Environmentalism: a new religion for the new world order
No ID on eco warriors by media: Al Gore buddy owner of sunken ship that left huge carbon footprint on Antarctic Ocean floor, Judi McLeod, Nov 26 2007
Lorsque vous en saurez plus sur Al Gore et ses connexions avec l'agent soviétique milliardaire Armand Hammer, son support inconditionnel à Israël, et bien sûr ses relations avec des instituts de propagande sur les changements climatiques, vous verrez que cela n'augure rien de bon.
N'oublions pas que des psychopathes comme le leader terroriste Menachem Begin (chef de l'Irgun qui fit sauter le King David Hotel à Jérusalem en 1946, il devint le 6e PM d'Israël) et le criminel de guerre Henry Kissinger ont déjà gagné le Nobel de la Paix! Ça montre comment ce prix sert en réalité à promouvoir les laquais de l'establishment.
La famille Gore était financée par le milliardaire et agent soviétique Armand Hammer (plus sur Armand Hammer). Un site web canadien écrit par un prof d'université d'origine Ukrainienne révélait toute l'histoire, malheureusement le site web a été fermé par les pressions du Lobby sioniste, suite à une longue bataille juridique. Le jugement exige que les informations soient conservées dans les archives du web.
Al Gore Theme: "If I Had A Hammer", F.R. Duplantier, February 16, 1997
Gore family ties The connections between the late industrialist and Soviet agent Armand Hammer and the Gore family run long and deep -- and they continue to haunt Al Gore Jr.
Armand Hammer, Occidental Petroleum, and the Gore Family
- Julius Hammer, father of Armand and FOUNDER OF U.S. COMMUNIST PARTY
- Armand Hammer, founder of the Occidental Petroleum company and lifelong friend and benefactor of Albert Gore Sr as well as lifelong friend of Joseph (Uncle Joe) Stalin who's purges resulted in the deaths of Millions. Remained close to Albert Gore Jr. until his death lavishly bestowing his largesse until the end.
* Lenin presented an inscribed portrait to "Comrade Armand Hammer" in 1921, The inscription has Lenin in parentheses & Ulanioff, his birth name.
- Albert Gore Sr, When first elected to the House of Representatives in the late 1930s he was a Tennessee school teacher who eked out extra dollars by playing fiddle at church weddings. But later, as a United States Senator, he lived in the plush Fairfax Hotel on Embassy Row in Washington, and sent his son, Al Jr., to the pricey St. Albans School, the haunt of kids from Social Register families. A new book called Dossier , written by investigative reporter Edward Jay Epstein, which "shows that the senior Gore had a silent partner who, for several decades, insured that his pockets remained comfortably filled. He was Armand Hammer, the multi-million aire businessman and oil promoter who apparently collected art and politicians with equal zeal. Al Gore Sr. was "Hammer's designated door-opener in official Washington. The handsome compensation that Gore Sr. received for his services culminated in a half-a-million-dollars-a-year position with Armand Hammer's oil company, Occidental Petroleum. Al Gore Jr. picked up where his father left off and "put the family's Senate seat at Hammer's service.
- Joseph Stalin, Born Iosef Vissarionovich
Dzhugashvili, the "Man of Steel," or Stalin,
was born in Georgia, was educated at the Tiflis
Theological Seminary from which he was expelled for
"propagating Marxism." He joined the Bolshevik
underground and was arrested and transported to Siberia.
He escaped in 1904.
The ensuing years witnessed his closer identification with revolutionary Marxism, his many escapes from captivity, his growing intimacy with Lenin and Bukharin, his early disparagement of Leon Trotsky, and his co-option, in 1912, to the illicit Bolshevik Central Committee.
With the Revolution of 1917 and the replacement of Kerensky's weak Provisional Government by Lenin and the Bolsheviks, Stalin was appointed Commissar for Nationalities and a member of the Politburo, although his activities throughout the counter-revolution and the war with Poland were confined to organizing a Red "terror" in Tsaritsin (Stalingrad). With his appointment as General Secretary to the Central Committee in 1922, Stalin began stealthily to build up the power that would guarantee his control of the Soviet Union after Lenin's death. When Lenin died in 1924, Stalin took control. By 1928, Trotsky had been degraded and banished.
Stalin's reorganization of the Soviet's resources, with its successive Five Year Plans, suffered numerous industrial setbacks and encountered consistently stubborn resistance in agriculture, where the kulaks refused to accept the principles of collectivization. The measures taken by Stalin to discipline those who opposed his will involved the death by execution or famine of at least 10 million peasants (1932-33). The bloodbath which eliminated the Old Bolsheviks and the alleged right-wing, and the staged "engineers' trial," were followed by a drastic, purge of thousands of the Officer corps, including Marshal Tuchachevsky. Stalin believed they were all guilty of pro-German sympathies. Red Army forces and material went to the support of the Spanish Communist government in 1936, although Stalin was careful not to commit himself too deeply. After the Munich crisis Franco-British negotiations for Russian support in the event of war were protracted until the Nazi-Soviet Pact, which bought Stalin some time he thought he needed to prepare for a German invasion.
