VIDEO - L'Amérique d'abord, le slogan de politique étrangère de Trump
L'Amérique d'abord: Donald Trump veut une politique étrangère moins interventionniste
Le slogan de politique étrangère de Trump, «l'Amérique d'abord», a un passé pro-nazi Le candidat à la primaire républicaine a utilisé une expression, «America First», qui fait écho à la neutralité des États-Unis vis-à-vis des nazis. Dans un long discours le 27 avril, le candidat républicain Donald Trump a dévoilé ses objectifs en matière de politique étrangère, et il les a résumés en un slogan simple: «l’Amérique d’abord», ou «America first». Or dans l’histoire des États-Unis, ces mots ont une histoire chargée de sens. En effet, le slogan est associé au comité America First, créé en 1940 dans le but d’empêcher les États-Unis d’entrer en guerre contre l’Allemagne nazie. Son porte-parole le plus célèbre était l’aviateur Charles Lindbergh, qui a dit beaucoup de bien du Troisième Reich dans les années 1930, et ne voyait pas la légitimité d’entrer en guerre contre le nazisme. Il est ausssi connu pour ses commentaires antisémites et racistes, et de nombreux membres du comité America First partageaient ces points de vue.
«L'Amérique d'abord», la politique étrangère «du XIXe siècle» de Donald Trump Donald Trump a passé son grand oral. Depuis un hôtel de Washington, le leader de la primaire républicaine a dévoilé sa philosophie en matière de politique étrangère. C’est donc « l’Amérique d’abord », un slogan piqué à l’isolationniste Charles Lindbergh, opposé à l’intervention américaine pour combattre le nazisme. « Ma politique étrangère placera toujours les intérêts des Américains et la sécurité de l’Amérique avant toute autre chose », a déclaré Trump.

VIDEO - ‘America First’: Trump lays out foreign policy vision in Washington speech
VIDEO - Donald Trump Invokes Infamous 'America First' Slogan | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Note: Everything is ANTI-SEMITIC TO ADL.
Trump Urged to Drop 'America First' Slogan Due to anti-Semitic Past The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) urged Trump to reconsider the phrase Thursday citing its "anti-Semitic use in the months before Pearl Harbor by a group of prominent Americans seeking to keep the nation out of World War II." According to a statement released by the Jewish watchdog, the most leader of the “America First Committee” was Charles Lindbergh, who "sympathized with the Nazis and whose rhetoric was characterized by anti-Semitism and offensive stereotypes, including assertions that Jews posed a threat to the U.S. because of their influence in motion pictures, radio, the press, and the government."
ADL to Trump: Come up with something other than ‘America First’ Organization reminds Republican front-runner that term is closely associated with WWII-era anti-Semitism, pro-Nazi proclivities. - Trump embraces America First, gives the republic a chance to survive and its foes apoplexy By Michael Scheuer. Trump’s 27 April 2016 speech on foreign policy is not perfect; indeed, parts of it merit strong criticism. But Trump has now said to the American people what no one, save Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, has been willing to say since 1945. That is, the U.S. government exists for only two reasons: (a) to pursue and defend the republic’s genuine national security interests and to wage war only as a last resort, and then slay without mercy those who dared attack them, and (b) to protect and advance the well-being, jobs, liberties, unity, and prosperity of American citizens. In short, Trump seems to believe — as did the Founders — that if the U.S. national government does not make the furtherance of America’s interests its first and absolute priority, it has, to paraphrase Mr. Jefferson, no possible reason to exist, and its citizens, in turn, have every possible justification, and the unavoidable moral and legal responsibility to themselves and their posterity, to ruthlessly destroy it and replace it with one that can be relied on to always act only on their behalf and in their interests.

At Last, America First! By Patrick J. Buchanan Whether the establishment likes it or not, and it evidently does not, there is a revolution going on in America.
Fuhrer Donald Trump and His New America First Movement! By Eugene Elander (...) Case in point -- The America First Movement, a loosely organized national political movement of the 1930s and 1940s which grew out of a reaction and rejection of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, his New Deal, and interventionists allegedly led by Communists and British interests who were urging America into the Second World War. America Firstersoften expressed admiration for the Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich. Aviation hero Charles Lindbergh and industrialist Henry Ford were seen by many as key leaders of the America First Movement, which pretty-much ended with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. At that point, America finally declared war on both Japan and Nazi Germany -- and thus Americans decisively rejected this isolationist America First Movement as a denial of our most basic international responsibilities towards our fellow nations, as well as being totally counter to our own self-interest. Still, it is truly said that what goes around comes around, and Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has now resurrected America First as his new campaign theme and slogan. This latest Trumpeting of a failed slogan, and of a failed movement which otherwise might well have lost World War II for the Free World, demonstrates once again the Trumpster s utter lack of any historic perspective, and his small knowledge of Twentieth Century history. But there is even more that is demonstrated, as America First is a campaign gaffe providing insight about Trump.

Trump doubles down on 'America First' foreign policy slogan as he says 'NATO is obsolete' Donald Trump continued to flog 'America First' as his central foreign-policy frame
TIME | The Long History Behind Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ Foreign Policy In the course of an interview with the New York Times, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had his foreign policy boiled down to two words: “America First.” In an exchange prompted by the Times‘ David E. Sanger, who was the first to use the phrase in the course of the interview, Trump said that he was “not isolationist” but that he was, in fact, “America First.” “I like the expression,” the candidate said. “I’m ‘America First.'” Trump explained that what he meant by the idea was that his administration would prevent other nations from taking advantage of the United States. But whatever he meant, those words come with nearly a century’s worth of political baggage. | Nationalism and Its Discontents: The Meaning of Trump The return of dreaded “isolationism” is cause for celebration
Donald Trump Isn't the First American Politician to Put 'America First' PHOTO: Thousands gather at an America First Committee rally in the Chicago Arena to listen to organizations chairmen, Gen. Robert Wood and Col. Charles Lindbergh give speeches advocating for isolationism and cutting off aid to Britain, April 17, 1941.The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images. Donald Trump's foreign policy speech today was the first time that the Republican presidential front-runner clearly declared his foreign policy priorities, and he summarized them as keeping "America First." He isn't the first person to do so. "America First" has been the name of at least two political groups in the past century, both of which focused their platforms on non-interventionist foreign policies. Opposing World War II Intervention The first iteration came in the 1940s with the America First Committee, which was formed largely in an effort to keep the United States out of World War II. Historian Arthur Schlesinger told PBS that there were a number of supporters for the party who went on to be prominent politicians, including later President Gerald Ford, later Rep. Jonathan Bingham, and relatives of the Taft family. The committee's most famous supporter at the time of its existence was famed pilot Charles Lindbergh, who spoke at their rallies and championed the cause.
BLOOMBERG | Trump's New Slogan Has Old Baggage From Nazi Era, By Eli Lake Donald Trump has given up on winning historically literate voters. Consider the theme of his major foreign policy speech Wednesday: "America first." This slogan is most associated with aviator Charles Lindbergh, who spent a great deal of time in the late 1930s gushing at how wonderful the Third Reich was. Before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Lindbergh helped form "America First" committees that campaigned to keep the U.S. from fighting the Axis Powers. Lindbergh rose to become a demagogue and accused President Franklin Roosevelt of colluding with a Jewish lobby and Britain to drag America into World War II. For years this phrase was toxic. Pat Buchanan has used it from time to time, but "America first" and the idea it represented -- American neutrality towards the Nazis -- has been largely banished from respectable discourse. Now Trump is bringing the phrase back to the mainstream. He deploys it at his campaign rallies. And in his major foreign policy speech Wednesday, there it was right at the top. The real-estate magnate promised to "always put the interests of the American people first." He said: "That will be the foundation of every single decision I will make. 'America first' will be the major and overriding theme of our administration."
Trump's 'America First' has ugly echoes from U.S. history (CNN) "My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make. America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration." It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals, Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler. Susan Dunn Susan Dunn The America First Committee actually began at Yale University, where Douglas Stuart Jr., the son of a vice president of Quaker Oats, began organizing his fellow students in spring 1940. He and Gerald Ford, the future American president, and Potter Stewart, the future Supreme Court justice, drafted a petition stating, "We demand that Congress refrain from war, even if England is on the verge of defeat." Trump responds to Hitler comparison Their solution to the international crisis lay in a negotiated peace with Hitler. Other Yale students -- including Sargent Shriver, who served in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and Kingman Brewster, the chairman of the Yale Daily News, future president of Yale and ambassador to the Court of St. James -- joined their isolationist crusade.
JEWISH JOURNAL | Donald Trump: From America First to America’s Worst Donald Trump recently declared himself in favor of “America First.” It is doubtful he knows anything of the historical antecedents of America First—from Charles Lindbergh’s pre-World War II crusade to “keep us out of war” against Hitler by blaming war mongering on the Jews, to Pat Buchanan’s revival of America Firsterism in his 1992 GOP presidential bid and his vicious anti-Israel magazine, The American Conservative, that all our troubles on sinister forces that seek “to conscript American blood to make the world safe for Israel.” Lindbergh had set the stage by warning—or threatening—that “Jews in this country . . . would be the first to feel its consequences” if they succeeded in “agitating” America into World War II. Trump is very much in the tradition of American Firster Isolationism.
