Décembre 2014:
Pour cause de période électorale, Israël est-il sur le point de commettre un nouveau massacre dans Gaza ? Ça en a tout l'air.
L’armée israélienne bombarde Gaza et viole la trêve
VIDEO - Israël attaque Gaza juste avant Noël 2014. Entrevue avec Ziad Medoukh
Été 2014:
On entend tous ces appels à la vengeance pour le meurtre de trois jeunes Israéliens alors qu'on n'a pas encore la moindre idée de l'identité des coupables et donc pas la moindre preuve qu'ils aient été tués par des Palestiniens ou par le Hamas. Nous n'avons pas non plus de preuve qu'il s'agirait d'un attentat sous faux drapeau (false flag), mais les "prédictions" du chef du Mossad laissent songeur, surtout quand on connaît bien Israël et ses méthodes psychopathiques. Par contre, nous avons un enregistrement de l'appel des jeunes israéliens au 9-1-1 et on peut entendre les kidnappeurs leur dire de baisser la tête en HÉBREU.
Wikipedia: Assassinat de trois adolescents israéliens en juin 2014 (...)Le journaliste allemand Christian Sievers (de) affirme, lors de l'émission Auslands Journal, du 16 juillet 2014 de la chaîne de télévision allemande ZDF que « l’Agence de renseignement israélien Shin Bet était au courant dès la découverte des corps jetés à Hebron, mais le Premier ministre israélien Netanyahu a tenu à conserver secrète l'information afin que le crime puisse servir de prétexte à la guerre en préparation.». Le journaliste accuse le gouvernement d'Israël de « manipulation de l'information en direction de l'opinion de son pays et internationale pour pouvoir accomplir ses crimes de guerre en toute impunité. »38,39. En outre, le chef du Mossad avait « prédit » l’enlèvement des trois adolescents. Dans un article intitulé Mossad chief’s chillingly prescient kidnap prophecy. − Selon le journal Haaretz du 13 juillet 2014 : « Le chef du Mossad Tamir Pardo avait décrit un scénario terriblement semblable à l’enlèvement des trois adolescents disparus en Cisjordanie »40. (...)
TUT Broadcast Aug 9, 2014

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The Ugly Truth Broadcast July 22, 2014

The ongoing massacre in Gaza–a word for word/play by play manifestation of the commands of the Old Testament, and yet so many worldwide talking about Israel’s bloodbath being a ‘contradiction’ to Judaic moral principles.
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The Ugly Truth Broadcast July 13, 2014

Israel’s murder of Palestinians not as a political issue involving the ‘war on terror’ but rather as an exercise in human sacrifice related to the Judaic practice of shedding innocent blood in order to appease the Jewish god of war, Yahweh.
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The Ugly Truth Podcast July 9, 2014
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Israel engaging in human sacrifice in Gaza
VIDEO - Mark Glenn and Rabbi Weiss Debate over Judaism vs Zionism
Zionist Terrorism, from the Book of Genesis to present day Gaza and beyond–None Dare Call it Judaism
TUT Broadcast June 30, 2014

3 Israeli teens murdered and–surprise, surprise–Hamas is blamed. Netanyahu’s maneuver to kill the peace process, undo the damage done to his credibility and thus re-assert himself on the world stage.
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VIDEO - Gaza's Real-Life Apocolypto!

Mais dans les villes de ces peuples dont l'Eternel, ton Dieu, te donne le pays pour héritage, tu ne laisseras la vie à rien de ce qui respire.
Deutéronome 20 :16

Deutéronome 7: 1-6
The Old Testament tells the story of mankind before Christ, especially the story of the Israelites, the people that God chose out from the rest of the human race to act as the cradle for the coming down from Heaven of the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ. About a thousand years after Adam, mankind had grown so corrupt that God had to wash it out and start again with the eight souls saved on Noah’s Ark. About another thousand years later, mankind is again so corrupt that God has to pull Abraham out of the degenerate city Ur to be the founder of a race that must stay clear of all surrounding human contamination in order to be clean enough to act as that cradle. Here is the origin of that racial exclusivity observable in Jews ever since. It began with God, but it has fallen into the hands of men.
The Jews were indeed once, for the sake of Jesus Christ, the Chosen People. Thus St Thomas Aquinas has a tremendous article in his Summa Theologiae where he shows how every single detail in the furnishing of the Israelites’ exclusive Temple in Jerusalem pointed forward to Jesus Christ (Ia IIae, 102, 4). However, to clear the Promised Land for the Israelites to take over, there is no question that Almighty God gave them more than once the command to exterminate utterly the pagans occupying the land, and He punished King Saul severely for not observing this command to the letter (I Sam XV). What could justify such a command?
It is the same as what explains God’s exterminating all mankind (except eight souls) in Noah’s time. Firstly men’s sins. God creates men for Heaven, they choose sin that deserves Hell. For indeed sin offends God first of all. So the sense of God and the sense of sin get lost together, as all around us today. A godless generation like ours cannot possibly understand the justice of God. Secondly, God’s mercy, which goes hand in hand with His justice, and is today equally misunderstood. But given the reality of Hell, is it not a mercy of God if he cuts men off so that they can repent before they die, or at least be stopped from sinning so as not to deserve to go any deeper in Hell?
That is how it will have been with the pagan enemies of the Israelites between Abraham and Jesus Christ. To read the Old Testament is to see how often the Israelites were tempted to abandon the true God and to worship devils by the pagans all around them. As the Curé of Ars once said, ‘Get rid of the priest, and within 25 years men will be worshipping beasts.’ It is to the eternal credit of the Israelites that they did succeed in providing the cradle for the Messiah, for instance St Joachim and St Anne, especially their child, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the twelve Apostles and all other good Israelites who helped to launch their Messiah’s Catholic Church. For today’s Israelis see next week.
Opération Dépopulation :
Depuis plus de trente ans que la Guerre du Liban a pris fin, tuer des Arabes est la principale stratégie d'Israël. La guerre épouvantable, qui se déroule en ce moment à Gaza, ne diffère en rien.
L'Opération Bordure Protectrice a pour but de rétablir le calme ; tuer des Arabes, est le moyen utilisé. Le slogan de la Mafia est devenu la politique israélienne officielle. Israël croit sincèrement que tuer des Palestiniens par centaines dans la Bande de Gaza, instaurera le règne de la tranquillité. Il ne sert à rien de détruire les entrepôts d'armes du Hamas, qui a déjà prouvé sa capacité de réarmement. Faire tomber le gouvernement du Hamas est un but irréaliste (autant qu'illégitime) ; il n'est pas celui d'Israël, qui sait pertinemment que toute alternative pourrait s'avérer bien pire. Ne reste donc qu'un unique objectif possible pour l'opération militaire : mort aux Arabes, sous les acclamations de la foule.
L'Armée de Défense d'Israël a déjà établi une « carte de la souffrance », invention diabolique qui remplace la non moins diabolique « banque de cibles », et le territoire couvert par cette carte s'étend à une vitesse qui donne la nausée. Il faut regarder Al Jazeera en anglais, une chaine de télévision professionnelle, aux prises de position mesurées (contrairement à son homologue en arabe), pour découvrir l'ampleur de sa réussite. Vous ne la verrez pas depuis les studios « ouverts » des télés et radios israéliennes, dont l'ouverture est réservée, comme toujours, à la victime israélienne ; mais sur Al Jazeera, vous découvrirez toute la vérité, peut-être même vous scandalisera-t-elle.
À Gaza, les corps s'empilent, pour remplir un tableau épouvantable, mis à jour en temps réel, de cette tuerie massive, qui fait la fierté d'Israël, un tableau de chasse qui comprend d'ores et déjà des dizaines de civils, dont 24 enfants, selon le compte établi samedi à midi ; sans compter les centaines de blessés, qui viennent amplifier l'horreur, la destruction. Les bombardements ont déjà touché une école, un hôpital. Les frappes visent les maisons, et toutes les justifications du monde n'y peuvent rien : il s'agit là de crimes de guerre, même si l'Armée de Défense d'Israël appelle ces maisons « centres de commandement et de contrôle », ou « salles de conférence ». C'est vrai, certaines frappes sont bien plus brutales que celles d'Israël, sauf que dans cette guerre, qui ne consiste en rien d'autre qu'une série d'attaques réciproques contre des civils - le combat d'une mouche, contre un éléphant - on ne dénombre même pas un seul réfugié. Contrairement à ce qui se passe en Syrie, comme en Irak, les habitants de la Bande de Gaza ne peuvent même pas s'offrir le luxe de fuir, pour sauver leurs vies. On ne s'évade pas d'une cage.
Depuis que la Guerre du Liban a pris fin, il y a plus de trente ans, tuer des Arabes est devenu l'instrument stratégique principal d'Israël. L'A.D.I. ne fait pas la guerre contre des armées, les populations civiles constituent ses cibles prioritaires. Comme chacun sait, les Arabes naissent pour tuer, et se faire tuer. Ils n'ont d'autre but dans la vie, alors Israël les tue.
Bien sûr, le modus operandi du Hamas doit provoquer notre indignation : non seulement ses roquettes visent-elles des centres israéliens de population civile, non seulement prend-il lui-même position au milieu de centres de population - il n'a peut-être pas d'autre alternative, les conditions de surpeuplement de la Bande étant ce qu'elles sont - mais il laisse également la population civile de Gaza à la merci des attaques brutales d'Israël, sans veiller à lui fournir la moindre sirène, le moindre abri, le moindre espace protégé. Cette attitude est criminelle. Mais les tirs de barrage de la Force Aérienne et Spatiale d'Israël ne le sont pas moins, en raison de leur objectif, comme de leur résultat : tous les immeubles d'habitation de la Bande de Gaza abritent des dizaines de femmes et d'enfants ; c'est pourquoi l'A.D.I. ne saurait prétendre qu'il n'entre pas dans ses intentions d'infliger des souffrances à des civils innocents. Si la démolition récente de la maison d'un terroriste en Cisjordanie fut encore à l'origine de manifestations peu fournies, ce sont maintenant des dizaines de maisons que l'on détruit, et leurs occupants avec elles.
Entre les généraux en retraite et les commentateurs en campagne, c'est à celui qui fera la proposition la plus monstrueuse : sans sourciller, le Major-Général de réserve, Oren Shachor, a expliqué : « Tuer leurs familles, voilà qui les effraiera » ; tandis que d'autres affirmaient : « Nous devons créer une telle situation que, lorsqu'ils ressortiront de leurs terriers, ils ne reconnaîtront plus Gaza ». Sans vergogne, ni remise en question - jusqu'à la prochaine Commission Goldstone.
Une guerre sans but compte parmi les guerres les plus abjectes ; la prise délibérée de civils pour cibles compte parmi les pratiques les plus atroces. Aujourd'hui, l'horreur règne aussi sur Israël, mais il est peu probable qu'un seul Israélien puisse jamais imaginer ce que ce règne signifie pour les 1,8 millions d'habitants de Gaza dont les existences, déjà cauchemardesques, ont désormais sombré dans l'horreur absolue. La Bande de Gaza n'est pas un « nid de frelons », c'est une province, que le désespoir humain gouverne. Le Hamas n'est pas une armée, il s'en faut même de beaucoup, et ce en dépit de toutes ses tactiques visant à inspirer la crainte : s'il a effectivement construit là-bas un réseau de tunnels ultrasophistiqué, ainsi qu'il le prétend, comment se fait-il qu'il ne construise pas d'ores et déjà le réseau du métro léger de Tel-Aviv ?
La barre des 1000 sorties, ainsi que celle des mille tonnes d'explosifs, sont en passe d'être atteintes ; Israël n'attend plus que « l'image de la victoire », qu'elle a déjà remportée : Mort aux Arabes.
VIDEO - Reportage de la chaine allemande ZDF sur l'enlèvement des 3 jeunes israéliens
Une équipe de télévision allemande, la ZDF a enquêté sur l’enlèvement des trois jeunes juifs au mois de juin dernier. Cette enquête minutieuse conclue que ces jeunes auraient été enlevé et tué par l'armée israélienne.
ZDF reveals the truth about the death of 3 Israelis on June 2014
German channel ZDF aired a report about the alleged murder of the three Israelis last June, which led to the war carried currently against Gaza.
The report, made by journalist Christian Sievers, revealed that the kidnappers had no political agenda but they were willing to get a ransom from the Israeli families before things get complicated, ending with the death of the hostages.
Sievers says that Israeli intelligence knew about the incident and its purpose, yet the file was classified by orders from PM Netenyahu, and the army took over the investigation to blame Palestinian resistance for it and start a war.
The journalist in the end accuses the Israeli government of committing war crimes and conspiracy on civilians, both Palestinians and Israelis.
German channel ZDF aired a report about the alleged murder of the three Israelis last June, which led to the war carried currently against Gaza.
Israel used “disappearance” of soldier as pretext for killing spree — rights group
juif.org - Opération Bordure Protectrice : Netanyahu donne ordre d’éliminer les dirigeants du Hamas

After only two days of attack, Gaza bombing campaign exceeds 2012 assault
Israel's crazed assault on Gaza was 2014's single most haunting and revolting event

Quarter of Gaza population displaced, says UN
250,000 Gazans have no home
470 Gaza kids killed, over 370,000 need psychosocial aid: UNICEF

UNRWA: L'agression sioniste sur Gaza a déplacé 230 000 Palestiniens
Déportation. L’ONU s’inquiète du transfert de Palestiniens vers la Jordanie
2137 Palestiniens, dont des familles entières, tués depuis le mardi 8 juillet 2014
89 Palestinian families wiped out by Israel’s Gaza campaign
1,951 Deaths, 1,951 War Crimes, in Gaza
Liste des 1460 Palestiniens, y compris des familles entières, tués et identifiés depuis le mardi 8 juillet 2014
Israel strikes Gaza every 4.5 minutes, military says
VIDEO - Video of dead bodies all over Shujaya streets in East Gaza
Video of Israeli sniper killing wounded civilian
Israël commet un carnage dans le quartier de Shejaiya à Gaza
Gaza : 502 Palestiniens tués, mort de 18 soldats israéliens
Des milliers de palestiniens fuient le quartier de Chajaya soumis à des raids intensifs. 360 morts dont 85 enfants en 13 jours
Death toll from Israeli strikes in Gaza rises above 200
IDF strikes 200 Gaza targets in past 24 hours
Gaza : 105 morts - 31 enfants, 16 femmes, 21 personnes âgées, et le massacre n'est pas fini
VIDEO - Unstoppable Barrage: Gaza bombing intensifies, death toll over 100
100 Palestinians killed in Israeli assault on Sunday alone
160 raids israéliens sur Gaza causent la mort de 28 palestiniens et font 150 blessés
Israel Invades Gaza, 264 Gazans and 2 Israelis Dead, But U.S. Media Has Moved On
More Than 100 Killed in 14 Hours as Gaza Death Toll Rises Above 1,200
Gaza Genocide: Last 24 Hours, 120 People Killed
Is Killing Civilians Part of Israel’s plan?
Un jeune footballeur de talent ainsi qu'une légende du foot palestinien tués par Israël
Israel’s new way to break prisoners: We bombed and killed your families
L’extermination de familles entières met à nu les pulsions génocidaires d’Israël
Israel’s extermination of whole families in Gaza reflects genocidal impulse

Israeli arms sales to Africa double in 2013
British government taken to court over arms exports to Israel

Israel Exploring Ways to “Lower Birthrate” of Palestinian Bedouins
Israeli Weapons Contaminate Palestinian Soil with Toxic Substances
Des activistes israéliens dénoncent : Gaza, un laboratoire pour le développement d'armes israéliennes.
Israel Is Using Banned Weapons against the People of Gaza
Israel using flechette shells in Gaza Palestinian human rights group accuses Israel military of using shells that spray out thousands of tiny and potentially lethal darts
Israël utilise des armes non conventionnelles contre Gaza
Israeli Ground Invasion Kills 28 More Palestinians, Israeli Forces Fire Unknown ‘White Poisonous Gas’
Israel Drops White Phosphorus Bombs on Gazans
Israël utiliserait le DIME, une arme particulièrement effroyable
VIDEO - Israel Used a Directed-Energy Weapon on GAZA
More On Israeli Directed Energy Weapon and WHY This is Important!

Center for Public Integrity | The 47-year-old nuclear elephant in the room A growing number of U.S. experts say that feigning ignorance about Israel’s nuclear arsenal creates more trouble than it averts
18 Arab states single out Israel for its nuclear arsenal
Arabs draft resolution on Israel nukes
Nuclear Inspection of Israel by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rejected
UN nuclear assembly rejects Arab anti-Israel bid
L'AIEA n’instaurera pas le contrôle nucléaire sur Israël
Netanyahu praises defeat of Arab-backed resolution on Israel at IAEA
If Israel can ignore the IAEA, why should anyone else listen?
“Who Runs America?”—Answer to be Seen in Latest International Atomic Energy Agency Vote
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Israeli nukes threaten the entire world, not just the Middle East
Nukes on the High Seas: Israel's Underwater Atomic Arsenal
Why won't Israel sign the Arms Trade Treaty?
Don't like that Israel has the bomb? Blame Nixon

Don’t feel bad… they’re only Gentiles (COEURS SENSIBLES S'ABSTENIR)

Rappel : la défaite israélienne de 2006
Israeli army ready to ‘go all the way’ in Gaza
We'll send in more troops, warns Israel: Netanyahu vows to 'significantly widen' ground offensive in Gaza
Israeli leader Netanyahu vows to ignore international pressure to cease military campaign in Gaza as Palestinian death toll rises above 100
Netanyahu tells West: Israel won't rest until Gaza demilitarized
Netanyahu calls for long-term military presence in West Bank to counter extremist threat.
Israël ne mettra pas fin à l'offensive sur Gaza du fait de la pression internationale (Netanyahu)
Lieberman: IDF Operation Should ‘Go All the Way’, Retake Gaza
Israel ambassador to U.S. Jews: Hamas winning war of public opinion
Is the PM fighting Hamas or the two-state solution? If Abbas had declared that because of the Gaza War he no longer supports two states, American Jewish groups would have screamed with fury.
Hamas: We will not accept Judaisation of Jerusalem

Israeli warships 'shell Gaza coast,' critically injure fisherman
Israeli trade control causes $310m loss for Palestinian Authority
Israel's international credit to pound Gaza is running out
This is the Israeli Military Calling: “Civilizing War” Has Failed
American Jewish groups deplore 'unilateralism' only when it comes from Abbas They prefer to see the Palestinians on their knees, negotiating from a position of abject weakness.
1,000 Americans Are Serving in the Israeli Army and They Aren’t Alone
Massacre of Palestinians continues - they’re not Jews, so who cares?
Colonialisme, sionisme, Israël ou la perpétuation de l’état psychopathe…
« Ce sont tous des combattants ennemis, et leur sang doit être sur leur tête. A présent, on doit y inclure les mères de ceux qui sont morts, qui les envoient en enfer avec des fleurs et des embrassades. Elles doivent connaître le même sort que leurs fils, rien ne peut être plus juste. Elles doivent être éliminées, tout comme leurs habitations dans lesquelles elles élèvent les serpents. Sinon, ce seront d’autres petits serpents qui y seront élevés. » (2)
Netanyahu: Israelis Must Be 'Ready For A Prolonged Campaign' In Gaza
Israeli attacks designed to “terrorize” Gaza population, international law experts say
Enquête sur le plus organisé des réseaux terroristes internationaux : Israël
‘We Jews invented the car bomb’
Israel moves to destroy terrorists' homes
US condemns terrorist home demolition directive
Israeli forces launch major detention campaign in Nablus camps
Israeli occupation forces demolish house in East Jerusalem
En cette fin de Ramadan, les Israéliens se livrent à leur sport favori : tuer !
In Israel, both right and left call for ‘strong response’ (mass murder) to renewed Hamas rocket fire
Opposition leader blames Netanyahu for tensions with Israeli Arabs
Netanyahou : l'ONU donne une légitimité aux terroristes
For Netanyahu, a new enemy couldn't have come sooner Netanyahu is diverting attention from the problematic accord emerging in Cairo by trying to rouse the public's traditional hatred of the UN, which will be investigating the Gaza war.
Un député sioniste appelle Netanyahu à démissionner en raison de son échec à Gaza

Land grab seen as Netanyahu's attempt to restore standing on the right With a single decision, Netanyahu fueled Palestinian PR efforts and painted Israel into the corner it’s so familiar with - the one inhabited by ostracized, wayward, irritating countries.

Netanyahu: Israel safer after op, Hamas to blame for Gaza deaths
Not killing Gazans ‘moral mistake’: Netanyahu
Netanyahu accuses media of ‘huge’ campaign against him Rappel: Netanyahou accuse le New York Times et Haaretz de donner le ton de la campagne anti-Israël à travers le monde
Liberman tells Kerry Hamas refusal to extend truce is ‘extortion’
Why Israel Wanted a Ceasefire Now?
Now we know: Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza because it had lost
Gaza : Demander l’arrêt des agressions israéliennes ne suffit plus ! Certains disent que Israel se retire et que les Palestiniens ont gagné la guerre... Mais ça sera pas fini tant que les Israéliens n'auront pas cessé de tenir les Palestiniens sous leur joug de force occupante étrangère, tant qu'Israel ne rendra pas les territoires volés et qu'il ne reconnaîtra pas le droit au retour des Palestiniens.
Israel wants a truce that does not include a halt on assassinations

Un officier sioniste : nous avons largué des tonnes de bombes pour assassiner les trois cadres du Hamas
Israel Kills Son (Infant) And Wife Of Hamas's Military Commander (+PHOTOS)

Powerful raw video shows Israeli airstrikes on Gaza
IDF launches air strikes in southern Gaza
VIDEO - Raids nocturnes sur Gaza
VIDEO - Israel On Rampage in Gaza
Gaza : le génocide continue
Terrorisme israélien sur Gaza : témoignages
Opération terrestre sur Gaza
Israel begins ground invasion of Gaza strip
Recent Israeli airstrikes targeted Gaza infrastructure
Israël bombarde la Bande de Gaza et masse des soldats à la frontière
VIDEO - Déluge de feu sur Gaza
Reprise des bombardements israéliens sur Gaza
Agence France-Presse: Israel hits 160 targets in Gaza overnight
VIDEO - Israel Claim 160 Air Strikes is “Defensive” and Good For Peace
In Gaza, 11 members of a Palestinian family are killed in a single strike
Israeli attacks destroy almost 5,000 homes in Gaza
VIDEO - The moment an Israeli air strike destroys Gaza Islamic University
VIDEO - Israeli soldiers destroy Gaza mosque, dedicate explosion to dead comrades
Israel bombed 161 mosques in Gaza
Israel Airstrike Hits Gaza Mosque, Death Toll Tops 120
Une église et une mosquée incendiées par des extrémistes juifs (vidéo)
EU missions denounce Jewish settler attacks on mosque and church
Netanyahu Drives Palestinians from Jerusalem – Palestinians Ordered to Destroy their Homes and Pay Thousand Dollar Fines
HAMAS BOMBS 50 ISRAELI SYNAGOGUES *CAN YOU IMAGINE THE OUTRAGE IF THAT HEADLINE WAS TRUE? (Israel targets 50 mosques since start of Gaza offensive)
Jordanian parliament demands an end to Israel’s attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque
«Rayé de la carte»... Israel raye de la carte des bâtiments palestiniens...
Gaza tower collapses after Israel strike, several injured
Report: Settlements receive disproportionate state funding Study by the Adva Center finds that settlement population has grown 240% in 20 years.
Israel Is Again Demolishing Homes of Palestinian Terror Suspects
Et si le "suspect" n'est pas du tout coupable? Peu importe, on s'en fout, c'est seulement des "maudits Arabes"!
Israel Demolishes Bedouin Homes in “Unrecognized Villages” – 80,000 Palestinians Denied Electricity and Running Water
WATCH: Police spray putrid water on Palestinian homes, schools
UN: 18,000 homes destroyed in Gaza, number of refugees still rising
Israel to blame for obstructing Gaza rebuilding
Les Palestiniens appellent à une coalition internationale pour mettre fin à l'occupation israélienne
Israel forces Gaza fishermen to undress in attack violating ceasefire deal
Israel sprays "skunk water" into Palestinian homes

There are no 'both sides' - The Israelis and Palestinians are not equal
Anti-Semitism flares up with Gaza crisis - can you blame them?

Palestinians returning home find feces and venomous graffiti left by the ‘world’s most moral army’
Community leader, beloved grandfather shot dead by Israelis as he carried white flag
Over 280 Palestinians Kidnapped by Israeli Forces in February
Des colons israéliens s'emparent de 25 appartements à Jérusalem-Est

CHOC: De nouveaux bombardement de civils en Palestine

Israel targets Hamas leaders in new Gaza raids (?!!)


After overnight invasion, ‘we now have Israelis in our houses,’ a Gazan says
VIDEO - A Gaza, dans les ruines de Shejaia, scènes de désolation
Israel Destroys Hamas Media Broadcast Outlets In Massive Explosion
Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent
VIDEO - Video report: Victims of the Israeli ground invasion
New photo from Gaza looks like actual hell on earth.

