Sunday, March 29, 2015

Médias juifs antijuifs? Selon Enderlin (France 2 à Jérusalem), cible favorite des extrémistes juifs, Israël tombe aux mains d'extrémistes juifs religieux alliés à la droite radicale pendant que la gauche plie bagage... Israël veut devenir une superpuissance pour conquérir le monde. Le documentaire de Charles Enderlin "Au nom du Temple", basé sur son livre, maintenant disponible sur youtube

Netanyahu : « Israël doit devenir une puissance mondiale »
Netanyahu at Mossad Headquarters for its 65th Anniversary: Israel Must Become a World Power
Netanyahu: Israel determined to be ‘world power’

Mise à jour:
Les juifs extrémistes sautent de joie à l'annonce de la retraite prochaine de leur bête noire Charles Enderlin!
Europe-Israel: Bonne nouvelle : Charles ENDERLIN prend enfin sa retraite de France 2
Les juifs extrémistes complotistes d'Europe-Israel continuent de croire que l'affaire Al-Dura est un "canular" monté par le journaliste Enderlin! Presque aussi débile que la gang qui croient que "aucun enfant n'est mort à Sandy Hook" ou que "les victimes de Boston étaient des acteurs de crise payés pour avoir l'air à moitié morts"!

Visionner le dernier reportage de Charles Enderlin sur le thème controversé du sionisme religieux et du judaïsme politique:

VIDEO - Au nom du Temple (sur Youtube)

Charles Enderlin, correspondant de France 2 en Israël, livre un documentaire nécessaire pour comprendre ce qui s'y passe aujourd'hui. A découvrir en avant-première sur Télé, avant sa diffusion sur France 2 (1h07)
Deux ans déjà que Charles Enderlin, chef du bureau de France 2 à Jérusalem, a écrit un livre magistral, Au nom du temple, dans lequel il analysait l'« irrésistible ascension du messianisme juif », qui a engendré la colonisation de la Judée et Samarie biblique. De ce livre, il a tiré un documentaire que la chaîne programme le 31 mars 2015 à 23h40 et que nous diffusons ici an avant-première jusqu'au 31 mars à 10h00. Une formidable occasion de comprendre, dix jours après les élections israéliennes, les raisons de la quatrième victoire de Benyamin Netanyahou.
En une heure trente d’archives et de témoignages recueillis auprès des artisans du « Grand Israël », Charles Enderlin qui ne s'écarte jamais de son rôle d'observateur sans concession de la société israélienne, raconte quatre décennies d’une dérive nationaliste et religieuse. Il commence par rappeler qu'en 1967, le général Moshe Dayan, héros de la guerre des Six-Jours, avait senti le danger : pas plus qu'il n'était pour lui imaginable de coloniser la Cisjordanie, il n'était question de s’installer sur l’Esplanade des mosquées, où les musulmans prient depuis mille trois cent ans : les juifs devrait se contenter du Mur des lamentations. Mais une vision messianique du sionisme a pris corps à Jérusalem, propagée par le grand rabbin HaCohen Kook et son fils Yéhuda, dont les élèves vont créer le Gush Emunim (Le Bloc de la foi), fer de lance de la colonisation en Cisjordanie (Judée-Samarie de la Bible).
Le succès des colons religieux n’aurait pas été possible, montre Enderlin, sans le soutien des leaders successifs de la droite nationaliste, Menahem Begin, Ariel Sharon, puis Benyamin Netanyahou. Aux crimes des premiers (massacre à Hébron, meurtre de Yitzhak Rabin…) répondent les provocations des seconds (Sharon sur l’Esplanade des mosquées, Netanyahou et l’affaire du tunnel), le tout favorisant la montée du Hamas et du terrorisme palestinien.
L’historien Zeev Sternhell parle d’un « cancer que nous avons refusé de voir ». Aujourd’hui, comme le dit un responsable triomphant des « implantations », « la solution à deux Etats n’existe plus ». Reste à finir le travail : reconstruire le temple, donc détruire les mosquées. Des illuminés ont déjà les plans, ainsi qu’un musée des ustensiles du temple, et ils cherchent une vache rousse dont les cendres purifieront les prêtres. Ils sont certes minoritaires. Mais un sondage révèle que 51 % de la population israélienne croit que le Messie viendra. La politique parviendra-t-elle à reprendre le pas sur le religieux ? Charles Enderlin aimerait encore vouloir le croire.

Un ministre “feuille de vigne”

Où en est Benyamin Netanyahou dans la formation de son gouvernement ?
Les discussions viennent à peine de commencer. Untel veut ceci, l'autre cela. Traditionnellement, en Israël, il faut toujours compter plusieurs semaines pour la formation d'une coalition. Les commentateurs disent que Nétanyahou va chercher un ministre « feuille de vigne ». Il sait en effet que son gouvernement, qui sera composé de députés de droite, d'extrême droite, et de religieux orthodoxes, sera assez mal vu à l'étranger. Donc il a besoin de quelqu'un qui puisse parler aux Américains et aux Européens, et qui ne vienne pas d'une droite nationaliste ou du sionisme religieux, tous deux annexionnistes. Pour l'instant, il n'a pas trouvé. Durant son avant-dernier mandat, en 2009, il avait fait entrer au gouvernement le travailliste Ehud Barak qui avait d'ailleurs ensuite quitté le parti travailliste. Et lors de son dernier mandat, il avait fait entrer Tzipi Livni, modérée, qui avait lancé des négociations avec les Palestiniens.
Sa coalition sera-t-elle forcément tournée vers l'extrême droite et les religieux ?
Non, bien qu'il ne soit pour l'instant pas question d'une alliance avec le centre gauche de l'Union sioniste, cela reste une éventualité, s'il n'arrive pas à trouver une alliance sur sa droite au bout de plusieurs semaines. Naftali Bennet, de la Maison juive, le parti des colons, veut un grand ministère, comme celui des Affaires étrangères ou de l'Education. Mais la perspective de Naftali Bennet à la tête d'un ministère de l'Education constituerait un choc pour la gauche israélienne, sachant que le précédent ministre de l'Education, du Likoud, organisait tout de même des excursions dans les colonies, notamment à Hébron…

Dans Au nom du temple, vous montrez l'irrésistible ascension des religieux messianiques et de la droite nationaliste. Pourtant, dans sa victoire inattendue du 17 mars, Benyamin Netanyahou semble bien avoir mordu sur les partis d'extrême droite, la Maison juive de Naftali Bennett et Israël notre maison de Avigdor Liberman ?
Effectivement, mais c'est par crainte de l'arrivée au pouvoir de la gauche que des électeurs de ces deux partis, et peut-être des religieux orthodoxes du Shass ou de Yahadut Hatorah, ont choisi le Likoud. Cela s'est peut-être même joué dans les toutes dernières heures. Il faut rappeler que dans la journée du scrutin, Netanyahou avait lancé un message sur le Web : attention, les Arabes votent en masse, la gauche les amène par autobus, la droite est en danger. On vient d'avoir droit, non pas aux excuses de Netanyahou, mais à ses « regrets ». Il a réuni quelques Arabes israéliens, des musulmans, des druzes et des chrétiens, pour leur dire que si quelqu'un avait été offensé, il le regrettait…

Des passerelles…

Y a-t-il aujourd'hui de vraies passerelles entre le Likoud de Netanyahou et les partis d'extrême droite ?
Oui, sur l'Etat palestinien, ils sont, à peu de chose près, sur la même ligne. Avigdor Liberman (Israël notre maison) veut bien d'un Etat palestinien mais essentiellement pour se débarrasser de la population arabe israélienne car il veut « deux Etats ethniquement homogènes ». Naftali Bennett (la Maison juive) veut purement et simplement une annexion immédiate de 60 % de la Cisjordanie. De son côté, le Likoud est maintenant officiellement contre la création d'un Etat palestinien. Netanyahou l'a promis, avec lui, il n'y aura pas de Palestine. Donc, ce sont plus que des passerelles…
Depuis quand ? Depuis le meurtre de Yitzhak Rabin en 1995 ?
Avant même les accords d'Oslo en 1993, et une nouvelle fois après les accords, Benyamin Netanyahou avait écrit qu'il s'opposait à la création d'un Etat palestinien. Une seule fois, en 2009, après le fameux discours au Caire de Barack Obama, il a prononcé les mots « Etat palestinien » mais en y ajoutant des conditions inacceptables. Il y a donc une constante dans les positions de Netanyahou. La communauté internationale, qui croit encore à la possibilité de négocier une avancée vers un processus de paix, devrait revoir ses analyses.
Qu'entendez-vous par là ?
Cela veut dire qu'avec 400 000 colons en Cisjordanie, processus que je décris dans Au nom du temple, il est pratiquement impossible de créer un Etat palestinien indépendant et viable en Cisjordanie avec Jérusalem-Est comme capitale. Sans compter que le conflit autour de ce qui est pour le judaïsme le Mont du temple, et pour les musulmans l'Esplanade des Mosquées et le troisième lieu saint de l'islam, n'a jamais été l'objet d'un début de négociation sérieuse. Les accords de Camp David ont échoué en juillet 2000 essentiellement pour cette raison. Un accord paraît donc plus que jamais impossible aujourd'hui.
D'autant que si l'on ajoute au Likoud toutes les formations nationalistes et religieuses, la droite est aujourd'hui largement majoritaire. On est loin de l'Israël des origines…
On ne peut pas additionner tous ces partis, parce que les religieux n'ont pas tous les mêmes positions sur le conflit israélo-palestinien. Mais c'est vrai que la droite est majoritaire depuis l'assassinat de Yitzhak Rabin. Et si on exclut l'épisode Ehud Barak en 1999, elle est au pouvoir depuis près de vingt ans. En quatre mandats, Benyamin Netanyahou est le dirigeant israélien qui a le plus transformé le pays et sa région depuis Ben Gourion.