Trump’s Support for America First Is Not Part of His Bigotry: Pacifist Organization Was Prescient in Some of Its Warnings In recent statements, Trump has echoed many on the left including Bernie Sanders in suggesting that America should stop policing the world which has been a recipe for cataclysm, stating: “we were the big bully but not smartly led.” Trump went on to claim that Americans have gotten relatively little in return for underwriting the security of many foreign countries except trade deficits, saying that “we won’t be ripped off anymore because we don’t have the money.” When asked about America First, a pacifist organization founded on the eve of World War II, he said, “I like the expression. Not isolationist, but America first.” Trump’s comments tapped into deep underlying unease with America’s status as an empire garrisoning the globe which carries out covert operations and assassination missions in an estimated 135 countries. Many now sense that the main beneficiaries of the U.S. empire are large corporate interests who have off-shored thousands of manufacturing jobs and saddled the U.S. with extensive debt.
‘America First’ Trump leading GOP to fortress nationalist fringe “Make America Great Again” means keeping foreigners out, reserving American jobs for the American-born, punishing our more “cunning” trading partners — especially Mexico and China — building walls and withdrawing from foreign alliances and wars. This brand of American nationalism is not new. Trump’s “America First” slogan is a throwback to the pre-World War II movement against U.S. entry into the war. The America First Committee, whose most famous member was aviator and Adolf Hitler admirer Charles Lindbergh, argued that the United States should build an impregnable defense but stay out of the war in Europe — a position that was, in the late 1930s, highly popular with the American people.
Trump's new America First slogan was first used by anti-war zealots who claimed the Nazis WEREN'T a danger (...) * Donald Trump's foreign policy slogan - which he debuted to the general public today - was used by non-interventionists before World War II (...) *Trump has used the 'America First' slogan in speeches for the past couple of weeks
Trump's 'America First' theme draws criticis Republican front-runner Donald Trump faced criticism Thursday for saying the focus of his administration will be "America First." That's the same name used by a committee that opposed the U.S. entering World War II to fight Nazi Germany. Its most prominent spokesman, aviator Charles Lindbergh, accused the Jewish people of trying to push the country into war, saying "their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government." The committee largely disbanded after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. In his major foreign policy address on Wednesday, a day after he said he was the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, Trump said, "America First" will be the major and overriding theme of my administration." Here's what Trump said about foreign policy Here's what Trump said about foreign policy Republican front-runner Donald Trump addressed the Washington foreign policy establishment. The Anti-Defamation League, which has been critical of some of Trump's previous comments, urged Trump to find another theme.
Trump Risks Charles Lindbergh Label with ‘America First’ Foreign Policy Speech
FORWARD | Trump ‘America First’ Slogan Carries Lindbergh Nazi-Friendly Undertones A slogan Donald Trump used in a Wednesday foreign policy speech hearkens back to a phrase used by American aviator Charles Lindbergh, who argued for American neutrality against the Nazis. The “America First” motto, which Trump employed Wednesday, was also used by Lindbergh to argue against American involvement in World War II, wrote Bloomberg columnist Eli Lake. Trump said he would “always put the interests of the American people first. That will be the foundation of every single decision I will make. ‘America first’ will be the major and overriding theme of our administration.” Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Lindbergh organized “America First” groups that lobbied to keep the U.S. out of the war. The famous pilot argued for an isolationist foreign policy stance, and accused president Franklin Roosevelt of conspiring with Jewish groups and Britain to promote American involvement in World War II. Some of Trump’s policy suggestions, such as decreasing defense support to NATO allies, suggest similar isolationist ideals, Lake wrote.
Donald Trump's 'America First' slogan has a toxic past US history scholar Gary Gerstle tells DW why he is stunned that Donald Trump chose "America First" as his foreign policy motto. He also details why Trump's effort to make the discredited slogan sound innocent will fail.
Trump’s Support for Israel Marred by Troubling Revival of ‘America First’ Slogan Republican frontrunner’s foreign policy speech will remind American Jews of isolationist movement stained by anti-Semitism that tried to block war with Hitler.
As expected, Trump’s ‘America First’ slogan stirs up the Jewish MSM
‘America First’ – The Trump Slogan the Establishment Hates
Is Donald Trump Following in Thomas Jefferson’s Footsteps?
German Foreign Minister Slams Trump for 'America First' Remark Frank-Walter Steinmeier says he hopes U.S. election campaign 'does not lack the perception of reality' after Trump states that if elected, European allies would be left to fend for themselves.
A First: GOP Leaders Like Trump Speech
Trump terrifies (western) world leaders
Neocon Armchair Warhawks Panic Over Trump Foreign Policy
Neocons Make Trump Sound Like Peacenik on Foreign Policy
GOP Foreign Policy Experts Warn A Trump Presidency Would ‘Endanger America’
VIDEO - Éric Zemmour : "La communauté internationale n'existe pas et n'existera jamais" Très bon commentaire sur Obama et sa mise au rancart de l'interventionnisme, qui revient ouvertement dans le discours 'America First' de Trump.
VIDEO - Eric Zemmour sur Donald Trump et Bernie Sanders
Le discours de politique étrangère de Donald Trump
Sheldon Adelson will support Trump as Republican nominee‘I’m a Republican, he’s a Republican,’ says Jewish casino magnate and mega-donor to GOP; ‘he won fair and square’.
Trump on Foreign Defense Aid: Israel Should Reimburse the US
VIDEO - Emergency Committee for Israel: Trump loves Dictators

Trump on foreign policy: Iran deal allowed it to become a 'great power' at Israel's expense
Trump : Obama a abandonné les alliés des Etats-Unis, notamment Israël Le favori des primaires républicaines veut une politique étrangère moins interventionniste
Trump: Obama Made Iran a Great Power at Israel's Expense In first foreign policy speech, Republican frontrunner says U.S. under his leadership would get out of 'nation-building business,' vows to make U.S. allies bear financial burden for their defense.
Trump vows to put 'America first,' criticizes Obama for 'snubbing' Israel In his largely anticipated formal foreign policy speech, the US Republican presidential hopeful laid out a policy putting his country before others and slammed the current administration's treatment of the Jewish State.
Under Obama, candidate laments, 'We pick fights with our oldest friends' Obama ‘snubbed’ Israel, treated Iran with ‘tender love and care,’ Trump charges In speech outlining foreign policy, Republican front-runner hammers home ‘America first,’ says Islamic Republic won’t get nuclear weapons if he’s president.
Trump Says Obama 'Weakened Israel' and Jewish Communities in Europe Trump's adviser Jason Greenblatt promised to 'create a different tone in Europe and around the world.'
Lindsey Graham in Israel: Trump’s foreign policy worse than Obama’s
Trump is worse than Obama on Israel and foreign policy, GOP senator says
Trump on Foreign Defense Aid: Israel Should Reimburse the US
In Indiana, Trump Completes Hostile Takeover of the GOP After the N.Y. billionaire’s Indiana victory, many Americans pinched themselves and said: It’s the end of the world as we know it.
Prominent Republican Jews question loyalty to party under Trump RJC offers cool support for billionaire left alone in the race, while others say they’re standing by the GOP unless the candidate crosses a line.
Sheldon Adelson will support Trump as Republican nominee‘I’m a Republican, he’s a Republican,’ says Jewish casino magnate and mega-donor to GOP; ‘he won fair and square’.
Ron Paul, Secretary of State?
Trump Vows To Seek Better Relations With Russia If Elected
Donald Trump : «Nous avons fait du Moyen Orient un endroit plus chaotique qu’avant»
Donald Trump précise sa vision de la politique étrangère
Le candidat Donald Trump ne ménage pas ses critiques contre l’Otan
Is Trump Right About NATO? I am "not isolationist, but I am ‘America First,’" Donald Trump told The New York Times last weekend. "I like the expression."
Trump: ‘I want to get along with Russia’
Trump to NATO: You’re Fired!
Will Trump Get NATO off Our Backs?
Trump questions need for NATO, outlines non-interventionist foreign policy

‘America First Not Israel’: Detroit billboard urges US to restrict influence of Jewish Lobby
Controversial billboard that reads America first over Israel put up in Detroit
WATCH Donald Trump Is a 'European-style Blood-and-soil Nationalist,' Says David Brooks 'This campaign is in part a debate between an ardent nationalist, which Donald Trump is sort of a European-style blood-and-soil nationalist, vs. a candidate on the Democratic side who is more of a globalist.'
The GOP Convention's Official Guide to Donald and Melania Trump, Kim Jong-un Version The Republican candidate is 'the very definition of the American success story.' His wife is a cross between Cindy Crawford and Mother Theresa. Stand aside, Warren Buffett. Move along, Larry Page. Admit that you’ve been bettered, Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos and even Sheldon Adelson.
