Thursday, August 26, 2010

Les auteurs du récent ouvrage sur la vicieuse attaque israélienne délibérée et non-provoquée contre le USS Liberty, menacés par des agents sionistes

USS Liberty Survivor Threatened by Unknown Israeli

The Man With The Israeli Accent – USS LIBERTY Survivor’s Life Threatened by Mossad on American Soil While Uncle Sam Yawns’

Phil Tourney interviewed by Dr Kevin Barrett (Podcast)

Phil Tourney and Mark Glenn on What Really Happened (Podcast)

Mossad in America: Israeli intelligence steps up its activity in the U.S. — and gets away with it, by Philip GIRALDI [ex-CIA]

(...) In another bizarre case, U.S.S. Liberty survivor Phil Tourney was recently accosted in Southern California by a foreigner who eventually identified himself as an Israeli government representative. Tourney was taunted, and the Israeli threatened both him and journalist Mark Glenn, who has been reporting on the Liberty story. Tourney was approached in a hotel lounge, and it is not completely clear how the Israeli was able to identify him. But he knew exactly who Tourney was, as the official referred to the Liberty, saying that the people who had been killed on board had gotten what they deserved. There were a number of witnesses to the incident, including Tourney’s wife. The threat has been reported to the FBI, which is investigating, but Tourney and Glenn believe that the incident is not being taken seriously by the bureau.(...)



The Loss Of Liberty (USS Liberty Cover-Up)

Dead In The Water (BBC)

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