In 1941 the prosperity of the nazis' initial thrust into Russia could be accounted for in part by the disposal of the Red Army on the frontiers, ready to invade rather than repel invasion. Stalin's strategy followed the traditional Muscovite pattern of plugging gaps in the defenses with more and more bodies and trading space for time in which imposing climatic conditions could whittle away the opponents' strength. Sustained by material furnished by Britain an the United States, the Red Army responded to Stalin's call to defend not the principles of Marx and Engels, but "Mother Russia."
Quick to exploit the unwarranted Anglo-American fear that Russia might get out of the war, Stalin easily outwitted the allied leaders of the Teheran and Yalta Conferences. With the Red Army's invasion of German soil, Soviet soldiers were encouraged to penetrate far beyond the point where they had last been employed. Thus Stalin's dominance of the Potsdam Conference, followed by the premature break up of the Anglo-American forces, left Stalin with a territory enlarged by more 180,0000 square miles which, with satellites, increased the Soviet sphere of influence by more than 760,00 square miles. While Stalin consolidated his gains an "iron curtain" was dropped to cut off Soviet Russia and her satellites from the outside wor ld. At the same time, a Cold War ensued between east and west.
An entirely unscrupulous man, Stalin consistently manipulated Communist imperialism for the greater glory of Soviet Russia and the strengthening of his own person as autocrat. He died, in somewhat mysterious circumstances, in 1953.
"If Al Gore Jr. ever runs for President, he'll have to answer some embarrassing questions about the source of his family's wealth" F.R. Duplantier in America's Future
"We do have inveterate antipathy for communism -- or paranoia as I like to put it," young Gore wrote to his father. He went on to consider the policy implications of this American Cold War obsession. "My own belief is that this form of psychological ailment -- in this case a national madness -- leads the victim to actually create the thing which is feared the most. It strikes me that this is precisely what the U.S. has been doing. Creating -- and if not creating, energetically supporting -- fascist, totalitarian regimes in the name of fighting totalitarianism. Greece, South Vietnam, a good deal of Latin America. For me, the best example of all is the U.S. Army" (emphasis added) The New Yorker 11/28/94

Lenin signed photo for Armand Hammer
Al Gore’s Communist Connection
FLASHBACK: Gore Made $500K from Toxic Zinc Mines
Al Gore, Environmentalist and Zinc Miner
Originally published in The Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2000.
CARTHAGE, Tenn.--On his most recent tax return, as he has the past 25 years, Vice President Al Gore lists a $20,000 mining royalty for the extraction of zinc from beneath his farm here in the bucolic hills of the Cumberland River Valley. In total, Mr. Gore has earned $500,000 from zinc royalties. His late father, the senator, introduced him not only to the double-bladed ax but also to Armand Hammer, chairman of Occidental Petroleum Corp., which sold the zinc-rich land to the Gore family in 1973.
Al Gore: The Other Oil Candidate
by Bill Mesler, Special to CorpWatch
August 29th, 2000
A Family Affair
Gore senior first met long-time Occidental CEO Armand Hammer at a cattle auction in the 1940s. When zinc ore was discovered on some of Gore's land, Hammer and Oxy bought it for twice the amount of the only other bid. Hammer then sold the land back to Gore while retaining the mineral rights. The elder Gore then sold the land to his son, Al Jr., who has received $20,000 yearly in mineral royalties from Occidental ever since. Two years after Gore Sr. was defeated in a bid for re-election to the Senate, he joined Occidental as a member of its board of directors and was rewarded with a $500,000 a year job working for an Oxy subsidiary.
Throughout his political life, Al Gore Jr. has received the favor the patronage of Occidental and Hammer's successor, CEO Ray Irani.
Dossier: The Secret History Of Armand Hammer.
Gore's Oil
Occidental Petroleum was founded in 1920 in California. Its early years as an oil-finding entity were largely undistinguished, with the company almost bankrupt by the mid-1950s. It was Occidental Petroleum's early difficulties, however, that laid the groundwork for its later success. In 1956 Occidental Petroleum came to the attention of Armand Hammer, a millionaire well-known for his savvy and success in business dealings with the Soviet Union in the 1920s. In 1921 Hammer had met Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Russian Revolution, and had become the first U.S. businessman to establish ties with the Soviet Union. Among other enterprises, Hammer had operated an asbestos mine, imported grain, and manufactured pencils. While in Moscow, he had purchased Russian art treasures at bargain prices, later reselling many art objects in the United States at considerable profit. (Later it was revealed that many of Hammer's treasures were fakes, and he was well aware of it.)
In 1956 Hammer and his wife Frances each invested $50,000 in two oil wells that Occidental planned to drill in California. When both wells struck oil, Hammer, nearly 60, took an active interest in further Occidental oil exploration.
At Hammer's first association with Occidental, the company was run by Dave Harris, Roy Roberts, and John Sullivan. Hammer's increased involvement, his strong personality, and his ability to raise money for oil drilling propelled him more and more into the limelight. By July 1957 Hammer had become company president.