GOP’s Last Line of Anti-Trump Defense
Republican Convention in Uproar as anti-Trump Delegates Protest
La convention républicaine promet du spectacle, de vifs échanges sur Israël, et des armes
GOP convention promises delegate drama, Israel dissonance, and guns
Chaos at GOP confab as delegates look to derail Trump nomination
GOP embraces Trump's 'America First' slogan, despite Jewish concerns
GOP convention to be short on Jews
Jewish Republicans Slip Into Crisis Mode as Trump Convention Looms
Trump’s Candidacy and the GOP Platform Are as Much anti-Jewish as 'pro-Israeli' There won’t be many Jews at the Republican convention in Cleveland but there will be multitudes of white supremacist Jew-haters.
Donald Trump’s Five Questions on US Foreign Policy
The Donald Trump Agenda Trump’s position on immigration reform makes it evident that his administration would add regulations that would burden private-sector businesses, enlarge the police-state grid, and tread heavily on the US Constitution.
Donald Trump might kill the 'special relationship'. That's no laughing matter for Britain
US Military Supports Trump, and Probably Not Why You Think
Donald Trump’s Unsurprising Surprise
Mark Dankof and Jonas E. Alexis on Trump, America First, and The Lobby
Fascism is looming over the US — and it’s bad news for the Jews
Arch NeoCon Robert Kagan on a Trump Presidency– ‘This is how fascism comes to America’
Trump: Bad for Jewish Republicans?
Trump backers hurl anti-Semitic tweets at NY Times editor
The Judaic threats to implode US Economy over Trump presidency begin– ‘Huge, huge losses for stocks if Trump wins’
Jews Face a Precarious Future in a Trump America As Breitbart’s 'Renegade Jew' smear shows, Trump won't denounce his hacks' anti-Semitism. It’s a hatred that's now core to his campaign.
Will Donald Trump turn against the Zionist lobby if elected?
Trump’s dangerous neutrality on Israel
What Do Voters See in Donald Trump? Meet James Traficant, the Man Who Prefigured Him
Donald Trump’s Rise Shows How Much Pro-Israel Politics Has Changed in 5 Years
Crowd Cheers as Trump Declares 'Countries Need to Pay Up' for American Protection 'The really big problem with NATO, I told him this, you have 28 countries but many of the countries are not paying what they're supposed to be paying. They have to pay up.'
Dejected Neocons Lash Out At “Fascist, Huckster” Trump
LE FIGARO : « Populisme» : et si on arrêtait avec les poncifs ? «La montée du populisme»: Cette expression, promise à un grand avenir dans l'année qui vient, est faite pour donner des frissons et un peu de culpabilité supplémentaire aux peuples européens. C'est bien connu, la montée du populisme est la réédition de la montée du fascisme dans les années trente, devant laquelle nous alertent nos gardiens du devoir de mémoire. Cerise sur le gâteau, on a confectionné une expression plus parlante encore: le «national-populisme», au cas où l'électeur n'aurait pas complètement pris la mesure, malgré le matraquage idéologique régnant, de l'époque «nauséabonde» que nous vivons. C'est beau et simple comme un manuel d'histoire pour lycéens! Et lorsque ce n'est pas avec la montée du fascisme, c'est avec la montée du communisme qu'on compare le populisme, ce nouveau spectre qui hanterait l'Europe. Malheureusement on n'a toujours pas établi les connexions idéologiques et pratiques de cette internationale populiste...
The Newt factor: Gingrich as Trump’s VP would be a scary, power-hungry monster Just Like Dick Cheney: Newt would abuse his power when dealing with national security and military affairs
Donald Trump says Newt Gingrich is ‘absolutely’ on his Veep short list
Newt Gingrich Is the Perfect Trump Running Mate Why Donald should pick the former speaker of the House.
Will Donald Trump Pick Fellow Conspiracy Theorist Newt Gingrich For VP?
Dennis Prager Will Support Trump Over Clinton Because Sometimes 'Mature People' Have To Support A Stalin To Defeat A Hitler
Will A Summer Of Violence Accompany A Trump Nomination?
58 Donald Trump Conspiracy Theories (And Counting!): The Definitive Trump Conspiracy Guide
Glen Beck and guest Brad Thor discussing in coded language assassinating Trump to keep him out of power
NY Times editor calls out Trump for ignoring supporters’ anti-Semitic tweets
Donald Trump's New Fundraiser's Israel Connection The vice chairman of the Trump Victory Fund, Elliott Broidy, was removed as chairman of the Tel Aviv-based venture capital firm Markstone Capital Partners after paying bribes to pension fund managers.
Trump backers unleash anti-Semitic tweets at 'New York Times' editor
Glenn Beck guest asks whether 'patriot' would remove Trump from White House
Trump: 'They Want To Slip Joe Biden In To Replace Bernie'
Liberal Jews plan a summer of opposing Donald Trump
They don’t want Trump or Hillary: Half of voters would consider a third-party presidential candidate 47% of registered American voters would vote third party, poll finds, as Trump begins overtaking Clinton nationally.
U.S. Jewish Groups Condemn Breitbart for Calling Bill Kristol 'Renegade Jew' Critics slam 'inappropriate and offensive' article claiming neoconservative commentator betrays fellow Jews by opposing Trump.
Trump Rips Bill Kristol: "All The Guy Wants to do is Kill People and Go to War"
“Isn’t it clear Trump is a pathological narcissist and liar?”: Bill Kristol’s sad boy tweets are a morbid treat Kristol baits Trump on Twitter all day, every day, but still can't score the coveted reply from The Donald
VIDEO - Bill Kristol: Trump And Clinton "Are Scared" Of My Third Party Idea; Mitt Romney "An Impressive Man"
VIDEO - Bill Kristol Goes Off On CNN Anchor Alisyn Camerota For Questioning Third Party Picks
Donald Trump Blasts ‘Loser’ Bill Kristol for Trying to Start Third Party
RAPPEL: NEO-CON King Bill Kristol: 'Iraq War Will Last 2 Months'
Bill Kristol: 'New Presidential Candidate To Enter Race'
Trump, Kristol trade barbs in 'Post' interview with 'Weekly Standard' editor
Trump Unleashes Tirade After Bill Kristol Says Independent Candidate Will Run
Trump posts flurry of tweets after Kristol's 'third-party candidate' prediction
GOP looks for last minute alternative to Trump Donald Trump responded to Bill Kristol's cryptic tweet about a potential third party candidate. NBC's Chris Jansing discusses with a political panel.
Meet Shmuley Boteach, the Right-Wing Reality Show ‘Rabbi’ Hustling His Way Into the Trump Campaign
Donald Trump and William Kristol sling insults over potential third-party challenger
Kristol Eyes Conservative Lawyer David French for Independent Presidential Run
Here in Israel, reading about possible @DavidAFrench candidacy, thought of Herzl: Im tirtzu, ein zo agada. If you will it, it is no dream. — Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) June 1, 2016 Son épouse Nancy French a coécrit un livre avec Sarah Palin, une sioniste plus sioniste que les sionistes...
The (David) French Connection Why Bill Kristol's bewildering pick for a #NeverTrump presidential candidate makes a certain amount of sense.
Qui est David French, le champion inconnu des anti-Trump Cet ancien soldat pourrait se lancer dans la course pour rallier les conservateurs rejetant le candidat officiel du parti républicain...
David French, Proposed Conservative Alternative to Trump, Draws Tepid Response Republican strategists aren’t rallying to Tennessee lawyer, according to people familiar with talks to recruit another contender, By Reid J. Epstein and Patrick O’Connor.
David French: I Will Vote for Donald Trump If He Is the Nominee
VIDEO - Bloomberg Politics : Bill Kristol Eyes David French For Independent Run
The Death of Bill Kristol
Kristol Eyes Conservative Lawyer David French for Independent Presidential Run The conservative editor of the Weekly Standard has been searching for a candidate to challenge Trump and Clinton in the general election.
Kristol looking at National Review staff writer David French for independent presidential run
VIDEO - National Review [--Kristol's journal--] urges Mitt Romney to run for president As many in the GOP jump on board the Trump train, the holdouts hoping to stop it in its tracks have dwindled from a movement with momentum to just an unyielding few. The National Review's David French and political analyst Rick Tyler join to discuss.
Trump and Netanyahu, Purveyors of Hate Both stoke fear of external threats and nurture resentment of internal others to gain power and deflect criticism.
Donald Trump’s anti-Semitism controversies: A timeline Presumptive GOP candidate faces growing accusations his campaign condones Jew-hatred, if not encourages it outright.
Brad Thor Denies He Was Talking About an Assassination Attempt on Trump
Glenn Beck Suspended by SiriusXM for 'Advocating Harm' Against Trump Show's guest Brad Thor asked 'what patriot will step up' if a President Trump overstepped his bounds, to which Beck agreed.
Double Standards: Unrelenting Anti-Trump Media Campaign, Coverup of Hillary “Racketeering Charges”
Paranoia-Rama: Trump's Latest Absurdity, Martial Law Fears & About Those Death Panels…
Rachel Maddow Skewers Donald Trump And One Of His Many Conspiracy Theorist Pals
Trump’s Jewish adviser: He’s not responsible for supporters’ anti-Semitism ‘He can’t keep going around saying I denounce anti-Semitism,’ says Trump’s Orthodox consultant Jason Dov Greenblatt.
