“Greater Israel” in the Making? Israel to Control Mediterranean From Beirut to Gaza?

PDF - Jonathan Cook: Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East

The Donald's "bear hug" to Bibi
S’éprendre de la guerre perpétuelle
Dems Add Neocons to Anti-Trump 'Resistance'
Pentagon: US Empire 'Collapsing,' So Give Us More Money
Trump’s 'Fantasy' Military Budget Hides the Real Cost
Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Let’s Hope Trump Is No Samson | Right Wing Watch
Journalist Diane Johnstone on the New Cold War, the insanity of the War Party, and Macron's geopolitical maneuvers
American Role in Creating Russian Kleptocracy Missing in Financier's Senate Testimony
Trump’s Election Integrity Committee Is Just A Scam
Oliver Stone Defends His Putin Interviews
Macron’s Maneuvers on the New Cold War, Paris-Moscow Rapprochement?
US vs Russia: Putin Retaliates Against Sanctions by Expelling US Diplomats
CNN Crashes and Burns with ‘Exclusive’ Report on Russia Arming the Taliban Remember Hiroshima: “Collateral Damage” and The “Pre-emptive” First Strike Use of Nuclear Weapons
A Ray of Hope. EU Backlash against Washington’s Sanctions Regime directed against Russia
Russia Sanctions: Congress Obstructs Trump’s ‘One Good Policy’
Grand Jury Convenes To Hear Evidence On Trump Jr. Meeting – Subpoenas On The Way?
La folie de l’empire rapproche l’Allemagne de la Russie
Dégâts Collatéraux – Les sanctions US visent la Russie, et frappent l’Europe
Did Hillary Scapegoat Russia to Save Her Campaign?
Kushner: Trump Campaign Was Too Incompetent To Collude With Russia
WATCH Trump Obstructed Justice if He Dictated Son's Statement on Russia Meeting, Says Richard Painter
Breaking: Seymour Hersh Cracks ‘RussiaGate’ as CIA-Planted Lie, Revenge Against Trump
Donald Trump Allegedly Created Talking Point That Son’s Russia Meeting Was About “Adoption”
Trump Apparently Dictated Donald Trump Jr.'s Statement About Russia Meeting, Which Was Full of Lies
A Blacklisted Film and the New Cold War
Dems, GOP Join Hands for Sanctions
Trump signs Russia sanctions bill, but slams it as 'flawed'
Trump Signs Russia Sanctions Bill, Slams It As "Flawed" | Zero Hedge
Trump signs Russia sanctions, calls them 'flawed' Despite campaign calls for better relations with Moscow, Trump reluctantly signs into law sanctions against Russia, while slamming legislation's 'clearly unconstitutional' elements.
Trump signs ‘flawed’ bill putting sanctions on Russia, Iran
North Korea or Iran…Where Will President Trump Attack First?
La Corée du Nord ou l’Iran … Lequel le président Trump attaquera-t-il en premier?
Lindsey Graham Wants To 'Destroy North Korea,' Reminds All of Us That He's Insane
Trump’s Mixed Signals on North Korea
Negotiations, Not War: Green Party's Jill Stein Warns About U.S. Escalating Tension with N. Korea
North Korea Knows We'll Overthrow Them If They Give Up Nukes
North Korea Would Hold Talks if South Korea Supports Peace Treaty with US
Lindsey Graham: 'Destroy N. Korea' Even If 'Thousands Die'
North Korea and the “Axis of Evil”
Clownerie : Soral fait l’apologie de la Corée du Nord… après le dithyrambe hâtif de Super Trump ! | Le Libre Penseur
Sen. Graham: Trump Says Destroying North Korea Is ‘Good Military Option’
Is Trump Trying to Sabotage the Nuclear Deal to Lay Groundwork for War With Iran?
Trump is thinking of breaking the Iran deal. Here’s how he could do it.
Rex Tillerson: US wants Iran out of Syria
Comment la CIA et ses alliés ont piégé Obama dans l’opération d’armement des « rebelles » syriens | Arrêt sur Info
La Syrie, le plus grand fiasco de la CIA?
Israel ‘not bound’ by US-Russian ceasefire deal in Syria
VIDEO - How US-Russia Ceasefire in Syria Impacts Iran
Liberman: Israel will retain freedom of action in Syria
Russia, Syria and U.S. Declare CEASEFIRE! – Media Silent
Senior Russian MP: Israel must ‘learn to live’ with Russia-US agreement on Syria ceasefire
VIDEO - Could Everything We Think About What's Happening In Syria Be Wrong?
VIDEO - Syria To Try Another Ceasefire Following Putin / Trump Talks
Senior Israeli Official: Syria Cease-fire Reached by U.S., Russia 'Very Bad' Deal Deal 'creates disturbing reality,' official says ■ Iran said planning to send substantial military forces to Syria, establish air force, navy bases there... Netanyahu split with Trump and Putin on Syria after meeting with Macron.
Israel held secret talks with Russia, U.S. over cease-fire in southern Syria - Syria - Haaretz.com
Israeli Defense Forces continue to assist their Jewhadists in Syria
Former Top Spy David Cohen Warns Trump Not To ‘Politicize’ Iran Intelligence
Bennett: Don’t Take Eye Off Iran In Fight With ISIS
Democrats Help Trump Sabotage Iran Nuclear Deal
US Sanctions Iran for Complying With Nuclear Deal - #NewWorldNextWeek
Trump’s Deceptive Drive to Kill Iran-Nuke Accord
Henry Kissinger: Maybe Defeating lSlS Isn't A Good Idea
Henry Kissinger warns destroying Isis could lead to ‘Iranian radical empire’
Après l'Etat islamique, un empire iranien ? Henry Kissinger s'inquiète de l'expansion chiite
Trump : « Le Hezbollah une menace pour le Moyen-Orient ». Donald Trump a reçu Saad Hariri, le Premier ministre libanais, à la Maison-Blanche. Au cours des discussions, Trump et Hariri ont promis de rester unis dans la lutte contre le […]
How US-Russia Ceasefire in Syria Impacts Iran
Israël contre un accord russo-américain sur la trêve dans le sud de la Syrie
Quneitra 'Israel may need to take out Iranian bases in Syria'
Netanyahu Pushes Trump Toward Wider Wars
4 Times John McCain Went Maverick With His Jewish Friends
White House: Trump shares Israel's goal to prevent Iranian rush through Syria
Russia Responds to Netanyahu's Criticism of Syrian Cease-fire: We'll Address Israel's Concerns
Trêve en Syrie: la Russie et les USA ont «tout fait» pour respecter les intérêts d’Israël
“Liberation” and the False Flag Thesis. The West’s Collusion with Islamist Terrorism in Syria and Iraq
Netanyahu: Israel Opposes Cease-fire Deal Reached by U.S. and Russia in Southern Syria
The Syrian Ceasefire Exposes Trump’s Abandonment of Israel
Israel Against Peace in Syria. Netanyahu Supports the Jihadists?
Senior Israeli official calls Syria truce 'very bad' deal
Syria cease-fire: For Israel, the good news may lead to bad news
Israel tells U.S. it doesn’t want Russia policing safe zones in southern Syria
Israel will have to live with Russian dominance on its border
VIDEO - Just Whose Side Is Trump On In Syria?
Cela fait trois ans qu’Israël soutient des mercenaires d’al-Qaïda
Why Syria Cease-fire Is Bad News For Israel
Israel ‘not bound’ by US-Russian ceasefire deal in Syria
Liberman: Israel will retain freedom of action in Syria
Trump Officially Hands Syria Over to Russia and Iran The steering of the diplomatic process has officially been transferred to Russia and Iran, while Turkey, the Saudis, Qatar and the UAE are expected to keep funding their pet militias, pointlessly extending the fighting
Israel’s Quiet Campaign to Gain a Foothold in Southern Syria
Trump's unpredictability threatens Israel's balanced, rational Syria policy - Middle East News - Haaretz.com
From the horse’s mouth– Syrian Rebels: ‘We Want Peace With Israel, Real Enemy Is Iran’
La CIA met fin au soutien aux rebelles syriens, selon Washington Post
US special operations chief confirms end of CIA support for anti-Assad forces in Syria
Trump’s Halt to CIA Backing For Syrian Rebels Appeases Pentagon, Not Russia The Pentagon, which never liked the CIA program, now gets to run the entire US war in Syria by itself
The Ending of the CIA’s Covert Operation in Syria Will Not Bring the Syrian Tragedy to an End
Complot réel : la CIA met fin au soutien aux rebelles syriens !
Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow
Neocons push White House to consider regime change (wars for Israel) in Tehran
Trump is facing a Neo-Con stacked deck
Too Much Exceptionalism Hath Made the US Elites Mad
Neocons Enlist in Anti-Trump #Resistance
Un Israélien inculpé pour avoir tenté de rejoindre l’EI
Israel’s Fire Support for Its Al-Qaeda Mercenaries Started Three Years Ago
VIDEO - Israel Secretly Aids Anti-Assad Forces in Syria Proxy War
Netanyahu rejects WSJ report revealing that Israel gives financial aid to Syrian rebels
Israel reportedly providing direct aid, funding to Syrian rebels
Netanyahu : Israël n’aide pas financièrement les rebelles syriens
“Israel’s Secret Engagement”: UN Raises Alarm over “Contacts” Between Israeli Forces and Syrian Terrorists including ISIS-Daesh
UN sees spike in Israeli army meetings with Syrian rebels, warns of escalatio
La Syrie constitue le baromètre du monde actuel et la victime de l’interventionnisme néolibéral néoconservateur Pour des raisons historiques, culturelles, religieuses, politiques et géopolitiques, la Syrie est située au centre de la confrontation entre plusieurs visions de l’arabité et de l’islamité, et l’issue du conflit […]
« Tout le monde occidental arme les terroristes en Syrie »
Emmanuel Macron confirme le soutien de la France à l'opposition syrienne et élude la question Assad — RT en français
Israel Waging War on Syria
Video: Israeli Air Strikes in Support of Al Qaeda Forces in South Western Syria
Guerre en Syrie : Israël, un acteur discret mais efficace - Le Point
How Trump's election victory gave new life to Netanyahu's hawkish rhetoric on Iran
Israël observe avec inquiétude l'Iran étendre son influence militaire en Syrie et au Liban
Cela fait trois ans qu’Israël soutient des mercenaires d’al-Qaïda
Why Syria Cease-fire Is Bad News For Israel
Russia warns US after downing of Syrian warplane After the US shoots down a Syrian Air Force jet, Russia warns the US-led coalition fighting in Syria that it will view its aircraft as targets
La coalition anti-EI reconnaît utiliser des munitions au phosphore blanc à Mossoul
VIDEO - Egyptian Writer: Saudi Arabia Bankrolling Authoritarian Regimes Across the Arab World
L’objectif d’Israël, des États-Unis et de l’Arabie saoudite est de liquider la cause palestinienne
Top spy chiefs talk about Trump's intel leak, Israel's security challenges in the region
How Trump's Election Victory Gave New Life to Netanyahu's Hawkish Rhetoric on Iran Seasoned observers have noted an increasingly hawkish stance by the Israeli prime minister concerning Iran in recent months
Under Trump, settlements are no longer the center of attention
Israël observe avec inquiétude l'Iran étendre son influence militaire en Syrie et au Liban
VIDEO - Why You Need to Pay Close Attention to Iran and Saudi Arabia
Pour Emmanuel Macron, il n'y a pas de successeur légitime à Bachar el-Assad
VIDEO - Israel Secretly Aids Anti-Assad Forces in Syria Proxy War
Netanyahu rejects WSJ report revealing that Israel gives financial aid to Syrian rebels
Israel reportedly providing direct aid, funding to Syrian rebels
Complot ? israhelll soupçonné de financer les rebelles du Golan !
Netanyahu : Israël n’aide pas financièrement les rebelles syriens
“Israel’s Secret Engagement”: UN Raises Alarm over “Contacts” Between Israeli Forces and Syrian Terrorists including ISIS-Daesh
UN sees spike in Israeli army meetings with Syrian rebels, warns of escalation |
Islamic Radicalism: A Product of Western Imperialism
VIDEO - The War On Terror Won't End Until We Vote Out Warmongers
VIDEO - US Using Illegal Chemical Weapons In Syría
Trump's senseless Syria strikes accomplish nothing
What’s in a Name? U.S. Takes Syria’s Al-Qaeda Off Terror Watchlists
Yet Another Video Shows U.S.-Funded White Helmets Assisting Public Executions in Rebel-Held Syria
Putin: ‘No proof’ Assad behind chemical weapons assault Russian president says West is blaming Syrian ruler for gas attack in order ‘to continue to impose measures to pressure’ regime
Poutine : “Aucune preuve” qu’Assad est responsable de l’attaque chimique
Le Département d’État : al-Qaïda, ayant été renommée, n’est plus une organisation terroriste.
Galant : “il est temps d’assassiner Assad”
'Time to eliminate Assad'
Israeli minister calls for assassination of Syria's Assad
«Le temps est venu d'assassiner Assad», déclare un ministre israélien
Israeli minister: ‘The time has come’ to murder Bashar Assad
Syria: Trump’s Tomahawks, Double Standards – Using Chemical and Radioactive Weapons for Profit?
Syria’s alleged crematorium ‘invokes worst nightmares of Nazi atrocities,’ ADL chief says
German neo-Nazi party builds alliance with Assad and Hezbollah
Donald Trump and Theresa May – Partners in Planning Armageddon?
Zionist Ya’alon Admits Tacit Nazi-ISIS Alliance
New Holocaust Claims Against Assad Are Based On Old, Debunked Propaganda
VIDEO - Polls In The Gutter, Trump Tries Bombing Syria Again
C’est la journée #infobidon, au sujet de la Corée du Nord, de la Syrie et du président étatsunien.
VIDEO - Warfare State at War with Trump as he Plans Warfare Against Iran
Super Trump en israhell : contre l’Iran, toute !
VIDEO - CNN #FakeNews Amanpour Challenged to Interview Aleppo Boy's Father - #NewWorldNextWeek
VIDEO - US White Phosphorus Bombs Won't Eradicate Terrorism In Syria
Risk of Unleashing ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis
U.S. strikes pro-Assad militia in Syria
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: ‘Syria’s crematoriums echo the Holocaust*(tm) — President Trump, bomb them now’
VIDEO - Trump Bombs Syrían Troops AGAIN
Pro-war leftism exposed: Democracy Now runs interference for imperialism in Syria
Political hacks Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner were involved in planning the badly botched raid in Yemen
Trump appelle tous les pays à "isoler" l'Iran
VIDEO - Warfare State at War with Trump as he Plans Warfare Against Iran
John Kerry et les anti-sionistes de JStreet sont les plus grands opposants aux sanctions contre l'Iran nucléaire
VIDEO - Congressman Says lSlS Attáck On lran Was A 'Good Thing'
“Water Wars”: Iran Official Urges Pressure on Turkey over Dams
VIDEO - Trump: Iran IS Complying With Nuclear Deal
Deranged politician suggests Israeli-backed ISIS attack on Iran was “Positive”
VIDEO - Trump's Mideast 'Peace Opportunity' Ignores Palestinian Rights and Threatens Iran
VIDEO - CNN Paid al-Qaeda's "Media Man" for Syria Documentary
The National Geographic ‘Hell on Earth’ Syria Hoax
Droit de suite - Syrie : la révolution confisquée | LCP Assemblée nationale
Syrie, la révolution confisquée : 15/07/2017 à 00h30 sur La Chaîne parlementaire - Télé-Loisirs
Washington’s False Flag: United Nations Confirmed that US Supported Syrian “Rebels” Were Using Chemical Weapons
I Am A Syrian Living in Syria: “It was Never a Revolution nor a Civil War. The Terrorists are sent by your Government”
VIDEO - Trump's Alt Right Manifesto is War
Le Monde selon Trump | Investig'Action
The Fraud of The White Helmets - The Unz Review
VIDEO - Max Blumenthal on How the Media Covers Syria
John McCain, un patriote à vendre
VIDEO - Could Everything We Think About What's Happening In Syria Be Wrong?
VIDEO - Syria To Try Another Ceasefire Following Putin / Trump Talks
VIDEO - Just Whose Side Is Trump On In Syria?
Cela fait trois ans qu’Israël soutient des mercenaires d’al-Qaïda
Israel Waging War on Syria
VIDEO - Rami Khouri: Syria's Proxy War is Culmination of Last Century of Failed Arab State-Building
VIDEO - US Accuses Syría Of Doing What The US Does
US says it appears Syria planning another chemical weapons attack
Video: Israeli Air Strikes in Support of Al Qaeda Forces in South Western Syria
IS DETERRENCE working? Smoke rises last year on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights during fighting Will the situation on the Golan suck Israel into the Syrian Civil War?
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad speaks during an interview with RIA Novosti & Sputnik, April 2017. Is Europe warming to Assad?
Guerre en Syrie : Israël, un acteur discret mais efficace - Le Point
Errant Fire From Syria Hits Golan Heights During Netanyahu Visit
IDF: Projectile from Syria hits Golan Heights
VIDEO - Hersh: Trump Ignored Intel Before Bombing Syria
Seymour Hersh: There Was No Chemical Weapon Attack On Khan Sheikhoun
Seymour Hersh, Die Welt et l’attaque chimique de Khan Cheikhoun
Corporate Media Silence Helps Maintain Warfare in Syria
CIA Director Pompeo Admits Convincing Trump Over Disproven Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria
Senior Russian MP: Israel must ‘learn to live’ with Russia-US agreement on Syria ceasefire
Struggle for Power from the Ruins of Libya: Is Saif Gaddafi in the West’s Crosshairs?
