Le grand rabbin Metzger démis de sa fonction rabbinique
Israel Hayom
Le Grand Rabbin ashkénaze d’Israël Yona Metzger est suspendu de ses
fonctions en attendant l’enquête de la police. Metzger passe le
week-end en résidence surveillée suite à des soupçons de pots de vin
pour des centaines de milliers de shekels, engagés dans la fraude et le
blanchiment d’argent.
Metzger steps down from chief rabbinical duties
Israel Hayom
Israel's Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger suspends himself from duties pending police probe • Metzger spends weekend under house arrest following suspicions that he took bribes of hundreds of thousands of shekels, engaged in fraud and money laundering.(Read the rest)
Israël: un grand rabbin accusé de corruption assigné à résidence
(...)"Le rabbin Yona Metzger a été assigné à résidence pour les
cinq prochains jours après avoir été interrogé pendant plus de 10 heures
par les enquêteurs de la brigade antifraude de la police", a précisé à
l'AFP le porte-parole de la police Micky Rosenfeld.
"Il sera interrogé à nouveau si nécessaire", a ajouté le parole.
rabbin Metzger, qui représente les ashkénazes, a été la cible d'une
enquête discrète de plusieurs mois qui a également visé trois autres
suspects, selon la police.
Les enquêteurs le soupçonnent d'avoir
reçu des pots de vin, de vol, d'abus de confiance, et de blanchiment
d'argent, a ajouté la police dans un communiqué.
Israël compte
deux grands rabbins, un ashkénaze et un séfarade, qui gèrent notamment
les tribunaux rabbiniques et la régulation du code alimentaire prescrit
aux croyants juifs et ont la haute main sur les mariages et les divorces
entre juifs, la séparation entre la religion et de l'Etat n'existant
En 2005, la police avait recommandé l'ouverture de poursuites
judiciaires contre lui, une première dans l'histoire du rabbinat
d'Israël, dans le cadre d'une enquête concernant des faveurs
personnelles dont il aurait bénéficié de la part de la direction d'un
grand hôtel de Jérusalem.
Le procureur général avait décidé de ne pas le poursuivre, faute de preuves, mais l'avait appelé à démissionner.
grand rabbin séfarade Shlomo Amar a lui aussi eu maille à partir avec
la police en raison de l'agression et la séquestration par son fils d'un
jeune qui courtisait secrètement la fille du rabbin. Il n'avait pas été
inquiété bien qu'il ait été au courant, mais son fils avait été
condamné en 2006 à 32 mois de prison.
As chief rabbi elections near, allegations against Metzger reflect rot in the Rabbinate
(...) The
Chief Rabbinate has its share of decent rabbis and employees, but it’s a
lawless, shameless system. That’s not just the view of the man in the
street; it’s been detailed in official reports by the state comptrollerand court documents in recent years: the appointment of cronies, the
collection of illegal fees and payments, the granting of unearned
rabbinical ordination certificates, the lack of rules and procedures.
may continue to provide work for his lawyers through the end of his
term and beyond, but the problem isn’t just Metzger, or even the
corruption in the system. The problem is that this corrupt culture has
direct victims: Jews who live in Israel and need the rabbinate’s
services. And that is almost every Jew in the country − both those who
fly to Cyprus to get married and those who seek to marry in accordance
with religious law; anyone who wants to eat kosher food or be buried
when he dies; and especially the thousands of converts and the couples,
above all the women, who come before the rabbinical courts to seek a
the rabbinate had clean hands, perhaps it would find time to tend to
the important goals for which it was established and take its
responsibilities seriously, toward Jews in Israel and also toward those
living overseas.
The upcoming election of the next chief rabbis − who will serve for a 10-year term − is a major drama in the religious world.
But this drama will be a missed opportunity as long as the debate
revolves solely around the question of who the next chief rabbis will be
rather than around the question of what the next Chief Rabbinate will
biggest waste of opportunity, however, is the apathy of secular Jews
toward the rabbinate − the unwritten agreement under which secular
politicians let the religious do whatever they please with it and
thereby waive their ability to have an impact on Jewish life. That’s
precisely how Metzger managed to get elected last time around, with the
support of secular elected officials. Instead, this should be the moment
for all Israeli politicians, religious and secular alike, to join hands
and foment a revolution.
(...)Metzger’s arrest last week on accusations that he embezzled money
meant for nonprofits led the rabbi to suspend himself from his position
until the investigation is completed.
Following 10 hours of questioning on Thursday by police with the
National Fraud Unit, Metzger was placed under house arrest until
Tuesday, the date of his first court hearing. Three of his associates
also were brought in for questioning.
