"Comment le peuple juif fut inventé?", Par Shlomo Sand, 2008, p.324-331 :
"Le pouvoir soviétique, dans ses premiers temps, encouragea la recherche sur la Khazarie : de jeunes historiens s'attelèrent avec enthousiasme à la tâche consistant à défricher le passé pré-impérial de l'histoire russe. Du début des années 1920 à la seconde moitié des années 1930 apparut une création historiographique florissante qui n'hésitait pas à entourer ses découvertes d'idéalisation glorificatrice.
La sympathie des chercheurs soviétiques à l'égard de l'Empire khazar venait de ce que ce dernier avait échappé au pouvoir de l'Église orthodoxe et qu'il était resté tolérant et ouvert à l'égard de toutes les religions. Le fait que la Khazarie fut un royaume juif ne les gêna en rien, peut-être parce que en dépit de leur marxisme manifeste la majorité des chercheurs avaient des origines juives. S'ils pouvaient apporter un brin de fierté juive à l'internationalisme prolétarien, idéal supranational dans son essence, pourquoi pas ? Cependant, les chercheurs les plus distingués de ce groupe n'avaient aucun lien avec la judéité.
En 1932, Pavel Kokovstsov fit publier Les Documents khazars en hébreu dans une édition critique et systématique, en dépit de ses doutes sur l'authenticité de certains documents. Cette publication encouragea la recherche ainsi que des fouilles archéologiques dans les régions du Don inférieur. Les fouilles furent dirigées par Mickaël Artamonov, un jeune archéologue, qui publia ses résultats en 1937 sous le titre Etudes sur l'histoire des anciens Khazars (1), dans l'esprit de la tradition russe soviétique favorable au discours khazar et en faisant l'éloge de ces anciens rois dont l'empire fut le berceau de la Rus' de Kiev naissante. Le vif intérêt que les Soviétiques portèrent à la Khazarie et l'importance qu'ils attribuèrent à l'histoire du Sud-Est européen rayonnèrent sur les travaux de chercheurs juifs en dehors de l'Union soviétique. Durant la période de l'entre-deux-guerres, par exemple, Yitzhak Schipper, éminent historien juif polonais, consacra plusieurs chapitres de ses oeuvres à l'histoire des Khazars ; de même, Baron décida d'approfondir le sujet, qu'il développa longuement dans son vaste travail. Si, pour Doubnov, le passé khazar constituait un chapitre légitime de l'histoire du « peuple juif », dans l'oeuvre de Baron, rédigée au cours de la seconde moitié des années 1930, il prit, de façon assez surprenante, comme on le verra par la suite, une grande importance.(…)
1. Voir Lior, Les Khazars dans l'historiographie, op. cit., p. 126.
(...) L'ère du silence israélien présentait de nombreuses similitudes avec la période de déni en Union soviétique, même si, au pays du socialisme russe, le phénomène avait débuté une génération plus tôt. Depuis la publication du livre d'Artamonov en 1937 et jusqu'aux années 1960, les Khazars n'eurent droit qu'à quelques rares publications, où s'exprimaient généralement des réserves et des calomnies à leur égard. Ce n'est pas un hasard si ces juifs bizarres de l'Orient furent considérés comme une déviation de la logique historique du marxisme-léninisme, en contradiction avec le caractère de la « mère patrie russe » qui réapparut sous Staline.
L'« internationalisme prolétarien » des années 1920 et de la première moitié des années 1930 fit place, bien avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à un nationalisme russe affiché. Cette idéologie nationale se transforma, surtout après 1945, durant la période de la guerre froide et de la russification accélérée des régions non russes, en un nationalisme ethnocentriste dur et exclusif.
