Le prix Nobel de la paix Elie Wiesel a qualifié l'investisseur américain Bernard Madoff, accusé d'une gigantesque fraude, de "psychopathe" qui devrait être placé à l'isolement, selon des propos rapportés vendredi par le New York Post.
"Psychopathe est un mot trop gentil pour le qualifier", a déclaré M. Wiesel, dont la Fondation avait donné en gestion la quasi-totalité de ses avoirs à la société de Bernard Madoff, soit plus de 15 millions de dollars, selon le quotidien.
"Il devrait être placé à l'isolement pendant au moins cinq ans avec un écran sur lequel seraient diffusées des photos de ses victimes", a poursuivi le survivant de l'Holocauste, cité par le journal.
"Il faudrait inventer n'importe quoi pour le faire souffrir (...) Il devrait être présenté à des juges qui trouveraient un châtiment", a ajouté M. Wiesel, selon le New York Post.
Bernard Madoff, 70 ans, a été arrêté le 11 décembre dernier après avoir révélé à ses proches qu'il avait pendant des décennies monté un énorme fonds d'investissement frauduleux, où des rémunérations élevées fictives étaient offertes aux clients qui lui confiaient leur argent.
Seul accusé jusqu'à présent, et pas encore formellement inculpé, l'investisseur est assigné à résidence 24 heures sur 24 dans son luxueux appartement de Manhattan.
La Fondation Elie Wiesel, vouée à l'entretien de la mémoire de l'Holocauste, mène des programmes de sensibilisation à l'antisémitisme auprès des jeunes, en organisant concours et conférences internationales. Elle a été créée en 1986 par le prix Nobel de la Paix et sa femme Marion.
Né en 1928, rescapé des camps de la mort nazis, Elie Wiesel a consacré l'essentiel de sa vie à la mémoire de la Shoah.
Source : http://www.google.com
Elie Wiesel says 'psycho' Madoff 'should suffer'
Wiesel livre la vérité sur les magouilles communautaires
Le docteur (mais qui n'est qu'ès science-fiction) Elie Wiesel se prend maintenant pour un médecin psychiatre. Les vilains diraient que c'est toujours mieux qu'être médecin-chef du camp de Drancy comme le fut son coreligionnaire Abraham Drucker, physionomiste à la solde des Allemands pour les accompagner dans le choix de prépusectomisés à déporter ; mais ce n'est pas le sujet.
Dans une assez peu croyable intervention, le romancier américain s'est attaqué à son coreligionnaire escroc Bernard Madoff avec une violence et, il faut bien le dire, une haine toute talmudique qui en dit long sur le personnage. Qui en dit surtout très long sur les pratiques levantines et le martyre de l'Allemagne occupée depuis 1945.
« Psychopathe est un mot trop gentil pour le qualifier »
a-t-il déclaré en préambule alors que lui-même fait croire que sa fondation d'endoctrinement et de manipulation serait en faillite.
« Il [Madoff]devrait être placé à l'isolement pendant au moins cinq ans avec un écran sur lequel seraient diffusées des photos de ses victimes.
Il faudrait inventer n'importe quoi pour le faire souffrir [...] Il devrait être présenté à des juges qui trouveraient un châtiment »
a-t-il poursuivi dans un entretien au New York Post. Des propos qui laissent imaginer avec quelle cruauté et qulle inhumanité ont pu être traité les Allemands pendant et après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Depuis plusieurs semaines, pour faire oublier les origines de Bernard Madoff et surtout le fait que ce dernier et sa femme était des bienfaiteurs d'organisations sionistes et de divers établissements israéliens (avec l'argent qu'ilz volaient), tentent de faire croire qu'ils sont les seuls réelles victimes de l'escroc.
Et pour ceux qui seraient surpris par la haine maladive dont est capable le "survivant" – l'un de ces millions de "survivants" – digne elle d'un psychopathe meurtrier, rappelons ces quelques mots issus de son livre "Rendez-vous avec la haine", Legends of Our Time, New York, Avon Books, 1968, p.1778.
« Tout juif, quelque part en lui, devrait se ménager une zone de haine-- une haine saine et virile-- pour ce que l'Allemand personnifie et pour ce qui persiste dans l'Allemand. Agir autrement serait trahir les morts. »
mot d'ordre qui s'est répandu dans le monde dès 1933 contre l'Allemagne et bientôt contre l'Europe, et qui explique comment, hier comme aujourd'hui, chaque mort d'un Européen est une victoire pour ces âmes malades...
Is Madoff A Symbol Of Jewish Greed?
Above Center Picture Featured On The ADL Web Site Here
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2009
Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News (SM)
For The Best Financial Crisis Coverage CLICK: Rense.com Here
THE CONTRAST BETWEEN JEWISH GREED and basic Christian generosity has never been more searingly exposed than by the ongoing Bernard Madoff scandal.
Madoff was arrested for criminal securities fraud on December 11, 2008. Because Bernie is a Jewish criminal, he has only had to endure house arrest with afternoon walks to date. The arrest was made shortly after Madoff told his two sons, employees at his firm, “Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities,” that he had been running a giant Ponzi scheme…resulting in robbing his clients of over $50 billion dollars.
In articles such as, “How I Got Screwed By Bernie Madoff,” it was brought to light that Madoff used client money for personal use…apparently a LOT of client money. Bernie has lived a lavish lifestyle and owns several homes, including a penthouse apartment in Manhattan’s Upper East Side, a luxurious home & private club in Florida, two private jets, and a yacht named “Bull.”
In the US Attorney's Access Document charging Madoff with securities fraud, it states
"BERNARD L MADOFF - the founder of Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities former chairman of the NASDAQ Stock Market - was arrested today for securities fraud.