The scandal is the latest in a string of accusations against Metzger
and the most recent allegation of wrongdoing against Israel’s chief
In 2003, the year Metzger was elected to his 10-year term, he was
accused of sexual harassment. New sexual harassment allegations have
come to light in the days since his arrest.
Two years later, Metzger was investigated on charges that he received
preferential treatment at the David Citadel, a luxury hotel in
Jerusalem. Metzger maintained his innocence throughout the probe, which
was dropped in 2008 for lack of evidence.
Past chief rabbis also have weathered allegations of misconduct.
Yisrael Meir Lau, Metzger’s predecessor, also was accused of sexual
harassment. And Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, Israel’s Sephardic chief rabbi
from 1993 to 2003, is on trial for issuing fake rabbinic ordination
certificates to security guards so they could secure pay raises.
For many Israelis, such sordid tales are an unfortunate and all-too-familiar sideshow.(...)
Follow the money - and those rabbis Rabbi
Nachman Berland, son of fugitive Shuvu Banim leader Rabbi Elizer
Berland, is suspected of transferring funds to colleagues and relatives.
"L’ancien grand rabbin d’Israël Yona Metzger a été arrêté ce matin
dans le cadre d’une enquête pour corruption, pots-de-vin, fraude, abus
de confiance, subornation de témoin et entrave à l’exercice de la
justice", a détaillé un communiqué de la police.
"La police soupçonne que la totalité des sommes liées à cette affaire
serait de plusieurs millions de shekels (des centaines de milliers
d’euros)", précise le communiqué.
Interpellé une première fois dans le cadre d’une investigation
policière en juin dernier, le rabbin Metzger avait été assigné à
résidence mais les enquêteurs ont découvert de nouvelles preuves, qui
conduit à son arrestation lundi.
En 2005, la police avait recommandé l’ouverture de poursuites
judiciaires contre lui, une première dans l’histoire du rabbinat
d’Israël, dans le cadre d’une enquête concernant des faveurs
personnelles dont il aurait bénéficié de la part de la direction d’un
grand hôtel de Jérusalem.
Le procureur général avait décidé de ne pas le poursuivre, faute de
preuves, mais l’avait appelé à démissionner, ce que le rabbin n’a pas
Yona Metzger, 60 ans, a été le grand rabbin ashkenaze d’Israël jusqu’en juillet 2013 après dix ans à ce poste.
L'ex-grand rabbin ashkenaze d'Israël Yona Metzger, soupçonné de corruption, a été arrêté aujourd'hui, a indiqué la police."L'ancien grand rabbin d'Israël Yona Metzger a été arrêté ce matin dans le cadre d'une enquête pour corruption, pots-de-vin, fraude, abus de confiance, subornation de témoin et entrave à l'exercice de la justice", a détaillé un communiqué de la police. "La police soupçonne que la totalité des sommes liées à cette affaire serait de plusieurs millions de shekels (des centaines de milliers d'euros)", précise le communiqué.Interpellé une première fois dans le cadre d'une investigation policière en juin dernier, le rabbin Metzger avait été assigné à résidence mais les enquêteurs ont découvert de nouvelles preuves, qui conduit à son arrestation aujourd'hui.En 2005, la police avait recommandé l'ouverture de poursuites judiciaires contre lui, une première dans l'histoire du rabbinat d'Israël, dans le cadre d'une enquête concernant des faveurs personnelles dont il aurait bénéficié de la part de la direction d'un grand hôtel de Jérusalem. Le procureur général avait décidé de ne pas le poursuivre, faute de preuves, mais l'avait appelé à démissionner, ce que le rabbin n'a pas fait. Yona Metzger, 60 ans, a été le grand rabbin ashkenaze d'Israël jusqu'en juillet 2013 après dix ans à ce poste.
Former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger was arrested Monday morning on
suspicion of receiving bribes and illicit payments, and taken to Rishon Lezion
Magistrate’s Court where a judge extended his remand in police custody for nine
Speaking at the hearing, Judge Menahem Mizrahi said that “there is
reasonable suspicion that the offenses attributed to the suspect were indeed
committed [by him],” and added that releasing the rabbi could interfere with the
police investigation.
The police representative at the hearing for the
extended remand, Asaf Valfish of the Lahav 433 National Crime Unit and chief
investigator in the case stated that the investigation was creating a
“depressing picture,” according to which Metzger allegedly received bribes and
forbidden payments of an “unprecedented scope.”
Valfish said that the
amounts allegedly payed to Metzger added up to millions of shekels in cash
received by the rabbi over the last 10 years while he was serving as chief
rabbi, and also charged the rabbi with breach of public trust.
