Quand il évoque la situation politique au Proche-Orient, le président des Etats-Unis voit Gog et Magog à l’œuvre. Deux créatures qui apparaissent dans une vision apocalyptique de l’Ancien Testament ! Les explications de Thomas Römer, un expert de l’UNIL qui a été contacté par l’Elysée en 2003, quand Jacques Chirac cherchait à élucider les références troublantes de George W. Bush.
« Le téléphone a sonné. C’était la responsable du Service biblique de la Fédération protestante de France. Elle m’a demandé si je pouvais écrire une page sur Gog et Magog pour l’Elysée. » Professeur de théologie à l’Université de Lausanne (UNIL) et spécialiste de l’Ancien Testament, Thomas Römer vient de plonger dans les coulisses de la politique internationale. Car cette requête théologique apparemment banale a des ramifications insoupçonnées, puisqu’elle a été suscitée par George W. Bush. « Les prophéties s’accomplissent »
« J’ai encore appris durant ce coup de fil que le président des Etats-Unis avait évoqué Gog et Magog dans une conversation avec Jacques Chirac. La discussion portait sur l’actualité au Proche-Orient. Après avoir expliqué qu’il voyait Gog et Magog à l’œuvre, George W. Bush a ajouté que les prophéties bibliques étaient en train de s’accomplir », poursuit Thomas Römer.
Cette conversation, qui porta encore sur l’axe du mal, eut lieu au début 2003, quelques semaines avant l’intervention américaine en Irak. George W. Bush tentait alors, une fois de plus, de convaincre Jacques Chirac de le suivre dans son « opération Juste cause », ce que la France refusait avec obstination.
Comme ni Jacques Chirac ni ses services n’ont compris la référence du président américain, Paris s’est mis au travail. George W. Bush appartenant à la mouvance chrétienne évangélique, l’Elysée s’est orienté vers les protestants de France, qui ont transmis la requête à Thomas Römer. « Il n’y a là rien d’inhabituel, poursuit le chercheur de l’UNIL. Nous collaborons souvent sur le plan scientifique avec nos voisins. »
Voilà donc le théologien lausannois chargé d’éclairer l’Elysée sur Gog et Magog. Un travail que ce spécialiste de l’Ancien Testament effectue de bonne grâce, et dont il parle pour la première fois aujourd’hui, maintenant que Jacques Chirac a pris sa retraite et que cet épisode appartient à l’histoire. Téléchargez le PDF ci dessous pour lire la suite :
A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush By James A. Haught
Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse.
Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission from God.
Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”
This bizarre episode occurred while the White House was assembling its “coalition of the willing” to unleash the Iraq invasion. Chirac says he was boggled by Bush’s call and “wondered how someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs.”
After the 2003 call, the puzzled French leader didn’t comply with Bush’s request. Instead, his staff asked Thomas Romer, a theologian at the University of Lausanne, to analyze the weird appeal. Dr. Romer explained that the Old Testament book of Ezekiel contains two chapters (38 and 39) in which God rages against Gog and Magog, sinister and mysterious forces menacing Israel. Jehovah vows to smite them savagely, to “turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,” and slaughter them ruthlessly. In the New Testament, the mystical book of Revelation envisions Gog and Magog gathering nations for battle, “and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.”
In 2007, Dr. Romer recounted Bush’s strange behavior in Lausanne University’s review, Allez Savoir. A French-language Swiss newspaper, Le Matin Dimanche, printed a sarcastic account titled: “When President George W. Bush Saw the Prophesies of the Bible Coming to Pass.” France’s La Liberte likewise spoofed it under the headline “A Small Scoop on Bush, Chirac, God, Gog and Magog.” But other news media missed the amazing report.
Subsequently, ex-President Chirac confirmed the nutty event in a long interview with French journalist Jean-Claude Maurice, who tells the tale in his new book, Si Vous le Répétez, Je Démentirai (If You Repeat it, I Will Deny), released in March by the publisher Plon.
Oddly, mainstream media are ignoring this alarming revelation that Bush may have been half-cracked when he started his Iraq war. My own paper, The Charleston Gazette in West Virginia, is the only U.S. newspaper to report it so far. Canada’s Toronto Star recounted the story, calling it a “stranger-than-fiction disclosure … which suggests that apocalyptic fervor may have held sway within the walls of the White House.” Fortunately, online commentary sites are spreading the news, filling the press void. (more…)
Bush confie que le livre qui l'a le plus influencé est The Case for Democracy, dans lequel son auteur Nathan Sharansky, qui est aussi le gourou personnel de Bush, explique que les États-Unis doivent porter la flamme de la liberté et de la démocratie aux quatre coins du monde. Sharansky est un juif israélien américanophile et un porte-parole des Refuznik maltraité sous le "régime" stalinien. Il est une véritable légende du trotskyisme et du néoconservatisme et un ami intime de l'ex-président.
Bush était véritablement guidé par la voix de Dieu
"Dieu" étant bien sûr nul autre que le peuple Juif lui-même, tel que l'explique le révérend John Hagee:
W's Real Mission
George W. Bush and ‘convert the Jews’ evangelical Christians do not
have our interests at heart, Jay Michaelson writes. They have their own
agenda — and it involves our destruction.
Hardline pro-Israel groups in the US have been confronting President Barack Obama's demands for a halt to settlement expansion by accusing him of promoting the ethnic cleansing of Jews and jeopardising Israel's security.
La politique adoptée par Barack Obama au Proche-Orient, depuis son accession à la présidence, agace pour le moins – le mot est faible – une partie de l’establishment sioniste. Si aucune rupture inéluctable n’est encore survenue, certains analystes pensent que la situation peut notablement s’aggraver et conduire à un dangereux isolement d’Israël sur la scène internationale. Cela n’est pas sans susciter une inquiétude vive dans l’état-major de Tsahal où des officiers généraux, particulièrement influents, défendent en conséquence la nécessité d’agir... ›››
La décision de Barack Obama de donner la “Medal of Freedom” à l’ancienne présidente de la république d’Irlande, Mary Robinson, a été vécue comme une provocation par les représentants Juifs du Congrès américain et les lobbys sionistes internationaux. L’irlandaise, de confession catholique, est en effet une critique résolue de la politique d’Israël.
