Thursday, May 25, 2023

Soros utilisé comme bouc émissaire pour distraire et enrôler les populistes, les nationalistes et les chrétiens au service du clan illibéral d'extrême-droite Netanyahou et Orban


Le mouvement populiste international est pourri de l'intérieur sous l'influence du clan de Bibi Netanyahou (Israël) et Viktor Orban (Hongrie) et de leur vaste opération de propagande "conservatrice", en fait illibérale, glorifiant la haine et la violence anti-gauche, xénophobe, homophobe, misogyne, etc., allant jusqu'à défendre le meurtre et le génocide.  Comme nous l'avons exposé dans notre article précédent, les médias alternatifs payés ou influencés par la Paypal Mafia (ainsi que des États illibéraux comme la Russie, l'Iran, la Hongrie, la Turquie, l'Inde) s'alignent pratiquement tous sur cette propagande sioniste anti-Soros.

Il suffit de fouiller un peu pour découvrir les nombreuses preuves de l'origine sioniste du discours anti-Soros. Son écho retentit partout où l'influence sioniste est manifeste, princpalement dans le parti républicain américain et dans la droite chrétienne. 

Car le sionisme doit désormais passer par des médiations, il doit demander à ses amis et alliés de faire le boulot à sa place, puisque que le peuple est maintenant trop informé et méfiant vis-à-vis du pouvoir du lobby sioniste, mais pas assez méfiant envers les alliés du sionisme. Mais le pire est que les médias dissidents et altenatifs qu'on croyait antisionistes se révèlent de plus en plus ouvertement comme de grands défenseurs et admirateurs des alliés d'Israël, qu'ils adorent pour leur illibéralisme, comme l'Inde de Modi ou la Hongrie d'Orban.

"Les Organisations De Soros Détruisent Israël De L'intérieur" (Y. Netanyahou) - I24NEWS

Yair Netanyahu: Soros' Organizations Destroying Israel from the Inside - Hungary Today

Netanyahu's Son Slams Soros, 'Global Elite' and 'Radical Leftist' Control of Israeli Media at Conservative Event in Hungary - At a university considered close to the Hungarian PM, Yair Netanyahu says Viktor Orban's ongoing anti-Soros campaign is not antisemitic, as Orban's political director declares: 'Whoever controls the media, controls that country's mindset and through that, the country itself. --


C'est bien la preuve définitve qu'Elon Musk ne faisait que reprendre mot à mot les propos anti-Soros tenus par le fils de Netanyahou, Yair Netanyahou, qui est très actif sur les réseaux sociaux et très populaire dans le mouvement nationaliste international, plus que jamais tenu par la mouvance sioniste. Désormais la propagande sioniste ne vise plus prioritairement les juifs, elle avance déguisée pour viser les chrétiens de droite et la mouvance nationaliste et populiste. Elon Musk a même répondu aux critiques en se disant pro-sémite, ou philosémite faudrait-il plutôt dire.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Exploits anti-Soros Rhetoric in New Stump Speech Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, currently in Iowa for his first visit as a Republican presidential candidate, is featuring highly contentious attacks on a "Soros-backed attorney" as part of his stump speech. The anti-Soros barbs from DeSantis, who is widely seen as former U.S. President Donald Trump's chief competition for the 2024 GOP nomination, is yet another example of anti-Soros comments becoming exponentially more common within the Republican Party.

Israel ne considère plus la critique de George Soros comme de l'antisémitisme, considérant son influence qui minerait le sionisme et les politiques du gouvernement israélien d'ultra-droite.  

Israel pivots to say Elon Musk attacks on George Soros now not antisemitic “As Israel’s minister who’s entrusted on combating anti-Semitism, I would like to clarify that the Israeli government and the vast majority of Israeli citizens see Elon Musk as an amazing entrepreneur and a role model. Israeli government blasts Musk attack on Soros for ‘reeking of antisemitism’ “Criticism of Soros — who finances the most hostile organizations to the Jewish people and the state of Israel is anything but anti-Semitism, quite the opposite!” he added. The contrast highlights Israel’s split view of Soros, with some saying that his critics employ classic antisemitic tropes to delegitimize him, and conservatives who say his liberal politics cause damage to Israel and to the Jewish people.

Right-wing Activists Launch 'Jews Against Soros' Coalition Amid Antisemitism Controversies. New group claims it will 'fight back against the common left-wing smear' that opposing Soros is antisemitic, as conspiracy theories surrounding the progressive megadonor continue to grow within the Republican Party Right-wing activists on Wednesday launched a "Jews Against Soros" grassroots [LOL!!!!!!] coalition, aimed at combating allegations that attacking the Jewish billionaire is antisemitic. Spearheaded by senior Newsweek editor Josh Hammer and Missouri attorney general candidate Will Scharf, the group said it will "fight back against the common left-wing smear that opposition to Soros and his sprawling network of political organizations is antisemitic. "Attacking Soros for his influence on American politics, to say nothing of his nefarious agenda in Israel itself, isn't antisemitic," the coalition stated. They added that U.S. Jews have a special interest in stopping Soros due to his funding of groups that "have spread antisemitic lies about the state of Israel," citing the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement and J Street.

Elon Musk et Jared Kushner (proche de Bibi Netanyahou) au Super Bowl

Bibi Netanyahou et Musk discutent d'un sujet qu'Elon ne comprend pas: l'intelligence artificielle: @IsraeliPM·5 juin PM Netanyahu: We are at the dawn of a new era for humanity, an era of artificial intelligence. Last night I had a long conversation with @elonmusk, whose insight and contribution to humanity I hold in high esteem.

Musk est maintenant le consultant spécial de Netanyahou en matière d'intelligence artificielle... Ouf.

L'idée de faire payer les usagers de Twitter/X a été avancée récemment par Musk, en conférence avec Netanyahou bien sûr, sous prétexte de combattre les "bots".  

X begins charging new users $1 per year to send tweets. The “Not a Bot” program is being trialed in New Zealand and the Philippines (Endgadget)

"During a livestreamed conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month, Elon Musk suggested he was considering some kind of mandatory payment as part of an effort to combat bots and spam."

Dailymotion 0:36 "It's the only way I can think of to combat vast armies of bots," says Musk during a talk with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in ... AFP English · Il y a 1 mois
On Sept. 18, Musk and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu livestreamed their conversation about AI. Amid their time together, Musk said, "We’re moving to having a small monthly payment for use of the X system... it’s the only way I can think of to combat vast armies of bots," 'Variety' reports.

 Le général Flynn n'est abonné qu'à un seul compte Twitter: celui d'Elon Musk![Capture d'écran]

BrianM for TeleSur: Brazilian police have apprehended two illegal gold mining operations in the Yanomami indigenous reserve in the Amazon rainforest that were using the owner of this social media platform's Starlink technology to hide from the police. + [PHOTO - Elon Musk shaking hands with Bolsonaro]

Elon Musk et Rupert Murdoch au Super Bowl

Pour les fans d'Elon Musk et du mouvement anti-woke, Israël avec ses politiques actuelles représente rien de moins que l'exemple contemporain de résistance anti-globaliste et anti-gauche, exactement comme la ville de Sion qui regroupe les débranchés de la Matrice qui ont réussi à s'en échapper.

On peut cependant questionner le choix de Soros comme bouc émissaire: en effet, pourquoi les sionistes seraient-ils enclin à promouvoir qu'on fasse ainsi d'un juif comme Soros la cible de leur haine et le coupable désigné de tout ce qui va mal ? On peut légtimement suggérer que le choix de Soros comme bouc émissaire serait en partie pour faire plaisir à Poutine ; Soros étant tellement impliqué en Europe de l'Est dans les tentatives de changement culturel et de déstabilisation face aux politiques illibérales de la Russie de Poutine. C'est une possibilité à envisager et à garder en tête, d'autant plus que la Russie travaille en association avec Israël au découplage d'Israël et de la puissance américaine. 


Un découplage annoncé par le gouvernement Netanyahou des années 90 dans le document Clean Break et seul permettrait à Israël de conquérir son indépendance et se déployer librement, étendre son empire et devenir une puissance régionale et mondiale. (Une très grande partie de la population israélienne est d'origine russe et très marquée à droite, et ce jusqu'à l'extrême, et à la fois très connectées aux communautés juives de NY et Miami, qui jouèrent un rôle prépondérant dans l'élection de Trump selon une porte-parole du gouvernement russe.)

Le fait est que c'est depuis longtemps la ligne de pensée de la droite chrétienne et du réseau FOX, c'était le créneau désigné de l'animateur excité devenu télévangéliste Glenn Beck (un ami de Bibi qui l'invitait régulièrement sur son plateau), cela avant que Tucker Carlson reprenne ce créneau, toujours sur FOX News. C'est Soros,  selon eux, qui contrôlerait tous les médias, les politiciens et les groupes de gauche, puisque les médias seraient tous (à part FOX News) contrôlés par des "juifs anti-Israël". Toujours la vieille rengaine : "les juifs antisionistes sont des traîtres". Chez les conspis, le bouc émissaire est ou bien Soros ou bien les antifa ou bien Bill Gates. Si Glenn Beck, si FOX News (Rupert Murdoch), si le GOP, si le DailyStormer n'existaient pas, Bibi à la tête d'Israël les aurait inventés. C'est d'ailleurs ce que Bibi a fait concrètement dès les années 80 en favorisant et en scellant l'alliance entre le sionisme et la droite chrétienne évangélique américaine, qui était à l'époque la plus influente force politique au pays et la plus proche du pouvoir.

Pour rappel:  Un rabbin sioniste conservateur, Daniel Lapin, au rally de Glenn Beck (Tea Party)

Un politicien israélien: "Si on n'avait pas Glenn Beck, il faudrait en inventer un"

2016 - Obama's America: le tout dernier film du producteur mormon oscarisé pour La Liste de Schindler (L'impérialiste raciste Dinesh D'Souza, invité du conspi sioniste Glenn Beck.)

New Gingrich est un autre sioniste patenté lié à des réseaux de propagande sioniste (ex: Larry Silverstein et David Yerushalmi).

Gingrich Pushes 'Soros Stole the Election' Conspiracy Theory on Fox News George Soros has donated billions of his personal wealth to liberal and anti-authoritarian causes around the world, making him a favored target among many on the right

They're accusing Fox News of being Soros funded plants now || Omar Navarro @RealOmarNavarro · George Soros has taken over Fox News indirectly. The fact Newt Gingrich was censored from saying his name over a month ago. It’s clear now what happened.

A Fox show called out Newt Gingrich for his George Soros rhetoric. Then its host apologized.

Giuliani doubles down on Jewish Soros comments, saying the philanthropist uses Judaism as ‘a shield and a sword’ (En fait il est un juif assimilé qui ne pratique pas, bien qu'il reçoive la sympathie de nombreux juifs qui le défendent parfois un peu vite, simplement parce qu'il est une cible préférée des antijuifs les plus bêtes. Quant à Giuliani, il est suspecté d'être relié à la destruction de preuves du 11 septembre en envoyant les débris à l'étranger. Il était présent avec son ami Bibi Netanyahou près du métro de Londres lors des attentats du 07/07/05, dont on ne parle étrangement jamais du côté des Truthers.

Il est clair qu'une part des appuis de Trump du côté des influenceurs le répudie maintenant pour se tourner vers DeSantis, et ces influenceurs sont des "philosémites", en contraste très net avec le dîner de Trump, dîner de conspis "antisémites" s'il en est. Ben Shapiro, fier juif sioniste de tendance raciste, a reçu plus de 100 000 dollars de la part de Ron DeSantis, le principal rival de Trump pour la présidence à l'heure actuelle. Shapiro et Jordan Peterson, pseudo philosophe obsédé par le wokisme et son prétendu "pedophilic grooming of kids", ont tous deux rendu visite à Bibi Netanyahou dernièrement lors de leur tournée de conférences en Israël, suivi d'une belle séance de photo très professionnelle dans le style backroom mafia avec nul autre que leur idole: Bibi. Shapiro et Peterson ne parlent pas trop de DeSantis, mais ils attaquent tous les deux "l'hystérie covidienne", ce qui est un moyen détourné de mettre en valeur DeSantis et sa lutte aux mesures sanitaires (confinements, fermetures forcées, masque et vax obligatoire, etc.). 


Je redis et souligne depuis longtemps que c'est en Israël que convergent les luttes contre le wokisme-grooming et l'hystérie covidienne, et que ça n'est certainement pas un hasard. C'est une métamorphose du néoconservatisme à l'israélienne. Ron DeSantis est la créature née, en quelque sorte, de cette métamorphose. Il est à prévoir que ce clan rejoindra celui d'Alex Jones, lequel délaissera ouvertement Trump pour promouvoir DeSanctimonius. Notez bien que le camp pro-Trump ici ne perd pas son temps à parler contre le wokisme ou contre "l'hystérie covidienne" ou à exprimer leur philosémitisme en voyageant en Israël pour y donner des conférences...

Ce blog s'est déjà amplement occupé des cas similaires du côté fancophone, utilisant la critique du politiquement correct pour faire avancer l'agenda du sionisme et de ses alliés illibéraux :

L'avant-garde juifiste opère-t-elle un virage stratégique? Des néoconservateurs révolutionnaires, plus Français que les Français, suggèrent de délaisser la culpabilisation shoatique en espérant gagner les non-juifs à leur cause anti-Islam et anti-Arabe. Pour récupérer le discours complotiste et nationaliste, faire des nationalistes et des complotistes des alliés, il suffit de leur dire ce qu'ils veulent entendre et de cesser de les considérer comme la menace prioritaire, ainsi sera assurée la victoire sur le complot musulman contre l'Occident, seule véritable menace et source unique du "nouvel antisémitisme". 

Les nouveaux "nationalistes" vont tomber en amour avec le projet de Bibi: entourer Israël de hautes clôtures pour protéger la cité et sa haute culture contre les hordes barbares d'animaux sauvages. Comme disait Zemmour, "ça ne me gêne pas". Bibi pourra citer l'exemple de Calais pour se justifier et narguer l'Europe.

Les nouveaux "nationalistes": néo-FN, Finkielkraut, Zemmour, Taguieff et... Murdoch! Guillaume Weill-Raynal avait sonné l'alarme dès 2005. Ils sont la preuve que si le sionisme a longtemps préféré la gauche libérale antiraciste, elle préfère aujourd'hui la droite ostensiblement "nationaliste"! C'est l'essence même de la révolution néoconservatrice. Fox News, le 11 septembre et la mouvance anti-islam: cooptation, canalisation et récupération du nationalisme par le sionisme international sous couvert de lutte nationaliste contre des armées d'envahisseurs et infiltrateurs musulmans.

Pendant que Corbyn le socialiste pro-palestinien nouvellement élu à la tête du Parti Travailliste anglais se fait trucider dans les grands médias anti-antisémites néolibéraux bien-pensants, de plus en plus de dissidents nationalistes américains (même les antijuifs) tombent dans le piège de la nouvelle droite sioniste et deviennent leurs idiots utiles les plus efficaces: le pitre John Friend endosse Donald Trump et Ann Coulter, deux chèvres de Judas qui mènent le peuple américain à l'abattoir en s'attaquant en apparence à la rectitude politique antiraciste, alors qu'ils servent en fait à rendre respectable le racisme israélien. Car Israël a depuis longtemps rejoint le camp de l'ultra-droite de Jabotinski et Kahane... 

Pourquoi vous ne verrez jamais Goldnadel, Finkielkraut et Elisabeth Lévy s'offusquer des propos de Zemmour... même lorsque celui-ci flirte avec le négationnisme.

Ron deSantis a l'air de faire comme Orban: écorcher Soros et fréquenter des "infréquentables" (les médias les décrivent comme des antisémites, négationnistes, fascistes, etc.), et ce même au moment du lancement de sa campagne, tout en étant curieusement très lié d'amitié avec Netanyahou et son gouvernement, et en rendant visite à Miriam Adelson, la veuve de Sheldon Adelson, le plus important financier du parti républicain…

Examinons maintenant l'ampleur de la communion anti-Soros, anti-immigrants, anti-islam et suprémaciste raciste génocidaire qui unit le gouvernement de Netanyahou avec le gouvernement hongrois de Viktor Orban (dont les Carlson père et fils, Dick et Tucker ont été de véritables lobbyistes).


Why Are Netanyahu, Erdogan, Trump and Orban So Afraid of Soros?

Netanyahu accused of supporting antisemites over Soros campaign

Israël soutient la Hongrie contre George Soros

Israel backs Hungary against financier Soros Israel says call by its Hungarian envoy to end billboard campaign against George Soros was not meant to ‘delegitimize’ criticism of the Hungarian-American billionaire.

In Netanyahu’s world, Soros’ politics justify throwing him to Hungary’s anti-Semitic dogs

Netanyahu accused of supporting antisemites over Soros campaign

Hongrie : l'ambassadeur d'Israël demande la fin de la campagne anti-Soros

On Netanyahu’s orders: Israel's Foreign Ministry retracts criticism of anti-Semitism in Hungary and strongly attacks Soros

Israel urges Hungary: Nix anti-Soros campaign with anti-Semitic overtones

Israel clarifies stance on anti-Soros campaign Foreign Affairs

Israel Sides With anti-Semites

In Netanyahu’s world, George Soros’ politics justify throwing him to Hungary’s anti-Semitic dogs

Why Netanyahu hates George Soros so much

Attacking Soros: Israel’s Unholy Covenant With Europe’s anti-Semitic Ultra-right

George Soros says Hungarian government campaign against him like Nazi propaganda

The 'Laughing Jew': The Nazi backstory of Hungary's anti-Soros poster campaign

Rosh Hashanah as the battle of Netanyahu vs. Soros

Soros rebukes ‘bad’ Hungary PM Orban for creating ‘mafia regime’

PM makes historic visit to Hungary Foreign Affairs

In visiting Hungary, critics say, Netanyahu puts realpolitik ahead of ties with local Jews

Hungary, Israel seek closer ties as Orban campaign unnerves Jews

With Netanyahu set to arrive, swastika-daubed Soros posters still in Budapest

Netanyahu et Orban réfutent les critiques d’antisémitisme visant la Hongrie

Netanyahu et Orban : deux extrême-droites complices

Decrying ‘betrayal,’ Hungary Jews say Netanyahu ignoring them

Dénonçant une ‘trahison’, les Juifs hongrois déclarent que Netanyahu les ignore

Why Bibi Is Aligning Israel With An Anti-Semitic Populist Who Demonizes George Soros?

Soros and Hungarian anti-Semites: Almost one and the same ‏

Orban Admits Hungary Wartime ‘Crimes’ Against Jews In Meeting With Netanyahu

In meeting with Netanyahu, Hungary’s PM acknowledges ‘sin’ of WWll

When right-wing anti-Semites call, the Jewish state answers - Israel News -

Jews Split Over Hungary’s Government Campaign Against George Soros

Why Netanyahu Hates George Soros So Much

Pourquoi tant d’acharnement à l’égard de George Soros ?

