Former Mossad Chief: Arab Spring ‘Incredible Opportunity for Israel"
By : Jewish Press

Dagan predicts Arab Spring won’t reach Jordan
Making Sense of a Rightwing Israeli Institute’s Ambivalent View of Arab Democracy
Israel lobby celebrates Treasury’s successful use of “financial tools” to support Arab Spring
Pourquoi Israël se réjouit-il de l’arrivée de partis islamiques au pouvoir? (en Égypte)
Pourquoi Israel soutient des rebelles jihadistes musulmans? une telle instabilité ne met-elle pas en danger l'existence d'Israel demande la journaliste à BHL. Non, répond-il! (Après une longue déclaration de son attachement inconditionnel à Israel) "C'est bon pour Israël!"
Attends, j'ai pas saisi en quoi c'est bon pour Israel.
Piper explique le principe du "sionisme catastrophe" ou "sionisme de guerre", selon lequel Israel doit toujours être sur un pied de guerre avec au moins un ennemi, si c'est pas sur plusieurs fronts, pour survivre. Israel carbure au conflit, à la crise, à la guerre perpétuelle. Sans la guerre Israel ne se voit plus de raison d'être, éclate de l'intérieur et tombe de lui-même. Il doit donc se faire plein d'ennemis, réels ou pas, c'est pas ça l'essentiel. L'essentiel c'est la provocation réussie qui victimisation, qui renfloue sans cesse leur capital de sympathie.
While most rational people would assume that Israel would prefer to have neighboring states that are stable, successful participants in the region, this is not necessarily the case.
In fact, a carefully crafted “think piece” entitled “A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s,” featured in the February 1982 edition of the World Zionist Organization’s Jerusalem-based publication Kivunim: A Journal for Judaism and Zionism, candidly put forth an Israeli strategy to wreak havoc in the Arab world, dividing the Arab states from within. The author was Oded Yinon, an Israeli journalist with close ties to Israel’s Foreign Ministry.
The program—which amounted to “balkanizing” the various Arab republics, splitting them into religious enclaves in which, for example, Shiite Muslims or otherwise Sunni Muslims would predominate—was an agenda that Israeli dissident Israel Shahak said, quite simply, was designed “to make an imperial Israel into a world power,” by disrupting the Arab states and thereby setting the stage for Israeli dominance in the Mideast.
The formula was founded on the idea of creating chaos among Israel’s Arab neighbors, hardly a policy any decent, well-meaning neighbor could be credited for fostering. In fact, the current-day political and religious divisions and devastation in Iraq—the consequence of the American invasion of Iraq demanded by the pro-Israel lobby in Washington—mirrors precisely what the Zionist position paper laid forth as the ideal state of affairs for Iraq, from an Israeli point of view, that is.
But where does Egypt fit into all of this? Reflecting on the Zionist strategy paper, Ralph Schoenman—an eminent American Jewish critic of Zionism—writing in 1988 in his book, The Hidden History of Zionism, pointedly noted the paper’s intent of “double-crossing Mubarak” and emphasized that the Yinon paper hoped for “the downfall and dissolution of Egypt,” despite the 1979 Camp David peace agreement.
This is geopolitics at its best—or worst—and demonstrates the kind of gambles Israel has historically been willing to take.
After all, Israel helped subsidize and nurture the fledgling Hamas faction within the Palestinian statehood movement, as a means to counter and undermine the secular Fatah faction led by senior Palestinian statesman Yassir Arafat. But Hamas got out of control, grew in popularity, and now stands as one of Israel’s chief rivals.
Such gamesmanship by Israel is part of a philosophy known as “catastrophic Zionism,” a term used almost exclusively by Israeli and Jewish writers.
The theme of “catastrophic Zionism,” sometimes called “war Zionism,” suggests that Israel—as a state— relies on crisis and the potential of war with its neighbors as a foundation of its very existence. This has actually been the belief of many hard-line “right wing” elements going back to the earliest days of Israel.
