The specter of Las Vegas casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson controlling the Republican Party presidential nomination process is “straight out of the pages of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” leading “left wing Zionist” Uri Averny has said.
Confirming what Dr. David Duke has been saying recently about the famous “Protocols of Zion”—namely, that they are an accurate, even if written fictitiously, account of Jewish Supremacist activities—Averny, a former Irgun and Israeli Knesset member, said on his blog that the Adelson spectacle dispelled all “illusions about American politics.
“He summoned
to his Las Vegas betting paradise the four most probable Republican
candidates for the next presidential elections, in order to choose one
of them. All the invitees heeded the summons, of course,” Averny wrote.
“It was a shameless exhibition. The politicians groveled before the casino lord.
“Mighty governors of important states did their best to sell themselves like applicants at a job interview.
“Each of them tried to trump the others in promising to do the Mogul’s bidding.
“Flanked by Israeli bodyguards, Adelson grilled the American hopefuls.
“And what
was he demanding from the future president of the United States? First
of all and above everything else, blind and unconditional obedience to
the government of another state: Israel.
“Adelson is
one of the richest Jews in the world. He is also a fanatical rightist –
not only an American rightist, but also an Israeli one.
“While he is now looking for the best American president money can buy, he has already chosen his Israeli stooge.
“I wonder
how ordinary Americans react to this spectacle of one billionaire –
especially a Jewish one – choosing their next president for them.
“We are told that anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe and across the globe.
here we have a Jew, straight out of the pages of the Protocols of the
Elders of Zion, trying to appoint the ruler of the mightiest country on
the planet.”
Averny—who founded the Gush Shalom peace
movement in Israel, despite being a former Jewish terrorist member of
the Irgun, is no enemy of Jewish Supremacism.
The “left wing” variety of Zionism
differs from the “right wing” variety only in the presentation of their
supremacist ideology. The “right wingers” are overt about it, while the
“left wingers” seek to present it as more “acceptable.”
In this way, Gush Shalom seeks a
“two-state” solution—which still means a Jews-only state—a demand for
self-determination which these same “left wing” Zionists still
vehemently oppose for all other people on earth.
* Averny also makes the
interesting revelation that casinos—where Adelson makes all his money
which he then uses to manipulate the American political process—are
illegal in Israel!
Lire l'article de Uri Avnery: The Monster on the Hill
France-Irak Actualité
Par Gilles Munier
Il n’y a qu’aux Etats-Unis où l’on peut assister à un tel spectacle : un multi milliardaire – en l’occurrence Sheldon Adelson, 8ème fortune mondiale, roi des casinos-hôtels (Las Vegas, Macao, Singapour) -
organisant à huis clos un examen de passage pour choisir son favori
républicain à la prochaine présidentielle. Conditions posées : s’engager
à soutenir Israël envers et contre tout, refuser la création d’un Etat
palestinien et bombarder l’Iran. En octobre dernier, Adelson suggérait
aux dirigeants américains de faire exploser une bombe atomique dans une
zone iranienne désertique et de menacer d’en lancer une sur Téhéran si
le régime ne renonçait pas au développement de son programme nucléaire (1).
que la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis a autorisé les milliardaires à
financer sans limitation leurs comités de soutien - appelés super-Pac / Super Political Action Committees
-, les hommes politiques font la cour aux méga-donateurs. En 2012,
Adelson n’était pas parvenu à faire investir Newt Gingrich qui
qualifiait les Palestiniens de « peuple inventé » comme
candidat du Parti républicain. Il s’était rabattu sur Mitt Romney, faute
de mieux, et dépensé 40 millions de $ pour qu’il batte Barack Obama.
Son candidat n’a pas été élu, alors il remet ça. Pour que le prochain
président des Etats-Unis soit 100% pro-israélien et anti-iranien, il est
prêt va mettre encore plus d’argent sur la table. Reste à trouver le
bon cheval.
Examen de passage pro-israélien
Le multi milliardaire a donc invité les candidats à la future primaire républicaine à plancher devant la Coalition juive républicaine réunie au Vénitian
de Las Vegas, un de ses luxueux casinos-hôtels. Tous se sont prêtés à
l’examen de passage, sans honte. Tant pis si une tribune publiée dans le
New York Times les traite de lécheurs de bottes (2). Etaient présents : Jeb Bush (ancien gouverneur de Floride) qui fait figure de favori, Chris Christie (gouverneur du New Jersey), Scott Walker (gouverneur du Wisconsin), et John Kasich (gouverneur de l’Ohio). Dick Cheney (ancien vice-Président des États-Unis) était aussi là, mais en « vedette américaine ».
