Beware Of The ADL’s Cyberbullying Law

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2009

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Unique Source: New ADL Hate Bills Attack America @ Here
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THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA FROM BECOMING A ZIONIST POLICE STATE must be waged against the powerful Jewish organization known as the Anti-Defamation League Of B’nai B’rith (ADL).
In addition to the Federal Hate Crimes Bill, drafted by the ADL and now going through rigged Senate committee hearings, the ADL is also pushing its stealthy so-called ‘anti-bullying’ bill, the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act, introduced to the House Judiciary Subcommittee On Crime on May 26, 2009.
This Cyberbullying Prevention Act is another integral part of the ADL’s agenda of domination and subjugation of what remains of free America. Shepherded by its legal counsel, Michael Lieberman, (a Zionist Jew, of course) the bill, among other things, would permit the FBI to acquire & collect permanent data on ‘bias motivated’ so-called ‘criminal’ activity on the Internet.
It is important to know who we are fighting against. The ADL is the ‘civil rights’ (for whom?) arm of the B’nai B’rith - a powerful Jewish religious, educational, fraternal, and charitable organization. The B’nai B’rith has persuaded 55 nations (in which it has 2100 lodges and 200,000 Jewish members) to unite under the authority of a central Hate Crimes Command Center.
The ADL is now engaged in intensive efforts to organize city governments, schools, civic organizations, and Zionist-oriented churches to combat ‘hate and homophobia’ towards homosexuals and blacks. In REALITY, any ‘hate crime’ legislation can be immediately used by the ADL to attempt to silence ANYONE who seeks to differ with its social agendas and self-aggrandizing concept of history.

Right now, the ADL is infiltrating American public schools with various ‘training and educational’ programs aimed at imposing Internet censorship against so-called ‘bullying’ tactics on E-mails and Web Sites directed towards targeted students.
This is the ADL’s first step through gradualism, (Jews don’t care about Gentile students whom they call “goys”), in preventing all criticism ON THE INTERNET of Jewry’s criminal activities in the various nations that host these ingrates. Yes, those who criticize the activities of Zionist Jews will be next on the ADL’s cyberbullying hit list.

This ADL censorship of the Internet will commence with their Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act if passed by the Zionist-bought Congress. (A record number of Jews are now in office).
Targeting the Internet, the freedom-hating Jews of the ADL are quite specific in their Model Statute to destroy the last bastion of free speech under the pretense of protecting students:

“Electronic communications must be included in any definition of bullying. With increasing access to online technology, the Internet has become a vehicle to harass and bully. Cyberbullying is more harmful than traditional bullying because of the invasive and pervasive nature of Internet communication.
Cyberbullying means any electronic communication including, but not limited to, intimidation shown to be motivated by a student’s race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression (trans-sexuals).
Electronic communication means any communication including but not limited to, E-Mails, instant messaging, text messages, Blogs and Web Sites.” View Entire Story Here.
Indeed, a national Thought Police Gestapo is being created right before our eyes led by the ADL. Wicked Zionist Jews will soon censor and indict the politically incorrect ON THE INTERNET here in Zionist-occupied America….
For More See: How The New US Hate Laws Will Change Our Lives Click Here
And: The ADL Hates Our Freedoms Click Here
And: A Jewish Police State Is Coming Click Here
And: ADL’S Jewish War On Christmas Click Here
And: A Brave New Zionist World Click Here
![]() | .American Free Press |
.Vol IX .#26 June 29, 2009![]() | |
ADL Exploits
Tragedy to Push Limit
on Free Speech
By Michael Collins Piper
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.The recent tragic death of a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, allegedly killed by an individual said to be a “Holocaust denier” is now being touted as a reason to institute laws in the United States similar to those laws outlawing so-called “Holocaust denial” in force in 14 countries, mostly in Western Europe.
However, long-standing evidence suggests that those who advocate such measures in the United States do not intend to directly confront the issue of “Holocaust denial” in pushing such legislation.
Rather, they intend to deal with the issue through an insidious tactical “back door” approach.
The scheme has been in the works for a long time and is not to be confused with the long-standing drive (once again before Congress) to set up a federal “hate crimes” bureaucracy.