Israel launches new airstrikes on Gaza as death toll mounts
Palestinian officials: Israel’s shelling of Gaza equivalent to six nuclear bombs

Israel must attack Gaza even more mercilessly, expel the population and resettle the territory with Jews, the deputy speaker of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, has said.
Moshe Feiglin, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, makes the call in an article for the Israeli news website Arutz Sheva.
Feiglin demands that Israel launch attacks “throughout Gaza with the IDF’s [Israeli army’s] maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal.”
Force Gaza population out
“After the IDF completes the ‘softening’ of the targets with its firepower, the IDF will conquer the entire Gaza, using all the means necessary to minimize any harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations,” Feiglin writes in one of several calls for outright war crimes.
Following the reconquest, Israel’s army “will thoroughly eliminate all armed enemies from Gaza. The enemy population that is innocent of wrongdoing and separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with international law and will be allowed to leave,” Feiglin writes.
“Gaza is part of our land”
“Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever,” Feiglin concludes. “Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.”
Feiglin has a long history of incitement. Last week he expelled Arab members of the Knesset who dared to criticize Israel’s ongoing slaughter in Gaza and called for Israel to cut off power to dialysis patients there.
As of now, ninety percent of Gaza is without electricity, journalist Mohammed Omer reports, and most Palestinians in Gaza are getting as little as two hours of electricity per day.
Death toll climbs relentlessly
More than 100 Palestinians have been killed in the last 48 hours as Israel continues its indiscriminate attacks on Palestinians throughout the occupied Gaza Strip by land, sea and air.
By Saturday afternoon in Gaza, the thirteenth day of Israel’s current bombardment and invasion of the coastal territory, 339 people, the vast majority civilians, had been killed in total and 2,500 injured.
Tens of thousands have fled their homes, primarily in the north and east of Gaza, seeking shelter from the Israeli assault in United Nations-run schools.
Genocidal demands
Feiglin’s call for the destruction of the Palestinian community in Gaza has some resonance.
Just a day before Feiglin’s article, Rabbi Ben Packer made a similar demand, calling the current assault “an opportunity for Israel to achieve a victory – to move the border” by conquering northern Gaza.
Packer is the director of “Heritage House,” a settlement in occupied East Jerusalem that houses so-called “lone soldiers,” men recruited from overseas to join the Israeli occupation forces.
Israel’s former settlers in Gaza, evacuated in 2005, would be given the first opportunity to “settle in the regained territory,” Packer said.
Packer, a settler from the United States and volunteer in the Israeli army, previously served as the “Rabbi on Campus” at the University of North Carolina and Duke University.
Calls like Feiglin’s and Packer’s for genocidal-scale violence against Palestinians are being heard with ever more frequency from Israeli leaders.
A call for genocide of the Palestinians by Ayelet Shaked, a rising star in Israel’s Habeyit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) party, part of the government, received global notoriety after The Electronic Intifada translated and exposed it earlier this month.
VIDEO - US Jews furious over 'Washington Post' cartoon showing Netanyahu punching Palestinian infant
Netanyahou au sujet des Palestiniens : "Il faut les frapper, non pas une fois, mais plusieurs fois et violemment"
Israeli Military "Denies Targeting Children" Slammed For "Not Having The Courage To Talk To Hamas"
Israel Delivers Death and Destruction: The Deliberate Killing of Palestinian Children by the IDF
Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces as world pleads for truce
Children killed in Gaza playground shelling

Israel ends “humanitarian ceasefire” with new massacre of Gaza children
It's not the first time the Israeli military has massacred children on a Gaza beach
See How Israeli War Criminals Massacre Children On Gaza Beach
The New York Times Blames The Victims In Their Coverage of An Israeli Strike On A Gaza Beach That Killed 4 Kids
Israeli naval ship 'bombs Palestinian children on Gaza beach', killing four
Four out of every five Palestinians killed in Gaza have been civilians, UN reports
Israeli Attack Kills Four Children Playing Soccer, in View of Journalists
Israeli army uses Gaza children as human shields
Palestinian teen: I was used as a human shield in Gaza
The proportion of Gaza’s children who were killed should shock conscience of weapons-suppliers

5 month old baby, was murdered in an Israeli air raid on Tal Sultan #GazaUnderAttack #Gaza
VIDEO - Bodies of Gazan children slain in playground attack *EXTREMELY GRAPHIC
West Bank: 11-Year-Old Boy Bled to Death by Israeli Army, Attempts to Rescue Prevented by Live Fire
Israeli War Crimes: More than 3,000 Gazan Children Wounded in War

Zionist Supremacists Boast of Mass Murder and Genocide
IDF snipers caught on camera shooting at Gaza children and celebrating a 'hit'

Israeli soldier: 'I killed 13 childrens today and ur next muslims'
In a hospital. At the beach. Hamas, Israel tells us, is hiding among civilians
According to Israel, Hamas is cowardly and cynical
Richard Seymour
Monday 21 July 2014 17.18 BST
They hid at the El-Wafa hospital.
They hid at the Al-Aqsa hospital.
They hid at the beach, where children played football.
They hid at the yard of 75-year-old Muhammad Hamad.
They hid among the residential quarters of Shujaya.
They hid in the neighbourhoods of Zaytoun and Toffah.
They hid in Rafah and Khan Younis.
They hid in the home of the Qassan family.
They hid in the home of the poet, Othman Hussein.
They hid in the village of Khuzaa.
They hid in the thousands of houses damaged or destroyed.
They hid in 84 schools and 23 medical facilities.
They hid in a cafe, where Gazans were watching the World Cup.
They hid in the ambulances trying to retrieve the injured.
They hid themselves in 24 corpses, buried under rubble.
Israel Targets Dairy Factory in Occupied West Bank. Palestinian Orphans Protest Demolition
Exclusive: Israel's Video Justifying Destruction of a Gaza Hospital Was From 2009
Israel targets hospitals in Gaza assault
Gaza hospital hit in fatal Israeli attack – live updates
Gaza : Israël bombarde les hôpitaux et toute l’infrastructure médicale
Another Gaza Hospital Hit by Israeli Strike; Four Dead, 40 Hurt
Gaza: Medics caught in murderous crossfire
Gaza healthcare services on brink of collapse as death toll climbs
Israel Bombs Yet Another United Nations School, Killing Women and Children
Israeli military announce they will bomb al-Shifa hospital in Gaza
United Nations Warns of “Rapidly Unfolding” Health Disaster in Gaza
UN: Israel Never Informed Us of Plans to Attack Gaza School At Least 16 Slain, Hundreds Wounded in Strike on Refugees
Israeli Military Destroyed El-Wafa Hospital Even Though it Knew There Were no Weapons Inside
Israeli operation kills more than 400 Gaza children
Israel-Gaza conflict: 10 Palestinian children killed and 46 injured in strike on hospital and park
Israeli Officer's Insane Justification for Killing a 13-Year-Old Girl
Horror as Gaza handicapped care facility is bombed
Gaza updates| Hospitals are targets again
Gaza faces water crisis amid Israeli strikes: Red Cross
Israel airstrike bombs major water line, sewage station and water wells in Gaza
Nurse suspended for calling IDF soldiers 'war criminals' Arab worker at Sheba Medical Center fails to show up for hearing over inflammatory Facebook status.
VIDEO - ‘Why did they destroy a hospital?’ | Channel 4 News
This was Al Wafa Hospital. #Gaza

How Israel Mercilessly Targeted and Murdered Disabled People with Special Needs in Gaza
Israel Deliberately Attacking Medical Workers in Gaza, Amnesty Says
Gaza doctor: “We are now facing a real genocide”
Israel Banned Renowned Doctor and Human Rights Activist Mads Gilbert from Entering Gaza for Life
Human Rights Watch Issues Interim Report on Israeli War Crimes in Gaza
La décision du CDH est une « parodie » selon Netanyahu
UN questions legality of Israel’s Gaza offensive, Netanyahu dismisses intl pressure
Jewish War Criminals Deny UNRWA Commissioner To Enter Gaza
UN human rights chief: Israel may be committing war crimes in Gaza

UN rights council to form commission of inquiry over Israeli 'war crimes' in Gaza
Israel denounces UNHRC probing Israeli war crimes as ‘kangaroo court’
Israeli Lawyer Doesn’t Deny Nuremberg Crimes on Palestinians
Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid, Says UN Rapporteur
Palestine Filed Complain at ICC: Accuses Israel of War Crimes
US, UK ‘appalled’ by shelling near UNRWA school In especially strong condemnation, Washington says presence of terrorists near school does not justify strike
A jittery Israel gears up for likely war crimes battle after Gaza
UN official confirms Israeli soldiers launched attacks from inside Gaza school
UN: Israel Used UNRWA School For Military Operations
Israel Bombs U.N. Shelter With Over 3000 Women And Children With Multiple Strikes
Is Israel Trying to Force Palestinians into the Sinai?
Israel PM slams UNHRC criticism of Gaza assault
Gaza: Whole Villages Have Been Wiped Off the Map
Gaza: Spare Me Your Sick, Manipulative, Dead Baby Propaganda Photos
ed note (Tony)…this is from Brietbart (sp) Ed note, MG–pay careful attention to the ‘mood’ of his piece, as it reveals completely how jews and their supporters deal with that problematic thing known as ‘conscience’ when it tells them something is wrong with their position on whatever topic is being discussed. These same people who have a ‘problem’ with pix of Arab children blown to bits by God’s chosenoids certainly don’t have a problem with ‘hollercost’ imagery, now do they?
Did UN warn Israel SEVENTEEN times that bombed school was housing refugees? Horror as tank strike leaves 19 Palestinians dead and 125 injured
Israeli shelling kills 19 taking refuge in Gaza school: U.N.
UN chief condemns 'shameful' shelling of school in Gaza White House also condemns shelling, does not mention Israel in announcement; 16 people were killed overnight in the shelling in the Jabalya refugee camp; UNRWA says it had told IDF exact location a number of times.
UN says 'enough is enough' after another Gaza school attack After fifth attack on UN school, senior officials say Gazans have 'few places to go'; Ban says latest attack 'demands accountability and justice.'
Si l'Onu juge que vraiment trop c'est trop, alors ils devraient faire comme ils ont fait contre Saddam Hussein: le conseil de sécurité devrait permettre une intervention militaire contre Israël.
Le secrétaire général de l'ONU dénonce le bombardement par Israël d'une école à Gaza
UNRWA Strongly Condemns Israeli Shelling of Its School in Gaza as a Serious Violation of International Law
VIDEO - UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness breaks down live on TV after Israeli massacre of children in Gaza school
UNRWA spokesman denies handing rockets over to Hamas
PA could press war crimes charges; US slams ‘indefensible’ Israeli strike
Gaza crisis: Israel attacks 'not accidental', claims UN
“Children Killed in their Sleep” by Israel: UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Challenges Israel’s Account of Gaza School Massacre
White House slams Israel for ‘indefensible’ shelling of UN school
Ban ki-Moon declares Israeli attack on UN school ‘a criminal act’
juif.org - Gaza : grosse claque pour les anti-israéliens, la CPI ne jugera pas Israel
Israeli leader Netanyahu 'has approached US lawmakers to help avoid war crimes charges' over Palestinian civilian deaths
Online petition urges ‘Nuremberg for Israel’ over ‘genocide of Palestinians’
Claim Lodged with ICC for Israel’s “Cumulative Crimes against Humanity”
VIDEO - Israel accused of war crimes (UK Parliament)
Hamas welcomes formation of UN panel to inquest on Israeli war crimes
Israel-Gaza conflict: ‘Israel must stop punishing Gaza’s people,’ pleads UN commissioner
Nobel Prize-Winner Says UNHRC Gaza Probe Simply ‘Anti-Semitism’
Israel criticised over blocking UNHRC mission
Hague court under western pressure not to open Gaza war crimes inquiry
US exerting pressure on ICC not to open war crimes probe against Israel
US, West pressure ICC not to probe Israel crimes: Report
UNRWA criticizes false Israeli claim that shelter used to fire mortar
Pressions occidentales sur la Cour pénale internationale pour ne pas ouvrir d’enquête sur les crimes de guerre à Gaza
Amnistie Internationale | Israël accusé de crimes de guerre
Watchdog demands Schabas quit UN Gaza inquiry over anti-Israel bias Academic slated to lead probe of Gaza war considers Hamas a legitimate party, accused Israel of disproportionality this summer, UN Watch says
UN Watch est un think tank néocon israélien contre l'Islam et les Arabes!
Least of Israel's Problems? Youtube Personal attacks aimed at William Schabas, chair of the U.N. Gaza war crimes panel, are pouring in. But the real danger may lie not in his appointment but in the International Criminal Court.
Why Israel’s Fight Against William Schabas May Be Off-Target
Real Danger Lies in International Criminal Court (ed note–as we have pointed out here often on this website and program–there is a war going on right now within organized Jewry, between the smarter, more cautious elements who understand that ‘loud’ Jewish power results in the Gentile world waking up to the danger it faces, vs, those dumber, less cautious elements who believe that Jews–by virtue of their ‘Chosen’ status, lead a charmed life and that nothing can harm them. Note what it is that Schabas said about Netanyahu–that he is “the greatest threat to the survival of Israel.” The plan seems to be, and the latest bloodbath in Gaza was an intrigal part of it, to blame all of Israel’s evil on one man and one party, so that when they are swept away, either through the legal process, political maneuvering or outright assassination, that Israel will be able to declare herself ‘rahabilitated’, thus securing another 50 years of shelf life amongst the community of nations, until such time that it becomes necessary to do it all over again.)
PA to tell UN: Force Israel out of W. Bank, or we’ll seek war crimes charges in The Hague
IDF Soldiers Denounce Israeli High Crimes Against Peace
Israël : ouverture de cinq enquêtes sur de possibles bavures de l'armée
Israel committed genocide in Gaza: EU delegation
Israel prevents UN official from entering occupied Palestinian territories
Netanyahu to Ban: U.N. conduct toward Israel is ‘disproportionate’
Jews Feign Outrage As Ban Ki-Moon Describes Gaza Destruction The Wrong Way
Israël critiqué au Comité des Droits de l'Homme de l'ONU
Israel will not cooperate with ‘one-sided’ UN probe into Gaza war Foreign Ministry cites Human Rights Council's 'obsessive hostility toward Israel'; the government will however pass on documents outlining its position regarding the summer conflict.
Israeli Government To Refuse Entry to UN Team Investigating War Crimes in Gaza
Israel denies entry to members of UN inquiry into alleged war crimes in Gaza
Lieberman–Dismantle ICC probe against Israel or else
Netanyahu: ICC decision to launch inquiry against Israel is 'absurd'
ICC prosecutor opens probe into alleged Israeli war crimes Liberman slams ‘scandalous decision’, calls to dismantle ‘hypocritical’ international criminal court
Israel Retaliates Against War Crimes Investigation, Attacks AFP by Dave Gahary AFP
Ros-Lehtinen removes pro-Palestinian activists from Congressional hearing on punishing PA for joining ICC
Le monde juif - Israël : « le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU est composé de quinze membres et d’une organisation terroriste ! »
Ils manquent pas d'audace pour dire des choses pareilles! Ils nous prennent vraiment pour des imbéciles, en tout cas ça fonctionne, on leur donne pas tort.
La juge US McGowan Davis remplace W. Schabas à la tête de la commission sur Gaza Le Canadien a démissionné après avoir été accusé de partialité en faveur des Palestiniens
Head of Gaza War Crimes UN Inquiry Received ‘Personal Attacks, Death Threats’
Démission du président de la commission d'enquête ONU sur le conflit à Gaza, mis en cause par Israël
Head of UN Gaza inquiry quits, cites Israel’s bias claims William Schabas, who was paid $1,300 by PLO, complains of ‘malicious attacks,’ says he doesn’t want Israeli allegations to taint commission’s reputation
As Gaza investigator quits, Netanyahu ‘urges’ UN to shelve report
NY judge takes over UN Gaza probe after Israel critic resigns Mary McGowan Davis replaces William Schabas, who stepped down over Israel’s accusations of ‘conflict of interest’ to the UN
ICC backers defy Israeli call to cut funding to war crimes court
Sweden FM: Israel irritated allies by overreacting to Palestine recognition
Netanyahu appelle Washington à intervenir pour empêcher l'enquête de la CPI sur la Palestine
Canadian FM says Palestinians made ‘huge mistake’ in ICC bid
Rapport d’une ONG israélienne : Tsahal a frappé sans discrimination durant la guerre contre Gaza
Netanyahu veut retirer la légitimité du tribunal de la Haye
Palestinians to file first 'war crime' case against Israel on April 1
Le Figaro: Israël reconnaît avoir utilisé du phosphore blanc à Gaza durant "Plomb durci"
ICC prosecutor: Without cooperation, Gaza war probe will rely on evidence from just one side
ICC urges Israel to cooperate with preliminary Gaza probe
Israel 'surprised' by ICC prosecutor's warnings

Netanyahu poses threat to Israel’s survival: International lawyer
Israel’s worst enemy is Netanyahu
Bibi's unexpected endorsement: BDS Omar Barghouti credits the prime minister for the BDS movement's success in recent years.
Brzezinski: Netanyahu 'making a very serious mistake'
Quand Brzezinski met en garde Netanyahou !
Al Manar 22 juillet 2014
url original: almanar.com.lb/french/adetails.php?eid=183556&cid=18&fromval=1&frid=18&seccatid=22&s1=1
L’ancien conseiller à la sécurité nationale des Etats Unis Zbigniew Brezinski qui s’entretenait avec l’animateur et expert de CNN Farid Zakariya estime qu’en s’attaquant à Gaza, "Netanyahu a commis une grave erreur"!
Interrogé sur l’offensive israélienne contre Gaza, Brezinski a commenté les propos de Netanyahu comme quoi son offensive militaire visait à désarmer la ville de Gaza. "La stratégie de Netanyahu va-t-elle réussir?", s’est-il interrogé, et de poursuivre : "non je crois que Netanyahu est en train de commettre une grave erreur".
Selon Brezinski, "quand le Hamas a accepté l’idée de participer à un gouvernement d’union nationale, cela veut dire qu’il a accepté de parvenir à un compromis avec Israël. Il s’agit là d’une réelle option sur laquelle il faut insister ".
"Mais qu’a fait Netanyahu ? Netanyahu a lancé une campagne de diffamation contre le Hamas et l’a accusé d’être derrière le meurtre de trois jeunes colons et ce sans aucune preuve. Israël a tourné ce triple meurtre à son avantage pour justifier son offensive contre Gaza, une offensive bien mortelle. Ce qui ne fait qu’inciter les arabes ", a-t-il lancé.
Et d’affirmer: " je crois que Netanyahu est en train d’isoler Israël. Il met en danger l’avenir à long terme d’Israël. Je crois que nous devons préciser que nous nous opposons complètement à cette action (attaque contre Gaza : ndlr) et que nous ne la soutenons pas. Et que cette opposition pourrait conduire les Etats Unis et la communauté internationale à franchir des pas pour légitimer les idéaux palestiniens, peut-être via l’ONU".
Ces déclarations de Brezinski n’augurent rien de bon pour "Israël" dont les tensions avec les Etats Unis ne sont plus à cacher.
13 Juillet 2014
article: http://dprogram.net/2014/07/13/canadian-hands-involved-gaza-bombings/
~ Traduit de l’anglais par Résistance 71 ~
La complicité du Canada dans les crimes de guerre commis par Israël contre les Palestiniens de la bande de Gaza est profonde.
Mis à part le rôle de pom-pom girl diplomatique joué par le gouvernement conservateur, un élément clef de l’implication du Canada qui est moins visible à l’œil du public mais qui demeure très important, est le rôle majeur joué par de nombreuses entreprises canadiennes dans la fabrication d’engins militaires et de leur technologie, connus pour être la source des attaques meurtrières dans les raids aériens de bombardement sur Gaza.
Un rapport récent de la revue “Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada” sur les états d’exportation militaire qui sont “une priorité de la politique étrangère du Canada pour le maintien de la paix et de la sécurité”, des idéaux qui sont constamment pris à contre-pied dans le monde, comme par exemple avec des exportations militaires vers des régimes autoritaires comme au Bahreïn et en Arabie Saoudite, mais aussi des idéaux complètement réduits au silence avec des exportations directes d’armement à Israël.
L’information rassemblée par la Coalition d’opposition au Commerce des Armes détaille qu’un minimum de 50 fabricants d’armes canadiens exportent leurs produits directement vers Israël aujourd’hui ; un chiffre qui doit certainement être croissant alors que les conservateurs continuent de tisser des liens plus étroits avec l’état d’Israël. La récente mission diplomatique, entrepreneuriale et militaire du Canada en Israël, une des plus grosses délégations étrangères envoyées de l’histoire du Canada, qui comprenait plus de 200 personnes, a certainement creusé plus avant la complicité avec l’apartheid d’Israël, complicité rendue plus profonde depuis les couloirs du pouvoir à Ottawa.
Les exemples spécifiques d’équipement militaire et d’engins produits au Canada et maintenant déployés par la Force de Défense Israélienne (FDI) et l’Armée de l’Air Israélienne (AAI), sont nombreux et incriminatoires.
Des moteurs pour l’hélicoptère Bell Cobra, nommé “vipère” sur le site des forces armée israélienne, sont produits dans la région de Montréal par Pratt and Whitney Canada. L’armée israélienne utilise aussi des hélicoptères produits à Mirabel au Québec par Bell Helocopter Textron Canada, une entreprise représentée dans la délégation récente du gouvernement conservateur en Israël.
CAE également, une entreprise de Montréal qui se spécialise dans les simulateurs de vol et les “systèmes opérationnels en temps-réel”, a securisé des contrats importants pour développer la technologie pour l’armée israélienne, visant à entrainer le personnel militaire à manœuvrer la “nouvelle génération d’appareil de combat”.
Alors que les bombes pleuvent du ciel au dessus de Gaza, pensons aux technologies d’entrainement au vol utilisées par les pilotes israéliens et qui sont fabriqués ici à Montréal par CAE.
Au-delà d’Israël, d’autres contrats liés à CAE incluent la production de systèmes de simulation de vol pour drones à destinations des Etats-Unis, contrat signé ces dernières années dans le cadre du projet unilatéral du gouvernement Obama pour ses guerres de drone qui de manière très claire sont totalement illégales en regard du droit international (NdT: dont tout le monde se fout en occident de manière évidente…).
L’entreprise Alphacasting Inc. basée dans la ville de St Laurent, fabrique “des équipement de précision pour l’aviation, des systèmes de vision nocturne, des radars, des fusils, des chars d’assaut, des missiles, et des drones” d’après leur propre site internet, entreprise pointée du doigt par la Coalition contre le Commerce des Armes. L’entreprise exporte directement vers Israël.
Toutes les corporations mentionnées ci-dessus sont étroitement liées avec la Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI), une organisation très importante au Canada représentant le production industrielle orientée vers l’armée et qui entretient des liens très étroits avec le régime d’apartheid israélien.
Au-delà des entreprises militaires le gouvernement canadien continue d’appronfondir ses liens avec Israël, un processus qui remonte au premiers accords de “libre échange”, signés avec Israël en 1997. Aussi vu dans le plus large et récent “accord de sécurité publique”, sous lequel Israël a nommé un attaché militaire à Ottawa pour la toute première fois, au travers duquel les agences israéliennes visent “à renforcer la coopération” entre les institutions étatiques israéliennes et la Gendarmerie Royale du Canada (GRC), les services de renseignement canadiens (CSIS et CBSA).
La collaboration du Canada avec l’apartheid israélien croît, processus qui lie maintenant des systèmes de la matrix sécuritaire entre les deux pays coloniaux. La délégation la plus importante cette dernière année en Israël sous la houlette de Harper formalise juste une collaboration de longue haleine, sécurisant juste la scène pour une réalité qui voit une complicité totale et sans retenue de Canada ainsi qu’un soutien avec la politique d’état d’Israël.
Bien que cette alliance politique soit maintenant exprimée sans détour et est de plus en plus reconnue, regardons maintenant comment ces relations intimes entre le Canada et Israël se transfèrent sur le terrain à Gaza.
Il y a certainement maintenant une grande partie de la technologie militaire produite au Canada qui est devenue une partie importante de la machine de guerre israélienne, machine impliquée dans la mort de plus de 100 Palestineins à Gaza ces derniers jours. Sur un plan diplomatique, un soutien total du Canada envers la violence d’état horrible d’Israël équivaut à plus d’espace de manœuvre politique pour Israël pour affirmer sa violence et son narratif colonial qui déshumanise et tente d’effacer la lutte légitime du peuple palestinien.
Dans les jours à venir, alors que les gens vont manifester dans les rues de bon nombre de villes au Canada en solidarité avec le peuple palestinien qui vit maintenant la réalité de l’apartheid israélien et sa violence militaire, attirons clairement l’attention sur la complicité manifeste du Canada dans ces crimes.
Renforcer la campagne mondiale du Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) ici au Canada est clairement prioritaire alors que l’évidence de la complicité est à nue. Il y a déjà un bon nombre de campagnes et d’initiatives qui sont en cours, soutenons et étendons ces efforts inspirés.
En regardant les images ignobles de la souffrance humaine sur le terrain à Gaza à l’heure où nous parlons, focalisons nos énergies et nos efforts pour rendre publiquement responsables certaine entreprises spécifiques canadiennes et ce gouvernement conservateur pour leurs liens étroits et directs avec les crimes de guerre qui sont maintenant perpétrés contre le peuple palestinien de Gaza.
Canada’s Tax-Deductible Support for Israel’s Crimes
Canada and Israel – Partners in Racial and Humanitarian Crimes
Supporting ‘terror tourism’ to Israel gets Canadian tax credits
Bombardements à Gaza : Le Canada et le Québec ont les mains sales
Man from Newfoundland wants Prime Minister Charged for Advocating Genocide against The Palestinians
Canada’s evangelical community stands with Israel
Canada backs imperialist aggression in Gaza and Ukraine
Harper blames victims for Israeli terrorism
Europe-Israel - Le Canada soutient activement Israel et s’oppose aux USA
Canadian ambassador tweets strong support for Israel Vivian Bercovici says her social media posts advocate nothing but Canada’s official policy on Israel’s conflict with Hamas
Harper's one-sided approach to Gaza is a betrayal of Canadian values
Canada gives Israel 'firm' support for Gaza attack
Both Canada's gutless "opposition" parties reluctant to take on Harper's one-sided, pro-Israel stance on Gaza crisis
Canada Has Sold Millions in Military-Grade Hardware to Israel
Rappel 2010: B'Nai Brith Canada (Frank Dimant) donne un A+ au gouvernement Harper pour son combat religieux contre les nazislamistes
B’nai Brith CEO to nominate Harper for Nobel Peace Prize
Bibi's Canadian shill: Harper's Nobel Peace Prize nomination slammed as 'outrageous'
Canada won’t accept Palestinian refugees displaced by controversial Israeli settlements: Immigration minister
Israel and its advocates have a new target in sight: Head of UN inquiry William Schabas
8 Things You Didn't Know About The U.N. War Crimes Commission
Israel furious as UN Human Rights Council unveils Gaza probe team
Netanyahu: Postpone Probe Into Attacks on UN Facilities in Gaza
Israel Bars Amnesty, Human Rights Watch Workers from Gaza
L'Occident témoigne sa compassion à… Israël
Egypt, Israel Agree to setup Buffer Zone on border with Gaza/Palestine
‘US paying for Israel’s systematic campaign of terror’
Most Americans Say US Gives Too Much Aid to Israel
Orthodox Jews - and all Jews - owe President Obama a big 'thank you'
juif.org - États-Unis : affront de l’administration Obama au ministre israélien de la Défense
Software finds Obama ‘unfriendly’ when talking about Israel, Palestinians Israeli researcher’s personality profiler, still in development, suggests president would prefer not to discuss subject; Hillary Clinton is game
Obama met la pression sur Israël Le président américain a déclaré qu'un cessez-le-feu "immédiat" était un "impératif stratégique", à Netanyahu.
Obama's wars on Israel Op-ed: Ban on flights to Israel was just another attempt by US administration to force Israel to accept difficult conditions in Gaza.
Le plus dangereux ennemi d’Israël : Obama
"J’ai, dès 2008, dit qui était Obama et ce qu’étaient ses sinistres projets. (...) Ce qui est publié sur le Proche Orient semble rédigé par une officine du Hamas ou de l’Autorité Palestinienne. Au bout de cinq minutes de reportages français sur Israël et Gaza, j’ai l’impression qu’on m’a pris pour un chien soumis à une expérience pavlovienne destinée à me faire sortir les crocs pour dévorer du Juif dès que je sors dans la rue. Le Premier Ministre d’un pays démocratique, Israël, est placé sur le même plan, en termes de légitimité et de crédibilité qu’une crapule corrompue et criminelle, aussi fiable et modérée que Joseph Goebbels en 1943."
Israel’s defense minister behind closed doors: Obama administration won’t last forever
U.S. accuses Bennett of distorting Kerry's words for political gain State Department hits back after Israeli ministers criticize state secretary for linking rise of Islamic State to Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
John Kerry de nouveau vivement critiqué en Israël
juif.org - Pour Kerry, la persistance du conflit entre Israël et l'AP nourrit le recrutement djihadiste de l'Etat Islamique'!!!.
Kerry's comments serving radical propaganda Op-ed: US secretary of state is caught in the post-colonialist conception which blames Israel for all the troubles of the world.
False links in the Middle East Op-ed: Netanyahu's Hamas-ISIS equation and Kerry's link between ISIS and Israeli-Palestinian conflict are both unfounded and only serve as a way to avoid dealing with the real challenges.
Pourtant Kerry a raison: si les musulmans du moyen-orient deviennent fanatiques contre nous c'est à cause de nos abus répétés qui les font souffrir depuis des décennies!
'Netanyahu a coward on Iran' Senior US officials tell the Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg of 'red-hot anger' towards Netanyahu.
'Chickenshit' in Hebrew Now that a White House official has been quoted calling Benjamin Netanyahu ‘chickenshit,’ we’re wondering how to translate the insult into Hebrew. Here’s one suggestion. Now that a White House official has been quoted calling Benjamin Netanyahu ‘chickenshit,’ we’re wondering how to translate the insult into Hebrew. Here’s one suggestion.
Haaretz - U.S. official says Netanyahu is ‘chickenshit PM’
Netanyahu's office hits back at U.S. official's 'chickenshit' jibe
US officials, Jewish Dems scramble for distance from ‘chickenshit’
Obama, Netanyahu's 'chickenshit' relationship The PM sparked unprecedented fury not for his defense of Israel, but for spitting in Obama’s eye.
Why is the Obama administration provoking Israel? by Alan Dershowitz (sioniste ultra, avocat pro-torture)
Chicken vs. Chickenshit Being called ‘chicken’ is one thing but ‘chickenshit’ is quite another. Philologos explains why Benjamin Netanyahu got so upset when the diplomatic stuff hit the fan.
Jewish Tribune - Obama administration official calls Netanyahu 'chickenshit'
“Chickenshit” Childishness Reveals Power of the Israel Lobby, says Professor Stephen Walt
Top Jewish leader calls on Obama to ‘name, apologize for and repudiate’ official who mocked Netanyahu
US officials in abusive attack on Benjamin Netanyahu
Netanyahu rejects U.S. criticism of Israel’s eastern Jerusalem housing plans
Netanyahu goes toe-to-toe with US, EU over criticism of Jerusalem construction
US disavows criticism of PM Obama administration tries to distance itself from derisive comments made by US officials.
Official who slurred Netanyahu should be 'held to account,' says major U.S. Jewish group
Amid crisis, Netanyahu's senior adviser to hold White House talks
Netanyahu insists he is 'under attack for defending Israel' after remarks from US official
"Le truc avec Bibi, c'est que c'est un dégonflé"
The crisis with Washington is here to stay The close security cooperation will continue, but America’s diplomatic defense of Israel at the UN and other international forums will not be immediate and obvious.
The “Chickenshit Crisis: A Tempest in a Teacup between Two Factions of Jewish Supremacists
Do Israelis think Netanyahu is ‘chickenshit’? Maybe, but they like him that way
"Chickenshit" Netanyahu - King of the Jews - Evokes JFK assassination - Psychopaths Rule
Remembering Rabin: The last of the non-chickenshits Yitzhak Rabin was murdered 19 years ago next week. In his death, he left us with people who are too afraid to decide.
On Rabin anniversary, warnings of a former extremist
As schools remember Rabin, too many kids focus on hatred Teachers who took part in school activities in memory of slain Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin say they feel helpless in the...
Washington Post urges Obama to ‘reset’ ties with PM after ‘chickenshit’ affair Editorial says previous US administrations knew ‘open rift with Israel’ could encourage ‘military adventurism’ by enemies like Iran
Bibi’s escalating rhetoric is a sign he’s losing it The prime minister is helpless in the face of the terror wave, the riots in Jerusalem and the impending deal between Iran and the West. All that's left for him to do is issue press statements.
“Chickenshit” Israeli PM Alienating Entire World
Netanyahou invite les Arabes israéliens à partir
juif.org - Netanyahou : "le feu de l'islam radical lèche nos frontières"
10 novembre 1975: « sionisme=racisme » (ONU). 10 novembre 2014: les Arabes israéliens qui « dénoncent » Israël sont « invités » à quitter le pays (Netanyahou)
La reconstruction de Gaza sapée par la corruption de l'ONU pour leux, le mal c'est l'Onu, l'Europe, la France, la gauche, les arabes et les musulmans. Pourquoi? Parce qu'ils sont pro-Palestiniens.
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: US under Israel’s deadly, pernicious influence
VIDEO - US officials nervous about Israel’s image as a gangster and bandit
Midterm elections: Jews facing off and other close races to watch A look at some key congressional races featuring Jewish candidates.(...) Carr’s interest in Israel, in particular, is something he shares with supporter Sheldon Adelson, whom the candidate describes as a “close personal friend.” Adelson has donated to the Carr campaign and hosted a fundraiser for him.
Why the U.S. and Israel are not getting along
US officially calls on Israel to reverse land appropriation
U.S. to Israel: Reverse 'deeply concerning' decision to appropriate West Bank land EU issues similar statement; Lieberman defends Israel's decision, says Israel's policy is to focus on settlement blocs.
Obama administration calls on Israel to reverse land appropriation
Netanyahu tells CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’ this ‘ethnic purification’ is ‘anti-peace’ after Washington condemns construction in Givat Hamatos
US: Criticism over settlements comes from 'situation on the ground'
Netanyahu: It's un-American to rebuke Israel over Jewish homes in Jerusalem
White House: ‘Odd’ of Netanyahu to call our stance on settlements ‘un-American’
U.S. officials score Netanyahu on ‘American values’ comment
Why Benjamin Netanyahu Is Wrong To Cite ‘American Values’ in Jerusalem Feud Premier's Not Being Racist — Just Blind to the World
Netanyahu’s 'un-American' stink bomb begs the question: What was he thinking?
White House fumes at PM’s 'American values' statement that echoes malicious rhetoric of birthers and other crazy Obama-haters.
By Chemi Shalev | Oct. 7, 2014 | 12:30 AM
You want to give Benjamin Netanyahu the benefit of the doubt. You prefer to assume that he knew not what he was doing, that he fell in love with his own wisecrack, as he is wont to do, and simply didn’t think things through. You want to believe that we have not reached the stage when the Israeli prime minister would wantonly detonate a stink bomb in an American president’s face, as if he couldn’t care less.
Nonetheless, you have to wonder. You can say a lot of things about Netanyahu: Stupid isn’t one of them. So how could have gone down the route of declaring White House criticism of his government’s moves in East Jerusalem “un-American”? How could he have ignored the multiple numerous alarm bells and whistles that should have warned him to think twice and even thrice before taking this road? How could he have exposed himself to the kind of withering reaction issued by the White House yesterday, summed it up in one loaded little word: “odd.”
In other words - what was he thinking?
It’s not only Netanyahu’s presumptuousness in appointing himself the arbiter of what “reflects American values” and what doesn’t. Just try to imagine the mortified mayhem that would break out if Obama had retorted that construction in East Jerusalem that could kill off the moribund peace process is “un-Jewish” or “un-Israeli” or runs to contrary to “Jewish values.” Israeli politicians would hit the roof, American Jewish leaders would plotz all over the place and Fox News would stop its regular programming in order to foam at the mouth and run John Bolton’s inevitable call for the president’s impeachment in an endless loop.
And it’s not only that anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of modern U.S. politics – or access to Google - would know that “un-American” is a concept uniquely associated in the American psyche with Senator Joseph McCarthy’s House Committee on un-American Activities (HUAC). That anyone trying to impugn a White House for “not reflecting American values” immediately aligns himself with the worst political muckrakers in American history. That the instinctive response to such an accusation is the immortal one hurled at McCarthy by U.S. Army counsel Joseph Nye Welch on June 9, 1954: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”
And we still haven’t gotten to the worst of it: How Obama is the one American president that no foreign leader should ever dare describe as “un-American.” That this is the malicious refrain of the cuckoo birthers and other crazy Obama-haters: That he was born in Kenya, and even if he wasn’t, that he is somehow alien, foreign, “un-American.” And that by stooping to such reprehensible rhetoric, Netanyahu may have burned whatever crumbling beams remained of his bridges, not only with the White House but with its senior staff as well.
And if you need to connect the dots, as they most certainly will in the president’s closest, most protective and possibly most paranoid surroundings, this the way it will go: That it is no coincidence that Netanyahu used the “un-American” analogy after hobnobbing so brazenly with Sheldon Adelson, arguably public enemy number one of the president’s Democratic Party. That this is the kind of crap, excuse me, that people who admire Adelson are wont to utter, when they think no one else is listening.
But Netanyahu was so oblivious that he didn’t keep his thoughts to himself or even to his closest surroundings. He felt the need to hit back for what may have indeed been a U.S. overreaction. First he told the Israeli media and then he repeated the odious comment for each and every Sunday morning talk show to hear. He didn’t mention Obama by name, but he nonetheless slammed the president as if he was a Tea Party brawler rather than the leader of a country with a “special relationship” with America.
Never mind that the claim itself is thoroughly ludicrous. Building in East Jerusalem or the occupation of Silwan apartments by fanatic settlers is a matter of “property rights”? Really? It has nothing to do with Israel’s stated objection of claiming Jerusalem all to itself and heading off any effort to divide it? How disingenuous can you get, without people bursting out in laughter?
The same kind of laughter that was heard in Washington when Netanyahu described his relations with Obama as those between “a couple.” A mutually homicidal couple, perhaps, like Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner in the 1989 black comedy War of the Roses, one veteran observer told me. And even if they were like a couple, he added, then Obama is in court right now, asking for a permanent restraining order.
Of course, relations between the two countries are still good, even great, at most official levels, though the dysfunction at the top cannot but radiate negatively to the lower echelons. You might think, as Netanyahu perhaps believes, that this is as good as it gets, given the substantive disagreements between the two countries. You might believe, as Netanyahu perhaps does, that Obama may soon turn into a lame duck anyway, if the Republicans take the Senate in the November elections.
Still, you have to wonder: Israel and the U.S. are fast approaching a watershed moment which would test their relations even if their two leaders were getting along famously. If Washington and Tehran reach a nuclear agreement, it will take Herculean efforts to avoid a real rupture between the two governments. In light of the overriding importance that Netanyahu ascribes to preventing a nuclear Iran, you have to ask yourself how he could find it appropriate, at this critical juncture, to score such cheap points at the American president’s expense.
Perhaps, as I’ve written before, the right answer can be found in the famous fable about the scorpion that stings the frog that is carrying him across the river, drowning them both. Asked why he would do such a thing, he replied: “It’s in my nature.”
Don't worry if you didn't hear Bibi's UN speech - it wasn't meant for you