Mary Robinson a en plus le malheur d’avoir été membre de la commission de l’ONU à Durban en 2001 ou les nations assemblées avaient couvert Israël d’un flot d’injures du fait de ses crimes en Palestine occupée. Le Juif Abraham Cooper du Centre Simon Wiesenthal est en pointe de la polémique, allant jusqu’à faire porter la responsabilité des évènements de la deuxième conférence ou le lobby Juif avait imposé aux diplomates européens le départ de la salle en signe d’opposition à l’Iran. On se souvient notamment de la fête organisée par le milliardaire Juif Bernard Henri Lévy sur le parvis avec le gratin sioniste international.
Mary Robinson a réagi à l’antenne d’une radio irlandaise: “Ils essaient de baîllonner ceux qui dénoncent les exactions israéliennes à Gaza !“.
Le Congrès Juif Mondial ne reste pas passif. Il a ainsi lourdement chargé Mary Robinson, lui reprochant notamment la “comparaison des souffrances palestiniennes avec celle des victimes de la “Shoah” “.
On a Jewish radio program Saturday night a former assemblyman from Borough Park, Sam Hirsch, said Dwek should face stiff retribution because of his role as an informant, the halachic concept of a moser.
“This person should have been killed,” said Hirsch, when asked by “Talkline” host Zev Brenner whether Dwek’s acts were comparable to those of Bar Kamsa, the man related in the Talmud as having incited tensions between the Romans and Jews leading to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Hirsch then said that Dwek and other informants should be ostracized from the community.
Un article intéressant concernant le rôle de "moser" ainsi que ce qui devrait être rapporté aux autorités d'une nation-hôte lorsqu'un Juif commet un crime.
The S. Daniel Abraham & Ira L. Rennert Torah Ethics Project
The Orthodox Caucus
Toronto, Canada
Netivot HaTorah Day School
October 19, 2001, at 8:00 p.m.
(...) Even without the order of a Jewish law court, one may kill a person who has certainly set out to inform on another, prior to their act of informing, as informing poses a danger to the one who is informed on. Once a person informs, one may not kill the informer as punishment for the sin and one may not steal from an informer (unless taking his property will stop him from informing). One who regularly informs may be killed without warning.
Les informateurs dans les affaires d'inceste devraient eux aussi être éliminés, selon ce rabbin:
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Rabbi: Kill those who report Judaic rape of children
Rabbi Menashe Klein's ruling on eight-year-old Judaic girl who has been raped by her father
Synopsis of the ruling of the Ungvarer Rov, Rabbi Menashe Klein, in the passage above:
An 8-year-old girl who has been raped and who identifies her father as her rapist to a trained medical professional is not to be believed. The medical professional is forbidden to contact law enforcement, social workers or child protection or do anything that could get the father arrested. If the medical professional is about to call police and cannot be stopped by any other means, he can and should be killed. And the father who raped the little girl? The father remains just as he was before, free.
The author of this depraved ruling is Rabbi Menashe Klein, a contemporary Hasidic "Gadol" (great rabbi of his generation), who heads the Ungar kehillah Yeshiva Bais Shearim, in Boro Park, Brooklyn, New York.
In the early 1960s, Senator William J. Fulbright fought to force the American Zionist Council to register as agents of a foreign government. The Council eluded registration by reorganizing as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC has since become what Fulbright most feared: a foreign agent dominating American foreign policy while disguised as a domestic lobby.
Israelis and pro-Israelis object when they hear that charge. How, they ask, can we so few wield such influence over so many? Answer: it’s all in the math. And in the single-issue advocacy brought to bear on US policy-making by dozens of ‘domestic’ organizations that now compose the Israel lobby, with AIPAC its most visible force.
The political math was enabled by Senator John McCain whose support for all things Israeli ensured him the GOP nomination to succeed Christian-Zionist G.W. Bush. McCain’s style of campaign finance reform proved a perfect fit for the Diaspora-based fundraising on which the lobby relies. Co-sponsored by Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, this change in federal election law typifies how Israeli influence became systemic.
‘McCain-Feingold’ raised the amount (from $1,000 to $2,300) that candidates can receive from individuals in primary and general elections. A couple can now contribute a combined $9,200 to federal candidates: $4,600 in each of the primary and general elections. Primary elections, usuall low-budget, are particularly easy to sway.
Importantly for the Diaspora, this change also doubled the funds candidates can receive without regard to where those contributors reside. A candidate in Iowa, say, may have only a few pro-Israeli constituents. When campaign support is provided by a nationwide network of pro-Israelis, that candidate can more easily be persuaded to support policies sought by Tel Aviv.
Diaspora-based fundraising has long been used by the lobby with force-multiplying success to shape US foreign policy. Under the guise of reform, John McCain doubled the financial resources that the lobby can deploy to elect and retain its supporters.
Fulbright was Right
The influence-peddling process works like this. Candidates are summoned for in-depth AIPAC interviews. Those found sufficiently committed to Israel’s agenda are provided a list of donors likely to “max out” their campaign contributions. Or the process can be made even easier when AIPAC-approved candidates are given the name of a “bundler.”
Bundlers raise funds from the Diaspora and bundle those contributions to present them to the candidate. No quid pro quo need be mentioned. After McCain-Feingold became law in 2003, AIPAC-identified bundlers could raise $1 million-plus for AIPAC-approved candidates simply by contacting ten like-minded supporters. Here’s the math:
The bundler and spouse “max out” for $9,200 and call ten others, say in Manhattan, Miami, and Beverly Hills. Each of them max out ($10 x $9,200) and call ten others for a total of 11. [111 x $9,200 = $1,021,200.]