You’re Welcome, Anti-Semites: Here Are Some More (((Jews))) For You
Donald Trump’s anti-Semitism controversies: A timeline Presumptive GOP candidate faces growing accusations his campaign condones Jew-hatred, if not encourages it outright.
Trump's Son-in-law Targeted by Jew-tracking App Before Google Took It Down Coincidence Detector enclosed names that its algorithm deemed Jewish in triple parentheses, a symbol that allowed neo-Nazis to more easily aim their anti-Semitic bile.
Who Cares That Ivanka Trump Is Jewish? Some of history’s biggest anti-Semites had Jews that they loved.
With Friends Like President Trump The candidacy clinched, Trump is falling over himself with praise for the Jewish state. But love is no substitute for competence and in foreign policy he hasn’t exhibited any.
Going against the plan: Why the psychopath neocons hate fascist Trump Trump expresses himself in often crude language eg. threatening to "carpet bomb" the Islamic State. He is not coherent. He continues to talk of Iran as an enemy — ignoring the fact that it is as much a potential partner of the US as Russia and China are. Some of the things Trump says — for example his talk of embracing torture — are frankly disturbing. It remains to be seen whether a President Trump if elected would be either willing or able — as he promises — to change the entire foreign policy direction of the US. The fact however remains that Trump has challenged the ideological foundations upon which US foreign policy is built whilst offering an alternative that has elicited a powerful response from the US public. That is why the US political establishment is so alarmed by him.
Trump- American Hero Or Zionist Messiah? “Trump is an enigma. And when we look at Trump we see that there is a divide on the anti-New World Order and anti-Zionist right regard to whether or not we should be supporting Donald Trump,” Dankof said. On the one hand he claims, friends like Michael Collins Piper and Nathanael Kapner have exposed Trump’s “longtime relationship with the Zionist entity and to the Zionist community in New York.” “Trump keeps sending mixed signals. On the one hand he talks about America First. On the one hand he talks about these crazy Middle Eastern military involvements. He’s saying some of the right things of having legitimate diplomatic relationship with Vladimir Putin, and putting a lease on NATO, even getting out of NATO,” Dankof claims. “He said a series of good things about cutting American financial commitments, defense South Africa and Japan, given the American economy,” he said. “And yet nonetheless on the other hand, he has more recent plans, and said a series of things that are absolutely alarming on this whole subject of Israel and Zionism.”
So-called ‘Libertarian’ VP-Candidate uses bankrupt holocau$t canard against Trump
David Duke Wants to be Trump's VP, Says He'd be His 'Life Insurance'
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and CIA-Cuban “Deep Politics”
Wall Street Insider and former Bush Administration official remarking on Trump’s election chances– ‘It all comes down to the U.S. Military and Intelligence Communities’
Kerry slams Trump's wall, tells grads to prepare for 'borderless world'
Trump now says Muslim ban was ‘just a suggestion’
Trump faults computer ‘error’ for listing white supremacist as delegate
Trump Would Beat Clinton; Sanders Would Beat Trump
Rand Paul Will Endorse Donald Trump
Can anti-Trump Jews Save the Republican Party? Many Jewish conservatives are adrift, impotent and uneasy. Their intense opposition to Trump is not only based on policy but also the anti-intellectual, vulgar and angry culture he represents.
Donald Trump Puzzles Jewish Groups by Failing To Create Communication Channels
Donald Trump refuse de condamner ses supporters néonazis
Republicans Feel ‘Trump Terror’
Trump’s America First Policy: Remarkably Sophisticated
Where Jewish conservatives stand on Donald Trump: A running tally
Personal Insults Fuel GOP Insurrection Against Trump Scorn and ridicule are not only in his nature; they’ve been a main ingredient in the New York billionaire’s success.
Trump's Team: The Bigoted, Unhinged Conspiracy Theorists Benefiting From Donald Trump's Campaign
How the 2016 US election is upending pro-Israel orthodoxies
George H. W. Bush's national security adviser endorses Clinton for president
L’establishment républicain vote Hillary Clinton
Neocons Endorse Hillary as the US Party of Empire Is Finally Revealed
Clinton éviterait les prises de bec ‘obamaesques’ avec Israël Dennis Ross, qui a servi en tant que conseiller du Moyen Orient pour Bill Clinton, avertit qu’Israël devient de plus en plus isolé et appelle à mettre un terme à la construction en dehors des blocs d’implantations
Clinton would avoid Obama-esque spats with Israel, ex-diplomat says Dennis Ross, who served as Mideast adviser to Bill Clinton, warns that Israel is becoming more isolated, calls for end to building outside settlement blocs.
La politique extérieure de Clinton sera plus à craindre que celle de Trump
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: Defensive Realist vs. War Hawk?
Are Neocons Getting Ready to Ally With Hillary Clinton? Ironique que les néocons se retrouvent à appuyer malgré eux un Clinton.
“She sounds like Netanyahu”: Hillary Clinton goes extra hawkish in her biased, die-hard pro-Israel AIPAC speech
Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy advisers are exactly who you’d expect them to be Une belle bande de juifs bien sûr, mais pas du genre de ces juifs ultra sionistes qui veulent une guerre mondiale. Plutôt comme ces juifs américains qui adorent Goldman Sachs et voudraient propager l'American Way of Life partout dans le monde au nom des droits de l'homme. Si elle est élue, ce sera le retour du vieil interventionnisme. Pas celui de Bush fils, mais quand même...
Hillary Clinton est-elle plus dangereuse que Donald Trump ? article original : "Is Hillary Clinton more dangerous than Donald Trump? "
Clinton Campaign Lurches to the Right. “Overtures to Republican Leaders and Donors”
Hillary Clinton attacks her church over Israel divestment vote
Democratic Party is now split over Israel, and Clinton and Sanders represent opposing camps, says Pew
Sanders appointees want Democratic platform to reference Israeli occupation
Democrats tussle over adding 'occupation’ to party platform
Democrats Are Now the Aggressive War Party
“Extending American, Strategies to Expand U.S. Engagement”: Hillary Clinton’s Project For A New American CenturyFaut pas non plus tomber dans le piège de prendre au premier degré tout ce qu'ils disent... Parfois le plus "ami d'Israel" en public est celui qui ose les combattre en privé, et celui qui prétend être le plus "neutre" peut être en réalité le plus compatible avec les objectifs de Bibi...
Trump and Adelson Were Meant for Each Other Jewish conservatives who condemn the GOP candidate should condemn his Jewish sidekick too.
David Duke blames Trump U controversy on ‘Jewish manipulation of the media’
Pro-Trump former KKK leader blames judge criticism on 'vicious' Jews
Ahead of visit, UK Jewry slams Trump’s ‘troubling’ rhetoric
The Racial Divide Between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump
‘America First’: Trump doubles down on a term that makes many Jews queasy
Meet the One Jewish Group that Can Attack Donald Trump
Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews
Jewish-controlled Media blasts Dr. Duke for blaming Trump U nonsense on Jewish-controlled Media
Bill Kristol, Neo-Con King in 'High Priests of War', Resurfaces in Desperation Against Trump - Author, Michael Collins Piper
The US Establishment Plans War To Stop Trump – Alexander Dugin
Trump: Hillary Will Flood America With Terrorists
Trump has virtually no support in Arab world, Israeli survey find. Maintenir ce genre de distance vis-à-vis des "Arabes" et vice versa, c'est très utile pour se faire élire aux USA... Malheureusement. Ça en dit plus long sur les Américains que sur les Arabes en fait.
Battle of the Wannabe White House Jewish Son-in-Laws
Donald Trump Calls Hillary Clinton “Trigger Happy” as She Courts Neocons
Zionist Marine Le Pen: Hillary winning presidential election would be a danger to world peace
Donald Trump Accuses Bill Clinton of 'Rape' Deflecting accusations in New York Times article of mistreating women, Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president attacks Hillary Clinton's husband.
VIDEO - RYDAWSON: Radical Islam feeds off of radical American intervention
Les huit erreurs de la politique américaine au Proche-Orient (Chas W. Freeman Jr.)
US Intel Vets Slam State Dept Warmongering
Sanders appointee to 'Post': Democratic platform should include 'occupation,' right to boycott
What the Democratic Platform on Israel Fails to Mention Can Palestinians really be 'free to govern themselves' if no one acknowledges the military occupation? By trying to have it both ways, Democrats ended up with a platform that says nothing.
Elizabeth Warren Is the Surprising Israel Hawk on Hillary Clinton’s Vice Presidential Shortlist
“The Less Evil Argument” by Noam Chomsky, John Halle: “The Left Vote for Neoliberal War-monger Hillary Clinton…”
Trump better choice by far – Alan Sabrosky
Trump’s Vice Presidential Shortlist: Handpicked to Handle Congress
Uh oh: Trump considering pro-Israel NEOCONS for VP
Donald Trump Taps Michele Bachmann, James Dobson and Other Far-Right Leaders For Advisory Board
Is Trump Really the Anti-Neocon?