The U.S. Dares to Criticize Israel
Israel First, America’s National Security Second In one of the United States Congress’ most recent displays of “Israel First” policy, 39 Representatives, all democrats, have requested that President Obama pardon Jonathan Pollard, an American convicted of spying for the State of Israel in 1987
Déclin du soutien à Israël parmi les Américains chrétiens évangélistes
Herzog : Netanyahu nuit à la crédibilité d'Israël dans le monde
Israel’s worst enemy is Netanyahu
Barack Obama a une stratégie par Guy Millière
Selon le néocon Guy Millière, cette mission est de détruire Israel et le monde unipolaire américain post-guerre froide!
juif.org - La femme de John Kerry finance de la propagande anti-israélienne
U.S.-Israel Relationship in Crisis as Washington Refuses to Meet with Netanyahu’s Defence Minister Ya’alon
U.S. publicly humiliates Israeli defense minister as visit ends
juif.org - USA : La construction israélienne à Jérusalem-Est « incompatible » avec la paix
Kerry urges PM to hold talks on ‘67 lines to block Palestinian UN bid The U.S. fears that once the Palestinian initiative gets rolling, it will snowball and end any hope of resuming peace talks in the coming years.
Retourner aux limites de 1967, Israel voit ça comme un 2e Holocauste!
Bennett: « Revenir aux frontières de 1967 serait un suicide national ! » Un second LOLocauste!!
US ‘gravely concerned’ about 15-year-old American held in Israeli jail
US fuming over Israeli criticism of Kerry The Obama administration pushed back strongly Monday at a torrent of Israeli criticism
U.S. military aid to Israel exceeds $100 billion Does suspension of missile deal mean trouble in relations with U.S., or is it just a tap on the wing?
Operation 'Protective Edge' Day 20 - In phone call with Netanyahu, Obama stresses need for 'immediate' Gaza cease-fire Obama told Netanyahu he wants a ceasefire "that both allows Palestinians in Gaza to lead normal lives and addresses Gaza’s long-term development and economic needs."
With jabs at Obama, CUFI lobbies for Iran sanctions, end to P.A. aid
Israeli officials blast Obama’s demand of ‘unconditional’ ceasefire
Obama gets tough with Netanyahu, for Gaza and/or for Kerry
Whether by coincidence or design, the readout of the Obama-Netanyahu call came minutes after a “senior U.S. official” had finished expressing the State Department’s fury over the “offensive” and “gratuitous” attacks on Kerry, including an editorial that accused him of “betrayal,” no less. Given Obama’s increasingly negative gut reaction to the civilian suffering in Gaza and what some U.S. officials are describing as “Israeli overkill”, it’s quite possible that his conversation with Netanyahu would have been exactly the same even if there had been no anti-Kerry campaign.
But one should never forget that that the most toxic and explosive catalyst of tension and even enmity between the White House and Jerusalem ever since Obama was first elected to office has been the recurring perception in Washington that the Netanyahu is in cahoots with Obama’s political enemies in America, that he uses them to shoot down unwanted Administration policies and then aids and abets them in return in their scorched earth campaigns against the president.
Jimmy Carter condamne Israël et appelle Washington à reconnaître Hamas
Recognize Hamas as legitimate ‘political actor’: Jimmy Carter
(JNS.org) – The United States and the European Union should recognize that the Hamas terrorist organization “is not just a military but also a political force,” former US president Jimmy Carter wrote in article published by Foreign Policy magazine last Tuesday.
“Hamas cannot be wished away, nor will it cooperate in its own demise. Only by recognizing its legitimacy as a political actor – one that represents a substantial portion of the Palestinian people – can the West begin to provide the right incentives for Hamas to lay down its weapons,” Carter stated in an opinion piece co-written with former Irish president Mary Robinson.
While the authors acknowledged Hamas’s “indiscriminate targetting” of Israelis, they focussed their criticism on Israel during the latest conflict.
“There is no humane or legal justification for the way the Israel Defence Forces are conducting this war,” they wrote. “Israeli bombs, missiles and artillery have pulverized large parts of Gaza, including thousands of homes, schools, and hospitals.”
Carter has been criticized by many in the Jewish community for his 2006 book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, which criticizes Israel’s presence in the West Bank. Carter has also been criticized for meeting with Hamas officials and calling for an end to the blockade of Gaza.
President Carter: Israel – Not Hamas – Is to Blame for War Says Failure to Recognize Hamas Is the Core Problem
Fear (of global anti-Semitism) and loathing (of Obama) in New York (Haine juive contre Obama, "pire président pour Israël")
And although there are as many opinions as Zabar’s has rugelach, two themes stood out: a disappointment with President Barack Obama’s handling of the situation, and a fear of the anti-Semitism being directed at Israel and Jews world-wide. “I’m a woman and I’m gay and you’d think I’d be an all-the-way Democrat. Well, I’m not. I’m a Republican. The Obama Administration sucks, and you can quote me on that. He’s afraid to do what needs to be done in Israel,” Lavine said. In Lavine’s opinion, the Obama administration should be more forceful in its defense of Israel. It should also do more to eradicate Hamas, she said, adding that the terror will spread if it doesn’t.(...) Reuven “Ben” Yossef falls into that 45 percent of Americans who disapprove. The Ashdod-born owner of the food truck “The Sandwich Factory” vented his anger between bites of a fresh falafel sandwich. “Everything we were afraid of about Obama is coming true,” said Yossef. “Obama is basically the worst president there ever has been for Israel.” Mark Seidenfeld, of New Rochelle, NY, shared a dim view of Obama’s handling of the crisis. Commuting daily to Manhattan gives Seidenfeld plenty of time to watch and think about the news. He supported Obama in the past, but is now “incredibly frustrated that the US has not come out more strongly against Hamas. I understand the political realities of having to deal with all the players in the Middle East, but there doesn’t seem to be a clear vision.”(...) Aside from frustration with the Obama Administration, the increased anti-Semitism worldwide weighs heavily on many New Yorkers.(...) In addition, there have been several pro-Palestinian protests in the city in recent weeks. Expat Israeli Yossef said he has no use for those who say they are simply protesting Israel’s policies. He said these protests are about anti-Semitism. “They hate Jews. The world likes to hate us,” Yossef said. “Why aren’t they protesting the killing in Iraq? Why aren’t they out there yelling about Syria?” Another New Yorker keeping close tabs on the situation is Gabriel Kohanim. The young businessman moved here from Italy a few years ago. “Europe for the moment is quite a bit mess for Jews,” Kohanim said while walking to work in the Flatiron. “There is a huge difference here. New York Jews are lucky, they don’t have to be so neutral.”
Take Action: Obama Freezes Missile Delivery to Israel
Senior Obama Administration Official: “It’s Not OK Anymore”
**an email from US Campaign To End the Occupation:
Breaking news!According to an article in today’s Wall Street Journal, the Obama administration has placed a hold on the transfer to Israel of Hellfire missiles, which have been fired by the Israeli air force at Palestinians in the Gaza Strip from its US-supplied fleet of Apache and Cobra helicopter gunships during Israel’s current attack.
On top of that, the paper reports that all US weapons transfers to Israel will be scrutinized at “the highest levels” from now on. According to a senior Obama administration official, this decision amounts to “the United States saying ‘The buck stops here. Wait a second…It’s not OK anymore.’”
This is the first time that we know of that the Obama administration has ever taken any action to curtail US weapons deliveries to Israel.
The Obama administration is going to come under immense pressure from the Israel lobby to reverse these decisions, so we need your help today. Please pick up the phone right now and call the White House at 202-456-1111 to thank the Obama administration for freezing the delivery of Hellfire missiles to Israel and scrutinizing future weapons transfers.
US officially calls on Israel to reverse land appropriation
EU releases statement slamming Israel for choosing "this delicate moment" to make announcement, says it won't recognize "any changes to pre-1967 borders."
Obama administration calls on Israel to reverse land appropriation
'US speaks out against Israel's decision to expand state land in West Bank'
'EU threatens Israel with total ban of poultry unless it marks products from settlements'
Rick Santorum: Israel Knows US Is Not A Friend
Santorum blames US for the massive drop in tourism in Israel
Barack Obama secret meeting considers sanctions to deter West Bank settlement construction
How U.S. Support of Israel Undermines the U.S.
Minister: Expand settlements to absorb French immigrants
La politique d'Israël fut 87 fois "inacceptable" en 2014
US finds Israel fourth most ‘unacceptable’ country
VIDEO - Israel is America’s ‘most dangerous enemy’
New Snowden NSA Leak Reveals Extent of Zio-Occupied America’s Slavery to Israel
La NSA transférerait des données confidentielles à Israël
En passant, dans Monsanto, il y a NSA... Le hasard fait bien les choses.
Pour Snowden, la coopération entre Israël et les Etats-Unis était trop importante
‘NSA shared information about Arab-Americans with Israel’
New Israeli Spy Scandal Reveals Disgusting Nature of Zio-Fanatics—And America’s Subservience to Them
Israeli spies rebel over mass-snooping on innocent Palestinians
Israel spied on Kerry during failed peace talks
Israël a mis John Kerry sur écoute
VIDEO - Espionnage de John Kerry : Quand l’ancien ambassadeur israélien "n’entend pas" la question Interviewé par une journaliste américaine, Michael Oren, ancien ambassadeur israélien auprès des États-Unis, n’a "pas entendu" la question portant sur de possibles écoutes israéliennes sur John Kerry.
Former Israeli ambassador Michael Oren dropped as CNN ‘analyst’
When CNN host Wolf Blitzer had Oren on to discuss the killings, the former ambassador and CNN analyst questioned whether the Palestinian teens were really dead. Oren said “we don’t know” for “certain” whether the two boys were killed and said: The many, many inconsistencies, you see two young people who were supposedly shot, one to the chest, one through the back but they both fall in the same way. They fall forward which is inconsistent with what we know about combat deaths.. The way the bodies fall, the fact that there’s no blood, someone who was hit in the back and a bullet has an exit wound, there is a tremendous amount of bleeding. There’s no bleeding in the picture. There are many, many inconsistencies. And as Phil Weiss reported here, in July, Oren appeared on Erin Burnett’s show on CNN to discuss whether the network’s coverage of civilian casualties in Gaza was fair. “What Hamas does want to do is drag Israel into a conflict in Gaza to get Israel to kill large numbers of Palestinian civilians,” Oren said. “Journalists quite naturally will want to capture those images. The images are tragic, they are lurid, but they also make headlines.”
C'est clairement mot à mot la position d'Israel (Netanyahou).
Kerry-Netanyahu call abruptly terminated Prime minister, secretary of state spoke on Sunday, but the conversation was ended due to 'communications issue' according to State Department; Kerry not planning to attend Cairo talks
Obama presses Netanyahu: It is imperative to reach immediate humanitarian cease-fire
Senior U.S. official: Israeli criticism of Kerry was 'extremely offensive.'
Meanwhile, a senior U.S. official responded on Sunday to criticism leveled by senior Israeli government officials in recent days against Secretary of State John Kerry's cease-fire proposal.
Speaking in a conference call with Israeli journalists, the official said that "some of the reports contained overheated assertions that mischaracterized Kerry's work and motivations. The criticism was extremely offensive. Mainly the charges that he betrayed our closest ally in the region – Israel."
Netanyahu Dines With Crime Boss Adelson, Jews ‘Outraged’ Over Menu Items
Obama's real problem with Netanyahu
The White House views Netanyahu as a foot soldier in the service of the extreme-right branch of the Republican Party. They long ago came to the conclusion that Sheldon Adelson - the casino magnate who blew $100 million on his efforts to oust Obama - does not work for Netanyahu, but rather Netanyahu works for Adelson. (...) The problem is that Netanyahu has become a domestic political enemy of the president and his party. This is a misstep of historical proportions, as it places Israel outside of the American consensus for the first time since the 1950s. This is also a problem in practical terms. Supposing the Democrats hold on to Senate control - the White House will remember where the Israeli government had positioned itself in this battle. Supposing the Democrats cede control of the Senate – the president would lose his grip on domestic issues, and focus on foreign affairs, as many of his predecessors have done. Thus Israel would meet Obama again, this time as wounded president. After all, it has happened to us in the past, with a certain Jimmy Carter.
Right After Netanyahu’s Visit, White House Slams Israel’s Plan for New Jerusalem Construction
Netanyahu slams White House on settlements criticism
Nouvelle installation de colons juifs à Jérusalem-Est
Israël accélère la colonisation à Jérusalem-Est
East Jerusalem construction to continue: Netanyahu
Livni: Netanyahu settlement policies harm Israeli security In wake of ‘chickenshit’ row, justice minister says PM must act more responsibly given lack of a peace process
Israël: 105 ex-généraux, espions et policiers appellent Netanyahu à rechercher la paix
Perilous game in Jerusalem Op-ed: Gov't must distinguish between Jewish 'outposts' and legitimate building projects.
Israel demolishes two homes in flashpoint Arab East Jerusalem district
Israeli Plan for Jerusalem Settlements Strains U.S., Europe Ties
Israel’s Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer: “When the people of Israel are in the Land of Israel, we’re not occupiers. We are home.”
Israeli FM Lapid says he won’t help fund settlements
Israel to Seize Over 3,000 Acres From West Bank Palestinians
Israel’s Threat Scenario: “One-State Solution” for Israel – Palestine, Proposed Annexation of Over 60 % of West Bank
VIDEO - PRESSTV: Tel Aviv set to build 200 new settler units in al-Quds
US ‘deeply concerned’ at new E. Jerusalem housing plan
US again slams Israel for advancing housing plans in Jerusalem
Joe Biden slams Israel for expansion of settlement projects
Michelle ‘Bat-s#@t’ Bachmann cares about Israel FIRST
Netanyahu is exposing his nationalist face to the public "nationaliste"? Le mot est faible!
Netanyahu Is a National Security Risk – And Washington Knows It
Netanyahu Claim to Jerusalem As “Capital City of Israel” Rejected by United Nations Excellent.
Netanyahou veut renforcer le caractère "juif" d’Israël
Netanyahou ordonne la démolition immédiate des maisons des terroristes
Israel rejects EU states’ appeal over razing militant homes
Leaked EU document: Sanctions against Israel under consideration
First Relief, Then Tracing the Roots of Bloody Har Nof Attack Fingers of Blame Point to Leaders on Both Sides of Green Line What’s happened in the last month is that even the fellow hardliners he’s counted on to back him up in these spats — figures like Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon and even hard-core loyalist Shin Bet director Yoram Cohen — are calling him out. In rapid succession they’ve stood up and publicly declared that if anyone is inciting violence, it’s the far-right faction in Netanyahu’s own coalition. They’re talking about a parade of right-wing Knesset members and cabinet ministers who’ve been staging provocative visits to the Temple Mount this fall, aimed at pressing the demand for Jewish prayer rights. They point, too, to a bill introduced in the Knesset by hardliners that would formalize Jewish prayer rights on the mount — and very likely incite a wave of Muslim violence throughout the Middle East. Netanyahu opposes the bill and vows to preserve the status quo on the mount. He calls Abbas’s warnings of change in the status quo “blood libel.” But the moves are afoot. True, Bibi vows to oppose them, and he half-heartedly condemns the rightists’ mount visits. Still, calling Abbas’s fears libelous is a bit much. That, at least, is how the intelligence community sees it.
Netanyahu betrays Jerusalem Op-ed: By demolishing terrorists’ homes, PM conceding that E. J'lem is part of West Bank.
Ça commence à être profond comme délire...
Israel Faces Sanctions from EU as Netanyahu Seen as the Messiah Who Never Was
Netanyahu hopes 'PR porn' will win support abroad Instead of accusing the international media of supporting terrorism, perhaps it would behoove the government to examine themselves first.
Social media campaign to protest prejudicial headlines and coverage of Israel especially in light of the treatment given to the recent barbaric attack on Jews at prayer in Har Nof.
Le complot des médias antijuifs? MEGA-LOL
Western media organizations rushed to downplay the culpability of the Palestinian terrorists in the attack.
Parce que les médias sont antijuifs? MDR!
Désinformation du Monde et du Courrier international sur Israël médias antijuifs? LOL
La Foreign Press Association accusée de soutenir le terrorisme (Même délire, en français)
juif.org - Propagande ordinaire sur TV5 Les juifs trouvent que les médias sont trop gentils et compatissants envers les terroristes... Délire profond.
Netanyahu accuses media of ‘huge’ campaign against him Ça me rappelle: Netanyahou accuse le New York Times et Haaretz de donner le ton de la campagne anti-Israël à travers le monde
Netanyahu accuse les médias de faire campagne contre lui
juif.org - Comment les médias français relaient l'antisémitisme palestinien
juif.org - L'AFP en mission commandée jette avec succès toutes ses forces dans la guerre de l'information et de l'image contre Israël
Al-Aqsa Mosque ‘Will be Replaced by Jewish Temple’ Claims Housing Minister Uri Ariel
The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Multiplication of Western Walls by James Petras
EU mulling envoy recall if settlement activity continues
Lieberman to EU: Sanctions plan won't bring peace FM responds to Haaretz report that EU had secretly drafted sanctions to impose if Israel made two-state solution, creation of Palestinian state impossible.
Israël refuse toute limitation à la colonisation à Jérusalem-Est
Liberman: 'We will never stop building in Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem'
Israel will 'never' limit settlement building in East Jerusalem – Israeli FM
RE/MAX cashes in on Israel’s illegal settlements
Israël approuve la construction de 380 logements de colons à Jérusalem-Est
L’occupation confisque une mosquée à Jérusalem dans le cadre de la judaïsation
Israel to step up demolition of Palestinian homes
Settlers throw stones at U.S. consulate convoy in West Bank American convoy arrived at Palestinian village following complaints that settlers destroyed olive grove; upon arrival, settlers blocked vehicles, at which point an American security guard reportedly drew his weapon.
Settlers clash with US consulate security near West Bank outpost
Jewish Settler terrorists throw stones at US Consulate staff in West Bank
Israeli settlers attack US consulate convoy in the West Bank (Updated)
Des colons s’en prennent à des diplomates américains Le convoi dépêché en territoire occupé a reçu des pierres, qui n’ont fait aucun blessé
US ‘deeply concerned’ by settler attack on consulate staff
Liberman: European parliaments lying like ‘Protocols’
Israel's crazed assault on Gaza was 2014's single most haunting and revolting event
Israeli settlers stone U.S. diplomatic cars: police
Israel attacks US By Staff Writers, Al Jazeera
juif.org - Obamisation, le personnel de sécurité de l'ambassade US en Israël dégaine ses M-16 contre les soi-disant colons Est-ce la faute à Obama si le consulat américain doit se défendre contre les attaques des colons israéliens?
Israeli settlers attack Palestinians south of Jenin
Israeli forces shoot 3 Palestinian shepherds near Nablus
Palestinians: Settlers torched West Bank home
Les colons attaquent les palestiniens dans les différentes régions de Jénine
La police israélienne: les deux cadavres retrouvés brûlés sont à deux frères arabes d’Afula
U.S. lawmakers introduce resolutions backing Israel’s genocide in Gaza
Ex-NYC mayor Bloomberg to fly to Tel Aviv in solidarity with Israel, despite U.S. flights ban
IDF distributed Gaza destruction photos to motivate reservists – report
Pourquoi appeler les Palestiniens à la "retenue" est une façon d'ignorer la brutalité de l'occupation et de la colonisation d'Israël
Colonisation : comment Israël tente de détourner l’attention
Israeli Policies Towards the Palestinians Mirror Regimes of Apartheid in South Africa and Jim Crow in the U.S.
Gidéon Levy: Jérusalem, capitale de l’apartheid, attend l’insurrection
Israël : nettoyage ethnique par tous les moyens
Under Israeli Apartheid, Palestinians Cannot Ride Israeli Buses
À Jérusalem, les chauffeurs de bus palestiniens roulent la peur au ventre
L’extrême droite expansionniste en force en Israël
Israel’s message to the Palestinians: Submit, leave or die
Israeli Interior Minister: “The Goal of the Operation Is to Send Gaza Back to the Middle Ages”, “Destroying All the Infrastructure Including Roads and Water”
Israel deploys dehumanizing rhetoric to justify mass assault on Palestinians
“Blood Diamonds” Financing War Crimes in Gaza. President of London Diamond Bourse: “We Must ‘Finish the Job’”
Column: This time, let Israel finish job
« Tout nettoyer, une fois pour toutes » : les mots révélateurs de Meyer Habib sur Gaza
VIDEO - Israël: Netanyahu prédit des attentats en France
Des menaces à peine voilées, exactement comme ils ont fait après les attentats de l'AMIA en Argentine.
Nicolas Sarkozy rencontre coup sur coup BHL et Meyer Habib
Sur Israël, Valls dit des choses que Sarkozy n’a jamais osé dire. Entretien avec Gilles-William Goldnadel
VIDEO - Goldnadel explose: la violence antisémite "est le fruit de l'islamisme. Tout le reste c'est du bruit."
Israeli president: We are not at war with Islam MDR
Le frère de Julien Dray (PS) est le chef du Betar
Appel au meurtre de masse Jacques Kupfer : "Nous devons raser Gaza"
Deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset pens a terrifying op-ed in Israel National News explicitly calling for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

