Le sémitisme a eu une grande influence dans le passé, par exemple sur le christianisme ancien, mais le sémitisme est en déclin. À l'inverse, le germanisme est à peine un nouveau né. Fécondé par le sémitisme et le christianisme, le germanisme est appelé à donner naissance dans un avenir rapproché à un christianisme nouveau libéré de toute influence sémitique. Si le Christ naquit dans un Galiléen araméen du nom de Jésus, sa Seconde Venue est liée en revanche à la liberté que doit découvrir le moi intime de l'homme, comme cela a commencé à se manifester dans la pensée allemande et en Europe du Centre, où l'on dit le nom du Christ lorsqu'on dit "je" ("Ich" = "I" + "Christ").
« La culture nordique est symbolisée par la légende de Tannhaüser, dont l'impulsion vient également du sud. Partout nous trouvons quelque chose que nous pouvons désigner comme l'impulsion sémitique. Mais on ressentait très fortement la chose suivante: la race germanique était le dernier maillon d'une évolution ; il devait venir quelque chose de tout à fait nouveau, il se préparait pour la cinquième sous-race quelque chose de complètement différent ; c'était le christianisme et sa mission supérieure. À cette époque là dans les pays germaniques, on avait la nostalgie d'un nouveau christianisme qu'il s'agissait de recréer ; il devait être détaché de l'histoire qu'il avait eue jusqu'alors dans le sud. Le christianisme devait être recréé sous une forme plus pure. À l'époque des croisades naquit une opposition entre Rome et Jérusalem. Les croisés combattaient avec des cris de guerre: "Ici Rome!", "Ici Jérusalem!". L'un se rapportait au christianisme romain, qui n'était plus qu'une coquille vide, l'autre à un christianisme pur qu'il fallait restaurer et dont on voyait le centre à Jérusalem. C'est ce que pensèrent aussi les grands scolastiques, ainsi que Dante dans sa Divine Comédie ; pour lui c'est bien Jérusalem qu'il convenait de considérer comme un centre, mais un centre au sens spirituel plutôt qu'extérieur. Ainsi ressentait-on la cinquième sous-race comme une messagère, annonciatrice du futur. Les anciennes influences s'étaient taries, quelque chose d'entièrement nouveau devait venir, une nouvelle spirale de civilisation s'élevait. Ce n'était qu'une tentative de refonder le christianisme véritable mais il fallait en retrouver le cœur sous la vieille écorce. On ressentait au tournant du Moyen-Âge que quelque chose sombrait ; ce qui avait été ressenti autrefois comme un bienfait s'achevait, et en même temps on ressentait dans cette nostalgie d'un monde nouveau que quelque chose se levait. Tout cela vivait chez Wolfram von Eschenbach. Regardez à présent l'époque nouvelle. Représentez-vous ce sentiment ravivé à l'époque où le naufrage était consommé et vous trouverez ce qui vivait en Richard Wagner. Il avait à présent sous les yeux les suites de ce déclin de la race si nettement ressenti autrefois. Richard Wagner, dès le début de sa vie consciente, a éprouvé avec une intensité particulière ce mouvement de déclin. Pour lui, de nombreux symptômes en témoignaient, et attestaient aussi qu'un nouveau mouvement était nécessaire. Le chaos qui nous entoure aujourd'hui à plus d'un égard, la vie actuelle des couches de population les plus démunies, qui ressemble plus à un croupissement qu'à une existence digne de ce nom, la misère des masses populaires européennes privées de toute éducation, dont la vie spirituelle reste dans l'obscurité, tout cela personne ne l'a ressenti plus vivement que Richard Wagner, c'est pourquoi il est devenu, en 1848, révolutionnaire. Il ne faut pas nous représenter Richard Wagner comme un révolutionnaire ordinaire : nous devons comprendre qu'une pensée oppressait son âme : nous sommes responsables d'agir – ou bien dans le sens du déclin, de la descente vers l'abîme que nous pouvons accélérer – ou dans celui de la remontée. La révolution de 1848 n'a été pour lui qu'une manifestation extérieure.
Si nous saisissons les choses sous ce jour, nous comprendrons comment Richard Wagner est parvenu à ses idées sur les races telles qu'il les exprime dans son livre Religion et Art. Il dit en substance : En Asie nous trouvons dans le peuple indien un peu de la force originelle de la race aryenne. Ce peuple est animé par la force supérieure de la vie spirituelle, mais seulement dans son élite : les brahmanes. Les castes inférieures sont exclues de cet enseignement, mais celle des Brahmanes a atteint un stade spirituel élevé qui est une expression de la culture originelle. Si nous tournons alors nos regards vers le Nord, se dit Richard Wagner, nous avons là une race naïve qui a traversé elle-même quatre phases d'évolution, un peuple qui aime la chasse ; comme tel il faut imaginer de lui qu'il éprouvait de la joie à tuer ses ennemis. La joie de tuer le vivant est pour Wagner un symptôme de décadence. C'est une vérité occulte profonde : la vie et la mort sont liées de façon étonnante à la marche de l'être humain vers une sphère plus haute, plus pure, spirituelle. Toutes les tortures, les destructions de la vie que l'homme perpétue provoquent le retrait de forces spirituelles. C'est pourquoi celui qui s'est engagé sur le "sentier noir" doit précisément anéantir la vie. Le roman Flita de Mabel Collins illustre ce fait. C'est l'histoire d'une magicienne noire qui détruit des vies parce qu'elle en a besoin pour nourrir ses abominables forces. Il y a un rapport profond entre la vie, la mort et l'évolution de l'homme. C'est une leçon que les peuples ont dû apprendre jusque dans leur chair. C'était quelque chose de différent quand, à un certain moment de l'évolution, on tuait de façon naïve ; à cette époque-là les chasseurs, lorsqu'ils tuaient, faisaient l'expérience de la force qui les habitait : c'était le cas des anciens peuples chasseurs germaniques.
Mais avec la venue du christianisme les choses changèrent. L'enseignement chrétien interdit de tuer, le meurtre est un péché. Nous devons chercher ici l'origine de la réflexion qui conduisit Wagner à un végétarisme strict. Pour lui l'absorption de viande est un signe de décadence d'une race, et il désigne l'unique possibilité de remontée par le passage à une alimentation humaine où il n'est plus besoin de tuer.
Ce sentiment de la nécessité d'une nouvelle impulsion inspira les exposés de Wagner relatifs à l'influence du judaïsme sur la civilisation actuelle. Wagner n'était pas antisémite dans le sens aberrant, haineux, qui a cours à l'époque actuelle, mais il sentait que le rôle du judaïsme était achevé, que les influences sémitiques sur notre culture devaient s'effacer et que quelque chose de nouveau devait venir les remplacer ; d'où l'exhortation qu'il lança pour impulser un renouveau. Cela est lié à sa façon de concevoir notre race actuelle. Il se disait : nous devons faire une différence entre l'évolution d'une race et l'évolution de l'âme. Et en effet, il faut faire cette différence si l'on veut comprendre l'évolution.
Nous avons tous été incarnés autrefois dans la race atlantéenne ; mais tandis que les âmes ont poursuivi leur développement et se sont élevées, la race, elle, est entrée en décadence. À toute ascension se rattache un déclin. Pour tout être qui s'ennoblit il y a un être qui sombre. Il y a une différence entre l'âme dans le corps d'une race et le corps de la race lui-même. Plus l'être humain est semblable à la race, plus il aime ce qui est temporel, éphémère, ce qui est lié aux caractères de la race, et plus il est imbriqué dans le déclin de sa race. Plus il se libère des particularités de la race, plus il s'élève au-dessus d'elles, plus l'âme a la possibilité de se réincarner à un niveau supérieur. Un esprit comme Wagner qui distingue entre évolution de l'âme et évolution de la race ne peut absolument pas être "antisémite". Il sait que ce ne sont pas les âmes qui sont au terme de leur développement, mais les races qui ont rempli leur mission au cours de la grande évolution universelle. C'est ce que Wagner répète constamment dans ses écrits quand il parle de "sémitisme". Wagner ressent le déclin des races et la nécessité de l'ascension des âmes. Des âmes médiévales comme Wolfram von Eschenbach ou Hartmann von Aue ressentaient également cette nécessité. (...) Kundry, la séductrice. Kundry cet être féminin qui tire le moi de l'être humain vers le bas, dans la sphère de la sexualité, doit être vaincue. Kundry incarne touts ces créatures féminines qui tirent l'être humain vers le bas. Kundry fut aussi Hérodiade, celle qui a exigé la tête de Jean. Kundry, comme Ahasvérus [le Juif Errant], est un être qui ne peut trouver le repos, qui cherche partout sa délivrance dans l'amour sensible. » (R. Steiner, le 19 mai 1905 à Berlin, GA 92).
Le Chinois est, en quelque sorte, le "Juif errant" des temps passés; il s'est sclérosé et a cessé d'évoluer. L'Anglo et spécialement l'Américain seront les "Juifs errants" des temps à venir. Ils apportent déjà la mort de la culture partout où s'étend leur influence à travers le monde. C'est pourquoi ils haïssent et combattent tous deux si férocement l'Austro-Allemand et le Slave, l'Europe du Centre et l'Europe de l'Est, qui sont responsables respectivement du développement de l'humanité présente et à venir. Les guerres mondiales, de même que la guerre froide qui semble se raviver, reflètent le combat qui s'exerce sur les plans spirituels entre l'âme russe et l'âme occidentale, un combat qui continuera jusque très loin dans l'avenir.
Voilà la cause profonde de la catastrophe deux guerres mondiales (qu'on appelait "l'holocauste" avant que certains ne décident de récupérer le terme à leur compte). Guerres mondiales qui ne constituent en réalité qu'une seule et même guerre contre l'être allemand et, à plus long terme, contre le futur de la Russie et de l'Europe de l'Est, dont dépend l'avenir de toute l'humanité. L'idée-maîtresse est que l'être allemand doit être mis hors circuit et éliminé, et que l'Occident doit s'unir directement à l'Europe de l'Est et à la Russie, en passant en quelque sorte par-dessus l'Allemagne et l'Europe du centre. L'époque actuelle de la domination anglo-saxonne se maintiendrait ainsi pour toujours si l'Est de l'Europe, qui porte en lui le germe la race humaine de l'avenir, s'unissait directement à l'Occident dans un rapport qui exclut et supprime radicalement l'Europe du Centre et l'être allemand. L'évolution spirituelle de l'humanité exige que ce soit non pas les Anglais mais les Allemands qui élèvent spirituellement le jeune peuple russe, tout comme Rome a élevé les jeunes peuples germaniques.
Cecil Rhodes (caricaturé ci-dessus), qui est à l'origine de la Round Table et de l'empire Milner, était aux ordres de Rothschild. Le Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) alias Chattam House, fondé sur le modèle de la Round Table et de la Fabian Society est l'instrument par lequel les Rothschild ont véritablement pris les commandes de l'empire britannique. Le Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) n'est quant à lui que la succursale du RIIA sur le sol américain. La réunion de Bilderberg (1954) et l'OTAN (1949) ont été fondés par les puissances victorieuses de la Seconde guerre mondiale dans le même but: éradiquer la menace nationaliste et autoritaire comme celles de Staline et Hitler. Sous-entendu: l'Allemand et le Russe.
Quant au Catholicisme (à la fois sous domination jésuite et maçonnique), celui-ci est déjà moribond, ayant été marqué pour l'extermination il y a longtemps, tout comme la romanité et la culture latine, de même que la pensée de l'étatisme français qui en découle directement. Bref, pour les loges anglos, c'est toute la culture de la vieille Europe, qui a mis au monde le christianisme, l'antisémitisme, l'Inquisition et les guerres de religion, le communisme, le nazisme, tenue responsable des guerres mondiales, qui doit mourir vite pour être remplacée par la "grandeur" du monde anglo, leader de l'axe du bien libre et éclairé.
(Note: En dépit des rumeurs, Steiner a toujours nié avoir appartenu à un quelconque ordre ou société secrète. Il s'est certes relié à l'enseignement de la Théosophie sous sa forme allemande, mais n'a jamais rien professé d'autre que sa propre expérience, et cela en toute liberté. Du moins dans la mesure où ce qu'il disait était déjà du domaine public et ne risquait pas de le mettre dans la mire des loges. Steiner est mort des suites d'un empoisonnement des plus suspect.)
British have invaded nine out of ten countries Britain has invaded all but 22 countries in the world in its long and colourful history, new research has found.
Bien évidemment, l'Union européenne actuelle est imposée sur l'Europe par les forces économiques mondialistes émanant des loges anglo-suprématistes. La création des États-Unis d'Europe était prévue depuis longtemps du côté de la Grande-Bretagne, en vue d'une fusion transatlantique anglo-européenne.
Question: "What is England's mission abroad?"
Answer: "To maintain the European Concert - that germ of the United States of Europe - against isolated action; to establish a Roman peace among the dark-skinned races of Asia, Polynesia, and Africa; to unite all branches of the English-speaking race in an Anglo-Saxon Bond, and to spread Liberty, Civilization and Christianity throughout the world."("The elector's Catechism." General Election of 1880, quoted in "Europa", from W. T. Stead, The United States of Europe, Part I, ch.5, 1899)
ALSO SEE PDF - The Americanisation of the world, The Trend of the Twentieth Century, by W.T. Stead
World-Service - How Jewry turned England into a plutocratic state
Author : World-Service
Title : World-Service - How Jewry turned England into a plutocratic state An historical survey
Year : 1940
Link download : World-Service_-_How_Jewry_turned_England_into_a_plutocratic_state.zip
The Jew uses the lie as his most effective weapon to attain his goal and to conquer the world. Truth is his worst enemy. "World-Service" has taken upon itself the task of enlightening all non-Jewish peoples and of revealing to them Jewry's sinister intentions and its criminal methods. Recognition of this danger is the first step towards its elimination. "World-Service" has dedicated itself to truthfully reporting important news-items pertaining to Jews and Jewry and thereby safeguarding the liberties of all nations. Whoever is cognisant of this Jewish danger is requested to communicate with "World-Service", Frankfurt/M., P.O.B. 600. Only through co-operation it is possible to avert the threatening danger. ...
Author : Fry Leslie (De Shishmareff Paquita)
Title : The jews and the British Empire
Year : 1935
Link download : Fry_Leslie_-_The_jews_and_the_British_Empire.zip
The succession of events which have led to the almost total loss of British prestige in the sight of the world, the failure in the lamentable Ethiopian affair, Britain's recognition of Bolshevism in Russia and Spain, and mistaken policy in India, Palestine, Egypt and elsewhere, make it imperative for every Briton to enquire into the causes of the rise and fall of the British Empire. Those words " British Empire " have swelled the hearts of many Britons with patriotism, loyalty and devotion. Patriotic idealists believed that the term embodied the aspirations of a great people to spread the greatness of their acquired civilisation over the uttermost ends of the earth. To them, possessions, colonies, dominions meant the extension of that beneficent power. For the sake of implanting or defending the reverenced flag in remote places, they cheerfully and nobly shed their blood and sacrificed their Iives... And the British Empire, emerging from the small Kingdom of Great Britain, was born, developed and prospered. Eventually, the British flag waved proudly over islands and continents in all parts of the hemispheres; it crossed seas and oceans, commanded respect and even fear. ...
Michael Collins Piper writes in The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme (2009):
In our forthcoming chapter we will examine the historic role of Jewish finance and the rise of the Rothschild Empire as the primary force in guiding the fortunes of what is called the “British” Empire, but which some wags refer to as the “Yiddish” Empire.Whatever the case, the record shows that a “Rothschild” empire is what Britain truly is.
“John Bull”—symbol of Britain—is shown (correctly) on the leash of Jewish plutocrats.
The “City of London”
The Jewel of Rothschild’s Imperial Crown
1) The “OneWorld” Ideology;
2) The Pan-Slavic Ideology;
3) “Asia for the Asiatics”;
4) Pan-Germanism; and
5) Pan-American Isolationism.
Knuth’s concept of Pan-Americanism—an ideology he said was “America for the Americans”—was expressed in the famed Monroe Doctrine.This was, he pointed out correctly, the established foreign policy of the United States from 1823 to its abandonment by the adherence by the United States to the ideology of world rule by international finance. He said that the United States had indeed abandoned its own traditions to align its policy with that secret ideology of international finance, the purpose of which, ultimately, was to crush the Pan-Slavic Ideology (of Russia), of “Asia for the Asiatics” (the Japanese ideology) and, of course, Pan-Germanism.
And, in fact, in World War I we saw the United States move against Germany and in World War II we saw the war against Germany again (and this time Japan). Yet, despite the previous temporary alliance by the United States with Russia in World War II, we saw the emergence of the Cold War.
Now, in our modern day,we see a new Russia—under Vladimir Putin—which moved to break the chains of international Jewish oligarchs, now facing the enmity of that secret ideology of international finance which is firmly in control of the United States. Yet, at the same time, as Knuth pointed out, there has been this interlocking power between the British Empire—the so-called “Empire of ‘The City’” with the United States now, however, many years after Knuth wrote, being a major base of operations (at least militarily, in any case) of the secret ideology of international finance.
In fact, when Knuth was writing—even before the end of World War II—he predicted a conflict between the secret ideology of international finance and the ideology of Russia.He pointed out that this impending possible duel to the death would come as a consequence of those whom he referred to as “such subjugated peoples as [each force] could wheedle or compel to joinits forces.” Such a duel, he said, seemed inevitable in view of the deep animosities and explosive economic pressures that were already existing at the time he was writing.
Knuth pointed out that the American partners of the international money forces surrounding “The City of London” who had entered into the “new secret ideology” were renouncing and abandoning the long-standing established isolationism of “America for the Americans.”
At the same time, of course, there were those in the United States who recognized the dangers of this new ideology. The Rev. Henry Van Dyke—a well-known name in his era—said, so eloquently and so appropriately (particularly in our modern era of American ventures in “globalism”):
If Americans do not thirst for garrison duty in the tropics, they must be bought or compelled to serve. To wilfully increase our need of military force by an immense and unnecessary extension of our frontier of danger is to bind a heavy burden and lay it on the unconscious backs of future generations of toiling men.If we go in among them,we must fight when they blow the trumpet.
We should say, up front, that the term “The City of London” does not refer to the geographic city of London, the capital of England. Rather, as the better informed know, the term “The City of London” refers to a specific section of the British capital city (that is, a particular part of town) wherein the major national and international banking houses are located.
The “City” was—and today still is—an area of some 677 acres which, although part of metropolitan London, is not even under the jurisdiction of the official police department of the actual geographic city of London. Instead, it had its own private police force of some 2,000 men. Here, of course, is the headquarters of the Bank of England which, like the Federal Reserve System in the United States, is, despite its name, a privately-owned institution. In England, the Bank of England is not even subject to regulation by the British parliament (!) and has always been therefore, for all intents and purposes, a sovereign world power on its own.
Within “The City” are also located the stock exchange and other institutions of global scope—all, of course, under the domination, if not the direct control, of the Rothschild Empire. And this “City” is, in fact, the public face of the heart of the Rothschild Dynasty, if not worldwide, at least certainly inasmuch as it is the center of what we commonly referred to as “The British Empire,” for the truth is that the “British” Empire was no more than the geographic base of the International Money Power: the Rothschild Empire.
The Money Power—the “Sixth Great Power of Europe” as they once called it—was indeed the power of the Rothschild family or, as the Rothschild’s assembly of power was known: “The Fortune.”
The public face of “The Fortune” was “The City” and Knuth said that it was probably “the most arbitrary and most absolute form of government in the world.” He pointed out that so many people living under the control of the British Empire—some 80% of whom were “colored people”—were “the voiceless subjects” of the international financial oligarchy of “The City.”
And, pointedly, he noted, “The City” used the allegory of the British “Crown”—the royal family—as its symbol of power, but, in fact, the financial oligarchy had then—as it still does today—its headquarters in the ancient financial center of London: that is, “The City.”
American industrialist Andrew Carnegie (born in Scotland) once pointed out in reflecting upon the power of“The City”(with which his own operations were connected) that, as a consequence of its power, “six or seven men can plunge the nation into war” or “commit it to entangling alliances without consulting parliament at all.”
Carnegie said that this was “the most pernicious palpable effect flowing from the monarchical theory” since these power brokers carried out these policies “in the king’s name,” but, he said, although the king was still a real monarch,“in reality [he was] only a convenient puppet to be used by the cabinet to suit their own ends.”
The amazing words of Andrew Carnegie were echoed years later, in some respects, by the German information agency, World-Service, which pointed out that the “English” government hardly represented the interests of the average Englishman:
The English government is only the British facade for the Jew in the background. The English statesmen are the well-paid dummies of the Jewish-English finance-capitalism.
The British Empire is the highest capitalistic concern which exists. It is an enormous corporation, whose principal shareholders are Jews.The aim of this company is the exploitation of the people who live within the British Empire and in the states under British hegemony, and the ever-increasing accumulation of untold wealth, which only benefits, and is enjoyed by, the ruling Jewish-English plutocratic clique.
In England we therefore find on the one hand excessive riches and on the other hand dire poverty and destitution of millions of the English people. The Jewish-English capitalism, the Jewish-English plutocracy is not satisfied with merely exploiting the inhabitants of the colonies in the most shameless way; in its insatiable greed it in no way shows a sense of responsibility towards its own nation.Because the British government is only the deputy of Jewish-English finance-capital, therefore British interests are the interests of the English ruling classes to-day in England are identical; but neither of them in any way is identical with the interest of the English nation.On the contrary: their interest is directly against those of the English nation.
Great Britain, the richest country in the world, presents a picture of the greatest and most powerful poverty in the midst of enormous wealth. A state—whose government tests every matter from the standpoint of “Is it advantageous for finance, or not?”—has therefore brought a sixth of its population so low that they live in hovels unfit for human habitation.
[In] England,13 million people, that means a quarter of the total population, suffer from malnutrition. Before the outbreak of the present war England had 2 million unemployed. At present there are still one million unemployed.
Tens of thousands of people yearly migrate from the country to the towns, there to eke out a meager proletarian life or go under. Yearly thousands of acres of farmland are withdrawn from cultivation. Yearly increasing numbers of cotton mills close down and throw their workers on the streets.
All this happens because it is in the interest of finance, for the enormous profits of the Jewish-English plutocratic clique are only to a limited degree the results of the productive powers of the English worker.
The profits result principally from the sweat of the poorly paid natives of the Far East; they result from the continual stream of imported Argentine meat and foreign foodstuffs, while every English farmer must battle to save his farm from bankruptcy. While British workers from the shoe and leather factories are walking the streets of Northampton and Leicester in search of employment, millions of pairs of shoes are being imported from overseas.
While in Yorkshire and Lancaster the factories are being closed down, millions of yards of cotton goods and material are being imported from the Far East and the enormous shortage of material for export is made up by the creation of similar industries in the colonies and by the rigorous exploitation of natives in the Far East, to the detriment of the mother-industry and thereby to the detriment of the English nation, which becomes more and more improvised and is more and more thrown into unemployment.
While the farmer is faced with absolute ruin, millions of tons of foreign meat, vegetables,and fruit are thrown on the English market and all this only because the Jewish-English plutocratic clique receives bigger profits. In this way international “robber”economics is carried out at the expense of the English nation.
This is the curse of plutocracy. In this Jewish-English plutocratic swamp all manner of corruption naturally flourishes.
It was the late Cecil Rhodes who dreamed of a planet ruled by Britain, with the former American colonies reunited as an integral part of that empire: in many respects, quite parallel to the concept of a Jewish Utopia.
While Rhodes talked of Anglo-Saxon domination of the globe, he was referring to the power elite of the British Empire but we do know well now that the British Empire was hardly in the hands of the Anglo-Saxon people of England. Rather, it was held firmly in the grip of the Rothschild Empire.
And Cecil Rhodes himself was, in reality, only a very highly influential and well-paid asset and agent of the Rothschild interests.
While Rhodes is recalled today as the eminence grise of the British imperial dream, British historian Niall Ferguson’s book The House of Rothschild: The World’s Banker 1849-1999 provides the reader with the specific data that demonstrates, beyond any question, that, as Ferguson put it, the Rothschilds had “a substantial financial hold over Rhodes,” who was indubitably a creature of their making.
The late Dr. Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, in his mammoth Tragedy And Hope, and more directly, in his subsequent work, The Anglo-American Establishment, focused on Rhodes’ ties to Britain’s non-Jewish elite, but he ignored the Rothshild dynasty’s dominance over Rhodes.
Ferguson’s book delineates the Rothschild predominance in the world of Cecil Rhodes and that elite, perhaps suggesting that the use of the term “Anglo” is not strictly accurate from an ethnic sense of the word, not only because the Rothschilds were Jewish by faith and culture, but also because their influence was international in scope.
In regard to the “British” elite, it should be noted again, at this juncture, that—in fact—many of the ancient aristocratic families of Britain had increasingly begun to mix with members of the Jewish banking elite. As English writer Hillaire Belloc noted:
Marriages began to take place, wholesale, between what had once been the aristocratic territorial families of this country and the Jewish commercial fortunes. After two generations of this, with the opening of the twentieth century those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood were the exception. In nearly all of them was the strain more or less marked, in some of them so strong that though the name was still an English name and the traditions those of a purely English lineage of the long past, the physique and character had become wholly Jewish and the members of the family were taken for Jews whenever they traveled to countries where the gentry had not yet [intermarried with Jews].
But matters went much deeper than familial relationships.
Jewish—and, of course, most especially Rothschild Empire influence—was well-entrenched even in the great global corporate institutions that were synonymous with the “British” Empire, quite notably even the famed British East India Company.
American author L. B.Woolfolk, in his classic (but today little-known) work, The Great Red Dragon, published in 1890, described the fall of the East India Company into the hands of International Jewish Finance:
In 1764, the British East India Company was the grandest and richest corporation in the world.
It was the only corporation which ruled a territorial empire. It was enriched by traffic, by the extension of its trade through the conquest of the trading stations of its Continental rivals and by the wholesale plunder of India.
It had been from the first the best investment of capital to be found in the British Islands. Its stock was eagerly taken by all who had the means.
The mercantile class took as much stock as they could afford; but, as we know, merchants usually have little more capital than they need for their regular business.
The British Landed Aristocracy had large incomes from their estates; and being under a necessity of seeking the best investments, in order to portion their younger children, they made large investments in the East India Company.
But the great Capitalists of that age were the Jews. They were the money holders.
They subscribed largely to the stock;and as, in each generation, the stock of the Aristocracy was sold to portion younger children, the Jews—always economical, always full of money, and always in search of the best investments— bought the stock thrown upon the market.
Thus it came to pass that the greater part of the stock of the East India Company, and of the other companies afterwards organized out of the dividends of that great company, fell into the hands of the Jews. The Jews became the great Money Kings of the world.
In any case, as E.C. Knuth pointed out, this grand dream of what we now refer to as the NewWorld Order had one problem: its advocates failed to see that there were going to be gigantic wars of the future stemming from what he called“the opposition of powerful races who would decline to recognize a fantastic doctrine of the racial superiority of the Anglo-Saxon [people] and of its preordained destiny to rule all the races of the earth.”
In fact, this doctrine was an integral part of the “secret ideology of international finance.” But, if truth be told, this secret ideology—masked in some ways by Rhodes’s dream of Anglo-Saxon rule—was, of course, the age-old Talmudic dream of a global imperium.
In this instance, the agenda of achieving The Jewish Utopia was hiding behind the image of Anglo-Saxon England which, by the time of the 20th Century, was an integral (perhaps the central) mechanism by which the Rothschild Empire (as the royal house of the ruling Jewish elite) was working through the City of London to establish its New World Order. Of these operations, the late Vincent Cartwright Vickers—a former governor of the Bank of England and a major arms manufacturer in whose company the Rothschilds held a major share—wrote:
Financiers took upon themselves perhaps not the responsibility but certainly the power of controlling the markets of the world and therefore the numerous relationships between one nation and another involving international friendships or mistrusts.
Loans to foreign countries are organized and arranged by The City of London with no thought whatsoever of [those] nations’ welfare but solely in order to increase indebtedness upon which The City thrives and grows rich.
This national—and mainly international—dictatorship of money which plays off one country against another and which, through ownership of a large portion of the press, converts the advertisement of its own private opinion into a semblance of general public opinion, cannot for much longer be permitted to render democratic government a mere nickname.
Today we see through a glass darkly, for there is so much which “it would not be in the public interest to divulge.”
E. C. Knuth pointed out that the power of the financial oligarchy lay in what he called its “ageless and self-perpetuating nature, its long-range planning and prescience, its facility to outwait and break the patience of its opponents, those who,” as Knuth put it, “have attempted to curb this monstrosity,” that is, those populist and nationalist politicians who saw the dangers of the International Money Power.
Those critics of this powerful force, Knuth noted, had all been defeated because they had been obliged by those who supported their efforts “to show action and results in too short a span of years.”
Those real patriots who opposed the International Money Power had been “outwitted and out-waited, deluged with irritants and difficulties, eventually obliged to temporize and retreat.”
Those in the United States and Britain who dared to take on international finance, said Knuth, often came to what he called “a disgraceful end.”
Quite in contrast, those who had served well the forces of big money had profited immensely.
The Rothschild-controlled Bank of England, Knuth reminds us, was, in effect, a sovereign world power not subject to regulation or control, in the slightest degree, by the British parliament.
This institution—in the hands of the Rothschild Empire—acted, according to Knuth, as “the great balance wheel of the credit of the world, able to expand or contract credit at will,” subject only to the orders of “The City”—in short, the Rothschild dynasty.
Knuth was not the first writer to recognize the Rothschild grip on Britain. Of the special relationship which existed between the International Money Power of the Rothschild dynasty and the British Empire, Major Osman Bey, writing in 1878 in The Conquest of the World by the Jews, (cited earlier) described it as a consequence of mutual concessions:
A sort of friendly understanding has been arrived at on the basis of common interest between these two commercial powers, by virtue of which the British Empire lends its political influence and material assistance to Judaism while the latter places its financial influence at the disposal of England and supports British commerce. The English and the Jews both derive advantage from this tacit understanding, the former since it enables them to make use of the immense Jewish capital in disposing of their articles of commerce by means of Jewish middle men.
The American critic of Jewish finance, Ezra Pound, writing in Gold and Work, published in 1944, put it succinctly: “After the assassination of President Lincoln, no serious measures against the usurocracy were attempted until the formation of the Berlin-Rome Axis.”
(In the following chapter we will examine Lincoln’s conflict with the Rothschild Empire as it made its advances on American soil.)
It is thus no accident that in 1940, the German government, as part of itsWorld-Service publicity division, candidly put forth the proposition, in no uncertain terms, that it was precisely because of the Jewish domination of Britain, through the plutocratic forces of the Rothschild Empire, that the English people were hurled into war against National Socialist Germany, which, as Ezra Pound said, had attempted “serious measures” against the International Money Power.World-Service wrote:
In the plutocratic system of government in England we find the real reason for England having today declared war against National-Socialist, anti-Jewish Germany.
The English government did not declare war against Germany in the interest of the English people, nor to eventually protect British subjects from possible German acts of aggression, but she declared war solely in the interest of the Jews who control England and in the interest of Jewish-English finance-capital which was looking for the first opportunity to break lose, both of which are the acknowledged enemies of every form of national Socialism.
England cannot wage any war in the interest of the English nation, for the English government cannot be considered the representative of its own people, nor does it possess the confidence of the nation.
On the contrary, it merely fulfills the task of protecting the immense wealth, which is in the hands of the small circle: the Jewish-English ruling class; it further guarantees the small Jewish-English clique shall increase its enormous capital unhindered.
To-day the Jews, as well as the English press, wish to make us believe, that the Jewish-English alliance only came into being during the present war, and that it finds its natural cause in the Jewish persecution in Germany and that, the anti-Jewish laws of the Third Reich, forcibly drove the Jews to side with England in this war. This, as we have seen, is not true.
The Jewish-English alliance originated solely and simply through the inseparable bond between Jewish Imperialism and British Imperialism, and in the fact that Jewish finance-capital is identical with British finance-capital.
It has its origin solely and simply in the blood-ties between the Jews and the English nobility and the fact that the Jews succeeded in turning England into a plutocratic state.
The Jews did not come into the war as allies of England because Germany had persecuted them, but England declared war against Germany because the English government is the blind obedient servant of Jewish commands,exactly as England is the sworn enemy of all anti-Jewish states and, according to its plutocratic structure, of necessity must be.
The English government declared war against Germany because it is a Jew-controlled government and as such represents the Sword of Judah against anti-Judaism and against any form of National Socialism.
The English government declared war against Germany because Englishmen are not the rulers of England, but because Jewish finance-capital rules and because England is a plutocratic state.
Although there have been many books written on the topic of international finance generally over the years, there has been little public understanding or recognition of the bigger picture.
However, as E. C. Knuth noted, going through those many volumes that have touched on these subjects, there are to be found what he called “amazing nuggets of information” coming to light which, put together,“unfold the stunning history and the legal structure of a sovereign world state.” This world state, of course, is governed by “The City” of London which, Knuth said,“operates as a super government of the world and no incident occurs in any part of the world without its participation in some form.”
