Saturday, November 30, 2013

Assassinat de JFK: c'était pas des nazis!
Une publication de Larry Flint.

Une théorie du complot incroyablement insensée mais très populaire circule sur internet, identifiant les nazis comme étant les responsables de l'assassinat de JFK.

C'est avant tout à cause du livre Crossfire de Jim Marrs (ne pas confondre avec Texe Marrs) que cette théorie de la connexion nazie a pris une telle ampleur. C'est ce livre également qui est à l'origine du mythe, complètement fallacieux, voulant que JFK avait tenté, avec l'EO 11110, de sabrer dans le monopole de la Fed. Dans un autre de ses livres, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, encore plus loufoque que ses précédents, Jim Marrs tente de prouver que les nazis, transférés après la guerre aux États-Unis, sont à l'origine du grand complot de subversion de l'Amérique conduisant à l'instauration du gouvernement mondial. (Ne parlons même pas de ses ouvrages sur le complot des "aliens" car nous ne ferions que confondre nos lecteurs, ce que Jim Marrs fait déjà très bien.)


Donc encore une fois, les coupables sont les nazis et les juifs sont les pauvres victimes innocentes de l'infâme totalitarisme. On croirait entendre le philosémite ultra Rupert Murdoch dénoncer "la guerre contre les Juifs"! D'ailleurs son livre The Rise of the Fourth Reich est publié aux éditions HarperCollins de Rupert Murdoch (!) et il est dans la liste des bestsellers du New York Times (!!). Il faut être drôlement naïf pour croire qu'un livre divulguant la vérité sur le complot contre JFK ferait la liste des bestsellers du NYT!

Jim Marrs, Robert Groden (juif) et Alex Jones rejettent catégoriquement la moindre implication des juifs dans l'assassinat de JFK. Pour eux non seulement c'est une distraction mais de toute façon c'est impossible! Pour Jones, si quelqu'un voit une implication juive dans l'assassinat, c'est forcément parce qu'il dénie le rôle de la CIA, du crime organisé, etc. (Plus de détails sur Groden et Marrs ici. Notamment sur l'emploi de Marrs comme consultant pour le film de demi-vérités JFK d'Oliver Stone, produit par Arnon Milchan, qui fut non seulement agent du Mossad mais aussi le plus important trafiquant d'armes israélien ainsi qu'un important contributeur au développement nucléaire militaire israélien... Nucléaire israélien non mentionné dans le film, bien qu'il fut pourtant la raison centrale de l'assassinat de JFK! Le procureur Jim Garrison lui-même a pointé du doigt la responsabilité ultime du Mossad dans l'assassinat, dans une nouvelle qu'il n'a malheureusement jamais publiée, mais qui est au moins mentionnée par différents auteurs, incluant des auteurs juifs tels que A. J. Weberman.)

Charles Lindbergh -- ce grand patriote américain et opposant à la guerre et à l'interventionnisme dans les affaires étrangères ("America First!") qui pointait du doigt (dans son discours du 11 septembre 1941) les Juifs, l'administration Roosevelt et les Britanniques comme étant les vrais responsables de la guerre -- n'aura été selon Marrs qu'un vulgaire "pion au service de la subversion des États-Unis par les nazis"! C'est exactement la même accusation qu'on entend du côté de la propagande juive qui tente de nous convaincre que la Seconde guerre mondiale était une guerre juste et inévitable.

Jim Marrs est le principal promoteur de la théorie de la subversion nazie de l'Amérique et même du complot nazi derrière l'assassinat de JFK. Marrs vient de sortir une réédition de Crossfire, qui recense presque toutes les théories du complot relatives à l'assassinat de JFK, et ce n'est que dans cette réédition qu'il mentionne la piste israélienne en lien avec le nucléaire israélien qui causa un grave conflit entre JFK et Ben-Gourion. Il n'y consacre qu'une seule phrase et change vite de sujet.

Un autre auteur a tenté de mettre sur le dos des nazis l'assassinat de JFK: Mae Brussell. Elle a eu une grande influence sur John Judge et Dave Emory, ainsi que sur une grande partie du mouvement "patriote", incluant Alex Jones et bien d'autres obsédés du "grand complot nazi". Mae Brussell est née dans une riche famille juive de Berverly Hills propriétaire d'une grande chaîne de magasins (I. Magnin Dept. Store). Son père était le rabbin le plus influent de la communauté juive d'Hollywood. Dans son article "The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination: Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy", elle identifie Reinhard Gehlen comme étant un de ces nazis qui aurait ensuite été engagé par les États-Unis pour travailler à l'Office of Strategic Services (OSS), soit l'ancêtre de la CIA. Or le fait est que ce Reinhard Gehlen était un agent des services secrets israéliens! De par sa position au sein de l'OSS, il a contribué à établir de nombreux ponts avec Israël. Son rôle alla plutôt dans le même sens que la traque des nazis réfugiés un peu partout dans le monde. Loin de faire entrer des nazis au gouvernement américain, il contribua de par ses liens avec Israël dans la traque aux nazis, à purger les institutions américaines de tous les sympathisants nazis qui s'y trouvaient, contribuant ainsi plus que quiconque à la sionisation intégrale de l'appareil gouvernemental et de l'appareil de renseignement américain. C'est ainsi que l'OSS devint un véritable nid d'espions sionistes. Comment peut-être alors accuser la CIA d'être un repaire de nazis?

Mae Brussell voit l'implication de fascistes allemands et russes partout dans l'assassinat de JFK. Malheureusement, elle n'est pas la seule à halluciner comme ça sous l'effet de la paranoïa juive.

Mae Brussell's Warning on 'Fascism' "Her countless list of German and White Russian fascist fingerprints to President Kennedy's assassination reached its peak in May of 1988 when she discovered the name "Adolf H. Schicklgruber" handwritten in Marina Oswald's notebook of poetry in the Warren Commission exhibits." (Source: Project Camelot)

John Loftus est un de ces auteurs qui, comme Mae Brussell et Dave Emory, propagent le bobard du complot nazi à l'origine de la subversion de l'Amérique par le nouvel ordre mondial. Or même John Loftus admet que les transfuges nazis qui ont travaillé autour du nazi Gehlen pour l'OSS avaient des liens étroits avec des agents israéliens (Gehlen travaillait pratiquement pour les services du Mossad!). John Loftus est un ancien des services secrets impliqué dans la traque aux criminels nazis et qui a également présidé le musée de l'Holocauste de Floride. Est-il besoin de préciser qu'il est pro-Israël? Il prétend débusquer le complot ultime trouvant sa source dans le transfert des nazis réaffectés à divers projets du gouvernement américain. Voir plus bas le chapitre correspondant du livre Final Judgment de Michael Collins Piper.
Wikipedia John Loftus:

“John Joseph Loftus (February 12, 1950) is an American author, former U.S. government prosecutor and former Army intelligence officer. He is a president of The Intelligence Summit and, although he is not Jewish, a president of the Florida Holocaust Museum. Loftus also serves on the Board of Advisers to Public Information Research.(...)
He began working for the U.S. Department of Justice in 1977 and in 1979 joined their Office of Special Investigations, which was charged with prosecuting and deporting Nazi war criminals in the US. Loftus’ now-expired Web site claimed, “As a young U.S. Army officer, John Loftus helped train Israelis on a covert operation that turned the tide of battle in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.”(...)
He also writes regularly for Ami, an Orthodox Jewish weekly news magazine.
On August 7, 2005, he provided the United States address of an alleged terrorist named Iyad K. Hilal on Fox News. Only afterwards was it revealed that Hilal had left the address three years previously and the home was now owned by a family, which was then subjected to threats and vandalism and required police protection as a result of Loftus’ words. Fox terminated Loftus’s contract to commentate after the event. Loftus said “I thought it might help police in that area now that we have positively identified a terrorist,” but he did not say why he did not contact police in a more direct manner. Loftus apologized for the mistake and expressed frustration about “one federal [agency’s]” inaction on an earlier tip he had given them years ago due to the same address." []
Piper rapporte au sujet de Loftus dans son livre Final Judgment, sur l'assassinat de JFK:
John Loftus - Author of The Secret War Against the Jews, a new book which claims that anti-Israel partisans in the American intelligence community have sought to sabotage the state of Israel. (Loftus is a former attorney with the Nazi-hunting Office of Special Investigations.)

Mis à part ses délires philosémites sur les nazis, John Loftus a tout de même pointé du doigt le rôle des sionistes dans la guerre contre FDR et contre Nixon:

In fact, two authors known for their devotion to the Zionist cause — John Loftus and Mark Aarons — have stated candidly that many friends of Israel do believe that FDR's death was quite fortuitous: "Although American public opinion was favorable toward Jews, few Zionists trusted Roosevelt entirely . . . As several lead ing Zionists admitted, if Roosevelt had lived, it is unlikely that Israel would ever have been born. They knew what they were talking about.”

According to pro-Israel Nixon critics, John Loftus and Mark Aarons, Nixon's staff "had at least two days advance warning that an attack was coming . . . but no one in the Nixon White House warned the Jews until the last few hours on the day of the attack." Loftus and Aarons say that, "Although our sources think that incompetence, not mali ce, was the reason for delaying the warning, Nixon certainly had a motive for revenge . . . Nixon was well aware that, apart from J. Edgar Hoover, only the Israelis knew enough about his past to cause him major political damage.
"As the Watergate tape - recordings show, Nixon was terribly afraid of the Jews. He made lists of his enemies and kept track of Jewish Americans in his administration . . . Whatever the motive, during September and October 1973 the Nixon White House turned a blind eye toward Sadat 's plans for a consolidated sneak attack against the Jews."

Vous voulez du sérieux? En voici: l'historien Martin W. Sandler, auteur de plus de 88 ouvrages, dont certains ont été commandés par la bibliothèque du Congrès, vient de publier le seul recueil de lettres de John F. Kennedy: The Letters of John F. Kennedy (PDF). Et le seul ouvrage conspirationniste qu'il mentionne dans tout cet ouvrage est celui de Michael Collins Piper: Final Judgment--The Missing Link in the JFK Assasination Conspiracy. Non seulement la mention est des plus favorable, mais l'auteur affiche clairement son intérêt vis-à-vis de la théorie du complot israélien contre JFK. En conférence au JFK Museum, le 16 novembre dernier (rediff. CSPAN2), Sandler dit à son auditoire  @51:21:
"Je vais vous dire: j'ai trouvé des articles--pas dans des publications disjonctées mais dans des publications très sophistiquées: "Oubliez Lyndon Johnson, oubliez la CIA, oubliez Fidel Castro, LE MOSSAD A TUÉ JFK parce qu'ils étaient bouleversés à cause de ce qu'il avait fait à Ben-Gourion."
I'll tell you one thing: I found articles - not tripped in publications but in very sophisticated publications - saying, "Forget Lyndon Johnson, forget the CIA, forget Fidel Castro---Mossad killed JFK because they were upset by what he had done to Ben-Gurion." So you see, we drop a few bombs like this in this book, unproven ...(Historian Martin W. Sandler, Author of The Letters of John F. Kennedy, lecture at the JFK Museum; Nov 16, 2013, CSPAN2 | BookTV @51 min : 21 sec)

Même Marilyn Monroe, qui avait été engagée par Mickey Cohen (l'homme de main de Lansky à Hollywood) pour espionner JFK, disait ne plus vouloir "jamais avoir à sucer un juif". Toute sa vie elle avait dû se plier aux vices des producteurs juifs de l'industrie du divertissement.