Trois victoires électorales d’affilée

Mais ce n'est pas seulement dû à son génie politique. Le pays a changé, non ?
Bien sûr, trois victoires électorales d'affilée le montrent bien, Netanyahou est parfaitement synchrone avec l'évolution sociologique du pays. Il a son électorat, auquel il fait peur. Cet électorat est né d'un certain communautarisme parmi les populations séfarades du pays qui, traditionnellement depuis Menahem Begin en 1977, votent Likoud. Et il a été renforcé par les Russes et tous les récents arrivés. J'ai assisté à plusieurs discussions entre Israéliens de vieille souche – qui, quelle que soit leur origine, voulaient l'alternance –, et les nouveaux venus plutôt nationalistes, tous favorables au Likoud ou d'autres formations de droite ou religieuses.
Comment la gauche pourrait-elle alors un jour revenir au pouvoir, condition impérative pour une solution à deux Etats ?
Difficile, parce que le discours de Netanyahou, totalement sécuritaire, est fondé sur la peur. Il veut faire peur et il a réussi en déclarant que la politique de la gauche et du centre amènerait les islamistes aux portes de Jérusalem. C'est incroyable parce que deux cents anciens généraux, ex-patrons de Mossad ou du Shin Beth, ont déclaré que celui qui portait atteinte à la sécurité du pays, c'était Benyamin Netanyahou. Meir Dagan, qui fut pendant huit ans le patron du Mossad, a déclaré lors de la manifestation du 7 mars à Tel Aviv : « Israël a des ennemis, je ne les crains pas. Mais la direction actuelle du pays me fait peur. »
Dans une Knesset de plus en plus divisée, le phénomène étonnant, n'est-ce pas cette liste unie des Arabes israéliens menée par Ayman Odeh ?
Je ne crois pas. Il n'est pas du tout certain que cette liste commune reste soudée très longtemps. Le parti communiste judéo-arabe Kadash n'a pas grand-chose à voir avec les islamistes. Cette union n'apporte pas davantage de députés arabes à la Knesset, ou très peu, et cela ne change pas grand-chose.

“Etat nation du peuple juif”

C'est finalement la continuité qui prédomine ?
Benyamin Netanyahou a réussi son pari, il reste au pouvoir, il va former sa coalition de droite dure, pouvoir mettre en chantier son grand projet, faire voter une loi déclarant Israël « Etat nation du peuple juif », avec tout ce que cela représente pour la démocratie israélienne : seuls les juifs auront des droits nationaux dans l'Israël qu'il envisage, les minorités n'auront qu'à des droits individuels. Et vu ses déclarations sur le fait qu'il n'y aura pas d'Etat palestinien, Mahmoud Abbas a de quoi s'inquiéter.
La question d’un Etat palestinien n’est plus du tout d’actualité ?
C'est fini ! Tout le monde sait en Israël que le processus de paix est mort. A Ramallah, lorsque je rencontre des dirigeants palestiniens, je leur demande : croyez-vous que vous aurez un Etat, avec 400 000 colons ? Croyez-vous que les juifs vont vous donner la souveraineté sur les quartiers arabes de Jérusalem-Est, sur l'Esplanade des mosquées, qui est le troisième lieu de l'Islam, mais le seul lieu saint juif ? Et ils me répondent : « Nous savons très bien qu'on n'aura pas d'Etat, la Cisjordanie est devenue une peau de panthère, et il n'est plus possible de créer un Etat qui ait une continuité territoriale. » Mahmoud Abbas aussi en a parfaitement conscience. Il pense à l’héritage politique qu’il va laisser à son peuple. Quelques résolutions de l’ONU, la reconnaissance de la Palestine par le plus de pays possibles.
Pourquoi maintient-on alors la fiction de deux Etats possibles ?
Je n'arrive pas à imaginer que les analystes des chancelleries, en Europe et même aux Etats-Unis, ne soient pas conscients qu'on n'évacuera pas 400 000 colons, et pas même 10 000. L'idée de deux Etats est morte. Dans mon film, Ouri Ariel, ministre du Logement dans le précédent gouvernement Netanyahou, un colon qui pousse à la colonisation partout où c'est possible, me dit qu'il ne peut y avoir qu'une seule souveraineté entre le Jourdain et la Méditerranée, celle d'Israël, et si « les Arabes », sous-entendu les Palestiniens, veulent davantage de droits politiques, on leur donnera le droit de vote pour la Knesset. « Nous pouvons faire face à trente députés arabes supplémentaires au parlement. En 3000 ans d’existence, le peuple juif a surmonté des crises bien plus graves », dit-il. C'est leur vision. Le sionisme religieux ne renoncera pas à la terre d'Israël, à Jérusalem et au Mont du temple. Les diplomates européens en sont conscients, ceux que je rencontre me disent qu'en continuant de financer l'Autorité palestinienne, l'Europe ne fait que maintenir l'occupation.

Une lente descente en enfer

Alors que faire ?
Je ne sais pas. Puisqu'un Etat palestinien n'est plus possible, il faut chercher d'autres solutions. Mais c'est problématique avec un conflit religieux. 80 % des Israéliens croient aujourd'hui en Dieu, 51 % croient en la venue du Messie. La gauche séculière ne représente plus que 17 % de la population juive. Et vous avez aussi côté palestinien des virages vers la religion, l’islamisme alors que dans la région Daesh s’implante. On va vers une lente descente en enfer. Régulièrement, on a l’impression que le fond a été atteint… puis, il y en a encore un !
Vous ne croyez pas à un Etat d’Israël plus démocratique et plus égalitaire pour tous, un Etat qui se doterait d’une Constitution ?
Un Etat binational sous une forme ou une autre ? Dans tous les cas, ça voudrait dire la fin du sionisme libéral prôné par Theodore Herzl et par la gauche sioniste des débuts. Mais on n'y est pas. Le président Reuven Rivlin est un personnage intéressant : il est du Likoud, en faveur de l'annexion des territoires palestiniens, mais il souhaite donner aux Palestiniens tous les droits, politiques et civiques. Quand il était président de la Knesset il était de ceux qui défendaient les députés arabes israéliens face aux attaques de la droite et de l'extrême-droite. Le problème, c'est que l'Etat binational, ça ne marche pas vraiment au Liban, ça n'a pas marché en Yougoslavie, et ça ne marche même pas… en Belgique.

Au nom du Temple
31 mars 2015 Source :
Deux ans déjà que Charles Enderlin, chef du bureau de France 2 à Jérusalem, a écrit un livre magistral, Au nom du temple, dans lequel il analysait l’« irrésistible ascension du messianisme juif », qui a engendré la colonisation de la Judée et Samarie biblique.

Projet du messianisme juif : la reconstruction du Troisième Temple sur les décombres de la Mosquée Al-aqsa, le troisième lieu saint de l’Islam
De ce livre, il a tiré un documentaire que la chaîne programme le 31 mars 2015 à 23h40 et que nous diffusons ici an avant-première jusqu’au 31 mars à 10h00. Une formidable occasion de comprendre, dix jours après les élections israéliennes, les raisons de la quatrième victoire de Benyamin Netanyahou. En une heure trente d’archives et de témoignages recueillis auprès des artisans du « Grand Israël », Charles Enderlin, qui ne s’écarte jamais de son rôle d’observateur sans concession de la société israélienne, raconte quatre décennies d’une dérive nationaliste et religieuse. Il commence par rappeler qu’en 1967, le général Moshe Dayan, héros de la guerre des Six-Jours, avait senti le danger : pas plus qu’il n’était pour lui imaginable de coloniser la Cisjordanie, il n’était question de s’installer sur l’esplanade des Mosquées, où les musulmans prient depuis mille-trois-cent ans : les juifs devraient se contenter du mur des Lamentations. Mais une vision messianique du sionisme a pris corps à Jérusalem, propagée par le grand rabbin HaCohen Kook et son fils Yéhuda, dont les élèves vont créer le Gush Emunim (le Bloc de la foi), fer de lance de la colonisation en Cisjordanie (Judée-Samarie de la Bible).

VIDEO - Charles Enderlin sur le projet de troisième Temple, accuse la théocratie messianique

VIDEO - Charles Enderlin Au nom du Temple (Radio)

Charles Enderlin: Mon film "Au nom du Temple" diffusé le 31 mars - « Au nom du Temple » : France 2 diffuse le documentaire antijuif d’Enderlin

New sacrifice – no Temple   Right-wing Temple Mount Faithful sacrifice lamb in pre-Passover ritual in Jerusalem.

Le fanatisme religieux, un élément essentiel du soutien étasunien à Israël par Glenn Greenwald

L'Unesco condamne Israël en raison de sa politique sur le Mont du Temple

Religious nationalists have co-opted Jewish education

The Central Role of Israel in the U.S. State Religion

So-Called ‘Christian’ Preacher Muses Judaic Mindset When Attacking Obama

Israeli man arrested for threatening to set blaze on Temple Mount

'Dig' isn't wrong: People really are trying to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem

Jean-Luc Reichmann à Jérusalem on parle du Mont du Temple et pas de l’esplanade des mosquées!


Sur le rabbin Glick, interviewé par Enderlin:

Palestine occupée: Qui est l’extrémiste Glick ?

