L'auteur populiste antijuif Michael Collins Piper a-t-il été assassiné par ses ennemis liés à la Scientologie sous contrôle du Mossad? Ou a-t-il succombé aux persécutions infligées par ses ennemis au sein du "mouvement" nationaliste alors qu'il était affligé par la maladie? Peut-être ne le saurons-nous jamais. Mais l'histoire de sa vie et son oeuvre sont particulièrement révélateurs de l'état catastrophique du "mouvement" nationaliste et de ce que les chercheurs sérieux ont à subir non seulement de la part des ennemis déclarés du nationalisme mais aussi de la part de certains éléments problématiques à l'intérieur du mouvement nationaliste lui-même. Examinons ses mésaventures ô combien révélatrices avec des éléments malhonnêtes du mouvement tels que John Judge, Peter Dale Scott, Alex Jones, Jim Marrs, Robert Groden, Mark Weber, Andrew E. Allen, Jared Taylor, Eric Jon Phelps, Chris Bollyn, Eric Hufschmid, Mike Delaney, John Stadtmiller, Jim Condit Jr., Carolyn Yeager, James Fetzer, John Friend, Pete Papaherakles, sans oublier ses anciens employeurs le couple Willis et Elisabeth Carto.
Michael Collins Piper fut l'un des auteurs antijuifs les plus prolifiques. En plus de ses milliers d'articles et ses nombreux feuillets, on lui doit une douzaine d'ouvrages, dont le classique Final Judgment qui a résolu une fois pour toute l'énigme de l'assassinat de JFK par Israël. Il avait une émission de radio internet depuis 2006, d'abord sur les ondes de RBN et par la suite sur le site web The Ugly Truth de Mark Glenn.
Peu de temps avant de mourir, dans une de ses dernières émissions (disponibles ici gratuitement), Piper se disait sûr de ne plus en avoir pour longtemps, non seulement à cause de ses problèmes de santé importants, mais surtout à cause de ses révélations, révélations qu'il pouvait enfin livrer crûment au public, puisque depuis sa perte d'emploi il pouvait enfin dire toute la vérité sur les affaires louches et criminelles de ses anciens employeurs Willis et Elizabeth Carto, propriétaires d'American Free Press. Il menaçait de dévoiler encore plus que ce que ce qu'il avait déjà dévoilé. Ce qui devrait attiser nos soupçons ou à tout le moins justifier un examen en profondeur de ces révélations.
Car Piper avertissait ses auditeurs qu'il pourrait très bien être retrouvé mort dans peu de temps, assassiné par le Mossad, ou par la Scientologie, car la Scientologie, qui est sous contrôle du Mossad depuis le début des années 1980, n'hésite pas, rappelait-il (le 14 mai 2015), à éliminer physiquement ses ennemis! Piper avait souvent expliqué que la Scientologie, avec tout son arsenal de techniques de manipulation mentale mis à profit sur son armée de serviles agents, est sous le contrôle du Mossad depuis qu'elle a été rachetée par le riche juif et parrain d'Israël, Edgar Bronfman, au début des années 1980, avec l'aide d'une équipe d'avocats juifs menée par le juif scientologue Lawrence Heller.
Ce n'est pas dans un esprit borné, "antisecte", que Piper s'est fait des ennemis du côté de la Scientologie. Cela vient plutôt du fait que depuis que la Scientologie a conclu un pacte avec la CIA au début des années 1980, elle n'a plus à payer d'impôt, en échange de quoi elle doit travailler conjointement avec la CIA dans le cadre d'opérations de collecte de renseignement et d'infiltration-sabotage du mouvement nationaliste et révisionniste aux États-Unis. Ainsi de nombreux agents de la Scientologie ont infiltré et noyauté le mouvement révisionniste et nationaliste américain. L'organisation Liberty Lobby, qui publiait à l'époque le journal de l'Institute for Historical Review ainsi que le renommé journal d'enquête The Spotlight, ne pouvait donc y échapper. Ce fut le début d'une longue saga opposant les nationalistes et les révisionnistes éclairés aux infiltrateurs-agents de la Scientologie. Or ces derniers ont finalement gagné et ont pris le contrôle de l'IHR. C'est ainsi que Mark Weber, cet escroc qui dirigeait cette équipe d'infiltrés pour le compte de la Scientologie et de la CIA, a pris le contrôle de l'IHR, mettant ainsi la main personnellement sur des millions de dollars. C'est ainsi que l'IHR devint l'équivalent des Trusts soviétiques d'autrefois: une opposition contrôlée, destinée à collecter les noms des dissidents et à maintenir la dissidence sous contrôle et sous haute surveillance. Piper a écrit en 2005 un long dossier (retiré de son livre The Judas Goats, mais disponible sur balderexlibris sous le titre "Coup d'Etat") sur la prise de contrôle de l'IHR par des éléments liés à la Scientologie (Mossad), l'Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith (Mossad) et la CIA.
Or l'histoire ne s'arrête pas là en ce qui concerne la Scientologie et les activités nationalistes de l'organisation Liberty Lobby de Willis Carto. Liberty Lobby a fait banqueroute, le journal The Spotlight, qui était très populaire, a fermé, et en 2001 est né American Free Press. Piper travailla pour American Free Press comme il avait travaillé pour The Spotlight. Mais des efforts persistants ont été déployés afin de le faire renvoyer du journal. À plusieurs reprises, d'importantes sommes d'argent ont été promises à la direction du journal en échange de quoi ils devaient se débarrassent du méchant antijuif Michael Collins Piper qui ne veut rien savoir des théories du complot de Sandy Hook. Ces tentatives nombreuses se sont révélées infructueuses, jusqu'à ce que les conflits à l'interne se multiplient à American Free Press impliquant Michael Collins Piper et les partisans des théories du complot de Sandy Hook, qui croient que le massacre de Sandy Hook n'est d'autre qu'un canular. L'auteur d'origine grecque vivant aux États-Unis Pete Papaherakles est l'un de ceux qui ont fait pression pour infléchir la ligne éditoriale d'American Free Press en exigeant que soient inclus des articles s'en prenant violemment aux Noirs, aux arabes et aux musulmans, aux gays, et promouvant la théorie du complot de Sandy Hook (théorie que la ligne éditoriale d'American Free Press avait rejeté jusqu'ici). À cette nouvelle ligne éditoriale intenable, Piper s'est fortement opposé, mais Papaherakles, grâce à sa proximité avec Elisabeth Carto et surtout grâce au début de
sénilité du vétéran et premier propriétaire du journal Willis Carto, a tout de même réussi à prendre le contrôle du journal, ce qui explique probablement pourquoi le site et le journal sont de plus en plus repoussants par son racisme affiché (au grand plaisir de nos ennemis qui veulent que les antijuifs soient tous identifié au suprématisme blanc). Ce n'est que plus tard, après son renvoi de l'équipe du journal, que Piper découvrira les liens de Papaherakles avec la Scientologie, ainsi que ses manigances en coulisse visant à le faire renvoyer du journal, et ce en collaboration avec les mêmes qui avaient autrefois tenté de soudoyer les propriétaires pour le faire renvoyer. (Comme Piper l'a montré dans son livre The Judas Goats, mais sans nommer expressément la Scientologie, les sectes servant à des opérations des services secrets comme la Scientologie utilisent souvent, pour mener des opérations d'infiltration et de sabotage, des ex-alcooliques et des personnalités déviantes, visages à deux faces, parfois affublées de dédoublement de la personnalité. Ce profil correspond tout à fait à Pete Papaherakles, comme le soulignait Piper durant la dernière année de sa vie.) Voilà ce qui a conduit au renvoi de Piper: les manigances de Papaherakles, en lien avec le conflit à l'interne sur la question de la théorie du complot de Sandy Hook et sur la ligne de plus en plus anti-islam et suprémaciste blanc (anti-noir, anti-arabe, etc.) du journal. Ce conflit avait d'ailleurs conduit au renvoi d'un auteur douteux du nom de John Friend, un ami et allié du désinformateur notoire et ennemi juré de Piper, James Fetzer. Mais grâce aux pressions de Pete Papaherakles, John Friend a été réembauché par le journal qui est maintenant sous contrôle d'Elizabeth Carto (son époux le propriétaire Willis Carto étant semi-sénile) et de son bras droit, l'agent de la scientologie Pete Papaherakles. En ce qui concerne les livres de Piper publiés par AFP, AFP a clairement dit qu'il ne réimprimera aucun des livres de Piper.
AUDIO - Les dernières émissions de radio internet de Michael Collins Piper sont disponibles ici gratuitement, mis à part celle du 27 Avril 2015 qui est réservée aux abonnés, où il indiquait qu'il prévoyait faire des révélations sur le rôle d'Elisabeth Carto, l'épouse de Willis Carto, dans la destruction de Liberty Lobby et le l'IHR (révélations qu'ils n'a jamais pu faire). Il parle aussi du rôle de l'infiltré de la Scientologie Pete Papaherakles dans la prise de contrôle d'AFP.
Pour ce qui est de la piste scientologique-mossadienne dans la mort de Piper donc: il est clair que cette piste est à considérer sérieusement et en priorité, et ce même s'il est apparemment mort de causes naturelles.
Dans ses articles et à son émission de radio, Piper n'hésitait pas à nommer la Scientologie par son nom, surtout lorsqu'il dénonçait ses activités au service du Mossad et de l'Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith. Il savait pertinemment et soulignait régulièrement (dernière référence: 14 mai 2015) que la Scientologie n'hésite pas à se débarrasser de ses ennemis en les éliminant carrément et de manière à ce que personne ne puisse suspecter un règlement de comptes.
Piper a été tué, alors ceux qui ont fait le coup ne seront pas contents d'apprendre que le document "Coup d'Etat" ait été rendu public, puisque ce dernier identifie clairement ceux qui avaient grand intérêt à se
de lui rapidement, avant qu'il fasse les révélations fracassantes qu'il avait promis
de faire depuis qu'il se trouvait hors circuit, renvoyé par son
Peut-être ne saurons-nous jamais exactement ce qui a tué Michael Collins Piper. Mais l'histoire de sa vie et son oeuvre sont particulièrement révélateurs de l'état catastrophique du "mouvement" nationaliste. Ses dernières années sont même particulièrement révélatrices de ce que les chercheurs sérieux ont à subir non seulement de la part des ennemis déclarés du nationalisme mais aussi de la part de certains éléments problématiques à l'intérieur du mouvement nationaliste lui-même.
Michael Collins Piper avait de gros problèmes de santé à plusieurs niveaux, notamment au coeur, et ne pouvait plus marcher parce que sa neuropathie à la jambe le faisait trop souffrir. Il avait fait une grave crise cardiaque en 2014. Ses problèmes de santé se sont lourdement aggravés pour deux raisons principales :
1) D’abord il a été accusé en 2012-2013 d’être un "désinformateur" par de nombreux internautes et vedettes de l’internet (ex : James Fetzer) parce qu’il ne voulait pas croire la théorie débile voulant qu’ "aucun enfant n’a été tué à Sandy Hook." Ces attaques n’ont jamais cessé.
2) Ensuite il a été mis à la porte par son employeur Willis Carto après plus de 30 ans de loyaux services (20 ans avec Liberty Lobby et The Spotlight et depuis 2001 avec American Free Press). Rappelons qu’un peu avant que Piper ait été éjecté d’American Free Press, l’auteur Pete Papaherakles, qui est relié à la Scientologie et qui adore blâmer les musulmans et les Noirs et qui croit à la théorie du "canular de Sandy Hook" (ça se voit sur la page d’accueil d’AFP), venait de prendre le contrôle de la ligne éditoriale du journal, aux côtés de l’épouse de Carto qui gère maintenant AFP et The Barnes Review, étant donné la vieillesse avancée et la semi-sénilité de Willis Carto. Piper considérait Papaherakles comme un agent d'infiltration au service de la scientologie (références: 20 avril, 27 avril, 8 mai et 14 mai 2015). Piper a carrément dit que les employés d'AFP savent pertinemment que Papaherakles est un infiltrateur pour la Scientologie, mias ils n'y peuvent rien.
Si Piper avait reçu les millions de dollars de la vente de son livre Final Judgment, qui est devenu un bestseller, et si les Carto n’avaient pas caché ces millions de dollars dans des banques suisses, Piper aurait eu tout ce qu’il faut pour payer ses soins de santé et s’établir dans une jolie maison.
Avec sa réputation pratiquement détruite par l’acharnement contre lui de désinformateurs tels que James Fetzer et avec sa santé ruinée, incapable de payer pour son logement et ses soins de santé, Piper attendait la mort.
Il est probable que ce sont ses graves problème de santé qui ont causé sa mort. Il avait déjà fait une grave crise cardiaque au début de 2014, ce qui lui avait valu un long séjour à l'hôpital suivi d'une longue convalescence.
Mais ce qui suscite le questionnement, c'est que dans ses dernières émissions, il était à ce point désespéré qu'il appelait carrément les fédéraux, la CIA, le Mossad, ou la Scientologie (le 14 mai 2015), à venir l'éliminer ou le capturer, pourvu qu'ils viennent le prendre et s'occuper de lui, ainsi il aurait de la nourriture gratuite et des soins de santé gratuits aux frais de l'État. Il n'avait aucune sécurité sociale et l'État refusait de le reconnaître comme invalide alors même qu'il ne pouvait plus marcher. Dans sa dernière émission, il n'a rien fait d'autre que présenter et faire jouer une pièce de propagande nazie antijuive de "Charlie and his orchestra" intitulée "Makin' Whoopee". À la fin de la pièce, après que le chanteur ait fini de chanter, Piper fait comme les chanteurs de groupes de musique qui tirent leur révérence à la fin du spectlacle et donne les noms des membres de l'équipe de The Ugly Truth pendant que la pièce se termine (Mark Glenn, Max French, Trevor Labonté qui est guitariste dans la vraie vie, et enfin lui-même Michael Collins Piper). Il tirait sa révérence ainsi à la blague, pour faire un clin d'oeil à ses auditeurs et à ses amis, mais ce fut ironiquement sa dernière émission à vie. Peut-être sentait-il la mort s'approcher? Peut-être aussi qu'il a trouvé un moyen de se suicider sans que cela paraisse. Peut-être que certains de ses ennemis l'ont tué pour le faire taire, mais mis à part ses révélations fracassantes qu'il promettait de faire, il ne représentait plus un très grand risque: c'était un homme brisé, sans le sou, à la santé ruinée, qui avait arrêté d'écrire et qui était écouté par peu de gens. Peut-être que ses ennemis, à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur du mouvement nationaliste, avaient peur de toute ce qu'il allait révéler? Car il avait promis de continuer à révéler bien des choses sur ses ennemis qui tentent de prendre le contrôle du mouvement nationaliste! Il est à considérer que cette mort subite est peut-être une vengeance de la part de ses puissants ennemis au sein même du "mouvement" nationaliste. En tous les cas, sa fin est très triste, c'est l'histoire d'une série de trahisons abominables subies par un auteur révolutionnaire qui n'avait pas reçu ne serait-ce qu'une fraction de toute la reconnaissance qu'il méritait. Dans ses dernières années, il disait ce ne sont pas les membres du camp ennemi qui lui ont mis un poignard dans le dos, mais que ce sont carrément des gens de son propre camp, des gens du prétendu mouvement nationaliste (références: émission du 20 avril 2015, disponible sur demande auprès de Mark Glenn, et celle du 27 avril, réservée aux abonnés). Cela dit en référence évidente à son renvoi de AFP et surtout aux attaques vicieuses et répétées contre lui de la part de nombreux prétendus diseurs de vérités.
Cette triste histoire n'est pas sans rappeler la Passion de notre Sauveur Jésus-Christ: une histoire de trahison contre un diseur de vérité interdites, livré à ses ennemis par ceux qui étaient dans son camp.
Michael Collins Piper croyait en Dieu. Il était pas sûr en ce qui concerne la Résurrection du Christ, mais reconnaissait volontiers, comme Thomas Jefferson, que Jésus était "le plus grand réformateur de la religion pervertie de son peuple". Il savait que des forces spirituelles agissent dans le monde et dans l'homme et que le combat que nous menons est un reflet du grand combat spirituel, remontant aux commencements du temps, entre les forces divines et les forces ténèbres.
Piper a dévoué sa vie entière au mouvement nationaliste et à la lutte contre la domination juive. Il est entré dans ce combat alors qu'il était tout jeune (il n'avait même pas 20 ans lorsqu'il s'est joint à Liberty Lobby et au journal The Spotlight) et il n'a jamais cessé de combattre même lorsque la maladie l'empêchait de vaquer à ses occupations ordinaires.
Piper n'avait pas peur de confronter publiquement les diseurs de bêtises et les vendus. Il a confronté des représentants de l'ADL, ainsi que des prétendus survivants de l'Holocauste, sans oublier la papesse anti-négationniste par excellente: Deborah Lipstadt. Des années avant que les médias ne révèlent l'identité de l'agent de l'ADL infiltré dans les milieux nationalistes, Roy Bullock, Piper l'avait déjà démasqué dans les pages du Spotlight. Piper s'est frotté de près à des escrocs et des saboteurs du mouvement révisionnistes qui ont éviscéré l'Institute for Historical Review, tels que Mark Weber, qui travaillait pour Andrew E Allen, un homme relié à la CIA et au Mossad (il a admis en cour de justice avoir travaillé à entraîner les moudjahidines et avoir travaillé pour une ONG appartenant à George Soros en Birmanie). Ces événements entourant la chute de Liberty Lobby et de l'IHR lui ont ouvert les yeux sur l'utilisation par le Mossad de certains membres de la secte de la Scientologie (rachetée par Bronfman et donc sous contôle du Mossad), de concert avec l'ADL et la CIA, dans le cadre d'opérations secrètes, en particulier contre les nationalistes et les révisionnistes aux États-Unis. Piper avait également identifié un ami de Weber, le nationaliste blanc anti-arabe et anti-islam Jared Taylor, comme un nationaliste des plus dangereux de par son sionisme et son philosémitisme. En tant que diseur de vérités interdites sur le sionisme et la domination juive, Piper a rencontré sur son chemin des fauteurs de trouble extrêmement problématiques, tels que Chris Bollyn et Eric Hufschmid, et allla même jusqu'à identifier les possibles employeurs de l'agent pigiste (opérant à son compte) Chris Bollyn, soit l'Église anglicane, émanation du Renseignement britannique oeuvrant surtout dans le domaine de la désinformation. Piper a eu à composer aussi avec les fanatiques de théories plus marginales, telles que la théorie du complot jésuite sioniste, la théorie du complot sioniste derrière les nazis, la théorie du complot islamo-américain, la théorie de l'assassinat de JFK par "l'État profond", LBJ, les nazis, l'URSS, Castro, etc. C'est encore aux services du Renseignement britannique et leur
département de désinformation que Piper faisait remonter l'oeuvre d'un
Alex Jones, superstar du mouvement patriote et hallucinateur de complots
nazis et autre désinformation évidente. Quand Piper a débuté son émission sur RBN en 2006, Alex Jones en personne a appelé en ondes à son émission pour lui souhaiter bienvenue dans le monde de la radio patriote, bonne chance et tout. Ce que Piper a appris seulement plus tard, c'est qu'au même moment où Alex Jones appelait à son émission pour soi-disant l'encourager, il travaillait très fort en coulisse pour faire bannir l'émission de Piper de toutes les stations de radio patriotes du Texas! C'est une anecdote que MCP a racontée à plusieurs reprises à son émission et dans un texte publié suite à son éjection de RBN. On ignore pourquoi exactement Piper a été éjecté, puis repris quelques années et enfin éjecté à nouveau des ondes de RBN par le patron John Stadtmiller (dont la mère est juive), mais on sait qu'un grand facteur expliquant cette éjection serait les attaques de Piper dénonçant l'influence toxique d'Alex Jones dans le mouvement patriote. Stadtmiller dirige RBN, Alex Jones est lié à GCN. RBN et GCN sont censés être en compétition, mais ils ont apparemment une sorte de pacte de non-agression, en tout cas Piper a dit qu'une des principales raisons de son éjection de RBN était son insistance à dénoncer Alex Jones en l'identifiant par son nom.
Piper était solidaire des Irlandais et des catholiques, même s'il voyait très bien que l'Église catholique s'était compromise avec la juiverie, surtout depuis Vatican 2, sous l'influence des organisations juives sionistes et de leurs accolytes tels Malachi Martin. Il dénonçait le conservatisme américain 100% casher mais très influent (financé par de grands industriels liés à des forces anti-communistes) répandu par la John Birch Society et le demi-juif William F. Buckley. Piper se rattachait à un nationalisme qui divergeait du nationalisme blanc (basé sur la race) en ce qu'il défendait l'unité nationale non seulement contre l'immigration incontrôlée et le multiculturalisme mais surtout contre le séparatisme ethno-racial et l'idée de remigration. Dans les milieux nationalistes, Piper a combattu l'influence des idées anti-Islam, anti-arabe et pro-Israël qui ont commencé à se répandre dans ces milieux après le 11 septembre. À ceux qui disaient que les juifs visent prioritairement à éliminer la race blanche et à imposer le communisme, Piper répondait que tous les peuples sont visés par l'agenda de domination juive mondiale, et que le communisme que les juifs veulent c'est un communisme juif et surtout pas un communisme contrôlé par les non-juifs. Parce qu'il prônait le démantèlement des grandes fortunes sous contrôle juif et la redistribution de ces richesses volées aux peuples, Piper a souvent été accusé, soit par des patriotes-nationalistes soit par des chasseurs d'antisémites comme l'ADL, de faire de la propagande communiste contre le capitalisme et la dite "liberté d'entreprise"! C'était pas un communiste, mais bien un révolutionnaire, il le disait lui-même. Mais il se définissait d'abord comme un populiste. Parce qu'il ne prônait pas la haine entre les peuples et les races, parce qu'il était solidaire des populistes noirs tels que Louis Farrakhan, et parce qu'il parlait sans complexe de ses lointains ancêtres amérindiens, il était accusé de promouvoir l'immigration, le multiculturalisme et la destruction de la race blanche! Mais toutes ces accusations ne l'avaient pas préparé à encaisser les attaques vicieuses venant des partisans de la théorie "aucun enfant n'a été tué à Sandy Hook" et "les victimes de Boston étaient des acteurs de crise payés pour la mise en scène". Piper s'est farouchement débattu, sans succès, aec les partisans très agressifs et très intimidants de cette théorie. Piper voyait dans ce genre de débat non seulement une perte de temps immense mais aussi un danger sans égal pour la crédibilité du mouvement de vérité. C'est attristé de voir la jeunesse se tourner vers des escrocs intellectuels tels que Jim Fetzer et les théories à la Sandy Hook que Piper a voulu abandonner son combat, se voyant lui-même comme un "has-been" (ancienne vedette dépassée).
