C'est que les seuls qui reçoivent l'appui du public sont généralement ou bien des experts manipulateurs formés et payés pour désinformer, ou bien des grandes gueules en manque d'attention. Le plus difficile est de démêler tout ça en distinguant bien ces différents groupes que sont les journalistes d'enquête, les manipulateurs et les grandes gueules. Bonne chance!
Robert Parry était le fondateur et éditeur en chef de la revue journalistique Consortium News. Il devint célèbre il y a plusieurs années lorsqu'il fut l'un des premiers à exposer le scandale "Iran-Contra", démontrant du même coup le rôle central des néoconservateurs dans cette histoire... qui fait qu'on devrait plutôt l'appeler "Israel-Contra"! Il était toujours l'un des premiers à mettre en évidence, toujours avec preuve à l'appui, le rôle initiateur des néoconservateurs dans les guerres de l'empire au cours des dernières décennies. Il était toujours en mesure de fournir les preuves nécessaires lorsqu'il exposait les liens entre les guerres interventionnistes, le trafic de drogue par la CIA, les crimes des ères Reagan et Bush, etc.
Il faut savoir qu'au cours de la dernière année, Robert Parry a subi de nombreuses attaques violentes de la part de propagandistes anti-russes, l'accusant d'être un vulgaire "agent propagandiste russe", dans le contexte du pseudo-scandale du "Russiagate" que les médias ont sans cesse ressassé tout au long de l'année. Ces accusations très graves, pouvant conduire à des accusations de trahison, ont réellement mis en danger son organisation, lui causant un stress immense qui a fini par lui coûter la vie au terme d'une crise cardiaque massive.
Avant de mourir, il lança un dernier appel à revenir au véritable journalisme et à abandonner la pratique de la "guerre de l'information" (les pauvres sympathisants d' "Infowars" et d'Alex Jones devraient se sentir visés ici par la critique de feu Robert Parry).

L’héritage de Robert Parry et l’avenir de Consortiumnews
By Nat Parry | 28 janvier 2018 | Consortium News (via mondialisation.ca)
Robert Parry, rédacteur en chef et éditeur de Consortiumnews.com, est décédé paisiblement samedi soir. Dans cet hommage, son fils Nat Parry décrit l’engagement indéfectible de Robert envers le journalisme indépendant.
January 28, 2018
Robert Parry, the classic investigative journalist, founder and editor of the Consortium News website, has died.
This is a huge loss for everyone who has kept some skepticism about
the propagandistic media onslaught on our conciseness. Parry's writing
was always fact based, well grounded and beyond the usual claptrap. The
Iran-Contra stroy, Reagan's October surprise and dozens of other
political crimes would have been buried had Robert Parry not dug into
In his last post on December 31, An Apology and Explanation, he offered these closing words of his long career:
[A]s the New Year dawns – if I could change one thing about America and Western journalism, it would be that we all repudiate “information warfare” in favor of an old-fashioned respect for facts and fairness — and do whatever we can to achieve a truly informed electorate.
Robert's son Nat Parry, who also writes and edits at Consortium News, gives an overview
of Robert's work in his obituary. There was hardly any large political
scandal in the last 40 years, that Robert Parry had not reported on. He
truly made a difference.
May he rest in peace.
Posted on January 28, 2018 at 03:35 PM | Permalink
Oliver Stone Leads Tributes to Robert Parry as Shady US Lobbyists PropOrNot Dance on His Grave
By Bryan Macdonald RT US News 30 January 2018 (via Global Research)
The anonymous anti-Russia lobby group PropOrNot has stunned social media users with an outrageous attack on the memory of Robert Parry, the crusading journalist who died last weekend.
A Tribute to Robert Parry: Independent Journalism at Its Best
By Jim Naureckas FAIR 29 January 2018 (via Global Research)
Journalism lost one of its most valuable investigators when Robert Parry died from pancreatic cancer on January 27, at the age of 68. He was the first reporter to reveal Oliver North’s operation in the White House basement (AP, 6/10/1985), and the co-author of the first report on Contra drug-smuggling (AP, 12/21/1985). He did some of the most important work investigating the 1980 Reagan campaign’s efforts to delay the return of US hostages held in Iran, a scandal known as the October Surprise.
Hollywood’s Dangerous Afghan Illusion: “Charlie Wilson’s War”. (Legacy of the late Robert Parry)
By Robert Parry Global Research, January 29, 2018
Robert Parry, editor and publisher of Consortiumnews.com, passed away on January 27th.
The Global Research team pays tribute to Robert Parry and his unwavering commitment to independent and honest journalism. His legacy will live.
On January 1st, I sent a short note to Robert Parry. Today our thoughts are with Robert Parry and his family.
Robert Parry was a powerful voice, incisive in his analysis of complex foreign policy issues, with a longstanding commitment to peace and social justice.
To consult The Robert Parry Archive of articles posted on GR, click here.
Below is Robert Parry’s incisive and timely April 2013 article on Hollywood’s slanted interpretation of the Soviet Afghan war. The US supported “Freedom Fighters” were Al Qaeda. The Afghan Mujahideen were jihadist mercenaries recruited by the CIA. It was all for a good cause: destabilize a progressive secular government, occupy and destroy Afghanistan, undermine the Soviet Union.
“Reagan’s pet “freedom fighters” in Afghanistan as in Nicaragua were tainted by the drug trade as well as by well-documented cases of torture, rape and murder.”Robert Parry’s Legacy is Truth in Media!
At this juncture in our history during which independent media is threatened, Robert Parry lives in our hearts and minds.
Michel Chossudovsky, January 29, 2018
More than a muckraker: Robert Parry believed in the possibilities of our craft - Salon.com
Oliver Stone leads tributes to Robert Parry as shady US lobbyists PropOrNot dance on his grave — RT US News
Robert Parry, Titan of Journalism, is dead
Veteran investigative reporter Robert Parry dies at 68 - World Socialist Web Site
Robert Parry: When ‘Independent’ Journalism Meant Something | The American Conservative
Décès de Robert Parry (1949-2018)
'Russiagate' And The Decline Of Journalism - With Robert Parry - YouTube
Investigative journalist Robert Parry ‘stood his ground’ against adversity in media - YouTube
Advanced Search | CIA FOIA (foia.cia.gov)
Robert Parry, Associated Press reporter who covered Iran-contra affair, dies at 68 - The Washington Post
Remembering Investigative Journalist Robert Parry | The Nation
How and Why We Should All Be Like the Late Journalistic Giant Robert Parry
Video: Integrity in Journalism, The Legacy of Robert Parry, “You Tell the Truth, No Matter What”
VIDEO - Depth Alexander Cockburn INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, Apr 1 2007 | Video | C-SPAN.org
Le grand bluff de Ronald Reagan
PayPal closes account of French BDS organization France has one of the most robust anti-BDS laws in Europe.
Communication de l’AFPS à la suite d’une annonce de fermeture de notre compte Paypal Nous venons d’être informés du blocage inopiné du compte Paypal de notre association. Quelques sites communautaires ou extrémistes en France, ainsi que des sites israéliens, s’en sont fait l’écho.

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VIDEO - Facebook Deleting Accounts For US & Israeli Govt | Free Speech Under Attack
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