New York Times Joins Trump and Saudi Arabia in Targeting Iran
New York Times Beats War Drums Against Iran
Trump confirms Iran nuclear compliance but still sanctions Foreign Affairs
Fuming Netanyahu orders ministers to attend Trump's reception after most refuse
Angry Netanyahu Orders Ministers To Attend Welcome For Trump
Netanyahu orders reluctant Israeli ministers to greet Trump at airport
Rabbis for Peace urge Trump to abandon ‘land for peace’ slogan
Trump plans to shower Israel with love, but it might be a honey trap for Netanyahu
Trump may want a deal, but Israeli Jews are not interested
Exclusive Trump Tells Israelis: Arab Leaders Ready to Take Steps Toward Israel if Peace Process Gains Pace
Goodwill gestures to Palestinians came at Trump’s request, says PMO
Ignoring Israel, Trump misses chance to push for peace where it counts
Here are five things you should know about the new US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman.
Damnation sous l’éloge assourdissant : pourquoi Netanyahu n’est pas impressionné par Trump
Growing Number Of Israelis Unsure Trump Supports Their Country: Poll
Trump’s Plan Finally Becomes Clear. “War is Good for Business”
VIDEO - The US Is Waging A 'Massive Shadow War' In Afríca
Shades of Dr. Strangelove: How NATO’s ever expanding Reach Threatens Global Security
Brzezinski Wanted NATO to Become the “Hub of a Globe-Spanning Web” of Security Pacts
Does George W. Bush Have Afterthoughts?
VIDEO - Afghanistan: U.S. Poised to Extend a War it Can't Win
Bannon and Blackwater Want to Outsource Afghan War
Trump Considers Prolonging Afghan War to Secure $1 Trillion in Untapped Mineral Deposits
Will the U.S. War in Afghanistan Ever End? A Discussion with Kathy Kelly and Jodi Vittori
“Mother of All Bombs”: The Dark Sides of Afghanistan’s MOAB Tragedy are Unfolding
Neoconservatives, Machiavelli and The Prince
Trump’s Israel Love Offensive Might Carry a Hefty Price Tag
Trump’s lack of State Department appointments can hurt Israel, experts say
The U.S. Hypocrisy of ‘Human Rights’
Learning to Love Perpetual War
Media Fawns Over Nonsensical John McCain Speech
John McCain's Ever-Worsening Political Legacy
John McCain's Heroic Speech About What He'd Do If He Had a Soul
John McCain Is Neither A Maverick Nor A Hero - He's A Coward
Quatre situations où John McCain s’est montré non-conformiste avec ses amis juifs
John McCain and the Cancer of Conflict
PBS’ Anti-Russia Propaganda Series
Is the US Trying to Start a Hot War with Russia?
Historian: If Russia Meddled, It Was 'Average'
Who Is Lev Leviev, the Israeli Billionaire With Ties to Jared Kushner and Putin
Hate Jared Kushner? Blame Millennials, Not Jews.
The Unbearable Privilege Of Being Jared Kushner
Jared Kushner’s Statement Demolishes Russiagate
MSNBC Host: Dems Should Focus More On Rüssía, Less On Jobs
Faut-il détester la Russie ou faut-il réfléchir ?
RussiaGate Drowns Out U.S.-Russia Discord
Trump’s Evangelical Team Defends Kushner Against Russian ‘Nonsense’
Is Jared Kushner Setting Up ‘Chump’ Defense In Russia Scandal?
Billionaire unjustly jailed in Putin’s Russia to represent Jewish ex-Soviet communities
Iran’s Foreign Minister: Saudi Arabia Is Involved in 94% of Terrorist Attacks in the World
Russiagate: Kooky Characters, Cold War Liberals
Former National Intelligence Chief Blasts Trump for 'Making Russia Great Again'
Is ‘Jivanka’ The Ultimate Put-Down?
Trump son-in-law Kushner denies Russia collusion, president lashes out
Jared Kushner Insists:’I Did Not Collude’ with Russia
Jared Kushner answers some Russia questions, but misses these big ones
The Investigation Into Trump Just Got Serious, Here's Why
Is Sean Spicer’s Ouster A Win For Jared Kushner In White House Turf Wars?
Kushner and Bannon Agree: Ezra Cohen-Watnick Must Stay
Trump Officially Hands Syria Over to Russia and Iran
"Incoherent Policy": U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Iran Even as Trump Admits Iran Following Nuclear Deal
White House to Iran: Return missing CIA consultant Robert Levinson and other ‘unjustly imprisoned Americans’
Quick Hit - Vijay Prashad: Trump is Setting Up a 'Dangerous Confrontation' With Iran
Vijay Prashad: Trump is Setting Up a 'Dangerous Confrontation' With Iran
Democrats Are Willing To Blow Up Obama's lran Deal
Trump accuse la presse d'avoir fait échouer un projet d'élimination du chef de l'EI
US special operations chief confirms end of CIA support for anti-Assad forces in Syria
Trump’s Halt to CIA Backing For Syrian Rebels Appeases Pentagon, Not Russia
Selected Articles: Will the CIA Obey a Trump Order to Stop Funding Terrorists?
Trump Ends Program That Armed S-Y-R-I-A-N Rebels
America’s “Train and Equip” Program in Syria: When Was Financing Actually Stopped?
Trump arrête la « révolution » syrienne de la CIA
Say Goodbye to Regime Change in Syria. Phasing Out of CIA “Train and Equip” in Support of “Moderate” Rebels?
Le Département d’Etat défend le rapport controversé sur le terrorisme palestinien
State Department defends controversial terrorism report
ZOA Calls For Rex Tillerson’s Resignation
Philip Weiss: The Role of Jewish Democrats in Bill That Could Imprison Israel Boycotters for 20 Years
Le Sanhédrin demande à Poutine et Trump le 3eme Temple
Linda Sarsour Praises Palestinian Resistance, Fails to Mention West Bank Attack
Philip Weiss : rôle des démocrates juifs dans un projet de loi qui pourrait emprisonner les boycotteurs anti-Israël durant 20 ans
Pour Benjamin Netanyahu, les chrétiens évangéliques sont les meilleurs amis d’Israël
Netanyahu, the European Union's border cop - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Netanyahu’s message to the world: Accept Israel as it is, occupier and settler - Israel News - Haaretz.com
“Greater Israel” in the Making? Israel to Control Mediterranean From Beirut to Gaza?
Can Israel survive the end of the Pax Americana? - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
What Does Sheldon Adelson’s Tiff With Bibi Mean For Trump?
Report: Netanyahu discussed settlement exchange plan with US
Did Adelson Just Dump Netanyahu? Unprecedented Front Page Speaks Volumes
Sheldon Adelson Paper Rips ‘Feeble’ Netanyahu As Rift Widens
Netanyahu to Meet Putin in Russia, Discuss Israel's Concerns Over Southern Syria Cease-fire Leaders will meet Wednesday at Sochi on the Black Sea. Later this week Mossad chief will head a delegation to Washington for White House talks on Syria
Netanyahu Warns Putin Israel May Act Against Iran In Syria
PM to Putin: Israel willing to act against Iran in Syria
Netanyahu’s diplomatic charm offensive in Africa is bound to fail
Netanyahu présente des renseignements top secret sur la menace iranienne à Poutine
Former US envoy: US worries about Putin-Netanyahu 'bromance'
Netanyahu after Putin meeting: Iran wants the ‘Lebanonization’ of Syria
Israeli defense officials failed to secure a promise from the Americans that any agreement to end the war in Syria includes the evacuation of Iran and Hezbollah forces from the country and now Israel turns its hopes to the Kremlin.
Liberman and Bennett warn against Iranian presence in Syria
Netanyahu to Putin: Iran's role Syria threatens Israel... In a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Vladimir Putin, Pime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warns that 'Iran is moving in everywhere ISIS moves out.'
With friends like Putin and Trump, Israel doesn’t need enemies
Netanyahou fuira ses scandales par une guerre !
US Refuses to Accept Iran as a Regional Power - RAI with Trita Parsi (1/3)
Netanyahu to discuss Iran in Syria with Putin PM details main points of discussion in upcoming trip to Russia, including preventing Iran from maintaining a military presence in Syria in the event of any ending of its civil war.
Netanyahu: Heads of Mossad, National Security Council Also Will Meet With Putin in Sochi
Le chef du Mossad se joindra à Netanyahu pour rencontrer Poutine
Israel’s Alarm over Syrian Debacle
In talks with Putin, Netanyahu to focus on Iran threat
Mossad chief to join Netanyahu in meeting with Putin — report
The Conflict in Syria Was Always Israel’s War
Israeli-syllabus School Set Up in Syrian Area Controlled by Terrorist Armed Groups
Israel struck Syrian and Hezbollah arms convoys nearly 100 times in five years
If Israel did strike Syrian arms facility, it may have shot itself in the foot - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Syrian Army: Israeli Attack a Desperate Attempt to Boost ISIS Morale
'Israel strikes chemical arms plant in Syria
Days After Netanyahu-Putin Meet: Russia Threatened to Veto anti-Hezbollah Move at UN
Israel’s Message to Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, US: We Are Players in Syria
Hezbollah's Victory Over ISIS Undermined as US Bombs Evacuation Route
Trump, Putin and the ceasefire they brokered are the real targets of Israel’s alleged strike in Syria
How Trump’s Mideast Policy Endangers Israel vis a vis Russia’s Moves on Hezbollah in Syria
Analysis: Trump and Putin are the real targets
Defense Ministry unveils weapons of the future Ministry presents a number of developments, soon to become operational in the IDF, including state-of-the-art drones, unmanned armored vehicles and intel-gathering submarines.
Hamas Looks to Iran, One of its Last Remaining Allies
Haley dénonce un récent rapprochement entre Iran et Hamas
Nikki Haley Haley targets UN 'blacklist,' reportedly threatening aid
Trump Is Pressuring Intelligence Officials To Find A Reason To Start A War With Iran
Netanyahu: Iran is expanding its influence in Syria
Mainstream Media Weeps for Dead White Helmets Terrorists, Cries for Nusra
Mossad Warns Iran Expanding Control of Middle East
National Security Advisor, Yossi Cohen Mossad chief warns Iran taking over territory relinquished by ISIS
Iran filling vacuum left by IS retreat in Syria, Iraq, Mossad chief warns
Air Force Chief: Israel Has Attacked Syrian Arms Convoys Nearly 100 Times in 5 Years
Mossad chief heads to Washington for White House talks on Syria
US says Islamic State carrying out genocide against Christians, others
Top PLO official to 'Post': Kushner cannot broker peace with Israel
Trump Blasts Hezbollah as it Ousts al-Qaeda
Trump’s Outdated Hatred for Iran
Wilkerson: Under Trump, Al Qaeda is Flourishing
Looking for an excuse to attack? Israeli media reports Iran building weapons factories in Syria and Lebanon
The Neocons Are Pushing the USA and the Rest of the World Towards a Dangerous Crisis
In renegade North Korea, a potential vision for a nuclear Iran
Contrôle et guerre impérialiste perpétuelle… Modus operandi
Tariq Ramadan: The U.S. and Allies Are Destabilizing the Middle East and Selling Arms to All Sides
Mossad chief Yossi Cohen makes his mark as Netanyahu ally on Iran
U.S. Attempts to Destabilize Iran Have Failed - RAI with Trita Parsi (2/3)
Iran, Again. Will Israel Start a New War?
Israel Wants U.S. to Weaken and Isolate Iran - RAI with Trita Parsi (3/3)
Trump Seeks Rigged Intelligence to Renege on Iran Nuclear Deal
Washington Post Columnist Attacks Netanyahu for Being Too Trump-Like
Netanyahu warns UN secretary-general of Iran’s ‘warfronts’ in Syria, Lebanon
Netanyahu to UN chief: We won’t let Iran surround us
Israeli Defense Minister: Tel Aviv Will Not Allow Iran to Build Military Bases in Syria
Netanyahu avertit Poutine: « si l'Iran ne quitte pas la Syrie, Israël déclarera la guerre »
The Axis of Resistance: Russia, Iran and Syria have reduced the Zionist entity to a 'quivering wreck' -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net
Northern Army Terrorist Gangs in Syria Supported by Washington
Netanyahu Now Intends to Assassinate Assad; Will the U.S. Allow It?
Israeli Media: Israel is Defeated in Syria
The Reasons for Netanyahu’s Panic
Les raisons de la panique de Netanyahu... Selon l’ancien diplomate britannique Alastair Crooke, le Premier ministre israélien Netanyahu panique suite à l’effondrement des djihadistes supplétifs de l’alliance israélo-saoudienne en Syrie et menace maintenant de lancer une guerre […]
Hamas Looks to Iran, One of its Last Remaining Allies
Haley dénonce un récent rapprochement entre Iran et Hamas
Nikki Haley Haley targets UN 'blacklist,' reportedly threatening aid
Trump Is Pressuring Intelligence Officials To Find A Reason To Start A War With Iran
Moscow rejects Israeli request for buffer zone in Syria
Defense officials disagree with PM over canceling Iran deal -- report | The Times of Israel
Netanyahu at odds with Israeli military and intelligence brass over whether to push Trump to scrap Iran nuclear deal - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Mossad chief said pushing to ‘act now’ to prevent Iranian nuclear bomb
‘Netanyahu to present Trump with specific plan to nix or fix Iran nuke deal’
Obama-complex fuels Trump and Netanyahu’s fight against Iran nuclear deal - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
In UN debut, Trump blasts ‘murderous’ Iran, says may have to destroy N. Korea
Trump goes after 'rogue regimes' Iran, North Korea in first UN speech
Economist Jeff Sachs: Americans Who Don't Want War with Iran Must Speak Out Now
Trump is Threatening More than Just the Iran Deal
Trump Doesn’t Like Iran Nuclear Deal But is not planning on scrapping it either
We’ll always have Iran Since Donald Trump’s election, the question has been of course: “Will the prime minister succeed in convincing Trump,” Israel’s greatest friend since the destruction of the Temple, “to cancel or make significant changes in the nuclear agreement with Iran, and to stop nagging Israel about the Palestinians?”
Trump says US cannot ‘abide’ Iran nuclear deal, ignores Israeli-Palestinian peace in UN speech
At UN, Trump Continues Assault on Iran Nuclear Deal
Overwhelming Resistance to Trump’s Plan to Scuttle the Iran Deal
Netanyahu and Trump Conspire to Ditch Deal with Iran
Netanyahu Targets Iran to Deflect From Occupation
Bennett: Israel must prepare to tackle Iran on its own
Trump and Israel Blasted an Iranian Missile Launch That Didn't Happen
Israeli Forces Struck Damascus International Airport. Syrian Air Defense Downed Israeli Drone – Reports
Mission Impossible? Putin Seeks Syria Deal That Both Iran and Israel Can Swallow
Syrie: Assad est un "criminel" et devra être jugé, affirme Macron
Syrian Deputy PM to UN: 'Israel supports groups fighting regime'
At UN, Syrian FM accuses Israel of backing ‘terror gangs’
Canada’s Disgrace: “Ottawa Supports Illegal Coalition Tasked with Destroying Syria and its People”
The Slimy Business of Russia-gate
Russia-gate’s Shaky Foundation
President Zigzag
Gaddafi's Grim Prophecy Comes True: Countless Refugees Swarm Europe - Sputnik International
Démasqué : la doctrine Trump promet un carnage au nouvel axe du mal
Why The American Right Will Always Embarrass Us At the UN
The New World Order of Global Warfare
Pourquoi l’ingérence est réactionnaire
The Jew who wrote Trump's speech Rappel: Trumpien juif de droite, Stephen Miller a travaillé pour un think tank du néocon David Horowitz, le Freedom Center.
Qui sont les “États voyous”?
The Legacy of Reagan’s Civilian ‘Psyops’
Trump 'Just Trolling' By Hinting At War In Room Full Of Generals?
Is Trump the World’s Most Dangerous Man? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Russia-gate Jumps the Shark
“Black Bolsheviks” and “White Lies”. How Russia Subverts “Our Democracy”? A Black American Response
Report: Israel found Russians using Kaspersky for hacks
Israel hacked Kaspersky and discovered Russia stealing top secret U.S. intel - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Old and New Mccarthyism: Fear of Russia, China in the American Mind
Report: Israel caught Russian hackers, alerted US to intelligence theft attempts
Israel's Kaspersky hack reveals that Russia is crossing all the red lines - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israel Caught Russia Cyber-Snooping For U.S. Secrets
Trump Wants INSANE Amount Of Nukes
Trump’s Scary Nuclear Doctrine
Report: Trump sought huge nuclear arsenal growth NBC states that US Pres. Trump said he wants to return to nuclear stockpiling similar to what the US held in the '60s; report comes as tensions remain high with N. Korea, Iran.
Manbaby Trump Wanted More Nukes
Donald Trump Wants Ten Times More Nukes At His Disposal
Trump is Killing His Own Agenda
Tillerson: Trump to ‘decertify’ Iran nuke deal, ask Congress to impose new terms
Trump announces he will not recertify Iran nuclear accord
Decertifying Iran Deal, Trump Escalates His War
Israel buoyed by Trump tack against Iran deal, but sees a long way to go
Cyber hacking Israel, accused of spying on US at Iran talks, finds redemption in Kaspersky findings
Israel Happy With Trump’s Plan To Undermine Iran Deal
With Unprecedented Chaos in D.C., Israel Sets New Red Lines on Iran
Report: Trump to kick back Iran deal to Congress for tougher oversight
Trump and Rouhani 'Decertifying' Iran deal, Trump to propose new, unilateral terms
Trump threatens withdrawal from Iran deal without action from Congress US
U.K. opposed to scrapping Iran nuclear deal, Britain's May tells Netanyahu
Trump and Israel vs. the world: Which countries support preserving Iran nuclear deal?
