Lesley Hughes fait payer le lobby sioniste au Canada
Mounadil al Djazaïri écrit: (...) en 2002, elle avait publié un article mettant en doute les motivations officielles
de l’invasion de l’Afghanistan par les troupes occidentales et où elle
observait que les services secrets russes, allemands et sionistes
avaient alerté la CIA sur le risque imminent d’attentat. Des infos
qu’elle avait pêchées dans des médias conspirationnistes comme le Daily
Telegraph de Londres, Fox News ou le Jerusalem Post.
Mais ce qui lui a valu des problèmes est qu’elle avait observé que
les Etats Unis avaient ignoré les
mises en garde, mais que les entreprises israéliennes les avaient prises
au sérieux, et avaient (à juste raison) évacué les tours jumelles.
D’où la conclusion par le Congrès Juif
Canadien que Mme Hughes était une adepte d’une théorie d’un complot
juif pour expliquer les attentats du 11 septembre et que la journaliste
était donc une antisémite patentée.
Une idée «saugrenue» qu’elle n’a jamais propagée et à laquelle elle n’a jamais adhéré, explique Mme Hughes.
L’idée du Congès Juif Canadien
était peut-être saugrenue mais elle a eu des conséquences très concrètes
sur la carrière de la journaliste qui s’était vue retirer illico presto
l’investiture de son parti par son leader le ministre de
l’environnement Peter Kent, un client du Congrès Juif Canadien
et du B’nai Brith.
Peter Kent
Il y eut bien sûr d’autres conséquences au niveau de
sa carrière avec un certain nombre de portes qui se sont fermées devant
elle, sans parler des personnes qui feignaient désormais de ne plus
s’apercevoir de sa présence en public.
Un grave préjudice moral donc, mais
aussi matériel. En fait cette personne a subi quelque chose assez
semblable à ce qui subit encore l’humoriste Dieudonné en France.
Mme Hughes ne s’est pas laissée faire
et a porté l’affaire en justice et après plusieurs années de procédure,
elle a obtenu un arrangement à l’amiable dont les clauses sont
confidentielles, mais avec sans doute beaucoup d’argent à la clef.
Il est vrai qu’elle ne s’était jamais
pour sa part, attaquée frontalement au régime et au lobby sionistes.
Elle a néanmoins réussi à faire cracher les dollars à ce dernier.
par Bruce Owen,
Winnipeg Free Press (Canada)
20 janvier 2013
traduit de l’anglais par Djazaïri
La journaliste
Lesley Hughes est enfin débarrassée des allégations d’antisémitisme
Un règlement négocié sans passer par le
tribunal a été obtenu dans ses poursuites pour diffamation contre le
ministre fédéral Peter Kent, le Congrès Juif Canadien, le B’nai Brith du
Canada et quatre hauts responsables de deux organisations juives.
“J’ai besoin de respirer profondément et
de reprendre ma vie d’avant,” a déclaré mercredi la
journaliste/productrice indépendante.
“J’espère vraiment que les portes qui se
sont fermées ces quatre dernières années vont s’ouvrir à nouveau,”
a-t-elle dit. « C’étaient des partenariats très importants pour moi,
avec des gens que je respectais. Les gens ne vous rappellent pas, ils ne
répondent pas à vos courriels, ils ne vous voient pas quand ils vous
croisent en public. C’est un exercice où on vous fait «disparaître.»
«Je pense que c’est fini maintenant. Je pense que je peux à nouveau regarder les gens dans les yeux.»
Hughes avait déposé plainte le 16 juin
2009, affirmant que ceux qu’elle poursuivait avaient porté contre elle
des accusations fausses et diffamatoires d’antisémitisme en relation
avec un article qu’elle avait écrit en 2002 sur les attentats du 11
septembre 2001 à New York.
En conséquence, l’ancien leader du parti
Libéral au niveau fédéral Stéphane Dion avait révoqué sa candidature
dans la circonscription de Kildonian – St. Paul pour l’élection fédérale
de 2008.
Stephane Dion
Dans un communiqué
rendu public,
le B’Nai Brith, l’ancien Congrès Juif Canadien et le ministre de
l’environnement Peter Kent affirment qu’elle n’est pas antisémite et
qu’elle ne soutient pas les théories du complot qui accablent les Juifs
et d’autres groupes minoritaires.