Here’s the story that’s not been reported anywhere else: On June 12, the conservative Washington Times— which regularly touts the globalist and Zionist agenda— featured a headline story announcing that “Debate arises on legality of Holocaust denial,” as a consequence of what happened at the Holocaust Museum, adding fuel to the fire.
So now the propaganda drive for legislation targeting not just “Holocaust denial” but all manner of political freedom of expression is being rejuvenated.
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, the wealthy American founder of the Israel Project, one of many well-funded Jewish lobby operations, was quoted in the Washington Times article as saying that public distribution of so-called “hate literature” as well as “hate” on public access cable should be outlawed.
And although the Times quoted officials from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith as saying the ADL does not advocate laws criminalizing “Holocaust denial” in America, the fact is that for more than 20 years the ADL has been in the forefront of a coordinated effort to pave the way for legislation designed to suppress speech in the U.S. the ADL considers dangerous to its agenda.
The ADL’s plan is to outlaw what it called “group defamation” that could be considered hurtful against certain specifically identifiable groups of people and thus potentially spark violence against them. In fact, the ADL’s contention is that hurtful language actually constitutes “violence” in and of itself.
In other words, if an individual criticized the actions of the state of Israel for its recent bloody incursion into Gaza, this could be considered offensive by American Jewish supporters of Israel and, in turn, those criticisms of Israel could cause other Americans to become angry at the supporters of Israel. As a consequence of this, it is said, violence could occur.
Or, for example, if someone raised questions about the number of Jews who died in Europe during the Holocaust and suggested that the numbers had been inflated by Jewish groups for political benefit and financial profit—this is considered a form of “Holocaust denial” in Europe today—Jewish people could be “hurt” because their integrity was being questioned and it might cause others to think badly of them.
If this sounds unlikely or extraordinary, consider the documented record of the ADL in this regard.
In 1988 at Hofstra University in New York, the ADL conducted a three-day legal symposium entitled “Group Defamation and Freedom of Speech: The Relationship Between Language and Violence.” The forum concluded with a call for passage of a law to ban what was described as “hate literature” by so-called “extremists.”
The opinions expressed by the featured speakers at the ADL conclave advocating a ban on hate literature centered around two ideas:
• That words, written or spoken, in and of themselves, constitute violence. (For example, one need only call someone a “bad” name without threatening any physical action to perform an act of violence.)
• That words, written or spoken, take on a certain power that creates a reality for the target or victim of these words. (For example, by calling someone a “dirty rotten bum,” he will become one.)
In his opening remarks, Hofstra law professor Monroe Freedman said that trying to defend free speech while trying to protect minorities against those who “defame” them is a “paradox of Constitutional democracy.” According to Freedman:
Group defamation can create a social climate that is receptive to and encourages hatred and oppression. If a minority group can be made to appear less than human, deserving of punishment, or a threat to the general community, oppression of that minority is a likely consequence. We know also that language itself can hurt, that there are words that, by their very utterance, inflict injury. . . .When the message is violent, language can itself be violence.
Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) spoke of the “psychic pain” inflicted by language. Another speaker, self-described “Holocaust survivor” ElieWiesel, injected his opinion that those engaging in group defamation should be “fought” and “dealt with harshly.”
The conference featured a moot court argument of the winning submission of a competition among law students around the nation to write a model statute that could be used to prosecute those who engage in socalled “group defamation.” The first prize winner was a model statute defining group defamation as:
Any oral, written or symbolic speech, published with malice, that debases, degrades or calls into question the loyalties, abilities or integrity of members of a group based on a characteristic that [is] allegedly common to the members of that group, or that by its very utterance inflicts injury upon members of a group, or that promotes animosity against a group.
A “group” was defined as “an aggregation of people identified by a common race, religion, national origin, ethnicity or gender, or based upon heterosexuality or homosexuality.”
Under the proposed statute, an agency would be established to monitor acts of group defamation; assess the impact of any speech that defames a group; and counteract the actually and potentially adverse effects of that speech. That agency would also review all films and movies before they could be shown and, if deemed to be offensive, ban public viewing.
In a similar vein, on November 2, 1995, then-Rep. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)—now a powerful U.S. senator— joined with the aforementioned Congressman Conyers in promoting legislation of the character proposed at the ADL conference. The Schumer measure, H.R. 2580, was deceptively called “The Republican Form of Government Guarantee Act.”