Will Congress Help Trump Kill the Iran Deal?
The Illogical Assault on Iran Deal
John Bolton to Trump's Cabinet: Just two options left
How Trump’s Iran Decision Invites War
Trump will 'decertify' Iran deal, White House tells Republican leaders
Trump’s Destructive Priority on Iran
Trump retweets praise from a pro-Israel account | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Netanyahu’s high-risk pressure on 'pressure cooker' Trump to confront Iran - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Trump presidency makes people worried about nuclear arms, Nobel winners say
Trump reportedly plans to 'decertify' Iran nuclear deal - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Max Blumenthal challenges Charles Lister on "moderate opposition" in Syria - YouTube
How Trump Is Sabotaging Iran Nuclear Deal
Trump Targets Iran Deal and Hints at War
Trump’s Iran Ploy Could Isolate Washington, Implicate Netanyahu and Divide American Jewry
Are Trump’s Efforts to Sabotage Iran Nuclear Deal a Precursor for U.S. War with Iran?
Ex-Mossad chief tells Jpost why Netanyahu is wrong fighting the Iran deal
US Bombed 84 Civilians Including 30 Kids In 2 Syría Strikes
Video: Israel Complains Assad Is Winning in Syria
Anglo-American 1957 Secret Plan to Assassinate the Syrian President. Déjà Vu?
Iran to cooperate with Syria to destroy 'the Zionist enemy'
Trump and Netanyahu Walk in Lockstep on Iran
Neocon Nikki Haley’s Anti-Iran Rage: Prelude to War?
Pro-Israel billionaires dictate Trump’s aggressive Iran policy - YouTube
Trump Bows to Neocons, Netanyahu
Netanyahu’s speech backfired, helped Iran deal gain support, Congresswoman says
Roland Dumas bientôt chez Bachar el-Assad
Roland Dumas bientôt chez Bashar El Assad et au Liban
Is the EU on a collision course with Trump over the Iran deal?
Israel Supplies Weapons to ISIS-Daesh: Report
Bernie’s Speech Opposing lráq Perfectly Predicted The Fallout
Europe Should Stop Trump from Starting Another War in the Middle East
Video: Israel Wants War with Iran. Penetrating Historical Analysis of Israeli-CIA Meddling
Trump Team Targets Iran
Haley says US to stay in Iran nuclear deal 'right now'
Trump decertifies Iran nuclear deal, announces sanctions on Revolutionary Guard - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Trump Ignores Israeli/Saudi Abuses
On Iran, Trump Follows the Neocons
Trump’s Iran strategy presents new kind of challenge for Israel
Trump’s Amb. to UN Nikki Haley–‘US will Stay in Iran Nuclear Deal’
Iran's military chief vows to cooperate with Syria against 'Zionist enemy' Israel
How Netanyahu Pulls Trump’s Strings
Netanyahu praises Trump for ‘bold decision’ on Iran deal
Netanyahu praises Trump’s ‘brave decision’ on Iran nuclear deal
Netanyahou : "Trump a pris une décision historique et audacieuse sur l'Iran"
Trump's Terrifying World View and the Existential Threat of Nuclear War
Podcast Comprendre le monde #7 - H. Védrine - PARTIE 2 "La France est-elle encore une puissance?"
Trump Admin: We Can Do Endless War Wherever We Want
How America Spreads Global Chaos
Neocons Hijack Trump’s Syria Policy
Bannon : "la Turquie est plus dangereuse que l'Iran"
Get Ready, Israel: The Mooch Is Coming
“Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”, 204 Atomic Bombs against Major Cities, US Nuclear Attack against USSR Planned During World War II
NATO blogger will take the 'Sarin Bucket Challenge' to prove the nerve agent is actually harmless
Burn Pits and Betrayal: How the U.S. Poisoned its Veterans
Checking In On America's 16 Year War...
US Sanctions on Venezuela: 'Attempt to Destroy the Economy'
John Kerry: N Körea Has A Reason To Want A Bomb
Trump BUCKLES Under Pressure, Praises China For 'Taking Advantage' Of America
North Korea claims 'gangster US imperialists' practiced surprise attack
Code Pink Conference: Divest from the War Machine
War On Terror Is A Colossal Waste Of Money
Contre le conflit de civilisation. Georges Corm, historien et économiste né au Liban, est l’un des plus importants spécialistes du Moyen Orient; il enseigne dans des universités situées de part et d’autre de la Méditerranée, […]
Les 10 commandants suprêmes de Daesh sont des Juifs israéliens d’origine soit marocaine, soit irakienne | Brèves | alterinfonet.org Agence de presse associative
Malaise pendant le débat du Figaro sur Daech - Egalite et Réconciliation
Is Saudi Arabia pushing Israel into war with Hezbollah and Iran? - Middle East News - Haaretz.com
Israeli-Saudi Tandem Adjusts to Syria Loss
From Iran-Contra to Russia-Gate, Washington Scandals – I’ve Seen This Story Before
Israel reportedly strikes Syria; regime responds with anti-aircraft missiles
Damascus Calls Israel ‘Agent of Terrorism’ After Airstrike on Syrian Factory
Russia sets out why it thinks UN wrongly accused Syria over sarin attack
Report: Syria calls on UN to halt Israeli attacks on its territory
The seven worst anti-Israel events in the year since Trump's election - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
How US Blunders Strengthened Iran
Netanyahu: Iran is ‘devouring’ nations; Israel won’t let it dominate Syria
Neocons Push Dubious Paper to Allege Iran – Al-Qaeda Connection
Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu Is Leading US President Trump to War with Iran
BREAKING: Lebanon’s Prime Minister Hariri Resigns after Anti-Iranian Meltdown, CIA Accuses Tehran of Supporting Al Qaeda
Netanyahu pressed Obama to use nuclear weapons against Iran
Christian Zionists See Signs Of The Messiah In Big Israel Anniversaries
Between Sarsour’s Israel-hate and GOP Christian supremacists, the political space for U.S. Jews is shrinking - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Adelson has hijacked the Israeli-American community for his hard-right agenda - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Jared Kushner REALLY Appears To Be Guilty Of Obstruction Of Justice
Jared Kushner was contacted about WikiLeaks and Russia ahead of election, senators say
Kushner Got Emails About WikiLeaks And Russia — But Failed To Tell Congress
“Unfriendly Relations” with Russia, American Imperialism and the Dangers of Nuclear War: Trump and the Wolfowitz Doctrine
Wikileaks Tried To Work With Trump Jr. During Campaign, Twitter DMs Reveal
Eric Trump Could Go On The Hot Seat In Russia Investigation
Henry Kissinger: “If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf”
A Telling Comparison: Israel versus North Korea
Trump Begging Countries To Buy Weapons
Trump Begged Vietnam To Buy US Military Equipment To Help Boost His Approval Rating
Israel may demand Iran leave southern Syria, but Russia sets the rules of the game - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israel's threats could push it into unnecessary war with Iran
Israel claimed Iran refused its offer for humanitarian aid. Red Cross says otherwise - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Syria Declares 'ISIS Is Finished' As Last Town Falls
IDF fires 'warning shot' after Syrian border construction
Israel fires 'warning' tank shell at Syrian forces
Liberman : Israël ne tolérera pas la présence iranienne en Syrie
Israel’s Ploy Selling a Syrian Nuke Strike
How Syrian-Nuke Evidence Was Faked
Trump Resumes Abuse of ‘Terror List’
The US Really Loves Dropping Bömbs
Trump Raises Fears About Nukes, But US Anti-War Movement Is Lacking
Establishment Media Normalizes Extreme Policies
The Uncounted: New York Times Finds US Airstrikes Kill Far More Iraqi Civilians Than Pentagon Admits
Canada’s Foreign Policy and the New World Order. Ottawa Acting as a Pawn of Washington
The War On Terror Is 'Producing More Terrorists' - GOP Politician
Orthodox Trolls Are On A Frum-Shaming Crusade
Exposing the Sordid and Continuing Alliance Between Zionism and Anti-Semitism
How Tucker Carlson Boosted The Latest ‘Alt-Right’ Meme Campaign
Europe's White Supremacists Have Powerful Allies
TMBS - Ep. 16 - Alt-Civilization ft. Adam Proctor and Christopher Ryan - YouTube
Actually, Steve Bannon Is Not An Anti-Semite. He’s Something Worse.
Far-Right Activists Party With Bannon, Gorka, Congressmen and ‘Election Integrity’ Commissioner In Florida
McMaster Called Trump A ‘Kindergartner.’ Was Ezra Cohen-Watnick The Source?
Sheldon Adelson Expresses Support for Campaign Against Trump’s National Security Advisor McMaster
For the Jewish Right, it’s apparently ok to be antisemitic so long as you’re also Islamophobic. Thankfully the Left is speaking up
Anti-semitism + Anti-zionism
Are Jews avoiding anti-Trump activism out of fear, or moral failure? - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
‘The Mooch’ Gets Surprisingly Jewish To Stump For Trump In Israel
Overthrowing Assad and the Neoconservative Agenda in Syria
The Anti-Iran Axis Tries to 'Blackmail' Palestine
Trump divulged to Russia details of a daring Israeli raid in Syria — report
Ex-Mossad officials: Trump revealing Mossad intel ‘likely affects future cooperation’
Senior Israeli military official– ‘Trump betrayed us by sharing intelligence with the Russians’
Report: Trump Revealed Israeli Commando and Mossad Operation in Syria to Russians
Netanyahu warns Putin of dangers of Iran in Syria The two leaders' conversation is part of Putin's round of talks with world leaders, in addition to his meeting with Syrian Pres. Assad on Tuesday.
'Post' uncovers Israeli medical treatment of Syrian chemical attack victims
Israel demands extra 1.37 bln USD for defense budget over Syria situation
Saudi Arabia's Jew-hating founder would be shocked by his kingdom's public flirtation with Israel - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Wahhabisme et sionisme : une sainte alliance contre l’Iran
Saudi Arabia ‘doesn’t care’ about the Palestinians as long as it can make a deal with Israel against Iran, says former Netanyahu advisor
'The Saudis are Going to Fight Tehran to the Last Dead American'
Trump Administration ‘Fed Up’ with Israel’s refusal to engage in peace discussions with Palestinians
US backtracks on decision to close Palestinian office in DC
Palestiniens : le bureau de l’OLP à Washington restera ouvert
Puppy memes and Pokemon: How Russiagate went off the rails, with Aaron Maté (Moderate Rebels Ep. 8)
Jared Kushner Still Can’t Pass His Security Clearance Check, But He Still Has A Security Clearance
Is Trump Plan to Replace Rex Tillerson a Push for More U.S. Aggression Toward Iran, North Korea?
Normalizing the Unthinkable in “Western” Exceptionalism
Neocon Deepstate Cuck Trump Makes Admin MORE Hawkish
What’s Wrong with Talking to North Korea?
Who is Jayda Fransen - the anti-Muslim, 'Britain First' extremist who Trump retweeted? - Europe - Haaretz.com
Ann Coulter Claims Bogus Anti-Muslim Video Trump Shared ‘Not A Discredited Video’
U.S. Jewish leaders blast Trump for retweeting anti-Muslim propaganda - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Sanders: Who Cares If It's Not A Real Video Trump Tweeted!
Trump retweets videos condemned as 'anti-Muslim propaganda'
Jewish Democrats raise money using Trump’s Charlottesville remarks. Jewish Republicans call foul.
Center For Security Policy: Americans ‘Should Be Happy’ Trump Retweeted Anti-Muslim Propaganda
Zionism and anti-Semitism: Joseph Massad on the sordid historical alliance (Moderate Rebels Ep. 9)
Are Muslims the 'new Jews' for today's far right? Trump's tweets boosted that claim - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Trump Takes Post-9/11 Islamophobia to New Lows
Pompeo, Reportedly To Be Named Secretary Of State, Has Ties To Far-Right Anti-Muslim Groups
'We won't allow Iran to acquire nukes, entrench itself in Syria' Ahead of Saban Forum in Washington, PM Netanyahu says Israel 'won't allow a regime bent on destroying Israel to acquire nuclear weapons.'
Israeli attempts to kick Iran out of Syria could escalate into war - Israel News - Haaretz.com
PM: We won't allow Iranian presence in Syria In speech for Saban Forum pre-taped on Thursday, a day before the alleged Israeli strike on an Iranian base in Syria's al-Kiswah, Netanyahu reiterates Israel's policy.
Arab media: 12 Iranians killed in ‘Israeli strike’ in Syria
After reported Israeli strike, PMO issues video of Netanyahu warning to Iran
Netanyahu: Israel Will Not Allow Iran to Entrench Itself in Syria
Netanyahu : L’Iran est comparable à l’Allemagne nazie dans son « engagement à tuer des Juifs »
Netanyahu at Saban Forum: Iran, like Nazi Germany, has 'ruthless commitment to murdering Jews'
Netanyahu compares Iran to Nazi Germany Speaking in a pre-recorded speech to the Washington Saban Forum, Israeli premier draws parallels in 'ruthless commitment to impose tyranny and terror' and 'to murder Jews.'
Watch: Netanyahu slams Iran in statement after reported airstrike on base in Syria
Cherry-picking Toward War with Iran
Netanyahu and CIA Director Pompeo Threaten Iran
IDF-linked Think Tank Admits Israel, ISIS Are Allies in Confronting Iran in Syria
Israel Responds to Defeat of Islamist Rebels in Syria with Threat of Wider Regional War
Israel Threatens War on Syria
Netanyahu said to warn Assad: We’ll strike if you let Iran set up bases in Syria
India's specter of fascism: Modi, Hindutva, and anti-Muslim violence, with Shehla Rashid (Ep. 10)
Trump-Netanyahu-Modi: A global far-right anti-Muslim alliance (Analysis by Shehla Rashid)
Inside The Prospective Israel-Saudi Arabia Rapprochement
Israel Will Get ‘More Understanding’ from Trump’s Negotiators Because They’re All Observant Jews, Sharansky Says
LIVE: Max Blumenthal and Paul Jay on Trump's Plans to Move US Embassy to Jerusalem
Fault Lines Season 1, Episode 16: The Relationship Between Trump and Netanyahu
Why Is Sheldon Adelson’s Jewish Fraternity AEPI Expanding To Israel?
Jewish Democrats Targeted By Adelson Can Sue, Court Rules
'Fire and Fury': Trump's Israel policies crafted by ultra-right Bannon-Adelson-Netanyahu axis - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Surrounded by Neocons
Armed by Israel, Honduras’s Illegitimate Regime Returns the Favor at the UN
Erasing Obama’s Iran Success
Gazing at Iran Through a Distorted Glass
Trump’s Middle East plan detailed in Bannon’s New Book
US Winks, Israel Bites? Shifting Middle East Alliances. The War on Iran is “On Hold”?
Report: Ahmadinejad arrested for inciting unrest
Contre l'«expansionnisme colonial», l’Iran interdit l’apprentissage de l’anglais en primaire
CIA chief denies agency role in Iran unrest, predicts new violence
US Accuses Iran Of What The US Is Most Guilty Of
White House Insiders Worry Trump Might Accidentally Start A Nuclear War
France: Israeli, US rhetoric on Iran ‘would lead us to war’
Les confidences d'Emmanuel Macron en marge de ses vœux à la presse
Iran blames Israel-backed CIA plot for week of protests
What Is Happening in Iran? Is Another “Color Revolution” Underway?
Pas de « regime change » à Téhéran
Have Trump and Netanyahu Conspired to Topple Iran’s Government?
Trump and Netanyahu Walk in Lockstep on Iran
U.S., Israeli, Saudi Policies On Iran ‘Would Lead Us To War’: French President
Jewish Op-ed calls on Israel to ‘nuke’ Germany and Iran
Report: US, Israel sign secret pact to tackle Iran nuclear and missile threat
Eichmann Mossad capturer: Only way to stop Iran is to overthrow regime
Assad empêcherait l'Iran de s'incruster en Syrie
Assad regains control as Syrian rebels abandon area bordering Golan Heights
Mossad chief: Israel has eyes, ears and 'even more' in Iran
Swiss Newspaper reveals: Secret military cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Israel
State Dept.: Report That U.S. Envoy Wanted Ban On ‘Occupation’ Is Misleading
With an eye to Trump and Netanyahu, Israeli university takes on ‘fake news’
Poll: Most Jewish Israelis think Trump is good for Israel
Jerusalem: capital of apartheid, and the Israelgate scandal, with Ali Abunimah (Ep. 11) - YouTube
Le choix de Jérusalem de Donald Trump: la fin de l’hégémonie?
France’s foremost female rabbi faces flak over Jerusalem stance
La colère mondiale envers Trump donne une ligne d’action claire aux Palestiniens | Agence Media Palestine
Les Palestiniens se réjouissent de l’échec retentissant de Trump et d’Israël à l’ONU
Trump’s crude move may further weaken U.S. and Israel
UN General Assembly Jerusalem Resolution: Vote Exposes 65 Sanctions-Deserving Pro-Apartheid States
Israelis overwhelmingly oppose partition of Jerusalem Just 12% of Israeli Jews back partition of Jerusalem in exchange for peace deal with PA. 64% say UN resolutions on Jerusalem meaningless.