Tous les historiens russes et soviétiques qui relatèrent par la suite l'histoire de la Khazarie furent à cette période classés comme des « bourgeois » qui n'avaient pas su approfondir le caractère populaire slave et qui, pour cette raison, avaient minoré l'importance de la Rus' de Kiev antique. À la fin de l'année 1951, la Pravda, le principal quotidien soviétique, se mobilisa même pour faire le procès public des Khazars « parasitaires » ainsi que de leurs commentateurs passés, tombés dans l'erreur et ayant induit en erreur. Dans un article retentissant, un « historien institutionnel », P. Ivanov (probablement Staline lui-même), analysa les faiblesses de la recherche sur la question des Khazars et conclut péremptoirement : « Nos ancêtres luttèrent les armes à la main pour défendre les terres de notre patrie devant les envahisseurs venus des steppes. La Russie antique servit de bouclier aux tribus slaves. Elle repoussa l'État de Khazarie, délivra les anciennes terres slaves de l'assujettissement [...] et libéra toutes les tribus et les autres peuples du joug de la Khazarie (1). » Artamonov fut particulièrement attaqué pour avoir manifesté dans le passé une sympathie déplacée à l'égard de la culture khazare et pour lui avoir attribué un rôle historique positif dans la naissance de la Russie. Une réunion du conseil scientifique de l'Institut historique à l'Académie des sciences de l'URSS, tenue après la publication de cet article dans la Pravda, approuva la position défendue par le journal et lui donna entièrement raison. Dès lors, les rênes
1. Cité in Lior, Les Khazars dans l'historiographie, op. cit., p. 130.
furent lâchées et les Khazars transformés en êtres maudits et impurs qui avaient eu le malheur de s'immiscer dans les rouages du passé russe. Au cours des années 1960, après le relatif dégel ayant succédé à la rude période glaciaire stalinienne, les recherches sur les Khazars reprirent avec une grande prudence, mais elles furent alors nettement teintées de nationalisme et parfois même d'antisémitisme. (1)
1. Mickaël Artamonov, qui a avoué dans le courant des années 1950 qu'il n'avait pas été assez «patriote» dans les années 1930, publia en 1962 son second livre sur les débuts de la Khazarie, Histoire des Khazars, mais cette fois avec une fierté nationale de rigueur, à laquelle il ajouta même une touche antijuive. Cf. à ce propos la critique cinglante de Shmuel Ettinger dans la revue Kiriat Sefer (en hébreu), 39, 1964, p. 501-505, et également Irène Sorlin, « Le problème des Khazars et les historiens soviétiques dans les vingt dernières années », Travaux et mémoires du Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 3, 51 1968, p. 423-455.(...)
Les Khazars: problèmes et controverses, par S. Szyszman :

Soviet Archaeology: Trends Schools and History, by Leo S. Klejn :

Two-tiered Relexification in Yiddish: Jews, Sorbs, Khazars and the Kiev-Polessian Dialect, by Paul Wexler :

FOUTRE LE KHAZAR (...) Juif à 75 % khazar est imposture. Un des auteurs de cette thèse absurde est Joseph Kessel, juif hongrois. Aussi que crussiez-vous que nous fissions ? Nous avons rembarré le Lorrain, qui nous a raccroché au nez en nous disant « Salut ! » Signe du temps, antijudaïsme devenant de plus en plus respectable. (...) L’antisémite peut parfois être séduisant, comme Dieudo’ dans son dernier film, où il semble décrontracté, sûr de lui et dominateur, mais ne vous fiez pas aux antisémites. Quant au juif khazar, c’est en grande partie mythe, auquel souscrivent idiots comme Georges Theil et le Lorrain.(...)
Koestler et son arnaque des "Khazars", intox visant à éradiquer à jamais l'antisémitisme ! Et ainsi à servir les intérêts juifs. Car il ne peut plus y avoir d'antisémitisme s'il ne reste que des Khazars non-juifs!
“More on the Khazar Theory”: Koestler Admitted He Wrote His Book to Further Jewish Interests
“Should this theory be confirmed, the term ‘anti-Semitism’ would become void of meaning,” he said.According to Scammell, Koestler told French biologist Pierre Debray-Ritzen he“was convinced that if he could prove that the bulk of Eastern European Jews were descended from the Khazars, the racial basis for anti-Semitism would be removed and anti-Semitism itself could disappear.” (Source: Scammell, Michael. Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic, Random House, 2009, ISBN 978-0-394-57630-5, p. 546.)