A longtime ADL spokesman in Congress, Schumer proposed to outlaw discussion of what he called “baseless conspiracy theories regarding the government” that he said endangered public order. Already he was known as the leading congressional enemy of the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners. Schumer’s new target—the First Amendment—would have been scrapped had the bill been passed.
* * * * * * *
(Issue #26, June 29, 2009, AMERICAN FREE PRESS)
The Anti-Defamation League:
Both a Foreign Lobby for Israel
and a Private Spy Agency
For The Enemy Within
But the ADL’s role as a foreign agent for Israel—a role that evolved after the founding of the state of Israel in 1948—is one that must be thoroughly analyzed in order to fully understand the immense power that the ADL has accumulated in shaping both foreign and domestic policy in America.
That a tool of a foreign government has achieved such influence upon (and literally within) such American law enforcement agencies as the FBI,for one example, is a remarkable and frightening fact indeed.
It was in June of 1981 that Liberty Lobby issued its comprehensive White Paper on the Anti-Defamation League [ADL] of B’nai B’rith.The white paper was issued with the express purpose of bringing to light facts that would force the ADL to register with the U.S. Justice Department as an agent of the government of Israel.
By refusing to register with the Justice Department, the ADL was—and is, to this day—violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, which requires the registration of all foreign agents.
According to an admission by the Justice Department after it reviewed the white paper, Liberty Lobby had, in fact, “establishe[d] a mutuality of interests between the ADL and the government of Israel.”
This admission by the Justice Department came in response to a congressional inquiry into the status of the ADL, an inquiry launched following a letter from members of Liberty Lobby who urged Congress to investigate the ADL's status as an unregistered agent of a foreign government.
The Justice Department told the concerned congressman that “if sufficient evidence is developed from this or other sources to establish a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act” the department guaranteed it would initiate enforcement action against the ADL.
The Justice Department said that evidence of a “contractual” relationship between the ADL and the government of Israel is necessary before any “appropriate action” can be taken. This Justice Department claim was not true. In fact, it contradicted federal law.
According to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), any organization acting as an agent of a foreign power,“whether or not pursuant to contractual relationship,” is a “foreign agent” as defined by the act. Section 1, Subsection (c) of the act defines an agent of a foreign government as:
(1) Any person who acts as an agent, representative, employee or servant, or any person who acts in any other capacity at the order, request, or under the direction or control, of a foreign principal or of a person any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised directed, controlled, financed or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign principal, and who directly or through any other person–In every sense, the ADL carries out each of the actions of a foreign agent as defined in the FARA. In fact, a proposed amendment to the act, passed by the Senate in 1964, restated the provision of the original 1938 law, which declared that an agency relationship exists “where the agent acts other than pursuant to contractual agreement, or merely holds himself out as an agent of a foreign principal.”
(i) Engages within the U.S. in political activities for or in the interests of such foreign principal:
(ii) Acts within the U.S. as a public relations counsel, publicity agent, information-service employee or political consultant for or in the interests of such foreign principal;
(iii) Within the U.S. solicits, collects, disburses, or dispenses contributions, loans, money, or other things of value for or in the interests of such foreign principal: or
(iv) Within the U.S. represents the interests of such foreign principal before any agency or official of the government of the U.S.; and
(2) Any person who agrees, consents, assumes or purports to act as, or who is or holds himself out to be, whether or not pursuant to contractual relationship, an agent of a foreign principal as defined in Clause (1) of this subsection.
Again, the law flies in the face of Justice Department claims to the contrary; By merely holding itself out as a representative of the government of Israel, the ADL establishes itself as an agent of a foreign power—and should thus be registered with the Justice Department.
In response to a request by a citizen that the ADL be investigated by the Justice Department, the department again rushed to the defense of the ADL, claiming that the ADL is exempt from registration as a foreign agent because the ADL is not acting “at the order, request, or under the direction . . . of a foreign principal.”
The department said “Specifically, without proof that the ADL is operating at the request or under the direction or control of that government [Israel], no obligation to register under the [Foreign Agents Registration] Act arises.”
Despite all this, the Justice Department knows quite well that the ADL is an agent of the government of Israel and that its operations are illegal by reason of its unregistered status.
