Jews Suing Jimmy Carter over Palestine book represented by 'Dancing Israelis' Lawyer
Before the late seventies, few in the United States had ever heard the figure "eleven million." Wiesenthal's fame in this country had to do with his exploits as a Nazi hunter, not as an interpreter of the Holocaust. This changed in 1977 when, in return for a subsidy for his program of tracking down war criminals, a California rabbi obtained the use of his name for what became a highly visible Holocaust institution, the Simon Wiesenthal Center.27 "Eleven million" was part of the baggage that came with the name."28 Inscribed at the entrance to the center's museum was a tribute to ''six million Jews and to five million of other faiths"; center publications came to speak of "The Holocaustsix million Jews and five million non-Jews."29 Though not originally advanced as such, ''eleven million" had become a new description of the parameters of the Holocaust.
By itself, the use of "eleven million" by the Wiesenthal Center might not have given wide currency to the figure.
What put it on the agendawhat made "eleven million" a slogan for some and fighting words for otherswas the setting in motion, in the spring of 1978, of the process that ultimately led to the creation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.
That process began with the conventional understanding of the Holocaust. At a ceremony on the White House lawn in honor of Israel's thirtieth birthday, President Jimmy Carter announced that he was setting up a commission to explore creating a national memorial to "the six million who were killed in the Holocaust."30 On this occasion no other definition would have been appropriate, for, as is well known, Carter's initiative was an attempt to placate American Jews, who were increasingly alienated by what they saw as the president's "excessive evenhandedness" in dealing with Israelis and Palestinians.31 If the estrangement continued, it could be devastating for Carter's prospects for reelection, in part because of Jewish votes in key states, and even more because Jews traditionally contributed a substantial portion of national Democratic campaign funds.32 Jewish White House staffers who developed the proposal for the memorial weren't moved solely by political calculations; several seem to have had a genuine commitment to Holocaust commemoration.33 But the potential political payoff was paramount. The final staff discussions of the proposed memorial were conducted amid all the hoopla over NBC's Holocaust. This led one of the aides of domestic policy chief Stuart Eizenstadt to worry that it might look like "a tacky effort to ride the coattails of the show." So it might, replied another, but "our relations with Jewish community need every little boost possible." 34
On the day after Carter's announcement of a proposal to commemorate "the six million," one of Eizenstadt's aides suggested to her boss that the new commission might "consider expanding this to eleven million," following the example of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.35 There were various reasons to move in this direction. Carter's initiative had preempted a bill recently introduced in the Senate (with twenty cosponsors) to establish a memorial to the Holocaust's "eleven million innocent victims, of all faiths."36 In congressional discussions after Carter's announcement, senators and representatives who lauded the proposalJews and gentiles alikereferred as often to "eleven'' or ''six plus five" or "six plus millions of others" as they did to "six."37 When the President's Commission on the Holocaust was formally established some months later, with Elie Wiesel as its chairman, it solicited suggestions from numerous sources, including representatives of ethnic groups. The director of the Ukrainian National Information Service wrote that Ukrainians also "met Hitler's criteria for extermination" and were "numerically the second largest group to be destroyed in . . . Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Dachau." He asked that whatever was done "reflect the various nationalities and the numerical proportions of the victims of the Nazi Holocaust."38 Aloysius Mazewski, the president of the Polish-American Congress, insisted that it was Poles, not Ukrainians, who deserved second place to Jews: his total of ten million Holocaust victims was made up of six million Jews, three million Catholic Poles, and one million "other nationalities."39 On the other hand, the president of the Alliance of Poles of America claimed that "more than six million Christians [mostly Poles] . . . lost their lives"; he spoke of "the need to memorialize the sufferings and death of our Polish Catholic brothers and sisters and not only those of Jewish tradition. To do otherwise would make their suffering and death meaningless."40