“The grand plan of this ‘one world’ order decrees that it is necessary,” wrote Knuth, “to limit the political and territorial expansion of Russia promptly and peremptorily.”
And that, of course, is what Knuth was writing in the closing days of WorldWar II, while the United States and Britain were still allied with Russia, but it was soon after the war that the so-called ColdWar emerged and now, in the opening years of the 21st Century a “Second ColdWar”—a “New Cold War”—is being constructed against Russia in its new incarnation as a nationalist state which has challenged the international Jewish money interests.
Today, the great colossus known as Russia—free of the grip of Communism and Capitalism, two heads of the same dragon—stands in the way of the New World Order.
Even as this is written, in 2009,we see agitation for confrontation with Russia arising in the Rothschild-connected spheres of influence in the West, particularly in the United States, with the Zionist “neo-conservatives” effectively banging the drum for war against Russia. (This author’s works, The Golem and The Judas Goats, explore this phenomenon in some detail.)
Knuth asked, sarcastically, whether it was in the public interest to expose the grand plan of what he called the “one world camarilla” (that is, a conspiratorial group) when they were so close to achieving their goal of establishing a global imperium. How many more lives would have to be sacrificed, he asked, for the creation of “the great dream . . . of a world ruled by a benevolent despotic intelligentsia and so to create ‘peace for all eternity.’”?
Knuth reflected on the control of the mass media by this internationalist power elite, raising these questions:
How has it been possible to erect this Internationalistic structure of misrepresentation and deception in our midst and to protect it from exposure for nearly [then] half a century?Why have not our professors of history, our college presidents and educators or our crusading newspapers exposed this monstrosity?
He said that there were “some evident and very practical reasons” for the fact that those responsible for informing and educating the public had not done so in regard to the International Money Power, and one of the primary reasons, was that “our newspapers are absolutely dependent for their existence on the advertising of great business interests” and, he added, a bit cynically, that “the principal function of college presidents is to collect the funds upon which the existence of their institutions depends, to be on the right terms with the right people.”
Those who have made attempts to expose the Rothschild Empire and the NewWorld Order and its Talmudic origins—or even simply portions of the big story—have met with little success for, as Knuth acknowledged, works of this type have received little recognition and “because they are considered ‘controversial’ [are] treated with the contempt of silence.”
Quite in contrast,pointed out Knuth, note the massive,multi-million dollar circulations of what Knuth described as “the highly acclaimed and widely publicized products of the proponents of Internationalism; with the complete domination of the radio [and now, today, television] by Internationalist propagandists. . . .”
So the influence of the Rothschild Empire had captured imperial Britain—long ago—infiltrating its aristocratic families and financial institutions and Rothschild influence reached worldwide.
In the meantime, across the Atlantic, the Rothschild Dynasty was already moving forward to capture control of the New World and ensure that the new United States was firmly in its grip.
In the chapters which follow we will begin our examination of the role of the Rothschild Empire in American affairs, culminating—ultimately—in the emergence of the United States in the 20th Century as the engine of Imperial Power in the hands of the Rothschild Dynasty.
The Rothschilds and America:
First a Colony, Then the Engine of Imperial Power
No one is such a fool as to let someone else have the run of his own private bank account;yet nations,individuals,industrialists, and businessmen have all been quite prepared—almost eager—to leave the control of their national currencies, and of international money, in the hands of the most stinking dregs of humanity.
The American author E. C. Knuth (writing in the closing days of World War II) recognized that the American system had now become part of the Rothschild web. Assessing the fashion in which the global money power had—during the 20th Century—been intertwined with the American system, he concluded—with dismay—that what had occurred was that the United States had become “a subject of the laws of England.”
In short, the United States had fallen into the hands of the Rothschild Dynasty—the primary force behind the “British” Empire.
And despite the fact that during the closing decades of the 19th Century—and then in the earliest years of the 20th Century—the matters of money and finance, gold and silver, the issues of debt,war and imperialism, were subjects of common discussion in American political affairs, Americans, however, remained largely ignorant of the existence of the Rothschild Empire.
While there was—as we noted in the previous chapter—some recognition of the role of the Rothschild Dynasty and their predatory practices of international finance capitalism, Knuth wrote:
To a large extent,most of theAmerican public knew little of the Rothschilds, at any given time in history. The Rothschilds were generally considered in a class of myth or legend.
However, he said, and this is certainly an understatement: “It should be quite obvious that the gigantic fortune of this family is still a very formidable factor in the affairs of the world.” And that fortune has grown since. In fact, as we shall see, as we explore further, the rise of Rothschild influence in the United States was not a 20th Century phenomenon as many tend to believe. Rather, Rothschild intrigues on American soil reached back well into the early years of the 19th Century.
The Economic History of the Jews, by Salo W. Baron, Arcadius Kahan and others (published by Schocken Books in 1975), summarized the early rise of International Jewish Finance in the United States:
It was not until the middle of the 19th Century, however, with the arrival in America of the large German Jewish immigration, that Jewish banking houses on the European model came to exist in the United States . . . .
All of these firms functioned essentially as investment bankers—the more established field of commercial banking offered relatively few opportunities to the German Jewish immigrant—a capacity in which they helped to finance large numbers of American utilities and corporations whose rapid growth throughout the latter half of the 19th Century created an insatiable demand for capital.
To raise such funds, these Jewish houses not only utilized their widespread European connections, particularly in France, England, and Germany, but created a chain of interlocking associations and directorates among themselves which enabled them quickly to mobilize sums many times larger than their individual holdings and
to compete successfully with Gentile firms several times their size.
Not only was it common for the children and relatives of a given firm to marry each other, but marital alliances frequently occurred as well among different Jewish banking families, as was the case with the Kuhns, the Loebs, the Schiffs, and the Warburgs.
Frequently, too, the children of such families married into families of large German Jewish companies in a variety of other fields and the latter would then proceed to raise capital through the banking houses which they had joined.
Socially, the result of such commercial and kinship ties was the creation of a German Jewish banking and business aristocracy based in New York City, whose descendants continued for over a century to play a dominant role in the financial, cultural, and political life of the American Jewish community, and to a lesser extent, of the nation at large.
The contribution of such Jewish banking houses to the process of capital formation in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th Century was considerable by any standard.
Students of American history are familiar—or should be—with the historic battles of President Andrew Jackson and other American nationalists with the intrigues of the financial interests who were determined to set up a “central bank” on American shores.
And although, during this time—in the first decades of the 19th Century—the Rothschilds themselves were not formally ensconced in the United States (although they were certainly, by this point, the preeminent finance force in Europe), there were American bankers and their political allies—notably Alexander Hamilton (who was perhaps,although it is not certain, of partial Jewish descent) who were effectively advancing the interests of the Rothschild Dynasty insofar as the Rothschilds sought to expand their tentacles into the financial affairs of the new republic.
While the First Bank of the United States (established in 1791) and then the subsequent Second Bank of the United States (established in 1816) were ostensibly “American” institutions, history shows that critics of the bank were frequently heard to express their concerns that “British” bankers—in particular—were meddling in American affairs through their investments in—and dealings with—these financial institutions.
So although an eminent non-Jewish American such as Nicholas Biddle—founder of one of the “Great American Families”—served as president of the Second Bank of the United States,he was, for all intents and purposes, acting as an agent of the foreign—that is,“British” (actually, that is, Rothschild)—financial interests operating behind the scenes. And it has likewise been noted by Eustace Mullins, writing in his pivotal work, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, that another Rothschild—James of Paris—was a key figure profiting from the machinations of the Second Bank of the United States. In short, the Rothschild presence in America was a very real phenomenon, even in those earliest years of our history.
In regard to the rise of Rothschild influence on American soil, we are indebted to the late Arnold Spencer Leese, a self-trained, independent-minded English historian and advocate of English nationalism—a veterinarian, a self-dubbed “camel doctor” by training (in fact, it is said, one of the best known authorities on the health of camels)—who produced one of the most forthright monographs on the intrigues of the Rothschilds. It was entitled Gentile Folly: The Rothschilds and published in 1940.
The assessment by Leese of Rothschild influence in the United States, contrary to many “standard” works, confirms that the Rothschilds were, in fact, long influential in American affairs. Leese noted that as far as our recorded history is concerned, the Rothschilds sent an agent by the name of Schoenberg to New York in 1837, but Schoenberg changed his name to August Belmont and put himself forth as a disciple of the Christian faith, although he—like the Rothschilds—was a Jew. Belmont cut his teeth in finance in the Frankfurt and Naples branches of the House of Rothschild. In that regard, American historian Stephen Birmingham, writing in his famous society chronicle,Our Crowd:The Great Jewish Families of New York:
The first thing New York society noticed about August Belmont was that he had lots of money. It was Rothschild money, to be sure, but he used it lavishly.
As a financier with the funds of the world’s largest private bank at his fingertips, he was immediately important not only to American companies but to the United States government which was always running out of cash and whose credit needed constant infusions from bankers.
When there was a great panic in 1837, Rothschild agent Belmont negotiated large loans from the Rothschilds on behalf of the U.S. debtor banks.“ In other words” according to Birmingham, “he was able, thanks to the hugeness of the Rothschild reservoir of capital, to start out in America operating his own Federal Reserve System.” (And this long before the official establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913!) (*)
(*) During this period that there was extensive emigration by Roman Catholics into the United States—particularly from Ireland—and the truth is that well-settled Jewish interests saw this as a danger. In fact, one of the leading bigots inAmerica leading the fight against immigration into the United States—particularly Irish Catholic immigration—was a prominent Jewish American, Lewis Charles Levin. Although history often tells us that the “Know Nothing” movement—the Native American Party—was “led by Protestants” and “aimed at Catholics and Jews,” the truth is that Levin—a Jew—was not only one of the party’s founders but also an editor of its national organ and one of the first Know Nothing members elected to Congress! In fact, Levin was the first Jew elected to the U.S. Congress.Yet, Jewish literature today never mentions Levin’s preeminent role in the anti-Catholic agitation of America’s early years. Born in 1808 in Charleston, South Carolina, which—as students of the Jewishcontrolled slave trade know—was the Jewish population center of the United States for many years, long before NewYork City emerged as such, Levin later moved north, as an attorney, to Philadelphia where he published and edited the Philadelphia Daily Sun. In 1844 he was elected to Congress from Pennsylvania on the American (“Know Nothing”ticket) and held that post for three terms until defeated for re-election in 1850. Levin died ten years later. The fact that Levin was one of the pioneering anti-Catholic agitators on American soil is interesting, to say the least, since history books have been careful to “edit” the record as far as Levin’s role in the Know Nothing movement is concerned. Levin’s career has been consigned to the Orwellian “Memory Hole.” Instead we always hear how both “the Protestants” and “the Catholics” have been so hostile to “the poor Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution.”
During the time that Belmont was consolidating the Rothschild Empire’s place on American soil, the Rothschilds were establishing offices throughout the American South for the purpose of wool purchases that were then shipped on to France and marketed. Likewise, the Rothschild family were buying up tobacco harvests. Rothschild-controlled ships carried enormous cargoes between the United States and France.
And, not surprisingly, Rothschild interests were deeply involved in the behind-the-scenes intrigues in finance and politics that led to the American Civil War. America’s famed poet Ezra Pound noted:
Nations are shoved into wars in order to destroy themselves, to break up their structure, to destroy their social order, to destroy their populations. And no more flaming and flagrant case appears in history than our own American CivilWar, said to be an Occidental record for size of armies employed and only surpassed by the more recent triumphs of [the Rothschild Empire:] the wars of 1914 and the present one [World War II].
Arnold Leese wrote that the Rothschilds were then in conflict with Napoleon III of France who had designs on the Americas—as did the Rothschilds. Napoleon III had dreams of expanding his power by seizing control of Mexico and portions of the southern United States and he wanted Britain to join him by compelling the North to abandon its blockade of the Southern ports. However, the Confederate States, seeking to assuage Napoleon,offered him some territory, specifically Louisiana and Texas. It was a very real possibility that the British and the French were about to intervene in the American CivilWar on behalf of the Confederacy.
However, Czar Alexander of Russia —who had consistently stood against the efforts of the Rothschilds to interfere in the affairs of the Russian Empire—sent his fleet across the Atlantic and put it at President Lincoln’s disposal in the event Rothschild intrigues were able to push the British and the French forces into the war on behalf of the Confederacy. And this is not something that the Rothschilds would forget.
Ultimately what did the Rothschilds want? Long-time Rothschild ally Benjamin Disraeli, later prime minister of England, wrote of the future of the United States after the Civil War. It would, he said, be an America “of armies, of diplomacy, of rival states and maneuvering cabinets, of frequent turbulence and probably of frequent wars.” In short, as Arnold Leese said, “The Rothschilds wished to reproduce in America the chaotic conditions in Europe whereby they ruled all states. A united America would be too powerful for them. It must be split and now was the time to do it.”
However, Napoleon of France would not work with them. What were the Rothschilds to do? Their response was to support both the North and the South and work to prevent an outright win by either side and so force apart the two regions, with the possibility that the British Empire—controlled by the Rothschilds—could annex the Northern states to Canada, a British dominion. In practice this meant helping the weak South rather than the more powerful North and that is precisely what the British did.
In spite of much English sentiment in favor of the North,which opposed slavery, the Rothschild-directed British government followed polices supporting the South. The British recognized the Confederacy and allowed Southern ships to be built, manned and serviced in British ports, although, ironically, in New York, the Rothschild agent, August Belmont, ostensibly supported the Northern cause. But this, of course,was all part of the Rothschild purpose of putting the North in full aggression against the South in order to force the divisive war that did indeed come about.
However, it should be noted that Lionel Rothschild felt the North would win and exerted his influence on financiers in England and France in support of the North. So, as Leese said, the Rothschild Empire ultimately had material interests on both sides.
The evidence is also very clear that August Belmont was closely collaborating with Judah Benjamin, the Jewish attorney general, then secretary of war and then, finally, secretary of state for the Confederacy. Belmont’s wife, a Gentile, was the niece of John Slidell, one of Benjamin’s law partners. Slidell’s own daughter married Baron Frederick Emil d’Erlanger, head of a major Jewish banking firm in Paris, whose father, Baron Rafael d’Erlanger of Frankfurt, had been a confidential representative of the Rothschilds!
Meanwhile, President Abraham Lincoln had his own intentions vis-a-vis the International Money Power and sought to introduce state loans to free the American people from the Rothschild Empire. It was, of course, no surprise that Belmont had strongly opposed Lincoln’s nomination and election as president in 1860. Lincoln circumvented the Rothschild’s intrigues during the Civil War by financing the war on state credit, thereby working to avoid dependence upon the Jewish banking houses under the thumb of the Rothschild Empire.
It is thus no coincidence that when John Wilkes Booth’s conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln was taking place that there was also an attempt on the life of Secretary of State William Seward who, in fact, had extended the invitation to the Czar of Russia, Alexander II, to send his fleet to come to the United States in an effort to stop the Rothschild’s effort to partition the United States. In 1881 the Czar himself was assassinated.
In 2004 author Charles Higham (who is otherwise a fervent promoter of Jewish concerns) published his book, Murdering Mr. Lincoln,which actually outlines in some detail the role of the Rothschild interests (and those of allied secret societies in the Rothschild sphere of influence) in the assassination of President Lincoln—a point that almost officially, it seems, goes unmentioned by the vast number of “mainstream” writers who have devoted millions of words to the murder of the 16th president.
(And, considering the fact that President James Garfield, who came to office in 1881, was likewise assassinated, it is probably no coincidence that Garfield was an outspoken critic of the International Money Power and its American assets seeking to control American credit.)
In those years following the Civil War, Belmont and other Rothschild agents supplied the United States with 3.2 million ounces of gold in exchange for bonds carrying four percent interest and at a price far below the then-current market price of such securities. However, this proved unpopular within the United States for the reason that the relief to the nation’s finances was of only ten months duration and the nation’s economy became far worse. But the United States floated a loan selling its bonds to the American public and brought relief to the citizenry.
Belmont himself became the boss of the famed Tammany Society—popularly known as Tammany Hall—which ran the political machine in the city of New York which emerged, of course, as the seat of Rothschild finance in America. Arnold Leese described Tammany Hall as “a sort of Gentile front for the Jewish Kehillah”—that is, the Jewish secret government.
Although Belmont died in 1890, his sons Perry and August carried on for the interests of the Rothschild Empire. August’s son, Morgan, and then Morgan’s son, John Mason, carried on for the Rothschilds until his death.
August Belmont was aligned with J. P. Morgan who, according to author Stephen Birmingham, joined with the Rothschilds in “an axis of financial power,” that even the great Seligman banking house had difficulty contending with. Ultimately, though, the Seligmans joined with the Rothschilds in what was described by Birmingham as “the most powerful combination in the history of banking . . . The Seligman-Belmont-Morgan-Rothschild alliance was so successful that [within a decade] there were complaints on Wall Street that ‘London [and] Germany-based bankers’ had a monopoly on the sale of United States bonds in Europe—which they virtually did.”
The Seligman family, it will be recalled,were at the center of the first and still famous scandal surrounding “anti-Semitism in America” involving a family member having been barred from the Grand Union Hotel due to his Jewish background. However, interestingly, according to Birmingham, rather than extinguishing anti-Semitism, the incident actually kindled it.
The Seligmans were once said to be the richest Jewish family in America and for good reason they were thus known as “The American Rothschilds.” However, there were other great Jewish banking families emerging during this period—all satellites of the Rothschild Dynasty.
According to Stephen Birmingham, writing in Our Crowd: The Great Jewish Families of NewYork: “If Joseph Seligman had virtually invented international banking in America, it was Jacob Schiff who took the invention, refined it, and made it an art . . .” In his heyday, Schiff “would tower above every financial figure in Wall Street.”
Schiff—who in 1875 married a daughter of one of the founders of the Kuhn-Loeb banking house—soon assumed control of the powerful empire. Schiff’s marriage made him part of an elite that was not only economically intertwined, but maritally intertwined as well. As one wag commented, referring to the Warburg banking family—another of the “Our Crowd” group of Jewish banking families: “The Warburgs weren’t anybody until they married into the Schiffs, and Schiff wasn’t anybody until he married into the Loebs.”
Today, this combine includes the family of former Vice President Al Gore whose daughter, Karenna,married Drew Schiff, a scion of the Schiff family. So although, at the 2000 Democratic National Convention which nominated him for president, Gore declared, “I’m my own man,” the fact of his relationship with the Schiff clan—and thus to the Rothschild Empire—suggests otherwise.
By 1881,noted Birmingham, “American finance had entered the great Age of Schiff.” However, the Schiff family, on its own, had far-reaching connections into previous generations linking them with the Rothschilds. According to Birmingham:
In the 18th Century, the Schiffs and Rothschilds shared a double house . . . until one of the Schiffs, already prosperous enough to move to London, sold the balance of the house to the first rich Rothschild. If pressed, Schiffs usually admitted that, though not so collectively wealthy as the Rothschilds, theirs was the more august family.The Rothschilds were known only as big money bankers.
The Schiff family tree contained not only successful bankers but distinguished scholars and members of the rabbinate. There was, for instance, the seventeenth-century Meir ben Jacob Schiff, composer of notable commentaries on the Talmud, and David Tevele Schiff,who in the late 18th century became chief rabbi of the Great Synagogue of England.
The Schiffs can also demonstrate that they are a much older family than the upstart Rothschilds. The Schiff pedigree, carefully worked out in the Jewish Encyclopedia, shows the longest continuous record of any Jewish family in exi s tence, with Schiffs in Frankfurt going back to the fourteenth century.
Jacob Schiff actually traced his ancestry even further back than that—to the 10th Century BC no less—and to none other than . . . King Solomon and, thence, to David and Bathsheba, where he chose to stop tracing. Jacob Schiff took his descent from the King of Israel seriously. . . .
American industrialist Henry Ford, for his part, noted that Schiff—in his early years—had actually passed his apprenticeship in the office of his father who was an agent of the Rothschilds. As Ford noted, Schiff became “one of the principal channels through which German-Jewish capital flowed into American undertakings, and his agency in these matters gave him a place in many important departments of American business, especially railroads, banks, insurance companies, and telegraph companies.”
Writing in Truth magazine on Dec. 16, 1912, George R. Conroy revealed that the Rothschild-Schiff connection extended into the 20th century:
Mr. Schiff is head of the great private banking house of Kuhn, Loeb And Co., which represents the Rothschild interests on this side of the Atlantic. He has been described as a financial strategist and has been for years the financial minister of the great impersonal power known as Standard Oil [which, of course, was publicly identified with the Rockefeller family].He was hand-in-glove with the Harrimans, the Goulds and the Rockefellers in all their railroad enterprises and has become the dominant power in the railroad and financial world of America.
Actually, in 1912, there was a Senate committee, known as the Pujo Committee, after its chairman, which investigated the monetary trusts of the time. The committee disclosed that Kuhn, Loeb—despite its alliance with J. P. Morgan—had been primarily allied with the Rockefeller-controlled National City Bank.However, Jacob Schiff had still likewise long been a director of this Rockefeller entity, and that therefore Schiff was involved in bothmajor financial blocs operating on American soil which were thus not so “independent” as the public might otherwise have thought. There were indeed “Jewish” interests involved in both influences.
According to Stephen Birmingham, the Pujo Committee discovered Jacob Schiff was steering both of the major financial interests: “The Morgan-Baker-First National Bank group and the Rockefeller-Stillman-National City Bank group formed the inner circle.The powers were steel and oil,each with its massive bank. Contrary to what everyone had supposed, there was no ‘rivalry’ revealed between these [factions]. Kuhn, Loeb, the committee decided, somewhat vaguely, was ‘qualifiedly allied only with the inner group.’ While some people wondered what [that] meant, others, particularly some members of the press took it to mean that Jacob Schiff had an inside track to both of the leading powers of Wall Street [and] even [Schiff] admitted that he did.”
So the old legend, among many American “patriot” writers that there was a “struggle” between the Rockefellers and the Jewish banking elite, falls flat. The Rockefellers, for all intents and purposes, were hardly more than well-paid henchmen, satellites, of the Rothschild Empire!
As far as the Rockefeller family is concerned, it should be noted that there is no solid information in the public arena indicating that they are of Jewish extraction, although there has been much speculation for over a century. Contrary to widespread perception, the often-touted “proof” that “the Rockefellers are Jewish” is not proof at all.
The rumor about the Rockefellers being Jewish largely stems from the fact that the aforementioned Stephen Birmingham—in his 1971 Harper And Row book, The Grandees, a profile of the history of America’s Sephardic Jewish elite (descended from Spanish and Portugese Jewish families)—mentioned that the name “Rockefeller” can be found in a rare 1960 genealogical study, Americans of Jewish Descent by Malcolm H. Stern.
While some jumped on that information and began circulating the story that this was “proof” that “the Rockefellers are Jewish,” a careful reading of the entire book demonstrates that—as far as is documented in that book—the Rockefellers who do have Jewish blood stem from the line of Godfrey Rockefeller who married one Helen Gratz, who was Jewish. Their childrenb and heirs were raised in the Episcopal Church and have had little—if anything—to do with Jewish or Israeli affairs.
Godfrey Rockefeller, in fact,was from a separate line of the Rockefeller family, descended from one of the brothers of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., and was a second cousin to the famed Rockefeller brothers—Nelson, David, Laurence, and John D. III. Thus, the famous story about the Rockefellers being Jewish—at least this one so often cited—is based on a misreading of what actually appeared in Birmingham’s much-cited book.
It is no great pleasure to sink the popular myth that “the Rockefellers are Jewish” that has been circulated by many well-meaning people, but the facts about the origin of this rumor speak for themselves. This, of course, is not to suggest that there is not any Jewish blood in the veins of the Rockefeller family (going back generations), but any charges to that effect should be based on facts, not misinterpretation of a passing reference in a book.
Yet, in spite of these facts—which can be found by referring to Birmingham’s book, from which the most recent version of the rumor that “The Rockefellers Are Jewish” emerged—few people actually check out the book themselves and prefer, instead, to pass on the legend.
But there have been many eminent American families who are not Jewish (so far as is known) who have become intertwined with the New Pharisees of the Rothschild Empire on American shores.
Considering, as mentioned earlier, that former Vice President Al Gore’s own family had long close ties to Armand Hammer, the American Jewish industrialist known for his dealings with the Bolshevik elite—and who was the son of a founding father of the Communist Party USA—it is fitting that Gore’s in-laws, the Schiff family (and their associates, the Rothschilds), played a major part in financing the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917. Initially, according to Prof. Albert S. Lindemann,writing in Esau’s Tears:
A most tenacious enemy of Czarist Russia was Jacob H.Schiff [who] played a crucial role not only in denying the Russians the bonds they sought in the international market to finance the [Russo-Japanese war] but also even more decisively in providing financial support for Japan, which then so humiliatingly defeated Russia . . . Schiff delighted in the way that he and other Jews had been able to contribute to the humbling of the great Russian Empire. He boasted that after its humiliation in the Russo-Japanese war, Russia had come to understand that “international Jewry is a power after all.”
Later—in concert with the Rothschilds and other Jewish banking interests—Schiff personally bankrolled the Bolshevik takeover of Christian Russia and the murder of millions of Christians, funding Leon Trotsky and the other butchers who seized power and established themselves in the Kremlin.
The full story of the Schiff role in this tragedy that helped set the stage for World War II, Korea,Vietnam and all the other crises that arose from the so-called “Cold War” is known only to a handful, but it is part of the legend of the Rothschild Empire and its role in manipulating global affairs. In the end, although the Schiff Dynasty has been a major force on its own, the fact is that they have been part of the Rothschild Empire.
At this juncture—having considered the role of the Rothschild Empire’s intrigue in America—it is vital to recognize the Rothschild role in the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in the United States.
While there has been much written on the Federal Reserve and the reality of what it constitutes—a privately-owned and privately-controlled money monopoly in the hands of banking institutions—the fact that the Rothschild family was, ultimately, the primary force behind the establishment of the system on American soil, is not something that is fully understood.
For example, because there were no people named “Rothschild” at the famous meeting off the coast of Georgia at Jekyll Island where the framework for the Federal Reserve was established, there are those who would divorce the Rothschild family altogether from the circumstances. However, the fine hand of Rothschild was indeed on the scene, represented by Paul Warburg of the Kuhn, Loeb Company which, as we’ve noted,was under the control of longtime Rothschild associate Jacob Schiff.
Scion of another great German Jewish banking family, Warburg was the principal architect of the Federal Reserve System, brought into being in 1913, which consolidated control over the American monetary system by the Rothschild Empire and International Jewish Finance.
Henry Ford’s discussion of what he called “the Jewish Idea of a Central Bank for America” addressed the Federal Reserve. Ford wrote:
What the people of the United States do not understand and never have understood is that while the Federal Reserve Act was governmental, the whole Federal Reserve System is private. It is an officially-created private banking system.
Examine the first 1000 people you meet on the street, and 999 of them will tell you that the Federal Reserve System is a device whereby the United States government went into the banking business for the benefit of the people. They have an idea that like the Post Office and the Custom House the Federal Reserve is part of the government’s official machinery. . . .
Take up the standard encyclopedias and while you will find no misstatements of fact in them, you will find no statement that the Federal Reserve System is a private banking system; the impression carried away by the lay reader is that it is a part of the Government.
The Federal Reserve System is a system of private banks, the creation of a banking aristocracy within an already existing system of aristocracy, whereby a great proportion of banking independence was lost,and whereby it was made possible for speculative financiers to centralize great sums of money for their own purposes, beneficial [to the people of the United States] or not.
Discussing the matter of the Federal Reserve’s interlocking ties with what Ford referred to as “the Economic Plans of International Jews,” Ford asserted, quite correctly: “The strength of Jewish Money is in its internationalism.
It stretches a chain of banks and centers of financial control across the world and plays them on the side of the game that favors Judah.”
Ford said that single Jewish banking houses in any given country would be no menace.As mere bankers in their own countries they would not, Ford said, occasion alarm. Ford noted that in conventional commercial banking, the Jews had not predominated and that traditional deposit banks were hardly a part of the Jewish financial network.
“The Rothschilds,”said Ford,“were never bankers in a proper sense; they were money lenders to nations whose representatives they had corrupted to seek the loans. They did business precisely on the plain of the money lender on the side street who seduces the rich man’s son to borrow a large sum, knowing that the father will pay. That is scarcely banking. Brains of that sort may ‘get’ money but will not ‘make’ money.”
Thus, said Ford, it was necessary to look at the international scope of Jewish banking power. This system, he said, did not require that a Jewish banking house be the most important financial power in any particular country. It was not the wealth and importance of any single such banking house, but, instead, he said, the wealth and importance of the world chain of the various Jewish banking houses that gave the strength to the International Money Power.
For example, Ford cited the aforementioned Paul Warburg of the Kuhn, Loeb And Company who was a prime mover behind the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in the United States. Warburg’s enterprise was far from being the most powerful bank in the United States, but because of its international connections—which were, as Ford said, “all Jewish”—it took on a new aspect in terms of its impact on American life.
The record shows that it was indeed the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 that set in place the framework for further expansion of Rothschild control over American finance and industry.
Americans, of course, had little understanding of all of this. American author E. C.Knuth noted that in 1945 in his work, The Empire of “The City” that Senator Edward Hall Moore of Oklahoma had made public the fact that “the British government” owned vast holdings in 80 of the largest American industrial corporations, including General Motors and Standard Oil of Indiana. That Standard should be among them might come as a surprise to those naive Americans who have long believed that the Rockefeller family, which appeared to dominate Standard Oil,were somehow a“royal” family in American terms, when, in fact, the Rothschild influence extended even here into the ranks of such a famous “American” corporation.
In fact, the Rockefeller empire, in more respects than many ever realized, has always effectively been a subsidiary of the Rothschild Empire, wealthy and powerful on its own to be sure, but a Rothschild subsidiary nonetheless. And as we shall see later in these pages, many institutions traditionally perceived to be in the “Rockefeller” sphere of influence are now, today, falling firmly into the hands of agents of the Rothschild Empire.
Knuth put it correctly: “The American public was blindly led to the slaughter then like so many sheep being driven up the ramp at the abattoir, with endless years of ruin and fear to follow for the millions.” He referred to the fact that “the smart money of Europe” had, in fact, ruthlessly engineered the Great Crash of the stock market in 1929 and through that process had gained absolute power over the American economy.
But the American people did have some nationalist leaders who stood up in opposition. For example, James J. Hill, the great American railroad builder, warned of increasing national debt, of the dangers of the nation falling into the hands of the usurers:
I need not remind you that public credit, though vast, is not inexhaustable. . . . Of all of resources, this one should be guarded with most jealous care; first, because we can never know in advance where exhaustion begins.
The earth and its products tell us plainly about what we may expect of them in the future, but credit is apparently unlimited at one moment and in collapse at the next.
The only safe rule is to place no burdens upon it that may be avoided; to save it for days of dire need.
Hill issued a warning to his fellow Americans: “Search history and see what has been the fate of every nation that has abused its credit. . . It will profit us nothing to conserve what we have remaining of the great national resources that were the dower of this continent unless we preserve the national credit as more precious than them all. When it shall be exhausted, the heart of the nation will cease to beat.”
During the years preceding World War II—and in the early days of the war that followed—there were others who did speak out.However, most of those nationalist leaders were ultimately forced out of office or otherwise silenced. As Knuth put it: “the lot of the transgressor against the plans of the ‘one-worlders’ [had] been a hard and unhappy one since then.”
With the new international system that was imposed after WorldWar II through theWorld Bank and the International Monetary Fund—all projects of the International Money Power of the Rothschild Empire—Knuth said, the United States had been “tricked into a position of boundless peril and foreign nations [would] continue to take advantage of its fallacious position by shameless and insolent demands for huge subsidies in the guise of loans, actually little more than blackmail of American power politicians certain to lose their voice in world politics [as did] Woodrow Wilson after WorldWar I unless they continue to give.”
Of course, in his writings, Knuth pointed out that the American system, ostensibly independent as a consequence of the American Revolution, was, in fact, dominated from afar since so many American fortunes were intertwined with those of the Rothschilds and their confreres in the International Money Power swirling around “The City” of London. Knuth said:
Men of millions [in the United States] sway the destiny and the life or death of their fellow citizens with an organization which is subversive to the spirit and the letter of the Constitution of the United States, an organization of which not one in one thousand of their fellow citizens has ever heard.
The purpose of these men is completely interwoven with the dependence of their own invariably great fortunes on the operations of “The City,” citadel of international finance. Not only do these men collectively exert a planned influence of immense weight in utter secrecy, but they operate with the support of the immense funds provided by Cecil Rhodes and Andrew Carnegie.
And as we have noted, Rhodes was an instrument of the Rothschild Empire from his very entree into the world of global finance and industry. And the same can be said for Carnegie, titanic figure though he was.
The “organization” to which Knuth specifically referred, in this particular instance, was the so-called Pilgrim Society which promoted British-American fellowship. The Pilgrim Society was founded in London in 1902 four months after the death of Cecil Rhodes and, of course, as noted, the Rhodes concept was to return the United States to the direct and open control of the British Empire. And there were many Americans of wealth and influence who were active in this organization.