Just one more example as to why the Gentile world cannot deal rationally with the Jewish problem.
PRESSTV - Mothers of all Palestinians must be killed: Israeli MP
Rising star of Israeli politics call for genocide of Palestinians
VIDEO - Israeli Lawmaker calls for Palestinian Genocide by Ryan Dawson

ER | Ayelet Shaked, parlementaire israélienne, appelle au meurtre de mères palestiniennes
« Derrière chaque terroriste se tiennent des dizaines d’hommes et de femmes, sans lesquels il ne pourrait pas s’engager dans le terrorisme. Ce sont tous des combattants ennemis, et leur sang devrait être sur leurs têtes [their blood shall be on all their heads]. Cela inclut également les mères des martyrs, qui les ont envoyés en enfer avec des fleurs et des baisers. Elles devraient suivre leurs fils, rien ne serait plus juste. Elles devraient partir, ainsi que les maisons dans lesquelles elles ont élevé les serpents. Sinon, davantage de serpents y seront élevés. »
« Une Israélienne a déclaré que les mères devaient être tuées aussi. Et elle est membre du Parlement israélien. Quelle différence entre cette mentalité et celle d’Hitler ? »
Une parlementaire israélienne affirme que « La mère de chaque Palestinien doit être tuée »
Une politicienne et parlementaire israélienne bien connue a qualifié les Palestiniens dans leur ensemble de « terroristes », allant jusqu'à affirmer que les mères des Palestiniens devraient également être tuées au cours de l'offensive israélienne dans la bande de Gaza assiégée.
Elles doivent mourir, et leurs maisons doivent être détruites de telle sorte qu'elles ne puissent plus abriter de terroristes », a-t-elle affirmé, en ajoutant : « Elles sont toutes des ennemies, et leur sang devrait être sur nos mains. C'est aussi valable pour les mères des terroristes morts.
They Aren’t Hiding It Anymore: Calls for Genocide, Rape of Palestinian Women enter Israeli Mainstream
Terrifying Tweets of Pre-Army Israeli Teens
Israeli Lawmaker Calls for Genocide of Palestinians…Gets 5,000 Facebook Likes
Israeli attitudes towards Gaza on display at Facebook
In Israel, a 'zero tolerance' policy on hate crimes just isn't enough How has it come to pass that attacks on institutions that work towards Arab-Jewish coexistence are considered a matter of course?
Joan Rivers: ‘Palestinians deserve to be dead’
VIDEO - Israeli army uses Gaza children as human shields
Lieberman: Only full occupation of Gaza will stop rockets
UN official warns of ‘an expansion’ of violence in Israel
Un palestinien tué par pendaison par les colons à Jérusalem
Israeli settlers execute Palestinian bus driver
Bibi's 'Vengeance' Tweets In moments of crisis, leaders should speak carefully to avoid inflaming the public. Gal Beckerman asks if Benjamin Netanyahu failed that test by Tweeting calls for ‘vengeance.’
Israeli Facebook campaign calls for ‘vengeance’ against Arabs
Ce dont les adeptes de la "vengeance" sont capables...
VIDEO - Peuple élu ou peuple vengeur ?
Un député français prône la « valeur juive de la vengeance »

Education Ministry plans teaching children to be 'Jewish fighters’ 'Must the Bible be our guide?’ teachers ask in face of lesson plan that cites eulogy that calls for 'Jewish fighters’ like Joshua.
“Israeli” kids bless IDF tank: “Go with God and kill lots of Arabs for us”

VIDEO - Wailing For War at the Western Wall "Muhammad is Dead! I killed him!" "Fuck the Arabs! Fuck Muhammad!"
Young Israeli Jews at Western Wall call for ‘another war and another war and another war and another war’
"Gaza is a graveyard," sing joyful Israeli youths
VIDEO - « Gaza est un cimetière, il n’y a plus d’enfants » chante joyeusement la jeunesse israélienne
Bloodsport: Israelis Gather, Watch, Cheer, Celebrate Over 1,200 Dead in Gaza
VIDEO - Des israéliens chantent: "Il n'y aura pas d'école demain, on a tué tous les enfants"
Gentile-Hating and Popular Chief Rabbi of Judea and Samaria Urges Killing of Gaza Civilians
Israeli rabbi says killing civilians in Gaza is allowed
Israeli rabbi: It’s okay to kill innocent civilians and destroy Gaza
Définition du combattant et précisions utiles sur les boucliers humains par le rabbin David-Seth Kirshner
Elimination des 2 Palestiniens accusés du meurtre des 3 adolescents
Les familles et la classe politique saluent l’élimination des meurtriers des adolescents
Israeli assassination closes the chapter on the story of the three settlers
Palestinians, settlers clash As Palestinians and settlers hurl rocks at each other in Huwara, riots in Kafr Kanna continue.
VIDEO - Israeli soldiers celebrate shooting an 18-year-old Palestinian
Soldiers rapped for celebrating after shooting Palestinian
Army rabbi exhorted “God’s army” before they massacred Palestinians in Shujaiya
Lest We Forget–How to kill Goyim and influence people
Comment tuer les Goyim et influencer l'opinion publique
Lest We Forget–Inside Torat Hamelech, the Jewish extremist terror tract endorsed by state-employed rabbis
VIDEO - If you voted for Hamas, Israel has a right to kill you, says president of NY Board of Rabbis
Rabbin sioniste : Nous menons une guerre religieuse contre le Hamas
Israel has the right to completely destroy Gaza, Rabbi says…
Rabid, Pro-Israel Hawk: “Shut Down Mosques, Deport Imams”
Knesset member: Retake Gaza, put civilians in ‘tent camps’
Israeli Knesset deputy speaker Moshe Feiglin calls for the “annihilation” of the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip
The Mask Drops from Jewish Supremacist Hatred: Gaza must be “Concentration Camp”

Reprint of Yochanan Gordon’s “When Genocide is Permissible” (Updated)
by Yochanan Gordon Times of Israel, August 1, 2014
Times of Israel, 5 Towns paper, remove posting pondering genocide in Gaza
4 Things About 'Genocide' Blunder A Times of Israel blogger suggested Israel could be justified in carrying out genocide. Jane Eisner offers four lessons about the controversy — and what it says about the media today.
A refreshingly open call for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from an Israeli deputy speaker
En matière de vengeance, les Israéliens sont champions
Cultures of Hate: Israelis, not Palestinians, Excel at Vengeance
Israelis have the upper hand when it comes to vengeance
Israeli Soldier Leaks Accounts of Revenge Attacks Against Civilians by Troops in Gaza
Palestinian youths ‘executed’ in Gaza town by IDF assassins
Israeli settler 'shoots at Palestinians' in East Jerusalem
IDF Thugs Shoot 10-Year-Old For ‘Loitering’
Jewish Settler Runs Over 2 Palestinian Children, Killing 1
Palestinian girl dies after being hit by settler driver
When Cars Become Weapons: Settlers Deliberately Wound and Even Kill by Hit and Run Attacks
Train driver calls on every Israeli to “run over” an Arab
Nouvel attentat en voiture à Jérusalem. Un terroriste a renversé plusieurs piétons. Au moins un mort et 10 blessés. Le Hamas appelle à une intensification du terrorisme. Le terroriste a été tué par la police israélienne immédiatement après (dernière photo). Le terroriste qui a effectué cet attentat est un des mille meurtriers que nous avons libéré pour récupérer Gilad Shalit.
Another Palestinian Hit by Israeli Settler Car
Jerusalem mayor: ‘Aggressive force’ only way to end wave of violence
Jerusalem brothers indicted for beating Arab workers Three suspects accused of racially motivated aggravated assault after chasing two men with iron rods
Des extrémistes juifs sont derrière l'attaque contre l'école bilingue à Jérusalem
Shin Bet: Anti-Arab activists admit to J’lem school arson
Three far-right activists admit to burning Jewish-Arab Jerusalem school
In Jerusalem, nationalistic violence (judaic religious nutjobbery) claims more Arab victims
DOES THE NEW ISRAELI PRESIDENT ACTUALLY HAVE A SOUL? Certains ont compris qu'ils ne pourront pas continuer à nier l'évidence éternellement, surtout que pratiquement tout le monde est rendu au courant.
Reuven Rivlin : "Israël est une société malade" Traduction ER.
President Rivlin: Time to admit that Israel is a sick society that needs treatment
Israeli society sick with violence – country’s president
Je ne vous le fais pas dire.
Israel’s one-state president – and lone voice against anti-Arab racism Contradictory? President Rivlin, a right-winger who opposes Palestinian statehood, is also Israel’s only major outspoken political campaigner for Jewish-Arab tolerance.
Even the Israeli president says Israel is 'sick' and has forgotten how to be human
ER Aquitaine | Israël : un État multiconfessionnel pour en finir avec le sionisme et l’antisionisme primaires
Israeli right-wingers launch campaign of incitement against Rivlin
Ya'alon comes to Rivlin's defense over president's conciliatory approach toward Israel's Arabs
Rabin’s daughter condemns incitement directed at Rivlin On 19th anniversary of assassination, as doctored photo circulates of president wearing keffiyeh, Dalia Rabin calls on Netanyahu government to wake up
Expel Palestinians, Populate Gaza with Jews, Says Knesset Deputy Speaker
Jewish Colonialism At Work: Palestinian Christians And The Zionist Attempt To Destroy Their Arab Identity

Rape in the practice and the culture of Israeli settler colonialism
Universitaire israélien: violer des femmes palestiniennes découragerait les attentats
Israeli Professor Suggests Rape as ‘Terror Deterrent’
Jewish Supremacist Professor Demands Rape as “Terror Deterrent”
Right-wing professor: Raping Arab women is ‘the only thing that deters suicide bombers’
Israeli government promotes rape advocate as expert on Palestinians
Israeli Professor Suggests Rape as 'Terror Deterrent'
Mordechai Kedar: Sex Assault on Relatives Will Stop Attacks
By Ori Kashti • July 22, 2014

L'ancien testament appliqué à la lettre en situation de guerre: "tuez tout ce qui respire!"

‘Anyone You See, You Shoot’: Israeli Soldiers Recall the 2014 Gaza War
Gaza Breaking the Silence:’We Got Shoot-And-Kill Anyone in Vicinity Orders’
Immoral: quand des soldats de Tsahal racontent les coulisses de l’offensive à Gaza
NouvelObs - "Je voulais vraiment, vraiment lui tirer dans les genoux"
Lemonde.fr - La dérive morale de l’armée israélienne à Gaza
Lemonde.fr - Israël a une vision singulière du droit de la guerre
Lemonde.fr - A Chajaya, « ils ont anéanti 90 % des maisons »
Lemonde.fr - « J’ai visé des cibles civiles, parfois juste pour le plaisir »
LIBERATION.FR - Des soldats israéliens dénoncent les abus de Tsahal à Gaza
Israeli Soldiers Describe How They "Shot Innocent Civilians Because They Were Bored"
Israeli Troops Ordered to Kill Civilians on Sight During Gaza Invasion
Israeli veterans say ‘lax’ rules of engagement led to destruction in Gaza
Gaza: Israël a « ciblé directement » des enfants lors d’attaques de drones
IDF rules of engagement during massacre in Gaza–‘Shoot at everyone you see’
In Gaza, IDF assumed everyone was a terrorist
Israeli soldiers ‘deliberately fired’ at civilians during Gaza war – NGO
Israeli Soldiers Ordered to Kill Civilians in Gaza, Says “Breaking the Silence”
Abus sur mineurs commis par Israël : l’ambassadeur palestinien aux Nations-Unies demande justice
Des soldats israéliens témoignent sur les massacres d’innocents à Gaza
Les témoignages glaçants de soldats israéliens sur la guerre à Gaza
'Fire at every person you see': Israeli soldiers reveal they were ordered to shoot civilians in Gaza war
'ICC could prosecute low-ranking IDF soldiers' Fatou Bensouda, prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, tells Haaretz that both low-ranking Israelis, as well as Palestinians, are not immune from investigation into war crimes.
ICC rejects Israel's claims of bias in war crimes investigation
Israel inflicted massive harm on Palestinians during 2014 war: Report
Israeli Commander: Civilian Toll Will Be Even Higher in Next Gaza War
VIDEO - Journalist attacked by ‘angry Israeli’ during live report on Gaza (VIDEO)
Israelis pictured eating POPCORN and clapping as they watch deadly bombardment of Gaza

Israelis Watch Bombs Drop on Gaza From Front-Row Seats P-S-Y-C-H-O-P-A-T-H-S
Des Israéliens « admirent » les bombardements de Gaza comme au cinéma

Far-right Israelis celebrate Gaza kids’ deaths
Bombing of Gaza children gives me “orgasm”: Israelis celebrate slaughter on Facebook
Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza

'World's Most Moral Army' Souvenir T-Shirt

En Israël, critiquer la guerre, c'est risquer menaces et intimidations En Israël, l'opposition à la guerre à Gaza est quasi-inaudible. Les rares militants du "camp de la paix" qui ont osé s'exprimer ont été stigmatisés, harcelés, intimidés et parfois même licenciés.
Gaza : Haaretz dénonce « une chasse aux sorcières »
Haaretz newspaper: Antiwar dissidents face a ‘witch hunt’ in Israel (AFP)
Thousands of left-wing protesters stage Tel Aviv rally
Netanyahu orders crackdown on Arab-Israeli protesters in eastern Jerusalem
Ex-top judge: Arab, Jewish extremists dragging Israel into racist abyss
PERMIS DE TUER ET DE DÉTRUIRE. Israël demande à 100 000 personnes d’évacuer leurs maisons
Gaza Slaughter: Jewish Supremacist “Tap on Roof Warning” Lies Exposed
VIDEO - Terror in Gaza: 57 Seconds After ‘Warning,’ Israel Destroys Home
VIDEO - Media Bias for Israel Masks Israeli Aggression against Palestinians interview with Max Blumenthal by Abbie Martin for RT
VIDEO - Two Jewish Voices Fiercely Debate Gaza Siege | Max Blumenthal vs. ZOA’s Morton Klein
New York or Jerusalem Times? Newspaper admits to censoring stories on Israel
Jewish Groups’ Whitewash of Israeli Racism Ensures It Will Fester
VIDEO - Une journaliste américaine parle de Gaza et fustige les médias occidentaux
Richard Silverstein: Director of Israeli Aerospace Institute Conducts Campaign Disabling My Facebook Account
VIDEO - Ben Stein to discuss his column for American Spectator, "Media Anti-Semitism on the March"
Les idées préconçues anti-israéliennes de Charles Enderlin Ils le lâcheront jamais ce Enderlin... Depuis l'Affaire Al-Dura ils l'ont pas lâché.
Photographed punching an Arab woman? Sue the photographer
Media hypocrisy on Israel Op-ed: So-called prestigious newspapers Guardian and NYT give platform to every nonsensical item about racism in Israel.
Massmedias antisémites? Faites-moi pas rire!
Michèle Sibony (Union Juive Française pour la Paix) démonte la propagande sioniste sur LCI
VIDEO - Why Doesn't the Media Care About Dead Palestinians?
VIDEO - Do Palestinians in Gaza have the Right to Defend themselves against Israeli Aggression?
« Plus il y a de morts, moins les occidentaux sont compatissants avec Israël »
Des psychopathes israéliens essaient tant bien que mal de comprendre les sentiments humains. Ils commencent à peine à comprendre que leur réputation en souffre lorsqu'ils tuent des innocents sans raison!
What Would George Orwell Say About Gaza War?
Israel: ‘We felt like we'd landed in North Korea’
Jewish Supremacist Media Control Reveals its Hand in Coverage of Latest Israeli Violence
VIDEO - Diane Sawyer Misrepresents Footage of Palestinian Bombing Victims as Israelis
VIDEO - ABC Manipulates Truth to Fit Pro-Israel Bias

Palestine : ce que les médias ne vous montrent pas
Yet another bombing of Gaza (through the eyes of a neo-con loon)
'Israel under renewed Hamas attack', says the BBC. More balance is needed

MSNBC Contributor Accuses Network Of 'Biased' Coverage Toward Israel
'Witch Hunt': Fired MSNBC Contributor Speaks Out on Suppression of Israel-Palestine Debate
CNN forced to film Israelis cheer Gaza strike
CNN rapatrie sa correspondante en Israël Diana Magnay qui a traité les habitants du Sud de rebut d’humanité
Le sioniste Jacques Kupfer veut faire raser Gaza sous les bombes !
Jacques Kupfer est membre de l’Organisation sioniste mondiale et du Bétar et co-président du Likoud Mondial. Le 15 Juillet dernier, invoquant les exemples d'Hiroshima et de Dresde, il a produit ce texte qui appelle au massacre des 1.7 millions de palestiniens vivants dans la bande de Gaza. Rien que ça !
Le vice président de la Knesset demande de couper l’électricté aux malades dialysés de Gaza !
« Le sang des patients dialysés à Gaza n’est pas plus rouge que celui de nos soldats qui vont, à Dieu ne plaise, devoir entrer [à Gaza], » a déclaré Moshe Feiglin, le vice-président du parlement isrélien mercredi.http://mounadil.wordpress.com/2014/07/12/a-cote-des-amis-de-francois-hollande-les-nazis-etaient-des-enfants-de-choeur-lisez-plutot/
« J’en appelle donc au premier ministre que nous soutenons tous e, cette heure difficile, avant d’envoyer les soldats de l’armée israélienne à Gaza, nous devrions tout simplement leur couper l’électricité, » a-t-il ajouté.
Feiglin a fait ce plaidoyer en faveur de crimes de guerre – qu’on peut entendre sur la vidéo ci-dessus – pendant une session dont il a expulsé trois députés palestiniens pour avoir critiqué le bombardement à grande échelle de Gaza par Israël, qui a coûté la vie à plus d’une centaine de Palestiniens depuis lundi.
Membre du Likoud, le parti du premier ministre israélien, Feiglin milite depuis longtemps dans des organisations juives extrémistes qui veulent remplacer la mosquée al Aqasa à Jérusalem occupée ppar un « troisième Temple » juif.
Pour une députée israelienne, les méres de tous les palestiniens doivent mourir !
Ayelet Shaked représente le Foyer Juif, un parti d’extrême droite à la Knesset. Lundi dernier, elle écrivit ceci sur sa page facebook :
« Derrière chaque terroriste se tient des douzaines d’hommes et de femmes, sans qui leur engagement dans le terrorisme ne serait pas possible. Ils sont tous des ennemis combattants et leur sang devrait être sur eux. Maintenant, cela concerne également les mères des martyrs, qui les envoient en enfer avec des fleurs et des baisers. Elles devraient suivre leurs enfants, rien ne serait plus juste. Elles devraient partir, tout comme des maisons dans lesquelles elles élèvent les serpents. Sinon, davantage de petits serpents seront élevés ici. »Une semaine auparavant, juste avant que le garçon de 17ans Mohammed Abu Khudair fût torturé et brûlé vif, Shaked écrivit :
« Ce n’est pas une guerre contre la terreur, ni une guerre contre l’extrémisme, ni une guerre contre l’Autorité Palestinienne. La réalité est qu’il s’agit d’une guerre entre deux peuples. Qui est l’ennemi ? Le peuple palestinien. Pourquoi ? Demandez-leur, ils ont commencé. »
Un politicien israelien déclare que les bombardements de Gaza sont "bienveillants"
Un universitaire israélien déclare qu'il faut violer les mères et les sœurs des combattants palestiniens
Le Dr. Mordechai Kedar professeur de littérature arabe à l'université de Bar-Ilan a déclaré que le fait de violer les mères et les soeurs des combattants palestiniens les dissuaderait de lancer des attaques contre Israel.http://www.alternativenews.org/english/index.php/politics/israeli-sosaciety/8314-israeli-academic-raping-palestinian-women-for-deterrence
"La seule chose qui pourrait dissuader un kamikaze à la bombe serait de savoir que si elles venaient à être capturées, leurs mères et leurs sœurs seraient violées" a t'il déclaré à une radio israélienne.
Mordechai Kedar est un expert spécialiste de la population palestinienne et des groupes islamistes et il a servi 25 ans au sein des services de renseignements militaires.
Terminons sur une mince note d'espoir, une journaliste traite de racaille des colons qui étaient venus applaudir le bombardement sur Gaza et qui l'on menacé de représailles. Sa présence a été jugée indésirable sur le sol israélien et elle a été mutée à Moscou.

VIDEO - CNN Reporter Diana Magnay Deletes Tweet Calling Israelis Cheering Missile Strikes " Scum "
VIDEO - La journaliste de CNN Diana Magnay, témoin d’une scène choquante à Sderot, a été sanctionnée après avoir qualifié les Israéliens d’« ordures »
CNN reporter calls Israelis who gathered to watch bombardment 'scum' after they threatened her
Report: NBC Pulled Reporter From Gaza After He Covered Child Deaths
US News Networks Remove Reporters Critical of Israeli Attack on Gaza
Julien Sauvaget rapporte depuis Israël la propagande de l’armée israélienne
VIDEO - Israeli Propaganda Piece Published by San Luis Obispo Tribune - Gets Burned
VIDEO - 'Only racists blame Jews for Israel's war in Gaza'
Students Offered Grants if they Tweet Pro-Israeli Propaganda
Israel student union sets up “war room” to sell Gaza massacre on Facebook
VIDEO - Négationnisme Meyer Habib : "Il n’y a pas de colonisation de la Palestine"
VIDEO - Je suis pas content – Soutien à Meyer Habib ! (Plus drôle que Dieudo et Jacky!)
VIDEO - Le Meilleur de Meyer Habib - Sayan Israélien
Israel Murders IDF Soldier to Prevent His Capture
Tunnels-to-kindergartens propaganda Netanyahu peddled to NYT and CNN is exploded by Israeli news site

Reporter Jon Snow slams Israeli spokesman Mark Regev
As four boys die in a shell attack in Gaza, Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev says : "The story with these four boys is a tragedy - let's be clear the Israeli military does not target civilians."
VIDEO - Ann Coulter on FOX NEWS Joyful Over Dead Palestinian Kids. "I'd like to have Netanyahu as president" -- "Me too!"
VIDEO - Behind the lying eyes of Mark Regev
Israeli Defense Forces shoot US teen dead during altercation in West Bank as State Department calls for 'speedy and transparent investigation'
Netanyahu urges harsher punishments for stone-throwers Et pour les criminels de guerre? Si on punit des enfants qui lancent des pierres, quelle punition mériterait un président criminel de guerre?