In April 1979, while the commission was deliberating, the first "Days of Remembrance" of the Holocaust were held in the Capitol Rotunda.41 By this time, for whatever reasons, the White House had changed its definition of "the Holocaust." President Carter spoke of "eleven million innocent victims exterminated six million of them Jews." Vice President Walter Mondale spoke of bearing witness "to the unanswered cries of the eleven million." 42 This redefinition was, of course, deeply offensive to Wiesel. His commission's report, delivered to the president in September 1979, was, above all, a rejoinder to Carter's new characterization. It insisted on the Jewish specificity the Jewish essenceof the Holocaust: ''any attempt to dilute or deny this reality would be to falsify it in the name of misguided universalism." The report contained phrases that Wiesel was to repeat frequently over subsequent yearsacknowledging that Nazism had other targets, but insisting on the temporal as well as the conceptual priority of Jewish victimhood: ''as night descended, millions of other peoples were swept into this net of death"; "Jews might not have remained the final victims of Nazi genocide but they were certainly its first"; "as always, they began with Jews[;] as always they did not stop with Jews alone." There were indeed "other victims," whose existence should be recognized in the museum being recommended, but, the report strongly impliedwithout quite saying sothey were not victims of "the Holocaust."43
The following months saw an intense struggle between Wiesel and Jewish staffers in the White House over how the Holocaust should be describedwho would be included. It was "morally repugnant," said one presidential aide, "to create a category of second-class victims of the Holocaust as Mr. Wiesel would have us do."44 Stuart Eizenstadt urged Carter that in the executive order creating the Holocaust Memorial Council (successor to the presidential commission) he should "make clear the memorial is to honor the memory of all victims of the Holocaustsix million Jews and some five million other peoples."45 This definition, one staff member pointed out, was that of Simon Wiesenthal, "whose Holocaust credentials are as good as anyone else I know."46 At the eleventh hour there was an ingenious proposal from Wiesel and the commission's new director, Monroe Freedman, to resolve the question through punctuation. The White House draft spoke of commemorating "The Holocaust, the systematic, state-sponsored extermination of six million Jews and millions of other victims of Nazism during World War II." The proposed alternative would make a conceptual separation through the use of dashes: "The Holocaust the systematic state-sponsored extermination of six million Jews and the millions of other Nazi victims."47 Eizenstadt, in the end, was willing to give in. "For better or worse," he said, Wiesel had become the symbol of the Holocaust, and if he resigned over the issue, "we simply would not be able to get another prominent Jewish leader to serve as Chairman." While Eastern European ethnic groups would prefer the original wording, the definitional issue was not, for them, "a live or die matter as it is with Wiesel." 48 But an exasperated Carter refused to accept the dashes, and the executive order creating the Holocaust Memorial Council referred to eleven million victims. Wiesel did not resign, and the museum he was charged with creating was officially committed to memorializing "eleven million.''
This was clearly unacceptable to Wiesel and others for whom the "big truth" about the Holocaust was its Jewish specificity. They responded to the expansion of the victims of the Holocaust to eleven million the way devout Christians would respond to the expansion of the victims of the Crucifixion to threethe Son of God and two thieves. Weisel's forces mobilized, both inside and outside the Holocaust Council, to ensure that, despite the executive order, their definition would prevail. Though Jewish survivors of the Holocaust had no role in the initiative that created the museum, they came, under the leadership of Wiesel, to dominate the councilmorally, if not numerically. When one survivor, Sigmund Strochlitz, was sworn in as a council member, he announced that it was "unreasonable and inappropriate to ask survivors to share the term Holocaust . . . to equate our suffering . . . with others."49 At one council meeting, another survivor, Kalman Sultanik, was asked whether Daniel Trocmé, murdered at Maidanek for rescuing Jews and honored at Yad Vashem as a Righteous Gentile, could be remembered in the museum's Hall of Remembrance. "No,'' said Sultanik, because "he didn't die as a Jew. . . . The six million Jews. . . died differently."50
There were also attempts to mobilize Jewish opinion at large against blurring the distinction between the victimhood of Jews and that of others. Survivor Henry Grynberg even objected to the ancillary role accorded to gentiles in Wiesel's phrase about others being, "as night descended . . . swept into this net of death." This was, Grynberg said, "absolutely false": "Those millions of others would have perished in the war even if the Holocaust had never taken place."51 Children of survivors were often among those who insisted on the distinction between the deaths of gentiles and of Jews. Gentiles, said one, "died a death invented for the Jews . . . victims of a 'solution' designed for others."52 For another child of survivors, dismayed by what he saw as the museum's blurring of the issue, the deaths of gentile victims "were of a different, non-theological order, untouched by the mysteries that reign at the heart of . . . the 'Tremendum.' " 53
Yehuda Bauer enlisted in the battle against what he called the "Wiesenthal-Carter definition." It reflected, he wrote, gentile "envy" of the Jews' experience in the Holocaust, which "would seem to be an unconscious reflection of anti-Semitic attitudes."