Imagine the incentive to do well in the AIPAC interview. One call from the lobby and a candidate can collect enough cash to mount a credible campaign in most Congressional districts. From Tel Aviv’s perspective, that political leverage is leveraged yet again because fewer than ten percent of the 435 House races are competitive in any election cycle (typically 35 to 50).
Additional force-multipliers come from: (a) sustaining this financial focus over multiple cycles, (b) using funds to gain and retain seniority for those serving on Congressional committees key to promoting Israeli goals, and (c) opposing any candidates who question those goals.
Jewish Achievement reports that 42% of the largest political donors to the 2000 election cycle were Jewish, including four of the top five. That compares to less than 2% of Americans who are Jewish. Of the Forbes 400 richest Americans, 25% are Jewish according to Michael Steinhardt, a key funder of the Democratic Leadership Council. The DLC was led by Jewish Zionist Senator Joe Lieberman when he resigned in 2000 to run as vice president with pro-Israeli presidential candidate Al Gore.
Money was never a constraint. Pro-Israeli donors were limited only by how much they could lawfully contribute to AIPAC-screened candidates. McCain-Feingold raised a key limit. The full impact of this foreign influence has yet to be tallied. What’s known, however, is sufficient to apply the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Of the top 50 neoconservatives who advocated war in Iraq, 26 were Jewish (52%).
Harry Truman, a Christian Zionist, remains one of the more notable recipients of funds. In 1948, he was trailing badly in the polls and in fundraising. His prospects brightened dramatically in May after he recognized as a legitimate state an enclave of Jewish extremists who originally planned to settle in Argentina before putting their sights on Palestine.
That recognition was opposed by Secretary of State George C. Marshall, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the bulk of the diplomatic corps, the fledgling Central Intelligence Agency and numerous distinguished Americans, including moderate and secular Jews concerned at the troubles that were certain to follow. Not until 1984 was it revealed that a network of Jewish Zionists had funded Truman’s campaign by financially refueling his whistle-stop campaign train with $400,000 in cash ($3 million in 2009 dollars).
To buy time on the public’s airwaves, money raised from the Israel lobby’s network is paid to media outlets largely owned or managed by members of the same network. Presidents, Senators and Congressmen come and go but those who collect the checks rack up the favors that amass lasting political influence.
The US system of government is meant to ensure that members of the House represent the concerns of Americans who reside in Congressional districts—not a nationally dispersed network (a Diaspora) committed to advancing the agenda of a foreign nation. Federal elections are meant to hold Senators accountable to constituents who reside in the states they represent—not out-of-state residents or a foreign government.
In practical effect, McCain-Feingold hastened a retreat from representative government by granting a nationwide network of foreign agents disproportionate influence over elections in every state and Congressional district. Campaign finance ‘reform’ enabled this network to amass even more political clout—wielding influence disproportionate to their numbers, indifferent to their place of residence and often contrary to America’s interests.
This force-multiplier is now wielded in plain sight, with impunity and under cover of free speech, free elections, free press and even the freedom of religion. Therein lies the perils of an entangled alliance that induced the US to invade Iraq and now seeks war with Iran. By allowing foreign agents to operate as a domestic lobby, the US was induced to confuse Zionist interests with its own.
Criminal State - Guilt by Association Guilt by Association explains how the U.S. was deceived by elites and extremists to wage war in the Middle East. It also describes how both deception and self-deceit were essential for this criminality to succeed. This first book in the Criminal State series makes treason transparent so that national security can be restored and financial security protected from the transnational criminal syndicate chronicled in this account.
The book also shows how guilt by association was deployed to discredit the U.S. by its entangled alliance with the state of Israel. And how association is routinely used as a political tool either to accredit or discredit. View the Index Read the Introduction Read Ch. 4: McCain Family Secret: The Cover Up Read Ambassador Kilgore’s Review “Breathless just reading it.” – Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology “Explosively revelatory, powerful, compelling and certain to be highly contentious.” - Ambassador Ed Peck, Deputy Director, Cabinet Task Force on Terrorism, Reagan White House; former Chief of Mission, Baghdad “Magnificent, timely and persuasive.” – Paul Findley, Member of Congress 1961-1983 (first member openly removed by the Israel lobby) “Brilliantly provocative.”- Ambassador Andrew Killgore, publisher, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (review in October 2008 issue) Review of Jeff Gates’ Guilt by Association
Ou comment les services de renseignements israéliens ont volé le logiciel américain -- PROMIS -- qui permet d'espionner toutes les communications téléphoniques et électroniques partout dans le monde.
The fine hand of Israeli intelligence and its influence at the highest levels in the Justice Department is the common thread running through the web of conspiracy in the INSLAW affair.
Although the INSLAW affair has faded into the background, a review of this outrageous scandal is fully appropriate in considering Zionist power in America. Here’s the story.
In March 1982 the Washington, D.C.-based INSLAW company, owned by Bill and Nancy Hamilton, won a $10 million three year contract with the Justice Department, which planned to install the remarkable PROMIS software, developed by Bill Hamilton, in the 22 largest U.S. attorneys’ offices and a word-processor version in 72 others. PROMIS was a highly sophisticated tracking software perfect for use by intelligence agencies, designed for tracking targeted individuals.
In the meantime, however, Dr. Earl Brian, a longtime crony of then Attorney General Edwin Meese, began using his political clout to interfere with the Hamiltons’ contract in order to win the contract for a company that he owned. This happened after the Hamiltons refused Brian’s offer to purchase INSLAW. Brian, who had wide-ranging international contacts, was widely believed to be a longtime asset of the CIA.
In early 1983 the Justice Department arranged with the Hamiltons to demonstrate PROMIS to an Israeli who called himself “Dr. Ben Orr” and who purported to be representing the Israeli Ministry of Justice. “Ben Orr” said he was most impressed with PROMIS, but, to the Hamiltons’ surprise, he never bought the product.