In short, there are many Zionists who believe such crisis is vital—fundamental—to Israel’s survival. And for this reason, the believers in “catastrophic Zionism” will never lend their support to any policy, domestic or international, that could lead to a final solution of the conflict between Israel and its Arab and Muslim neighbors.
In actual fact, this notion—that peace could be dangerous to the survival of Israel—is a governing concept in the minds of many Israelis and their supporters worldwide.
Is Israel the Winner of the Arab Spring?
JINSA: Arab Spring disorder makes Israel stronger
The Passionate Attachment
July 16, 2012
Although the initial flickers of liberalism have been subsumed by the Islamist bonfire, the so-called “Arab Spring” has, paradoxically, made Israel stronger as Israel’s enemies have turned on each other. While Arab capitals burn, Jerusalem has calmly and carefully steeled itself against the possible immediate deleterious effects, building fences along its Egyptian and Jordanian borders and accelerating the deployment of its Iron Dome anti-missile system. Whereas Arab states remain mired in internal political, economic, and military turmoil, Israel hums along, its economy intact – tourism is at an all-time high – its military untested, and its government united.
For three decades, Mubarak’s Egypt was the anchor of Israel’s regional security. Since his ouster, the lawless Sinai has been the source of rocket attacks, Egypt has canceled its gas contract with Israel, Israel’s Cairo embassy staff barely survived an attempted mob lynching and the Muslim Brotherhood has issued disquieting verbal volleys against the peace treaty.
As these troubling developments suggest, the capacity of the Egyptian state has also fundamentally declined. The Egyptian economy is in dire straits: foreign reserves have dropped 60 percent, foreign direct investment has fallen by 90 percent, and this year’s budget deficit is 10.4 percent of GDP – America’s is 7.6 percent – and trending upwards. Furthermore, Egypt’s military regime and the Muslim Brotherhood are focused inward on reestablishing order and consolidating political control. Any warlike move by an Islamist-led Egypt would trigger the elimination of the American military aid that currently funds nearly 40 percent of Egypt’s defense budget. The Egyptian body politic may indeed be more hostile to the Jewish State, but its capabilities for acting on that hostility have markedly declined.
Israel’s concerns about a volatile Syria also belie the advantages reaped by a damaged Syria. Concerned about the potential transfer of Syrian Scuds or chemical weapons to Hezbollah, Israel is apprehensive of both a last ditch attempt by Assad to embroil it in war or by the possible ascent of another Islamist regime.
However, irrespective of Assad’s ability to cling to power, post-uprising Syria will also be a shell of its former self. Like Egypt, its economy is in tatters, having been hit hard by Western sanctions on its oil industry, which accounts for 30 percent of its budget. Its’ army has suffered large defections and losses at the hands of the rebels and its’ patron, Iran, has invested massively in propping up its sole regional ally. Even Hezbollah, aware of its current tenuous position in the Lebanese powder keg, finds itself increasingly isolated, having sided with Assad. Israel’s northern border has never been quieter.
Even in Gaza, where Hamas is ensconced, Israel’s successful deployment of the game-changing Iron Dome missile defense system has revolutionized the security situation, resulting in no Israeli casualties due to rocket fire thus far this year. Hamas abandoned its cozy headquarters in Damascus, fearful of aligning itself with the heretical Alawite sect against its Sunni Muslim brothers, and continues the political tug-of-war with Fatah in the West Bank. Even beyond Israel’s immediate borders, the “Arab Spring” has uncorked ethno-religious conflicts. PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) attacks on Turkish military targets have spiked, fighting continues between Arab, African, and Berber tribesmen in Libya, and two new independent states have been declared, the Tuareg state of Azawad in northwestern Mali and South Sudan, marking the first loss of “Arab” sovereignty in 45 years.
Even as it rightly plans for the changes wrought by the “Arab Spring,” Israel should also recognize that as the Middle East convulses, it is more likely to be left alone. As Alawites battle Arab Sunnis and Kurds in Syria, as Kurds target Turks in Turkey, as the Imazighen fight Arabs in Libya, as the Army contends with Islamists in Egypt, and as Sunnis and Christians confront Shiites in Lebanon, people don’t have the time, energy, or resources to fight the Jews in Israel. The more the region tears itself apart, the more Israel floats to the top, unscathed economically, militarily, or diplomatically. While an Islamist ascent is undesirable, the intervening disorder only makes Israel stronger.
