La caricature a été retirée et remplacée par des photos des chefs d'État Obama et Rouhani. Voici une capture d'écran du site The Economist avant la censure:
Quelques images tirées de la presse antisémite
L’ADL à The Economist : Excusez-vous pour le dessin antisémite
Jewish Extremists Censor World’s Leading Financial Publication
ADL to Economist: Apologize for cartoon Abe Foxman demands apology after magazine sparks outrage with caricature implying Jewish control of US government.
Times of Israel - Economist removes ‘anti-Semitic’ cartoon after criticism
Honest Reporting, an NGO that monitors anti-Israel content in the media, issued a statement criticizing The Economist’s editorial staff for not picking up on the fact that the cartoon promoted anti-Semitism. “Jewish control over governments, the media and the international financial system is a classic feature of anti-Semitism and the cartoon is, wittingly or unwittingly, promoting this trope,” the statement read.
“This falls firmly under the working definitions of anti-Semitism from both the US State Department and the EU, which specifically include:
‘Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.’”
Shades of Anti-Semitism in The Economist - The Economist: les Juifs contrôlent le Congrès des États-Unis
Wikipedia: The publication belongs to The Economist Group, half of which is owned by Pearson PLC via the Financial Times. A group of independent shareholders, including many members of the staff and the Rothschild banking family of England,[6] owns the rest.
C'est dire que même les médiats Rothschild doivent s'excuser auprès d'Israël s'ils ajoutent une petite étoile juive à un symbole américain officiel qui affiche déjà depuis longtemps des étoiles à 6 pointes...
Notez qu'avant d'être récupéré par Israël, le symbole de l'étoile à six pointes était avant tout un symbole magique, tout comme l'étoile à cinq ou sept pointes, utilisé dans divers contextes ésotériques à travers le monde et pas seulement dans la kabbale juive et la franc-maçonnerie!
L'influence israélienne sur l'État américain: un mythe?
Are Americans Really Pro-Israel? A new article in the Jewish Supremacist Tablet magazine has claimed that the reason why the Jewish lobby...
Video surfaces of Rep. Michael Grimm heaping praise on rabbi accused of bribery Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto and the New York politician are under investigation by the Israeli and US governments, respectively. The feds say Grimm took illegal donations from members of Pinto's congregation.
Rep. Michael Grimm called an influential Israeli rabbi he has been accused of blackmailing an “inspiration” to his his congressional campaign in a bizarre 2010 television interview that also featured claims the religious leader predicted the 9/11 attacks in New York.
Grimm is currently under investigation for alleged campaign finance irregularities, including charges leveled by former Rep. Anthony Wiener that he sought to extort Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto in 2010. Grimm has denied the claims, but the federal investigation has also prompted a related inquiry in Israel, where Pinto aide and top Grimm funraiser Ofer Biton is also facing corruption charges. Pinto is embroiled in a corruption scandal of his own, having been accused of bribing a top Israeli police official.(...)
During the interview, Grimm sat next to Ben Zion Suky, another Pinto aide who has also been identified as a witness in the Pinto case. The interview took an odd turn when Suky described in Hebrew how Pinto foresaw 9/11. “The rabbi asked us, what are these buildings,” Suky said. “And we told him, these are among the tallest buildings in the United States. And the rabbi told us, and as I tell you this I’m shaking, I’m so emotional, the rabbi said, a disaster a huge disaster involving planes will happen here. And he was soon proven right. The Rabbi has powers that I can’t explain. Has he made mistakes? I haven’t seen that at all.”(...)
Suky has donated to Grimm, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and to Weiner, who returned his money. He was one of the administrators of Rabbi Pinto’s yeshiva in Manhattan and has been linked to the porn industry.
Video: Rep. Grimm Praises Rabbi Who Backer Claims Predicted 9/11
US congressman to face charges over Pinto-linked funds Republican Rep. Michael Grimm said to have received illegal contributions from followers of Israeli rabbi
Cantor Tied to Controversial Rabbi at Center of Probe
Plot thickens in Rabbi Pinto graft affair More witnesses to testify in Rabbi Pinto graft affair, including mystery forth man. Meanwhile, Ynet reviews the main protagonist in complex story which ties together a rabbi, a congressman and porn distributer
US Involvement in Rabbi Pinto Corruption Case Revealed FBI investigation into Congressman led to corruption allegations against top Israeli officers.