“According to Madoff’s Website, ‘he has a personal interest in maintaining an unblemished record of fair-dealing and high ethical standards.’” View Arrest Document Here.
Madoff’s Website is now defunct and his claim to “high ethical standards” has been shown to be another classic Zionist con and lie. Running a Ponzi game is bad enough, but Bernie seems to have taken the game to a new level of criminality. On February 20, 2009, it was reported that there was no indication whatsoever that Madoff had EVER bought a single security for even one of his clients in the last 13 years even though he listed blue-chip stocks on their account statements.
Where did the $50 billion go? To date, the Feds have only found a little over $900 million. The leading scenario has it that Dirty Bernie laundered much of the loot through Israeli banks. Some suspect most of the stolen billions are still sitting safely in various Israeli banks right now and are being - and have been - used to fund a long list of intel schemes and black operations.
MANY ARE NOW ASKING the question: “Is Madoff a symbol of common Jewish greed?”
The Anti Defamation League defends Madoff by saying that his situation is an isolated incident. Other Jewish organizations claim that there are many Jewish charities who give generously, and thus, Madoff should not be used as an example of “Jewish greed.” Little is ever discussed as to how those benevolent Jewish charities actually MADE their money in the first place.
Having grown up in an upper middle class synagogue, my reply to Jewry’s defense of Madoff is two-fold.
First of all, how many “isolated incidents” regarding Wall Street shysters and financial crooks of all stripes does it take to establish the fact of Jewish greed? How many on the planet, even reputable Jews, have been defrauded and victimized by Jewish greed? How many could tell of their own experiences of being duped, lied to, conned and ripped-off by unscrupulous Jews? Tens of millions? More?
Secondly, Jewish charities are not concerned with helping all of humanity at large as is the practice of Christian charities. The vast majority of Jewish charities help THEIR OWN. (Compare The Two Links For An Obvious Contrast Between Jewish Charities & Christian Charities. Then Click On, A Closer Look At Jewish Charities, & See How Jews Only Help Other Jews.)
Indeed, Jews can be very generous, but almost invariably only when it comes to their own kind. Like Bernard Madoff, World Zionist Jewry clearly basks in the largesse of “Jewish greed” and keep its often ill-gotten wealth, parasitized from the Gentiles who host them, within their own elitist group…
And: Should US Bail Out Jewish Bankers? Click Here
And: ‘Bailout’ Betrays Main Street Click Here
And: ADL Calls Madoff Critics ‘Anti Semites’ Click Here
And: How The Jews Think Click Here
And: Jewish Bankers At War Click Here
And: Why I Left Judaism Click Here
Ponzi scheme financier Bernard Madoff should feel fortunate that he got nabbed when he did. Now under house arrest in his $7 million Manhattan penthouse, he could be lying in a pine box, six feet under if some of the people he crossed got their hands on him.
Former funds manager Harry Markopolos told a House Financial Services subcommittee on Feb. 4 that Madoff had cheated some extremely dangerous figures out of millions of dollars.
“Mr. Madoff was running such a large scheme of unimaginable size and complexity, and he had a lot of dirty money,” Markopolos testified. “Let me describe dirty money to you. When you’re that big and you’re that secretive, you’re going to attract a lot of organized crime money, which we now know came from the Russian mob and the Latin American drug cartel. When you’re zeroing out mobsters, you have a lot of fear. He could not afford to get caught, because once he got caught. . . .”
“If he would’ve known my name and knew he had a team tracking him, I didn’t think I was long for this world. Mr. Madoff was one of the most powerful men on Wall Street, and he was in a position to end our careers, or worse.” He continued, “Mr. Madoff was already facing life in prison if he were caught, so he’d face little to no downside to removing whatever threats he felt we posed. My team and I surmised that if Mr. Madoff gained knowledge of our activities, he might feel threatened enough to seek to stifle us.”
As his research continued over a 10-year period, Markopolos found that Madoff’s operation rivaled the infamous BCCI scandal of the 1980s and 1990s. In addition to his association with Russian oligarchs and Colombian drug lords, Madoff was also linked to high-society stockbroker Robert M. Jaffe (now under investigation by Massachusetts security regulators and linked to New England mobster Gennaro Angiulo),
Cayman Island money launderers, and corrupt pro-Israel financiers Sy Syms and Jacob Merkin.
Syms ran billions of dirty money through the Israeli Discount Bank of New York, while researcher Wayne Madsen wrote on January 14:
“Madoff is suspected of transferring much of his ill-gotten gain to Israeli banks, including one, Bank Leumi, that Madoff associate J. Ezra Merkin bought from the Israeli government when Ariel Sharon was prime minister and current PM Ehud Olmert was finance minister.”
Madoff was a past treasurer of the American Jewish Congress. Could these be the men Markopolos referred to when saying that Madoff “had been aided by an army of colleagues within his investment business in Manhattan”?
Government regulators still refused to act. “The SEC had enough to get Madoff,” Markopolos said. “I drew them pictures. I gave them a road map. I told them what questions to ask and who to phone.”
While hundreds of people lost their life savings, Wall Street continued its “code of silence.” In turn, the banking cartel’s elite pressured their subordinates to turn a blind eye. Former SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins confessed, “We were actively discouraged from going after Ponzi schemes, pump-and-dump schemes, and things that were considered small cases. Actively discouraged by our superiors.”
Markopolos said the SEC didn’t listen to his warnings because, “they’re too in-bed with the large derivative traders and investment banks. People lost money because they had faith in government.” The syndicate is flourishing between Washington and Wall Street.
Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and the author of
many books on 9-11 and the New World Order. These include 9-11 Evil:
The Israeli Role in 9-11 and Phantom Flight 93.
Le commentaire de Kevin Macdonald
Inquiétude dans les milieux judaïques