Now Israel has its own version of the ‘alt-right’

If America's Civil War were today, Netanyahu's Israel would side with the South - Opinion - Israel News |

The Battle for Israel Is Liberal vs Illiberal, Not Right vs Left  The long-term goal of Israel’s new political right, led by its standard bearer Im Tirtzu, is to turn Israel into a closed society. This is how we can stop them.

Blood Brothers? Why Illiberal Nationalists Like Gorka Are at Home in Netanyahu's Israel

Hungary targets Soros unapologetically

Hungary Is Keeping Jews Safe by Keeping Muslims Out, Officials Claim

Breitbart Writer Ran Secret White Supremacist Facebook Group

Breitbart Warns Of George Soros ‘Threat’ To Europe Breitbart fut conçu en Israël

Breitbart Senior Editor Invited To Speak At AIPAC Conference

Jewish Talk Show Host Promotes ‘White Genocide’ Theory

Zeroing in on Soros, Netanyahu stands shoulder to shoulder with anti-Semitic scum - Opinion - Israel News |

Soros: Netanyahu lied, I'm not funding campaign

Netanyahu: Soros behind anti-deportation campaign

Soros spurns ‘false’ Netanyahu claim he’s behind anti-deportation bid

Other than slander, what do you know about George Soros?

Netanyahu says George Soros funding campaign against Israeli plan to deport asylum seekers - Israel News -

British paper accusing Soros of ‘secret plot’ not anti-Semitic, watchdog says

It's not anti-Semitism if you just hate the bad Jews

Netanyahu’s Hatred Of Soros Is A Rejection Of Diaspora Jews



À propos du fils de Bibi Netanyahou et sa proximité avec l'extrême-droite internationale 

Pour Yair Netanyahu, la gauche est plus dangereuse que les néo-nazis

Netanyahu’s son says neo-Nazis ‘dying out’ in US, leftist ‘thugs’ becoming dominant

Netanyahu’s Son Won’t Stop Trolling People On Facebook

Echoing Trump, Netanyahu’s Son Says Leftist ‘Thugs’ More Dangerous Than Neo-Nazis

Netanyahu’s son’s Facebook page is getting him in trouble

Netanyahu's son: Neo-Nazi scum belong to the past, far-left thugs getting stronger - Israel News -

Why Netanyahu Hates George Soros So Much

ADL denounces anti-Semitic meme posted by Netanyahu's son - Israel News -

ADL pans Netanyahu’s son as neo-Nazis rejoice over ‘anti-Semitic’ meme

Netanyahu's son posts anti-Semitic meme

PM’s son removes ‘anti-Semitic’ cartoon post, but offers no apology

Netanyahu's Son Celebrated on neo-Nazi Website After He Posted anti-Semitic Meme. The son of Israel's prime minister has a new fan, the hate-mongering online blogger Andrew Anglin

Hailing Yair Netanyahu, neo-Nazi site puts him on its banner

When David Duke agrees with Netanyahu's son: As probes intensify, the prime minister and his family lose control

Netanyahu’s son posts anti-Semitic meme on Facebook, neo-Nazis and David Duke cheer

The old-new origins of the ‘Alien reptile’ and cloaked figure in Yair Netanyahu’s meme

Why Yair Netanyahu’s Anti-Semitic Hatred Is So Bad For The Jews

Like the Trumps, Netanyahu Jr lies down with the dogs of America's anti-Semitic alt-right

Pepe the Jewish Frog: The Israelis weaponizing 'alt-right' symbols

Meet Andrew Anglin, the Missing neo-Nazi Who Is Also Yair Netanyahu’s #1 Fan

Right failed test in its response to Yair Netanyahu’s meme‏

Yair Netanyahu exposes Israel’s own version of the ‘alt-right’

Liberal American Jews’ Feelings Towards Israel Now Include Conspicuous Contempt

Now Israel has its own version of the ‘alt-right’

If America's Civil War were today, Netanyahu's Israel would side with the South

Anti-Jewish and pro-Netanyahu's Son: The Bizarre Story of the neo-Nazi Behind The Daily Stormer

Neo-Nazi Website Cheers (But Also Mocks) Yair Netanyahu For Ant-Semitic Meme

Neo-Nazi Praises Yair Netanyahu Because He ‘Stood Up Against The Jews’

'Yair probably likes how he's seen, even if it's BS' - The troll of Balfour Street:  Far from being bothered by controversial social media posts and scandals, Yair Netanyahu is basking in the attention and cultivating growing influence, say some close to the PM

Yair Netanyahu Neo-Nazi website becomes 'World's #1 Yair Netanyahu Fansite' The Daily Stormer previously referred to Benjamin Netanyahu's son as "a total bro."

U.S. neo-Nazi: ‘I’m Defending Yair Netanyahu Because He Stood Up Against the Jews’

Israeli 'Alt-right' Facebook Page, Which Inspired Yair Netanyahu’s Meme, Is Taken Down

Pepe The Frog Creator Sues To Take His Meme Back From ‘Alt-Right’




Obama dit des choses très sensées, surtout s'il est pas enregistré. Comme dans son livre portant sur ses deux mandats présidentiels, il accuse ici Netanyahou d'avoir contribué à propulser et consolider une alliance illibérale déterminée à détruire les acquis des dernières décennies fondées sur la vision du monde libérale et progressiste. C'est aussi le point de vue du prestigieux journal israélien (libéral-progressiste) Ha'aretz.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama credited ex-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with fueling the rise of Putinism, alongside other authoritarian leaders, before stepping down from office, newly published quotes reveal.

"What I worry about most is, there is a war right now of ideas, more than any hot war, and it is between Putinism — which, by the way, is subscribed to, at some level, by [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan or Netanyahu or [former Philippines President Rodrigo] Duterte and [former U.S. President Donald] Trump — and a vision of a liberal market-based democracy that has all kinds of flaws and is subject to all kinds of legitimate criticism, but on the other hand is sort of responsible for most of the human progress we've seen over the last 50, 75 years," he told reporters in off-the-record comments first published by Bloomberg.
In the Trump-Netanyahu years, Israel aligned itself with authoritarian leaders who challenged democratic norms in Europe and around the world. The new government in Jerusalem should rethink this problematic policy
The Battle for Israel Is Liberal vs Illiberal, Not Right vs Left The long-term goal of Israel’s new political right, led by its standard bearer Im Tirtzu, is to turn Israel into a closed society. This is how we can stop them.

Le mouvement anti-mondialisation s'avère trop souvent anti-libéral et quand on gratte un peu on trouve sous la surface des alliances conservatrices, réactionnaires, qui mettent de l'avant la tradition (Dieu, famille, patrie) comme si c'était la panacée. Plusieurs voyaient le discours anti-mondialisation comme un discours gauchiste radical alors que le libéralisme était assimilé à la droite,  or il s'agit d'un renversement complet, le confusionnisme le plus total. MCP avait noté que les démocrates et les républicains étaient autrefois respectivement rouges et bleus, aujourd'hui c'est renversé, les démocrates sont bleux et les républicains sont rouges... Contrairement à ce que c'était autrefois, ce sont maintenant les réactionnaires qui sont des révolutionnaires fauteurs de troubles et qui menacent de faire tomber la civilisation dans la barbarie (celle de l'économie capitaliste totalitaire), mais ils se cachent derrière des idées traditionnelles pour avancer furtivement dans les mentalités. Les progressistes et les libéraux sont proches du poivoir et défendent les institutions, ainsi pour les incultes cela prouveraient qu'ils sont méchants et qu'il faut être aux antipodes de ce qu'ils disent, donc illibéral et réactionnaire...


  (Lecture by David Sheen)

Il suffit de changer le mot "Gentile" par le mot "Jew" et cela décrit parfaitement combien la vision kahaniste se retrouve dans celle de la dissidence soralienne et conversanienne: anti-gauche, anti-BLM, "anti-antiraciste", anti-international anti-mondial, anti-séculier (contre la séparation religion-État), bref illibéral. Pratiquement sur la même longueur d'onde que Poutine et Bibi qui communient ensemble dans l'illibéralisme et la volonté de réunir le politique avec le religieux, au contraire du courant de sécularisation des derniers siècles.

Mais le plus drôle est que Soros avait des liens avec l'administration Trump !

OOPS! Jared Kushner Tried To Hide Soros Ties

Kushner didn’t disclose business ties to George Soros, others

Jared Kushner reportedly did not disclose startup investment to government

Treasury pick Steven Mnuchin was mentored by two of Trump’s ‘global’ villains (SOROS!)

Doing my part to help Redditors expose all heads of the Soros hydra (S. MNUCHIN)

Trump Pals Around with George Soros


Sur l'alliance illibérale de l'argent des Émirats arabes unis avec les opérateurs israéliens et les lobbyistes pour la Turquie (Michael Flynn) pour faire élire Trump en 2016 : THE RED SEA CONSPIRACY entrevue de Jeremey Rothe-Kushel avec l'auteur Seth Abramson, auteur de Proof of Collusion, Proof of Conspiracy et plus récemment Proof of Corruption. Les médias alternatifs se sont dénoncés eux-mêmes comme agents du sionisme international en laissant sous silence le fait, maintenant avéré, qu'Israël (et non la Russie) est intervenue pour influencer l'élection en faveur de Trump en 2016.


Pas de différence entre la "dissidence" et ce qui sort des politiciens israéliens d'extrême-droite des divers niveaux de gouvernement, des évangéliques d'extrême-droite américains, des fans de Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Elon Musk, DeSantis, Trump: ils mènent la même guerre culturelle qui nous distrait des vrais enjeux. Leur justification est la liberté d'expression, alors qu'ils en sont les pires exemples et les pires défenseurs imaginables.

Opinion |

Why America’s Dangerous Right-wing Demagogues Are Welcome in Israel

There’s a perverse logic behind the Israeli right busily importing reactionary, outrage-mongering U.S. ‘influencers’ touting ideas alien to Israel’s social and political culture, from this week’s controversial visit by anti-trans author Abigail Shrier to Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro

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[PHOTO] Credit: Damian Dovarganes/ AP; McCarony, Tudoran Andrei, Barry Paterson/ Shutterstock; Gage Skidmor, Alexander Emmanual Sandalis/ Wiki Commons Artwork by Anastasia Shub

On Sunday, a talk by American author Abigail Shrier marking the launch of the Hebrew edition of her controversial book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, that has been widely criticized as transphobic, is taking place in an undisclosed location in the Tel Aviv area.
This comes after a Tel Aviv venue reversed its decision to host an event organized by right-wing publishing house Sella Meir, featuring Shrier on the occasion of their publishing her book in Israel.

Sella Meir’s founder, Rotem B. Sella tweeted that the trans “phenomenon” as he termed it, “is on the verge of reaching Israel and poses a threat to the…future of our children.”

The cancellation of the original event triggered a backlash, with Sella stating that he and others won’t be deterred by “a bunch of thugs. Don’t let darkness win”

The organizers and their supporters on Israel’s right and religiously conservative circles decried the cancellation as evidence of cancel culture including Emanuel Shilo, editor of the “Besheva”, a settler newspaper who tweeted: “It was clear that this event would be cancelled, because LGBTQ organizations are the number one censors in the country and in the world. Freedom of expression? Yes, but only for their opinion.”

It’s worth noting the right has consistently banned and barred events, targeted groups and individuals on the left.

Centering a freedom of speech argument around this is one of the most recent examples of how Israeli right’s is adopting ideologies from the American reactionary right and importing them to Israel in order to sow moral panic and demonize certain social and political groups.

Like their American counterparts, Sella and his counterparts have been disseminating their ideas through abusing free speech protections, a cornerstone of a liberal society.

The Israeli right has also adopted false equivalencies as its way to justify its own agenda. During a recent interview, when Meir Rubin, CEO of the Kohelet Forum – the group spearheading the judicial overhaul plan – was questioned about his stance on proposed legislation which in its most extreme interpretation could enable hotels to refuse LGBT guests, he drew a comparison to someone asking a tattoo artist for a tattoo a swastika, suggesting that that tattoo artists should not be forced to do something they felt to be an anathema.

[PHOTO] Audience members, including a pair in MAGA hats, at an event in Tel Aviv last July featuring right-wing American speaker Ben Shapiro.Credit: David Bachar

The same perverse logic applies here: Shrier’s work which has been criticized widely by physicians, psychologists, LTBTQ activists, transgender people and parents of transgender children, arguably incites against a group that already faces increased risk of violence and self-harm.

The flap over Shrier’s talk raises a broader question: what caused the Israeli right, which seems so seemingly strong in its own ideology, to search for ideas from abroad? Why has it embraced the ideologies of Christian white-supremacists and free-market atheists?

Ironically, the collapse of the peace process proved to be an existential crisis not just for the Israeli left but also for the right. The right has been in power for over twenty years. However, it appears that its central current focus is blaming the left for what it cannot achieve, like annexing the West Bank, closing down the Israeli Public Broadcasting Channel, de-funding  human rights organizations and laying blame at the feet of an activist Supreme Court.

The seemingly endless Netanyahu reign exemplifies the lack of vision in providing meaningful solutions for Israelis. The discourse revolves around deterrence and security, both reactive strategies that arguably only perpetuate the cycle of violence.

Frustrated by this lack of direction, some within the Israeli right have turned to adopting a reactionary vision from the United States wholesale, without reflection or reservation.

Sella’s baseless claim that what the terms the “the transgender trend” is on the brink of flooding Israel implies a concerted effort by the left to alter the social fabric of Israel.

Ironically, it is Sella himself, through his publication that features alt-right superstars and receives funding from the U.S-based Tikvah Fund, which also supports the Kohelet Forum, who seems to have a clear agenda for reshaping Israeli society.

As Ziva Shternhell contends, entities such as Sella Meir’s “objective is to penetrate the systems of government in order to institute a worldview that combines rightist nationalist political ideology with economic neoliberalism.”

Through initiatives like Sella Meir, the Israeli right has been introduced to the ideas of the American alt right. Darlings of the movement, like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro have both spoken to audiences in Israel. There are also Israeli right-wing websites like Mida and Perspectiva which champion climate denial, libertarianism, gun rights and anti-abortion policies.

[PHOTO] Ben Shapiro speaking in Tel Aviv last July.Credit: David Bachar

The Christian-tinged moralism has even been embraced by Zionist-religious figures like TV host Erel Segal who dedicated one of his Glenn Beck-style diatribes on Israel’s Channel 14 (that models itself on Fox News) to the specter of transitioning in minors.

This is more evidence of American far-right style fictitious moral panic mongering being used here.

The existence of a trans community is an anathema, especially in Israel, which for the religious right marks redemption and for the secular-reactionary wing, a kind of Jewish-only libertarian utopia. This is not only a social norm which the right is championing, but legislation, as seen by the Nation-State bill which enshrines Jewish supremacy.

The Israeli right has not only come to embrace the American reactionary, red-pill of the MAGA mindset but even acts as a fig leaf condoning its blatant antisemitism.

Just last week Israel’s Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli praised Elon Musk for making remarks with antisemitic undertones about the Jewish-Hungarian philanthropist George Soros.

I’d argue we’re in a dangerous crossroads where the Israeli right are willing to sacrifice the Jewish global community in its pursuit of a semi-autocratic, Jewish supremacist state.

These “Made in America” ideologies and would-be influences main effect is to boost the chauvinism, racism, and rejection of human rights embraced by the Israeli right.

In this distorted worldview, progressive ideals are viewed as symbols of elitist, out of touch an unpatriotic, while alt-right ones are presented as a championing equality and freedom.

This brings us back to the battle for Israel’s future because in essence, isn’t this what the argument for the judicial coup is? That the courts, in their adherence to Basic Laws that were meant to protect principles of human dignity and liberty are actually hurting the right’s efforts to exclude groups who aren’t Jewish whether they be Palestinians, refugees with Jewish roots from Ukraine or asylum seekers from Africa?

The fusion of Israeli reactionary thinking with the ideas of right-wing American ideologues is not only peculiar, but fundamentally anti-Israel. It threatens to unravel the fabric of Israeli society, transforming it into a religious oligarchy where basic services like education, welfare, and healthcare are segregated, minorities have no protection and are excluded from public life.

The embrace of the dangerous ideas imported from America is a recipe for violence, corruption, and destruction of the last remnants of Israel as a democracy.

Those trying to convince Israelis that these ideas are homegrown should be exposed for these concepts really are: rotten and without place in this land.

Etan Nechin is an Israeli-born journalist, author, and online editor for The Bare Life Review, a journal of immigrant and refugee literature. Twitter: @Etanetan23


Sur ce blog:

Derrière les candidatures présidentielles des spooks Ron de Santis et RFK Jr., le "rebranding" des néocons ziomaniaques en prétendus "anti-néocons" avec l'aide de la Paypal Mafia (Musk, Thiel, David Sacks) et de son contrôle sur les médias alternatifs

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Source "journalistique" préférée de la dissidence, "Project Veritas" a été payé et formé pour l'espionnage des mouvements de gauche, tout ça grâce à la formation et le financement d'Erik Prince, criminel célèbre pour ses firmes de mercenaires (ex-Blackwater) à l'oeuvre aux quatre coins du monde

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Le rabbin Meir Kahane, fondateur du groupe terroriste Jewish Defense League, en héros de bande dessinée

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Les nouveaux "nationalistes" vont tomber en amour avec le projet de Bibi: entourer Israël de hautes clôtures pour protéger la cité et sa haute culture contre les hordes barbares d'animaux sauvages. Comme disait Zemmour, "ça ne me gêne pas". Bibi pourra citer l'exemple de Calais pour se justifier et narguer l'Europe.

Les nouveaux "nationalistes": néo-FN, Finkielkraut, Zemmour, Taguieff et... Murdoch! Guillaume Weill-Raynal avait sonné l'alarme dès 2005. Ils sont la preuve que si le sionisme a longtemps préféré la gauche libérale antiraciste, elle préfère aujourd'hui la droite ostensiblement "nationaliste"! C'est l'essence même de la révolution néoconservatrice. Fox News, le 11 septembre et la mouvance anti-islam: cooptation, canalisation et récupération du nationalisme par le sionisme international sous couvert de lutte nationaliste contre des armées d' "envahisseurs" et "infiltrateurs" musulmans.

Pendant que Corbyn le socialiste pro-palestinien nouvellement élu à la tête du Parti Travailliste anglais se fait trucider dans les grands médias anti-antisémites néolibéraux bien-pensants, de plus en plus de dissidents nationalistes américains (même les antijuifs) tombent dans le piège de la nouvelle droite sioniste et deviennent leurs idiots utiles les plus efficaces: le pitre John Friend endosse Donald Trump et Ann Coulter, deux chèvres de Judas qui mènent le peuple américain à l'abattoir en s'attaquant en apparence à la rectitude politique antiraciste, alors qu'ils servent en fait à rendre respectable le racisme israélien. Car Israël a depuis longtemps rejoint le camp de l'ultra-droite de Jabotinski et Kahane... 