Donald Trump Pushes Back Against Anti-Israel Question — Vows ‘100%’ Support
Donald Trump’s U-Turn on Palestine, Firmly Committed to the Israel Lobby
Trump's Rhetoric Related to Uptick in anti-Semitism in U.S., ADL Chief Says 'I’m not saying that Donald Trump is a racist or anti-Semite but the racists and anti-Semites have come out of the woodwork during this political season to support him,” Jonathan Greenblatt says.
Time to form an American Jewish Emergency Committee Against Donald Trump
What Republicans in Israel think of Donald Trump and why it matters
Donald Trump Faces Summer of Yucks and Jeers From Liberal Jews
To stop Trump, America needs more solidarity than Britain showed in Brexit vote
'They Shall (Not) Pass': Brexit Vote Shows How Cracks in Anti-racist Coalitions Could Win Trump the White House Few believed the 'rational' Brits would buy a ridiculous, isolationist stunt like Brexit, a better fit for the U.S.' increasingly dark mood. But unlike 70 years ago, the anti-fascist movement is divided.
Blame Facebook for Donald Trump and Brexit The site threatens to impose a world order that is racist, separatist, militant, tribal and religious, and to dismantle any universal, humanist and liberal identity.
New York Primary: For Israel and U.S. Jews, Cruz May Be More Threatening Than Trump When Ted Cruz has gone all out to woo Jewish voters in New York, he touts his sterling Senate pro-Israel positions. But those voters recognize the danger in AIPAC talking points actually becoming American policy.
With more chutzpa than experience, Orthodox lawyer advises Trump on Israel
Anti-Trump Forces Routed in New York
Tensions entre Donald Trump et des donateurs juifs
Make Israel Great Again: Dovish Israeli Politicians Take Page Out of Trump Playbook Nowadays it seems everyone in the Israeli center-left wants to become a tough-talking, BDS-confronting, Haaretz-hating, leftist-basher.
Glenn Beck Conveniently Forgets To Mention That Ted Cruz Cozied Up To 'Kill The Gays' Preacher
Trump Scares the Establishment (dans le journal de la John Birch Society - c'est louche de recevoir l'appui de la JBS!!)
The Corporate Funding of Islamophobia, A Multimillion Dollar Operation in Support of Donald Trump Funding Islamophobia: $206m Went to Promoting 'Hatred' of American Muslims.
12 Fringe Conspiracy Theories Embraced By A Man Who Might Be The Next President
Why isn’t the assassination attempt on Donald Trump bigger news?
By Refusing To Vote For Trump, Glenn Beck Is Standing Against 'The Entire World,' Just Like Gandhi And Nelson Mandela
Rubio to seek re-election, blasts Trump as ‘worrisome’
Why Many Bernie Sanders Supporters Will Soon be Abandoning the Democratic Party And Why Their Super-Delegates Will Some Day Regret Sabotaging His Candidacy
What Red-baiting Jew-hater Calls Bernie Sanders a 'non-Jewish Jew and a non-American American'? Jewish conservative Dennis Prager’s recent screed went far beyond dog whistling: It was a klaxon to anti-Semites on the Right, while betraying the essence of Jewish identity.
Clinton and Sanders Meet, Pledge Party Unity. “It’s Clear Where Sanders Stands”
Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Entangled’ Foreign Policy "Si Hillary Clinton est élue, c’est l’Apocalypse islamique assurée"
If Trump Were a “Clinton Plant”, What Would He Do Differently?
Only Clinton Can Save Trump’s Electoral Victory (pdf)
America’s Many Mideast Blunders
Here’s why Trump’s foreign policy terrifies neocons
Is Trump a New Kind of Fascist?
Trump “The Fascist”: Backdoor Backing of a Political Psychopath Named Hilary Clinton
Donald Trump is Losing Jewish Donors and Intellectuals, But Will it Impact His Bottom Line?
Unmasking the Anti-Semitic Meme of Asuka (Trump's cap)
A Florida rabbi protested Donald Trump – and lost his job
Trump Has Ripped the Mask Off the GOP Pretense on Racism Donald Trump's vicious public attacks have smashed the Republican 'deniability consensus' that's held since the civil rights era: Coded appeal to racial hatreds in, naked bigotry out.
Trump’s Blatantly Racist Campaign
Le trumpisme, un maccarthysme anti-musulman ?
Le Hooliganisme Politique
A Campaign Based on Conspiracy Theory
Qui a vraiment peur de Donald Trump?
The Roots of Trump’s Cruel Populism
There Is a Method to the Madness of Trump's Contempt for Media While Trump's language is more incendiary and he lashes out more personally at reporters than typical for past candidates, he's following a long tradition of modern politicians who shoot barbs at the messenger.
Sanders Slams Adelson for His Support of Trump 'The American people are sick and tired of billionaires running our economy and our political life,' said the Democratic presidential hopeful.
Is Donald Trump the ‘Peace President’? American public supports Trump’s non-interventionist foreign policy stances. By Patrick J. Buchanan —
The 9 best Jews to play Trump in Clinton’s debate prep
Casino magnate Adelson still has not donated to Trump
Rep. Steny Hoyer: Trump as president would be ‘dangerous’ for Israel House minority whip also says he thinks Hillary Clinton would be more constructively ‘assertive’ on Israel than President Obama
Un conseiller de Donald Trump accusé de révisionnisme
Is Donald Trump’s proposal to keep out anti-Semites practical — or ethical? US Jews once pushed for ideological tests to keep out Nazis and anti-Semites, but now worry such tests could be cover for discrimination
Trump Pledges to Keep ‘Anti-Semitic Attitudes’ Out of America
If Trump Wins, We Could See the Worst of U.S.-Israel Ties on Steroids The effects of a Trump administration’s specific brand of pro-Israelism would likely accelerate – perhaps dramatically – two trends already in motion.
Does Breitbart News Peddle Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories?
Here, it was Israel. There, it’s Trump
Un conseiller de Trump se serait vanté d’avoir renvoyé des juifs du Pentagone
Liberal America, Don’t Get Cocky About Donald Trump - Take It From Israel Looking at his recent polling disasters, some may think that Trump is finished. But 18 months ago, people said the same about Benjamin Netanyahu.
Michele Bachmann: Donald Trump's New End Times Foreign Policy Adviser
Donald Trump, The Anti-Establishment Candidate? Connections to Wall Street, Blackwater and the CFR
Could Trump Pull Off a Post-Party Coalition?
NYT Anti-Trump Polemic Asked the Wrong Question
American Jewish organizations grapple with the Trump question
Report: Alan Dershowitz Helping Clinton Prepare for Trump Debate New York Public Radio station wNYC says the Harvard law professor will stand in for Trump as Clinton rehearses for the first presidential debate on September 26.
Pro-Israel billionaires 'biggest donors' of Clinton’s super PAC (Soros n'est pas un de ces sionistes, il est un des rares milliardairs juifs à n'être pas sioniste et les sionistes lui en font baver pas rien qu'un peu!)
50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’ Entire Bush Administration foreign policy team endorses Hillary!
THEZOG.INFO: Who Controls Donald Trump?
Rick Wiles: 'God Has Picked' Donald Trump To 'Beat Down The Walls Of The New World Order'
Trump’s Aggressive Foreign Policy
Glenn Greenwald: The U.S. Media Is Essentially 100 Percent United Against Donald Trump
Florida's Jewish voters repelled by Trump, congressman says
Glenn Beck Warns That Donald Trump Is Creating A Dangerous Black Lives Matter-Type Movement
Led by Nazi Apologist, Hitler Youth-Type Group Emerges: ‘Trump Youth’
Could Donald Trump’s ‘Extreme Vetting’ for Immigrants Bar Orthodox Jews and Israelis?
Ivanka Trump Hangs Out with Vladimir Putin’s Rumored Girlfriend Wendi Deng Murdoch
Conspiracies run amok after Ivanka Trump spotted with rumored Putin girlfriend
Ivanka Trump passe ses vacances avec Wendi Deng Murdoch, l'ex-femme de Rupert Murdoch mais c'est hallucinant cette histoire!
Trump’s Immigration Tests for Muslims Recall Disturbing Echoes for American Jews GOP candidate opts to dub himself 'extreme,' even though the same tactic led Barry Goldwater to a crushing defeat in 1964.
WATCH: Yuval Rabin Invokes Dad's Memory in Critique of Donald Trump
Has Trump Campaign Reshuffle Pushed Ivanka and Jared Aside?
Jared Kushner once broke up with Ivanka Trump because she wasn’t Jewish
What Will It Take for the U.S. Jewish Establishment to Break Its Silence on Trump?
Trump's campaign website remains 'neutral' on Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Trump shakes up campaign again, hiring Breitbart official Stephen Bannon as new CEO.
The Associated Press Smears Trump
Trump Hiring a Female Campaign Manager Is Like an anti-Semite Hiring a Jew, Says Gloria Steinem
Why Jewish Conservatives Fear Donald Trump
The Ties That Now Bind Trump to Netanyahu, Breitbart and Jewish anti-Semites Will a harsher and meaner GOP contender do better against Clinton - or will he bring disaster to the party that the Israeli PM gambled on?