Khazar theory a scapegoat for Jews
Dr. David Duke: “More on the Khazar Theory”: Koestler Admitted He Wrote His Book to Further Jewish Interests
À la différence des bolchéviques qui cherchaient à revaloriser les juifs en mettant en vedette les héroïques Khazars, Koestler ne présente pas les Khazars dans le but de les valoriser mais dans le but d'éradiquer une fois pour toute l'antisémitisme en lui enlevant son objet de haine: les juifs. En convainquant les antijuifs que les juifs sont seulement des "Khazars", les antijuifs vont disparaître, il ne restera plus que des anti-Khazars (qui plus est: des anti-Khazars inoffensifs puisque le soi-disant "problème Khazar" n'intéresse personne).
Hear Dr. David Duke Discuss the “Khazar Theory” He shows how it is ironic that the main supporters of this theory are actually communist Jews...
Dr. David Duke: Rethinking the Khazar Theory!
"Après la création de l'Etat d'Israël, Staline commença à associer les juifs soviétiques à la conspiration capitaliste mondiale et entama une campagne d'arrestation, de déportation et d'exécution des principaux écrivains juifs. Il préparait une campagne antisémite de plus grande ampleur encore lorsqu'il mourut, en 1953. Après la mort de Staline, le communisme prit une coloration de plus en plus ethnique, sous l'impulsion de gens qui désiraient renouer avec sa gloire passée, corrompue, selon eux, par les juifs." (Le Monde)
Some Jews, wounded by the continuing anti-Semitism that they encountered in the socialist rank and file and even sometimes in the socialist leadership, lost hope of a solution to Jewish problems through socialist internationalism, and instead began to think in Jewish national terms. Socialist ideologies are an important strain in the development of Zionism in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. A number of different forms of socialist Zionism evolved, all of which laid the main stress not so much on the creation of a sovereign Jewish st;tte, as on the social regeneration of the Jewish people by a return to productive labor.Many Jews, however, remained in the socialist movements which, despite the presence of some anti-Semitic elements, still offered them a warmer welcome than any other political party in Europe. at the time, and virtually their only road to political power. This in tum gave rise to the second anti-Semitic interpretation of the Jewish role in capitalism-that of a radical subversive seeking to destroy it. This perception was strongly reinforced in the aftermath of World War I, when the Bolshevik regime in Russia and abortive communist revolutions. in Hungary, Bavaria, and elsewhere brought significant numbers of Jewish leaders into international prominence. White Russian anti-Soviet propaganda made the fullest use of this, both at home and in the West. Their arguments seemed to be confirmed by the prominence of such figures as Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Kamenev in the Soviet leadership.For a while, certain Jews were indeed prominent in the Soviet leadership and exercised great power. But after the rise of Stalin, all this came to an end. In due course, Trotsky was driven into exile and later murdered, Zinoviev and Kamenev arid many other Jews were executed for crimes against the state. While these prosecutions and executions were in the first iristance ideological rather than antiSemitic, they hit a disproportionate nwnber of Jews, and prepared the way for the total exclusion of Jews from the higher Soviet leader~ ship and the initiation of a campaign against "world Jewry" which in its language as well as its content is remarkably reminiscent of the older anti-Semitism, both of the left and of the right.