Piper était non seulement un combattant mais aussi un chaud partisan des grands hommes de notre temps. Il vouait une admiration sans borne pour Thomas Jefferson, Adolf Hitler, Léon Degrelle, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Poutine et même, dans une certaine mesure, Staline. Il s'était rapproché et même lié d'amitié avec certains politiciens qui ont osé tenir tête à la domination juive: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, le président de Malaisie Mahatir Mohamad, l'ancien président des Philippines Ferdinand Marcos et son épouse. Il soutenait l'oeuvre et l'héritage politique du tsar Nicolas 2, Charles Lindbergh, John F. Kennedy, et d'autres plus récents comme Cynthia McKinney. Piper reconnaissait l'apport inestimable d'auteurs tels que Henry Ford, Paquita de Shishmareff, le père Charles Coughlin, Arnold Leese, Ezra Pound, Eustace Mullins, pour ne nommer que certains des plus connus. Dans le mouvement patriote, il s'est lié à des personalités peu connues mais qui eurent une grande influence en coulisse sur des hommes politiques qui ont marqué l'histoire. Son patron Willis Carto avait lui-même rencontré des nationalistes influents et des politiciens de haut calibre, tels que Joseph P. Kennedy, l'homme de l'ombre François Genoud, DeWest Hooker, Laurence Dennis, Francis Parker Yockey et le général Smedley Butler (auteur de "War is a Racket"). Carto a également connu le fameux Benjamin Freedman, l'un des antisionistes les plus célèbres. C'est grâce à Willis Carto que Piper a pu nouer des liens d'amitié avec des personnalités célèbres de l'antisionisme telles que l'auteur respecté Alfred Lilienthal, Haviv Schieber (qui fut le premier maire de Beersheba, une ville voisine de Dimona), Jack Bernstein et l'irremplaçable avocat Mark Lane (auteur du premier livre révélant le rôle de la CIA dans l'assassinat de JFK, et auteur également de la préface du livre de Piper "Best Witness" sur la fraude d'un survivant de l'Holocauste). Alors qu'il était encore jeune, il a travaillé à la campagne de son grand ami David Duke pour le parti Populiste.
Extrait du livre "My First Days in the White House" de Michael Collins Piper (à gauche dans la photo).
Piper a écrit un livre à la défense du congressiste Jim Traficant, emprisonné pour avoir proféré des vérités interdites sur la domination d'Israël sur la politique, les médias et l'économie américaine, et pour avoir défendu en cour le prisonnier de guerre de la Seconde Guerre mondiale John Demjanjuk alors qu'il était en procès en Israël. Mais parmi toutes ses amitiés et fréquentations c'est l'auteur Andrew St.George qui aura la plus grande influence sur lui, car c'est lui qui a révélé l'identité des néoconservateurs anciennement internationalistes troskyistes, combattant le soviétisme et le stalinisme, reconvertis dans l'internationalisme américano-sioniste non seulement anti-communiste mais surtout anti-nationaliste, et plus spécialement anti-islam et anti-arabe. Il combattait pour la reconnaissance du peuple palestinien, comme il
combattait pour la reconnaissance des survivants du USS Liberty, ce
navire américain que les forces israéliennes ont tenté de faire couler à
coups de missiles et de napalm (afin de provoquer une 3e guerre
mondiale entre la Russie et les USA), ce qu'Israël dénie officiellement
même si les médias israéliens admettent que l'État israélien savait ce
qu'il faisait. Piper a toujours défendu les révisionnistes. Il était, en revanche, très agacé de devoir répondre à des questions concernant la Seconde guerre mondiale et l'Holocauste lorsqu'il était question de son livre sur JFK, puisque son livre sur JFK n'a rien à voir avec l'Holocauste! Contre la propagande sans fin sur l'Holocauste, plutôt que de minimiser l'Holocauste, Piper a choisi de répéter qu'il en avait tout simplement marre, qu'on en a tous marre et qu'il est temps pour les juifs de passer à autre chose et surtout de rejoindre la communauté de l'humanité, d'abandonner leur séparatisme maladif et de rejoindre l'universel humain. Car les juifs sont des hommes comme les autres, pas plus ou moins spéciaux qui quiconque sur cette planète.
Piper n'avait aucune gêne à se déclarer ouvertement antisémite, sachant pertinemment que les patriotes et les chercheurs de vérité allaient lui remettre sur le nez le fait que les Arabes sont eux-aussi des "sémites". Il adorait mettre en évidence les noms des grands intellectuels et des personnalités historiques respectées qui ont à un moment donné dans leur vie été accusés d'antisémitisme. Cela lui permettait de démontrer que l'antisémitisme n'est pas une affaire de manque de culture générale, mais plutôt une affaire d'élite culturelle et intellectuelle.
Ce n'est pas pour rien si Piper a été comparé à un "Voltaire américain": il avait le courage d'identifier clairement (pour paraphraser le grand philosophe français) ceux qu'on ne peut pas critiquer parce qu'ils nous dominent. Il n'avait pas peur de dire juif au lieu de "sioniste" et c'est probablement ce qui l'aura empêché toute sa vie de recevoir l'attention médiatique qu'il méritait. Son grand ami Mark Glenn, qui fut son élève le plus proche, voire même son "frère d'une autre mère", son "jumeau malicieux" (!), fut un grand appui pendant plus de 10 ans. Glenn continue à commenter l'actualité concernant Israël sur les ondes de PRESSTV et dirige le site web The Ugly Truth (theuglytruth.wordpress.com), aux côté de ses collaborateurs et amis Mark Dankof, Max French, Trevor Labonté, aidés d'une multitude de bénévoles. Tous ces combattants reprennent fièrement le flambeau de Michael Collins Piper, qu'il a porté pendant plusieurs décennies à bout de bras et ils méritent d'être applaudis pour cela. Espérons qu'ils auront la force de travailler aussi longtemps que Michael Collins Piper, qui a dévoué plus de 30 ans de sa vie à cette cause, une cause qui ne lui rapporta rien au final, parce que cela touche au peuple élu contre lequel il est interdit de dire un seul mot de travers! On parle souvent de ce qu'on doit aux gens qui nous ont éveillés sur le "nouvel ordre mondial" en citant Alex Jones ou d'autres prétendus chercheurs, mais nul ne sait combien la popularité actuelle du mouvement antisioniste doit à quelqu'un comme Michael Collins Piper!
Voyons combien révélatrices
ont été les mésaventures de Michael Collins Piper avec des éléments
malhonnêtes du mouvement tels que John Judge, Peter Dale Scott, Alex
Jones, Jim Marrs, Robert Groden, Mark Weber, Andrew E. Allen, Jared
Taylor, Eric Jon Phelps, Chris Bollyn, Eric Hufschmid, Mike Delaney,
John Stadtmiller, Jim Condit Jr., Carolyn Yeager, James Fetzer, John
Friend, Pete Papaherakles, sans oublier ses anciens employeurs le couple
Willis et Elisabeth Carto.
Chèvres Judas: la mouvance anti-islam et pro-Israël chez les identitaires nationalistes blancs (Taylor, MacDonald, etc.)
Donald Trump Jr. Retweets the ‘Neo-Nazi Movement’s Favorite Academic’
Le clan Trump fait de la pub à Kevin MacDonald, preuve de plus que les
juifs sionistes n'ont pas de problème avec « l'antisémite » MacDonald,
car de toute façon, comme l'a souligné Piper, le « problème juif » selon MacDonald est que les
juifs ont été à la base des mouvements radicaux de gauche,
pro-communiste, cosmopolite et antiracistes. C'est exactement la ligne
de pensée de FOX News (Rupert Murdoch, Glenn Beck), qui juge que les
médias contrôlés par les juifs sont anti-Israël (pour lui les juifs
antisionistes sont des traîtres), et des mccarthyistes d'autrefois qui
ne voyaient le problème juif que sous l'angle de l'implication juive
dans le communisme. Pour des idéologues droitards comme Kevin MacDonald,
le problème avec les juifs est qu'ils diffusent des idées de gauche!
Pour eux tout le discours de gauche n'est que propagande anti-blanche
d'origine juive (alors qu'ils sont en fait obsédés par la figure passée
date du "péril judéo-bolchévique"). Car pour MacDonald, tout le problème
posé par les juifs tient en une seule phrase : d'un côté, les juifs
gardent le nationalisme jalousement pour eux-mêmes alors que, de
l'autre, ils imposent aux non-juifs le cosmopolitisme international
antiraciste. C'est cette hypocrisie qui est reprochée aux juifs par les
tenants de la théorie de MacDonald, comme Hervé Ryssen et autrefois
Boris Le Lay (avant de tomber dans l'anti-islam obsessionnel). Voilà
une analyse du problème juif qui est extrêmement tordue, incomplète,
inexacte et trompeuse! Qui plus est, c'est une analyse qui tend à
légitimer le sionisme comme un modèle de nationalisme que les non-juifs
devraient imiter! Du coup, l'antisionisme est dépeint par les nouveaux
antisémites comme une attitude anti-nationaliste, antiraciste et, donc,
juive (suivant leur équation « judaïsme = antiracisme pour tous sauf
pour les juifs »)! C'est ce dont Zemmour, ce fan de Trump et lecteur
secret de Ryssen, tente de nous convaincre. Ce n'est pas surprenant de
voir le clan Trump, dépeint comme « nazi » malgré son alignement sur le
sionisme, endosser les analyses de Kevin MacDonald qui d'ailleurs voit
dans le national-socialisme un « reflet-miroir du judaïsme »! Le
candidat Trump incarne les thèses de Kevin MacDonald : avec Trump nous
avons un quasi « nazi » en mode sioniste et philosémite!
Aperçu de l'analyse binaire et ultra simpliste de MacDonald :
en développant un « sionisme pour les blancs ». Le nationalisme blanc a
donc comme meilleur ami les sionistes et comme pire ennemi les
antiracistes tels que les antisionistes.
la réalité est bien plus complexe et ne se réduit pas à des oppositions
binaires aussi simplistes! La réalité est que les juifs ne font pas que
de la propagande de gauche comme au temps révolus du judéo-bolchévisme
et comme la théorie du complot "Soros contrôle tout" voudrait nous faire
croire. En fait ils font aussi de la propagande de droite, afin de
DIVISER POUR RÉGNER. Plien de juifs tiennent un discours ouvertement
pro-nationaliste : ce sont les néocons! Une partie des néocons emprunte
le discours libéral droit-de-l'hommiste mondialiste pour justifier
l'interventionnisme guerrier, mais un autre pan des néocons attaquent en
priorité les idées libérales et droit-de-l'hommistes comme étant la
cause profonde de l'islamisation et de la dégradation des nations en
général. Ces juifs néocons de droite (comme Zemmour, David Horowitz et
les autres amis juifs de MacDonald) mettent en avant la défense de
l'homogénéité culturelle face à l'islamisation et dénoncent le rôle des
juifs dans la diffusion des idées libérales, cosmopolites et
droits-de-l'hommistes! Ces néocons de droite n'ont pas de problème avec
les antisémites et les juifs antisémites tant que ceux-ci ne sont pas
anti-Israel et tant qu'ils blâment les juifs comme étant les principaux
vecteurs des idées de gauche (ce qui n'est plus tout à fait vrai de nos
jours, avec la quantité phénoménale de Goyim qui ont pris le relais du
discours de gauche). En fait les juifs ont maintenant très peur du
discours de gauche anti-impérialiste et anti-raciste (ils ont toujours
en bouche le mot « islamo-gauchisme »), parce qu'une grande partie de la
population se reconnaît dans ce discours, d'une part, et que ce
discours antiraciste conduit forcément à la dénonciation du racisme
impérialiste et particulièrement du sionisme, d'autre part. C'est
pourquoi les idéologues juifs sionistes considèrent que l'extrême-droite
n'est plus un problème pour eux, car l'extrême-droite est maintenant
sur la même ligne anti-islam réactionnaire qui est la leur. Les juifs
sionistes sont maintenant à l'avant-garde de la réaction et du «
nationalisme ». Pour preuve : de nombreux juifs sionistes, surtout les
plus extrémistes réactionnaires, appuient Trump, qui incarne de nos
jours le réactionnaire anti-gauche et le nationaliste raciste par
excellence. Les sionistes se reconnaissent en lui, et seuls les juifs de
gauche le détestent. Quant aux néocons de tendance libérale
droit-de-l'hommistes, ceux-ci ont un peu peur que le discours trop
ouvertement identitaire-nationaliste de Trump ne lève le voile sur le
caractère intrinsèquement identitaire impérialiste-sioniste de leur
projet mondialiste à prétention libérale droit-de-l'hommiste.
Les mensonges de Chris Bollyn
Toute notre enquête sur Bollyn pourrait
s'arrêter ici-même en soulevant un seul et unique point, révélation
unique de l'état mental absolument incroyable de ce Chris Bollyn. Pour
tout dire, Bollyn soutient que Piper n'a peut-être jamais existé, dans
ses propres mots (puisque je n'invente rien) Bollyn "questionne
l'idée-même qu'un homme du nom de Michael Collins Piper écrive des
livres'. ainsi peut-on lire de sa plume sur son site: "I question whether a man named Michael Collins Piper [real name Michael Bernard Piper] actually wrote "books" per se." Pour une
personne sensée et rigoureuse dans ses démarches, cette seule
affirmation frisant la folie discréditerait d'entrée de jeu un
interlocuteur tel que Bollyn. Mais il faut aller plus loin pour mettre
en lumière l'étendue de la fraude et de la corruption morale de Bollyn.
Chris Bollyn a été engagé à American Free Press à l'insistance d'un certain Khazar autoproclamé nommé Jerry Myers. Piper sentit dès le part que Bollyn et son épouse trempaient dans quelque chose de louche -- les services secrets -- mais il a eu la naïveté de croire qu'ils étaient peut-être avec une partie franche des services secrets opposée aux sionistes. Bollyn a foutu la pagaille dans l'organisation d'AFP après un incident qu'il a provoqué lui-même impliquant la police à son domicile, incident pour lequel il tient responsable l'Anti-Defamation League en collaboration avec Michael Collins Piper du journal AFP. Pour expliquer ce prétendu complot de Piper en lien avec l'ADL, Bollyn accusa Piper d'être l'amant homosexuel et l'agent d'un prétendu maître-espion de l'ADL. Tout ce délire contribua fortement à la notoriété de Bollyn, tout en révélant aux chercheurs les plus perspicaces sa véritable nature de menteur pathologique, travaillant probablement dans le cadre d'une opération de désinformation et de salissage du mouvement pour la vérité.
The Secret Family Link Between a Legendary Tribe and the Rise of the International Money Power:
this first-ever special broadcast, dedicated exclusively to a single
topic—and a controversial one, to be sure—Michael Collins Piper
explores a wide variety of material (coming from multiple un-related
sources) which points toward uncovering what may well be one of the
biggest political (and religious) secrets of the all-too-often
distorted history of Western Civilization.
focuses on some surprising details regarding the little-noted (but
quite apparent) ethnic and philosophical origins of one well-known and
much-publicized family (the subject of endless popular literature and
Hollywood hoopla) and demonstrates that this family has never before
been fully recognized or acknowledged for its peculiar and particular
role in this aspect of the "hidden history" of the West—and of the
British Empire in particular. And no, we're NOT talking about the
informed people worldwide are well-versed in the history of the
criminal intrigues of the international money power of the Rothschild
Dynasty which came to dominate a global octopus based out of its center
of operations in the so-called City of London—beginning in the closing
years of the 18th Century—Piper demonstrates in this broadcast that
the rise of the Rothschilds and the inter-related families and
financial groups with which they collaborate was made possible, first
and foremost, by the religious battles of the so-called "reformation"
in Britain.
identifies the one family that played such a central part in this
upheaval that changed the course of English civilization—and that of
the West—forever. And as it turns out, this family's origins appear to
go back to the ancient kingdom of Khazaria—the stuff of legend and much
And it is
no coincidence that the impact of their corruption and debauchery
reverberates even today, for the Federal Reserve gangster monopoly of
America's money system can be traced back to this family's machinations
in Britain during the 15th Century—long before the rise of even the
All of this is indeed history—hidden history—at its best (or its worst).
going public with his own assembly of the diverse (and eye-opening)
information that he uncovered, Piper outlined his research with a
number of individuals whom Piper freely admits are far more well-versed
in a number of historical, cultural and religious realms than he has
ever been, and all of them—to a man—concluded that Piper was indeed "on
to something."
has pointed out that although he initially began on this realm of
research almost as a whim—and he describes his process of research in
this broadcast—he recognizes that many people will dismiss his thesis
out of hand, perhaps "explaining" that Piper "has an axe to grind."
Piper says, in preliminary response: "Don't dismiss what I've put
forth until you've listened to the entirety of the broadcast—and
listened to it carefully."
urges those who ARE able to find holes in his research to point them
out publicly on this website, using facts—not opinions. "If you have
some particular expertise in one or more of the areas that I've
discussed, by all means then," he says, "please show me where I'm
Note from Michael Collins Piper about this SPECIAL "blast from the
past" . . . Thanks for all of the excellent input surrounding the 2 hour
visit with Victor Thorn on the last podcast.
In light of the
interest on the part of many new listeners (and many new listeners there
are) regarding the shocking fact that I periodically report negative
data about Christopher Bollyn and his consort, Helje Brand Kaskel, I
thought our listeners might be intrigued in hearing the radio broadcast
that touched off Bollyn's campaign to destroy and defame me and American
Free Press, the newspaper that helped bring him international acclaim
(which we now know was far from deserved). In fact, the aforementioned
Victor Thorn—along with Bollyn—was a guest on this broadcast.
that there was an unfortunate rift between one of AFP's writers
(Bollyn) and one of AFP's best supporters (Thorn), I invited both of
them on the program to discuss Thorn's (now obviously quite correct)
questions about the circumstances surrounding a police arrest of Bollyn
in his front yard in Schaumburg, Illinois. I assumed this would be an
opportunity to set things straight and reach a friendly public accord
and give Bollyn the opportunity to answer Thorn's criticisms.
think that any HONEST person listening to this broadcast can see that
this was no "ADL setup" as Bollyn told many people publicly and
privately, alleging that I--along with an assortment of others,
including Victor Thorn--had collaborated with the ADL and Homeland
Security and God Knows Who Else to arrange for Bollyn to get arrested
and then later "smear" him by inviting him on my program.
As far
as the police attack on Bollyn (however unwarranted) please remember
that it was Bollyn himself who CALLED the police in the first place. The
police just didn't show up and start tasering him!
Also, for
your information, in the opening minutes of the show, Bollyn desperately
tries to defame AFP (for whom he was still working!) by saying that he
saw evidence of two possible "plants" or "infiltrators." One of them was
Jack Ross, a stout Jewish gentleman (referred to as such by Bollyn) who
was, in fact, a peripheral figure who had written several articles for
AFP and who only ever visited the AFP office on perhaps two occasions,
maybe three at most! And Ross is an outspoken ANTI-ZIONIST Jew.
also refers to another person (who was at The SPOTLIGHT--the paper that
preceded AFP). She was NEVER at AFP itself, having left long before.
Bollyn claims that she is Jewish. No, she was NOT Jewish and the reason
why she spoke a bit of Hebrew was because she had once been in love with
a Jewish man and had tried to "learn his culture," but she had been
rejected by him. (Contrast that with Bollyn who speaks Hebrew because he
married a Jewish woman in Israel who worked for Israeli intelligence!)
will note that, at the end of the program, I speak glowingly of some
material that I felt vindicated Bollyn. If I were out to "get" him as he
claims, that's hardly something that I would do.
At that point
little did I know that Bollyn--as a direct result of this
program---would suddenly claim I was an ADL operative. This came after I
had personally spent YEARS promoting Bollyn, calling him "the best
journalist in America--bar none," glorifying him with a picture and
praise in my book THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR and, before that, in my book
And this came AFTER I had personally asked
Bollyn to fill my time slot for a month on another network when I was
traveling overseas as the guest of, among others, former Malaysian Prime
Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, one of the world's foremost critics of
Zionism! (If I were trying to undermine Bollyn and deny him what he
perceives to be his due fame and fortune, it seems unlikely---doesn't
it--that I would ask him to enjoy the opportunity to be heard?!?)
Bollyn's tone and attitude speaks for itself.
note that Bollyn spends time trying to defame Victor Thorn (who has
always been the first to acknowledge that his real name is Scott Makufka
and that Victor Thorn is his pen name) and also slamming Victor because
Victor was a cab driver---as though cab drivers are somehow the lowest
of the low and incapable of research and writing (and if you've read
Victor's multiple writings and books, you know that he has produced
quite a bit of solid work over the years).
Bollyn now claims
that I had been attacking him for years, citing the fact that he
received nasty, vulgar emails using my email address just shortly before
he was scheduled to come to speak (along with me and David Duke and
numerous others) at a conference organized by the famed Jurgen Graf in
conjunction with THE BARNES REVIEW. In fact, Bollyn knew full well--as
Graf and others can confirm--that all of the key speakers (including me)
were receiving such emails, ostensibly from the other participants! I
myself received one that was attributed to Jurgen Graf. Yet, Bollyn
still continues to tell this lie over and over again, even though he
knows he has been refuted!
All of this LACK of credibility on
the part of Bollyn, including his childish, self-centered behavior, is
demonstrated clearly on this recording of the old radio broadcast that
first revealed Bollyn's insanity and inanity.
And I would add,
for the record, that subsequent to this, Daryl Bradford Smith and I
patched things up, recognizing that we had BOTH been taken to the
cleaners by Bollyn and Eric Hufschmid. And don't forget, too, that even
now Bollyn is attacking Hufschmid, whom he consulted with via telephone
on a daily basis for years!
Oh, there's so much more to the
story . . . But I thought you might enjoy a reprise of this bizarre
broadcast and get an introduction to the Weird World of Kinky Balloon
and his brazen exhibitionist of a wife, Helje Brand Kaskel.