It was only later that the Hamiltons learned why: using his contacts inside the Justice Department, Earl Brian had managed to steal the software and then provided it to LEKEM, a top-secret signals intelligence unit of the Israeli Defense Force, with the software. The head of LEKEM was longtime Mossad operative Rafael “Dirty Rafi” Eitan. In fact, Eitan was the “Dr. Ben Orr” who had visited the Hamiltons.
And by this time it had already been revealed that Eitan was the Mossad official directing the American spying operations of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. Eitan’s LEKEM operations had been covertly funded by a series of offshore corporations in the Bahamas that had been set in place some years before by the law firm of Burns and Summit. This just happened to be the firm of Deputy Attorney General Arnold Burns, a key player in the Justice Department’s campaign to deliberately tried to bankrupt INSLAW so that they liquidate INSLAW.
Former Israeli intelligence operative Ari Ben-Menashe has said that PROMIS was perfect software for use by Israeli intelligence in tracking the Palestinians and political dissidents critical of Israel. He said: “PROMIS was a very big thing for us guys, a very, very big thing. It was probably the most important issue of the 1980s because it just changed the whole intelligence outlook. The whole form of intelligence collection changed.” So Brian had done his Israeli friends a big favor.
Brian also sold PROMIS to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service and to Jordanian military intelligence, among many, many other places. In truth, the full extent of Brian’s intrigue in dealing PROMIS worldwide has yet to be told.
Of course, all of this was happening behind the scenes and unbeknownst, at that time, to the Hamiltons. However, by 1985—with their software totally looted and distributed internationally—the Hamiltons found that the Justice Department was withholding more than $7 million in payments due on the contract, forcing INSLAW into insolvency. Then in 1984, Justice abruptly canceled the contract.
While facing bankruptcy and liquidation, the owners of INSLAW were also fighting off hostile takeover attempts waged by CIA asset Earl Brian and various of his allies, including the Wall Street firm of Charles Allen and Company.
In February of 1985 the Hamiltons sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in federal court in Washington and also sued the Justice Department for the damages and losses they had suffered. They hired Leigh Ratiner, an attorney with the firm of Dickstein, Shapiro and Morin, to represent them.
In the meantime, Washington attorney Leonard Garment—who represented the Hamiltons’ nemesis, “Dirty Rafi” Eitan, and the interests of Israel in the Pollard spy scandal—popped up in the INSLAW affair. A friend of Eitan’s covert financial benefactor, Deputy Attorney General Burns, Garment was a senior partner of Dickstein, Shapiro and Morin, which abruptly fired Ratiner, the attorney representing the Hamiltons.
The Hamiltons subsequently determined that it was quite likely that Mossad figure Eitan had transferred some $600,000 out of an Israeli slush fund to Garment’s law firm in order to finance the firm’s separation agreement with Ratiner, the Hamiltons’ lawyer.
(During the same time frame, Garment himself is known to have played a part in “fixing” a case against Liberty Lobby, the publisher of The Spotlight, after the populist institution filed suit against The Wall Street Journal for publishing smears of Liberty Lobby, including one written by Garment’s wife. The Spotlight—not coincidentally—was also reporting, in depth, on the burgeoning INSLAW scandal—more about which later.)
Despite their troubles, the Hamiltons won a much-deserved victory. The Justice Department’s conspiracy against INSLAW was so patently obvious and outrageous that in January 1988 federal bankruptcy court Judge George Bason Jr. issued a ruling in favor of the Hamiltons and against the Justice Department.
Bason concluded that the Justice Department had deliberately tried to backrupt INSLAW so that they would be able to grab control of the software and not pay the Hamiltons the money they were due.
Bason’s decision was subsequently upheld, but by this time, he had already been denied reappointment and removed from the bench and replaced by S. Martin Teel, who was no less than the former Justice Department lawyer who was defending Justice against the Hamiltons.
It was after Bason ruled against the Justice Department and in favor of the Hamiltons, saying Teel’s clients/colleagues had stolen the PROMIS software through “trickery, fraud and deceit”, Bason was denied reappointment and Teel was appointed in his place. Bason later charged, in testimony before Congress, that the Justice Department had conspired to force him off the bench in retaliation for his ruling against the department.
A key player in the effort to dislodge Bason in favor of Teel was then-Deputy Attorney General Arnold Burns, a powerful attorney with longstanding ties to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith. Burns is also a founder of “Nesher”, a quietly influential group of some 300 high-ranking federal officials and bureaucrats who meet informally, bound together by a desire to advance the Zionist cause.
And by no coincidence, as already noted, Burns was one of the Justice Department officials who was working assiduously to liquidate INSLAW in the first place.
Former Judge Bason also raised questions about whether Teel was even professionally qualified for the promotion in light of his extremely limited experience with bankruptcy litigation.
Be that as it may, Teel was given Bason’s judgeship, a reward for helping cover for a corrupt conspiracy involving complicity by assets of both the CIA and Israel’s Mossad.
According to investigative reporters Mark Fricker and Stephen Pizzo, “The INSLAW case had become the judicial kiss of death in Washington, with no judge wanting any part of it. INSLAW’s allegations raised serious questions about corruption and lawlessness within the Department of Justice, and the banning of U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Bason had sent the judiciary a chilling message.” Chief U.S. District Judge Aubrey Robinson in Washington, D.C. said of other judges in relation to the INSLAW affair: “They wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.”
By this point, the Hamiltons had begun to attract some media attention, thanks in part to the pioneering efforts of independent journalists such as Harry Martin of The Napa (California) Sentinel and The Spotlight and its talk forum, Radio Free America (RFA), hosted by Tom Valentine. Along with former Judge Bason, and computer specialist Michael Riconosciuto (who was associated with Earl Brian in the INSLAW intrigue) Bill and Nancy Hamilton of INSLAW were among the guests who came on RFA to discuss the scandal.