La réunion se tenait à huis clos. La Coalition juive républicaine, financée par Adelson, dira plus tard qui elle a choisi. Ce ne sera sans doute pas Chris Christie. Selon le New York Times, le malheureux s’est fait rabrouer par Adelson et Morton Klein, président de la ZOA – Zionist Organization of America - après avoir déclaré qu’il avait « survolé les territoires occupés en hélicoptère ». Dans ces milieux ultra-sionistes, Israël s’étend jusqu’au Jourdain, si ce n’est plus. Les « territoires occupés » en 1967 ne sont au minimum que des « territoires disputés ». Christie s’est excusé platement en disant qu’il s’est « mal exprimé … qu’il est un ami indéfectible et un fervent partisan d’Israël » (3).
Pour détendre l’atmosphère, Dick Cheney a critiqué la politique
iranienne de Barack Obama et dit qu’il fallait laisser Israël bombarder
l’Iran, mettant en exergue le rôle du général Amos Yadlin dans la
destruction du réacteur nucléaire irakien en 1981 et du syrien en 2007 (4).
Israël, future puissance spatiale ?
Parallèlement, Adelson fait tout pour renforcer les faucons du Likoud. Il a mis à leur service Israël Hayom (Israël aujourd’hui), quotidien gratuit le plus lu d’Israël qui lui appartient. Il a acheté dernièrement le titre du défunt Maariv (Le Soir, fondé en 1948) et son site Internet NRG, ainsi que Makor Rishon (De première source),
un quotidien religieux conservateur. Cerise sur le gâteau offert à son
ami Benjamin Netanyaou : Adelson a donné 16,4 millions de $ à Israeli Space IL pour envoyer un engin sur la Lune et faire de l’Etat dit hébreu une puissance spatiale.
Le journaliste israélien pacifiste Uri Avnery (5) se demande comment les Américains ordinaires réagissent au «
spectacle d’un milliardaire – en particulier un milliardaire
juif – qui choisit leur futur président à leur place. On nous dit que
l’antisémitisme est en hausse en Europe et dans le monde. Dans le monde
mental fou des antisémites, les Juifs dominent le cosmos. Et nous
avons ici un Juif, sorti tout droit des pages des Protocoles des Sages
de Sion, qui essaie de nommer le dirigeant du pays le plus puissant de
la Planète… » (6). Pour l’instant, l’élection de tel ou tel
président américain n’est pas fonction du nombre de millions de $ versés
à leur super-PAC – les citoyens ont encore leur mot à dire - mais ils y contribuent grandement.
Photo: Sheldon Adelson (The Times of Israel- 26/3/14)
(5) Uri Avnery (91 ans) journaliste et militant pacifiste israélien a été membre de l’Irgoun dans sa prime jeunesse (il en a démissionné en 1941). Ancien député, il est cofondateur de Gush Shalom (Bloc de la Paix),
une organisation israélienne favorable à la création d’un Etat
palestinien. Il a rencontré Yasser Arafat à plusieurs reprises, et se
définit comme « post sioniste ».
Article écrit en hébreu et en anglais sur le site de Gush Shalom le 5 avril 2014 – Traduit de l’anglais « The Monster on the Hill » pour l’AFPS : FL/SW
VOLTAIRENET - Le gangster qui a acheté les Républicains états-uniens Une procédure judiciaire a été ouverte à l’encontre de Sheldon Adelson, le principal donateur des campagnes électorales pro-israéliennes aux États-Unis. Le richissime homme d’affaire, qui s’est payé les principaux parlementaires républicains, est accusé de blanchir l’argent du crime organisé.
‘NYT’ editorial writer savages Republicans for ‘pro-Israel, philo-Semitic’ curtseys to Adelson
David Firestone, an editorial page editor at the New York Times, has a fabulous piece up savaging the Adelson primary in Las Vegas last weekend, and making no bones about what was going on. Firestone tells readers this was about Israel–and philosemitism, too. His piece is titled, “The Line to Kiss Adelson’s Boots.”