Comment cette théorie du complot nazi contre JFK est-elle conciliable avec le fait que papa Joseph P. Kennedy s'était opposé à la guerre contre l'Allemagne nazie, qu'il se lia après la guerre à des nazis américains (tels que DeWest Hooker et Lincoln Rockwell) et que le clan Kennedy au grand complet était connu pour tenir des propos antisémites en privé?

by Michael Collins Piper (Final Judgment, 6th Edition, Chapter 15)
There have been those who have proclaimed Permindex to have been some sort of "Nazi" remnant that survived World War II. The leading promoter of this theory was Mae Brussell, an eccentric researcher who
became an icon for many obsessed with the JFK assassination, among them one Dave Emory who insists to this day that "The Nazis Killed JFK." 
Yet, there is something about Miss Brussell's background that is significant in light of the Israeli role in the JFK assassination as dissected here. Brussell was the daughter of Rabbi Edgar Magnin, the spiritual leader of Hollywood's Jewish communitynext to the New York Jewish community the most significant force in the pro-Israel lobby in America. For this reason alone Mrs. Brussell would not be inclined to follow Permindex to its Israeli antecedents. 
Mrs. Brussell and her acolyte, Dave Emory, contended that high-ranking former Nazis such as General Reinhard Gehlen who were brought under the wing of American intelligence following World War II were ultimately responsible for the Kennedy assassination—through Permindex. 
However, the fact is that Israeli intelligence was working closely with the Gehlen organization in the post-World War II period. John Loftus and Mark Aarons have written of how Israeli operatives—although they found the new relationship distasteful—did indeed work with reputed former Nazi war criminals in Gehlen's operation
What's more, the Israelis had completely infiltrated the Gehlen organization. According to Loftus and Aarons: "They knew exactly what General Gehlen was doing . . . After Israel was born, sections of the Mossad arrived inside Gehlen's base to receive special training . . . Even he had no idea how many of his staff also were reporting to Tel Aviv . . . Whatever Gehlen saw, the Israelis saw."(584) 
So if indeed (as some say) it was a "Nazi" plot that killed JFK, it seems highly unlikely that the plot somehow got by the intrepid Israelis. But, as we know now, it was not a Nazi plot—the fantasies of Dave Emory and Mae Brussell notwithstanding. Permindex was an Israeli front—not a Nazi front. 
It is probably worth noting, for the record, that the first nationwide publicity that Mrs. Brussell's theory that "the Nazis Killed JFK" received was when it appeared in the pages of the short-lived magazine, The Rebel, published by highly controversial pornographer Larry Flynt.(585)
Although Flynt had indeed funded legitimate independent research into the JFK assassination some time earlier (which some suggest may have led to the later attempt on Flynt's life), the Brussell article was not part of that earlier effort that came out of the Flynt publishing empire. 
It is hard to say precisely what motivates Flynt, a complex individual indeed, but we do know one thing: according to George magazine, published by no less than John F. Kennedy, Jr., Flynt, at least recently, has emerged as a substantial contributor to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith.(586) So in light of what we do know about the ADL and its multiple links to those intimately involved in the JFK assassination conspiracy, this is interesting indeed. 
Despite all of Mae Brussell's ruminations, there is ironically, a genuine and bizarre "Nazi" connection to Permindex that is either misunderstood or has been deliberately obscured but which does further toward our understanding of Permindex as a transnational point of contact for the Mossad and its allies in the CIA and organized crime.

The fact is that not only Mossad figure Tibor Rosenbaum but also Permindex figures Georges and Ernst Mandel were part of a Zionist operation that had its origins in a multi-layered intelligence venture that laid the groundwork for not only the establishment of the state of Israel but the escape of former Nazi leaders out of Europe and into the Gehlen organization (and elsewhere) following the close of World War II. According to the aforementioned Loftus and Aarons, writing in The Secret War Against the Jews
"During World War II Soviet intelligence used a network of supposedly "fascist Jews," code named Max, to penetrate the inner circles of the Third Reich and to destroy the German army on the Eastern front. The Nazis believed that the Max network was their secret intelligence source inside the Kremlin, and it did in fact give 'good' intelligence to the Germans but it was strictly controlled by the Communists. 
"The Jews of the Max network were mostly Communist double agents, but they also were Jews who defected to the Zionist cause toward the end of the war and revealed [future CIA director] Allen Dulles' [pre-war and wartime] secret [financial and intelligence] deals with the Nazis. 
"The Zionists," according to Loftus and Aarons, "blackmailed Dulles' [CIA] protégé, James Angleton, into setting up a parallel smuggling system for Jews and fugitive Nazis."(587) It was in Chapter 8 that we learned of Angleton's role in the Jewish refugee network that ultimately evolved into the modern-day Mossad. 
That the Israelis were blackmailing Angleton, according to Loftus and Aarons, who are undoubtedly pro-Israeli partisans, explains much about Angleton's behavior throughout his CIA career and in the events which involved Angleton in the circumstances of the JFK assassination, more about which we shall discuss in Chapter 16. 

In light of all this, we now understand why Zionist operatives collaborated with so-called "Nazi" forces in the strange transnational entity known as Permindex. There were—as Peter Dale Scott said—common modes of interaction between a variety of interests involved in complex, multi-centered intrigues where these diverse elements, each with distinctive motives, worked together on common projects, each for their own ends. 
There is indeed much more to Permindex than we have been told by some JFK assassination researchers, but ultimately the truth is that Permindex was, more than anything, predominantly a transnational arrangement with Israel's intrigues as its driving force.
Israel's worldwide connections—particularly with the anti-Kennedy forces within the CIA and the CIA-linked Lansky crime empire, along with the French OAS rebels and Charles DeGaulle's enemies within his own intelligence service—made possible the network through which the plan to kill JFK was carried out. Permindex was in the center of it all. 
Through the so-called "false flag" technique in which the Mossad is so skilled (as we saw in Chapter 3), "Mafia" figures, anti-Castro Cubans, lowlevel CIA operatives and an assortment of other strange figures were drawn into the Permindex web behind the JFK assassination conspiracy. 
In the end, however, it was Permindex board member Clay Shaw who became the one person (aside from the hapless Lee Harvey Oswald) to be charged with having participated in the conspiracy. Whether Shaw knew of the impending assassination will probably never be known. That Shaw was trafficking with the likes of David Ferrie and Guy Banister—Oswald's immediate handlers—has now been firmly established. Whether Shaw knew that Oswald, ultimately, would be the patsy is another mystery. Nonetheless, the Clay Shaw link to the assassination—and to Permindex— points directly toward the Mossad role in the conspiracy. (...)