Les USA demandent à Israël de faire preuve de retenue envers les « palestiniens » lors de ses opérations de recherche
Israeli ambassador Dermer: IDF deserves Nobel Peace Prize for ‘unimaginable restraint’
Israeli envoy: Our soldiers deserve a Nobel Peace Prize
"Israël mérite le Prix Nobel de la Paix pour sa retenue inimaginable"
juif.org - Ne vous trompez pas: à Gaza, Israël fait tout pour minimiser les pertes civiles Ah bon? Dans ce cas j'ose pas imaginer ce que ce serait s'ils faisaient pas "très attention"!
VIDEO - LAPSUS de Netanyahou: "We're targeting civilian uh military targets."
Israel publishes 'Hamas manual' boasting about the propaganda value of Gaza civilian deaths
Telegenically Dead Palestinians and the Subversion of your Soul
‘Telegenically Dead Palestinians’: Why Israel Is Losing the American Media War
Un complot du Hamas selon Netanyahou: les morts palestiniens sont télégéniques (photogéniques).
How will Israel deal with Hamas’ secret weapon? Pour ce juif, les images des enfants et autres innocents tués récemment par Israel qui ont fait le tour du monde, c'est une "arme secrète du Hamas". Complot antijuif médiatique! MDR. Paranoïa délirante juive typique.
CNN: Palestinians Want to Die
Netanyahu says Hamas using rising death toll to make Israel look bad
'I am no anti-Semite' says Steven Salaita, lecturer-cum celeb who was fired for tweeting A few rude anti-Israel tweets during the Gaza war cost Dr. Steven Salaita an academic appointment, but earned him celebrity status on the lecture circuit. So, is there still freedom of speech in the U.S.?
juif.org - Chers « AMIS » gauchistes israéliens Ils voient la gauche israélienne comme leurs pires ennemis, pires que les Arabes qui n'ont aucun pouvoir.
juif.org - La plupart des intellectuels juifs new yorkais sont anti-Israël, selon Kenneth Lonergan
VIDEO - Jean Bricmont: Le monde est en guerre et la gauche se combat elle-même sur Facebook excellente entrevue!!!!
VIDEO - Dissidence d'État: L'antisionisme et l'antisémitisme se bananisent
Mission Accomplished– ‘Wartime unity conceals political differences among American Jews’
Dissent is quieted with most Israelis behind Gaza war

Israeli settlers living around Gaza refuse to return home
Israeli settlers destroy Palestinian olive farms in Nablus
Soldiers Ignore Settlers Attacking Palestinian Homes in Hebron, 50 Olive Trees Cut in Nablus
La Knesset s’apprête à poser un projet de loi portant division d’al-Aqsa
Netanyahu ordonne de démanteler le pont de bois à al-Aqsa
Jérusalem : attaques et agressions israéliennes sur la mosquée d’Al-Aqsa
'Al-Aqsa move is Israeli terror' Jordanian minister says al-Aqsa won't be closed to Muslim worshipers under any excuse.
Abbas: Al-Aqsa closure is 'declaration of war
"Israël" fait d’Al-Aqsa une poudrière
Israel reopens Al-Aqsa mosque compound
juif.org - Une nouvelle intifada a t elle commencé à Jérusalem'
Palestine occupée: Qui est l’extrémiste Glick ?
Suite à la tentative d’assassinat de Glick, un état d’alerte à Jérusalem et appels à la vengeance
Le rabbin extrémiste "Glick" est dans un état critique après une tentative d'assassinat à Jérusalem
Bibi's 'only Jews should stay' law: Damage done Take a close look at the runaway clown car called the Netanyahu government. Some days, you don't know whether to laugh or to vomit.
Analysis: Another chapter in the US-Israel ‘crisis’
Israel and Mississippi: Racist Plans for 2nd Class Citizens and Religious Legislation
If America Tried It Here’s what would happen if the United States were to pass a law enshrining America as the land of the Protestant People. Sound familiar?
‘Second–Class' Citizens? Hundreds of Israeli Arabs have joined a Facebook campaign to protest the Jewish nation–state bill, which, they say, makes their inferior status ‘official.’
Israel’s Nazi Nuremberg Law-based Citizenship Definition not Strict Enough, says its Chief Rabbi
Israël se definit tout seul comme État d’apartheid
US Jews worry about ‘lasting consequences’ to ‘Jewish state’ law
The road from Jewish nation-state to the Gates of Hell
The silent majority of Israel's Arabs must speak up
The right’s prayer: Apocalypse now! The best way right-wingers can brand themselves is to help foment the next intifada.
Time for American Jews to confront Israel’s demons In last week’s election, American Jews stayed steadfastly loyal to their liberal values, yet they turn a blind eye to their steady erosion in Israel.
Lieberman’s ‘peace plan': Pay Israeli Arabs to move to Palestinian state
Lieberman propose de payer les arabes israéliens pour qu’ils quittent le pays
The skeleton in Lieberman’s closet People say he's a man of principle, someone who's teaching Netanyahu a lesson. But a Justice Ministry document about the ex-foreign minister's activities in recent years knocks us back to our senses.
Yehuda Glick: Terrorist called me 'an enemy of al-Aksa’ and shot me
Article retiré du site Europe Israel: Europe-Israel s'offusque et dénonce le fait que l'extrémiste juif qui s'est fait tirer en Israel par un Palestinien a été qualifié dans les grands médias "d'extrémiste de droite", ce qui est tout simplement la vérité mais ça ne plaît pas du tout aux sionistes que les grands médias lèvent le voile sur leur propre extrémisme de droite.
Le complexe de supériorité de la morale juive érode Nos Droits (Vidéo)
Un exemple de ma connexion accrue: le Premier ministre d’Israël, Benjamin Netanyahu, a parlé à la nation dans la soirée du 10 novembre, le jour des multiples attaques terroristes dont deux décès à l’arme blanche, l’un à Tel-Aviv et l’autre en bas de la route où je vis. J’ai écouté son discours, à la recherche de réconfort et de protection, pas pour les informations, mais parce que je vis ici.
Embracing 'Savage' Hate Why do so many of New Jersey’s Orthodox Jews accept Rabbi Pruzansky’s calls for Israel to collectively punish Arab Israeli and Palestinian ‘savages’?
Sun Columnist Katie Hopkins ‘Tweets Palestinians Are Filthy Rodents’
N.J. Rabbi: Arabs in Israel ‘must be vanquished’
Anti-Arab incitement grips Israel
Jewish Women “Detained” For Tear-Gassing Arab Taxi Drivers
‘We will make soap out of you!’: Violent right-wing protest against Jerusalem art exhibit reflects rising anti-democratic tide in Israel
L’occupation permet à nouveau aujourd’hui la prise d’assaut d’al-Aqsa par les colons extrémistes
Les colons envahissent les esplanades d'al-Aqsa
50 rabbis call for storming the Aqsa platform
IDF’s chief rabbi: Temple Mount is of no religious significance to Islam
N.J. synagogue taking steps to rein in rabbi who called Israeli Arabs ‘savages’
What are they smoking in Jerusalem? An Israel that occupies, settles and discriminates is not an Israel that the United States or young Diaspora Jews can continue to back indefinitely.
Arab League warns of Jerusalem 'red line' Deputy chief warns Israel that 'touching Jerusalem will lead to results with untold consequences,' calling on Arab nations, int'l community to 'put a stop' to Israel's 'violations' in East Jerusalem.
UN General Assembly: Israel’s actions in Jerusalem are null and void
Palestine occupée : la reconstruction du Troisième Temple est en route
Current “Anti-Semitism” in Europe Result of Netanyahu Government Policies?
Netanyahu is Israel's inciter-in-chief
Netanyahu's non-democratic Jewish State of Israel
The Center for Middle East Peace conducted a poll in Israel in which it asked the Jewish population, “Do you want to live in a Jewish state or a bi-national state?” 98% of the respondents replied that they want to live in a Jewish state.
Gallup shows split in backing for Israel in Gaza war, with younger Americans unsupportive
American Jews Rally Mostly to Israel’s Side as Gaza Conflict Rages — Only Minority Objects
Poll: More Than 50% Of Jewish Israelis Think Netenyahu Is Being Too Soft On Gaza
Our wretched Jewish state Now we know: In the Jewish state, there is pity and humane feelings only for Jews, rights only for the Chosen People. The Jewish state is only for Jews. By Gideon Levy | Jul. 6, 2014
Is Gideon Levy the most hated man in Israel or just the most heroic?
‘Holocaust makes Israelis think international law doesn’t apply’ Gideon Levy was the most outspoken critic of Israel’s war in Gaza
During the war, Levy was threatened, heckled and spat upon. Haaretz hired bodyguards to protect him. Yariv Levin, the leader of the Likud Yisrael Beiteinu coalition in the Knesset, said he should be tried for treason, which carries the death penalty in time of war. “Nobody condemned Levin,” Levy says. “That tells you a lot about Israeli democracy.” Israel’s supporters boast that it is “the only democracy in the Middle East”. “By definition, an occupying state is not a democracy,” Levy says. “Israel was always a full and liberal democracy for its Jewish citizens. It was a partial democracy for its Arab citizens, and a totalitarian tyranny in the West Bank and Gaza. In this war, I started to think it is not even a full democracy for its Jewish citizens; only for those who think like the majority.”
VIDEO - U.S. Jewish Leader Henry Siegman to Israel: Stop Killing Palestinians and End the Occupation
Death of the Jewish Left?

For the second time this week, the Jewish Left came under attack …. this time from an Israeli government spokesman. The earlier attack was from the Jerusalem Post’s Psycho Gal. Sad to see that her level of ‘thinking’ has reached the government corridors.
VIDEO - Norman Finkelstein sur Gaza : Israël veut annihiler « l'offensive de paix » palestinienne
Le sophisme du « juste milieu » à Gaza

Manifestations en France : pourquoi veut-on briser la solidarité avec les Palestiniens ?
We single Israel out because we in the west are shamefully complicit in its crimes
American Jews Serving in Israeli Army in Clear Violation of the Neutrality Act
South Africa threatens to prosecute citizens serving in IDF
By Allison Benedikt
Though most Birthright alumni do not join the IDF, to do so seems like the ultimate fulfillment of the organization’s mission. Photo by Quazie/Flickr Creative Commons
Soldiers meet Birthrighters in full uniform, spend the remainder of the mifgash in civilian clothing and then dress back in uniform for the encounter’s final day: the Holocaust Museum followed by a visit to the graves of Theodor Herzl and fallen soldiers. Lynn Schusterman, a Birthright funder and board member, told me the bonds formed during the mifgash help participants gain an understanding of soldiers’ “moral and ethical standards.” After the 2006 Lebanon war, Brandeis researchers found that Birthright alumni were more likely than other young American Jews to view Israel’s military conduct as justified.
Israeli Human Rights Group B’Tselem Refuses To Participate In Sham Israeli Army (IDF) Self-Investigation
VIDEO - Jonestown's sad attempt to whitewash the assault on Gaza
VIDEO - Today's 2 cents on Palestine Not a single article from Jonestown (PRISONPLANET) about what is happening to Palestine. And that tells you all you need to know.
Alex Jones Infowars Outrageous Pro Israeli Propaganda: Hamas Just Attempted To Create A Horrific Nuclear Disaster In The Heart Of Israel
Infowars Characterizes Pro-Palestinians / Anti-Israelis as "Terrorists"
Today as I scanned the alternative media for information about Israel’s sadistic assault on Gaza, I happened by the PrisonPlanet.com website of Alex Jones. To my amazement, on its homepage not a single one of the ten “featured stories” related in any way to the crisis in Gaza.
VIDEO - Israeli Army beating Palestinian boy went viral on Social Media
VIDEO - American teen beaten unconscious by Israeli police speaks out
US teen beaten in Israel– ‘I was just watching protests’
‘Police threaten to destroy memorial for slain Palestinian teen, Mohammed Abu Khdeir’
Israeli serviceman shoots 5 year-old Palestinian in the face
FLASHBACK: One Palestinian child has been killed by Israel every 3 days for the past 13 years
Vidéos : un jeune Palestinien sauvagement battu par la police israélienne à Shufat où a été enlevé l'adolescent assassiné
Congresswoman who visited Israel on AIPAC’s dime has no time for relative of boy beaten by Israeli police
Brutal Beating of American Boy by Israeli Forces Brings Unprecedented Coverage of Daily Palestinian Experience in U.S. Media
Cop who beat US-Palestinian teen could face charges Police internal affairs unit summons officer for hearing, takes him off duty, but insists Tariq Abu Khdeir’s arrest was justified
VIDEO - US Teenager Beaten By Israeli Police
US ‘profoundly troubled’ by brutal beating of Palestine teen who turned out to be American
VIDEO - Tariq Abukhdeir, sauvagement passé à tabac par les flics israéliens
White House hosts US-Palestinian teen beaten by Israeli cops
Israeli lynch mob hunts for Palestinians in Jerusalem Comment by Ali Abunimah
VIDEO - Zio Fascists Roaming the Streets of Jerusalem, "Death to Arabs" (À VOIR)
PM residence, Hatulot square (downtown), en route to East Jerusalem (they didn’t enter East Jerusalem both coz they’re not SUCH idiots and secondly because the police used a stun grenade against them which made them step back)
VIDEO - Montage video des mensonges sionistes et des appels au meurtre contre les Arabes
US accuses Israel of targeting kin of ‘burned-alive’ Palestinian teen
La police israélienne tabasse le cousin du palestinien brulé vif
Police: Suspects planned Palestinian teen's death in advance
How Abu Khdeir was killed At Ynet's request, full details of brutal murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir cleared for publication.
‘Suspects hit Abu Khdeir with a tire iron before burning him’
Abu Khdeir, Murdered Palestinian Boy Was Forced to Drink Gasoline, Then Burned to Death
L’adolescent palestinien kidnappé a été brûlé vif, selon l'autopsie
Zionist Media Confirms Palestinian Youth was Force-Fed Petrol, Then Roasted Alive
Police link Palestinian teen’s murder with attempted kidnap day prior
Jewish terrorists reenact murder of Arab teen
Le silence des médias sur l’assassinat d’un jeune Palestinien
Zio-Mass Media Coverage of Israeli Teens Murder Ignores Far More Zionist Murders of Children
Suspect in Abu Khdeir killing says he’s ‘the messiah’
'Jewish fascists killed my son'
3 suspects involved with murder of Arab teen sent home

Official: 3 of 6 Jewish murder suspects confess to torturing, killing Arab teen
3 Israeli suspects in Palestinian teen’s murder indicted (Et on respecte leur vie privée en ne révélant pas leur identité... C'est beau l'État de droit! ... à sens unique!)
Jewish murderers of Abu Khdeir to plead insanity
Israeli settlers confess to killing of Palestinian
Jewish extremists held over brutal murder of Palestinian teen
Jewish Murderer Suspects Arrested—But No Bulldozed Homes for Their Parents
Where did Mohammed Abu Khdeir's murderers come from? The lost children of Israel Teens in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods and towns are susceptible to canvassing by Kahanist and other racist groups. They're being overlooked.
Palestinians blame Israel for killing of Arab teen
Israeli Police Falsely Report Murdered Palestinian Boy Was Gay, Flooding Social Media with Disinformation
Israel must apply rule of law to Jewish revenge vigilantes
There cannot be one law for Israeli terrorists and another for Arab
Almagor: No moral equivalency between Abu Khdeir murder, Palestinian terrorism
Palestinians And Israeli Police Clash On Jerusalem's Temple Mount
Tensions rise in eastern Jerusalem neighborhood after 200 Jews move in
Jewish settlers attack Palestinian villages in Nablus, Ramallah
Les colons attaquent un Jérusalémite dans une tentative de l'enlever
Jews In West Bank Caught Carrying Out Their Religion
Jerusalem Arab beaten by three brothers, say police
Diplomats: EU weighs steps to curb settlements, including blacklisting convicted settlers
EU considers banning violent Jewish settlers European Union looking at ways to pressure Israel on settlements without resorting to sanctions
Study: 22 percent of Israeli Jews identify with religious Zionist camp One-third of these say they aren't religious, new study finds; growth of pro-settler camp explains growth of Naftali Bennett's Habayit Hayehudi.
Elie Wiesel, l’ami des colons israéliens
Elie Wiesel and Amos Yadlin congratulate East Jerusalem settlers Comment: I thought Elie “the Wease” was supposed to be a Jewish anti-genocide spokesman. Apparently the Holocaust’s lesson is that Jews should be able to commit all the genocide they want, be proud of it all, congratulate each other, and wave it in everyone’s faces, all the while ignoring that people like Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zundel, Carlo Mattogno, Germar Rudolf, etc etc debunked the preposterous and physically impossible Jewish holocaust fable, the founding myth of “Israel,” decades ago.
Israeli soldiers protect settlers attacking Palestinian villagers
Israeli settlers set fire to a mosque in Nablus
Jewish settlers burn olive trees in Salfit, perform Talmudic rituals in ancient Suleiman pools
Israeli settlers continue to burn olive trees on Palestinian lands
Study: 96% of destruction of Palestinian olive tree cases fall apart due to police incompetence
Abbas calls for international investigation of ‘settler violence’
VIDEO - Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion.
Meet Steve Gar - Israel's Jack Bauer Counter terrorism expert Steve Gar has committed his life to protecting Jews worldwide, while also working to become a rabbi.
PCHR: Gaza detainees underwent ‘torture’ in Israeli custody
Prisons israéliennes : 200 moyens de torture utilisés contre les prisonniers palestiniens
Unit 8200 refuseniks are telling the truth Le journaliste reconnaît qu'ils disent la vérité, même s'il leur tape dessus.
Entretien de 35 mins avec l'objecteur de conscience Ronnie Barkan, activiste BDS israélien
D’anciens soldats israéliens témoignent contre l’armée israélienne
Settlers Unleashed over 20 Dogs on Palestinian Children – Video
Israeli settlers unleash dog pack on Palestinian kids
12-year-old injured, gets too close to Jewish settler no-go-zones
UN Report Shows Israelis Responsible for Most Violence Against Children in Israel-Palestine Conflict
The Metropolitan Opera’s Censorship of “The Death of Klinghoffer”: Artwork About Oppression of Palestinians Considered Anti-Jewish
Where’s the outrage over the frequent kidnapping of Palestinian children?
174 Palestinians Kidnapped in One Week
Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian in Push To Find Kidnapped Teens
How Israeli Settlers Attack Kids With Impunity
VIDEO - Israel’s systematic (ab)use of child detention in Palestine
Israeli interrogators sexually harass Palestinian children in detention
240 Palestinian Children ‘Sexually Abused’ in Jerusalem Detention Centres, Group Claims
Database of Palestinian Children Killed in the Occupied Territory 2000-2014
VIDEO - Fourteen Year Old Boy Violently Arrested in Hebron
Israeli forces issue arrest warrant for 2-year-old Palestinian in Jerusalem Les juifs ont compris qu'avec un peuple qui a le meurtre dans le sang comme les Palestiniens, mieux vaut prévenir que guérir, mieux vaut les enfermer le plus tôt possible, ou les éliminer quand ils sont jeunes, si possible dans le ventre de leur tête (1 shot 2 kills).
13-year-old Palestinian killed by IDF fire near Ramallah
Jewish terrorists vandalize 12 Palestinian cars in East Jerusalem
Settlers Attack Funeral Of Slain Palestinian In Ramallah
Monument to murdered Palestinian teen vandalized for second time
Jerusalem: Injuries Reported in Funeral Of Teenage Palestinian Killed By Army Fire
‘Police threaten to destroy memorial for slain Palestinian teen, Mohammed Abu Khdeir’
Des bandes d'Israéliens sans pitié traquent des Palestiniens
Pourquoi la défense des chrétiens ne s’étendrait pas à ceux de Palestine ?
Crown Heights – 2 Yeshiva Students Charged With Hate Crime for Attacking A Black Man
VIDEO: Price tag culprits flee Four teens caught on camera after allegedly setting fire to café in Palestinian town in Hebron.
Right-wing demonstrators in Tel Aviv wore neo-Nazi shirts
VIDEO - Arno Klarsfeld : "entre le nazisme et le Hamas il n’y a pas de différence"
VIDEO - MARK GLENN: "St. Israel, the Innocent"
IDF demolishes homes of men suspected of kidnapping, killing Israeli teens
«Vengeance justifiée», le prétexte pour bombarder Gaza: le gouvernement Nétanyahou est-il derrière les meurtres des trois adolescents israéliens?
Révélations de la chaîne ZDF sur l’enlèvement des trois adolescents israéliens
Dans ce reportage, Sievers nous explique que le gouvernement et les services de sécurité intérieurs israéliens savaient depuis le début que les trois adolescents enlevés près de Hébron le 12 juin 2014 étaient morts.
Le chef du Mossad avait prédit l'enlèvement des trois jeunes
Mossad Chief predicted “three teens will be kidnapped” one week before it happened
Mossad chief's chillingly prescient kidnap prophecy
It Turns Out Hamas Didn’t Kidnap and Kill the 3 Israeli Teens After All
Les trois ados israéliens auraient été assassinés par un autre Israélien!
Ex-Mossad Agent: Israel Uses ‘False Flag’ in Most Operations to Avoid Suspicion in Arab States
Psychopathic 'Morality': The Truth Behind the Kidnapping and Murder of 3 Israeli Teens
Demolition orders issued for homes of alleged killers of Israeli teens
Les trois adolescents israéliens trouvés morts : un développement commode (pour Israël)
Some Deaths Really Matter: The Disproportionate Coverage of Israeli And Palestinian Killings
Israel attacks Palestinian territories after bodies of missing youth discovered
Wall Street Journal’s racist reaction to the kidnapping of Israeli youths
Palestine : un « Mohamed » vaudrait-il moins qu’un « David »?
Mohammed, prénom le plus donné en Israël, effacé par les autorités israéliennes
Rand Paul cites murder of three Israeli boys in push to cut off aid to PA
Israeli rabbi Dov Lior blames kidnappings on anti-Jewish legislation
The ISIS “Islamic State” Not Hamas Claimed responsibility for murder of three Israeli boys
Hamas denies responsibility for teens' death; warns against Israeli strike
Netanyahu: We ‘know for a fact’ Hamas behind abduction
Israel Has Presented ZERO Evidence Palestinians Are Involved In Abduction Of Israeli Teens!
Les adolescents auraient été assassinés par le Hamas ! Israël prêt à lancer une offensive sur Gaza
Israël va durcir les conditions de vie des prisonniers du Hamas
Israel abducts another 37 Palestinians in West Bank raids
West’s indifference and Hamas anti-Semitism decried at memorial Member of Parliament Irwin Cotler denounced the western world’s indifference to the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens, and to the Hamas “genocidal anti-Semitism” that sanctioned such a crime, at a community memorial service held by Montreal’s Federation CJA at the Gelber Centre on July 2.

Why #BringBackOurBoys Is Offensive
Natan Sharansky holds up a #BringBackOurBoys sign on behalf of the Jewish Agency

Europe-Israel - Le Journal Le Monde proche du Gouvernement, soutient aujourd’hui qu’Israël n’a jamais cessé d’occuper Gaza
Agression contre Gaza : comment Israël agit de l’intérieur pour briser la résistance politique en France.
"Guerre de religion"? French PM denounces Jewish-Muslim conflicts Manuel Valls says France 'will not allow provocations to feed conflicts between communities,' even if it means banning protests.
Dans un article publié aujourd’hui dans le Canard enchaîné, on apprend que la position de la France sur l’agression israélienne a été imposée à Hollande par Netanyahou.
Mise au point concernant les provocations de la milice sioniste LDJ lors de la manifestation de soutien à la résistance palestinienne
La synagogue de la rue de la Roquette n’a jamais été assiégée selon son président
Attaque des synagogues à Paris : les médias vous mentent et couvrent la LDJ
Nouvelle vidéo accablante qui montre la connivence LDJ-Police
VIDEO - Affrontements devant les synagogues : tout accuse la LDJ
Vidéo : les fascistes de la LDJ et les flics de Hollande main dans la main
VIDEO - Shocking scenes as 150 Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators
Pro-Israeli Mob Goes On Rampage In Paris On Sunday

France 'bans pro-Palestinian rallies' as tensions increasingly mirror Israel-Gaza animosity
France became the first country in the world to ban pro Palestinian demonstrations …. does this make them ‘The Only Democracy In Europe?’ (sic)
Une manifestation pro-palestinienne interdite à Paris

VIDEO - Ce que révèle l'impunité de la LDJ
VIDEO - Youssef Boussoumah (PIR) veut faire croire que la Gaza Firm est à l’origine des débordements du 26 juillet
VIDEO - CBS Attempts To Smear Protestors Against Israeli Govt. As Anti-Semitic
Cukierman : « Ce nouvel antisémitisme peut mener jusqu’au départ de tous les Juifs » N'est-ce pas ce qu'Israël souhaite?
Manifestations pro palestinienne - le gouvernement collabore au plan sioniste. Les sionistes avait justement besoin de cela pour provoquer une alyah massive.
Talk of feared new Holocaust at Knesset meeting on European anti-Semitism
Incitement against Jews in Germany at levels not seen since 1933, says speaker at emergency session
L'Union Européenne institutionnalise sa haine des juifs en interdisant l'importation de produits fabriqués en Israël
L'Europe, son hostilité envers Israël et les Juifs (mise à jour régulière)
juif.org - Paris : la haine d’Israël s’affiche sur des abris-bus grâce à un « tarif privilégié » de JCDecaux Le Secours islamique France (SIF), une « ONG humanitaire » proche de l’organisation "terroriste" égyptienne des Frères musulmans, a lancé en région parisienne une campagne publicitaire de soutien à la Palestine, utilisant le contour du visage d’un enfant juxtaposé à des ruines de Gaza, visible sur plusieurs dizaines d’abris-bus.
La dissidence "Antisioniste", était-elle présente aux manifestations pro-palestiniennes?
Finkielkraut : « Une grande partie des musulmans est hostile à l'égard d'Israël et des juifs »
VIDEO - Info OummaTV : invité de l'Esprit d'actu, Bernard Ravenel révèle qu'il y a eu un compromis entre" Nicolas Sarkozy à l'époque ministre de l'Intérieur et le CRIF pour tolérer la LDJ"
VIDEO - Bernard Ravenel : "La police est fatiguée de la Ligue de défense juive"
Ravenel dit que la LDJ est interdite aux USA et en Israël pour cause de racisme, or c'est pour leurs activités terroristes et leurs incitations au meurtre que cette organisation est interdite aux USA et en Israël. La LDJ figure dans la liste des organisations terroristes aux USA et en Israël.
Valls veut mater les députés qui manifestent leur soutien aux Palestiniens
VIDEO - INFO PANAMZA. Découvrez les images d'un Premier ministre dédouanant la LDJ pour sa violence et le double discours de la France à propos de la question israélo-palestinienne.
VIDEO - Jews for peace - Michèle Sibony explain how the Pro-Palestine demonstration was actually a trap put by the Zionist JDL
VIDEO - Palestine, LDJ - Un auditeur défonce Valls et les journalopes de RMC
VIDEO - Après les Manifestations pro-palestiniennes le gouvernement lâche les chiens, le FN se met à parler Ca y est , le FN parle enfin, et, évidemment , son discours vise à stigmatiser les populations de banlieue.
GAZA FIRM : Groupusculte crée par A.Soral dirigé par M.Cardet pour casser lors des manifestations pour Gaza .. QUI SONT-ILS
J-J Candelier (député communiste): "J’en profite pour réclamer la dissolution administrative de la Ligue de Défense Juive, organisation criminelle, classée organisation terroriste par le FBI, et interdite d'activité en Israël comme aux États-Unis. L'impunité de ces barbares dont le seul but est de créer un amalgame entre judaïsme et sionisme est inacceptable."
juif.org - Le journal Libération stigmatise les groupes d'autodéfense juifs (LDJ/Betar). Le Monde offre une tribune aux amoureux du Hamas
Évidemment, il n'y a que les fans du Hamas pour condamner la LDJ... NOT!
(VIDEO) Le ministère de l'Intérieur réfléchirait à une dissolution de la LDJ
Dissolution possible de la LDJ : «De l'enfumage», juge le NPA
Marine Le Pen justifie l’existence de la Ligue de défense juive
Marine Le Pen-LDJ, même combat : Mort aux Arabes !
VIDEO - Louis Aliot à propos de la LDJ
Paniqués, les miliciens de la Ligue de défense juive défient le gouvernement
Les juifs brandissent la menace Marine Le Pen
"Je préfère mille fois serrer la main de Marine Le Pen que d'un responsable du Front de gauche qui défile à côté des drapeaux du Hamas et du Hezbollah", jure l'avocat et dirigeant du Crif Gilles-William Goldnadel. Tandis que les syndicats, des partis à la gauche de la gauche, tels le Nouveau Parti anti-capitaliste ou les communistes, ainsi que des membres du PS, comme les députés Razzy Hammadi et Alexis Bachelay, inquiètent la communauté juive par leurs positions jugées trop pro-palestiniennes, le discours du Front national cadre mieux avec les aspirations de certains amis d'Israël. "Quand l'Algérie marque un but, il y a des incidents dans la rue, se désole un jeune juif. Pour certains d'entre nous, la France n'a plus d'identité, ce pays est mort."
Part Jewish Frenchman among National Front’s first-ever senators
French Far Right Senator Has Jewish Roots
VIDEO - Ligue de défense juive : "Avec Valls, on a tout ce qu’on veut"
La LDJ bientôt dissoute ? Le décisionnaire est un proche de la mouvance sioniste
French JDL leader: Reports of ban on group are rumors
juif.org - Les crânes d’oeufs de gauche veulent interdire la LDJ c’est bien mais après il faudra interdire le Betar puis le Likoud etc.
juif.org - Enorme dérapage sémantique du journal Le Parisien qui qualifie « d'Israéliens de Paris » les Juifs Français de la #manifisrael#
juif.org - BFM-TV donne la parole aux islamistes pour justifier la dissolution de la LDJ
VIDEO - Israël: Netanyahu prédit des attentats en France
Chomsky slams West's Charlie Hebdo outrage: 'Many journalists were killed by Israel in Gaza too'
No Outrage For Palestinian Cartoonist Who Was Arrested And Jailed In Israel
Muslim cartoonist: It's not the cartoons
juif.org - L'extrême-gauche en voie de nazification' C'est elle-même qui tire la signal d'alarme il faut donc la croire
Palestinian media body calls for investigation into Israel's targeting of journalists in Gaza
Michel Boujenah veut « combattre » tout journaliste critiquant l’armée israélienne