Même le NYTimes peut nous surprendre avec du bon journalisme de temps en temps. Une chance que c'est un journal juif: les journalistes et éditeurs risquent alors un peu moins de se faire guillotiner.New York Times - The Line to Kiss Sheldon Adelson’s Boots
By David Firestone | It’s hard to imagine a political spectacle more loathsome than the parade of Republican presidential candidates who spent the last few days bowing and scraping before the mighty bank account of the casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. One by one, they stood at a microphone in Mr. Adelson’s Venetian hotel in Las Vegas and spoke to the Republican Jewish Coalition (also a wholly owned subsidiary of Mr. Adelson), hoping to sound sufficiently pro-Israel and pro-interventionist and philo-Semitic to win a portion of Mr. Adelson’s billions for their campaigns.
Gov. John Kasich of Ohio made an unusually bold venture into foreign policy by calling for greater sanctions on Iran and Russia, and by announcing that the United States should not pressure Israel into a peace process. (Wild applause.) “Hey, listen, Sheldon, thanks for inviting me,” he said. “God bless you for what you do.” Read more…
Gov. John Kasich of Ohio made an unusually bold venture into foreign policy by calling for greater sanctions on Iran and Russia, and by announcing that the United States should not pressure Israel into a peace process. (Wild applause.) “Hey, listen, Sheldon, thanks for inviting me,” he said. “God bless you for what you do.” Read more…
New York Times- Sheldon: Iran’s Best Friend by Thomas L. Friedman
JPOST - Thomas Friedman says Sheldon Adelson is 'Iran's best ally' New York Times columnist says that by staunchly supporting the "occupation" of the West Bank, Adelson is unintentionally leading to Israel's demise.
Ha'aretz - Thomas Friedman: Adelson helping Iran destroy Israel
JPOST - No holds barred: Tom Friedman equates Sheldon Adelson with Iran Friedman wants others to share his loathing for Adelson because the philanthropist opposes the great sage’s desire for a unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank.
Un article du rabbin ultrasioniste va-t-en-guerre Shmuley Boteach...
New York Times v. Adelson
Un article du think tank néocon ultrasioniste Foundation for the Defense of Democracy
Jewish Press - A Response to Thomas Friedman: We Need More Sheldon Adelsons The enthusiasm of the anti-Israel bigots is extraordinary. Genuine pro-Israel activists voices are not being amplified precisely because people like Friedman demonizes them, along with the country they love.
JTA - In Vegas, GOP Jews focus on Israel, while contenders focus on Adelson
Adelson would install Netanyahu in the White House if he had his druthers
Zionist billionaire eyes US presidential purchase
Kissing the Zionist Ring: Sheldon Adelson Considers Who To Buy for the Next Election Cette fois il est prêt à mettre plusieurs milliards pour gagner.
Adelson Wooed by Republican Presidential Prospects at Vegas Meet
The chance to curry favor with Adelson has helped draw some of the Republican Party's major figures to RJC (Republican Jewish Coalition) gatherings. The governors met one-on-one with Adelson, 80, and addressed a conference of the Republican Jewish Coalition, an advocacy group that counts him as a board member and benefactor. More than 400 of the coalition’s top donors and those seeking support from them gathered this weekend at Adelson’s convention center-hotel-casino complex, part of his international Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVS).
Chris Christie: HAMAS Fan Calls Israel “Occupied Territories” @ Jewish Event
Un article de la néoconne juive polonaise Debbie Schlussel
Ha'aretz - Christie, Walker court Jewish Republican donors in Las Vegas = Adelson
Forward - Chris Christie Apologizes to Sheldon Adelson for ‘Occupied Territories’ Remark, but wll it cost him the nomination?
Forward - The Sorry Season Chris Christie apologized for calling the Israeli occupation an ‘occupation’ and Israel’s defense minister claims he’s sorry too. J.J. Goldberg asks: Did Yom Kippur come early?
Ha'aretz - Adelson, Christie to meet again, at Jewish event in NY
Forbes - Did Chris Christie "bully" Sheldon Adelson's friend?
N.J. Gov. Chris Christie speaks during the Republican Jewish Coalition Spring Leadership Meeting at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas in March.