In the
formal police request for extending Metzger’s detention, Valfish wrote that
Metzger had been paid hundreds of thousands of shekels to act as an agent in
order to direct different parties, in Israel and abroad, to make charitable
payments to different organizations and philanthropic
Additionally, the rabbi is accused of taking millions of shekels
for “utilizing his authority as chief rabbi, in a variety of different
Further, Valfish wrote that Metzger had “worked to hide and
obscure his identity as someone who was receiving illegal payments, [and]
interfere with the investigation into the case...”
Metzger’s attorney,
David Libai, noted that he had not been permitted to see documentation from the
investigation and said that he was concerned that someone was seeking to slander
the rabbi, since “it is totally unrealistic that he received millions [of
shekels] in relation to his job.”
Libai also asked why, if the evidence
was so strong, the police were concerned that Metzger could interfere with the
Speaking in court, Metzger said that the police arrived at
his home at seven in the morning, conducted a search and and took him to the
police station without prior notice.
“I was in their hands for seven
hours... and I was not asked one question which I had not been previously
They are chewing over the same material from every different
side,” he said.
“And the Jew who is standing with a kippa on his head
enters in the middle of the investigation and says, ‘You’re using your lack of
memory; we’ll put you in detention.’ So the detention is supposed to refresh my
memory?” Police raided Metzger’s home and offices back in June this year and
questioned him under caution for several hours.
The former chief rabbi,
along with three other men, are suspected of being involved in the alleged
financial crimes.
Rabbi Yona Metzger is suspected of accepting
bribes from heads of organizations in order to advance their interests
during the time he served as Ashkenazi chief rabbi.
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger in Berlin, Aug. 21, 2012.Photo by AP
Former chief rabbi Rabbi Yona Metzger was arrested Monday morning on
suspicion he had received bribes and committed other crimes during the
period he had served as Ashkenazi chief rabbi. A gag order was lifted on
the case on Monday.
Metzger is suspected of bribery, money laundering, obstructing an investigation, fraud and other violations.
suspect that Metzger had accepted bribes of money and goods from the
heads of various nonprofit associations in return for advancing their
interests. Police said the amounts involved totaled millions of shekels.
Israel's religious leadership under investigation
Israel Police National Fraud squad has been investigating Metzger for
several months. It was decided to take Metzger into custody because the
investigation has made significant progress, with strong evidence
available to back the allegations, police said. The police also suspect
that in recent months, Metzger had tried to suborn witnesses and
obstruct the investigation. Additional suspects have been detained for
Metzger was under suspicion was made public in June on the approval of
the attorney general and the state prosecutor. Metzger was questioned
under caution at the time for 10 hours and was released to house arrest
for five days. Metzger, who at the time was in the final weeks of his
tenure as chief rabbi, suspended himself from several of his tasks.
was elected chief rabbi in April 2003, and was also named a dayan
(rabbinic judge) on the Supreme Rabbinical Court. In 2005 he was
investigated on suspicion he had received tens of thousands of shekels
in benefits from Jerusalem hotels that accommodated him and his family
during the holidays, even though the state was renting him a luxury
apartment in the capital.
a detailed legal opinion, then-Attorney General Menahem Mazuz decided
that there wasn’t sufficient evidence to put Metzger on trial; however,
Mazuz called on Metzger to take responsibility for his actions and draw
the proper personal conclusions, and also recommended that he be removed
from his post. In February 2008, the Rabbinical Court Judge Selection
Committee decided not to remove Metzger.
in 2003, there were reports that Metzger had allegedly sexually
harassed other men. Then-Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein decided not
to launch a criminal investigation. Two of the four men who had told
the Maariv newspaper that Metzger had harassed them took polygraph tests
and were found to be telling the truth. Metzger, however, presented his
own polygraph tests that showed he was telling the truth and that no
harassment had ever occurred.
series of documents published by Haaretz in 2003 described how the
Chief Rabbinate decided to ignore serious suspicions that had
accumulated against Metzger when the latter was a candidate for chief
rabbi of Tel Aviv in 1998, in exchange for him dropping out of the race.
Then Sephardic Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron was aware, in 1998, of
at least one complaint of sexual harassment against Metzger, but despite
this, he signed a document in which he committed to drop an
investigation of those suspicions.
the various allegations of Metzger’s violation of halacha and the law
that remain open include: sexual harassment, forging signatures on
ketubot (marriage contracts), improper conduct toward couples seeking to
get married and their families, extortion and threats against Rabbi
Shlomo Dichovsky and more. According to the documents obtained 10 years
ago by Haaretz, Dichovsky had complained in 1998 that Metzger had tried
to extort and threaten him so that he should not compete against him for
the post of Ashkenazi chief rabbi in Tel Aviv.