The Man From the Klan 
Lee Harvey Oswald's "Nazi" Connection 
The Alleged Assassin's Little-Known Ties to Undercover Intelligence Operatives in the Neo-Nazi Underground Among those whose names appeared in Lee Harvey Oswald's address book was one Daniel Burros. In 1963, Burros was national secretary of George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party. Just two years af ter the JFK assassination, Burros died mysteriously of multiple gunshot wounds. However, despite the strange circumstances of Burros' demise, it was ruled a suicide. 
Burros' bizarre death took place in the home of his close associate, the ubiquitous and enigmatic Roy Frankhauser, a long-time federal intelligence undercover operative in the Minutemen, the Ku Klux Klan and the Communist Party USA. Frankhauser, it just so happens, claims to have been associated with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
The story of Lee Harvey Oswald's possible connection to Daniel Burros has never been explored in any other work on the JFK assassination. Yet, the evidence, as we shall see, suggests that there is much more to the Oswald-Burros connection than meets the eye. Although JFK assassination researchers have long been busy compiling, recompiling, editing and re-editing lists of "mysterious deaths" among people with links—both real and perhaps sometimes imagined—to the JFK assassination, Burros' name never pops up. 
The circumstances of Dan Burros' death were quite bizarre. Just one day before the "Nazi" leader died in October of 1965, he had been publicly exposed in the New York Times as having been born to Jewish parents. This expose was the ostensible trigger that led to Burros' "suicide" at the Reading, Pennsylvania home of his fellow "Nazi," Roy Frankhauser. 
Although Burros' death was trumpeted in the media as the story of a nice Jewish boy gone haywire, the fact is that some members of the American Nazi underground have long felt that Burros was not a Jewish apostate, but, instead, an active informant and agent provocateur of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith operating within the ranks of the so-called "racist right." 
In his short career in the political underworld, Dan Burros is known to have indeed been closely associated with ADL undercover informants and was perhaps such an informant himself, although it is unlikely that the full truth will ever be known. 
What is known, however, is that Burros was a key figure in the New York City-based National Renaissance Party, a small neo-Nazi entity founded by the late James H. Madole. Although Madole was apparently a dyed-in-the-wool Nazi, it is an established fact that his organization was infiltrated, funded in part and manipulated by agents of the ADL's undercover spy apparatus. 
The ADL's operative inside the NRP was one Emmanuel Trujillo who also went by the name Mana Truhill. In turn, Truhill worked closely with Sanford Griffith, then the ADL's chief spymaster. 
Two "right wing" activists of the 1950s era—author Eustace Mullins and businessman DeWest Hooker (referenced in Chapter 4)—have confirmed to this author that the ADL was indeed active in "infiltrating" rightist groups at the time and that the aforementioned Griffith was a familiar figure moving in and out of the right-wing orbit during the period. 
During the heyday of Madole's ADL-manipulated organization wellknown maverick New York publisher Lyle Stuart publicly accused the ADL of financing American Nazi groups—such as Madole's outfit—for its own insidious ends. That Daniel Burros was himself deeply a part of this unusual circle being manipulated by the ADL is an intriguing fact. But there's much more to the story of the Oswald-Burros connection. 
Some JFK assassination researchers have focused on New Orleans private detective and CIA contract agent Guy Banister's ties to Robert DePugh and the paramilitary group known as the Minutemen as proof that "right wing extremists" were perhaps behind the JFK assassination. As we noted in some detail in Chapter 15, however, there is strong evidence to suggest that Banister was also being deployed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith in its own "fact-finding" operations aimed against left-leaning civil rights groups. 
The evidence regarding the Minutemen, however, suggests that the Minutemen were, for all intents and purposes, a government-infiltrated— perhaps even government-controlled—"right wing extremist" outfit. It is the Minutemen link that opens up the door in the Oswald-Burros connection to some highly unusual facts about a strange individual named Roy Frankhauser who just happens to have been associated with both Oswald and Burros.
John George and Laird Wilcox, in Nazis, Communists, Klansmen, and Others on the Fringe, have provided us with a wealth of information about Frankhauser's operations inside the Minutemen in particular. Here's what George and Wilcox wrote about the government's infiltration of the Minutemen and the role of the Roy Frankhauser. The extended direct quotation from George and Wilcox follows: 
"The Minutemen, in fact, were among the most thoroughly infiltrated of all domestic far right groups. According to Eric Norden, in his long essay on the paramilitary right appearing in the June 1969 issue of Playboy magazine, virtually all of the major Minutemen cases were cracked with the assistance of government infiltrators and informants. 
"One of these informants was a nightmare named Roy Frankhauser, a professional government infiltrator whose alliance with [Robert] DePugh [of the Minutemen] began in the early 1960s, shortly after the organization was formed. Frankhauser was well-known for having taken the Fifth Amendment thirty-three times when questioned about his Ku Klux Klan involvement by the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1965. Unaware of Frankhauser's role, Norden interviewed him extensively for his article. Frankhauser, whom DePugh had made a regional coordinator, portrayed the Minutemen to Norden as a neo-Nazi organization to be feared and reckoned with: 
"'Hitler had the Jews; we've got the niggers. We have to put our main stress on the nigger question, of course, because that's what preoccupies the masses—but were not forgetting the Jew. If the Jews knew what was coming—and believe me, it's coming as surely as the dawn—they'd realize that what's going to happen in America will make Nazi Germany look like a Sunday-school picnic. We'll build better gas chambers, and more of them, and this time there won't be any refugees.' 
"Norden notes that Frankhauser, having made this statement, 'paused and seemed to brood for a few seconds,' and then continued: 'Of course, there are some good Jews, you know, Jews like Dan Burros, who was a friend of mine. Yeah, print that some of my best friends are Jews. Dan Burros was one of the most patriotic, dedicated Americans you'll ever meet in your life.' 
"Norden commented: 'Frankhauser fell silent. Burros was a fanatic American Nazi who served as [George Lincoln] Rockwell's [American Nazi party] lieutenant for years, then resigned in 1962 to edit a magazine called Kill and finally became a Klan leader. He had rushed into Frankhauser's house in October 1965 brandishing an issue of the New York Times that exposed his Jewish ancestry, snatched a loaded pistol from the wall and blew his brains out.' 
"What Norden did not say is that some conspiracy buffs believe that Frankhauser may have had more than a casual involvement in the killing, although no determination of that fact was ever made and the death was ruled a suicide. Another theory, also not confirmed, is that Frankhauser may have encouraged Burros' suicide inasmuch as his cover had been blown. Burros died from three bullet wounds, unusual in a bona fide suicide. DePugh, who examined the gun, said it was unlikely that Burros killed himself. 
"Other Frankhauser associates have ventured related opinions. What is also possible is that in 1965 Frankhauser was working as a government informant and that Dan Burros was too, perhaps reporting to Frankhauser. At the time of this writing Frankhauser still resides in the Reading, Pennsylvania, house where the death occurred; blood stains are still imbedded in the ceiling. 
"But was Frankhauser a government informant and agent provocateur so early in his career? Frankhauser denies it, but his own U.S. Army records suggest otherwise. During an extensive interview under oath that took place during the period July 13 to 18, 1957, Army records reveal the following: 
"'(FRANKHAUSER) made a decision to infiltrate organizations such as the Neo-Nazi Party, the Communist Party, and the Ku Klux Klan, to determine their motives, identify the leaders, and report this information to the proper intelligence agency of the United States Government if their aims were ascertained to be inimical to the interest of the United States. FRANKHAUSER advised he had created a cover story which included causing people to think he was a true Communist or Nazi and the creation of an organization which was to be a large, well-organized unit, but which was composed of only one man—FRANKHAUSER. FRANKHAUSER'S aim at Fort Bragg was to get the Klans of the North together with the Klans of the South to give the United States government the opportunity to destroy these organizations.' 
"During the 1960s, Minutemen were involved in three major terrorist acts in which Frankhauser was the possible informant, directly or indirectly, who tipped off the FBI. 
"In 1973, after DePugh was released from prison, Frankhauser became head of Minutemen intelligence . . . During October 1973 DePugh was a featured speaker at Liberty Lobby's annual Board of Policy meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. He had been released from prison six months earlier. Frankhauser, as security director, was his constant companion and lived with the DePugh family in Norborne [Missouri] for several weeks—all the time working for the ATF as an undercover informant. 
"Roy Frankhauser's background is much more convoluted. According to U.S. Army documents released under the Freedom of Information Act in 1988, Frankhauser was enmeshed in deep personal problems long before he entered the army. The victim of a broken home and an alcoholic mother, and regarded by school officials and various employers as emotionally unstable and unreliable, he enlisted in the U.S. Army on November 6, 1956. Long a collector of Nazi memorabilia and a Ku Klux Klan sympathizer even as a young man, he was engaged in a number of half-baked plots that immediately brought him to the attention of army authorities. 
"Military reports specified that Frankhauser joined the army and volunteered for airborne duty in order to be assigned to Germany. He developed a scheme to have himself declared officially dead so he could leave the army and join the neo-Nazi movement, hoping to rise to a position of prominence. 
"On July 2, 1957, Frankhauser stated that he planned to desert the U.S. Army and join the revolutionary forces in Cuba. In fact, he went AWOL and arrived in Miami, Florida, on July 5, 1957, to do precisely that. He was taken into custody shortly thereafter and returned to his military unit. Army records reflect that Frankhauser was discharged on November 18, 1957, under the provisions of AR-635209 (unfit for military service). 
"Frankhauser's rather incredible role as a government informant is well - documented. It first came to light in July 1975 when the Washington Star reported on his role in an undercover operation in Canada authorized by the top-secret National Security Council, Frankhauser was assigned to infiltrate the 'Black September' terrorist organization. The CBS Evening News of July 28, 1975, did a feature on Frankhauser during which announcer Fred Graham noted that:
"'Sworn testimony by federal agents [maintains] that Frankhauser has carried out a series of undercover missions for the government, including one approved by the National Security Council in the White House. 
—One government source said Frankhauser had an uncanny ability to penetrate both right- and left-wing groups, that he could still help convict those who supplied the explosives that blew up school buses in Pontiac, Michigan, in 1971.' 
"Frankhauser eventually ran afoul of his ATF superiors by going too far with his entrapment schemes and not clearing them with the ATF beforehand. This brought about his eventual indictment on February 28, 1974, on charges of stealing explosives, at which time he used his relationship with the agency as a defense. He was eventually convicted and sentenced to a period of probation, after which the ATF had a way of enforcing his cooperation and curbing his erratic behavior (or so it thought). An FBI teletype dated June 17, 1974, revealed: 
"'Frankhauser has proposed through his attorney that if allowed to plead guilty and receive probation on current bombing charges he will introduce federal agents to individuals who have approached him regarding his activities.' 
"Frankhauser's ATF 'handler,' Edward N. Slamon, had written several internal memos describing Frankhauser as 'an excellent infiltrator and confidential informant,' according to the Washington Star. 
"Roy Frankhauser's involvement as a government undercover operative and agent provocateur began in the 1960s and continued sporadically until 1986, when he was indicted along with Lyndon LaRouche and several other defendants in the Boston LaRouche case involving credit card fraud and other charges. Frankhauser, who made his first contact with the LaRouche organization in 1975, had become their director of security! On December 10, 1987, Frankhauser was convicted of plotting to obstruct a federal investigation of the group."' (812) [END OF QUOTE] 
All of this intrigue is interesting, of course. The fact that Dan Burros died under mysterious circumstances in the home of a long-time covert operative is likewise quite interesting. 
It is probably relevant to note that one JFK assassination researcher, Peter Dale Scott, has long put forth the contention that Lee Harvey Oswald "working for a private investigator on federal government contract, was investigating the use of interstate mails for illegal arms sales [and has noted that] . . . the American Nazi Party, in 1963, was being investigated by the U.S. government . . . for its mail-order purchase of firearms."(813) 
That Oswald was perhaps in contact with Burros (and there have been unsubstantiated rumors that Oswald himself may have been in the Washington, D.C. area—specifically Arlington, Virginia where Burros and the American Nazi Party were headquartered) and that Burros was in turn closely associated with a BATF undercover informant adds to the relevance of Scott's contention. However, as we noted in Chapter 15, it is more than likely that Oswald was, in fact, under deployment—through the office of Guy Banister—by the ADL which, in turn, reported regularly to the FBI and other government agencies. It is known, based upon official Justice Department documents that have been released under the Freedom of Information Act, that Frankhauser's government-sponsored undercover activities—on at least one occasion—were financed by a Jewish community organization. In that instance, the Jewish Community Center of Reading, Pennsylvania. 814 So the likelihood that the ADL also had a hand in Frankhauser's activities is very strong indeed. But the plot thickens. There is an even more explosive Frankhauser link to the JFK assassination. 