This was not just a biased conclusion on the part of Liberty Lobby, but the opinion of a high-ranking Justice Department official who met with representatives of Liberty Lobby.
During one of the many private sessions that Liberty Lobby held with Justice Department officials, one department counselor asked, “Why is Liberty Lobby so concerned about all of this?” Liberty Lobby’s spokesman responded, “Because it’s against the law” (referring, of course, to the ADL’s activities).The Justice Department official replied, “Everybody knows that.”
That, of course, was not the official Justice Department position, but it certainly was the opinion of one influential and knowledgeable Justice Department official speaking off the record (and therefore safe from ADL reprisals).
What follows is an annotated series of quotations from ADL sources and materials that illustrate, beyond question, that the ADL does function (by definition of existing federal law) as a foreign agent of the government of Israel.
Thus, because the ADL does indeed function in this capacity, and because it is unregistered with the Justice Department, it is in violation of U.S. federal law.
• In the December,1973 issue of the “ADL Bulletin,”celebrating the ADL’s 60th anniversary, the pressure group announced its plan to a launch “a nationwide educational campaign in behalf of Israel’s survival as a secure, free state and to counter anti-Semitic reaction in this country to problems emanating from the Arab-Israeli conflict.”(Here, the ADL “holds [itself] out to be . . . an agent of a foreign principal,” as defined in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.)
• In the minutes of the January, 1969 plenary session of the B’nai B’rith International Council can be found evidence of a public request by the government of Israel that the ADL work on its behalf.The president of B’nai B’rith (of which the ADL is the key political arm) declared that Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban had stated that Israel’s public relations budget was so little that Israel needed assistance from outside sources. Said the B’nai B’rith president:“He [Eban] implored [the ADL] to emphasize his need for funds so that Israel’s position may be accurately interpreted throughout the world.”The ADL, of course, responded wholeheartedly to Eban’s request.
• In a “confidential” report, dated May 15, 1978, the ADL provided an inside look at how the ADL has not only lobbied publicly on behalf of Israel, but how the group has also represented Israel’s interests in Washington at the direction of the government of Israel itself.The report detailed various aspects of a series of meetings between ADL officials and Israeli government leaders.These meetings culminated in the ADL representatives returning to the United States and carrying the Israeli message directly to President Jimmy Carter, Vice President Walter Mondale and other top administration officials.The ADL concluded the report by bragging that its “suggestions” to the U.S. government must have “borne fruit”in view of the subsequent actions taken by the United States in favor of Israeli interests. (Here, alone, is the ultimate proof that the ADL is working “at the order, request, or under the direction or control of a foreign principal.”Therefore, the ADL is, by definition, a foreign agent—but one which remains unregistered, contrary to the law.
• In the December, 1976 issue of the “ADL Bulletin,” Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon was quoted as having told an ADL reception (in speaking of the ADL and its relationship to Israel), “We are one, and thanks to our oneness,we shall win the battle for peace.”
In the same bulletin, President Ephraim Katzir of Israel is quoted as saying;“ADL protects Israel. It is a most noble task,which you know how to do and do well.” Further, Avraham Harmon, president of Israel’s Hebrew University, was quoted by the ADL as having said accurately enough, that the ADL “performs better” than any other organization on behalf of Israel.
It was also revealed in this bulletin that the ADL had been responsible for a series of radio and TV programs entitled “Dateline Israel,” narrated by the ADL’s own Arnold Forster. This series is produced by the ADL in Israel and is designed to spread "a positive image of Jews and understanding of Jewish concerns, particularly Israel.“
• In the November, 1977 issue of the “ADL Bulletin,” the ADL announced the opening of a branch office in Jerusalem. According to the ADL:“The Jerusalem office was established to achieve better understanding between the American Jewish community and the Israeli public and to assist ADL’s Middle Eastern Affairs Department and 26 regional offices in the U.S. in interpreting Israel’s policies, problems, and needs.”
• Postal service records as far back as June 26 and July 20, l967 indicated upon examination that the ADL has mailed out official Israeli propaganda publications. invoking the ADL’s “non-profit” status in order to utilize U.S. tax-subsidized bulk mailing services. (If the ADL were to register as a foreign agent, it would not have this tax-exempt status.)