The UN got it right for a change Taking UNGA Res A/ES-10/L 22 seriously means Al Aqsa has to go.
Trump and Netanyahu are pulling the plug on the octogenarian two-state solution - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
US envoy blasts Palestinians’ ‘anti-Semitic’ reaction to Trump’s Jerusalem move
Trump owes Netanyahu an apology for his Declaration on Jerusalem
Reverberations from Trump’s Jerusalem Move
UN PAVÉ DANS LA MARE DE DONALD TRUMP Il aurait planifié la partition des territoires palestiniens
New Israeli Train Line with Station Named After Trump Was Built on Stolen Palestinian Land
Trump se prend pour Balfour
How Trump embarrassed Israel with anti-Palestinian tweet
Trump Targets Lifeline for Palestinian Refugees
Netanyahou aurait demandé aux USA de ne pas couper le financement de...
"L'UNRWA est une organisation de soutien au terrorisme"
Trump’s Threat to Defund UNRWA Could Cost Israel as Much as the Palestinians
U.S. freezes grant to UNRWA Diplomats say the United States administration froze a $125 million grant to UN agency for “Palestinian refugees”.
Netanyahu wants UNRWA gradually shut down, backs US cuts
L'intérêt personnel délirant dans le mouvement de Jérusalem de Trump
Shades of Suez and “Greater Israel” as Theresa May and Netanyahu Ignore UNSCR 2334 Pertaining to the Territorial Rights of Palestinians
Jake Tapper Implies Anti-Semitism To Blame For UN Denouncing Israel
Jérusalem capitale d'Israël : Bernard-Henri Lévy ne croit pas une seconde à Trump, «ami des juifs»
Israel Should be Suspended from the UN Until It Complies with UNSCR 2334
Report details intense efforts by Trump transition to derail UN anti-Israel resolution
After Haley threat, US evaluating funding for UN’s Palestinian refugee agency
US warns it won’t fund UN refugee agency if Palestinians reject talks
Despite PM's foreign trips, Israel remains nearly isolated in UN
As ICC Considers Probing Israel for War Crimes, U.S. Moves to Defund U.N. Palestine Refugee Agency
The Hague to investigate Judea, Samaria construction, Gaza war Foreign Affairs
Israel's "zombie peace process" and the "2-state solution" myth in Palestine, with Ali Abunimah - YouTube
2017, the worst year ever for relations between Israel and the Jewish world
Netanyahu lashes out at Arabs: Shame on you, protesting the only state that protects human rights
Palestinians seek to join UN as full member – report
Les vrais alliés de la Palestine sont «principalement à l'Est et non à l'Ouest»
Why a big wave of European countries recognizing Palestine is fast approaching - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
‘Palestinian statehood means the end of the Zionist enterprise’
Ten U.S. Democratic senators urge Netanyahu: Do not demolish Palestinian village of Sussia
Bernie Sanders, Dianne Feinstein lead senators’ push urging Israel not to demolish Palestinian villages
Jewish groups urge Israel not to deport African refugees | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Netanyahu invité à Bruxelles sur fond de tensions UE-Israël
UN security council votes on resolution 2334 UN resolution against Israeli settlements at center of Flynn guilty plea
Haine de l’Etat juif à l’ONU : la France de Macron vote en faveur de...
151 UN states vote to disavow Israeli ties to Jerusalem
L’ONU célèbre la journée de la Palestine avec une série de résolutions anti-Israël
Before and After Aftermath of Alleged Israeli Strike on Iranian Base in Syria, Revealed
CIA Chief: Saudi, Israel May Set Up ‘Joint Military Headquarters’
How a Dubious BBC Report Gave Israel the “Green Light” for Last Night’s Attack on Syria
When Washington Cheered the Jihadists
Trump’s Misuse of Intelligence on Iran
Bad Moon Rising: A New Cabinet Will Mark Neocon Ascendancy. “Tillerson Will be Gone Sooner or Later”
America’s Enemies, Who’s On the List?
Iraq, Syria, Iran…Are We To Destroy Iran Next?
Report: Obama Admin. Shielded Hezbollah to Save Iran Deal
Obama said to have derailed campaign against Hezbollah to clinch Iran nuke deal
How Mike Pence's Mideast trip to help embattled Christians evolved into a visit devoid of Christians - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Trump dévoile la stratégie de sécurité nationale de « l’Amérique d’abord »
Trump’s Continuation of US Interventionism
[Pascal Boniface ] Trump élargit l'Atlantique - YouTube
Trump Put Obama's Disastrous Drone Program On Steroids
Wilkerson: On Iran, Trump Follows the Iraq War Playbook
The White Helmets Are A Propaganda Construct
Henry Kissinger: Nuking N Körea Is ‘Tempting’
Trump Thinks An Attack On The US Would Be Great For Republicans
In Warmongering First State of the Union, Trump Doubles Down on Gitmo & Escalates Nuclear War Threat
Trump's SOTU Calls for More Spending on Nuclear Weapons and Galvanizes Extremism
STATE OF THE UNION 2018: "Non-interventionist" Trump Brings ENDLESS War
Dangerous Scenario: “America First” Confronts “China First”
The Deep State of the Union: Dictocracy. How Trump, Putin and Netanyahu run your life - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
So There IS Such Thing As Too Racist For Breitbart...
How They Do It–Ex-CIA officer says Trump’s ‘Deep State’ conspiracy is a ‘fascist concept’ aimed at undermining democracy
Unholy Alliance: Why Would Islamic Extremists Fund White Supremacists?
Sebastian Gorka Launches New Show With Far-Right Canadian Outlet
Gorka Joins Far-Right Website That Published ‘10 Things I Hate About Jews’
Fundamentalists Say Trump Has 'Blood Right' To Rule America
Everybody Hates Trump’s Immigration Plan, Except The Religious Right
Breitbart Senior Editor Invited To Speak At AIPAC Conference
Jewish Talk Show Host Promotes ‘White Genocide’ Theory
Pence’s Holocaust remembrance tweet angers some with ‘Christ imagery’
VP Pence's Holocaust tweet defended by Rabbinic group
Evangelical-funded Israel charity hopes to cash in by getting cozy with Trump - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Billionaire Stephen Schwarzman, a Trump adviser, donates $10 million to Israel’s National Library
National Library of Israel Billionaire Stephen Schwarzman donates $10 million to the National Library The American billionaire is known to have links to US President Donald Trump.
Postcards from Armageddon: Trump-touting tourists come out in droves to see the end of the world - Travel in Israel - Haaretz.com
Let’s Keep Donald Trump, because a true believer like Mike Pence could be a whole lot worse
How They Do It–NY Times Op-Ed Accuses Jewish Billionaires of Agitating for War Against Iran
US envoy Friedman tears into left-wing daily for op-ed disparaging him
US ambassador to Israel in twitter beef with Haaretz
U.S. ambassador blasts Haaretz after writer calls out settlement donations
Recognizing Jerusalem was high point of my term, Trump tells pro-Netanyahu paper
Michael Oren’s Political Transformation Leaves Friends Baffled
Why Democrats sat on their hands when Donald Trump celebrated recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
How Trump is accelerating Israel’s loss of support
The tragic decline of liberal values in the U.S.-Israeli alliance, from Truman to Trump - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
With Trump and Pence, who needs AIPAC?
Trump Bullies UN Allies At Behest Of Israel
Donald Trump a Zionist? For one month, Wikipedia claimed he was - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Republican Jewish Committee board member and arch-Neocon warmonger for Israel David Frum hates Republican party for paving the way for Trump
Op-ed Trump’s embrace could lead to dangerous rift with US Jews
Zeroing in on Soros, Netanyahu stands shoulder to shoulder with anti-Semitic scum - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Soros: Netanyahu lied, I'm not funding campaign
Netanyahu: Soros behind anti-deportation campaign
Soros spurns ‘false’ Netanyahu claim he’s behind anti-deportation bid
Other than slander, what do you know about George Soros?
Netanyahu says George Soros funding campaign against Israeli plan to deport asylum seekers - Israel News - Haaretz.com
British paper accusing Soros of ‘secret plot’ not anti-Semitic, watchdog says
It's not anti-Semitism if you just hate the bad Jews
Netanyahu’s Hatred Of Soros Is A Rejection Of Diaspora Jews
New evidence reveals: Favorable coverage for the Netanyahus, huge benefits for media tycoon
Netanyahu is out to beat the system - but Trump could destroy it
Why Did ZOA's Morton Klein Go to Qatar? 'I Talked With the Emir About Hamas and Al Jazeera'. The Zionist Organization of America leader denounced Qatar just last year, but flew to Doha this month at the Emir's invitation: 'I spoke truth to power about anti-Semitism,' he explains in an interview with Haaretz
The UN's Israel 'blacklist' is one giant shaggy dog joke
Breitbart's Jerusalem Chief Reportedly Bought Thousands of Fake Followers on Twitter
Why Are So Many Israeli Politicians Backed By Twitter Bots?
Que la solution à deux États meure de mort naturelle !
Miscalculations in Israel Could Pave Way to Wider War
Kuwait challenges U.S. over Palestinians, invites Jimmy Carter to speak at UNSC
UNHRC publishes report on companies operating in settlements, withholds names
UN omits ‘blacklist’ from report on firms doing business in settlements
Netanyahu’s Policies Threaten Israel — And American Jews
Israël ferme des institutions palestiniennes à Jérusalem
The sinister reason behind Qatar's wooing of the Jews - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Qatar denies promising U.S. Jews to block Al Jazeera's 'Israel lobby' documentary - Middle East News - Haaretz.com
Trump The Next Churchill?
The Saudis checkmated Israel. What's next? - Middle East News - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Trump’s ‘America First’ Muscle Flexing is Actually a Defensive Strategy
'The era of American appeasement is over' Former Israeli ambassador to the US says Trump's standing up to the UN shows US is once again the leader of the free world.
Trump unveils “America First” national security strategy - World Socialist Web Site
The Israeli 'left' is gaslighting U.S. Jews into support for Trump on Jerusalem
Jérusalem : l'ONU condamne à une large majorité la décision américaine
Trump’s ‘Lord Balfour moment’ is formal recognition the US was never an honest broker
UN Members Show Spine in Rebuffing Trump
BHL - Trump, Jérusalem et les juifs | Tribune Juive
The problem with Trump’s Jerusalem announcement
Palestinians celebrate resounding Trump and Israel failure at the UN
Rush Limbaugh Gets Super Excited About How Tough Nikki Haley Is
Allan Nairn: By Recognizing Jerusalem as Capital of Israel, Trump Drops “Pretense of Neutrality”
The Jerusalem UN Vote and the US-Israel Link
US Intimidating UN Member States, “Al Capone Style”
PM applauds US for ‘pushing back’ against UN moves on Israel
L’ONU examine une résolution rejetant la décision de Trump sur Jérusalem
Jewish historian Robert Dallek for Newsweek– ‘Donald Trump should be removed and replaced with Mike Pence’
Trump's Jerusalem Decision Only Exists To Stoke His Horrible Voter Base
La Palestine, Jérusalem et les Juifs (UJFP)
L'an prochain à Jérusalem ? Le Moment Meurice - YouTube
TV ISRAELIENNE : “La France a activement œuvré contre Israël à l’ONU”
The Draft UN Security Council Resolution on Jerusalem
Why Netanyahu Is Upset About UN Security Council Resolution 2334: The Total Illegality of Israel’s Settlements
Bethléem manifeste contre la reconnaissance par Washington de Jérusalem comme capitale d’Israël (vidéo)
Trump hints he'll cut funding to countries that support UN Jerusalem vote
UN Sponsored Report on Israel’s Responsibility for Apartheid in Relation to the Palestinian People
In rare move, Trump threatens to cut aid to UN members who oppose Jerusalem recognition
Trump, Take Note: These Are the Top 10 Countries Receiving U.S. Aid – and How They Voted on Jerusalem
Netanyahu embraces Trump as his number one role model - Israel News - Haaretz.com
UN votes against US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital
UN Vote 128 states vote in favor of resolution slamming Trump's Jerusalem policy
Trump threatens to slash aid to countries backing UN Jerusalem vote
UN votes to reject Trump's recognition of Jerusalem
UN General Assembly passes resolution rejecting recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
Trump warns over UN, but he likely can’t stop feeding the hand that bites
Intimidation – Jérusalem : à l’ONU, les menaces de « cour de récré » de Washington | Le Libre Penseur
In Rare Move, Trump Threatens to Cut Aid to UN Members Who Vote for Jerusalem Resolution
At UN, nations defy Trump and pass Jerusalem resolution with large majority
Netanyahu slams UN as 'house of lies' ahead of Thursday's vote against Trump's Jerusalem recognition
Full text of UN resolution rejecting Jerusalem recognition
Delusional Self-Interest in Trump’s Jerusalem Move
At Vote on Jerusalem, Haley Threatens UN: U.S. Expects Return on Its Investment Trump Threatens UN
UN Security Council Isolates the US on Jerusalem
Israel says number of countries that didn’t support UN vote ‘hugely significant’
Netanyahu spurns UN as ‘house of lies’ ahead of Jerusalem vote
PM calls UN 'House of Lies,' preemptively rejects vote on Jerusalem
UN declares US Jerusalem decision 'null, void' Approved with an overwhelming majority of 128-9, the UN General assembly passes resolution declaring US' recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 'null and void.'
‘Shame on U(N):’ Right and Left come out against Jerusalem decision
Why Israel’s massive defeat at the UN isn’t quite as bad as it looks
Despite threats, Trump team undecided on how to punish countries for UN vote
Almost all major recipients of US aid ignored White House threat on UN vote
Jérusalem: nouvelle bronca attendue à l'ONU contre Trump
Jérusalem: Trump met en garde les pays contre le vote d'une résolution à l'ONU
Defying Trump, U.N. General Assembly Condemns U.S. Decree on Jerusalem
Rashid Khalidi: U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital Means It Cannot Be a Peace Broker
Statut de Jérusalem : Israéliens et Palestiniens satisfaits du résultat du vote à l’ONU
UN Defies Trump Threats on Jerusalem Vote
Jérusalem: un ministre palestinien dénonce les "menaces" américaines à l'ONU
Jake Tapper blasts human rights violators who criticized Israel at UN
Al Qods : les Yankees condamnés à l’ONU malgré les menaces de Trump/Haley !
The UN vote is mild rebuke for Israel but a stinging slap in the face for Trump - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Israël-Palestine: "Les Américains sont marginalisés", déclare Macron
In Christmas Message Aimed at Trump, Abbas Says Palestinians Will Never Accept Any Peace Plan From U.S.
Trump’s Failure at the UN Is a Gift to Iran – and Israel Should Be Concerned
Bernard-Henri Lévy– ‘Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration was a cheap political move and not rooted in genuine love for the Jewish people’
Vote sur Jérusalem : un "revers cinglant" pour Washington, selon l'ambassadeur palestinien à l'ONU
176 Nations at UN call for Palestinian Statehood
Obama’s right-hand man on how and why Trump messed up on Jerusalem - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Jérusalem capitale d'Israël : l'ONU condamne à une large majorité la décision américaine
Netanyahu takes pride in Israel's warming diplomatic ties, but UN vote teaches a lesson in humility - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Despite failing, UN Jerusalem bid paints Israel, US as alone against the world US tells Israel to pause construction in Jerusalem
Haley warns US ‘taking names’ of UN opponents of Trump's Jerusalem move
Discours de Nikki Haley, ambassadrice des Etats-Unis à l’ONU, avant le vote
'I wonder why Israel even stays in the UN' Nikki Haley slams UN 'hostility towards Israel', rips General Assembly vote against US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Israel to withdraw from UNESCO, following US Following the US' example, Israel decides to leave the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization over its anti-Israel bias and lack of concrete plans to reform
The Year The Religious Right Moved Into The White House
Israel to formally announce intent to leave UNESCO
Enfin : Israël quitte l'UNESCO
Israel to formally announce withdrawal from UNESCO
Israël remettra sa démission à l'Unesco avant la fin de l'année
Israel joins US in announcing withdrawal from UNESCO
Stalled by Christmas: Israel’s withdrawal from UNESCO runs into holiday obstacle
Israël pourrait manquer la date butoir pour se retirer de l’UNESCO
Following in U.S.' footsteps, Israel announces exit from UNESCO
Israel to leave UNESCO Netanyahu instructs UNESCO ambassador to hand in letter announcing Israel's intention to withdraw from UN’s cultural body.
The world against us How to counter anti-Israel propaganda.
US and Israel versus the World on Jerusalem
US State Dept rejects US envoy proposal to stop calling West Bank occupied
Fake news and divided Jews: Reliving the crazy first year of President Donald Trump - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
The case for US government sanctions on Israel
Fatah’s Twitter compares Trump to Hitler, US to ISIS
Ambassador Friedman: Stop using word 'occupation'. US ambassador to Israel reportedly calls on State Department to stop calling Judea and Samaria occupied.