What no JFK assassination researchers have ever yet pointed out, with one exception, is that the same Roy Frankhauser claimed to have met several times with not only Lee Harvey Oswald but also John and Ruth Paine, the Texas couple who played a key role in the final months of the life of Lee Harvey Oswald. 
An article regarding Frankhauser's Oswald connection written by Scott M. Thompson and published in the November 20, 1975 issue of New Solidarity magazine is republished here in pertinent part. 
Inclusion of this material is in no way intended by the author of Final Judgment to serve as an endorsement of the information related therein, but is simply provided so that there may be as complete a record as possible of all the little-known areas involving JFK assassination conspiracy research which can be examined by independent-minded individuals who are truly interested in finding out the truth. The article (from which the following is an extended quotation) states: 
"In a series of exclusive interviews with IPS over the past month, former National Security Council operative Roy Frankhauser has provided information which conclusively demonstrates that the National Security Council planned and coordinated the Nov. 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Frankhauser provided details of numerous assassination teams organized for the Kennedy and other operations by known agents of the CIA and FBI within groups ranging from the left-wing Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and the Communist Party (USA) to right-wing groups such as the para-military Minutemen. 
"Also included in the preparations for the assassination were Cuban exile groups (Gusanos), the American Nazi Party, and such top CIA agents as G. Gordon Liddy, Frank Sturgis, and E. Howard Hunt, the convicted Watergate burglar and close associate of William F. Buckley. In early 1963, Frankhauser told IPS, 'the word came down to get Kennedy and agent-led teams began to spring up all over the place.' 
"Frankhauser confirms that two agents within the SWP periphery, who also had close ties to the Communist Party USA, were a direct part of the Kennedy operation. Frankhauser met the two, Ruth and John Paine, in 1960, when he was infiltrating the SWP in New York as an agent for the Mississippi White Citizens Council and for then Mississippi Governor Patterson. Both Paines have been closely linked to Lee Harvey Oswald (who described himself as the 'patsy' in the Kennedy killing moments before he was shot in the Dallas jail) by both the Warren Commission and by independent investigators of the assassination. 
"In the months preceding the assassination, the Paines lived with Marina and Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. It was Ruth Paine who constructed Oswald's 'radical' cover. She was the one who drove Oswald to Mexico City so that he could be photographed by the CIA in front of the Soviet Embassy. She also took Oswald to New Orleans where together they opened a franchise of the SWP front, Fair Play for Cuba, with the approval of SWP national leaders. 
"In New York, the Paines had recruited Frankhauser to a secret paramilitary 'leftist' organization after a number of casual meetings at SWP functions. They told Frankhauser that the group had three goals: 1) to break Martin Luther King out of jail should he be arrested; 2) to kill Alabama Sheriff 'Bull' Connor, then a notorious opponent of integration; and 3) to assassinate President Eisenhower if revolution could not be fomented `legally.' The Paines instructed Frankhauser to intensively study the SWP's paper, the Militant, in order 'to learn the jargon of the left.' 
"Actual military training for this group was conducted at Camp Midvale in the Ramapo Mountains of northern New Jersey. At this time Midvale was a Communist Party USA-controlled camp. Although all of Frankhauser's reports on this operation were turned over by Governor Patterson's office to the FBI in Mississippi, no arrests were made. 
"It was during this same period that Frankhauser first met Oswald at an International Scientific Socialist meeting in New York to which he was taken by the Paines. 
"Frankhauser's second meeting with Oswald was at a CIA training camp near Lake Ponchartrain in Louisiana. 
"Beginning in 1961, NSC agents launched an operation in the rightwing Minutemen—founded a year earlier to prepare for "guerilla warfare" against [what the Minutemen believed would be a] communist takeover of the U.S. [This] transformed the organization into a key NSC center for recruiting and coordinating the psychotic fringe of right-wing groups into a swarm of assassination teams, some of which were specifically selected and trained for the Kennedy assassination. 
"This takeover of the Minutemen was conducted under the auspices of FBI Operation COINTELPRO and CIA Operation Scorpio, and within a short time the entire Minutemen national executive committee was composed of agents — with the exception of the organization's founder Robert DePugh, who has remained a controlled dupe of the FBI ever since. 
"Frankhauser, at the time a CIA stringer, was himself deployed into the Minutemen, eventually becoming East Coast director of intelligence and national counterintelligence director. 
"Among the key figures in the Minutemen side of the Kennedy assassination operation, Frankhauser said, was Ken Duggan, who, was assistant director of Minutemen counterintelligence under Frankhauser. Also a CIA stringer, Duggan worked within the Buckley family network of Catholic fascist terrorists, recruiting Gusanos for the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion.
Duggan also recruited and trained several teams in preparation for the Kennedy assassination. "Duggan, who later denounced the Buckleys, was murdered at New York's Rikers Island prison approximately a month ago. He was in prison as a result of a frame-up on attempted murder charges brought by one George Wilkie, a protégé of leading members of the Buckleys' Conservative Party operation. 
"Also involved in profiling and selecting members of the Kennedy and other assassination teams were two agents active in the Connecticut Minutemen: Vincent De Palma and Eugene Tabbett. De Palma had been a leading CIA assassination expert in Latin America before being planted in the FBI. The FBI in turn deployed him into the Minutemen where he quickly became a national figure. Tabbett had worked for the FBI in the Klan Bureau of Intelligence before joining De Palma in Connecticut. 
"[Frankhauser's] 1964 subpoena to testify before the Warren Commission was quashed by the FBI on 'national security' grounds. At that time Frankhauser was threatened by two Reading, Pennsylvania-based FBI agents, Kaufman and Davis, who told him that 'if you release information on the Paines to the Commission, you'll be in deep trouble with the FBI.' One day before their visit, Frankhauser was almost struck by two bullets fired through the window of his Reading home."(815) [END OF QUOTE} 
How much of what Frankhauser claims is true is beyond the scope of this volume. However, JFK researchers who have tripped over themselves looking into the life and times of Lee Harvey Oswald have been notably delinquent in studiously ignoring the Frankhauser and Frankhauser-Burros connections to Lee Harvey Oswald. They would contribute much to their own research and to the search for the truth by pursuing these matters further—if indeed these researchers are seeking the truth. 
It is interesting to note, and not just incidentally, the connections of the aforementioned Ken Duggan whom Frankhauser alleged had ties to some aspect of the JFK assassination conspiracy. Among those with whom Ken Duggan was associated were none other than two Cuban brothers, Guillermo and Ignacio Novo. 
It was in Chapter 9 and in Chapter 16 where we learned of the Novo brothers trip to Dallas, Texas in the company of CIA contract agent Marita Lorenz as well as long-time CIA and Mossad asset Frank Sturgis. Upon their arrival in Dallas one day before the president's assassination, the Novos and their associates met with not only long-time CIA officer, E. Howard Hunt, but also Jack Ruby, who later killed Lee Harvey Oswald. 
The Novo brothers were not only involved in some fashion in the circumstances surrounding the JFK conspiracy, but, in later years, were convicted in the murder of maverick Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier. Their co-conspirator in the crime was, as we saw in Chapter 9, Michael Townley who had been an operative for Investors Overseas Service (MS). IOS, of course, was the operation run by financier Bernard Cornfeld, front man for veteran Mossad official Tibor Rosenbaum, one of the key figures behind Permindex, the shadowy corporate body linked to all the primary forces behind the JFK assassination. 
What's more, as noted in Chapter 9, it was in the office of then New York Sen. James L. Buckley (brother of the aforementioned William F. Buckley, Jr.) that the Novos plotted the Letelier murder. 
As we noted in Chapter 16, it appears likely that there were at least several assassination teams in place in or near Dealey Plaza before and during the JFK assassination, all part of a grand multi-leveled "false flag" operation. The allegations made by Frankhauser, indeed, jibe completely with the conclusions reached in Final Judgment. 

The author is indebted to Van Loman, who brought the magnitude of the little-noticed Oswald-Burros connection to my attention. Loman himself has his own unusual connection to the netherworld of intelligence. As a teenager Loman adopted as his father figure and mentor a cagey and colorful Cincinnati, Ohio-based roustabout named Jim Harris whose remarkably checkered career came to an end with his death in December of 1994. 
Although Harris publicly postured as the Grand Dragon of the Ohio Ku Klux Klan, he was, in fact, a long-time informant for J. Edgar Hoover's FBI and a self-described contract agent for the CIA, actively collaborating in the CIA-Mafia plots against Castro—and perhaps more. Among Harris' key associates was none other than Roy Frankhauser, his fellow intelligence operative. It was through Harris that Loman met Roy Frankhauser many years ago. Thanks indeed to Van Loman for pointing out the significance of the Oswald- Burros connection. 
To dig too deeply into this little-explored area will, inevitably, begin turning up rocks under which the tentacles of the ADL and its collaborators in American intelligence lie hidden. This perhaps explains why some JFK assassination researchers have avoided this unpleasant mystery altogether. 
This author believes that the Oswald-Burros connection is indeed another avenue that JFK assassination investigators should explore further and one which, in the end, adds further compelling evidence that solidifies the foundation upon which our final judgment is based.


Some who have recently acknowledged the theory of Israeli involvement in the JFK assassination.

Israel: the Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy• More and more top-notch researchers acknowledge the Israeli connection
• It’s time to forget about those extinct dinosaurs like LBJ and focus on the real monster, which has its tentacles wrapped around the planet today

By Michael Collins Piper

In recent days, amidst the repetitive cacophony from the controlled media—echoed even in the “alternative”media—that Lyndon Johnson was the mastermind behind the murder of John F. Kennedy, a growing number of independent voices dared to say otherwise.

They openly endorsed the thesis—first put forth in this author’s out-of-print book, Final Judgment, first published in 1994—that Israel was a frontline player alongside the CIA in the JFK assassination conspiracy as a consequence of JFK’s determined efforts to prevent Israel from building nuclear weapons, the strategic cornerstone of the Jewish state’s national security policy.

Althoughmedia giant Alex Jones—sponsored by Sirius, a Jewish-controlled satellite radio conglomerate—continues to insist LBJwas behind JFK’s assassination, even endorsing the work of author Barr McClellan who makes the ridiculous, long-discredited claim that JFK assassination patsy Lee Harvey Oswald was one of the gunmen firing on Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas—a point Jones keeps under wraps—a lot of significant people believe differently.

For example, popular commentator Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic, in a piece published on Iran’s English-language website, “PressTV,” wrote that Final Judgment “makes a strong case that Israel was a leading force behind the assassination of JFK.”

Barrett cited French scholar and longstanding JFK assassination researcher, Dr. Laurent Guyenot, who has endorsed the thesis of Final Judgment.

Guyenot admitted that he had, until recently, refrained fromreading Final Judgment, having been, in his words, “warned against the book’s bad reputation among most JFK researchers.” But Guyenot now says Final Judgment is “a book which is in a category by itself” in all of the vast literature on the topic and the one that presents “the really ‘unspeakable’ ” piece of the JFK assassination puzzle.

Another independent analyst, Don Fox—writing via Dr. Jim Fetzer’s column at the website—has cited Final Judgment and critiqued JFK writer James DiEugenio who, Fox point- ed out, “never mentions Israel or the Mossad as having a motive to kill Kennedy.”

In fact, DiEugenio has often vigorously denounced the book’s thesis.

But now even “mainstream” media elements are being forced to acknowledge that there does exist a theory implicating Israel in the assassination.

On Nov. 16, The Dallas Morning News listed “ten popular conspiracy theories” about the assassination, including: “The Israelis theory: JFK did not support Israel’s drive to build nuclear weapons. The Israelis believed Joe Kennedy, the president’s father, was anti-Semitic and wielded influence over his son. LBJ reversed U.S. policy on Israeli nuclear arms once he became president.”

Adding to the mix was the publication of the first-ever book of JFK’s correspondence, The Letters of John F. Kennedy, edited by respected historian Martin W. Sandler.

Featuring contentious correspondence between JFK and Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion over Israel’s nuclear weapons program, Sandler referenced Final Judgment (the only book on the assassination hementions) and asserts of its thesis that “of all the conspiracy theories, it remains one of the most intriguing.”

For daring to air the thesis, Sandler has been attacked by pro-Israel voices in the United States such as National Review and The Washington Free Beacon, edited by the son-in-law of Zionist power broker William Kristol. And in Britain, Jewish historian Simon Schama, reviewing Sandler’s book for London’s Financial Times, complained that the book “bizarrely gives space to the notion that [the] Mossad might have had a hand in the death” of JFK.

Then, in a presentation on Nov. 16 at the John F. Kennedy Museum in Hyannis, Mass. (broadcast on CSPAN-2), Sandler noted there were now voices saying, in Sandler’s words: “Forget Lyndon Johnson. Forget the CIA. Forget Fidel Castro. Mossad killed Kennedy because they were so upset over what he did to Ben-Gurion.”