Paul supporters do not necessarily support the Tea Party movement; nor
any other particular parties and organizations. Mike also explores
nefarious bank scam connections held by Christopher Bollyn.
Reports from a delegate meeting in Nevada show Ron Paul leading the count for representatives in the electoral college.
À propos de Peter Dale Scott, Robert Groden et Jim Marrs:
Le 21 novembre 2008, la veille du 45e anniversaire de l’assassinat de JFK, la superstar du mouvement patriote américain Alex Jones recevait à son émission les "experts" de l’assassinat de JFK Jim MARRS (auteur de "The Rise of the Fourth Reich", sur la "nazification" de l’Amérique, et de "Crossfire", sur l’assassinat de JFK) et le photographe juif Robert GRODEN. L’entrevue est disponible en archive et sur YouTube. Jones et ses invités ont été grandement surpris par un appel du public (à 5min22sec sur YouTube) leur recommandant la lecture de "Final Judgment", le bestseller underground de Michael Collins Piper sur l’assassinat de JFK, un ouvrage démontrant l’implication d’Israël, du crime organisé juif et de la CIA sous contrôle du Mossad. Piper démontre que JFK voulait non seulement couper la tête de la mafia (juive) et de la CIA, il voulait également empêcher Israël d’obtenir la bombe atomique (voir ses lettres à Ben-Gourion). Ses sources ne sont pas antisémites, ni même conspirationnistes, mais tout ce qu’il y a de plus "mainstream". Autrement, au sujet de la bombe par exemple, il faudrait considérer Avner Cohen, Stephen Green et Seymour Hersh comme des juifs qui se haïssent eux-mêmes.
Or, Alex Jones a complètement rejeté du revers de la main ces « allégations », invoquant l’autorité de ses invités, « les plus grands spécialistes de l’assassinat de JFK ». Robert Groden dit que rien, aucune preuve n'indique une implication d'Israël dans cet assassinat. Jim Marrs se dit complètement d'accord sur ce point qu'Israël n'aura pas pu faire le coup, en rajoutant qu'Israël n'aurait pas pu subvertir tous à la fois les services secrets, la CIA, le FBI, l'armée, etc.
Pis encore, une source fiable aurait appris à Piper que Alex Jones aurait manigancé en coulisses pour que son émission soit retirée des ondes au Texas.
Groden, qui est juif, a évidemment lui aussi disqualifié la "théorie de l’implication du Mossad" comme étant "antisémite" !
Mike Piper a donc consacré plusieurs émissions (du 25 novembre au 10 décembre) à éduquer Alex Jones sur la piste du Mossad. Ce petit cours en accéléré d’une grande valeur est disponible en archives:
Dans son livre et dans ces émissions, Piper montre que Jim Marrs n’est pas une source indépendante et objective. Pour preuve : il aurait admis avoir reçu 300 000 $ du producteur du film JFK d’Oliver Stone, l’ex plus grand trafiquant d’armes d’Israël, Arnon Milchan. C’est ainsi que Marrs devint le principal consultant à la recherche pour le film d’Oliver Stone, qui évite méticuleusement la piste israélienne.
Ce qui devrait intéresser les chercheurs sérieux est la réaction de surprise de Peter Dale Scott, alors qu’il a été confronté, à l’émission de radio où il était invité, à un appel de l’auteur Michael Collins Piper lui disant qu’il connaît personnellement I. Irving Davidson (juif) et que ce dernier lui a confirmé que le livre de Piper intitulé "Final Judgment—The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy" révèle "pas mal ce qui s’est passé" ("it’s pretty much what happened"). La raison de son étonnement est que 1/ Scott répudie le travail "antisémite" de Piper, et 2/ Scott lui-même a écrit que I. Irving Davidson est sûrement la personne la mieux informée du complot contre JFK puisqu’il se trouvait impliqué à tous les niveaux du complot ! I. Irving Davidson est un lobbyiste pour Israël, spécialiste de relations publiques et vendeur d’armes, qui a des connexions très importantes dans des hauts cercles d’influence (pègre,etc.).
Le problème majeur avec Scott est qu’il répudie la piste israélienne et n’y prête aucune attention. Selon lui Piper ne devrait pas dire que le Mossad est responsable de l’assassinat de JFK.
Piper considère que le livre de Scott laisse fort à désirer, car rendu à la fin de son livre on ne sait toujours pas qui sont les coupables de l’assassinat. Et il n’entre pas du tout dans l’enquête de Jim Garrison ! Il parle de ceux qui dans le crime organisé et la CIA n’aimaient pas JFK et avaient intérêt à le liquider, ce qui est un bon début, mais il nous déçoit car il n’ose pas aller plus loin. Dans "Deep Politics and the Death of JFK", il va un peu plus loin et souligne les liens du roi de la pègre Meyer Lansky (juif) avec Clay Shaw et avec la CIA. Il indique même le rôle central d’Angleton, (un loyaliste d’Israël à la CIA signale Piper) mais il arrête là. Pas un mot sur la place de Clay Shaw à la direction de Permindex (façade du Mossad servant au blanchiment d’argent dans des banques suisses telles que la BCCI pour financer des assassinats et la vente d’armes.)
Fait intéressant à noter : Scott admet avoir reçu de l’aide pour un de ses livres sur JFK, de la part de Wesley Cune du "Group Research", qui est une façade de l’Anti-Defamation League (qui comme on sait infiltre tous les groupes de droite et de gauche), ainsi que de la part du rabbin Michael Lerner, sioniste de gauche et éditeur de la revue TIKKUN !
That's what legendary Washington insider--international arms dealer and public relations man I. Irving Davidson, a longtime registered lobbyist for Israel-told Michael Collins Piper in 1994 about the the sis of Finaljudgment after he read the book by Piper, with whom Davidson had been acquainted for more than ten years, having been a reader of The Spotligbt, the newspaper for which Piper was a correspondent.
Davidson's assessment was significant: For years iconic JFK assassination writer Peter Dale Scott repeatedly suggested Davidson was essentially the "man in the middle" of aIl of the key power groups that wanted JFK out of the White House.
Naturally, Scott was astounded to learn in 2008--when Piper called a radio pro gram on which Scott was a guest--that Piper know Davidson quite weIl and that Davidson had endorsed the thesis of Final Judgment.
Another JFK writer, John Davis, called Davidson "a schemer and promoter with a vast international network of powerful acquaintances. Comfortable with almost everybody, from sultans and sheiks to Central American tyrants and U.S.Mafia bosses, he was a man who somehow knew secrets nobody else in Washington knew."
In fact, an overview of Davidson's colorful career demonstrates why his appraisal of Final Judgment is so instructive. Aside from his long-standing intimate relationship with the Israeli war machine Davidson-who imported the first Israeli Uzi machine guns onto American soil-was also a valued confidant of longtime JFK foes such as Teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa and New Orleans Mafia boss Carlos Marcello and was the Washington representative for Latin American strongmen as Nicaragua's Samoza, Cuba's Batista, Trujillo of the Dominican Republic and Haiti's infamous "Papa Doc."
For years, Davidson Cafriend of Richard Nixon) lived on the same block in Washington as FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and Sen. Lyndon Johnson, whom he also counted as friends. The Capitol Hill lobbyist for Hoover crony--Dallas power-broker Clint Murchison--Davidson was a business partner of LBJ's protege and "bagman," Bobby Baker and also frequently engaged on behalf of the CIA and the National Security Council. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Today, Piper says: "If anyone knew 'what happened' it was Irv.
When--right there in his office in the Commerce Building--Irv said quietly, 'Your book, Final Judgment, I've read it,' and then told me what he thought (nodding his head, staring me straight in the eye), I nodded back, recalling the old saying, 'Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies.' He volunteered nothing further and I asked no questions. But I did have a satisfaction in hearing him say what he did."
Michael Collins Piper (Final Judgment, Appendix 8) à propos des livres de Peter Dale Scott:
Crime and Cover-Up: The Dallas-Watergate Connection by Peter Dale Scott, a slim monograph on the subject, is fascinating. It examines the special interest groups in Washington that were opposed to JFK and their ties to Organized Crime and the intelligence community. Needless to say, however, Scott doesn't get into the Israeli Connection.
Likewise with Scott's equally fascinating, far lengthier, and more recent Deep Politics and The Death of JFK. This book is severely flawed in that just when one thinks that Scott is about to get into the Israeli Connection (whether through his discussion of Organized Crime or through the CIA), Scott very carefully tiptoes away.
Scott's research is deficient in that despite the depth and breadth of his work he never gets into the Garrison investigation whatsoever. There I believe is another very serious flaw. One never knows precisely who Scott suspects of responsibility for the assassination. As I have said, Scott says very much, but at the same time, says very little. Nonetheless his writings are well worth your while.
L'auteur Jim Marrs, qui a rendu populaire la théorie de la subersion
nazie de l'Amérique et du complot nazi derrière l'assassinat de JFK,
vient de sortir une
réédition de Crossfire, qui recense presque toutes les théories du
complot relatives à l'assassinat de JFK, et ce n'est que dans cette
réédition qu'il mentionne la piste israélienne en lien avec le nucléaire
israélien qui causa un grave conflit entre JFK et Ben-Gourion. Il n'y
consacre qu'une seule phrase et change vite de sujet.
Mae Magnin Brussell
John Judge
autre auteur qui a tenté de mettre l'assassinat de
JFK sur le dos des nazis est Mae Brussell. Elle a eu une grande influence sur John Judge et
Dave Emory, ainsi que sur une grande partie du mouvement "patriote", incluant Alex Jones et bien d'autres obsédés du "grand complot
Hills propriétaire d'une grande chaîne de magasins (I. Magnin Dept.
Store). Son père était le rabbin le plus influent de la communauté juive
d'Hollywood. Dans son article "The Nazi Connection to the John F.
Kennedy Assassination: Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation
after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy",
elle identifie Reinhard Gehlen comme étant un de ces nazis qui aurait
ensuite été engagé par les États-Unis pour travailler à l'Office of
Strategic Services (OSS), soit l'ancêtre de la CIA. Or le fait est que
ce Reinhard Gehlen était un agent des services secrets israéliens! De
par sa position au sein de l'OSS, il a contribué à établir de nombreux
ponts avec Israël. Son rôle alla plutôt dans le même sens que la traque
des nazis réfugiés un peu partout dans le monde. Loin de faire entrer
des nazis au gouvernement américain, il contribua de par ses liens avec
Israël dans la traque aux nazis, à purger les institutions américaines
de tous les sympathisants nazis qui s'y trouvaient, contribuant ainsi
plus que quiconque à la sionisation intégrale de l'appareil
gouvernemental et de l'appareil de renseignement américain. C'est ainsi
que l'OSS devint un véritable nid d'espions sionistes. Comment peut-être
alors accuser la CIA d'être un repaire de nazis?
John Loftus est un de ces auteurs dont Alex Jones fait la promotion et qui comme Mae Brussell et Dave Emory propagent le bobard du complot nazi à l'origine de la subversion de
l'Amérique par le nouvel ordre mondial. Or même John Loftus admet que
les transfuges nazis qui ont travaillé autour du nazi Gehlen pour l'OSS
avaient des liens étroits avec des agents israéliens (Gehlen travaillait
pratiquement pour les services du Mossad!). John Loftus est un ancien
services secrets impliqué dans la traque aux
criminels nazis et qui a également présidé le musée de l'Holocauste de
Floride. Est-il besoin de préciser qu'il est pro-Israël? Il prétend
débusquer le complot ultime trouvant sa source dans le transfert des
nazis réaffectés à divers projets du gouvernement américain. Pour en savoir plus sur John Loftus:
Wikipedia John Loftus:
“John Joseph Loftus (February 12, 1950) is an American author, former
U.S. government prosecutor and former Army intelligence officer. He is a
president of The Intelligence Summit and, although he is not Jewish, a
president of the Florida Holocaust Museum. Loftus also serves on the
Board of Advisers to Public Information Research.(...)
He began working for the U.S. Department of Justice in 1977 and in
1979 joined their Office of Special Investigations, which was charged
with prosecuting and deporting Nazi war criminals in the US. Loftus’
now-expired Web site claimed, “As a young U.S. Army officer, John Loftus
helped train Israelis on a covert operation that turned the tide of
battle in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.”(...)
He also writes regularly for Ami, an Orthodox Jewish weekly news magazine.
On August 7, 2005, he provided the United States address of an
alleged terrorist named Iyad K. Hilal on Fox News. Only afterwards was
it revealed that Hilal had left the address three years previously and
the home was now owned by a family, which was then subjected to threats
and vandalism and required police protection as a result of Loftus’
words. Fox terminated Loftus’s contract to commentate after the event.
Loftus said “I thought it might help police in that area now that we
have positively identified a terrorist,” but he did not say why he did
not contact police in a more direct manner. Loftus apologized for the
mistake and expressed frustration about “one federal [agency’s]”
inaction on an earlier tip he had given them years ago due to the same
address." [Wikipedia.org]
Piper rapporte au sujet de Loftus dans son livre Final Judgment, sur l'assassinat de JFK:
Loftus - Author of The Secret War Against the Jews, a new book which
claims that anti-Israel partisans in the American intelligence community
have sought to sabotage the state of Israel. (Loftus is a former
attorney with the Nazi-hunting Office of Special Investigations.)
Déc. 2010: Éjection du réseau RBN
Because there are many rumors circulating, I will outline my perceptions of the matter.
When I came into the American Free Press office on Wednesday morning, two of my colleagues, Chris Petherick (and later Julia Foster) informed me with great embarrassment that the day before (and that very morning, just as I came in the door), Mr. Stadtmiller had called American Free Press and indicated that he wanted to replace me with another writer from AFP.
Mr. Stadtmiller complained to them (and not incorrectly) that I had often missed programs (which I later calculated to be on the average of about four nights a month).
My AFP colleagues were, to be perfectly candid, a bit disturbed that Mr. Stadtmiller had not first discussed the matter with me and that he had gone behind my back (to them) and they duly tried to avoid becoming involved in the matter, but that was virtually impossible since Mr. Stadtmiller had contacted them. It turned out that Mr. Stadtmiller had also contacted another AFP writer who works outside the office.
When I learned that I was clearly about to be ousted from RBN by Mr. Stadtmiller (who certainly has the right to do that, as it is his network), I determined that I would no longer continue to plague Mr. Stadtmiller with my presence (or non-presence, as the case may be).
I really don’t have any particular desire to go or be where I am not wanted.
I would note that I never received a penny (nor did I ask for one) from Mr. Stadtmiller during the entire time that I was involved with his network.
Note that—as regular longtime listeners can confirm—I did not use the nightly forum to enrich myself. I promoted other people’s books and websites and promoted American Free Press and only occasionally would refer people to the website michaelcollinspiper.com which carries ebook versions of my books and which, by the way, is NOT “my” website, but is a subsidiary website run by another individual.
Although I did ask Mr. Stadtmiller, by email, to advise people that I had been fired (or rather, I guess, that he was planning to fire me) but his interpretation is that I “resigned.”
I left with no advance warning simply because I didn’t know, until the day of my last broadcast, that Mr. Stadtmiller was actively working to find a replacement for me.
I leave it for you and others to judge the circumstances and consider, for example, what you would do if you learned that the person you had worked for (for free) for some five years was recruiting one of your day-to-day work colleagues to replace you.
Never once did Mr. Stadtmiller ever offer any criticisms of my on-air commentary and on more than one occasion he told me (several years ago) that I had the “second highest ratings” on the network.
I appreciated the freedom that Mr. Stadtmiller gave me to direct my own programming and never once did he try to interfere with the content.
I did learn from Mr. Stadtmiller and from several folks in Texas that Alex Jones was very hostile to me and, on one occasion, Mr. Jones did pressure a small independent radio network in Texas to cease carrying my broadcast, even as it was carrying other RBN programming (along with that of Alex Jones’).
For the record, it is appropriate to note this:
As many of my longtime listeners know (but which I only revealed on the air about eight months ago) for a period of about two years I was suffering from periodic and very debilitating heart palpitation episodes that could last anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 or 15 hours. On one occasion I experienced one of these “events” in the presence of two RBN hosts, Mark Glenn and Hesham Tillawi, when I was visiting Mark’s home in Idaho. On several occasions these events took place in front of my colleagues at American Free Press. I would break into a cold sweat, turn very white. I could not lie down. It was very frightening.
In those days, when I was ill, I often had Mark Glenn sit in for me, but Mark was subsequently banned from RBN, so on the more recent occasions where I expected to miss a show, I was unable to get him as a substitute. After I found another substitute, Mr. Stadtmiller complained to me that this particular substitute was “no good on the radio” and even urged me to bring back Mark Glenn (perhaps as an afterthought) but Mark Glenn wanted nothing further to do with RBN.
Although (thank God) my heart palpitations ceased about a year ago, I have still periodically missed shows; occasionally from colds (which I have frequently) but more often than not it has simply been because I was exhausted by a full day and hardly prepared to do a 9-10 broadcast and was usually sound asleep!
I was disturbed to learn that a certain party associated with RBN (who shall go un-named) claimed that I was missing programs because I was an “unreliable drunk” (and was thus, presumably, too drunk to do the show) but the problem with that malicious and mendacious theory is that—as my AFP colleagues can attest—I do not like to drink in the early evening hours so therefore it would be impossible for me to be “drunk” and thus unable to broadcast! I only mention this, again, for the official record of my relationship with RBN. And, by the way, there was never once any occasion where I had gotten drunk and couldn’t do the show. I even did MOST of my programs when I was out-of-town on vacation here in the United States.
Please feel free to circulate this information as there is nothing “confidential” or “secret” about any of this. And certainly Mr. Stadtmiller is free to comment on this as he so pleases.
Fév. 2011: la subversion de l'IHR (rappel)
Podcasts de Michael Collins Piper: michaelcollinspiper.podbean.com
By Popular Demand: The inside story of Mark Weber and the CIA-Mossad role in the coup d'etat at the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) and the subsequent destruction of Liberty Lobby and The Spotlight. Presented here are links to the following five consecutive programs by Michael Collins Piper over the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) on February 2-6, 2009 outlining the entire history of these events.
Please give this link widespread distribution.
Mark Weber has yet to publicly respond to any of the allegations and many good Revisionists continue to donate to the Institute for Historical Review, unaware of this ugly history.
Even many of Weber's defenders are loathe to admit that Weber—who has since renounced Holocaust Revisionism as a viable means of bringing forth historical truth—was acting in concert in the effective destruction of the IHR itself with San Francisco real estate millionaire Andrew E. Allen who admitted—under oath—that he was involved in two separate political/covert operations that were very clearly under the direction of the CIA and Israel's Mossad (all of which is described in these interviews).
Sadly, many of those who continue to defend Weber have been known to have received funds from the aforementioned Allen and continue to insist that Piper's documentation is a "crazy conspiracy theory." Listeners can decide for themselves if this is all just Piper's "wild imagination" or "vicious lies concocted to smear a decent historian such as Mark Weber."
Listeners should also note that just before Michael Collins Piper left RBN he announced that Allen's aunt (his father's sister) Beth Allen Straus, had recently died. Mrs. Straus was married into the famous Jewish-Zionist Straus banking-and-Macy's Department Store empire in New York City (best known for the fact that Isidor and Ida Straus were much-heralded victims of the sinking of the Titanic).
Note, too, that there have been other allegations that the Allen family is also related (either by blood or by marriage) to the Zionist-Jewish Haas family of San Francisco who are the billionaire heirs to the Levy-Strauss garment empire; however, Michael Collins Piper has been unable to document this to his own satisfaction.
Although Allen's claim to fame as a "revisionist" is that he served as an attorney fighting "war crimes" allegations against a Mr. Bartesch who was falsely accused of such by the infamous Office of Special Investigations, Allen himself (perhaps unwittingly) revealed in an article on the matter (which can still be found on the Internet) that the OSI had bungled the matter from the beginning. In short, it was an "easy as cake" legal endeavor that, in Michael Collins Piper's opinion, may well have been served up to Allen in the first place in order to establish his "revisionist" bona fides.
The Bartesch family continues to praise Allen, but they perhaps do not understand the bigger picture, having been concerned, and rightly so, first and foremost, with the safety of their father who was under siege from the Jewish Holocaust Industry and its agents inside the U.S. government.
Listeners who can find errors of fact or distortions or misdirection in anything presented by Piper are free to post their comments on michaelcollinspiper.podbean.
Mark Weber, in particular, is invited to participate!
But will he?
Most likely, Weber will adopt the traditional stance of the Anti-Defamation League and say: "I don't debate these people."
Here also is the text of a letter Michael Collins Piper sent to Weber on December 1, 2004 outlining precisely how much Weber reaped financially from his conspiracy to destroy and thus take over the assets of Liberty Lobby. Readers will find this interesting.
Dear Mark:
I am writing this letter to you both as a personal courtesy and at the advice of my attorney who, it should be noted, has no relationship whatsoever with Willis Carto or any organizations or publications with which Willis has been associated.
Please forgive me for my delay in responding, but what with my two week trip in August to Malaysia and then a one week trip, of more recent date, to Japan, in conjunction with the release of my books, FINAL JUDGMENT and THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR in those countries, I have been, needless to say, quite busy, during the last few months.
First of all, please note that this is a letter from Michael Collins Piper alone. It represents my personal opinion and should not be perceived as an indirect communication from Willis and/or Elisabeth Carto or any organization or publication with which either of them are associated.
Neither Willis nor Elisabeth will have seen this letter before it is dispatched, although, needless to say, I did advise both of them that I would be writing this letter and both of them provided me bits and pieces of information that I have incorporated in this letter. However, all of the material utilized is that of my own choosing and, in fact, I chose to reject much of what they provided me.
In any case, I am not—repeat NOT—acting as their agent in any way. This letter strictly represents my personal point of view.
In addition, for the record, it should be noted that my involvement with both American Free Press and The Barnes Review is largely peripheral and I have very little, if anything, to do with the day-to-day operations of either of these publications, popular misperception notwithstanding. I have neither an office nor a desk on the premises. I have absolutely no ownership or proprietary rights in either publication and I have no employee benefits of any kind whatsoever.
As such, it was somewhat comical and, actually, ironic, that you included me—of all people—as a co-defendant in your baseless suit against American Free Press which, of course, you subsequently withdrew . . . and wisely, for your own sake, I might add.
In any event, with that having been said, permit me to continue.
