L'auteur James Bamford était très conseillé par Michael Collins Piper dans sa liste de suggestions (à ce sujet voir son ouvrage Ye Shall Know the Truth, disponible sur les sites d'archivage gratuits), pour son expertise sur la question du haut perfectionnement de l'espionnage israélien. Il réfère ici dans cette entrevue pour Democracy Now à une enquête récente du journal israélien de gauche très respecté, Haaretz. Il explique comment cette enquête lève le voile sur la réalité du Russiagate, pseudo-scandale tronqué qui a servi à cacher les preuves découvertes par Muller sur l'interférence israélienne. (En niant les faits derrière la façade du Russiagate, les médias alternatifs et dissidents n'ont encore rien fait d'autre que d'interférer avec la juste rectification des faits (comme les "fact-checkers" sont censés faire) et pousser au fanatisme sectaire.
À découvrir: la série d'articles d'investigation de Haaretz:
Meet Team Jorge From an Israeli office building, a nameless company is disrupting the world
kill the truth. From a small office building, a group of Israelis is spreading global disruption
No morals, no qualms, no borders: Tal Hanan and Team Jorge have turned chaos into business
By Gur Megiddo and Omer Benjakob
The toolbox revealed Hacks, disinformation and cyberattacks: Team Jorge's global operation
Hacking, Extortion, Election Interference: These Are the Tools Used by Israel’s Agents of Chaos and Manipulation. Revealed: The cyberweapons a key Israeli company offers its clients in order to corrupt democracies across the globe
By Gur Megiddo and Omer Benjakob
The Israeli connection The 'Israeli hackers' in the Cambridge Analytica scandal were unknown. Until now
Cambridge Analytica’s Israeli Black Ops Team – Exposed at Last In-house emails published here for the first time identify the Israeli hackers running global disinformation campaigns whom Cambridge Analytica officials tried so hard to keep hidden
By Gur Megiddo and Omer Benjakob
The Israeli disinformation factory An antisemitic influencer and a fake journalist: Inside a psy-ops company
Antisemitic Influencers, Fake Journalists: Inside an Israeli Factory for Online Deception. For Israeli-owned Percepto International, slandering the International Red Cross and recruiting an antisemitic internet influencer are legitimate tactics ■ The company has run a fake investigative journalism site, rigged the reputation of a Netanyahu ally and meddled with elections in Burkina Faso
By Gur Megiddo and Omer Benjakob
'Remove security, introduce doctored forms' The Israeli chaos agents and their ties to 'stealing' Kenya's election
The Israeli Hackers Who Tried to Steal Kenya’s Election The campaign by Kenya’s opposition to cast doubt on William Ruto’s 2022 victory was aided by Israeli hackers, who accessed the Telegram accounts of the president’s senior officials
By Gur Megiddo and Omer Benjakob
The Story Killers project An Indian journalist was shot four times at her home. 100 colleagues undertook the mission to complete her work
How a Journalist’s Murder Led to a Global Investigation Into the Mercenaries Who Sell Disinformation and Destroy Democracies Indian journalist Gauri Lankesh was assassinated days before she planned to publish an editorial about disinformation. Five years on, Forbidden Stories pursues her unfinished work on fake news and explores new leads in her murder case
By Phineas Rueckert
Voir aussi, sur le logiciel Pegasus et NSO, le nouveau documentaire: The Spy in Your Mobile
Pegasus est un logiciel d'espionnage utilisé par Israel et d'autres pays autoritariens voulant traquer les dissidents, journalistes, etc. Une critique positive dans les médias libéraux israéliens: Even AIPAC Would Struggle to Love the Israel Seen in ‘The Spy in Your Mobile’ A new documentary about the NSO Group and its Pegasus spyware whets the appetite for a fictional recreation that might capture the true behind-the-scenes drama. It's also a bleak reminder that Israel is a world leader in exporting spyware to governments that don’t give a rat’s ass about human rights
À l'heure où les médias alternatifs et dissidents, comme Trump et la CIA, nous expliquent que les médias sont tous menteurs et les journalistes tous vendus, la réalité est toute autre: on voit clairement que les criminels sont de plus en plus démasqués dans des grands médias, que certains de ces médias échappent au contrôle des criminels même lorsque ces derniers sont au pouvoir. Certains grands médias embauchent encore des journalistes qui font leur travail et c'est un véritable cauchemar pour l'appareil criminel d'espionnage qui tente de tout maintenir sous son contrôle. En témoigne l'exemple récent de la théorie du complot de la Surprise d'octobre qui vient d'être étayée par les confessions d'un individu impliqué dans la conspiration des otages des Iraniens, devant permettre de voler l'élection à Jimmy Carter et assurer la victoire de Ronald Reagan.
À ne pas oublier, spécialement dans le présent contexte, pendant que le parti républicain américain met en opposition deux candidats principaux que sont Trump, supposément désillusionné et abandonné par Bibi Netanyahou, et DeSantis, un pantin de Bibi et des néocons. Rappelons cependant que le parti républicain n'a certainement pas le monopole des liens avec le fanatisme juif le plus violent: pour preuve les liens newyorkais entre le parti Démocrate et les kahanistes, résumés par David Sheen dans sa plus récente conférence filmée: Jewish False Messiah's Donkey. Il est de même superflu de souligner que le gouvernement israélien actuel n'a jamais été aussi ouvertement raciste: cela ferait autant sourire si l'on prétendait au sujet de l'apartheid sudafrican que celui-ci "n'a jamais été aussi raciste" (!).