VIDEO - Syria's Destruction to Create a Greater Israel: The Ugly Truth
Israel is the only real winner of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’
By Maidhc Ó CathailThe Passionate Attachment
August 18, 2012
Award-winning Iranian journalist Kourosh Ziabari recently interviewed me about the ongoing destabilization of the Middle East and North Africa commonly referred to as the Arab Spring.
KZ: In a recent article in the Washington Post, Charles Krauthammer wrote that the SCAF hastily dissolved the Egyptian parliament because the majority of members of parliament elected in the post-Mubarak elections were Islamists. Does Mohammad Morsi’s acceptance of the military council’s decision denote that he might be inclined toward the West? The U.S. Secretary of State Clinton has just paid a visit to Egypt and met with President Morsi. Are these signs indicative of the fact that Morsi has a pro-Western attitude and may betray the Egyptian Revolution?
MÓC: First of all, I don’t believe that there was a genuine revolution in Egypt in the first place. Like the “colour revolutions” in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and elsewhere, the so-called “Arab Spring” was orchestrated by the regime change specialists at the National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict and the wider network of groups engaged in what is euphemistically called “democracy promotion.” While the mainstream media cannot openly admit this, they have given some strong hints. For example, a New York Times report in April 2011, aptly entitled “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings,” acknowledged that “as American officials and others look back at the uprisings of the Arab Spring, they are seeing that the United States’ democracy-building campaigns played a bigger role in fomenting protests than was previously known, with key leaders of the movements having been trained by the Americans in campaigning, organizing through new media tools and monitoring elections.” Unless we are to believe that these “democracy-building campaigns” were not intended to undermine authoritarian regimes like Mubarak’s, then there’s no “revolution” for the American-educated Morsi to betray. Interestingly, it appears that it was Krauthammer, a Guardian of Zion awardee, who was the first to use the term “Arab Spring.” In the same 2005 piece, he presciently wrote, “The democracy project is, of course, just beginning.”
KZ: What will be, in your view, the attitude of the new government in Egypt toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Prior to the elections, the Israelis were extremely worried that an Islamist president might revoke the Camp David Accords. However, Morsi hasn’t decided to do so. Will the new government in Egypt support the Palestinian resistance front?
MÓC: One has to distinguish between what Israeli officials say publicly and what they think privately. If Tel Aviv was genuinely worried about an Islamist government revoking the Camp David Accords, then why has its American lobby been so supportive of a democratic transition to civilian rule in Cairo, knowing full well that this would increase the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood? A recent article featured on the website of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) gives a clearer insight into Israeli strategic thinking. Entitled “Is Israel the Winner of the Arab Spring?” the piece concludes that “the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ has, paradoxically, made Israel stronger as Israel’s enemies have turned on each other.” As the JINSA fellow astutely observes, “The Egyptian body politic may indeed be more hostile to the Jewish State, but its capabilities for acting on that hostility have markedly declined.”
Read the rest of this entry »
‘Prisoner of Zion’ Promoting Arab Democracy @Google in 2010
~~~~S Y R I E~~~~
Comme BHL, Israël demande une "intervention massive" en Syrie.
Syrie: "une intervention massive" (Israël)
Israeli official admits ‘extensive connections’ with Syrian rebels
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Israel wants airstrikes against Syria: Analyst
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Journalist Almost Assasinated for Exposing Turkey Delivering Weapons to Syrian Rebels
Mitt Romney: arm the Syrian rebels
Assad in rare appearance: Enemy has Israeli weapons
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Israel Wants The Syrian Government to Fall
US, Israel plan Assad removal to hurt Iran: Analyst
Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces" by Michel Chossudovsky
Is Israel the Winner of the Arab Spring?
Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: “Break Syria into Pieces”
US-NATO-Israeli Agenda: Syria to be Subdivided into “Three Weaker States”
'Israelis plan buffer zone in Syria’

ed note–remember that the term ‘Buffer Zone’ simply means stealing more Arab land as an adjunct to the biblical commandment that ‘God’s chosen people’ possess everything between the Nile and Euphrates rivers. (And even if the Greater Israel plan fails, they will have managed to create war. Israel needs perpetual war in order just to survive.)

Israel has been planing the destruction of Syria for over 30 years. Israel has been planing the destruction of Syria for over 30 years. I suggest people read Zionist and Israeli Dual National Richard "Mr. PNAC" Pearl's 1996 paper, "A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing The Realm" he presented to none other that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Or, look 30 years back at an Israeli document entitled, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon" in which Israel calls for sectarian balkanization of Syria and other neighboring Arabic countries in order to secure the survival of the Zionist regime.
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Turkey controlled by Israel, US pro-Zionist lobby: Analyst
VIDEO - RT . Fabius veut armer les terroristes en Syrie S/T
Syria Rebels Declare Civilian Aircraft Legitimate Targets France Mulls Sending Anti-Aircraft Weapons to Rebel Factions
West Seeks Destruction of Syrian Nation
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First hand accounts of rebel operations reveal Saudi Arabia is funding terrorists recruited from Salafi schools who are answering an open call from the Saudi Prince's anointed Prophet's to wage Jihad against Syria.
Saudi Arabia Paying Terrorists Up To $3,000/Mo To Jihad Against Syria
Putin Warns: Long Civil War in Syria If Assad Unconstitutionally Ousted
Des armes chimiques en provenance de Libye aux mains des « opposants » syriens ?
Canadian media Supports Foreign Terrorists in Syria
U.S. Senators McCain, Lieberman, Graham urge tougher stand on Syria, Iran At a gathering of political, business leaders in Italy, McCain blasted President Obama, who defeated him in the 2008 presidential election, for recently setting the 'red line' for Syria at use of chemical weapons.
Al-Qaeda Leader Strikes Deal With U.S., Saudis To Send 5,000 Jihadists To Syria
US-Saudi Backed Al Qaeda Proxy Cells Now Waging Jihad Against Russia
Syrian minister accuses Mossad of assassinating Syrians
France, western allies prepare response to Syrian use of chemical weapons
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Pentagon reportedly seeking to avert Israeli strike on Syrian chemical weapon sites
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Syrian group with close ties to FSA terrorists openly arms rebels with help of U.S.
SAA finds Israel-made weapons and grenades in FSA hideout.
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Syrian Rebels Claim to Take Over Chemical Weapons
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Réseaux d’envoi de combattants Britanniques en Syrie
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France ready for Syrian intervention without UN
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Syria’s Destruction Will Ensure US and Israeli Strategic Advantage for Iranian Strike
Sur l’éventuelle guerre Israël-Iran et les déclarations de Laurent Fabius contre le président syrien
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Hassan Nasrallah sur la Syrie
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US Authorizes Financial Support to Free Syrian Army
Armed groups in Syria receive weapons from Israel
Syria forces seize Israel-made arms from rebels
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CIA officers regulating arms traffic to Syria opposition groups
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CRIMES MEDIATIQUES ou les conséquences meurtrières de la désinformation
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UK to set up camps inside Syria to help rebels
‘US, Israel plot to topple al-Assad Govt’
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Report: Rebels Responsible for Houla Massacre
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The Houla Hoaxsters
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Oh la la, BBC : Une photo d’Irak pour illustrer le massacre de Houla ?
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SYRIA, Atrocities were not committed by the government but by armed gangs Vatican News Service refutes Western media reports
UN Report on Houla Massacre Conflicts With Rebel Accounts
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US senators McCain, Lieberman urge arming Syrian opposition
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Blackwater agents involved in Syria unrest
French president says Syria’s Assad has to go
UN-backed action in Syria is an option, Hollande says
Romney Calls for Action on Syria, but His Party Is Divided
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Sur ce blog:
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