This letter is stimulated, of course, by your communication (both hard copy and by e-mail) addressed to me in care of the office of American Free Press and via an email address for me which appears on the website of American Free Press. Your letter was a follow-up to a brief discussion between us during the Labor Day weekend conference sponsored by David Irving in Cincinnati, Ohio. For the record, it should be noted that I was attending the Irving conference at the invitation of Mr. Irving who made the invitation directly to me, without first mentioning the subject to Willis Carto. I was not attending the conference as an agent or spokesman for Willis Carto, although, of course, I did distribute copies of The Barnes Review and American Free Press.
My purpose at the conference, at Mr. Irving’s invitation, was to speak about Willis Carto’s history in the Revisionist movement and, only in passing, about the Farrel legacy. The only part that Mr. Carto played in the preparation of my remarks was to provide, at my request, a list of the books and magazines and journals that he had published or republished.
In our discussion at the Irving conference you told me that you (and presumably the controllers of the Legion for the Survival of Freedom, whomever they may be) wanted to enter into some form of settlement agreement with Willis Carto regarding the ongoing litigation and other conflicts stemming from the dispute over what I shall refer to as “the Farrel legacy.”
During our brief conversation, you noted that, previously, you had made a public statement (to an audience at the Irving conference) indicating that you would like to reach a settlement with Willis, and, in fact, a number of persons who were attending the conference confirmed that you had made such an offer.
Parenthetically, I would note that you made your public pronouncement after, earlier that day, I had told the audience in attendance at my lecture that the Legion for the Survival of Freedom had received some $1.7 million in total from two estates—those of Adelaide Allen and Bob Keifer—that had originally been earmarked for Liberty Lobby.
This information came as a surprise to many people, including several stalwart Revisionists who later informed me that, just hours prior to that, you had, in one gentleman’s words, “been poor-mouthing” and saying that the IHR was in dire financial straits, largely, you said, as a consequence “of Carto.”
(Funny thing, but the IHR was never in dire financial straits when Willis Carto was in charge, but that’s another story altogether. And nor was Liberty Lobby ever insolvent until the massive judgment you and certain parties orchestrated against Liberty Lobby, but that’s also another story altogether.)
Briefly, you suggested that Willis Carto should “return” all of the remaining funds from the Farrel legacy and drop any existing lawsuits against you and the Legion and that the Legion would also drop any further claims. The remaining funds, you suggested, would be placed in a trust fund to be administered by independent parties and distributed for the good works of Revisionists worldwide. I think that is a fair assessment of your comments at that time, or at least as I understood them. If there is any minor misunderstanding, and I don’t think there is, I stand corrected. However, for the purposes of this letter from me to you, that offer, as you shall see, is largely moot, as we shall see.
In any case, Mark, after you mentioned your desire to make a settlement “with Carto,” I suggested that you put the offer in writing. Further, I suggested, that you consult with an attorney in preparing the settlement offer and then direct the letter to Willis and/or one of the attorneys who has been representing his and/or Liberty Lobby’s interests in the related cases stemming from the circumstances surrounding the conflict over the Farrel legacy.
Upon returning to Washington from the Irving affair, I advised Willis of the rough parameters of the proposed settlement and indicated to him that you had told me that you would put the offer to him in writing.
Well, needless to say, I was quite surprised to subsequently receive your hard-copy letter and your e-mail (the two items being identical), both addressed to me, rather than to Willis or to any attorney representing him or Liberty Lobby. I also had the distinct impression—although I could be wrong about this—that you had written the letter on your own without benefit of legal counsel.
In addition, that part of the letter which was not a rehash of the rulings of Judge Runston Maino but which purported to contain the framework of a “settlement” was actually rather difficult to understand, and I say this as someone who is, at the least, semi-literate and who also had one year of legal training supplemented by some twenty years of working closely with attorneys and legal documents of all kinds, in addition to having been (at least at one time) fairly well versed in the details surrounding the Farrel legacy and the legal bloodbath that followed.
Legal documents, by their very nature, often tend toward the abstruse and opaque, but, in my humble opinion, your “settlement offer” was so unclear that no serious legal negotiations could emerge from it.
Your offer should have been framed in very specific language and, even more importantly—as I’ve already said—sent directly to Willis Carto.
To be honest, Mark, I felt as though your letter was simply what one might call a “jiffy job” and that it was a production designed to have the “look and feel” of a settlement offer, something that might be flashed in front of the naïve and unknowing as “evidence” of your good faith—somewhat along the lines of “Here’s the settlement offer I made to Carto, but he refuses to negotiate.”
The truth is that the letter was NOT a settlement offer and it was NOT made to Willis Carto.
Regarding the actual amounts received by both Liberty Lobby and the Legion from the Farrel legacy, let us first of all consider what Liberty Lobby actually did receive. And note, too, that the monies received by Liberty Lobby were ALWAYS in the form of LOANS, not grants. All of these loans were earmarked to be REPAID BY LIBERTY LOBBY TO THE CORPORATE ENTITY ESTABLISHED TO ADMINISTER THE FARREL FUNDS!
That is something that is hardly known by most Revisionists.
In addition, the fact remains that the money loaned from the Farrel legacy to Liberty Lobby had not even come due at the time the Legion was wrested from the control of Willis Carto. The amount received by Liberty Lobby constituted UN-REPAYED LOANS that were not yet even yet due!
Judge Maino ruled that Liberty Lobby “owed” the Legion (vis-à-vis the Farrel legacy) some $2,650,000, based on the fact that this amount, essentially, had been lent to Liberty Lobby. And had Liberty Lobby been able to continue functioning, not hampered by the lawsuits initiated by you and the Legion, these funds would ultimately have been repaid. So this, again, is something that is not widely known.
The system of loans set up by Willis Carto (at the encouragement of then-Legion attorney Bill Hulsy) were designed to protect both the Farrel legacy and Liberty Lobby from the Mel Mermelstein lawsuit that was in litigation at the time the Farrel affair was settled. It was a good business move and it made good legal sense. It only became “embezzlement” when you and your associates seized control of the Legion and used that as a springboard to launch the assault on Liberty Lobby. That is the cold, hard truth, Mark and you know it.
All of the funds advanced to Liberty Lobby were accounted for in detailed bank records, including wire transfers from Switzerland to Liberty Lobby and thence from Liberty Lobby to the Sun Radio Network which, in actuality, was the prime beneficiary of the loans, channeled through Liberty Lobby.
I personally sat in with Willis Carto and Liberty Lobby’s controller Blayne Hutzel and our attorney, Mark Lane, when the records were put together for presentation to your attorneys in the process of preparing for the trial before Judge Maino in Los Angeles. I know this for a fact. I saw these records. I saw the totals, Mark. I know that these records were provided to the court and to your attorneys. And that is why I was astounded when you repeatedly said to me, to my face, at the David Irving meeting, that Liberty Lobby had “never provided an accounting of the Farrel funds that it received.” Frankly, Mark, I was so shocked at your audacity in making this claim—which I knew to be patently false—that I was hard pressed to respond. I couldn’t believe that you would sit there and tell me that I had not seen what I saw. In fact, it was on the basis of these very records that Judge Maino made his ruling, at least in part, insofar as Liberty Lobby was concerned.
Needless to say, Mark, I have told many people—including some very respected Revisionists—that I think you and your associates were quite shocked to find out that the Farrel funds advanced to Liberty Lobby were no longer extant, that they had actually been expended. It is my belief that you believed that Liberty Lobby was somehow “sitting” on this money when, in fact, it had already gone to the Sun Radio Network! This must have been a very real shock to you, but it is a fact that you cannot dispute. The records prove it. Judge Maino made his judgment based on these records.
And, as I said, these funds would ultimately have been repaid. This is the TRUE story of the money received by Liberty Lobby from the Farrel legacy.
And it should be added that the original charter of the Legion—prior to the time that you and your associates re-wrote that charter, which went back to the original founding of the Legion in the 1950s, very specifically cited radio outreach as one of the ways of communication that the Legion hoped to advance its message.
And as an aside, here’s another point that many Revisionists also are unaware of; that is the fact that the IHR was always a subsidiary of the Legion, just as was the Noontide Press. Historical Revisionism—Holocaust or otherwise—was never, repeat never, the primary or sole purpose of the Legion. It was one of many missions in the realm of free expression to which the Legion was committed.
Your constant claim that the Farrel legacy was earmarked exclusively for Revisionism, specifically Holocaust Revionism, could not be further from the truth. This is a point that even Willis Carto often failed to mention when he became bogged down in fighting off the Legion’s assault, but it is a fact that cannot be denied.
Now regarding the funds received by the Legion itself from the Farrel legacy (specifically the bank account in Switzerland) it is important to note that, contrary to what Judge Maino ruled in court, there is some real dispute about how much was actually received by the Legion.
And I hasten to add that while you claim that the Legion only received $100,000 from the Farrel legacy, there are numerous financial records in existence which suggest that this figure is far less than the actual reality.
For example:
• In September of 1991, Legion received $100,000 from the Farrel funds.
• In March of 1992, Legion received $200,000 from the Farrel funds.
• In September of 1992, Legion received $150,000 from the Farrel funds.
• In October of 1992, Legion received $100,000 from the Farrel funds.
• In addition, beginning on February 11, 1991, many invoices from printers and authors who were billing the Legion were paid from the Farrel funds totaling some $100,000.
• Also, employee benefits and salaries at Legion, totaling another $98,000 were paid over a period of 15 months.
By my accounting, based on the above information, that is at least $748,000—some $648,000 more than the amount you have stated in court that Legion received from the Farrel funds!
According to Elisabeth Carto, the total that she can reconcile from the materials she has available is slightly higher: $755,927 paid to the Legion. However, Elisabeth says, she is certain that the figure is closer to about $900,000.
So even granting the lesser amount of $748,000, that is a much higher level of funds that Legion did receive and of which there are existing bank records from the now-depleted bank account in Switzerland that held the Farrel legacy.
These are facts that are not known to most Revisionists, even those who have followed the case closely!
One final point regarding the Farrel legacy. You have constantly made a point, even in swearing out a search warrant for the Carto home and property in Escondido, that there may have been some amounts in uncut gems from the Farrel legacy that somehow were in the hands of Willis and Elisabeth Carto. This is a myth.
As you certainly know, when the Farrel legacy was placed in the hands of Roland Rochat, a Swiss notary given the assignment by both sides in the dispute over the Farrel legacy, Rochat was charged with liquidating these diamonds. These diamonds were sold by Rochat as part of the liquidation of the legacy and placed into the entire amount for distribution between Willis Carto and the Legion and Joan Althaus, with whom the Farrel legacy was in dispute.
In short, Mark, ALL of the funds that Willis Carto assumed control of from the Farrel legacy were either distributed to Liberty Lobby or to the IHR or to other parties (including attorneys, accountants, etc) who were involved in the procurement of the estate. No funds remain from the Farrel legacy.
Now here is something else that MUST be considered if an actual settlement offer is made in good faith. I note, Mark, that the Lennon company of Costa Mesa, which acted as a receiver for Liberty Lobby in its bankruptcy, collecting sums on behalf of the Legion, issued a report dated September 24, 2004, detailing the fact that between 1998 and 2004, some $1,031,780.32 had been collected from Liberty Lobby directly or from letters containing money and checks that had been sent to Liberty Lobby during this time frame.
This amount also included a number of substantial payments made directly by Liberty Lobby as part of the bankruptcy settlement—including sums as high as $200,000 on at least one given occasion—until the bankruptcy court effectively voided the settlement after the Legion charged Liberty Lobby with violating the agreement, the circumstances of which are beyond the purview of this letter.
(The sum also includes the amount of money taken from personal accounts of Willis and Elisabeth Carto and the residue of funds left over from the sale of their home which was seized by the Legion.)
Nonetheless, the fact remains that Liberty Lobby did, in fact, give the Legion $1,031,780.32 under these circumstances—a point that many prominent Revisionists, to this day, are unaware.
Many persons remain under the illusion—should I say delusion—that Liberty Lobby paid little, if any, to the Legion following the institution of the bankruptcy settlement agreement.
So it is that this $1,031,780.32 is a substantial amount indeed and, in fact, quite a large chunk of the actual funds advanced, via loan, from the Farrel funds in the bank account in Switzerland.
Add this amount of $1,031,780.32 to the $748,000 given directly to the Legion from the Farrel legacy funds in Switzerland, this is a total of
This is the actual amount of money that the Legion had already received, directly from the Farrel legacy and from the money taken from Liberty Lobby.
Then, Mark, please add to this the $1.7 million that the Legion has now received from the Adelaide Allen and Bob Kiefer estates. This brings the total to:
Quite a substantial amount indeed. And this is far more than the $2,650,000 that Judge Maino ruled that Liberty Lobby owed the Legion.
Dare I say, Mark, noting the current reported desperate financial straits of the Legion that you described to persons at the David Irving conference, one might logically ask: WHERE DID THE MONEY GO?
And, of course, the fact remains that this is a substantial chunk of the Farrel legacy that Willis Carto assumed responsibility for at the time of signing the settlement agreement with the attorneys for Joan Althaus in 1990.
And, again, this does not include all of the money paid out to attorneys, accountants, expeditors and others who were involved in the procurement of the Farrel legacy, including, I recall, some $650,000 paid to Swiss banker Francois Genoud, a longtime friend of the Revisionist movement, who played a key role in securing the legacy.
I have been told that you denounced Genoud as a “Nazi,” a point that will surprise many Revisionists who worked closely with Genoud over the years, prior to his untimely death in, I believe, 1991.
And at this juncture another little understood matter should be pointed out for the benefit of those who may not be in tune with all of the seemingly peripheral details surrounding the Farrel legacy and the Liberty Lobby bankruptcy. And this is very important! Many of the funds listed in the previously mentioned total of money ($1,031,780.32) seized by the Lennon Company included payments for books, videos and other materials, including SPOTLIGHT subscriptions, that people sent to Liberty Lobby AFTER Liberty Lobby had actually gone out of business and was denied the opportunity to continue functioning.
Unfortunately, however, those who sent these payments never received the books they ordered or the subscriptions. Instead, your receiver, the Lennon Company, took the money and checks out of the mail addressed to Liberty Lobby and directed the funds to the Legion and presumably itself and your attorneys.
I personally received numerous letters from individuals who had ordered copies of my book, FINAL JUDGMENT, but never received them. I was forced to write them letters explaining that the Legion was taking the money they sent to Liberty Lobby and not attempting to satisfy the orders or return the money in any way, shape or form. God only knows how many good patriots and Revisionists across America, really from around the world, were cheated out of their money.
For my own part, I attempted to provide gratis copies from my own extra supply of copies of FINAL JUDGMENT to those who bothered to write, but one can only imagine how many people did not know how to reach me or how to reach the former staff of Liberty Lobby.
In one instance an elderly woman in the Mid-West returned to Liberty Lobby’s address what I recall to be $1600 in silver that she had purchased from Liberty Lobby some years before. She hoped to redeem the value of the silver and had Liberty Lobby still been operating, she would have received that money.
Instead, the Lennon company took the silver and never gave the woman the $16,000. She has since died, I understand, and is unable to pursue any legal action on her own, although it is conceivable, of course, that her heirs may choose to do so, and this would be a legal difficulty for the Legion, not to mention an utter PUBLIC RELATIONS DISASTER.
Imagine the headlines: “Revisionist Group Sued by Elderly Woman’s Estate.”
All of this is not to mention the untold thousands of unfulfilled SPOTLIGHT subscriptions and Board of Policy memberships that were left hanging.
What follows are the number of SPOTLIGHT subscribers and the members of Liberty Lobby’s Board of Policy and the total count at the time of the last issue of The SPOTLIGHT. The dollar amounts listed are the values of the remaining subscriptions.
This means that at least 53,259 total patriots and Revisionists were left wanting. To my knowledge, although the Legion effectively assumed “ownership” of Liberty Lobby and its assets—including forthcoming estates earmarked in wills and trusts for Liberty Lobby—the Legion never made any effort whatsoever to satisfy any of these outstanding subscriptions and memberships.
Considering the fact that the Legion was receiving in excess of $1 million in Liberty Lobby funds, issued directly by Liberty Lobby and seized from its mail, it seems that the honorable and rightful thing to do would have been to at least write these good folks a letter and offer them a free book or back issue of The JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL REVIEW. This would have not only been good “public relations” for the Legion, but it might have won over potential new contributors and subscribers in a show of good faith. But no such show of good faith ever materialized.
Frankly, Mark, if you had done your job in making some effort in this regard, you might have literally conjured up another “Jean Farrel” out there in SPOTLIGHT Subscriber Land who—in the end—might have left another fortune to the “new” Legion and the Institute for Historical Review.
Now, of course, Jim Floyd, the outspoken Alabama Revisionist, has been spearheading efforts to organize these, shall we say “disenfranchised” SPOTLIGHT subscribers and Jim puts it bluntly: “Anyone who would open up the letter of a good patriot or Revisionist and take his money and then consciously refuse to send him what he’s ordered or even return the money if his order couldn’t be filled cannot and will not ever classify as an honest man in my book.”
And, Mark, I’m sorry to say, this problem is one that is going to hang over your head and that of the Legion as long as all of these people are left in the lurch. Frankly, your credibility and integrity as at stake.
Even if your Jewish lawyer and your collection agency, the Lennon Company, chose to operate in this underhanded fashion, you could have personally made some effort to resolve this matter. But you did not.
So this is really a matter that—for the good of all concerned, especially those who have lost out—must be considered in the matter of a “global” settlement of this most unfortunate affair surrounding the Farrel legacy. NO REVISIONIST, NO PATRIOT should be cheated of his money.
Only good can come if you make some effort to resolve this and make it a factor in any settlement proposal. I’m confident the names of those who lost out—or at least many of them—are probably available, even at this late date. How about it, Mark? Why not try to make good on this matter.
And regarding the Liberty Lobby mailing list. Here’s a point that should be noted. Although your failed lawsuit against American Free Press failed precisely because of the fact that, contrary to the claims you made, American Free Press had NOT run off with the Liberty Lobby mailing list, the fact is that your agents who came to Liberty Lobby’s headquarters in Washington never took the list with them when our then-controller Blayne Hutzel made the entire list (subscribers and Board of Policy members) available when these individuals came to our office on Capitol Hill, along with, I might add, all of Liberty Lobby’s financial records. (If I recall correctly, those acting as your agents were local members of the Church of Scientology who volunteered their services, a point that is interesting, especially regarding your constant denial that this Church played any part whatsoever in the circumstances surrounding the demise of Liberty Lobby.)
It was the fault of YOUR agents and your agents alone that the Liberty Lobby mailing list (quite a valuable asset) was never secured. And perhaps, in the end, that is for the best, considering quite convincing stories that you and your associate Greg Raven discussed selling the list to either the Anti-Defamation League or the Church of Scientology—a point I have heard that you have disputed, but not convincingly, in my humble estimation.
There is probably much more that could be said, but I have touched on the relevant highlights that you MUST acknowledge and consider when you make a genuine, formal settlement offer—not a letter to Michael Collins Piper.
Your letter indicated that copies were being sent to members of the board of directors of the Legion for the Survival of Freedom, although no individual names of said directors were listed.
As I do not have their e-mail addresses nor do I even know the names of the board, I am taking the liberty of sending copies of this letter to you to a number of prominent Revisionists so that I can be certain that my comments, at least, will be on the record, inasmuch as you involved me in this matter by addressing your initial letter to me.
In addition, inasmuch as this matter certainly does involve other Revisionists, by the very nature of the loose framework of a “settlement” that you have been discussing, I feel it is all the more appropriate that these Revisionists have the opportunity to consider all aspects of the affair, at least as much as I can provide any insights thereon.
In summary: there is NOTHING left of the Farrel legacy, other than (1) the money that was taken from Liberty Lobby by your receiver, the Lennon company, and (2) that money that was earmarked for Liberty Lobby in the Allen and Kiefer estates (and which would have ultimately been repaid by Liberty Lobby, over the long term to the Farrel account in Switzerland).
As a parting note, in the spirit of your initial suggestion, I would comment that I personally will certainly encourage Willis Carto to use the egis of both American Free Press and The Barnes Review to perhaps join with the IHR itself—whatever the IHR constitutes, and it doesn’t seem to constitute much more than an Internet website at this point—to issue a hard-hitting fund-raising mailing to raise money to set up a trust fund to be accessed by responsible Revisionists.
Further, I would be pleased to offer, gratis, my own modest talents as a fund-raising letter writer—and I had largely written, by far, virtually all of Liberty Lobby and The Barnes Review’s fundraising and subscription letters over a 20 year period (no small accomplishment)—in furtherance of such a project. I would be proud to do it.
However, Mark, your dream of procuring some “hidden” or “remaining” Farrel funds is a pipe dream. It will never happen. Your legal hounds have managed to grab back all of the funds—and more—that Liberty Lobby received and the Legion itself received a substantial amount of the Farrel funds, directly and through payment of Legion bills, from the very beginning. These are facts that cannot be denied. You must consider all of this when making a formal settlement offer, and I hope you will.
In closing, I hope that this letter—an honest effort by yours truly to lay out some little-known but highly relevant facts concerning the Farrel legacy—will contribute to the settlement of this matter.
Please, Mark: do not write me in response to this letter.
Instead, sit down with your attorneys and your board of directors—maybe consult with some respected Revisionists such as Fredrick Toben, Jurgen Graf, Germar Rudolf, Michael A. Hoffman II, David Irving, Robert Faurisson, Ingrid Rimland, Arthur Butz, Bradley Smith, Robert Countess, Michael Santomauro, Mark Farrell—the list goes on and on—and get some good solid input and come up with a very real and very solid and reasonable settlement offer. Then, finally, all of this can be resolved. The Revisionist movement is much bigger than Mark Weber or Willis Carto or even the IHR and The Barnes Review. Remember that, Mark. No, better yet—as Mel Mermelstein’s father would say: “Never Forget.”
From The SPOTLIGHT, March 22, 1999, p 22-3 - The Update is dated March 11
IHR UPDATE is a temporary and irregular feature for SPOTLIGHT readers interested in facts surrounding the on-going controversy resulting from the bizarre takeover of the Institute for Historical Review.
Only the politically naive reject the facts pointing toward behind-the-scenes conspiratorial involvement in the events that led to the destruction of the California-based Institute for Historical Review (IHR) and the subsequent effort to destroy The SPOTLIGHT. There is no question that Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, played the primary behind-the-scenes role in the IHR affair.