The New York-based Council on Foreign Relations (which interlocked closely with the Pilgrim Society) was, as we’ve pointed out before, nothing more than an American off-shoot, a junior cousin, so to speak, of the Londonbased Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), itself the foreign policy arm of the Rothschild Empire which used the RIIA as its base of operations for directing the official foreign ventures of the “British” Empire. And the RIIA was based in “The City” of London.
Pointing out that “British” [read Jewish, read Rothschild] capital had played a major part in instigating the Great Crash of 1929 and noting that the extended inflation that brought on the crash could have been controlled and halted at any point in its rise by what Knuth referred to as that “great balance wheel of the world’s credit” dominated by the Rothschilds, Knuth described the consequences:
That the immense crash and loss of American securities served not only to damage and cripple Britain’s then-greatest competitor but also to discipline a recalcitrant and unfriendly administration seems beyond question. That billions of dollars in foreign gold was moved out of the United States in the election year of 1932 to bring further discredit to the Hoover administration and thus to influence that election is also beyond question.
Likewise that a similar massive amount in foreign gold, totaling $1,139,672,000,was moved into the United States in 1935 in order to influence [the forthcoming 1936] election and recreate “confidence” and to prepare the American investor for a further milking in 1937 also seemed beyond question.
In summary, the fact that the House of Rothschild made its money in the great crashes of history and the great wars of history, the very periods when others lost their money, IS beyond question.
In sum, as one of the Rothschild henchmen, Viscount Reginald Esher said, “The Rothschilds’ position, vis-a-vis the world’s affairs, the affairs of countries worldwide, is indispensible to them all, not responsible to any.”
Looking at all of this from an American perspective, examining the way in which the International Money Power affected the course of world affairs, Knuth said of the Americans:
Many people realize that this mystifying situation, in which an alleged democratic and self-governing nation, is actually controlled against the will of its people in its foreign affairs is a clear indication that there must be a very powerful and well-financed secret organization which plans and directs American foreign affairs, and, for lack of a more specific identification, this suspected secret organization is popularly referred to as “the International Financiers.”
But, of course, as Knuth made it abundantly clear, these “International Financiers” were, in fact, the members of the Rothschild family and their carefully-placed agents throughout Europe and elsewhere and, indeed, on American soil.And as Rothschild influence rose across the planet,there were growing numbers of patriots who recognized the dangers that their nations faced in the hands of these predatory plutocratic vultures.
Georgetown University’s Professor Carroll Quigley wrote in Tragedy and Hope of what he considered the desirability of the international financial interests to dominate American political life. He said candidly:
The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two [parties in Congress] more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps,of the right, and the other of the left, is a foolish idea except only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.
Quigley said that the policies of the international elite that he considered“ vital and necessary for America”were no longer a subject of significant disagreement, but that they were “disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method.” He wrote glowingly of internationalist policies and says that “these things any national American party hoping to win a presidential election must accept.”
However, he added, “either party in office becomes, in time, corrupt, tired, un-enterprising, and vigorless.Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary,by the other party, which will be none of these things but which will still pursue with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”
Clearly, with the rise of the Rothschild Empire as a major power in American affairs, elected officials in the United States soon became largely nothing more than tools of these predatory interests. Democrats and Republicans alike fell into place, advocating policies that advanced the agenda of the global elite—pushing further the goal of a NewWorld Order.
The advent of the rise of Adolf Hitler in Europe, challenging the Rothschilds and International Jewish Finance, set the stage for what became World War II, and in the United States there emerged Franklin Delano Roosevelt who worked relentlessly to bring the United States into war against Germany. Suffice it to say,FDR’s role in that tragedy has been the subject of numerous formidable works by such eminent revisionist historians as Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles Beard, Charles Callan Tansill and others.
No honest student of that era can help but conclude that World War II was a war America need not and should not have fought.And that it was a war that did not bring “good” to the planet or to America. Instead, it laid the groundwork for future wars and set in place a post-war framework upon which the drive for a New World Order was advanced to a greater degree than ever before.
As far as the Roosevelt family is concerned, there has been widely published information suggesting that the Roosevelt family did have Jewish forebears, that the original family name was “Rossocampo,” a name borne by Sephardic Jews who were among those expelled from Spain in 1620. The name, it is said, was ultimately changed as various family branches settled elsewhere in Europe. But there is no firm evidence proving this oft-cited story to be absolute fact.
We do know that descendants of the Dutch-based members of the family — evidently named Rosenvelt — emigrated to the United States and ultimately the name evolved into the name“Roosevelt”that we know today. And there are those who say that the Rosenvelts were originally Jewish, whether of Sephardic origin of not.
In the meantime,we do know that within several generations, there was intermarriage by the Roosevelts with others who were most definitely not Jewish and by the time Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt—cousins later to become husband and wife—were wealthy young members of the American elite they were not known to be engaged in Jewish religious practices.
During the Roosevelt era, a Roosevelt family genealogical chart, which was circulated both in Europe and the United States, charged that another Jewish family strain—namely that of the “Samuels” line—was introduced into the ensuing Roosevelt bloodline.
However exciting this information may have been at the time to FDR’s critics, the provenance of this information is murky at best. However much many may have wanted to believe it, the name “Samuels” is often a Jewish name, but we do not know for a fact that they were Jewish.
Yet, for perhaps a more immediate source of data in regard to possible Jewish heritage in the Roosevelt family — according to a Jewish source — we may turn to the February 5, 1982 issue of The London Jewish Chronicle which featured an article entitled “FDR ‘had Jewish great-grandmother.’” The article, by Leon Hadar, read as follows:
The late American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had a Jewish great-grandmother, it was stated last week by Mr. Philip Slomovitz, the editor of The Detroit Jewish News, who released a letter sent to him 45 years ago by the late Rabbi Dr. Steven Wise, a former chairman of the World Jewish Congress.
In his letter, RabbiWise described a luncheon his wife had with Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, the late president’s wife (and a distant cousin of his) who said: “Often cousin Alice and I say that the brains in the Roosevelt family come from our Jewish great-grandmother,” whose name was Esther Levy.
The letter added that Mrs. Roosevelt had told [Mrs.Wise] that “whenever mention is made of our Jewish great-grandmother by cousin Alice or myself, Franklin’s mother gets very angry and says, “You know that is not so. Why do you say it?” According to Rabbi Wise, Mrs. Roosevelt also told his wife,“You must make no use of this. I think it is best to let the matter lie down now.”
In a separate letter to Mr. Slomovitz, Franklin Roosevelt, the hundredth anniversary of whose birth is being celebrated this year, wrote that his ancestors “may have been Jews, Catholics or Protestants.”Rabbi Wise, who was very close to President Roosevelt, marked his letter to Mr. Slomovitz “strictly private and confidential.”
Ironically, it should be pointed out that both Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were known to make private anti-Jewish utterances even though they were perhaps of Jewish extraction. Despite this, both became icons in the Jewish world view. However, this phenomenon has seemed to fade during the last years of the 20th century and the opening years of the 21st as aggressive Jewish writers are now contending that FDR — despite his bloody worldwide war against Hitler — “didn’t do enough to stop the Holocaust.”
In any case, it should be noted for the record that this author does recall reading, many years ago, in American Heritage magazine that a researcher had found information demonstrating that FDR’s maternal forebears in the Delano family were of Jewish origin, an interesting detail considering that FDR’s mother herself was known to make anti-Jewish remarks.
So whether FDR was Jewish (or part Jewish) is largely irrelevant in the bigger picture.The fact remains that many,many American non-Jewish politicians were—or now are—advocates for the Jewish agenda, furthering the push for a NewWorld Order, the Jewish Utopia.
The bottom line is this: During the 20th Century the United States of America emerged as the foremost mechanism of control in the hands of the Rothschild Empire. American blood and treasure became the means whereby which the NewWorld Order moved fastforward.
Jewish control of the mass media—and virtually all forms of education and communication—expanded exponentially and this brought further political control of American affairs into the hands of the Rothschilds and the modern-day Jewish dynasties operating in their sphere of influence.
In the chapters that follow,we will examine the nature of Jewish power in America, reviewing its parameters, and unveiling the names and the intrigues of the New Pharisees who are advancing the Rothschild agenda: the establishment of a global Jewish Imperium.
Top Ten Conspiracy Misquotes #4: ALBERT PIKE AND THE THREE WORLD WARS
Debunking Albert Pike's WWIII vision(...)Only a vision by Pike could seem to explain how he could predict the name and horrors of Nazism and Communism or Zionism illuminati 50 years before its existence if the letter was indeed written in 1871. But when Conspiracy Archive went to find the alleged Pike letter to Mazzini, text versions of which have been circulating the internet for years, they found it never really existed. It was a story totally fabricated after the first two world wars by a guy name William Guy Carr based on writings of anti-Catholic writer Leo Taxil. It is Carr who makes the grand leap to “3 World Wars” and attributes it to Pike in a letter claimed to be in the archives of the British Museum (to give the air of authenticity). The letter, if it ever existed, was a modern fraud. The entire analysis, for those interested, is found in the following link:http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Articles/Pike-Mazzini_Three-World-Wars.htm
Conspiracy Archive’s analysis concludes with:
Exactly what William Guy Carr was trying to pull, I’ll never know. If you’ve bared it [the length of the above link] until the end, perhaps you’re disappointed to have found nothing about a prediction of three world wars, Communism, Nazism and Zionist Illuminati – or anything of the sort. A search through the entire book, utilizing relevant word combinations, turns up nothing either. Instead, what it truly represents is the scurrilous fantasies, and militant anti-Catholicism of its author: the impostor Leo Taxil aka Dr. Bataille, who profited handsomely while having a million laughs at the expense of both Christians and Masons; who confessed that his entire corpus of anti-Masonic works – spanning twelve years and representing thousands of pages (including the translated excerpt above) – were a complete and utter fraud; a colossal yet ridiculously farcical hoax.
Conspiracy Archive: Albert Pike to Mazzini, August 15, 1871: Three World Wars? by Terry Melanson
Albert Pike’s 3 World Wars Letter Hoax
But let us explain about William James Guy Carr (1895 - 1959), who was born in England and went to sea at the age of 14. During World War II, Carr was working for the Canadian Intelligence Service. He became a conspiracy theorist and wrote books which included 'Pawns in the Game'. He believed that an age-old banking conspiracy was seeking to bring about a one world government. Leo Taxil. Carr's works were influenced by the writings of the British fascist Nesta Webster and the Frenchman Léo Taxil. (...) Of course, Taxil may have been part of a clever plot to discredit those who try to discredit Freemasons.(...)The letter can apparently be traced to the earlier writings of 'the self-confessed hoaxsters' Domenico Margiotta and Leo Taxil. Apparently, there is no evidence that any correspondence ever existed.Carr's books refer to the "Synagogue of Satan." Carr wrote, "I wish to make it clearly and emphatically known that I do not believe the Synagogue of Satan (S.O.S.) is Jewish, but, as Christ told us for a definite purpose, it is comprised of 'I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.' (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9)".[23] Carr believed that the Luciferian conspirators existed at the time of Christ. So, Carr was some kind of right-winger with links to the security services. And some of his sources are dubious. One suspects that he was secretly a friend of the Feudal System?
Sur Albert Pike
Il est à noter que la première mention d'une prétendue "prophétie des trois guerres mondiales dans la lettre de Pike à Mazzini" apparaît pour la première fois en 1955 dans le livre de William Guy Carr "Pawns in the Game".Carr a apparemment rajouté des bouts de textes à un extrait d'une prétendue "Lettre de Pike à Mazzini" qui a été publiée en fait par Léo Taxil dans "Le diable au 19e siècle", dont une copie se trouve au British Museum. En fait, en 1955, alors que Carr révélait la prétendue prophétie de Pike sur les trois guerres mondiales, on connaissait déjà d'une part le résultat de la Première et de la Seconde guerre mondiale, et d'autre part le conflit nouveau entre les sionistes et les musulmans, puisque Israël existait déjà et était déjà entré en conflit armé avec ses voisins arabes et musulmans. Carr ne révélait donc rien mais prophétisait que le conflit opposant les arabes et les musulmans aux sionistes et vice versa deviendrait mondial et global (à la même époque, il y avait Douglas Reed). En fait, Carr ne faisait que répandre le point de vue des sionistes ultra, qui voyaient les arabes et les musulmans comme leurs nouveaux ennemis jurés, la nouvelle incarnation d'Amalek! Pour Carr, ce ne sont pas les juifs qui ont causé les grandes guerres mondiales, ce sont des élites lucifériennes qui se servent du judaïsme pour se protéger, pour que les juifs soient livrés en bouc émissaires!
Dans cette histoire de projets de guerres dites mondiales planifiées en loge, la vérité est à chercher du côté des loges Anglos-maçonniques de la fin du 19e siècle dont les compots ont porté fruit dans la Première guerre mondiale.
- D'une part: les Anglais ont commencé à renforcer les mouvements islamiques (notamment le wahabisme et le salafisme) et les mouvements arabes (la Ligue arabe a été fondée sous influence anglaise). À cet effet, l'exemple de T.E. Laurence, dit Laurence d'Arabie, dont la vie a été romancée par le Capitaine William H.I. Shakespear (à ne pas confondre avec Shakespeare), est emblématique.
- D'autre part: les Anglais ont également promis la Palestine aux juifs sionistes (en échange de quoi ils devaient entraîner les États-Unis dans la guerre, ce qu'ils ont fait). La déclaration Balfour vint sceller ce contrat dès le 2 novembre 1917, soit vers la fin de la guerre. La Première guerre mondiale ayant permis aux Anglais de prendre le contrôle de Jérusalem et de la Palestine, jusqu'alors sous contrôle de l'empire ottoman.
Les anglos suprémacistes tels que Lord Salisbury en parlaient déjà au début du 20e siècle: selon lui la solution au problème russe se résoudrait soit par une révolution, soit par un renouveau islamique, soit par une guerre contre l'Allemagne. L'histoire montre de manière flagrante que chacune de ces trois choses se sont concrétisées.
Suivant le littéralisme biblique du British-Israël et de ses prophètes tels Garner Ted Armstrong, les hordes légendaires de Gog et Magog attaquant Israël en venant « de l’Est et du Nord » (selon le Livre de Daniel) seraient la Chine et la Russie, en alliance avec le monde islamique. Cette vision recoupe la division géopolitique de Mackinder, répandue dans les plus grands magazines d’affaires financées par les Rothschild (The Economist) et les Rockefeller (Foreign Affairs), qui conçoit une aire eurasienne englobant la Russie et la Chine. Les think tanks et les penseurs du nouvel ordre mondial tels Brzezinski ou The Economist veulent constituer différents blocs géo-politiques économiques, qui ressemblent drôlement à la division Oceania - Eurasia - Estasia décrite par Orwell dans 1984 : un bloc euro-américain, un bloc islamique, un bloc eurasiatique, de façon à marginaliser l’Inde et la Chine. C’est à cette fin que sont promues les grandes unions supranationales continentales qui se constituent actuellement: Union nord-américaine (et bientôt, selon la vision de Bush père, une Union des Amériques), Union européenne, Union africaine, Union extrême-orientale, etc. La ségrégation des Musulmans menant à la consolidation d’un bloc islamique, que The Economist appelle à la blague « Islamistan », fut favorisée par les guerres de l’après 11 septembre : la guerre au terrorisme, la guerre en Irak et en Afghanistan. Quant à l’Eurasie, celle-ci se consolide du fait que la Chine et la Russie savent qu’ils sont les prochains à être attaqués après l’Iran. Ils sont ainsi en train de constituer, au travers d’alliances économiques et d’alliances militaires comme l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai, un bloc eurasiatique fondé sur la résistance nationaliste anti-Occident. À cette Eurasie en formation se rattacherait le bloc islamiques, réalisant ainsi, sous la pression étatsunienne, les « prophéties » du British-Israel et de la revue The Economist qui prédisaient que le monde musulman allait s’allier à la Chine et à la Russie. Les pays qui ont le malheur de se trouver au centre des pôles opposés, surtout en Europe de l’Est, en Russie occidentale et en Europe centrale, seront écartelés sous la tension. Israël, qui se trouve justement au Centre, au Moyen-Orient, détient plus de 400 bombes nucléaires et menace constamment des États du monde entier. En fait, un Choc nucléaire des civilisations à une échelle mondiale signifierait la fin catastrophique de la civilisation actuelle. (Derrière la tragédie du 11 septembre et la guerre au terrorisme)
Great-Britain: Back to Buccaneering and the Jolly Roger? Posted by Terry Boardman on Aug 22, 2015
Commentaire: Le veilleur (17 février, 2016; 12h13min): Cela ne m’étonne pas que les maîtres du monde cherchent à nous imposer un président Américain pour régner sur l’Europe et bientôt sur le monde. Le nouvel ordre mondial se met en place doucement malgré certaine résistance et à sa tête un seul homme qui régnera autant sur la politique, sur l’économie que sur la religion. Cependant je crains que cet homme ne soit rien d’autre que celui qu’on nomme l’Antéchrist, comme l’a prédit Rudolf Steiner."…Avant qu’une partie seulement du troisième millénaire de l’ère post-Chrétienne se soit écoulée, il y aura, à l’Ouest, une incarnation véritable d’Ahriman : Ahriman en chair et en os. L’humanité sur terre ne peut pas échapper à cette incarnation d’Ahriman. Elle va inévitablement survenir. Mais ce qui importe, c’est que les hommes trouvent le point de vue juste pour le confronter.Un être comme Ahriman, qui va s’incarner à l’Ouest dans les temps à venir, prépare son incarnation à l’avance. En vue de cette incarnation sur terre, Ahriman dirige certaines forces de l’évolution de manière à ce qu’elles le servent le mieux possible. Un mal en résulterait si les hommes vivaient ces événements à moitié endormis, incapables de reconnaître certains phénomènes de la vie comme des préparatifs pour l’incarnation d’Ahriman dans le physique. On ne peut trouver l’attitude juste qu’en reconnaissant dans l’une ou l’autre série d’événements la préparation que fait Ahriman pour son existence terrestre."
L’Allemagne tente de se sortir du conflit syrien Les États-Unis laisseront-ils Berlin se rapprocher de Moscou ? par Thierry Meyssan
Les révélations de George Friedman (fondateur du Stratfor Institute) confirment les explications de Steiner sur le besoin impératif, pour assurer la survie de l'hégémonie anglo-américaine-occidentale, de diviser l'Europe en empêchant le rapprochement entre la Russie et l'Allemagne... (Selon Steiner, l'Europe du Centre avec l'Allemagne à sa tête doit servir de médiateur entre les pôles opposés que sont l'Est de l'Europe et l'Ouest de l'Europe.)
Il y a en ce moment deux grandes campagnes de propagande haineuse à l'échelle mondiale auxquelles on ne peut pas ne pas avoir été exposés (à moins de vivre sur une autre planète):
1- L'Ouest VS l'Islam : c'est la théorie des néoconservateurs appelée "Conflit des Civilisation", traduction de l'anglais "Clash of Civilisations", mise de l'avant par Samuel Huntington sous l'inspiration de l'écrivain "orientaliste" (en fait anti-islam et anti-arabe) Bernard Lewis. Ce modèle justifie les guerres sans fin menées par l'Occident au Moyen-orient.
2- L'Ouest VS la Russie : un autre modèle de guerre de civilisations imposé par les néoconservateurs. Ceux-ci étaient très influents à l'époque de la guerre froide et ils reviennent en force pour entraîner l'Occident en guerre contre la Russie, qui est pour eux aussi dangereuse pour l'hégémonie occidentale anglo-américaine que pouvait l'être autrefois l'URSS.
Le "conflit des civilisations" d'Huntington n'est que le reflet anachronique et retardataire de la séparation entre l'Église occidentale et l'Église orientale au IXe siècle de notre ère! Cette séparation était nécessaire à l'époque de la naissance du matérialisme, mais elle est absolument contraire aux nécessités spirituelles d'aujourd'hui. Car l'Europe doit maintenant réunir Ouest et Est, église romaine et église orthodoxe, modernité et spiritualité...
Quand l'Église orthodoxe et l'Église romaine (catholique) se sont séparées il y a à peu près mille ans, c'était dans un but précis: afin de préparer la mission à venir de l'Europe occidentale (devant donner naissance au matérialisme) tout en préservant l'esprit traditionnel à l'Est. Le concile de Constantinople (condamnation de l'hérétique Photios) fut adopté par l'Église romaine mais pas par l'Église orthodoxe. Ce concile d'une importance sous-estimée a imposé pour la première fois le dogme du dualisme "corps vs âme", qui creusa un gouffre infranchissable entre matérialisme (science) et religion (foi). En rejetant ce concile, l'Église orthodoxe a pu maintenir la tripartition traditionnelle de l'homme en corps, âme et esprit. Aujourd'hui, la séparation Est-Ouest doit être comblée: l'ouest matérialiste (incluant le monde anglo-américain et l'Europe de l'Ouest) doit cesser de s'opposer à l'Europe de l'Est et à la Russie. L'Est n'a jamais cessé de penser au spirituel, l'Ouest doit réapprendre cela. Actuellement, la situation politique et économique actuelle oblige l'Est à faire obstruction (jusqu'à un certain point) à l'hégémonie ploutocratique qui prévaut à l'Ouest. Le succès de la propagande de guerre de l'Ouest contre la Russie est une sorte de "conflit des civilisation" qui s'autoréalise, différent du conflit des civilisations "Ouest VS Islam" auquel nous sommes habitués, mais pas si différent au fond. C'est au fond la même division et la même guerre entre le monde traditionnaliste et le monde matérialiste. La séparation qui a eu lieu il y a mille ans entre Est et Ouest ne doit plus être. La Russie et l'Europe doivent avancer côte à côte, pas l'un contre l'autre. Prôner l'opposition et la guerre entre la Russie et l'Occident est hautement nocif, pour la même raison qu'il est nocif de prôner le "conflit des civilisations" de "l'Ouest VS l'Islam". Ce qui était bon il y a mille ans peut être très mauvais de nos jours en ce qu'il peut nous entraîner dans une direction qui était bonne autrefois mais plus maintenant (le mal étant un bien déplacé, un bien qui n'est pas à sa juste place). C'est le propre des impulsions retardataires, qui étaient bonnes autrefois, de nuire à la naissance des nouvelles impulsions qui doivent guider le temps présent.
Dans son introduction au recueil de communications entre Steiner et l'âme du défunt général Helmuth von Moltke (intitulé Light for the New Millennium), l'anthroposophe Thomas H. Meyer rapporte que le général a joué un rôle, dans l'une de ses incarnations passées, il y a environ mille ans, dans la séparation de l'Europe occidentale et de l'Europe orientale, alors qu'il était incarné dans le Pape Nicolas I. C'est cette même division que les partisans du conflit des civilisations entre l'Ouest et l'Est veulent réinstaurer et renforcer, or ceci est à l'opposé absolu des nécessités du temps présent. T.H. Meyer écrit:
22 mai 2015
La guerre en marche
La suite, on le sait, ne se déroula pourtant pas conformément à ce brillant stratagème : Un mois plus tard, le 18 mars 2014, la Crimée rompait toute relation avec Kiev et retournait à la Russie sans qu'une goutte de sang ait été versée, les oblasts russophones de Donetsk et de Lougansk se soulevèrent à leur tour, et c'est, au bout du compte, toute la province orientale du Donbass qui fit sécession en bloc au nez et à la barbe des Etats-Unis et de leurs vassaux de l'Otan. L'Ukraine encaisse depuis déroute sur déroute en Novorussie, sombre dans la banqueroute et se retrouve réduite à mendier l'aide de ses bailleurs de fonds du FMI et de l'UE. La glorieuse « révolution » de l'Euromaïdan tant vantée par les medias occidentaux n'aura finalement conduit (comme toutes les révolutions impulsées depuis Washington) qu'à la misère et au chaos, but avoué, comme on devrait le savoir, des stratèges hallucinés du Pentagone, et au grand dam des pays de l'UE, Gros-Jean comme devant, dont le seul bénéfice n'aura jamais été dans cette affaire que de perdre, du jour au lendemain, toutes leurs ouvertures au marché russe pour complaire aux Américains (1). Mais qu'importe, si les marchands de canons US s'en mettent plein les poches.
Le vrai ne se trouve jamais en bloc d'un seul côté ! Trop d'intoxication, de fausses nouvelles et de mensonges s'insinuent dans l'Histoire et la polluent de multiples manières. Les peuples, pour la plupart n'y voient que du feu, gobent avidement ce qui les conforte. Les simples faits le révèlent très vite pour peu qu'on les aborde avec un tant soit peu d'objectivité. Il n'est besoin que de méditer, par exemple, la simple déformation du sens de mots comme fasciste, nazi etc. sous la pression de ceux qui les manipulent (2). Ahrimane travaille toujours à diviser l'unité des hommes et à les leurrer de son miroir aux alouettes.
La Russie, elle, n'ira peut-être pas jusqu'à cette hypocrisie, mais ne s'en trouvera pas moins conduite à faire de sa guerre contre l'Allemagne le symbole unificateur de sa "Grande guerre patriotique" à la gloire de l'Armée Rouge en stigmatisant le IIIème Reich comme le Grand Satan agresseur de l'innocente Sainte Russie en juin 1941 – celle-ci, on le sait, partie prenante essentielle du très léonin "Tribunal International de Nuremberg" sur la justice duquel les historiens révisionnistes savent aujourd'hui à quoi s'en tenir. Malédiction de l'Histoire donc, mais Poutine pouvait-il faire autrement avec près de 20 % d'électorat communiste ? Conséquemment ce seront bien derrière les drapeaux de l'URSS soviétique que défileront les armées russes et chinoises le 9 mai 2015. Rire du Diable encore, car s'il est une chose certaine c'est que ce n'était pas contre le peuple russe que s'était dressée l'Allemagne à l'aube du 22 juin 1941 – l'Armée Vlassov suffirait à le montrer – mais bien contre Staline, l'état bolchévique et l'Armée Rouge à ses frontières, quinze jours à peine avant qu'elle ne déferle sur l'Europe ainsi qu'on le sait depuis 1989 et l'ouverture des archives russes. Comme nous le soulignions déjà en 2011, ce sont donc bien incontestablement, qu'on le veuille ou non, les armées du Reich qui sauvèrent l'Europe de la submersion communiste en 1941, et ce au prix de la ruine totale des villes allemandes et du massacre de plusieurs millions de leurs habitants. Car, en définitive, ce n'est pourtant pas l'Allemagne qui atomisa les villes japonaises d'Hiroshima et de Nagazaki, perpétuant ainsi le plus grand crime contre l'humanité que le monde ait connu, mais bien les grands libérateurs de la très noble "Croisade des démocraties". Comme à Dresde :
Ce n'est évidemment ni le lieu, ni le moment d'ouvrir ici une polémique surannée. Les temps changent et le monde a changé. J'ignore encore si ce sera, cette fois-ci, la nouvelle Russie post-soviétique qui nous sauvera de cette américanisation destructrice contre laquelle Rudolf Steiner nous mettait en garde il y a déjà près d'un siècle de cela, mais tous les éléments géopolitiques sont d'ores et déjà en place. Que ce soit l'émergence des BRICS (5), l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai, et l'Organisation du traité de sécurité collective (OTSC) de l'ancien espace soviétique, toutes font désormais face à l'extension de l'OTAN vers les terres eurasiennes, et cumulent aujourd'hui une entente multiformelle réunissant plus de la moitié de la population de la Terre face au leadership étatsunien finissant, et d'autant plus agressif.
Rudolf Steiner annonçait déjà, le 22 novembre 1918 : « La guerre économique survient à l'intérieur de l'humanité. C'est une guerre qui s'enflamme entre deux moitiés de l'humanité de la terre, et elle sera terrible. La guerre économique dans l'humanité repose sur le développement du système nerveux en l'être humain. Lors de notre cinquième période post-atlantéenne et à l'époque de l'âme de conscience, le monde anglophone est particulièrement organisé pour le développement de la partie neuro-sensorielle de l'être humain, car lors de cette période le système neuro-sensoriel développe des pensées utilitaires, matérielles qui tendent à faire de la planète entière un grand centre commercial. L'inquiétude vient de l'action, dans la sphère neuro-sensorielle, du monde du sang, l'autre pôle de la vie humaine. Il enverra ses vagues dans les remous du combat purement économique qui vient du pôle neuro-sensoriel, et ces vagues proviendront en première ligne de l'union des avant-postes slaves, tchèques, slovaques, polonais, slovènes etc., jusqu'à ce qu'une autre vague, celle du sang spiritualisé de l'Europe de l'Est, de la Russie slave, vienne s'y ajouter. » (R. Steiner, Faits historiques, base du jugement social, E.A.R. 2013, pp. 203-204)
Cette guerre se développe aujourd'hui, plus que jamais sous nos yeux, à travers l'enjeu fallacieux du "Grand marché transatlantique" (6) américano-centré ourdi depuis des années dans les officines anglo-saxonnes, d'une part, et l'actuelle guerre en cours aux frontières de la Russie, dans les marches orientales ukrainiennes du Donbass, d'autre part.
(1) Plus énorme encore dans l'abaissement : la France se voit contrainte, pour complaire à son tout puissant maître américain, de vendre au rabais ou d'envoyer à la ferraille ses deux porte-hélicoptères flambant neufs, faute d'être autorisée à les livrer à son légitime commanditaire russe…
(2) Au sens propre, en effet, fascisme désigne le système politique italien mis au point par Benito Mussolini. Quant au national-socialisme hitlérien, son fondateur lui-même souligna, à maintes reprises, qu'il ne pouvait, en aucun cas, être extensible à d'autres pays que l'Allemagne.
(3) Qui deviendra ultérieurement Svoboda.
(4) Dont l'héraldique Wolfsangel inversé de l'ancienne 2ème SS-Panzerdivision allemande.
(5) Acronyme de l'association économique unissant le Brésil, la Russie, l'Inde, la Chine, et l'Afrique du sud, soit plus de 40 % de la population mondiale.
(6) Le Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
30 juillet 2014
La guerre qui vient
« Il ne faut pas que le monde soit géographiquement américanisé, car les efforts de l'Amérique visent à tout mécaniser, à tout faire entrer dans le domaine du pur naturalisme, à effacer peu à peu de la surface de la Terre la culture de l'Europe. » (R. Steiner, Derrière le voile des événements – Le mystère du Double, G.A. 178, Paris, 1999, pp. 88-89).
C'est cela qui se magouille depuis juillet 2013 : une entente de libre-échange intégral ouvrant toute grande l'Europe aux multinationales US en imposant la supériorité de leur droit sur celui des états de l'UE. Une entreprise opaque menée depuis 20 ans derrière un écran de fumée pour supplanter le droit européen au profit direct du droit US. Travail à petits pas discrets auquel même le Parlement européen ne dispose que d'un accès restreint conformément aux ententes entre les négociateurs occultes américains et leurs homologues européens (on oserait mettre des guillemets) :
« Tous les documents concernant le développement du GMT, y compris les textes des négociations, les propositions faites des deux côtés, le matériel explicatif joint, les courriels et les autres informations échangés demeureront confidentiels. » (Accord du 5 juillet 2013). Taisez-vous, profanes, vous n'avez pas le droit au chapitre…
Phase 2, le coup d'état de Kiev.
En dépit des slogans de l'Euromaïdan appelant à lutter contre un régime oligarchique, c'est pourtant bien un « roi du chocolat » milliardaire qui devient aussitôt président de l'Ukraine : un oligarque sans scrupules aux ordres de Washington qui s'affaire aujourd'hui à écraser, avec le plein appui de l'UE, tout ce qui, à l'Est du pays, se refuse à se soumettre à l'impérialisme du B.A.O. (2) dans lequel Washington veut à tout prix faire basculer les provinces russophones hostiles à l'inféodation otanienne. Sans la riposte-éclair de la Russie en Crimée, c'était toute la population russe de cette presqu'île stratégique et Sébastopol qui tombait en quelques heures dans les mains de l'OTAN. Une réaction russe avalisée par un référendum écrasant qui déclencha l'ire des dirigeants occidentaux d'habitude si respectueux de la volonté populaire tant qu'elle est à leur avantage...
Déjà des congressistes US proposent
La Guerre en marche.
Lorsqu'on sait que l'OTAN n'avait d'autre objectif à l'origine que de faire pièce au Pacte de Varsovie communiste et qu'il n'avait, par conséquent, plus aucune raison d'être à la chute du Mur de Berlin que Moscou n'avait autorisé qu'à l'expresse condition – hélas non paraphée – que l'OTAN ne s'étendrait pas sur les pays de l'Est, on ne peut que constater la duplicité et la puissance de corruption de cette organistaion à vocation purement impérialiste de contrôle hégémonique planétaire.
Rudolf Steiner avait plusieurs fois souligné dans un contexte anthroposophique que, du fait de son sol, la nature même de l'Amérique du nord reposait essentiellement sur la seule volonté de puissance ahrimanique aveugle et de domination tous azimuts. Quant à l'Europe, c'est de Lisbonne à Vladivostok qu'elle devait se faire, Russie incluse évidemment, en trait d'union géographique et culturel entre l'extrême Occident américain et l'extrême Orient chinois, en force d'équilibre donc, et non avachie, vendue aux loges noires de Londres et de Washington.