Former chief rabbi Yona Metzger was arrested on Monday at the culmination of a long investigation into a litany of financial crimes involving millions of shekels.
was brought before the Rishon Lezion Magistrate’s Court and charged
with offenses that included fraud, bribery, money laundering, breach of
trust, obstruction of justice and tampering with witnesses. Police
maintained a partial gag order on some details of the case and although
initial news of an arrest broke Monday morning, it was only in the
afternoon that Metzger’s name was released.
The police said the investigation was carried
out over several months by its corruption and organized crime
department, known as Unit 433, and involved the tax authorities and the
Jerusalem district attorney.
The court granted a police request to remand Metzger in custody for 10 days.
According to the allegations, various
nonprofit organizations connected with the rabbi during his term in
office received millions of shekels in donations, some of which Metzger
allegedly siphoned off for his own personal use.
In addition, he is suspected of receiving bribes to sway his opinion on matters he attended to in his capacity as chief rabbi.
Police reportedly continued to monitor Metzger
following his initial house arrest earlier this year, during which time
he allegedly tried to obstruct the investigation against him and tamper
with witnesses.
Although the investigation was initially covert it became public in
June 2013 when Metzger, who was at the time still the Ashkenazi chief
rabbi of Israel, was placed under house arrest. While proclaiming his
innocence, Metzger, whose 10-year term as chief rabbi was months away
from its conclusion, chose to resign his position.
you take the blame [for stealing millions of shekels] just like Shula
Zaken did for Ehud Olmert, I will give you a great deal of money as well
as an apartment,” Metzger allegedly told an aide.
Former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger Asked Aide To Take The Fall For Him, Secret Tape Allegedly Shows
Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com
you take the blame in this case, I will give you a great deal of money
as well as an apartment, just like Shula Zaken did for Ehud Olmert.”
These are the words haredi former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger allegedly said to an aide after police first arrested Metzger last June on fraud and corruption charges.
But what Metzger did not know is that his conversation with that aide was being recorded.
resulting recording is reportedly only part of the evidence police have
against Metzger, who reportedly stole millions of shekels while he was
chief rabbi. That aide is allegedly the state’s lead witness against
Metzger traveled to foreign countries in his official capacity as chief rabbi.
During those official trips Metzger fundraised for charities, some of which he controlled.
allegedly took as much as 50% of the money he raised for those
charities as his personal commission and did not report that income to
tax authorities.
The prosecution reportedly has more than one
lead witness against Metzger and a large amount of evidence some aware
of the details of the investigation are calling “air tight.”
Metzger has a long string of alleged corruption and sexual harassment
allegations against him stretching back to the years before he was
elected chief rabbi in a backroom deal orchestrated by then
haredi-leader Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, who was fully aware of the
allegations against Metzger but backed him anyway.
Metzger chosen as one of 12 most influential religious figures in the world for a CBS documentary called In God's Name.
yona metzger hat 298 Photo: Ariel Jerozolimski [file]
During a short verbal exchange Wednesday at the
Ben-Gurion Airport Terminal, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger thanked
President George W. Bush for the US's military intervention in Iraq.
"I want to thank you for your support of Israel and in particular for
waging a war against Iraq," Metzger told Bush, according to the chief
rabbi's spokesman.
Bush reportedly answered that the chief rabbi's words "warmed his
Metzger's stand on the Iraqi war, while reflecting the Israeli majority
and Orthodox Jewry, is not shared with most US Jews. The American Jewish
Committee's annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion, published last
year, found that 70 percent of US Jews disapprove of the Iraq war, with
28% backing it.
In a related story, Metzger was chosen as one of the 12 most influential
religious figures in the world for a CBS documentary called In God's Name that appeared at the end of December.
Newsweek also devoted a story to the documentary complete with
pictures of Metzger and the other religious leaders.
Metzger was chosen along with figures such as the 14th Dalai Lama of
Tibet, the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams and heads of the
Sikh and Muslim religions.
[Traduction: Arrêtez-vous et réfléchissez un moment: la dernière Guerre du Golfe en 1991 s'est terminée le jour d'erev--juste avant -- Pourim. La présente Guerre en Irak a débuté le jour de motzei--juste après -- Shushan Pourim.]
Stop and think for a moment:the last Gulf War in 1991 ended erev - just before - Purim. This Gulf War beganmotzei - just after - Shushan Purim. Get the picture? In between, "The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honor." (Book of Esther 8:16)
Of course this war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein is for us. Even
the anti-Semites, like Patrick J. Buchanan and Congressman Jim Moran
know it. (...)
However, we already knew that this war is for us - i.e., the Jews and Israel.
Chazal - our sages - throughout the ages have explained the Torah,
telling us that everything that happens in the world is for the benefit
of the Jewish People.