The Holocaust created a pro-Jewish reaction among large numbers of non-Jews. . . . A reversion back to "normalcy" regarding Jews requires the destruction of the Holocaust-caused attitude of sympathy. . . . This is achieved by claiming that the Holocaust was . . . something that happened to many millions of others. . . . The Holocaust then becomes lost, flattened out . . . and a "normal" attitude of anti-Jewishness becomes possible again.54
Wiesel and his allies no doubt feared that the logic of the museum's "eleven million" mandate foreshadowed "other victims" receiving five elevenths of the space. In the end, largely as a result of the influence of survivors on the council, "other victims" wound up receiving little more than perfunctory mention in the museum's permanent exhibition.55 Thus, though he had lost in the preliminary skirmish with Carter over the museum's mandate, Wiesel won the war over its content. Carter's "eleven million" never became operational doctrine at the museum, yet there remained a vague commitment to a principle of inclusion, producing endless wrangling over the definition of the Holocaust at meetings of the council. Council member Hyman Bookbinderthe long-time Washington representative of the American Jewish Committeewas frustrated, and after reviewing the various elusive aphoristic formulas that were trotted out, tried to get Wiesel to answer a straightforward question: ''Are the 'other millions' victims of the Holocaust, or in addition to the Holocaust?''56 Wiesel never gave a direct answer, and neither has the museum.57
Clarity was undesirable and imprudent; much better to leave the matter ambiguous.
The same ambiguity, the same confusion and uncertainty, characterize general American discourse about the Holocaust. Americans are exhorted that they must "confront" or "remember" the Holocaust, but what is it that they are to confront or remember? This isn't a matter of different interpretations or different theories but of what event we're talking about. It's a truismPhilosophy 101that we never directly encounter events, only representations of events, which offer different versions of events. The more highly charged the event, the more evocative it is, the greater the incentive to become invested in different versions of it. An illustration. No text from the Holocaust is more often quoted than Martin Niemöller's confession of his moral failure during the 1930s:
First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communistso I said nothing. Then they came for the Social Democrats, but I was not a Social Democratso I did nothing. Then came the trade unionists, but I was not a trade unionist. And then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jewso I did little. Then when they came for me, there was no one left who could stand up for me. 58
Time magazine, Vice President Al Gore, and a speaker at the 1992 Republican Convention follow the example of The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust in moving Jews from last to first place: "First they came for the Jews."59 Time, Gore, and the Republican speaker omitted Communists and Social Democrats; Gore omitted trade unionists as well.
All three added Catholics (not on Niemöller's original list). Catholics are also added to the version of the quotation inscribed on the Holocaust memorial in Boston, a heavily Catholic city.60 The U.S. Holocaust Museum preserves the list and order intact except for prudently omitting Communists.61 Other versions include homosexuals on Niemöller's list.62 (The quotation has been invoked for causes ranging from Jewish settlement in the West Bank to freedom of the insurance industry from government regulation.)63
This brief survey of the various creative editings of the Niemöller quotation has the merit of underlining the centrality of questions of inclusion and exclusion, but it is in some ways a bad example of what we're looking at. It involves, at least in some cases, deliberate misrepresentation, and it doesn't address the core issue of what it is we're talking about when we talk of "the Holocaust." There is no misrepresentation, deliberate or otherwise, on the part of either those who speak of six or those who speak of eleven. They're talking about different things. But except for those like Henryk Grynberg, who would dig a moat around the six million and raise the drawbridge, these different things are never sharply defined. Even Elie Wiesel, as we saw, preferred ambiguous aphorisms to clear delineation of boundaries.64
While many insist upon six and only six, many others (though rather less insistently) routinely talk of eleven in all sorts of contexts.