The Hamiltons were now being ably represented by former Attorney General Elliot Richardson (since deceased), who felt great disgust and revulsion at the activities of the officials in the department that he headed for a brief period during the Nixon era.
Alerted to growing public awareness of the affair, then-Rep. Jack Brooks (D-Texas), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, convened a special inquiry into the INSLAW matter. Brooks found that the Justice Department, under the new attorney general, Dick Thornburgh, constantly stonewalled in an effort to keep the matter under wraps.
Meanwhile, the Justice Department appealed the ruling upholding former Judge Bason’s judgment in favor of INSLAW to the U.S. Court of Appeals which, in May of 1990, fixed things for the department. The appeals court ruled that the Hamiltons’ case should have never been in bankruptcy court in the first place and dismissed their suit, saying essentially that if the Hamiltons wanted to sue the Justice Department they would have to start all over again. The court did not address the actual merits of the complaint—simply ruling that the bankruptcy venue had never been the place to hear the case.
In 1991, under growing congressional pressure, Thornburgh’s successor as attorney general, former CIA official William Barr, appointed retired federal judge Nicholas Bua of Chicago as an internal Department of Justice special counsel to investigate INSLAW, although no one ever truly believed that the Justice Department would ever find itself guilty of anything.
In 1992, after the Hamiltons appealed to the Supreme Court, the court (predictably) upheld the lower court ruling in favor of the Justice Department. In March 1993, to no one’s surprise, former federal Judge Nicholas Bua submitted a special report whitewashing the Justice Department. Finally, in August of 1997 the Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C. ruled against the Hamiltons and found—again to no one’s surprise—that the Justice Department was not guilty of any wrongdoing in the INSLAW affair, all of the evidence notwithstanding.
It is worth noting that all throughout the period the INSLAW affair unfolded, a number of people connected to INSLAW and the investigation of the scandal started turning up dead.
• In August of 1991, the best-known INSLAW victim—independent journalist Danny Casolaro—who was working with Bill and Nancy Hamilton of INSLAW, and also collaborating closely with CIA operative and INSLAW conspiracy whistle-blower Michael Riconoscuito, was found dead in a motel room in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Although his death was ruled a “suicide”, the weight of the evidence suggests otherwise. But Casolaro was only the best known of the INSLAW victiims.
• In 1992, San Diego businessman and free-lance intelligence operative Ian Stuart Spiro’s wife and three children were found murdered. Later Spiro was found dead in another location. Although the authorities announced Spiro (who worked for both British and Israeli intelligence) had killed his family and then himself, there are few who believe it.
What is interesting—in light of the multiple Israeli links in the INSLAW affair, is that the retired San Diego County Deputy Sheriff, Tim Carroll, who was brought in as a special “investigator” in the Spiro case, had been the longtime liaison between the sheriff’s office and the Anti Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, a conduit for the Mossad.
Not coincidentally, Carroll also helped orchestrate (and participated in) the massive (and thoroughly unwarranted) police raid in 1995 on the home of Willis A. Carto, the publisher of The Spotlight. This raid was part of a high-level conspiracy (with multiple Mossad connections) which ultimately succeeded in destroying the weekly which, at the time, was the one major independent national publication exposing the INSLAW affair.
A Mexican gardener who was an apparent witness to the Spiro murders was also later murdered.
• Reporter Anson Ng of the London-based Financial Times was working with Casolaro investigating ties between INSLAW and money laundering connected to the Israeli-instigated Iran contra affair. Found dead in Guatemala in July of 1991, Ng had a single bullet wound in his chest. Authorities ruled the case a suicide. Others say it was murder.
• Dennis Eisman, attorney for INSLAW whistle-blower Michael Riconosciuto, was also found with a gunshot wound in his chest. That, too, was ruled a suicide, yet another convenient death.
• In March of 1990, British journalist Jonathan Moyle, who was investigating an INSLAW figure in Chile was found hanging in his hotel wardrobe in Santiago. Again, said to be “suicide”.
• Defense analyst Alan D. Standorf. His body was found at Washington National Airport on the floor of a car beneath luggage. He worked at a secret military listening post in suburban Virginia.
• Former Nixon aide Michael Allen May died four days after The Napa Sentinel reported his connections to the so-called “October Surprise” scandal which also implicated INSLAW conspirator Earl Brian. An autopsy said May had pharmaceutical drugs in his system.
• Engineer Barry Kumnick disappeared after inventing a new computer program that could project the thoughts and characteristics of criminal or military individuals and predict behavior or movement. Kumnick’s system was designed to work with the PROMIS software developed by INSLAW. Just another convenient death in a string of many.
Evidence unearthed by INSLAW’s attorney, Elliot Richardson, points toward who was most likely responsible for this series of murders and this secret underlies the Zionist connections of the INSLAW affair.
The fact is that Richardson and the Hamiltons discovered that the Justice Department’s “Nazi-hunting” Office of Special Investigations (OSI) was being deployed as the base of a top-secret covert operations unit of the Justice Department and that it was the OSI that was actually responsible for the theft of INSLAW’s PROMIS software. In a brief dated Feb. 14, 1994 INSLAW’s attorney, former U.S. Attorney General Richardson, made the following shocking charges:
The Nazi war criminal program is ... a front for the Justice Department’s own covert intelligence service, according to disclosures recently made to INSLAW by several senior Justice Department career officials.
One undeclared mission of this covert intelligence service has been the illegal dissemination of the proprietary version of PROMIS, according to information from reliable sources with ties to the U.S. intelligence community.
INSLAW has, moreover, obtained a copy of a 27-page Justice Department computer printout labeled “Criminal Division Vendor List”. That list is actually a list of the commercial organizations and individuals who serve as “cutouts” for this secret Justice Department intelligence agency....
The Justice Department’s secret intelligence agency also has its own “proprietary” company that employs scores of agents of diverse nationalities, as well as individuals who appear to be regular employees of various departments and agencies of the U.S. government or members of the U.S. armed forces, according to several sources.