As I said earlier, of course this war is for the Jews and Israel, and
instead of hiding from the accusation, or crying, "anti-Semitic slur", we
should gratefully acknowledge what the Master of the Universe is doing
to our enemies for us. Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Bashar Assad,
Osama Bin-Laden, and the other dictators, terrorists and mullahs of the
region, are the modern day Hamans and Hitlers.(...)
Yes, the war is for the Jews.
But it is also for all decent, peace-loving and freedom-loving people.
Just as when the Jews were saved from Egyptian slavery, liberated, given
the Torah at Mt. Sinai, and brought into the Holy Land, the world now has a great opportunity to rid itself of the Hamans, Hitlers, and Pharaohs who want to kill or enslave them today. (read the rest...)
(...) Blu Greenberg, an Orthodox feminist leader based in New York, supports
the Bush administration’s campaign against Iraq as a “preventive war,”
much as the ancient Jews defended themselves against Haman’s plot to
destroy them.(...)
Rabbi Martin Weiner of San Francisco, outgoing president of the Reform
movement’s rabbinical union, the Central Conference of American Rabbis,
used Shabbat Zachor to draw a line from Amalek to Hitler to Saddam. A modern-day Amalek, Saddam has attacked four of his neighbors, gassed tens of thousands of his own people and pays stipends to suicide bombers, Weiner said, so “it’s terribly important to remove him.” Last September, Weiner was among those who backed a resolution from the Reform movement’s Union of American Hebrew Congregations urging a pre-emptive strike against Iraq,
if Congress supported it and U.N. backing was sought. But for Reform
Rabbi Don Rossoff, of Temple B’nai Or in Morristown, N.J., Amalek casts a
very different shadow. Rossoff said he has refrained from publicly
sermonizing this Purim about the war, which he opposes, because he is
“haunted by Baruch Goldstein, who called the Arabs Amalek.” Goldstein, a doctor in an Israeli settlement near the West Bank city of Hebron, shot to death 29 Palestinians praying in Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarch on Purim Day in 1994. Saddam is “a tyrannical, murderous dictator” who “ would probably wipe out Israel if he could,” Rossoff added. “But he’s not the only one around. His name just starts with ‘H,’ ” like Haman.(...)
Et hypocritement, qui plus est, puisque c'est Israël qui est derrière ce programme d'écoute électronique de la NSA... Et cela dure depuis des décennies (voir Inslaw, Verint), bien avant que Obama devienne président.
Il apparaît évident que les médias ont décidé que cette nouvelle allait sortir au grand jour, alors qu'ils se sont tus pendant toutes ces années..
When there is no effective alternative,
democratic countries have an ethical and humanitarian duty to threaten
to use military force and, if there is no other option, to actually use
Zvia Gross
Sep. 23, 2013 | 6:08 AM
The United States should not be the world's policeman, or so U.S. President Barack Obama
argued in his address to the nation on September 10, in which he
explained his position on military intervention in the Syrian civil war.
The president is wrong. In light of the history and doctrine of the use
of force and military intervention, the United States, along with other
enlightened democracies in possession of military might, should and
must be the world's policeman.
horrors of World War II taught us certain lessons. One led to the
formation of the United Nations, for the purpose of preserving world
peace and creating a mechanism for dialogue among states. Another
resulted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which eventually
gave rise to binding international treaties meant to protect human
rights. But some questions remain: Do the lofty goals that inspired the
establishment of the United Nations mean that the international
community has aduty to intervene and raise the alarm
in the event of the commission of war crimes or the use of weapons of
mass destruction? (...)
It is legitimate to question whether intervention might lead to
international escalation. Nevertheless, isolationism in cases where
intervention is a moral necessity is supposed to be a thing of the past,
of a
time when states did not want to get bogged down in distant countries
even in the event of war crimes. If this attitude becomes prevalent once
again, it will be to the detriment of the entire world. It goes without
saying that diplomacy, itself a form of intervention, is preferable as
long as it is effective and not a kind of Munich Pact, as U.S. Secretary
of State John Kerry noted in reference to Syria.
the end of the day, America, together with other strong democratic
countries, is indeed supposed to be the world's policeman - insofar as
it is acting on behalf of the fundamental principles on which the United
Nations was founded, even when political exigencies preclude obtaining
UN approval. When there is no effective alternative or pressure must be
exerted to kick-start diplomacy, democratic countries have an ethical
and humanitarian duty to threaten to use military force and, if there is
no other option, to actually use it. Proportionally, of course, but
also effectively, in compliance with the two leading criteria of
military law.
The writer is a former legal adviser to the Defense Ministry.
Tonight–the latest ‘Obama is spying on
Americans’ scandal as an Israeli operation meant to pressure a reluctant
and recalcitrant American president into moving forward with the next
phase of Eretz Israel–the destruction of Syria. 2nd
hour–continued reading of USS LIBERTY survivor Phil Tourney’s book ‘What I Saw That Day’.