Entre temps le sang coule, et coule à flot. Il coule non seulement en Europe du fait de l'interventionnisme obsessionnel US, mais aussi aux Proche et Moyen-Orients dans le massacre abominable des populations chrétiennes au profit d'un Islam hystérique et monstrueux gavé d'armes et soutenu en sous-main par ces états croupions que sont les monarchies dégénérées du Golfe (4). De toute évidence, les think tanks anglo-américains veulent la guerre et font tout pour pousser la Russie au casus belli : ils sont aujourd'hui tellement dans le pétrin qu'il en va maintenant de la pérennité de leur business. Comme en 1914. Et comme en 1939...
« L'égoïsme universel émane de la race anglo-américaine. Partant de là, l'égoïsme couvrira toute la Terre. Toutes les inventions qui recouvrent la Terre d'un réseau d'égoïsme viennent d'Angleterre et d'Amérique. A partir de là-bas donc, toute la Terre sera recouverte d'une toile d'égoïsme, de mal. Mais une petite colonie se formera à l'est comme la semence d'une vie nouvelle pour l'avenir. La culture anglo-américaine consume la culture de l'Europe [...] mais la race elle-même va à sa ruine. Elle porte en elle la disposition à être la race du Mal. » (Steiner, Eléments d'ésotérisme, Paris, 2000, p. 275)
Mais l'Ours russe ne bouge toujours pas...
1. « La guerre qui vient », titre repris d'un ouvrage célèbre de Francis Delaisi (1911) dont Rudolf Steiner fit autrefois l'éloge à plusieurs reprises.
2. « Bloc Américaniste Occidentaliste ». La Rada putschiste de Kiev ira même jusqu'à abroger le statut du russe comme langue régionale dès la prise de pouvoir, obligeant ainsi les enfants à cesser de parler russe dans les écoles.
3. La Chine aussi fait elle-même l'objet de cet encerclement militaire par les États-Unis et leurs bases (Japon, Taïwan, Indonésie, Thaïlande, Corée du Sud, Guam et Philippines). Les vieilles obsessions US de Mackinder à Brzezinski sont toujours d'actualité. C'est à cela que tente de faire pièce l'Organisation de Coopération de Shanghaï (OCS) dont fait partie la Russie.
4. Quant à l'Israël sioniste, éradicateur criminel des populations palestiniennes soutenu à bout de bras depuis près de 70 ans par l'AIPAC et les USA, son karma est d'ores et déjà scellé ; cette « erreur de l'histoire du monde », pour reprendre les paroles de Steiner, n'est plus qu'un résidu anachronique de l'évolution de l'humanité appelé à cesser d'être et se dissoudre.
Un exemple de coupures sélectives dans "Welt Im Umbruch" de Markus Osterrieder, qui a enlevé la partie en gras de la citation suivante de Steiner. En coupant la citation ainsi, on cache complètement l'opposition véritable qui existe entre l'esprit anglo et l'esprit allemand et l'importance du fait qu'une relation spirituelle doit s'établir pour l'avenir de l'humanité entre l'Europe du centre et le monde slave:
« There exists a group of people who set the tone for the development of mankind today; they wish to rule the earth by utilising the mobility of the capitalist economic impulses. All circles of men belong to this power structure which this group is able to bind and harness to its ends (“organise”) through economic means. The essential factor is that this group knows that there lies a population in the region of the Russian territory that is not yet formed or “organised” as regards the future; it contains the budding impulse for a future socialist development. The well-defined goal is to bring this budding socialist impulse under the control of the anti-social group. This goal cannot be reached if Middle Europe summons up appreciation and sympathy for the budding Eastern impulse and seeks to unite with it. Only because this group is located within the Anglo-American world has the present constellation of alliances arisen (1): it is a subordinate factor which conceals all the real conflicts and interests. It especially conceals the true fact that a struggle is taking place between the Anglo-American “Pluto-Autocrats” (2) and the people of Middle Europe as to who shall guide the budding Russian cultural impulse. The moment that Middle Europe reveals this fact to the world, an untrue constellation will be replaced by a true one. For this reason the war will continue in one form or another for so long until the German and the Slav peoples have joined together with the common goal of liberating mankind from the yoke of the West.There are only two possibilities: either one unmasks the lie with which the West is obliged to operate, if it is to have success, one must say: the leaders of the Anglo-American cause promote a movement originating from impulses which arose before the French Revolution and which intends to achieve the control of the world through the means of power provided by capitalism; to achieve this control these leaders make use of the impulses of the Revolution, but only as empty phrases, behind which they conceal their real motives. (3) Otherwise, if one doesn't do this, one surrenders world control to an occult group within the Anglo-American world, until sometime in the future, emanating from the subjugated German-Slavic territory, through rivers of blood the true spiritual goal of the earth will be saved. »Rudolf Steiner
Notes:1) The alliance (during the First World War) between Britain and Russia: it conceals the deeper-lying intention to bring Russia under the educational domination of the West.2) This term of Steiner's is an intensifying combination of «plutocrat» (someone who exercises power through wealth; Pluto is the god of wealth and money) and «autocrat» (dictator wielding undivided power).3) Such «empty phrases» introduce, for example, the General Declaration of Human Rights. Article 1 reads: «All men are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They (...) are to meet in the spirit of fraternity. »
Traduction française:
Première diffusion de la note en 1999 dans "Der Europäer", p.2: http://www.perseus.ch/PDF-Europaer/JG_03/Europaer_05_1999.pdf
Unique traduction anglaise, du site Perseus fondé par Th. Meyer: http://www.perseus.ch/PDF-Dateien/fundamental.pdf
1) L'alliance (au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale) entre la Grande-Bretagne et la Russie: elle dissimule l'intention profonde d’amener la Russie sous la tutelle de la domination de l'Occident.
2) Ce terme de Steiner est une combinaison intensive de «ploutocrate» (quelqu'un qui exerce le pouvoir par la richesse; Pluton est le dieu de la richesse et de l'argent) et «autocrate» (dictateur détenant et usant d’un pouvoir sans partage).
3) Ces «phrases vides» introduisent, par exemple, la Déclaration générale des droits de l'homme. L’Article 1 stipule: «Tous les hommes naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droits. Ils (...) doivent se rencontrer dans un esprit de fraternité. »
(..) On devra renoncer, dans le domaine occulte, à insérer l’homme lui-même dans ces rouages mécaniques d’une façon que la théorie darwinienne de la sélection soit abusivement appliquée à la détermination de la force de travail de l’homme, comme je vous l’ai décrit la dernière fois dans un exemple.Je fais allusion à toutes ces choses, qui ne peuvent évidemment pas être traitées de manière exhaustive en si peu de temps, parce que je me dis que vous continuerez à les méditer, que vous essayerez de créer un lien entre tout cela et vos propres expériences de vie, surtout ces expériences que l’on peut faire justement aujourd’hui, en ces temps difficiles.Vous verrez combien de choses s’expliquent si vous les considérez à la lumière qui peut vous venir de telles idées. Car vraiment, il ne s’agit pas, à notre époque, de forces et de combinaisons de forces qui se font face comme on le dit dans la vie exotérique extérieure, mais il s’agit de tout autre chose : on veut effectivement aujourd’hui recouvrir d’un voile les vraies impulsions qui sont en jeu. Il est tout à fait vrai que certaines forces humaines travaillent à sauver quelque chose pour elles. Sauver quoi ? Certaines forces humaines travaillent à représenter les impulsions qui étaient des impulsions justifiées jusqu’à la Révolution française et qui étaient aussi représentées par certaines écoles occultes, à les représenter maintenant dans une attitude de retenue ahrimanienne-luciférienne ; les représenter de manière à maintenir un ordre social que l’humanité croit avoir dépassé depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle.Deux puissances, surtout, se font face : les représentants du principe qui fut dépassé vers la fin du XVIIIe siècle et les représentants de l’époque moderne. Instinctivement, un grand nombre de personnes sont évidemment des représentants de l’impulsion de l’époque moderne. C’est pourquoi ceux dont on veut qu’ils soient des représentants des anciennes impulsions, datant encore des XVIIIe, XVIIe et XVIe siècles, doivent être reliés de manière artificielle à des forces qui émanent de certaines confréries agissant selon un égoïsme de groupe. Le principe le plus efficace, de nos jours, pour étendre son pouvoir sur autant de gens que nécessaire, est le principe économique, le principe de la dépendance économique. Mais celle-ci n’est que l’instrument. Il s’agit en réalité de tout autre chose. Ce dont il s’agit, c’est justement ce que vous pouvez déduire de toutes les allusions que j’ai faites. Le principe économique se relie à tout cela pour faire d’un grand nombre de personnes du monde entier, pour ainsi dire, une armée de défense de ces principes.Voilà ce qui s’affronte. Nous trouvons là des indications sur ce qui combat actuellement dans le monde : à l’Ouest, le principe bien ancré des XVIIIe, XVIIe et XVIe siècles, qui fait en sorte de passer inaperçu en endossant les slogans de la Révolution, les slogans de la démocratie, en adoptant ce masque et en s’efforçant, de cette manière, d’obtenir le plus de pouvoir possible. Il est avantageux, pour cette tendance, que le plus grand nombre de gens possible ne cherchent pas à considérer les choses telles quelles sont et se laissent bercer d’illusions, se laissent bercer par cette mâyâ que l’on peut par exemple traduire en mots en disant qu’il existerait aujourd’hui une guerre entre l’Entente et les Empires centraux.Cette guerre n’existe pas, en réalité, mais c’est de toutes autres choses qu’il s’agit, de choses qui sont les vraies réalités, derrière cette mâyâ. Cette dernière allégation, le combat de l’Entente contre les Empires centraux, n’est qu’illusion. Ce qui est en lutte l’un contre l’autre, on le découvre si on regarde derrière le voile des événements, en les éclairant pour soi d’une manière que je ne fais qu’indiquer à demi-mot, justement pour certaines raisons. Il faut au moins essayer pour soi de ne pas prendre les illusions pour des réalités : alors l’illusion se dissipera peu à peu, dans la mesure où elle doit se dissiper. Il faut surtout, aujourd’hui, s’efforcer de voir les choses telles qu’elles se présentent à l’esprit vrai, non prévenu.(...)(25 novembre 1917, Derrière le voile des événements, GA 178)
It will thus be essential, when these problems emerge, that no improper methods should be applied to them, but only those elemental forces which belong to nature on their own account, and great care will have to be taken not to introduce improper forces into the realm of machines. In this occult sphere the human element must not be related to machinery in such a way that the Darwinian natural selection theory is used to determine the working capacity of human beings, in the way of which I gave you an example last week.
I am making these remarks — obviously they cannot exhaust the subject in so short a time — in the belief that you will meditate on these things and will try to build a bridge between them and all those experiences of life which can be encountered, particularly in this difficult time. You will see how things become clear to you if you contemplate them in the light that can come from such ideas as those I have been placing before you. The real point is not that in our time powers and constellations of powers are standing opposed to each other, as we are always being told in external exoteric life. The real point is quite different. It is that a kind of veil is now meant to be spread over the true impulses at work. Certain human powers are intent on saving something for themselves — what is it? Their aim is that impulses which up to the time of the French Revolution were justified, and were represented also by certain occult schools, shall now be taken charge of in an Ahrimanic-Luciferic sense, so as to maintain a form of society which is generally thought to have been overcome since the end of the eighteenth century.
Two powers, especially, stand in opposition to each other: the power representing the principle that was overcome at the end of the eighteenth century and the power representing the new age. A great many people, of course, are instinctively supporters of the new age. Therefore the representatives of the old impulses, those of the eighteenth, seventeenth and sixteenth centuries, must be yoked by artificial means to the forces which emanate from certain brotherhoods who are working for group-egotistic ends. The most effective principle for extending power over as many men as may be needed is to-day the principle of economic dependence. But that is only an instrument: the real thing is quite different. The real issue you can gather for yourselves from all the various hints I have given. The economic principle is connected with everything which seeks to enlist a great number of men all over the world as a kind of army in the service of these principles.
These are the powers which stand opposed to each other. And this indicates what it is that is really battling in the world to-day. In the West we have the principle which is really rooted in the eighteenth, seventeenth and sixteenth centuries, but which passes unnoticed because it clothes itself in the phrases of revolution and democracy. It wears them as a mask and by this means strives to gain all possible power for itself. These endeavours are favoured if as many people as possible do not exert themselves to see things as they are, and in this field allow themselves to be lulled to sleep again and again by the illusion that to-day there is a war between the Entente and the powers of Central Europe.
In reality there is no such war; only by going behind this illusion can one get at the real struggle, but light can be thrown on it if it is approached along the lines which, for certain reasons, I only hint at. At least we should endeavour not to take illusions for realities: then gradually the illusion will be dispelled as far as it need be. Above all we must strive to see these things objectively, as they really are. (25 nov. 1917, Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge)
Cela rejoint le mémorandum de Steiner de 1917 sur la responsabilité de la Grande guerre (alors que tout le monde accusait l'Allemagne). Il paraît que ça vient tout juste d'être traduit en français et que ça a été publié pour la première fois en français en 2014, soit la même année que les commémorations du centenaire de la Grande guerre.
L'année 1917
À la mémoire d’un événement spirituel et historique mondial par Hella Wiesberger
Extrait du 1er memorandum sur la Grande guerre, Rudolf Steiner, 1917, en version française:
Le même extrait du 1er mémorandum de 1917, en version anglaise:
Extrait du 2e Memorandum sur la Grande guerre, 2e version, Rudolf Steiner. 1917:
- que le regroupement d'Etat européen historiquement développé ne doit pas (du point de vue de l'Entente) être reconnus comme étant les responsables de la résolution des problèmes ethniques européens;
- que le regroupement d'Etats Central Européen ne doit pas rivaliser avec les Anglo-Américains, mais devrait plutôt être dans une relation de dépendance.
- que les relations culturelles et spirituelles de l'Europe Centrale et Orientale seront ordonnés dans l'intérêt de l'égoïsme national anglo-américain.
Le même extrait du 2e Memorandum sur la Grande Guerre, Rudolf Steiner, 1917, en version anglaise:
- that the historically developed European state grouping must not (from the standpoint of the Entente) be recognized as the ones which are responsible for solving the European ethnic problems;
- that the Central European state grouping must not compete with the Anglo-Americans but should, rather, be in a relationship of dependence.
- that the cultural-spiritual relations of Central and Eastern Europe will be ordered in the interest of Anglo-American national egotism.
Sur l'expérience socialiste:
In order to found a commercial and industrial world dominance, the first thing to do is to divide the main region into two parts. This has to do with the nature of commercial and industrial affairs. I can only explain this by using an analogy: Whatever takes place on the physical plane always requires a splitting into two parts.
Imagine a teacher without any pupils; there is no such thing. In the same way there cannot be a commercial empire without another region which is its counterpart. Therefore if a British commercial empire is founded, then a Russian opposite pole must be founded too. So that a differentiation can arise between buying and selling, so that the necessary circulation can come about, two regions are needed. If the whole world were to be made into a unified realm, it would be impossible to found a universal commercial realm. It is not quite the same, but similar to saying that if you produce something you need a buyer, otherwise you cannot produce. So this twofold split is necessary. And the fact that this has been initiated as a major trend is a great — indeed, a gigantic — conception on the part of those secret brotherhoods of which I have spoken. To create this contrast is a conception of universal proportions, against which everything else pales into insignificance: this contrast, between the British commercial empire on the one hand and, on the other, all that emanates from the Russian sphere involving, through their spiritual capacities, preparations for the sixth post-Atlantean period, together with everything I have described to you. It is a great, gigantic, admirable conception of these secret brotherhoods about whom we have spoken. Put simply, it is hardly possible to imagine a better opposite pole for what has developed in the West — namely, the supreme flowering of commercial and industrial thought — than the future Russian Slav who in times to come is sure to be even less inclined than he is today to occupy himself professionally with commercial matters, and who, just because of this, will be an excellent polar opposite. (15 jan. 1917, The Karma of Untruthfulness Vol 2)
Lors de ces considérations, j'ai également parlé à diverses reprises de cette guerre catastrophique et de son retentissement jusqu'à aujourd'hui. J'espère qu'on comprendra que ce qui s'est passé au cours des dernières semaines (8) confirme pleinement ce que je vous dis à ce sujet, à vous et à d'autres, depuis des années. Les choses n'ont pas pris un autre cours que celui dont je parlais. Même la carte (9) que j'ai dessinée au tableau, il y a des années de cela, se concrétise ces jours-ci sous vos yeux.
Note 9: L'Anglais Labouchère publia dès 1890 dans son hebdomadaire satirique Truth une carte de l'Europe qui devint réalité après 1918, où l'Autriche était présentée comme une république reconnue par la Société des Nations, la Tchécoslovaquie comme un État indépendant, et l'Allemagne comme un ensemble de petites républiques. Sur le territoire russe on peut lire Russian desert, États pour expériences socialistes. D'après Arthur Polzer-Hoditz, Kaiser Karl, Zurich, 1929, pp. 19 sq., note. Cf. Thomas Meyer, Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz, ein Europaer, Bâle, 1994, pp. 84 sqq.) Voir aussi la conférence de Rudolf Steiner du 4 décembre 1916 Zeitgeschichtliche Betrachtungen. Das Karma der Unwahrhaftigkeit — Considérations historiques contemporaines. Le karma de la non-véracité — première partie (13 conférences, Dornach et Bâle 1916),
(29 nov 1918, Les exigences sociales fondamentales de notre temps)
Over Russia is written: "States decreed for the socialist experiment by England."
"Nevertheless, it has been documented long ago, though this is by no means widely enough known, that in certain circles in England to which Edward VII also belonged there had already in the 80's been talk of the necessity of the next great European War. C.G. Harrison very openly spoke about such views in his lectures The Transcendental Universe held in 1893 in a London club (7). Such views were linked with definite plans for a radical restructuring of all future social conditions in Europe and in the Slavic East. In place of the old monarchies there were to be republics all over – indeed in Germany there was to be more than one! And Russia had been selected as Terra Nova for ‹experiments in socialism› unsuited for the Western population. An apparently harmless echo of such far sightet international planning in the West – of which there has hitherto been no evidence in Central Europe – may be found in the Christmas edition of the satirical magazine Truth which illustrates such intentions in a remarkable way on a map of Europe. The map is entitled ‹The Kaiser's Dream› and shows Wilhelm II. revealing his worst fears for the future under the influence of hypnosis. What does he see? He sees a completely post-monarchic Europe! Everwhere republics, and over Russia the enigmatic words ‹Russian desert› which means territory for experimenting with new forms of social conditions. Was not the Kaiser, with his sabre rattling superficiality and pomposity indeed an idle dreamer, compared to the skilled statesmen of the West, such as Disraeli, Lord Salisbury, Lord Rosebery or Gladstone – as may be seen by his behaviour on the 1st of August 1914? And were not Lord Rosebery or Cecil Rhodes and others much more realistic in their ‹dreams› than Wilhelm had ever been in his ordinary waking life? And did they not ‹dream› of the universal power that should be given to the English speaking nations in the modern industrialized era?"Note 7 : C.G. Harrison, The Transcendental Universe, Six Lectures on Occult Science Theosophy, and the Catholic Faith , Hudson, New York 1993. – See particularly lecture two in which we read about the people of Russia: ‹The Russian emprie must day that the Russian people may live (...) We need not pursue the subject further than to say that the national character will enable them to carrry out experiments in Socialism, political and economical , which would present innumerable difficulties in Western Europe.› Harrison also speaks of ‹the next great European war›. (Italics T.H.M.)
I told you that certain secret brotherhoods entertained views about how Europe ought to be structured and how they could influence that structuring. Today I want to add to what has already been made plain something that has not yet been mentioned. I do this because it seems to me to be a good thing that once at least, in however small a circle, something is said which will certainly be made known in the future, just as the division of Austria has been made known in the note from the Entente to President Wilson. Those who knew about these things could have sketched the division of Austria as long ago as the nineties — I do not want to go back any further — on the basis of the maps I have already mentioned. [ Note 5 ]Note 5: by means of maps: Arthur Polzer-Hoditz says in his book Kaiser Karl (Emperor Charles), Zurich-Leipzig-Vienna 1928, p.19 (Note): ‘I conclude that the breaking up of the Habsburg monarchy had long been a foregone conclusion among those politicians who — by the way — after the collapse of the Central Powers intended to share amongst themselves the chief roles in world politics. I refer in particular to a map showing the division of Europe, which was published by the Englishman Labouchère in his satirical weekly journal Truth in 1890 (the Christmas Number dated December 25 1890, not the regular number for that week which is also dated December 25), that is, twenty-four years before the outbreak of the World War. This map is virtually identical with that of present-day Europe: Austria as a monarchy has disappeared and made way for a republican member of the League of Nations. Bohemia is an independent state in the incidental shape of Czechoslovakia. Germany is squeezed into her present confines and split into small republics. Where Russia would be is written “Russian Desert.” Countries for socialist experiments.’ See also C. G. Harrison The Transcendental Universe. Six Lectures on Occult Science, Theosophy and the Catholic Faith, London 1894, Lecture 2: ‘A powerful empire which unites under a despotic government a number of local communes — Russia. The remains of a kingdom — Poland, whose only cohesive force is its religion, and which will be ultimately reabsorbed in the Russian Empire in spite of it. A number of tribes who, oppressed by the alien Turk, have thrown off the yoke, and have been artificially consolidated into little states, whose independence will last as long as, and no longer than, the next great European war ... The Russian Empire must die that the Russian people may live, and the realization of the dreams of the Pan-Slavists will indicate that the sixth Aryan sub-race has begun to live its own intellectual life, and is no longer in its period of infancy.’
(4 dec 1916, The Karma of Untruthfulness Vol 1)
As I have told you, during the final decades of the nineteenth century certain members of occult streams began — not with ordinary consciousness, but with occult consciousness — to expand this British Empire by placing before their souls, and the souls of their pupils, maps [ Note 5 ] which showed what still had to come about if the British Empire was to beam its forces over the whole world. In these occult circles the following idea was consciously cultivated: The fifth post-Atlantean period belongs to the English-speaking peoples. Based on this, all the arrangements were carried out and all the details elaborated.(7 jan. 1917, The Karma of Untruthfulness Vol 2)
"In the nineties particularly, these brotherhoods held this great European war to be imminent, and it was linked especially to evolutionary impulses which were to emanate from the Balkan Slavs, born of the fact that these states, which had come into being as a result of their disengagement from the Turkish Empire, had to undergo a transition to new forms. Only until the next great European war, it was said, would these Balkan Slavs [ Note 3 ] be able to maintain their independence. After that they would meet with quite other destinies. These peoples are at present, so it is taught, in their infancy. So it is hinted that since they are the future sixth sub-race, while the Britons are the present fifth sub-race, the Britons will have to play a role towards them similar to that played by the Romans towards the northern Germanic peoples, namely that of wet-nurse; to be a wet-nurse to these peoples is their primary task. This role of wet-nurse will cease to be necessary, it is said, at the moment when these peoples will have reached a point when the Russian Empire no longer exists and they have succeeded in creating their own forms out of their own dawning intelligence. But gradually the wet-nurse must be replaced by the guardian. This means that in the West a kind of papacy must develop out of those who form the fifth sub-race. For this, a strong spirituality must develop and, just as the Papacy stood in relation to Central Europe, so a configuration will have to come about which works comprehensively from the West over towards the East. This must result in the East being used as a place where certain institutions can be created in a manner similar to that in which the Papacy created its institutions in Europe. Of course we have now progressed by one sub-race. The Papacy created churches and religious communities of all sorts. But now the western ‘papacy’, which is to develop out of the British element, will have the task of carrying out certain quite definite economic experiments, that is, of instituting a certain form of economic society of a socialist nature which, it is assumed, cannot be founded in the West because there the fifth and not the sixth sub-race has its being. The East, experimentally at first, must be used for such experiments for the future. Political, cultural and economic experiments must be carried out. Of course these people are not so stupid as to maintain that the dominance of the West will last forever, for no serious student of spiritual matters would believe that. But they are quite clear about the fact that just as at first the services of the wet-nurse were offered, so must these be metamorphosed into the role of the guardian — in other words a kind of future ‘papacy’ on the part of western culture. I have been reporting, my dear friends! These things are buried deeply in the teachings of western Freemasonry and it is a matter of recognizing whether the ones I have mentioned, which are very influential, are really justified as being for the good of mankind in general in its evolution, or whether it is necessary to think of them as needing correction in some way. This is what we are concerned with. We shall return to all this again."(16 Dec. 1916, The Karma of Untruthfulness, Vol 1.)
Note 3 : Balkan Slavs: See Note 7, Lecture One. Also C. G. Harrison, as above, Lecture 2: ‘We need not pursue the subject further than to say that the national character [of the Slav peoples] will enable them to carry out experiments in Socialism, political and economical, which would present innumerable difficulties in Western Europe’.
Citations de Rudolf Steiner sur la Grande Guerre, le rôle des Germains et des Slaves:
Posted by Terry Boardman on May 10, 2014
This article was first published in New View magazine Issue 71 April-June 2014
"In the 8th cent. BC the Germanic peoples of northern Europe were what the already civilised peoples of southern Europe called ‘barbarians’. Over the following 1000 years southern Europe and the Mediterranean were at the forefront of European civilisation. The peoples of northern and central Europe (which of course included the Angles and Saxons) were for a long time ‘in waiting mode’ in the forests of Germany and in Scandinavia. They did not know it yet, but their ‘time’ for prominence had not yet come. Having entered into a close relationship with the culture of southern Europe (the Roman Empire and then the Roman Church) from the 4th century onwards, they then gradually rose to world prominence after the 15th century. Since ‘the modern epoch’ is widely held to have begun at that time, during and especially after the Renaissance, the originally Germanic peoples who lived in northern and central Europe, could in one sense be described as the peoples of ‘the present’. The Slavs on the other hand, the peoples of eastern Europe, could be described as the peoples of ‘the future’; they have been ‘in waiting mode’ in the modern epoch thus far. After the Renaissance the cultural baton of Europe, so to speak, passed from the Mediterranean peoples of the south to the Germanic peoples of the north and will in the future pass to the peoples of the east, the Slavs. If one is aware of this and is not emotionally attached to a particular people, one can work to ensure that healthy connections are formed between the Germanic culture and that of the Slavs so that the Slavs can benefit from the best of Germanic culture and then go on to make the contribution in the future that they themselves are uniquely capable of making. But if one is not aware of this historical process and as a member of the Germanic peoples, as a Swede, a Dutchman, German or Englishman, is somehow bound to one’s people emotionally, psychically attached to them, even perhaps quite subtlely, then one may want one’s own people’s impulses to go on ad infinitum. For example, the British Foreign Secretary Lord Rosebery said on 1 March 1893:
We have to consider not what we want now, but what we shall want in the future. We have to consider what countries must be developed either by ourselves or some other nation, and we have to remember that it is part of our responsibility and heritage to take care that the world, as far as it can be moulded by us, shall receive the Anglo-Saxon and not another character.It is also possible that one may know of the historical process but consciously seek to manipulate it in such a way that one seeks to bring it about that the peoples of the present, of the West, are able to train the Slavs so that they become like the peoples of the West and become unable to bring in the future that which they, the Slavs, are uniquely fitted to bring. And what is it that they will be able to bring? Imagine a culture in which individuals do not scramble to compete with everyone else, constantly seeking their own independence and individual self-affirmation and in which there are no class sympathies and antipathies because there are no classes, but a culture in which it is the norm that individuals have become self-realised free thinkers, who know who they are as individuals and yet choose to be in conscious community with others who are also self-realised. It is hard for many of us to imagine such a culture because we are only 600 years into the culture of the predominance of the northern and central European peoples. But this is the point at which our culture would stand if all were to go well with the evolution of our consciousness. We would then have passed through the modern desert of personal alienation, antipathy and cynicism, so to speak, and be ready to enter a new world of communal living, the like of which we today can hardly imagine, just as even the more advanced souls in the year 146 BC, for example, would have found it hard to imagine what consciousness would be like in 2014.
But the Slavs, if they too have passed through the desert of this critical ‘Germanic’ or northern European epoch with their Slavic nature still somehow intact, will have taken on the baton from the Germanic culture and will be there to inspire mankind in that new future epoch with the ideals and praxis of real brotherhood, not the premature spectre of it that communism turned out to be, and in any case, communism was an ideological product not of the Slavs themselves but of Germanic and Semitic origin (the ideas of Marx and Engels in a context of British economic practice). An imagination of the way towards such a new communal future is contained in Goethe’s Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily (1795) which stood at the beginning of Rudolf Steiner’s public work as a spiritual scientist, when on Michaelmas Day in the year 1900 he lectured on the Fairy Tale, the original seed of what he would later call ‘anthroposophy’ or spiritual science. For in the story, the Green Snake finds the way to sacrifice herself as a bridge to the Temple for the good of all so that the Youth in the story “who seems at first to have no marrow in his bones [and] to be paralysed” (1)– and whom Steiner saw as a Russian Youth – can be awakened and thus find his way to the Lily, the Eternal Feminine, or Sophia, and unite with her. For Rudolf Steiner, this has to do with the service that the Germanic culture of Central Europe can render to Eastern Europe.
“For other European peoples the skeletal system [of their thinking] is provided by natural science….They can train their thinking by this means…..[But] science won’t give the Russians a framework for their thoughts. For them it is a poison. Only spiritual science can furnish Russia with a skeletal structure. And Goetheanism, the way which Goethe beheld nature, Goethe’s knowledge of nature, is the path to it.” (2)This is why Rudolf Steiner said that “true benefit for the progress of mankind will arise only if within a certain group of people a harmonious relationship is established between Central and Eastern Europe” (17.1.1915). This is, in the opinion of this writer, a crucial indication for the future of Europe and of the world, for Steiner was referring here to the spiritual and cultural bridge that has to be built between the present and future epochs. Western Europe, he felt, must not seek to prevent the building of that bridge or seek to create its own direct relationship to Eastern Europe, bypassing what the middle of Europe has to contribute to the East, in which case the Goethean impulse of Central Europe could not be taken up in the East, and the ‘skeleton’ of Slavic cultural life would not be soundly formed. Of course, ‘Russians’ and ‘Slavs’ are not coterminous; there are various other Slavic peoples besides the Russians, But the western Slavs, the Czechs and Slovenes, for example, have lived in much closer contact with Germanic cultures for a long time. This is not the case for most of the eastern Slavs, of whom the Russians are the largest group. If this bridge were not to be built between Central Europe and the eastern Slavs, then the communal impulses of the Slavs for the future would not come properly and healthily to fruition, and mankind would risk remaining stuck in the desert of alienated self-assertion and self-centred indvidualism.(...)
If such a Russo-German relationship came about nevertheless, the British imperial elite felt that Britain would have to throw in its lot with the United States, which men like Cecil Rhodes, Lord Rosebery and Arthur Balfour were happy to do anyway for the sake of Anglo-saxon unity and federation. Since the late 19th century there have been powerful men in the West who have not been able to free themselves of inner attachment to their culture and have sought to ensure that the impulses of the English-speaking peoples, either the impulse of the self-centred personality, or of the self-centred group, become permanent in world affairs. To achieve their aim of the predominance of the English-speaking peoples, these powerful men sought 100 years ago, and still seek today, to forestall any meaningful connection between Central and Eastern Europe.(6) From the late 1880s onwards, circles in Britain around the Prince of Wales, the Cecil family network and Cecil Rhodes and his allies worked behind the scenes to reorient Britain’s traditional foreign policy, which hitherto had leaned towards Germany, Austria and Turkey, in the direction of a much closer relationship – everything short of an actual alliance in fact – to Britain’s former imperial enemies, France and Russia.(...)
I began by writing about an historical process involving the Mediterranean peoples, the Germanic peoples and the Slavs. In 1893 this process was described from the esoteric angle by an obscure British esotericist by the name of C.G.Harrison. He was connected to the stream of ‘High Church’, or ‘Anglo-Catholic’ esotericism within the Church of England. (24)The six very profound lectures given by Harrison in 1893 were soon noted by an old friend of Rudolf Steiner’s, Friedrich Eckstein, and translated into German, which is how Steiner became aware of their content. In one of these lectures Harrison describes how the Romans had been a ‘wet nurse’ and a ‘tutor’ to the Germanic tribes until the end of the Roman Empire, when they had moved from what he calls ‘infancy’ to ‘childhood’ under the Papacy. The Slavs, he says, are currently in their infancy but moving into their childhood, his clear implication being that the Germanic peoples of the West (meaning for him, the British, of course), now in their maturity, had been the Slavs’ wet nurses and were now to become their ‘tutors’ and ‘protectors’, and that the change would again be marked by the end of an empire and, he implies, their tutelage under another kind of Papacy; obviously, this time it would be a ‘western Papacy’ – or a Slavic Papacy ‘injected’ by the West. A great European war was coming, he said (in 1893!), in which “the Russian Empire must die that the Russian people may live”. Their national character “would enable them to carry out experiments in socialism, political and economical, which would present innumerable difficulties in western Europe”. The Slavs’ destiny, he said, was “to evolve a higher civilisation of their own”. But just as the civilisation of the upper classes of the Germanic peoples today is “as much a foreign growth as Roman civilisation in Britain”, he implied that the future civilisation of the Slavs would in fact also be a foreign growth, namely, an import of Germanic (i.e. British) culture. In other words, the Slavs would not actually evolve their own civilisation but would continue one from the previous epoch – our present one. So ten years before the emergence of the Bolsheviks in London in 1903 (the result of a split within the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party), a British esotericist, also in London, connected to a traditionalist, conservative stream of esotericism, was predicting socialist experiments in Russia as the result of “the next great European war”. (...)"