Pourquoi vous ne verrez jamais Goldnadel, Finkielkraut et Elisabeth Lévy s'offusquer des propos de Zemmour... même lorsque celui-ci flirte avec le négationnisme.

Un rabbin sioniste conservateur, Daniel Lapin, au rally de Glenn Beck (Tea Party)

Un politicien israélien: "Si on n'avait pas Glenn Beck, il faudrait en inventer un"

2016 - Obama's America: le tout dernier film du producteur mormon oscarisé pour La Liste de Schindler

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Derrière les candidatures présidentielles des spooks Ron de Santis et RFK Jr., le "rebranding" des néocons ziomaniaques en prétendus "anti-néocons" avec l'aide de la Paypal Mafia (Musk, Thiel, David Sacks) et de son contrôle sur les médias alternatifs


C'est une guerre, celle du monde illibéral contre le monde libéral... Une voie pavée par les médias alternatifs influencés et payés par les milliardaires de la Paypal Mafia.


Les candidatures de RFK Jr. et Ron de Santis sont la preuve de la réussite du changement d'image de marque des néocons pour le plus grand bien de la CIA et d'Israël. Le trumpisme a réussi à convaincre presque tout le monde que les néocons sont des libéraux démocrates, alors que la réalité est tout le contraire. Maintenant, des néocons et leurs alliés réactionnaires illibéraux, prétendument "anti-néocons", peuvent passer inaperçu afin de revenir en force dans les médias alternatifs et dans l'arène politique. Leur signature est leur obsession sur la guerre culturelle.

Voyons d'abord comment la Paypal Mafia (spécialement Elon Musk, Peter Thiel et David Sacks) exerce son influence pour mousser la popularité des candidats de Santis et RFK Jr. 


 (Artwork : Media Roots Radio)

"I'd estimate Alt Media in this country is now roughly 80% PayPal Mafia-backed" (Gumby). C'est tout à fait juste de suggérer qu'environ 80% des médias alternatifs reçoivent des fonds plus ou moins directement de la Paypal Mafia. L'influence de la Paypal Mafia reste très peu connue... C'est une gang de milliardaires tarés droitards (anti-syndicats) sionistes (réacs nationalistes autoritariens lilibéraux) comme Elon Musk et Peter Thiel. Il y a pourtant plein d'infos sur cette Paypal Mafia sur internet, et si les lecteurs des médias alternatifs ignorent son existence c'est en grande partie parce que les médias alternatifs n'en parlent pas et qu'ils ne lisent rien d'autre que des sources liées à cette Paypal mafia, celle-là qui fait de la pub en ce moment pour Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk et RFK Jr. (monsieur "j'adore Epoch Times!", comme le fort suspect Dr Robert Malone).

Flashback: PayPal Mafia: The Quiet Political Rise of David Sacks, Silicon Valley’s Prophet of Urban Doom Like his pals Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, Sacks is using his wealth and online clout to unite conservatives and former leftists in a reactionary movement against liberalism.

Amazing Polly sur les nouveaux médias de l'establishment, qui essaient de se faire passer pour des "médias alternatifs"... Le schéma est très instructif. Elle parle de quelque chose qui est déjà connu concernant la dissidence française: leur pain et leur beurre c'est le biz du buzz: se clasher les uns les autres pour attirer l'attention, générer du clic et faire de l'argent. Pas étonnant que les médias financés par Thiel et al., comme Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, ou Elon Musk, font dans le "biz du buzz": on peut souvent remarquer que les médias "dissidents" diffusent allègrement du FOX News comme si c'était une source fiable.
Le gouverneur de la Floride Ron DeSantis pourrait devenir le président de la série télé américaine "24", qui faisait l'apologie de la torture. Sa candidature annoncée aujourd'hui, le 24 mai, est anoncée aux côtés de David Sacks et d'Elon Musk.

BREAKING: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will announce he is running for president during a Twitter Spaces discussion with Elon Musk on Wednesday night, sources familiar with the plans tell @NBCNews.

Contrairement à la campagne de Trump 2024, la candidature de de Santis, appuyée par Musk, se fait sous la grande tente du philosémitisme pro-israélien. Musk avait déjà prédit cette candidature lorsqu'il a apporté son appui à un président de Santis, il y a quelques mois. 

DeSantis a l'air de faire comme Orban: écorcher Soros et fréquenter des "infréquentables" (les médias les décrivent comme des antisémites, négationnistes, fascistes, etc.), et ce même au moment du lancement de sa campagne, tout en étant curieusement très lié d'amitié avec Netanyahou et son gouvernement, et en rendant visite à Miriam Adelson, la veuve de Sheldon Adelson, le plus important financier du parti républicain… 

Comme nous l'avons déjà indiqué concernant QAnon et sa diabolisation des Démocrates, il s'agit toujours, comme ici avec la guerre de de Santis contre le wokisme ou contre la tyrannie covidienne, de salir la gauche. De Santis ne cache pas que le fond de sa campagne consiste à détruire la gauche tout simplement: Ron DeSantis Declares He’s Running For President to ‘Destroy Leftism.’ - VIDEO:  DeSantis Declares He's Running For President Just To ‘Destroy Leftism’

A guide to Ron DeSantis’s most extreme policies in Florida. DeSantis’s Florida bills targeting LGBTQ people, abortion rights, and teachings on race preview his presidential platform.

C'est un fait de plus en plus indéniable: derrière le mouvement conspirationniste actuel agissent des forces de droite déguisées qui ne font qu'inventer des mensonges, pour nous monter contre la gauche sous toutes ses formes. Qanon accusait les Démocrates d'être une secte des pédos buveurs de sang accros à l'adrénochrome, c'était juste pour pousser à la haine contre les éléments politiques libéraux et surtout la "gauche extrême" qui se trouve (minoritaire voire inexistante) au sein des Démocrates. Mais c'est un peu surprenant d'entendre DeSantis avouer enfin clairement que son but est d'éradiquer la gauche... C'est ce que je me tue à expliquer à nombre de conspirationnistes depuis des lustres. D'habitude, ces droitards inventent des mensonges pour rationnaliser et justifier leur haine de la gauche: d'habitude ils identifient la gauche au "wokisme", à la "tyrannie covidienne", etc., pour la salir (shitcoat). Mais DeSantis vient de laisser le chat sortir du sac, il dit clairement qu'il veut en finir avec la gauche. Si c'était des gens de gauche qui faisaient campagne explicitement "pour éradiquer le conservatisme", les droitards criraient au génocide, il pleureraient tous en dénonçant un "appel au meurtre", une "diabolisation insupportable"... laquelle prouverait selon eux que la gauche c'est le mal.

Pour DeSantis, même Trump est gauchiste... Sa pub contre Trump l'accuse d'être de gauche dans ses politiques, comme les Démocrates: Group backing Ron DeSantis launches scathing ad attacking Trump

À l'émission de Glenn Beck, DeSantis l'accuse d'être de gauche, comme les Démocrates: DeSantis Goes After Trump

DeSantis RAMPS UP Trump Attacks!: 'He's On The Left'

Why DeSantis’ threat to 'destroy leftism' is so dangerous | The Mehdi Hasan Show - YouTube

Ron DeSantis Is Two Days Away From Calling Donald Trump a Radical Leftist | Vanity Fair

Trump parrots liberal talking points to slam DeSantis, baffling critics: 'Bizarre' | Fox News

Trump Goes Completely Ballistic Against DeSantis During Insane Truth Social Tirade - YouTube

Watch Trump DEMOLISH DeSantis's Anti-Woke Campaign In 10 Seconds - YouTube

 Il est clair qu'une part des appuis de Trump du côté des influenceurs le répudie maintenant pour se tourner vers DeSantis, et ces influenceurs sont des "philosémites", en contraste très net avec le dîner de Trump, dîner de conspis "antisémites" s'il en est. Ben Shapiro, fier juif sioniste de tendance raciste, a reçu plus de 100 000 dollars de la part de Ron DeSantis, le principal rival de Trump pour la présidence à l'heure actuelle. Shapiro et Jordan Peterson, pseudo philosophe obsédé par le wokisme et son prétendu "pedophilic grooming of kids", ont tous deux rendu visite à Bibi Netanyahou dernièrement lors de leur tournée de conférences en Israël, suivi d'une belle séance de photo très professionnelle dans le style backroom mafia avec nul autre que leur idole: Bibi. Shapiro et Peterson ne parlent pas trop de DeSantis, mais ils attaquent tous les deux "l'hystérie covidienne", ce qui est un moyen détourné de mettre en valeur DeSantis et sa lutte aux mesures sanitaires (confinements, fermetures forcées, masque et vax obligatoire, etc.). 


Je redis et souligne depuis longtemps que c'est en Israël que convergent les luttes contre le wokisme-grooming et l'hystérie covidienne, et que ça n'est certainement pas un hasard. C'est une métamorphose du néoconservatisme à l'israélienne. Ron DeSantis est la créature née, en quelque sorte, de cette métamorphose. Il est à prévoir que ce clan rejoindra celui d'Alex Jones, lequel délaissera ouvertement Trump pour promouvoir DeSanctimonius. Notez bien que le camp pro-Trump ici ne perd pas son temps à parler contre le wokisme ou contre "l'hystérie covidienne" ou à exprimer leur philosémitisme en voyageant en Israël pour y donner des conférences...

Plus d'infos sur Ron de Santis sur la page de ce blog consacrée à sa campagne présidentielle.
Who is the Jewish guy who will ‘moderate’ DeSantis’ presidential launch on Twitter? Venture capitalist David Sacks has contributed to both Democrats and Republicans in the past. When Gov. Ron DeSantis launches his presidential bid in a conversation with Elon Musk on Twitter Wednesday evening, the two will be joined by DeSantis supporter and Jewish tech entrepreneur David Sacks.
Dans la campagne présidentielle US 2024, on retrouve ce néocon juif de la Paypal Mafia David Sacks partout où on trouve les pires laquais sionistes droitistes déguisés en patriotes, comme Elon Musk, RFK Jr, etc. Sacks a co-écrit un livre contre le wokisme avec Peter Thiel (un autre de la Paypal Mafia, relié à la CIA). Il était présent le 24 mai lors de l'annonce officielle de la candidature de Santis, aux côtés d'Elon Musk. 
Mais l'appui de Sacks est allé à la candidature de RFK Jr.
La cohérence se renforce davantage avec les Twitter Space organisés par RFK Jr (monsieur "j'adore Epoch Times") avec le néocon David Sachs comme modérateur et avec pour hôte Elon Musk (ces deux derniers étaient présents au lancement officiel de la campagne de DeSantis sur Twitter Space).
Le petit numéro de Sachs consiste à se faire passer pour un anti-néocon (comme Tuker Carlson) en critiquant les néocons verbalement tout en défendant leurs thèses en réalité... Mais les internautes étant trop mal informés pour voir clair dans son petit jeu, ils croient qu'il est réellement avec eux. Il fait partie d'une gigantesque arnaque de "rebranding" des néocons en prétendus "anti-néocons", alors qu'en réalité ils sont pas du tout anti-néocons mais anti-libéraux. Ils font de grands efforts pour nous faire croire que les néocons sont rien que des libéraux démocrates (ce que certains néocons comme Frum ou Kagan ont eux-mêmes tenté de nous faire croire). Exemple:
David Sacks@DavidSacks - I don’t think a man named Robert F Kennedy Jr needs to explain why he’s a Democrat. The real question is why the Democrat Party embraced Bush-Cheney neocons like David Frum.
IN REPLY TO David Frum@davidfrum·It's such a strange mix-up that Robert Kennedy Jr is so popular with Republicans and yet decided to run in the Democratic primary instead.

Peter Thiel, miliardaire droitiste a lui aussi des liens avec Epstein, même si les médias alternatifs crypto-droitards ne parlent actuellement que de Chomsky, Woody Allen et Ehud Barak (du parti concurrent du Likoud), des personnalités qui ne sont pas de droite (est-ce pour faire plaisir à Bibi qu'on focalise sur ceux-là?)

Peter Thiel, the Venture Capitalist, Is Said to Have Met With Epstein - The New York Times The venture capitalist Mr. Thiel was scheduled to meet with Mr. Epstein, a sex offender, on multiple occasions in 2014. (...) "Sept. 14, 2014, Epstein was ... scheduled to have lunch with Mr. Thiel, the records show... Thiel listed as having an appointment in the afternoon, followed by a potential dinner with Epstein, the director Woody Allen and others" It’s unclear from the records whether all the meetings between Peter Thiel, above, and Jeffrey Epstein took place.
EXCLUSIVE: The Jeffrey Epstein Files: Trove of never-before-seen emails and calendars gives unprecedented insight into late pedophile's network of power and influence that includes Chris Rock, Peter Thiel, Richard Branson and Irina Shayk
Plus d'infos sur Peter Thiel, ancien patron de Palantir (CIA), ce membre de la réunion Bilderberg très impliqué politiquement: 

Peter Thiel est un bon exemple de milliardaire opportuniste qui participe à des activités de pillage de données et puis ensuite qui prend la posture du rebelle qui critique et condamne ces activités. Il a participé à faire de Facebook une opération de pillage de données personnelles pour l'élaboration du profil psychologique des usagers avant de se mettre à critiquer Facebook pour cette raison. La compagnie Palantir qu'il a cofondée était chargée de collecter les informations en temps réel sur les usagers du vaccin, spécialement au niveau de la santé (voir le projet "HARPA" de l'administration Trump, le DARPA de la santé), tel que l'impose le programme Warp Speed du président Trump se poursuivant toujours sous Biden. Thiel a ainsi participé au pillage de données (par Palantir=CIA) de dossiers médicaux des vaccinés et des testés PCR durant la crise pandémique avant de se mettre à critiquer les mesures restrictives sanitaires et le passeport-vax obligatoire. Thiel est souvent accusé de racisme pour ses positions anti-woke et son financement de think tank de droite, mais c'est pire encore il veut remettre l'eugénisme à la mode, car la prochaine étape pour lui c'est de piller nos données génétiques, pour combiner enfin cela avec le bagage de données qu'ils ont déjà comme le profil psychologique et le dossier médical, et là ils vont enfin découvrir le mot magique pour ouvrir la caverne d'Ali Baba et s'emparer du plus gros trésor, le contrôle presque total, à l'ère où les données sont le nouveau pétrole ("data is the new oil"). Maintenant il promouvoit surtout des idées racistes adjacent aux néocons anti-Chine et pro-suprématie blanche. Il accuse Big Tech de devenir "woke"; Google serait sous contrôle chinois selon lui.

Collecte en temps réel de données post-vaccination par Palantir

Toujours en activité sous Biden:

Peter Thiel’s longtime “kept” boyfriend, a model & influencer, has died under mysterious circumstances. The $13mn mansion Thiel bought for him was previously owned by NXIVM
Death of Peter Thiel Romantic Partner Investigated as Suicide

Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund Tells Companies to Pull Money From SVB - Bloomberg
15-minute charter cities brought to you by Thiel. I mean Freedom Cities, my bad. Elon Musk Is Planning a Texas Utopia—His Own Town Elon Musk Is Planning a Texas Utopia—His Own Town The entrepreneur is laying plans for a new community outside Austin next to Boring and SpaceX facilities, dubbed Snailbrook. Entities tied
Peter Thiel is a major member of the elite who they are allowing to control the distribution of goods worldwide. Our first blog looks at Palantir and its partnership with the United Nations World Food Programme.
Thielnomics - Peter Thiel's Control of the Worldwide Distributions of Go... via @YouTube Thiel is one of THE People. He has a firm grip on every facet of distribution, surveillance, and data gathering in the U.S. About time he gets the full spotlight!
The Big Data Cartels Selling Your Information That You've Never Heard Of
How Cops Exploit Data Cartels To Spy On You - YouTube
@weve_read · 21h CNP member, Arlington Group Member, Futurist, godfather to the Paypal mafia Rod D. Martin liked this Tweet. He claims to be a Born Again Christian. Why do you think he liked this Tweet of Dan telling people it is Azazel?
Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund liquidated the majority of its Bitcoin holdings by March 2022, making $1.8 billion before crypto crashed. In April 2022, he was still pumping Bitcoin at the Miami conference, saying “we’re at the end of the fiat money regime.”
"Maybe Peter Thiel is a good guy now." | Peter Thiel SLAMS Greta Thunberg, Says She's Leading The Crusade Of...
Peter Thiel has been the head of the American Friends of Bilderberg for a number of years.. Henry Kissinger is on the board as well.. || Stale Crumbs @tobeycakes · 4 juin 2020 In reply to @tobeycakes et @ECEverett1 Kissinger was on the board of directors for the P-2 Lodge.. He is currently on the board of American Friends of Bilderberg which is 501c3 headed by Palantir's Peter Thiel
American Friends of Bilderberg..... Peter Thiel with Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, Klaus Kleinfeld who is the CEO of Neom for the Saudis..
Midterm results: Peter Thiel picks Masters, Vance see mixed results in Arizona, Ohio Billionaire and Republican megadonor Peter Thiel’s $32 million investment in the 2022 midterm elections saw mixed results, as two of his former employees split U.S. Senate races that will help to decide control of the chamber. J.D. Vance won his race to defend Ohio’s GOP Senate seat, while Blake Masters lost his challenge to Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly in Arizona. Thiel also donated to a handful of Republican U.S. House candidates running mostly for safe seats.
Who funded Masters? Thiel. Peter Thiel's picks Masters, Vance split key Senate races in Arizona, Ohio after billionaire spent... Billionaire Peter Thiel spent $32 million in the midterms, and his picks in Senate races in Arizona and Ohio, Blake Masters and J.D. Vance, saw


Elon le milliardaire va probablement remplacer les modérateurs de Twitter (trop "wokes") par une intelligence artificielle... Il faut croire que tant que c'est pas "woke", c'est bon.

On parle beaucoup de ChatGPT qui serait woke alors que d'autres I.A. ne le seraient pas... En fait, Peter Thiel, un autre milliardaire pratiquement sur la même ligne droitiste qu'Elon, a largement financé OpenAI, qui se veut une I.A. "non-woke". 
Au moins Fauci ne veut pas implanter des micropuces dans le cerveau humain, ce que Musk veut faire très bientôt, cette année même. Il est bien connu que les travaux de sa compagnie Neuralink sur les animaux (singes) ont été catastrophiques et relèvent de la maltraitance criminelle envers les animaux. Il est proprement affligeant, consternant, de voir certains considérer comme un héros l'homme le plus riche du monde, qui est aussi l'un des plus important contracteurs du Pentagone, alors qu'il n'est en fait qu'un habile chef du marketing, autrement dit un menteur. Plutôt une façade du complexe militaro-industriel dans sa nouvelle forme renouvelée, comme Peter Thiel (Palantir-CIA qui surveille la vaccination covidienne, les PCR et les modifications génétiques liées aux virus). Musk c'est Bezos plus Qanon. Comme Thiel, il soutient les théocrates comme Ron DeSantis et les guerriers culturels de la droite associés au Council for National Policy (équivalent droitier du CFR), ces dangereux sectaires théocratiques sionistes que sont Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Jordan B. Peterson, etc.