By the beginning of 1949, however, it was becoming clear that Soviet recognition of Israel was not aiding Soviet policy as expected. Stalin felt free to resume and extend the anti-Jewish attitudes which· were first discernible during the interlude of friendship with Hitler. Before and during the war this was tacit and on a small scale, and consisted principally in limiting or barring Jewish access to positions of trust and power. Many Jews still remained in the upper reaches of the communist hierarchy, but fewer and fewer were permitted to set foot on the lower rungs of the ladder.In January 1949 Stalin inaugurated the first of what was.to be a long series of anti-Jewish campaigns. In all of these Stalin and his successors were careful-at least at the higher levels-not to identify the adversary simply as the Jews, or even as the Jewish ethnic nationality (natsional'nost'). They preferred to use transparent synonyms, and, in case anyonefailed to get the point, took care to emphasize in various ways the Jewish origins of the persons under attack. The traditional Russian practice of citing people by name and patronymic was useful in this regard. For those who had changed their names or whb--as was common among senior communists--made use of a pseudonym, the old and identifiably Jewish name was usually added in brackets-that is, where the name was cited in a negative context. Thus if G A. Fulanov received some honor or decoration, he was the good Russian G. A. Fulanov. If, on the other hand, he was accused of some crime, he became Grigori Aaronovich Fulanov (formerly Finkelstein). A famous example was that old enemy of Stalin, Leon Trotsky, now cited as "Lev Davidovich Trotsky (formerly Bronstein)."The first postwar attack on the Jews begart with the campaign against "cosmopolitanism" in the Soviet press. Launched in Pravda in January 1949, the campaign against cosmopolitanism was at first concerned with theatrical and other artistic matters. The word was used as a term of abuse for those writers, artists, and critics who showed undue awareness of Western writing, art, and criticism. Its meaning was soon changed, widening to include political and ideological activities and offenses, and at the same time narrowed, to become a virtual synonym for Jews.The "rootless cosmopolitan," as he was usually called, was contrasted with the true patriot or even with the "indigenous population." He was "an alien without a motherland" and "incapable of understanding true Russian patriotism.''9 That such charges accorded ill with communist internationalism did not trouble the increasingly chauvinistic leaders of the Russian state. The attack on Jewish culture had begun as far back as 1938, and by 1940 all Yiddish schools had been closed, as had the Yiddish sections in the Belorussian and Ukrainian academies of sciences. All teaching and research in Jewish subjects was broughtto an end. At the same time Jews were progressively. excluded from any branch of governmental or party apparatus concerned with defense and foreign affairs. In January 1948 Shlomo Mikhoels, the director of .the Yiddish language state theater and chairman of the wartime Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was killed in a traffic accident later revealed to have been officially arranged. to Before long such subterfuges were no longer thought to be necessary, and in August 1952 more than twenty prominent Jewish cultural figures were executed as "spies and bourgeois nationalists."From Russia the campaign against cosmopolitanism was extended to the Soviet-dominated states in Eastern Europe. In November 1952 a purge and show trial in Czechoslovakia ended with the confession and execution of Rudolf Slansky, a lifelong Stalinist and secretarygeneral of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. In the course of the trial, he and his fellow accused confessed that they had been Zionists; bourgeois Jewish nationalists, traitors, and spies throughout their careers.This was followed by the "Doctors' Plot" in January 1953, when a group of doctors, tnost of them Jews, was accused of plotting to murder Stalin and other Soviet leaders in the interests of American intelligence and "the international Jewish bourgeoisie." The power behind both the Doctors' Plot and the Slansky plot, according to the accusers, was the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, a well-known charitable organization concerned with social relief and rehabilitation. The Soviet, Soviet-controlled, and Soviet-influenced media gave immense publicity to these two events, and found occasion to stress their Jewish character. Of the fourteen accused in the Czechoslovak trial, eleven were Jews; of the nine doctors, seven were Jews. While both plots were said to have been organized by American intelligence, the organizing agency was described as Jewish, and the ideological impetus as "Zionism and Jewish bourgeois nationalism."The charges against the Slansky group and the doctors were duly echoed by communist and fellow traveling writers in the West, in an obedient chorus of denunciation. The organizers where possible made a special point of mobilizing Jewish communists for this work. 11