Rudolf Steiner on the assassination of Franz Ferdinand:
You remember what I told you about the occult background of this individuality, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. You also remember that it is a fact, a paradoxical fact, that this couple, kindly disposed towards the Slavs in the highest sense, were slain by Slavs — or seemingly so. The deeper connections are made more approachable by a certain understanding of the heart. We see a human being, kindly disposed in the highest sense towards the Slavs, slain — together with his wife — by Slav bullets. At the last moment the Duchess espies from her carriage a young female standing quite near; smiles at her, seconds before the bullets strike, because she notices she is a Slav woman, and exclaims: ‘Look, a Slavka!’ [ Note 13 ] Then the bullets strike. What a strange karma this reveals! Before the bullets strike her down, the Duchess exclaims in delight, because her eye has fallen on one of her beloved Slav people.
I described earlier the far-reaching connection existing between machinations in the Balkan countries and a number of well-prepared situations on the Apennine peninsula. And I now want to ask once again a question I have already put to you: Why was it written in a rather inferior Paris journal [ Note 14 ] in January 1913 that it was necessary for the good of mankind for Archduke Franz Ferdinand to be killed? Why was it said twice in this so-called ‘Occult Almanac’ that he would be killed? It is necessary to look at all the facts at once. We will find that the alchemy of the bullets which were used for this assassination was exceedingly complicated and that, although they stemmed from a Serbian arsenal, they had been ‘anointed’ from quite another quarter — if I may put it symbolically.Note 14: rather inferior Paris journal: Almanach de Mme de Thèbes. Conseils pour être heureux, Paris 1912. See also Rudolf Steiner Aus dem mitteleuropäischen Geistesleben, GA 65, Dornach 1962, p.583.http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA173/English/RSP1988/19161218p01.html
People to-day are fond of thinking at short range, and so there may be those who in their thought refer the outbreak of the present War in Europe to the murder of the heir apparent, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. I do not say that that is wrong, I do not say that there is not some truth in it. They can explain certain events by referring them back to that assassination, which took place in July, 1914. But there may also be those who point out that it was printed in a Western journal in January, 1913, that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand would be murdered in the near future for the good of European humanity.
We can go back, that is to say, to the actual murder; but we can also go back to what was printed in a Western paper already in January, 1913, namely, the statement that he would be murdered.
Or again, we can go back to the murder of Jaurès on the eve of the war, which, as I indicated recently, will in all probability never be fully cleared up. But we can also go back further, and point to the time to which I just referred. Almost as far back as the other saying — that is to say, in the year 1913, — we can find this statement: — If the conditions in Europe should lead to war, Jaurès will be the first to die. We can look up a certain so-called occult almanac, which was sold for 40 francs. Here in this almanac, which, destined for the year 1913, must have been printed in 1912, we can read the following: In Austria, the man of whom it is commonly supposed that he will rule, will not come to the throne, but in his stead a young man, of whom it is not yet supposed that he will rule after the old Emperor. This was printed in a so-called occult almanac for 1913, — printed therefore already in the autumn of 1912. And in the same almanac for 1914 (printed, therefore, in 1913), the same remark was repeated. Evidently, in 1913, the attempted assassination had failed. In all these things the connections will be exposed, once people see things clearly. I mean the connection between what is there in the external reality, and what is brewed in unclean, hidden waves beneath. Some men will begin to recognise the threads that run from public life into this or that brotherhood. And they will recognise moreover, how foolish it is of other brotherhoods still to declaim, even to-day, that certain Truths of the Mysteries must be preserved in silence. These people may be quite innocent; for they are children, albeit they may be old members of this or that Masonic order for example, claiming also to have occult sources. They may be quite innocent. Nevertheless, they too assist the gloom and darkness which are prevailing among men.
I recently chose the example of a very ‘enlightened’ pastor and professor. I pointed out especially the discontinuity prevailing in his thought. (I mentioned it quite briefly here, and dealt with it further at St. Gall and Zurich.) He too, it must be admitted belongs to an occult brotherhood. But he is not one of those who work unfavourably, save by his limitations. For in their occult brotherhood they do acquire a certain limitation. They are purposely kept in a certain narrow sphere. This too, some heads of occult brotherhoods make it their task to bring about.
Above all, it is necessary for people to open their eyes. But our eyes must first learn to see. And we can only learn to see if we allow the direction of our sight to be guided by the understanding we have first received of the Spiritual World. These people always reckon upon qualities on which one seldom calculates in vain in human affairs. Thus, as I mentioned once before, they tried to put me off the track on one occasion. At the time when Alcyone was nominated, I also could have been nominated in a certain way. Thereby, all that pulses and flows through our movement could have been nicely swept out of the world, — if I had let myself in for what was suggested to me pretty strongly: I was to be nominated as the reincarnated St. John! In certain quarters they would then have undertaken to proclaim: Alcyone is so and so; and he — he is the reincarnated St. John. Then the whole movement would not have had to undergo what afterwards ensued.http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/19161119p01.html
Rudolf Steiner on the assassination of Franz Ferdinand:
May I remind you — I have often mentioned it — that the death of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria [ Note 8 ] is one of those concealed events of the present day, despite all that occurred on the external physical plane. I have stressed especially that if the physical and spiritual worlds are taken together, then for them as a totality there was something present before the assassination of Franz Ferdinand that became different after that event. It does not matter in such cases what things look like in external maya! What occurs inwardly is the important thing. As I told you: What rose up as the soul of Franz Ferdinand into the spiritual worlds became a focal point for very strong, powerful forces, and much of what is now happening is connected with the very fact that a unique transition took place between life and so-called death, so that this soul became something quite different from what other souls become.
I said that someone who has lived through recent decades in a state of spiritual consciousness must know that one of the main causes of today's painful events is the fear in which the whole world was drenched, the fear that individuals had of each other, even though they did not know it, and above all the fear that the different nations had of one another. If people had seeing eyes with which to track down the cause of this fear, they would not talk as much nonsense as they do about the causes of the war. It was possible for this fear to be so significant because it is woven as a state of feeling into what I described to you yesterday by means of examples. Please regard this as a kind of sketch. But, drenching everything is this aura of fear. That soul was connected in a certain particular way with this aura of fear. Therefore that violent death was in no way merely an external affair. I told you this because I was able to observe it, because for me it was a particularly significant event that is connected with many aspects of what is going on at present.I do not suppose that such things, which obviously ought to be kept within our circle, have been talked about all over the place outside our circle. The fact is, however, that I have been speaking about these things in various branches [ Note 9 ] since the beginning of the war.
Le Sentier Noir
(...) « Lorsqu'on s'adresse aux âmes de personnes décédées à l'époque présente, et que l'on apprend à connaître, si je peux m'exprimer ainsi, leurs conditions de vie, on s'aperçoit qu'il existe une grande inquiétude à l'idée qu'elles pourraient faire connaissance après la mort avec les âmes de ceux qui sont morts ici sur terre comme est morte, à l'époque, l'impératrice d'Autriche à Genève (4). On fait donc là l'expérience que de telles personnes conduites de l'autre côté de la porte de la mort (disons dans un premier temps, par des propagandistes de l'action), constituent une grande source d'inquiétude pour certaines personnes qui ont franchi de manière normale la porte de la mort et qui vivent ensuite leurs expériences dans le monde spirituel. On sent en quelque sorte que les personnes qui ont franchi normalement la porte de la mort et qui pourraient avoir l'occasion d'entrer en relation avec de telles âmes humaines appréhendent, en tant qu'âmes, de telles relations après la mort ; elles évitent cette relation [...] Il existe donc ce fait que des âmes qui ont franchi normalement la porte de la mort éprouvent une certaine crainte devant les âmes qui ont été conduites de l'autre côté du seuil par quelque chose comme cette "propagande de l'action"... Ces âmes, en effet – et cela apparaît quand on y regarde de plus près – qui ont franchi de manière si violente la porte de la mort, savent quelque chose que les autres âmes ne veulent pas apprendre plus tôt qu'il n'est salutaire. A ces âmes qui ont franchi d'une manière si violente la porte de la mort, il reste, en effet, du fait qu'elles ont perdu la vie de cette manière, ici dans la vie physique, une certaine possibilité d'utiliser les forces qu'elles ont eues ici-bas : par exemple les forces de l'entendement. De sorte que ces âmes peuvent, à partir de l'autre côté, à partir du côté spirituel, utiliser les forces liées ici au corps physique. Par ce moyen il leur est possible de connaître certaines choses plus tôt que cela n'est en réalité salutaire dans la marche en avant de l'évolution humaine. » (R. Steiner, Derrière le voile des événements, Paris , 1999, pp. 104 sqq.)
Ces âmes savent, en effet, dans le monde spirituel, des choses qu'elles ne devraient pas encore savoir – et devant lesquelles les âmes mortes normalement éprouvent même de la crainte. Et Steiner poursuit : « On était donc évidemment tenté d'examiner d'un point de vue occulte, à partir de précédents tels que celui qui vient d'être évoqué – l'assassinat de l'impératrice Elisabeth d'Autriche – ce qui est apparu au fil du temps comme des attentats, de voir ce qu'il en est de ces âmes qui arrivent dans le monde spirituel en tant que détenteurs de certains secrets... Celui qui ne considère qu'extérieurement la série d'attentats qui se sont produits de cette manière peut en attribuer la liste au hasard ; mais si l'on analyse, si l'on étudie ces personnes qui ont été expédiées de cette manière dans la mort, il s'avère alors que ces personnes sont comme sélectionnées, non pas toutefois du point de vue de ce monde physique, mais sélectionnées du point de vue du monde spirituel. Or, si l'on étudie sous ce rapport un grand nombre d'attentats dont la nouvelle s'est répandue, il se révèle alors à nous quelque chose de très curieux : il s'avère en effet qu'à ces attentats se rattachait certes la possibilité d'obtenir par leur intermédiaire un effet tel que je l'ai caractérisé, mais que cela n'a pas été obtenu en réalité, que cela n'a pas été obtenu du tout. Cela aurait marché s'il s'était trouvé des âmes qui fussent devenues en quelque sorte dépositaires des premières. Toutes deux se seraient chargées par là d'une faute transcendante, d'une faute suprasensible : celles qui seraient entrées normalement dans la mort auraient appris des choses par lesquelles elles auraient été poussées en direction de fautes et celles qui auraient traversé la mort de manière violente, à la suite d'un attentat, se seraient chargées d'une faute du fait qu'elles auraient dévoilé quelque chose qu'il n'est pas encore possible de dévoiler. Des entités spirituelles supérieures, des hiérarchies supérieures ont empêché cela, parce que, à certains égards l'affaire aurait été lourde de conséquences qu'il fallait éviter pour le salut d'une partie de l'humanité... Ainsi se révèle ici, dirais-je, une tentative entreprise avec des moyens illicites ou des moyens dont l'usage leur a été retiré : une tentative entreprise dans le monde spirituel, derrière le rideau du monde physique ordinaire. » (Ibid.)
Un exemple des plus pertinents pour l'exposition de ces procédés se trouve donc notamment dans l'utilisation du crime – du crime en apparence sans motif – en vue de l'obtention de connaissances illicites sur l'art et la manière de conditionner les masses, de les manipuler savamment en les recoupant de toute spiritualité vivante selon les machinations de supérieurs inconnus très au fait eux-mêmes, par contre, de la réalité du spirituel. La vieille théorie léniniste de l'opium du peuple, par conséquent, mais à l'attention exclusive des non-initiés...
Voyez-vous, il existait encore au XIXe siècle, en Orient, un ordre étrange, dénommé « Thug ». Cet ordre, qui florissait dans une partie de l’Asie, n’avait pas été créé par un pur et ardent désir de réaliser ses objectifs, un désir né peut-être des cœurs de ceux qui appartenaient à cet ordre. Cet ordre obligeait ses membres à assassiner certaines personnes qui étaient désignées par des supérieurs dans la hiérarchie de l’ordre, et qui gardaient très, très soigneusement leur anonymat. C’était une sorte d’ordre d’assassins, un ordre qui avait pour mission d’assassiner certaines personnes. Son activité consistait dans le fait que l’on apprenait de temps en temps que telle ou telle personne avait été assassinée. Mais l’assassinat était perpétré pour la simple raison que telle ou telle personne avait été désignée par des supérieurs inconnus, avec ordre pour l’un des membres de Thug de l’assassiner.
Aux endroits concernés où se mettait en œuvre un tel processus, on savait bien quelle était l’intention ainsi poursuivie. L’intention poursuivie en réglant tout d’abord les affaires au plan physique de telle manière que cet ordre d’assassins pût voir le jour, puis en mettant en scène les affaires de cet ordre d’assassins de la manière appropriée, était la suivante : que franchissent avec violence la porte de la mort justement des personnes qui auraient alors la propriété de connaître certains secrets après la mort. Ceux qui ont mis en place ce système ont aussi organisé, d’un autre côté, ici dans le plan physique, les événements-miroirs, comme on appelle cela dans la vie occulte ; ils ont nommément pour projet d’organiser des événements-miroirs correspondants, ici sur le plan physique.
Pour une part, quoique minime, mais pour une part, de tels événements ont déjà été organisés ici sur le plan physique. Cela se fait ainsi : on forme certaines personnes appropriées pour en faire des médiums, on les met ensuite dans un état médiumnique et l’on oriente, par divers procédés, les courants du monde spirituel en direction du médium ; de sorte que le médium révèle certains secrets qui ne peuvent se savoir autrement que par le fait qu’une personne tuée de manière violente utilise dans l’autre monde les forces qui, ici sur terre, sont restées utilisables du fait de cette mort violente. Elle découvre, en tant qu’âme, certains secrets et elle instille ensuite ces secrets au médium. Ainsi, ce qui a été instillé par de telles âmes peut à son tour ici sur terre être exploré par ceux qui trouvent un intérêt à l’investigation de ces choses.
Or les choses qui sont explorées de cette manière sont, si je puis m’exprimer ainsi, des naissances spirituelles prématurées. Les âmes qui ont franchi de manière normale la porte de la mort et ont l’occasion d’entrer en relation avec de telles choses savent qu’elles doivent se préparer, maintenant – et on voit qu’elles le font effectivement – afin de faire descendre ultérieurement, par des voies appropriées, lorsque l’humanité sera devenue mûre pour cela, certaines choses du monde spirituel sur la terre ici-bas, et de l’inoculer à la terre.
Un certain nombre de personnes qui franchissent actuellement la porte de la mort ont même pour tâche d’utiliser, plus tard, les forces normales, une fois quelles seront mûres pour certains secrets qui ne leur seront pas communiquée par un raccourci, en utilisant les forces provoquées par la mort violente.
Ces personnes ont vraiment pour mission de découvrir ces forces normales et de les apporter à leur tour, en les leur inspirant, aux hommes qui sont ici sur terre, qui ne sont pas des médiums, mais qui doivent en faire l’expérience d’une manière normale, régulière, par inspiration. Dans la vie normale, il faudrait attendre pour cela. Du fait que ces choses, dont il faudrait en vérité qu’elles viennent plus tard, arrivent comme une naissance spirituelle prématurée par la voie que je vous ai indiquée – par banditisme occulte –, de ce fait, ceux qui n’ont pas de bonnes intentions envers l’humanité, qui sont donc, dans ce sens, des magiciens noirs ou gris, entrent en possession de tels secrets.
Et de telles choses se sont produites derrière le décor des événements extérieurs justement de ces dernières décennies. L’intention était la suivante : premièrement déposer entre les mains d’un certain groupe de personnes le secret de la manière de dominer les masses, ce que j’ai évoqué en premier. C’est là le secret de savoir comment on peut maîtriser, dans une large mesure, ces groupes de personnes, justement, qui se préoccupent peu des affaires extérieures, mais qui ont des dispositions spirituelles, propres, surtout, à leur permettre de jouer un rôle de préparation pour la sixième période post-atlantéenne, et c’est aussi le secret de savoir comment le don de régir cet ensemble de personnes doit être placé entre les mains d’un petit nombre d’individus.
C’était le premier aspect. L’autre aspect est un point qui jouera un grand rôle à l’avenir : il s’agit des secrets sur la manière d’obtenir les moyens d’orienter dans une certaine direction des phénomènes liés à des processus de maladie et aussi au processus de reproduction. Sur ce point, il s’agit notamment de choses telles que celles que j’ai déjà mentionnées devant quelques amis {59}. L’époque matérialiste s’efforce, à partir de certains cercles de personnes, de paralyser toute évolution spirituelle de l’humanité, de la rendre impossible ; d’amener les hommes à ce qu’ils rejettent, simplement par leur tempérament, par leur caractère, tout ce qui est spirituel, et à ce qu’ils le considèrent comme de la folie.
Un tel courant – chez certains individus, il est déjà perceptible aujourd’hui – se renforcera de plus en plus. Le désir intense naîtra de voir tout le monde défendre le point de vue que le spirituel, les choses de l’esprit, sont extravagance, sont folie ! – On essayera d’y parvenir en produisant des vaccins contre, en trouvant, comme on a trouvé des vaccins pour se protéger des maladies, des vaccins qui influencent le corps humain d’une manière telle que celui-ci n’offre point asile aux penchants spirituels de l’âme. On vaccinera les hommes contre leur disposition à nourrir des idées spirituelles. Du moins, s’y efforcera-t-on : on essayera des vaccins pour que les hommes perdent dès l’enfance leur soif de vie spirituelle.
Mais ce n’est que l’une des choses qui sont liées à une connaissance plus intime, telle qu’elle doit apparaître dans cette cinquième période post-atlantéenne, sur le lien entre ces processus naturels, ces moyens naturels, et l’organisme humain. Elles apparaîtront en temps voulu dans l’humanité. Il s’agira seulement de savoir si, auparavant, des efforts comme ceux qui visent à une telle naissance prématurée peuvent avoir une chance d’aboutir, en faisant parvenir de tels projets entre les mains d’individus isolés qui poursuivent ainsi leurs buts, ou si la connaissance de ces choses descendra de la bonne manière, de la manière dont elle doit servir au salut de l’humanité, lorsque les temps seront mûrs.
Cette organisation, qui était destinée à provoquer de telles naissances prématurées, qui travailla avec l’aide de l’ordre assassin des Thug, n’agissait pas en amateur ; elle travaillait très systématiquement, quoique d’une manière qui, pour toute personne bien intentionnée envers l’humanité, est effroyable ; elle travaillait conformément à ses objectifs, sans amateurisme, avec une connaissance des moyens adéquats.
Parce que l’on s’appliquait ainsi à faire entrer une partie de l’humanité, par une descente prématurée de certains moyens arrachés au monde spirituel, en possession égoïste de ce qui de toute manière doit venir pendant la cinquième époque post-atlantéenne au cours du processus de maturation de l’humanité, il se produisit, en même temps que ce phénomène apparut, ce malaise craintif chez d’autres qui, en quelque sorte – mais en amateurs, parce que c’était un enfant né de la peur – mirent en scène, comme une contre-image, la propagande de l’action, qui devait alors les aider, mais qui fut, dans un premier temps, une tentative entreprise avec des moyens insuffisants.
Ce sont des choses importantes qui se jouent derrière le décor des événements. Et ces choses ne seraient pas non plus discutées ici aujourd’hui s’il n’était pas un devoir de rendre attentifs ceux qui peuvent entendre de telles choses, du fait qu’ils ont reçu une certaine préparation aux enseignements de la science de l’esprit, et si ce n’était pas une nécessité impérieuse d’éveiller leur attention. Or il est nécessaire que ces choses pénètrent dans la conscience de l’humanité de la cinquième époque post-atlantéenne. Car ce n’est que si elles pénètrent dans la conscience de l’humanité de la cinquième époque post-atlantéenne que peut être atteint ce qui doit devenir l’objectif de l’évolution terrestre.
Il faut bien qu’il advienne que les hommes s’infligent cette incommodité de ne pas seulement penser comme les écoles d’enseignement supérieur le transmettent aujourd’hui aux personnes prétendument cultivées de notre époque ; il faut qu’advienne une époque où un certain nombre de personnes se déclarent prêtes à prendre sur elles une telle conception du monde incommode, qui tire ses orientations, ses concepts et ses idées du monde spirituel. Car l’humanité n’est pas en droit de rester dans cet état de sommeil dans lequel elle veut rester avec ces concepts abstraits et généraux que vise l’époque matérialiste en les qualifiant alors de nobles.
Il existe donc, si vous songez à ce que je vous ai évoqué, toute une somme de possibilités pour utiliser des courants venant du monde spirituel et faire le mal ici sur la terre physique, pendant la cinquième période post-atlantéenne ; il existe toute une série de possibilités à cet effet. Je vous ai signalé une telle possibilité aujourd’hui. Et le fait d’avoir à souligner que la réception d’une telle connaissance dans la conscience de quelques âmes est une nécessité, est une conséquence de tout ce qui caractérise fondamentalement notre époque. J’ai plusieurs fois indiqué, dans l’un ou l’autre de nos cercles d’amis {60}, comment l’année 1841 fut une année de crise, une année décisive. Bien sûr, on ne s’en aperçoit pas en considérant seulement les événements qui se produisirent ici, dans le monde physique, mais on s’en aperçoit seulement à partir du moment où l’on considère ces événements en lien avec ce qui se déroule dans le monde spirituel. L’année 1841 a effectivement été, pour l’introduction de l’époque matérialiste, l’année de la crise, car un combat très précis a commencé, à l’époque, dans les mondes spirituels, un combat de certains esprits des ténèbres, pourrions-nous dire, qui appartiennent à la hiérarchie des anges. Ils ont mené ce combat dans le monde spirituel jusqu’à l’automne 1879 et visaient des choses très précises, toute une série de choses dont nous ne voulons évoquer qu’une seule aujourd’hui. À l’époque, entre 1841 et 1879, il devait se décider si une certaine somme de sagesse spirituelle pouvait être rendue mûre en haut, dans le monde de l’esprit, de façon à tomber progressivement, goutte à goutte, sur la terre, à partir du dernier tiers du XIXe siècle, c’est-à-dire de façon à pénétrer les âmes humaines et à stimuler dans les âmes humaines un savoir spirituel, ce savoir que nous appelons aujourd’hui le savoir de la science de l’esprit. Ce n’est, en effet, que depuis le dernier tiers du XIXe siècle qu’un tel savoir est devenu possible.
Ne pas laisser mûrir là-bas, dans le monde spirituel, ce qui devait en tomber goutte à goutte, telle était l’intention de ces esprits des anges entre les années 1841 et 1879. Mais ces esprits ont perdu la guerre qu’ils ont menée durant ces décennies contre les esprits de la lumière. Il s’est effectivement déroulé quelque chose en 1879, à moins grande échelle que de tels événements se sont déroulés à plusieurs reprises au cours de l’évolution et qu’ils se sont toujours exprimés à travers un certain symbole : à travers la victoire de Michaël ou de Saint-Georges sur le dragon. Là aussi, en 1879, le dragon a été vaincu dans un certain domaine. Ce dragon, ce sont les êtres des anges qui visaient ce que je vous ai indiqué, mais qui n’ont pas pu l’atteindre. C’est pourquoi ils ont été précipités en 1879 hors du monde de l’esprit, dans le domaine des hommes. Ce fut la chute des êtres des anges dans le domaine des hommes, hors de la sphère du monde spirituel, et c’est dans ce domaine des hommes qu’ils évoluent aujourd’hui, parmi les hommes. Leur présence s’y manifeste par le fait qu’ils envoient leurs forces dans les pensées, dans les sentiments, dans les impulsions de volonté des hommes, et qu’ils fomentent ceci ou cela. Or ils n’ont pas pu empêcher – en cela consiste justement leur défaite – que le temps soit venu où le savoir spirituel tombe goutte à goutte. Ce savoir spirituel est là maintenant, et se développera toujours davantage. Les hommes vont avoir la possibilité de percer à jour le monde de l’esprit.
Mais maintenant, ces êtres des anges ont été précipités sur terre et ils veulent causer des malheurs avec ce qui tombe goutte à goutte. Ils veulent aiguiller ici ce savoir sur de fausses voies. Ils veulent ravir à ce savoir son pouvoir bénéfique et le canaliser dans un mauvais sens. Bref, ils veulent obtenir ici, avec l’aide des hommes, ce qu’ils n’ont pas pu obtenir là-haut avec l’aide des esprits, parce qu’ils ont été précipités ici-bas en 1879. Ce qu’ils veulent, c’est détruire le bon plan du monde, qui consiste à répandre parmi les hommes, aux époques de maturité appropriées, le savoir sur la domination des masses humaines, le savoir sur la naissance, la maladie et la mort, et d’autres choses. Ils veulent le répandre prématurément par l’intermédiaire de naissances prématurées. Outre d’autres actes que ces esprits veulent commettre, ils agissent dans ce que je viens d’indiquer.
(…)Les mystères spirituels en vertu desquels ce qui est cosmique peut, sur terre – à l’aide des forces doubles du magnétisme, le positif et le négatif ― traverser ce qui est spirituel, proviennent des Gémeaux ; ce sont des forces de midi. Déjà dans l’Antiquité, on savait qu’il s’agissait là de quelque chose de cosmique, et les scientifiques savent bien, aujourd’hui, sur le plan exotérique, qu’il existe d’une manière ou d’une autre, dans le zodiaque, derrière les Gémeaux, un magnétisme positif et un magnétisme négatif. Il s’agira alors de paralyser ce qui doit être tiré du cosmos par la manifestation de la dualité, de le paralyser d’une manière égoïste, matérialiste, au moyen des forces qui affluent vers l’humanité depuis les Gémeaux, et qui peuvent être entièrement mises au service du double.
Pour d’autres confréries, qui veulent surtout passer à côté du Mystère du Golgotha, il s’agira de tirer parti de la double nature de l’homme, cette double nature qui comprend, tel que l’homme est entré dans la cinquième période post-atlantéenne, d’un côté l’homme, mais en l’homme aussi sa nature animale inférieure. Car l’homme est vraiment un centaure : il contient la nature animale inférieure astralement, et ne contient l’humanité qu’au-dessus, pour ainsi dire, de cette nature animale {195}. Du fait de cette action concourante de la double nature en lui, il existe aussi un dualisme de forces. C’est ce dualisme de forces qui sera davantage utilisé du côté oriental, indien, par certaines confréries égoïstes, pour séduire aussi l’Est européen, qui a pour tâche de préparer la sixième période post-atlantéenne, et ce dualisme-là emploie les forces qui agissent depuis le Sagittaire. (…)
Beaucoup d’efforts s’opposeront à cela, des efforts qui introduiront les morts de manière artificielle dans l’existence humaine. Par le détour des Gémeaux, des morts seront introduits dans la vie humaine, ce qui aura pour effet que les vibrations humaines continueront à résonner et à vibrer d’une manière très particulière dans les travaux mécaniques accomplis par les machines. Le cosmos mettra les machines en mouvement par le biais que je viens d’indiquer.
L’important, dans cette affaire, est que l’on n’ait pas recours à des moyens indus quand ces problèmes arrivent, mais que l’on ait uniquement recours aux forces élémentaires, qui d’ailleurs font partie de la nature ; que l’on renonce à introduire des forces indues dans la vie mécanique. On devra renoncer, dans le domaine occulte, à insérer l’homme lui-même dans ces rouages mécaniques d’une façon que la théorie darwinienne de la sélection soit abusivement appliquée à la détermination de la force de travail de l’homme, comme je vous l’ai décrit la dernière fois dans un exemple.
Je fais allusion à toutes ces choses, qui ne peuvent évidemment pas être traitées de manière exhaustive en si peu de temps, parce que je me dis que vous continuerez à les méditer, que vous essayerez de créer un lien entre tout cela et vos propres expériences de vie, surtout ces expériences que l’on peut faire justement aujourd’hui, en ces temps difficiles.
Vous verrez combien de choses s’expliquent si vous les considérez à la lumière qui peut vous venir de telles idées. Car vraiment, il ne s’agit pas, à notre époque, de forces et de combinaisons de forces qui se font face comme on le dit dans la vie exotérique extérieure, mais il s’agit de tout autre chose : on veut effectivement aujourd’hui recouvrir d’un voile les vraies impulsions qui sont en jeu.
Il est tout à fait vrai que certaines forces humaines travaillent à sauver quelque chose pour elles. Sauver quoi ? Certaines forces humaines travaillent à représenter les impulsions qui étaient des impulsions justifiées jusqu’à la Révolution française et qui étaient aussi représentées par certaines écoles occultes, à les représenter maintenant dans une attitude de retenue ahrimanienne-luciférienne ; les représenter de manière à maintenir un ordre social que l’humanité croit avoir dépassé depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle.
Deux puissances, surtout, se font face : les représentants du principe qui fut dépassé vers la fin du XVIIIe siècle et les représentants de l’époque moderne. Instinctivement, un grand nombre de personnes sont évidemment des représentants de l’impulsion de l’époque moderne. C’est pourquoi ceux dont on veut qu’ils soient des représentants des anciennes impulsions, datant encore des XVIIIe, XVIIe et XVIe siècles, doivent être insérées de manière artificielle dans les forces qui émanent de certaines confréries agissant selon un égoïsme de groupe. Le principe le plus efficace, de nos jours, pour étendre son pouvoir sur autant de gens que nécessaire, est le principe économique, le principe de la dépendance économique. Mais celle-ci n’est que l’instrument. Il s’agit en réalité de tout autre chose. Ce dont il s’agit, c’est justement ce que vous pouvez déduire de toutes les allusions que j’ai faites. Le principe économique se relie à tout cela pour faire d’un grand nombre de personnes du monde entier, pour ainsi dire, une armée de défense de ces principes.
Voilà ce qui s’affronte. Nous trouvons là des indications sur ce qui combat actuellement dans le monde : à l’Ouest, le principe bien ancré des XVIIIe, XVIIe et XVIe siècles, qui fait en sorte de passer inaperçu en endossant les slogans de la Révolution, les slogans de la démocratie, en adoptant ce masque et en s’efforçant, de cette manière, d’obtenir le plus de pouvoir possible. Il est avantageux, pour cette tendance, que le plus grand nombre de gens possible ne cherchent pas à considérer les choses telles quelles sont et se laissent bercer d’illusions, se laissent bercer par cette mâyâ que l’on peut par exemple traduire en mots en disant qu’il existerait aujourd’hui une guerre entre l’Entente et les Empires centraux.
Cette guerre n’existe pas, en réalité, mais c’est de toutes autres choses qu’il s’agit, de choses qui sont les vraies réalités, derrière cette mâyâ. Cette dernière allégation, le combat de l’Entente contre les Empires centraux, n’est qu’illusion. Ce qui est en lutte l’un contre l’autre, on le découvre si on regarde derrière le voile des événements, en les éclairant pour soi d’une manière que je ne fais qu’indiquer à demi-mot, justement pour certaines raisons. Il faut au moins essayer pour soi de ne pas prendre les illusions pour des réalités : alors l’illusion se dissipera peu à peu, dans la mesure où elle doit se dissiper. Il faut surtout, aujourd’hui, s’efforcer de voir les choses telles qu’elles se présentent à l’esprit vrai, non prévenu.
(25 nov 1917, Derrière le voile des événement)
Behind The Scenes of External Happenings, Lecture 1:
(...)When one turns to the souls of human beings who have died in our present age and learns the circumstances of their existence, one perceives souls among them who feel grave apprehension at the prospect of coming into contact with those human souls who, here on Earth, met their death as did the Empress of Austria at that time in Geneva. One discovers that human beings sent through the Gate of Death by, let us say, the “Propagandists by Action,” are a cause of grave anxiety to certain human beings who passed through death in a normal way and then have further experiences in the spiritual world. One notices, as it were, that those who died in the normal way and who may have occasion to contact these other souls, are fearful of such contact after death, and shrink from it.