RFK Jr est le candidat faux rebelle à travers lequel la CIA s'affiche fièrement comme grand vainqueur et récupérateur du mouvement conspi-patriotes. Il faut prendre note du fait qu'ils semblent faire exprès de rendre ça évident, pour qu'on s'en rende compte, pour que les gens intelligents restent loin de leur opération et laissent la CIA mener sa petite affaire de subversion. Subversion par la CIA qui inclut maintenant pas juste le gouvernement mais le mouvement conspi au grand complet, comme Trump avait commencé à le faire avant lui.

Plusieurs commentateurs ont noté des problèmes importants en ce qui concerne RFK Jr, notamment ses liens d'amitié avec le couple Ghislaine Maxwell et Jeff Epstein, des liens plus proches encore que ceux de Trump avec Epstein. Ce n'est rien de nouveau: JFK Jr baisait et sortait avec la Maxwell. Et récemment il se faisait prendre en photo aux côtés de James O’Keefe de Project Veritas, un poulain du mercenaire en chef Erik Prince (ex-Blackwater), formé à l'espionnage par ce dernier.

RFK Jr  même des liens avec Alan Dershowitz, cet avocat sioniste crasse défenseur de la torture qui fut non seulement avocat de Jeff Epstein, mais qui est aussi cité dans son Black Book. N'est-ce pas effrayant de voir une organisation pour la défense de la santé des enfants tenue et organisée par RFK Jr entretenir des liens d'amitié très proches avec Epstein et Maxwell? Ces liens y seraient-ils pour quelque chose dans la mort par suicide de la première épouse de RFK Jr. ? En savait-elle trop ?

Promouvoir les provax RFK Jr et Dr Robert Malone (promoteur du vax gouvernemental Novavax et de son vaccin à lui produit en Inde, le Relcovax), c'est accepter une vision à peine différente de la position provax en ce qu'elle accepte simplement la possibilité de choisir entre différents vaccins et non pas de les refuser catégoriquement. Pour RFK Jr et Dershowitz, l'obligation vaccinale ne représente pas un problème constitutionnel, à moins que le vaccin ne soit pas sécuritaire et efficace là il ne devrait pas être imposé. Reste en fin de compte le fait que les plus importants et célèbres leaders antivax sont liés à Epstein ou à Comet Pizza Ping Pong (par ex. RFK Jr et Tucker "Mocking Bird" Carlson de FOX) et sont en fait provax (par ex. Robert Malone, RFK Jr, Tucker Carlson).

La bio de RFK Jr révèle un homme fort tourmenté et faible, divorcé pour ses graves problèmes de consommation et de coureur de jupons. Une faculté de jugement très faible qui appelle à la vigilance. Il pourrait être un désinformateur de la CIA

@FluorescentGrey · Too too true, guy got a Tucker bump almost immediately || Yankees4AMLO@MullDog4Eva · En réponse à @FluorescentGrey RFK Jr. is the new Tulsi Gabbard On peut dire aussi que RFK Jr est le nouveau Tulsi Gabbard... (Au premier degré, c'est censé renvoyer à leur posture anti-establishment, et au fait qu'lis ne cadrent pas bien avec le parti Démocrate, présenté comme le parti de la tyrannie anti-libre pensée.) C'est ce qu'en disent ses promoteurs, mais c'est bien plus vrai que ce que ses supporteurs croient, ils ignorent à quel point ces deux-là sont plus que louches et que l'opération psychologique de Tulsi continue avec RFK Jr qui se présente comme candidat en 2024 (comme Tulsi en 2016 et 2020). Des points communs incontestables entre Tulsi Gabbard et RFK Jr: des connexions louches avec la CIA et le monde des sectes (Epoch Times et RFK Jr se font de la pub réciproquement), des liens avec des pontifes les plus douteux de la droite américaine (ex: Project Veritas=Erik Prince) et des propagandistes sionistes, etc.


@FluorescentGrey · What’s weird about a bunch of people nailing RFK Jr on his Israel stance (as they should be) is that almost nobody who had access to Tulsi Gabbard tried to nail her on *any* of her extremely bizarre neocon like rhetoric about terror, torture or virtually anything else

RFK Jr se fait épingler pour les diverses positions débiles qu'il défend (libre marché, Israel, etc.), mais c'est étrange de voir que les gens sur internet qui pointent du doigt ces problèmes n'ont pas dit un traître mot quand c'était le temps de parler des aspects plus que louches de la "candidate antiguerre" Tulsi Gabbard, en particulier ses connexions qui vont bien au-delà de ses positions explicites ! (Voir ses photos à l'organisation CUFI de John Hagee, ou en photo avec Shmueley BoTeach)

@FluorescentGrey·  Remember when people in alt media who were at one time huge Tulsi Gabbard supporters nailed her over her associations with far right Zionist organizations? I don’t either

@FluorescentGrey·  Again I’m not saying that RFK jr shouldn’t be nailed for this, he absolutely should be, but the bizarre double standard of how the same people in alt media were determined to white wash and ignore the same stuff about Tulsi Gabbard is very apparent and glaring

@FluorescentGrey-  I’d be curious to do a twitter search history on some of the more trendy shitty accounts on here who were so quick to throw RFK jr under the bus for this about what they said about Tulsi Gabbard and if they held the same standard for her

On pourrait croire que Tulsi Gabbard était pire que RFK Jr, pour ses liens avec des sionistes comme le rabbin Shmuley BoTeach, mais on voit que RFK Jr n'est pas tellement mieux... BoTeach était un ennemi notoire de Michael Jackson, qui avait rejoint Nation of Islam.

@FluorescentGrey -  I genuinely hope you guys enjoy (again) wasting months of your life taking a break from exposing the US empire to hyping up more absolutely shitty candidates telling you boiler plate trendy alt media talking points you like to hear.
RE:  Jacob N. Kornbluh@jacobkornbluh - 4 juin - Spotted @RobertKennedyJr, Democratic presidential candidate, marching in the Celebrate Israel parade on 5th.
He walked with @RabbiShmuley.
RFK [Jr] told me he will be a “champion for Israel” and “absolutely” speak out against those who attack Israel


Autre lien avec la CIA: RFK Jr a reçu l'appui explicite du néocon David Sacks, qui fut coauteur avec Peter Thiel (milliardaire de la CIA, derrière la compagnie Palantir) d'un livre sur le problème du wokisme dans les universités.

Dans son émission sur les "chrétiens" scientologues,Brisson parle du cas de RFK Jr et de son association avec la scientologie, documentée ici: RFK Jr and environmental lawyers partners with Church of Scientology
Il est donc lié à la CIA non seulement par sa campagne présidentielle (qui emploie l'épouse de son fils qui est agente de la CIA) et par Epoch Times qui fait sa promotion (Falun Gong possède Epoch Times) mais aussi par la scientologie...

@FluorescentGrey · The actual panel lineup doesn’t include most of the people tagged in the original tweet I posted (like RFK jr) but unfortunately I am not hallucinating, Nass *is* doing a panel moderated by PNAC’s Frank Gaffney and put on by the Committee on the Present Danger China

 @FluorescentGrey · the Committee on the Present Danger China, a neocon PNAC adjacent think tank is either behind this website domain or is heavily involved with everything this website does, very surreal

@FluorescentGrey · Almost every form of manufactured injected ‘dissent’ by those like Brownstone and the Epoch Times pre the vaccine pushback was 100% designed as a way to create a neocon rhetorical pathway for the Asia pivot, it’s pretty goddam obvious
@FluorescentGrey · I actually would call myself an admirer and supporter of Kucinich until he went to the mat for someone who by all markers appears to be a neocon / intelligence plant so it’s not really a surprise he’s now working for Epoch Times boy
@FluorescentGrey · another rare but good Michael Tracey W, something Michael was unable to do when Tulsi Gabbard ran for president || Michael Tracey @mtracey ·  Of course RFK Jr. was neck-deep in all kinds of Russiagate conspiracy nonsense. Have any of his new cult followers bothered to actually research the guy?
Of course Steve Bannon and Alex Jones love RFK Jr. — he's a great weapon for their war on reality |
RFK Jr keeps saying I have so many skeletons in my closet that they would vote for me against Biden and I would win in a landslide. Mary Richardson? Epstein victims? RFK Jr & ABC Robert Kennedy Jr was on ABC News explaining why he is running for president. What did I notice?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “I got so many skeletons in my closet that if they could vote, I could be king of the world.” | Flipboard
RFK Jr. Announces Presidential Bid After Bannon Reportedly Encouraged Him to Run as ‘A Useful Chaos Agent’ | Flipboard
Steve Bannon spent "months" recruiting anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. to run against Biden as "chaos agent" |
@FluorescentGrey · Gotta say guys I think it’s a really big ass red flag that a Falun Gong cia funded cut out operation is going this hard for RFK jr, but hey don’t listen to me if you want to huff the warm and fuzzy good feels and every election cycle, that’s your goddam business || Karen 🐭 @kwstewart94 · Epoch Times streaming the RFK Jr annoucment from Boston!
@FluorescentGrey · Unfortunately Jr you just demonstrated the terrifying power of artificially signal boosted controlled opposition designed to suck up the energy of well meaning people into sus political theatre, I don’t trust you man || Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr · · Fox fires @TuckerCarlson five days after he crosses the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their Pharma advertisers. Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two biggest rules: Tucker told the…
@FluorescentGrey · It sucks too because RFK Jr keeps talking about the 2001 anthrax attacks one of my favorite subjects but be honest, we all know he’s talking about anthrax as a way to horseshoe back into the ‘lab leak’ theory on Covid
@FluorescentGrey · I’m sorry to disappoint my followers but I must announce that I will not be supporting or voting for RFK jr as president because I don’t support candidates who promote the Falun Gong/Epoch Times, work with CIA assets, or who flew on Epsteins plane.
I like RFK Jr. on many issues, but in this interview he went completely off the rails. He says people who don't believe in global warming should be in put in jail. That is absolutely not someone I could vote for.
Later, RFK Jr. mentions Gavin de Becker in a way that suggests he has an official role in his campaign. De Becker is a private security consultant with high-powered clients like Jeff Bezos who developed MOSAIC, a threat assessment system used by CIA, FBI and US Capitol Police.
In his speech today announcing his run for the presidency, RFK Jr. reveals that former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox (who also happens to be his daughter-in-law) is "one of the top officers on [his] campaign."
@FluorescentGrey · damn bro there's evidence the CIA may have been behind the anthrax attacks so he's obviously just 'keeping his enemies closer' trust the plan my dog || 𝙂𝙐𝙈𝘽𝙔 @gumby4christ · In his speech today announcing his run for the presidency, RFK Jr. reveals that former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox (who also happens to be his daughter-in-law) is "one of the top officers on [his] campaign."
Anti-vax conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy is running for president as a Democrat, but he seems to be winning fans among extremists on the far-right.
Roger Stone Identifies a Vice President that President Trump Might Consider - This Will Surprise You | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
Robert Kennedy, Jr. endorses Hillary Clinton
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham... News Photo - Getty Images
Hillary to Get Nod From RFK Jr. - ABC News
@FluorescentGrey · Pros about RFK Jr: talked about the suspicious nature of the 2001 anthrax attacks in his book, believes the CIA killed JFK Cons about RFK Jr: has horrifyingly promoted Falun Gong CIA subsidized media outlet the Epoch Times as a valuable truth telling alt media resource
@FluorescentGrey · i really badly want Robert F Kennedy's praise of the Epoch Times as a trustworthy media outlet to be not real because that absolutely fucking sucks for everyone
@FluorescentGrey · it sucks ass for me because he started praising the Epoch Times and Falun Gong CIA funded media at the same time he decided to suddenly start talking about the suspicious nature of the 2001 anthrax attacks , its like covering a golden egg in shit, it sucks dude
@FluorescentGrey · and I get it, Epoch Times baits people by putting out headlines that sometimes I even agree with, but of all the outlets to retweet and endorse think twice before retweeting an outlet literally subsidized by the fucking CIA dude, come on
@FluorescentGrey · And for people still wondering why I’m not rolling out the red carpet for a candidate who mentioned the 2001 anthrax attacks as being suspicious, there are far too many red flags about RFK Jr for me to ignore that have absolutely nothing to do with his stance on vaccines
@FluorescentGrey · i've been pretty mum about RFK jr mostly because he did talk about the 2001 anthrax attacks in his latest book, a subject that barely gets any attention anymore but this is some shameful shit, makes me sad to see him with Blackwater boy || Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr · In Santa Monica wilderness with @Project_Veritas @JamesOKeefeIII relaxing after his triumphant cage fight with Pfizer exec
@weve_read · JFK Jr: Of course, he was in Epstein, Maxwell, Trump His cousin RFK Jr as well. Back and forth connections they weave. || Pat Murphy @sabreaxe · It doesnt matter if he's alive. Hes cabal.
Project Veritas Ramps Up Anti-Vax Insanity - YouTube
Pharma Giant Pfizer Is Paying BIG Money To Takeover Online Media
@weve_read · You see here, Robert Malone was really trying to blow the whistle on the deepstate but he got forced into doing their bidding, he is not really a bad guy.............
@FluorescentGrey · it really is amazing how Fauci hoodwinked all the libs and a little clique of Epoch Times CIA cut-out boosted controlled opposition doctors, some of whom did some seriously spooky work in biodefense completely hoodwinked everybody in alt media, its actually really sickening
RFK Jr.: Choice to Honor Harry and Meghan at Kennedy Gala is ‘Bewildering’
@FluorescentGrey · Dead giveaway that all these people are artificially signal boosted controlled opposition frauds who might as well be paid by Pfizer, they’re hanging out with the fakest ‘whistleblower’ ever presented in spooky alt media || Craig M. Wax D.O. @drcraigwax ·  Thank you @elonmusk @TwitterSupport and my esteemed colleagues @P_McCulloughMD @DiLiMengYAN1 @richardursomd @MartinKulldorff @RWMaloneMD @lindley@AAPSonline @IP4PI for reinstating my account here on @Twitter. Let’s Go!
@FluorescentGrey · promoting RFK Jr without scrutinizing the things he says is pretty irresponsible and frankly its the same bullshit we saw with the neoliberal establishment white washing Obama but now its people in alt media doing it to their favorites || Alexander Aviña @Alexander_Avina ·Robert F. Kennedy Jr approvingly citing Israeli “fencing systems” as a model for the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.
This photo posted on Instagram on 7/18/2021 shows Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. with former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, left, anti-vaccine profiteer Charlene Bollinger & former Donald Trump ally Roger Stone, right. The account, run by Bollinger, has since been removed.
Robert Kennedy Jr loves son's CIA spy bride Amaryllis Fox | Daily Mail Online
Promoteur de Trump et maintenant de RFK Jr, Steve Bannon est lui aussi relié à Epstein!
"Steve Bannon was working with Jeffrey to try to help Jeffrey rehabilitate his reputation," Mark Epstein told Insider.

On peut spéculer sur les liens de Bannon avec Epstein, quels sont les conseils que Bannon a dû lui donner. On peut facilement croire que Bannon lui a suggéré de se tenir avec des natios blancs qui adorent parler de génétique et de QI en lien avec la race, et surtout de les financer comme il a financé le MIT, comme il a notoirement financé le nationaliste J-F Gariépy (indiqué sur le site web de Jeff Epstein). Certains ont suggéré que l'intérêt que Epstein a manifesté pour la possibilité de répandre son patrimoine génétique à tous vents, en inséminant des jeunes filles avec son ADN par exemple, pourrait venir d'une intention de le faire passer pour un gars cool et détourner l'attention de ses scandales crasseux, pour que les natios et d'autres obsédés de génétique aient du bon à dire sur lui (un peu comme lorsque Trump, lié à Epstein, a pris son virage natio qui a donné le mouvement MAGA, détournant l'attention du fait qu'il est un escroc lié à Epstein).
Heritage Fondation, un des pires think tanks néocons, du niveau de Chattam House ou du CNP, produit du contenu officiel pour LibsofTikTok. Ce dernier est un compte protégé au plus haut niveau de Twitter depuis longtemps (avant son rachat par ElonMusk) dirigé par une tarée sectaire d'une des pires sectes au monde (et non je ne parle pas de Tulsi Gabbard): les Chabad Loubavitch...

@FluorescentGrey· If you didn’t notice already the think tank The Heritage Foundation is now producing official Libs of Tik Tok video content. Why are classic neocon think tanks engaging in micro strategy of tension? || Heritage Foundation @Heritage ·  Rather than only showing 6 seconds, here's the full video where your followers would learn that @ChayaRaichik10 is actually confronting AOC for lying about her and @libsoftiktok at a committee hearing. These 6 seconds were just AOC's cop-out.
Les médias alternatifs pro-russe unis à l'unisson dans leur promotion de Tucker Carlson.On les voit même reprendre le discours qu'a fait Tucker chez les droitistes néocons de Heritage Foundation, qui sont pas loin du CNP.