Mediapart hacké par Ulcan
Grégory Chelly "Ulcan" continue d’agir en toute impunité depuis Ashdod
Twitter France met Ulcan en quarantaine mais promeut l'opération anti-israélienne #OpIsraelReborn
Comique de répétition chez les belgicains Ulcan reproduit avec succès le même canular à un mois d’intervalle
VIDEO - Grégory Chelli (Ulcan) n’est pas poursuivi par la police française
Ulcan s’en prend à une chargée de mission de Taubira
Un homme harcelé par le hackeur juif Ulcan a fait un infarctus, puis a été plongé dans le coma artificiel ; il est décédé aujourd'hui. Ulcan agit au nom du sionisme et du judaïsme. Croyez-vous que le CRIF, la LICRA, l'UEJF, BHL, Marek Halter, le Consistoire de France et toute la lyre, vont relancer à cette occasion le hashtag #notinmyname ?
Affaire Grégory Chelli (Ulcan) : une enquête ouverte par le parquet de Paris
Ulcan-Goldnadel-Thooris : la connexion israélienne
Israel Harbors French JDL Extremist Who Stalks French, Palestinian Activists
Grégory Chelli : compilation à l’attention des journalistes
Ulcan menace Panamza
Une militante centriste chargée de la vie scolaire défend Ulcan
Ulcan panique
Affaire Benoit le Corre: Ulcan s'explique sur son nouveau site internet ! (il panique en effet!)
ENQUÊTE CONTRE ULCAN. Israël va-t-il au moins s’impliquer et livrer ce terroriste ?
Ulcan soutenu par Philippe Karsenty, adjoint au maire de Neuilly
Panamza brièvement censuré par Twitter à cause d'une fan d'Ulcan
Did Israeli cyber “activist’s” prank calls result in a funeral?
Ulcan, la France et Israël : le grand bluff
Face au hacker Ulcan, Jérusalem fait un geste
Ulcan piraté, mis en garde à vue et relâché
Ulcan continue de proférer des menaces de mort depuis Israël
Un membre de la Ligue de défense juive condamné par la justice en fuite en Israël ?
Rencontre secrète à Montréal d'un groupuscule juif d'extrême droite (JDL) 4 août 2014
Fight Club: Is the JDL now mainstream?
The JDL Chai? The Jewish Defense League, started by Kahane in 1968, has returned to North America.
JDL sees upswing in interest, calls for security service
JDL disrupts U of T BDS launch at OISE Si le mouvement BDS faisait la même chose, il y aurait des arrestations... on dénoncerait l'intimidation, voire le terrorisme des activistes... Mais quand c'est la LDJ qui frappe, on dit que justice est faite et qu'ils respectent la loi, collaborent avec les autorités, etc.!
Devant l'Assemblée nationale, la LDJ expulse l'AFP sous l'oeil indifférent de la police
Un photo-reporter expulsé par des manifestants ultra-sionistes : la police l’invite à partir
Dominique de Villepin assimile Israël à “l’Algérie française”
De Villepin dénonce le massacre d’Israël à Gaza et appelle à des sanctions
juif.org - La Garde des Sceaux jette de l'huile sur le feu en laissant entendre que les Israéliens sont des monstres
Jews March in New York Rally Against Israel War in Gaza 'We Won't Stand Idly By' as Palestinians Die

Iconic Mideast Photo Is a Fake — and Heartbreaking One at That
Two Indicted For Assaulting Arab Teen Who Had Befriended Jewish Girl
Israeli court allows protesters to picket Palestinian-Jewish wedding
Israël : Tensions autour du mariage d’un juive et d’un musulman
Jewish-Arab wedding braces for racist protests Anti-assimilation group publishes details of the ceremony and calls on public to come with megaphones and banners
Arab groom, Jewish bride face racists threats from Israeli right Muslim Jaffa resident set to marry Israeli Morel Malcha despite threats from LEHAVA group and lack of police cooperation for security.
Poll: Israeli Jews, Arabs oppose intermarriage On tente de nous faire croire que c'est autant la faute aux Arabes qu'aux juifs si les couples mixtes ont tant de misère à vivre en paix en Israel...
Poll: Most Israelis oppose intermarriage
Lapid would be ‘bothered’ if son married a non-Jew
Israel's Finance Minister openly declaring his opposition to Jews mixing with non-Jews.

Israel's hateful, misguided policy against the weakest of the weak
Jewish democrats, join the Arabs
As Jews unite, is US youth moving to anti-Semitism ‘at light speed’?
ADL: Dramatic surge in global anti-Semitism during Gaza op
ADL report: Campus anti-Israel events have more than doubled this fallIn the wake of Israel’s 50-day operation in Gaza over the summer, student anti-Israel programming is up dramatically, a new report finds.
France’s ‘Days of Anger’ Ian Tuttle is a William F. Buckley Jr. Fellow at the National Review Institute.
Clashes as pro-Palestinian protesters defy France ban
Pro-Palestinian protesters rally across EU Boy killed in Kashmir after Indian forces shoot at anti-Israel rally; defying Hollande, thousands protest in Paris, French cities, as well as in London.
Sharansky predicts 'beginning of the end of Jewish history in Europe' Jewish Agency chairman responds in part to the rising wave of anti-Semitism crashing over the continent since the start of Israel’s military operation in Gaza.
« Mort aux juifs » scandé par « des dizaines de milliers de musulmans et de membres d’extrême gauche » selon Meyer Habib
Convoqué par la police à cause de sa banderole anti-Israël
Communautaristes et néoconservateurs : les soutiens français de l’agression israélienne.
"Sale arabe. Vous allez tous mourir. Israël vainqueur" Agression sioniste et raciste dans la Drome
VIDEO - Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with pro-Israelis in Berlin
Pro-Gaza, Israel marches choke German city centres
Ireland is pro-Palestinian, says Israeli media Ireland's 'pro-Palestinian stance' has made it into the Israeli headlines after a minute's silence was held in the Dail for the people of Gaza.
La fin de la gauche juive? Une juive libérale fait son mea culpa: "Mon père, ce faucon, avait raison"!
VIDEO - Jean-Luc Mélenchon s’en prend au communautarisme juif À NE PAS MANQUER!
VIDEO - Moment d'éloquence de Jean-Luc Mélenchon sur l'Ukraine et Gaza Le CRIF a réagit dans la soirée, fidèle à lui-même : @LePG @JLMelenchon et si vous condamniez ceux qui attaquent les synagogues et crient mort aux juifs, avec qui le Parti de Gauche manifeste ? — Le CRIF (@Le_CRIF) 24 Août 2014
Mélanchon confirme sans équivoque l’existence d’un axe islamo-gauchiste (audio)

Dimanche 24 août, lors de son discours de clôture de l'université du Parti de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon {http://panamza.com/ui} a exprimé sa solidarité envers la population de Gaza et critiqué l'alignement pro-israélien systématique du Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France {http://panamza.com/ahp}.
Gil Taïeb, figure emblématique de la communauté juive, vice-président du Crif, ancien militant du Bétar aujourd'hui proche de la LDJ, fondateur de "l'association du bien-être des soldats israéliens" et époux de l'élue PS Karen Taïeb {http://panamza.com/ahq; http://panamza.com/ahr; http://panamza.com/ahs; http://panamza.com/aht; http://panamza.com/1866}, lui a violemment répondu, via Facebook, en le qualifiant d'"antisémite complice des assassins du Hamas qui préfère les juifs morts à ceux qui vivent et se défendent" {http://panamza.com/ahu}.
Rappel : à ce jour, hormis le cas d'Olivier Besancenot dans le passé, jamais un responsable du Crif n'avait exprimé une telle virulence à l'encontre d'un responsable politique...y compris à propos de Marine Le Pen.
Les « juifs de négation » haïsseurs de leur peuple La haine juive contre les juifs perçus comme se haïssant eux-mêmes (ex: Neturei Karta).
Norman Finkelstein se fait arrêter devant la Mission israélienne à l'ONU en soutien à Gaza
Writer Norman Finkelstein and Several Activists Arrested at Pro-Palestine Protest in New York
Liberman: Those who protest against IDF operation are ‘terrorists’
Sharansky: Jewish history in Europe is at the beginning of its end Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky warned last week that "we are seeing the beginning of the end of Jewish history in...
Pour Joffrin (Libération) quiconque défend la Palestine est antisémite
Le TOC (Trouble obsessionnel-compulsif) de l'Europe et Israël
Les juifs traitent l'Europe de malade mentale en réponse à ses critiques anti-israel.
A Sydney, une caricature « dénigre racialement » les Juifs
The Sydney Morning Herald “Jew” Cartoon—That Wasn’t a Cartoon

La propagande shoatique devait servir à nous fermer définitivement le clapet en prévision de toutes les fois où Israël massacrera des innocents à la douzaine. Mais c'est raté.
ZOA: U.S. policy on Palestinians is ‘a diplomatic Kristallnacht’
juif.org - l'antisémitisme de BDS
ed note–Of the many things that we warn about often, it is Jews and their supporters frequenting websites such as this while pretending to be racists, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and who attempt to stink the place up with overtly inflammatory and sometimes violent language meant to make the entire operation look bad. It is for this reason that we moderate comments here and why we do not allow any comments to be posted unless they contribute to an intelligent, productive discussion of the nature of this thing known as the Jewish problem. As the reader will see with the story below, this is exactly what took place with the website Common Dreams, where it was learned that an Hasbara agent posing as a white nationalist type left literally thousands of comments on the website in the interest of making it appear racist, and in the process driving away respectable, intelligent people who might otherwise have come to see there is a problem with Jewish power and that it has to be dealt with. Websites such as Stormfront, Daily Stormer, Total Fascism and others that are magnets for monosyllabic knuckledraggers and who engage in this behavior (or otherwise tolerate it from their commentors) are in effect some of the most valuable assests that organized Jewish interests possess in the propaganda war, as they are either too stupid to see that they are being utilized to create a narrative that benefits Jewish interests or are actually in the paid service of these interests, knowingly or not. Likewise with the Sandy Hook crowd and others whose job is to clutter an otherwise intelligent, productive discussion with nonsense that makes all honest truthseekers and skeptics look like braincases. Also, please check out the profiles on this commentor found here, here, here, here and here, as well as some of the names and avatars he used for his little operation, including one entitled ‘stopwhitegenocide’. As we say here often, ‘no one ever said the Jews were stupid’
ADL: The Entire World is ‘Anti-Semitic’... Especially the Orthodox Church
At this rate, every Tom, Dick and Harriet will soon be an anti-Semite Defining critics as anti-Semites gives the Israeli right wing a blank check to defy the world, which hates us anyway.
Si j'étais antisémite, je pousserais les juifs à s'autodiscréditer en allant manifester constamment pour accuser d'antisémitisme des gens et des spectacles qui ne sont pas du tout antisémites. Alors même les juifs vont commencer à réfléchir et à lâcher cette vilaine manie de persécution.
The “Middle East’s Only Democracy” Bans Arab Knesset Member from Participating in Debates!
Danon launches campaign to ban Zoabi from running for Knesset La méchante Zoabi a été menacée de mort et continue à être persécutée pour avoir "cautionné" l'enlèvement et le meurtre des 3 jeunes soldats Israéliens kidnappés cet été.
MK Zoabi files incitement complaint against Likud's Danon over campaign video (VIDEO)
Scenes from the Israeli right’s 'war on women' (Likud vs Zoabi)
The CJN spoke to a handful of Canadian Jews and representatives from organizations whose views on Israel range from somewhat critical to highly disaffected.
Israel does not want peace
Palestinians break open illegal apartheid wall 25 years after Berlin Wall fall
Israël : Lieberman menace d’expulser l’envoyé de l’ONU pour le processus de paix
Israël: Lieberman veut expulser l'envoyé de l'ONU Le sionisme contre l'ONU...
Canadian FM: Demilitarize the West Bank and Gaza
Eric Cantor’s Defeat Is Also Netanyahu’s
VIDEO - L’antisémitisme ; de la tragédie à la farce. Jean Bricmont/Silvia Cattori
VIDEO - RAPPEL: Message to Obama from Israel
A Kippah on the Head of Israel’s Intelligence Chief One by One, Top Spooks Replaced by Orthodox
The Talmud and the Israeli secret police
Quand les Juifs d'Israël disent "plus jamais ça" ils sont sérieux, Dan Hodges Plus jamais de juifs victimes, il leur faut donc être en tout temps les agresseurs!

The 'new Nazis' on the block Op-ed: While Israel peacefully reconciles with European murderers' offspring, it rejects any attempt of reconciliation with its Palestinians.
Israel is trying to piss you off. And it's working. Netanyahu doesn't want you here. He doesn't want your kind backing Israel, wherever you are. He wants La Familia and Kahana to stay, and you to go.

Ivy League Storm A petition by Princeton professors calling for divestment from the Israeli occupation has sparked a fierce campus battle — and exposed deep fault lines within the Jewish community.
Punishing a Professor’s Criticism of Israel In the case of Steven Salaita, Twitter posts about Gaza cost him his job, as Dennis J. Bernstein explores in an interview.
JSS NEWS-Paris, Angers, Toulouse: encore une exposition qui incite à la haine du juif
Une exposition dit tout simplement la vérité de manière imagée sur le carnage israélien à Gaza durant l'été 2014.
Israel Campaigns Against Global Free Speech Attention aux révizos: on dirait que la juiverie sioniste se sert parfois du négationnisme afin de mettre en place des lois contre la liberté d'expression dans tous les domaines, pas seulement sur Lolocauste!
Le physicien Stephen Hawking soutient le boycott académique d'Israël
Boycott d'un ministre israélien par l'UEJF: les étudiants réclament la démission de Sacha Reingewirtz
Crise d’anti-sionisme à l’UEJF: les étudiants réclament la démission de Sacha Reingewirtz
Washington supreme court hears arguments on Olympia co-op’s boycott of Israeli goods
Pew poll: Israel most hated country in Turkey 86% of responders have an unfavorable opinion of Israel, while only 2% view it positively; Turks also harbor a strong dislike to terror organizations - 80% dislike Hamas, 85% dislike Hezbollah.
The Jews are Staging anti-Semitic Incidents to regain Permanent Victim Status
juif.org - Juifs de France: "Dans mon entourage, tout le monde veut partir en Israël" Hystérie sioniste
The Center for Jewish Life is stifling free speech at Princeton University
Israeli Lobby Targets Opponent Academia “Professor William Robinson of [University of California at Santa Barbara] UCSB was the target of a campaign of intimidation, silencing, and political repression that included techniques described in the "Hasbara handbook"[download here] by the Israel lobby in contravention of academic freedom and university rules.
The Israel Project’s Secret Hasbara Handbook Exposed
Costly pro-Israel PR campaign fails to stop UCLA divestment
Right-wing MK warns ‘post-Zionist’ groups infiltrating Hillel around the U.S. Complot antijuif? Ou simple prise de conscience du côté de certains juifs ne voulant plus être associés de force à Israël?
Starbucks: We don’t provide financial support to Israel
Garnier faces boycott over toiletries donation to Israeli soldiers
L’Oréal’s Garnier, singer Bruel boycotted for supporting Israel
Israel’s Gaza operation galvanizes users of boycott app
La peur change de camp : les fruits israéliens refusés par les supermarchés
juif.org - Un supermarché londonien supprime de ses étagères les aliments casher « par précaution »
Not kosher: Supermarket removes Jewish food amid anti-Israel protests (Pas casher! LOL)
London Supermarket Empties Kosher Food
Israeli food makers seek solution to EU settlement sanctions
« Trop, c’est trop : des sanctions contre Israël ! » (MRAP Communiqué de presse)
Witch-Hunting in America’s Universities: Steven Salaita and the New McCarthyism
Appel de Michel Collon suite au hacking du site Investig'Action
‘Stop arming Israel!’ Scottish Pro-Palestinian activists occupy Israel-linked arms factory in Glasgow
620 academics sign anti-BDS petition
The Mossad's strategy against BDS
The year BDS became the number one concern for American Jews Last academic year, Jewish groups faced the 'most organized campaign to demonize Israel,' says Hillel CEO. In response, Jewish organizations have shifted their strategy.
British MPs call for concrete action to sanction Israel
Oregon Protesters Occupy Offices of Israel-affiliated Prison Firm G4
Ontario university students' union joins BDS Organization representing 300,000 students in Canadian province passes motion unanimously.
Largest Canadian students' union joins boycott of Israel
Canada: Toronto March Against Anti-Semitism -White Privilege Masquerades as Anti-Racism
The president of Canada’s Green Party resigned his post a week after expressing pro-Israel views.
Green Party of Canada prez resigns after blog backlash Paul Estrin claims party’s board forced him out after he expressed pro-Israel views during Operation Protective Edge
SUN NEWS: Green Party shows its true colours
Green Party forces out its president over pro-Israel blog In his editorial, he criticized people who demonize Israel while ignoring Hamas.
Galloway probed for declaring his British constituency an ‘Israel-free zone’
British MP Galloway questioned by police after anti-Israel comments
VIDEO - George Galloway speech on Gaza/Israel war - 2nd August 2014 Le speech de Galloway sous investigation policière!
Gaza : Desmond Tutu appelle à un boycott mondial d’Israël
Yale chaplain quits in wake of letter blaming Israel for rising anti-Semitism
Three-sentence letter to the ‘NYT’ (about Israel's carnage in Gaza) results in Yale chaplain’s resignation
Ecosse: un ministre musulman prône la destruction d'Israël
Le Chili engage des poursuites contre Benjamin Netanyahou
Pope Francis should ‘cast out Netanyahu’s demons,’ Nicaragua president says
Bolivia declares Israel terrorist regime
La Bolivie place Israël sur sa liste d’États terroristes
Bolivia declares Israel ‘terrorist state’, scraps visa exemption agreement
Israel ‘disappointed’ by Latin American envoy recalls
Five Latin American countries withdraw envoys from Israel
L’Amérique latine solidaire des Palestiniens sauve l’honneur…
Traumatized Gazan children arriving to Venezuela this weekend
100 Gazan Youths Arrive in Venezuela to Start Medical School
Venezuela sends humanitarian aid to Gaza
F-16 Missile Attacks Venezuelan Humanitarian Aid Mission in Gaza
Palestine: Hundreds march with photos of Fidel, Chavez, Maduro as they say thank you Latin America
Israël refuse l’entrée de Gaza à une délégation de Députés européens
After Putin condemns 'oppression' of Palestinians, diplomats see Russia increasing peace role
La Suède veut reconnaître la Palestine, l'intimidation juive les fait changer d'idée...
La Suède va reconnaître l'Etat de Palestine, déclare le premier ministre Stefan Löfven.
Sweden to be first EU country to recognize Palestine
Israel angered by Sweden decision to recognize Palestine
La Suède reconnaît l’État de Palestine
Reconnaissance de la Palestine: Israël rappelle son ambassadeur à Stockholm
Israël rappelle son ambassadeur suite à la reconnaissance par la Suède de l'Etat palestinien
Israel recalls Sweden envoy over Palestine recognition
Sweden FM: Israel irritated allies by overreacting to Palestine recognition
Swedish FM calls Israel’s behavior ‘unacceptable’ Margot Wallström protests Jerusalem harsh response to Stockholm’s recognition of Palestine, decries treatment of Palestinians
La ministre suédoise des Affaires étrangères pas la bienvenue en Israël
Pourquoi la communauté internationale reconnaît-elle maintenant l’état de Palestine? Norman Finkelstein
Norman Finkelstein : «L’Europe en a marre de payer les factures des destructions israéliennes à Gaza»
Palestinian presidency ‘encouraged’ by France, Sweden
French FM: If peace talks prove impossible, we’ll recognize Palestinian state
France says will recognize Palestinian state if negotiations fail
Recognizing ‘Palestine’ may stoke anti-Semitism: CRIF tells French government
juif.org - Le Parlement espagnol va-t-il reconnaître l'Etat de Palestine'
Spanish Parliament Set to Vote on Recognizing the Palestinian State
Spanish MP’s called on government to recognize Palestine state
Oslo is dead! Long live Oslo! The UK House of Commons Supports Diplomatic Recognition of Palestine
juif.org - Israël a subi des 'saloperies diplomatiques' de la part de la France dans l'affaire de la reconnaissance de l'Etat palestinien par l'ONU
Officials in Israeli and British Labor parties trying to thwart vote on recognition of Palestine
Talk of ‘Jewish lobby’ surfaces during UK Palestine vote
Palestine vote: MPs take historic decision to recognise Palestinian state
Israël estime que le vote britannique sur la Palestine "sape les chances" de paix
Israel condemns UK parliament's Palestine recognition vote
British MP’s Vote ‘Yes’ to Palestine, Israel Now Fears Public Opinion
UK decision to recognize Palestine angers Israel
Why Britain’s ‘Palestine’ Vote Should Scare Israel
British lawmaker defends ‘Jewish lobby’ comments
Jewish lobby seeks to block UK parliament vote on Palestine
UK Jewish leaders slam MP for attacks on Israel, ‘poisonous slur’ against British Jews
British Cabinet Member: “US is In Hock to [Jewish] Financial Lobby!”
Sir Alan Duncan's 'apartheid' attack on Israel angers Jewish groups
Jewish Media Lobby Erupts in Anger of UK MP’s Exposure of their Influence
juif.org - Comment l'UE finance des ONG pour déstabiliser Israël' MDR!
Israël dénonce l’organisation par la Suisse d’une conférence sur la Palestine
French FM: If peace talks prove impossible, we’ll recognize Palestinian state
BHL contre la reconnaissance de l'État de Palestine
Palestinian state recognition will be a ‘grave mistake’, Netanyahu warns France
Netanyahou appelle la France à ne pas reconnaître un Etat palestinien
800 personnalités israéliennes appellent l'Europe à reconnaître la Palestine
Un État palestinien (8 déc 2014, François Brousseau est chroniqueur d’information internationale à Radio-Canada) Des auteurs de renom comme Amos Oz, David Grossman, Avraham Yehoshua, d’anciens politiciens comme Avraham Burg (ex-président de la Knesset) et Yossi Sarid (ex-ministre de l’Éducation), avec 800 autres Israéliens, ont signé, selon le quotidien Haaretz, une lettre en appui au mouvement de reconnaissance de l’État palestinien par les parlements européens.
L'ancien Président franco-israélien de l'Organisation Sioniste Mondiale rejoint le parti communiste arabe! Avraham Burg, l’ancien président de la Knesset, de l’Agence Juive, et de l’Organisation Sioniste Mondiale, a officiellement rejoint le parti arabe communiste « Hadash. »
Former Knesset speaker Burg could run for Jewish-Arab party Hadash
VIDEO - Actors Studio avec Meyer Habib
VIDEO - Collard : "Israël n'est pas un État raciste !" Il est applaudi par Meyer Habib.
La Ligue de défense juive : "Bravo Monsieur Collard"
Clash entre les députés Jean Glavany et Meyer Habib, « porte-parole du Likoud » Jean Glavany à Meyer Habib : "Parfois je me demande si vous êtes du Parlement français ou du Parlement israélien"
juif.org - L'ultime offense du Parti socialiste français, par Shmuel Trigano [néocon juif]
Even the Israeli president says Israel is 'sick' and has forgotten how to be human
BHL et Finkiekraut recadrés par un ex-ambassadeur israélien en direct (I24)
juif.org - France: débat explosif sur un Etat palestinien à l'Assemblée nationale
juif.org - Résolution « socialiste » pour la Palestine : L'enfer est pavé de « bonnes intentions »
French FM: Recognition of ‘Palestine’ in 2016 if talks fail
D.De Villepin : «Je suis pour la reconnaissance de l’Etat Palestinien»
France's Blessing As France decides on whether to recognize a Palestinian state, a spotlight shines on a foreign minister with Jewish roots who will help decide the vote. (...) But it is now clear that Fabius, unlike Hollande, has decided to emphasize Mitterrand’s insistence that Palestine must be and will be recognized. During this approaching winter of the world’s discontent, le temps venu seems that much closer.
juif.org - La colère des Israéliens contre la France
Palestine : Israël convoque l’ambassadeur français
Israel to call in French envoy to protest vote in UN Security Council
Israel: ‘Deep disappointment’ in France’s U.N. vote on Palestine
France to Israel: We backed Palestinians in Security Council to prevent ICC bid
Ulcan menace Martine Aubry : l'élue socialiste porte plainte
BHL et Finkiekraut recadrés par un ex-ambassadeur israélien en direct (I24)
Le Parlement irlandais reconnaît l’Etat palestinien
juif.org - Scandale: L'Irlande va commémorer la Shoah en bannissant Israël et l'Etat Juif ! Bientôt l'Irlande commémorera la Shoah sans Juif'
Mention of Israel banned at Irish national Holocaust memorial
juif.org - Vote Palestine au Sénat, larmes de bonheur du PS, les pauvres sénateurs UMP se sont fait retourner comme des crêpes
Anti-BDS academics urge sanctions on Israeli leaders Zionist professors, including Princeton’s Michael Walzer, say U.S. and EU should restrict visas and freeze assets of Bennett and three others who entrench the occupation.
Targeting the One-Staters Prominent American academics who oppose the BDS movement are calling for personal sanctions on four Israeli leaders — including right wing star Naftali Bennett.
Who cares if the last bastion of pro-Israel American liberals crumbles?
Roseanne Barr blasts 'anti-Semitic' Jews for pro-BDS views
Police identify suspect behind FB page featuring Israeli politicians in Nazi garb Israeli living in U.S. suspected of posting faked pictures of President Rivlin and others in SS uniforms.
Je présumais ça justement. Prévisible.
Europe-Israel: [Vidéo] France 2: Charles Enderlin remet le couvert
Biggest children’s book publisher erases Israel from map
California Assemblyman Demands Assurance That ‘Anti-Israel Propaganda’ is Prohibited from UC Classrooms
La Russie en faveur d’une reconnaissance de l’État Palestinien
Russia to support Palestinian bid for statehood in UN
L'Union européenne ne condamne pas l'antisémitisme virulent de l'Autorité palestinienne et du Hamas c'est pas vrai du tout ça...
Jews demand that EU put Hamas back on its list of “terrorist organizations”
You Must Recognize Israel, but it is “Anti-Semitic” to Recognize Palestinian State
Israel losing support in UK because of settlement building and Gaza offensive, ambassador warns
Jordan warns that Jewish settlements may 'imperil' peace treaty with Israel
Israeli forces detain Palestinian man who removed settler tent
U.S. slams Israel’s reported approval of eastern Jerusalem housing plans
US says Israeli housing action 'incompatible' with peace
EU slams J'lem construction Joining chorus of disapproval for building over Green Line, EU warns future relations with Israel depends on 'commitment for lasting peace.'
Chile Files Lawsuit against Israeli Prime Minister
Ecuador to open embassy in 'Palestine', president cancels visit to Israel
Le Chili et le Pérou rappellent leur ambassadeur en Israël
Au Danemark.. "Israël" est un criminel tueur d'enfants
Le producteur d'Hollywood furieux contre le couple Bardem/Cruz est un communautariste sioniste
Actress Penelope Cruz reportedly blacklisted by Hollywood studios for her support of Palestine
Cruz et Bardem qualifient l’opération israélienne de « génocide »
« Génocide » : le texte de l’acteur Javier Bardem sur Gaza
Selena Gomez raillée pour son soutien à Gaza
Fidel Castro, Evo Morales, others sign pro-Palestine manifesto
Cruz, Bardem blacklisted over Gaza letter
Gaza : Desmond Tutu appelle à un boycott mondial d’Israël
Anti-Israel celebrities and their brands
Israeli Company Blocked from Oakland Dock
AVAAZ spreads Tutu’s message to divest from Israel and free Palestine
300 stars d’Hollywood soutiennent Israël contre le Hamas
‘Genocidal anti-Semitism’ spreading, Irwin Cotler says La Russie a mis Cotler sur sa liste noire. Il a prétendu y avoir été empoisonné!
French society 'indifferent' to anti-Semitism, new chief rabbi claims
The Tide Turns Against Zio-Tryanny: More Public Figures Stand Up for Dr. Duke’s Work!
juif.org-Dans une université de Bruxelles, on parle du « grand méchant juif » contre le « petit palestinien »…
Tout ce qui fait freaker les juifs c'est bon pour nous.
Israel ignoring “tectonic change” in world public opinion by Uri Avnery, for Haaretz
Groups working to stop US funding of campus anti-Israel activity
Lancet editor says he ‘deeply regrets’ polarizing letter on Gaza
Ne faut jamais entrer dans ce petit jeu pervers des excuses publiques! Car ils en ont jamais assez! Ils vont pas te lâcher même si tu t'excuses.
Le rédacteur en chef du journal médical britannique 'The Lancet' regrette profondément d'avoir publier une lettre anti-israélienne
Dr. David Duke’s Powerful Letter to Lancet!
Listen to Dr. Duke’s Powerful Response to the Craven Editor of Lancet!
Lancet editor in Israel after outcry over Gaza letter Richard Horton, who published missive decrying Israeli ‘massacre’, on professional visit to medical institutes
The Lancet editor visiting Israel amid anti-Semitism uproar As the scandal over The Lancet's recent article, Open Letter for the People in Gaza, grew at week’s end, following NGO Monitor’s discovery that two of the primary authors promoted an anti-Semitic video by white supremacist David Duke, NGO Monitor called on Dr. Richard Horton to take responsibility for his decisions as editor of the journal. NGO Monitor noted that, rather than retracting the letter and apologizing, Horton is coming to visit Israel this week.
Keeping anti-Israel campus groups in check
Jewish Professors Hit Back Against Pro-Israel Campus 'Blacklist'
250 anthropologues en faveur du boycott des universités israéliennes
Columbia, Harvard, Yale anthropologists among 360 backing boycott of Israel
Evangelical ‘Christians’ i.e. Zionists Begin Sympathizing More With the Palestinians À terme, cela risque de changer la donne... Pas rien qu'un peu!
The End of Evangelical Support for Israel? The Jewish State’s International Standing
Israeli poet defends Abbas ‘genocide’ speech Natan Zach places ad in paper saying PA president told the truth in his address, while Netanyahu told ‘tall tales’
Loyola U. Chicago suspends, then reinstates Students for Justice in Palestine
VIDEO - Watch as Jewish Senator gets earful from constituents
Liban : Massive Attack condamne les « massacres » d’Israël contre les Palestiniens
NBA superstar comes under fire for tweeting “Free Palestine”
FreePalestine : le tweet de soutien à la Palestine de Rihanna
Did LA pro-Israel group conceal right-wing identity from Hollywood celebs and media?
VIDEO - Welcome To The Sean Hannity School Of Bullying: Russell Brand
Russell Brand opposes anti-Semitism after death threats [!]: 'We must disavow all forms of prejudice that lead to exclusion and execution'
Brian Eno joins criticism of BBC’s bias against Palestinians
Israeli killings’ images can’t be justified: Brian Eno
Brian Eno: Today I saw a weeping Palestinian man holding a plastic bag of meat: it was his son
Protesters force BBC to confront its pro-Israel bias
Israel Accused Of War Crimes (UK Parliament)
Campaigners call on UK government to end military ties with Israel
UK government faces unprecedented lawsuit over arms sales to Israel
Activists occupy UK government building, demanding arms embargo on Israel
UK must stop selling weapons to Israel or face legal action – anti-war group
Freedom of Speech? Not for AntiZionists on US Campuses
13 US Activists Arrested for Protesting US Senators’ Unquestioning Support of Israel
Tweets Cost a Professor His Tenure
British MP and RT host George Galloway brutally attacked ‘over his Israel views’
VIDEO - First Interview with George Galloway MP Since Violent Attack
Galloway criticizes Westminster’s silence
VIDEO - EXCLUSIVE: MP George Galloway’s FIRST tv interview after he was beaten in broad daylight in London
VIDEO - Interview de George Galloway après son agression
Waters faces protest at TIFF