• The ADL and its parent organization,B’nai B’rith,have also played a major role in channeling funds to the government of Israel. According to a memorandum to the board of governors of B’nai B’rith from Maurice Bisgyer, executive vice president of B’nai B’rith, a total of $425,000 was allocated to Israel by B’nai B’rith.
What is significant about this sum is that it came from the German government in the form of reparations payments meant for Jewish survivors of the so-called holocaust. B’nai B’rith, apparently, had already decided that it would be the channel through which German reparations payments would be directed, and in coming years began to recognize the ramifications of this action:The ADL and B’nai B’rith were obviously violating not only the Foreign Agents Registration Act, but most likely, U.S. tax laws as well.
In a confidential letter to Joseph Sklover of B’nai B’rith, Benjamin Ferenz, an attorney associated with the ADL, declared:“I have been giving further thought to the matter [of reparations] and now feel that we might be able to persuade the Germans to give preferential status to B’nai B’rith without first going directly to the U.S. treasury.”
In effect, the ADL sought to establish itself as an international government, lobbying with German officials, avoiding U.S. laws, collecting and distributing funds to Israel, and assisting in the effort to prop up the aggressive Middle Eastern state.
This evidence of ADL maneuvering marks the ADL quite clearly as a foreign agent of Israel, nominally tied to the United States, but in reality concerned with the interests of Israel, and of Israel alone.
• Lastly, the ADL admitted publicly in its bulletin that the ADL “has become sole American distributor of general interest films produced by Israel Film Service.” (Here was indisputable proof that the ADL had established a de jure agency relationship with the government of Israel, thereby fulfilling even the requirements that the U.S. Justice Department says need to be proved before the department could investigate Liberty Lobby’s charges against the ADL. Here was the contractual relationship the department was “unable” to find.)
Remember, all of this information is not taken from "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Israel" sources (as the ADL might try to contend) but from publications of the ADL itself.
Not only is the ADL holding itself out as an agent of Israeli government, at Israel’s direction and on Israel’s behalf, soliciting funds, spreading propaganda and lobbying at the highest levels of our government, but it is also involved in a direct agency relationship with the growing Middle Eastern state.
The ADL is an agent of a foreign government.There can be no disputing this fact. It is a fact, as we have seen, that even the U.S. Justice Department recognizes. Still, the Justice Department refused to act, then or now. Instead, the Justice Department—and, in particular, the FBI—forged an almost incestuous relationship with this foreign agent, allowing the ADL to literally direct the FBI’s internal operations in targeting patriotic Americans for “special treatment.”
However, in the closing days of the year 1992, a remarkable thing happened: the ADL itself came under investigation by a local law enforcement agency working in tandem with the FBI itself. And this is an amazing story we will review in some detail in the chapters ahead.
The Past, Present and Future Agenda of The Enemy Within:
Declaring American Patriots to be
the “Real” Enemy Within
The former FBI agent contended that what he called the American “extremist” groups are a breeding ground for violence and therefore need to be dealt with essentially as a criminal conspiracy.“Behind the Lone Terrorist, a Pack Mentality” read the headline on German’s commentary.
German made it clear that the “domestic terrorist” groups that he says need special treatment are a diverse group. The former FBI undercover operative pulled no punches in declaring that those whom he perceives to be America’s potential terrorists are not just those who might “look” like terrorists. German wrote:
They don't always call themselves the KKK or the militia; they sometimes use benign names that mask their true nature.They might wear Nazi symbols right on their sleeves, but they might not.They could be just a couple of grumpy old geezers who meet for coffee at a local cafe, or a few young punks looking for trouble, or even one guy sitting in his basement chatting on neo-Nazi Web sites. But they are all part of an underground extremist community.However, said German,“every once in a while, a follower of these movements bursts violently into our world, with deadly consequences.
He cited a number of individuals who committed violent crimes who had, in media jargon, been “linked” to a variety of so-called “extremist” groups.And while there are undoubtedly many organizations that might well be considered “extremist,” German does not lay down the lines of demarcation as to what constitutes “extremism” versus presumably respectable expressions of freedom of speech.Here’s where it gets quite interesting and even more disturbing. German asserted that:
The fact that these individuals, after being exposed to extremist ideology, each committed violent acts might lead a reasonable person to suspect the existence of a wider conspiracy.In other words, German was suggesting, any time an individual who has been “linked” to an “extremist” group may commit a crime, it is not beyond logic to suspect that the group or its leaders actually instigated the crime; effectively, that Constitutionally-protected expressions of free expression by an individual or group which might have somehow influenced another party to carry out a violent act, must therefore be addressed. In short: that it’s time to start cracking down on those who are found guilty not of a crime, but only of “extremism,” however defined. It’s a conspiracy by the extremists,according to German, and he added that, “to close our eyes to this conspiracy is to deny reality. It's a matter of connecting the dots.”