Richardson’s brief also made the stunning suggestion that evidence suggests INSLAW investigator Danny Casolaro was murdered by this - secret Justice Department unit inside the OSI.
Since it is no secret that the OSI has worked closely for years with Israel’s intelligence service, a logical conclusion can be drawn that the OSI and the secret Justice Department unit inside the OSI itself are effectively acting as assets of the Mossad.
The ramifications are immense, particularly since it was the Justice Department itself, and key operatives of the Justice Department—including one who was later promoted to a federal bankruptcy judgeship—who were enabling this Zionist conspiracy (and there’s no other word for it) to take place.
In fact, the bankruptcy judge in question, S. Martin Teel—not known to be Jewish himself— was solely responsible for shutting down The Spotlight, the one independent national weekly newspaper that had been exposing the INSLAW affair from practically the beginning.
On June 27, 2001, Teel—then presiding over a bankruptcy case filed by The Spotlight’s publisher, Liberty Lobby, exercised his arbitrary power and ordered the populist weekly to cease publishing, destroying the once vibrant weekly newspaper.
Although Teel was the sole bankruptcy court judge sitting in the Washington, D.C. jurisdiction, he should never have been allowed to hear Liberty Lobby’s federal bankruptcy in the first place. He clearly had an egregious conflict of interest and a very real axe to grind against the populist institution and its weekly newspaper. So it was that not only was the INSLAW corporation brought to its knees, but likewise The Spotlight, which, like INSLAW, had fallen victim to the pernicious intrigues of Israel’s Mossad and its allies in Washington.
All of this is not to suggest, of course, that all corruption can be traced exclusively to Jewish sources—far from it! But the fact is that Jewish corruption (in high places, and affecting the American political process) has existed in our history, but the media and the history books have played a major part in suppressing public awareness of it.
The roots of the INSLAW affair do indeed point toward the immense power of the Zionist movement, demonstrating that even the courts and the system of so-called “justice” in the United States are fully in the hands of Those Who Reign Supreme in America, The New Jerusalem. Considering this, it is thus appropriate to take a look at some of the more prominent and powerful
Jewish families in America, particularly those which have a significant influence on the American media and who thereby have the power to shape public perception about both history and current events and—as a consequence—direct the course of the American political process. So let us proceed.
La surveillance prouvée de Ben Laden et Al-Qaïda par Israël avant le 11 septembre (Michael Collins Piper, FALSE FLAGS--TEMPLATE FOR TERROR, 2013):
Iron-Clad Evidence of Israeli Foreknowledge:
The 9-11 Commission Cover-Up of
the Mossad’s Capacity to Monitor the
Activities of Osama bin Laden
Even if—however unlikely—Israel was not the prime
mover behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks, there’s absolutely no question Israel’s
Mossad simply had to have had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist
attacks if, as the official story suggests, Islamic fundamentalists under the
discipline (direct or indirect) of Osama bin Laden were responsible for the
tragedy.And this, as we shall see, is absolutely critical to understanding, in
the end, how Israel was indeed the driving force behind 9-11.
The evidence for this came from post-9-11
revelations about the Inslaw scandal of the 1980s first publicized nationally
in The Spotlight, but which was carefully suppressed by the Jewish-controlled
“mainstream” media in America.Here is the story . . .
As early as Oct. 10, 2001, Britain’s Guardian
quoted the candid remarks of Mohammed Heikel, who has been described as the
Arab world’s foremost political commentator. No Muslim extremist by any means,
Heikal—who was closely associated with the secular Egyptian regime of President
Gamal Abdul Nasser—asserted flat out, that, based on his knowledge, there was
simply no way that bin Laden and Al-Qaeda could have carried out the 9-11
attacks without U.S. foreknowledge:
Laden has been under surveillance for years: every telephone call was monitored
and al-Qaeda has been penetrated by American intelligence, Pakistani
intelligence, Saudi intelligence, Egyptian intelligence.They could not have
kept secret an operation that required such a degree of organization and
The truth is that if—as the evidence
suggests—alleged 9-11 mastermind Osama bin Laden had access to the Inslaw
computer company’s PROMIS surveillance software and used it to carry off the
Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, this means without any question that Israel’s
Mossad, knew all along what bin Laden and/or his lieutenants had in mind.
To understand all of what we are about to outline,
a brief digression into the history of Islaw and the PROMIS software is
critical, for the truth is that the fine hand of Israeli intelligence and its
influence at the highest levels inWashington is the common thread running
through the web of the INSLAW affair.and it ultimately linked directly to 9-11.
It all began in March 1982 when Bill and Nancy
Hamilton of Inslaw won a $10 million three-year contract with the Justice
Department, which planned to install the PROMIS software, developed by Mr.
Hamilton, in the 22 largest U.S. attorneys’ offices and a word-processor
version in 72 others.
In the meantime, however, Dr. Earl Brian, a
longtime crony of then-Attorney General Edwin Meese, began using his political
clout to interfere with the Hamiltons’ contract in order to win the contract
for a company he owned (after the Hamiltons refused Brian’s offer to purchase
Inslaw). Brian, with wide-ranging international contacts, was widely believed
to be a longtime CIA asset.
In early 1983 the Justice Department arranged with
the Hamiltons to demonstrate PROMIS to an Israeli who called himself “Dr. Ben
Orr” and who purported to be representing the Israeli Ministry of Justice. “Ben
Orr” said he was most impressed with PROMIS, but, to the Hamiltons’ surprise,
he never bought the product.
It was only later the Hamiltons learned why: Using
his contacts inside the Justice Department, Brian had illicitly provided the
software to LEKEM, a top-secret signals intelligence unit of the Israeli
Defense Force.The head of LEKEM was longtime Mossad operative Rafael Eitan who
was actually the “Dr. Ben Orr” who had visited the Hamiltons.
It was later revealed that Eitan was also the
Mossad official directing the American spying operations of Israeli spy
Jonathan Pollard. In fact, Eitan’s LEKEM operations had been covertly funded by
a series of off-shore corporations in the Bahamas that had been set in place
some years before by the law firm of Burns and Summit.