Suite à la tentative d’assassinat de Glick, un état d’alerte à Jérusalem et appels à la vengeance

Le rabbin extrémiste "Glick" est dans un état critique après une tentative d'assassinat à Jérusalem

Yehuda Glick: Terrorist called me 'an enemy of al-Aksa’ and shot me

Prominent right-wing activist shot in Jerusalem Likud MK Feiglin says gunman was Arab man who deliberately targeted Yehuda Glick, an advocate for greater Jewish access to Temple Mount.
On appelle ça un attentat terroriste... Mais si c'était avant tout politique? Le mot terroriste servirait-il à anéantir toute réflexion politique?

Le complexe de supériorité de la morale juive érode Nos Droits (Vidéo)
16 Novembre 2014 - Europe-Israel
Le complexe de supériorité de la morale juive érode Nos Droits (Vidéo) - © Europe-Israel
Image à la Une : Yehuda Glick pense que le Mont du Temple devrait être ouvert à tous les fidèles. Est-cela un point de vue « de droite » ou «  d'extrémiste » ? Photo Credit: YouTube La vie en Israël cette année est très centrée, comme pour m'aider à me sentir recentrée sur notre terre, avec nos racines […] Source: Europe Israel - analyses, informations sur Israel, l'Europe et le Moyen-Orient
Cet article, retiré du site Europe-Israel, s'offusque du fait que l'extrémiste juif Glick, qui s'est fait tirer en Israël par un Palestinien, a été qualifié "d'extrémiste de droite" par les grands médias, ce qui est tout simplement conforme à la réalité. On comprend que les sionistes ne soient pas très heureux que les grands médias lèvent le voile sur la réalité de leur extrémisme.

Temple Mount Faithful sacrifices lamb in pre-Passover ritual  Yehuda Glick participates in annual ritual, also attended by Jerusalem chief rabbi and municipal official who arranged funding from city coffers.

L'ancien testament appliqué à la lettre en situation de guerre: "tuez tout ce qui respire!"

‘Anyone You See, You Shoot’: Israeli Soldiers Recall the 2014 Gaza War

Gaza Breaking the Silence:’We Got Shoot-And-Kill Anyone in Vicinity Orders’

Immoral: quand des soldats de Tsahal racontent les coulisses de l’offensive à Gaza

NouvelObs - "Je voulais vraiment, vraiment lui tirer dans les genoux" - La dérive morale de l’armée israélienne à Gaza - Israël a une vision singulière du droit de la guerre - A Chajaya, « ils ont anéanti 90 % des maisons » - « J’ai visé des cibles civiles, parfois juste pour le plaisir »

LIBERATION.FR - Des soldats israéliens dénoncent les abus de Tsahal à Gaza

Israeli Soldiers Describe How They "Shot Innocent Civilians Because They Were Bored"

Israeli Troops Ordered to Kill Civilians on Sight During Gaza Invasion

Israeli veterans say ‘lax’ rules of engagement led to destruction in Gaza

Gaza: Israël a « ciblé directement » des enfants lors d’attaques de drones

IDF rules of engagement during massacre in Gaza–‘Shoot at everyone you see’

In Gaza, IDF assumed everyone was a terrorist

Israeli soldiers ‘deliberately fired’ at civilians during Gaza war – NGO

Israeli Soldiers Ordered to Kill Civilians in Gaza, Says “Breaking the Silence”

Abus sur mineurs commis par Israël : l’ambassadeur palestinien aux Nations-Unies demande justice

Des soldats israéliens témoignent sur les massacres d’innocents à Gaza

Les témoignages glaçants de soldats israéliens sur la guerre à Gaza

'Fire at every person you see': Israeli soldiers reveal they were ordered to shoot civilians in Gaza war

'ICC could prosecute low-ranking IDF soldiers' Fatou Bensouda, prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, tells Haaretz that both low-ranking Israelis, as well as Palestinians, are not immune from investigation into war crimes.

ICC rejects Israel's claims of bias in war crimes investigation

Israel responsible for Gaza strikes on UN schools and shelters, inquiry finds
Israel inflicted massive harm on Palestinians during 2014 war: Report

Israeli Commander: Civilian Toll Will Be Even Higher in Next Gaza War

Sur le nouveau gouvernement israélien:

US Jews concerned about religious coercion in new Israeli gov’t

US, EU worry over controversial bills advancing in Knesset

Europe and US keep watchful eye on Israel's legislative plans Western diplomats express concern of 'anti-democratic' legislation pushed by incoming justice minister Shaked, saying it 'looks designed to shut down criticism'.

Israeli Defense Minister Promises to Kill More Palestinian Civilians and Threatens to Nuke Iran

L'extrême-droite israélienne au pouvoir : L'homme qui déclara n'avoir «AUCUN PROBLÈME À TUER DES ARABES» devient ministre de l'éducation

The Republican Party and Netanyahu’s new coalition: Separated at birth?

With new hawkish coalition, what hope for the peace process? For first time in 20 years, talks with the Palestinians don’t appear in any coalition agreement, but if there is a will, there will be a way

Netanyahu Forms New Racist, Fascist Government

Israel Will Now Be Ruled by the Most Extreme Right-Wing Government in Its History

Liberman rejects Likud offer of defense post, TV report says

The New Face of Israel’s Hard Right

Qui est Ayelet Shaked, nouveau ministre de la Justice d’Israël ?

Who is Ayelet Shaked, Israel’s new justice minister?

Israel appoints vocal genocide proponent as “Justice Minister”

Netanyahu caves in, slated to give justice portfolio to MK Ayelet Shaked

Groups across spectrum react to Shaked’s appointment as justice minister

Ayelet Shaked (« il faut tuer la mère de tous les Palestiniens ») bientôt ministre israélienne de la Justice?

Netanyahu appoints Ayelet Shaked as Justice Minister while Jewish NYT columnist Rudoren covers up Shaked’s genocidal statements

Netanyahu appoints Ayelet Shaked who called for genocide of Palestinians as Justice Minister in new government

RAPPEL: Ayelet Shaked, parlementaire israélienne, appelle au meurtre de mères palestiniennes

Zionist Union declares 'war' on Netanyahu government
Des slogans racistes incitant à tuer les palestiniens à Jaffa

Abba Kovner’s Jewish plan to murder 6 million Europeans

Incitement to violence gets stamp of approval from Israeli supreme court

Video: “Death to the Arabs” march forces its way through occupied Jerusalem

Israeli army clashes with Palestinians on Nakba day

Israel continues to criminalise marking Nakba Day

Will Israelis filmed killing Palestinian teens on Nakba Day get away with murder?

IDF Major General Laughs: "We Israelis, we are sure that we're the center of the world; it's natural that candidates are coming to Israel. And we like it."

Marco Rubio's Jewish Handler

Reconnaissance de la Palestine : Le Vatican contre les Juifs
In Adelson’s paper, Bibi’s man says Pope helping Palestinians crucify the Jews
Bibi Advisor Accuses Pope Francis of 'Nailing Entire Jewish People to the Cross'

Israeli culture minister to move offices to Jerusalem

Israël: un nouveau gouvernement haut en couleurs
Israeli Government Most Racist, Extremist in History
Ayelet Shaked, la nouvelle égérie de la droite israélienne
Tentative d’enfumage : le New York Times tente de laver le nom d’Ayalet Shaked !
World may find Israel’s new deputy foreign minister hard to swallow
Raucous Swearing In of Israel’s New Ruling Coalition. “We can only Hope the New Government will not last long.”

Israel's secret weapon: The New York Times Israel is turning to the media and diplomacy to head off an almost inevitable new round of confrontation with Hezbollah. Its message: Israel won't be able to avoid attacks on Lebanon's civilians so long as the Shi'ite militias use them as human shields.

New York Times sells Israel’s next war

Scott Walker compares Israeli daily life to post-9/11 America

Deputy defense minister compares Palestinians to animals

VIDEO - Israeli mobs celebrate “Jerusalem Day” with anti-Palestinian rampage in Old City
VIDEO - RT crew attacked by Israeli police during Jerusalem day march
Les palestiniens molestés lors de la dite journée de Jérusalem [ VIDEO ]


Founder of Israeli settler movement “has died and gone to hell”

VIDEO - Israeli ‘Civil Rights': Separate and Unequal

L'Onu répète que la colonisation est "illégale" après trois appels d'offres israéliens

La sainte mosquée d’Al-Aqsa lance un appel de détresse

Zionist lobby condemns re-enactment of murderous assault on Christendom’s holiest site

Alleged Rabin conspiracy theorist tapped to head Communications Ministry After firing director-general, Netanyahu plans to appoint Shlomo Filber, who claims he was asked to add his name to article alleging Rabin assassination was a Shin Bet 'work accident'.

Why was a minister who opposes two-states put in charge of Palestinian peace talks? There’s more than meets the eye to Netanyahu’s decision to appoint Silvan Shalom as chief negotiator with the Palestinians.

Israel’s New Justice Minister Expressed Hatred Against All Palestinians

What Ayelet Shaked can learn from Sarah Palin The former Alaska governor could make a natural friend for Habayit Hayehudi's new justice minister - and it's got nothing to do with their looks.

#DiplomacyFail - Israeli Politician Tweets at POTUS

Israel suspends plan to segregate Israelis, Palestinians on West Bank buses following criticism Lawmakers across political spectrum blasted program, with some cautioning impact on Israel's image and others branding it as 'apartheid.' President Rivlin: Separation would have been 'unthinkable.'

Netanyahu shelves Ya’alon’s travel ban for Palestinians after Left screams apartheid

Israel always knew home demolitions were illegal New evidence shows government's adviser on international law already said this in 1968.

