plans
by fellow Jewish neocon Douglas Feith (then Under Secretary of Defense
for Policy in the Pentagon). This office supplied the major portion of
the fraudulent “intelligence” that was used by the Bush administration
to justify the war against Iraq. It has been proven that the Zionist
propaganda entity embedded within the Pentagon, the Office of Special
worked closely with Israel to cook up the “Iraq WMD threat to America” hoax.
The phony “threat” of Iraq possessing or attempting to possess and wield “weapons of mass destruction”
was cunningly contrived by Israel and its vast network of Jewish “sayanim” operatives in America
who formed a tight conglomeration of neoconservative “think tanks”,
such as the Project for a New American Century, American Enterprise
Institute, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Jewish Institute
for National Security Affairs, among many others, who were behind all of
the propaganda, conjecture and lies that led to the disastrous Zionist
proxy war to behead the Iraqi nation for Israel’s benefit in 2003.
Israel’s sayanim operatives had also burrowed their way into the top
echelons of the Bush Administration and the Pentagon — namely Paul
Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Eliot Abrams,
Abram Shulsky, Lewis Libby, Ari Fleischer, David Frum, Eliot Cohen,
Joshua Bolten, Marc Grossman and many others — thus enabling these
inhuman Zionist war-hawks to set US foreign policy at the drop of a
dime. In fact, the Bush Administration was infested with dual
Israeli-American citizens;
forty-two of them to be exact. Many of these Jews had extensive
links to the Jewish-Israeli lobby (AIPAC, AJC, ADL, ZOA, etc) and to the Sharon regime in Israel.
It’s not exactly a secret that the neocons are mostly Jews whose
loyalty lies with the Zionist state, not America. Ari Shavit, a writer
for Israel’s
Haaretz Daily News Service, proudly proclaimed that:
“The war in Iraq was conceived by 25
neoconservatives, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to
change the course of history.”
It’s incredible to see some people still trying to deny this.
This lunatic Zionist agenda for mid-east destruction goes back much
further than many people realize. In 1996, a militarist Israeli “thank
tank” called the
Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
(IASPS), authored a policy paper for the incoming Israeli Likud Prime
Minister, the crazed Arab-hating war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu,
entitled “
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm“.
Within this damnable Zionist strategy paper we find the overthrow of
Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi Ba’athist regime being advocated as an
“important Israeli strategic objective”, as well as calls for the toppling of the governments of Iran and Syria. Their
grand strategy was aimed at replacing the governments of these countries with Israel-friendly stooges.
Three of the authors of this warmongering paper were none other than
Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser — all of whom became top
ranking members of the Bush Administration in 2001 eagerly pushing for
an American war with Iraq. The Clean Break paper was essentially a
continuation of an earlier proposal by Zionist extremist Oded Yinon
called “
A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s” (published in 1982). Yinon wickedly suggested that the Arab States
should be destroyed from within by exploiting their internal religious and ethnic tensions.
These cold-blooded Israeli Geo-political strategists envisioned that by
weakening Israel’s external enemies they could thereby weaken Israel’s
internal enemies, i.e. the native Palestinians.
Some of the subversive Jews behind the Iraq War.
The ultra-militaristic
Project for a New American Century group — which many people suggest was the prime mover in shaping the post-9/11 American-led war agenda in the middle-east —
was essentially an offshoot of the Israeli IASPS,
and was headed by Jewish neocon heavyweights William Kristol and Robert
Kagan. In one of the group’s deranged “studies” in September of 2000,
PNAC released a report entitled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses:
Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century”, which called for a
“New Pearl Harbor” in order to galvanize the American masses behind
illegal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and a broader war against the entire
Arab/Muslim world. It
chillingly stated,
“the process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic catalyzing event — like a New Pearl Harbor.” At least
half the members of the PNAC group were Jewish. The
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs and the
American Enterprise Institute
were also instrumental in the deceptive propaganda campaign that led to
the war in Iraq. Both groups were Jewish-financed and run operations.
Another important piece to this Zionist puzzle is the
Jonathan Institute,
a maniacal Zionist “think tank” set up in 1979 by former and current
Israeli prime minister’s Menachem Begin (terrorist/mass murderer, former
head of the Irgun) and Benjamin Netanyahu. This group of Israeli terror
planners held a series of conferences throughout the 1980s and derived
its name from Bibi Netanyahu’s late brother Jonathan Netanyahu, who was
killed in the Israeli raid on Entebbe airport in Uganda in the 1970s.