The executive director of the Chicago Board of Rabbis finds it "unconscionable" to compare abortion with "the eleven million human beings who were deliberate targets of Hitler's death machine." 65 A spokesman for a campus Hillel organization explains Yom Hashoah to a reporter as "a day of remembering . . . the eleven million people six million of them Jewswho were killed in the Holocaust.''66 (In a way, the young man is right: Yom Hashoah is as Yom Hashoah does; in dozens of cities the annual ceremonies do indeed commemorate "eleven million.'') The executive director of the Baltimore Jewish Council hopes that the renovated Holocaust memorial in that city will be more welcoming to visitors "interested in remembering the eleven million victims of the Third Reich."67 In the Detroit Holocaust Museum, which opened many years ago and prides itself on being the first such institution in the United States, the memorial flame "burns for the six million Jews and five million non-Jews murdered in the Holocaust."68 The Tampa Bay Holocaust Memorial Museum in Florida is, as of this writing, the most recent to open. Elie Wiesel spoke at its inauguration. According to the account in the local newspaper, he delivered his remarks "against a background of eleven eternal flames, representing eleven million victims of the Holocaust." He also performed the ceremonial ribbon-cutting. The ribbon was multicolored: "yellow for Jews, red for political prisoners, black for social outcasts, pink for homosexuals, brown for Gypsies, purple for Jehovah's Witnesses and green for professional criminals."69 Wiesel's private thoughts concerning the iconography were not reported.
The examples in the previous paragraph could be multiplied. The reader will have noted that they come not from gentileswith a conscious or an unconscious anti-Semitic agenda, as Yehuda Bauer would have itbut from Jews.
And they are by no means only highly assimilated Jews; many survivors (and children of survivors) also speak of "eleven."70
Has it been a question of bowing to the pressure of other victimized groups who want in? It is true that among the considerations weighed by the Carter White House, as they moved to "eleven," were requests for inclusion by representatives of Polish American and Ukrainian American organizations. But these were solicited, not spontaneous, expressions of opinion. From World War II to the collapse of the Communist bloc, these groups saw themselves not as victims of Nazism but as members of the family of captive nations, groaning under Soviet tyranny. On the whole, they didn't want to get into talk of the Holocaust, they wanted to get out from under it.
Most popular depictions of the Holocaust had portrayed Poles as guilty bystanders, or worse. Thus there was the frequent assertion, by Wiesel among others, that it was "not an accident" that the Germans had located the murder camps in Poland; they had sought a congenial anti-Semitic environment. 71 (Strip mines aren't located in West Virginia because of the local residents' failure to appreciate the beauty of unspoiled landscapes; that's where the coal is, as Poland was where most of the Jews were.) Ukrainians were regularly portrayed as Nazi auxiliarieswhich, of course, a certain number (a small minority) had been. Insofar as Poles, Ukrainians, and other Eastern European groups participated in Holocaust commemoration, as they very occasionally did, that participation was primarily defensive. Their claim (true enough) that many Poles and Ukrainians had been victims of the Nazi regime was made to offset assertions (sometimes true, sometimes false, and often much too sweeping) that they had been allies of that regime. In any case, except, in a few instances, on the local level, they never had the political, cultural, or financial resources to press their case. This was even more true of Gypsies, whose proportional losses to the Nazi murder program approximated that of Jews. And there were no lobbyists for former Soviet prisoners of the Germans, whose losses through deliberate starvation, disease, and execution ran into the millions.
Paradoxically, the one group that has actively, and successfully, lobbied for inclusion in the ranks of the "eleven million" is the group whose losses contributed the least to that total. Claims by gay activists and their supporters for the number of homosexuals killed by the Third Reich reach as high as one million, and assertions that it was a quarter of a million or half a million are common.72 The actual number of gays who died or were killed in the camps appears to be around five thousand, conceivably as high as ten thousand.73 But unlike other groups that wanted to be recognized as victims of the Holocaust, gays do have political and cultural resources, and they don't face the same hostility to inclusion, based on prewar and wartime experience, encountered by Poles and Ukrainians. Their inclusion, moreover, could be seen as a contribution to the cause of combating homophobia. And many of their spokesmen, who press for inclusion, are Jewish.