US congressman 'got half a million dollars from Israeli rabbi's followers' FBI investigation puts Republican congressman with assistant of influential Rabbi Pinto; assistant now facing embezzlement charges
FBI probe into Rep. Michael Grimm's campaign finances tied to Israeli investigation into rabbi Israeli investigators are looking into charges that Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto bribed an anticorruption official, but have refused to share information that the FBI is seeking for the probe into the Staten Island Congressman.
Rabbi Pinto probe sparks tensions between FBI and Israel Police Israeli police refuse to provide FBI information for its probe on N.Y. Congressman Michael Grimm.
EXCLUSIVE: FBI arrests pal of Rep. Michael Grimm on charges of election fraud related to donations
Americans in Israel Targeted by IRS for Tax Audits
New IRS Targets This upcoming tax season entails some unpleasant surprises for United States citizens who either live in Israel or who hold bank accounts there.
Rappel: Coup de filet de l'IRS contre l'évasion fiscale vers les banques israéliennes
Robert Fisk: How on earth can Israel tolerate this filth from B’nai Brith Canada? Four million Canadians carrying the anti-Semitic ‘disease’? We’ve heard this kind of despicable propaganda before
Un journaliste d’I Télé taclé pour l’usage du mot « Rothschild » au sujet du ministre français de l’Économie
German politician posts anti-Semitic video of ‘Rothschilds controlling the world’
Sur ce blog:
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Les médiats juifs tels que le New York Times dissimulent les efforts des groupes juifs pour pousser l'Occident en guerre en Syrie pour Israël
Les médiats juifs désignent Obama comme bouc émissaire du scandale d'écoute électronique par la NSA, pour faire pression sur lui et son administration afin que l'option militaire soit envisagée dès maintenant en Syrie et en Iran
"Je larguerais Israël demain matin!" dit au Congrès le professeur Michael Scheuer, ancien directeur de l'unité de traque de Ben Laden à la CIA
Israël peut bien disparaître, on s'en moque
Le président Obama sur la même ligne que Michael Scheuer à propos d'Israël
Devoir de mémoire, devoir de faire tomber l'axe Iran-Syrie-Liban
Devoir de mémoire, devoir de vitrifier l'Iran
L’ancien responsable de l’Unité de traque de Ben Laden à la CIA estime que l’Islam radical est une menace imaginaire
L’ancien directeur de l’unité de traque de Ben Laden à la CIA, Michael Scheuer accuse Israël de détenir le Congrès et d’entraîner les USA vers le désastre d’une guerre contre l’Iran
Le devoir de mémoire: source de motivation pour Alex Jones dans son combat, fondement du nouvel ordre mondial pour le B'nai Brith
Après JFK et Obama, au tour de l'Onu de demander à Israël d'ouvrir ses installations nucléaires aux inspections
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Maîtres du monde, maîtres de l'humour: Netanyahou accuse le New York Times et Haaretz de donner le ton de la campagne anti-Israël à travers le monde
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Police anti-corruption ou anti-juive? Deux politiciens juifs de Montréal, incluant le premier maire juif de Montréal, arrêtés par l'unité permanente anti-corruption de la Sûreté du Québec
Police anti-juive? En association avec B'nai Brith Canada, le Jewish Tribune se porte à la défense de Pamela Geller et de son combat contre l'Islam, blâme la police pour l'annulation de son cirque de haine commandité par la LDJ
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États-Unis: Le National Council of Churches, les Églises luthériennes, méthodistes et unitariennes réclament une enquête sur l'aide financière et militaire à Israël
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Forbes Israël fait des listes de milliardaires juifs... mais aucun Rothschild n'y figure, c'est bizarre non?
Qui domine les États-Unis?
Les médiats sous contrôle
The New Babylon - extraits
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Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild et Hitler
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L'empire mondial anglo rêvé par Rhodes: marionette des Rothschild?
Israël, B'Nai Brith... serait-ce le KKK de la Maison des Rothschild?
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