Check out the latest AMERICAN FREE PRESS Radio Network’s Editor’s Rountable broadcast where AFP’s editors and reporters discuss the week’s top stories. Catch last week’s show where Chris Petherick, Michael Collins Piper, Victor Thorn, Pete Papaherakles and Dave Gahary discuss the paper’s top stories, including a lively discussion on Alex Jones, starting at 57:25
On the eve of America’s Independence
Day, we recall that it was the alliance with the French that led to the
defeat of the British, underscoring the similar need on the part of all
people of good will, irrespective of race or color, to align themselves
against their common enemy today.
Also–the reaction on the part of
organized Jewish interests to Putin’s recent statement concerning the
Jewish character of Bolshevism in the early days.
Also–the Snowden leaks and how they are being used by the Jews against Obama and to aggravate tensions with Russia. Download Here
Michael Collins Piper joins the program to discuss the recent NSA
spying ‘revelations’ and how this is an Israeli operation aimed at
pressuring Obama into launching military actions against Syria, Iran and
Sott.net --- This
NSA-whistleblower-government-spying scandal is hard for many to digest.
On one level, I am an idealist too. I would like to believe that a lone
whistleblower can pull a fast one on the NSA/CIA/Mossad axis. But I
know that it cannot be. People find it hugely difficult to accept that
the world is now so unrelentingly corrupt that the true extent of this corruption cannot be exposed and overturned by any whistleblowing.
ed note–pay attention to the discussion that begins at the 9 minute mark, underscoring what we have said here from the beginning–THE SNOWDEN CASE IS NOTHING NEW–so WHY NOW has the JMSM decided to push this big time?
Matrix: Who is Edward Snowden? By Jon Rappoport July 8, 2013 www.nomorefakenews.com This article is a compilation of a
number of pieces I’ve written about Ed Snowden and the NSA. It doesn’t
replace them, but it hits the high points… Let’s begin here: If you absolutely must have a hero, watch Superman movies. If your need for a hero is so great, so cloying, so heavy, so juicy that it swamps your curiosity, don’t read this. If you can’t separate Snowden’s minor
revelations from the question of who he is, if you can’t entertain the
notion that covert ops and intelligence-agency games are reeking with
cover stories, false trails, and limited hangouts, you need more fun in
your life. NSA? CIA? These guys live
for high-level bullshit. They get down on their knees and worship it.
They fall into a suicidal funk if they aren’t lying on at least three or
four levels at once. Okay. Let’s look at Snowden’s brief history as reported by The Guardian. Are there any holes? Is the Pope Catholic?... (read the rest)
ed note–remember as we go
through all the media induced convulsions over ‘Obama’s spying program’
that it was ISRAEL that was primarily involved with this.
NOW, a mere few days after
this story ‘broke’ (despite being old news as far back as 9/11) suddenly
the US government has ‘decided’ that Syria–the country Israel is
screeching for the United States and NATO to invade and destroy–used
chemical weapons against its citizens, thus crossing the ‘red line’
which Obama set months ago.
1. A solid figure whose bases or ends have the same size and shape and
are parallel to one another, and each of whose sides is a parallelogram.
2. A transparent body of this form, often of glass and usually with
triangular ends, used for separating white light passed through it into a
spectrum or for reflecting beams of light.
3. A cut-glass object, such as a pendant of a chandelier.
4. A crystal form consisting of three or more similar faces parallel to a single axis.
5. A medium that misrepresents whatever is seen through it.
4. a medium that distorts, slants, or colors whatever is viewed through it
ongoing 'NSA surveillance scandal' has many parallels, and some direct
links, with the disclosures made by WikiLeaks, the organisation its
leader Julian Assange described as the "the intelligence agency of the people".
While we took satisfaction in seeing government and corporate crimes
come back to haunt their perpetrators, SOTT.net remained cautious about
lauding Assange or the WikiLeaks organisation as heroic. What did any of
the 'Iraq War Logs' or U.S. State Department 'diplomatic cables' reveal
that was not already publicly available information?
Obviously some details were new, but they didn't change the fact that
the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq was illegal under international
law and that everyone involved had either committed or were ancillary
to war crimes. Nor did anything so damaging come out to bring the
perpetrators to justice or to catalyse real political change that would
actually improve ordinary people's welfare.
Things, as you may have noticed in recent years, have only gotten worse for the masses.
So is Edward Snowden, the U.S. National Security Agency whistleblower
currently 'on the run' after disclosing 'top secret documents' to major
media outlets, a hero or traitor? Is he neither? We discussed this and
more in last Sunday's SOTT Talk Radio show on the NSA leaks. Have a
1. Une figure solide dont les bases ou les extrémités ont les mêmes
taille et forme et sont parallèles, et chacun de ces côtés est un
2. Un corps transparent de cette forme, souvent fait de verre et
généralement avec des extrémités triangulaires, utilisé pour séparer la
lumière blanche qui passe à travers le spectre ou pour refléter des
faisceaux de lumière.