Donald Trump Hiring Breitbart Exec Is Slap in Face for Targeted Jews Like Me
Et maintenant, un conseiller de Donald Trump accusé d'antisémitisme
Trump adviser allegedly bragged about firing Jews from Pentagon jobs Former Defense official Joseph Schmitz also accused of making anti-Semitic remarks such as: ‘Ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews’.
5 Reasons White Supremacists Love Donald Trump
Another Trump Adviser Appears On Radio Network That Features White Nationalists
‘Alt-Right’ Hears Just Enough Dog Whistles To Stick With Donald Trump
How Donald Trump Uses Anti-Semitic Rhetoric Against Hillary Clinton (Even Though She’s Not Jewish)
Ann Coulter Blames Never Trump Movement On Atheism
Trump’s Blindness Toward Slavery, Jim Crow
20 Lies Donald Trump Told At The First Presidential Debate
Trump Fans United by Conspiracy Theories and Boundless Hatred for Clinton
Il semblerait que la décision de Trump de se lancer dans la course à la présidence a été prise après avoir été humilié publiquement par Obama durant le bien-cuit de Trump. Obama s'est moqué de ses théories complotistes ridicules, notammment sur son certificat de naissance (controverse des "Birthers").
Trump, the Alt Right and the Revolt Against Political Correctness C'est juste ça finalement qui fait tout l'attrait de Trump: son opposition au politiquement correct (PC). Mon avis est que les sionistes sont bien au-dessus de l'opposition PC/anti-PC.
A Normie’s Guide to the Alt-Right Un site Alt-Right présente le mouvement Alt-Right (raciste-conservateur, droite raciste)
The Alt Right Means White Nationalism . . . or Nothing at All
God-Emperor Trump and Lord Kek Toward an Alt-Right Religion Une religion du trollage raciste... Ça commence à virer très sectaire et délirant. Piper avait vu ça venir.
Leaving the Fence on the Milo Issue Ils tentent de distinguer un mouvement Alt-Right pro-juif et un mouvement Alt-Right anti-juif, mais c'est de la bouillie pour les chats car les sionistes juifs sont nombreux à être en quasi-total accord avec les fondamentaux du mouvement Alt-Right, même quand celui-ci est anti-juif, car les critiques antijuives du mouvement Alt-Right ne sont que des critiques visant la gauche juive. Les sionistes juifs haïssent radicalement la propagande gauchiste juive! Les sionistes juifs parlent souvent exactement comme des natios blancs.
[Entretien exclusif] La vision géopolitique d'un identitaire européen Europe-Israel Au cours de diverses discussions tenues sur le réseau, il est apparu que la position défendue par tel fervent défenseur de l’Europe était partagée par des intervenants se présentant comme juifs. L’un d’eux a suggéré que soit écrit un petit texte à l’intention de ceux de son entourage.
Top Trump adviser is fighting claims he questioned Holocaust history
Trump Adviser Reportedly Boasted About Firing Jews, Denied Holocaust
Trump says campaign chairman Manafort resigns Paul Manafort, who was initially been hired at the urging of Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has in recent weeks fallen out of favor with both Trump and Kushner, as poll numbers drop and Manafort's reported pro-Russian ties begin to surface.
Donald Trump’s New Nickname for Hillary Clinton Is a Dog Whistle For White Supremacists
Grande confusion de la droite nationale : les identitaires affirment et exigent des choses contradictoires, sans s'en rendre compte. Toutes ces contradictions font qu'on ignore, par exemple, ce qu'ils veulent par rapport à l'immigration (et qu'on ne peut déporter du jour au lendemain). D'un côté ils disent « combattre le métissage » mais de l'autre ils critiquent les immigrants qui « ne s'intègrent pas et ne se mêlent pas » à la société française. Comprennent-ils à quel point ces deux positions sont radicalement contradictoires? Combien sont assez intelligents pour s'en rendre compte? Car combattre d'une part le métissage d'une part et critiquer d'autre part les immigrants qui ne se mélangent pas à la société d'accueil et n'adoptent pas ses règles et sa laïcité, c'est tout à fait contradictoire. Si les identitaires combattent réellement le métissage des immigrés avec la société d'accueil, ils devraient être heureux que ces immigrants ne s'intègrent pas à leur société et décident de toujours rester entre soi, se marier entre soi et conserver leur propre culture, au lieu de se métisser et de mélanger les cultures en adoptant la culture d'accueil! Si les immigrants s'assimilent bien et adoptent la culture d'accueil, ils risquent davantage de se métisser à la société d'accueil! Les identitaires devraient réfléchir à ce qu'ils veulent et mettre tout ça au clair une fois pour toute, pour que leur discours soit enfin un peu cohérent. Si être nationaliste signifie combattre le métissage, alors les nationalistes devraient féliciter et encourager les nationalistes chez tous les peuples et toutes les races. Si être nationaliste signifie, comme l'affirme Zemmour, promouvoir l'assimilation des étrangers dans la culture de la société d'accueil, alors il ne faut pas se plaindre qu'il y ait autant de métissage des cultures et des sangs!
Bernie Sanders Was Right To Condemn Henry Kissinger. But Why Did He Praise Winston Churchill? The former prime minister was, indeed, a “fan of regime change,” among other things. (...) But for a candidate denouncing Kissinger and his record of atrocities, Churchill is an odd choice as an “influence,” to say the least. Where to start? Churchill’s contribution to the war effort cheered by Sanders helped contribute to the 1943 Bengal famine, which Churchill later callously exacerbated, leading to the fatal starvation of around 3 million people. According to author Madhusree Mukerjee, during World War II, Churchill exported huge amounts of food from India to Britain and various war theaters, despite being repeatedly warned that continued exhaustion of India’s food supplies would lead to famine. He continued to demand more rice even as India starved, declined offers of wheat from the United States and Canada, and had Australian ships carrying wheat bypass India and travel straight to Europe. Leopold Amery, then the Secretary of State for India, recorded in his diary Churchill saying that “the starvation of anyhow under-fed Bengalis is less serious than sturdy Greeks.” While leading the UK in the 1950s, Churchill was responsible for other crimes. One of these was the CIA- and MI6-engineered coup in Iran, which saw the democratically elected Mohammad Mossadeq overthrown in 1953 after he nationalized British oil holdings in the country.
Trump Threatens To Pull The U.S. Out Of The World Trade Organization
Russia expert Stephen Cohen–Trump trying to prevent nuclear war
Gingrich Turns Against Trump, Calling Him ‘Unacceptable’ Choice for President
Trump Wants To Stop The New Cold War
Shimon Peres: Trump’s suggestion not to defend allies unless they pay is ‘a great mistake’
Peres: Trump’s foreign policy proposals would be ‘a very great mistake’
Arch Neo-Con/Israeli asset Robert Kagan– ‘There is something very wrong with Donald Trump’
Why being pro-Trump is anti-Israel
Where Donald Trump Makes Sense
Even Those Who Think Hillary Is Bad for Israel Must Now Believe Trump Would Be Worse
Jewish Journalists Question Melania’s Immigration History, Wait for Trolls
Republicans start effort to bring out Israeli vote for Trump
Trump’s Brother Joined a Jewish Frat To Spite Their Authoritarian Dad
New York Times Relentlessly Biased Against Trump
Interview with Trump's Israel advisor David Friedman, tipped to be Trump's pick for US ambassador to Israel, talks settlements, French involvement, and why Clinton 'is terrible for Israel.'
The Danger of Excessive Trump Bashing
The irrelevant pantomime of Trump’s ‘pro-Israel’ GOP platform
Israeli-American mogul Haim Saban: Trump win would be ‘disastrous’ for Israel
Haïm Saban : une victoire de Trump serait “désastreuse” pour Israël
Uneasy Republicans and confident Democrats diverge on ‘Jewish’ issues
Look to Trump and Corbyn for the Key to Rising anti-Semitism Racism, xenophobia and irrational hatred of ethnic minorities all flourish in a climate of ignorance and suspicion - exactly the climate being created by politicians of Trump and Corbyn’s ilk.
Billionaire hedge funder Seth Klarman backs Clinton over ‘unacceptable’ Trump
Jews Vs Trump–The Secret of Jewish Identity Politics
Israeli firm offers to build Trump’s Mexico wall Je gage qu'il y en aura pas de mégamur à la frontière mexicaine-américaine.
To name or not to name: Jewish organizations grapple with the Trump question Top GOP fundraiser defects to Clinton over ‘demagogue’ Trump Billionaire Hewlett Packard chief Meg Whitman tells NYT she will donate to and raise money for Democratic nominee
Jewish Billionaire Seth Klarman Joins Wealthy Republicans Supporting Clinton
Even Those Who Think Hillary Is Bad for Israel Must Now Believe Trump Would Be Worse While keeping mum on the U.S. election, even Netanyahu must be coming to terms with Clinton, the devil he knows, over Trump and complete uncertainty.
Donald Trump claimed on Saturday that he turned down a meeting with billionaires Charles and David Koch, but top Koch network officials immediately challenged Trump's claim.