Another motive was certainly the usefulness of anti-Semitism in the troubled Soviet domains in Europe. In these countries, antiSemitism had long been a powerful factor in social, economic, and public life. In Eastern Europe, unlike Western Europe, the post-Hitler era did not bring a decline in anti-Semitism through compassion for the victims, but rather an increase, directed principally against those survivors who attempted to come home. What made matters far worse, was that so many of these survivors had come in the wake of the Soviet armies, and some played a prominent role in the first governments set up under Soviet auspices. At some stage Stalin seems to have decided that it was better to have anti-Semitism working for Soviet power than against it. Thereupon, Soviet propaganda in Eastern Europe made great efforts to identify its enemies as Jews and thus harness the widespread and deeply felt feelings of hostility to Soviet advantage.Finally, in the system of capricious and arbitrary autocratic rule established by Stalin, the personal feelings and motivations of the dictator cannot be discounted. Among many signs of growing paranoia in Stalin's last years, he was greatly concerned with imagined dnngers from world Jewry. Such themes would have been familiar to him from the czarist empire in which he was born and received his education.The death of Stalin in March 1953 brought a temporary respite, if only from the more extreme forms of anti-Jewish activity. The doctors were released, and the whole case against them ascribed to a "machination." Rudolf Slansky and his fellow accused had already been executed and could no longer benefit from this change of policy. They were, however, accorded the communist form of recompense in an afterlife by being "rehabilitated." Khrushchev's famous secret speech in February 1956, denouncing the evils of the Stalin era, raised new hopes among the Jews as among other elements in the Soviet population.For the Jews at least these hopes were of brief duration. Khrushchev soon showed that while he did not share Stalin's paranoiac fantasies, his view of the Jewish role in the Soviet realms was not vastly different from that of his predecessor. His off-the-cuff remark, during a visit to Poland, that "there are too many Abramoviches around here" was heard and understood by both the Abramoviches and their gentile neighbors. By this time few but hard-core communist Jews had remained in Poland; most of the others had left. Now even the communists realized that their time had come, and as unobtrusively as possible took their departure. The communist rulers of Poland undertook a very thorough and far-reaching campaign against "Zionism and bourgeois Jewish nationalism," from which they hoped to gain a double advantage, by ingratiating themselves at once with their Russian masters and their Polish subjects. Khrushchev, outstanding among Soviet leaders for his frankness, explained his own views on Jewish matters to a group of French socialists who interviewed him in May 1956:If now the Jews wanted to occupy the top jobs in our republics, they would obviously be looked upon unfavorably by the indigenous peoples. The latter would ill receive these claims, especially at a time when they consider themselves no less intelligent and no less able than the Jews. Or, for instance, in the Ukraine if a Jew is appointed to an important job and he surrounds himself with Jewish fellow workers, it is understandable that there may be hostility towards the Jews.12
Putin on Jews in the first Soviet Government
Has Soviet Anti-Semitism Halted? The Record Since Stalin’s Death
PDF - L'anticommunisme, profession des sionistes, par N. Bolchakov (Novosti, 1972).
La sionologie, un antisionisme soviétique - Zionology : Soviet Anti-Zionism
Pro-Stalin Revisionism?
FREE EBOOK: Bolton Kerry - Stalin The enduring legacy
English › B › Bolton Kerry
Bolchevik - Communism - Jew - Russia - Second World War
Author : Bolton Kerry
Title : Stalin The enduring legacy
Year : 2012
Link download : Bolton_Kerry_-_Stalin_The_enduring_legacy.zip
Jewish Groups Remember 'Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee' at Gravesite in Moscow's Donskoy Cemetery
Preludes to 12 August 1952 and the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee
Birobaidzan and stalin and the jews: 12 August 1952 and the Doctor's Plot in the Soviet Union
Texe Marrs: Stalin and the Jews
VIDEO - L'antisémitisme aux sources du socialisme [2/2]
VIDEO - De la "question juive" marxiste au cauchemar soviétique 1/2
VIDEO - De la "question juive" marxiste au cauchemar soviétique 2/2
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