This just happened to be the firm of Deputy
Attorney General Arnold Burns, the key player in the campaign to dislodge
Federal Bankruptcy Judge Bason who had ruled against the Justice Department
after the Hamiltons had brought suit against the department for its
misappropriation of the PROMIS software—a long and tangled tale in and of
itself, far too complicated to delve into in these pages.
A powerful attorney with long-standing ties to the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith,Burns was also a founder of
“Nesher,” a quietly influential group of some 300 high-ranking federal
officials and bureaucrats who were, at that time (and probably still today)
meeting regularly, bound together by a desire to advance Israel’s cause.
Israeli intelligence operativeAri Ben-Menashe has
said that PROMIS was perfect software for use by Israeli intelligence in
tracking the Palestinian and political dissidents critical of Israel. He said:
“PROMIS was . . . probably the most important issue of the 1980s because it
just changed the whole intelligence outlook.”
In fact, it appears that Brian also sold PROMIS to
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Security and Intelligence
Service and to Jordanian military intelligence, among many others. So, in
truth, the full extent of Brian’s intrigue in dealing PROMIS worldwide has yet
to be told—but the Israeli connection has always been the key to understanding
the intrigue surrounding the Inslaw affair from the beginning.
It was only in 2003—well after the 9-11
attacks—that Bill Hamilton, the founder of Islaw, came forth, calling for the
new “independent” commission investigating 9-11 to look into evidence that bin
Laden may have gained access to PROMIS. Hamilton said, in pertinent part:
Laden reportedly bought the U.S. intelligence community’s version of the PROMIS
database software on the Russian black market, after former FBI Agent Robert P.
Hanssen had stolen it for the Russians, and used PROMIS in computer-based
espionage against the United States.
national commission may wish to examine whether the Justice Department’s
misappropriation of PROMIS was, at a minimum, linked indirectly to pre-September
11 performance problems of U.S. intelligence.
Hamilton noted that although the FBI and other
federal agencies had initially denied they had used the PROMIS software, he
pointed out that on Oct. 16, 2001 the FBI, for example, admitted that it had,
in fact, used PROMIS to track classified information in federal law enforcement
and intelligence agencies, despite the legal controversy surrounding the
misappropriation of the software. (Of course, however, the FBI continued to
deny any wrongdoing in the Inslaw affair.)
In any case, taking Hamilton’s basic allegations on
their face, anyone with knowledge of the history of the theft of PROMIS or of
the so-called “Russian black market” cannot help but recognize the obvious:
Israel’s central positioning in the Inslaw affair throughout its sordid
Here is the key to understanding how Israel could
have been—and most assuredly was—tracking bin Laden:
In reporting Hamilton’s allegations, The Washington Times pointed out that by
having control of PROMIS, bin Laden would not only be able to monitor
U.S.efforts to track him, but that it would also have given bin Laden access to
the computer databases of other nations’ intelligence services and financial
institutions, what the Times did not mention is that—because of a “trapdoor”
installed in PROMIS —anyone using the software (including bin Laden) would have
likewise had their own activities monitored by those from whom the software had
been received.
The fact this “trapdoor” existed was first
documented nationally by The Spotlight and later in American Free Press, based
on Tom Valentine’s pioneering Inslaw coverage on his Radio Free America.
In the meantime, in his book, Seeds of Fire, British
journalist Gordon Thomas filled in many missing pieces of the puzzle, in
particular the central role of British-based press lord, Robert Maxwell—a
longtime Mossad asset—in marketing the PROMIS software around the world.
Then, in a follow-up book on Maxwell, entitled Israel’s Superspy: The Life and Murder of aMedia Mogul, Thomas and his co-author, Martin Dillon, provided further
devastating details, including revelations concerning Maxwell’s intrigue with
the very “Russian” criminals now implicated in the distribution of PROMIS to
bin Laden. And make no mistake about it: the “Russian” connection points
directly to Israel.
Although the term “Russian black market” raises the
specter of “the Russian Mafia” and “Russian organized crime,” the fact is that
the so-called“ Russians” in this network are largely not of Russian ethnic
origin (they are Jews) and many indeed have dual Russian-Israeli citizenship.
In fact, according to the late Robert I. Friedman,writing
in his book Red Mafiya, one of the leading figures in the syndicate, Shabtai Kalmanovitch,was
also an operative for Israel’s Mossad.
In addition, Friedman pointed out,other figures in
the“Russian” syndicate, such as Joseph Kobson, have close political ties with
strong influence over) the“right wing”Likud
political bloc in Israel. And Likud—of course—is the political party of former
Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon who was in power at the time of the 9-11
Friedman’s indictment of Israel’s entwinement—as a
nation—with the “Russian”mob is telling indeed. Friedman wrote:
two decades of unimpeded growth, the Russian Mafiya has succeeded in turning
Israel into its very own, “ministate,” in which it operates with virtual impunity.
many in international law enforcement believe that Israel is by now so
compromised that its future as a nation is imperiled, its government,
inexplicably,has done almost nothing to combat the problem.
Friedman pointed out that U.S. law enforcement—including
the FBI—actually did little to impede the growth of the“Russian”crime syndicate
while it was establishing itself on American soil.The reason he said:“A large
part of the problem was political: the Russian mob was predominantly Jewish.”
Friedman revealed that as far back as 1992, an FBI spokesman, Joe Valiquette
admitted that “The Russian Mafia has the lowest priority on the criminal
pecking order.” Concurrently, Patrick Cotter, one of the Justice Department
prosecutors who nailed famed Italian-American crime figure John Gotti, frankly
admitted to Friedman that “if we don’t begin to address the problem now, we’ll
be running around asking ourselves how the Hell this Russian organized crime
got so big and how we can get rid of them.”