IHR Update can now state conclusively that the primary Mossad operative behind the IHR upheaval was a high-priced Los Angeles attorney, Lawrence Heller.
Until recently, Heller was best known as the attorney who, in 1991, unsuccessfully represented self-styled "Holocaust survivor" Mel Mermelstein in the final stages of Mermelstein's decade-long quest to eviscerate the IHR and Liberty Lobby. IHR Update has determined that Heller had other, more interesting behind-the-scenes connections.
Five years before Heller publicly surfaced as Mermelstein's attorney, it turns out that Heller was part of a small clique that secretly grabbed control of the Church of Scientology upon the disappearance of church founder L Ron Hubbard.
Unknown to even many devout Scientologists, Heller and his clique control a shadowy body known as the "Church of Spiritual Technology" which has a lock on the church's vast worldwide financial assets. [It has been said that paranormal research scientists Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ, veterans of the Stanford Research Institute/US Army Remote Viewing Project, are involved with the CST. -Birdman]
As IHR Update noted in a detailed special report on Oct. 26, 1998, upon Hubbard's disappearance (and reported death in 1986) coupled with the overview of Hubbard's widow as the leading figure within the church, Scientology fell victim to a coup d'etat orchestrated by outside forces with an interest in gaining control of Scientology, its vast wealth and its wide-ranging global power network.
Former high-ranking American diplomat Stephen Koczak (who had been stationed in Israel) told The SPOTLIGHT in 1994 that, according to his sources, it was the Mossad, in conjunction with elements of the CIA, that had seized control of Scientology. Thus, Heller and his group were fronting for the Mossad in the takeover of Scientology. David Miscavige was set up to take the place of L. Ron Hubbard who founded the cult.
The Scientology link to the IHR conspiracy revealed itself on Oct. 1, 1993. On that date, two things happened:
1) First, under the political influence of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL of B'nai B'rith, itself an arm of Israel's Mossad), the Internal Revenue Service finally granted a highly lucrative tax exemption to the Church of Scientology;; This was something that the IRS had refused to do for over 30 years, particularly when Scientology was under the independent control of church founder L. Ron Hubbard.
2) On the same date, in accordance with a conspiratorial agreement with the ADL/Mossad, longtime Scientologist Tom Marcellus unveiled the secret year-long conspiracy to take over the IHR. Marcellus, the trusted veteran IHR staff director, sent a letter to IHR founder Willis Carto telling Carto that his relationship with the IHR had been 'terminated."
This was the first time that Carto learned of the conspiracy. It wasn't until numerous discoveries were made that the theretofore secret role of Scientology was determined. And it was not until even much later that the full truth about Scientology being a controlled front for the Mossad was uncovered.
For those concerned with detail, it should perhaps be noted that the IRS commissioner who set in motion the groundwork for Scientology's tax exemption was Fred Goldberg, a law partner of longtime ADL national chairman Kenneth Bialkin.
In fact, Goldberg fixed things for Scientology only one month after Scientology's Mossad controller, attorney Lawrence Heller, was forced to surrender to the IHR and Liberty Lobby in the aforementioned Mermelstein case.
Having failed through very public means (the Mermelstein lawsuit) to destroy the IHR and Liberty Lobby, Scientology's Mossad controllers decided, at that juncture, to utilize their "secret weapon" inside the IHR -- Tom Marcellus. First and foremost among the "insiders" at the IHR who manipulated events that led to the coup were two members of the Church of Scientology: Marcellus and one Greg Raven.
Marcellus was an open Scientologist and was steadily moving up in the ranks in return for making major financial contributions to Scientology affiliates. In fact, Marcellus today maintains a web site on the Internet which focuses exclusively on his devotion to Scientology.
Raven, on the other hand, denies his association with Scientology although, quite recently, Raven was seen in attendance at a Scientology-sponsored function in Los Angeles.
The gun-toting Raven is a member of Scientology's Guardian Office, which was disbanded by a federal judge in 1982 but continued under the name "Division 20" or "The Office of Special Services." This clandestine section of the huge Scientology organization has responsibility for "cleaning up the rotten spots of society in order to create a safer and saner environment for Scientology expansion and for all mankind." Translated, that means that agents in Department 20 are assigned highly confidential tasks, and taking over other organizations or businesses is a long-standing strategy of Scientology.
Raven was deployed into IHR by Scientology's Mossad controllers in late 1992. His mission was to organize the coup. Working in tandem with Marcellus, Raven began manipulating the two other IHR employees (Mark Weber and Theodore O'Keefe) who were utilized in the IHR take-over.
At this juncture, another player popped up. His name was Andrew Evered Allen, a resident of exclusive Tiburon, California (just outside San Francisco).
The scion of a wealthy family with reputed ties to the Levi Strauss garment empire, Allen had moved in the periphery of the IHR for some years, his most notable contribution being the financial backer of one David McCalden, who waged a longtime smear campaign against the IHR, using the research materials given him by a known CIA asset, Elliot Carter, and by his homosexual friend, Roy Bullock, a paid ADL spy. McCalden has since died of AIDS.
While living off his family's wealth, Allen has also dabbled in intelligence intrigue, including "running" (Allen's words) what Allen called "supplies" to the Mujahideen rebels in the Middle East -- a CIA project that former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky says was dominated by the Mossad.
Allen also had a hand in Far Eastern affairs in a sphere of direct interest to the Mossad: he operated the Burma Foundation which has played a part in the ongoing effort by the CIA and the Mossad to topple the nationalist military government of Burma (now known as Myanmar).
Portraying himself to IHR staff members Weber and O'Keefe as a "loyal revisionist" (his known record notwithstanding), Allen joined in the effort to subvert the IHR from within.
Along with Mossad asset Andrew Allen, Scientologists Marcellus and Raven convinced employees Weber and 0'Keefe -- who became willing participants in the conspiracy -- that they would become very wealthy and the de facto leaders of the worldwide revisionist movement by collaborating in the conspiracy to grab what they (wrongly) believed was a $40 or $80 million inheritance left by a relative of populist Thomas Edison.
O'Keefe, who ultimately left the IHR following a mental breakdown, appears to have been more of a foolish pawn than anything. Despite O'Keefe's treachery, many revisionists still express sympathy for O'Keefe's demise and say: "The poor fellow was being used and he didn't even know it."
The case of Weber is another matter altogether. While Weber (possibly) may not initially have known that the Mossad was ultimately the primary mover behind the IHR coup, Weber's continuing involvement in prolonging the ongoing attack on Liberty Lobby demonstrates conclusively that Weber is definitely "bought and paid for" and a complete shill for his controllers.
(There does remain, however, the question of whether Weber himself has Mossad or CIA connections, dating to his days in Africa where Weber, ostensibly a "racist," was "teaching English" at an all-black high school in Ghana, one of the Mossad's major outposts in Africa.)
In any event, Weber continues to publicly front for the Mossad attack on Liberty Lobby which is being financed lock-stock-and-barrel by the deep pockets of the Church of Scientology (which, in turn, is controlled by Mossad asset Lawrence Heller and his associates.)
After The SPOTLIGHT and other news outlets exposed Scientology's role in the IHR affair, David Miscavige ordered Marcellus to resign his post at the IHR in order to deflect attention from Scientology. Raven, however, remained in place and although Raven had no involvement in IHR affairs until a few months before the coup he directed, he is now "president" of IHR.
Raven's sole purpose is to continue to perpetuate the IHR's existence long enough to use the IHR's lawsuit against Liberty Lobby to destroy the Washington-based populist Institution.
Although Mossad asset Andrew Allen (who says he is not a Mossad asset) has since officially withdrawn from the IHR's affairs (his job having been accomplished) and Scientology front man Tom Marcellus has gone on to greener pastures, rising further in the ranks of his cult, the Mossad has two valuable assets in place: Scientologist Raven and his willing patsy, Mark Weber.
2013: Publication des lettres de JFK
Le recueil des lettres de John F. Kennedy a été publié pour la première
fois cinquante ans après le drame, soit en 2013, par l'historien Martin
Sandler (The Letters of John F. Kennedy - PDF). Le seul et unique auteur
conspirationniste mentionné dans tout ce livre des correspondances de
JFK est Michael Collins Piper, pour son livre Final Judgment: The Missing Links in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy.
L'auteur M. Sandler va même plus loin et apporte son appui à la thèse
de Piper, qui soutient que le Mossad israélien a fait assassiner JFK
parce que ce dernier mettait en danger le développement de l'arsenal
nucléaire israélien, en disant que cette thèse "demeure l'une des plus
intringuantes". Mais il reste un fait indiscutable, poursuit-il, bien
que les médias n'en ont jamais parlé : Ben-Gourion et JFK avaient eu une
grosse dispute au sujet de l'arsenal nucléaire israélien, dont dépend
la survie d'Israël selon Ben-Gourion, si bien que Ben-Gourion
démissionna, fou de rage.
In March 1992, Representative Paul Findley of Illinois, wrote in the
Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs, “It is interesting. . . .
to notice that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy
assassination, Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned.” Two years later in his book Final Judgment, author Michael Collins Piper actually accused Israel of the crime. Of all the conspiracy theories, it remains one of the most intriguing.
What is indisputable is that, although it was kept out of the eye of
both the Press and the Public, a bitter dispute had developped between
Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion who believed that his nation's
survival depended on it attaining nuclear capability and Kennedy who was
vehemently opposed to it. In May 1963, Kennedy wrote to Ben-Gurion
explaining why he was convinced that Israel's pursuit of nuclear weapons
capability was a serious threat to world peace.
(Lire les dernières correspondances de Ben-Gourion et JFK ici)
Le même auteur, Martin Sandler, a également donné une conférence sur le
sondes de CSPAN au Musée JFK du Massachusetts et il en profita pour
souligner encore une fois son appui à la thèse du rôle central du Mossad
dans l'assasinat de JFK.
"The Letters of John F. Kennedy",
by Martin Sandler | Historian Martin Sandler presents a collection of
President John F. Kennedy's personal correspondences. The letters
include Kennedy's private notes and political communiques, from letters
sent to his parents from boarding school to secret missives to Soviet
premier Nikita Khrushchev during the Cold War. Martin Sandler speaks at
the John F. Kennedy Museum in Hyannis, Massachusetts. Buy the author's
book from: Amazon | Barnes And Noble | Indiebound
vais vous dire une chose: j'ai trouvé des articles--pas dans des
publications disjonctées mais dans des publications très
sophistiquées--qui disaient
: "Oubliez Lyndon Johnson, oubliez la CIA, oubliez Fidel Castro--le Mossad a tué JFK parce qu'ils étaient bouleversés par ce qu'il avait fait à
Ben-Gurion." Alors, vous voyez, on lâche quelques petites bombes comme celle-ci dans le livre--non prouvées..." I'll
tell you one thing: I found articles - not tripped in publications but
in very sophisticated publications - saying, "Forget Lyndon Johnson, forget the
CIA, forget Fidel Castro---Mossad killed JFK because they were
upset by what he had done to Ben-Gurion." So you see, we drop a few
bombs like this in this book, unproven ...(Historian Martin W. Sandler, Author of The Letters of John F. Kennedy, lecture at the JFK Museum; Nov 16, 2013, CSPAN2 | BookTV @51 min : 21 sec)
Déc. 2014: Éjection d'AFP-Barnes Review
The Weird World of Elisabeth Carto at American Free Press
I just got a letter from a nice lady who told me that AFP was being just as disingenuous as I told her they would be : The lady called and spoke to Julia Foster, the office manager, who praised me up and down and said what a wonderful writer I was, but that I had NOT been fired. Rather, she said, I QUIT when they offered me a contract that I refused to sign.
The truth is, I have a copy of my signed contract, signed when I was sitting in a hospital room in April after open heart surgery, no less, and I also have a signed letter from Willis Carto terminating that contract because I had supposedly said bad things about him, his wife, Elisabeth and "fellow employees" (such as John Friend, whom Carto had just fired!).
And you’re darned right I said bad things about the people who had mistreated me, not just for the past year but, ultimately, for the last 20 years or more—precisely because I had run afoul of Elisabeth Carto for having had an argument with her sister, Marianne Scharnhorst, who had been employed by The SPOTLIGHT (before AFP came into being at the demise of The SPOTLIGHT). And as you’ll see, Mrs. Carto’s sister was a very real trouble-maker who caused trouble for me and for many other SPOTLIGHT employees.
In any case, in a court of law, those signed documents (referenced above) constitute EVIDENCE and the evidence demonstrates that Mrs. Foster, nice lady though she is, is either: 1) deliberately lying, knowing the full story; or 2) passing on a lie having been ordered to do so by the perverse Elisabeth Carto and her dementia-ridden husband (who still retains a skill for spinning a good lie, at least when it comes to explaining away and defending his wife).
(On another occasion in the past, Julia told somebody that I was "working at home" - rather than in the office - because I was "too disruptive." In other words, I dared to disagree with Elisabeth Carto. That was before I was officially fired twice this past year. So they have a history of telling quite creative stories.)
If Mike Piper is so rotten and deserved to be fired, well, why not then simply demonstrate how rotten he is? If Piper is such a bad guy, people should know about it.
However, of course, the fact is that it all goes back to Elisabeth Carto and her insane behavior (about which all current and past staff are aware) and the AFP staff don't want to talk about it, nor are they allowed to do so, for obvious reasons.
The truth is that even Liberty Lobby’s outstanding attorney, Mark Lane, who fought relentlessly to save Liberty Lobby under fire from the IHR lawsuits that eventually destroyed Liberty Lobby, said, on one occasion, that he believed that it was Elisabeth Carto’s behavior toward the staff in California that helped stimulate a lot of the discontent that was stirred up by outside forces.
And the truth is that Elisabeth was even moving to have Mark Lane's salary cut (even in the midst of the legal affairs that ended up destroying Liberty Lobby.))—working to undermine the very attorney who saved Liberty Lobby in the Hunt and Buckley cases some years before.
Here's the story that only a few people know about . . .
One weekend in approximately 1993-1994 (it was well after we had already fallen under the IHR lawsuits) Willis Carto was getting ready to leave Washington in a rush. He called me into his office and handed me a letter that Carto had written to Liberty Lobby’s longtime and valued counsel, Mark Lane.
Carto had been convinced by Elisabeth that Lane was “making too much money” by being paid a regular salary or retainer without “documenting” his work for Liberty Lobby. In other words, it was being suggested to Carto that Lane was essentially taking advantage and not doing his work for a flat fee. Carto was convinced by his wife to demand that Lane provide an hourly accounting of all of his work for Liberty Lobby.
In response to Carto’s request, Lane had therefore re-assessed all of his work for Liberty Lobby during the past period and submitted a line-by-line summary, billing Liberty Lobby BY THE HOUR rather than by the standard payment that Lane had been receiving.
(In other words, by previous agreement, if Lane did NOTHING in one week or one month he would still be paid if he was working 50 hour weeks on behalf of Liberty Lobby in the courts.)
After Lane submitted his HOURLY billing, it was considerably higher than what it would have been in a previous agreement. Lane, again, had done this at Carto’s request.
Having received the billing, Carto wrote a letter to Lane telling him that, unfortunately, he (Carto) was forced to sever Liberty Lobby’s relationship with Lane.
Carto asked me to read this letter (after Carto had left, and Carto was, at that moment, on the verge of leaving) and then deliver it to Lane by Monday morning. Carto left and I read the letter - shocked. I decided to wait until the very last moment - Sunday night - to deliver the letter.
However, fortunately, Carto reconsidered his decision and managed to catch me - as usual - working in the office on Sunday afternoon. He called me from California and asked, “Did you deliver that letter yet?” I said, “No, I was waiting till the very last minute.” Carto said, “Good for you. Don’t. I’ve had some second thoughts and talked to Mark in the meantime.”
In fact, Lane had only prepared the hourly assessment (at Carto’s request) to demonstrate to Carto that he (Lane) was actually providing Carto a lot of little-noticed or “unknown” work that Lane did not normally bother to “write down” and “prove” himself.
I sympathized with Mark Lane’s plight at the time. I was also being subjected to the same abuse. He and his wife and I had a private discussion about the matter and they were just absolutely amazed that Elisabeth had tried to over-turn a long and trusted working relationship and were quite disturbed about it, since Mark and his wife had become rather fond of Willis himself and often invited Willis and I over to their home for very lovely dinners.
But that was not the end of things . . . it gets worse.
In 1994 I spoke to Willis Carto on the telephone. He was in California and I was in Washington. It was a day or so before attorney Mark Lane was scheduled to handle Liberty Lobby’s defense in a Southern California courtroom in the lawsuit that ultimately forced Liberty Lobby into bankrupty. I was enthusiastic about the possibility of Lane once again winning for Liberty Lobby by taking the case to a jury - much as he had done in the famous Buckley case and in the Hunt case before it. I asked Carto: “So you are definitely taking the case to a jury?” Carto responded: “Oh absolutely.” I said: “That’s good.”
However, here’s what happened . . .
A day or so later, Mark Lane called Willis Carto to tell him that he (Lane) was getting ready to get on the plane to come to California to proceed with the case (jury selection, etc). But Carto said, “Oh, well, we’ve already started. We decided not to go with a jury. Randy Weir (the West Coast attorney on the ground) thinks we can win the case by just presenting it to the judge and we can save the costs of a long trial.”
In fact, Randy Weir had convinced Elisabeth Carto (who was already hostile to Mark Lane and wanting to cut his salary - as outlined above)—that they didn't need Mark's expertise and that they could "save money" by eliminating a jury trial.
Lane was horrified and jumped on a plane, but it was already too late. The case was lost and Liberty Lobby was directed down the course to bankruptcy.
Had Randy Weir been bought off? It’s possible. Weir’s partner, Brian Urtnowski, discovered that Weir was a cocaine-addicted crook. And this discovery brought back memories from Mark Lane (and even Michael Piper) as to strange activity by Weir that indicated that perhaps indeed he had been compromised. (And it’s probably just a coincidence that Weir was a look-alike and talk-alike for a young man who was “advising” Liberty Lobby on the East Coast: Todd Blodgett).
But ultimately the blame for the demise of Liberty Lobby could be laid directly at WALTRAUD ELISABETH OLDEMEIER CARTO.
Perhaps a jury might have also found against Liberty Lobby, but WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would expect a judge to rule in favor of Liberty Lobby?
I more or less forgive Julia Foster for telling the sad little lies that she is telling since I know that she is under immense pressure from Elisabeth Carto and because of the fact that Julia knows a little bit about the history of the behavior of Elisabeth and her sister, Marianne Scharnhorst.
Marianne used to sexually harass Julia's teen-aged son, Jimmy, who worked briefly at Liberty Lobby. Marianne used to get touchy-feeling with a lot of the younger men (20s or younger) and would make a big fuss over them when they came into the mailroom where she worked. She would shout "there's that Greek hunk" to one young man and engage him in sexual banter in front of the women in the mailroom; or she would make similar remarks to other young men. She once openly described how she had dreamt that she and her youngest daughter (a teen-ager) had watched me having sex with a prostitute through the window of an adjoining building! She once even took SPOTLIGHT (and later AFP) Editor Chris Petherick's head and placed it on her bosom - and an ample bosom it was.
Since I crossed this woman, Marianne, years before, I have been a target of Elisabeth Carto. This is the same Elisabeth Carto who also alleged in an email that the talented and hard-working Trish Katson was a "lazy bum" who spent all of her time at Liberty Lobby "chasing men" in the office. In fact, most of the time that she worked there, Trish lived with Blayne Hutzel - who also worked at Liberty Lobby - so she was hardly busy chasing other men in front of Blayne. Or behind his back for that matter.
If Trish was so lazy and so immoral, I guess that means that Liberty Lobby and The SPOTLIGHT were lying audaciously and repeatedly and relentlessly in reporting all her good work on Capitol Hill and around the country, particularly when she was fighting the Constitutional Convention.
And so it goes.
Now having looked back at some of these things, I realized that there’s probably a lot more to tell you about the antics of Elisabeth Carto and I decided that it’s probably worth telling you all about it.
And so I shall continue . . .
It’s a deeply-held secret—or rather, perhaps, one that’s been carefully “forgotten”—but, in early 1982, Willis Carto fired famed and respected Bilderberg Hound Jim Tucker as editor of The SPOTLIGHT, a post he had held since 1975—he was the founding editor—and under which time The SPOTLIGHT had grown to some 390,000 paid subscribers (meaning at least 1,000,000 or more weekly readers).
The reason for Tucker’s sudden and shocking dismissal (one which rocked The SPOTLIGHT staff) is interesting . . . And it all traces back (yet again) to the insane behavior of Elisabeth Carto and her equally disturbed sister, Marianne Scharnhorst, who worked in the mailroom (and in the silver sales department) of Liberty Lobby.
Let’s see how the Carto’s sycophants who actually know the truth of this story try to twist it and make Michael Collins Piper out to be a liar. Here’s what happened . . .
Let’s face it, Jim Tucker was a big drinker, and he was loud and proud about it. One could hardly have a discussion with Tucker without him bringing up alcohol in a funny way. And throughout the period that he was SPOTLIGHT editor, he was known to have “wet lunches.” There was no secret about it. He and a few others (including a number of SPOTLIGHT associates) were regulars at Mike Palm’s, the Taverna, and a few other choice drinking establishments near Liberty Lobby headquarters. There had always been an official “no drinking at lunch” policy at Liberty Lobby, though it was rigorously ignored most of all by Tucker and by Liberty Lobby chairman Bob Bartell and that was an open secret.
And although Tucker was a big drinker, he got The SPOTLIGHT out each and every week—often 48 full pages jam-packed with (you remember it) solid news and information that gave The SPOTLIGHT the reputation that it had.
One particular week, one Wednesday (the day that the paper went to press), Ed Krueger, the affable publisher of the Martinsburg, West Virginia newspaper that did the actual printing of The SPOTLIGHT, had come to Washington and he took Tucker and several others out for a typical “wet lunch.”
When Tucker returned, he may have been a bit tipsy—PERHAPS more so than usual. I don’t know, personally.
But what I DO know (and this was common knowledge at the time) is that Marianne Scharnhorst—Elisabeth Carto’s sister—who was always stirring up trouble and who routinely referred to Tucker as a “pig”—called the Cartos in California to report that Jim Tucker was “drunk on press day.”
