Sidney Harman Buys Newsweek for $1
VOLTAIRE: Les Harman rachètent Newsweek

L’homme d’affaire Sydney Harman et son épouse ont racheté pour un dollar symbolique le magazine Newsweek et ses dettes.
Sydney Harman a fait fortune à la tête du fabriquant de matériel hi-fi Harman Industries. Il fut sous-secrétaire au Commerce dans l’administration Carter. Il est aujourd’hui président de Business Executives for National Security (BENS), administrateur de l’Aspen Institute et de la Freedom House, et membre du Council on Foreign Relations.
Il est l’époux de la représentante de Californie Jane Harman (le troisième parlementaire le plus riche du Congrès des Etats-Unis). Cette démocrate ultra-conservatrice est un porte-parole attitré du complexe militaro-industriel et un soutien inconditionnel d’Israël. Elle usa de son influence pour entraver l’enquête pour espionnage à l’encontre de l’American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). En définitive, l’administration Bush lui évita une mise en accusation en échange de son soutien au programme d’espionnage interieur de la NSA.
Jane Harman et son mari milliardaire ont racheté le magazine Newsweek (propriété du Washington Post. famille Graham-Meyer, façade des Rothschild). Ça ressemble au genre de transaction très "avantageuse" que les Rockefeller ont fait bénéficier aux proprios du journal John Birch Society en rachetant leur compagnie de sucrerie pour des dizaines de millions de dollars - alors qu'elle valait même pas le centième de ce montant... Le but étant de toute évidence de les financer sous le couvert d'une transaction d'affaire.
Sidney et sa femme Jane Harman sont membres du CFR (fondé par Rockefeller comme filiale du RIIA londonien des Rothschild). Et maintenant ces sionistes riches et puissants contrôleront Newsweek!
En 2006, Jane Harman s'était fait promettre par un agent du Mossad un haut poste à la sécurité intérieure (homeland security) - poste qu'elle a obtenu depuis. L'agent du Mossad était lui-même sous écoute, ce qui fait qu'ils ont aussi entendu Jane Harman au téléphone avec lui. Elle a nié avoir eu cette discussion, mais les enregistrements étaient là pour le prouver. Mais malgré cela, elle s'en est tout de même tirée! Le poste qui lui était promis venait avec une condition: elle devait oeuvrer d'influence pour que le juif Steve Rosen, un espion de l'AIPAC, soit disculpé de ses accusations d'espionnage. Rosen fut inculpé pour espionnage dans le scandale d'espionnage à l'AIPAC. Il y avait aussi le juif Keith Weissman qui était impliqué. Vous l'aurez deviné: Rosen s'en est tiré, les accusation ont été abandonnées - au grand dam du FBI et de la NSA qui voulaient les inculper! (Il y a quand même du bon monde dans ces agences, chers amis. C'est pas pour rien que les néocons Douglas Feith, Richard Perle et Paul Wolfowitz ont été sous enquête pour espionnage pour Israël!)
Une démocrate juive, Jane Harman, aurait manigancé l'acquittement des espions de l'AIPAC
Depuis plus de 25 ans, le Bilderberg des médias est à Sun Valley, en Idaho
L’empire médiatique du juif intégriste Rupert Murdoch : liste non-exhaustive
By Michael Collins Piper
Newsweek magazine is now the property of Zionist billionaire Sidney Harman and his wife Jane—a fervent advocate for the interests of Israel—who (rather than serving in Congress as she does) should instead be serving time in prison for influence peddling and conspiracy to obstruct justice on behalf of two Washington operatives for AIPAC, the powerful lobby for Israel.
On Aug. 2, the Washington Post Company—publisher of the powerful but weakened daily and longtime owner of Newsweek—announced the sale of the weekly magazine to the Harmans. Faltering badly in recent years, with massive losses and declining circulation, Newsweek was on the auction block for only $2 million, but according to reports, the Harmans grabbed the magazine for the exchange of virtually no money—a token payment of $1.
Glowing media reports say the 91-year-old Sidney Harman—who gained his fortune in electronics and helped bankroll his much younger wife’s political ambitions—now wants to put his money toward the nation’s welfare by keeping Newsweek alive and ensuring its continuing role in educating the public and perpetuating free and open debate on issues of importance. Or so they say.
In fact, this high-level business deal will make no difference insofar as the editorial content of Newsweek. If anything, Newsweek may well become even more openly and stridently on the side of the Zionist agenda. This has
happened before when Zionist business tycoons (with no publishing background) grabbed control of other mainstream publishing ventures. For example, when real estate manipulator Sam Zell assumed command of The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times and when Mort Zuckerman, another land baron, seized ownership of U.S. News and World Report and The New York Daily News.
Although the Meyer-Graham family of Washington is traditionally “known” to the public as the power behind the Washington Post-Newsweek combine, the truth is that the company is ultimately another American front for the interests of the Rothschild dynasty. Rothschild-related financial interests on American soil—including famed Nebraska-based billionaire money man Warren Buffet primary among them—hold substantial interests in the Post-Newsweek operation, making it anything but the “family-owned” enterprise it has often been portrayed.
Now Newsweek falls into the hands of the Harmans, who, by the way, are both members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York-based affiliate of the London-based Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is the foreign policy arm of the Rothschild empire.
That Jane Harman should now be a major media force is disturbing to those who value both national security and individual rights. Mrs. Harman’s corrupt behind-the-scenes activity on behalf of Israel and its American operations was discovered in 2006 when Mrs. Harman—a strong supporter of the warrantless wiretaps program of the Bush administration—was overheard speaking on the telephone with a known Israeli spy operating in the U.S. whose phone was being tapped by the National Security Agency. The spy’s identity has never been made public.
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Over the wiretap, Harman was heard agreeing with the Israeli agent to use her influence as a member of Congress to try to scuttle the then-standing federal criminal indictment of two former AIPAC officials charged with illicitly procuring American defense secrets on behalf of Israel.
According to reports—which were quickly brushed away by the mainstream media—the Israeli operative promised Harman that the Jewish lobby would reward her for her efforts on behalf of the accused traitors by pushing then-House Minority Leader (now Speaker) Nancy Pelosi to appoint Harman as chair of the House Intelligence Committee. This would have been a lucrative plum for Harman and her friends in Israel.
Indicating clearly that Mrs. Harman knew she was engaged in influence peddling and obstruction of justice (not to mention aiding and abetting in the illicit trade in data relating to U.S. national security), Harman was heard by the NSA telling her telephonic co-conspirator, “This conversation doesn’t exist.”
Harman was investigated by the CIA for her intrigues, but the Bush administration’s then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales pressured the CIA to back off; the administration valued Harman’s support for the warrantless wiretaps of U.S. citizens.
In the end, the indictment against AIPAC’s Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman was dropped—much to the consternation of loyal American FBI agents who had accumulated the data that led to the two men being charged and to the outrage of the Justice Department attorneys who had stewarded the indictment through the federal grand jury process. But Harman didn’t get the chairmanship of the committee. She was clearly “too hot to handle.”
Harman and her defenders decry the allegations against the billionaire congresswoman. But all of the information pinpoints Mrs. Harman as someone who definitely shouldn’t be in Congress, let alone among the last who should have any control over one of America’s most influential weekly magazines.
A journalist specializing in media critique, Michael Collins Piper is the author of The High Priests of War, The New Jerusalem, Dirty Secrets, The Judas Goats, The Golem, Target Traficant and My First Days in the White House All are available from AFP.
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(Issue # 33, August 16, 2010)
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