Wikipedia sur le néoconservatisme : "Il existe aussi des think-tanks néo-conservateurs sur la politique étrangère dont notamment American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Project for the New American Century (PNAC), The Heritage Foundation et le Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA).(...)"
Tucker Carlson tente de se faire passer pour un antinéocon auprès d’un public impressionnable et peu informé. En fait il a longtemps travaillé pour les pires néocons au journal Weekly Standard (de Bill Kristol, une légende du néoconservatisme). Le père de Tucker, Dick Carlson a même travaillé pour la branche médias de la CIA (ex: Voice of America) avant de finir dans le nouveau think tank néocon, à la suite du PNAC, appelé the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
 @FluorescentGrey · Worth pointing out that Tucker Carlsons father directly transitioned from being the head of us government outlet VOA to the vice-chairman of the Foundation For Defense of Democracies, a partly Israeli funded neocon foreign policy think tank
Plus d'infos sur le fils de spook de la CIA et millionnaire atout de la CIA, Tucker Carlson :

@FluorescentGrey · Remember when Tucker went to the mat for pedophile Mormon cult leader Warren Jeffs? I honestly forgot how much of a creep Tucker is/was on top of his neocon cheerleading
SHOCK: Tucker Carlson's Immense Control Over Republican Leadership | The Kyle Kulinski Show - YouTube
@FluorescentGrey · Some of my dumber followers are going to be mad at me for saying this but the American use of the term ‘lockdown’ is clearly a talking point designed as a neocon foreign policy ramp against China and always was since the pandemic
Right-Wing Media's Stochastic Terrorism And The Republican Texas Death Cult - YouTube
"When Tucker Carlson was like 20 he went to Central America to fight communism alongside the Contras. People who criticize him have never actually killed their enemies like he has." / Twitter
Texas Mall Gunman Was HUGE Fan Of White Nationalism
So Tucker Carlson has a friend who talked to Epstein the day he died 
@FluorescentGrey · I’m sure even some of the more idiotic dumb as fuck libertarians at this point are even taking pause and asking themselves ‘do we really want to be associated with a guy acting like a straight up textbook fed openly threatening to assault drag queens in public’ ?
@FluorescentGrey · Tucker gave his last speech at the The Hertigage Foundation, a think-tank that heavily influenced Reagan foreign policy and fully endorsed Bush-era fascist neoconservatism 
Another clip of warmonger Tucker Carlson: "The biggest threat to this country is not Vladimir Putin; that's ludicrous. The biggest threat obviously is China" He fearmongers about Chinese spying and its "growing military", blames it for fentanyl deaths, brings on a neocon guest
In this propaganda, warmonger Tucker Carlson says it clearly: "Russia is not America's main enemy... Our main enemy is China. The US ought to be in a relationship with Russia, aligned against China". He claims China is a "profound threat" that is "murdering" thousands in the US.
@FluorescentGrey · It’s getting more difficult everyday to find solidarity with the anti war libertarian side of things when the most respected anti war guy in libertarianism cohosts a program with a guy posting edgelord Franco memes to double down on his homophobia
@FluorescentGrey · Make no mistake, the libertarians got got by the same manufactured outrage that was designed to hit Fox News addicted grandpas in their reptile brain, it’s why Mises caucus is now posting videos of black people talking about property damage being reparations, textbook shit
@FluorescentGrey · is it possible that Greenwald, Dore and the other toxic clique of suspicious signal boosted 'leftists' are just sad Tucker is off air because he was a huge part of why their revenue streams increased expontentially after getting regular bookings on Tucker? yes it absolutely is
@FluorescentGrey · part of me is enjoying watching most of the figureheads in libertarianism descending full speed into a normie reactionary socially conservative deeply sexually repressed dork fucker phase
Tucker Carlson Isn’t an Anti-Imperialist — He’s a Rabid China Hawk
Hey remember when Tucker was hanging out with dyncorp lol
Tucker Carlson: The Elite Pedigree of a Brilliant Cosplaying “Populist”
Carlson Was Drunk With Power—and Murdoch Was Taking Notes | The New Republic
@FluorescentGrey · There are two types of leftist anti imperialists, those who got groomed and indoctrinated into a 4 year long psyop to come out the other side praising Nicaragua CIA asset Tucker Carlson and those who *didnt’t* get absolutely brain fucked
Tucker Carlson toasts Abramoff - POLITICO
@FluorescentGrey · Tucker just like all right wingers directly after the pandemic were hugely fear mongering about Covid and trying to get into Trump’s ear for him to rush a vaccine and/or Covid protocols, don’t feed me anymore of this revisionist history horse shit about right wing cia assets
@FluorescentGrey · When cia agents suck eachothers dicks || Joe Kent for WA-3 @joekent16jan19 · Standing by for the launch of the Tucker news network, the people demand it!
@FluorescentGrey · I guarantee you if you took a poll of people who are the most enraged at China right now in the United Stares it would correlate perfectly with the main Tucker Carlson viewing audience and don’t be naive enough to think this was an accident, it was scripted neocon propaganda
@FluorescentGrey · Make no mistake, Tucker Carlson helped move the needle in this country significantly, and by that I mean turning tens of millions of people into foaming at the mouth China paranoiacs and China hawks greasing the skids for ww3, an incredible solo feat for your ‘anti war’ boy
@FluorescentGrey · still can't get over the creepiness of this new obvious op to use phony anti-war platitudes as a vehicle to increase neocon team b style paranoia about US adversaries capabilities || Joe Kent for WA-3 @joekent16jan19 · Coming up on @TuckerCarlson to discuss how the DC war machine let our nuclear technology fall into the hands of the Russians & Biden’s reckless March to WW3. Tune in!
Libs Of TikTok's Chaya Raichik Takes Her Narcissistic Lunacy To Another Level - YouTube
@FluorescentGrey · There’s a reason why Tucker Carlsons clique of suspicious ‘leftist’ guests will never show you this clip admitting he’s a CIA asset, reason being why is a CIA asset booking you and courting you?
@FluorescentGrey · So fucking creepy and weird that this is even a topic and that ‘male role model’ means it has to be a cia asset who fought in the Nicaragua contra war, a war criminal, a guy who accidentally posts the dick sucking factory video and a literal pedophile. || Sam Arnold @s4m4rn0ld · Rogan bad. Peterson bad. Tate bad. Tucker bad. Trump bad. I get it. Valid criticisms exist of each. But who do you propose as a positive masculine role model? The noodle-armed NPR guy du jour ain't winning boys' hearts and minds.
@FluorescentGrey · Like many of the most extreme right wing views typically attributed to Trump or lower level white supremacy groups, a lot of it comes from wealthy heavily bankrolled DC neocon think tanks || Heritage Foundation @Heritage  .@libsoftiktok founder @ChayaRaichik10's DMs are flooded with messages of love and acceptance from the Left. Here are just a few examples. They don't seem too happy that she takes their own words and shares them for others to see😬
@FluorescentGrey · libertarians are less than 2 months away from saying "actually Irving Kristol was right about the woke mobs"
@FluorescentGrey · Part of the reason I’m pointing this out is because there is a popular false narrative being perpetuated that ‘all the neocons are liberal now’ because of the Democrats cozying up to neocons. The neocons always portrayed themselves as classically liberal, that’s not a new thing
@FluorescentGrey · The ‘feminism gone too far’ early TERF and anti trans rhetoric also came from places like the American Enterprise Institute from people like Christina Hoff Sommers
@FluorescentGrey · A lot of the most extreme ‘strategy of tension’ style rhetoric being used by the GOP still comes directly from neocon think tanks including Chris Rufo’s anti critical race theory push, he is a fellow for a CIA director cofounder neocon think tank Manhattan Institute
@FluorescentGrey · It also gets a lot worse, people like David Frum’s pal Ezra Levant now get promoted in the sphere of alt media for rebranding with the horrific phony news outlet Rebel News or ‘post left’ people boosting the Claremont Institute or American Greatness, both neocon cut outs
The so-called “truckers’ convoy” that occupied downtown in Ottawa in 2022 was a Canadian military intelligence operation and likely continuity of government exercise that mobilized an existing right wing union-busting network to turn out much of its support. Short
@FluorescentGrey · If you want to see more clearly what’s been happening try to step outside the paradigm that the only neocons you have to worry about are Max Boot, Robert Kagan and Bill Kristol. Look at every signatory of PNAC and see where they are now
@FluorescentGrey · If you didn’t notice already the think tank The Heritage Foundation is now producing official Libs of Tik Tok video content. Why are classic neocon think tanks engaging in micro strategy of tension? || Square profile picture Heritage Foundation @Heritage · 30 mars Rather than only showing 6 seconds, here's the full video where your followers would learn that @ChayaRaichik10 is actually confronting AOC for lying about her and @libsoftiktok at a committee hearing. These 6 seconds were just AOC's cop-out.
Libs Of TikTok Creator Wrote A Twisted Kid’s Book
The REAL Reason The US Government Wants To Ban TikTok - YouTube
@FluorescentGrey · It’s almost like when Wikileaks official and other signal boosted personalities told us to clan up with Posobiec to ‘fight the deep state’ they were essentially sending us a secret signal that could be wisely interpreted as ‘warning: we’re all actual Feds don’t stan for us’
@FluorescentGrey · I am genuinely sorry if my views sound too harsh or uncompromising but I can’t help having a strong emotional reaction from seeing the horror show of trusted groups like Wikileaks advocating us working with people who are clearly fucking plants or Feds, that’s a line for me
Anti-sex worker and anti-trans feminists have always walked lockstep with Christian extremism and satanic panic conspiracy theorists. Oh and btw this Pizzagate-level paranoiac is the person JK Rowling has been supporting.
- anyone who gets frequent or abnormally friendly treatment from any mainstream tv host, mainstream media outlet or mainstream newspaper - anyone who gets promoted or signal boosted by a sitting president or the presidents family while in office Very very simple rules
- anyone who promoted any form of war on terror propaganda or racism towards Muslims or who singled out Muslims as the ‘worst’ of religion - anyone regularly talking about how China or Russia dictates US affairs or policy (Cont)
@FluorescentGrey · Easy rules for navigating political scene and avoiding bad actors: - anybody who has ever defended Bush era war on terror torture for any reason - anyone who associated with, worked for, has social gatherings with any neocon or PNAC signatory (Cont)
@FluorescentGrey · I’ve been trying to warn people for years that anti war rhetoric has been hijacked by disingenuous actors some of them who are literal war criminals, some of them are just totally phony who know it’s a hot talking point, it doesn’t make any sense but neither does reality
@FluorescentGrey · dont forget that on the other side of the 'anti-woke' tunnel is the inside of Irving Kristol's decomposed asshole || NEWSMAX @NEWSMAX · 14 mars Podcast host Joe Rogan officially opened the doors to his anti-woke comedy club in Austin, Texas.
Supposed conservative @emeriticus went on Tucker to ramble about neocons in American foreign policy cheering the war in Ukraine. Interestingly chaos agent @emeriticus left out Putin's ties to neoconservatism and role in the war on terror...
"Guo’s New York City apartment was found on fire, a source familiar with the matter said. The FBI had to be evacuated during their search when the blaze broke out, after he was already in custody, the source said."
Miles Guo aka Miles Kwok aka Guo Wengui arrested in New York this morning. In 2020, Steve Bannon was arrested aboard Guo's yacht
@FluorescentGrey · on a basic level Bill Kristol’ own magazine in the 1990s the Weekly Standard was straight across the line socially conservative on every domestic issue including gay marriage (Bill Kristol wrote an entire anti gay marriage book) Weekly Standard also feels like a 90s ‘post left’
Call me noided if you must. Your favorite big political streamers and YouTube parasocial personalities are almost all without exception, the failsons of intel assets and the ones who aren't are in a plea deal that involved a seized hard drive. Don't trust any of them.
@FluorescentGrey · people can complain all they want about the 'anti war left' dying after the Iraq era but if you honestly think this new version of watered down Tucker Carlson CIA psyop bullshit is a useful replacement for it you've been absolutely brain fucked
@FluorescentGrey · I think it’s awfully strange and extraordinarily suspicious that every trendy ‘anti imperialists’ who is platformed by Tucker Carlson or associated with that clique have been virtually silent on this alarming trend while only talking about Ukraine Anti-China Rhetoric Is Off the Charts in Western Media The mass hysteria reflects the biases inherent in the world’s most powerful media outlets. 
@FluorescentGrey · when the son of the CIA's media arm / former employee of Bill Kristol / CIA asset who helped the Contras fight in Nicaragua promotes your 'anti war' rally chances are your rally is probably either an op or a giant pile of trash
Fox PUNISHED It's Own Reporters For Debunking Election Lies
@FluorescentGrey · recommendation 1 : don't work for David Frum's buddies outlet Rebel News recommendation 2: make sure to scrub your old tweets when you were tweeting nonstop pedophile rapey edgelord comedy racism question 1: what the hell is even happening here lol
@FluorescentGrey · in case you forgot Glenn Beck was and still is a neocon psychopath regardless of his The Blaze obvious faux libertarian grift || Glenn Beck @glennbeck · 3 févr. So, the Chinese spy balloon is coincidentally hovering at the necessary altitude for an EMP attack. I doubt that's what it is. But it's gathering some very disturbing intelligence: China can fly something like this over America and Biden will do NOTHING.
@FluorescentGrey ·neocon war mongers are a very real threat, often times they come in the form of completely phony virtual signalling politicians who claim to be against 'regime change' just to turn around and foam at the mouth for war with China ||Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 @mtgreenee · Chinese espionage is a very real threat. That’s why President Trump established a special initiative at the Department of Justice tasked with the sole mission of targeting Chinese espionage in the United States. 
@FluorescentGrey · the Hudson Institute China Hawk has logged on || Saagar Enjeti @esaagar · Joe Rogan podcast. Check it out!
Tucker Carlson Learned The Worst Possible Lesson From Bill O'Reilly
@FluorescentGrey · but you don't have to go too far to find strange connections between early Wikileaks and China regime change, in fact when the organization started it explicity focused on 'free speech' in China, very odd stuff imo but feel free to make of it what you will
@FluorescentGrey · here's my honest feeling, the Wuhan 'lab leak' theory as it was rolled out to us in the mainstream press is like if the Bush neocons took the Iraq WMD talking points and fractalized them into hundreds of different iterations including opposing viewpoints on purpose
Chinese billionaire and associate of Steve Bannon arrested in $1 billion fraud conspiracy, officials say
Meet The Woman (Phyllis Schlafly) Tucker Carlson Stole His Shtick From - YouTube
@FluorescentGrey · the GOP battle against Tik Tok should tell you everything you need to know about how phony it always was to watch elected politicians arguing with Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey in congress about 'censorship' this was all a game to escalate confrontation with China
Tucker “exposing” the deep state is like Sam Bankman Fried explaining to people that crypto is a Ponzi scheme
@FluorescentGrey : "dont let anybody shove this neocon down your gullet even if its someone with a popular artificially signal boosted 'alt media' show that acts edgey, but also keep in mind the same people suspiciously shoving Rebel Media down your gullet also have been grooming you to hate China" / Twitter
@FluorescentGrey · Ezra Levant the guy going viral right now among the dumbest of the faux alt media celebs used to work with David Frum of PNAC and the Bush administration, please don't be a stupid asshole and help launder neocons into alt media space, i beg you, thank you
@FluorescentGrey · i dunno man, not sure an outlet founded by David Frum's pal Ezra Levant is any better than the shitty Washington Post, in fact i'd say its really really sus that an organization founded by PNAC Frum's friend is masquerading as alt media
@FluorescentGrey · come on guys this isn't hard, you can hate Pfizer while simultaneously understanding how horrifically dumb and frankly very very sus it is to be laundering people in or close to the PNAC clique into any left or legitimately real alt media space || Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 @ezralevant · Vidéo intégrée Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, has never had an unscripted media interview in his life. Until today. We asked him 29 questions. And he could answer none of them.
@FluorescentGrey · just another example of how much of a suspicious shit show 'Rebel News' is before you consider slurping more controlled opposition fake alt media down your filthy gullet Trudeau condemns antisemitism... and Islamophobia? Ezra Levant breaks down a recent tweet from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.READ MORE: 
@FluorescentGrey · the leader of the CIA funded Falun Gong cult that for some preason is heavily invested in trash right wing US controlled opposition faux 'alt media' in the form of Epoch Times is trying to get morons to believe there have been 500mil Chinese covid deaths || Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言 @jenniferzeng97 · 1. Founder of #FalunGong: 400 million have died of #COVID in #China during the past 3 years. 500 million will die when the pandemic is over. 200 million died during #SARS. But #CCP covered it up. Later it
@FluorescentGrey · in case you (like I) were wondering to themselves 'why does this website Rebel News seem so goddam sus and like it's being artificially boosted in phony controlled opposition alt media circuits' here's part of your answer Go to Israel with The Rebel! Join Ezra Levant, Katie Hopkins & More! SIGN UP to VISIT Israel with fellow Rebels! http://www.RebelIsrael.comRebel Commander Ezra Levant invites you to travel to Israel with him, Katie Hopkins, Sh... 
A reminder that Greenwald omitted both open and covert US involvement in Lava Jato from his book about Lava Jato. His last known writing on US inferference in Brazil was in mid 2015, despite having access to massive amounts of evidence. Greenwald Book’s Curious Blindspot for US Involvement In Brazil | BRASILWIRE Brazil-based lawyer turned journalist Glenn Greenwald made his name in 2013 with exposures of US spying on the world, including the then government of Dilma Rousseff. Despite regular critiques of US...
@FluorescentGrey · WEF coverage this year reminds me of some of the more cringier Infowars Bilderberg trips, its still really odd how quickly the WEF became the new primary focus for johnny come lately conspiracy people who still oddly skip over the 9/11 attacks and just talk about pedos all day
@FluorescentGrey · Ezra Levant the sickening artificially boosted cunt who founded the very very sus website Rebel News sits in the nexus point between performative dog whistling to neo-nazis and boiler plate pro-Israel zionism (in case of any confusion)
Exclusive: Alex Jones Phone Dump Reveals Text Convos With Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson Suggests His Hatred Of Liberals Made Him An Idiot - YouTube
The Twitter activist behind the far-right ‘Libs of TikTok’ is an Orthodox Jew. Does that matter? | The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
Disinfo researcher @KrisGoldsmith85 and his team have identified 66 anti-LGBTQ+ incidents in the United States connected to Libs of TikTok's targeting. Half of those incidents occurred within 5 days of Chaya Raichik's tweets. This account is a violence-provoking hate account.
Oops! Libs Of TikTok Founder Was At Capitol Riot
Clueless Libs of TikTok Founder Proves How Clueless She Is On Tucker Carlson's Show
@FluorescentGrey · Libertarian Party official twitter can't seem to quit the neocon brain virus || Libertarian Party @LPNational ·  The Chinese people are trusting the science, by force, and paying for it. This was the world Fauci and the CDC wanted for you.
@FluorescentGrey · I really hope this absolutely dumb bitch is afraid to leave her house now after showing her horrific neocon cut out operation face on Tucker || Alejandra Caraballo @Esqueer_ · Chaya Raichik went on Tucker Carlson and said the "LGBTQ community has become this cult... It's extremely poisonous." She later says "They're just evil people, and they're out to groom kids. They're recruiting." This is one of the most bigoted interviews I've ever heard.
@FluorescentGrey · Reminder that the CIA asset photographed with a naked toddler labeled as Tucker’s friend in a newspaper was also a member of the Dan White society because that’s how deeply sick he is || Michael Erler @MichaelErlerSBN · En réponse à @EladNehorai et @RexChapman Tucker was a member of the Dan White Society in college
@FluorescentGrey · Did that interview CIA asset Tucker Carlson did with cut-out libs of tik tok air yet?
@FluorescentGrey · When you have people like Zionist neocon psychopath Glenn Beck pretending to be a 2005 era deep politics alt media guy you know something is seriously wrong and by seriously wrong I mean seriously psyopped into oblivion
Fox Host Says Calling Drag Queens 'Groomers' Is Retaliation For Being Called Racist
@FluorescentGrey · CIA officer chimes in to make jokes about strategy of tension psyop || Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok · A message from Tucker Carlson:
Libs of TikTok LIES Led To Direct Threat Against LGBTQ Rights Group
Texas Tried Building Database of Trans People
DEBUNKED: Libs of TikTok Lies About Katie Porter
@FluorescentGrey · for how long are we expected to play dumb and pretend things like Libs of Tik Tok or Gays Against Groomers are organic grass roots things instead of heavily funded, heavily signal boosted and highly manufactured by extremely powerful elites and political actors? 
@FluorescentGrey The very creepy man pictured in this video used to make commercials comparing gay marriage to marrying your own dog, he is an absolute psychopath Traduire le Tweet || Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 @TulsiGabbard · As we gather with our loved ones during this special time of year, let’s remember the reason for the season and where real happiness is found — not in a gift-wrapped box, but in being of service to others. From our family to yours, aloha and #MerryChristmasEve!
@FluorescentGrey · Tulsi voted for the initial $300million weapons package to Ukraine and never explained why her own vote actually created a ramp to ww3. || Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 @TulsiGabbard · The warmongers are trying to drag us into WW3, which can only end in one way: nuclear annihilation and the suffering and death of all our loved ones. Zelensky, Biden, NATO, congressional and media neocons are insane. And we are insane if we passively allow them to lead us into… 
"my father worked for the government" Tucker Carlson's father *ran* the CIA's public facing news service. || Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 @TulsiGabbard · .@TuckerCarlson wasn't always a critic of the deep state. In fact, he told me why he almost joined the CIA - and why they turned him down. Tucker like you’ve never seen him before — watch full interview Tuesday 9am EST.
@FluorescentGrey · Sounds like Nicaragua boy got wind of our multiple slo-motion deployed poison pills, 2 of them: resurrecting his Kristol commissioned Gary Webb hit piece and his admission on video tape he helped the Contras in the CIA war, there are more coming 😘 || LBJ by Caro @MarlonEttinger · "my father worked for the government" Tucker Carlson's father *ran* the CIA's public facing news service.…
Dick Carlson directed both Voice of America and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. || LBJ by Caro @MarlonEttinger · "my father worked for the government" Tucker Carlson's father *ran* the CIA's public facing news service.…
The powerful gay man behind Tucker Carlson’s bloodcurdling hate.
@FluorescentGrey · Tucker even going beyond Rachel Maddow's paranoiac regime change propaganda about Russia || Andy Boreham 安柏然 @AndyBxxx · China state-affiliated media HOW FAKE NEWS IS MADE: A new Twitter account with no credibility whatsoever posts a random video of tanks in Xuzhou (PS: nothing happening there, it's the base of the 12th group army of the PLA) and then @TuckerCarlson purposefully uses the clip to spread disinformation.
How "religious freedom" became a right-wing assault on equality and the rule of law
Christian nationalism's white supremacy crisis: Bitter battle on the far right |