N.J. Governor’s Mea Culpa Enough?
• Last hope for Gov. Chris Christie’s presidential aspirations may have died
• Truthful slip of the tongue in Las Vegas irritates potential Jewish donors
By Dave Gahary
New Jersey Gov. Christopher “Chris” Christie (R), bouncing back from a homegrown scandal in the Garden State, addressed a crowd in Las Vegas on March 29 at the annual spring meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC). Christie answered questions for 40 minutes, with the goal of convincing the millionaires and billionaires in attendance that he is sufficiently pro-Israel to run for president.
But a funny thing happened. Christie, apparentlyunfamiliar with the vernacular of the rabidly pro-Israel set, slipped up during his talk and referred to Gaza and theWest Bank as “occupied territories”—a definite no-no among that crowd.
Members of the RJC include some of the biggest names in politics, such as former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Henry Kissinger, former head of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff and former top George W. Bush official Irving Lewis “Scooter” Libby, among many others.
To say that the road to the Oval Office runs through Tel Aviv is not an anti-Semitic canard, but a reality based on cold, hard facts. Besides the voting records of U.S. representatives and senators in favor of Israel and domestic Jewish issues, it is estimated that out of all the campaign contributions received by American politicians, over 70% of the total given to Democrats comes from Jewish groups and around 35% goes to Republicans from these same groups.
“I took a helicopter ride from the occupied territories,” Christie said, “and just felt personally how extraordinary that was to understand, the military risk that Israel faces every day.”
As a note of reference, the United Nations refers to the land Christie was speaking of as “the Occupied Palestinian Territories.” In fact, the State Department calls the West Bank “occupied,” as does the American Jewish Committee.
From most media accounts, the stunned crowd let out a collective “Oy, gevalt,” a Yiddish expression translating loosely to “Oh, my God!” How dare he use the term “occupied territories” for the area where the Palestinians have been herded?
The popular 51-year-old Republican governor, best known for his penchant for telling it like it is, came face-to-face with the reality of the universality of truth.While nearly everyone on the planet believes the term occupied territories is appropriate, as the West Bank remains under Israeli occupation, the relatively miniscule number of pro-Israel fanatics across the globe have the ability to warp that truth to their liking. Christie was forced to apologize the same day to billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who was hosting the conference at his Venetian Resort Hotel Casino, according to a source familiar with the conversation.
Christie groveled “that he misspoke when he referred to the ‘occupied territories,’ and he conveyed that he is an unwavering friend and committed supporter of Israel, and was sorry for any confusion that came across as a result of the misstatement.”
The 80-year-old Adelson, worth an estimated $40 billion, is a Ukrainian-Jewish American. He is the chairman and chief executive officer of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation and owner of the Israeli daily newspaper Israel HaYom.
But, more importantly, he is well known for spendingmore than $93 million on the 2012 elections.
Washington daily newspaper Politico reported that at first Christie wasn’t exactly filled with remorse for his remark.
Before his apology, “Adelson ally Morton Klein, president of the hawkish Zionist Organization of America, had confronted Christie about his use of the term, telling Politico he explained to the New Jersey governor that ‘at minimum you should call it disputed territories.’ ”
—— Dave Gahary, a former submariner in the U.S. Navy, is the host of AFP’s “Underground Interview” series. See www.americanfreepress.net for more.
Who Hacked Sheldon Adelson and Israel’s Defense Ministry?
JTA - Sheldon Adelson approved to buy Israeli newspaper, website Tant que ça reste dans la famille...
Ha'aretz - Sheldon Adelson expands Israeli media empire, buys Makor Rishon and NRG
Click photo to download. Caption: Far left, star broadcaster Glenn Beck, recipient of the first Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson Defender of Israel Award. Far right and second from right, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson. Holding the award is Zionist Organization of America President Mort Klein. Credit: Jacob Kamaras.
Sheldon Adelson Wants Nuclear Strike on Iran — Says Two-States 'Russian Roulette'
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‘Kosher Sex’ Rabbi Shmuley’s over-the-top gala Sean Penn shines, while Chris Christie tries to placate Sheldon Adelson for saying 'occupied territories.'