Responding to the obvious surprise of his audience, Sandler commented that there were “a few little bombshells we throw in [the book]”—adding they were “not proven,” a remark prompting the program moderator to laugh and say, “I hear you.”

Even Jim Marrs, author of Crossfire—once called “the big daddy of the conspiracy books on the JFK assassination”—was forced into including a passing reference (just one sentence) to the thesis of Final Judgment (but notmentioning the book) in the revised edition of his book, noting, “There is also the argument that Kennedy was opposed to Israel’s development of nuclearweapons and was demanding inspections of Israel’s Dimona nuclear plant, a position that alienated powerful Zionists.”

Marrs did mention Final Judgment in the revised bibliography of Crossfire, although that bibliography was published only on the Internet—not in the book—in order, according to Marrs, “to save space.”

In recent years Marrs had been under fire from critics who revealed he had received some $200,000 from Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan (a key player in Israel’s nuclear weapons program) for the rights to Crossfire when Milchan bankrolled Oliver Stone’s film, “JFK,” which avoided mentioning JFK’s secret war with Israel over nuclear weapons and the ties of multiple alleged JFK conspirators to Israel and its nuclear agenda, preferring to suggest the events in Dallas were an “inside job.”

No, the JFK assassination—just like 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombing (and the attack on the USS Liberty)—was an “outside job.”

It’s time to forget about those extinct dinosaurs like LBJ and focus on the real monster, which has its tentacles wrapped around the planet today.
Michael Collins Piper is a world-renowned author, journalist, lecturer and Radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and, of course, the United States. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth: Huey Long vs Wall Street, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within, Target: Traficant, The Golem: Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb and False Flags: Template for Terror.


Voir: Haman et les assassinats politiques (HUSSEIN, STALINE, HITLER, LE TSAR, etc.)
Haman associé à la Croix du Christ (symbole de la croix: une "abomination" associée au Christ et à Haman pendu à un gibet en croix.)
Operation Haman comme nom de l'opération visant à tuer JFK... C'est pas prouvé mais vraisemblable. Ce nom illustre bien ce que représentait l'opération consistant à tuer Kennedy, quels intérêts ça servait. Pour comprendre le personnage maudit de Haman dans le drame du peuple juif devant-toujours-se-battre-pour-sa-survie, il faut relire le livre d'Esther. 
Voyez ce que le livre de Michael Collins Piper sur l'assassinat de JFK intitulé "FINAL JUDGMENT" révèle concernant cette habitude juive consistant à identifier ses ennemis à Haman pour les faire assassiner. Piper intitule même sa conclusion "Operation Haman? The Theory That Works":

(...)However, the primary reason behind Ben-Gurion's departure was the Israeli leader's inability to pressure JFK into accepting Israel's demands. According to Hersh: "There was no way for the Israeli public . . . to suspect that there was yet another factor in Ben-Gurion's demise: his increasingly bitter impasse with Kennedy over a nuclear-armed Israel." (143) Ben-Gurion had failed. The battle had been lost, but the war between the two men was still to be won.
What was on Ben-Gurion's mind as he turned over the reins of government to his successor? What was David Ben-Gurion's final act as Prime Minister of the Jewish State? In light of Ben-Gurion's explicit comment to John F. Kennedy that "my people have the right to exist . . and this existence is in danger," we can certainly make a good presumption.
In Ben-Gurion's eyes, John F. Kennedy was clearly a modern-day Haman—an enemy of the Jewish people. In Jewish folklore, Haman was a descendant of the Amalekites who served as prime minister to King Ahasueros of Persia. It was Haman who sought to convince the king that all of the Jews of his empire should be exterminated forever.
However, according to legend, a beautiful Jewish temptress named Esther used her feminine wiles on Ahasueros and, in the end, it was Haman who was instead put to death. The important Jewish holiday of Purim celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from Haman's intended holocaust.
In the Bible—Deut 25:19, I Sam. 15:8—the ancient Hebrews were urged to "blot out the memory of the Amalekites" from whom Haman descended.
In Israel—in 1963—David Ben-Gurion certainly looked upon John F. Kennedy as a modern-day Haman, a son of the Amalekites. As he pondered the brutal conflict with JFK, Ben-Gurion no doubt remembered the meditation that is read on Purim:
"A wicked man, an arrogant offshoot of the seed of Amalek, rose up against us. Insolent in his riches, he digged himself a pit, and his own greatness laid him a snare. In his mind he thought to entrap, but was himself entrapped; he sought to destroy, but was himself speedily destroyed . . . he made him a gallows, and was himself hanged thereon."
With John F. Kennedy lying in a grave in Arlington National Cemetery, Israel was safe—for the time being at least. The modern-day heir of Haman's legacy had been destroyed. That Lyndon Johnson—a man with a steadfast history of loyalty to Israel and its American lobby—was in line to assume the American presidency was a fact not gone unnoticed. Israel's messiah had come.
(...)"CONCLUSION: Operation Haman? The Theory That Works"(...)
Was there a code name for the conspiracy against President Kennedy? More than likely. But we, of course, will surely never know its name. Did the Mossad, perhaps, call it "Operation Haman"—naming the conspiracy to kill the American president after Haman, the ancient Amalekite conspirator who desired the destruction of the Jewish people? That code name would be as reasonable as any, considering Ben-Gurion's hatred for Kennedy—a modern-day Haman in his eyes.
In 1979 when Connally launched a well-financed bid for the 1980 Republican presidential nomination, he publicly challenged the power of the Israeli lobby in a highly controversial speech that, by all accounts, led to the end of Connally's presidential ambitions once and for all.
But what is interesting is that Connally' s speech was considered so inflammatory by the Israelis and their Americans supporters that a prominent Israeli educator and philosopher, Emmanuel Rackman, president of Bal Ilan University, actually called for Connally's assassination.
Comparing Connally to Haman, the ancient enemy of the Jewish people, Rackman—a rabbi—issued his call for Connally's assassination in the November 18, 1979 issue of The Jewish Week-American Examiner, the publication of the Israeli-government owned Jewish Telegraph Agency, a subdivision of the worldwide Jewish Agency.
Rackman's vicious attack on Connally was headlined: "John Connally Campaign Seen as Dire Threat to Israel and U.S. Jewry." Rackman quoted New York Times columnist William Safire as having said that for "the first time, a candidate for President has delivered a major address which he knew would disturb and dismay every American supporter of Israel."(986)
Rackman commented: "This is true. But does not this observation signify more than it says? Does it not mean that in Connally we have, for the first time, a candidate who in no uncertain terms is telling the American people that he does not want the support of Jews and that he wants to prove that one can be elected president without Jewish support.
"Furthermore, does it not mean that at long last we have a candidate who hopes to get elected by mobilizing support from all who share his total disregard of how Jews feel about him and is this not an invitation to all anti-Semites to rally behind him? I am generally not an alarmist but nothing in American politics in recent years so disturbed me as Connally's subtle communication to Jews that they can `go to the devil.' Even the Nixon tapes were not so upsetting.
"The American Jewish community must be alerted. If only we had stopped Hitler early enough, millions of Jews would still be alive. And Connally must be stopped at all costs. He must not even get near the nomination! He must be destroyed, at least politically, as soon as possible.
It is sufficiently early to make Connally look ridiculous and destroy him politically without bloodshed.
"Perhaps I am overreacting," said Rackman. "But if I have learned anything especially from the rabbinic view of Biblical history it is that we are less fearful and more forgiving of enemies who at least accord us a modicum of respect than we are of enemies who treat us with disdain, with contempt. That makes Arafat more acceptable than Connally." (987)
Rackman compared Connally with Amalek, another foe of the Jewish people: "'Remember Amalek,' we are told. 'Don't forget.' Eradicate him from the face of the earth. Simply because Amalek had no respect for us. He encountered us in his path and casually sought to exterminate us as vermin.
It is my fervent prayer," said this Jewish religious leader, "that American Jewry will not minimize the importance of the challenge they have been given and will act speedily and with devastating effectiveness."(988)
John Connally was not eradicated as Rackman urged. But his political career came to a halt after the major media began a campaign against him.
However, when John Connally died in 1993, the doctors said that Connally's fatal lung condition was a direct outgrowth of the chest wounds that he had received in the shooting in Dallas on November 22, 1963. So ultimately, in the end, John Connally did prove to be yet another victim of Israel—as much as if he had died on the same day as John F. Kennedy.

AUDIO - AFP Editors Roundtable, Dec.5, 2013, with Michael Collins Piper
AMERICAN FREE PRESS newspaper's editors and reporters discuss the weeks top stories. This week: Michael Collins Piper's article.

AUDIO - MCP interviewed on Dennis Fetcho radio program, Dec. 2, 2013
Download Here

AUDIO - The Victory Hour Nov 22, 2013

On this 50th anniversary of the ritual murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Michael Collins Piper fills in the blanks on Kennedy’s fight to the death with the Hellish State.
Download Here

VIDEO - JFK - La piste Ben Gourion ignorée dans le film d'Oliver Stone produit par l'ex-agent du Mossad devenu producteur hollywoodien Arnon Milchan.

PDF - Warren Bass - Support Any Friend: Kennedy's Middle East and the Making of the US-Israel Alliance

Plus d'info:

Rothschild et JFK: les liens de l'avocat "montréalais" Bloomfield (à la tête de Permindex) avec le clan Rothschild documentés par un auteur québécois

La piste israélienne n'est plus ignorée dans les ouvrages de référence sur JFK, panique des néocons dans les médias (National Review, Washington Free Beacon) - Extrait de la fin du livre "The Letters of John F. Kennedy"

45e anniversaire de l'assassinat de JFK: mystère résolu: les cas de Peter Dale Scott, Jim Marrs et Robert Groden, semeurs de demi-vérités

Des sympathies et ambitions nationalistes de Joseph P. Kennedy

Kadhafi réitère ses propos sur l'assassinat de JFK par le Mossad

Assassinat de JFK: rien à voir avec le décret 11110 et la Réserve Fédérale

Yitzhak Shamir, le terroriste devenu président d'Israël qui joua un rôle central dans la conspiration contre JFK

Israël admet que le producteur du JFK d'Oliver Stone, Arnon Milchan, était un agent du Mossad

John F. Kennedy - In Memoriam

Assassinat de JFK: c'était pas des "WASP" sudistes du pétrole

La connexion israélienne: la seule à réunir toutes les pièces du puzzle de l'assassinat de JFK

L'arsenal nucléaire israélien au centre de la guerre secrète entre JFK et Israël

Après JFK et Obama, au tour de l'Onu de demander à Israël d'ouvrir ses installations nucléaires aux inspections

Nixon s'est opposé à l'acquisition du nucléaire par Israel

Le jeu des devinettes: qu'ont en commun Al Capone et la contrebande d'alcool durant la prohibition, Meyer Lansky et l'armement de tsahal, Jack Ruby et l'assassinat de JFK, la production d'anthrax à Grosse-Ile au Québec et la Seconde guerre mondiale, John McCain et Rupert Murdoch, la guerre contre le nationalisme québecois et le nouveau chef des finances du parti Libéral canadien?