“Non-lethal Crowd Control”: Israeli Forces Chase Five Year-Old Palestinian Child With “Skunk Water”

New York Times Coverage Follows Narrative of Israeli State Power

Softball Interviews with Israeli Ministers Breach Impartiality Code, BBC Admits

Christian Zionist in Israel filming anti-BDS movie

Israël veut faire condamner les européens qui nient la légitimité de État !


As Illinois quashes Israel boycotts, some see watershed in fight against BDS A day after landmark legislation passes Illinois legislature, pro-Israel activists say winning formula can work in other states

ICC co-founder Cherif Bassiouni under fire for violating Israel boycott

Finland boycotts Jewish National Fund

Students for Justice in Palestine Builds Support With In-Your-Face Push

False Claims of Anti-Semitism Climb on US Campuses: Allegations Based on Speech Critical of Israeli Policy

Campuses are flooded with Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) By Jewish Neocon "Prisoner of Zion in the USSR" Nathan Sharansky L'éminence grise de George W. Bush... Son livre The Case for Democracy, qui était le livre de chevet de Bush avant et durant la guerre en Irak.

Palestinian chief negotiator: No chance of renewing talks with radical right Netanyahu government

Des canonisations palestiniennes à forte odeur politique

VIDEO - Dahlia Wasfi conference (2010) "Israel's Influence on the U.S" Excellente source, très fiable, qui a pas peur de pointer du doigt la reponsabilité centrale d'Israel dans la guerre en Irak.


Iran to UN: Israeli defense minister threatened to nuke us

“Nuke Iran to Prevent War”: US Media Blackout of Israel’s Defense Minister’s Citation of “Nagasaki and Hiroshima” as Role Models for Dealing with Iran

Is Israel America’s Friend? Or America’s Enemy?

Obama demande à Israël de renoncer au nucléaire

Dimona: Israel’s “Little Hiroshima”
'Obama is Meddling in Israeli Internal Affairs' Minister Levin strikes back at Obama's criticism of PM, calls on West to wake up and realize 'Israel struggles alone for future of world.'
William Kristol: We were right to fight in Iraq

Joe Lieberman: Next U.S. president will bring warmer relations with Israel
Joe Lieberman: Next president will bring warmer Israel ties Former senator urges Netanyahu to pursue Arab Peace Initiative, says Iran nuclear talks ‘going in a bad direction’

“This Land is Ours,” Says Israel’s Top Diplomat, Citing Religious Texts to Justify Jewish Settlements in the West Bank
Israël : "Toute cette terre est à nous", dit Tzipi Hotovely, la nouvelle ministre adjointe des Affaires étrangères
Israel’s top diplomat tells colleagues ‘entire land is ours’ Evoking medieval Bible commentator, Deputy FM Tzipi Hotovely orders envoys to ‘tell the world that we’re right’
Israel’s New Deputy FM: ‘This Land is Ours. All of It’
ISRAËL. Tzipi Hotovely: » […] toute la terre entre Jourdain et Méditerranée appartient à Israël […] »
Israël, la vice-ministre des Affaires Etrangères : « Toute cette terre est à nous ! Nous n’avons pas à nous excuser »

Netanyahu Cancels Controversial ‘Apartheid’ Buses Plan, But Segregated West Bank Buses Have Been Around for Years

Israel’s Descent into Barbarism — Norman Finkelstein  You're just trying to summon up the moral wherewithal to die with dignity.

US media and pro-Israel antics in Congress  The United States is on the verge of institutionally supporting Israel’s illegal settlement profiteering, and the mainstream media are saying nothing, writes James Zogby

The Lobby Doesn’t Care if the Senate Stays Democratic or Goes Republican—as Long as It’s Pro-Israel

Soldier pays the price for criticizing the Israel army IDF soldier Shachar Berrin was sentenced to a week in prison after he attended the taping of an international TV program, during which he stood up and expressed his opinion of the occupation.

Is being a critic of Israeli state policies the same as being an anti-Semite? Signing on to the State Department's definition of the term could mean denying academic freedom and free speech

BDS’s best ally may turn out to be Bibi himself Netanyahu’s reliance on rich Republicans and the Orthodox threatens the broad-based American Jewish support on which Israel counts.

Official: Palestinians to Prosecute Israel at ICC on June 25

Pension funds ordered to divest companies that support boycott of Israel

Israël jugé « pire violateur des droits à la santé » par l'OMS

On Israel, Obama finds he can’t please all DC’s Jews all the time

Israel's actions show that it's an enemy of the U.S.

Meet the Real Israeli Defense Force: the US Congress

Jeb Bush, James Baker, and the Pro-Israel Mega-Donors by Stephen Sniegoski

VIDEO - BBC Admits to Broadcasting Pro-Israel Propaganda
RT - BBC admits editorial breach in interview with Israeli defense chief

Bus segregation decision isn't racist

Rappel: silence médiatique sur la piste pro-israélienne dans les attentats terroristes à l'Anthrax aux USA, juste après le trauma du 11 septembre. Tout en ravivant le trauma, il fallait faire croire que c'était des musulmans...

D.C. bomb squad destroys pressure cooker in ‘suspicious’ car Vehicle owner Israel Shimeles arrested and charged; incident takes place near US Capitol

Washington Confesses to Backing “Questionable Actors” in Syria

New York Times Admits It Pushed Fabricated Evidence about Iraq, Syria and Ukraine

Les Saoudiens auraient des armes atomiques israéliennes

Lieberman’s vision: Gulf states and Israel together against Iran
Farcical ministerial appointments may signal beginning of end for Netanyahu The only logic behind the otherwise incomprehensible staffing of Israel’s new government is that the PM is desperate to marginalize any potential challengers. It may not work - L'excellent Dore Gold nommé Directeur Général du Ministère israélien des Affaires Etrangères
Can Dore Gold make Israeli diplomacy relevant again?
Netanyahu confidant Dore Gold to head diplomatic corps
Who is Dore Gold, new foreign ministry director general? Dore Gold, new FM chief: Known critic of of 2-state solution and Iran deal
Netanyahu fires Foreign Ministry chief, names rightist ally Dore Gold as replacement U.S.-born Gold, a former UN envoy, served as the prime minister's foreign policy adviser.
Netanyahu’s real goal in appointing Dore Gold: Silencing critics and saving face in the Israeli press Netanyahu will make sure to avoid all professional challenges to his approach on Iran and Obama, whether it concerns the media, the Foreign Ministry or the Mossad.
2 articles de Piper concernant Dore Gold: Powerful New Lobby Set in Motion - 'Conservative' Rags Obsess Over Israel, Holocaust 

The inciter is back: Netanyahu's at it again In 1995, Netanyahu was among those who incited the people against Rabin; in 2015, he's spearheading a campaign to silence the media. This must be nipped in the bud.

Farcical ministerial appointments may signal beginning of end for Netanyahu The only logic behind the otherwise incomprehensible staffing of Israel’s new government is that the PM is desperate to marginalize any potential challengers. It may not work

Israeli interrogators use ‘brutal’ methods to obtain false confessions

Israeli Firebombs Burn Crops In Northern Gaza
La Finlande boycotte le fond national juif

Pour le CRIF, la politique étrangère française n’est pas assez sioniste Roger Cukierman remet la pression sur Laurent Fabius
Pour le lobby juif, même Fabius n'est pas sufisamment pro-Israel (lire: anti-Palestine)!

Becoming a Global Pariah: Israel on the Run

Netanyahou veut annexer une partie de la Cisjordanie au territoire israélien

Israeli army commander is recorded ordering bombing of Gaza medical facilities to "honor" dead Israeli soldier

'McCarthyite' website targets pro-Palestine supporters Unidentified group profiling people linked to pro-Palestinian student groups on US campuses to sabotage job prospects.
‘THERE’S A MAN GOIN ROUND TAKING NAMES’ A new website is publicizing the identities of pro-Palestinian student activists to prevent them from getting jobs after they graduate from college. But the website is keeping its own backers’ identity a secret.
Bien sûr que le gars derrière ce site ne révélera pas son identité, puisqu'il faut bien protéger les bons chasseurs de nazis!
‘Canary Mission’ Website targets pro-Palestinian students in effort to harm job prospects
Pro-Palestinian college students 'exposed' in online database
Website targets pro-Palestinian students in effort to harm job prospects


Israel jails Palestinians for Facebook comments Activists say Israeli authorities are "watching social media closely and targeting Palestinians" for online postings.

U.S. millionaire behind new West Bank outpost Haaretz has learned that American millionaire Irving Moskowitz is the owner of a West Bank church which buyers intend to turn into a new Jewish settlement.
How they do it–US Jewish millionaire hid purchase of West Bank property

BENNETT: ‘I don’t believe in giving up our land’

How Bibi's Rubik's Cube Cabinet Creates Chaos — and Danger

“By way of deception, thou shall make war”, planned in Arizona - Protesters rally against Mohammad Cartoon

In Their Own Words: Senior Israeli Officials on the Palestinian Question

Israël pourrait rejoindre Daesh sur la liste des Nations-Unies des groupes ou États qui blessent et tuent des enfants

Le sénateur Lindsay Graham à Netanyahou « S'il le faut, nous couperons les vivres à l'ONU »

UN seeking to put Israeli military on blacklist

Washington court ruling opens door to lawsuit over BDS

Under boycott pressure, Orange tries to distance itself from Israeli operation
UN head likely to oppose placing Israel on rights abuse list

Israeli Human Rights Journalist is imprisoned for just 30 seconds of free speech.

Israel – half of Jewish teen detainees are of Ethiopian descent

Nigerian foreign minister apologizes for not voting to end Israeli occupation

Israel Orders Wife of Palestinian Jailed for Facebook Comments Expelled from Jerusalem

To most Israelis, a colonial regime is preferable This is the reality that the Labor Party refuses to address for fear of losing half its voters.