If it's not the result of a conscious or an unconscious anti-Semitic agenda, and it's not, with the exception just noted, the result of lobbying by otherwise excluded groups, what does account for the fact that so many have chosen to speak ofto engrave in marble"eleven million"? We ought, in the first place, to note that it's not a matter of either-or. Often "six" and "eleven'' coexist. Thus the New England Holocaust Memorial consists of six striking glass columns on a site in downtown Boston, while the descriptive text on a granite panel at its entrance tells of the murder of "as many as eleven million men, women and children. Six million of them were Jews.'' 74 When one does make a choice to use "eleven" instead of "six," or vice versa, what kind of choice is it? A midwestern schoolteacher, trying, in a class on the Holocaust, to get his students to grasp the enormity of the number "six million," set them to collecting six million pop tops (the tabs you pull off cans of soda). The kids collected enthusiastically and surpassed the original goal, which was therefore recalculated. They would now grasp, or try to grasp, "eleven million."75 When looking at discussions of the Holocaust in the media, the use of six or eleven often seems haphazard. Is the line of type too long to fit? Change eleven to six. Is it too short? Change six to eleven.
Still, "six" long predated "eleven," and we should at least try to account for the increasing frequency with which we encounter eleven, even if all we can do is speculate. In 1980 Senator William Proxmire told his colleagues of the groundbreaking for the Baltimore Holocaust Memorial, and of how it had been held up by a disagreement between the partisans of "six" and of "eleven," with the latter ultimately being chosen. The decision, said Proxmire, "was a wise and thoughtful one. Genocide is not, as many persons erroneously believe, simply a Jewish issue."76 The following year Representative Henry Waxman told his fellow members of the House about the decision of the Jewish community of Denver to share its Holocaust memorialwhich focused on Babi Yarwith local Ukrainian Americans: "While it is true that the majority of victims were Jews damned by the Germans for the 'Final Solution,' many people of other backgrounds also died there. I salute the Babi Yar Foundation for recognizing the suffering and martyrdom of Ukrainians and other Slavs both at the time of the Babi Yar massacre and throughout the period of World War II."77
The values invoked by Proxmire and Waxman are opposition to "parochialism" together with that even more primal value, which both gentile and Jewish children learn in kindergarten"sharing." They suggestthough neither would have used these wordsthat it was wrong for Jews to be possessive or exclusive about the Holocaust, that it was desirable for them to transcend particularism. Those who resisted these appeals, who insisted on the irreducible Jewish specificity of the Holocaust, had powerful arguments on their side. But the appeal of sharing was also powerful. The pervasive discourse of multiculturalism generated not just "neo-particularism" but also sentiment for overcoming particularism. It's been argued that as a condition of getting along in a pluralist American society, all of the three major religions have had to, if not abandon, at least fudge key particularist elements in their traditions. For the Protestants," [only] Jesus saves"; for the Catholics, "no salvation outside the [one true] Church''; for the Jews, "the chosen people." 78 The argument can be pushed too far, but it underlines a real and strong drive in American society toward accommodation. Before World War II, it was common to hear America described as a Christian countrystatistically, a most defensible designation. After the war, the leaders of a no-less-overwhelmingly Christian society had accommodated Jews by coming to speak of our ''Judeo-Christian traditions"; they elevated the 3 percent of American society that was Jewish to symbolic parity with vastly larger groups by speaking of "Protestant-Catholic-Jew." For Jews to make room for others in an "expanded" Holocaust may well have seemed to many. I'm just guessing simply returning the favor.
And, in the end, how much did this whole six-versus-eleven business matter? To some, of course, a great deal. Particularly for those Jews for whom the Holocaust was a holy eventthe deaths of the Nazis' Jewish victims sacred, those of their gentile victims profane the issue was not negotiable. The same was true of those for whom the "big truth" about the Holocaust was its Zionist lessonthat Jewish life in the Diaspora was untenable. For those, including myself, who value precision of expression, "six" describes something specific and determinate; "eleven," even apart from being invented and arbitrary, is unacceptably mushy. (Wiesenthal's invented number may not have been completely arbitrary, since it combines maximum inclusiveness with the preservation of a Jewish majority.) But if we're concerned, as we are in this chapter, with the images and perceptions of the American public at large, these distinctions may not be all that consequential. Even in talk of "eleven," Jews are always taken to be at the center, others at the periphery. Is it then that different from speaking of six million Jewish victims of "the Holocaust, properly speaking," surrounded by a penumbra of other victims of Nazism? In practice, even Holocaust museums formally committed to the memory of "eleven million victims" devote practically all of their exhibit space to the agony of European Jewry; others figure very marginally, sometimes not at all. How many books, movies, or television programs have there been that focused on "other victims"? During the period when Wiesel was wrangling with the Carter White House over the definition of the Holocaust, he gave voice to his anxiety. Survivors, he said, spoke of six million Jewish victims. ''Then some friends . . . began reminding us, 'true, but after all, there were others as well.' It's true; there were others as well. So they said eleven million, six of whom are Jews . . . and in a couple of years, they won't even speak of the six. They will speak only of eleven million." 79
It hasn't (with unimportant exceptions) happened yet, and there are no signs that it's about to happen. But it could.