Les rois du crime organisé, c'est pas les Siciliens ni les Italiens

Kosher Nostra

Rupert Murdoch dénonce la "guerre contre les Juifs"

Les fauteurs de guerre

Notre première liste d'antisémites

Humour juif? Complots partout? Selon le rabbin Antelman, le mondialisme oligarchique est un "complot communiste illuminati pour détruire les Juifs et le judaïsme"

Le devoir de mémoire: source de motivation pour Alex Jones dans son combat, fondement du nouvel ordre mondial pour le B'nai Brith

REPÉRÉ: Un saboteur à la tête du "mouvement" pour la vérité

Wikileaks révèle que Bilderberg perçoit le nationalisme comme étant « dangereux »… mais Infowars continue de prétendre que Bilderberg a été fondé par les nazis

Bilderberg: organisation anti-nationaliste des Rothschild - la haine entre Hitler et le fondateur de Bilderberg

Le vol des brevets des nouvelles technologies allemandes et l'opération PAPERCLIP

Mise au point sur la désinfo qui circule sur Hitler, les nazis, le nouvel ordre mondial, Bilderberg, etc.

Zundel et son avocate Stoltz emprisonnés pour avoir "porté atteinte à la mémoire des morts" en questionnant la version officielle du 11 septembre

11 septembre : c'était pas les nazis!

Le mensonge de la fluoration inventée et utilisée par les nazis

Projet Manhattan: bombe A, sécurité nationale et santé publique 

C'est toujours la faute aux nazis

Friday, November 29, 2013

Humour juif? Complots partout? Selon le rabbin Antelman, le mondialisme oligarchique est un "complot communiste illuminati pour détruire les Juifs et le judaïsme"

Dans l'univers étrange des théories du complot, tout est toujours un complot et donc rien n'est jamais ce qu'il paraît.

On entend cela très souvent dans les milieux friands de théories du complot: on dit que les Juifs sont des boucs émissaires innocents dans cette histoire d'instauration d'un "nouvel ordre mondial"...

Des victimes innocentes d'une haine millénaire irrationnelle et inexplicable... voilà ce qu'ils ont toujours été, n'est-ce pas monsieur Murdoch?

On nous dit que les responsables seraient plutôt les "Illuminati", des communistes, des crypto-juifs (des juifs se faisant passer pour des non-juifs) liés à des courants kabbalistiques et hétérodoxes connus sous le nom de "sabbatéens" et de "frankistes", et même des nazis et des "antisémites", dont le but ultime serait la destruction des juifs et du judaïsme. C'est la théorie du rabbin Marvin Antelman.

 Le rabbin Marvin Antelman, auteur de To Eliminate the Opiate, était lié au site, devenu, et dont l'objectif est la diffusion du noachisme.

Voyez: le livre est publié aux éditions Zionist Book Club, Jerusalem, Israel. Est-il besoin de commenter davantage?

Encore la faute des antisémites! Et des négationnistes!

Ces gens nous disent par exemple, que tous les mouvements qui se sont constitués dans l'histoire récente en opposition aux juifs et aux judaïsme étaient en fait secrètement contrôlés par les "Illuminati". (Ça donne envie de rejoindre les juifs extrémistes israéliens dans leur combat contre les immigrants, contre les unions mixtes, contre les terroristes et contre les antisémites, non?)

Encore plus nombreux sont ceux qui affirment, sans pour autant fournir de preuve solide, que Hitler avait des racines juives, voire que c'était un rejeton illégitime de la famille Rothschild!

David Livingstone cite de nombreux juifs pour défendre la théorie d'Hitler juif.

AUDIO - Adolf Hitler Was A Frankist Jew - Rabbi Antelman

Dans un article publié sur le site de Makow, David Livingstone signale que: "Dans son ouvrage Adolf Hitler: Founder of Israel, Hennecke Kardel cite un livre intitulé Before Hitler Came, écrit par un Juif allemand, Dietrich Bronder, qui prétend que non seulement Hitler, mais ses proches collaborateurs étaient également juifs..."

On nous répète que les nazis étaient ou bien secrètement juifs, ou bien sionistes, ou bien manipulés par les sionistes. (Bref, tout sauf des nationalistes qui tentaient de sauver l'Europe chrétienne de la menace communiste soviétique qui avait déjà envoyé des millions de Russes dans l'enfer des goulags et menaçait de passer l'Europe entière au rouleau compresseur.)

Mae Magnin Brussell
John Judge
Certains nous disent que c'étaient les nazis qui ont assassiné John F. Kennedy! Mae Brussell est l'une de ces personnes. Elle a grandement influencé John Judge et Dave Emory, de même qu'une grande partie du mouvement "patriote", incluant Alex Jones et bien d'autres obsédés du "grand complot nazi". Mae Magnin Brussell est née dans une riche famille juive de Berverly Hills propriétaire d'une grande chaîne de magasins (I. Magnin Dept. Store). Son père Edgar Magnin était le rabbin le plus influent de la communauté juive d'Hollywood. Dans son article "The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination: Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy", elle identifie Reinhard Gehlen comme étant un de ces nazis qui aurait ensuite été engagé par les États-Unis pour travailler à l'Office of Strategic Services (OSS), soit l'ancêtre de la CIA. Or le fait est que ce Reinhard Gehlen était un agent des services secrets israéliens! De par sa position au sein de l'OSS, il a contribué à établir de nombreux ponts avec Israël. Son rôle alla plutôt dans le même sens que la traque des nazis réfugiés un peu partout dans le monde. Loin de faire entrer des nazis au gouvernement américain, il contribua de par ses liens avec Israël dans la traque aux nazis, à purger les institutions américaines de tous les sympathisants nazis qui s'y trouvaient, contribuant ainsi plus que quiconque à la sionisation intégrale de l'appareil gouvernemental et de l'appareil de renseignement américain. C'est ainsi que l'OSS devint un véritable nid d'espions sionistes. Comment peut-être alors accuser la CIA d'être un repaire de nazis?

John Loftus est un de ces auteurs tels que Mae Brussell et Dave Emory qui propagent le bobard du complot nazi à l'origine de la subversion de l'Amérique par le nouvel ordre mondial. Or même John Loftus admet que les transfuges nazis qui ont travaillé autour du nazi Gehlen pour l'OSS avaient des liens étroits avec des agents israéliens (Gehlen travaillait pratiquement pour les services du Mossad!). John Loftus est un ancien des services secrets impliqué dans la traque aux criminels nazis et qui a également présidé le musée de l'Holocauste de Floride. Est-il besoin de préciser qu'il est pro-Israël? Il prétend débusquer le complot ultime trouvant sa source dans le transfert des nazis réaffectés à divers projets du gouvernement américain. Voir plus bas le chapitre correspondant du livre Final Judgment de Michael Collins Piper.
Wikipedia John Loftus:
“John Joseph Loftus (February 12, 1950) is an American author, former U.S. government prosecutor and former Army intelligence officer. He is a president of The Intelligence Summit and, although he is not Jewish, a president of the Florida Holocaust Museum. Loftus also serves on the Board of Advisers to Public Information Research.(...)
He began working for the U.S. Department of Justice in 1977 and in 1979 joined their Office of Special Investigations, which was charged with prosecuting and deporting Nazi war criminals in the US. Loftus’ now-expired Web site claimed, “As a young U.S. Army officer, John Loftus helped train Israelis on a covert operation that turned the tide of battle in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.”(...)
He also writes regularly for Ami, an Orthodox Jewish weekly news magazine.
On August 7, 2005, he provided the United States address of an alleged terrorist named Iyad K. Hilal on Fox News. Only afterwards was it revealed that Hilal had left the address three years previously and the home was now owned by a family, which was then subjected to threats and vandalism and required police protection as a result of Loftus’ words. Fox terminated Loftus’s contract to commentate after the event. Loftus said “I thought it might help police in that area now that we have positively identified a terrorist,” but he did not say why he did not contact police in a more direct manner. Loftus apologized for the mistake and expressed frustration about “one federal [agency’s]” inaction on an earlier tip he had given them years ago due to the same address." []
Piper rapporte au sujet de Loftus dans son livre Final Judgment, sur l'assassinat de JFK:
John Loftus - Author of The Secret War Against the Jews, a new book which claims that anti-Israel partisans in the American intelligence community have sought to sabotage the state of Israel. (Loftus is a former attorney with the Nazi-hunting Office of Special Investigations.)

Note: Mis à part ses délires philosémites sur les nazis, John Loftus a tout de même pointé du doigt le rôle des sionistes dans la guerre contre FDR et contre Nixon:


In fact, two authors known for their devotion to the Zionist cause — John Loftus and Mark Aarons — have stated candidly that many friends of Israel do believe that FDR's death was quite fortuitous: "Although American public opinion was favorable toward Jews, few Zionists trusted Roosevelt entirely . . . As several lead ing Zionists admitted, if Roosevelt had lived, it is unlikely that Israel would ever have been born. They knew what they were talking about.”

According to pro-Israel Nixon critics, John Loftus and Mark Aarons, Nixon's staff "had at least two days advance warning that an attack was coming . . . but no one in the Nixon White House warned the Jews until the last few hours on the day of the attack." Loftus and Aarons say that, "Although our sources think that incompetence, not mali ce, was the reason for delaying the warning, Nixon certainly had a motive for revenge . . . Nixon was well aware that, apart from J. Edgar Hoover, only the Israelis knew enough about his past to cause him major political damage.
"As the Watergate tape - recordings show, Nixon was terribly afraid of the Jews. He made lists of his enemies and kept track of Jewish Americans in his administration . . . Whatever the motive, during September and October 1973 the Nixon White House turned a blind eye toward Sadat 's plans for a consolidated sneak attack against the Jews."