Israel must not use Judaism to justify the occupation Deputy FM Tzipi Hotovely's appeal to religion is not motivated by a drive to have religion take control over the state, but rather to validate an imperialistic act.

Anti-Semitism in Europe: The Causal Factor Being the Conversion of “Jewish Victims” into “Israeli Perpetrators”

“Goliath”, Rise of Racism and Right Wing Political Culture in Israel: NYT Needs to End Blackout on Blumenthal

C’est le monde qui a mis un carton rouge à Israël
Israel gets a yellow card from FIFA Once again Israel was pulled into a redundant public struggle with the Palestinians which only did damage to its international standing.
Will Israel be kicked out of FIFA for abusing Palestinian players?
Les efforts visant à porter atteinte à Israël "détruiront" la FIFA, selon Netanyahu

Israel could lose ‘credibility’ over Netanyahu’s stance on Palestine – Obama
Israel losing credibility over Netanyahu’s opposition to Palestinian statehood

VIDEO - [Jewish Neocon] Krauthammer slams Obama after Israeli TV interview 'The overwhelming majority of the Israelis know that this president has been probably the least favorable to Israel of any in Israel's history and at a moment where Israel's existence is actually in question.'

Adelson Tabloid Slams Obama for Listening to ‘Court Jews’ in Questioning Israel’s Credibility
Will Sheldon Adelson's Push To Fund Anti-BDS Campaign Backfire on Campus?
Forget BDS, Sheldon, these are the real threats facing Israel If Sheldon Adelson and his friends think they’re about to save Israel from the boycott threat, they’re even more out of touch than we suspected.

The era of Iran is over; the age of BDS begins How the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement is changing organized American Jewish life.
Israël proteste contre le soutien de la Suisse à une organisation critique

Le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères demande la fin du blocus sur Gaza

'It's not politically correct to be anti-Semitic, but it's super-in to be anti-Israel' Knesset parley on fighting BDS grows heated when Meretz and Arab MKs take the boycotters' side.

Todd et Schneidermann, d’accord avec le Crif : «antisionisme=antisémitisme»


Shaked: BDS is anti-Semitism   Knesset holds special session about boycott campaign gaining momentum.
Anti-Semitic activity on US campuses rising
MPs to UK Education Minister: NUS boycott will fuel anti-Semitism

Orange se prononce pour le boycott d'Israël !
Orange confirms it plans to cut ties with Israeli firm, but says move not political
Netanyahu urges France to denounce ‘despicable’ move by Orange French telecom giant will incur serious fines if it goes through with termination of contract with Israeli subsidiary, Partner CEO Haim Romano says
Israel tells France to fire 'anti-Semite' Orange CEO
Orange veut mettre fin à sa coopération avec un opérateur israélien. Son PDG soutient le boycott d'Israël et se lance dans une opération de léche-babouche commerciale'

Sarkozy : « Aujourd'hui, l'antisémitisme est masqué par l'antisionisme. Il faut dire les choses comme elles sont ! »

European boycott of Israeli Defence Exhibition impacts army and police

Israel Defence Expo: la France boycott l'Etat juif !

Israeli propaganda isn't fooling anyone – except Israelis 'Hasbara' is the Israeli euphemism for propaganda, and there are some things, said the late ambassador Yohanan Meroz, that are not 'hasbarable.' One of them is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians

Protesters block Tel Aviv roadScuffles with police erupt, 7 arrested as some 200 Ethiopians protest against police brutality
Ethiopians Block Tel Aviv Road in New Protest

La révolte des Israéliens noirs - Du racisme anti-Palestiniens au racisme anti-Éthiopiens

Jews try to block Christian rite in Jerusalem .

Jewish Conservatism : The Moment is Ripe  Judaism is most at home with conservatism, both as a worldview and as a modern political movement.

Israël : pas assez d'ultra-orthodoxes et d'Arabes au travail (Banque centrale)

Why Jewish Fundamentalism Is More Brazen Than Ever — and Not Just on the Plane
There’s a Hasidic man arguing with the gate agent at the Phoenix airport.  He’s claiming that he can’t be seated next to a woman because of his religion – even though Hasidic men have sat next to women on airplanes and buses and in shared taxis for decades, until they gained enough political power in Israel to try to segregate buses and seating on El Al.

Russian prosecutors confiscate Chabad Jewish school’s textbooks
Russian prosecutors confiscated books from a Jewish Chabad school in the city of Yekaterinburg following complaints that its students were taught to hate non-Jews.

Lorsqu’Israël bafoue le soi-disant « héritage judéo-chrétien » d’Estrosi

Party of anti-Israel Erdogan loses majority in Turkish parliament
Erdogan ahead of elections: 'Jewish money behind New York Times'

Preuves supplémentaires sur le rôle honteux joué par Israël dans sa guerre par procuration contre la Syrie

Israeli communications said to prove Israel knew Liberty was U.S. ship
‘What I Saw That Day ‘ by USS LIBERTY Survivor Phil Tourney, Chapters 1-5

Haaretz exclusive: Israel tested 'dirty-bomb cleanup' in the desert Series of tests in conjunction with four-year project at Dimona nuclear reactor measured damage and other implications of detonation of radiological weapon by hostile forces.

Israel hits Gaza with airstrikes, closes crossings after more rockets fired
VIDEO - Israeli forces attack elderly Palestinian family amid demolition in East Jerusalem
Gaza Braces for Next War, But Last One Hasn't Really Ended

Netanyahu to France: Renounce the miserable actions of Orange
Orange pullout seen as sign of BDS influence on French policy
Israel telecoms firm not satisfied by Orange apologies
American Jews pan French response to Orange pullout Jewish umbrella group decries ‘inconsistencies’ in official diplomatic response denying BDS motives, ambassador’s statements
Netanyahu instructs Israel's Paris embassy to turn down Orange CEO's request to meet Prime minister, who is also the foreign minister, tells staff to convey to Stephane Richard that if he wishes to offer explanations on the firm's relations to Israel, he was invited to come to Israel to do so.
Orange se désengage d'Israël, qui réclame des excuses
Netanyahu nixes meeting between Orange CEO, Israeli envoy PM says Stephane Richard should come to Israel to discuss reported pullout of mobile giant from country
In seeming defense of Orange, French diplomat slams settlements After telecom titan’s decision to cut ties, France’s US envoy — a previous ambassador to Israel — says it’s ‘illegal to contribute’ to occupation of West Bank in any way
Saban calls Orange liars, joins with Adelson to battle boycott ‘tsunami’ After fight against French telecom giant, other firms will ‘think twice’ about taking on Israel, says Saban; Adelson, hosting Jewish groups in Vegas, says first focus will be US campuses
Adelson, Saban: ‘Anti-Semitic tsunami’ on the way At anti-BDS donor summit in Las Vegas, casino billionaire and Hollywood mogul stress need for U.S. Jewish groups to unite to defeat growing boycott Israel movement.
VIDEO - Israeli-American tycoons pledge to punish Israel boycotters
VIDEO - Israel feels the heat as the international boycott campaign gains momentum
Adelson, Saban ‘on same page’ in fighting BDS
The war against boycotts…  A summit in Las Vegas strives for bipartisan opposition to anti-Israel campaigns, and more rocket fire hits southern Israel
For the sins of occupation, boycotts are a light punishment
Netanyahu: Israel preparing ‘offensive’ to combat boycott calls
Steinitz at Jpost conference: BDS against Israel like hanging of yellow stars on Jews in WWII
Lapid urges new approach to combatting BDS Yesh Atid chairman says Israel must go on the offensive and show that boycott campaign serves interests of jihadist groups
Battle against BDS must be fought by Israel's left  Op-ed: The only chance to get through to hesitant Western academics is through the Israeli patriotic left, which opposes both the occupation and the boycott movement.
Yair Lapid: BDS leaders are ‘out and out anti-Semites’
Netanyahu tells Jpost Conference: Iran, BDS emerging as threats to Israel on world stage
Adelson, Saban ‘on same page’ in fighting BDS

Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked calls for boycott against nearly the entire world

Is Netanyahu Waging “War” on Critics at Home?

"The silent exclusion of Israeli academics" Op-ed: Under the protection of secrecy and lack of transparency, a barrier stronger than any boycott is slowly being built in the world of academic journals. LOL MDR
"L'exclusion inavouée des chercheurs israéliens des revues scientifiques"

Un ministre israélien appelle le monde à reconnaître l'annexion du Golan

UN report condemns Israel as violator of children’s rights over Gaza conflict

Hostile reception for U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew at Jerusalem Post conference Jack Lew, who affirmed Obama’s commitment to Israel’s security, was handed one of the surliest receptions ever accorded to such a high-ranking administration official by a Jewish audience in the U.S.

US Jews live in a different reality to Israelis  Op-ed: American Jews don't face the same daily threats as their European co-religionists, nor do they live in a country that is anything but pro-Israel.
Comme si les Américains étaient amoureux fous des juifs et comme si l'Europpe était pleine de nazis!

Tony Blair endangers Jews yet again  Appointed chairman of the European Council on Toleration and Reconciliation, Tony has been put in charge of combating anti-Semitism in Europe.

Sionisme : nouvelle caricature du prophète de l’islam aux USA

The network of powerful Israel partisans who are pushing to bomb Iran

Poll finds uneasy support for Obama among U.S. Jews, widespread disdain for GOP J Street survey says Hillary Clinton beats Jeb Bush 68%-30%; Netanyahu remains popular but the Jews are backing Iran deal.