David Friedman Word Warfare US Ambassador Friedman tells State Dept. to stop using word 'occupation'
Jérusalem: l'ONU dénonce la mort d'un Palestinien handicapé tué par des soldats israéliens
Netanyahu’s new coalition whip is no fan of progressive U.S. Jews - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Everything wrong with Israel's government, reflected in Netanyahu's new right-hand man - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israel should sweat as politics invades American business - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Bennett, Shaked ‘counter-revolution against High Court activism' unveiled
Settler teen who attacked activist rabbi at knifepoint gets community service - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israel: ‘No Wrongdoing’ in IDF murder of Double Amputee Palestinian man in Gaza
McCollum’s bill on Palestinian children’s rights: Now is the time to act
The Shin Bet's former chief is worried - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Poll: 41% of Israelis back boycotting Wadi Ara New poll conducted at behest of Yisrael Beytenu ahead of Sunday's party convention shows slender majority opposed to Lieberman's call to boycott the Israeli Arab area.
Israeli journalist calls for raping Palestinian minor female prisoner
Lest We Forget–Israeli rabbi who advocated rape of ‘comely gentile women’ during war becomes chief army rabbi
Lest We Forget–IDF rabbi say rape of Gentile women by IDF is permitted in any Jewish war as a ‘moral booster’
Israel extends 16-year-old Palestinian girl's detention because she could 'pose a danger' - Israel News - Haaretz.com
A Light Amongst the Nations– Israeli Policeman Accused of Urinating on Face of Handcuffed Palestinian
How They Do It– Israel claims there is ‘no basis’ to the charge that paraplegic Gaza protester was shot by IDF sniper
Stereo-typical Obnoxious Jew and MK member harasses Palestinians visiting imprisoned relatives
Un député israélien monte à bord du bus du CICR et insulte les mères de prisonniers
Israeli right wing hates corruption, loves the occupation - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Should Netanyahu have to quit if police recommend to indict him?
Kulanu, Likud MKs to participate in right-wing Jerusalem anti-corruption protest
Probed for corruption, Netanyahu’s coalition whip quits post
Bitan steps down as coalition chairman Likud MK asks PM Netanyahu to relieve him of his role, saying corruption investigation against him 'makes makes it difficult for me to do my job'; he will remain an MK.
Netanyahu's right-hand man resigns as coalition whip amid probe
When you’re Benjamin Netanyahu, lying is okay
Netanyahu reacts to likelihood that police will recommend corruption charges: ‘So what?’
Netanyahu calls on National-Religious rabbis for support
Coalition chairman: Netanyahu can't serve as prime minister if indicted
Un milliardaire australien affirme avoir offert des cadeaux à Netanyahu, à la demande de ce dernier
Netanyahu calls corruption investigations involving him a 'witch hunt'
Netanyahu’s ex-chief of staff sexually abused colleague in 'sick and disturbed' manner, testimony alleges - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Father of Palestinian girl slapping Israeli soldier in viral video: She was upset because relative was shot in head - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Palestinian girl in viral video arrested for making the occupation look bad - Israel News - Haaretz.com
That Palestinian Girl’s Viral Video? The Real Scandal Is That Israeli Troops Were There At All
Former IDF General and Key Israeli Labor Party Figure: We Were Too Good in 1967, Palestinians Deserved Occupation Amiram Levin, a figure who has been considered left-leaning, tells Israeli newspaper Maariv's weekend edition that 'if they violate agreements, then next time we'll throw them over the Jordan River'
‘Leftist’ Israeli general–a ‘good Jew’–threatens to ‘tear the Palestinians apart’ and ‘toss them across the Jordan’
La plupart des israéliens sont favorables au génocide des palestiniens (Abby Martin)
‘Hellenists, go back to Greece’
Palestinians Stand Up to Israel, Will the World?
David SHEEN Interviewed by Radio Free Georgia - YouTube
Israel’s Persecution Of Breaking The Silence Exposes Deep Corruption
Corbyn ne soutient pas le BDS, mais il boycotterait les implantations
Labour head Corbyn ‘doesn’t support BDS,’ but would boycott settlements
Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction: Birth of the Israeli Bomb. The World’s Fifth Nuclear Power
Google Hiring 10,000 Reviewers to Censor YouTube Content
L'Europe et les arabes s'unissent contre Israël au conseil de sécurité de l'ONU
The UN and Israel The UN helped create Israel but has attempted numerous times to destroy it as well.
Netanyahu signs multi-billion-dollar Power Africa agreement with US
L’israël responsable de la mort de centaines de migrants
The Empire’s “Lefty Intellectuals” Call for Regime Change. The Role of “Progressives” and the Antiwar Movement
Les «intellectuels de gauche» de l’Empire demandent un changement de régime. Le rôle des «progressistes» et du mouvement antiguerre.
NYT: Mueller subpoenas ex-Trump strategist Bannon
Mueller may move beyond collusion to charge Trump with money laundering
Congress subpoenas Bannon in Russia probe showdown
7 times Trump critics called Russia a ‘s***hole’ & worse, and no one cared
Steve Bannon Subpoenaed To Testify Before Mueller’s Grand Jury
Sloppy Steve Gets Subpoenaed By Mueller
Bannon Isn't Talking And Congress Is MAD
Former Trump aide Bannon refuses to comply with U.S. House subpoena
Recording artist ‘Moby’ was asked by friends in the CIA to ‘spread word of Trump-Russia collusion’ on social media
RT Trolls NPR Over America’s New Red Scare
Nasser: héros de la lutte anti-impérialiste On commémore aujourd’hui, lundi 15 janvier, le 100e anniversaire de la naissance du président égyptien Gamal Abdel […]
Oprah Helped Sell The Iraq War. Like, A Lot.
Neocon Bill Kristol LOVES The Idea Of Oprah 2020
Le vrai livre explosif est celui que Trump a signé Tout le monde parle du livre explosif sur Trump, avec des révélations sensationnelles sur comment Donald fait sa mèche, comment sa femme et lui dorment dans des chambres séparées, ce […]
Dismantling The Wickedness Of Neocon America
WaPo’s Jihadist-Supporting Reporter
Pourquoi Libération dénonce-t-il le «conspirationnisme» des Français sur Daech?
Des vétérans du renseignement rappellent à Trump que l’Iran n’est pas le «principal parrain du terrorisme»
The Real Causes Behind The Iran Protests
Neocon Nikki Haley on Iran
La guerre contre l’Iran serait-elle «en suspens»?
Trump's catch-22 with Iran and the Palestinians could blow up at Israel - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Neoconning the Trump White House
Vice President Pence Threatens Iran
Arab MK calls Pence ‘dangerous, messianic,’ will boycott his Knesset speech
Pence 'Dangerous and Messianic,' Dedicated to 'Destruction,' Israeli Arab Leader Says, Vowing to Boycott VP Ayman Odeh says Israel's Arab coalition party will boycott Vice President Pence speech to Israelis, calling Trump a 'racist political pyromaniac'
Analysis Behind the Netanyahu-Pence Lovefest
How David Friedman Is Putting His Right-Wing Stamp On American Policy To Israel
Mike Pence's Zionist sermon at Knesset casts him as Hero of Israel, Horseman of Trumpacolypse - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Christian Pilgrims Flock to Israel to Visit This Site. There's Just One Problem
Netanyahu's lovefest for Pence to highlight religious-nationalist domination of U.S.-Israel relations - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
How do Trump and Netanyahu get away with anything?
Boycott Mike Pence and his fellow Israeli apartheid enthusiasts - Israel News - Haaretz.com
How Mike Pence Is Changing The Definition Of ‘Pro-Israel’
Evangéliques en Israël : un pont entre Trump et la colonisation
Mike Pence loves Israel. But it’s a reckless love, which threatens Israel’s survival - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Reality Check–Hitching Israel to Trump’s Horse might not be the smart move
Trump’s dangerous mistake in the Middle East - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
US Bipartisan Support for Israel over Palestinians Is Breaking Down, New Study Shows
Democrat-Republican split on Israel is the widest in 40 years, poll finds
Trump's Press Sec. says she's 'proud to work' for Israel supporter
Netanyahu to VP Pence– ‘Mike, from the first day I met you, I knew you were a true friend of Israel’
As predicted here first– Pence maybe second to Trump, but he’s president of the pro-Israel fan club
Evangelicals Bending Over Backwards For Trump
Mike Pence’s Holocaust Day Message With ‘Christian Imagery’ Sparks Jewish Outrage
Pence’s Knesset speech: Curb your enthusiasmAnalysis: The current US administration isn’t known for delivering on its commitments or for having a clear policy, especially in the international arena; Israel can rest assured, however, that as long as Mike Pence is at the White House—with or without Donald Trump—Washington’s unshakable support is guaranteed.
VP Pence–A true friend to both Israel and Zionism
Mike Pence’s Love Of Israel Is Dangerous For Jews
Mike Pence’s faith drives his support for Israel. Does it drive Mideast policy?
Mike Pence sought help from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on his Knesset speech
Lucky the Jews didn’t understand what Mike Pence was really saying - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Mike Pence got help from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on his Knesset speech
The Secret Hidden In Mike Pence’s Grin
Israeli President Rivlin praises VP Pence as a ‘Mensch’– highest honor bestowed upon a Gentile
JTS head says Israel’s close relations with Trump ‘delegitimize’ American Jewry
How did 'Mrs. Netanyahu' turn into 'First Lady'? 'The term came from the prime minister's residence' - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israeli Defense Officials Warn that Trump’s Cuts to Palestinian aid will likely harm Israel’s Security
American Protestant Christianity as the enabler for Judaic world domination and quite possibly for the end of the world
For Mike Pence, backing Israel’s occupation is a matter of faith - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Comment les sionistes chrétiens ont obtenu leur homme à la Maison-Blanche - Association France Palestine Solidarité
How Christian Zionists got their man into the White House | Middle East Eye
Trump Has Handed The Israel Lobby To Evangelicals. That’s Terrifying.
Jared Kushner Received $30 Million from Israeli Firm While Shaping Middle East Policy - YouTube
Frédéric Encel: Plus des deux tiers des citoyens américains approuvent la reconnaissance de Jérusalem comme capitale d'Israël
Trump: Walls Work...Ask Israel
Rebuffing Netanyahu, Trump says US embassy won’t move to Jerusalem within year American president rejects prime minister's assessment of imminent relocation, says 'we’re not really looking at that'
Trump Denies Netanyahu's Claims That U.S. Embassy Will Move to Jerusalem Within Year
Why does the Jewish leadership in the US not respect Israel? Radio
Palestiniens : l'UNRWA lance un appel aux fonds après la décision US
Trump administration freezes half its funding of UN’s Palestinian relief agency
US withholds $65 million from UNRWA US gives UNRWA $60 million, withholds rest of aid. 'Need to re-examine UNRWA operations and funding.'
Report: US set to cut UN funds for Palestinians According to Washington senior officials, US president Trump plans to cut this year's first contribution the UNRWA by more than half, down to $ 60 million from $ 125.
Inside the Trump Administration's War on UNRWA and Palestinian Refugees
‘We’re keeping the holy sites’ in any peace deal, Netanyahu vows
Netanyahu is a master at keeping his own messianists in check. But could he handle a President Pence? - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
The Trump Administration Has Just Deprived 5 Million Palestinians Of Food
Trump’s support for Israel carries both rewards and risks for the Jewish state
Canada won’t rule out changing UNRWA funding, in wake of Trump’s cut
Netherlands, Belgium pledge new funds to UN Palestinian relief agency following US cutbacks
ASSAD menace ISRAEL : “La prochaine fois que vous nous attaquez nous...
Israel Seeks to Use Free Syrian Army to Establish 40km Deep ‘Safe Zone’ in Southern Syria – Report
ISIS Wants to Build a Base in Palestine. Donald Trump's Just Given It the Best Recruiting Tool
The Bibi-Modi Brotherhood
Bibi’s India visit shows that the business of Israel has become business - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Netanyahu meets Modi: Can India play best friends to Israel, Palestine and Iran at the same time? - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Modi and Netanyahu embrace, trade tweets at start of India visit
Opinion Why Closer Ties Between India and Israel Must Not Become an anti-Muslim Alliance
Israeli TV: Abbas fury a response to Saudis revealing Trump’s pro-Israel plan
Did a German diplomat's comment about Israeli 'apartheid' cross a line?
Liberman submits proposal to legalize West Bank outpost of slain rabbi
Israeli minister chased, called "Fascist! Murderer!"
Israeli death penalty for terrorists will only put Jews around the world in danger - Israel News - Haaretz.com
In Israel, growing fascism and a racism akin to early Nazism - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Benjamin Netanyahu's takeaways from Spain's expulsion of Jews - Israel News - Haaretz.com
I refused to believe Tel Aviv has segregated preschools – until I visited one - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Forget Judaism – the military is Israel’s state religion - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Israel has a new religion: Zionism - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Losing control, rabbis are fanning the flames in the IDF
Israeli pilots mustn't cooperate with a plan for enforced 'resettlement' of asylum seekers - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Masked Israeli settlers filmed destroying Palestinian olive trees - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Murderer of West Bank rabbi killed in overnight raid by Israeli special forces
Chief rabbi backs right-wing rabbi who called for firing IDF chief
Israeli Minister on Gaza Rocket Fire: The Time Has Come for Dead Palestinians
Israel approves $230m for settler only roads in West Bank
Dershowitz– ‘Jews don’t control the world’
Diaspora Ministry unveils system for tracking online ‘anti-Shemitism’
Terror victims' group seeks to separate Jews, Arabs Almagor Terror Victims Association files request to separate memorialization of Jewish victims of terrorism from that of Arab victims killed by Jews.
Aoun invite l'ONU à empêcher la construction d'un mur frontalier par les Israéliens
No, That Muslim Model’s Tweets Were Not Anti-Semitic
In landslide vote, Denmark excludes settlements from agreements with Israel - Israel News - Haaretz.com
How They Do It–‘The New Israeli Is Frankenstein’s Monster’
La police recommande l'inculpation de trois députés arabes
Un livre recense les crimes du Mossad : la vérité sur les services israéliens - Algérie Patriotique
After Israel Decimated Gaza, Human Rights Defenders Failed It (4/4) - YouTube
Norman Finkelstein: The “Big Lie” about Gaza Is That The Palestinians Have Been the Aggressors
Norman Finkelstein’s ‘Gaza’ is an exhaustive act of witness
Braying donkeys-Archives of Israel’s left-leaning Labor Party in the years after the country’s creation reveal that David Ben-Gurion and other leaders vacillated between relating to Palestinian citizens as dogs or as donkeys. Moshe Dayan looked forward to the opportunity of expelling the remaining 170,000 Palestinians, and Ben-Gurion said if differences between the people were eliminated, “the Jewish people” would be eradicated.
In first, Israel and Iran are engaged in a head-to-head confrontation in Syria - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Bennett: Israel must act against Iranian 'octopus' Education minister argues Israel must work to weaken the 'head of the octopus' in Tehran, which sends tentacles to fight the IDF from Syria, Lebanon and Gaza.
La Syrie et le Liban, terrain de confrontation entre Israël et l’Iran L’attaque, composée d’une série de raids aériens et de missiles, pendant la nuit de vendredi à samedi dernier sur tout le territoire syrien – Damas, Palmyre et le Golan – […]
Israeli Strikes in Egypt Kept Secret for Years
Video: Israel Claims Half of Syrian Air Defenses Is Destroyed
Syria Repels “Israeli” Spy Plane, Forcing Retreat
Wilkerson: The Trump-Netanyahu Iran Plan Means War
Book on Israel's covert assassinations becomes bestseller
Netanyahu to UN chief: We’ll continue to act against Iran in Syria
Netanyahu tells UN chief: Golan will remain Israel's forever
What the Hell is Going On At Newsweek?
Russia Blasts US Attack on Syrian and Allied Forces
Steinitz: Assad in danger if he allows Iran to attack Israel from Syria
Netanyahu : les raids israéliens de samedi ont porté un "coup sévère" à l'Iran et à la Syrie
La Syrie menace Israël de "plus de surprises"
Mattis Admits No Evidence Assad Did Gas Attack
Syrian War Spirals in Trump's Dangerous New Phase (Pt.1/2)
Syrian War Spirals in Trump's Dangerous New Phase (Pt.2/2)
As tensions with Syria and Iran escalate, Trump administration signals that Israel is on her own
After downing of Israeli F-16, Iran warns: ‘Era of Israeli strikes over’
Israeli warplane downed by Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles
Israel Escalates Aggression on Syria
Israeli strikes in Syria risk forcing Russia to adopt pro-Iranian stance - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Putin's phone call with Netanyahu put end to Israeli strikes in Syria - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Netanyahu Talked Iran to U.S. Jewish Leaders, but Silence on Corruption Probes Was Louder
Netanyahu threatens to act 'against Iran itself'
Not Just a Gimmick: Netanyahu’s Drone Stunt Is a Direct Threat to Iran and Assad
U.S. plans to move embassy to Jerusalem on Israel's 70th Independence Day - Israel News - Haaretz.com
When Trump officially called Netanyahu a liar
Why No Reasonable Right-wing Jew Can still Say Trump Is pro-Israel and is keeping the Jewish state safe
Is ‘pro-Israel’ President Trump preparing to put pressure on the Jewish state?
Vice President Mike Pence confirmed as AIPAC conference speaker
The demagogue’s defense that Netanyahu and Trump share: It’s a witch-hunt, and God will vindicate us - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israel’s Lobby Groups Seek Closer Political Ties with EU, De Facto Acceptance of Illegal Settlements | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Jimmy Carter: Option of Two-state Solution Is Fading, With 'Dire Consequences' for Israel
Does Trump Have A New Israel Whisperer?
Un milliardaire juif américain pourrait aider à payer l'ambassade...