Antony Sutton rapporte la fameuse citation de W. Rathenau: "En tant que membre du club des capitalistes, je peux dire que trois cent hommes étroitement liés les uns aux autres contrôlent la destinée de l'Occident". Or l'auteur conspirationniste juif et ancien agent du renseignement britannique John Coleman (américanisation du nom juif ashkénaze Kalman) prétend dans son livre "The Committee of 300" qu'un "Comité des 300" existe en tant qu'organisation formelle, bien que ses seules "preuves" quant à l'existence de celle-ci proviennent de sources anonymes liées aux services secrets britanniques. Cet auteur John Coleman a déjà attaqué le journal The Spotlight (maintenant connu sous le nom American Free Press) en disant que ce serait de la propagande communiste soviétique ("Soviet black propaganda front"). (Curieusement, l'ADL du B'nai Brith a affirmé la même chose en cour lorsqu'ils ont attaqué en justice Liberty Lobby, l'organisation de Willis Carto pour laquelle travaillait Piper.) Coleman déteste Piper et le traite d'antisémite. Coleman présente son fameux "comité des 300" comme si c'était une institution existante, or celle-ci n'a jamais existé en dehors de la citation de Walter Rathenau qui faisait une figure de style! Coleman a carrément inventé cette organisation à partir d'une citation d'un homme célèbre et les conspirationnistes de ce monde l'ont ensuite intégré à leurs schémas conspirationnistes abracadabrants. Sur le cas de Coleman, voir la section "Questions and Answers" du livre de Michael Collins Piper FINAL JUDGMENT (p568-569):

Why don't you ever report on the findings of former British intelligence operative Dr. John Coleman who has revealed the existence of a high-level group known as The Committee of 300 which Coleman says ordered the JFK assassination? Coleman says that Permindex, which you talk about in Final Judgment, was the assassinations arm of the Committee of 300. 
First of all, I must say that the first-ever reference I saw to the Committee of 300 is in the works of Dr. Coleman. After that, all references I have seen have been in books written by those who have reported on Coleman's writings on the Committee of 300. So essentially Coleman is the only primary source on the existence of this group. Just because many others have cited Coleman's writings doesn't mean the group exists. This is very important to remember. 
I don't dispute the possibility that there is such a committee in existence. There are high-level international power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group (financed jointly by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families) and the Trilateral Commission. I've written extensively on both groups, including a widely circulated report on the Trilateral Commission. So it's conceivable that this secret committee that Coleman discusses does exist. But to the best of my knowledge Dr. Coleman has never exhibited any documentation that such a committee exists, although there is documentation about the Bilderberg Group. 
Frankly, I believe that getting involved in a debate over the so-called Committee of 300 is a distraction from the basics that people can understand: that CIA, the Mossad and Organized Crime all had distinct interests in removing JFK from office and that, as I demonstrate in Final Judgment, all three groups closely intersected with one another in a number of areas and had the means and opportunity (not to mention, obviously, the motive) to have carried off the crime of the century and its cover-up. 
These are all interests that are apparent—that can be documented—and which people do readily understand. Introducing some shadowy Committee of 300 into the equation takes the JFK assassination out of the realm of average understanding and does nothing to address the immediate issue.

YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH 101 Books Nationalists Need to Read and Understand Before 'They' Burn Them, by Michael Collins Piper (2013) p.33-36

Ce qui est plutôt drôle dans tout ça, c'est que les soi-disant penseurs qui propagent ces théories sont presque tous soupçonnés de cacher leurs origines juives, étant donnés qu'ils ne veulent ni confirmer ni infirmer celles-ci. Certains ne veulent tout simplement pas répondre, esquivent nerveusement la question ou répondent seulement à moitié... En effet, dirons certains, en quoi des origines peuvent-ils expliquer un positionnement?

D'autant plus ce sont plutôt eux---ces soi-disant penseurs soupçonnés de cacher leurs origines juives et propageant la théorie du complot illuminati-sabbatéen-frankiste contre-les-juifs---qui répètent des vieux mensonges communistes calomniant le fascisme et le nazisme... (Exemples: "Le nazisme était financé par l'oligarchie capitaliste", "Les nazis sont forcément sionistes puisqu'ils combattent notre bien-aimé communisme---antithèse du sionisme", "Les sionistes avaient besoin de créer le nazisme et de  monter en scène l'Holocauste pour obtenir l'État Israël", "L'accord de transfert prouve définitivement l'alliance entre nazis et sionistes", etc.) Notez que dans les faits, l'accord de transfert a été abandonné en 1936 et cela a mis un terme définitif aux relations entre sionistes et nazis. Sans oublier que les organisations juives ont déclaré la guerre à l'Allemagne dès 1933. Ce mythe contribue à une fausse image des nazis dépeints comme des pleutres traîtres vendus au système mondialiste et alliés aux sionistes, comme le FN de Marine Le Pen par exemple, alors que les nazis seraient en réalité plus proches du Jobbik antijuif pro-musulman.

Mais ce qui est vraiment à crouler de rire, c'est de prendre la peine d'examiner les sources qui propagent ces théories, on retrouve: le rabbin Marvin Antelman, David Livingstone, Henry Makow, Hennecke Kardel, Dietrich Bronder... Tous semblent juifs, sinon seulement en partie. Coïncidence? On peut pas leur reprocher d'essayer de nous convaincre que leur version des faits est la bonne et qu'ils ne sont en effet que les victimes des non-juifs qui les détestent, comme toujours.

Le rabbin Antelman réfère aux travaux fortement biaisés de Antony Sutton, dont l'ouvrage Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, malgré la multitude d'informations qu'il présente, échoue quand même à démontrer ce que son titre mal choisi promettait de démontrer. Antelman croit qu'il s'agit d'une source impeccable, or il est très facile d'y trouver des erreurs grossières et les distorsions les plus ingénues.

Écoutez le rabbin Antelman, qui réfère à Sutton @5:24, en entrevue à la radio nationale israélienne Tamar Yonah of Israel Nat'l Radio.

De nombreux internautes citent Sutton pour insister sur le financement des
nazis par la compagnie Standard Oil, bien que Sutton soutienne le contraire:
"la Standard Oil n'a apparemment pas financé l'accession au pouvoir d'Hitler."

Faut-il rappeler que selon Antony Sutton, le coeur du complot est un "CULTE GERMANIQUE DE LA MORT"? Lire à ce sujet son ouvrage-phare The Order of the Skull and Bones, qui est très éclairant à cet effet. Le méchant doit toujours rester l'Allemand, comme autrefois lors de la Première et la Seconde guerre mondiale. Au début de son reportage sensationnel mais peu convainquant sur Bohemian Grove, Alex Jones affirme sans rire que le complot tire ses origines d'un "ancien culte babylonien druidique germanique". La source du problème se trouve donc dans le monde non-juif, en particulier le monde celte-germanique, et bien sûr, comme d'habitude, ce sont encore une fois les juifs innocents qui écopent.

Selon Abraham Ducker, juif comme son nom l'indique, si les nazis n'ont pas dénoncé les frankistes, c'est parce qu'ils étaient eux-mêmes dans le coup, c,est-à-dire qu'ils étaient infiltrés par les frankistes comme le reste de la chrétienté! Oh là là, mais ils sont vraiment partout ces "Illuminati"!

Notez que dans tout ce délire c'est bien le judaïsme qui est visé et non le christianisme. C'est encore le judaïsme et les juifs qu'il s'agit de détruire par-dessus tout.

Nous sommes désolés de devoir insister, mais les Rothschild ne sont pas crypto-juifs ou sabbatéens ou frankistes, ce sont des juifs très attachés au Talmud, tout comme notre cher rabbin Antelman.
Peinture de 1849 représentant une cérémonie bizarre commanditée par les Rothschild eux-mêmes
à l'intérieur de leur palace situé à Londres. Selon Meyer Rothschild, Rothschild était un fervent
adepte du Talmud et suivait rigoureusement ses préceptes dans ses activités de tous les jours.
C'était bien un juif au quotidien.

Et si les nazis étaient nationalistes, les sionistes avaient des visées mondialistes. Les nazis ne visaient pas la domination mondiale---les Sionistes oui. Car le sionisme que nous combattons n'est pas un mouvement nationaliste, c'est un mouvement visant à faire d'Israël un centre spirituel mondial à partir duquel la juiverie internationale devra régner sur toute la Terre jusqu'à la Fin des Temps et l'avènement du Messie. Les sionistes combattaient cela et ils savaient bien que leurs ennemis sont les sages du Cahal, les "Sages de Sion" de l'infâme Protocole (largement diffusé par les nazis pendant que les sionistes tentaient de le supprimer), et non quelque sioniste comme Herzl l'était, désireux de trouver une terre d'accueil pour fonder un État pour le peuple juif, que ce soit en Ouganda ou à Madagascar ou comme le voulait la véritable solution finale: à l'extrême-Est de l'Océan de Glace (Guionnet, Butz).

Une autre incohérence mérite d'être soulevée: l'argument de Arthur Koestler, cet ancien communiste juif qui se convertit finalement au sionisme, voulant que les juifs d'aujourd'hui descendent des Khazars et ne peuvent par conséquent se qualifier pour faire leur Aliyah (retour en Israël), considérant que leurs origines ethniques sont ashkénazes et non sémitiques. D'une part, cet argument permet soi-disant de contourner l'accusation d'antisémitisme et en disant que si des juifs sont à pointer du doigt dans cette histoire, ce sont en fait des faux juifs non reliés aux juifs de la Bible! (Ce qui ne change rien au fond puisqu'ils restent attachés au tribalisme juif!) D'autre part, l'astuce juive de Koestler est telle que les antisionistes qui reprennent son argument (par ex.: Ben Freedman, cet "ex-juif, ex-sioniste") font le travail des sionistes Sépharades sans même s'en douter le moindrement; car selon l'argument de Koestler, si les Ashkénazes sont disqualifiés à cause de leurs origines khazares, les Sépharades en revanche se qualifient tout à fait pour le droit au retour, en raison de leurs origines ethniques qui les rattachent aux peuples sémitiques! Quel drôle d'antisionisme que celui qui refuse à certains juifs le droit au retour en Israël pour sans s'en douter, tout en tolérant le droit au retour de ceux qui ont des origines sémitiques! Aurait-on affaire à un antisionisme à deux vitesses, à double éthique? On aurait donc un antisionisme qui reprend intégralement la hiérarchie des deux catégories de citoyens israéliens que sont les Ashkénazes et les Sépharades, distinction qui existe déjà dans la loi israélienne et au niveau des autorités rabbiniques. Mais cette fois, au lieu d'octroyer aux ashkénazes un statut supérieur aux sépharades, on fait tout simplement l'inverse: on accorde ce statut supérieur--le droit au retour--exclusivement aux Sépharades.

Le mouvement "antisioniste" n'en est pas à une contradiction près. Restons vigilants, car il faut réparer les dommages commis par lui dans son inconscience et sa bêtise.

Carr et le mythe des illuminati

Sur Albert Pike

LE GENERAL PIKE ET MAZZINI  OU L'HISTOIRE A SENSATION  ("Travail en cours" donc pas complété... C'est déjà pas mal, même si l'auteur n'est pas assez dur quand vient le temps de rectifier les rumeurs concernant Pike.)

Founding Fathers and the Bavarian Illuminati Une mise au point sur ce qu'ils ont vraiment écrit au sujet des illuminati. Sources (correspondances) à l'appui.