Chapter Thirteen
The Not-So-Secret Long-Time War Against Jimmy Carter
by Israel and its Powerful Lobby in Washington
Jimmy Carter: Netanyahu has Abandoned Two-state Solution in Favor of Greater Israel
Jimmy Carter says Netanyahu has turned his back on peace
Jimmy Carter Blames Netanyahu for 'Zero Chance' of Two-State Solution
Once again, the United States is applying significant pressure on Israel to advance the Middle East peace process. Not satisfied with Israel’s freeing of over a hundred Palestinian terrorists with blood on their hands, Israel is called upon, once again, to accept the 1967 armistice lines, better known to informed Mideast observers as the “Auschwitz Lines”, as the basis for a starting point to the peace talks.
Jimmy Carter condamne Israël et appelle Washington à reconnaître Hamas
“Hamas cannot be wished away, nor will it cooperate in its own demise. Only by recognizing its legitimacy as a political actor – one that represents a substantial portion of the Palestinian people – can the West begin to provide the right incentives for Hamas to lay down its weapons,” Carter stated in an opinion piece co-written with former Irish president Mary Robinson.
While the authors acknowledged Hamas’s “indiscriminate targetting” of Israelis, they focussed their criticism on Israel during the latest conflict.
“There is no humane or legal justification for the way the Israel Defence Forces are conducting this war,” they wrote. “Israeli bombs, missiles and artillery have pulverized large parts of Gaza, including thousands of homes, schools, and hospitals.”
Carter has been criticized by many in the Jewish community for his 2006 book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, which criticizes Israel’s presence in the West Bank. Carter has also been criticized for meeting with Hamas officials and calling for an end to the blockade of Gaza.
"Jimmy Carter's Jewish Problem."
Jimmy Carter: 'Being Called Worst President Is a Compliment Coming from Warmonger McCain'

JPOST-'Jimmy Carter's cancer is God's punishment for his behavior toward Jews
CAMERA: Praise for Carter Ignores Ex-President's Anti-Israel Obsession

Jew-Hater Jimmy Carter Announces ‘Cancer Spread to My Brain’ and Then Attacks Israel Again, By Shlomo
"Cancer punishes those who support Palestinians"
NEWSMAX - Jimmy Carter: From Nobel Prize to 'Terrorist' Ties









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L'administration Obama antijuive? Israël dénonce les propos de l'ambassadeur des États-Unis en Israël, Dan Shapiro, qui s'inquiète du "deux poids deux mesures" systématique d'Israël dans son traitement des droits des juifs et des non-juifs dans les territoires occupés. (En référence aux récentes violences de colons juifs envers des Palestiniens.) Le département d'État renchérit en décidant que l'étiquetage obligatoire des produits des colonies illégales est acceptable et n'est pas synonyme de boycott.
ENCORE UNE FOIS... Pire qu'en 2012, la dépopulation de la Palestine va bon train... Châtiments collectifs contre les Palestiniens: conséquence de la culture de haine en Israël et de sa dissimulation par le puissant lobby pro-israélien international. Israel sera-t-il récompensé du Nobel de la paix? Le parrain Netanyahou "prévient" les Français que les terroristes vont frapper chez eux s'ils continuent à tolérer les manifestations "pro-Hamas"... Jimmy Carter, considéré antijuif pour son livre PALESTINE--PEACE NOT APARTHEID (qui a scandalisé la communauté juive pour avoir omis d'y mentionner la divine Shoah!!), accuse Israël de ne pas reconnaître le Hamas comme un acteur politique légitime.