Adelson said to offer help pay for Jerusalem embassy move
American Jews Have Never Needed Israel
Now it's official: America’s ambassador to Israel trolls for its right-wing extremists - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Trump: Palestinians Aren't Looking to Making Peace – but I'm Not Sure Israel Is Either
Trump: Not sure Israel truly wants peace, settlements ‘complicate’ peacemaking
Trump says Israel does not really ‘want’ peace with the Palestinians
Netanyahu and Trump, 'illegals' and 'infiltrators' don't threaten us. Ethno-nationalists like you do - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Friedman: Trump is responsible for improvement in US-Israel ties 'President Trump responsible for improvement in US-Israel relations, Trump has shown himself to be a great friend of Israel.'
Republican Jews mixed on reviews of Trump
Republican Jewish Coalition chairman says its members are ‘thrilled’ with Trump
Netanyahu’s “Operation Greater Israel”? Israel’s Intent to Wage War on Lebanon.
Jake Tapper's WORST FAIL EVER As He Defends Trump On Jerusalem
Half of House Democrats urge Trump to preserve funding for UN’s Palestinian relief agency
Netanyahu: I’ve been talking to Americans about annexing settlements
Deputy FM says she was ‘speaking for Israel, not US’ in her annexation remarks
Israeli official, White House deny PM discussed settlement annexation with Trump
Opposition MKs slam Netanyahu for ‘lying’ about annexation talks with the US
White House: Netanyahu’s Claim Of Talks On Annexing Settlements Is ‘False’
U.S. slap on settlements show risk of Netanyahu’s friendship with Trump
Rare rift: Trump administration demands Netanyahu backtrack on annexation claim
Netanyahu's claims of talks with U.S. on annexing settlements
White House denies talks were held over Israeli annexation of West Bank
White House denies West Bank annexation talks with Netanyahu
US denies West Bank annexation plan talks Just hours after Netanyahu announces he's in talks with US over annexation plan for the West Bank, Washington issues statement categorically denying any such discussions.
White House: PM’s claim US and Israel discussing settlement annexation is false
With annexation gaffe, Netanyahu blunders into first real crisis with Trump
White House strongly denies as 'false' Netanyahu's claims of talks with U.S. on annexing West Bank settlements - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Trump administration denies alleged West Bank settlement annexation plan
Israeli right wing leaders–Israel should just ignore Trump on issue of settlement annexation
With annexation gaffe, Netanyahu blunders into first real crisis with Trump
Why is Netanyahu allying himself with anti-Soros anti-Semites? - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Michael Oren admits he’d like top job at Jewish Agency, but hasn’t discussed it with Netanyahu - Jewish World News - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Is Shmuley Boteach Angry Because He Was Snubbed By Qatar?
NY Assemblyman rips Sen. Schumer for criticism of Orthodox Jews
The Israelis benefiting from Brexit
La charge de BHL contre Erdogan : "tueur", "nettoyage ethnique", "videur aux portes de l'enfer" - Turquie Plus
Palestinian dies in military custody after beating by Israeli soldiers in Jericho
Sarah Silverman wades into Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and tiptoes back out
Sarah Silverman slammed after defending Ahed Tamimi
Sarah Silverman calls for release of detained Palestinian girl
UN Slams Israel for Jailing Ahed Tamimi
Ahed Tamimi: le visage des 330 mineurs palestiniens emprisonnés par Israël
IDF Court closes Ahed Tamimi trial off from public against her request
Sarah Silverman Calls On Jews To Stand Up For Palestinian Ahed Tamimi
Tamimi family & their struggle against Israeli occupation
U.N. calls on Israel to free Ahed Tamimi
Israel will no longer allow Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi to make the occupation look bad - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Days of palestine - Till now, 500 urgent surgeries cancelled in besieged Gaza
Palestinian Schoolteacher Mauled by Israeli Military Dog as members of the ‘world’s most moral army’ watch with amusement
L’apartheid dans la Loi fondamentale de l’État d’Israël : ça avance ! (UJFP)
Likud lawmaker defends meeting with leader of Austrian party with Naziroots - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Fearing international ire, Netanyahu blocks annexation – but promotes applying Israeli laws to settlements - Israel News - Haaretz.com
McGill whitewashes anti-Semitism on campus
IRELAND – When did the Irish become anti-Semitic?
Tories show support for moving Canadian embassy to Jerusalem
It’s Time We Jews Unmask Purim’s Dark Truths
Help Israel. Stop giving it money - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Max Blumenthal in Gaza: Netanyahu Faces Scandal, Palestinians a Crisis
Blumenthal : I was blocked from reading this ☝️ article by Ben Gurion Int’l Airport’s WiFi provider on the grounds that it was published by an “advocacy organization” aka @WorldBeyondWar
Canadian rabbi challenges Israel’s Chief Rabbinate over ‘blacklist’
Under its New Leader Jagmeet Singh, Will Canada’s NDP Finally Call for Sanctions on Israel?
Justice Minister: Israel Must Keep Jewish Majority Even at the Expense of Human Rights
Labor head: West Bank annexation would be a ‘diplomatic terror attack’
National religious rabbis call for outpost legalization before destruction
Kingdom of Israel: Extremist Rabbis Dream of Jewish Monarchy With a ‘Special Role’ for non-Jews
Trial of Palestinian teen who slapped soldiers begins behind closed doors
Salah Hamouri, Ahed Tamimi : la lutte pacifique des jeunes Palestiniens fait peur à l’État d’Israël (Pierre Barbancey)
BDS movement nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
BDS Supporters: No Need to Boycott Israeli Film Festival, 'Israel Already Is!'
Norwegian lawmaker: Nominating BDS movement for Nobel Peace Prize is not anti-Semitic
NYT op-ed describing Israel as a place of refuge is missing the word, Palestinians
Irwin Cotler urges Israel to reverse its policy on African migrants
Moral Minority Is It OK to Break the Law to Hide Asylum Seekers Facing Deportation From Israel? To answer that question, it’s a good idea to consider the Nuremberg trials and the philosophy of Henry David Thoreau
In new film, Jewish director challenges Israeli version of Entebbe rescue
New film on Operation Entebbe 'likely to anger Prime Minister Netanyahu' - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Depuis 70 ans, les services secrets israéliens assassinent, enlèvent et torturent impunément. Le Mossad, le Shin Bet et les services spéciaux de l’armée israélienne ont perpétré plus de 3000 assassinats ciblés sans que les dirigeants de l’Etat dit juif n’aient à rendre de compte à […]
Lavage de cerveau et travestissement: le programme d’assassinat d’Israël mis à nu dans ses détails les plus choquants | Arrêt sur Info
Promo touristique : ne visitez plus les anciens camps d’Auschwitz ou de Treblinka, visitez plutôt Gaza !
How They Do It– Haifa Juniversity launches course in pro-Israel propaganda
Religious Zionist rabbis call upon Netanyahu to push bill enshrining Torah study as the ‘basic values’ of the Jewish state
‘Death to Arabs’ graffitied on cars in Palestinian village
Netanyahu's Israel Is Now an Object of Envy for Ethno-nationalists Worldwide
Les étranges fréquentations antisémites de la droite israélienne (Thomas Cantaloube)
Israel’s Newest Allies: The White Nationalist Right
Why MuslimGirl’s Rejection Of Gal Gadot Is A Good Thing
Hundreds of academics urge not to deport asylum seekers
Muslim Beauty Blogger Rejects Revlon Award To Protest Gal Gadot
Anti-Israel groups boycott Women's March over Scarlett Johansson Pro-BDS groups pull out of Los Angeles Women's March over presence of Jewish actress.
Palestinian women’s group pulled out of Women’s March over Jewish actress Scarlett Johansson
Ahed Tamimi n’a pas connu un seul jour de liberté dans sa vie (Vidéo)
Israel implements a deliberate policy to terrorise Palestinian children
Ahed Tamimi, Rosa Parks de la cause palestinienne ?
Israel secretly probed whether family members of Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi are non-related 'light-skinned' actors - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israel Terrorizing Tamimi Family Members
Israel Will Not Release Palestinian Teen Who Slapped Soldier Until Trial's End
Ahed Tamimi Should Stay in Prison Because She Might Slap Again — Israeli Ethicist
Testimonies of 2 assaulted by Ahed Tamimi revealed A month after Ahed Tamimi and her cousin assaulted two IDF soldiers during Nabi Salih riots, the soldiers' accounts to CID are made public.
Une lettre à ma fille Ahed : « Tes actes et ton courage remplissent mes yeux de larmes de combat »
Que s’est-il passé quand c’est une femme-colon juive qui a giflé un soldat israélien? Ahed Tamimi et Yifat Alkobi ont toutes deux subi un interrogatoire pour avoir giflé un soldat en Cisjordanie, mais on note peu de similarités entre les deux cas – tout […]
Israël maintient Ahed Tamimi en prison jusqu'au procès
Ahed Tamimi should stay in prison because she might slap again — Israeli ethicist
Sixteen Year Old Ahed Tamimi Offers Israelis a Lesson Worthy of Gandhi
Ahed Tamimi Résistante – Rachad Antonius en parle
Slapping an Israeli Soldier More Newsworthy than Shooting a Palestinian Child in the Face
Ahed Tamimi donne aux Israéliens une leçon digne de Gandhi
Le féminisme occidental s’arrête aux portes de la Palestine
Criticizing Israel While Black Means Losing Your Status As A Jew
Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments
Rapper Vic Mensa slams Israel’s treatment of Palestinians
Vingt organisations interdites de séjour en Israël - YouTube
Howard Stern blasts Lorde for canceling Israel show Popular shock-jock suggests New Zealand pop star is anti-Semitic after she cancels Tel Aviv concert.
New Orleans BDS activists claim city council resolution as a victory
New Jersey divests from Denmark’s largest bank to comply with state anti-BDS law
UK Labour chief 'concerned' by Israel's anti-BDS list Labour chief Jeremy Corbyn blasts Trump over 'failure to back UN, UNESCO'. Corbyn expresses 'concern' after Israel bans BDS organizations
Hating JVP Shows A Lack Of Good Faith
Blogger MuslimGirl won’t accept Revlon award while Gal Gadot is spokeswoman
US Muslim blogger turns down Revlon award over Gal Gadot role
'We look at them like donkeys': What Israel's first ruling party thought about Palestinian citizens - Israel News - Haaretz.com
McGill vote was unconstitutional, judicial board rules - The Canadian Jewish News
i24NEWS - Le neveu du Premier ministre français poignardé à Eilat (média israélien)
Une liste explosive recense les entreprises impliquées dans des colonies israéliennes (Stéphane Bussard)
FAMED WRITER and artist Yonatan Geffen Geffen apologizes for comparing Tamimi to Anne Frank Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman accepted the poet's remorse after the week-long scandal.
'How was such a fool your U.S. ambassador?' Tamimi family mocks Michael Oren's secret probe into whether they're real Palestinians - Palestinians - Haaretz.com
Israeli Army Ordered to Shoot Down Passenger Planes to Kill Arafat in 1982, New Book Claims
Of all groups polled, Jews biggest supporters of legalized infanticide
New book, ‘Rise and Kill First’ details Judaic penchant for state-sponsored murder
How Israel’s leaders use targeted killings to try to ‘stop history’
Israel's cat-and-mouse game with Yasser Arafat For decades, Israel tried unsuccessfully to take down PLO leader; one time, Arafat was in sights of 5 snipers, but they couldn't take shot because of promise Begin made to Reagan.
The Secrets of Israel’s Assassination Operations
Former Israeli Oracle CEO reportedly on national security adviser shortlist
«Il ne restera personne sur terre» : une ONG dénonce le déploiement d'armes nucléaires en Europe
Les communistes, « agents de Moscou » ? Plus que n’importe quelle force politique, les partis communistes sont enracinés dans leur pays et […]
« Généraux, gangsters et jihadistes » - 3 questions à Jean-Pierre Filiu
"Généraux, gangsters et jihadistes" - Podcast n°23
« Guerres humanitaires ? Mensonges et intox » - 3 questions à Rony Brauman
Hollywood, D.C. – Part 1
Hollywood, D.C. – Part 2
Le groupe de rock Skinny Puppy prétend que l'armée américaine a utilisé sa musique pour torturer les prisonniers de Guantánamo
Dr. Strangelove in the Pentagon
Les Russes ne sont pas les seuls, les États-Unis aussi pratiquent l’ingérence électorale !
Fire and Fury (Michael Wolff) - YouTube
How Would The Deep State React To A Progressive President?
How They Do It–Congressman SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY when he brings up Hollywood-created culture of violence in America | The Ugly Truth
A New Witch Hunt? FBI Calls Chinese Students a Threat
Trump Allies Manafort And Gates Hit With New Indictments From Mueller
Former Trump campaign aide pleads guilty in Russia probe
Masha Gessen: Russiagate Has Become a Conspiracy Trap Obscuring How Trump Is Damaging Nation
Pentagon Sends US Ships To Russia's Border In Black Sea
REPORT: Trump To Fire One Of His Generals
McMaster tight-lipped on how it dealt with anti-Semitic tweets
Israel-born Oracle CEO said to be contender to replace McMaster
Pour qui Jared Kushner travaille-t-il?|Richard Hétu
Report: Countries discussed how to manipulate Kushner Israel reportedly among four countries which privately discussed ways they can manipulate Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser.
Report says U.S. officials are concerned that Israel and others attempted to manipulate Kushner - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Is Jared Kushner’s Dangerous Leap To Power A Jewish Success Story — Or A Tragedy?
Le gendre de Trump perd ses accréditations
Kushner’s diminished security clearance hurts, but won’t destroy, his peace push
Fearing foreign manipulation, Kushner’s access to state secrets curtailed
Jared Kushner’s Dad Pens Advice On The Big House – THE BACKWARD (Satire)
Top Secret clearance Israeli efforts to ‘leverage’ Kushner weakness contributed to clearance downgrade
Israeli officials discussed ways to manipulate ‘naive’ Kushner — report
Jared Kushner Can Jared Kushner navigate Middle East peace without top secret clearance?
Jared Kushner’s security clearance downgraded
Can Jared Kushner navigate Middle East peace without top secret clearance?
First Kushner Met With Financial Firms. Then They Gave Loans To His Business.
Will Jared Kushner’s loss of security clearance affect his Mideast peace plan? - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Israeli officials discussed ways to manipulate ‘naive’ Kushner — report
Jared Kushner Fall from grace? Kushner’s Israeli business ties examined amid loss of security clearance
Jared Kushner’s clearance downgrade could leave him ‘flying blind’
Jared Kushner’s business interests in Israel revealed in full - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Kushner’s Family Business Received Loans After White House Meetings - The New York Times
Why Jared Kushner Can't Be Trusted Major Jewish GOP donor moves into sights of Trump special prosecutor’s investigation
Mueller Inquiry Shifts To U.A.E. Influence — Including A Jewish Trump Donor
Michael Cohen Lands On Mueller’s Subpoena ‘Hit List’
Netanyahu Supporter Named in Mueller Probe Into Emirati Bid to Buy Influence Over Trump
Dermer warned Obama team Israel would turn to Kushner over UN settlements resolution
Will Jared Kushner have to say goodbye to the White House? Radio
Kushner still 'valued member' of administration, says WH press secretary
Jared Kushner, le Machiavel 3.0
Opinion The Downfall of Crown Prince Kushner
Selon un ex-gouverneur, Kushner «dessert» Trump, qui préfère en rire
The Original Fundamentalist Lunatic Televangelist Dies - YouTube
The Preacher and Vietnam: When Billy Graham Urged Nixon to Kill One Million People
James Woolsey (CIA) sur les ingérences américaines dans les élections - YouTube
Let's Talk About US Meddling, Too (2/2)
Privatizing US Foreign Policy
Purim–Last time Iraq, this time Iran
The Shadow of an Israeli/US Attack on Lebanon and Syria Grows Larger by the Day
Israel angry with Trump’s inaction on Iranian influence in Syria
Fox News Is Feeding Trump’s Dangerous Paranoia And Psychosis
Bernie Stands Up To War Machine! Introduces Yemen Resolution
All Fire and Fury in Ukraine
Nikki Haley : la honte des États-Unis à l’ONU
How ‘Operation Merlin’ Poisoned U.S. Intelligence on Iran
'Instead of confronting Iran, UN is targeting Israel' Israeli Ambassador to UN Danny Danon says US and Israel will stop Iranian expansion - while UN pursues anti-Israel votes, investigations.
Israel's Deepening Involvement in the Syrian War Blundering into Iran
Satellite images of Iranian missile base in Syria may signal an Israeli strike - Israel News - Haaretz.com
At Last! Iran ‘Celebrates’ Purim by Announcing Festival to Inaugurate Israel’s Demise
À Jérusalem, les États-Unis n'ont pas choisi la date de l'ouverture de leur ambassade au hasard
L'ouverture de l'ambassade US à Jérusalem au 70e anniversaire d'Israël, une «provocation»
Why these supporters of a new US Embassy in Jerusalem think Sheldon Adelson shouldn’t pay for it
Sheldon Adelson speaks during an inteview U.S. considers offer from Sheldon Adelson to fund Jerusalem embassy move
It’s Time For AIPAC To Register As A Foreign Agent
What is AIPAC’s role in the age of Trump? — When candidate Donald Trump spoke at AIPAC’s Policy Conference in 2016 and said Barack Obama may be the worst thing that ever happened to Israel, many cheered, many choked and the organization apologized.