I beg you, in such a case, to ignore the emotional paradox. Such innumerable possibilities of association and contact are open to souls that it would be out of place to allow oneself here to be swayed by feelings of compassion, however natural and justifiable they may be. A case like this must be viewed quite objectively. It is a fact that souls who have passed through the Gate of Death normally, feel a certain dread of those whose death was brought about by violent means resembling those adopted by anarchist propaganda.Now there is a certain very strange connection between this last fact and the other of which I spoke previously. Closer scrutiny reveals that these souls who met their death by violent means come into possession of certain knowledge in the spiritual world after death, which the other souls do not wish to receive from them prematurely, before it is right and healthy to do so. For the very reason that here, on the physical plane, they were deprived of life in this way and sent with such violence through the Gate of Death, these souls retain a certain possibility of turning to account the powers and forces they possessed on Earth, for example, the power of intellect. From the other side, from the spiritual world, such souls can make use of the powers which were bound up with the physical body here on Earth and achieve with them something quite other than it is possible to achieve during life in the physical body. Thereby these souls are able to acquire knowledge of certain things earlier than is really conducive to the progress of human evolution.It is very remarkable that both meaning and purpose are revealed in this way in a number of deeds hitherto seeming to lack all rhyme or reason. These deeds assume a strange aspect to one who sees things as they really are. In the physical world, all kinds of nonsense is talked; it may sound plausible but is, well just nonsense to closer observation. Here, in the physical world, it is said: people like these “Propagandists by Action” who murder others, are simply out to draw attention to misery in the world; it is a means of active agitation, etc., etc.. But one who analyses the matter and tries to bring it into line with the laws of social life will realise at once that, although such deeds appear to be senseless, their meaning suddenly becomes clear in the light of the knowledge that souls sent into the spiritual world in this violent way, acquire knowledge which they really ought not yet to possess and of which souls who died a normal death have a positive dread.To investigate the causes underlying assassinations committed at various times, like that of the Empress Elizabeth of Austria, to discover the position of these souls who come into the spiritual world with certain secrets in their keeping — with consequences of which we shall speak — to investigate these things occultly was of course the important thing. A merely external view of the series of such assassinations may ascribe them all to chance; but if one analyses the matter, if one considers who the individuals thus sent to their death really are, it becomes clear that they have been selected, as it were — not, of course from the standpoint of the physical world but from that of the spiritual world. Investigation of this aspect of many of the well-known assassinations reveals something very remarkable. In the cases of Carnot, [2] the Empress Elizabeth of Austria and certain others, the remarkable fact is revealed that although the possibility of achieving something by their assassinations certainly existed, it was, as a matter of fact, not achieved at all. It would have been achieved if souls had been found to be their “customers,” if I may put it so. If that had happened, both sides would have incurred transcendental, supersensible guilt: those who had passed through death in the normal way would have had experiences which would have driven them into blameworthy paths, and those whose deaths had been caused by violence, by assassination, would have been guilty of divulging knowledge before the proper time.Higher Spiritual Beings, Higher Hierarchies, prevented this from happening because of certain consequences which would have ensued and which it was necessary to frustrate for the sake of the well-being of a certain part of mankind. By the intervention of higher Spiritual Beings, the harm that might have resulted was prevented. And so there was evidence here of an attempt made with ineffective means, or rather, with means that had been deprived of their effectiveness. It was an attempt made in the spiritual world, behind the scenes of the physical world.Probing into the deeper foundations of such matters, we discover the source of the impulses underlying them. And in the case of many of the assassinations which were news in Europe and will be known to you, the impulses — they were spiritual impulses, remember — were not really primary and original but were derivatives; they were “defence measures,” if this rather trivial expression is permissible. The purpose of these deeds was to put a stop to something else, to frustrate other deeds, or, better said, to prevent the consequences of other deeds tending in the same direction.This is a very mysterious matter and can only be understood by scrutinising what, exactly, it was proposed to prevent, against what, exactly, these defence measures were taken. Spiritual Science penetrates here into things deeply connected with the impulses of human life in the present and in the future and of which it is extremely difficult to speak because they everywhere run counter to certain naive and even justifiable interests of men. The matter becomes comprehensible only when we take into consideration the fact that all these attempts by means of assassinations of which I have spoken up to now, were amateurishly directed, were not under “expert” guidance. They were attempts made without thorough knowledge of the occult connections; they were defence measures born of fear, and they were not under united leadership. They become intelligible only when we study the plan which they were actually intended to avert, and which was itself being pursued and staged with much greater insight. In the nineteenth century, a remarkable Order was still in existence over in the East: the Order of the “Thugs.” This Order, which flourished in a certain region of Asia, did not arise out of mere desire — the desire, I mean, of its members — to gain their ends. The members of this Order were charged with the task of murdering certain persons named by very secret and unknown superiors. It was an Order of murderers, so to speak, with the task of putting certain individuals to death. Evidence of its activity filtered through from time to time in news announcing the murder of such and such a person. The murder was committed on the orders of unknown superiors who had charged some member of this Order of the Thugs to carry it out.In the places where this was undertaken, the aim was well understood. By arranging circumstances of the physical plane in such a way that the establishment of this Order of the Thugs was possible, and then by directing its activities as required, the plan was to bring about the violent death of such persons as would be equipped after their death with the faculty for learning certain secrets. The individuals who managed all this also organised corresponding conditions here, on the physical plane, to act as “mirrors” — “mirror events” as they are called in occultism. Such was the intention: to organise the appropriate “mirror events.” Certain events of this kind — if only a few — have actually been organised on the physical plane. It is done in this way: certain suitable personalities are trained to be mediums, put into a mediumistic condition and by certain machinations the currents from the spiritual world are directed to the medium. The medium then divulges certain secrets which can only be disclosed by this means, namely, that in yonder world a person killed by a deed of violence, turns to account here, on the Earth, those forces which owing to his violent death can still be made use of; as souls, they fathom certain secrets and then instill them into the medium. And it is possible for those interested in such research here, on the Earth, to investigate what these souls are instilling by such means.What is investigated in this way is a sort of “premature spiritual birth” — if I may use this expression. The souls who passed through the Gate of Death in the normal way and are concerned with such things, know that they must be preparing themselves now — and they make it plain that they are engaged in this preparation — in order, later on, when humanity has sufficiently matured, to bring down many things to the Earth and inject them into the Earth by rightful means. This, indeed, is an important task devolving upon a number of human beings now passing through the Gate of Death. Having attained the requisite maturity for certain secrets at the right time — not prematurely, as is the case when forces generated by violent deaths are put into operation — the task of these souls is to use and apply the normal forces. It is actually the task of these human beings to acquire control of these forces and then to inspire them into men living on the Earth who are not mediums at all but who should experience them in the normal, legitimate way — through genuine Inspiration.In normal life this would be a matter of waiting. But because, as the result of occult crime, these things which ought to come much later are sent as premature spiritual births along the path indicated — because of this, individuals intending evil to humanity and who in this sense are “black” or “grey” magicians, capture such secrets for their own ends.
Behind the scenes of outer happenings, such things have been proceeding during our own decades. The intention was this: to place in the hands of a certain group of men, firstly, the secret of the control of masses — I spoke of this to begin with. It is the secret of how to gain extensive control over those masses who concern themselves little with external affairs, yet possess spiritual capacities and are especially qualified to assist in the preparation of the Sixth Post-Atlantean epoch — it is the secret, too, of how the art of controlling these masses can be placed in the hands of a few individuals.That was the one aim. The other is something that will play an important role in the future: it is a matter of acquiring the secret means whereby factors connected with processes of disease, with the process of propagation, may be given a particular turn.Among a few friends, I have already spoken of these things. The age of materialism is striving, through the work of certain circles, to paralyse, to eliminate all spiritual development in mankind, to bring human beings to a point where simply by temperament and character they reject everything that is spiritual and regard it as folly.This trend — and it is already perceptible in some individuals today — will intensify. People will actually long for the time when the Spiritual is universally deemed to be insanity, craziness! Attempts will be made to achieve this end by inoculations; just as viruses have been discovered as means of protection against illnesses, so certain inoculations will be used to influence the human body in such a way that it provides no place for the spiritual proclivities of the soul. Human beings will be immunised against any predisposition for spiritual ideas ... such, at least, will be the endeavour. They will try by inoculation to bring it about that even in childhood, human beings lose the urge towards the spiritual life. This is only one of the aspects of that more intimate knowledge, relating to the connection of Nature-processes and Nature-specifics with the human organism, which must arise during the Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch. These things will certainly find their way into the life of mankind when the time comes. The only question is whether success will have attended those previous attempts — by means of such premature spiritual births as I have mentioned — to put knowledge into the hands of individuals who will use it for their own ends ... or whether the knowledge of these things will come in the right way, at the right time, and thus promote the well-being of humanity.There was nothing amateurish about the methods of the organisation designed for promoting these premature spiritual births; with the help of the Order of murderers known as the Thugs, it worked very systematically, albeit in a way which horrifies anyone who has the good of humanity at heart. It worked systematically, not amateurishly, with full knowledge of the means required.Because the effort was being made through instruments acquired prematurely from the spiritual world to place part of mankind in the egotistical possession of knowledge which, as humanity matures will be acquired in any case during the Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch ... because this was being striven for, there arose in other groups of men the uneasiness and anxiety which staged this “Propaganda by Action” as a counter-blast, so to speak; it was intended to be a help but, being the child of fear, it was an amateurish attempt, a provisional attempt made with ineffective means.
These things that proceed behind the scenes of external happenings, are of deep import. Nor would they be mentioned here if it were not a necessity and a duty to bring them to the attention of people trained to some extent in Spiritual Science. It is a necessity for such things to pass into the consciousness of humanity in the Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch. Only so can the goal of earthly evolution be attained.Human beings must embark upon the unpleasant task of abandoning the mode of thinking which the universities produce in the so-called educated classes today; a time must come when a number of human beings declare themselves ready to accept this uncomfortable world-conception which takes its direction, its concepts, its ideas, from the spiritual world. For men must not, dare not, linger in the condition of sleep that is so congenial to those abstract concepts for which the age of materialism strives and then calls “noble.”Thinking over what I have thus indicated, you will realise that a whole number of possibilities exist for making use of currents emanating from the spiritual world in order to bring evil things to pass on the Earth during this Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch. There are many, many such possibilities — today I have told you of one. And the obligation to stress the necessity that such knowledge should reach the consciousness of a certain number of souls — this is bound up with the fundamental character of our age. The second half of the nineteenth century was an extremely important period. I have often indicated to circles of friends here and there that the year 1841 was a critical time, a year of decision and crisis. This, of course, is not discovered by looking merely at the events that happened in the physical world, but only by studying these events in connection with what was going on in the spiritual world. The year 1841 was, in truth, the critical year in respect of the onset of the age of materialism, for at that time a very definite battle began in the spiritual worlds — a battle waged by certain Spirits, Spirits of Darkness as we may call them, belonging to the hierarchical rank of the Angeloi. In the spiritual worlds they fought out this battle until the autumn of 1879. They were striving for many and definite aims, only one of which shall be mentioned today. Between the years 1841 and 1879, decision was to be taken as to whether a certain store of spiritual wisdom could be made sufficiently mature to trickle gradually down to the Earth from the last third of the nineteenth century onwards, that is to say, to enter into the souls of men as a stimulus to spiritual knowledge, to the knowledge described today as that of Spiritual Science, which has only been possible since that time.The aim of these Angeloi-Spirits between the years 1841 and 1879 was to prevent what was thus to flow down to the Earth, from coming to maturity in the spiritual world. But these Spirits of Darkness were defeated in the war they waged against the Spirits of Light during this period. In the year 1879, on a smaller scale, an event came to pass of the kind that has several times come to pass in the course of evolution, and has always been pictured symbolically as the victory of Michael, or St. George, over the Dragon. In the year 1879, too, the Dragon was overcome in a certain realm. This time the “Dragon” was the Angeloi-Spirits who were striving for but could not achieve the aim I have indicated. In 1879, therefore, they were cast out of the spiritual world into the world of men — and here, in this world, they wander among humanity. They are present here, sending their forces into men's thoughts, feelings and impulses of will, egging them on to this undertaking or another. They have not been able to prevent the onset of the age when the spiritual knowledge flows down — their defeat in the battle lies precisely in this — for the spiritual knowledge is here and will unfold increasingly; human beings will be able to acquire the faculty of seeing into the spiritual world.But having been cast down to the Earth, these Angeloi-Spirits are intent upon doing harm with the down-flowing knowledge; they want to guide it into wrongful channels, to rob it of its power for good and lead it into paths of evil. In short, having been cast down since the year 1879, their aim is to achieve here, with the help of men, what they were unable to achieve with the help of the Spirits in yonder world. Their aim is to bring ruin to that part of the good plan for world-evolution which consists in causing the knowledge of the control of masses, the knowledge concerning birth, illness and death, among other things, to spread among men when the time is ripe. These Spirits of Darkness want to spread such knowledge too soon, by means of the premature spiritual births. Among their other objects and activities, these Spirits operate in the manner I have just indicated.The only way to combat the influence of these Ahrimanic Beings is to realise that against certain aims of Ahriman nothing avails except to see through him, to know that he is there. I have indicated this repeatedly in the Mystery Plays; think only of the end of the last Play. The Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch must evolve to the stage where many human beings address the Ahrimanic Powers and Beings as Faust addresses Mephistopheles: “In thy Nothingness I hope to find the All.” Men must be resolved to look into that realm where materialism sees the “Nothingness” and there see ... the spiritual world! Ahriman-Mephistopheles is then obliged to speak to such men as he speaks to Faust when sending him to the “Mothers”:“I will not grudge my praise before thou goest, For well I see that thou the Devil knowest.”The other day, I said, jokingly, in Dornach: “Mephistopheles would not have made such a remark to Woodrow Wilson! To Woodrow Wilson he would have said: ‘The little fellows never notice the Devil, even when he has them by the collar!’” Truly, it is of the greatest importance that men shall learn to see into the realities of the spiritual world. And, believe me, it is simply the fact, that when, on the one side, there is some special necessity, the opposing forces are also especially strong — and so, today, men put up strong resistance to these things, struggle against them.I beg you here in Zurich, in your laudable and welcome efforts to bring Spiritual Science to certain still very hostile circles, to be under no illusions! Many disappointments — and at first, nothing but disappointments — await all efforts to direct things that must come to pass, into the right paths. This, of course, should never deter us. We must be so imbued with the impulse needed for the present age, that we do what has to be done without regard to results — whether they fall out one way or the other.This attitude alone makes achievement possible — and then it is often reached by an entirely unexpected route. I beg you to remember, too, that a great deal must often be done that yields no gratifying results. For the propaganda of Spiritual Science is a different matter from other current forms of propaganda. In these other domains, people are for the most part told things with which they are as familiar as devout ladies sitting in church are familiar with what the clergyman says from the pulpit. The programmes of most leagues and societies contain subject matter that can be imbibed very light-heartedly and superficially — it usually is, and remains, pure abstraction. Fine programmes are made — but these programmes are unrelated to and incapable of penetrating into reality. If it is our desire to cultivate spiritual strivings in this Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch, we must regard them as we regard the Living. What is the nature of the Living? The Living, the Life, in the realm of Spirit has its image in the realm of the Living in Nature. I ask you: is a fish in the sea afraid of laying a number of eggs that come to nothing? Ask yourselves how many of the eggs that are actually laid, turn into fish? How many come to nothing? As it is in life, so, too, it is in the spiritual life. You may speak for long years, on countless occasions, to vast numbers of people ... and you must be satisfied if interest, at most, is awakened in a few among them — for that inheres in the nature of the Living. Achievement in any degree is only possible when one proceeds as Nature proceeds — Nature being the image of the Spirit. What would happen if Nature hesitated to allow living beings to lay the eggs that come to nothing, because a number obviously perish in the course of a year? The Nature-process continues and, moreover, achieves evolution. Considerations as to whether any particular thing can be achieved, whether it is in line with this or with that — are of no moment. What is of moment is that in the thing itself we see the impulse and that we simply cannot do otherwise than carry this impulse into the world.In my book Vom Menschenratsel (The Riddle of Man) I have described a mode of consciousness that is at the same time a “seeing” (Schauendes Bewusstsein). This must, to a certain degree, become a faculty in humanity of the Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch for the following reason. Certain secrets must come into the open because otherwise they would be spread among humanity by unlawful means such as those of which I have told you today. As I said, it is not easy to speak of these things, but in duty bound it is necessary to do so.And looking at the reasons — a few of which have been indicated today — why this impulse must be carried out into the world during the Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch ... truly they are serious enough! Where necessity is greatest, remember, there the opposition is strongest. Men will have to learn to view all these things that come to pass here, on the physical plane, and in our time present a truly terrible aspect, in their connection with happenings behind the scenes. Only then do they become intelligible. But the historians, the sociologists, the economists, the politicians of today, who derive their rules and laws exclusively from the physical plane well, as far as the actual necessities are concerned, they act like persons who begin some important task by stretching themselves on a chaise lounge and going to sleep, believing they can achieve it in the world of dream. The majority of those who belong to the world of culture, to the several branches of science today, really do set to work like this; in their state of dream they let reality pass them by. How do men write treatises on history, on sociology? They write without a single inkling of the real forces at play behind the subject of their dreamings. The realities underlying such deeply decisive events as we are witnessing nowadays, lie around modern men of science like the walls of a room into which they have been carried during sleep, have never seen and in which they go on sleeping. This is how materialistic science acquaints itself with the world.
Behind the Scenes of External Happenings Lecture 2
In the last lecture here I told you of an improper relationship to the spiritual world that it is the aim of certain quarters to establish. I said that certain individuals are deprived of life here and sent into the spiritual world as the outcome of deliberate machinations; they have not, therefore, wholly lived out their life here and are still able to turn certain forces to account in the world where they live between death and a new birth. And then certain brotherhoods working with dishonourable motives, desiring only to satisfy their own lust for power, can use mediums for the purposes of receiving from the Dead the knowledge which the Dead have thus been enabled to acquire.Occult brotherhoods of this kind are also, as a rule, those that lead men astray in regard to the events of greatest importance in the spiritual world. When I tell you that in 1879, in November, a momentous event took place, a battle of the Powers of Darkness against the Powers of Light, which ended in the sense of the picture of Michael overcoming the Dragon ... then the point is not, simply to tell you: such and such an event took place. For you can read in many books — it is not an esoteric truth at all — that such an event is appointed in world-evolution. What I really want to bring home is the significance of the event and the attitude that you should adopt towards it. Eliphas Levi, Baader, Saint-Martin, all knew and spoke of such an event — there is nothing really esoteric in the fact itself. But in our time, endeavours are on foot to spread confusion about such events — wherever possible, a confusion that makes men regard them as mere superstition, although they have already been proclaimed by ancient learning. Here, again, is a reason why correct and true ideas about these things are so important.There exists today a right and proper path of approach to the spiritual truths, which since 1879 have been filtering down from the spiritual to the physical world. It is the path indicated by Spiritual Science. And if in the stream of Spiritual Science there is no deviation from sincerity and purity of intention, Spiritual Science will lead to the establishment of the right relationship between the physical and the spiritual worlds. But what is attained thereby, and must arise among men, involves and demands strenuous effort. Laziness in all its many forms must be put away. Strenuous effort is essential. When mention is made of impulses which, coming from the spiritual world, also work in the shaping of the future ... well, then people come and say: “I want to know this or that specific detail.” What they like best of all, nowadays, for example, is that one should give them a detailed description of what will happen in 1920 as the result of the present war. They do not understand that knowledge of the future ought not to be burdened with such detailed delineations, although this knowledge of the future can be absolutely reliable and effective. That is so terribly difficult to understand.Let me make myself clear by means of a comparison. You will say: “Really that is unintelligible: he states on the one hand that details damage knowledge concerning the future, and on the other hand that one ought to pay attention to this knowledge because it speaks correctly about the future.” I want to make this point clear by means of a simple and trivial analogy. There are bad chess players and good chess players. Set a bad player down in front of a board and he will make bad moves and lose the game. A good player will get more opportunities and will win the game. The bad chess player simply makes the wrong move and the good player the right move, at the given moment. But does the good player apply his mind to detailed deliberation of the actual moves that the other player will make later on? Is it necessary for him, if he is a good player, to know now what moves the other player will make in two hours time? No, it is not! But that does not mean that his skill — the skill of a really good chess player — is ineffective. He will do what is the right thing for the future, because he knows the right moves and, if he has no such insight, he will make the wrong moves; but he is inevitably exposed to the free will of the other player. One cannot, therefore, ask: What is the good of being able to play chess really well, if the other player is always there? It is a very great help indeed to be able to play chess well! If you will ponder over this comparison, I am sure you will see what I mean.The analogy will serve at the same time to point the truth of what everyone versed in occult matters of this kind will tell you, namely, that the moment a man draws his impulses for action in the physical world, from the spiritual world, he must be prepared to encounter other spiritual Powers; there are the “other players” to be reckoned with; there is no open field before him where he can just do what he has planned. That is the inconvenient fact! Suppose you have some knowledge of occult impulses, of impulses deriving from the spiritual world and then try — in the world of politics, let us say — to turn them to real account. If you are typical men of the present day, you will prefer everything to run smoothly and automatically so that you can have it all under control. But if you want to turn spiritual impulses, occult impulses to account in the physical world, you will have to reckon everywhere with the free will not only of men here on Earth, but also of higher Beings. In other words, with conditions as they are at present, you must not reckon upon having a free field before you; you must realise that the field is already crowded.And so it is a matter of acquiring through genuine Spiritual Science, correct knowledge, for example of the character of the Sixth Post-Atlantean epoch which is preparing in the East, and of putting the right occult impulse into action at the right moment, just as the chess player must make his move according to that of the other player. What is really necessary is that a man shall deepen his understanding of the spiritual world and learn to do the right thing in each individual case. A recovery of spiritual vitality, unbroken effort and exertion — that is what is necessary, not all these overlapping, abstract programmes. Humanity today likes to have abstract programmes, likes best of all to condense into four or five paragraphs what should be done all over the world, so that delegates appointed by all the nations may vote in a kind of World Court of Arbitration on what has to come about on Earth in accordance with a rule accepted once and for all. But what is really necessary is that men shall seek for knowledge of the spiritual world, shall seek lasting union with the spiritual powers.What will one do on the other hand if one does want to serve mere impulses of power? Then one will act quite differently, trying to gain knowledge of the future by such improper means as I described last time, where mediumistic revelations about the future were elicited from souls who had first been precipitated through the Gate of Death in such a way that they might still make use of earthly forces. In this way, certain occult brotherhoods acquired knowledge concerning the relation of West and East, and on the basis of this knowledge all sorts of machinations were set on foot, the effects of which go on to this day. Knowledge of this kind, placed at the disposal of the lust for power, always has some particular object in view. If you acquire knowledge of occult forces in a right and honest way, all you will do in human life will at the same time be reckoning with the Angel-Beings, with every single Angelos of every one of the human beings concerned. You know the human beings in regard to whom you apply occult truths are in relation to the spiritual world. Every one of them, a living soul, has his connection with the spiritual world. You look on them as living beings. So should the West be dealing with the East — open always to what may arise, reckoning with the “other players” as with living beings — reckoning in effect with the Angels who guard the individuals concerned. This is found inconvenient. This kind of influence the Ahrimanic Powers want to do away with; they want mere power to prevail.But this is connected also with something else, namely, that you must reckon with the other powers in the field. You cannot merely rely on your own power; you must reckon with the others. The quest of power as such is, of course, ruled out. Impulses truly derived from the occult world will assuredly be right and will produce the right effects, but they will never be at the disposal of mere impulses of power. That would be out of the question.
Voici par exemple un vieux dessin intitulé "The Kaiser's Dream" (1890), qui fut présenté comme une blague dans un journal sous influence des loges et servant à transmettre des messages entre initiés quant aux bouleversements politiques prévus par les loges... C'était censé être une vision cauchemardesque du Kaiser.
En gros plan:
Voyons de quelle année date ce dessin "humoristique": 1890.
- On a déjà une Allemagne divisée et changée en république longtemps avant Weimar (la puissance allemande étant l'Ennemi ultime et prioritaire des loges).
- On a aussi tout plein de républiques en Europe (l'essentiel du plan des loges).
- Et on a, pour couronner le tout, un immense "désert" russe (ce que le bolchévisme devait produire).
I told you that certain secret brotherhoods entertained views about how Europe ought to be structured and how they could influence that structuring. Today I want to add to what has already been made plain something that has not yet been mentioned. I do this because it seems to me to be a good thing that once at least, in however small a circle, something is said which will certainly be made known in the future, just as the division of Austria has been made known in the note from the Entente to President Wilson. Those who knew about these things could have sketched the division of Austria as long ago as the nineties — I do not want to go back any further — on the basis of the maps I have already mentioned. [ Note 5 ]
Note 5: by means of maps: Arthur Polzer-Hoditz says in his book Kaiser Karl (Emperor Charles), Zurich-Leipzig-Vienna 1928, p.19 (Note): ‘I conclude that the breaking up of the Habsburg monarchy had long been a foregone conclusion among those politicians who — by the way — after the collapse of the Central Powers intended to share amongst themselves the chief roles in world politics. I refer in particular to a map showing the division of Europe, which was published by the Englishman Labouchère in his satirical weekly journal Truth in 1890 (the Christmas Number dated December 25 1890, not the regular number for that week which is also dated December 25), that is, twenty-four years before the outbreak of the World War. This map is virtually identical with that of present-day Europe: Austria as a monarchy has disappeared and made way for a republican member of the League of Nations. Bohemia is an independent state in the incidental shape of Czechoslovakia. Germany is squeezed into her present confines and split into small republics. Where Russia would be is written “Russian Desert.” Countries for socialist experiments.’ See also C. G. Harrison The Transcendental Universe. Six Lectures on Occult Science, Theosophy and the Catholic Faith, London 1894, Lecture 2: ‘A powerful empire which unites under a despotic government a number of local communes — Russia. The remains of a kingdom — Poland, whose only cohesive force is its religion, and which will be ultimately reabsorbed in the Russian Empire in spite of it. A number of tribes who, oppressed by the alien Turk, have thrown off the yoke, and have been artificially consolidated into little states, whose independence will last as long as, and no longer than, the next great European war ... The Russian Empire must die that the Russian people may live, and the realization of the dreams of the Pan-Slavists will indicate that the sixth Aryan sub-race has begun to live its own intellectual life, and is no longer in its period of infancy.’
(4 dec 1916, The Karma of Untruthfulness Vol 1)
As I have told you, during the final decades of the nineteenth century certain members of occult streams began — not with ordinary consciousness, but with occult consciousness — to expand this British Empire by placing before their souls, and the souls of their pupils, maps [ Note 5 ] which showed what still had to come about if the British Empire was to beam its forces over the whole world. In these occult circles the following idea was consciously cultivated: The fifth post-Atlantean period belongs to the English-speaking peoples. Based on this, all the arrangements were carried out and all the details elaborated.
(7 jan. 1917, The Karma of Untruthfulness Vol 2)
Excerpt from Brothers of the Shadows: A Perspective on Conspiracies.
In 1893, an Englishman called C.G. Harrison delivered six lectures to the Berean Society, a mysterious group of ‘Christian esotericists’. A record of these lectures is to be found in Harrison’s remarkable book The Transcendental Universe. Little is known about the Berean Society or Harrison, although he wrote two further books in his lifetime. What is clear is that Harrison, who speaks in defense of the “high” Church, had access to a phenomenal store of esoteric thought, and was furthermore privy to a certain amount of inside knowledge.
In his second lecture, he spoke not only of “the next great European war”, but also of the “national character” of the Slavic peoples and its ability to “enable them to carry out experiments in Socialism, political and economical, which would present innumerable difficulties in Western Europe”. Remember that these lectures were given in 1893, 21 years before the First World War and 24 years before the Bolshevik Revolution!
How could he know about the forthcoming War as well as the “experiments in Socialism”, which would take a grip on Russia and its surrounding states for most of the twentieth century? If he was not, as he claimed, a “practical occultist” himself, it is reasonable to assume he had contact with people who were, and who had access to the malign plans of such secret groups referred to above.
The second significant piece of evidence which offers some backing for Steiner’s claims of occult interference in world politics is to be found in a special edition of the satirical weekly The Truth, published at Christmas 1890. Under the heading ‘The Kaiser’s Dream’, the magazine featured a cartoon map of Europe together with a humorous commentary. Many observations can be made of the map, but the most pertinent point to note in relation to the above is that all the countries of Europe are shown as republics with the exception of Russia and its neighbouring states, over which are written the words “Russian Desert”. In addition, Germany is identified with the words “German Republics”! This map signifies not only a foreknowledge – similar to Harrison – of the fate of Russia to become a cultural as well as an economic ‘desert’, but also of the future splitting of Germany into ‘republics’. The magazine’s editor, Henry Labouchère, was a Freemason. Was his remarkable foresight pure luck, or once again did he have some inside knowledge of future plans to shape the world?
I was able to find the cartoon map in question and have reproduced it below:
I retrieved that map from a book entitled 'The Crisis of Civilization', written by the Russian Anthroposophist Gennady Bondarev. Bondarev was expelled from the General Anthroposophical Society in 1998, the given reason being the alleged "anti-Semitism" expressed in his works. So, once again, he has obvious links with Rudolf Steiner.
However, that wasn't the only interesting map that Bondarev's book contained. He also reprints two other maps that are credited to Karl Heise. Heise was a theosophist (obvious links to the Occult via Helena Blavatsky) and wrote several books about the society and Occultism in general.
What is even more interesting is that Heise was being funded by Rudolf Steiner, who wrote the preface to the first edition of Heise's 1919 book 'Understanding Freimaurerei-und Weltkrieg', in which Heise denounced a Masonic plot to have orchestrated the First World War.
We shall now look at these maps in more depth...
Entente-Freimaurerei und Weltkrieg (Masonry and Allied World War II)
Here is an online copy of the book: Entente-Freimaurerei und Weltkrieg
From the contents regarding this map: “Geographical map from the secret society circles of the English-speaking world.”
The heading of the above map reads: In the secret circles of the English speaking world, a future has been imagined involving a world war and it's consequences shape Europe.
Below the map reads: Inscriptions in the map above:
(Over Germany is written) "the Germans remaining area (Rhine, Danube)"
(Over Austria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia is written) "According to the prophesy world wars arising Danube-Balkan Federation (Danube)."
(Written over most of Eastern Europe is) "From the dissolution of the Russian State from Tscheco Slovaks, Poles, Russians, etc. resulting Slav confederation (Vistula)"
Okkultes Logentum (Occult Lodges)
Top left is written: "Second British secret lodges map about the distribution of Europe."
Over Russia is written: "States decreed for the socialist experiment by England."
So here we have maps from two books, published in 1919 and 1921 respectively, and a cartoon map, published in 1890, that have been drawn by the so called "secret societies" that:
- Speak of an upcoming World War to shape Europe.
- Speak of Russia an an ongoing Socialist Experiment.
- Show a Germany divided into two seperate states.
Rudolf Steiner, who seems to be the driving force behind these revelations, puts them into context:
In 1916 and 1917, in the midst of the catastrophic First World War, Steiner gave a series of 25 lectures to a group of his followers who gathered together at their centre in Dornach in neutral Switzerland. These lectures, since translated and published in English, offer a unique reading of contemporary events.
Behind the outer façade of world affairs, suggested Steiner, the machinations of occult groups or ‘brotherhoods’ were at work. Certain of these brotherhoods had wanted the Great War to take place, and had manipulated events to bring it about. In doing this, they sought to protect the dominant economic position of the English-speaking world, and in turn to crush the ‘mediating’ role of Central European powers such as Germany, the Austro-Hungarian empire, and so on.
These occult brotherhoods – small groups of men who met together in ‘lodges’ and practiced ceremonial magic as a means of achieving certain goals – originated from the English-speaking (Anglo-Saxon) world and were allied, in particular, with Anglo-American interests. Their aim was to extend Anglo-American influence across the globe, and to ensure the predomination of Anglo-American culture. Furthermore, they sought to extend its superiority into the distant future; essentially to ensure that the present state of affairs continues evermore.
According to Steiner’s research, human evolution goes through ‘great periods’ of development. During each of these periods, a particular people is given the task of leading humanity in a spiritual sense. Over the millennia, it has been the destiny of different peoples to bring specific qualities, in a benevolent way, to the whole of humanity. Particular periods of history are thus led by particular nations. This does not imply a form of political control or empire – and is certainly not a theory of national or racial superiority – but is referring to a spiritual form of authority.
Steiner suggested that the Western world, and in particular the English-speaking peoples, have been given the task of getting to grips with the material world – of becoming comfortable on Earth and developing in harmony with it. In this specific sense, the West was to introduce a certain kind of (beneficial) materialism into human development. But this materialism was only meant to be developed up to a certain point. It was necessary in order for humans to become fully part of the earthly world, and to help introduce an individualised consciousness (the ‘I’). But beyond that it had the potential to be destructive. Materialism as a philosophy, which shuts out the possibility of soul and spirit, is retrogressive, asserted Steiner, and works as an evil in human evolution.
The Anglo-American brotherhoods that seek dominion over mankind know this, and hence today are deliberately sponsoring various kind of materialism in the hope of halting and trapping humanity at the present stage of its development. They don’t want humans to progress beyond the present stage of immersion in the material world. In other words, they don’t want us to reconnect in a free way with our spiritual ‘I’, because they know that their grip over humanity would then be lost. Human progress is dependent on spiritual knowledge, and thus the occult brotherhoods work against it.
Steiner explained further the brotherhoods were aware that the Slavic peoples were to be given the task of leadership on behalf of humanity during the next ‘great period’ of history. For this reason, the Anglo-American brotherhoods not only sought to dominate the present great period of human development, but – knowing that the Slavs had an important mission in the future – sought to gain control over the Slavic peoples (Russia in particular) in the present, in order to interfere with or even put a halt to their coming task. In this way, the Anglo-American brotherhoods could extend their control over human development into the distant future.