Christie calls for more ‘aggressive’ foreign policy
Sheldon's Folly Outsized Role: Sheldon Adelson spent tens of millions of dollars on the 2012 election. EDITORIAL: Sheldon Adelson and other Jewish mega-donors spend millions on political races. A new book explains they have failed miserably to win over hearts and minds — so far.
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Sheldon Adelson Is a Philanthropist Like No Other Casino Billionaire Transforms Shape of Jewish Giving
The Piper Report April 7, 2014
Republican presidential hopefuls kissing Jewish billionaire Shelden Adelson’s ring at his recent soiree’ in Las Vegas.
Listen Here
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Cheney endorses Israeli strike on Iran at GOP gathering
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Saudi-Iran Thaw Troubles the Neocons
Pro-Israel groups urge Sir Martin Sorrell to boycott Iran trade talks
The Book of Gareth: Why Persians Should Never Sleep With Jewish Whores Ed note (Trevor) Thanks to Mark Dankof and others sharing my article exposing Gareth Porter’s underhanded attempt to harm Mark Glenn’s fine reputation and implicate the Iranian government into a phony scandal, it’s going viral and getting into the right hands, including those of Russian and Iranian officials, Press TV, Hungary’s Jobbik, and many others. It just goes to show you that when our enemies hand us lemons, the best thing to do is squeeze the lemons’ juice into their eyes and make them regret ever messing with us.
Michael Collins Piper: “What a masterpiece. It needs to be printed up as a monograph, with a glossy cover!”
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Netanyahu: Israel, U.S. still differ over Iran
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Iran accused of assassinating its own nuclear scientist Délirant!
Les néo-conservateurs sont les personnes à surveiller de très, très près... par Robert Parry
Mofaz: Israel Can’t Handle Iran Alone
RVRSN - Les Milliards d'Israël. Escrocs juifs et financiers internationaux, septembre 2014.
Jerusalem Post’s “50 Most Influential Jews”—A Who is Who out of the Protocols of Zion!
Chicago Tribune: ‘David Duke’s Video Might Herald Transformation in American-Israeli Relations”
Meet the Falics: West Bank settlement funders, Netanyahu backers, and owners of Duty Free America
'For US Jews, Ted Cruz is star attraction at Passover getaways' According to Politico, hawkish Texas senator is being billed as speaker in high-end getaways catering to religious Jews. Wealthy American Jews planning their Passover vacation this spring will have a chance to hear one of Israel’s most ardent supporters – and, by extension, one of Barack Obama’s fiercest critics – in a resort near you. Ted Cruz, the Republican senator from Texas who is considering a run for the presidency, is listed as a speaker in a number of high-end vacation getaways that cater to religious Jews in the United States, according to the online magazine Politico. The appearances by Cruz and a number of prominent rabbis are being promoted by Prime Hospitality Group.
Report: One quarter of wealthiest Russians are Jewish
Jews Boast of Owning Hollywood—But Slam Gentiles Who Say the Same
Jews DO control the media We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll. We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do. But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!” Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else! Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this? Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media.
Un journaliste d’I Télé taclé pour l’usage du mot « Rothschild » au sujet du ministre français de l’Économie
The Protocols of Anti-Semitism Part One: The Protocols of Joly (takeourworldback.com)
Refutes the nonsensical claim about the Protocols of Zion being a "forgery", which, for example, is based on a claim that Russian secret police were hard at work "forging" a document to smear the Jews, and they inexplicably chose to reveal their secret plot to a woman who'd just been exposed in the press in April of the previous year as a destitute confidence trickster, and had been released from prison in August of the previous year for crimes of forgery, fraud, bribery and blackmail - and they show it to the fraudster's friends. (!) And the Jews' argument that anti-Semites fabricated the Protocols to make people hate the Jews relies on a claim that a Jew helped to write the Protocols to make people hate the Jews. More importantly, it shows who really wrote the Protocols, and how the perpetrators plagiarized Joly to steal his Machiavellian program for world domination for their Zionist project, which allowed them to get away with their next two massive hoaxes: the Hoax of the twentieth century and the Hoax of the twenty-first century.
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Médiats juifs antijuifs? Pour l'Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith, même les médiats Rothschild doivent des excuses à Israël pour avoir attiré l'attention sur le lobby juif et son rôle dans l'impasse des relations irano-américaines
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"Kerry a déclaré la guerre à Dieu!" Menaces de mort contre Kerry-Haman: c'est pas des musulmans! Les antijuifs de plus en plus décomplexés inquiètent... Mais qu'en est-il des menaces de mort à peine voilées proférées impunément par des juifs contre des hommes d'État?