As AIPAC convenes in D.C., it’s time we Jews admit the inconvenient truth: Donald Trump is bad for Israel
AIPAC-backed US House bill seeks to broaden Iran sanctions
On eve of Netanyahu-Trump talks, AIPAC chief calls for Palestinian statehood
‘AIPAC falsely claims Israel supports two-state option,’ right says
AIPAC's Cheering Crowds Can’t Disguise Its Cop-out on Settlements and Its Capitulation to Trump's Bigoted Nativism
AIPAC’s ‘freedom of the press’ panel is closed to media - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Settler leader to AIPAC: Your support for two-states has ‘no basis in fact’
La Cour pénale internationale, un jouet aux mains des puissants? Le 30 novembre 2017, l’ancien président de la Côte d’Ivoire Laurent Gbagbo a entamé sa septième année de détention dans le quartier pénitentiaire de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), à […]
Trump Is Sad That His Drone Strikes Aren’t Killing Enough People Overseas
The Shock Doctrine: Elites Use Disaster To Pillage Puerto Rico
Trump Is Getting Policy Advice From Fox News Hosts
The Koch Brothers Get Their Very Own Secretary of State | The Nation
10 raisons d’avoir les boules avec John Bolton Ne mâchons pas nos mots: John Bolton est un va-t-en-guerre, et sa nomination au poste de conseiller à la sécurité nationale de Donald Trump est une menace pour la sécurité […]
Coming Attraction: Lunatic Loose in West Wing
John Bolton is a Bigger Draft Dodger Than Donald Trump Ever Was
Bolton Acted Against US Interests to Push Israel's Agenda in Lebanon
The Bolton Appointment: How Scared Should We Be?
John Bolton’s Sick Desire to Nuke the World – Preemptively?
Bolton's Plan to Retaliate Against Russia for Cyberwarfare Makes Putin Meeting Seem More Unlikely
John Bolton is going to change US foreign policy — quickly
Trump Finds Fellow Bully in Bolton
Dems Kept Cheerleading Bush-Era Neocons – Now There’s One In The White House
Bush Era War Criminals Embraced By Establishment Media
On Bolton’s First Day on the Job, a Look Back at Some of His Angry Outbursts
Trump, Bolton and War in Syria - The News with Dan Rather - Ep.012
Iran hit by global cyber attack that left US flag on screens
Undoing the Nuclear Deal Could Propel Iranian Race for the Bomb
War Loving Neo-Cons Just Stopped Trump From Pulling Out Of Syria
Glenn Greenwald on Syria: U.S. & Israel Revving Up War Machine Won’t Help Suffering Syrian Civilians
John McCain–‘Trump’s talk of troop withdrawal from Syria is the cause of deadly gas attack’
Trump sends mixed signals on Syria amid demands for action
Israeli Defense Minister Lieberman– ‘Trump didn’t consult with Israel on Syria withdrawal’
Russia Vetoes U.S. Bid for Probe That Would Lay Blame for Syria Chemical Attacks
How They Do It– ‘Trump’s incoherent policy on Syria is empowering Israel’s enemies and Assad’s gas attack is proof’
Israeli Minister– ‘World would be better place without Assad’
Israeli Minister Avi Gabbay to Trump: ‘Do not leave Syria’
How They Do It– ‘Trump’s pullout declaration led Assad to use chemical weapons against his own people’
Netanyahu reportedly expects Trump to launch attack on Syria
Netanyahu failed to convince Trump to stay in Syria -- report
US officials: Trump-Netanyahu call grew ‘tense’ over plans to leave Syria
Trump Tells Advisers He Wants Out Of Syria
Trump in 'tense call' with Netanyahu over Syria Phone call between US President and PM Netanyahu grows tense in light of Trump's interest of pulling out of Syria, enabling Iran to entrench there and threaten Israel's security.
What Did Israel Bomb in the Syrian Desert in 2007?
How They Do It–‘World must follow Israel’s lead in attacking and destroying Syria’
How They Do It–Israeli newsite quotes Chief Rabbi saying that Jews are ‘Morally Obliged to End Cruel Syrian Genocide’, makes no mention of his past infamous racist statements
John Bolton Coordinated the US led Attack on Syria with Israel
John Bolton Packing Trump's Administration With More Neocons
How Obama's lawyers gave John Bolton the keys to Armageddon
L’attaque chimique à Douma, une «mise en scène» des Casques blancs
Jeffrey Sachs drops a massive load of Syria-related common sense on MSNBC - YouTube
Bombshell: Professor Stuns MSNBC Panel On Syria
Chemical Attacks In Syria Proven To Be False
After visiting Douma, western media begin to question ‘gas attack’ narrative
Tomi Lahren Breaks With Trump On Toppling Syrían Government - YouTube
Le chef de la clinique de Douma nie la réalité d’une attaque au gaz Alors qu’on attend toujours les preuves d’Emmanuel Macron et que l’Otan déverse sa propagande, le grand reporter Robert Fisk a pu se rendre à Douma, théâtre d’une supposée attaque chimique […]
Must Read–Trump’s Disengagement From Syria Is More Important Than the Embassy Move
Syria strikes: Trump created a messy bed and now Israel must lie in it
Video: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Condemns US Led Air Strikes, “White Helmets are A Fake Organization”
Saudi Billionaire Tried to Recruit Roger Waters to Support White Helmets in 2016
Corbyn: Does Strike on Syria Justify Bombing Saudi Arabia over Yemen?
Syrian Researcher: Focus on Alleged Chemical Attack Ignores Ongoing Deaths by Airstrikes, Bullets
Swiss lab confirms ‘BZ toxin’ used in Salisbury, not produced in Russia, was in US & UK service
U.S., British, French air strikes target Syrian chemical capabilities
US Military Presence in Syria and Support for Rebels Is Illegal
Selon Bachar el-Assad, l'Occident frappe parce qu'il a perdu tout contrôle et toute crédibilité
«False flag» et «immoralité» : un ancien ambassadeur de France analyse pour RT la crise syrienne
Roger Waters claims Syria’s White Helmets a ‘fake organization’
Corbyn Questions Legal Basis for British Strikes in Syria Reuters
Trump declares 'Mission Accomplished' in Syria
Trump’s Tweet on Syrian Military Strike–‘Mission Accomplished’
Tucker Carlson Is Against Going To War With Syria And Goes AGAINST Trump
In Moscow, a Sense of Relief After a Limited Syria Attack
Trump’s attack on Syria Is a Win for Assad
Nasrallah says US ‘Zionist lobby’ pushed for Western strikes on Syria
For all his tough talk, Trump’s Strike on Syria Was Restrained
With only limited strikes, Trump Chose Not to Threaten Assad’s Rule
SURPRISE: US Bombed Antivenom Medical Facility
Tomi Lahren Goes AGAINST Trump On War With Syria
As Predicted Here– Sites targeted by US-led strikes were evacuated days ago thanks to a warning from Russia, a pro-Assad official says
Trump Has His Own “Mission Accomplished” Moment And Gets Universally Mocked
Roger Waters slams Syria intervention, attacks ‘White Helmets’ as 'fake'
Trump chose not to threaten Assad's rule. The big question now is Putin
Netanyahu to Britain's May: There Should Be 'Zero Tolerance' for Chemical Weapons
LOL!!! Emmanuel Macron Begs Russia Not to Retaliate Against French Syria Strikes
Syrie : Poutine appelle Netanyahu à “s’abstenir de toute action déstabilisante”
Trump Vows Syria Retaliation WITHOUT Investigation
US Congressman: It Doesn’t Make Sense That Assad Would Use Gas
Trump puts off Syria strike decision: military action against Syria could happen ‘very soon or not so soon at all’
In Call to Netanyahu, Putin Urges Israel Not to Take Action in Syria
WATCH – Former UK Ambassador to Syria: Douma Chemical Attack is staged
“It’s Time to Assassinate Assad”: Washington Examiner’s Michael Rubin
Macron, en difficulté sur le terrain social, joue les faucons de guerre - Egalite et Réconciliation
Syrian Opposition Leader laments that ‘Trump Ruined the Element of Surprise on any US Attack’
Trump said pushing for aggressive Syria strike, against military’s advice
“A Very Dangerous Moment”: Trump Threatens to Strike Syria as Warmonger John Bolton Joins Cabinet
Trump now backing away from his initial promise to strike Syria
L’Amérique “vaincue et occupé” et l’attaque aérienne en Syrie
Former UK Ambassador to Syria: Douma Chemical Attack is staged - YouTube
While Dealing With Syria, Trump Tweets Conspiracy Theories to Explain His Mounting Scandals
This is not a drill: Syria showdown could spark Israeli-Iranian and U.S.-Russian clashes - Israel News - Haaretz.com
PM iterates 'full support' for President Trump over Syria strike
Putin May Limit Israel's Operations in Syria in Retaliation for U.S.-led Strikes
Hezbollah's Nasrallah: U.S.-led Syria Strikes Failed to Serve Israel's Interests
Netanyahu: Israel ‘fully supports’ US-led strikes in Syria after chemical attack
Israel fears Trump may see job as done in Syria, leave Israel alone to face Iran
Trump’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ spells trouble for Israel
Trump’s proposed Syria bugout leaves Israel exposed and paves the way for more terrorism
Israel admits to striking Syria: 'First time we attacked live Iranian targets'
Israeli intelligence–‘Trump’s Syria strike was a failure’
Israel fears Trump may see job as done in Syria
'Mission Accomplished' in Syria would be blessing for Assad, trouble for Israel Is Trump Now Abandoning Israel?
Did Israel blow up the Vanunu nuclear whistleblower affair to boost its deterrence? - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Lauder gave $1.1m to group producing anti-Muslim ads in 2016
EXPOSED: Billionaire Bigots Spreading Anti-Muslim Propaganda
World Jewish Congress boss gave $1.1m to group producing anti-Muslim ads in 2016
Ronald Lauder Disavows Anti-Muslim Videos By Group He Gave $1.1 Million
U.S. Jewish Leader Ron Lauder Gave $1.1 Million to Group Pushing anti-Muslim Campaign
How Robert Mercer & Ron Lauder worked with Facebook & Google to promote Islamophobia
Leaving Bernie’s lame criticism of Israel’s massacre aside, he’s wrong that Palestine, Yemen and Syria need more US involvement. The US and its allies have wrecked all three countries and should be forced to leave them alone.
Comment Israël et ses partisans travaillent pour censurer l'Internet (If American Knew)
L'interview critique d'Israël d'Abby Martin avec Max Blumenthal est bloquée par YouTube dans 28 pays (RT) (vidéo)
Abby Martin interview critical of Israel is blocked by YouTube in 28 countries — RT US News
YouTube censure la critique contre Israël Une interview de Max Blumenthal, dans laquelle il mettait en évidence le militarisme croissant en Israël, réalisée par la journalistes étatsunienne Abby Martinpour son programme “The Empire Files” diffusé par la […]
Facebook labels Palestinian journalism "hate speech" | The Electronic Intifada
Israel Shoots 6 Journalist Covering Palestinian Protest
Geraldo Rivera Regrets Not Backing Palestinians During Second Intifada
US blocks Arab-led UN call for independent probe of Gaza protests
Palestinians tell U.N.: Israel adopted 'shoot to kill' policy in Gaza
Arab MK: Gaza protests were peaceful, hold Israel accountable
Palestinian Protesters Running Away Gunned Down By IDF
Ce n'est pas Nétanyahou. C'est la nation
The Brutality and Bloodlust of the Jewish state is not just Netanyahu. It’s the Nation
For second week in a row, U.S. blocks U.N. call for probe into Gaza
As U.S. intervenes at U.N. for Israel, other world bodies enter the breach
Ever Wondered Why The UN Never Acts Against Israel?
Israel using unknown chemical weapons against civilian protesters in Gaza
US blocks UN call for investigation into Gaza deaths Security Council statement supporting protests on Gaza border blocked.
Bernie Sanders says doesn't believe Israel on Gaza
Bernie Sanders Calls Killing Of 15 Palestinian Demonstrators ‘Tragic’
Bernie Sanders calls the killing of Palestinian demonstrators ‘tragic’
Bernie Sanders' Chassidic Adviser
Cynthia Nixon’s bid for NY governor sets up a clash over Israel The "Sex in the City" actress supported an artistic boycott of the West Bank settlement of Ariel.
How The Right And The Left Share A Double Standard About Anti-Semitism
White Jews Have Found Privilege in America. Black Communities Haven't
Debunking Israel's talking points on deadly Gaza protests - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Lieberman: Israeli Soldiers ‘Deserve Medals’ for Killing Gazans
'Flourishing' Israel is drenched in Palestinian blood - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Israeli radio host posted 'ashamed to be Israeli' after Gaza deaths. Now he may lose his job - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israël refuse toute enquête indépendante
US Blocks UN Investigation into Israeli Military Killings in Gaza (pt. 1/2) US Blocks UN Investigation into Israeli Military Killings in Gaza (pt. 2/2)
Israeli Soldiers Kill Fifteen Palestinian Protesters, Shoot Hundreds (VIDEO)
“Apartheid, Rogue, Terrorist State”: Glenn Greenwald on Israel’s Murder of Gaza Protesters, Reporter
Judaism in Action– Israel says ‘There are no innocent people in Gaza’
Media watchdog accuses Israel of ‘deliberate shooting’ of journalists in Gaza
Bennett defends soldiers filmed cheering Gazan’s shooting
7 Palestinians Killed And 150 Wounded By Israeli Troops In New Gaza Protests
Why An Israeli Soldier Cheered The Shooting Of An Unarmed Palestinian
Avigdor Liberman backs IDF sniper in video, slams soldier who filmed shooting
WATCH – Israeli Snipers Celebrating After Killing Palestinian Protester Near Gaza Border
Israeli army questions soldiers caught on video cheering sniper’s shooting of Gaza Palestinian
Life Sentences for Charity Work - Free the Holy Land 5! - YouTube
Ahed Tamimi sexually harassed during interrogation, lawyer says
Ahed Tamimi purge actuellement une peine de huit mois à la prison militaire d'Ofer
Anti-Arab 'price tag' incident in Jerusalem
After Netanyahu reversal, African migrants remain in limbo
Israel says high probability migrants will be deported to Uganda
US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to European Countries Gaza Doctor Accuses Israel of Using Exploding Bullets, Israeli Ambassador Calls Norwegians ‘Nazis’ for Denouncing Gaza Massacre
Sephardic Chief Rabbi Could Be Charged For Racist ‘Monkey’ Remark
Israël ou le triomphe du racisme anti-africain - Egalite et Réconciliation
Israel reaches landmark deal with UN to resettle 16000 African migrants… in WESTERN COUNTRIES
Will they accept infiltrators? European countries not informed of Israel-UN agreement Germany, Italy, say they have received no request to accept infiltrators from Israel despite agreement with UN.
Des réfugiés refusés par Israël reçus au Canada?
Some fans of Russian punk rock feminist band Pussy Riot are tweeting BDS protests against the appearance of two members in Tel Aviv’s Barby club on May 16, which follows their attendance at the annual International Writers Festival at Jerusalem’s Mishkenot Sha’ananim cultural center outside the Old City.
IRELAND – Gerry Adams to Irish government: “Expel the Israeli ambassador”
Stephens and Weiss can't wait to call you an anti-Semite in 'The New York Times'
IRELAND – Dublin City Council votes for Israel boycott
Israel Bars Entry of Dublin's Mayor Over BDS Ties
Hollywood execs back Netflix over anti-Israel 'Fauda' boycott
Pussy Riot cancels Israel show without explanation
ZOA says it stopped ‘anti-Semitic’ Al Jazeera reports on US Jewish lobby
Seriously, Progressives: Stop Comparing Palestinians And Blacks
Umm al-Fahm, cette ville israélienne où les Palestiniens n’ont pas d’adresse
18, 000 Syrian Children have had their Organs Harvested Over the Last 6 Years
What Judd Apatow has in common with a sexist settler rabbi - Television - Haaretz.com
BDS campaign sets sights on taking Fauda off the air
Hollywood executives offer support to Netflix after BDS movement asks it to scrap ‘Fauda’
Palestinian Info Center: Grey's Anatomy star volunteering in Gaza - OMG - Jerusalem Post
For most in UK Labour party, anti-Semitism charges are bogus, Israel is force for bad
Polish journalist calls World Jewish Congress a ‘gang of international blackmailers’
« Le Congrès juif mondial est un gang de maîtres-chanteurs internationaux »
Israel’s mysterious baby-stealing scandal extends to Holocaust survivors — RT World News
Israel's Labor Party Suspends Ties With Jeremy Corbyn for 'Enabling anti-Semitism'
Jewish Labour activists defend Corbyn as Israel lobby attacks | The Electronic Intifada
"The 'anti-Semitism' witch hunt – whose real target is Jeremy Corbyn and anyone else who supports Palestinian rights – will not end until it is either victorious or defeated. It’s time for the whole left to finally step up to this task."