John Brisson et al. concernant Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson Is the Swanson Dinner of Cable TV (il est surtout celui qui a repris le créneau de Bill O'Reilly! et il y a des allégations de harcèlement sexuel en cours contre eux deux, Carlson et O'Reilly.)

Brisson sur Tucker Carlson 1 - Part 2
Who is Dick Carlson ? Histoire du père SPOOKY de Tucker Carlson. Assez incroyable à quel point c'était clairement un spook! (Carlson n'était même pas son nom.)
1re partie d'une émission spéciale de Media Roots Radio en 2 parties sur Tucker Carlson, le pseudo populiste millionnaire d'un papa Spook à l'os, qui a repris le créneau de Bill O'Reilly et de Glenn Beck. (Glenn Beck est ami de Bibi, qui invite des Whitney Webb et autres conspis à son émisson qui blâment tous en choeur Klaus Schwab en présentant Israel comme le modèle à suivre de nationalisme contre les globalistes).
Rappel: le prétendu antiguerre antinéocon Tucker Carlson acquiessait quand son invité lui dit, à la fin de l'entrevue, qu'il faut qu'on règne "sur un trône de crânes de Chinois." 


Tucker Carlson, millionaire qui joue un rôle conservateur pour la télé, démolissait Bill O'reilly en 2033 comme un millionnaire qui joue un rôle pour la télé... Rush Limbaugh et Bill O'Reilly étaient les animateurs des plus importantes émissions de radio-poubelles conservatrices américaines à l'époque, Tucker a simplement pris leur place! La critique de 2003 contre O'Reilly serait identique à celle qu'on formulerait contre Tucker Carlson aujourd"hui. Carlson est l'héritier de la fortune des dîners surgelés Swanson, lié à la CIA par son père qui en était un haut cadre (au niveau du contrôle de l'information et des médias!), il affirme avoir été rejeté par la CIA lorsqu'il a postulé il  ya longtemps.

Back in 2003, a younger version of Tucker Carlson called out Fox News host Bill O'Reilly for playing a "character" on his Fox News show, saying that the man making millions a year was just pretending to be a populist for money and ratings. Flash forward 20 years, and that exact same criticism can be applied to Tucker and his phony brand of populism that he's selling to audiences today.
Une nouvelle promesse électorale de Trump est qu'il va déclassifier tous les documents relatifs à l'assassinat de JFK. Tucker Carlson a récemment enfoncé une porte ouverte à ce sujet, tout comme RFK Jr, en affirmant que selon ses sources c'est la CIA qui a tué JFK. Sa source est nul autre que son papa, très connecté à la CIA. Celui-ci doit savoir où les morts sont enterrés, littéralement. Mais depuis quand doit-on dépendre des spooks et des gens du renseignement comme source d'information fiable? Tucker a en tout cas une connexion évidente avec la CIA de par ses voyages de jeunesse au Nicaragua, en même temps que la CIA et ses Contras y menaient leur guerre contre les Sandinistas. Il a grandement protégé les Bush en tout ce qui touche le 11 septembre, et ses "questionnements" à ce sujet n'ont rien de courageux puisqu'ils l'ont mené à blâmer les Clinton, bref à nous servir une gigantesque farce dont nous sommes le dindon.

Tucker pourrait rejoindre le nouveau média The Free Press, fondé par nulle autre que Bari Weiss, co-auteure des Twitter Files avec Matt Taibbi: The Free Press@TheFP  We're a new media company founded by Bari Weiss and built on the ideals that once were the bedrock of great American journalism. 

Tucker a une influence immense sur le leadership républicain... Pourtant il a des connexions démocrates des plus surprenantes (ex: ami de Hunter Biden)
SHOCK: Tucker Carlson's Immense Control Over Republican Leadership | The Kyle Kulinski Show

C'est en même temps horrifique et fort suspect de voir les commentateurs "anti-impérialistes" anti-guerres-sans-fin-et-changements-de-régime, qui écoutent la clique d'Alex Jones, d'Epoch Times (NTD), Bannon, Tucker Carlson, clique d'obsédés par Hunter Biden (alors que Hunter est ami perso de Tucker!) ne parler que d'Ukraine en boucle sans jamais dire un traître mot sur la tendance alarmante du discours de propagande et d'hystérie belliqueuse anti-Chine qui sévit lourdement du côté de leurs têtes d'affiches citées précédemment.
Une protégée de Tucker Carlson l'a remplacé quelques semaines  àson émission de Fox News: Tulsi Gabbard, une fausse patriot, militaire, membre d'une unité de psyops, partisane de la guerre au terrorisme la plus dure qui soit. 
Plus d'infos sur Tulsi Gabbard:
@FluorescentGrey · the AFRICOM War on Terror Warrior Tulsi Gabbard who voted for the $300 million initial weapons supplemental for the Ukrainian proxy war will be Ragining against the war machine very soon, get ready || Rage Against the War Machine @RageAgainstWar_ ·  BREAKING: @TulsiGabbard will speak at Rage Against the War Machine at the Lincoln Memorial. 
Did You Know Tulsi Gabbard Grew Up In A Homophobic Cult?
@FluorescentGrey · Worth remembering that Kucinich inexplicably endorsed cult member Tulsi Gabbard an active military political candidate who says she was a ‘hawk’ on terror, does special forces military ops in Africa and who was conflicted about Bush era torture as late as 2015 || Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr · I am delighted to announce @Dennis_Kucinich as the manager of my Presidential campaign. A former 8-term member of Congress, he has been both an icon of progressive politics and an iconoclastic, game-changing force within progressive politics. #Kennedy24
@FluorescentGrey · another rare but good Michael Tracey W, something Michael was unable to do when Tulsi Gabbard ran for president || Michael Tracey @mtracey · 28 avr. Of course RFK Jr. was neck-deep in all kinds of Russiagate conspiracy nonsense. Have any of his new cult followers bothered to actually research the guy?
Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
A reminder: Tulsi Gabbard’s personal guru is a real piece of work | The Underground Bunker
@FluorescentGrey · Tulsi Gabbard speaking at the 'Rage against the war machine rally' spreads blatant US imperialist lies about North Korea's nuclear capabilities, claiming they have ICBM's deployed to hit any american city right now, very blatant easily disprovable lie
Tulsi Gabbard Says Democrats Share 'Core Principles' With Hitler - YouTube
Tulsi Gabbard is currently assigned to the 351st Civil Affairs Command (351 CACOM), an Army Reserve psyop unit. This same unit was once headed by psyop guru Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, a major Qanon proponent and co-author of "From PSYOP to MindWar" with Michael Aquino.
Aquino Said That He Became Interested in Satanism While Serving in Vietnam In August 1998, a Washington Post profile on Aquino said that he made his first inroads into satanism in the 1970s while he was stationed in Vietnam.
How the American Sangh built up Tulsi Gabbard
After decades of trying, a disciple of anti-gay zealot Chris Butler was on the cusp of national political office. They found the missing piece: a Nazi-inspired paramilitary in need of a US politician willing to take $ to whitewash their pogroms & massacres of religious minorities
Howdy, Modi! Tulsi & Trump All In For The Indian Fascist Leader’s Fan Club – The Commoner Call
@QanonAnonymous ·  OUT NOW, part 1 of our exposé on Tulsi Gabbard written by Mike Prysner — THE CULT. How her upbringing & political path was guided by a cult that broke away from the Hare Krishna to better worship a surfer-turned-guru called Chris Butler.
C'est un des plus grands mensonges de la dernière décennie de dire que "le monde s'éveille" face à quoi que ce soit.  Ce qui se passe réellement, c'est qu'une partie de l'élite a réussi à laver le cerveau et à instiguer une dépendance dans une partie importante du mouvement conspirationniste. C'est extrêmement clair si l'on est un tant soit peu informé sur la culture complotiste de l'époque avant Trump, que quelque chose dans la culture conspirationniste ne tourne pas rond depuis ce temps, que le mouvement a été carrément piraté, remis par un système contrôlé de haut en bas, dirigé par des néocons. Si ça ne vous apparaît pas encore évident, cela mérite d'y jeter un oeil... Cette machine de propagande à saveur conspirationniste vient apparemment des néocons, peut-être les mêmes qui ont fait le 11 septembre, c'est à surveiller... Il est difficile de ne pas penser que les mêmes qui ont fait le 11 septembre ont réussi d'une manière ou d'une autre à infiltrer les médias alternatifs (alt-media) et à le rediriger, le reconvertir en partie en une arme politique militaire, une force culturelle de désinformation, marécage néocon cauchemardesque comme un Lovecraft aurait pu l'imaginer. Chose à laquelle les milieux entourant Netanyahu et la droite chrétienne américaine sont déjà habitués depuis des décennies, depuis qu'ils se sont alliés dans les années 1980 et depuis la naissance de la Nouvelle Droite. Piper avait déjà disséqué le problème du contrôle néocon du conspirationnisme et du patriotisme anti-NWO dans son livre The Judas Goats.

Historiquement, la métamorphose d'ex-trotskyistes en néo-conservateurs, effrayés par un mouvement pour les droits civiques (ex: Black Panthers) qui selon eux allait "trop loin dans la haine", s'est faite un peu de la même façon que la métamorphose qu'on peut observer de nos jours chez ces personnalités publiques plus ou moins libertariennes et riches qui ont graduellement glissé vers l'extrême-droite, le racisme et la misogynie décomplexés en réaction à une gauche "woke" qui les effraie. Le discours sur le wokisme et les LGBTQ est utilisé aujourd'hui comme appât pour attirer les internautes vers le néoconservatisme à saveur conspi et comme moyen de les retourner en faveur des partis de droite traditionnelle ordinaire.

"Mais en quoi c'est mal si Elon devient le nouveau Trump?" Le lavage de cerveau dont je parle plus haut a tellement bien réussi à remonter les conspis contre la menace woke, qu’ils en viennent par anti-wokisme à prendre le parti de l’Armée, des contracteurs militaires et des milliardaires crapuleux, bref tout ce qu’il a de plus toxique pour la société.

La prise de contrôle et le massacre du mouvement conspi par des néocons dont je parlais plus haut est un véritable coup d’État. Je ne serais pas du tout surpris si on découvrait une opération du complexe militaro-industriel derrière le mouvement anti-woke, ce serait parfaitement logique. L’Armée, avec ses tares psychopathiques et sa toxicité mortelle, symbolise et incarne parfaitement ce mouvement, bien plus que la religion traditionnelle organisée dont se réclame souvent l'anti-wokisme. L'Armée, non pas au service des peuples mais du complexe militaro-industriel, a depuis longtemps clairement identifié les "wokes" (qualifiés autrefois de "libs" par les droitards des médias poubelles et les télévangélistes) comme une menace à sa suprématie violente, misogyne et raciste sur le monde. En même temps, l'anti-wokisme nous distrait et nous fait oublier les problèmes les plus graves pour lesquels on devrait être en train de se mobiliser, comme lors de la Guerre en Irak quelques années après le 11 septembre, lorsque les groupes chrétiens ont donné du fil à retordre aux industriels militaristes. Aujourd'hui les gens remontés contre le wokisme ne se préoccupent plus des problèmes réels et fantasment sur un retour aux années 1950, se mettant ainsi en porte-à-faux avec l'ensemble de la société, qui est nettement libérale dans une écrasante majorité. Cela ne fait qu'accentuer la division et répandre le chaos dans la société, c'est la bonne vieille stratégie de la tension, encore et encore...

Les catholiques tradis sont en ce moment en train de gagner en influence sur la droite politique grâce à la nouvelle mode de l'anti-wokisme remplaçant l'anti-Islam, mais c'est oublier que les mouvements sociaux et libéraux des années soixante qui sont à l'origine du prétendu wokisme viennent en grande partie des gens d'Église. Steiner indiquait à propos des jésuites qu'il n'y a pas de problème ni de contradiction réelle pour eux à critiquer une chose qu'ils ont eux-mêmes créés de toute pièce. On pourrait dire de même que l'Église, anglicane ou catholique, a conjuré elle-même le wokisme pour l'attaquer ensuite comme une chose lui étant en apparence étrangère. Sur les mouvements sociaux des Sixties et l'ouverture de l'Église aux juifs:
PDF - Brewitt-Taylor, Sam - Christian Radicalism in the Church of England and the Invention of the British Sixties, 1957-1970: The Hope of a World Transformed  This study provides the first postsecular account of the moral revolution that Britain experienced in the 1960s. Beginning from the groundbreaking premise that secularity is not a mere absence, but an invented culture, it argues that a new form of British secularity achieved cultural dominance during an abrupt cultural revolution which occurred in the late 1950s and early 1960s. This moral revolution had little to do with affluence or technology, but was most centrally a cultural response to the terrors of the Cold War, which pitted Christian Britain against the secular Soviet Union. By exploring contemporary prophecies of the inevitable arrival of "the secular society," Sam Brewitt-Taylor shows that, ironically, British secularity was given decisive initial momentum by theologically radical Christians, who destigmatized the idea of "modern secularity" and made it available for appropriation by a wide range of Sixties actors. Further than this, radical Christians played a significant contributory role in deciding what kind of secularity Britain's Sixties would adopt, by narrating Britain's moral revolution as globalist, individualist, anti-authoritarian, sexually libertarian, and politically egalitarian. In all these ways, radical Christians played a highly significant role in the early stages of Britain's Sixties.

PDF - Connelly, John - From Enemy to Brother: The Revolution in Catholic Teaching on the Jews, 1933-1965 In 1965 the Second Vatican Council declared that God loves the Jews. Before that, the Church had taught for centuries that Jews were cursed by God and, in the 1940s, mostly kept silent as Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis. How did an institution whose wisdom is said to be unchanging undertake one of the most enormous, yet undiscussed, ideological swings in modern history?    The radical shift of Vatican II grew out of a buried history, a theological struggle in Central Europe in the years just before the Holocaust, when a small group of Catholic converts (especially former Jew Johannes Oesterreicher and former Protestant Karl Thieme) fought to keep Nazi racism from entering their newfound church. Through decades of engagement, extending from debates in academic journals, to popular education, to lobbying in the corridors of the Vatican, this unlikely duo overcame the most problematic aspect of Catholic history. Their success came not through appeals to morality but rather from a rediscovery of neglected portions of scripture.    From Enemy to Brother illuminates the baffling silence of the Catholic Church during the Holocaust, showing how the ancient teaching of deicide-according to which the Jews were condemned to suffer until they turned to Christ-constituted the Church's only language to talk about the Jews. As he explores the process of theological change, John Connelly moves from the speechless Vatican to those Catholics who endeavored to find a new language to speak to the Jews on the eve of, and in the shadow of, the Holocaust.
Autre "coïncidence": Trump et Epstein déjà ont eu la même amie de coeur: Celina Midelfart (T était avec elle juste avant Melania)Ghislaine était probablement plus la manipulatrice (CIA handler) d'Epstein que son amie de coeur....Je dis CIA handler, mais c'est un automatisme de ma part.  Je la verrais plutôt avec les anti-communistes britanniques qui étaient responsables, via leurs connexions mafieuses, des liens avec l'URSS et l'ex-URSS. ISrael est bourré de Russes ayant fui l'URSS, ils ont déjà constitué plus de 50% de la population israélienne si je comprends bien.

Comme c'était le cas pour les armes ethnospécifiques liées aux progrès en génétique, c'est clairement encore une question d'armement qui est au coeur de tout le débat sur l'IA. Elon le contracteur militaire le sait très bien...

Dans les médias alternatifs, en réalité crypto-droitards, on tape sur ChatGPT qui serait "trop woke", LOL. Il y a aussi une IA droitarde financée par Peter Thiel: OpenAI. Elle n'est pas critiquée par personne... Encore une fois l'analyse des médias alternatifs est nulle, aucune critique systémique, seulement certaines compagnies sont critiquées et ce pour de mauvaises raisons (telles que le wokisme). Les médias alternatifs se révèlent comme des apologistes du système actuel, ils n'ont de problèmes avec Big Tech ou Disney pas parce que ce sont des corporations psychopathiques mais juste parce que ces compagnies seraient "trop woke". C'est pathétique et déprimant de voir les soi-disant médias alternatifs porter de l'eau pour la droite la plus ordinaire du parti républicain le plus ordinaire...