This coterie of Zionist crooks endeavored to promote their genocidal
fantasies of a “clash of civilizations” between the West and Israel’s
Arab/Islamic adversaries and also effectively publicized their desire
for Western powers to adopt their espoused doctrine of “preemptive
retaliation,” the Israeli policy of killing those designated as
“terrorists” before they can act. Begin, Netanyahu and other
international Jewish terror masters, attempted to seduce Western leaders
to join their sadistic effort to fragment and destabilize the
middle-east so as to make it safer for Israel and ripe for Israeli
Zionist parasite Netanyahu, the architect of 9/11 and the global "war on terror" crusade of Zionist mayhem and chaos.
Netanyahu published a book in 1986 entitled,
Terrorism: How the West Can Win,
which was a collection of essays from himself and like-minded Zionist
gangsters who harbored grandiose dreams of the annihilation of Arabs and
Muslims who get in the way of the Likud Party’s strategic objectives.
Netanyahu’s book
basically lays out the frame-work for what is now generally known as the “war on terror”, and contains all of the vocabulary and discourse that didn’t enter our lexicon until
the suspicious events of 9/11. This book is undoubtedly a key piece of
evidence that the “war on terror” is a Zionist-engineered scam for
global Jewish hegemony.
The Jewish Neocons — who had been lurking over capital hill like
hawks for decades, running their sleazy Zionist propaganda outfit
magazines and periodicals such as
The Weekly Standard and
The New Republic
— had for years been unsuccessful in their ceaseless pursuit to drag
America into another war in the middle-east, following the first
Persian-Gulf war in 1991. Nobody was buying their lies that Iraq posed
an imminent danger to America. But that all changed on September 11,
The catalyst for this current state of perpetual warfare between the
West and Israel’s Islamic enemies was, of course, 9/11; the “new pearl
harbor” event that the PNAC Zionists had been lusting for to realize
their wet-dreams of endless warfare.
Pitting the West against the Islamic Middle-East in a prolonged
battle was something that Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak and the
then Israeli PM Ariel Sharon
publicly called for within an hour of the terrorist spectacle
that struck America on that fateful day; a testament to the true
authors of the day’s horrific events. An event that Benjamin Netanyahu
mockingly proclaimed was a
“good thing for Israel … will bring immediate sympathy [for Israel's cause].” An event that genocidaire, Ariel Sharon,
dubbed Israel’s “Hanukkah miracle.” An event which
Israeli political analyst Ehud Sprinzak candidly described as
“the most important public relations act ever committed” in favor of the Jews and Israel.
Of course, for those of us who have actually studied the subject of
9/11, we know who the real perpetrators were. The former head of
Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service (Hamid Gul), the 25 year German SPD
parliamentarian and author of several books on the secret operations of
intelligence agencies (Andreas Von Bulow), the former President of Italy
(Francesco Cossiga), as well as the former director of studies of the
US Army War College (Dr. Alan Sabrosky), all unanimously concur that
the Israeli Mossad conducted 9/11 as a false-flag attack to kick-start this long-planned “clash of civilizations” that Zionists had been so zealously lobbying for, for decades.
(For more information about the Jewish origins and Zionist
machinations of the neoconservative movement that engineered the Iraq
War, see Michael Collins Piper’s book,
The High Priests of War, and Dr. Stephen Sniegoski’s book,
The Transparent Cabal. Also recommended are the two excellent documentaries, “
War By Deception” and “
Missing Links“, which comprehensively expose the Zionist cabal behind 9/11 and the 9/11 wars.)
Jewish Neocons and the HoloHoax
There is an interesting connection between Jewish neoconservatism and the
fictitious ‘Holocaust’ religion.
The Jewish Mafia’s preposterous anti-German conspiracy theory — known
to the world as The Holocaust™ — is central to neoconservative thinking.
Jewish journalist Gal Beckerman
had this to say about the motivations of Jewish neoconservatives:
“It was Podhoretz, however, who gave neoconservatism its
most explicitly Jewish cast. The August 1968 issue of Commentary
featured Emil Fackenheim’s famous essay, “Jewish Faith and the
Holocaust: A Fragment,” which included Fackenheim’s contention that
after Auschwitz, Jews had a moral responsibility to defend Jewish
interests so as not to hand Hitler a “posthumous vic-tory.” By February
1972, Podhoretz himself wrote a piece titled, without irony, “Is It Good
for the Jews?”
Holocaust consciousness was growing in the 1970s, as was a renewed
sense of threat to Jews and a feeling that, as Podhoretz put it, the
postwar “statute of limitations” on anitisemitism had run out. Israel’s
security, threatened in the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War — both
events that gave Jews existential pause — suddenly became a top American
Jewish concern. Podhoretz came to identify more and more with the
defense of Jews, and by the 1980s, half his articles on international
affairs focused on Israel and threats to the Jewish people.”