3. Un objet de verre coupé, comme un pendentif ou un chandelier.
4. Une forme de cristal qui consiste en trois faces parallèles à un seul axe ou plus.
5. Un médium qui déforme tout ce qui est vu à travers.
Le « scandale de la surveillance de la NSA » en cours a
plusieurs parallèles, et quelques liens directs, avec les révélations
faites par Wikileaks, l'organisation que son leader Julian Assange a décrit comme « l'agence de renseignement du peuple ».
Bien que nous ayons été satisfaits de voir les crimes gouvernementaux et
corporatifs revenir hanter leurs auteurs, SOTT.net est resté prudent
pour ce qui est de qualifier Assange ou Wikileaks d'héroïque. Qu'est-ce
que les « Journaux de la guerre d'Iraq » ou les « câbles diplomatiques »
du Département d'État américain ont révélé qui n'était pas de l'information déjà disponible au public
? Évidemment, quelques détails étaient nouveaux, mais ils n'ont pas
changé le fait que l'invasion et l'occupation américaine de l'Irak
étaient illégales selon la loi internationale et que tous ceux qui ont
été impliqués ont soit commis ou ont été impliqués dans des crimes de
guerre. Il n'y a rien eu non plus qui soit sorti qui était assez
nuisible pour traduire leurs auteurs en justice ou pour catalyser de
vrais changements politiques qui pourraient réellement améliorer le
bien-être du peuple.
Les choses, comme vous l'avez peut-être constaté ces dernières années, n'ont en fait qu'empiré pour les masses.
Israeli high-tech firms Verint
and Narus have had connections with U.S. companies and Israeli
intelligence in the past, and ties between the countries’ intelligence
agencies remain strong.
Were Israeli companies Verint and
Narus the ones that collected information from the U.S. communications
network for the National Security Agency?
The question arises amid
controversy over revelations that the NSA has been collecting the phone
records of hundreds of millions of Americans every day, creating a
database through which it can learn whether terror suspects have been in
contact with people in the United States. It also was disclosed this
week that the NSA has been gathering all Internet usage – audio, video,
photographs, emails and searches – from nine major U.S. Internet
providers, including Microsoft and Google, in hopes of detecting
suspicious behavior that begins overseas.
According to an article in the
American technology magazine “Wired” from April 2012, two Israeli
companies – which the magazine describes as having close connections to
the Israeli security community – conduct bugging and wiretapping for the
Verint, which took over its
parent company Comverse Technology earlier this year, is responsible for
tapping the communication lines of the American telephone giant
Verizon, according to a past Verizon employee sited by James Bamford in
Wired. Neither Verint nor Verizon commented on the matter.
Natus, which was acquired in 2010
by the American company Boeing, supplied the software and hardware used
at ATT wiretapping rooms, according to whistleblower Mark Klein,
who revealed the information in 2004. Klein, a past technician at
ATT who filed a suit against the company for spying on its
customers, revealed a “secret room” in the company’s San Fransisco
office, where the NSA collected data on American citizens’ telephone
calls and Internet surfing.
Klein’s claims were reinforced by
former NSA employee Thomas Drake who testified that the agency uses a
program produced by Narus to save the personal electrical communications
of ATT customers.
Both Verint and Narus have ties
to the Israeli intelligence agency and the Israel Defense Forces
intelligence-gathering unit 8200. Hanan Gefen, a former commander of the
8200 unit, told Forbes magazine in 2007 that Comverse’s technology,
which was formerly the parent company of Verint and merged with it this
year, was directly influenced by the technology of 8200. Ori Cohen, one
of the founders of Narus, told Fortune magazine in 2001 that his
partners had done technology work for the Israeli intelligence.
International intel
The question of whether
intelligence communities outside the United States were involved has
been raised. According to The Guardian, the Government Communications
Headquarters (GCHQ), Britain’s intelligence agency, secretly collected
intelligence information from the world’s largest Internet companies via
the American program PRISM. According to a top secret document obtained
by The Guardian, GCHQ had access to PRISM since 2010 and it used the
information to prepare 197 intelligence reports last year. In a
statement to the Guardian, GCHQ, said it “takes its obligations under
the law very seriously.”
According to The Guardian,
details of GCHQ’s use of PRISM are set out in a 41-page PowerPoint
presentation prepared for senior NSA analysts, and describe a “snooping”
operation that gave the NSA and FBI access to the systems of nine
Internet giants, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo and
Given the close ties between U.S.
and Israeli intelligence, the question arises as to whether Israeli
intelligence, including the Mossad, was party to the secret.