Médiats juifs antijuifs? Trop de "complots juifs" dans les séries télé états-uniennes, selon l'ambassade d'Israël aux États-Unis
Humour juif? Complots partout? Selon le rabbin Antelman, le mondialisme oligarchique est un "complot communiste illuminati pour détruire les Juifs et le judaïsme"
Rupert Murdoch dénonce la "guerre contre les Juifs"
Le "sionisme secret" de Asher Ginzburg (Ahad Ha'am), celui des Protocoles
Encore une fois... comment le B'nai Brith peut-il parler d'une montée sans précédent de l'antisémitisme alors que personne ne critique le fait que le nouveau vice-président de la Fed est un ancien de la banque centrale d'Israël?
Un milliardaire à la tête de l'empire médiatique de Rupert Murdoch met en garde contre la "nuit de cristal" qui vient de la gauche
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Iran Accountability Week taking place under Cotler’s gavel
Israeli nuclear expert: Netanyahu using Iran threat for political gain
Netanyahu behind Congress's anti-Iran moves: Jeff Steinberg
Cheney endorses Israeli strike on Iran at GOP gathering
US Army chief: Israel trusts we’ll bomb Iran if needed
U.S. Rejected Israeli Demand for Iran Nuclear Confession
Jimmy Carter: U.S. Shouldn’t Bomb Iran Even If They Get a Nuclear Weapon Jimmy Carter est la voix du gros bon sens. C'est pourquoi il est constamment sous écoute électronique, taxé d'antisémitisme et même de négationnisme...
Iran : un envoyé de l’ONU est un agent du Mossad et de la CIA
Iran insists on UN pick, will challenge envoy’s visa denial
Iran cleric warns of takeover attempt on Assembly of Experts
juif.org - Obama Considère Israël comme « une Puissance Hostile » Le silence du Judaïsme américain et la conspiration des médias libéraux dans le sacro-saint du Parti Démocrate sont assourdissants et choquants de pure hypocrisie, manque de conscience et absence d’intégrité intellectuelle.Au milieu de tout le battage médiatique et d’une campagne de désinformation contre Israël, beaucoup de Juifs américains – pour des raisons difficiles à expliquer – sont soit furieux, soit indifférents, ou tout simplement antisionistes, voire antisémites! Et quoique la très grande majorité des Américains soutiennent le seul état juif au monde, la plus méprisante et haineuse rhétorique de « l’Apologiste en Chef »(Obama) à propos de l’engagement inébranlable et éternel de défendre Israël, n’est que palabre, sans la moindre volonté d’action.
Saudi-Iran Thaw Troubles the Neocons
Pro-Israel groups urge Sir Martin Sorrell to boycott Iran trade talks
The Book of Gareth: Why Persians Should Never Sleep With Jewish Whores Ed note (Trevor) Thanks to Mark Dankof and others sharing my article exposing Gareth Porter’s underhanded attempt to harm Mark Glenn’s fine reputation and implicate the Iranian government into a phony scandal, it’s going viral and getting into the right hands, including those of Russian and Iranian officials, Press TV, Hungary’s Jobbik, and many others. It just goes to show you that when our enemies hand us lemons, the best thing to do is squeeze the lemons’ juice into their eyes and make them regret ever messing with us.
Michael Collins Piper: “What a masterpiece. It needs to be printed up as a monograph, with a glossy cover!”
Rabbi Shore’s Clarion Project backs MeK
Netanyahu: Israel, U.S. still differ over Iran
Netanyahu to U.N.: Iran is vanguard of Islamic militancy
Iran accused of assassinating its own nuclear scientist Délirant!
Les néo-conservateurs sont les personnes à surveiller de très, très près... par Robert Parry
Mofaz: Israel Can’t Handle Iran Alone
RVRSN - Les Milliards d'Israël. Escrocs juifs et financiers internationaux, septembre 2014.
Jerusalem Post’s “50 Most Influential Jews”—A Who is Who out of the Protocols of Zion!