The commotion stirred by Marianne’s phone call led to Tucker’s firing. Tucker was given several weeks to wind up affairs, as I recall, and then he left Liberty Lobby soon afterward.
Years later, I learned from Donna McGrath, who was Tucker’s good friend in the production department, that Tucker was suicidal at this time.
(And, believe it or not, I had a very dark dream about Tucker during this period—when I had no contact with him whatsoever, and really didn’t know him that well—in which he was sitting in a dark room, crying, and warning me about Willis Carto! Over the past several years I have told a number of people about the dream.)
Some time later Tucker was “rehired” as a “contract” writer for The SPOTLIGHT and continued on with his work, while working other jobs on the side, but, again, the bottom line is that Tucker’s firing was the work of Elisabeth Carto and her sister Marianne Scharnhorst.
Elisabeth and Marianne are the very same “pigs”—to use their common word—who were behind the harassment that I endured from about 1992-1994 onward, resulting in :
- my near-firing in December of 2002 (as a consequence of which I had my first heart attack),
- my forced ouster from the AFP office, beginning in 2003—they told people I was “working from home” without explaining the real reason why—
- and the subsequent targeting against me, beginning in the summer of 2013, at which time the Cartos hatched a plan to reduce my salary to $1,000 a month with the suggestion that I move back home to Pennsylvania (where I hadn’t lived for over 30 years). YES, THEY DID THAT. What creeps (to use another of Elisabeth’s favorite terms) they are. AND :
- My first firing in mid-March 2014—after I confronted Elisabeth for her not-so-secret role in targeting me for a massive paycut—and and then my “rehiring” after six weeks of sick and twisted “negotiations” beginning with a plan to pay me $100 a week.
(I kid you not. That failing old fruit, Willis Carto, actually made that “offer” to me—after 34 years—saying, “Well, why should you be paid any more than any of our other writers?” when the old predator knew that I had done virtually ALL of AFP and The SPOTLIGHT’s direct mail fundraising letters —-plus many other side projects—since about 1986 (six years after I first came aboard).
- My second firing in September of 2014 after I made it clear in several memos to Willis Carto that I didn’t take Elisabeth’s smears, harassment and other forms of mental torment lightly. On the basis of my criticisms and my resurrection of a 10 year old 19-page memorandum exposing the events of 2013 (referenced above), Willis terminated my contract.
Willis also cited alleged criticisms of “fellow employees,” although what those criticisms were actually happened to be were rather interesting: After Elisabeth forced Willis to fire AFP correspondent John Friend (a story in and of itself: she had been gunning for him for a while), Friend had stated publicly that he thought that I had a part in his firing. Friend’s supporters wrote letters to Carto complaining that Friend had been fired and cited my criticisms of John Friend. So although Willis had fired Friend, he cited my past criticisms of Friend as “proof” that I was criticizing “fellow employees” or “co-workers” or some such thing. Talk about Talmudic Chutzpah.
I don’t know a single personal friend of the Cartos—few that there really are—who have ever said anything nice (behind her back) about Elisabeth. One of Carto’s oldest friends has always routinely referred to her as a “bitch.”
She does not inspire respect, but, rather, fear, although Pete Papaherakles (a frequent Carto house-guest) recently said insistently that she does deserve respect, despite the fact that Elisabeth has, in recent years, worked to have the following people fired from AMERICAN FREE PRESS :
- Editor Chris Petherick - he received a faxed demand for his resignation in April (while I was in the hospital with open heart surgery) after he stood up to Elisabeth on the phone, although the next day Willis rescinded the demand.
- Webmaster Jason Snow
- Web Editor Dave Gahary - a family man also targeted for massive pay cuts, despite his major contributions to the growth of the AFP website and his weekly contributions to the newspaper; and
- popular AFP correspondent Victor Thorn. (Elisabeth has said that “my sister and her husband don’t like what he writes.” And I was there the day that Willis Carto said to Chris Petherick, “Maybe we should phase out Victor,” but—naturally and wisely—Chris resisted and Victor was retained).
Elisabeth was directly responsible for the angry campaign to force out longtime loyal employee Anne Cronin—another consequence (going back years) of carping by Marianne Scharnhorst—which resulted in Anne taking early retirement. At one point, while Anne was seriously ill—they actually thought she had bird flu—Elisabeth went into the office, cleaned out Anne’s desk, boxed everything, and left a note for her upon her return to work which told her that her desk was too messy and had too many “personal items” —words to that effect. (Seriously. she did that.)
Initially, when Anne was reaching a certain age, the Cartos put out a memo saying that age happened to be “mandatory retirement” at AFP, but Evangeline Banua, the accountant, advised the Cartos that this was contrary to federal law and the memo was rescinded. But it had clearly been aimed at Anne Cronin!
The Cartos made things so miserable for Anne that she did, in fact, retire a year early. It was so bad that when Anne would come in the office, Willis would actually ignore her (when he has always made a point to say “hello” to everyone) or when she would say hello to him, he would not respond. This was Elisabeth’s doing.
(One time—prior to 2001—after the publication of an edition of my book FINAL JUDGMENT, Elisabeth called me on the phone from California and began quizzing me about the prices for shipping the book. I told her that I had nothing to do with that, that it was Anne Cronin’s responsibility, which, in retrospect, I’m sure Elisabeth knew well.) In the course of this seemingly endless conversation, it became apparent to me that Elisabeth was maneuvering to find “dirt” against Anne and I listened to her ranting and raving. At one juncture she told me that somebody at the office had told her one thing or another and, suspecting something was up, I asked Elisabeth “who told you that?” She said that she didn’t remember, but what he claimed she had been “told” was at the root of her attempt to assassinate Anne.
I said to myself, “Well, I’ll push her on this,” and said to Elisabeth, “Well, it’s important to remember who said that, because it’s not true. That person needs to be set straight.” Elisabeth insisted it wasn’t important, but I pushed a little further—quite gently, but forcefully— and then there was a sudden pause at the other end of the line. Elisabeth then said, “Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I made that up.”
This woman actually felt secure enough to admit to me that she had conjured up a lie in order to try to undermine Anne Cronin. And I’ve told that story, in writing, going back to 2003 and I’ve told it to many people at AFP and elsewhere over the past decade. So Elisabeth can’t claim that I recently “made that up,” to use her words.
Vince Ryan was also effectively ousted with regular pay cuts, resulting in his abrupt resignation, after years of very loyal service.
Elisabeth Carto was also responsible for the firing of two longtime AFP-SPOTLIGHT figures: our longtime radio voice, Tom Valentine, who had been with us since at least the mid-1980s (at one point he was the only person among the extended staff whom the Cartos trusted with their home phone number when they lived in California) and Blayne Hutzel, who had been the AFP-SPOTLIGHT comptroller, a hard-working and highly respected detail-oriented business manager whose day-to-day work (under immense pressure from the Cartos) kept the newspaper(s) and related operations going.
Tom and Blayne were fed up with Elisabeth’s antics and—in 2003—at the time Elisabeth was first making a major push to have me fired, they both urged me and the legal board of directors of AFP to formally demand that Willis Carto bar Elisabeth from the AFP office (to stop her harassment and intimidation of the staff). Word got back to Elisabeth and the two were unceremoniously dismissed—despite years of great loyalty and devotion to the AFP-SPOTLIGHT cause and to Willis Carto.
Another AFP office manager, talented young Jim Cox, was also relentlessly and repeatedly run over by Elisabeth Carto and despite his enthusiasm for AFP’s cause, Jim decided that he had had his fill of the lunacy and nonsense and turned in his resignation. Mrs. Carto later proclaimed Cox to be “the worst employee” of AFP’s history, even worse, she said, than the aforementioned Blayne Hutzel.
In fact, Cox and Hutzel were highly regarded by the rest of the AFP staff and their departures were great losses for AFP—but personal triumphs for Elisabeth.
Elisabeth also managed to so alienated longtime AFP-SPOTLIGHT subscription manager, Lois Hodges, who had been with the company since the early 1980s that Lois also resigned. This was after two of Lois’s sisters—who had also worked for AFP—had been forced out by Elisabeth’s antics. The one sister (whose name escapes me) resigned in disgust at Elisabeth. The second sister, in fact, was terminated. It became too much for Lois and she, too, left the company in disgust.
In earlier years, two elderly women, Lois Jackson and Mary Phflug, who had been with Liberty Lobby for years, were also pushed out, again largely because of troublesome behavior by Elisabeth’s sister, Marianne Scharnhorst, who had worked side-by-side with both of those nice ladies for years, but then turned on them and convinced Elisabeth to talk her husband into firing those women. Lois was a devoted correspondence secretary who kept in touch with our supporters. Mary worked in the advertising department. And then, to top it all off, Liberty Lobby legally fought Mary’s attempts to gain unemployment and, if I recall correctly, they succeeded!
It just never seemed to end . . .
On one occasion, when Elisabeth had developed a sudden disdain for California nationalist Joe Fields (another of Mr. and Mrs. Carto’s old friends) she even said that she hoped that the “No More Wars for Israel Conference” being organized by Fields (in conjunction with then-AFP writer Mark Glenn) would—in her words—“flop.”
This was after Fields and his wife had been valuable allies for the Cartos for many years and doing a lot of unpaid work on their behalf. And here is why Elisabeth was angry at Joe—you will be astounded by this one (but maybe not, considering how Elisabeth thinks and operates) . . .
Elisabeth was mad at Joe because he had done some work, for a brief period, for a guy in Texas named Joe Foster. Foster had accidentally bounced a $600 check on a book order and it had nothing whatsoever to do with Joe Fields or his association with Foster. Now even though Foster made good on the check (and he had been a longtime big ticket book buyer) Elisabeth spent weeks haranguing over the subject. She even moved to have Willis fire our longtime accountant, Evangeline, because the accountant, a mild-mannered Filipino woman, refused to call OUR bank to tell them to call Foster's bank and collect the debt from his account! Elisabeth even told Evangeline that she wasn’t being “loyal to the company” for refusing to do something that was totally contrary to banking procedure and perhaps even illegal!
When (under pressure from Elisabeth) Willis called Taras (a newly-hired young Ukrainian guy who was Evangeline’s assistant) to his office and asked Taras if he would be ready to step into Evangeline’s shoes "if she happened to leave the company," the young man was so horrified that he turned in his two weeks notice shortly thereafter and quit his job. He told several AFP staffers about this at a going-away dinner party at the La Lomita restaurant on Pennsylvania Avenue.
And it should probably be mentioned that just a few years ago, AFP also terminated the contract of the aforementioned popular AFP writer, Mark Glenn—he’s the guy from Idaho who has come to my rescue and given me a place to live in his guest house—and Mark and his wife and TEN CHILDREN were left without a regular stipend. This was after Mark had given up a good-living as an independent landscaper and builder so that he could devote his time to WRITING THE TRUTH—something he loved to do.
Although I cannot say for certain that Elisabeth played a part in this, I know that after Mark’s departure Elisabeth had negative comments about Mark (not knowing that he and I had become good friends), justifying his abrupt dismissal “to save money.”
It truly never ended . . .
Some time in 2013 I went into the AFP office on a Saturday or Sunday and was surprised to find Willis and Elisabeth had come in. No problem. I had work to do—a lot of it—and they stayed out of my hair and I theirs.
However, Elisabeth cornered me and spent no less than 45 minutes talking non-stop (much to Willis’s apparent annoyance, by the way) largely condemning anything and everything about the way the AFP office was run and it quickly became apparent to me that her specific targets were Paul Angel and Chris Petherick. Those forty-five minutes distracted me from my work but it was another dose of this destructive woman.
Elisabeth has been so poisonous and ruinous in so many ways and Willis has either forgotten (legitimately) or he is so psychologically defensive about her madness that he will say literally anything to defend her.
At one point, shortly before I was fired for the first time in 2014, I reminded Willis (in the presence of Chris Petherick) that while Elisabeth wanted to slash my salary, she continued to insist on the preservation of the largely unnecessary (no, make that un-necessary) West Coast office for The BARNES REVIEW which was being subsidized to the tune of upwards of $900,000 a year, according to an analysis by Chris Petherick and Paul Angel who wanted to shut down that office.
But although Chris and Paul had repeatedly urged Willis to shut that office down, Elisabeth resisted (raising questions as to WHY she wanted to keep that office open). But when I made reference to this, Willis said—with a straight face—“I never knew that anyone had raised questions about this.” (suggesting this was something I had conjured up out of the blue). He actually said that right in front of Chris Petherick who had done the hands-on analysis that determined what a waste that office was!
In the summer of 2013—right when I was becoming disabled due to diabetic neuropathy—Elisabeth decided to strike against me (seeing that I was vulnerable). Willis Carto wrote a proposal to me that I leave Washington and “go back to Pennsylvania” (where I hadn’t lived for over 34 years) and that I would be kept on the AFP payroll at $1,000 a month. He actually said that this would be almost like a “raise” and somehow beneficial to me and said that I would not have the problem of having to come to the AFP office and it would lessen my “nervous condition.”
Well, first of all, having been forced out of the AFP office in 2003 (because of Elisabeth’s hatred for me), I was not even required to come to the office in the first place, “working at home.” (!) But I had no “nervous condition,” which suggests that I had some mental disability. No, I had PHYSICAL NERVE DAMAGE. That’s how much Carto even knew (or cared) about my condition.
(On one occasion, he did say, smiling, “You have diabetes,don’t you? Well, I have a needle and I can stick it in you and then you’ll feel better.” Yes, he said that.)
He backed off from that when the AFP editor, Chris Petherick, came to my defense, but I knew I was once again being targeted and this came at a time when I was under great physical and emotional stress because of my health problems and increasing pain and inability to walk. And in the fall of 2013, once again, I was informed that we were all facing major pay cuts, at a time when I actually needed a raise to pay for monthly health insurance that I badly needed. And then in February of 2014, I was informed that I was facing a massive pay cut.
Naturally, I objected, and Willis Carto asked me to write him a memo about my situation and I did that. A few weeks later, when the pay cut was levied, Willis—in his increasing forgetfulness—handed me back my original memo to him (he has a habit of misplacing documents, giving them to the wrong people, etc) and I discovered two “post-it” notes (in Elisabeth’s handwriting) attached to my memo. She had read my memo and then made comments to the effect that I was already being paid too much and even questioned whether I had done work (which I had) which was mentioned in that memo. So needless to say I was infuriated.
The next day—after having undergone an MRI of my neck and brain to see if that might be having an impact on my health—I called the Cartos at their home (after hours) and asked both of them to come on the line. I confronted Elisabeth about having seen her notes attacking me. She said, “Well, where are they?” I told her that they were at the AFP office (since I hadn’t brought them home with me). She responded, “Oh, they are at the office, huh?” (implying that they didn’t exist at all.)
She then suggested that they were forgeries. I asked, “Oh, so you are saying that I forged them? Why would I do that?” She responded, “Why would you?” I said, “Well, do you think that I did forge them?” She responded, “Well, maybe one of your friends did.” (Seriously, this was the nature of the “discussion.”)
I said, “Well, if somebody is forging documents, maybe we should get the FBI to come in to investigate if this is forgery or not and find out who did it.” I wasn’t serious, of course, but I realized I was having a no-win discussion with this woman.
Here’s what she said in response: “Oh, you want the FBI to come in, huh? Well, you’re a dirty old queer and a nigger lover and we’ll put that all over the Internet. How would you like THAT?” she challenged.
I laughed: Accusations like that had been already put on the Internet, including one that I had a Jewish lover (an agent of the ADL) whom I supposedly walked hand-in-hand with down Pennsylvania Avenue (!) and that I had a black crack addict homosexual lover, who was surprised to learn (when I told him) that we had been accused of such a relationship.
In fact, this black guy (a familiar figure on the streets of Capitol Hill) is friends with a number of people at AFP, even today, was recruited to work odd-jobs for the old SPOTLIGHT by Julia Foster and used to picket the Holocaust Museum with Dr. Robert Brock, the black nationalist. And I also happen to be the godfather of this guy’s son!
But Elisabeth Carto was vowing to try to smear me with that claim. And what makes it all the more interesting is that the story started with a weird former employee of The SPOTLIGHT and was repeated by another AFP employee—a former Carto friend—who himself later told people that Elisabeth Carto had a sexual interest in HIM!
However, as we’ve seen, Elisabeth and her sister, Marianne Scharnhost have an odd proclivity for slinging around strange sexual allegations—such as the malicious claim about Trisha Katson—and are just generally salacious.
In any event, the “discussion” with Elisabeth deteriorated with her in the background shrieking and ranting and then, if I recall, she hung up.
The next day I was fired—but then quickly “rehired,” but only after being out of work for six weeks with no pay (during which time I was rushed in for emergency heart surgery).
The new “contract” I agreed to involved a substantial pay cut, but at least I had a job, but it became apparent to me that Willis Carto (still under pressure from his wife) was eagerly looking for an excuse to terminate that contract. And after I challenged him about his wife’s behavior and her continuing antics at the AFP office and toward other AFP employees, he chose to terminate my contract: HE FIRED ME AGAIN!
Elisabeth had finally gotten rid of me—and Willis (no matter how much he wanted to keep me on board) was unable to stand up to her.
Willis has announced his third “resignation” from AFP—the third in as many years—but Elisabeth’s behavior has already financially crippled the company in many ways, even including—for several months—shutting down the book-selling department, and I told Willis Carto after my latest firing that he was making an enemy of me. But he claimed that my status was all up to “the board of directors.”
That’s the greatest irony because—back in 2003—when Elisabeth was moving against me (and Willis was going along with her intrigues) I actually had the legal power—as AFP treasurer, in CONTROL OF THE BANK ACCOUNT, and as one of the majority stockholders to LEGALLY OUST WILLIS AND ELISABETH CARTO.
And I did not do so, even though they were working against me.
That’s right. I could have seized control of the company and thrown the Cartos out, but despite everything I did not do so.
Instead, I voluntarily turned in my resignation from the board of directors. I frankly did not want to be part of a “front” organization for this insane woman and her collaborating husband who would dare to do this kind of thing to me, even in the face of the actual legal authority that I had.
(And by the way, elsewhere, I have a 19-page memorandum, drafted in 2003, which I have already widely circulated, which describes the details of 2003. So this is not anything “new” and many people are already aware of it. It's just too long, obviously, to include here, but if you are interested in seeing it, please let me know and I will send you a copy when I get the chance.)
You see, Elisabeth has run rough-shod over ALL of the key people associated with AFP and Michael Collins Piper is not the only victim, but I have been a PRIME target for many, many years.
So, the bottom line is this: if Michael Collins Piper is as rotten and filthy and disgusting as Elisabeth Carto and her sister have long contended (a view that Willis Carto, in his slide into dementia, seems to concur with), it seems that practically the entirety of the staff of AFP fall into that category as well.
And you might naturally ask: Well, if they were so bad, why did you prominently mention Willis and Elisabeth in the acknowledgments in your books?
Good question—-and that is a bizarre story in and of itself. You see, back in December of 2002 when Elisabeth was pushing hard to have me fired and virtually every day for about two weeks I was being called into Willis’s office to answer to or explain away some question he had for me (obviously instigated by Elisabeth)—and this is all detailed in the aforementioned 19 page memorandum—Willis once asked me this: “Why don’t you mention me in your big book FINAL JUDGMENT?”
I was surprised by this totally unexpected question, nearly 10 years after the book came out, but I knew Elisabeth had something to do with it.” Willis had the book in his hand, and he said, “You mention all these other people, but you don’t thank me.”
I took the book from him and showed him that ON THE VERY FIRST PAGE I made the point of thanking Willis and Liberty Lobby’s attorney Mark Lane and pointed out that if it hadn’t been for their support, the book never would have been possible.
You see, Elisabeth had looked through the book and MISSED that and then told Willis that I had not mentioned him!
That’s the kind of sinister person she is.
Well, years went by and about five years ago, Willis again asked me the same question (probably having again been prodded, for some reason, by Elisabeth) —-I think perhaps because I maybe had not thanked him in one of my other books, perhaps THE GOLEM or TARGET TRAFICANT —-and I again showed him where he WAS mentioned up front in FINAL JUDGMENT. And I said to him, “You need to show this to Elisabeth so that she doesn’t get you to ask me this question again.” He laughed, more or less acknowledging that Elisabeth was indeed the instigator.
So, after that, when I ultimately published four of my own books and sold them directly from my Washington PO Box rather than through AFP, I made a LOUD point of thanking Willis AND ELISABETH quite directly and RIGHT UP FRONT.
Does that answer your question?
And you might be interested in knowing WHY Willis did not publish my book THE CONFESSIONS OF AN ANTI-SEMITE (the first of the four books I published myself). He said, “Well, it’s too fucking long and I ain’t gonna publish it.” That was his way of showing me that he was the boss and that he had the final say, etc, and that I was dependent on him, that I was nobody without him. So I decided to publish it myself.
So when he found that I was going to publish it myself, he asked to write an introduction (which I included)! He wanted to be in on the action.
And I will tell you this, quite frankly: a few years ago Willis suggested I write a book about Adolf Hitler and I said, “Yes, I’m actually thinking of doing that.” He said, “Well, you’re the man to do it.” I dictated over 40 hours of notes and documentation into a tape recorder while on vacation and set it aside to finish some of my other books.
In the meantime, having forgotten that he asked me to do such a book, Willis decided to do his own little pamphlet on the subject of Hitler (and the final product is actually a pretty good little work. Willis spent a great deal of money and time promoting his pamphlet (certainly his right to do) and yet even Elisabeth stood in the way of that project—I kid you not.
The project was delayed, time and again, for months, because Elisabeth kept interfering. At one point it was going to be a special issue of THE BARNES REVIEW, and then a pamphlet, and then a special issue again. Then Willis decided that he wanted a full length book, incorporating his essay and supplemented with a lot of other material from THE BARNES REVIEW. I was asked to put the material together and I spent quite a bit of time doing so. But all of this time, Elisabeth was interfering and it became almost of an in-office joke. Poor Paul Angel, the talented production chief in charge of putting our books and the newspaper and magazines together, was virtually being turned into a full-time employee doing and re-doing Willis’s Hitler project!
And yes, it finally came out as a very good little essay in pamphlet form. But behind the scenes Elisabeth had made production of that pamphlet an exercise in absolute chaos.
Do you REALLY think that these are—as Elisabeth Carto would say—“all lies”?
She says everybody is a “liar” or a “creep” but those are two words that aptly apply to her.
Judge for yourself.