Jack Lew skirmish highlights danger of right-wing incitement against Obama Politicians and pundits foment fury and are then surprised when people take them seriously, just as they did when Rabin was alive.

Netanyahu touts 'building alliances' in light of tensions with Obama

Analysis: Just how big a blow for Israel was the US Supreme Court’s passport decision?
US Jewish groups slam administration’s ‘hypocritical’ view on Jerusalem

Diplomats: EU has Israel sanctions ready, and Uncle Sam may not be able to help
L'UE et l'ONU se préparent à des sanctions contre Israël qui dénonce le danger du nucléaire iranien

Only when the U.S. is allowed to criticize Israel can it be a true friend Being a good friend doesn't mean supporting others blindly, cheering them on regardless of how self-destructive their behavior may be. (Il faut même demander le droit de critiquer! C'est tellement risible comme situation! N'importe qui peut voir que c'est une situation de domination.)

VIDEO - BDS Movement Grows – Netanyahu Trying To Counter It
Does Sheldon Adelson really want to defeat BDS? Or is he just using the fight to isolate progressive Zionists, and push the Jewish world further right?
Report: Adelson summit raised at least $20 million to fight BDS on campus
Adelson-Saban summit raises millions to fight BDS Conference organizers limited participation in the event to donors willing to pledge at least $1 million over the next two years.
BDS finds weak point in Israel’s politics of fear
Secret Sheldon Adelson Summit Raises up to $50M for Strident Anti-BDS Push
Avoiding West Bank settlement goods isn’t boycott – it’s the law Argument béton.
Israel says China demands no workers in settlements
Arab-Jewish party declares support for boycotting firms in settlements Sanctions against international companies are 'a legitimate form of civil resistance,' says statement by Hadash, part of the Knesset's Joint Arab List.
Profs abuse their positions to promote BDS: experts
U.S. Politicians Attempt to Sabotage BDS Anti-Occupation Campaign against Israel
People behind BDS are also responsible for 9/11 attack, Israeli centrist tells NY synagogue
Israeli firm Ahava to move from settlements following BDS pressure
The rational response to Israel's state terror: boycott People from Western countries whose taxes are being used as hush money for Israel are beginning to fight back.
British filmmakers call on theater chain to cancel Israeli film festival

Netanyahu has fostered the outbreak of a national psychosis The widely covered flap raised by the boycott has gone completely overboard.

« Si on est vraiment le peuple élu… » [Mathieu Kassovitz]

News Flash: We were all wrong. Israel is perfect, after all Moral: Criticize at your peril.

Israel Defense Minister: No peace with Palestinians during my lifetime

How the Israeli-Palestinian conflict divided U.S. Jews and blacks 'A Shadow Over Palestine' by Keith P. Feldman probes how the conflict affected political thinking of American liberals, black radicals and Arab activists and how they then informed the contested terrain of race in the U.S.

Shaked dives into foreign policy, pushes for alliance with Kurds
From Michael Collins Piper's book "False Flags", Zionist Israel is exploiting Kurds

Israelis are still living the Six-Day War myth The hunger for more territory was given legal wording: reparations for 'a justified defensive war.'

International Criminal Court planning to send delegation to examine complaints against Israel

Report reveals Israel military recruits thousands with criminal records

Droits des enfants: l'ONU n'inclut pas Israël sur sa "liste de la honte"
NGO accuses Israel of systematic abuse of Palestinian kids  Palestinian children's rights group says 'ill-treatment is still widespread, systematic and institutionalized' in IDF detention system; IDF source denies allegations.

Zionist Students Don’t Need Safe Spaces

Could California Ban Anti-Israel Campus Protests as 'Anti-Semitic' Hate?

Graphic anti-Israel display casts shadow over Amsterdam  Display posted by pro-Palestinian group horrifies Israelis who report locals, tourists taking literature in interest; 'It was disgusting and terrible to see.'

US insists nuclear talks are secure following accusations of Israeli cyber spying
Israel Used Same Duqu Malware To Hack Kaspersky, Spy On Iranian Nuclear Negotiations
L'éditeur Kaspersky victime de Duqu 2.0, un logiciel espion ultrasophistiqué
US insists nuclear talks are secure following accusations of Israeli cyber spying

Why Right-Wingers Are So Angry That Israel Hasn’t Bombed Iran Yet

Rand Paul's 'Stand with Israel' Amendment FAILS 5-14

Poll suggests Obama’s latest wooing of Jews not working

The real connection between Netanyahu and Adelson's Israel Hayom I filed a Freedom of Information Law request on February 11, four months ago. Today the answer arrived. I nearly fell off my chair.
Adelson’s Anti-BDS Event Links Money To Action
No Holds Barred: Miriam and Sheldon Adelson's fight against BDS
Haim Saban Threatens Orange and Companies Boycotting Israel with Retribution
Israel Hints at Legal Measures Against Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) Movement
Seeing Orange: Israel aims at BDS, shoots self in the foot
BDS veut dissuader et cibler toute activité artistique à boycotter Israël - BDS, Orange et le harcèlement verbal anti-israélien : le hoax colonial - Antisémitisme du NPA et BDS à Toulouse: « Juifs dehors, on ne vous veut plus, assez de Juifs ! »
Gilad Erdan handed the anti-BDS mantle
Lord Sacks: BDS makes it ‘almost impossible’ for Europe’s Jews to support Israel The boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign has succeeded in dividing Diaspora Jewry, warns UK’s former chief rabbi in bleak address.
When BDS and corporate social responsibility collide
The Wrong and Right Way to Beat BDS "Even progressive Jewish leaders will tell you taht BDS can no longer be dismissed as a boogeyman of the paranoid"

Netanyahu's masterclass in how to lose friends and alienate your allies The prime minister’s years in power have been disastrous for Israel’s standing in the Western world – which isn’t dumb, as he seems to think.
Netanyahu Cabinet Members Reject Two-state Solution; Call for Annexation of Occupied Territories
Netanyahu seen as ineffectual, paranoid by longtime former ally In a savage interview, former FM Liberman charges that the prime minister lacks the will to stop Iran, indulges Hamas, appeases extremists, and is obsessed with his own survival.

Washington and 'The Jerusalem Post' Regarding the US Secretary of Treasury being booed at the JPOST conference

French Pro-Palestinian activist accused of suggesting kosher goods boycott
Quand un hacker israélien envoie la police anti-terroriste à un militant pacifiste français

AUDIO - Red Ice Radio - Jeff Gates - How the Israel Lobby Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy and Public - On demande à Israël de tuer plus de palestiniens… – Par Yaakov Rotil

Palestine occupée : impunité totale pour les assassins d’enfants !

Inferno reported near Israeli ‘nuke center’

Israel ‘exceeded legal standards’ in Gaza conflict, military group tells UN

Will Israel’s “whiff from hell” weapon be used to crush US protests?

‘NY Times’ helps Israel whitewash the killings of four boys playing soccer on Gaza beach

'I realized I’m not living in a democracy,' says director of play inspired by terrorist's life Playwright Bashar Murkus wonders how people can attack the Al-Midan Theater’s production of 'A Parallel Time' without having seen it.

Everybody Hates the Jews! A poll found that 71% of Israelis think that the world has a double standard when it comes to criticizing Israel. Do most Israelis think that the whole world is against us? If so, how does that belief affect our politics?

Who's Investigating Rabbis Who Cross the Line?
Attorney General's personal ties to attorney suspected in corruption case raise concerns Yehuda Weinstein did not recuse himself from overseeing the investigation into criminal lawyer Ronel Fisher, even though he joined yacht cruises organized by the latter.

Fourest et Chalghoumi, célébrés par un ex-agent du Mossad favorable à la torture
Mieux encore : d'après le journaliste d'investigation -récemment décédé- Michael Collins Piper, Carmon fait partie d'un groupe de propagandistes sionistes (basés à Washington et financés par Tel Aviv) qui aurait tenté d'embaucher secrètement Vince Cannistraro, ex-agent de la CIA devenu expert télévisuel (et donc influent) sur la question terroriste.

Meretz chair: Scandal-ridden lawmaker like Sheldon Adelson Zahava Gal-on outlines ostensible similarities between Likud’s alleged meth-smoking, pimping Oren Hazan and Netanyahu’s Jewish-American supporter
Quand « Libération » verse dans l’antisémitisme En Israël, un nouveau scandale secoue la Knesset. L’étoile montante du Likoud, parti de Benyamin Netanyahou, avait un passé de mac et de dealer.
Sex, drugs and gambling – The life of Likud MK Oren Hazan in Bulgaria? “MK Oren Hazan (Likud) will not serve as deputy Knesset speaker until further notice, following a report that he managed a casino in Burgas, Bulgaria, pimping prostitutes and providing crystal meth to Israeli tourists.”
The Bulgarian connection of Likud's vulgar MK In a viral clip during the primaries, Oren Hazan's father, former MK Yehiel Hazan played the role of the Godfather, Don Vito Corleone. When those values, we shouldn't be surprised to discover some of the acts attributed to the young Likud lawmaker.
Sexe, drogue, alcool et violence: un nouveau député israélien pourrait prendre très cher !

Jeb Bush declares presidential bid: I will stand with ‘brave, democratic’ State of Israel

Former Israeli Ambassador to U.S. Michael Oren: Obama abandoned Israel
Ex-envoy Michael Oren: Obama abandoned ‘2 core principles’ of U.S.-Israel alliance
Former Ambassador: Obama Incapable of Empathizing with Israel Former Israeli envoy to Washington, MK Michael Oren, explains why Obama is gambling on Israel's future - and why there is still hope.