Steiner later claimed that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which led to the creation of the USSR and the 72-year cultural, intellectual, economic and political repression of the populations of its various peoples, was masterminded and sponsored by these same brotherhoods as a means of controlling the region and its peoples.
You can read for yourself what he had to say (it makes for a FASCINATING read!) by visiting his online archives.
From the archives I present to you a couple of paragraphs that seem to be indicating his foreknowledge of an oncoming Second World War...
For we must be clear that the time can come again – today I choose my words very cautiously and therefore say: can come –, when, because peace is not wanted at all, the conflict will be ferocious, maybe still more ferocious than it has already been, if something does not come from one side or another to prevent this ferocity. Then the possibility will be found again to talk of the atrocious deeds of Middle Europe, and under the ruins and the rubble one will bury the fact that one could have prevented these atrocious things oneself if one had not responded to the appeals for peace with the bellowing of a bull. It lay after all in the hands of the forces of the periphery to bring about peace. But the time will come … where it will again be said: The Germans are doing this or that in violation of all rights of nations (Jan. 8, 1917,GA 174).
There are a number of people already – and this number will quickly grow –, who grasp that it is entirely impossible to go through anything else but a revolution if one continues to work in the old sense. Just as in the old sense people were told: we have to wage a war in order to quell the revolution in our own country, so nothing other is meant than that work has to be done, particularly amongst those people of the West who are versed in the old way of thinking, to prepare the ground for the Second World War. There is no other way than, in order to overcome inner Bolshevism, to work in the West towards the Second World War. You can hear the cry from the lower strata of society: World-revolution! This idea of world-revolution can only be shrouded in a fog through the unleashing of this Second World War catastrophe. There cannot be any other way (Jan. 2, 1921, GA 338, Dornach 1986).
« Les causes de la Première Guerre mondiale ? Le partage du monde et la peur du mouvement social » De Jacques R. Pauwels (7 nov. 2014) Depuis longtemps, les grandes puissances mondiales la voulaient, cette guerre. Pour s’approprier des colonies et pour en finir une fois pour toutes avec les idées révolutionnaires qui gagnaient de plus en plus toute l’Europe.
VIDEO - Jacques Pauwels: La Grande Guerre 14 -18, le résultat d’un incident à Sarajevo ? «Pas du tout…» « Les gens de biens contre les gens de rien » ou bien comment, pendant les décennies de la Belle Epoque, les élites des deux côtés ont préparé cette revanche contre le peuple. Comment elles préféraient la guerre à la révolution qu’elles redoutaient tant.
The Great Class War 1914-1918 Summary of Dr. Jacques Pauwels’ new book, “The Great Class War of 1914-1918”: (...) These gentlemen did not “sleepwalk” into the war, but entered it with a clear head and open eyes. The European elite expected that war would bring great benefits. War would make it possible to put an end to the process of political and social democratization, a process that had started with the French Revolution in 1789. In other words, it would offer the elite an opportunity to arrest, and perhaps even to “roll back” the rise of the allegedly ignorant and dangerous lower classes, which threatened its power, wealth and privileges. The elite also believed that war would exorcize the spectre of social revolution, eliminating that danger once and for all.
VIDEO - 1914-1945 : de la « grande guerre des classes » à la fausse « bonne guerre » Par Jacques R. Pauwels
Or, les socialistes ne sont pas les seuls ni même les premiers à avoir compris la dialectique guerre-révolution. L'intellectuel fasciste Lawrence Dennis, qui a influencé Joseph P. Kennedy, Harry Elmer Barnes, Francis Parker Yockey, Willis A.Carto, Michael Collins Piper, etc., a exposé ce principe dans son livre The Dynamics of War and Revolution.
PDF-Lawrence Dennis - The Dynamics of War and Revolution
TB: J'ai commencé en écrivant sur un processus historique entre les peuples méditerranéens, les peuples germaniques et slaves. En 1893, ce processus a été décrit sous l'angle ésotérique par un obscur occultiste britannique du nom de C.G.Harrison. Il était connecté au réseau de la « Haute église », ou ésotérisme "catholique-anglais" au sein de l'église d'Angleterre. (24)
Les six conférences très profondes de Harrison en 1893 ont été bientôt notés par un vieil ami de Rudolf Steiner, Friedrich Eckstein et traduites en allemand, ce qui explique comment Steiner a pris connaissance de leur contenu. Dans une de ces conférences Harrison décrit comment les Romains avaient été une « nourrice » et un « tuteur » pour les tribus germaniques jusqu'à la fin de l'Empire romain, quand ils ont évolué de ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler « la petite enfance » à « l'enfance » en vertu de la papauté.
Les Slaves, dit-il, en sont actuellement à leurs premiers balbutiements, mais se déplaçant dans leur enfance, son implication claire étant que les peuples germaniques de l'Ouest (ce qui signifie pour lui, les britanniques, bien sûr), maintenant dans leur maturité, avaient été des nourrisses des Slaves et étaient maintenant destinés à devenir leur « tuteurs » et leurs « protecteurs », et que le changement serait encore marqué par la fin d'un empire et, il l'indique, leur tutelle sous une autre forme de la papauté ; évidemment, cette fois encore il s'agirait d'une « papauté occidentale » – ou d'une papauté Slave « injectée » par l'Occident. " ...Une grande guerre européenne est à venir, il a dit (en 1893 !), dans lequel « l'Empire russe doit mourir afin que les Russes puissent vivre ». Leur caractère national « leur permettra de mener des expériences dans le socialisme, la politique et l' économie, qui présentera des difficultés innombrables en Europe occidentale ». Le destin des Slaves, dit-il, sera « d'évoluer vers une civilisation supérieure qui leur est propre".
Mais tout comme la civilisation des classes supérieures des peuples germaniques aujourd'hui est "autant un développement étranger que la civilisation romaine en Grande-Bretagne", il laissera entendre que la future civilisation des Slaves sera en fait également un développement étranger, à savoir, une importation de la culture germanique (c.-à-britannique). En d'autres termes, les Slaves ne pourront en fait actuellement faire évoluer leur propre civilisation, mais continueront celle de l'époque précédente - 'la germano-anglaise'.
Donc, dix ans avant l'apparition des bolcheviks à Londres en 1903 (le résultat d'une scission au sein du Parti travailliste social-démocrate en Russie), un ésotériste britannique, également à Londres, connecté à un courant ésotérique traditionaliste-conservateur , pût prédire les futures expériences socialistes en Russie à la suite de «la prochaine grande guerre européenne"!(...)
21. Chaudordy était dans l'intimité de l'occultiste Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre (1842-1909) qui a cherché par ses écrits occultes à l'idée de la Synarchie, secrets Confréries de l'Est et la ville souterraine de Agharta et à promouvoir une alliance anglo-franco- russe. St Yves était très sympathique avec l'occultiste britannique Edward Bulwer-Lytton, auteur de "La Race qui nous supplantera" ("Vril: The Coming Race", 1871) et son fils Edward Bulwer-Lytton, ambassadeur à Paris et ancien vice-roi de l'Inde. Grâce à sa femme aristocratique St Yves a eu accès aux danois, russes et britanniques royals familles.
23. Guardian, http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/jul/05/humanities.highereducationLes deux agences ont été créées en 1909 par le Comité de défense de l'Empire (1902), le fruit du neveu de Salisbury Arthur Balfour qui a succédé à son oncle en tant que Premier ministre. Le gouvernement britannique en ces jours était souvent surnommé «Hôtel Cecil '
24. La High Church a ceci de significatif aussi d'être le courant anglican de Lord Salisbury et de la famille Cecil. A Oxford, Harrison a assisté au College Oriel (début des années 1880), le collège le plus associé depuis les années 1830 avec celui l'Oxford ou (Haute Église anglo-catholique) au mouvement «Tractatus».
Tiré du site : http://threeman.org/?p=1855
L'impérialisme libéral et la responsabilité britannique en 1914 – de l'Empire britannique à l'Empire américain.Sir Edward GREY. Trad française d'un article de l'anthroposophe Terry Boardman (threeman.org)
La première Guerre mondiale et la formidable idée d’Europe selon les Jésuites et l'oligarchie mondialiste !
Roots of Present World Conflict: Zionist Machinations and Western Duplicity during World War I
Alain Soral et Dieudonne Mbala : Les épouvantails au service de l’Eurasie
CRISIS OF CIVILISATION Chapter XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of “Eurasians” and “Atlantists”, p.443-444 by Gennady Bondarev
This article, which is based on Western sources, sets out to prove that there exists an intention to restore the Habsburg monarchy. For various reasons the idea of the forming a ‘Danube Imperium’ in the centre of Europe has won an enthusiastic response from the Americans and from the ‘European Movement’ (founded by Count Kalergi) which is controlled by them. It is characteristic that Otto von Habsburg, as general secretary of this organization and possible Austro-Hungarian successor to the throne, embodies two seemingly contradictory tendencies. On the one hand his ‘European Movement’ has brought into the foreground the idea of the establishment of unified states of Europe in a cosmopolitan spirit, while at the same time from the same source a call is heard, to undermine the said system through dismemberment right at its very heart. Is there a contradiction here, or is it a question of the formation of a certain ‘core’, whose task it is to draw in towards itself the rest of the European geo-political region?
The article states further that the situation in Austria has changed drastically since the disintegration of the communist block. The author quotes the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (‘New Zurich News’) which apparently said that Austria has returned to Central Europe and has perhaps become its centre. Otto von Habsburg’s intention to set up a federation of states at the border of West and East is only a stratagem. Behind it lie the political plans of the occult societies; the ‘Grande Orient of Austria’ and the ‘Grand National Lodge of Austria’ are members of the international hierarchic stream of Freemasons. These branches acknowledge the supremacy of the two international centres of Freemasonry – the ‘Grande Orient de France’ and the ‘Associated Grand Lodge of England’, both of which are under the control of American Lodges. The main role in the forming of the Danube federation is played by the Order of ‘Prieuré de Sion’, which works, not directly, but through the Swiss Lodge ‘Alpina’.
One cannot predict with certainty whether such alliances will emerge on the political map of Europe. But we can nevertheless draw a methodologically based conclusion from information in the newspapers blurted out in the heat of the battle – only of the printed word, so far – by parties, Orders and Lodges. It is the following: In the task of setting up the ‘New World Order’, the Jesuits and the secret societies of the West, one could also say Rome and Washington (and, in a more hidden form Moscow) work together, and at the same time each pulls in its own direction. In this, all are successful because the field of work on the entire globe is very extensive. If now on the one side an alliance arises under the protection of the Vatican, then something similar, arranged by the brotherhoods, must unquestionably be looked for on the other, and, on the third side, we must also observe, from this background, what is going on in Moscow. All these things together will then serve the new principles of world rule. However, it does not promise social harmony, either at the end of this century or at the beginning of the next.
CRISIS OF CIVILISATION. Chapter XVII: Russia and the “Socialistic Experiment” by Gennady Bondarev
Towards the end of the 19th century Russia was literally woven into a web by the political Lodges. They came forward as fighters for the equality of the Jews and in this way drew them on to their side. Preparation for the revolution began in the Lodges. The revolution of 1905 was a failure – the army put an end to it. Then special attention was given to preparation of the army. The French occultist Papus (friend of the Tsar’s family!) recruited members for the Lodges in the highest social circles. At the beginning of the First World War almost all the generals – including General Alekseev, who presided over the general staff of the Russian army and later commanded the ‘White Movement’ –, the highest aristocracy – Princes Yusopov, Trubetskoy, the Grand Dukes – were all members of the Lodges and in one way or another supported the preparation of the revolution. This was the great temptation of Russia, and Russia did not recognize it.
The Priory of Sion Hoax by Robert Richardson
September 10, 2003 Re: Response to Paul Smith Email from Robert Richardson
The Priory of Sion Secret and The DaVinci Code by Robert Richardson
From Synarchy to Shambala: The Role of Political Occultism and Social Messianism in the Activities of Nicholas Roerich Markus Osterrieder
Synarchy: The Hidden Hand Behind the European Union by L. Picknett and C. Prince, 2012
Mouvement synarchique d'empire - Pacte synarchique révolutionnaire pour l'empire français
Synarchie (jésuitisme) dans l'extrême-droite en 2014: BreizAtao:"Nous devons écraser le principe d'égalité" "Que la race blanche se rassemble, une nouvelle fois, sous la bannière du Christ Roi et Vainqueur, et à elle appartiendra à nouveau le rôle qui lui fut assigné par le Créateur."
The Spiritual Origins of Eastern Europe and the Future Mysteries of the Holy Grail, by Sergei O. Prokofieff (search for "Papus" ; "Saint-Yves d'Alveydre" ; "de Maistre" ; "martinist"/"martinists" ; "jesuits")
Rudolf Steiner (various) "Papus" ; "Eliphas Levi"
Crisis of Civilisation, Chapter XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of “Eurasians” and “Atlantists, by Gennady Bondarev
The Secret of Eurasia: The Key to Hidden History and World Events By Mehmet Sabeheddin
Red Star Over Shambhala: Soviet, British and American Intelligence and the Search for Lost Civilisation in Central Asia Dr. Richard Spence
V. V. Putin and Eastern Wisdom By Mehmet Sabeheddin
THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE HOLY GRAIL, by Sylvia Francke and Thomas Cawthorne (search for "Monti".)
The Ninth Century and the Holy Grail, by W. J. Stein (search : "Merovingians")
The Grail Stream and the Anti-Grail Sream
by Adriana Koulias
(...)Wherever human beings however live a selfish materialistic life this works right down into the Earthly Ethers and into the Ether that surrounds the earth, volcanoes, violent storms and other terrible natural catastrophes are the result.
101. I advise a cautious look at the book Holy Blood and the Holy Grail to see quite clearly how the Anti Grail stream is working from Rennes les Chateau
102. See the article Robert Richardson The Priory of Sion Hoax at Alpheus .org 2002- via internet.
103. See the work of Robert Richardson http://www.alpheus.org/html/articles/esoteric_history/richardson1.html and Laura Miller of New York Times at Cesnur, www.cesnur.org/2004/davinci_nyt.htm
Werner Greub: How Grail Sites Were Found? Foreword to the Third, North-American Edition: "Holy Grail Across The Atlantic?" by Robert J. Kelder
(...)This leads us, finally, to the question how Bradley’s book – that more appropriately should have been called Holy Blood Across the Atlantic – and others in this line, such as the more recent works by (Sir) Laurence Gardner on The Bloodline Of The Holy Grail and Genesis Of The Grail Kings can be seen in the light of Werner Greub’s Grail research and, more in general, Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy. We have anticipated this here and in our previous introduction by mentionning the spiritual and world historical significance of Parzival’s revolutionary attainment of the Grail kingship under the Star of Munsalvaesche in the year 848, where we referred to the incredulous words of amazement by Trevrizent marking this turning point in history. This is indeed what initiated a new age in the development of the Grail Monarchy, a new Royal Art of Social Organics, a development that only came to the full light of day with the foundation of the new mystery wisdom or anthroposophy by Rudolf Steiner at the beginning of the 20th century. By holding on to the bloodline, to the heredity principle, one is in effect advocating an old Grail impulse; and by ignoring this new principle of civilization and at the same time advocating social-economic reform based on this old Grail impulse, one is in effect – whether one is conscious of it or not – standing in the way of the new Grail impulse, of the necessary advancement in consciousness from the intellect to intuition that is so desperately needed for mankind to live in dignity, indeed to survive on this earth. (…) * Holy Blood/Holy Grail by M. Baigent, R. Leigh and H. Lincoln, first published in 1982, ends on an ominous note: “There are many devout Christians who do not hesitate to interpret the Apocalypse as nuclear holocaust. How might the advent of Jesus’ lineal descendant be interpreted? To a receptive audience, it might be a kind of Second Coming.” Ominous because it confuses the Second Coming of Christ – which according to Rudolf Steiner has taken place in the previous century in the supersensible etheric or living realm as an ongoing event (as the Bible says symbolically ‘in the clouds’) to be experienced by everyone who manages to elevate himself or herself to that height – with the imminent physical incarnation of Ahriman in a climate of death and destruction. All publications on the Grail that in one way or another follow this line of confusion only serve in the end to strengthen the violent climate and chaotic pre-conditions necessary for this anti-Second Coming, an event that cannot be totally prevented as such, but only minimized in its disastrous effects by recognizing its various cloaks of disguise and deception.
Werner Greub: How Grail Sites Were Found? Post Script: Grail Knights of North America? by Robert J. Kelder (...)And again, the whole-sale acceptance of the geographic identification of Wolfram’s Anschouwe as Anjou in France – which Werner Greub shows should be Andlau in Alsace, where Kyot found the first traces of the Grail family – plays an important role in Bradley’s “Secret of the Holy Grail”: the divinely inspired bloodline of Jesus surviving throughout the ages and now claiming the ascent to its long lost thrones.* In the Grail Knights book he writes (on p. 246): “Anjou, in Brittany, was one other place where Merovingian descendants of Jesus found a haven. Indeed, according to Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival, the ‘Tale of the Grail’ began in Anjou, at least as far as France is concerned, with incoming Holy Blood refugees from Arthur’s doomed Britain.” In the Columbus Conspiracy he writes (on p. 64) that this secret “may not be true, that is not really important. What is important is the fact, and it is an undoubted fact, that many people believed it to be true. Their belief moulded a faith, lives and motivations in a way that was completely unorthodox according to the tenets of the dominant Roman Catholic Church.” With How The Grail Sites Were Found, another, quite different reality of the Grail has now found its way across the Atlantic; one that may turn out to be as equally unorthodox to Michael Bradley and his fellow Holy Blood believers as their belief is unorthodox to the “tenets of the dominant Roman Catholic Church”, the Holy See. For this research-report – based as it is on a thorough, pain-staking but unbiased and loving examination of the work of Wolfram von Eschenbach – in fact knocks down many of the pillars on which this already “nebulous idea about the European history of North America” (Bradley in his Acknowledgements at the end of his last book) is standing. As such, it may well come as an unpleasant surprise, if not a real shock. Will it prompt Holy Blood believers to reconsider and revise their ideas or beliefs? This can be asked of the establishment academics and writers as well for whom this volume will be no less of a big pill to swallow, requiring strong powers of digestion. Or will it be met with a deafening conspiracy of silence? Whatever the reaction may be, it will in any case be a test distinguishing genuine Grail seekers aspiring to the truth from those who are consciously preparing or unconsciously supporting quite a different agenda: not a Second Coming of the Redeemer in the etheric, but a First Coming on earth of the Illegitimate Prince of this World. Robert J. Kelder, Lachine, September 19, 2001 * This is not directly implied by Bradley, indeed writing in the Columbus book (p. 51 ff.) on the divine dispensation through the royal blood, he says: “We modern people of a democracy may not be able to muster much sympathy for such a view.” But in the foreword to Laurence Gardner’s Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Prince Michael of Albany, head of the Royal House of Stewart, writes: “This work offers an incredible insight into centuries of strategic governmental alignments, together with their associated deceits and intrigues. For around two thousand years, the destinies of millions of people have been manipulated by unique, though often whimsical, personalities, who have perverted the spiritual aspirations of our civilization. With marvellous detail, the author has removed the constraints of vested interests to related numerous suppressed accounts of our heritage. In so doing, he resurrects the politically silenced history of a resolute dynasty, which the Church has long sought to vanquish in order to further its own ends. Now, in this new age of understanding, may the truth prevail, and may the Phoenix rise again.” What else can this last sentence refer than to a bloodline-based claim to a long lost throne? This is, as we have tried to show earlier, with all respect, an old Grail impulse. Nowhere in the voluminous work of Gardner is there any reference to the Star of Munsalvaesche and the miracle of Parzival’s Grail kingship or anthroposophy as the science of the Grail, heralding a new Grail monarchy, a new way of governing and government. Yet, oddly enough, in Bloodline (p. 5 ff.) Gardner, who is the Presidential Attaché to the European Council of Princes, says this book “is all about good government and bad government.”
Interview de Jean-Luc Chaumeil, écrivain. - Dossier Rennes-Le-Château
The Sion Revelation: The Truth About the Guardians of Christ's Sacred Bloodline, by Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince (search: "Papus" ; "Alpha Galates" ; "Hiéron du Val d'Or" ; "Paul Le Cour" ; "Jean-Luc Chaumeil" ; "Hermetic Brotherhood of Light" ; "Ordo Templi Orientis" ; "Aleister Crowley" ; "Bulwer-Lytton" ; "Saint-Yves d'Alveydre")
The Transcendental Universe: Six Lectures on Occult Science, Theosophy, and... by C. G. Harrison (search "Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor" ; "H.B. of L." ; "High Church of England" ; "Anglicanism" ; "C. G. Harrison") ; "Bulwer-Lytton" ; "Lord Stanhope" ; "Eliphas Levi" ; "Max Theon" ; "Peter Davidson" ; "Oxford Movement a.k.a 'Tractarians'")
Sur la prétendue Ère du Verseau et sa connection au Hiéron du Val d'Or, goupe lié aux jésuites:
Heurs et malheurs de l’astrologie mondiale française au XXe siècle (De Paul Le Cour à André Barbault) par Jacques Halbronn (Dossier complet: Aquarica)
![L’é du Verseau](http://ramkat.free.fr/images/lecour1.jpg)
18 avril 1910 (L'apparition du Christ dans le monde éthérique):
"Now the sun has been in the sign of Pisces for several centuries. In the near future it will have advanced so far in this sign that it will be the outer symbol for the appearance of Christ in the etheric body."
VIDEO - Aquarius -The Age Of Evil
VIDEO - New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement
Is Alex Jones externalizing the hierarchy?
Alex Jones using hypnosis, subliminals, and NLP on audience
The other Satanic aspect of the "Aquarian Age" lie
PDF - The Aquarian Conspiracy: The Road to Orwell's 1984 by EIR (Larouche club)
The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s, by Marilyn Ferguson (promoter of the Aquarius Lie, follower of Willis Harman)
Le but premier d'internet... par D. Livingstone
En mai 1974, le SRI mena une étude sur la manière de transformer les États-Unis en Meilleur des mondes à la Huxley, cette dernière était intitulée « Changing Images of Man. » Le rapport insistait sur l’importance des États-Unis pour la promotion des idéaux maçonniques, afin d’accompagner la création effective de l’État maçonnique idéal.
En 1976, Harman écrivit An Incomplete Guide to the Future, dans lequel il défendait la vision d’une société basée sur les idéaux de la Franc-maçonnerie. Harman pensait que le symbole de la pyramide surmontée de l’œil qui voit tout figurant sur le grand sceau, « indiquait que la nation ne prospérerait que si ses dirigeants étaient guidés par une intuition supra-consciente », qu’il définissait comme « l’intérieur divin ».
La disciple de Willis Harman, Marilyn Ferguson, dépeignit la contre-culture New Age dans son best-seller The Aquarian Conspiracy, comme l’accomplissement de la Conspiration à Découvert de H.G. Wells, tout en tentant de la rendre populaire en décrivant le besoin de répandre les doctrines New Age comme un développement spontané et positif.
Ferguson mena une enquête auprès de 185 dirigeants sur le potentiel humain du mouvement New Age et trouva que les penseurs les plus influents mentionnés, étaient le philosophe et prêtre français également associé de Julian Huxley : Teilhard de Chardin, à l’origine de la supercherie de l’Homme de Piltdown. Venait ensuite Carl Jung qui travailla de concert avec le patron de la CIA Allen Dulles, ainsi qu’avec Aldous Huxley, la figure de proue du programme MK-Ultra.
Le frère d’Aldous, Julian, écrivit la préface du livre de Chardin Le Phénomène Humain. Aldous et Julian étaient tous deux les petits-fils de Thomas H. Huxley, le fondateur du groupe Round Table, d’où sortit plus tard le Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Thomas H. Huxley était également connu comme le « bouledogue de Darwin » pour sa défense de la théorie de l’évolution, qui d’après le rabbin Kook (1865-1935), le plus illustre représentant du Sionisme Religieux : « est en voie de conquérir le monde, et plus encore que toutes les autres théories philosophiques, se trouve conforme aux secrets kabbalistiques du monde. » D’après Julian Huxley : « l’évolution n’est rien d’autre que la matière devenant consciente d’elle-même. »
L’intérêt pour le Darwinisme provient de la notion théosophique de l’évolution spirituelle. Basé sur la kabbale, elle affirme que la nature ainsi que la conscience humaine, est prise dans un processus d’évolution. Tout cela formait la base d’une croyance au sein d’une transformation culturelle pilotée qui allait caractériser la plupart des pensées occultistes du XXème siècle et du courant New Age.
(Teilhard de Chardin est souvent considéré comme le saint patron d’Internet)
Souvent désigné comme le « Darwin Catholique », Teilhard de Chardin prépara le terrain pour le projet de création d’intelligence artificielle en expliquant qu’à mesure que l’humanité s’organiserait en réseaux sociaux complexes, la Noosphère grandirait, culminant dans le but de l’histoire, qu’il désignait comme le Point Omega, un niveau de complexité maximum et de conscience vers lequel il pensait que l’univers tendait.
Teilhard en appelait à l’humanité pour créer une « sphère de conscience mutuelle renforcée, en faisant le siège, le support et l’instrument d’une super-vision et de super-idées. » [NOTE: Patrick McKenna, l'un des premiers pontifes de "l'Éveil en 2012" prétend avoir atteint ce prétendu "point Omega" au moyen de la drogue. Sans commentaire. Timothy Leary, fanatique de Crowley, n'était pas loin de prétendre la même chose.]
En d’autres termes, l’humanité devait construire la Noosphère. Effectivement, l’homme devra créer Dieu, l’œil tout puissant inscrit au dos du billet d’un dollar, flottant au-dessus de la société humaine, dont l’omniscience et la sagesse sera le produit des données accumulées par l’enregistrement de toutes les facettes de l’activité humaine.
Additional Isis-Cult Fronts
Last February, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine hosted a "February Fling," sponsored by the Temple of Understanding, which brought together top Soviet officials to meet with their counterparts in the West. Through Fr. Luis Dolan, who travels to the U.S.S.R. every six weeks to get marching orders from officials of the CPSU International Department-controlled Soviet Peace Center, the Temple of Understanding overlaps the Center for Soviet-American Dialogue, which is involved in extensive exchanges, whose purpose is to remove the "enemy image" of the U.S.S.R. being an "evil empire." Father Dolan also works with Wainwright House, which has several programs along the same lines and which hosted a U.S.-U.S.S.R. Citizens Summit. Spokesmen for the Lucis Trust believe that Mikhail Gorbachov may be the premier world leader in their "Externalized Hierarchy," giving impetus to a "Plan" for a "new world order" of Luciferian values and behavior. The Lucis Trust also carries out exchanges with the Soviet Union, where they believe "Triangle Cells'' pray the "Great Invocation'' for the coming Age of Aquarius. These Luciferians welcome Gorbachov, who bears the "Mark of the Beast'' on his forehead.(…)
- Center for Soviet-American Dialogue -
The Center is a major back channel between the New Age movement and the U.S.S.R., and has been taken over by New Age leaders including:
Barbara Marx Hubbard. She is a founding member and co-director of the Soviet-American Council for Joint Projects. She co-founded Win-Win-World and is President of the Foundation for Co-Creation. Her name was placed in nomination for the vice presidency on the Democratic ticket in 1984. Hubbard, who entered the New Age movement under the influence of Teilhard de Chardin, created a "human front" in 1967 of those sharing a belief in transcendent consciousness, which became the Committee for the Future. Hubbard called this transcendent consciousness "supra-sex," and she has an extensive network of congressmen involved in the process of haruspication.
Willis Harman, president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Senior Social Scientist at the Stanford Research Institute International. The Institute for Noetic Sciences has worked closely with the Temple of Understanding, while SRI has had among its trainees such figures as former Secretary of State George Shultz, who believes not only in global-power sharing "New Yalta" arrangements with the U.S.S.R., but also in convergence through a New Age based upon cybernetics. Harman (ahriman) is the brains behind Marilyn Ferguson, whose book The Aquarian Conspiracy sought to popularize Luciferian Gnosticism. Harman is also a founding member of Hubbard's Soviet-American Council for Joint Projects, and he is chairman of the Independent Commission for a Viable Future. Harman's own 1974 The Changing Image of Man coined the phrase "paradigm shift" to describe the sought-after transformation from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.
James A. Garrison, executive director of the Soviet-American Exchange Program at the Esalen Institute, which has been linked directly to Soviet "psychic espionage" activities of the KGB and GRU, penetrating the U.S. military and intelligence communities. This is the modern work of the Blavatsky-Okhrana intelligence deployment, which works today through the likes of Soviet "spoonbender" Yuri Geller.
Notes (not in original article)
[1] Posted version revised 11/18/01. The version previously posted contained errors due to the fact that I obtained it from
http://www.omphalos.net/files/anti/EI R_SAT1.html, which is missing quite a bit of information. I did the best I could at filling in the missing information, but I left some of it blank, and some of what I filled in turned out to be wrong.
By sheer luck, I downloaded it again from the aforementioned source on impulse, and again on impulse opened it with Corel Wordperfect 8.0. To my amazement, the missing information appeared highlighted in red, although somewhat garbled. With a little work, I was able to reconstruct it.
[2] Steiner broke from the Blavatsky-Besant-Bailey brand of "Theosophy" because it had been "hijacked" by various forces with selfish and evil agendas. He indicated that his mission was to purify Theosophy. It appears to me that his teachings are being misused to convey an aura of authority on certain movements which take them out of context.
[3] The term "white" in this case refers to a class of initiates, not skin color, although I share Thompson's mistrust of Bailey's "guides" and doubt that they were members of this benevolent class.
The purpose of this series of "snapshots" of key locations of the satanic landscape is to make the point that Satanism has not merely emerged as a "natural sociological" outgrowth of the drug-rock culture of the past twenty-five years. Its prominent emergence as a serious, organized form of social decay, has been nutured --top down-- by powerful forces within the Western establishment. Not coincidentally, many of the leading pro-Satanists and practitioners are the leading enthusiasts of Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachov's "New Age" of world government and Russian cultural domination. It will take a book to trace the actual evolution of this satanic revival. But, for the time being, it is essential that the readers of this pamphlet develop a clearer picture of the nature of the beast and the need for urgent action to stem the tide of the cultural collapse before the Age of Satan is fully upon us.
The theosophical Lucis Trust has effusive praise for Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachov, who is viewed as one of the hidden "Hierarchy" that is in the process of building a "new world order." The Lucis Trust-affiliated, German-language magazine 2000: Magazine for New Consciousness labels Gorbachov "the pathfinder for the new consciousness." In the same article, it details a prophecy by the mystic Edgar Cayce: "From Russia, comes the hope of the world." Likewise, American "New Age" guru Chris Griscom is quoted in the magazine after his return from Russia: "Gorbachov is the man who represents the future. His life is a present to us."
The magazine goes on to note that the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was really an expression of the Narodniki ("People's Will," the bomb-throwing anarchists, who were part of the back-to-the-land movement of the day) and the Raskolniki ("Old Believers" of the Russian Orthodox Church). The magazine states: "The Russian Revolution was, what is often not said, a product of spiritual policy. Its main exponent was the Narodniki, the friends of the people ... who preached in a mystic adoration, Mother Russia, Holy Russia. By this, they revived archaic nature-religion. They promoted the 'Mir,' the communal society. The Narodniki thought that, in the Mir, there was the heritage of a former Golden Age, the heritage of the mystic."
The magazine then reports that Vladimir Lenin had been part of the Satanist project in Ascona, Switzerland, where he was famous for his ecstatic dances. Ascona, where a cult of Astarte held sway, was the spiritual center for C.J. Jung, whose Gnostic classes in the 1920s-30s included among his disciples Alice Bailey, the Madame Blavatsky-trained Theosophist who founded the Lucis Trust under the name Lucifer Trust in1920, when she broke from Theosophy.
It is also notable that Lenin, together with Lunacharsky and Maxim Gorky, immersed themselves in the Mithra cultism of the Emperor Tiberius on the Isle of Capri, where they studied the relevance of paganism and the Roman Empire to Bolshevism in the grotto of the emperor's villa. It was the Emperor Tiberius in whose reign Christ was crucified, and scratching beneath the surface, one discovers that Bolshevism is not "godless communism," but yet another expression of the Biblical "Great Whore of Babylon" cultism. The present love affair between the Lucis Trust and assorted "New Age" enterprises in the West with Mikhail Gorbachov is merely a lawful continuation of this ancient relationship.
There are several "New Age" groups and individuals involved in the East-West exchange of Satanism made possible by Mikhail Gorbachov's glasnost. The Temple of Understanding on April 11-15, l988 co-sponsored a Global Conference of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival in Oxford, England, attended by such notables as Temple president James Park Morton, who is co-chairman of the ongoing Global Forum. In attendance was Yevgeni Velikhov, vice chairman of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, together with three other Soviet Central Committee members.