What's the old saying about lying down with dogs with fleas? Though I hate to use that analogy that is libelous to our four-legged friends.
Thanks again to those of you for your support.
It’s much appreciated.
Whether the Cartos like it or not, I’m going to continue to tell the truth!
Best wishes,
Michael Collins Piper
Émissions de radio: audios et vidéos
AUDIO - Les émissions de radio internet de Michael Collins Piper sont disponibles ici gratuitement (mis à part l'émission du 20 avril 2015, disponible sur demande auprès de Mark Glenn, et celle du 27 avril 2015 qui est réservée aux abonnés), avec en boni les 11 émissions de 2014 qui étaient jusqu'ici réservées aux abonnés.
I've been writing for some 25 years. My critics deny me the label "journalist" and call me a "neo-Nazi" a "bigot," an "anti-Semite," "filth," and other such choice titles, although most people who know me - including my Jewish friends—think I'm a pretty nice guy, even if they don't necessarily agree with everything I write. I am best known — and most reviled — for having written a book entitled "FINAL JUDGMENT: THE MISSING LINK IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION CONSPIRACY," which makes the 'controversial" allegation that Israel's intelligence service, the Mossad, was closely connected with many of the key figures widely "linked" by other writers to the JFK assassination conspiracy and that, in fact, Israel's friends and assets in the United States and elsewhere played a role in the JFK assassination precisely because President Kennedy was adamantly determined to prevent Israel from assembling an arsenal of nuclear weapons of mass destruction. My critics say that my book is driven by an "anti-Israel" or "anti-Semitic" agenda and I am the first to admit that — from the beginning of my career in writing — I have been an outspoke critic of US favoritism for Israel. And it is precisely this interest in U.S. Middle East policy that led me to explore JFK's policies toward Israel (which few JFK assassination researchers had EVER explored).
Many people pretend to have read my book when they are knocking it down, and some even call me a "racist" not realizing that the introduction to the book was written by Dr. Robert L. Brock, the veteran African-American civil rights activist who is widely known as "the reparations man," having been the grandfather of the modern-day movement for reparations for American descendants of persons who were taken captive in the trans-Atlantic African slave trade!
It was only well after my book was first published that I learned that veteran JFK researcher Penn Jones (the so-called "grand old man" of the researchers") had written back in the 1970s, not once, but twice, that looking in the direction of Israel's intelligence service in exploring the JFK assassination conspiracy appeared to be quite reasonable — a point that most of my critics are probably unaware of and will be hard-pressed to explain away, without perhaps labeling Penn Jones as I have been labeled.
I should note that I have worked closely over the years with attorney Mark Lane, author of RUSH TO JUDGMENT, A CITIZEN'S DISSENT, and PLAUSIBLE DENIAL, the latter book being the volume that describes CIA man E. Howard Hunt's lawsuit against Liberty Lobby, the institution which employed me from 1980 through 2001.
Through my association with Liberty Lobby I not only came to know Mark quite well — and have been a guest in his home many times — but I also became well acquainted with a number of individuals who have been, in one fashion or another, become intimately connected to circumstances surrounding the JFK assassination, the anti-Castro Cuban movement, etc.
Among them: Victor Marchetti, author of THE CIA AND THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE, the late Time-Life correspondent Andrew St. George, whose work is known to anyone with any serious knowledge of the Cuban Revolution and the CIA's activities in the region (Andrew being a close pal of Frank Sturgis, and, at one time, Fidel himself), and the late Fletcher Prouty.
Actually, I'm being modest here. The truth is that Mark Lane, Victor Marchetti and Andrew St. George have not just been business associates. They've been good friends — and all of them very valued friends, in more ways than one.
My book has sold just under 50,000 copies, both here and abroad, which is considerably more than perhaps MOST of the other books on the JFK assassination and although the false legend has it that I am a "celebrated speaker" at so-called "neo-Nazi" and "KKK events" the truth is that my largest audiences have been abroad in such places as Malaysia and Japan where hardly a "neo-Nazi" or "KKKer" is to be found.
My critics contend that I focus on the issue of Israel in my writings. I am proud to say that is precisely correct. Having seen my own older brother ravaged by his service during the Vietnam War, I became — as a teenager — a foe of needless foreign wars and in watching all-out U.S. support for Israel, I predicted more than 25 years ago that the United States would get bogged down in the Middle East and ultimately subjected to a terrorist attack relating to U.S. involvement in the Middle East.
I am a determined critic of U.S. support for Israel and have been proud to share friendship with a number of other outspoken critics of U.S. support for Israel including the aforementioned Mark Lane, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, and the late Haviv Schieber (who served as the first mayor of Beersheba in Palestine---before the founding of Israel—near where Israel's officially non-existent nuclear weapons plant at Dimona is located).
And --- guess what --- all of the aforementioned happen to be Jewish (but they've been called "anti-Semitic" by the Anti-Defamation League and other elements of the Israeli lobby.)
The truth is that if I didn't have the wide-ranging background and knowledge about Israel — coupled with no hesitation in daring to explore areas (involving Israel) that other JFK "researchers" are fearful of exploring — I would have never been able to write FINAL JUDGMENT in the first place.
I have no official website on my own, but — as my critics well know — it is possible to do a search of "Michael Collins Piper" on google and find all sorts of stuff about me, both pro- and con.
Although my critics — many of whom are rather disingenuous, to say the least — like to suggest that only "Nazis" promote my works, serious open-minded researchers will find that my writings have been featured on a wide variety of venues and endorsed by progressive-minded folks of all races, creeds and colors.
I write regularly for American Free Press, which has a website at americanfreepress.net and also The Barnes Review which has a website at barnesreview.org.
Needless to say, I don't agree with everything that appears in these publications nor, necessarily do other writers for these publications agree with what I write. But there's something called "freedom of expression" that a lot of my critics do not understand. And as anyone who has ever dared to touch on the topic of Israel and its power in official Washington knows well, topics relating to anything to do with Israel and related issues are considered "special" and, in some respects, beyond discussion. (...)
un best seller underground aux USA, et la Bible des investigateurs de
la mafia juive. La bombe nucléaire israélienne était au coeur du litige
opposant les Kennedy et Israel. Par le fait même, le livre décortique
les rouages de la grande mafia juive.
À propos de Henry Makow:
Fish Swim, Birds Fly–The Case of Henry Makow and the untimely death of Michael Collins Piper
note, Mark Glenn–It is against my stronger (and I hope better) instincts to
engage in this, given that in similar past encounters I have seen
personally how counterproductive and what a waste of time, energy, and
mental resources it all is, but due both to the correspondence I have
received on this issue as well as the fact that there are important
items associated with this that play a role in the ‘bigger picture’ for
everyone (involved or not) I have decided to weigh in on it.
years ago, in a phone conversation I had with Henry Makow, he told me
that recently he had found himself ‘in trouble’ with the Canadian
authorities because of the material he posts on his website, but that an
‘arrangement’ had been made that resulted in him ‘dodging the bullet’.
To his
great relief, he had miraculously escaped the same kind of treatment
that others such as Arthur Topham et al regularly receive whole hog
whenever they dare to speak out on certain ‘forbidden’ topics involving
‘them’, and we all know who we’re talking about here.
I did not
think anything of it, other than sharing in Henry’s sense of relief, as I
know how nasty ‘they’ can be whenever someone says something ‘they’
don’t like, and especially when ‘they’ are in bed with a government they
control and whom ‘they’ can utilize in prosecuting (persecuting) those
who dare to speak the truth about ‘their’ activities.
The reason I
didn’t think anything of the ‘arrangement’ mentioned by Henry was
because I had no doubts, mistrust, or misgivings about him. In the
various extended conversations I had had with him previous to this, I
perceived him to be a ‘former’ Jew, meaning someone who had been brought
up in the ‘Jewish thing’ but who had made the ‘great leap’ into the
freedom of Gentiledom and thus had disassociated and divorced himself
from any and all attachments to his previous status as a ‘Jew’.
The other
reason I had no doubts or mistrust about him is that I am not (yet) and
have never been a big believer in the kind of ‘genetic determinism’
that seems to predominate within certain circles these days. I am more a
believer in human free will, which says that people can make the choice
whether they want to live as human beings or as animals.
when Henry exhibited to me all the admirable and honorable
characteristics of having detoxified himself of his Judaism, I took him
at his word and took the whole thing at face value.
What struck
me was not just his opposition to Zionism (which, let’s be honest, has
become something of a fad and a fashionable thing these days amongst
‘good Jews’ who either for reasons of public consumption or because they
(might, maybe possibly, hopefully, who knows) feel some twinge of
conscience over what their cousins in Israel and beyond have done to the
innocent peoples in the Middle East) but as well his opposition to
Judaism which he characterized as evil and satanic. We had exchanged
emails in the past where he had praised my stance vis a vis Judaism
being the sparkplug of Zionist violence and echoed my position that in
any honest discussion or examination of current events, one cannot
simply condemn ‘Zionism’ while leaving the dreaded ‘J’
It was also
during these many-years-ago phone conversations that (if memory serves
me right and my apologies if I have remembered something wrong) Henry
told me he had lived in Israel for sometime and (again, if memory serves
me right and my apologies if I have remembered something wrong) he said
he had fought briefly as a member of the IDF in one of the wars.
I found
this to be an even bigger reason to celebrate his ‘J-liberation’, given
the fact that he had indeed ‘walked the walk’ rather than just ‘talked
the talk’. In terms of being ‘Jewish’, you can’t get much more Jewish
than making aliyah and taking part in one of Israel’s
religiously-mandated bloodbaths.
forward from that point to a few years later when I had the now-infamous
war of words and ideas with the lunatic Jeff Rense over his posting
Neo-Con friendly/anti-Islamic articles on his website and the manner in
which he reacted when I told him that if he chose to continue doing
this, I would no longer support him as a ‘truther’ and would let
everyone within my modest circle of readers know that he was not a
source to be trusted.
response was to personally threaten me over the phone to have agents
from both the FBI and DHS visit my home for a little ‘chat’, a plan
about which I was originally made aware by David Duke in a previous
phone call who was trying to ‘smooth things over’ between us.
I decided
in the aftermath of Rense’s threats to make the particulars of this
little discussion known, as I believe people who are on the path to
finding the truth do indeed have a ‘consumers bill of rights’ and thus,
based upon a ‘need to know basis’ do indeed need to know just what kind
of product they are consuming.
Once the
news of Rense’s threats became known and what were the inevitable and
predictable results thereof, he became completely unhinged and unglued,
behaving like some feral animal, snapping and snarling in all directions
and in the desperate attempt at making everyone forget about what he
had done in making these threats to me personally, attempted instead to
change the focus of the discussion to how I must be either a secret
Mossad or CIA agent who was out to get him killed. He commissioned
various people whose ‘careers’ as ‘truthers’ he had helped prop up with
his website to write hit pieces on me, dragging my wife and children
into the discussion and, as I said, attempted to change the topic of
discussion from how Jeff Rense threatened to send los federales to my
home to instead how the Christ-figure Jeff Rense was being set up to be
crucified and killed in an elaborate and convoluted Mossad/CIA plot to
eliminate the most important gear in the ‘truth movement’ machinery.
To my great
surprise, Henry Makow was one of those who rushed to Rense’s ‘defense’.
Without consulting me to get ‘my side’ of the story, he cobbled
together his own take on the event based solely on what Rense personally
related to him, reinforcing the ‘Jeff Rense as persecuted
Christ-figure’ narrative, adding his own bandages and salve to Rense’s
bruised ego and to the self-inflicted wounds Rense himself brought upon
his own damaged reputation.
forward again a few years from that event to the manner in which Henry
Makow then found himself in the very same cyclone of consternation and
conflict with Mr. Hairdo himself, Jeff Rense. I don’t remember what the
particulars of that conflict were, but suffice it to say that Rense
engaged in the very same smear tactics against Henry that he had
previously used against me who was very unconvincingly painted as the
dangerous Mossad/CIA assassin out to eliminate the most important figure
in the ‘anti-Zionist’ movement.
To my
surprise, a short time after this took place, I got an email from Henry
apologising for what he had written about me in the previous brouhaha
and for rushing to Rense’s defense, saying (again, if memory serves me
right) ‘I was misled’.
I accepted
his apology (foolishly) and in good Gentile fashion, told him not to
give it another thought. As an added measure, the piece had written
about Henry’s involvement I removed from the TUT website.
In the
coming years Henry would send me pieces he had written asking if I would
mind posting them, always prefacing them in the subject line of the
accompanying email with ‘Mark, Here’s one for you and for TUT’.
Those that I
felt ‘made muster’ in terms of the mission and direction in which I try
to steer TUT were indeed published, and not without me receiving a
measurable amount of grief from the readers, who insisted to me that
Henry ‘was a Jew’ and a ‘disinfo agent’ out to cause trouble. In their
estimation of him, since he peddled Holocaustianity and tried to
downplay or confuse otherwise clear and concise Judaic intrigue with
words such as ‘the Illuminati’ and ‘Luciferiansm’, etc, the red flags
raised in their minds was that he was a pretender and not to be trusted.
In the
midst of these accusations against Henry, I always defended him and
reminded his detractors that not everyone can be as up to speed as
everyone else, that it takes time for a mind that has only recently
‘come into the light’ to thaw out after decades of being frozen and
incapacitated by the ice-cold protocols of Jewish thinking and that he
deserved to be given some time in playing ‘catch up’ with the rest of
the enlightened world.
enough, Mike Piper was one of those who made this claim about him and
despite my various attempts at defending Henry, Mike did not alter his
views, including in subsequent discussions that took place in subsequent
years where Henry’s name came up.
forward again to just a few months ago, where Henry sent me the link to a
piece he posted on his website where he had taken the ‘ed notes’
commentary from a piece I published on TUT dealing with the genocidal
teachings contained within the Jewish Torah (Old Testament) and around
which he had framed an independent article with his own thoughts and
perspective. Had he not sent me the link to it I would never have known
it was there as I do not visit his website unless and until he sends me
something personally.
The usual
firestorm erupted with many of Henry’s readers who reacted emotionally
and irrationally to what had been written as they–in almost unanimous
fashion–adopted the ‘company line’ vis a vis the Torah (Old Testament)
as being the ‘word of God’ and thus how my view of it was blasphemous,
heretical and everything in between.
One of those proffering this view was one Tony Blizzard.
I only
knew/know of Blizzard based upon the dozen or so passing references
which Mike Piper made about him over the 10 years he and I worked
together closely. In Mike’s references to him, he always spoke
affectionately and laughingly of him up until shortly before Mike’s
passing, where he expressed his clear dismay and disappointment that
Blizzard had become a full fledged ‘Sandy Hook Hoaxer’ and what a waste
of an otherwise good mind it all was.
A few days
after the posting on Henry’s site dealing with my take on the Old
Testament and all the fire and fury that erupted thereof, I received an
email from Henry telling me that he had to take the piece in question
down because his ‘Jewish’ wife as he described her (his 3rd, if memory
serves me correctly) ‘was very offended by it’. He also told me that she
was his webmaster and did not like the various things I have said about
Judaism and the Torah.
I told him
it was fine, no problem, that it was his website to do with in whatever
manner he saw fit, no explanations necessary, and apologized that what I
had said had become an issue of contention between him and his ‘better’
I bade him well, as I always do in any exchange with someone I view as a friend and colleague.
Fast forward yet again to Nov. 20, 2017, when I received an email from Henry with a link to his most recent piece entitled– ‘Foul play in the death of Michael Collins Piper?’
This was
not the first time I had run into this ‘theory’ concerning Mike’s
passing. Predictably and understandably, given who Mike was, what he had
done for almost 4 decades of his life and the well-deserved prominence
and respect he had received as a result thereof, from the beginning of
his death various theories swirled ‘round about the circumstances and
with all the usual trappings–Mossad. CIA. Suspicious. Assassination.
Israel Killed him. Willis Carto killed him. AFP killed him.
Etc, etc, etc.
And were it
not for the fact that I was intimately involved in the last
years/months of Mike’s life, both as his friend and as his ‘landlord’
after he moved in with us after being fired from AFP, I am sure I would
have had questions myself about the circumstances of his passing.
being as ‘close to the center’ as I was on these things, watching the
slow-motion meltdown that took place between him and his long time
employer Willis Carto, to his life-threatening health problems, I had a
much better perspective on these events than the average ‘truther’ who
as a general rule is more apt to surrender him/herself to whatever whims
happen to be flitting and floating around upstairs at any given moment
rather than the cold, hard facts.
I opened
the link Henry sent to find a cobbled-together, rambling, mishmash
montage, the only source of which was (I presume to be) an email or some
other correspondence from the same aforementioned Tony Blizzard and his
‘suspicions’ about Mike’s passing, and all of them leading back to
yours truly. My defense of Islam and my denial of the Sandy Hook Hoax
conspiracy (which Blizzard believes whole hog as a matter of irrefutable
dogma) featured prominently, as well as Blizzard’s thesis that somehow I
had ‘got control’ of Mike’s mind and had ‘turned him’ into a creature
of my own making.
As in the
previous case involving Henry’s hitpiece on me during the Jeff Rense
debacle, not once did he contact me for any information involving Mike’s
death, as any responsible investigative journalist would have.
This in and
of itself is important, given that if someone wanted to find out more
about what had actually transpired, I would be the person to go to. Mike
lived the last 6 months of his life with us. We housed him, fed him,
did his laundry, took him to his various appointments with doctors and
lawyers (for his disability claims case) etc. We brought his firewood up
to him everyday and loaded the wood stove for him. We emptied the
litter box for his cat. The kids came over every day to cheer him up. I
(as well as my wife at times, and particularly when I was in Iran) took
him to do his grocery or even just out to lunch, either at Shari’s in
CdA or the White House in Post Falls–his favorite restaurants here in
North Idaho–just to get him ‘out of the house’ so that he wasn’t so
And yet,
despite our very intimate, first person, up-close-and personal
involvement in the events leading right up to Mike’s death, I was not
contacted for this piece of ‘investgatory journalism’ on the part of
Henry Makow.
Had Henry
bothered to adhere to the rules of responsible investigative journalism
rather than just relying upon some rambling, barely-coherent email from
the aforementioned Tony Blizzard who stated plainly (and which Makow
actually had the TEMERITY–one of Mike’s favorite words he used often and
which I have now adopted) to reprint in his now-infamous ‘article’ that
‘His (Mike’s) death confirmed my suspicions although I have not one single fact to back them up’,
then Henry would have learned some really interesting things that would
have fleshed out much better whatever thesis he was pursuing concerning
what happened to Mike, including the direct role that people of the
Tony Blizzard template (The Sandy Hook Hoax crowd) played in getting
Mike fired from AFP. He would have learned of the daily battle (s) that
took place at AFP for over a year between Mike and the ‘hoaxer’ crowd
there who wanted to go front page on every issue with the various
catechitical positions of the cult religion known as Sandy Hook
Hoaxerism that ‘no shooting took place’ and that ‘no one died’ as Mike
tried in vain to warn against such irresponsible (and potentially
legally actionable) ‘journalism’. Henry would have learned that in the
midst of all of this, one of AFP’s largest benefactors (who had
contributed money to AFP in the 5-figure range yearly for many years)
explicitly told Willis Carto that if Mike remained there that no more
money would be forthcoming.
Yes, that’s
right, the Sandy Hook Hoax crowd (which included Blizzard) led to Mike
losing his job and thus him being forced to relocate 3,000 miles away in
the immediate aftermath of his quintuple bypass surgery, the
complications of which–according to the conclusions of the medical
examiner who oversaw Mike’s case–were the cause of his death.
So what we obviously have here is–at best–irresponsible and lazy ‘journalism’ on the part of Henry Makow, ‘Ph.D’.
At worst,
what he is doing is to engage (again) in a deliberate form of attempted
character assassination that, in this day and age and with all the
nutcases running around out there, could result in very real, tangible
events taking place where people can be harmed and where legal action
can (and will) ensue.
reading over this cobbled together mishmash, I sent the following email
to Henry which–a full 2 days later–has elicited no response from him
I have defended you for years against those who claimed (and continue
to claim) that you are a disinfo agent, including (as coincidental as it
may sound in this context) Mike Piper himself, who was convinced you
were placed conspicuously in our midst by ‘them’ for reasons of
distraction and diversion. I still maintain this to be the case, that
you are not some deliberate disinfo agent but rather have difficulty in
discerning between fact and fiction when it comes to certain ‘hot
button’ issues that are discussed within the ‘movement’.
does not change the fact however that just because you don’t
deliberately do damage that somehow you are detached and disassociated
from causing problems, this latest business on your website dealing with
Mike’s passing and the mad rantings of Tony Blizzard being a prime
For the record, here is a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the items listed in Tony Blizzard’s blizzard of nonsense–
position on Sandy Hook, Boston, etc, were Mike’s. Anyone who knew Mike
knew that he had an indomitable intellect and could not be convinced of
anything which he himself did not believe to be true. As he liked to
describe himself, he was a ‘stickler for details’ and had NO patience
whatsoever for sloppy theorizing and speculation.
and others who are bothered by this and seek some ‘conspiracy’ in
understanding and explaining Mike’s take on SH, Boston, etc, do nothing
more than make fools of themselves in doing so, because, after all, what
they are expecting us all to believe is that Mike–clearly the brightest
mind this ‘movement’ ever produced who singularly decoded and uncovered
the whosits and whatsits of the JFK assassination (and other events)
was somehow unable to ‘see’ what people such as Blizzard & co have
convinced themselves was the case.
By the
way, as a friend, Mike thought very highly of Tony Blizzard but thought
his views on Sandy Hook et al were insane and was more than a little
bothered that someone whose intellect he had always respected could have
gotten so completely detached from reality as to become a full fledged
how Blizzard would somehow associate Mike’s favorable ideas concerning
Islam with me (a Christian and not a muslim, but who has gone to great
lengths in explaining to people just how they are being lied to by
Jewish interests concerning what Islam teaches) leaves me bewildered, in
addition to what Blizzard asserts are the directives in the ‘Koran’
referring to Christians as ‘infidels’ who deserve to be killed.
He is
delusional and if he can’t get this one right–what the Qu’ran actually
says–when all it takes is a mere 5 minutes of reading then why anyone
would give such an ‘investigator’ a place of honor on their website to
peddle his latest ‘theories’ concerning Mike’s death would lead me to
question their sanity as well.