Chicago Tribune: ‘David Duke’s Video Might Herald Transformation in American-Israeli Relations”
Meet the Falics: West Bank settlement funders, Netanyahu backers, and owners of Duty Free America
'For US Jews, Ted Cruz is star attraction at Passover getaways' According to Politico, hawkish Texas senator is being billed as speaker in high-end getaways catering to religious Jews. Wealthy American Jews planning their Passover vacation this spring will have a chance to hear one of Israel’s most ardent supporters – and, by extension, one of Barack Obama’s fiercest critics – in a resort near you. Ted Cruz, the Republican senator from Texas who is considering a run for the presidency, is listed as a speaker in a number of high-end vacation getaways that cater to religious Jews in the United States, according to the online magazine Politico. The appearances by Cruz and a number of prominent rabbis are being promoted by Prime Hospitality Group.
Report: One quarter of wealthiest Russians are Jewish
Jews Boast of Owning Hollywood—But Slam Gentiles Who Say the Same
Jews DO control the media We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll. We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do. But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!” Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else! Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this? Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media.
Un journaliste d’I Télé taclé pour l’usage du mot « Rothschild » au sujet du ministre français de l’Économie
The Protocols of Anti-Semitism Part One: The Protocols of Joly (takeourworldback.com)
Refutes the nonsensical claim about the Protocols of Zion being a "forgery", which, for example, is based on a claim that Russian secret police were hard at work "forging" a document to smear the Jews, and they inexplicably chose to reveal their secret plot to a woman who'd just been exposed in the press in April of the previous year as a destitute confidence trickster, and had been released from prison in August of the previous year for crimes of forgery, fraud, bribery and blackmail - and they show it to the fraudster's friends. (!) And the Jews' argument that anti-Semites fabricated the Protocols to make people hate the Jews relies on a claim that a Jew helped to write the Protocols to make people hate the Jews. More importantly, it shows who really wrote the Protocols, and how the perpetrators plagiarized Joly to steal his Machiavellian program for world domination for their Zionist project, which allowed them to get away with their next two massive hoaxes: the Hoax of the twentieth century and the Hoax of the twenty-first century.
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L'homme le plus puissant à Washington DC, le juif orthodoxe Eric Cantor, accuse les États-Unis de tarder à réagir à la menace iranienne comme ils ont tardé à réagir à la "menace nazie" et failli à éviter l'Holocauste des juifs...
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Israël peut bien disparaître, on s'en moque
Le président Obama sur la même ligne que Michael Scheuer à propos d'Israël
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Les Américains seraient fatigués de faire la guerre selon Willam Kristol, fauteur de guerre juif, roi du PNAC néocon, qui appelle à "défier l'idole de la fatigue de guerre" en se préparant et en se mobilisant pour la guerre
Médiats juifs antijuifs? Pour l'Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith, même les médiats Rothschild doivent des excuses à Israël pour avoir attiré l'attention sur le lobby juif et son rôle dans l'impasse des relations irano-américaines
L'accord iranien est "Munich" et "Obama est Chamberlain", selon l'Organisation sioniste américaine (ZOA). Netanyahou s'époumonne désespérément, hurle au complot américano-iranien contre Israël; Obama l'invite à prendre une petite pause-santé
"Kerry a déclaré la guerre à Dieu!" Menaces de mort contre Kerry-Haman: c'est pas des musulmans! Les antijuifs de plus en plus décomplexés inquiètent... Mais qu'en est-il des menaces de mort à peine voilées proférées impunément par des juifs contre des hommes d'État?
Médiats juifs antijuifs? Trop de "complots juifs" dans les séries télé états-uniennes, selon l'ambassade d'Israël aux États-Unis
Humour juif? Complots partout? Selon le rabbin Antelman, le mondialisme oligarchique est un "complot communiste illuminati pour détruire les Juifs et le judaïsme"
Rupert Murdoch dénonce la "guerre contre les Juifs"
Le "sionisme secret" de Asher Ginzburg (Ahad Ha'am), celui des Protocoles
Encore une fois... comment le B'nai Brith peut-il parler d'une montée sans précédent de l'antisémitisme alors que personne ne critique le fait que le nouveau vice-président de la Fed est un ancien de la banque centrale d'Israël?
Un milliardaire à la tête de l'empire médiatique de Rupert Murdoch met en garde contre la "nuit de cristal" qui vient de la gauche