Hughes a indiqué que la nature confidentielle du règlement négocié ne lui permet pas d’en donner les détails.
«C’est vraiment un contexte politique et… je ne sais pas quand je pourrai écrire là-dessus,» a-telle dit.
Hughes a aussi indiqué être dans la phase
finale de rédaction d’un livre sur son expérience. Hit and Run: My
Brilliant Career in Canadian Politics, doit sortir au printemps.
Un extrait de son livre est publié sur son site internet.
“L’écriture a été une sorte de thérapie,” dit-elle de son prochain livre.#
La connexion israélienne des attentats du 11 Septembre : tel est le
sujet qui provoque embarras, mises à l’index et désinformation de la
part de nombreux journalistes et militants associatifs, notamment en
France, par Hicham Hamza voir son livre sur Israel et le 11
septembre: "Le grand tabou", qui malheureusement cite le faux chercheur
et authentique saboteur et informateur des services secrets
(britanniques anglicans) Christopher Bollyn. Un fauteur de trouble à
dénoncer à tout prix, pour le bien de l'humanité.
Chapter 28: 9-11 and the New
Internet Paradigm:
The Necessity for
High-Level Manipulation and Control of the
Dissemination of Information
Many of
these operatives spent much of their time putting out what could only be
described as downright “crazy” theories about 9-11 that redirected attention
away from sober, responsible research.
In other
instances, they specialized in cranking out often-reckless theories that were
quite easily refutable, therefore giving credence to the oft-heard claim from
the mainstream media that any and all other dissident 9-11 research was just as
silly and unreliable.
And in a
number of instances, there were several 9-11 “truthers” who, while pointing the
finger of blame at Israel, were (at the same time) engaging in other activity
that led many observers to believe that these individuals were “black
propaganda” operatives trying to bring discredit to those who believed Israel
was indeed responsible for 9-11.
Two such
individuals, Christopher Bollyn and Eric Hufschmid—whom many believe were
“ringers” inserted into the 9-11 truth movement from the beginning—ingratiated
themselves with American Free Press (having pretended to be enthusiastic about
my book Final Judgment) and, over a period of time, engaged in a concerted
effort to influence AFP’s coverage of 9-11—and not in a positive way.
AFP discovered that while Bollyn and Hufschmid supplied a lot of “good”
information, that data was mixed in with a variety of “bad” data, the
consequence of which was that many of the stories the two generated (working
hand-in-hand on a daily basis behind the scenes for well over a year) proved to
be of rather dubious value.
At one
juncture, Bollyn and Hufschmid tried to convince the editors of AFP that
outspoken 9-11 survivor, William Rodriguez—who had been honored by 9-11 truth
seekers all over the United States and around the world for his integrity—was
some sort of “Zionist agent.”
And despite
the fact that independently wealthy American philanthropist Jimmy Walter had
bankrolled speaking engagements by both Bollyn and Hufschmid, the dynamic duo
also spread the word that Walter—who spent millions of dollars of his own money
seeking to alert the public to 9-11 truth—was also a stooge for Israeli
For my own
part, I spent an entire week in Malaysia in the company of both Rodriguez and Walter
and I never saw any sign that they were working to advance Zionist interests in
any way, shape or form.
considering the record of Bollyn and Hufschmid, I think it’s safe to say that
the same thing cannot be said about them.
all of this, more than a handful of 9-11 dissidents (including many who
believed Israel was behind 9-11) ultimately came to conclude Bollyn was
actually a disinformation agent using a perverse back-handed way of
discrediting AFP and those who believed the Mossad was responsible for 9-11.
critics correctly pointed out that Bollyn had a pattern of misquoting sources,
misinterpreting scientific information, and making assertions about certain
matters without any foundational authority.
consequence was that Bollyn’s disinformation gave ammunition to critics of
AFP’s contention that the Mossad was behind 9-11 and as such was
enthusiastically bandied about by Zionist propagandists seeking to undermine
AFP’s thesis even though the questionable material by Bollyn focused on
scientific data that had nothing whatsoever to do with the specific matter of
Mossad involvement in 9-11.