Imagine a very smart leader of an extremist movement, one who understands the First Amendment and criminal conspiracy laws, telling his followers not to depend on specific instructions.
He might tell them to divorce themselves from the group before they commit a violent act; to act individually or in small groups so that others in the movement could avoid criminal liability.This methodology creates a win-win situation for the extremist leader -- the violent goals of the group are met without the legal consequences.
Claiming that “Neo-Nazi ideology is also a leading influence in rising school violence”—quite a stretch of the truth, and one which ignores the increasing use of psychiatric drugs in treating school kids, which often leads to depression and violence— German cited only two cases, the only two cases (out of many) that are even vaguely linked to “neo-Nazi” ideology.
The first instance German cited was the tragic school shooting in Minnesota where a young American Indian,who evidently was an admirer of Adolf Hitler, killed several people and then himself.
German also hypes the claim that the Columbine High School shooting was inspired by a devotion to Hitler. However, what German fails to note is that one of the Columbine killers, Dylan Klebold,was the scion of a family prominent in the Jewish community in Columbus, Ohio and the other, Eric Harris, was also reportedly of at least partial Jewish descent. The two Jewish Columbine killers apparently were not interested in Hitler and Nazism from the standpoint of being admirers of the German leader and his ideology, but were rather, instead, fiercely anti-Nazi and had a chip on their shoulders about “the Holocaust” and viewed their attack on their non-Jewish schoolmates (including African-Americans) as a way of “getting back” at non-Jews.
All of this, of course, has been kept carefully under wraps by the media, which prefers to suggest that the two psychotic Jewish murderers were, intead, anti-Jewish extremists and admirers of Hitler!
In addition, it should be noted that a prominent psychiatrist, Dr. Robert John, strongly believes, based on his own study, a theme that another educator, Dr. Philip Glidden, echoed in his own book, Trading on Guilt: Holocaust Education in the Public Schools; namely, that “Holocaust studies” in the public schools are contributing to violence among young people by desensitizing them to violence through the constant display of images of violence. This alone should be reason to outlaw the teaching of Holocaust studies in the public schools.
In any case, German flatly asserted that “by providing both the motive and method for violence,” these leaders [of “extremist” groups] who have supposedly “devised a method of masking their influence” are therefore “part of the conspiracy” to commit acts of violence. He said that “Their cynical reliance on First Amendment rights, which they would not grant others, does not negate their role.”
German concluded: “Lone extremists pose a challenge for law enforcement because they are difficult to predict. It's like searching every haystack for a needle. Perhaps we'd have better luck if we paid more attention to the needle factories.”
What made German’s message so chilling was that it has an eerie echo of long-standing claims by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith—which touts itself as a “watchdog” keeping an eye on “extremist” groups—that commentary to which the ADL objects constitutes “obscenity” and that such “obscenity” can lead to violence.
For example, in 1988 at Hofstra University in New York, the ADL conducted a three-day legal symposium entitled “Group Defamation and Freedom of Speech: The Relationship Between Language and Violence.”
The forum concluded with a rousing call for passage of a law to ban what was described as "hate literature” by so-called “extremists.”
The opinions expressed by the featured speakers advocating a ban on hate literature centered around two ideas:
• That words, written or spoken, in and of themselves, constitute violence. (For example, one need only call someone a “bad” name without threatening any physical action to perform an act of violence.)
• That words, written or spoken, take on a certain power that creates a reality for the target or victim of these words. (For example, by calling someone a “dirty rotten bum,” he will become one.)
In his opening remarks, Hofstra law professor Monroe Freedman said that trying to defend free speech while trying to protect minorities against those who “defame” them is a “paradox of Constitutional democracy.”