As that article demonstrates, one of the main motivating factors
behind the policies advocated by neoconservative ideologues was
protecting the Jews from “another holocaust.” Of course, what this
article won’t tell you is that the alleged ‘holocaust’ of Jews during
did not, and could not have scientifically, mathematically, possibly ever occurred. Nor did any of
the dozens of other “holocausts” or “imminent holocausts” of “six million Jews”
that Jewish-Zionist and Jewish-Communist propagandists had been
incessantly promoting in the press dating back to the late 19th century.
Interestingly, the main Zionist architect of the savage Iraq War,
Paul Wolfowitz, was heavily influenced by the fraudulent mythology of
According to Shelemyahu Zacks,
Paul Wolfowitz’ father, Jacob Wolfowitz, “fought … for the liberation
of Soviet Jewry. He was a friend and strong supporter of the state of
Israel, AIPAC member and had many friends and admirers there.” Paul
wikipedia article asserts that he was,
influenced by his father, Paul Wolfowitz became “a soft-spoken former
aspiring-mathematician-turned-policymaker … [whose] world views … were
forged by family history and in the halls of academia rather than in the
jungles of Vietnam or the corridors of Congress … [His father] …
escaped Poland after World War I. The rest of his father’s family
perished in the Holocaust.” Wolfowitz may have lost some family in
WWII, as did tens of millions of other people, but his relatives
certainly didn’t die in a “homicidal gas chamber” because
such claims are a tissue of fabrication.
Wikipedia tells us that Wolfowitz read about the HoloHoax and
Hiroshima as a boy and calls them “the polar horrors”. Speaking of the
influence of the HoloHoax on his views, Wolfowitz said:
“That sense
of what happened in Europe in World War II has shaped a lot of my views …
It’s a very bad thing when people exterminate other people [except,
of course, when Jews exterminate Palestinians or when Allied troops
exterminated Germans or when Jewish Communists exterminated Russians and
Ukrainians or when American troops exterminate Arabs and Muslims on
behalf of Israel -- ZCF]
, and people persecute minorities. It
doesn’t mean you can prevent every such incident in the world, but it’s
also a mistake to dismiss that sort of concern as merely humanitarian
and not related to real interest.”
Another key architect of the Iraq War, sleazeball Zionist genocidist Richard Perle, is seen in
this BBC documentary titled “The War Party”,
saying how the HoloHoax has shaped his worldview and is essentially the
motivating factor that drives his insidious warmongering on behalf of
Israel. At the 16:49 mark of the video, Perle says:
“the defining
moment of our history was certainly the holocaust. It was destruction, a
genocide of a whole people, and it was the failure to respond in a
timely fashion to a threat that was clearly gathering. We don’t want
that to happen again. When we have the ability to stop totalitarian
regimes we should do so because when we fail to do so the results are
It is supremely axiomatic that the “big lie” of “Iraqi WMD” that was
used to justify the war against Iraq was conjured up by, in essence, the
same caliber of cunning Jew propagandists that conned the world into
believing in the “big lie” of “German WMD” (the gas-chambers myth). The
shared mindset of people like Perle, Wolfowitz, and other Jewish
neocons, is that the HoloHoax justifies Israel’s existence, it justifies
US support for Israel, and it justifies endless wars against
Arab/Muslim nations for Israel’s “security.”
children are mesmerized by HoloHoax propaganda films from the outset of
their childhood. No wonder they believe it so much.
The Zionist-trumpeted myth of ‘Iraqi WMD’ has been dismantled and is
believed by very few people today (with the possible exception of Sean
Hannity). However, the myth of ‘German WMD’ (gas-chambers lie) is still
very much believed by the majority of the mind-controlled Western
populace, because that propaganda has been so relentless and intensively
force-fed to people since a young age. Not only that, but it is
illegal to challenge the claims of the HoloHoax in a
dozen countries in Europe — no wonder so many people believe it, in many
countries they are forced to by law! Europeans who bravely refuse to
blindly accept and adhere to the conformist dogma of this hoax run the
risk of heavy fines and even imprisonment! Truth doesn’t need laws to
protect it from scrutiny,
but lies do.
Once the holocaust myth is finally dismembered on a wide scale, then
all of the fraudulent justifications Jewish Neocons give to generate
support for Israel and global Jewry in all of their villainous
endeavors, will collapse like a house of cards.
The First Gulf War, Atrocity Propaganda and the HoloHoax
Steven Solarz and Tom Lantos masterminded the push for American
intervention in the first Persian-Gulf war using lies and deceit.
There is also an interesting correlation between the first Gulf War, atrocity propaganda and the HoloHoax.