Ken Loach, le cinéaste britannique, appelle au "Boycott absolu d’Israël"
VIDEO - Aymeric Caron clashe BHL sur la Palestine
Ulcan provoque un malaise chez la mère d’Aymeric Caron
Arab Israelis fired from jobs for criticizing Gaza offensive on Facebook - NGO
ZIONISTS APOLOGISE FOR DOING A GOOD THING Jewish Chronicle apologizes for running Gaza aid ad
Tel Aviv demo decries Israel’s war on Gaza
VIDEO - Chicago Jewish activists disrupt Rahm Emanuel, Michael Oren at Israel fundraiser
Canadian grassroots actions for Gaza pave way for change of consciousness
Peter Gabriel among rock stars contributing to Gaza relief album Musician says he is “not and has never been anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic,” but rather “anti-Israeli government policy, anti-injustice, anti-oppression and anti-occupation.”
One year after boycott vote, Israel issue still divides the American Studies Association
La direction de la BBC lui ordonne de ne pas parler d’Israël : Max Keiser démissionne
Etgar Keret: Why I will never leave Israel, despite it all One of Israel's leading authors explains why his provocative new book will not be published in Hebrew.
Keret, who was born in 1967, has been one of Israel’s most popular writers since 1992, when his first collection of short stories, “Pipelines,” was published. He was certainly the voice of a generation and became one of the most successful Israeli writers worldwide. His books have been translated into 30 languages, and Salman Rushdie [LOL!!!] said of him that he was the voice of the next generation.
Ethiopian-Israelis set new protests, vow no violence
The Ethiopians’ problem: For most Israelis black is black We don’t have a common identity and culture, so separate ethnic cultural ghettos are preferable to a uniform national wilderness.
Israël : des manifestants éthiopiens juifs gazés par la police
Racist Israeli Policies Target Ethiopian Jews
Police Attack Demonstration Against Police Violence in Israel
Israel’s systematic discrimination against blacks
Teacher suspended for telling student to ‘go back to Ethiopia’
Le racisme ordinaire aux Etats-Unis et en Israël est en train de supplanter l’antisémitisme!
«Nous ne voulons plus être les Nègres» d’Israël
Protests Go Global as Ethiopians March Against Police Brutality in Tel Aviv
Juifs noirs gazés par la police à Tel Aviv ! Israël en proie aux émeutes raciales (Pas sûr qu'ils sont tous juifs... Ils sont Israéliens! Mais quantité de réfugiés politiques éthiopiens se voient refuser la citoyenneté...)
Émeutes raciales en Israël : 30 blessés
30 wounded in clashes with Ethiopian Israelis
Police, protesters clash in Tel Aviv as anti-racism protest turns violent
Ethiopian-Israelis, police clash in Tel Aviv during demonstration
Ethiopian-Israeli Protesters, Supporters Block Off Tel Aviv Roads
Les Éthiopiens marchent contre le racisme à Tel Aviv
Nouveaux heurts lors d’une manifestation d’Israéliens éthiopiens
Dozens injured as Tel Aviv rally descends into violent fracas 23 police and sevenprotesters hurt by rocks, stun grenades and tear gas, several demonstrators arrested as anti-racism rally in support of Ethiopian community turns into melee; Netanyahu: there’s room for claims, but not violence
Israel's long history of racism: What exactly are Ethiopian Israelis protesting? Ever since they began immigrating in 1984, Ethiopian Jews feel they have been discriminated against because of the color of their skin.
'Bad apple' excuse brings Israel closer to Baltimore Using this excuse allows us to avoid important questions: How racist are the police? Do officers act violently against Ethiopians because they believe they can do so with impunity?
Beyond Baltimore: The ugly truth about racism and police brutality in Israel Israel is perhaps no better and no worse when it comes to racism than America. But here it's even easier for people in power to justify their behavior.
Why are Ethiopian Israelis so angry? The voices behind the protests Several of the demonstrators who attended the rally against police brutality - which itself turned violent - explained to Haaretz what brought them out into the streets of Tel Aviv.
What Baltimore has in common with Ethiopian Israeli protests - and what it doesn't It’s no coincidence that the frustration of young Israelis who immigrated as children from Ethiopia should explode onto the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem at this particular moment.
Ethiopian Israeli protest turned violent - but it's still justified Sunday’s protest by Israelis of Ethiopian descent of the police’s attitude toward them spiraled out of control;...
WATCH: As it happened, 6 videos from anti-racism protests by Ethiopian-Israelis
The Ethiopian Israelis' justified outcry
Racist Israeli Policies Target Arabs and Ethiopian Jews
‘We made a mistake’: Israeli president to Ethiopians after thousands-strong protest
Student councils of 5 South African universities join BDS campaign
South African Jews: apologetic about apartheid, abused over Israel
VIDEO - What Donald Sterling Said about Israel and Blacks. Media Smears and Suppression
FORWARD-NBA's Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend, 'In Israel, Blacks Are Treated Like Dogs' Owner Seeks To Justify Racist View of African-Americans
YNETNEWS-Clippers owners: In Israel, blacks treated like dogs Extended recording of Donald Sterling sees him make additional racist remarks, belittling 'black Jews' and claiming they are worth less than 'white Jews' during conversation with girlfriend.
TIMESOFISRAEL-Clippers owner: Black Jews treated like dogs in Israel Extended recording released by Deadspin purports to show Donald Sterling using Israeli racism to defend own views on blacks
MONDOWEISS-NBA owner Sterling reportedly sought to justify his racism by citing Israeli racism
One Thing Donald Sterling Got Right: ‘In Israel Blacks are Treated Like Dogs’
Israeli Policies Towards the Palestinians Mirror Regimes of Apartheid in South Africa and Jim Crow in the U.S.
VIDEO - Le Racisme anti-noir "d'israël" (05/10/14)
Fleeing conflict into the arms of another war When the siren sounds and Israelis run for shelter, Tel Aviv's African asylum seekers run out to the street.
On Israel’s little-known concentration and labor camps in 1948-1955
VIDEO - Camps de concentration en Israel pour les hommes noirs
VIDEO - Tel Aviv protestors chanted “Niggers go home! Niggers to Africa!” at anti-refugee rally
Israel 'coercing Eritreans and Sudanese to leave'
VIDEO - Israeli incitement: EU parliament testimony
VIDEO - Routine exchange on a bus reveals racism embedded within Jewish Israeli society
Why is it? The Only Racism You Can’t Criticize is… Jewish Racism!
Hypocrisy in Action: The Jewish Lobby, Asylum Seekers in Israel and America

Nouvelle manifestation d'Israéliens d'origine éthiopienne contre le racisme
Des slogans racistes incitant à tuer les palestiniens à Jaffa
Israel 'disappointed' Vatican reached agreement recognizing Palestinian state
Le Vatican et la Palestine parviennent à un accord (Sauf qu'on sait à quel point l'Autorité palestinienne est corrompue... Ça sent mauvais!)
Le Vatican reconnaît l'État palestinien
Vatican treaty uses term 'state of Palestine' for first time Officials say Israel does not view document as recognition of Palestine by the Holy See, but add Jerusalem is 'disappointed' and awaits clarifications.
Israël réfléchit ‘aux suites’ à donner à la reconnaissance par le Vatican de la Palestine L’État pontifical et les Palestiniens vont bientôt signer un accord sur l’Eglise dans les Territoires
Strategic talks between Israel, France deteriorate into serious dispute Strategic consultations between the countries last week end in discord over French initiative for UN resolution on talks with Palestinians.
'EU must reassess Mideast policy, hold Israel to account for settlements'
Des anciens dirigeants européens appellent à faire pression sur Israël Une lettre demande que l’UE impose l’étiquetage des produits des implantations, et soutienne les initiatives unilatérales palestiniennes
PA : Nearly half of world's Palestinians are still refugees Palestinian Authority's Central Bureau of Statistics reports that there are 12.1 million Palestinians in the world; 6.1 million live in the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel, expected to grow to 7.1 million by 2020.
Israel’s atrocities in Gaza prompt unprecedented political fallout
juif.org - Jusqu'où l'Europe est-elle prête à aller contre l'Etat d'Israël ?
Un sondage de la Commission européenne selon lequel la majorité des Européens voient en Israël le pays qui menace le plus la paix mondiale était dénoncé dimanche comme la preuve d’un antisémitisme rampant en Europe par des responsables israéliens et la presse locale.
juif.org - L'UE prépare une Liste Noire de juifs qui seront interdits de séjour en Europe.
juif.org - La « Palestine » n’est plus une cause, c’est un alibi pour être antisémite
juif.org - Le Parti socialiste Français s’amuse à insulter Israël en permanence et attend une récompense aux prochaines élections
Une chaîne d’e-mails sur Gaza irrite Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman Mocks Ryan Seacrest in Gaza Email Trail
8 Palestinians indicted for inciting anti-Jewish violence on Facebook East Jerusalem residents aged 18-45 charged with 'incitement to violence or terror and supporting a terrorist group' on social media.
Lehava leader says arrested members denied freedom of speech One week following a series of arrests culminating in the apprehension of 17 members of his radical anti-assimilation organization, including his own, the leader of Lehava condemned police for violating the group’s freedom of speech. Lehava head Bentzi Gopstein, who was arrested last Tuesday and remains under house arrest for incitement after three young members of his organization were arrested for allegedly vandalizing the nation’s largest Arab-Jewish school, said his group has been unfairly targeted. “We aren’t conducting any terror,” said Gopstein during a Sunday interview with Channel 2. “We act only according to the law. But it annoys and bothers [leftists] that there are so many [of us] and so much support, so this is what they do: arrest.”
Pauvres petits incendiaires criminels juifs: on ne respecte pas leur liberté d'expression! Bou-hou que c'est triste!
Homeland ruffles Israeli feathers by likening Menachem Begin to Taliban leader Encore un coup des médias antijuifs... MDR!
Rabbis plan to build temple on Al-Aqsa ruins
VIDEO - Rabbi Shmuley Boteach tells crowd: “Down with the Palestinians" Et si nous on dit "À bas les Israéliens" comme eux disent "À bas les Palestiniens", ça passe pour de l'incitation au meurtre... Mais quand c'est "À bas les Palestiniens" tout le monde comprend bien sûr qu'il ne s'agit pas d'appel au meurtre... Deux poids deux mesures?
juif.org - L'Union Européenne donne un feu vert au Hamas pour attaquer Israël Tellement crédible comme accusation... NOT!
Hate Journalism: “Liberal” Guardian Published “Pro-Genocide” Ad Directed against Palestinians
Lettre ouverte à Elie Wiesel
London Times refuses to run Elie Wiesel ad ed note from Trevor: If one were not awake to the deceptive, always warlike nature of Judaism, one might assume that someone who is a professional “holocaust survivor” would want peace, but Elie the Weaze can be seen relentlessly promoting all the Zionist wars of aggression. The fact that the London Times has rejected his blatantly pro-genocide commercial advertisement against the Palestinians signals what is repeatedly stated at The Ugly Truth, that the usurping Jewish entity is taking note that people are waking up, it is changing its tune, and it is opting for a massive PR makeover to remove some of the overtness of its war against Gentile-dom.
Elie Wiesel plays the Holocaust trump card in Gaza
In response to Elie Wiesel advertisement comparing Hamas to Nazis, 327 Jewish Holocaust survivors and descendants publish New York Times ad accusing Israel of 'ongoing massacre of the Palestinian people.'
225 Juifs qui ont survécu au génocide commis par les nazis condamnent le massacre des Palestiniens
Catholic Bishops condemn "Israeli occupation" and mistreatment of Palestinians; tell Jews that "use of scripture to wrongly justify injustices is not acceptable."
Holocaust survivors condemn Israel for 'Gaza massacre,' call for boycott
Israelis on Facebook wish death for Holocaust survivors against ‘Protective Edge’
Holocaust deniers in 'B'Tselem' Op-ed: The organization is not dealing with human rights, but encourages anti-Semitism; it's not about criticizing Israel's actions or about healing the world, it's about Jewish support of fabricated blood libels meant to assist Hamas.
Ça c'est un gros problème de relations publiques pour Israel!
40 Holocaust survivors condemn ‘massacre’ of Palestinians, call for BDS against Israel
Des survivants de l’Holocauste accusent Israël de massacre à Gaza
Des Israéliens souhaitent la mort aux rescapés de l'Holocauste opposés à l'opération « bordure protectrice »
Israeli intelligence veterans refuse to serve in Palestinian territories
jss news - 200 vétérans de l'unité 8200, la droite et même la gauche dénoncent la grotesque lettre des refuznikim !
Réaction israélienne aux nouveaux refuzniks israéliens qui refusent de tuer du Palestinien. (Rien à voir avec le mouvement refuznik de Russie qui ont rejoint aux USA les anciens trotskistes pro-guerre froide devenus néocons!)
Israël: des vétérans du renseignement défendent leur unité après une fronde
Israeli refuseniks will be treated as criminals, says defence minister
In wake of war, leftist ‘self-hating Jews’ find a voice With attention-getting civil disobedience tactics, Jewish Voice for Peace is increasingly loved by unaffiliated US Jews — and loathed by the Jewish establishment
Caltech professor claims Israeli spy infiltrated JPL
Prominent Israeli terrorist rabbi Dov Lior calls for "cleansing" of Palestinians
Ex-UK minister sparks anger with pro-Palestinian tweet after synagogue terror attack
Rand Paul blames Palestinian leaders (Abbas, etc.) for "incitement" of Israeli synagogue murders
Netanyahu: Jerusalem attack result of blood libel
In Israel, only Jewish blood shocks anyone by Gideon Levy for Haaretz
For some leaders of Israel's extreme right, dancing on the blood is not enough Haaretz
Left-wing Jewish group slams JNF for ‘land theft and ethnic cleansing’
Vancouver queer film fest accused of 'pinkwashing' Israel
Jewish Harvard Grad Busted for Trolling Blogs with "Anti-Semitic" postings. False flag "Anti-Semitism"!
Australia football administrators slammed for banning pro-Gaza billboards
Australian Jewish leaders seething over former FM’s pro-Palestine shift
Why Opposing the Israel Lobby Is No Longer Political Suicide
‘Bomb Gaza’ Google Play app lets Android users carry out Israeli air strikes on Palestinians
Google Bomb Gaza Game Taken Down
'Tel Aviv cinema should lose funds for Nakba fest' Culture min. mulls stopping funds to cinematheque that's hosting Palestinian film fest this weekend.
The Show Won't Go On Controversial: One of Theater J’s disputed productions was 2011’s ‘Return to Haifa,’ which critics claimed took an anti-Israel approach.
Jon Stewart makes it acceptable to care about Palestinian suffering
VIDEO - Jon Stewart ironise sur le conflit israélo-palestinien
VIDEO - Jon Stewart Learns What Happens When You Criticize Israel
Keep Your $50! Jon Stewart says he’s not taking calls about the Middle East — even if you came to his bar mitzvah: ‘Look, a $50 savings bond does not buy you a lifetime of criticism.’
VIDEO - Jon Stewart - "We cannot be Israel's rehab sponsor and its drug dealer " on Israel, Hamas cease-fire
Stewart hits back at critics Daily Show host slams claim he's self-hating Jew: 'I lost people in Holocaust. How dare you?'
Jon Stewart blasts 'fascistic' right-wing Jewish pressure on dissident Jews
Jon Stewart’s problem with his Jewish ‘brethren’ Daily Show comedian describes certain Jewish behavior as ‘fascistic’ when it comes to defining who is and isn’t a Jew
McGill students block anti-Israel motion
SodaStream Shuttering West Bank Factory
Why Jews don’t do boycotts Academic and cultural boycotts are often portrayed as a wielding of 'soft power', but they are intended to shut down debate, an act to which many Jews have an instinctual aversion.
Quoi? Les juifs ne boycottent pas, c'est contre leur nature?