In 1966 Oxy's potential skyrocketed, with a billion-barrel oilfield find in Libya. The find was vintage Hammer, as he wined and dined important Libyan officials and then took a risk on land previously drilled by others. The Libyan oil finds established Oxy as one of the largest petroleum companies in the world. From early 1967 until November of that same year, Oxy's stock doubled in value to more than $100 a share.
In the early 1970s, Hammer caused a sensation with a $20 billion long-term deal with the Soviets that featured a barter agreement by which Oxy would supply phosphate fertilizer to the U.S.S.R. in exchange for Soviet ammonia and urea.
When Armand Hammer died at the age of 92 on December 10, 1990, the changeover in command at the top was expected: Ray Irani, president and chief executive officer under Hammer for six years, took over as chairman of the board. Irani worked quickly to get Oxy out from under Hammer's slew of pet projects, many of which had no place in an oil company's portfolio
In 1998, the US government sold the Elk Hills naval petroleum reserve to Occidental for $3.65 billion. According to the government, the reserve was no longer strategically necessary, and the reserve was sold to reduce the national debt and the size of the government. Critics cited the "no-bid" nature of the sale, together with Vice President Al Gore's involvement with the company as evidence of graft.[12]
No ID on eco warriors by media: Al Gore buddy owner of sunken ship that left huge carbon footprint on Antarctic Ocean floor, Judi McLeod, Nov 26 2007
How Mr Clean got his hands dirty, By NEIL LYNDON
Investigating Al Gore: The vice president, Armand Hammer and zinc
Al Gore Dossier (1992-2007), Executive Intelligence Review
Clinton et Gore comptaient parmi les plus ardents promoteurs de l’ALÉNA, c'est-à-dire du néo-libéralisme à l'américaine.
Après la chute du communisme, sous le parapluie d’un comité spécial américano-russe établi par Al Gore et Victor Chernomyrdin, les « Harvard Boys » (Anatoly Chubais, acolyte de Boris Yeltsin, et l’ancien premier ministre russe Yegor Gaidar) usèrent de leur influence pour favoriser l’ouverture totale de la Russie à l’économie de marché.
Sous Bush père, Gore a voté en faveur de la Guerre du Golfe. Il a toujours été un supporteur du lobby des armes à feu. Il est « born again christian », comme George W. Bush. Il exprime ouvertement son support à la guerre au terrorisme, mais exprima de sévères mais hypocrites critiques envers Bush relativement au programme illégal d’écoutes téléphoniques et électroniques. Gore est bien mal placé pour critiquer puisque Clinton l’a chargé d’un programme semblable en 1993 : le projet Clipper Chip, lié à Echelon, par lequel la NSA pouvait procéder à l’implantation d’un système intégré d’écoute électronique et téléphonique de tous les citoyens américains. Il déposa la même année un rapport de ce projet en titre de représentant de l’Interagency Working Group (IWG), un groupe top secret de conseillers de Clinton. Ces informations devaient ensuite être partagés avec les gouvernements d’autres pays, et ce des années avant les attentats du 11 septembre. Il assurait alors que les écoutes ne pouvaient être faites sans l’approbation de la cour. Des officiers fédéraux ont révélé en 1994 que Gore avait menti et que son programme n’était pas à l’abri d’écoutes non autorisées.
White House refuses to talk about Al Gore’s plan to Wiretap every electronic device in the world, 20th January 2006
Al Gore, Hypocrisy And Spies Like US, NEWSMAX, 1/17/2006
Gore s’attribue tous les mérites du monde: avoir inventé Internet, avoir dénoncé les politiques Big Brother de Bush, avoir sonné l’alarme sur le réchauffement planétaire, etc. Il se présente comme une alternative valable aux républicains pétrolifères, gagnant ainsi toujours plus d’appui de la part des Verts et des électeurs américains majoritairement déçus du gouvernement Bush.
Former Vice President Al Gore Joins Apple’s Board of Directors
'Al Gore for president', says Apple CEO Steve Jobs, Jonny Evans
En plus de son passé douteux, Al Gore est un sioniste confirmé et un supporteur du mouvement juif sioniste ultra-orthodoxe Chabad Lubavitch.
Gore is Lieberman's Shabbat Goy
U.S. Vice President Al Gore speaks at the opening of the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities (UJC).
Al Gore on Israel, Jewish Virtual Library
Chez les Chabad Lubavitch:
“Chabad has been blessed to find many good friends in the Senate since the Rebbe sent us to launch our high-profile political and legal efforts to regain the Collection,” said Rabbi Chaim Cunin, who joined Rabbi Yosef Cunin in representing their father at the event. “Over time, leaders from both parties on Capitol Hill have emerged as supporters of this important cause -- from Bob Dole, to Al Gore, to Joe Lieberman, to Claiborne Pell.”
Rebbes' Army (L'armée du Rabbin):
"Jon Voight headlines the annual Chabad telethon in Los Angeles, a star-studded fundraiser that attracts a long list of glitterati, Jewish and non, from Whoopi Goldberg to Al Gore."