Refusing to acknowledge that Jerusalem is in Israel has drained Obama of power
Congressmen call on Obama to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital after US court ruling

Michael Oren: American Jewish journalists lead media’s anti-Israeli assault In new book, former envoy Michael Oren claims antagonism towards Benjamin Netanyahu akin to historic hatred of Jews.

Crime Boss Adelson, Romney To Host ‘Dance To The Jews’ Tune’ Contest


HORREUR ! Selon Netanyahou, les Zeursombres n’étaient qu’une forme de boycott… Bibi compare BDS aux nazis
Netanyahu: « les attaques contre les juifs ont toujours été précédées par les opérations comme BDS »
Coca-Cola Palestine CEO Urges Boycott of Israel - Les Etats-Unis vont pouvoir lutter plus efficacement contre BDS en Europe
Orange CEO received death threats over Israel boycott controversy
Orange CEO says life threatened after ‘boycott’ donnybrook Stephane Richard files complaint with Paris court over death threats and leak of his personal information
Israeli group threatens to sue Coca-Cola over Palestinian partner Israel Law Center says it’ll pursue legal action if soda giant doesn’t sever ties with BDS-supporting Zahi KhouriAnti-Boycott laws are a really bad idea
David Grossman: Culture minister turning Israel into a militant, fundamentalist sect Prominent author says Miri Regev does not understand her job, favors Jewishness and Israeliness over freedom of expression.

Gentiles and Humanitarians say, G-d is a liar! by Ultra Zionist Jew Tuvia Brodie

Netanyahu Says it's Anti-Semitism to Accuse Israel of War Crimes or Violating Human Rights

The permanent Israeli mission at the UN was accused, on Saturday, of misleading envoys of permanent missions of other member states in New YorkIDF says 761 Palestinian civilians killed in Gaza war – half of UN figure C'est sûr et certain que Tsahal dit la vérité car l'Onu est rempli d'Antisémites. MDR
Israel defends Gaza conflict as 'moral war'  Report comes days before release of findings of investigation by UN Human Rights Council into possible war crimes by Israel and Hamas

Israel refuses entry to UN special investigator Wibisono
Netanyahu: UN inquiry commission’s report on 2014 Gaza war is ‘waste of time’

Jerusalem Post Editorial: Israeli war ethics
Academic body censures university for retracting job over anti-Israel tweets

Les médecins israéliens « contre le gavage des prisonniers grévistes de la faim »
Shaked, Liberman continue controversy over doctors to force-feed hunger-striking prisoners

Israel confronts former soldiers on tell-all mission
Surprise, Surprise: IDF Thugs Get ‘Slap-On-Wrist’ Judgment
Police officer filmed beating Ethiopian soldier not to face criminal charges
Palestinian ‘bumped off’ by Israeli troops
Israeli soldiers beating restrained Palestinian protester caught on tape

États-Unis: Les rabbins à Barack Obama « Jérusalem fait partie intégrante de la terre d'Israël »

Poll finds massive drop in Israelis’ approval of Obama

Michael Oren's baseless anti-Obama articles  Op-ed: Israel's former ambassador to US presents the two countries as identical twins with an equal standing, which work in agreement and share all their secrets; any change in this intimate relationship is seen as an abandonment and betrayal. That is far from the truth, of course.
Michael Oren vs. The New York Times

Blague raciste sur Obama : la femme du ministre israhélien de l’intérieur bat sa coulpe et s’excuse platement
Israël : une blague jugée raciste sur Obama fait polémique
The stupid, racist Israeli tweet heard around the world at the worst time possible A bad joke comparing the U.S. president to 'black and weak' coffee was far from the Interior Minister’s wife’s first social media faux pas - but it was by far, her worst.
Barack Obama Compared To 'Weak Black Coffee' In 'Racist' Joke Tweeted By Israeli Minister's Wife Judy Mozes
‘Black & weak’?! Israeli minister’s wife all apologies for bad Obama joke

Obama a volontairement « fuité » les détails d'une mission israélienne en Iran
Obama à Israël : je sais comment traiter les gens qui s'opposent à moi.
Obama invites Netanyahu to bring wish list to White House

Israeli interior minister's wife tweets racist joke about Obama, causing furor Judy Nir Mozes Shalom quickly deleted her tweet comparing U.S. president to 'weak black coffee,' but not before raising a flurry of Twitter derision.
Wife of Interior Minister Shalom sparks uproar with ‘racist’ Obama tweet
Israeli interior minister’s wife tweets racist joke about Obama

Oren: Obama's outreach to Muslim world could be rooted in father abandonment issues In latest attack on U.S. president, former Israeli envoy to U.S. takes Obama to task for 'boycotting' Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher memorial in Paris.
Oren: Obama may reach out to Islam because 2 Muslim father figures abandoned him In third op-ed in a week, ex-envoy and new MK says history could judge president’s policy on Islam as naive, detached from reality
Michael Oren: New book meant to enlist American Jews to fight Iran deal Former envoy to U.S. says non-Orthodox and intermarried Jews in Obama administration 'have a hard time understanding the Israeli character.'

Text of UN Gaza commission’s press release summarizing its findings
UN report warrants probe, not self-righteousness
Israel responds to Gaza war report: UNHRC has ‘singular obsession with Israel’
Israel slams ‘politically motivated’ and ‘morally flawed’ UN Gaza report
Analysis: The UNHRC Gaza report - Tragedy or farce?
UN’s softer Gaza accusations may end up more damaging for Israel Report lacks the unfiltered biases of the Goldstone report from the 2008-2009 war, and thus will be harder to criticize. Jerusalem should have seen it coming
Netanyahu on UN Gaza report: Israel is not guilty of war crimes
Netanyahu walks out of his own cabinet meeting
Netanyahu: Israel rejects international "dictates"

Netanyahu: Anti-Israel bias a ‘rape of the truth’ Prime minister says Palestinians walk away from talks, and then encourage sanctions because there are no talks

Israël: Ordre d'arrêter la Flottille de la liberté 3
Israel warns it will intercept Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla
Outraged lawmakers call to penalize Arab MK over Gaza flotilla participation
Un député israélien fait scandale en voulant rejoindre une flottille pour Gaza

Netanyahou a montré dimanche son scepticisme vis-à-vis de la nouvelle proposition de paix défendue par Fabius
Netanyahu says France's 1967 borders plan would endanger Israel

Israël craint l’arrestation de Mofaz à Londres

Israel Foreign Ministry removes video ridiculing foreign press from website
Foreign Ministry pulls video mocking foreign journalists



VIDEO - Exposing Israel’s Ultranationalist Settler Movement – must watch

Les cinémas britanniques rejettent les appels à la haine des boycotteurs de BDS

“We Just Moved to Heaven”: Zio-Terror Machine Starts Mass Murder Program—Again

Religious Jewish terrorism: Tabgah Church arson
RT - Israël : un lieu saint catholique incendié dans une attaque d’extrémistes juifs

La militante d'Europalestine, Olivia Zémor agressée sur la voie publique

Le Washington Post encourage Israël à voler davantage de terres syriennes

Israel denies treating injured al-Qaeda fighters, locals say otherwise
Is BDS replacing Iran as Israel’s blackmail card?

Washington calls on UN to ignore ‘biased’ Gaza war report

Head of UN Gaza probe tells Haaretz: Main message is Israel can’t drop one-ton bomb on a neighborhood Jurist Mary McGowan Davis tells Haaretz that committee members wanted to convey that Israel must reexamine its policy of using military might, says report would have looked 'very different' if Israel had cooperated.
UN report blasts Gaza war tactics Israel has defended

Zoabi removed from meeting during verbal fight on Gaza flotilla House Committee meets to discuss impending flotilla to be joined by MK Ghattas; Israel Beiteinu MK calls for legislation on conduct of Arab peers.
Freedom Flotilla: Open letter from Member of Knesset Dr. Basel Ghattas to Netanyahu #Gaza
Netanyahu préoccupé par la « Flottille de la liberté3 »
Israël se prépare pour interdire la flottille vers Gaza
Shin Bet detains activist to glean intel on flotilla The Israeli woman, a left-wing activist, was held at Ben-Gurion Airport upon returning from a vacation in Greece and later questioned about Gaza flotilla activists.

MORE ZIOLIES TO HIDE THE TRUTH ABOUT BDS New York Councilor Petitions to Ban Roger Waters from US. Long Island councilman Bruce Blakeman says notorious anti-Israel musician’s actions would be a hate crime in the US.

War crimes suspect Shaul Mofaz evades arrest at UK parliament New evidence from 1967 war reveals Israeli atrocities

Want to make sure Israel doesn't become a Jewish-fascist state? Take a tip from Turkey People who wish to live in a secular-democratic-liberal Israel must go beyond tribal lines, or else slide into the abyss of a religious dictatorship.

Israël appelle à boycotter le Louvre

Ted Cruz's dad: 'Six million Jews were massacred' because religion cowed to government Rafael Cruz warned a gathering of the Palm Beach County Tea Party that 'in the northeast, the Jews are Democrats first and Jews second.'

BDS websites see 33% increase in traffic over past year MDR!

Racism inquiry rejectedDespite Ethiopian-Israeli protests, Knesset votes down attempt to probe racism claims.
VIDÉO. Israël (racisme): manifestation anti-raciste des israéliens noirs contre la police

Israeli settlers chop down 70 olive trees in Salfit, Nablus

Today I Saw a Weeping Palestinian Man Holding a Plastic Bag of Meat: It Was His Son

Israel’s Response to Everything: Collective Punishment

Dire que « l'occupation encourage le terrorisme, » est-ce justifier le terrorisme ?