Henry Kissinger on a potential artificial intelligence arms race L'éléphant dans le salon quand on parle de moratoire sur l'IA, c'est que ce sont des connards de contracteurs du Pentagone comme  ElonMusk qui parlent de cela, en focalisant notre attentio sur une théorie débile selon laquelle l'IA serait trop avancée et devenue dangereuse en soi... Comme si l'IA allait devenir folle et prendre le contrôle comme dans un scénario de film de scifi (financé par l'armée américaine) comme Terminator. Pour Elon le milliardaire et ses suiveux imbéciles, le danger est que l'IA est trop woke et pourrait contrôler l'humanité. Ceux qui abondent dans le même sens dans les médias alternatifs et les réseaux sociaux sont véritablement des nullités. Elon Musk passe son temps à mettre l'humanité en danger avec ses inventions militaires et ses produits dangereux comme ses voitures sans conducteur.
Le grand danger de l'IA dont personne ne parle (à part ceux qui savent de quoi ils parlent) réside surtout dans son utilisation militaire, cher monsieur Elon le contracteur du Pentagone!! L'IA pourrait être utilisée pour tuer par des compagnies de contracteurs militaires avec une efficacité redoutable. C'est sur cela qu'il faut imposer un moratoire, pas sur les deep fakes par IA!
Elon le milliardaire passe pour un diseur de vérité interdites qui choquent, un vrai libertarien... Mais il obéit totalement aux ordres de censure de Twitter à la demande des gouvernements autoritariens de Turquie (Erdogan) et d'Inde (Modi). Blâmer Soros pour tout c'est rejoindre la ligne de la droite la plus ordinaire du parti républicain le plus ordinaire. C'était le discours répétitif et barbant d'un sioniste comme Glenn Beck, qui passe pour un conspirationniste aux yeux des téléspectateurs impressionnables et ignares. C'est aussi la ligne d'un Netanyahou allié de la Hongrie de Viktor Orban, qui communient dans la détestation des immigrés et des musulmans (selon eux "c'est Soros qui contrôle la gauche et l'immigration"), et qui travaillent fort à la promotion des politiques racistes d'Israël comme modèle à suivre pour l'extrême-droite internationale. 
C'est aussi ce qu'on pourrait entendre de la part de Tucker Carlson, qui est l'un des principaux promoteurs actuels des politiques de Viktor Orban et dont le père super-spook de la CIA fut même lobbyiste officiel d'Orban.
@FluorescentGrey Fucking sick, this attempted CIA recruit who got the alternative media left to poison pill itself is going to Hungary, watch out bruh h/t @SamSacks || Insider News @InsiderNews · 2 août 2021 Tucker Carlson has moved his show to Hungary for the week, where he met controversial PM Viktor Orban and will speak at a far-right conference
Les twitter files ont été données à la petite cuillère (spoonfed) et sélectivement (cherry-picked) par Elon Musk à Taibbi. Or Taibbi dénonçait cela à l'émission de Joe Rogan quelques années plus tôt... Elon  Musk n'a rien d'un sonneur d'alarme, il l'est uniquement dans l'esprit de quelques débiles!

During a House Oversight Committee hearing on the Twitter Files, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz asks Matt Taibbi if journalists should avoid accepting spoon fed, cherry picked information from sources. Taibbi says it depends on the circumstances. Wasserman Schultz then references Taibbi's recent remarks on Joe Rogan's show where he said almost the exact same thing. Rep. Wasserman Schultz follows up by asking Taibbi how much he's profited off of the Twitter Files.

Au final, peu importe Taibbi: le bilan des twitter files tel qu'il nous est présenté est radicalement faux. On nous les présente comme s 'ils prouvaient un biais libéral anti-droite, anti-conservateur de la part de Twitter, de Big Tech et des médias sociaux. La réalité est que twitter a bcp débattu à l'interne sur la possibilité de changer les règles pour accomoder la droite, par exemple ils ont adouci les règles pour accomoder le POTUS Trump qui twittait des conneries, pour éviter de le bannir.  Pire encore, twitter a donné un traitement préférentiel à libsoftiktok, un compte haineux anti-trans et anti-woke. Le compte était protégé au plus haut niveau de la direction de twitter! Si ça c'est pas accommodant pour la droite la plus débile... Par contre des comptes de ournalistes sérieux de gauche ont été éliminés. La réalité est rigoureusement inverse du portrait présenté par Musk et Taibbi! Le biais est clairement accommodant envers la droite et rigoureusement censeur envers des commentateurs et des médias de gauche ou syndicalistes.
Sur Youtube, de même, les contenu droitards ne sont pas réprimés mais plutôt suggérés: on peut voir des suggestions de vidéos de Jordan Peterson même si on le déteste, on reçoit les nouvelles de Forbes et Bloomberg mettre en valeur Ron de Santis et faire la promotion des ses idées de guerre culturelle, sans jamais faire référence au fait que ce mouvement est adjacent à Qanon et au trumpisme, ainsi qu'ax politiques de la droite chrétienne théocratique ou fasciste. Bloomberg et Forbes s'avèrent bien moins libéraux et bien plus néocons et réactionnaires autoritariens qu'on pourrait le croire.
Fil twitter sur les liens Epstein-Musk Elon Musk n'est pas plus pur que les autres milliardaires liés à Epstein!

En réfutant les accusations d'antisémitisme à la suite de sa critique contre Soros (Elon Musk Bashes George Soros in Tweet Saying He 'Hates Humanity'), Elon a souligné qu'il est pro-sémite en fait. Et pourtant les "dissidents" patriotes antisionistes anti-NWO lui sont quand même favorables! Elon Musk tient le même discours anti-Soros que Orban et Netanyahou et Glenn Beck et le parti républicain. Les journalistes de Haaretz l'ont très bien compris, mais les ignorants sont impressionnés et croient qu' "il est pas avec les sionistes". Pour preuve: Why Israel's Government Is Shielding Elon Musk From Accusations of Antisemitism. When Twitter CEO Elon Musk attacked the 92 year-old Jewish philanthropist, saying Soros 'hates humanity,' he was echoing the aggressive stance taken by both Netanyahu and GOP lawmakers. (HAARETZ)


Elon Musk et Jared Kushner (proche de Bibi Netanyahou) au Super Bowl


Elon Musk et Rupert Murdoch au Super Bowl

Musk a aussi des liens étranges avec Israël: il a refilé les dossiers de Twitter (« Twitter Files ») à éplucher en exclusivité au journaliste Matt Taibbi du magazine Rolling Stone ainsi qu’à la lobbyiste payée par Israël Bari Weiss du torchon NY Times. Taibbi est sceptique du Russiagate, anti-woke adjacent aux culture warriors mais plus dans le style de G.Greenwald.
Musk est aussi fan, comme bcp de libertariens, du compte Twitter BabylonBee, qu’il suffit de suivre un moment pour comprendre que c’est un compte clairement pro-sioniste.
Il a été nommé membre honorifique par les Raéliens des USA, c’est pas nouveau que la dissidence s’associe aux sectes. (Dieudo par exemple a carrément donné des Quenelles D’or à nul autre que Raël)
Il faudrait demander à Musk s’il n’a pas déjà considérer d’éviter de laisser autant de place aux sionistes dans ses projets, ou bien s’il n’a pas déjà subi quelque pression en faveur des intérêts israéliens. En tous les cas, les dissidents feraient mieux de réfléchir à ce que ce que cachent ces connexions israéliennes de Musk, connexions ouvertement sionistes suprémacistes dans le pire sens du terme.
(Quand Joe Rogan a invité l’antisioniste Abby Martin pour parler de la lutte du gouvernement pour interdire BDS avec des lois contraires au 1er amendement, il a invité Bari Weiss la semaine d’après, pour contrebalancer.)

Pour essayer de compromettre DeSantis, Trump a avoué avoir participé au trucage d’une élection en faveur de DeSantis, geste criminel pour lequel il devrait être condamné normalement…
Lors de la plus récente élection de gouverneur, sous Trump, DeSantis allait possiblement perdre, il a gagné seulement par quelques milliers de votes (cette année c’est par quelques millions de votes). Alors Trump a envoyé sa gang de Tea Party MAGA, incluant Roger Stone, pour arrêter le décompte des bulletins de votes, ce qui permit à DeSantis de l’emporter alors que ça n’était pas encore sûr. L’équipe de droitistes du dirty trickster Roger Stone avait fait le même coup en l’an 2000 pour faire cesser le décompte des votes, ce qui permit à Bush de vaincre Gore (voir Brooks Brothers Riots).
Rapporté par l’avocat Farron Cousins de America’s Lawyer (anciennement pour RT America)
Trump Admits He Rigged Florida Election For Ron DeSantis


Elon Musk not some radical outsider, but a crucial part of the US surveillance and national security states. Read my investigation here:
Elon Musk Is Not a Renegade Outsider – He’s a Massive Pentagon Contractor From its origins, SpaceX has been close to the national security state, particularly the CIA. Yet Elon Musk continues to benefit from a perception that he is not part of the system.

Le plan de Musk pour changer twitter en l’équivalent occidental de ce qu’est actuellement WeChat en Chine, une appli qu’il baptiserait X:

Ghislaine Maxwell aurait demandé à Elon Musk (en plus de se faire prendre en photo avec lui) de faire exploser internet.

Ghislaine Maxwell ‘asked Elon Musk to DESTROY the internet after inquiring with Tesla billionaire whether it was possible to remove yourself from web completely,’ Vanity Fair reporter reveals *Musk, 51, has denied knowing Maxwell several times and has claimed on Twitter in the past that she ‘photo-bombed’ the billionaire and would-be Twitter CEO in a photo of the two from a party *A new story sourced to a Vanity Fair staffer, however, alleges that the two had a full conversation at the 2014 Oscar party that the picture was taken at *The staffer claims Maxwell asked Musk if there ‘were a way to remove oneself from the internet’ *She then, supposedly, encouraged Musk to ‘destroy the internet.’ Musk allegedly demurred

Ron DeSantis Threatens Apple For Being Mean To Elon Musk

Yair Netanyahu, le fils de Bibi, disait à Kanye (mi-novembre) qu’il a raison d’haïr les juifs d’hollywood (il les haït lui-même) mais pas les autres. On voit la cohérence du fascisme israélien avec la lutte de la droite conservatrice ordinaire plus ou moins conspi contre les « liberals » et leur idéologie « woke », liée à la théorie critique sur la race, perçue comme un complot « marxiste culturel » (épouvantail qui vient des milieux conspis, plus précisément larouchistes).

In which Yair Netanyahu explains to Kanye that he should direct his ire just as (((cosmopolitans) in (((Hollywood))) and not at the good Jews like him.
[Screen capture: ]

Fascinated by Yair Netanyahu’s response to Kanye. Pretty much the perfect example of how prominent right wing Jews proliferate antisemitism by directing the tropes at progressive Jews. That’s because their views are steeped in the same antisemitic narrative of the right.

Suite du tweet de Yair Netanyahu:
[Screen Capture: ]

Plus sur Elon Musk:
@FluorescentGrey · What’s surreal is that people are supposed to sit back and pretend a heavily signal boosted round table of Elon Musk brown shirts are ‘anti establishment’ it’s some really sick unbelievable shit were supposed to put up with
Elon Musk ROASTED For Caving To Turkish Censorship Demands

Elon CENSORS For Turkish Dictator, Embarrasses Himself | The Kyle Kulinski Show
#BREAKING: Elon Musk has been SUBPOENAED to hand over documents to the court in the Epstein victims’ case against JPMorgan. Musk will be forced to turn over ALL evidence of communication with Epstein about JPMorgan AND any communications about Epstein’s abuse and trafficking. - The lawsuit filed by Jeffrey Epstein's victims against JP Morgan alleges that a JPM subsidiary, Highbridge Capital Management (co-founded by Epstein pal Glenn Dubin), transported girls from FL to NY on the company's private jet.
Elon Musk is subpoenaed by the US Virgin islands in its litigation into the role played by JPMorgan in the activity of sex offender Jeffrey Epstein
Why Israel Is Shielding Elon Musk From Accusations of Antisemitism. When Twitter CEO Elon Musk attacked the 92 year-old Jewish philanthropist, saying Soros 'hates humanity,' he was echoing the aggressive stance taken by both Netanyahu and GOP lawmakers. 
@FluorescentGrey · Elon Musk being your reply guy puts you directly in federal government asset territory permanently for me, sorry about having such a strict rule about that
X marks the spot || Watcher.Guru @WatcherGuru · JUST IN: Elon Musk says Twitter plans to create a more efficient financial system than traditional banking.
@weve_read · Glenn Greenwald is pushing Russell Brand having on Whitney Webb hosted on Brand's Rumble channel. 🤣 || Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald · I'm still hoping Twitter fully lives up to Musk's commitment to preserve all legal free speech. It's vital. Serious strides have been made, but we'll see if that continues. Rumble has repeatedly shown how serious they are – to protect free speech and empower independent voices. 
@FluorescentGrey · enjoying seeing right wing neocon meat puppets outraged at the CEO being from the WEF but not outraged that a military industrial complex arms dealer who gave the Ukrainian army a leg up with starlink terminals is your favorite reply guy
Henry Kissinger on a potential artificial intelligence arms race - CBS News
This is definitely going to be a problem. We need a bill of rights for our digital selves and quickly @elonmusk @RepMikeJohnson @mikelee @PierrePoilievre @GovRonDeSantis @RandPaul @SenTedCruz…
ICYMI: #Putin's allies love Musk's new openness to government censorship demands. And have proposed unblocking Twitter in #Russia.
In recent months, Elon Musk and his mother have been forcefully denying the existence of an emerald mine. But in a new interview, his father says he can prove its existence and that the money set Elon up in North America.
@FluorescentGrey · Founded by a paid lobbyist of the Israeli government || The Free Press @TheFP - We're a new media company founded by Bari Weiss and built on the ideals that once were the bedrock of great American journalism. Join us (and our 340,000+ subscribers) and sign up for our newsletter today!
Taibbi’s Slow Motion Self-Immolation Enters The Jimmy Dore Zone - YouTube
Elon Musk Gets Exposed After Twitter Verification Dumpster Fire - YouTube
BREAKING: Elon Musk says he will establish 'TruthGPT' or a 'truth-seeking' artificial intelligence platform.
Joseph Farah declares that Elon Musk likely “saved the nation” by purchasing Twitter: “He’s probably done as much, potentially, to save free speech as anyone in America.”
If @elonmusk or whomever made this decision is serious, @Twitter will definitely put the state-affiliated tag on @RFERL , @RadioFreeAsia and @VOANews . Everyone in the rest of the world knows they are U.S. state media. Only in the U.S. does the fiction pertain they aren't! || 𝙂𝙐𝙈𝘽𝙔 @gumby4christ · The state-affiliated media tag still doesn't appear on VOA or RFERL accounts though, ridiculously
@FluorescentGrey · 20h The thing about Taibbi trying to play Russiagater ‘gotcha’ Svengali is that his entire framework for covering Russiagate was a GOP big tent friendly limited hangout designed to absolve clear actors like the Washington Free Beacon, Paul Singer, Michael Goldfarb from day 1
Mehdi Hasan And Taibbi CLASH Over Twitter Files, Hunter Biden, and Elon Musk - YouTube
@FluorescentGrey · If you failed a basic litmus test like ‘I trust the richest man in the world to blow the whistle on the corridors of national security state power’ I think you shouldn’t even have a platform or voice in not only the left space but of all of politics, it’s embarrassing
See how he's amplifying the Musk network AI letter bullshit that multiple AI experts are saying is an attempt at manipulating us? The narrative is that Muskrat and the other longtermists are sooo concerned about AI safety. This is a lie. || LTG (R) Mike Flynn @GenFlynn · Must must read.… 
@FluorescentGrey · Matt Taibbi who wrote an entire chapter in his book The Great Derangement disparaging and making a mockery out of anyone who still had questions about the 9/11 attacks now chilling with Tedd Cruz and normie neocon cunts in the GOP house <--- yes this absolutely checks out
Matt Taibbi’s Lack Of Journalistic Integrity Exposed During Twitter Hearings - YouTube
@FluorescentGrey · you run the biggest social media company in the world, you are the press now you sickening MIC arms dealing sociopathic cunt || Elon Musk @elonmusk · Some of the smartest people I know actively believe the press … amazing
AOC DESTROYS Right Wing Twitter Censorship Claims - YouTube
@FluorescentGrey · yes it was, which is why im still horrified that anyone was dumb enough to let MIC arms dealer Elon Musk's limited hangout actually move the needle for them. Also the Bari Weiss roll out was a hilarious dead giveaway, sadly people are very fucking stupid || ᵀᴱᴸᴱⱽᴬᴺᴳᴱᴸ @0YoungGod0 · Twitter files was a great way to manage the narrative about MIC errand boy musks “free speech” bonafides, while continuing to basically be an apparatus of the USG
Eliza's opinion on Trump, Trump/Epstein Eliza suggested NCMEC and AI to police Twitter Thanks to @JesseSpots
Leaked Twitter Message Suggests Musk Ordered Leftwing Account Freeze
Elon Orders Left-Wing Activist BANNED From Twitter | The Kyle Kulinski Show
@FluorescentGrey · still fascinsting to me that Elon Musk specifically chose Taibbi who covered up the origins of the Steele dossier and shaped his reporting to be compatible with bottom of the barrel GOP normies instead of doing actual investigative journalism, Musk knew hed be a good tool
@FluorescentGrey · in other words if you had been listening to @MediaRootsNews Radio 3-4 years ago you would already have a full road map about how alliance for securing democracy was influencing social media, you wouldn't have had to wait for MIC contractor Elon Musk's limited hangout
@FluorescentGrey ·  the most pathetic part about this bullshit controlled opposition outlet founded by David Frum's friend is that all of the employees grovel to Elon Musk and Musk is now their reply-guy yet the guy pioneering AI + brainwave implants the most is... Elon Musk || Rebel News @RebelNewsOnline · Thought police to use AI to decode your brainwaves. Rebel News is bringing you the other side of the story in Davos:
@FluorescentGrey · military industrial complex arms dealer helps signal boost 'alt media' outlet founded by David Frum's pal Ezra Levant, love to see it || Avi Yemini @OzraeliAvi · This will trigger all the right people.
@FluorescentGrey · Neocon war criminal and Michael Ledeen's friend Michael Flynn approves of the continuing Matt Taibbi limited hangout on the Steele dossier, absolving actors like the Washington Free Beacon and Paul Singer.. why do they cover it up? ask them || LTG (R) Mike Flynn @GenFlynn · .@mtaibbi is doing an unimaginable public service for our country 🇺🇸 Telling the truth to destroy their lies Thank you for exposing the truth but also for exposing those who lie continuously (the left & their cohorts in big media).
Former Intelligence Officials Now Censoring Content For Social Media Giants
@FluorescentGrey · Hooever institute bro wants you to think before Elon Musk but not after, but its totally true. MIC arms dealer Elon Musk absolutely is waging a war against the deep state and if you're not supporting it you're a hater || Paul Sperry @paulsperry_ ·  Before @ElonMusk, Twitter was just an app for the U.S. Intelligence Community -- FBI, DHS, ODNI, CIA, NSA CISA and, now we learn, Schiff's HPSCI as well as SSCI
Jack Dorsey Allowed US Government To Use Twitter As Propaganda Arm
Middle East Dictators Get ‘Special Access’ To Twitter Data
Elon Musk says nearly 100 Starlinks active in Iran | South China Morning Post
Billionaire oligarch Elon Musk is helping the US government's illegal regime-change operation in Iran He says his company has 100 Starlinks, a satellite internet service, that are active in Iran (and many more in Ukraine) The CIA knows Musk is its ally
#SpaceX Chief Executive #ElonMusk had said in September that he would activate Starlink in Iran as part of a #US-backed effort "to advance internet freedom and the free flow of information" to Iranians. Elon Musk says around 100 Starlinks now active in Iran SpaceX Chief Executive Elon Musk said on Monday that the company is now close to having 100 active Starlinks, the firm's satellite internet 
SpaceX Chief Executive Elon Musk said that the company is now close to having 100 active Starlinks, the firm's satellite internet service, in Iran, three months after he tweeted he would activate the service there amid protests around the Islamic country
@FluorescentGrey · twitter is a major corporation and the stage managed Elon curated leaks were rolled out to drive traffic to a major corporation - you are deeply in bed with the state with starlink and spacex and would never do anything to threaten those contracts || Elon Musk @elonmusk · Why is corporate journalism rushing to defend the state instead of the people?…
The Twitter Files were/are the jangling keys designed to distract people from larger operations around labor & foreign policy, 2 issues with little relevance to the comfortable, middle-class consumer base of American politics. No op. No conspiracy. Just disinterest & inertia.
@FluorescentGrey · To be totally frank Elon Musk is a very sick neoconservative military industrial complex arms dealer who needs to be stopped asap || Gretchen 🇺🇸 @GretchenOO8 · Elon Musk "To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true."
@FluorescentGrey · I’m not sorry to say that I’m still absolutely mortified that any of my followers took the ‘twitter files’ as anything more than a military industrial complex arms dealers carefully crafted limited hangout horseshit op
@FluorescentGrey · Best part about Eli Lake becoming a Greenwald and Taibbi fan boy is that he’s still a huge neocon || Eli Lake @EliLake · Happy Holidays to everyone except for Vladimir Putin. Your day is coming. Congratulations on making Russia subservient to China. Look around at your failed, corrupt state and broken, Potemkin army. That’s your legacy.
@FluorescentGrey · Has Lee Fang or Taibbi even written about Musk’s deep pentagon dod connections and his multiple ongoing deals with the us state dept and white house involving starlink and spacex? It would be a small gesture to show that they aren’t doing dirty work for an mic arms dealer
@FluorescentGrey · So what happens when Elon Musk’s twitter continues to work with the Pentagon, CIA and the FBI? Are we supposed to just have a shit eating grin and pretend the limited hangout selected document dump he did takes away from his continuing collaboration with the deep state?
Old Matt Taibbi SLAMS New Matt Taibbi's Elon Musk PR
The Other Cancel Culture: What HBO and Elon Musk Have in Common - Television -
Musk's Erratic Conduct Is Killing Off Twitter as a Platform for Investigative Journalism
The company running these Twitter ops on behalf of Centcom, COLSA, is also a close partner with another prominent military contractor, Elon Musk's SpaceX. || Lee Fang @lhfang · 1. TWITTER FILES PART 8 *How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online PsyOp Campaign* Despite promises to shut down covert state-run propaganda networks, Twitter docs show that the social media giant directly assisted the U.S. military’s influence operations.
Elon Musk Drunk on Twitter Bans, Journalists Banned For Allegedly Doxxing
Republican Fawns Over Elon Musk's Balls on Live TV
Elon DEFENDS Embracing Censorship & Banning Journalists
: Elon Musk's twitter account is seen on a smartphone in front of the Twitter logo in this photo illustration taken, April 15, 2022. Twitter suspends several US journalists, Musk cites 'doxxing' as reason By REUTERS
Elon Musk Dumps BILLIONS In Tesla Stock As Twitter Falters
Elon Musk Refusing to Pay Rent for Twitter Offices & Pushing These INSANE Cost-Saving Measures
Ben Shapiro Simping HARD For Elon Musk's Twitter Fails - YouTube
Elon Musk Embarrasses Himself, Then Rage Quits Twitter Spaces Chat With Journalists
Elon Musk Reveals Twitter ‘Secrets’ Then Threatens To Sue Employees For Doing The Same
Elon Musk Gets Viciously Booed by Crowd at Dave Chappelle Show
Matt Taibbi Tells Shapiro Conservatism Is 'Attractive' To Young People
Someone posted a video of Elon Musk getting aggressively booed in front of the friendliest possible audience (a Dave Chappelle show in San Francisco) and apparently “Something went wrong” with their account
Ops, on ops, literally on ops. Chuck Johnson on Bari Weiss 🤣 || Keri Kukral @kerikukral · 11 déc. Bari Weiss’s dad: “The man behind Victoria Secret, who was ever so close with organized crime and Jeffrey Epstein? Curiously Lou Weiss seems to have joined the Wexner cohort the very same year that Epstein began working for Wexner.” #TwitterFiles
Neuralink NIGHTMARE: Elon's Brain Chip Trials Are A Total Horror Show
Thread on which of Epstein's victims may have been provided to Elon Musk's brother Kimbal from 2011-2012. According to Business Insider, she's an American, and was part of one of three known arranged marriages Epstein's lawyers facilitated in order to keep E's GFs in the US.
@FluorescentGrey · En réponse à @mtaibbi 👀 Bari Weiss, paid speaker for an Israeli government funded lobbying group that works directly with Netanyahu and the Israel ministry of foreign affairs || Michael Dickson @michaeldickson · I had the pleasure to introduce @BariWeiss to address ⁦@StandWithUs⁩ conference earlier this year. She had 500 students on their feet in applause, inspired and emotional at her cri de coeur to stand up against Antisemitism. Today, we stand with her.
@FluorescentGrey · is this Matt admitting on record that he was tasked to coordinate between a lawyer and Bari Weiss as part of his 'agreement' of how to roll out the twitter leaks? if so thats really alarming that a paid lobbyist for the Israeli government is involved || Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi · The process for producing the “Twitter Files” involved delivery to two journalists (Bari Weiss and me) via a lawyer close to new management. However, after the initial batch, things became complicated.
@FluorescentGrey · very creeped out rn || HowIsEmpireBabbyFormed @FluorescentGrey · strange to revisit this old thread where Matt continued to spread the GOP big tent approved limited hangout about the Steele dossier to see that Elon Musk responded to agree. (neither one responded to the court testimony i posted later in the thread showing Matt was incorrect) 
@FluorescentGrey · Jesus christ how is this real || Yasha Levine @yashalevine · En réponse à @yashalevine et @FluorescentGrey "What I can say is that in exchange for the opportunity to cover a unique and explosive story, I had to agree to certain conditions."
@FluorescentGrey · If you were afraid of a president of the United States having a sleeper army of mentally ill cult followers ready to die for their leader get ready for a PayPal mafia member to create the same sphere of influence with hundreds of billions of dollars