Top Ten Conspiracy Misquotes #4: ALBERT PIKE AND THE THREE WORLD WARS

Debunking Albert Pike's WWIII vision(...)Only a vision by Pike could seem to explain how he could predict the name and horrors of Nazism and Communism or Zionism illuminati 50 years before its existence if the letter was indeed written in 1871. But when Conspiracy Archive went to find the alleged Pike letter to Mazzini, text versions of which have been circulating the internet for years, they found it never really existed. It was a story totally fabricated after the first two world wars by a guy name William Guy Carr based on writings of anti-Catholic writer Leo Taxil. It is Carr who makes the grand leap to “3 World Wars” and attributes it to Pike in a letter claimed to be in the archives of the British Museum (to give the air of authenticity). The letter, if it ever existed, was a modern fraud. The entire analysis, for those interested, is found in the following link:
Conspiracy Archive’s analysis concludes with:
Exactly what William Guy Carr was trying to pull, I’ll never know. If you’ve bared it [the length of the above link] until the end, perhaps you’re disappointed to have found nothing about a prediction of three world wars, Communism, Nazism and Zionist Illuminati – or anything of the sort. A search through the entire book, utilizing relevant word combinations, turns up nothing either. Instead, what it truly represents is the scurrilous fantasies, and militant anti-Catholicism of its author: the impostor Leo Taxil aka Dr. Bataille, who profited handsomely while having a million laughs at the expense of both Christians and Masons; who confessed that his entire corpus of anti-Masonic works – spanning twelve years and representing thousands of pages (including the translated excerpt above) – were a complete and utter fraud; a colossal yet ridiculously farcical hoax.

Conspiracy Archive: Albert Pike to Mazzini, August 15, 1871: Three World Wars? by Terry Melanson

Albert Pike’s 3 World Wars Letter Hoax

But let us explain about William James Guy Carr (1895 - 1959), who was born in England and went to sea at the age of 14.  During World War II, Carr was working for the Canadian Intelligence Service.  He became a conspiracy theorist and wrote books which included 'Pawns in the Game'.  He believed that an age-old banking conspiracy was seeking to bring about a one world government.   Leo Taxil.  Carr's works were influenced by the writings of the British fascist Nesta Webster and the Frenchman Léo Taxil. (...) Of course, Taxil may have been part of a clever plot to discredit  those who try to discredit Freemasons.(...)The letter can apparently be traced to the earlier writings of 'the self-confessed hoaxsters' Domenico Margiotta and Leo Taxil.  Apparently, there is no evidence that any correspondence ever existed.Carr's books refer to the "Synagogue of Satan."  Carr wrote, "I wish to make it clearly and emphatically known that I do not believe the Synagogue of Satan (S.O.S.) is Jewish, but, as Christ told us for a definite purpose, it is comprised of 'I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.' (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9)".[23]  Carr believed that the Luciferian conspirators existed at the time of Christ.  So, Carr was some kind of right-winger with links to the security services.  And some of his sources are dubious.  One suspects that he was secretly a friend of the Feudal System?
* * *
Il est à noter que la première mention d'une prétendue "prophétie des trois guerres mondiales dans la lettre de Pike à Mazzini" apparaît pour la première fois en 1955 dans le livre de William Guy Carr "Pawns in the Game". Carr a apparemment rajouté des bouts de textes à un extrait d'une prétendue "Lettre de Pike à Mazzini" qui a été publiée en fait par Léo Taxil dans "Le diable au 19e siècle", dont une copie se trouve au British Museum. En fait, en 1955, alors que Carr révélait la prétendue prophétie de Pike sur les trois guerres mondiales, on connaissait déjà d'une part le résultat de la Première et de la Seconde guerre mondiale, et d'autre part le conflit nouveau entre les sionistes et les musulmans, puisque Israël existait déjà et était déjà entré en conflit armé avec ses voisins arabes et musulmans.  Carr ne révélait donc rien mais prophétisait que le conflit opposant les arabes et les musulmans aux sionistes et vice versa deviendrait mondial et global (à la même époque, il y avait Douglas Reed). En fait, Carr ne faisait que répandre le point de vue des sionistes ultra, qui voyaient les arabes et les musulmans comme leurs nouveaux ennemis jurés, la nouvelle incarnation d'Amalek! Pour Carr, ce ne sont pas les juifs qui ont causé les grandes guerres mondiales, ce sont des élites lucifériennes qui se servent du judaïsme pour se protéger, pour que les juifs soient livrés en bouc émissaires!
Dans cette histoire de projets de guerres dites mondiales planifiées en loge, la vérité est à chercher du côté des loges Anglos-maçonniques de la fin du 19e siècle dont les compots ont porté fruit dans la Première guerre mondiale.
- D'une part: les Anglais ont commencé à renforcer les mouvements islamiques (notamment le wahabisme et le salafisme) et les mouvements arabes (la Ligue arabe a été fondée sous influence anglaise). À cet effet, l'exemple de T.E. Laurence, dit Laurence d'Arabie, dont la vie a été romancée par le  Capitaine William H.I. Shakespear (à ne pas confondre avec Shakespeare), est emblématique.
- D'autre part: les Anglais ont également promis la Palestine aux juifs sionistes (en échange de quoi ils devaient entraîner les États-Unis dans la guerre, ce qu'ils ont fait). La déclaration Balfour vint sceller ce contrat dès le 2 novembre 1917, soit vers la fin de la guerre. La Première guerre mondiale ayant permis aux Anglais de prendre le contrôle de Jérusalem et de la Palestine, jusqu'alors sous contrôle de l'empire ottoman.

Les anglos suprémacistes tels que Lord Salisbury en parlaient déjà au début du 20e siècle: selon lui la solution au problème russe se résoudrait soit par une révolution, soit par un renouveau islamique, soit par une guerre contre l'Allemagne. L'histoire montre de manière flagrante que chacune de ces trois choses se sont concrétisées.

Aurait-on pour objectif de favoriser maintenant la formation d'un super-État islamique: un Islamistan, comme le présageait le magazine des Rothschild The Economist en 1992?

' ' Il est intéressant de noter que le mouvement du British Israël, qui clame que les peuples anglo-saxons/anglophones sont le nouveau "peuple Élu" de l'Alliance de Dieu et non pas les juifs d'aujourd'hui, a émergé dans la même décennie, dans les années 1840, que le magazine The Economist, ce champion séculier des "valeurs anglo-saxonnes". Depuis le début des années 90, la Revue The Economist insinue dans l'esprit public un scénario géopolitique qui n'est pas très loin de celui de Garner Ted Armstrong. Par exemple, dans son numéro double spécial du Nouvel An 1992-1993, The Economist a décrit un futur scénario dans lequel la Chine réunifierait avec Taiwan en 2007, créant une économie de marché autoritaire et colossale. En 2009 la Chine intimiderait le Japon en la réduisant à une vassal-dépendance dans « la sphère de coopération du Chine-Japon ». Une année-clé de ce scénario d'Armageddon est 2011, quand la monarchie saoudienne serait renversée dans le coup d'un colonel qui mènerait à l'établissement d'un super-État islamiste que l'article appelle « Islamistan ». Ceci s'avère justement être - retournant maintenant à la situation actuelle - un an seulement avant ce que d'innombrables personnes autour du globe aujourd'hui (2006), influencées par des idées Nouvel-Âge et des informations à moitié comprises sur le calendrier Maya antique, en fait s'attendent à un événement global important qui affectera la terre entière, que ce soit une catastrophe écologique due à un décalage de pôle magnétique - peut-être la fin du monde ou au moins de la civilisation comme nous la connaissons, sinon de façon moins apocalyptique, l'accomplissement d'une époque historique qui présagera un changement plus doux dans la conscience globale amenant « une élévation à une dimension plus élevée d'harmonie et d'arrangement ». En d'autres termes, les gens sont dirigés d'innombrables manières à « attendre que quelque chose d'énorme se produise » autour 2012. L'article de The Economist a également imaginé que par la suite la Chine s'allierait avec la cette nouvelle superpuissance d'Islamistan - dans une attaque massive sur « le cadavre délabré » de la Russie. Dans cette guerre terrible, la Russie perdrait toute la Sibérie et ses frontières seraient refoulées aux Monts Oural (2011-2050) ; La Turquie et les Balkans tomberaient également dans les griffes de l'« Islamistan ».  C'était bien avant le fameux livre The Clash of Civilisations de Samuel Huntington et bien avant les néocons! [Note 17: Par contre, le scenario a découlé tout naturellement de la vision pre-Huntington de The Economist d'un nouvel ordre mondial "culturellement délimité" au 21e siècle, qui suivrait l'ère de la guerre froide et au 21e siècle ' ' (1-9 Sept, 1990; A New Flag: Defence and the Democracies)] (Source: The China - America Relationship in the 21st Century and the Spectres of 1776 (1), T. Boardman, 2007.)

Suivant le littéralisme biblique du British-Israël et de ses prophètes tels Garner Ted Armstrong, les hordes légendaires de Gog et Magog attaquant Israël en venant « de l’Est et du Nord » (selon le Livre de Daniel) seraient la Chine et la Russie, en alliance avec le monde islamique. Cette vision recoupe la division géopolitique de Mackinder, répandue dans les plus grands magazines d’affaires financées par les Rothschild (The Economist) et les Rockefeller (Foreign Affairs), qui conçoit une aire eurasienne englobant la Russie et la Chine. Les think tanks et les penseurs du nouvel ordre mondial tels Brzezinski ou The Economist veulent constituer différents blocs géo-politiques économiques, qui ressemblent drôlement à la division Oceania - Eurasia - Estasia décrite par Orwell dans 1984 : un bloc euro-américain, un bloc islamique, un bloc eurasiatique, de façon à marginaliser l’Inde et la Chine. C’est à cette fin que sont promues les grandes unions supranationales continentales qui se constituent actuellement: Union nord-américaine (et bientôt, selon la vision de Bush père, une Union des Amériques), Union européenne, Union africaine, Union extrême-orientale, etc. La ségrégation des Musulmans menant à la consolidation d’un bloc islamique, que The Economist appelle à la blague « Islamistan », fut favorisée par les guerres de l’après 11 septembre : la guerre au terrorisme, la guerre en Irak et en Afghanistan. Quant à l’Eurasie, celle-ci se consolide du fait que la Chine et la Russie savent qu’ils sont les prochains à être attaqués après l’Iran. Ils sont ainsi en train de constituer, au travers d’alliances économiques et d’alliances militaires comme l'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai, un bloc eurasiatique fondé sur la résistance nationaliste anti-Occident. À cette Eurasie en formation se rattacherait le bloc islamiques, réalisant ainsi, sous la pression étatsunienne, les « prophéties » du British-Israel et de la revue The Economist qui prédisaient que le monde musulman allait s’allier à la Chine et à la Russie. Les pays qui ont le malheur de se trouver au centre des pôles opposés, surtout en Europe de l’Est, en Russie occidentale et en Europe centrale, seront écartelés sous la tension. Israël, qui se trouve justement au Centre, au Moyen-Orient, détient plus de 400 bombes nucléaires et menace constamment des États du monde entier. En fait, un Choc nucléaire des civilisations à une échelle mondiale signifierait la fin catastrophique de la civilisation actuelle. (Derrière la tragédie du 11 septembre et la guerre au terrorisme)