Cotter noted that while the FBI had squads
targeting the declining Italian-American “crime families” there was no squad
targeting the “Russian” crime figures. “There is your problem,” he said.
Why the FBI never moved against these mobsters is
no mystery to anyone familiar with the history of the FBI. As many have long
been aware, the top leadership of the FBI—since well before World War II—
actively collaborated quite closely with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of
B’nai B’rith in“dirty tricks”operations againstAmerican nationalists. In 1948,
after the founding of the state of Israel, the ADL then began acting as an
adjunct and asset-in-place of Israel’s Mossad.
The late former U.S. Attorney General Elliot
Richardson, while serving as attorney for Inslaw’s owners, discovered that it
was specifically the Office of Special Investigations (OSI)—the so-called “nazi
hunting division” of the Justice Department—that was responsible for the theft
of the PROMIS software. Richardson also charged that the OSI operated a secret
covert-operations intelligence unit inside the Justice Department, involved in
assassinations and other operations designed to silence American political
Since it is no secret that the OSI also worked
closely with the Mossad, it is accurate to say that the OSI (and the secret
unit inside OSI) were acting as Mossad assets.All of this happened under the
very eyes of the FBI’s inspector general and others responsible for protecting
American national security.
This is particularly relevant inasmuch as at the time
the Inslaw scandal was coming into the open, The Spotlight newspaper led the media in publicizing the affair. A
Justice Department attorney later promoted to a federal judgeship in return for
his services on behalf of the Mossad linked OSI thieves—S. Martin Teel—later
issued the controversial court ruling that destroyed The Spotlight.
The story of Inslaw is told in further detail in
this author’s previous work, The New
Jerusalem. Putting two and two together in the intertwined cases of Inslaw
and 9-11 does certainly point toward a central Israeli connection, but we
certainly didn’t hear about any of that in the American media. And the “independent”
commission appointed by President George W. Bush to“investigate” 9-11 didn’t
delve into it either.
And at this juncture it’s probably worth pointing
out that, early on, in the formative stages of the dubious “investigation” into
9-11 by United States government personnel, Israeli intrigues designed to
direct (or, misdirect) the course of the investigation were readily apparent
but carefully suppressed by the media—with the notable exception of a report
appearing in the May 20, 2002 issue of American Free Press.
In question was the sudden resignation by L. Britt
Snider as staff director of the joint House and Senate intelligence committee
investigation of the 9-11 attacks.
What makes the little-noticed Snider affair quite
interesting is that only a month before his resignation, Snider’s work was
being praised by Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.) and Rep. Porter J. Goss (R-Fla.), the
chairmen, respectively, of the Senate and House intelligence committees.
For its own part, even The Washington Post admitted
on April 30, 2002 Snider’s departure was “setting back the inquiry into the
intelligence community’s failure to detect or prevent the worst terrorist
operation in U.S. history.”
While the major media dismissed Snider’s
resignation as a “personal matter”—possibly involving “a second individual”—AFP
explored the matter more carefully and, considering the background to the
affair, concluded that Snider had actually been forced out, that there was
intrigue afoot behind the scenes designed to dislodge him and that the
“personal matter” had been utilized to accomplish that end.
The truth is the beginning, the primary opposition
to Snider’s tenure at the congressional 9-11 inquiry came from the Israeli
At the time Snider was appointed, one of the
Israeli lobby’s chief Washington voices, Frank Gaffney Jr., president of the
Center for Security Policy (CSP), bitterly attacked Snider.
A functionary for the CSP’s founder, Israeli lobby
kingpin William Kristol, a leading American advocate for the hard-line policies
of the Sharon and Netanyahu factions in Israel, Gaffney—himself once described
as being associated with “extreme right-wing Israeli causes”— asserted that
Snider’s appointment “sets the stage for a whitewash of epic proportions” and
charged Snider’s close professional relationship with CIA Director George Tenet
was a conflict of interest. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), another of Israel’s
stalwart allies, was also a vocal Tenet critic and may have played a part in
the intrigue that resulted in the departure of Tenet’s ally, Snider, from his
post. Shelby joined the chorus attempting to place the blame for the
oft-discussed “intelligence breakdown” on the CIA, lending credence to the idea
that the CIA had failed to carefully track Osama bin Laden and therefore
allowed “Islamic fundamentalists” to orchestrate 9-11.
Why such concern about Tenet from the advocates of
Israel? It may have something to do with the fact that the Israeli lobby had
long been hostile to Tenet.
The late international correspondent Andrew St. George pointed out in The Spotlight that the Israeli lobby had always adjudged Tenet to
be part of a forceful element inside the American military, intelligence and
diplomatic communities that remained suspicious of Israel despite Israel’s
otherwise heavy-handed influence among “bought and paid for” politicians on
Capitol Hill.
And contrary to a popular myth which reigns today
on the Internet, Tenet is not Jewish. He is actually of Greek Orthodox Chistian
extraction. Here, in fact, is where the myth of Tenet being Jewish originated:
On November 19, 1995, a Parade magazine cover photo
of Tenet— along with two of his colleagues at the CIA who were Jewish, Director
John Deutch and Executive Director Nora Slatkin—was wrongly misidentified by
Parade as another of his CIA colleagues, David Cohen another Jew who was
mentioned in Parade’s story about “the New CIA.”
As a
consequence of that error, many people to this day believe Tenet is Jewish and
that he is therefore enamored with Israel. And although Parade corrected its
error in its subsequent weekly edition, that correction went largely unnoticed.
In any case, it’s very clear that Israel’s
partisans were determined to have a lock onto any and all inquiries into the
origins of 9-11.And likewise, in the period that followed, any allegations of
Israeli involvement were met with howls of denial in the Controlled Media.
However, as we proceed,we will find (again and
again) that there is good solid information that not only demonstrates that
Israel was indeed the prime mover behind 9-11 and that,when all is said and
done, we will have a reasonable and likely scenario (based on a wide-ranging
array of information coming from notably disparate sources) that proves that
controversial contention.