De l'incohérence d'attribuer à Adolf Hitler et à l'Holocauste la paternité de l'État juif en Palestine: la "mémoire de l'Holocauste" n'a pris d'assaut la psyché américaine que dans les années 1960-70, dans la foulée du procès Eichmann et des guerres israéliennes. Les Sionistes les plus influents de l'époque ont eu grand peur que l'extermination des juifs d'Europe sonne le glas du sionisme. Quel intérêt peut-il y avoir à systématiquement assimiler le sionisme aux nazis? À faire croire que c'est toujours la faute aux nazis? Et à qui cela profite-t-il?
Bébé palestinien brûlé vif par des colons israéliens: Israël forcée de dénoncer le terrorisme juif, tente hypocritement de nous faire oublier le massacre de milliers de civils palestiniens, incluant femmes et enfants, commis par l'armée israélienne dans les dernières décennies. Des politiciens israéliens condamnant le racisme et le terrorisme juif menacés de mort par des juifs extrémistes.
Dans la série des terroristes juifs dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler... L'organisation terroriste juive Honenu, qui prétend "défendre les Israéliens face aux agressions arabes", a-t-elle mis le feu à l'Église de la Multiplication à Jérusalem? Des suspects interpelés. Imaginez si c'étaient des arabes palestiniens ou des musulmans! Pendant ce temps, la United Church of Christ aux États-Unis rejoint le mouvement de boycott d'Israël
Hormis les médias juifs ou pro-palestiniens, personne ne parle du rapport américain déclassifié en février dernier confirmant l'existence du nucléaire israélien
Pire que la menace iranienne: la menace du boycott anti-Israël! Après la réunion secrète d'urgence organisée par le milliardaire juif Sheldon Adelson (parrain des Républicains) sur la menace que BDS représente pour les juifs, les puissants milliardaires juifs Adelson et Haim Saban (parrain des Démocrates) mettent en garde contre le "tsunami d'antisémitisme" qui suivra inévitablement la montée du mouvement BDS
Les médias européens antijuifs? Un reportage d'Arte lève le voile sur le combat politique et terroriste du messianisme juif extrémiste
La télé publique américaine antijuive? Dans la tête de Bibi Netanyahou le psychopathe : un nouveau documentaire de PBS décrit son obsession de l'éternel retour de la Shoah et de la menace nazie, et explique comment il a réussi à rendre la paix impossible et à s'aliéner la quasi totalité de la planète, incluant même son plus grand allié officiel, les États-Unis.
Avant de parler de boycott anti-Israël, une mise au point s'impose concernant le boycott des non-juifs par Israël
Héritage colonialiste oblige: malgré le changement de gouvernement le Canada maintient sa position et restera le meilleur ami d'Israël. Chacune des 6 résolutions de l'Onu contre Israël rejetées par le Canada.
Rappel: quand Lee Whitnum faisait trembler le lobby juif en traitant des membres du Congrès de "prostituées pour l'AIPAC" (lobby juif israélo-américain)
David Brog, le nouveau leader juif anti-BDS choisi par le milliardaire juif Sheldon Adelson, est le directeur de l'organisation sioniste chrétienne du télévangéliste John Hagee: Christians United For Israel
Pendant que le gouvernement canadien de Stephen Harper envisage une loi protégeant l'État juif contre les méchants boycotteurs, le milliardaire Sheldon Adelson, soi-disant "juif le plus riche du monde", magnat des casinos connecté au crime organisé, parraine la formation du nouveau gouvernement de Netanyahou comme il parraine (et contrôle) le parti républicain états-unien. Le nouveau gouvernement Netanyahou et le parti républicain d'Adelson sont à ce point identiques - judéomaniaques et anti-arabes, contre l'Iran, la Palestine et l'Irak - qu'on jurerait qu'ils ont été séparés à la naissance... L'Israélienne qui incitait publiquement à "tuer les mères des Palestiniens" est nommée ministre de la justice. Le ministre israélien qui avouait publiquement n'avoir "aucun problème à tuer des Arabes" devient ministre de l'éducation.