The late American-Jewish congressman
Tom Lantos,
a Hungarian “HoloHoax survivor” and rabid Zionist, was the mastermind
behind another series of atrocity lies which led the US down the path of
endless wars in the middle-east on behalf of Israel. Tom Lantos’
Congressional Human Rights Caucus
held a hearing after the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq in 1991. Lantos’
Human Rights Caucus presented “(lie)witnesses” who spoke about alleged
atrocities committed by Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait. It was revealed months
after this hearing successfully pushed America into the first Gulf War,
that the whole thing was a scripted hoax! The entire saga was concocted with the help of the public relations firm, Hill and Knowlton.
The testimony that clinched the war resolution that barely passed in
the Senate in a 52-47 vote, was delivered by a young Kuwaiti girl who
appeared anonymous at the hearing, known to the public only as
“Nayirah”. She claimed to have witnessed Iraqi troops come into a
Kuwaiti hospital with guns, who then proceeded to remove dozens of
babies from their incubators — stole the incubators — and left the
babies to die on the cold floor. This never happened. “Nayirah” spoke
perfect American English (likely lived in the US her whole life) and
turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United
States. This disgraceful and corrupt young woman was nothing less than a
paid actor, coached in the art of deception, who tearfully recited a
rehearsed pro-war propaganda script prepared for her by her Zionist
paymasters. This hoax atrocity story was widely publicized by mainstream
media outlets and Kuwaiti officials repeated these lies at the United
Nations in their campaign to elicit Western intervention in their
struggle with Saddam Hussein.
The “
Kuwaiti incubators hoax” essentially provided the
casus belli
for American intervention in the first Gulf War. Evidently, child
atrocity stories are an effective pro-war propaganda tool because of
their ability to garner anger from the public, which is why Jews are so
fond of telling grotesque tall tales of Nazis ripping babies in half
with their bare hands. Is it any surprise that Lantos (being the
experienced liar that he is) was one of the highlighted stars of Steven
Spielberg’s Holocaust Hoax documentary, “The Last Days”? A
counter-documentary which exposes the lies of Spielberg’s hate film was
released earlier this year titled “
The Last Days of the Big Lie“; I encourage everyone to watch it.
attempted second twentieth century "gas chambers" hoax in 1991; this
time maligning Iraqis with this ridiculous 'blood libel'. Click to
It is hardly surprising that during the first Zionist-contrived Gulf
War deceitful Jews laughably attempted to resurrect the WWII “homicidal
gas chambers” myth and project it onto Iraq. The New York based
Jewish Press, then calling itself “the largest independent Anglo-Jewish weekly newspaper,” wrote on its title page on February 21, 1991:
“IRAQIS HAVE GAS CHAMBERS FOR ALL JEWS” The front cover announcement of volume 12, number 1 (spring 1991), of
Response, a periodical published by the Jewish Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles and distributed in 381,065 copies, was:
“GERMANS PRODUCE ZYKLON B IN IRAQ (Iraq’s German-made gas chamber)”
Nobody took those claims seriously, and they obviously weren’t true.
But it illustrates the reckless disregard Jews have for historical truth
and accuracy. Time and time again we see mendacious Jews carelessly
trying to elicit sympathy from the public using lies, even resorting to
resurrecting past false propaganda narratives to malign their
enemies (the Arabs and Muslims) with. It’s been over 60 years since
WWII, you’d think these scoundrels would have come up with some new lies
and slanders by now. It seems that any time the Jews want to demonize
someone they march up to the old “attic of Jewry” where they keep all
the atrocity propaganda albums and highlight reels, lift off the shelf
the first ancient
fable they can find, dust it off, and use it once again. If it doesn’t
work the first time, they try again and again until it finally sticks. I
guess the Jews aren’t as sophisticated as some might think.
Countless times, non-Jews — mesmerized by subversive propaganda —
have been duped into going to war against the Jews’ enemies.
Unmistakeably, the main tool of the Jew to accomplish his sinister ends
is the power of propaganda and mass persuasion through atrocity lies.
The television and news-media is their greatest weapon because with
those elements under their firm control they are able to shape what the
public thinks and feels; thereby shaping what people do. Multitudinous
millions of Gentiles have fought, killed and died in wars instigated by
International Jewry, aided and abetted by Gentile pawns and stooges who
sell out their own people for short-term monetary gain and political
Ostensibly, the Jews have attained their current position as global
hegemon and world dictator through the instigation of wars and
revolutions — pitting Gentiles against Gentiles. As we are busy killing
each other, the Jews merrily count their shekels all the way to the
bank. In the end, it is people’s innate naivety, as well as their
susceptibility to be deceived and misled by emotive atrocity stories,
that affords the Jews a smooth ride to world supremacy. Ladies and
gentlemen, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee before it’s too
late. Either accept the truth now, and inform others about it, or face
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