UK – Jeremy Corbyn condemns Western ‘silence’ over Israel’s killing of at least 27 Palestinians on the Gaza border
UK – Jews will FLEE Britain if Corbyn becomes PM, warns top rabbi
Corbyn vows to battle antisemitism after Israeli Labor party suspends ties
Corbyn is a dangerous anti-Semite. Barry Shaw
Amid Gaza unrest, Jeremy Corbyn calls for UK to review arms sales to Israel
Inside the seditious seder with Jeremy Corbyn and the Jewdas Group - Europe - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com
L'antisémitisme fait de la résistance (Parti travailliste britannique)
Jewish $2M Donor To Britain’s Labour Party Quits Over ‘Anti-Semitism’
Major Jewish donor to UK Labour Party quits over its failure to deal with ‘blatant acts of anti-Semitism’
British Labour Official Quits Over Backing For Holocaust Denier – The Forward
UK – Jeremy Corbyn given his orders by Board of directors of British Jews (Full Text) – MUST READ
Corbyn Passover message marred by top party official’s anti-Semitism scandal
Top Jewish Donor Quits U.K. Labour Party Due to anti-Semitism
Jeremy Corbyn deletes personal Facebook page amid antisemitism crisis
Corbyn deletes facebook account as anti-semitism scandal grows
Why Israeli students don't care about the university's ethics code - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Bernie Not Buying Israel's Excuse For Gaza Deaths
Bernie Sanders initiates congressional letter urging Trump to change Gaza policy In light of protests - U.S. News - Haaretz.com
Bernie Sanders to J Street: Israel has ‘massively overreacted’ to Gaza protests
Sanders Slams Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince, Says Israel 'Overreacted' in Gaza
Jewish activists storm senator's office over Israel's conduct in Gaza
Chris Hayes Waits To Be Fired After Gaza Segment
Israel Mows Down Unarmed Gaza Protesters for 3rd Week as US Blocks UN Investigation
Israel calls for punishing those who document army violations against Palestinians
Israel ‘more than happy’ after compromise on UNESCO resolution
UNESCO shelves ‘anti-Israel’ resolutions for six months after quiet diplomacy
UN envoy accuses Israel of killing children UN envoy Nickolay Mladenov blasts Israel following deaths of Palestinian Arab teens in violent riots along the Gaza-Israel border.
UN's Mideast Envoy Blasts Israel Over Gaza Deaths: 'Stop Shooting at Children'
UN envoy tells ‘outrageous’ Israel to stop shooting children in Gaza Palestinians say four killed, including a 15-year-old boy; Israel urges UN to condemn Hamas for 'despicable exploitation of women and children'
Palestinians report four killed, 156 wounded by Israeli fire in fourth Friday of Gaza protests
Israel Is Killing Journalists In Gaza
Son of a bitch, what a video | Haaretz.com
Why is Israel Threatened by Unarmed Gaza Protesters? (Part 1/2) Why is Israel Threatened by Unarmed Gaza Protesters? (Part 2/2)
Netanyahu: Israeli snipers are doing ‘holy work’
Ligne rouge : l’israël reconnaît avoir utilisé du phosphore blanc à Gaza
Influential rabbi teaches would-be Israeli soldiers: Genocide is a mitzvah
Time to nix the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Here's the alternative
Women’s March Leader Slams Jewish Group ADL, Claims It ‘Constantly Attacks Black People’
DC politician who peddled Rothschild conspiracy leaves tour of Holocaust museum early
Zionist Organization of America says it stopped ‘anti-Semitic’ Al Jazeera documentary exposing tactics of the US Jewish lobby
Rashid Khalidi: The Israeli Security Establishment is Terrified of a Nonviolent Palestinian Movement
How a Jewish civil rights group became a villain on the far left
Israël ne veut pas de témoins : le maire de Gennevilliers interdit d’entrée (AFPS)
Shame on Natalie Portman Genesis Prize should rescind her award.
Minister appeals to Natalie Portman: You have been fooled by Hamas propoganda
Natalie Portman Speaks Loudly For Young American Jews With Snub Of Israel Natalie Portman Isn’t The Problem. The Genesis Prize Is.
Portman to Keep $2m Genesis Prize Despite Snubbing Israel Ceremony, Source Says
After Israel snub, Genesis Prize will choose where to donate Natalie Portman’s award money
Natalie Portman Refuses To Visit Israel For Genesis Prize Gala
Natalie Portman has ‘fallen into hands of BDS supporters,’ says Israeli culture minister
Natalie Portman boycotts ceremony for Israeli prize Sports and Culture minister slams Jerusalem-born Hollywood actress as a 'ripe fruit for BDS' after Portman refuses to take part in Israeli events due to 'recent events in Israel.'
Genesis Prize cancels ceremony after 2018 winner Natalie Portman said she won’t visit Israel
Why Did Barnard Vote For BDS? Israeli Propaganda Backfired.
Pro-Palestinian French mayor barred from entering Israel
Un maire français interdit d'entrer en Israël
French Mayor Who Recognized Palestine Refused Entry Into Israel
Israel blocks entry to French mayor, claiming he supports BDS
Elizabeth May, Jagmeet Singh slammed by Jewish groups over Gaza comments
‘Jewish Military-style training’ ban: Durham becomes ‘first US city’ to halt police exchanges with Israel
After Criticizing Israel, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression Fights for Survival
Protests held outside the Israeli consulate in Toronto
Israeli websites hacked: 'Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine'
Fiesta anti-sioniste dans une université belge (organisée par Michel Collon)
"L'antisémitisme est intégré et normalisé"
L’invention du peuple juif : les mensonges responsables de l'antisémitisme
Haaretz publisher removes tweet after charges of racism
UK – Semites, Self-Pity, Aggressiveness, and Censorship: Jeremy Corbyn is not a shabbos Goy
UK – The Jewish Labour Movement Exposed As Nothing But A Mossad Front
British lawmakers slam Jeremy Corbyn over anti-Semitism during heated parliament session
Labour MPs tell Corbyn ‘enough is enough’ in debate on anti-Semitism
UK – Jeremy Corbyn voted FIFTH most admired man in UK in shock poll
British MPs fume at Corbyn in fiery antisemitism parliament debate
Gangsters for Zion–How Jewish mobsters built the Jewish state and helped it gain its independence
The Middle East is marching towards Israel's nuclear nightmare scenario - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Israel’s New Supreme Court Justice’s Deleted Facebook Post: Israel Isn’t Obligated to Provide Gaza With Electricity
Israel and Palestine: A Very Modern Apartheid
How the Israeli Army coerced a Palestinian teen who was shot in the head to lie and say he fell off his bike instead
Netanyahu warns ‘disproportionate’ settlement growth would anger Trump
Israel's ruling party as a rowdy militia - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
Israel is fast becoming a rogue state. And Trump is complicit in that downfall - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz.com
'Israelis have changed, they hate more and are more insular' - Holylandings - Haaretz.com
Why were the new SC justice's social media accounts deleted? Bayit Yehudi, so-called ‘Jewish’ Home party, is quietly smuggling America’s deep right into Israel. MK Moti Yogev’s bulldozer will strike Supreme Court from outside, Justice Minister Shaked will import elements to undermine democratic system from within.
L'armée israélienne force le cousin d'Ahed Tamimi de 15 ans blessé par une balle dans la tête qui lui détruit 1/3 de son crâne de dire qu'il est tombé d'un vélo à la place et de nier le fait qu'on lui a tiré dessus pour qu'il ne soit pas emprisonné
Kidnapped in Tel Aviv [FULL]
Adieu PayPal, bonjour la solidarité ! (UJFP)
Liberté d’expression et droit d’appeler au boycott : procédure en cours devant la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme (CEDH)
Le BDS expliqué à ma fille.... par Roger Waters (Vidéo) - CAPJPO - EuroPalestine
South Tel Aviv residents supporting deportation reject ‘racist’ label
Les tribus de l’antiracisme : les 51 « spécialistes » juifs de « l’extrême-droite » |
Ron Cahlili: «En Israël, les juifs français sont renvoyés à leur "arabité"» - Libération
Ron Cahlili : «En Israël, les juifs immigrés français sont renvoyés à leur "arabité"»
Raciste, la Licra ? Un dessin en référence à l'affaire Mennel enflamme Twitter
Israel Pays a Bounty of $5,000 and Arms for Each African Asylum Seeker Expelled
Thousands protest in Israel outside Rwanda's embassy against mass deportation of asylum seekers
Netanyahu slams ‘campaign of lies’ against plan to deport African migrants
Mass deportation process begins: Israel starts issuing notices to 20,000 asylum seekers
These African asylum seekers came to Israel alone as kids. Now they could face deportation: 'Israel is part of who I am' - Israel News - Haaretz.com
As an Ethiopian Israeli, I Call Out My Country's African Refugee Policy for What It Is: A Racist Manhunt
ADL chief suggests Israel deporting African migrants would appear racist
UNHCR in talks to send African migrants to ‘safe’ countries, let others stay
Interview with Palestinian Youth Activists Janna Jihad & Ahed Tamimi on ITV - YouTube
Ahed Tamimi : "une nouvelle génération de Palestiniens qui s'expriment" - YouTube
Empire Files: Abby Martin Meets Ahed Tamimi—Message From A Freedom Fighter - YouTube
Child Jailed Under Illegal Israeli Occupation-Ahed Tamimi - YouTube
Who is Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian teen charged for slapping and kicking an Israeli soldier? - YouTube
Ahed Tamimi, arrêtée par l'armée israélienne - YouTube
‘Death to Ahed Tamimi’: Israeli settlers vandalize Nabi Saleh
A ‘light amongst the nations’–Violent, inbred Judaic lawmaker Oren Hazan says he would kick the face in of Palestinian teenager
VIDEO - Netanyahu's New Normal [FULL] by David SheenEXTRAITS:-Media on Trump and on Netanyahu -Bezalel Smotrich and his Decision Plan -Israel's War on Africans 6 -What Israelis feel for Barack Obama -Netanyahu makes Nazi comparisonsSOURCES SUR LA CONDAMNATION PAR LE SANHÉDRIN D'OBAMA, LE PAPE, ETC.
Sanhedrin Taking the Pope and Obama To Court!! You Won’t Believe Their Added Addendum—“Third Temple” | Christian News The Sanhedrin English BIN EXCLUSIVE: Sanhedrin Passes Judgement Against Pope Francis, Obama - Israel News Indictment: Israel vs. Pope Francis, Obama, and basically everyone else (PDF inside) : conspiracy
Israeli police target ultra-Orthodox protesters with weapon developed against Palestinians, and it stinks
Sur ce blog:
Que signifie le rapprochement obscène de l'Inde avec Israël, qu'elle voyait pourtant jusqu'ici comme un simple suppôt du colonialisme?
Guerre de six jours, 50 ans après: l'arsenal nucléaire israélien était un enjeu central selon un rapport de recherche d'Avner Cohen
Conflit entre la Corée du Nord et Israël, et possible conflit nucléaire avec les USA de Trump: rappelons les menaces de l'ancien ambassadeur d'Israël aux Nations unies Dan Gillerman sur Fox News en 2013: "Si la Corée du Nord continue dans cette voie, elle devrait être rayée de la carte, ce serait un excellent message, très clair, au reste du monde et spécialement à l'endroit des Iraniens"
Jared Kushner rejoint la liste des juifs intimement liés aux grands scandales présidentiels américains contemporains
Manchester: La propagande sioniste accuse la gauche de Corbyn de légitimer le terrorisme, pour avoir simplement attiré l'attention sur la responsabilité de l'Occident (spécialement ses guerres sans fin au Proche-Orient) dans la montée du terrorisme international. Pendant que la propagande sioniste cherche à amalgamer la résistance palestinienne avec le terrorisme de Daech, les médias admettent de plus en plus la connivence, voire l'alliance objective de Daech avec Israel.
Rappel sur les liens de l'ancien dictateur du Panama Manuel Noriega avec le Mossad et la CIA. Autre exemple révélateur du soutien sioniste et américain aux dictateurs anti-révolutionnaires et de l'entraînement des Contras après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Shadow World (2016), le nouveau documentaire choc sur l'industrie de l'armement et de la guerre perpétuelle
Documentaire ZERO DAYS (Eng Sub 2016): Le virus informatique Stuxnet ("Olympic Games") a-t-il déclenché une guerre cybernétique mondiale? L'opération "Nitro Zeus" contre l'Iran comme acte de guerre.
RAPPEL: Vendeurs de guerre | Un laboratoire de guerre à ciel ouvert (v.f. de "The Lab", Yotam Feldman, 2013), film documentaire sur l'industrie militaire israélienne, révèle entre autre l'hypocrisie de l'Occident qui s'en prend de plus en plus vertement à Israël pour ses violations incessantes des droits de l'homme, mais continue à acheter les armes israéliennes garanties "testées sur les Palestiniens".
Les politiciens se taisent et les médias n'osent pas trop lever la voix quand Colin Powell mentionne les "200 bombes nucléaires" qu'Israël garde "pointées vers l'Iran".
Israël accuse l'UNESCO de négationnisme, plus précisément de "fausse histoire", pour avoir reconnu que d'autres religions que le judaïsme sont également reliées à Jérusalem
Rapport censuré et démission au Conseil des droits l'homme de l'Onu : preuve qu'Israël réussit à grand-peine à garder l'Onu sous son contrôle
Vote du Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu sur l'illégalité de la colonisation israélienne: Trump et Israël condamnent Obama comme étant un désastre pour Israël. Obama n'a pas apposé son veto, réitérant que la politique officielle du gouvernement américain est de condamner la colonisation illégale israélienne. Israël se trouve de plus en plus irrésistiblement exposé à des poursuites devant la cour internationale de justice de La Haye.
Israël intensifie sa guerre contre le mouvement de boycott (BDS), assurant ainsi la victoire à long terme de ce dernier
Collection audiovisuelle sur la guerre israélienne contre JFK dans sa course à l'arsenal nucléaire. Pendant que les désinformateurs cherchent encore à nous distraire en blâmant "l'État profond" ou "LBJ" autant sinon plus qu'Israël !
Médias européens antijuifs? Selon un nouveau documentaire de Arte, si le projet impérial du Grand Israël se réalise et qu'Israël devient une puissance mondiale, ce sera grâce aux colons juifs israéliens.
"The Lobby" (2016), le nouveau reportage d'Al Jazeera sur le lobbying pro-israélien suscite de vives réactions: Jeremy Corbyn demande une enquête publique pour faire la lumière sur la question, pendant que des organisations juives pro-israéliennes préparent leur vengeance
Alex Jones et Infowars: leur combat contre la Palestine, aux côtés de la prétendue "seule démocratie au Moyen-Orient"
Le non-interventionnisme serait-il antijuif? Le discours de Donald Trump à Washington fait peur aux organisations juives. Alex Jones aura du mal à concilier le discours "America First" de son héros Donald Trump avec son propre discours anti-nazi obsessionnel. En effet, le mouvement américain "America First" fut historiquement un repaire de pro-nazis et d'antijuifs, ces "indésirables" qu'Alex Jones associe systématiquement au "nouvel ordre mondial". Pour ceux qui croient comme Alex Jones qu'il fallait absolument combattre la menace nazie, des gens comme Charles Lindbergh (leader d'America First) qui s'opposaient à la guerre et défendaient les nazis ne pouvaient être que des agents au service du complot nazi en sol américain.
Médias juifs antijuifs? Netanyahou rappelle au Mossad qu'Israël est voué à devenir une superpuissance mondiale, révélant que le sionisme est un projet mondialiste et pas que nationaliste. Le PM Yitzhak Rabin, assassiné par un extrémiste juif de la mouvance kahaniste, qualifiait de "cancer" la colonisation illégale israélienne et mettait en garde contre l' "Apartheid". Tout cela est admis dans les médias juifs israéliens.
Inversion accusatoire: après l'accord sur le nucléaire iranien, Israël menace d'aller en guerre, mais c'est l'Iran qui est accusé de menacer la paix mondiale...
Les 100 ans de la déclaration Balfour. Reconnaître l'injustice et exiger réparation serait antisémite?
Israël accuse l'UNESCO de négationnisme, plus précisément de "fausse histoire", pour avoir reconnu que d'autres religions que le judaïsme sont également reliées à Jérusalem
Héritage colonialiste oblige: malgré le changement de gouvernement le Canada maintient sa position et restera le meilleur ami d'Israël. Chacune des 6 résolutions de l'Onu contre Israël rejetées par le Canada.
L'Europe et surtout la Suède antijuives? L'Union européenne condamne les colonies illégales israéliennes, permet l'étiquetage obligatoire de leurs produits. Tout est en place pour le faux Armageddon prophétisé par le sionisme chrétien, prédisant l'avènement d'une Europe antijuive faisant la guerre à Israël.
La France antijuive? L'Europe antijuive? La gauche antijuive?
La France a-t-elle été punie par des fanatiques à cause de caricatures scandaleuses hautement médiatisées et en réplique à la présence de l’armée française en Irak?
Un sénateur a déclaré en 2002 devant le Congrès états-unien que les attaques du 11 septembre étaient une punition divine visant les États-Unis pour avoir été trop durs et exigeants envers Israël.
L'utilisation d'armes chimiques en Syrie pourrait être un false flag israélien, selon l'ancien chef de cabinet de Colin Powell sous l'administration Bush, le colonel à la retraite Lawrence Wilkerson
11 septembre 2014, l'Islam à nouveau diabolisé, la victime toujours blâmée... Indignation sélective et interventionnisme à géométrie variable: tous ces politiciens qui crient au meurtre maintenant sont restés muets cet été lors du carnage israélien à Gaza. Les crimes de guerre occidentaux sont la cause réelle de la formation de l'État islamique; nos médias leur ont fait une pub du tonnerre, rien de mieux pour accroître les rangs de l'EI! Al-Qaida ne faisait plus peur, il fallait donc qu'un nouveau méchant de service prenne sa place... Serons-nous bernés encore une fois?
Détenteur d'un important arsenal nucléaire et chimique, Israël est responsable de la course à l'armement nucléaire et chimique au Proche-Orient... Qu'attendent nos chères démocraties pour condamner cet état terroriste partisan d'al-Qaïda et le compter parmi leurs ennemis?