Giuliani: Israeli Officials Prefer a Trump Victory in November The former New York City mayor, quoted by The Washington Post, bases his assessment on meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials during a March visit to Israel. PM's Office denies Netanyahu had voiced any preferences in the U.S. election.
Donald Trump Wins Surprising Jewish Fan Club — Among Russian Immigrants (18 July 2016)
From NATO to Brexit, Trump has a record of siding with Putin
Foreign Policy: l'exportation de la démocratie réussit mal aux USA
«Les gens pensent qu’il n’y a pas de propagande dans les démocraties»
VIDEO - America First: Trump and the New American Fascist Movement

VIDEO - Extrait du discours du célèbre américain Charles Lindbergh du 11 septembre 1941, juste avant les événements de Pearl Harbour.

Écouter la version originale, plus longue:
VIDEO - Charles Lindbergh's - September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech
Dans son célèbre discours du 11 septembre 1941 (l'intégrale en format texte, extrait traduit en fr.) contre les fauteurs de guerre (quelques mois à peine avant les événements de Pearl Harbour), Charles Lindbergh, le célèbre patriote américain et leader de l'organisation antiguerre America First Committee, accusait:
1) les Juifs,
2) les Britanniques (Churchill, que l'on sait avoir été dirigé par la clique de financiers juifs The Focus), et
3) l'administration (juive) de Roosevelt (qui avait pourtant promis "pas de guerre")
d'avoir trahi et mené le peuple américain à l'abattoir en faisant pression pour que les États-Unis envoyent leur jeunesse se faire tuer dans une guerre en tous points contraire aux intérêts de la nation états-unienne.

Qu'ont en commun les personnalités américaines suivantes?
- John F. Kennedy (Président des États-Unis)
- Gerald R. Ford (Président des États-Unis)
- Kingman Brewster (président de Yale)
- Amos Pinchot (homme politique républicain)
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (fille de Theodor Roosevelt)
- Kathleen Norris (écrivaine)
- E.E. Cummings (poète)
- William Saroyan (écrivain)
- Gore Vidal (écrivain politique)
- Frank Lloyd Wright (architecte)
- Sinclair Lewis (écrivain)
- Général Robert Wood
- Général Hugh Johnson
- Général de la marine Smedley Darlington Butler (auteur de "War is Racket")
D'autres populistes et patriotes importants tels Ezra Pound et Henry Ford ont été associés à l'America First Committee, qui s'opposait vigoureusement (comme le peuple américian lui-même) à l'entrée en guerre des États-Unis au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une guerre dans laquelle les États-Unis n'avaient rien à faire et tout à perdre.
Charles Lindbergh était certes antijuif et pro-nazi, tout comme son grand ami et allié Henry Ford (ce même Henry Ford qu'Hitler admirait au point d'accrocher un portrait de lui dans son bureau), or le fait est que le mouvement anti-guerre aux États-Unis était motivé surtout par le non-interventionnisme (et non par des idées nazies). Le mouvement antiguerre états-unien étant fortement enraciné dans des organisations patriotiques telles que l'America First Committee, dont Lindbergh était non seulement le fondateur mais sa plus importante tête pensante et l'un de ses plus fervents militant.
À lire:
* Il y a 40 ans disparaissait Charles Lindbergh, aviateur, inventeur, écrivain et... « antisémite »
* DEFEND AMERICA FIRST: A Compilation of Five Anti-War Addresses Delivered on Behalf of the America First Committee
* What Did Ezra Pound Really Say? by Michael Collins Piper
* "Ezra Pound Speaking" Radio Speeches of World War II, by Ezra Pound
* Henry Ford et l'antisémitisme américain, par F. Duprat
Henry Ford and the America First Committee:
Ford’s actions show that he was opposed to the forces of war. He did not do himself any favors by opposing the “destructive Wall Street.” In 1915 Ford chartered the Oscar II, otherwise known as the Ford “Peace Ship,” in the hope of persuading the belligerents of the world war to attend a peace conference. The mission received mostly ridicule. Those aboard, including Ford, were wracked with influenza. Ford continued to fund the “Peace Ship” as it traveled around Europe for two years, and despite the ridicule was widely regarded as a sincere, if naïve, pacifist. Dr. Sutton does not mention Ford’s “Peace Ship” or his peace campaign during World War I. Therefore, when he was an early supporter of the America First Committee,35 founded in 1940 to oppose Roosevelt’s efforts to entangle the USA in a war against Germany, he was too easily dismissed as pro-Nazi, as was America First.36 Very prominent Americans joined from a variety of backgrounds, including General Robert A. Wood, president of Sears Roebuck, and among the most active, aviation hero Charles Lindbergh. Socialist Party leader Norman Thomas was a regular speaker at rallies. Many Congressmen and Senators resisted the Roosevelt war machine. They included pacifists, liberals, Republicans, Democrats, conservatives. Of Henry Ford, George Eggleston, an editor of Reader’s Digest, Scribner’s Commentator, and formerly of Life, and a major figure in America First, recalled that so far from being a “Nazi,” Ford expressed the hope that there would be a “parliament of man,” “a world-wide spirit of brotherhood, and an end to armed conflict.”37 ( The Myth of the Big Business-Nazi Axis, K.R. Bolton)
Lindbergh et Ford appuyaient sans réserve Adolf Hitler et comme ce dernier ils ne voulaient pas la guerre, cependant leur opposition à cette guerre ne venait pas de leurs sympathies nazies hitlériennes, elle s'enracinait plutôt dans la pensée non-interventionniste des Pères fondateurs des États-Unis tels que George Washington, Thomas Jefferson et plus tard Andrew Jackson, qui craignaient l'emmêlement de leur pays dans des conflits à l'étranger et pour des intérêts qui ne sont pas les leurs.

Thomas Jefferson a dit: "La paix, le commerce, une honnête amitié avec toutes les nations, d'étroites alliances avec aucune".

Although the beloved author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, was a firm advocate for religious liberty in America for Jews and all people, what has been carefully censored from the history books is the absolute fact that Jefferson clearly considered the Jewish religion itself to be quite abominable. Writing to John Adams on Oct. 13, 1813, the widely read intellectual commented on the Talmud and other Jewish teachings: "What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit! It is impossible to collect from these writings a consistent series of moral doctrine." Describing himself as "a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus," Jefferson wrote to William Short (on Oct. 31, 1819) that he considered Jesus "the greatest of all the reformers of the depraved religion of his own country," adding in a subsequent letter to Short (Aug. 4, 1820) that while Christ preached "philanthropy and universal charity and benevolence," the Jews followed teachings that instilled in them "the most anti-social spirit towards other nations." Jefferson wrote that Jesus -- as a "reformer of the superstitions of a nation," was in an "ever dangerous" position by opposing "the priests of the superstition" -- the Pharisees -- whom he described as "a blood thirsty race ... cruel and remorseless as the Being whom they represented as the family God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, and the local God of Israel."
« Notre Grande règle de conduite envers les nations étrangères est d'étendre nos relations commerciales afin de n'avoir avec elles qu'aussi peu de liens politiques qu'il est possible. Autant que nous avons déjà formé des engagements remplissons-les, avec une parfaite bonne foi. Et tenons-nous en là. L'Europe a un ensemble d'intérêts primordiaux, qui avec nous n'ont aucun rapport, ou alors très lointain. Par conséquent elle est engagée dans de fréquentes polémiques, dont les causes sont essentiellement étrangères à nos soucis. Par conséquent donc il est imprudent pour nous de s'impliquer, à cause de liens artificiels, dans les vicissitudes ordinaires de sa politique, ou les combinaisons et les conflits ordinaires de ses amitiés ou de ses inimitiés. […] Pourquoi renoncer aux avantages d'une situation si particulière ? Pourquoi quitter notre propre sol pour se tenir sur une terre étrangère ? Pourquoi, en entrelaçant notre destin avec celui d'une quelconque part de l'Europe, empêtrer notre paix et notre prospérité dans les labeurs des ambitions, rivalités, intérêts, humeurs ou caprices européens ? C'est notre politique véritable d'avancer exempt d'Alliances permanentes avec n'importe quelle partie du Monde étranger - Aussi loin, veux-je dire, que nous sommes maintenant capables de le faire - ne me croyez pas capable de recommander d'être infidèle aux engagements existants, (je soutiens la maxime non moins applicable aux affaires publiques que privées, que l'honnêteté est toujours la meilleur politique) - Je le répète donc, continuez à appliquer ces engagements dans leur sens véritable. Mais à mon avis, il est inutile et serait imprudent de les étendre. »

Certains individus qui propageaient les idées non-interventionnistes au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ont été visés par le gouvernement pour des accusations de sédition. Les intellectuels pro-fascistes, pro-nazis et antijuifs Elizabeth Dilling (une amie de la russe anti-judéo-bolchévique Paquita de Shishmareff, auteure de Waters Flowing Eastwards, disponible en français) et Lawrence Dennis ont été mis sur le banc des accusés.