In the end,
after their deception was unmasked, Bollyn and Hufschmid launched a smear
campaign against AFP alleging that we were, too, were really “Zionist agents” trying
to cover up Mossad involvement in 9-11, an allegation preposterous on its face
to anyone familiar with AFP’s work. Bollyn even claimed that Mark Lane—the
anti-Zionist Jewish critic of Israel who pinpointed the CIA’s role in the JFK
assassination conspiracy—was a Zionist and a secret asset of the CIA!
not unpredictably—a few naive folks actually believed these liars, especially
people new to the 9-11 truth movement who didn’t have access to the big
picture. However, when all was said and done, the romance between Bollyn and
Hufschmid came to a bitter end and the two began accusing one another of being
Zionist agents!
And the
strange outside possibility was that both of them could actually have been
right. After all, not all Zionist agents necessarily know the identities of the
others. That’s how complex the world of intelligence intrigue happens to be.
own website devolved into a mish-mash of weird commentary (often referencing
sexual matters, especially human interaction with animals) and once even
included a nude photograph of Hufschmid, taken from the rear, ostensibly for
the purpose of explaining some “health” matter Hufschmid felt would interest
his readers.
Bollyn, an American, had spent time on an Israeli kibbutz and later married an
Israeli woman—who worked for Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic intelligence
agency—was a point many found telling. That his own sister was also married to
a Jew and had taken up residence in Israel was also considered somewhat
It’s always
been my suspicion (based on a variety of data too complicated to delve into
here) that Bollyn was a long-standing international free-lance intelligence
operative who, for at least a substantial part of his career, was working for
the Church of England, which—although many people don’t realize it—has always
been an arm of British intelligence, active in global intrigue. In fact, Bollyn
and his family have multiple “British” connections which also point toward that
needless to say, the British Empire—which has long been under the control of
the Rothschild Dynasty—has always played a peculiar role in advancing Jewish
and Zionist interests, even going back to the days when the woman whom Bollyn
claims as an ancestor, Anne Boleyn, was a central player in a grand design that
disrupted the traditional role of the Roman Catholic Church in Britain and set
the stage for the rise of Jewish financial power in Britain in years to come.
(And that is a story in and of itself—worthy of a book that has yet to be
But for
those who are interested, an English patriot and critic of the New World order
with an abiding interest in 9-11 truth—and who does believe Israel was a key
player in that tragedy—has put together a remarkably detailed website (complete
with a fascinating variety of links and other valuable information) which
delves into the bizarre story of Bollyn and his erstwhile friend Hufschmid. See for more.
In any
event, all of this having been said, it’s quite clear that the circumstances surrounding
9-11 gave Israel—along with other power players on the world stage—a new
understanding of how the Internet worked and how its resources could be
utilized (for better or for worse) in manipulating global opinion.
And as a
consequence, people in high places began working to lay forth a plan to ensure
that, in the future, the Internet could be used for their own benefit and to
undercut those—such as the 9-11 dissidents and other truth-seekers who
questioned “official” stories about such matters as the JFK assassination and
the Oklahoma bombing and other matters—who stood in opposition to the New World
Order agenda.
As we shall
see, this carefully-crafted endeavor had even further consequences when the
plan was skillfully put into actual working order in the wake of the Sandy Hook
shooting in Newtown, Connecticut and the Boston Marathon bombing that followed
not long afterward.
Internet, as a consequence, was no longer simply a venue for truth seekers to “get
the word out” about high-level cover-ups. Instead, it became a vehicle used by
the high-level conspirators to not only confuse the work of the truth seekers
but also to combat them by discrediting them through some of the most
manipulative means possible.
It’s a
story that has never been told before, but it is a story that must be told, if
real truth seekers are going to be able to deal with the big challenges that
lie ahead, particularly when confronted with propaganda and disinformation
designed to frustrate their efforts to combat the very real forces of Evil that
lie behind the New World Order.
Let us then
move forward and examine this extraordinary conspiracy in a way that it has
never before been dissected. It’s a shocker . . .
Internet’s Leading Encyclopedia Censors True History of Sept. 11
• AFP web editor wages battle for truth about 9-11 attacks
By Dave Gahary
demise of printed hardcover encyclopedias and the subsequent rise of
the electronic web version has brought with it unintended consequences
for those wishing to learn the truth on a variety of extremely important
topics, information that should be common knowledge to the masses.
a series of damning emails exchanged with this writer, the predominant
Internet-based encyclopedia website, Wikipedia, admitted they censor
material they subjectively deemto be controversial in reference to the
Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, although their censoring is not limited to 9-11.
reason this admission is so significant is due primarily to Wikipedia’s
reach. According to its entry on itself, Wikipedia, launched on Jan.