OU students protest ‘blood bucket’ video, are arrested
Hillel urges Ohio U to apologize for pro-Israel arrests
Anti-Israel 'blood bucket’ protest stokes backlash on U.S. campus
An Ohio University student chose a controversial way to encourage efforts to boycott Israel and help the Palestinians.
The last couple of months illustrate his point. A few days after the launch of Operation Protective Edge, Benjamin Netanyahu said that to ensure that “we don’t get another Gaza in Judea and Samaria,” Israel could never allow “a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.” In other words, the West Bank.
Netanyahu did not utter the words Palestinian state. And for good reason. No credible two-state proposal has ever included permanently Israeli security control over a Palestinian state. The Clinton Parameters, outlined in December 2000, envisioned Israeli troops leaving the West Bank in three years, and then being replaced by an international force. The Geneva Initiative, a model peace agreement signed by former Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in 2003, called for Israeli troops to evacuate in two and a half years. It’s unclear from the reporting about Ehud Olmert’s negotiations with Mahmoud Abbas in 2007 and 2008 how long the Israeli leader expected it would take to withdraw Israeli troops from the West Bank under a deal. But it is clear that he envisioned a day when they would be replaced by an international, perhaps NATO, force. In his May 2011 speech urging a peace agreement based on the 1967 lines plus land swaps, President Obama called for the “the full and phased withdrawal of Israeli military forces” from the territory of a Palestinian state.
There are good reasons for this. For Palestinians, the whole point of having their own state is to free themselves from living under a foreign army that has caused them almost a half-century of humiliation and misery. Permanently keeping that army in the West Bank undoes the entire rationale for statehood. That’s especially the case because control over the Jordan Valley, where Israeli troops would presumably reside, is crucial to making a Palestinian state viable. The Jordan Valley, which compromises roughly one-quarter of the West Bank, is today off limits to most Palestinians, who are squeezed into an archipelago of towns and cities surrounded by settlements. It is the Jordan Valley—with its agricultural potential, mineral deposits, archeological sites, fresh underground water and undeveloped land—that could comprise, as Palestinian academics Ibrahim Sharqieh and Ghassan Shabaneh recently argued, “the economic spine of the future Palestinian state.” Keeping the Israeli army there--beyond the reach of Palestinian law—would put all that at risk.
Close Israeli observers saw Netanyahu’s words for what they were: a rejection of the two-state solution. Netanyahu’s statement, wrote David Horovitz, the hawkish editor of the Times of Israel, “quite simply, spells the end to the notion of Netanyahu consenting to the establishment of a Palestinian state.” Horovitz congratulated the Prime Minister on his honesty. “Nobody will ever be able to claim in the future that he didn’t tell us what he really thinks.”
The same cannot be said for Netanyahu’s allies in the American Jewish establishment. Not long after his statement, an American Jewish official asked me whether I could still “say Israel doesn’t need a presence in the Jordan valley after the tunnels [in Gaza].” The answer is yes. It’s also the answer given by Netanyahu’s former Mossad chief, Meir Dagan, who said earlier this year that, “I don’t like the talk that the [Jordan] valley is essential to Israel’s security” and by the Israeli Council of Peace and Security, a collection of high ranking former Israeli military officials. A few years ago, one of Israel’s most eminent military historians, Martin Van Creveld, wrote that “Israel can easily afford to give up the West Bank. Strategically speaking, the risk of doing so is negligible.”
But put aside, for the moment, the merits of permanently stationing Israeli troops in the West Bank. The more significant thing about the American Jewish official’s statement was that he twinned it with a declaration that, of course, he still supports a Palestinian state. “Every [American] Jewish group, except the crazies, support a two-state solution,” he insisted.
This is what my Israeli friend meant about polite American Jewish dishonesty. Again and again since Netanyahu took power, his government has made statements and taken actions blatantly hostile to Palestinian statehood. And again and again, American Jewish leaders have laundered those statements to make them palatable for American consumption. In 2009, when Avigdor Lieberman’s strong showing at the polls sparked concern in the American press, Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations insisted that Lieberman was “far more moderate than the media has presented it.” In 2011, when Netanyahu rejected Obama’s call for negotiations based on the 1967 lines plus land swaps, mainstream American Jewish organizations claimed that Netanyahu was still committed to Palestinian statehood, as if a viable Palestinian state need not be located near the 1967 lines. Last month, when Israel made its largest West Bank land expropriation since the 1980s—a move covered extensively by the New York Times—mainstream American Jewish groups simply pretended it hadn’t happened.
For decades, American Jewish groups have justified virtually everything the Israeli government does. Today they justify virtually everything the Israeli government does as consistent with the two-state solution. As result, in mainstream American Jewish discourse, the two-state solution has become something almost infinitely elastic. It has no fixed parameters. It means whatever the Israeli government says it means.
Which is precisely why many Palestinians who once supported two-states now support a single, binational, one. What Palestinians understand better than most mainstream American Jews is that, by historic standards, splitting British mandatory Palestinian 78 to 22 percent between a Jewish and Palestinian state, and preventing the free return of Palestinian refugees, represents a profound Zionist victory and a profound Palestinian defeat. Nonetheless, according to polls, many Palestinians have in the past been willing to accept this tragic outcome so their children can at least grow up as citizens in their own country, no longer at the mercy of an occupying army.
But when you tell Palestinians that even that 22 percent won’t really be theirs—because Israel will annex large chunks of it and permanently station its troops on part of the rest—you trigger exactly the reaction American Jews fear most. You liberate Palestinians to stop accepting tragic compromises and begin struggling for what they most deeply desire: full rights in 100 percent of historic Palestine, from Jaffa to Jericho and Gaza City to the Galilee, even though that would likely mean the end of a country dedicated to Jewish self-protection, and even though a binational state, in practical terms, would likely mean civil war.
That’s the real impact of the American Jewish community’s decision to sanitize Netanyahu’s behavior rather than opposing it. We’re not fooling anyone but ourselves.
“For me, personally, Arabs are something I can’t look at and can’t stand,” a 10th-grade girl from a high school in the central part of the country says in abominable Hebrew. “I am tremendously racist. I come from a racist home. If I get the chance in the army to shoot one of them, I won’t think twice. I’m ready to kill someone with my hands, and it’s an Arab. In my education I learned that ... their education is to be terrorists, and there is no belief in them. I live in an area of Arabs, and every day I see these Ishmaelites, who pass by the [bus] station and whistle. I wish them death.”
The student’s comments appear in a chapter devoted to ethnicity and racism among youth from a forthcoming book, “Scenes from School Life” (in Hebrew) by Idan Yaron and Yoram Harpaz. The book is based on anthropological observations made by Dr. Yaron, a sociologist, over the course of three years in a six-year, secular high school in the Israeli heartland – “the most average school we could find,” says Harpaz, a professor of education.
The book is nothing short of a page-turner, especially now, following the overt displays of racism and hatred of the Other that have been revealed in the country in the past month or so. Maybe “revealed” isn’t the right word, as it suggests surprise at the intensity of the phenomenon. But Yaron’s descriptions of what he saw at the school show that such hatred is a basic everyday element among youth, and a key component of their identity. Yaron portrays the hatred without rose-colored glasses or any attempt to present it as a sign of social “unity.” What he observed is unfiltered hatred. One conclusion that arises from the text is how little the education system is able – or wants – to deal with the racism problem.
Not all educators are indifferent or ineffective. There are, of course, teachers and others in the realm of education who adopt a different approach, who dare to try and take on the system. But they are a minority. The system’s internal logic operates differently.
Much of the chapter on racism revolves around the Bible lessons in a ninth-grade class, whose theme was revenge. “The class starts, and the students’ suggestions of examples of revenge are written on the blackboard,” the teacher told Yaron. A student named Yoav “insists that revenge is an important emotion. He utilizes the material being studied to hammer home his semi-covert message: All the Arabs should be killed. The class goes into an uproar. Five students agree with Yoav and say openly: The Arabs should be killed.”
One student relates that he heard in the synagogue on Shabbat that “Aravim zeh erev rav” [“Arabs are a rabble,” in a play on words], and also Amalek, and there is a commandment to kill them all,” a reference to the prototypical biblical enemy of the Children of Israel. Another student says he would take revenge on anyone who murdered his family, but would not kill them all.
“Some of the other students are outraged by this [softer stance],” the teacher reported. “The student then makes it clear that he has no love for Arabs and that he is not a leftist.”
Another student, Michal, says she is shocked by what she is hearing. She believes that the desire for revenge will only foment a cycle of blood; not all Arabs are bad, she adds, and certainly they don’t all deserve to die. “People who decree the fate of others so easily are not worthy of life,” she says.
Yoav himself claims to have heard Michal say: “Too bad you weren’t killed in a terrorist attack.”
“The students all start shouting,” the teacher says, according to Yaron. “Some are personally insulted, others are up in arms, and Michal finds herself alone and absorbing all the fire – ‘Arab lover,’ ‘leftist.’ I try to calm things down. The class is too distraught to move on to the biblical story. The bell rings. I let them out and suggest that they be more tolerant of one another.”
In the corridor during the break, the teacher notices that a crowd has gathered from all the ninth-grade classes. They have formed a human chain and are taunting Michal: “Fie, fie, fie, the Arabs will die.” The teacher: “I contemplated for five seconds whether to respond or keep going down the corridor. Finally I dispersed the gathering and insisted that Michal accompany me to the teachers’ room. She was in a state of shock, reeling under the insult, with tears to come instantly.”
Six students are suspended for two days. The teacher reports on his conversation with Michal: “She continues to be laconic. This is what always happens, she says. The opinions are racist, and her only regret is speaking out. I just want to hug her and say I’m sorry I put her through this trauma. I envy her courage to say aloud things that I sometimes am incapable of saying.”
Leftists as ‘Israel-haters’
In his research, Yaron spoke with Michal and Yoav, with other students in the class and with the homeroom teacher and the principal. The multiplicity of versions of the goings-on that emerge suggest a deep conflict and a lack of trust between the educators and the pupils. Each world functions separately, with the adults exercising little if any influence on the youngsters. It’s hard to believe that the suspension, or the punishment inflicted on some of the students – for example, to prepare a presentation for the ninth-grade classes on the subject of racism – changed anyone’s opinion.
The same goes for the principal’s unequivocal declaration that, “There will be no racist comments in our school.” Even the essay Michal was asked to write on the subject was soon forgotten. “The intention was to launch an educational program, but in the meantime it was postponed,” the homeroom teacher admits.
A year later, however, the incident itself was still remembered in the school. The same student who told Yaron that she won’t think twice if she gets the opportunity “to shoot one of them” when she serves in the army, also said, “As soon as I heard about the quarrel with that leftist girl [Michal], I was ready to throw a brick at her head and kill her. In my opinion, all the leftists are Israel-haters. I personally find it very painful. Those people have no place in our country – both the Arabs and the leftists.”
Anyone who imagines this as a local, passing outburst is wrong. As was the case with the girl from the ORT network vocational school who alleged earlier this year that her teacher had expressed “left-wing views” in the classroom – in this case too a student related that he cursed and shouted at a teacher who “justified the Arabs.” The students say that workshops to combat racism, which are run by an outside organization, leave little impression. “Racism is part of our life, no matter how much people say it’s bad,” a student said.
In the concluding discussion in just one such workshop, the moderator asked the students how they thought racism might eradicated. “Thin out the Arabs,” was the immediate reply. “I want you to leave here with the knowledge that the phenomenon exists, for you to be self-critical, and then maybe you will prevent it,” the moderator said. To which one student shot back, “If we’re not racist, that makes us leftists.”
The moderator, in a tone of despair: “I’d like it if you took at least something small from this workshop.” A student responds to the challenge: “That everyone should live the way he wants, that if he thinks he’s racist, let him think what he wants, and that’s all.”
As an adjunct of racism and hatred, ethnic identities – Mizrahi (Jews from Middle Eastern and North African countries) and Ashkenazi – are also flourishing. Yoav believes that there is “discrimination between Mizrahim and Ashkenazim. We were severely punished for the incident [with Michal], but if it were the other way around, that wouldn’t have happened.” Yoav later told Yaron that he found the common saying, “What’s this, an [open-air] market?” offensive, because his whole family works in the local produce market.
“Our business has existed since the state was established,” he said. “I am proud of my father, who is a man of the market. What are they trying to say, that my father isn’t cultured? When people say something about ‘Arabs,’ it’s considered a generalization, but when they say ‘market,’ that’s alright. When people say ‘market,’ they are actually talking about Mizrahim. We need to change the prejudices about the market and about the Mizrahim. People say I am a racist, but it’s just the opposite.”
“There is no discussion about the topic of racism in the school and there probably will not be,” the principal admits. “We are not prepared for the deep, long-term process that’s necessary. Even though I am constantly aware of the problem, it is far from being dealt with. It stems in the first place from the home, the community and the society, and it’s hard for us to cope with it. You have to remember that another reason it’s hard to deal with the problem is that it also exists among the teachers. Issues such as ‘human dignity’ or ‘humanism’ are in any case considered left-wing, and anyone who addresses them is considered tainted.”
Threat of noise
Prof. Yoram Harpaz is a senior lecturer at Beit Berl Teachers College and the editor of Hed Hahinuch, a major educational journal. Recalling the recent promise of Education Minister Shay Piron that classes in the first two weeks of the coming school year will be devoted to “emotional and social aspects of the summer’s events,” including “manifestations of racism and incitement,” Harpaz observes that schools in their present format “are incapable of dealing with the racist personality and identity.”
He adds: “The schools are not geared for this. They can only impart basic knowledge and skills, hold examinations on them and grade the students. In fact, they have a hard time doing even that. In classes of 40 students, with a strict curriculum and exams that have to be held, it is impossible to engage in values-based education.”
Yaron, a senior lecturer in sociology at Ashkelon Academic College, emphasizes how important teachers and the principal (and the education system in general) feel it is to stick to the curriculum and the lessons schedule – two islands of quiet amid a risk-laden reality.
“Doing this makes it possible for the teachers not to enter a dynamic sphere, which obligates openness and is liable to open a Pandora’s box, too,” he notes. “The greatest threat to the teacher is that there will be noise – that someone will complain, that an argument will break out, etc. That danger looms especially large in subjects that interest young people, such as sexuality, ethnicity, violence and racism. Teachers lack the tools to cope with these issues, so they are outsourced, which only emasculates educational personnel even more.”
The demand for quiet in the schools is not only an instrumental matter, deriving from the difficulty of keeping order in the classroom. There is also an ideological aspect involved. In general, there is a whole series of subjects that are not recommended for discussion in schools, such as the Nakba (or “catastrophe,” the term used by Palestinians to denote the establishment of the State of Israel), human rights and the morality of Israeli army operations. This was one of the reasons for the warnings issued by Tel Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev during the fighting in the Gaza Strip about “extreme and offensive remarks.”
Harpaz: “In Israel, the most political country there is, political education has not been developed as a discipline in which high-school students are taught how to think critically about political attitudes, or the fact that those attitudes are always dependent on a particular viewpoint and on vested interests.”
What, then, can be done? According to Harpaz, the solution will not be found in discussions between the homeroom teacher and the students. Nor is a condemnation, however late, by the education minister sufficient. A more radical change is needed.
“Values and outlooks are acquired in a lengthy process of identification with ‘significant others,’ such as teachers,” Harpaz explains. “This means that every aspect of the schools – patterns of teaching, evaluation methods, curricula, the physical structure and the cultural climate – has to change in the direction of becoming far more dialogical and democratic.”
And he has one more recommendation: not to flee from political and moral dilemmas, or from possible criticism. “Our leaders are so fearful of criticism, but they don’t understand that critical education is what generates close ties and caring. We get angry at those we love.”
Nefesh B’Nefesh may have a mixed record when it comes to taking care of the new immigrants whose move to Israel it facilitated, but the NGO promoting aliyah from North America and Britain has a flawless PR operation. On Monday morning, it brought a plane-load of 338 new immigrants to Ben-Gurion Airport for a stage-managed rally attended by President Rivlin. The central attraction was a group of 108 young men and women who will be inducted into the IDF in a few weeks.
With all the patriotic fervor sweeping the country in the wake of the Gaza operation, no-one is asking the necessary question whether military service should be the first stage in a new life in Israel. Moreover, should the IDF continue opening its ranks to hundreds of young Jewish men who do not plan to become citizens and spend their lives in Israel?
No-one wants to ask this question so soon after Los Angeles-native Golani sharpshooter Max Steinberg was killed in the fighting in Gaza, but it should be asked nonetheless. Is the IDF doing itself and these recruits a disservice by becoming a foreign legion for the Diaspora?
Some writers in America and Britain have raised this issue in tendentious columns accusing various pro-Israel organizations of “brainwashing” and asking why these “Jewish jihadis” are different from Muslim men going off to fight for ISIS in Syria and Iraq. These are ridiculous claims – a man over 18, with a vote, who enlists in an army is making a conscious choice and can take responsibility for himself. And while there is a real concern that the ISIS volunteers will return home and carry out terror attacks, as Mehdi Nemmouche did three months ago at the Brussels Jewish Museum, no Western security service has yet warned that IDF veterans have any intention of doing the same.
The real objection to aliyah in uniform is that it adds little to Israel’s security, as most of them serve shorter than regular terms (made even shorter by an immigrants’ introductory course) and many don’t go on to serve in the reserves. Few of them are prepared for the wrench of dislocation from a comfortable life in the West to the tough environment of a combat unit.
Basing the Israel-Diaspora connection on the military warps these valuable ties. Jews from around the world can make a huge contribution to Israel’s insular civil society – harnessing their energies in those directions will be of much greater benefit to them and Israel.
There is another type of Jewish jihadi, the online one.
For the last few weeks they have had one mission – get on Twitter and be a constant thorn in the side of journalists covering this conflict, especially those reporting on the ground in Gaza. Some are actual employees of “pro-Israel” NGOs funded by Diaspora billionaires and coordinated at various discreet levels with official government hasbara departments. Most are self-appointed defenders of Israel who believe that by spending their days and nights online they are ensuring the survival of the Jewish State. Together they have stoked an ongoing debate on journalistic ethics, a field they know nothing about.
The media is not above reproach, and the question of to what degree interference and pressure by Hamas affected the coverage is a legitimate one. Many seasoned correspondents in Gaza insist they experienced no effective censorship, while others have said they were subject to intimidation. A statement by the Foreign Press Association denouncing these Hamas actions is currently dividing the foreign press corps, many of whom feel that denunciation has undermined their credibility. All of this has very little to do with the cyber-bullying on Twitter.
Few, if any of those sniping away at journalists trying to do their work under strenuous conditions have spent a day of their lives working in conflict-zones. Their professed concern for the media’s integrity is totally false. Their true objective is to marginalize any coverage of the human toll paid by the people of Gaza during these weeks of warfare. It has nothing to do with the important debate over who bears the blame – Hamas by cynically launching rockets and operating from heavily populated areas or Israel by retaliating in a fashion that can only result in horrendous numbers of civilian deaths. Even news organizations traditionally supportive of Israel understand that giving the human toll wide coverage is an indispensable part of their role.
The online Jewish jihadis trying to suppress this are doing Israel no favors whatsoever and have also further corrupted much of the Iocal media, which has done little to present Israelis with the consequences of our army’s actions. All they do is strengthen the illusion that all Israel needs to do is “explain itself” better and cow its critics into silence.
The latest round of bloodshed has proved the fallacy of this approach. The media coverage has had absolutely no impact on the diplomatic situation. With the U.S. and European governments – not to mention the Arab ones – still broadly in support of Israel, pictures of dead children in Gaza, whatever the context, have had next to no influence. But the jihad against the media has played a central part in shutting down democratic debate within Israel. Whatever the justifications of Operation Protective Edge and the hypocrisy of some of its critics, the Jewish jihadis have weakened Israel with their campaign.
Dershowitz wannabes
A new, much more select group of Jewish jihadis is now coming to the fore – the lawfare warriors; jihadis with law degrees who are now working on their non-commissioned briefs defending Israel from war crimes indictments which will never come anyway. This bunch of Dershowitz wannabes are perhaps causing the most long-term damage to Israel.
It’s not that the United Nations Human Rights Council isn’t a hopelessly morally corrupt body controlled by some of the worst human-rights offenders on the globe. They couldn’t have appointed a more obviously biased and prejudiced “expert” to chair the commission tasked with investigating the Gaza conflict if they tried. Professor William Schabas, who accused Benjamin Netanyahu of committing war crimes in the 2009 Operation Cast Lead, which took place while Netanyahu was not even in government, who whitewashes the Assad regime of using chemical weapons against its own citizens and proudly took part in a conference in Tehran under the auspices of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the epitome of the quote misattributed to George Orwell that some ideas are “so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
If the government and its supporters were really self-confident enough to deal with the tough questions rising from the way the latest operation has been conducted, they would formally cooperate with the Schabas Commission and give the professor all the space in which to make a fool of himself, as he already has in every interview he’s given this week.
Instead, egged on by the Jewish jihadi lawfarers, the government has ruled out any contact with the commission. The argument that the commission’s conclusions have already been written is probably true; but that doesn’t change the fact that to be effective and credible in investigating the operation, Israel’s legal system must be fully transparent and open to international forums, as hopelessly hostile as they may be.
The only way Israel can be a true democracy with a properly functioning legal system and open media is to stop listening to these Jewish jihadis who tell us we are always right and the world is out to get us.
My plea to the people of Israel: Liberate yourselves by liberating Palestine

A child next to a picture of Nelson Mandela at a pro-Palestinian rally in Cape Town. August 9, 2014 Photo by AP
If you add together all the people who gathered over the past weekend to demand justice in Israel and Palestine – in Cape Town, Washington, D.C., New York, New Delhi, London, Dublin and Sydney, and all the other cities – this was arguably the largest active outcry by citizens around a single cause ever in the history of the world.
A quarter of a century ago, I participated in some well-attended demonstrations against apartheid. I never imagined we’d see demonstrations of that size again, but last Saturday’s turnout in Cape Town was as big if not bigger. Participants included young and old, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, atheists, blacks, whites, reds and greens ... as one would expect from a vibrant, tolerant, multicultural nation.
I asked the crowd to chant with me: “We are opposed to the injustice of the illegal occupation of Palestine. We are opposed to the indiscriminate killing in Gaza. We are opposed to the indignity meted out to Palestinians at checkpoints and roadblocks. We are opposed to violence perpetrated by all parties. But we are not opposed to Jews.”
Earlier in the week, I called for the suspension of Israel from the International Union of Architects, which was meeting in South Africa.
I appealed to Israeli sisters and brothers present at the conference to actively disassociate themselves and their profession from the design and construction of infrastructure related to perpetuating injustice, including the separation barrier, the security terminals and checkpoints, and the settlements built on occupied Palestinian land.
“I implore you to take this message home: Please turn the tide against violence and hatred by joining the nonviolent movement for justice for all people of the region,” I said.
Over the past few weeks, more than 1.6 million people across the world have signed onto this movement by joining an Avaaz campaign calling on corporations profiting from the Israeli occupation and/or implicated in the abuse and repression of Palestinians to pull out. The campaign specifically targets Dutch pension fund ABP; Barclays Bank; security systems supplier G4S; French transport company Veolia; computer company Hewlett-Packard; and bulldozer supplier Caterpillar.
Last month, 17 EU governments urged their citizens to avoid doing business in or investing in illegal Israeli settlements.
We have also recently witnessed the withdrawal by Dutch pension fund PGGM of tens of millions of euros from Israeli banks; the divestment from G4S by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; and the U.S. Presbyterian Church divested an estimated $21 million from HP, Motorola Solutions and Caterpillar.
It is a movement that is gathering pace.
Violence begets violence and hatred, that only begets more violence and hatred.
We South Africans know about violence and hatred. We understand the pain of being the polecat of the world; when it seems nobody understands or is even willing to listen to our perspective. It is where we come from.
We also know the benefits that dialogue between our leaders eventually brought us; when organizations labeled “terrorist” were unbanned and their leaders, including Nelson Mandela, were released from imprisonment, banishment and exile.
We know that when our leaders began to speak to each other, the rationale for the violence that had wracked our society dissipated and disappeared. Acts of terrorism perpetrated after the talks began – such as attacks on a church and a pub – were almost universally condemned, and the party held responsible snubbed at the ballot box.
The exhilaration that followed our voting together for the first time was not the preserve of black South Africans alone. The real triumph of our peaceful settlement was that all felt included. And later, when we unveiled a constitution so tolerant, compassionate and inclusive that it would make God proud, we all felt liberated.
Of course, it helped that we had a cadre of extraordinary leaders.
But what ultimately forced these leaders together around the negotiating table was the cocktail of persuasive, nonviolent tools that had been developed to isolate South Africa, economically, academically, culturally and psychologically.
At a certain point – the tipping point – the then-government realized that the cost of attempting to preserve apartheid outweighed the benefits.
The withdrawal of trade with South Africa by multinational corporations with a conscience in the 1980s was ultimately one of the key levers that brought the apartheid state – bloodlessly – to its knees. Those corporations understood that by contributing to South Africa’s economy, they were contributing to the retention of an unjust status quo.
Those who continue to do business with Israel, who contribute to a sense of “normalcy” in Israeli society, are doing the people of Israel and Palestine a disservice. They are contributing to the perpetuation of a profoundly unjust status quo.
Those who contribute to Israel’s temporary isolation are saying that Israelis and Palestinians are equally entitled to dignity and peace.
Ultimately, events in Gaza over the past month or so are going to test who believes in the worth of human beings.
It is becoming more and more clear that politicians and diplomats are failing to come up with answers, and that responsibility for brokering a sustainable solution to the crisis in the Holy Land rests with civil society and the people of Israel and Palestine themselves.
Besides the recent devastation of Gaza, decent human beings everywhere – including many in Israel – are profoundly disturbed by the daily violations of human dignity and freedom of movement Palestinians are subjected to at checkpoints and roadblocks. And Israel’s policies of illegal occupation and the construction of buffer-zone settlements on occupied land compound the difficulty of achieving an agreementsettlement in the future that is acceptable for all.
The State of Israel is behaving as if there is no tomorrow. Its people will not live the peaceful and secure lives they crave – and are entitled to – as long as their leaders perpetuate conditions that sustain the conflict.
I have condemned those in Palestine responsible for firing missiles and rockets at Israel. They are fanning the flames of hatred. I am opposed to all manifestations of violence.
But we must be very clear that the people of Palestine have every right to struggle for their dignity and freedom. It is a struggle that has the support of many around the world.
No human-made problems are intractable when humans put their heads together with the earnest desire to overcome them. No peace is impossible when people are determined to achieve it.
Peace requires the people of Israel and Palestine to recognize the human being in themselves and each other; to understand their interdependence.
Missiles, bombs and crude invective are not part of the solution. There is no military solution.
The solution is more likely to come from that nonviolent toolbox we developed in South Africa in the 1980s, to persuade the government of the necessity of altering its policies.
The reason these tools – boycott, sanctions and divestment – ultimately proved effective was because they had a critical mass of support, both inside and outside the country. The kind of support we have witnessed across the world in recent weeks, in respect of Palestine.
My plea to the people of Israel is to see beyond the moment, to see beyond the anger at feeling perpetually under siege, to see a world in which Israel and Palestine can coexist – a world in which mutual dignity and respect reign.
It requires a mind-set shift. A mind-set shift that recognizes that attempting to perpetuate the current status quo is to damn future generations to violence and insecurity. A mind-set shift that stops regarding legitimate criticism of a state’s policies as an attack on Judaism. A mind-set shift that begins at home and ripples out across communities and nations and regions – to the Diaspora scattered across the world we share. The only world we share.
People united in pursuit of a righteous cause are unstoppable. God does not interfere in the affairs of people, hoping we will grow and learn through resolving our difficulties and differences ourselves. But God is not asleep. The Jewish scriptures tell us that God is biased on the side of the weak, the dispossessed, the widow, the orphan, the alien who set slaves free on an exodus to a Promised Land. It was the prophet Amos who said we should let righteousness flow like a river.
Goodness prevails in the end. The pursuit of freedom for the people of Palestine from humiliation and persecution by the policies of Israel is a righteous cause. It is a cause that the people of Israel should support.
Nelson Mandela famously said that South Africans would not feel free until Palestinians were free.
He might have added that the liberation of Palestine will liberate Israel, too.
Iron Dome failed to intercept the secret rocket. The air force did not succeed in diverting the destructive arrow head from its course. Neither the government nor the army knew how to block the blow that this rocket delivered toIsrael’s strategic home front. They allowed the terrible sights of dead children, bombarded schools and shattered mosques to hand Hamas the biggest achievement – creeping delegitimization of Israel.
We should not be confused. Israel was and remains in the right in this awful war. Hamas is a fascist organization, which attacked the neighboring democracy without justification, in a criminal attempt to kill Israeli citizens and cause the deaths of Palestinian residents. Israel did its best not to be embroiled in the violent struggle and to reduce to a minimum the harm to innocents during its course. So there’s no room for moral comparison between the two entities – one of them is moral and enlightened, the other tyrannical and murderous.
But, regrettably, Hamas planned the campaign and prepared for it better than Israel in certain ways. It developed a malicious strategy intended to make Israel implement its terrifying power against itself. Since Israel had no decisive intelligence, it acted as Hamas expected it to act – it implemented its fire power in a way that harmed its international image.
Hamas cannot operate long distance intercontinental rockets, but by the ingenuous use it made of the IDF’s planes, rockets, guns and mortars – it struck the IDF on every television set in the United States.
Hamas created a distorted image of Israel in the minds of billions worldwide. Now, after searing us with a deep image burn, it will try to completely disrupt our shaky relationships with advanced America and reasonable Europe. It will try to write another Goldstone report and generate a third Durban Conference and drag our best people to The Hague. Hamas will probably not fire any more rockets at Ashkelon and Ashdod, but will use its secret rocket to try to turn us into what we’re not – South Africa.
So Operation Protective Edge is not over. The next few weeks will determine the campaign’s final result. While the top brass boast, justly, of Iron Dome and bombarding the tunnels, it’s clear today that Israel has no diplomatic Iron Dome and the Palestinians are digging a strategic attack tunnel under its international status.
Israel’s real Achilles heel is the gap in ideology and outlook between it and its Western allies. This gap has never been as deep as it is today, in view of Gaza’s horrific destruction. So Benjamin Netanyahu’s role is to do now what he hasn’t done in the past – initiate a Marshall plan that will rehabilitate the Gaza Strip and formulate a strategic plan that will rehabilitate the peace process. He must also show generosity.
Unless we complete the aerial attack and the ground fighting with a diplomatic move, we will endanger all our achievements. With our own hands we might grant Hamas the victory that has so far eluded it.
Israeli singer cancels concert over political death threats
Rona Kenan says she has been subjected to verbal attacks over a false 2012 report that claims she held a moment of silence for Palestinian martyrs.
By Eli Ashkenazi and Ben Shalev | Jul. 31, 2014 | 6:24 PM
Israeli singer-songwriter Rona Kenan canceled a performance that was supposed to take place Thursday evening in Haifa over fears for her life.
Over the past two weeks, various anonymous Facebook pages have been opened calling for a boycott of Kenan’s show over a claim that the singer “held a moment of silence for [Palestinian] martyrs” at an event that took place two years ago. Kenan vehemently denied the claim at the time.
Kenan’s public relations representative said her performance at the Turkish market in Haifa was canceled over “inciting messages, threats against her and slander over the past week via social media.”
It added that, “Someone decided to upload a false publication from 2012 and present it as though it were taking place now. Whoever uploaded the publication didn’t note the date nor did he bother to also publish the clarification that was provided at the time.”
Kenan herself said: “I have unfortunately found myself exposed to severe verbal attacks and threats to my life over a false publication from 2012 that was published again today as though it was happening now, during this sensitive time of war. Hopefully quieter days will be upon us all soon.”
Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav deplored the incitement against Kenan and said artists must not capitulate to “violent talkbacks on Facebook pages that threaten the Israeli democracy.”
Instead of Kenan, singer Shai Gabso will perform at the Haifa venue on Thursday evening.
Israel must apply rule of law to Jewish revenge vigilantes
There is no moral equivalent between Israel’s rule of law and Hamas’ rule of terror: Every country has its vigilantes, but where Israel pursues them, Hamas celebrates the killers.

World Bnei Akiva chief calls for price of 'blood' for Israeli teens' murder
Rabbi Noam Perel, secretary-general of world youth movement since 2012, urges government to turn IDF into an army of avengers, 'which will not stop at 300 Philistine foreskins.'

Where did Mohammed Abu Khdeir's murderers come from? The lost children of Israel
Teens in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods and towns are susceptible to canvassing by Kahanist and other racist groups. They're being overlooked.

Right-wingers attack leftists in Tel Aviv demonstration
Demonstrators attacked with clubs after rocket siren sounded; one man rushed to hospital; Police make no arrests.

Orthodox Jews - and all Jews - owe President Obama a big 'thank you'
The people of Israel and world Jewry should be thanking Obama, not slandering him with rank speculation and dismissive cynicism.

Israel's international credit to pound Gaza is running out
World pressure on Israel to reach a cease-fire is mounting, will rise even more if a ground offensive is launched. If Netanyahu is interested in calm, he would do better to initiate a stop to hostilities, and not just wait for an offer.

Le monument à la mémoire de l’adolescent palestinien vandalisé pour la deuxième fois
Monument to murdered Palestinian teen vandalized for second time
Renewed reports of attacks on Arabs in Jerusalem, with groups of extremists roaming the capital chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’

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