Il n'y a rien d'étonnant à ce que des agents israéliens du chaos soient tellement actifs: la création de l'État israélien lui-même étant elle-même un facteur important de chaos et de déstabilisation, pouvant conduire à une grande guerre. C'est ce que révélait dans un livre publié en 1975 (The Arabs, de Thomas Kiernan), un analyste au service de Kissinger qui professait l'essentiel de sa pensée, si ce n'est son plan. Les conditions du chaos
a été mises en place par la création d'Israël. Cela va tout à fait dans le même sens que le
récent dossier journalistique de Ha'aretz sur les agent israéliens du Chaos...
As far back as 1975, top imperialist policy makers such as Henry Kissinger were viewing a potential Middle East war as the means by which an imperial world hegemon could be set in place.
In fact, the scenario seems to suggest that the whole Arab-Israeli conflict over Palestine was instigated—from the beginning—for the very purpose of sparking a global war.
This eye-opening scenario was presented in the stunning final (and probably little-read) paragraphs of a now long-forgotten 1975 book, The Arabs: Their History, Aims and Challenge to the Industrialized World by American pro-Zionist writer, Thomas Kiernan.
Although Kiernan did not name the top policy maker who outlined this amazing geopolitical scheme, Kiernan did describe the individual asserting this worldview as “a senior American State Department official who has played a central role in the mediatory efforts of Henry Kissinger during the past two years.”
This description, of course, could include Kissinger himself and, if truth be told, the speaker was probably Kissinger. If not, the speaker certainly reflected Kissinger’s thinking as a key player in Kissinger’s global machinations.
Responding to a question by Kiernan as to whether the Middle East conflict could be resolved without world war, the speaker (perhaps Kissinger) asserted:
The evolution of events in the Middle East during this century can be likened to the construction, if you can imagine it, of an inverted pyramid.
The capstone, which in the case of such a pyramid turns out to be its base, was formed out of the inevitable conflict between foreign Zionists’ need and ambition on the one hand, and local Arab pride and aspiration on the other.(132)
Note that the speaker admits that the conflict resulting from the insertion of the Zionist state into Arab territory in Palestine was “inevitable.”
There have been those who have said, for a generation, that this was the whole purpose of the provocative establishment of Israel in the first place.
The speaker continued:
As the pyramid grew, the stones in each of its successively widening tiers had added to them further elements—the passions and needs of other foreign interests, the passions and aspirations of other national groups within the Arab world. Each succeeding tier sucked more of the world into it. Now the pyramid is finished. And there it stands, incongruously balanced on its point, its four sides reaching up and out into every corner of the world.(133)
In other words, the crisis in the Middle East began drawing in the rest of the nations of the world—similar, precisely, to what is now happening with the ongoing struggle today between the United States and traditional allies such as France and Germany, not to mention the opposition of Russia and China, over the issue of war with Iraq—an outgrowth of the Israel-Palestine conflict itself. The scenario painted continues:
We all know that it is impossible for a pyramid to stand freely in such an upside-down manner. So far, it has been supported on its four corners by the rest of the world.
Although it has precariously tipped now and then, it has managed to remain more or less upright. But the effort to keep it upright has imposed greater and greater tension on those who support it.
Tension is resolved in two ways, our psychologists tell us. One way is through outburst. The other is through withdrawal. The fight-or-flee mechanism which is part of every human being’s reaction system.
Now, you tell me. Will it be resolved peacefully? Or will it take a world war to bring about a resolution?
If my analogy is correct, there can be no question of the ultimate outcome.(134)
In other words, a world war must result as a consequence of the Israeli-Arab conflict. The scenario proceeds:
One way or the other—whether one side or the other relaxes its support of the pyramid and withdraws, or whether one side or the other chooses to eradicate its tension through outburst—the pyramid will lose its balance and come tumbling down.
Either way, the resolution of the situation will come out of the dust and rubble of the collapsed pyramid. The Israeli-Arab conflict, the very thing that started it all, will be forgotten.(135)
Again, note the suggestion that the Israeli-Arab conflict is indeed central to the world war described in this frightening outline. The scenario concluded:
East and West will be left to pick over the remains like buzzards dining on carrion. That is, if there still is an East and West.(136)
Note the closing words: “if there still is an East and West.” What nations will be allied as “the East” and which as “the West”?
Are new alignments emerging—taking the place of the traditional Cold War era of “USA vs. USSR”?
Is the Arab world—along with the rest of mankind—simply a pawn in a much larger game in which the neo-conservatives are only tools themselves?
The final outcome of the drive for a world empire—dictated by American military might in the hands of a select few, a clique of hard-line neo-conservative war-hawks, the “high priests of war”—remains to be seen. However, based on what we have witnessed thus far, much blood has been shed and will continue to flow. (…)
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