15, 2001, “is the largest and most popular general reference work on the
Internet, ranking seventh globally among all websites . . . having an
estimated 365 million readers worldwide.”
The name “is a portmanteau of wiki, from the Hawaiian word meaning ‘fast’ or ‘quick,’ and encyclopedia.”
freewebsite is edited collaboratively by volunteers around the world,
and contains “30 million articles in 287 languages.” It is commonly
accepted that “almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone having
access to the site.”While this is true, what is not mentioned is that
the edits to “sensitive” entries will be removed, regularly.
As the
web editor for AMERICAN FREE PRESS, part of this writer’s duties is to
post select articles from the newspaper on
selected for the website, all articles must be accompanied by Internet
source links, in order to enhance the quality of the information
provided there. It was during this process of placing an article by AFP
on World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein’s
unsuccessful bid “to recover billions of dollars from two airlines whose
planes were used in the . . . attacks,” even after he “already received
$4.55 billion in an insurance settlement,” that the extent of the
censorship on Wikipedia came to light.
This writer attempted to edit
theWikipedia entry for Silverstein, who “in 1980 won a bid . . . to
construct 7 World Trade Center [WTC7],” and also won the bid when theWTC
was put up for lease in 2000.
“Silverstein . . . signed the lease on
July 24, 2001,” just 45 days before the attacks that prompted America’s
endless wars and current police state.
While examining the Wikipedia
entry for Silverstein, it was noted that the Sept. 11 attacks section
made no mention of the Jewish real estate mogul’s reference on a PBS
documentary to initiate a controlled demolition on WTC7, which this
writer found odd, and a fact quite necessary to gaining a fuller
understanding of who was behind the attacks.
The paragraph I tried to post stated:
an interview for the PBS documentary “America Rebuilds: A Year at
Ground Zero,” Silverstein explained that after consulting with the New
York City fire department commander regarding WTC Building 7, which was
not attacked on 9-11, they made the decision to “pull it”—a term which
implied they decided to take down the building using controlled
Although Silverstein admitted on camera
that he orderedWTC7 demolished, this “minor edit,” while completely
accurate, was removed after it was posted and then reposted several
times. This back and forth ultimately resulted in this writer being
warned and then blocked from editing the online encyclopedia.
one bit of factual information, so vital to understanding this seminal
event in American history, remains shrouded from the easy glance of the
millions of eyes who trust Wikipedia.
The lesson to be learned
fromthe above is clear: Although the Internet can be a wonderful
resource for information, it is also rife with censorship in topics that
threaten the powers-that-be.
Dave Gahary, a former
submariner in the U.S. Navy, is the host of AFP’s “Underground
Interview” series. See for more.
À propos du 9/11 et d'Israël:
If the Holocaust and the
creation of the Jewish state jointly marked the first great turning
point in the modern history of Anti-Semitism, 9/11 marked the second. Following
the attacks, supporters of Israel spoke of a silver lining: The war
against militant Islam suddenly was a global one. Now, the whole world
would see and understand the sort of nihilistic hatred that Israelis
confronted everyday."
"America's fight became Israel's fight. Over the
last decade, a period during which Republicans and Democrats have fought
over every other subject imaginable, support for Israel has remained
one of the few issues to attract virtually unanimous bipartisan
"Among warhawks on the Right in particular, the sudden
identification of militant Islam as America's greatest enemy cast a
startling transformation in the perception of the American Jewish
community. Whereas Jews might once have treathened the American Right in
their roles as Communists, Anarchists, Trade Unioners, Civil Rights
leaders and Ivy League intellectuals, no Jew could ever be an islamist.
Just the opposite: the Jew was the perfect anti-Islamist, whose zeal and
reliability in the war on terrorism was hard-wired into his political
DNA, thanks to six decades of israeli warfare against islamic terrorists
in the Middle East. For the first time in the history of western
civilisation, the Jews' 'foreignness' and mixed-loyalties -- to the
United States, Israel and world Jewry -- became a source of respect and trust rather than suspicion."
"The September 11th attacks
changed America in a thousand different ways. Perhaps the most ironic,
given the terrorists' intensely Anti-Semitic ideology, was that it
cemented the long process leading to the Jews' full-fledged ascension
into the America establishment. "
-- "Among the Truthers", Jonathan Kay
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