According to Freedman:
Group defamation can create a social climate that is receptive to and encourages hatred and oppression. If a minority group can be made to appear less than human, deserving of punishment, or a threat to the general community, oppression of that minority is a likely consequence.
We know also that language itself can hurt, that there are words that, by their very utterance, inflict injury . . .
When the message is violent, language can itself be violence.Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) spoke of the “psychic pain” inflicted by language. Another speaker, self-described “Holocaust survivor” Elie Wiesel, injected his opinion that those engaging in group defamation should be “fought” and “dealt with harshly.”
The conference featured a moot court argument of the winning submission of a competition among law students around the nation to write a model statute that could be used to prosecute those who engage in so-called “group defamation.” The first prize winner was a model statute defining group defamation as:
Any oral, written or symbolic speech, published with malice that debases, degrades or calls into question the loyalties, abilities or integrity of members of a group based on a characteristic that is allegedly common to the members of that group, or that by its very utterance inflicts injury upon members of a group, or that promotes animosity against a group.A “group”was defined as “an aggregation of people identified by a common race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or gender, or based upon heterosexuality or homosexuality.”
Under the proposed statute, an agency would be established to monitor acts of group defamation; assess the impact of any speech that defames a group; and counteract the actually and potentially adverse effects of that speech. That agency would also review all films and movies before they could be shown and, if deemed to be offensive, ban public viewing.
On November 2, 1995, then-Rep. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)—now a powerful U.S. Senator—joined with the aforementioned Congressman Conyers in promoting legislation of the character proposed at the ADL conference. The Schumer measure, H.R. 2580, was deceptively called “The Republican Form of Government Guarantee Act.”
A long-time ADL spokesman in Congress,Schumer proposed to outlaw discussion of what he called “baseless conspiracy theories regarding the government” that he said endangered public order. Already he was known as the leading congressional enemy of the Second Amendment and the rights of gun-owners, Schumer's new target—the First Amendment—would have been scrapped had the bill been passed Under the proposed legislation, Schumer wanted to set up a formal, official police state apparatus to silence and control government critics. The Washington-based Spotlight newspaper concluded that Schumer's proposal might have been the most dangerous police-state legislation ever introduced in an American Congress as of that time and promptly launched an effort to defeat the bill.Although the ADL pressed hard for the measure,public pressure stimulated by The Spotlight resulted in the ADL scheme being rejected, angering Schumer so much that he issued a mass mailing to supporters, crying angrily that The Spotlight had “targeted” him for destruction.
That first ADL-sponsored conspiracy against freedom of speech has, of course, been egregiously surpassed by the now-infamous Patriot Act, which, even as this is written, the Bush administration—with the support of the ADL—is trying to expand.
And this comes at precisely the time when the Bush administration is declaring its new war on “violent extremism” and a former FBI agent has come forth asserting the need to fight what he sees as a “conspiracy” among political dissidents to stir up violence.
Do not be surprised to find a growing media focus on “violence by extremists in America” calling for American law enforcement to be more vigilant in dealing with those deemed to be “out of the mainstream” and therefore potentially violent.
In light of all this, it’s no coincidence, for example, that the ADL maintains what it calls a “Law Enforcement Agency Resource Network” and that through this network the ADL cited the May 20-22, 2005 conference in New Orleans conducted by former State Representative David Duke of Louisiana as the type of “extremist” activity that needs to be monitored, this despite the fact that Duke firmly renounces violence and angry rhetoric and, in fact, always has.
But in the view of ex-FBI man Mike German, Duke and other leaders are simply sending out evil messages designed to insulate themselves and, at the same time, encourage violence.
Obviously, as a former FBI agent detailed to infiltrating “extremist” groups, Mike German was certainly working closely with the ADL during his many years in the field. so he echoes this alien propaganda line.
Now that the Bush administration has moved toward a fight against “violent extremism” at a time when the ADL and other pro-Israel lobby groups are making the claim that American critics of Israel are lending moral aid and support to Islamic extremists by making statements critical of Israel, it appears as though German’s commentary in The Washington Post was nothing less than a proverbial trial balloon.
The stage is being set for future endeavors to destroy political dissidents in America who dare to criticize the global war-mongering and pro-Israel extremism of the so-called “high priests of war” who dominate policy in the Bush administration and who fully intend to dominate policy in future administrations Republican and Democratic alike.
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