Mike did not ‘choose’ to come and live with us–he had no other choice
other than to die on the streets of DC. He had an estranged relationship
with his brother–the only ‘family’ he had, and the only other person
(of which I am aware) who offered Mike a home was Nashid Abdul Khalliq
who had rental properties in Texas and offered one to Mike rent free for
life, which Mike did refuse on the basis that he needed help getting
around and didn’t know anyone in Houston where these rental properties
were. And while it is possible Mike was offered to come and live with
Blizzard, he made no mention of it to me that I can recall.
my ‘guest house’, as Blizzard referred to it (and just why he would put
that in quotation marks as if it didn’t exist I can’t even begin to
imagine. I guess it must be a ‘hoax’ as well) did not ‘burn down’, a
little discrepancy that reveals just how detached from the facts
Blizzard (and hence his theories and conclusions) are. The roof caught
fire, burned along the entire length of the house, (roughly 34 feet and a
good 4 feet down the rafters to the collar ties) and did substantial
structural damage that necessitated Mike going to a hotel for safety
reasons. The ‘railing on the porch’ as Blizzard put it was not
‘sabotaged’ and the proof of this is that there WASN’T ANY RAILING. A
section of the porch did collapse under Mike’s weight as he stepped on
it, hurting the shin of his right leg considerably, but 15 minutes later
when I asked MIke if he wanted to go to the hospital he said no, that
the pain was subsiding, which amazed me, given as much pain as he was
constantly in and how much worse it had to have been after he scraped
his legs. The reason the floor collapsed is that it was a new porch
built with old wood right before Mike arrived, had 3 feet of snow
sitting on it throughout the months of december, january, february, and
march and afterwards was subjected to months of rain which weakened the
wood and thus collapsed in one section when Mike stepped on it. I know
Mike thought it was sabotaged, but the person to blame for this was me,
the guy who used old wood in building it and who did not put a roof over
it as I was in a rush to get the living quarters themselves in order
for Mike before he arrived.
part Blizzard did manage to get right was Mike being upbeat before he
died. He had gotten himself into a new apartment in the old part of CdA
that was considerably more comfortable than our (hoax) ‘guest’ house and
indeed he was getting ready to start writing again. The topic he
planned on ‘exposing’ dealt Willis and Elizabeth Carto and the dealings
they had had with others over the years, how they had screwed various
people over (just as they had Mike) and what he believed to be criminal
activity on their part in hiding money from both the government and the
readers/subscribers to AFP and TBR. Before Mike left DC and came out
here, he wrote everything down and sent it to me (a 20+ page document)
detailing what had been done to him by them and asked that I go public
with it when/if he ever died.
I still
have the papers but due to the fact that what they represented to me
were just the bitter words of a man who had been stabbed in the back by
the people to whom he had given 34 years of his life, I saw no point in
opening yet another ugly chapter in all of this that would have caused
even more heartache for everyone in the aftermath of his passing and
thus just put the papers away, to say nothing of the manner that they
would have made Mike appear when he was not in the position to defend
Next I
suppose that Blizzard will allege that there is something ‘fishy’ about
me not releasing the papers, a charge to which–if indeed it were to come
forth–my response would be that he can take a running jump straight
into hell, something Mike used to say quite often.
assertion that there is an ‘exaggeration’ in my description of how
bad-off Mike was physically. What absolute, unbridled idiocy on his
part. Was Mike’s 98% blockage in his arteries a fabrication or
exaggeration? How about his quintuple bypass surgery–an exaggeration as
well? How about the fact that there were complications during Mike’s
procedure where he almost died, or the various heart-related episodes he
had here during his 6 month stay that required me personally taking him
to the emergency room, on several occasions–Exaggerations?
Fabrications? On this issue alone, Blizzard’s assertion that these are
‘exaggerations’ indicate that Mike’s original concerns that Blizzard had
gone insane were/are well-founded.
As far
as the meds Mike took ‘for pain’, I know he took Lyrica for a short
while prior to coming out here but he told me it did him no good and he
said he didn’t like the way it made him feel loopy and disconnected, so
Blizzard’s theory concerning Mike being ‘delusional’ because of drugs is
a non-starter as well.
you used to be one of the sharpest knives in the drawer and a gifted
intellectual, so for the life of me, I can’t even begin to imagine why
you would waste good web space on something like this other than it
possibly causes your conspiracy funny bone to tingle and therefore you
feel the need to ‘pass the bottle around’ to everyone else, making you
in substance no different from the self-admitted lunatic Gordon Duff who
proudly asserts that nearly half of the material he posts on VT is–in
his own words– ‘deliberate disinformation.’
Goodbye Henry, have a good life
As I said, a
full 2 days later and I/we are yet to receive a response from Henry
Makow, ‘Ph.D’ explaining why he would engage in this type of deliberate,
libelous, slanderous calumny by intimating that I/we had something to
do with Mike’s passing and using as ‘evidence’ of his thesis some email
from a for-the-most-part unknown entity going by the name of Tony
Blizzard with a self-professed hatred for Muslims and a love affair with
the Sandy Hook Hoax conspiracy theory.
therefore, here are my/our questions, all of which are reasonable, fair,
and rational, given what we know about how things work these days when
it comes to ‘them’–
1. When the
Canadian Jewish Congress brought charges against Henry for racial
incitement (or whatever the specific charge was) what was the
‘arrangement’ which was devised whereby he escaped the kind of
punishment that is normally meted out to those who fall into ‘their’
clutches for having said things which ‘they’ don’t like? Did he agree to
continue on with the ‘Illuminati/Luciferian/Holocaustianity’ schtick, a
confusing and diversionary form of discussion (as Mike Piper described
it) that appears to say certain things but in the end functions like a
broken clock which is only right twice a day? Did he agree to share
email correspondences taking place between him and the readers of his
website with other ‘3rd parties’ on the ‘other side’ so that ‘they’
could get a bird’s eye view of just ‘who was who’ and ‘what was what’?
2. The
issue involving (in his own words to me) his ‘Jewish’ wife and the fact
that she took/takes great umbrage at any critical examination/discussion
of Judaism–Is the recent business involving Henry Makow, ‘Ph.D’ and his
engaging in a libel/slander campaign against me, intimating that I may
have had a hand in the death of Mike Piper, using as ‘evidentiary proof’
of his ‘thesis’ Tony Blizzard’s blinding blizzard of bilious bullshit
something done to appease his ‘better half,’ a case of ‘a happy wife is a
happy life’?
Or–as much
as I personally hate to even consider the possibility–is it just a
simple case of a Jew behaving like a Jew and engaging in what ‘they’ do
best, which is lying, slander, and character assassination?
Henry makes clear in a piece he wrote entitled ‘Why Do I Remain Jewish?’
something very important for everyone to consider, not just in terms of
his ‘journalistic’ activities taking place in the here and now, but as
well vis what he chooses to do in the days, weeks, months, or years to
come, to wit–
‘Why Do I Remain Jewish? The short answer is I have no choice. You can’t jump out of your skin.’
And so,
even though he describes himself as an ‘assimilated Jew’, what he is in
effect saying is that he is a Jew first, which means that he is going to
do what a Jew is expected to do for his people since his ‘Jewish skin’
is something from which he is neither able to separate himself nor out
of which is he able to ‘jump’.
For me
personally, it has been a serious wake-up call as to the nature of the
‘company’ I keep and why perhaps the entire ‘genetic determinism’ issue
is something I perhaps need to revisit and reconsider. Maybe, as I often
hear from people (and indeed as I DID hear from people for years who
told me not to trust Henry Makow) ‘a Jew is a Jew and a leopard does not change its spots.’
What I do
know for a fact however, based upon Makow’s own behavior, is that those
who do identify as Jews can/will only go so far in their ‘J-liberation’
and that whatever pretenses they may make about being ‘cured’, that like
a continually-recurring and incurable case of herpes, it is just a
matter of time before a ‘break-out’ occurs again, because, as we all
witness on a daily basis, both in watching world events as well as in
our own dealings with ‘them’ personally, almost as much as if it were
governed by the rules of gravity–fish swim, birds fly, and Jews lie.
Mark Glenn, Nov. 22, 2017
À propos de Gordon Duff:
PDF - RIVAROL - Numéro du mois d'août 2015, Jugement Final de Michael Collins Piper + Michael Collins Piper In Memoriam 1960-2015
L'article devient intéressant dans sa seconde partie (page 9). L'encadré biographique dédié à Piper est somme toute pas très
intéressant...Il se base sur l'opinion de Gordon Duff qui tente de se
faire passer pour un de ses amis! Or il est facile de vérifier que Duff
et Piper n'ont jamais été amis! Piper était un ami très proche de Mark
Glenn. Glenn a dû déclarer la guerre aux niais qui suivent Duff et qui
spéculent sur la mort de Piper sans avancer quoi que ce soit de sérieux.
Duff est un enfumeur professionnel, c'est pourquoi les crétins d'E-R
propagent à tous vents les "articles" de VT traduits en français et
moussent sa réputation. Duff a été répudié par presque tous ses anciens
collaborateurs qui ont passé quelque temps aux côtés de lui à VT! Duff
est un malade mental, un paranoïaque, qui affirme même avoir des
connexions en haut lieu, dans les services secrets du Mossad, et il
réfère souvent à leur autorité pour se donner lui-même un semblant de
sérieux, de crédibilité. Duff a été l'un des premiers à propager les
bobards sur Sandy Hook, d'abord en diffusant des articles disant que
c'était "un coup du Mossad", puis disant que "tout était faux à Sandy
Hook", que "les victimes et les familles de victimes n'ont jamais
existé". À partir de là, au moment fort de la controverse de Sandy Hook
en 2012-2013, Piper et Glenn, qui se méfiaient déjà de Duff depuis
longtemps, ont commencé à dénoncer publiquement Duff comme étant un
enfumeur, un énergumène, pas fiable du tout.
I have been
asked now by a few people what my response is to the latest ‘theories’
concerning Mike having been murdered, so here it goes–
speculation that Mike was ‘murdered’ originated with Gordon Duff, a
lunatic in his own right, who has based such speculation on no facts
whatsoever other than that–
a. Mike is an exceptional and outspoken critic of Israel, and
b. that he died.
THIS is the
pool of ‘evidence’ that Duff (who once stated live on a radio program
that ‘40% of the material posted on his website Veterans Today is
deliberately false) uses in forming his ‘theory’.
So, here
are the facts–Mike was a very sick man. Exactly a year ago, he underwent
quintuple bypass surgery to relieve a 98% blockage in his arteries.
After surgery, his heart operated at only around 25% of its capacity. In
the 5 months he stayed with us, he had no less than half a dozen
different heart ‘incidents’ that were more than likely heart attacks of
some sort that on several occasions necessitated me taking him to the
emergency room, one instance in particular occurring in the middle of
the night during a blinding snow storm. In addition to this, he was in
excruciating pain 24 hours a day from the neuropathy in his legs and
feet, pain so severe that at times he found himself breathless and
dizzy. Most days he stayed in bed because of the pain and when he did
walk was only able to do so with a cane or had to brace himself against
walls, sofas, chairs, etc, from point a to point b.
Adding to
Mike’s physical misery was watching as slowly, bit by bit, people in
this ‘movement’ surrendered their ability to think rationally in favor
of indulging in baseless, self-gratifying sensationalism. Gordon Duff
has been a significant contributor to this unfortunate development and
his latest act of madness in stating that Mike was ‘murdered’ is just
more of the same.
For those
of us who loved Mike and loved his dedication to ‘sticking with the
facts’ before jumping to baseless conclusions, we ask others please not
to do injury to his memory by throwing gasoline on Duff’s latest act of
sensationalist-based arson. Duff and those who propagate this type of
yellow journalism do so not for reasons of serving the truth, but rather
in generating increased web traffic and therefore higher revenues.
Script–having learned from experience that no matter how rational the
response and no matter how well it is delivered that there are those
who–addicted to all forms of conspiracyism–will ingest anything as long
as it contains the right amount of intoxicant, and so we ask therefore
that you answer for yourselves the following questions–Would you let
Duff do your taxes for you, knowing that everything of personal
value–including but not limited to life, liberty and pursuit of
happiness–was on the line? Would you trust him with your life savings or
your bank account or would you trust his advice on investments?
If your
answer is ‘no’, then why would you give him (and others like him) the
keys to the most valuable thing you have in your possession, i.e. your
ability to think?
After all, a thief only steals your money which can be replaced, but decisions based on bad information can be permanent.
Putting that disinfo artist Gordon Duff in his place:
Resident genius Jonathan Azaziah makes his much-anticipated return to the TUT airwaves with a special program dedicated to our recently fallen brother MCP, discussing what Mike meant to our movement as well as what he meant to the world overall, his epic body of work, the malicious disinformation surrounding his death and the dark place he was in just prior to his passing, as a warning to all of us not to fall into the same traps of our enemies. Sometimes heartrending and melancholy, sometimes angry but always heartfelt, educational and brilliant, but above all, a must listen.
: Piper Michael Collins
Title : False flags Template for terror
Year :
analytical critique of the covert model utilized by the conspirators who
orchestred 9-11, the Oklahoma bombing, the JFK assassination, Sandy
Hook and Boston. […] Continue reading
: Piper Michael Collins
Title : Ye shall know the truth A critical
survey of 101 "must" books american nationalists need to read and
understand before "they" burn them
Year : 2013
Dedication. To
Lawrence Dennis […] Continue reading
Author : Piper Michael Collins
Title : The confessions of an
anti-semite The first-ever critical analysis of the linguistic
Legerdemain underlying the propaganda techniques of the new world order
Year : 2011 […] Continue reading
: Piper Michael Collins
Title : The Caiaphas complex An unsettling,
unexpurgated exploration of the dark side of the power structure that
misrules America and our world today...
Year : 2012
A dedication by way of a
foreword... […] Continue reading
: Piper Michael Collins
Title : The New Babylon
Those who reign supreme A Panoramic Overview of the Historical,
Religious And Economic Origins of The New World Order Inside the
Rothschild Empire : The modern Day Pharisees
Year : 2009
[…] Continue reading
Author : Piper Michael Collins
Title : The
Golem A world held hostage Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to
Global Armageddon the case for dismantling our planet's most dangerous
arsenal of atomic weapons of mass destruction
Year : 2002
[…] Continue reading
: Piper Michael Collins (Piper Michael Bernard)
Title : The Judas Goats
The Enemy Within The shocking story of the infiltration and subversion
of the American nationalist movement
Year : 2006 A very
personal note […] Continue reading
Author : Piper Michael Collins (Piper Michael Bernard)
Title : The New
Jerusalem Zionist Power In America
Year : 2004
The most thorough,
straight-forward, factfilled, comprehensive overview of what is by far
the most controversial topic […] Continue reading
: Piper Michael Collins (Piper Michael Bernard)
Title : The High
Priests of War The Secret History of How America's “Neo-Conservative”
Trotskyites Came to Power and Orchestrated the War Against Iraq as the
First Step in Their Drive for Global Empire
Year : 2004
[…] Continue reading
: Piper Michael Collins (Piper Michael Bernard)
Title : Dirty Secrets
Crime, Conspiracy And Cover-Up During the 20th Century A
Compendium of the Writings of Michael Collins Piper, Interviews with the
Author and Reviews of His Works
Year : 2005 […] Continue reading
Author : Piper Michael Collins (Piper Michael Bernard)
Title : Final
Judgment The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
Year :
Judgment is, beyond question, the most “controversial”—and certainly the
most widely […] Continue reading
Author : Piper Michael Collins
Title : Coup d'Etat The bizarre
inside story of how an intelligence operative tied to the CIA and
Israel's Mossad Orchestrated the take-over of the Institute for
Historical Review and Set in Motion the Ultimate destruction of Liberty
Lobby. How the IHR now operates as […]
Author : Piper Michael Collins
Title : Al Capone : The man and the myth
Year : 2013
flamboyant Italian-American Al Capone won all the headlines and the
media attention through his exploits in Chicago, his real sponsors, New
York-based […] Continue reading
Author : Piper Michael Collins
Title : Leon Degrelle : warrior for the
Year : 2012
Here is
the inspiring het tragic story of an idealistic, indomitable and
fearless leader survived the worst that World War II had to […] Continue reading
Authors : Piper Michael Collins
Title : The power behind Sarah Palin
Some cold, hard facts that neither Sarah's fans nor her critics
Year : 2009
BEHIND THE SARAH PALIN PHENOMENON? There’s more to the […] Continue reading
Authors : Piper Michael Collins - Hoop Ken
Title : A Mockery of Justice
: The Great Sedition Trial of 1944
Year : 2011
According to historian
Harry Elmer Barnes—this magazine’s namesake— who was one of FDR’s
leading critics from the […] Continue reading
Author : Piper Michael Collins
Title : Michael Collins Piper’s speech to the Zayed Centre Exposing : Zionist influence on the American media
Year : 2003
The Speech That Sparked an International Controversy... What follows is
the complete text of American Free Press correspondentMichael Collins
Piper’s historicMarch 10, 2003 address to the Zayed International Centre
for Coordination and Follow-Up, the Abu Dhabi-based think tank of the
Arab League. Piper focused on the topic of the immense pro-Israel bias
of the Americanmedia and of the significant influence and control of the
media by wealthy and powerful families and financial institutions
devoted to the pro- Israel cause. As noted in the supplementary material
which follows the speech itself, Piper’s comments sparked an
international controversy yet no one has thus forth stepped forward to
refute his remarks or to dispute the factual basis on which his speech
was founded. There is no copyright on this document. Please reproduce
and distribute widely. ...
Had it not been for one particular event on a certain day some 2, 000
years ago, the bizarre and particularly brutal ancient Roman practice of
crucifixion would have undoubtedly been forgotten. While perhaps
millions died this way, it was the destruction of just one being upon
the Cross that captured the attention of history. Although the
crucifixion of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, has been
commemorated in countless illustrations and even film, Mel Gibson's
monumental The Passion of the Christ brought home the reality of our
Lord's last hours in a fashion unlike anything ever seen. Gibson's film
was not only a gigantic box-office smash in the United States-despite
determined efforts to stop the film from being distributed-but it also
was a major sensation, received favorably in all Muslim nations where
Christ is revered as a prophet. In addition, when the film was screened
for Christian audiences in Malaysia and in Indonesia, the world's
largest Muslim republic, The Passion of the Christ received popular
acclaim. ...
Parmi les auteurs qui ont influencé la pensée politique de Michael Collins Piper, l'intellectuel fasciste Lawrence Dennis se tient au premier rang. Dennis a également influencé Francis Parker Yockey, Willis A.Carto, Joseph P. Kennedy, Harry Elmer Barnes, etc.
Lawrence Dennis - The dynamics of war and revolution
A provocative analysis of America's relation to European war influences in the light of the impact of world forces of revolution which the author here defines and describes
Lonnie Lawrence Dennis (December 25, 1893 - August 20, 1977) was an American diplomat, author, and a defendant in the Great Sedition Trial of 1944.
He advocated fascism in America after the Great Depression, arguing that capitalism was doomed. Dennis was born in Atlanta, Georgia. His father was a prominent White Atlanta lawyer and his mother was his father’s mulatto mistress. Dennis was raised by his mother’s family. At age five Dennis began preaching the gospel to audiences in Atlanta and later England. He was billed as "The Mulatto Boy Evangelist" and published a autobiography at age ten. He was later sent to Phillips Exeter Academy and then to Harvard.
During World War I, Dennis commanded a company of military police in France. He graduated from Harvard in 1920 and entered the foreign service.
The turning point of Dennis' life came when he served in Nicaragua. He resigned from the foreign service in disgust at the US intervention there against the Sandino rebellion. He then became an adviser to the Latin American fund of the Seligman banking trust, but again made enemies when he wrote a series of exposes of their foreign bond enterprises in The New Republic and The Nation in 1930. These exposes propelled Dennis into a national public intellectual career, publishing his first book at the height of the depression in 1932, Is Capitalism Doomed ? The book submitted that capitalism was, and by all right should be, on its death knell, but warned of the grave dangers of a world devoid of its positive legacy. Dennis' two later books detailed his sense of the system that was emerging to replace it, which he believed to be fascism. The Coming American Fascism in 1936, detailing the system's substructure, and The Dynamics Of War And Revolution in 1940, on the superstructure.
The New Germany was impressed with his book on American Fascism and Dennis was invited to Nuremberg to attend the 1936 Party Congress.
Here Dennis met with party ideologist Alfred Rosenberg and Foreign Press Bureau chief Ernst Hanfstaengl.
Lawrence Dennis was an editor at The Awakener for some time. Later he founded his own publication, the Weekly Foreign Letter, and he wrote for Today's Challenge, published by the pro-German American Fellowship Forum of George Sylvester Viereck and Friedrich Auhagen. He tried to enlist in the American Army during the Second World War, but the Army rejected him after the media ran stories about him.
Dennis was one of those indicted in the Great Sedition Trial of 1944 under the Smith Act which ended in a mistrial because the judge died of a heart attack. At the trial the prosecutor label Dennis the "Alfred Rosenberg" of the domestic fascist movement in America: supplying ideas to his fellow defendants. Dennis co-authored with Maximilian St. George an account of the trial, A Trial On Trial, in 1946, but put forth his own defense in court.
At the time of his indictment for sedition Dennis had a farm in Becket, Massachusetts.
In his later years Dennis continued to propagate his views through a modest newsletter, Appeal To Reason, which maintained a prominent circle of readers, including Herbert Hoover, Joseph P. Kennedy, William Appleman Williams, Harry Elmer Barnes, and James J. Martin. Dennis' last book, Operational thinking for survival, was published in 1967. Metapedia
Hinckle, Warren and Turner
William W. - The Fish Is Red : The Story of the Secret War Against Castro
(1981). Republished as Deadly Secrets : The CIA-Mafia War Against Castro
and the Assassination of JFK (1991)
Smith Amanda - Hostage to
Fortune : The Letters of Joseph Kennedy (2001)
Smith Amanda - Newspaper
Titan : The Infamous Life and Monumental Times of Cissy Patterson (2001)
Smith Gerald L. K. -
Besieged patriot : Autobiographical episodes exposing communism,
traitorism, and Zionism from the life of Gerald L.K. Smith (1978)
Smith Richard Norton - The
Colonel : The Life and Legend of Robert R. McCormick (1997)
Snyder, Louis L. - The
Imperialism Reader : Documents and Readings on Modern Expansionism (1962)