Obama stands by spies
At turns defensive and defiant, U.S. President Barack Obama stood by the spy programs revealed this week.
He declared Friday that his
country is “going to have to make some choices” balancing privacy and
security, launching a vigorous defense of formerly secret programs that
sweep up an estimated 3 billion phone calls a day and amass Internet
data from U.S. providers in an attempt to thwart terror attacks.
Obama also warned that it will be
harder to detect threats against the United States now that the two
top-secret tools to target terrorists have been so thoroughly
“Nobody is listening to your
telephone calls,” Obama assured the nation after two days of reports
that many found unsettling. What the government is doing, he said, is
digesting phone numbers and the durations of calls, seeking links that
might “identify potential leads with respect to folks who might engage
in terrorism.” If there’s a hit, he said, “if the intelligence community
then actually wants to listen to a phone call, they’ve got to go back
to a federal judge, just like they would in a criminal investigation.”
Tapping thwarted terror attack
While Obama said the aim of the
programs is to make America safe, he offered no specifics about how the
surveillance programs have done this. House Intelligence Committee
Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., on Thursday said the phone records sweeps
had thwarted a domestic terror attack, but he also didn’t offer
U.S. government sources said on
Friday that the attack in question was an Islamist militant plot to bomb
the New York City subway system in 2009.
Obama asserted his administration
had tightened the phone records collection program since it started in
the George W. Bush administration and is auditing the programs to ensure
that measures to protect Americans’ privacy are heeded – part of what
he called efforts to resist a mindset of “you know, `Trust me, we’re
doing the right thing. We know who the bad guys are.’”
But again, he provided no details on how the program was tightened or what the audit is looking at.
Obama: 100% privacy is impossible
The furor this week has divided
Congress, and led civil liberties advocates and some constitutional
scholars to accuse Obama of crossing a line in the name of rooting out
terror threats.
Obama, himself a constitutional
lawyer, strove to calm Americans’ fears – but also remind them that
Congress and the courts had signed off on the surveillance.
“I think the American people
understand that there are some trade-offs involved,” Obama said when
questioned by reporters at a health care event in San Jose, California.
“It’s important to recognize that
you can’t have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent
privacy and zero inconvenience,” he said. “We’re going to have to make
some choices as a society. And what I can say is that in evaluating
these programs, they make a difference in our capacity to anticipate and
prevent possible terrorist activity.”
Obama said U.S. intelligence
officials are looking at phone numbers and lengths of calls – not at
people’s names – and not listening in.
The two classified surveillance
programs were revealed this week in newspaper reports that showed, for
the first time, how deeply the National Security Agency dives into
telephone and Internet data to look for security threats. The new
details were first reported by The Guardian and The Washington Post, and
prompted Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to take the
unusual and reluctant step of acknowledging the programs’ existence.
Obama echoed intelligence experts
– both inside and outside the government – who predicted that potential
attackers will find other, secretive ways to communicate now that they
know that their phone and Internet records may be targeted.
Zoya Klebanova
Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:21 CDT
So apparently NSA has been listening to our conversations, and - oy vey! - Israeli companies are involved
in this too. Am I surprised? Not one bit. I understand that many, who
are still dangerously ignorant and believe that governments have our
best interests at heart, find this "revelation" rather shocking and
outrageous, but the truth is that this is far from being new. I remember
how many years ago I first read about a project called Echelon.
ECHELON, according to information in the European Parliament document,
"On the existence of a global system for the interception of private and
commercial communications (ECHELON interception system)" was created to
monitor the military and diplomatic communications of the Soviet Union
and its Eastern Bloc allies during the Cold War in the early 1960s[...]
Bamford describes the system as the software controlling the collection
and distribution of civilian telecommunications traffic conveyed using
communication satellites, with the collection being undertaken by ground
stations located in the footprint of the downlink leg.[...]
The UK/USA intelligence community was assessed by the European
Parliament (EP) in 2000 to include the signals intelligence agencies of
each of the member states: UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, The
Echelon was created long before the War [of] Terror and prior
to the arrival of the Internet, meaning that back then there was no need
for thorough "shaping of the public opinion", no need for media to be
an overt whore for the military or intelligence agencies. NSA, CIA,
Mossad, MI5, etc. just did their bloody thing and didn't worry much
about whistleblowers. Of course, there were always trouble-makers, but
everything was manageable (various coup d'états, COINTELPRO projects, assassinations, etc... piece of cake!), not to mention using the wonderfully silver-tongued concept of "plausible deniability",
which came in handy, oh so often. In any event, in the public's eyes,
intelligence agencies still had an aura of mystique about them. Hey, who
wouldn't want to be a secret agent or a spy?