In July 1942 the Roosevelt administration for the first time deployed its police powers against the right. About six weeks after federal agents captured a team of German saboteurs in the United States, prosecutors indicted for sedition twenty-eight German agents, Bund members, and far-right activists including Elizabeth Dilling of the Mothers Movement, and shirt leaders Gerald Winrod and Joseph Pelley. The indictment named the America First Committee and antiwar mother’s groups but no left-wing opponents of war. The trial began in 1944 under new indictments that dropped the antiwar groups and added the alleged pro-fascist Lawrence Dennis. Prosecutors charged defendants with violating the Smith Act of 1940 by conspiring with Nazi agents to overthrow the US government. The trial dragged on through eight inconclusive months and the deaths of the presiding judge. In 1946 a new judge dismissed all charges, ruling that a new trial would be a “travesty of justice”. Conservatives charged the president with chilling free speech and tarring his political opposition as anti-Semitic and pro-fascist. “The crackpots in the so-called sedition trial,” Sterling Morton wrote to Alf Landon, “were the victims of just what the New Dealers would have liked to subject you, Bob Wood, Lindbergh, myself and others if they hadn’t felt that we had too many friends, too much standing, and too many resources to make it worth while.” (Source: White Protestant Nation, by Alan J Lichtman)Lors de ce procès pour sédition qui visa également d'autres patriotes américains tels que Elizabeth Dilling et Paquita de Shishmareff (alias L. Fry), des preuves ont été amenées devant le tribunal pour tenter de démontrer que Dennis n'était pas un blanc mais en partie noir et qu'il n'était en fin de compte qu'un "agent nazi opérant aux États-Unis". Pour convaincre le juge, l'accusation a documenté le fait que les nazis tentaient, à cette époque, d'informer la population noire (afro-américaine) et latino afin de les mettre en garde contre le péril juif.
Selon Dennis, le BN'ai Brith était derrière leur mise en accusation. Voir à ce sujet l'article très complet de Michael Collins Piper intitulé The Great Sedition Trial.
According to Dennis, it was the design of the sedition trial to target not the big-name critics of the Roosevelt war policies, but instead to use the publicity surrounding the trial to frighten the vast numbers of potential grass-roots critics of the intervention in the Eurasian war into silence, essentially showing them that, they, too, could end up in the dock if they were to dare to speak out as the defendants had in opposition to the administration’s policies. (p.4)Lawrence Dennis misait sur l'importance capitale du non-interventionnisme et appuyait totalement la ligne America First (lire à ce sujet son "appel à la raison" republié plusieurs fois par Michael Collins Piper dans ses livres et articles). Plus de détails sur Lawrence Dennis:
“One of the most important Jewish organizations behind the sedition trial was the B’nai B’rith [referring, specifically, to the B’nai B’rith adjunct known as the Anti-Defamation League or ADL].”12 According to Dennis: “Getting the federal government to stage such a trial, like getting America into the war, was a ‘must’ on the agenda of the fighters against isolationism and anti- Semitism (Note 13: Maximilian St. George and Lawrence Dennis, A Trial on Trial. National Civil Rights Committee, p. 68.).(p.7)
* Mr. Lawrence Dennis Appeals to Reason, by Michael Collins Piper
* Tale of a "Seditionist" - The Lawrence Dennis Story, By Justin Raimondo
* The Subversion of Lawrence Dennis by Justin Raimondo REVIEW of The Color of Fascism: Lawrence Dennis, Racial Passing, and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism in the United States, by Gerald Horne, New York University Press, 2007: 227 pp.
Vous avez peut-être entendu parler du "nationalisme international"... Dit autrement: "Nationalistes de tous les pays unissez vous!" C'est la ligne de pensée des auteurs populistes et nationalistes Willis Carto et Michael Collins Piper depuis des décennies. C'est à lire dans l'intro du livre The Judas Goats (sur l'infiltration ennemie dans le camp nationaliste). Carto a été fortement inspiré par l' "intellectuel fasciste" Lawrence Dennis (accusé d'être en partie non-blanc lors du procès pour sédition), DeWest Hooker (magnat des médias anti-juif, connecté à des organisations nazies américaines), François Genoud (qui finança l'OLP et des premières organisations révisionnistes), et Francis Parker Yockey (malgré certains désaccords). Hooker et Carto étaient liés d'amitié avec Genoud et Dennis.
VIDEO - ALEX JONES CHANNEL: "America First" Slogan to be Outlawed Alex Jones a effectivement de la misère à concilier son anti-nazisme rabique avec le slogan de Trump "America First". Il ne peut s'en sortir sans passer très très vite sur le sujet de "ces populistes des années 30-40 qui au nom de l'Amérique d'abord s'opposaient à l'entrée des USA dans la 2e guerre mondiale". Ça lui permet à peu de frais d'esquiver complètement la question de ses propres contradictions internes concernant le nationalisme et le populisme. Fait saillant de ce petit discours creux d'Alex Jones: selon lui l'un des pires crimes de l'ADL est d'avoir donné des prix à Schwarzenegger, "un nazi notoire". LOL! Schwarzie danse avec les chabad lubavitch et fait des discours excessivement pro-juifs et pro-Israel, notamment à l'époque où il était gouverneur de Californie. Allez Alex, tu peux faire mieux que ça! Comme la "Dissidonce" il tape sur George Soros en priorité... Ça tombe bien pour Alex car il peut mettre le mal commis par Soros sur le dos de "sa collaboration avec les nazis". Puis les méchants sont les Communistes, qui seraient ensuite devenus le parti Républicain d'aujourd'hui... Tu n'y es pas tout à fait, Alex, fais encore quelques efforts et tu saisiras ces nuances qui t'échappent encore.
Jim Marrs, un protégé d'Alex Jones, est le principal promoteur de la théorie de la subversion de l'Amérique par les nazis et de l'assassinat de JFK comme "complot nazi". Évidemment, car ce sont les nazis, selon lui, qui sont aux commandes du "nouvel ordre mondial". Les petits amis Jim Marrs, Robert Groden (juif) et Alex Jones rejettent catégoriquement la moindre implication des juifs ou d'Israël dans l'assassinat de JFK. Pour eux non seulement c'est une distraction mais c'est de toute façon impossible! Pour Jones, si quelqu'un voit une implication juive dans l'assassinat, c'est forcément parce qu'il dénie le rôle de la CIA, du crime organisé, etc.
Pour Jim Marrs et Alex Jones, Charles Lindbergh n'aura été en somme qu'un vulgaire "pion au service de la subversion des États-Unis par les nazis"! Ils se basent notamment sur The Plot Against America du délirant Philip Roth, qui tente de faire croire à un complot nazi américain impliquant le mouvement anti-guerre de Charles Lindbergh. C'est exactement la même accusation qu'on entend du côté de la propagande juive qui tente de nous convaincre que la Seconde guerre mondiale était une guerre juste et inévitable.
America First and Always

Michael Collins Piper, p.155-166:
• Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh and America’s Fight Over World War II, 1939-1941

The Book’s Publisher Says
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Les médiats juifs tels que le New York Times dissimulent les efforts des groupes juifs pour pousser l'Occident en guerre en Syrie pour lsraël; l'AIPAC confirme timidement son rôle de fauteur de guerres la veille de Roch Hachana, dit le "Jour du Jugement"; les groupes juifs craignent d'être associés à de tels efforts et soutiennent que c'est un devoir moral pour eux de prendre la parole, vu qu'ils s'y connaissent tellement en gazage; leur agent John Kerry (Cohn) dit qu'Assad est comme Hitler et Hussein; une victoire de "l'axe Téhéran-Damas-Hezbollah" gênerait fortement lsraël qui cherche à d'établir un précédent en Syrie afin de faciliter une guerre contre l'Iran.
Chasseurs de complots, au lieu d'énumérer les incohérences du discours officiel, mieux vaut appeler à la fin définitive de l'interventionnisme guerrier occidental au Proche-orient et à travers le monde. Et dénoncer l'hypocrisie, l'empathie sélective imposant une solidarité obligatoire et une solidarité interdite: "peu importe si des milliers de civils sont tués par nos bombardements aveugles ou ceux de nos alliés, ce qui importe c'est de partir en guerre lorsqu'on est soi-même victime de ceux qu'on bombarde; ceux qui contestent cela sont dans le camp ennemi". La "guerre au terrorisme" menée par nos démocraties ploutocratiques est une inversion accusatoire servant à cacher au peuple le fait que les démocraties ploutocratiques sont les plus grands terroristes internationaux.
La France a-t-elle été punie par des fanatiques à cause de caricatures scandaleuses hautement médiatisées et en réplique à la présence de l’armée française en Irak? Ou bien a-t-elle été punie plutôt par des fanatiques pro-israéliens pour ses positions pro-Palestine à l’Onu, afin d’en faire un exemple, montrant au monde entier ce qui arrive à ceux qui refusent de se battre aux côtés d’Israël contre le Hamas et l’ « Islam militant »? Quand Israël perd en crédibilité ou se trouve isolé sur la scène internationale, il redouble d’effort dans le but d’entraîner le « monde libre » en croisade contre l’Islam. Israël perd la guerre de l’info mais gagne du terrain dans la guerre de la désinfo.
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