"There Will Be A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight!" Un projet de film de Michael Collins Piper, en réponse à l'abject "Inglourious Basterds" de Tarantino
Médias antijuifs? Sur les ondes de C-Span2, l'ex-agent du Mossad Victor Ostrovsky lève le voile sur l'influence du Mossad dans la politique étatsunienne
Médias juifs antijuifs? Selon Enderlin (France 2 à Jérusalem), cible favorite des extrémistes juifs, Israël tombe aux mains d'extrémistes juifs religieux alliés à la droite radicale pendant que la gauche plie bagage... Israël veut devenir une superpuissance pour conquérir le monde. Le documentaire de Charles Enderlin "Au nom du Temple", basé sur son livre, maintenant disponible sur youtube
Vers une Seconde Révolution américaine? Les administrations Obama et Netanyahou à couteaux tirés... boycott du discours de Netanyahou au Congrès par plus de 50 Démocrates, menaces, accusations de mensonge sur la place publique... Une première dans l'histoire des relations entre les États-Unis et Israël
L'ONU: antijuif et anti-américain? Une nouvelle résolution onusienne contre la militarisation de l'espace rejetée exclusivement par Israël et les États-Unis
La France antijuive? L'Europe antijuive? La gauche antijuive? Des hommes politiques français réagissent aux pressions des organisations juives. Roland Dumas : "Les États-Unis et Israël commandent la politique étrangère française." Jean Glavany au "porte-parole du Likoud" Meyer Habib : "Parfois je me demande si vous êtes du Parlement français ou du Parlement israélien." 339 députés français traités de nazis par des manifestants de la LDJ pour avoir voté une motion symbolique en reconnaissance d'un État palestinien. La mosquée d'Al-Aqsa régulièrement assaillie par des hordes de colons israéliens en colère sous protection policière israélienne, attisant la violence des deux côtés. Israël au fond n'a pas peur d'une Troisième Intifada, il la souhaite.
Médias juifs anti-juifs? La chaîne NBC révèle qu'un Israélien sur deux souhaiterait qu'une lettre contenant le virus Ebola soit envoyée au président Obama pour son anniversaire
Dans ses mémoires intitulées "Diary of a Foreign Minister", l'ancien ministre australien des affaires étrangères, Bob Carr, dénonce la domination malsaine du lobby juif sioniste international sur les affaires étrangères
Le groupe Stern (Lehi) a tenté d'assassiner le président Truman; selon Victor Ostrovsky le Mossad a déjà tenté de tuer le président George Bush, qui disait "Je ne suis qu'un petit homme isolé qui se bat contre la puissance politique d'un millier de lobbyistes du Capitole"
"Kerry a déclaré la guerre à Dieu!" Menaces de mort contre Kerry-Haman: c'est pas des musulmans! Les antijuifs de plus en plus décomplexés inquiètent... Mais qu'en est-il des menaces de mort à peine voilées proférées impunément par des juifs contre des hommes d'État?
Soulignons la semaine internationale de l'Apartheid israélien | Un documentaire dérangeant demande: Israel qui vit de ses ventes d'armes (testées sur des Palestiniens) a-t-il intérêt à faire la paix avec ses voisins? Qu'en pense le producteur hollywoodien ex-agent du Mossad et plus grand trafiquant d'armes israélien Arnon Milchan?
"Tout le monde est antijuif -- à part les sionistes." Plus israélien que les Israéliens, Harper resserre les liens de famille (pour ne pas dire incestueux) entre les États colonialistes et tentaculaires du Canada et d'Israël. Même les médiats juifs israéliens (comme le Jerusalem Post) sont restés bouche-bée de voir Harper s'abaisser à ce point, ne trouvant pas l'ombre d'une critique à formuler à l'endroit des politiques israéliennes
À quand une purge mondiale des individus considérés anti-juifs? Assassinats extrajudiciaires et menaces de mort d'Israël contre ses ennemis perçus ; l'Iran dit avoir reçu une enveloppe portant le sceau d'Israël contenant des insectes morts accompagnés d'une lettre menaçant les "ennemis d'Israël" d'extermination au moyen d'armes biologiques (virus)
Le cancer de la présidente de l'Argentine et le nouveau pape que Chavez aurait certainement démasqué
Chavez n'est plus: les nationalistes et les socialistes du monde entier savent à qui profite la mort de ce grand homme
Chavez maudit l'État juif
Ahmadinejad, Chavez et Kadhafi
Chavez menacé par Israël
L'avocat de la torture Alan Dershowitz convainc Obama d'empêcher un discours de Jimmy Carter à la convention Démocrate (2008)
Seconde liste d'antisémites
Première liste d'antisémites