The next conference will be held in l990 in Moscow, where it is being sponsored by the Supreme Soviet, the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Academy of Sciences. The Global Forum's steering committee held an Oct. 17-18, 1988 meeting at the publishing house of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church to plan this event. In February 1988, the Temple of Understanding hosted a two-week-long February Fling at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, where dozens of Soviets were feted by the American Liberal Establishment.
Father Louis Dolan, a Catholic priest who is on the board of the Temple, planned the February Fling. Father Dolan travels to the U.S.S.R.about every six weeks, and he is also on the board of the Wainwright House, the oldest spiritual development project in the U.S., which has had extensive East-West projects. At Wainwright House, Father Dolan is coordinator of the Institute on Global issues Citizen Diplomacy Missions to the Soviet Union; there are over a dozen separate "New Age"-style trips planned by Wainwright House to the U.S.S.R. in 1988-89. Father Dolan is also on the board of the Center for Soviet-American Dialogue (CSAD), which has co-sponsored a Citizens' Summit last held at Wainwright House. The next summit, which is to be held in Moscow on Oct.19-29, 1989, will be hosted by the Soviet Peace Committee, an officialfront of the KGB-connected International Department of the CPSU.
On the board of the CSAD with Father Dolan are such notable "New Age" Soviet exchange types as Barbara Marx Hubbard of the Soviet-American Council for Joint Projects and Win-Win World; Willis Harman, whose Institute for Noetic Studies will take part in the Moscow Global Forum (above) and who is a member of Hubbard's Soviet-American Council for Joint Projects; and, James A. Garrison, executive director of the Soviet-American
Exchange Program at the Esalen Institute, which has been traced to KGB espionage penetration of U.S. intelligence and military layers, employing Soviet "spoon-benders."
The Lucis Trust is sending its own "fact-finding mission" to the Soviet Union during 1989. Not only is the Lucis Trust connected to he "Russian spirituality" of Okhrana agent Madame Blavatsky, who founded Theosophy to overturn Western Christianity, but Lucis already operates behind the East bloc through its covert "Triangles" front that conducts astral meditation.
Marx Hubbard's "supra sex," to which I found a reference in The Lucis Trust: Satanism and the New World Order:
The [Center for Soviet-American Dialogue] is a major back channel between the New Age movement and the U.S.S.R. [showing the global reach of the black-ops networks; the Russian Orthodox Church the true power behind the USSR and contemporary Russia, and it has a Luciferian agenda of keeping Russians mired in feudalism, as indicated by their transition, with "help" from Condoleezza Rice, from Communism to "democratic free trade"], and has been taken over by New Age leaders including:
Barbara Marx Hubbard. She is a founding member and co-director of the Soviet-American Council for Joint Projects. She co-founded Win-Win-World [11 letters - 11 is the number Crowley associated with black magic; also note that "Barbara Marx" also contains 11 characters and has the same initials as "black magic," possibly based on the subsidiary relationship of Luciferianism to black magic] and is President of the Foundation for Co-Creation [of what?]. HER NAME WAS PLACED IN NOMINATION FOR THE VICE PRESIDENCY ON THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET IN 1984 [indicating the role of Establishment Democrats as "touchy feely" destroyers of civilization]. Hubbard, who entered the New Age movement under the influence of Teilhard de Chardin, CREATED A "HUMAN FRONT" IN 1967 OF THOSE SHARING A BELIEF IN TRANSCENDENT CONSCIOUSNESS, WHICH BECAME THE COMMITTEE FOR THE FUTURE [aren't they all]. HUBBARD CALLED THIS TRANSCENDENT CONSCIOUSNESS "SUPRA-SEX," AND SHE HAS AN EXTENSIVE NETWORK OF CONGRESSMEN involved in the process of haruspication [an ancient practice of "predicting" the future by examining animal entrails - I suppose in this context it refers to an Establishment "guru" conning people into accepting them as some sort of an oracle and helping to "fulfill" their "prophecies"].
« Les peuples anglo-américains se prolongeront comme quelque chose de figé jusque dans la sixième race-mère, de même qu’aujourd’hui les Chinois sont un reste figé de l’ère atlantéenne, la quatrième race-mère. L'égoïsme universel émane de la race anglo-américaine. Partant de là, l'égoïsme couvrira toute la Terre. Toutes les inventions qui recouvrent la Terre d'un réseau d'égoïsme viennent d'Angleterre et d'Amérique. A partir de là-bas donc, toute la Terre sera recouverte d'une toile d'égoïsme, de mal. Mais une petite colonie se formera à l'est comme la semence d'une vie nouvelle pour l'avenir. La culture anglo-américaine consume la culture de l'Europe [...] mais la race elle-même va à sa ruine. Elle porte en elle la disposition à être la race du Mal. » (31 oct. 1905, Éléments d'ésotérisme)
“Ce qui sera tombé au pouvoir des Asuras sera irrémédiablement perdu. Point n'est nécessaire que l'homme tout entier devienne leur proie, mais des morceaux de l'esprit humain seront découpés par les puissances asuriques.A notre époque, les Asuras s'annoncent par l'état d'esprit qui sévit, état d'esprit s'attachant à la seule vie des sens, oubliant les véritables entités et les mondes spirituels. Dire actuellement que les Asuras induisent l’homme en tentation est quelque peu théorique. Pour le moment, ils font miroiter l’image trompeuse que le "Je" n'est qu'un produit du monde physique, ils lui font miroiter une sorte de matérialisme théorique. Mais ultérieurement, ils obscurciront la vue des hommes au sujet des êtres et des puissances spirituels ; ceci se manifestera de plus en plus par une débauche croissante, par une sensualité effrénée envahissant la terre. L'homme ne saura plus rien et ne voudra plus rien savoir d’un monde spirituel. Il enseignera toujours plus que les idées morales les plus élevées ne sont qu'une accommodation des pulsions animales. Il ne se contentera pas d'enseigner que la pensée humaine n'est qu'une modification d'une faculté animale, d'enseigner que l’homme, tant par sa constitution que par tout son être, descend de l'animal, mais prendra ces considérations au sérieux et vivra conformément à elles. Actuellement, personne ne vit encore en accord avec l’idée que l'homme, par essence, descend de l'animal, mais une telle conception règnera absolument, amenant les humains à vivre comme les bêtes, à s'enfoncer dans les pulsions et les passions animales. Et bien des choses qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de caractériser ici, qui se déroulent déjà dans les grandes villes sous forme d'abominables orgies de sensualité dépravée, nous font déjà entrevoir l'infernale lueur grotesque de ces esprits que nous appelons Asuras.”(R. Steiner, Le Moi, son origine spirituelle, (16ème conf.), 1909, G.A.107)
Le culte mexicain du Taotl et la domination des masses sans âme dans un monde de machines:
Like a single central power whom all followed and obeyed, a kind of spectral spirit, a descendant of the “Great Spirit” of Atlantis, was revered. This spirit had gradually assumed an ahrimanic character because he still worked with forces that had been right in Atlantis or were already ahrimanic there.When the Atlantean spoke of his “Great Spirit,” he expressed it, as we have seen, in a word that sounded something like the word “Tao,” which is still preserved in China. An ahrimanic, caricatured counterpart appeared in the West as opponent of the “Great Spirit Tao” but he was still connected with him. He worked in such a way that he could only be made visible through atavistic, visionary perception but whenever they desired his presence, he always showed himself to those persons connected with the widespread mysteries of this cult so they could receive his instructions and commands. This spirit was called by a name that sounded something like Taotl. Taotl was thus an ahrimanic distortion of the “Great Spirit” — a mighty being and one who did not descend to physical incarnation. A great many men were initiated into the mysteries of Taotl but the initiation was of a completely ahrimanic character. It had a quite definite purpose and goal, which was to rigidify and mechanize all earthly life, including that of humans, to such a degree that a special luciferic planet, which has already been referred to in these studies, could be founded above earthly life. The souls of men could then be drawn out to it, by force and pressure.As we described yesterday, what the ahrimanic powers were striving for in the civilization of Rome was only a feeble echo of what those who, under the leadership of Taotl, set out to attain, and this in much fuller and wider measure by means of the most frightful magical arts. The goal they aimed to achieve was to make the whole earth a realm of death, in which everything possible would be done to kill out independence and every inner impulse of the soul. In the mysteries of Taotl the forces were to be acquired that would enable men to set up a completely mechanized earthly realm. To this end, one had, above all, to know the great cosmic secrets that relate to what works and lives in the universe and reveals its activities in earthly existence. You see, this wisdom of the cosmos is fundamentally in its wording, always the same, because truth is always the same. The point is, however, whether or not it is received in such a way that it is employed rightly.Now this cosmic wisdom, which was intrinsically not evil but held holy secrets hidden within it, was carefully concealed by the initiates of Taotl. It was communicated to no one who had not been initiated correctly by the Taotl method. When a candidate had been initiated in the correct way, the teaching concerning the secrets of the cosmos was then imparted to him. Now, it was necessary for him to receive these secrets through initiation in a quite definite mood of soul. He had to feel in himself the inclination and desire to apply them on earth in such a way that they would set up that mechanistic rigid realm of death. It was thus that he had to receive the secrets. Nor were they communicated except on one special condition. The wisdom was imparted to no one who had not previously committed a murder in a particular manner. Moreover, only certain secrets were communicated to the candidate after the first murder, but further and higher secrets were imparted to him after he had committed others.These murders, however, had to be committed under quite definite conditions. The one to be murdered was laid out on a structure that was reached by one or two steps running along each side. This scaffold-like structure, a kind of catafalque, was rounded off above and when the victim was laid upon it, he was bent strongly back. This special way of being bound to the scaffold forced his stomach outward so that with one cut, which the initiate had been prepared to perform, it could be cut out.This kind of murder engendered definite feelings in the initiate. Sensations were aroused that made him capable of using the wisdom later imparted to him in the way that has been intimated above. When the stomach had been excised, it was offered to the god Taotl, again with special ceremonies. The fact that the initiates of these mysteries lived for the quite specific purpose that I have indicated to you, imparted a definite direction to their feelings. When the candidates to be initiated had matured on this path and had come to experience its inner meaning, they then learned the nature of the mutual interaction between the one who had been murdered and the one who had been initiated. Through the murder, the victim was to be prepared in his soul to strive upward to the luciferic realm, whereas the candidate for initiation was to obtain the wisdom to mould this earthly world in such a way that souls would be driven out of it. Through the fact that a connection was formed between the murdered and the initiated — one cannot say “murderer,” but “initiated” — it was made possible for the initiated to be taken with the other soul; that is, the initiated could himself forsake the earth at the right moment.These mysteries, as you will readily admit, are of the most revolting kind. Indeed, they are only in accord with a conception that can be called ahrimanic in the fullest sense. Nevertheless, certain feelings and experiences were to be created on earth by their means. Now, naturally, the evolution of the earth would not continue if, over a considerable part of its surface, mankind and an interest in mankind should completely die out. The interest in humanity, however, did not quite die out even there because other and different mysteries were founded that were designed to counteract the excesses of the Taotl mysteries.(…)So, in the cultural impulses that came over from the East, there is clearly and yet to be perceived what was intended to be brought to Europe as an aftermath of the mysteries of the Great Spirit.Another part of the mystery culture of ancient Atlantis made its way, not toward the East, but toward the West, to the lands of America discovered later on by the Europeans. There the more ahrimanic part of the irregular post-Atlantean culture lived itself out. Whereas the luciferic part lived on more in Asia, the ahrimanic part worked more in America. Within America impulses were to arise that could then percolate from the West. Just as those other impulses could work from the East, so these could infiltrate from the West in order that the ahrimanic attack might be made in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch.Hence, in the West, the more ahrimanic side of the outlived Atlantean mystery culture was promulgated. This led to the establishment of mysteries that inevitably make a most repulsive impression upon those who have grown up in the tender culture of modern times, and do not like to hear the truth but only blessedness, as it is often called. These post-Atlantean mysteries developed especially on the soil of Mexico. Mysteries were established there, but they spread over a large part of the America the Europeans had not yet discovered. If their impulses and workings had been victorious, these mysteries would have driven souls away from the earth. By this means the service performed by Ahriman, the squeezing out of the lemons, would have become effective. The earth would gradually have become desolate, having upon it only the forces of death, whereas any living souls would have departed to found another planet under the leadership of Lucifer and Ahriman.In order to execute the ahrimanic part of this task, it was necessary for the priests of those ahrimanic Atlantean mysteries to acquire faculties possessing the highest degrees of control and mastery over all the forces of death in earthly working. These forces would have made the earth; together with physical man — for the souls were to depart — into a purely mechanistic realm, a great dead realm in which no ego could have a place. These faculties would have had to be connected also with mastery of the mechanistic element in everything living, of the mechanistic elements in all life. For this reason these mysteries had to be instituted in a truly devilish form because such forces as would have been needed for the powerful aims of Ahriman can only arise when initiations of a special kind are attained. Such were these initiations of the ahrimanic post-Atlantean era in America. Everyone who was to attain a certain degree of knowledge was made to realize that this knowledge is acquired through certain faculties of perception that can only be engendered through an act of murder. Thus nobody whom had not committed murder was admitted to a certain degree of this initiation. The murder was performed under special circumstances. Steps led up to a kind of catafalque, a scaffold-like structure. The one to be murdered was tied to this and his body bent in such a way that his stomach could be excised with a single cut. This operation, the excision of the stomach, had to be performed with great dexterity. Certain experiences arose from the act of having cut into the living organism with such consummate skill, and under such special conditions. These experiences had to be acquired and through them a certain degree of knowledge concerning the mechanization of the earth could then be attained. Every time higher stages of initiation were to be reached, further murders had to be committed.This cult was dedicated to the successor, the son of the Great Spirit, in the form he had assumed in America, and who was designated by a sound that approximates Taotl. Taotl is an ahrimanic distortion of the successor of Tao. This being, Taotl did not appear in a physical body but only in an etheric form. His arts, which were essentially impulses for the mechanization of earthly culture and of all earthly life, were acquired through these initiations I have described to you.Now these initiations had a definite purpose. As has been said, the initiate acquired actual powers of black magic, the application of which would have led to the mechanization of the culture of the earth and to the expulsion of all egos, so that the bodies born would no longer have been capable of bearing an ego. But as forces in the world are in perpetual interaction, he who possessed such powers would also have become earth-bound; the initiate himself would have been permanently fettered to the earth forces. His act bound him to forces of which you will be able to learn something tomorrow at the performance of the scene from Faust, if you will follow attentively what the Lemurs represent. By these practices the initiate united himself with the earth forces and with everything that causes death on the earth. Thereby, he would himself have lost his soul. He saved himself from this fate by bringing it about that, as a result of the excision of the stomach, the soul of the one whom he murdered had lost his desire to come to the earth again and also the soul of the victim was enabled, through the intention of the murderer, to draw the murderer's soul into the realm that was to be founded beyond the earth. The soul of the initiated murderer was thus also to be drawn into the kingdom of Lucifer and Ahriman.(…)The problem of natural urges and impulses transforms itself into the problem of happiness or prosperity, which assumes a definite character. Hence in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch, especially in the culture of the West, you find strivings in connection with the problem of prosperity, strivings directed to the creation of prosperity in life. Such striving is influenced by the forces I have described. Investigations are made, for example, into what can be done in order that the life of human beings on earth may be as happy and prosperous as possible. The establishment of earthly prosperity becomes an ideal. I do not say that ahrimanic forces alone are at work here; the good progressive forces are also present.Thought about happiness and prosperity is, of course, quite justified. But under the influence of Ahriman it has assumed a certain character as a result of a really devilish tenet. This tenet defines the good in such a way that the good is a said to manifest actually through happiness or prosperity, through the happiness indeed of the greatest number, and connected therewith is the misery of the minority, just as if one were to describe an organism by suggesting that it develops only to the knees and dies off from there down. In such identification of happiness with the good, with virtue, there is an ahrimanic impulse. The Greeks, as represented by their greatest individuals, were impervious to such identification of the concept of prosperity with that of the good. But ahrimanic influences produced a mentality in humanity in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch that seeks for the good in prosperity, in happiness.(…)In the West there is the danger of becoming enchained within the life of the senses, whereby this life would become egoless. For if prosperity alone were to be established on the earth, the ego would never dwell there. If the good could only be established by the spread of prosperity over the earth, a state of things would arise such as came to pass in old Atlantis. In the middle period of Atlantean culture, too, great impulses were given that would have led to a state of prosperity in their further course. In the form and effects of what men first felt as an impetus of the good, they perceived a vista of prosperity, and so they gave themselves up to prosperity, devoted themselves wholly to it. The earth had to be purged of Atlantean culture because men had preserved from the good the element of prosperity alone. In the post-Atlantean era, Ahriman strives by direct means to institute a culture of mere prosperity. This would mean pressing out the lemon, the doing away with it! Egos would no longer be able to live if prosperity were the only aim pursued by culture. In short, prosperity and the good, prosperity and virtue are not concepts that can be substituted for one another.We are gazing here into profound secrets of life. A justified element in the founding of culture, an element that inevitably leads to a certain form of prosperity among men, is so distorted that prosperity per se is set up as the goal.(…)(15 october 1916, GA 171)
I am obliged to speak in pictures — there are also beings of a contrary nature, to whom I alluded in my last lecture in another connection. And this latter class of beings has to do with all that comes to expression in man's instinctive urges and impulses, in his desires and passions. You must not however think of them as belonging first and foremost to man. In man we can see the results of their activity. But they have their home, so to speak, right on the Earth. Only we cannot see them, for these beings too have not a body that is formed in such a way as to be visible to us. They have, in fact, a body that lives entirely in the elements of earth and water. And their deeds are to be seen in the ebb and flow of the tides, in volcanic eruptions and in earthquakes. Natural Science, as is well-known, can find no satisfactory explanation for these phenomena. One who has keen spiritual perception can however see behind them a world of sub-human beings, who are under the control of the powers to which I have always given the name of the Ahrimanic powers.Now, these Ahrimanic powers also cherish a particular aim as regards man. With the help of their various sub-spirits, which inhabit the earth and water elements of our Earth and can, for example, be recognised even in the kobolds or brownies of fairy lore — aided by these, the Ahrimanic powers have set themselves to carry out another and a different project.If one considers these Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings by themselves, just as they are, one cannot, you know, be angry with them. Why be angry with the Luciferic beings, for instance? They want to make man into a being who is moral entirely as a matter of course. What could be better? Man would, it is true, never under their influence be free, he would be an automaton; but what they seek and desire for him can nevertheless be truthfully described as good.Now let us see what is the aim of these other beings, who build their strongholds immediately below the surface of the Earth, and whose activities rise up into man’s metabolism, — for the phenomena we observe in the tides and less frequently in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are always present also in the ebb and flow in man's metabolism. Whilst the Luciferic spirits build, as we said, their strongholds in the air, in order to fight for the moral — as against the earthly — element in man, the Ahrimanic beings struggle to harden man; they want to make him like themselves. Were they to be successful, man would become extremely clever in the material realm — incredibly clever and intelligent. They cannot achieve their end directly, but they aim at doing so indirectly. And their efforts, which have actually been going on for thousands of years, have in fact succeeded in producing a whole race of sub-human beings. Their method is as follows.Suppose a man has strong and rude instincts. These beings will clutch at his instinctive nature and seize hold of it. The man then falls victim to the Ahrimanic powers. He is completely given up to his passions and leads a wild and dissolute life. When a man has in this way become a prey, during his earthly life, to the Ahrimanic powers, then these powers will be able to hold on to his instinctive nature and tear it out of him after death. There exists already on the Earth a whole population of beings who have arisen in this way. They are there, in the elements of earth and water, a sub-human race. And then what is it the Ahrimanic powers intend with this sub-human race? As we have seen, they draw out of a human being his instinctive nature and make of it an earth-and-water being. These earth-water beings inhabit the strata immediately below the surface of the Earth; and those who go down into mines, if they are able to look with spiritual vision, are quite familiar with them. They are beings that have been snatched out of man in the moment of death. And with what ultimate aim? Ahriman is waiting. The Ahrimanic powers are waiting for the time when men will descend to incarnation and, on account of a karma that their instincts and passions have prepared for them, feel particularly drawn to certain of these beings and say to themselves: “I will not go back to the spiritual world; when I have left my physical body” — out of which, as you know, man generally goes forth to a super-sensible life — “I will incorporate myself in a subsensible being of this kind. And that will mean, I shall be able to stay on the Earth. I shall not die any more, but be permanently united with the Earth. Yes, I will choose to be a subsensible being.”It may sound incredible — and indeed it is astonishing, considering how extraordinary clever they are, — but it is a fact that the Ahrimanic beings persist in believing they will ultimately be able in this way to entice such a vast number of human beings into their own race that the Earth will one day be peopled entirely with such Ahrimanic sub-human beings. By this means they hope to make the Earth itself immortal, so that the hour may never come for it to perish and be dispersed in cosmic space.We have thus around us in our earthly environment two hosts of beings; one in the air, that wants to make man moral but to lift him away from the Earth, and then we have also, immediately below the surface of the Earth, the Ahrimanic beings who want to draw man down and fasten him permanently to the Earth.(16th November, 1922. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth andin the Spiritual Worlds)
The one who knows that not more than thirty or forty people participated in Europe in the decisive events of the year 1914, and who also knows the soul condition in which most of these people were, will be confronted by this significant problem. For most of these people, as strange as it may sound today, my dear friends, most of these people had a dulled, obscured state of consciousness. During the last few years much has occurred that was caused by a dulled human consciousness. In the decisive places of the year 1914 we see everywhere that the most important decisions of the end of July and the beginning of August were reached with an obscured consciousness; and this has continued on right into our present day. This is a problem, terrifying in its nature. If we investigate it spiritual-scientifically, then we find that these obscured consciousnesses were the gateways through which precisely these will-beings were able to take possession of the consciousness of these men; they took possession of the obscured, veiled consciousness of these human beings and acted with their consciousness. And these beings who thus took possession, who are still sub-human beings, what kind of beings are they? We have to pose this question very seriously: What kind of beings are they?Well, my dear friends, we have asked about the origin of human intelligence, about the origin of human intelligent behavior which, stating it simply, has its instrument in our head organism. And we have seen that this intelligent constitution of our soul stems from that deed of the Archangel Michael which is commonly presented in the symbol of the fall, the casting down of the Dragon. This is actually a very trivial symbol. For, if we really conceive of Michael and the Dragon, we have to visualize, first, the Michael Being, and, secondly, the Dragon who, in reality, consists of all that which enters into our so-called reason, into our intelligence. Not into a hell does Michael cast his opposing hosts, but into the human heads; there this Luciferic impulse continues to live. I have characterized human intelligence as an actual Luciferic impulse. Thus we may say: if we look back into the evolution of the Earth, we find the Michael-deed, and to this Michael-deed is joined the illumination of man by his reason.
The sub-human beings whose main character consists of an impulse which strongly coincides with human willing, with the human power of will, now appear from below, as it were, whereas the hosts of forces cast down by Michael came from above; and while these latter took possession of the human power of will; they unite themselves with it and are beings produced by the realm of Ahriman. Ahrimanic influences acted through those obscured consciousnesses. Indeed, my dear friends, as long as one does not take into consideration these forces as forces objectively existing in the world just as one takes into consideration what today is called magnetism, electricity, and so forth, one will not gain an insight into that nature which, according to Goethe's prose Hymn to Nature, comprises man. For nature, as it is conceived of in today's natural science does not contain man, but merely the human physical self.
At the beginning of Earth becoming we have to do with a downfall of Luciferic beings; today we have a rise of Ahrimanic beings. The former beings influence the Luciferic power of thought, the latter the human power of will; we have to recognize the arrival of these latter beings within the evolution of mankind. We have to realize that these beings arrive and that we have to reckon with a conception of nature which, to be sure, for the time being only includes man; for the animal kingdom will only be included later on in the Earth period. Upon the animal these beings have no influences as yet. We shall not comprehend the human race without taking these beings into consideration. And these beings, who are, as it were, pushed from behind, for behind them there stands the Ahrimanic power which endows them with their strong will power, which pours into them their directive forces, — these beings who as such are sub-human beings are controlled in their totality by higher Ahrimanic spirits and thus contain something which far surpasses their own nature and being. Therefore they show something in their appearance which, if it takes the human being captive, acts much more strongly, very much more strongly than that which the weak human being can control today, if he does not strengthen it through the spirit. What is the aim of this host? Well, my dear friends, just as the hosts which Michael has pushed down have aimed at human illumination, at human permeation with reason, so these hosts aim at a certain permeation of human willing. And what do they want? They burrow, as it were, in the deepest stratum of consciousness in which the human being is still asleep today in his waking state. Man does not notice how these beings enter his soul and also his body.(November 29, 1919. Mission of the Archangel Michael)
6 octobre 2014
« Le lendemain, comme ils sortaient de Béthanie, il eut faim. Et voyant de loin un figuier qui portait des feuilles, il alla voir s'il y trouverait quelque chose ; et, s'en étant approché, il n'y trouva que des feuilles, car ce n'était pas le temps des figues. Prenant alors la parole, il lui dit : Que plus jamais personne ne mange de toi aucun fruit ! Et ses disciples l'entendirent. »
On devine ici le genre d'explications tordues auxquelles les clercs eurent à se livrer pour éclaircir un tel passage en chaire devant leurs ouailles hébétées !… Et des passages de ce genre il y en a des dizaines au fil des quatre évangiles, autrement dit dans ce qui constitue la base même du christianisme. Comment dès lors ne pas comprendre la décadence et la stérilité d'une telle religion desséchée, vidée de toute intelligence et incapable d'enseigner la sève de sa propre foi ?
« Je me prosterne devant le Figuier saint :
Devant Brahma dans sa racine,
— Vishnou dans son tronc,
Et Shiva dans sa frondaison ! » (Ashvattha stottra, 16)
« Représentez-vous d’une façon vivante ce que signifie connaître par le corps éthérique, connaître par le Serpent (2). Il y a quelque chose qui n’existe pas pour l’homme d’aujourd’hui. Celui-ci perçoit beaucoup de choses dans son entourage lorsqu’il se comporte d’une façon normale ; mais il y en a une qu’il ne perçoit pas : c’est son cerveau. Aucun être humain ne peut observer son propre cerveau, pas plus qu’il ne peut voir sa propre moelle épinière. Or cette impossibilité cesse dès qu’on observe au moyen de son corps éthérique. Alors apparaît ce qu’on ne voit pas sans cela : on perçoit son propre système nerveux. On ne le perçoit certes pas comme le voit l'anatomiste d’aujourd’hui. Il ne ressemble pas à ce que connaît celui-ci ; son aspect est tel qu’on a le sentiment de voir sa propre nature éthérique. Puis, levant les yeux, on voit tous les nerfs qui vont vers les différents organes se rassembler dans le cerveau. On a l’impression qu’il y a là un arbre dont les racines s’élèvent et dont les branches descendent dans les différents membres. Mais on n’a pas l’impression d’une chose aussi réduite que l’est un homme dans sa peau ; cela fait l’effet d’un arbre immense dont les racines s’étendent très très loin dans l’espace et dont les branches sont tombantes. On se voit donc soi-même sous l’aspect d’un serpent et son propre système nerveux est comme objectivé sous la forme de l’Arbre en question. » (R. Steiner, La Bhagavad Gîtâ, Paris, 1976, pp. 71-72)
Et si vous vous reportez à ce que nous avons dit naguère, sur l'ase germanique Wotan, vous comprendrez sans peine qu'entre l'Ashvatta saint et le grand Yggdrasil des scaldes, il n'y a que la méthode qui diffère : celle de l'ancienne clairvoyance liée à l'irruption des forces lunaires dans la nature humaine à laquelle le Christ fait allusion lors de sa rencontre avec Nathanaël auquel il se révèle comme le Maître omniscient de toute initiation (3) :
« D’où me connais-tu ?
— Avant que Philippe ne t’appelât
Je t’avais vu sous le Figuier. » (Jean. I, 48)
Ce qu'exprimait le Christ en maudissant le Figuier c'était que le temps de l'initiation par le "Figuier", par le biais des forces ancestrales lunaires, était révolu, que c'était désormais par le biais des forces solaires de la Foi, autrement dit par ce dont le Christ est Lui-même le porteur, que pourrait désormais éclore la nouvelle clairvoyance dont la clarté est appelée à éclipser l'ancienne initiation décadente et sous-consciente des anciens mystagogues païens (4). Quand se lève le soleil, la lune pâlit. (5) Les mystères anciens s'éteignent et sombrent dans la décadence ou la superstition, dans le même temps où les puissances ahrimaniennes sataniques se déchaînent sur la nouvelle Église dont une partie s'adultère et finit par se vendre et se draper dans les oripeaux de l'ancienne Rome (6), tandis que l'autre se replie dans la tradition initiatique de la disciplina arcani, celle du christianisme johannique originel que l'Église de Rome n'aura de cesse désormais de combattre par le fer et par le feu de son Inquisition.
C'est cette immense bataille du christianisme ésotérique libre et spirituel, en face des forces exotériques temporelles dont Rome est le centre qui se trouve finalement exposé dans ce blog, en lieu et place d'un enseignement chrétien de plus en plus matérialiste et stérile à l'heure où c'est même déjà le pape noir de l'ordre jésuite qui trône aujourd'hui au Vatican (7).
Qu'attendre, en définitive, d'un tel christianisme exsangue en face notamment de la montée obscurantiste et fanatique de l'Islam un peu partout dans le monde, cet Islam dont le drapeau noir se trouve désormais brandi jusque au cœur des villes d'Europe ? Quelle dérision que de voir les foules chrétiennes fuir en pleine panique leurs terres ancestrales des Proche et Moyen Orient devant ces forcenés sanguinaires qui ne sont pourtant rien d'autre que la résultante directe des préceptes originaux méconnus du Coran (Que cela plaise ou non). Qu'opposer, en effet, à cette superstition démente, lunaire et nocturne, essentiellement émotionnelle et sans lien spirituel autre qu'une plate soumission perinde ac cadaver (8) à l'inertie d'une pure entité abstraite ? Fruit indirect, comme nous l'avons vu, du matérialisme ahrimanien de l’école de Gundishapur en récurrence de l'abstraction monothéiste propre au judaïsme ancien, l'Islam ne pouvait que s'ouvrir aux impulsions lucifériennes les plus violemment anti-chrétiennes, quelles que soient les dérisoires tentatives actuelles pour imposer le mythe d'une absurde équivalence religieuse. L'Islam ne supportant aucune concurrence et n'en tolérant aucune – sauf imposée sous la loi d'airain d'une laïcité reconnue. Il ne sert à rien de s'illusionner là-dessus.
Le karma de cette soumission aux forces anachroniques lunaires, et pour tout dire nocturnes du judaïsme, et partant de l'Islam, c'est ce que dévoilait la malédiction du Christ sur le Figuier stérile et sans nul fruit qui sème tant de confusion aujourd'hui. Malédiction de s'en tenir aux forces rétrogrades du passé mort faute de s'ouvrir à la nouvelle Lumière intérieure, solaire et tournée vers l'Esprit vivant. WH.
2. La Kundalini indienne et l'Uræus initiatique égyptien toujours représenté comme un cobra dressé sur la couronne du pharaon en étaient les signes visibles aux profanes.
3. Tout comme le fut autrefois Krishna, avatar du dieu Vishnou, le Verbe hindouiste.
4. Sous-consciente parce que, comme nous l'avions expliqué, toute l'initiation païenne, aussi bien selon la voie d'En-haut vers le macrocosme, que selon celle d'En-bas vers le microcosme, ne pouvait se réaliser que par la participation effective de 12 initiateurs.
5. La scène se tient, en effet, le lundi de la semaine sainte, jour de la lune et plus précisément à Bethphagé, la "maison des figues" où se tenait, à l'époque, un antique lieu d'initiation lunaire.
6. Sylvestre, pontife de Jupiter élu pape enferme le christianisme dans les formes de l'empire romain, convertit l'aristocratie latine et donne ainsi naissance à l'Église catholique.
7. En tant que membre de la "Compagnie de Jésus" le pape actuel dépend en effet du Praepositus Generalis, "Pape noir" d'un ordre qui fut toujours perçu comme une Eglise dans l’Église, à tel point que Blaise Pascal put dire que « Les jésuites ont répandu dans l’Eglise les ténèbres les plus épaisses qui soient jamais sorties du puits de l’abîme. », et Rudolf Steiner que « Les jésuites constituent la seule organisation occidentale disposant de pouvoirs occultes, à côté de laquelle les sociétés secrètes ne sont que des boy-scouts ». On sait que les Illuminés de Bavière, ceux que l’on nomme Illuminati, ont été fondés par le jésuite Adam Weishaupt, et l'on rappellera également la vive critique que Steiner fit à plusieurs reprises des fameux Exercices spirituels d'Ignace de Loyola qu'il va même jusqu'à décrire comme à l'opposé de l'Anthroposophie : « Le courant culturel qui s'est donné pour tâche d'étouffer toute compréhension du Christ, d'enterrer complètement la compréhension du Christ, c'est le jésuitisme. Le jésuitisme aspire à éradiquer progressivement toute possibilité d'une compréhension du Christ. » (R. Steiner, L'avenir de l'Âme, Genève, 2000, p. 69)
8. « Comme un cadavre » (devise des jésuites).
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