Vanity Fair reporter reveals Ghislaine Maxwell ‘asked Elon Musk to DESTROY the internet’ over pic. Musk, 51, has denied knowing Maxwell several times and has argued on Twitter in the past that she ‘photo-bombed’ the billionaire and would-be…

FLASHBACK: Ben Shapiro Asks Elon Musk To Fire ALL Twitter Employees

Did Elon Musk Intentionally Destroy Twitter?

Elon Musk Probably Violated EU Privacy Law With Twitter Layoffs

Elon Musk’s CIA lawyer, Alex Shapiro (who directed many of the firings the past few months at Twitter) didn’t know this? Shocker!!! RE: Eric Weinstein @EricRWeinstein · I can’t quite believe what I’m reading so let’s go slow.  The FBI’s former attorney was hired by previous Twitter management, and was the one vetting the files to be given to @bariweiss & @mtaibbi that might reveal FBI collusion…and new owner @elonmusk wasn’t told any of this???

Under Musk, Twitter has a covert list of sites (eg, South front, Mercola) for which it completely bans links – you can’t even send them in DMs!   You think we’re going to hear anything about that from Mr. Free Speech anytime soon? ||t Elon Musk @elonmusk · 2 déc. What really happened with the Hunter Biden story suppression by Twitter will be published on Twitter at 5pm ET!

@FluorescentGrey · Guy right now from ‘Rebel News’ showing his rebel credentials by swallowing Elon Musk’s load on a live chat groveling for access to the docs that Bari Weiss was already given

Elon Musk, a Jeffrey Epstein associate who wants to implant microchips in children’s brains, apparently believes the pedophile concept of « False Memory » should be taught to kids « at a young age. » Creepy stuff!!  
RE: Elon Musk @elonmusk · 19 déc. 2021 Should be taught to all at a young age

Elon Musk ‘comfortable’ putting Neuralink chip into one of his kids. December 2, 2022

Elon Musk va tester sa puce Neuralink sur des humains d’ici 6 mois (1/2) – YouTube (FALSE!!)

Elon Musk affirme que ses puces cérébrales Neuralink seront testées sur des humains dès 2022

In 2011, Elon Musk attended the annual « Billionaires’ Dinner » hosted by Edge, an organization funded almost entirely by Jeffrey Epstein. Also attending the dinner: Epstein himself.

Sources told Insider that Epstein procured a woman for Elon’s brother/business partner Kimbal in an apparent bid to cozy up to Elon. Kimbal dated the woman from 2011-2012. Jeffrey Epstein set Elon Musk’s brother up with a girlfriend in effort to get close to the Tesla… Two sources say Jeffrey Epstein set Kimbal Musk, the brother of Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk, up with a member of his entourage.

Elon Musk hosted an Epstein-funded Edge event at SpaceX in 2009, attended an Epstein Edge dinner in 2011, visited Epstein’s house, had dinner with Epstein in 2015, worked with Epstein in 2018 to try for Saudi financing during the « I’m taking Tesla private » 2018 meltdown..
RE: Elon Musk @elonmusk  · 4 juin En réponse à @alifarhat79 Ah yes, Maxwell photobombing me at a @VanityFair Oscars party – you should them why they invited her.   The same people who push this photo say nothing about prominent people who actually went to his island a dozen times. Also very strange

Elon Musk Accidentally Exposes Twitter’s Preferential Treatment For Hate Account Libs Of TikTok

Bernie EVISCERATES Elon Musk In Brilliant Parody Video | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Michael Flynn Promotes Theocracy; Bernie vs Musk

Elon Musk Says Wokeness Is ‘One Of The Biggest Threats To Modern Civilization’ | KKF Podcast

@FluorescentGrey · Sure thing bud we believe you
RE: Elon Musk @elonmusk · En réponse à @DavidSacks As @bariweiss clearly describes, the rules were enforced against the right, but not against the left

Elon Musk Thinks The Left Has Become Too EXTREME

Elon Musk Tweets Anti-Left Boomer Meme | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Elon Musk Is A HUGE Fan Of Cancel Culture

Twitter Says Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk are Back Because They Deleted Posts, NOT Because of Elon Musk.

Joe Rogan literally has CIA and Navy intel on his show like once a week. not to mention all the Peter Thiel / Elon Musk media socialites constantly. he is not a threat, he is a rebranded, controlled alternative for the new media landscape.
RE: Josh Dolin @jDaz  · Joe Rogan has been demonized for being authentic and telling the truth. He’s a menace and a threat to the mainstream media business model and narrative. There’s no other reason they push back so hard.

FLASHBACK: @FluorescentGrey ·Very very sus activity, remember that Joe Rogan (CIA) hangs out socially regularly with rocket manufacturer MIC contractor Elon Musk
RE: Daily Wire @realDailyWire  · 17 avr. ‘We Look To Powerful Leaders’: Joe Rogan Explains Why He’s ‘Excited’ Elon Musk Might Buy Twitter

@weve_read · 28 janv. And there is your sign that it was a controlled or at the bare minimum it was astroturfed. || Paul Mitchell (@PaulMitchell on GETTR) @PaulMitchell_AB  · 28 janv. Joe Rogan, Elon Musk and now Russell Brand are shouting out team #TruckersForFreedom Let’s go!

Elon Musk says he’ll vote for Republicans this year because “the Democratic Party is overly controlled by the unions and…class-action lawyers.”  Musk is a notorious union-buster & was hit with a class-action lawsuit from 1k Black workers who alleged rampant racism at Tesla.

Ron DeSantis Threatens Apple For Being Mean To Elon Musk

@FluorescentGrey · 26 avr. 2022 very telling who Elon Musk wants to virtue signal his free speech credentials through, neocon think-tanker Saagar Enjeti

@FluorescentGrey · Elon Musk seems particularly fond of ‘alt media’ guy, Saagar Enjeti as well (Saagar Enjeti used to write for the Kagan family neocon war think-tank the Institute for the Study of War and only recently left the Hudson Institute). Here is his interaction with Cernovich

@FluorescentGrey · a representative sampler of who Elon Musk has been conversing with in the Twitter media space since offering to buy Twitter: Mike Cernovich, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder & Dave Rubin

Robbie Martin écrit: Jeff Bezos + Qanon = Elon Musk (pour rappel, Qanon faisait de la propagande pour un changement de régime au Vénézuela et en Iran)

The White House has held discussions with Elon Musk about putting Starlink internet terminals on the ground in Iran to aid protesters, according to CNN, turning to Musk despite reported national security concerns over his recent threat to cut off Starlink service to Ukraine.

@FluorescentGrey · his bud Elon Musk played a huge role in escalating the war by providing starlink terminals to the Ukrainian army, not sure why people have the notion that a guy who chimed in this late with a boiler plate take or newsweek ‘escaped’ the MIC plantation
RE: Laurie Calhoun @laurielcalhoun · How did Newsweek manage to escape from the MIC plantation? Two sane pieces on averting nuclear holocaust and counting! (The responsible editors will no doubt be losing their positions soon…)

@FluorescentGrey · I guess nobody gives a shit but here is a Ukrainian soldier confirming and going even further than what we told you in the last @MediaRootsNews  Radio podcast. Elon Musk’s company StarLink is playing a pivotal role in the war, equipment sponsored by the US
RE:  David Patrikarakos @dpatrikarakos  ·  « I want to say one thing: @elonmusk’s Starlink is what changed the war in #Ukraine’s favour. #Russia went out of its way to blow up all our comms. Now they can’t. Starlink works under Katyusha fire, under artillery fire. It even works in Mariupol. »

Elon Musk: Twitter Stole The Election In Brazil For Lula

In case you missed it: Elon Musk has already gone full mask off and made it 100% obvious he is going to be heavily dabbling in QAnon satanic/pedo-panic politics. Really wild how quickly this is all going and the msm is barely catching on

@FluorescentGrey · Matt Taibbi was a decent smoke screen choice for PayPal mafia hairplug MIC sociopath Musk to channel his limited hangout through but if you fell for that and still haven’t seen that Bari Weiss is an op in human form there is no hope for you, pls throw in the towel

@FluorescentGrey · Musk works directly with the office of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Bari Weiss has been paid by Stand With Us, a very sketchy Israel lobbying group that works directly with the PM, absolutely wild that Matt Taibbi chose to go down in flames this way

Matt Taibbi’s Embarrassing Elon Musk Collaboration Was A Huge Fail – YouTube

@FluorescentGrey · When you hear idiotic brain damaged right wingers say “I love that Elon Musk is a free speech warrior but I have some questions about his Tesla dealings in China” replace China with Israel and you’ll find that he has dozens of sketchy business dealings with the Israeli gov

@FluorescentGrey ·  almost every single prominent group pushing back against covid dogma in the US takes ‘odd’ positions like calling the richest man in the world, Elon Musk a ‘resister’ , something smells really off about all this tbh
RE: Jeffrey A Tucker @jeffreyatucker  · 27 janv. Elon Musk, Person of the Year, Radicalized by Lockdowns @elonmusk 

Trump Calls Elon Musk A « Bullsh*t Artist » | The Kyle Kulinski Show

We obtained internal $TSLA documents from a number of whistleblowers that prove that Tesla and Elon Musk have been defrauding investors for years in a variety of different ways. But the most important is that Tesla has been lying about how many cars it sells.

Fort Detrick’s USAMRIID and DARPA teaming up with CureVac—a company financed by Elon Musk and Bill Gates—to make mRNA-based monoclonal antibody treatments for smallpox, monkeypox, and other poxviruses. Targeting Poxviruses with Messenger RNA Technology – Global Biodefense Scientists at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) working

Musk currently building surveillance satellites for the Department of Defense. Traduire le Tweet Elon Musk To Build Missile-Warning Satellites For The U.S. Military After SpaceX Wins Contract Elon Musk’s company SpaceX has won a contract to build satellites for the U. S. Department of Defense, its first

Le père d’Elon Musk reconnaît avoir eu un deuxième enfant avec sa belle-fille

Musk surpasses Bezos as world’s richest person

Elon Musk Brazenly Lies About His Taxes | The Kyle Kulinski Show

How Elon Musk Got Rich | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Elon Musk, Billionaire Marketer w/ Tim Higgins – #MRLive – 9/1/21

Elon Musk Is Not A Tech Genius, He’s A Billionaire Marketer

Is Elon Musk Spying On You?

@weve_read · 9 mai Elon Musk will be the « love and light » billionaire.  Do not be decieved.

Chris Rufo before rebranding as part of the DeSantis neocon puppetry exhibition was literally making US government funded documentaries that clearly were designed to be part of the US state dept propaganda line
@FluorescentGrey · all hail spook central USA, Chris Rufo the sketchy Manhattan Institute plant who made a documentary about Uighurs funded by the US government is now officially on the payroll of neocon plant, pedophile and sadistic sociopath Ron DeSantis || johnknefel @johnknefel · NEW: Gov Ron DeSantis has appointed anti-civil rights activist Chris Rufo to the board of directors at the New College of Florida. Rufo's presence doesn't bode well for the school's LGBTQ population, or for the future of education in FL. Me, at @mmfa

Who is the Jewish guy who will ‘moderate’ DeSantis’ presidential launch on Twitter? Venture capitalist David Sacks has contributed to both Democrats and Republicans in the past. When Gov. Ron DeSantis launches his presidential bid in a conversation with Elon Musk on Twitter Wednesday evening, the two will be joined by DeSantis supporter and Jewish tech entrepreneur David Sacks.