Deputy minister to Arab MKs: Return your citizenship Netanyahu accuses Arab Joint List of hypocrisy during Knesset debate on controversial citizenship law; Zionist Union MKs leave session to avoid taking part of the vote.
Deputy minister: I’ll seek to revoke extremist Arab MKs’ citizenship

WATCH: Graham tells Goldberg, Iranian regime are 'religious Nazis' Republican presidential candidate Lindsey Graham, in an explosive interview with Jeffery Goldberg at the 2015 Aspen Ideas Festival, accused Obama of 'sitting down and talking with people [Iran] who are nuts as if they were not nuts.'

Netanyahu outraged at world powers’ concessions to Iran
Ya'alon: Israel sees Iran as main problem in region, US views it as part of solution

Obama's 'malice' is scapegoat for Bibi's failures There’s a good reason why the prime minister refused to distance himself from Michael Oren’s views: He agrees with them.

Michael Oren's contempt for U.S. Jews Far from the genuine respect you would expect from a former Israeli ambassador, Oren seems to view America's Jews as unreliable and quick to criticize the Jewish state.

After Palestinians Submit Formal Complaint with ICC, US Backers of Israel Lash Out with Threats

Gaza : Israël boycotte le débat sur l’enquête de l’ONU
UN report details Israel's genocidal war crimes against Palestine during 2014 summer assault
‘UN resolution on Palestinian state is dangerous – even if US plans to veto it’
'Netanyahu says in closed-door meeting that Israel may sever ties with UNHRC'

BDS the new enemy, by Uri Avnery (Ha'aretz)

Jewish think-tank: Anti-Israel activity on U.S. campuses is over-hyped

Stop the Knesset's avalanche of racism

International flotilla sets sail with Canadians on board to break Israel's economic siege on Gaza
SA reverend aboard ship attempting to break Israeli blockade on Gaza
Gaza Freedom Flotilla Mission Live Interview On Ship - Martin Lejeune
One boat from Gaza-bound flotilla expected to reach coastline in next two days
Israël demande à la France de cesser de financer les ONG sur la flottille !
Lapid slams 'despicable' Gaza flotilla as 'gang of terror supporters'

Ya'alon: There is no humanitarian distress in Gaza Ya'alon's words, coming a year after Operation Protective Edge, when according to United Nations figures almost 1,500 Palestinian civilians were killed, including 500 children, and hundreds of thousands lost their homes, contradict a series of international reports on the situation in Gaza. For example, a report published by the World Bank a month ago presented a harsh picture of the economic situation in Gaza and asserted that unemployment in the Strip is the highest in the world.

Don’t be fooled: “media watchdogs” are Israeli propaganda tools

Israël clôture sa frontière avec la Jordanie

Largest “State User” of Explosive Weapons against Civilians, And the Winner is… Israel

"On a oublié comment Israël s’est constitué : par la terreur et le nettoyage ethnique"

Israeli Occupation Forces arrest Bishop Hanna, protesting illegal seizure of church property
Israelis obstruct Christian worship in Jerusalem

Trump's real mistake? Not running in Israel. And we've got just the party for him If only he would consider running with Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud. He would be perfect. He'd fit right in. It's not just the comb-over and the billions. It's the racism.

Orange rompt avec l’israélien Partner
Telecom giant Orange to end Israel presence within 2 years Company, which denies it is boycotting Israeli brand licensee for political reasons, to pay 90 million euros to sever ties to Israel’s Partner

Claims Conference Ombudsman Says He Was Dumped Over Critical Report

U.S. State Department: We won’t protect Israeli settlements against boycott Congressional efforts to extend anti-BDS fight to occupied territories show pro-Israel lobby the perils of biting off more than one can chew.

Israël: la gauche, les arabes et Lieberman veulent empêcher Netanyahu de se représenter !

UN Human Rights Council to condemn Israel over Operation Protective Edge, but not demand sanctions The Palestinian draft resolution will not include demands for any concrete steps against Israel, but it also does not address suspected crimes committed by Hamas.

Obama administration will ignore ‘Israel-controlled territories’ in anti-BDS law

Opposition joins Netanyahu in lobbying against anti-Israel resolution in UNHRC

Three US churches consider BDS measures against Israel in upcoming vote
US church to divest over Israeli treatment of Palestinians  Delegates call on United Church of Christ's financial arms to sell off stock in any company profiting from 'human rights violations arising from the occupation'; economic impact on Israel expected to be negligible.
As UN vents on Gaza, Jews and Christians festively argue Israel’s case Outside UN Human Rights Council debate in Geneva, demonstrators from across Europe commiserate about an irreparably biased organization
US church votes to divest from companies operating in West Bank United Church of Christ urges boycott of Ahava Dead Sea products, SodaStream; two more churches weigh similar resolutions.
To Our Friends in the United Church of Christ We write to thank you as Jews, Muslims, Protestants, atheists and others; as mothers and fathers, daughters and sons; and as people united in our belief in justice and liberation for all peoples.
We thank you for your historic and moral vote to divest from the Israeli occupation. Your vote is a profound act of solidarity with Palestinians who have suffered decades of occupation, dispossession, and discrimination. Heeding “His Call,” United Church of Christ Divests from Israel
Israeli Foreign Ministry slams US church boycott as ‘immoral’ Spokesperson says United Church of Christ move to divest from companies operating in West Bank is ‘demonization’ of Israel
United Church of Christ votes to divest from companies with ties to Israeli settlements Delegates called on the denomination's financial arms to sell off stock in firms profiting from human rights violations.

BDS is driving a wedge between Diaspora Jews

Israeli forces detain 40 Palestinian activists in West Bank

Spanish legislator on Gaza flotilla to sue Israel at ICC

State Department backs away from anti-BDS law’s language Legislation’s ‘conflation’ of Israel, Israeli-controlled territories ‘runs counter to longstanding US policy,’ says spokesman, indicating measure will not apply to settlements

How Israel Weaponized Water

Flottille vers Gaza : Israël expulse l'ex-président tunisien Marzouki
Israel deports former Tunisian president to France

As tensions escalate, anti-Arab graffiti with swastikas found in Jerusalem neighborhood


Israël érige un nouveau mur

Why Do Jewish Camps Erase the Green Line on Israel Maps? (Expansionnisme subliminal...)

What I learned at the Louvre about boycotts and 'evil Israelis' To ensure that Israelis won't be prevented from visiting the museum, it’s not enough to dismiss the worsening BDS situation with the usual responses.

Un pilote italien crée le choc à l’aéroport de Tel Aviv en annonçant « Bienvenue en Palestine »

‘Good Rabbi’ Teitelbaum Teaches Grade School Students The Difference Between Jews And Non-Jews
Israel’s Dangerous Game with Syrian Al Nusra Islamists
Israel: the Migrant Cuckoo in the Arab Nest
Syria’s “Moderate Terrorists”: Neocons Urge Embrace of Al Qaeda

Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Threat to World Peace

Netanyahu sends implicit threat to Iran ahead of nuclear deadline 'Israel will always defend itself, and its air force will play a major role,' prime minister says in comments at pilots' graduation ceremony.
Bibi Says Iran Nuclear Deal Getting Even Worse
Netanyahu Warns: West Conceding Too Much to Iran Prime Minister issues last-minute warning to the West as deadline to nuclear talks looms in less than a week.
Obama's Congress trick  Analysis: Those relying on Iran deal being thwarted by US Congress are in for a disappointment, unless final agreement is much worse than draft proposed in Lausanne – and in such a case, American president himself may be unwilling to approve it.
Ils sont stressés à mort parce que l'accord avec l'Iran va passer si le Congrès est incapable de le bloquer.

Michael Oren: Criticism of Obama had to be made  Former Israeli envoy to Washington and current Knesset legislator accuses US president of adopting Arab narrative that Jews are in Israel because of the Holocaust; 'The Cairo speech was twice as long as Obama's inauguration speech. This is an indication of the importance he gives the Muslim world,' he says.
Former Obama aide says Oren book 'a caricature filled with distortions'
A Book, a Joke, a Graduation Gift: One Week in Israeli Xenophobia

Israeli War Crimes? Who, Us?? – To Hell With Them All!
Cour pénale internationale : Israël bientôt accusé de crimes de guerre et de crimes contre l'humanité ?

Israeli PM rejects international ‘diktats’ on Palestinian-Israeli conflict

No apologies for fighting ‘sabotage' Forging alliances  Education Minister Naftali Bennett sees a clear connection tying the UN report on the last conflict with Gaza to the Dreyfus Affair, and BDS to the Amalekites’ efforts to dehumanize the Israelites.
Israel lobby hijacks trade bill to derail boycott movement: Analyst

How the right-wing already won Israel's culture war New Culture Minister Miri Regev spent 25 years in the Israeli army before becoming a politician, so it's no surprise she was happy to go to war with the local artistic community.
Israel's government is silencing criticism by choking its wallet The most effective way to silence voices that the government doesn’t want heard is to strike at the sources of funding.

Israël : Liberman appelle Netanyahu à traiter Abbas en ennemi de guerre

Singer Thurston Moore says support for BDS led to cancellation of Israel gig  Two months after nixing Tel Aviv concert, former Sonic Youth frontman issues statement saying it was a choice of 'non-violent activism'.
Despite the odds, BDS is working

In op-eds, church leaders say BDS is moral response to Netanyahu’s rejection of Palestinian statehood

No freedom of expression for Israeli anthropologists?  Op-ed: Is it illegitimate for Israeli academics to believe that Gaza's problems stem from Hamas' jihadist ideology? Should they be threatened with a boycott if they fail to adopt 'the right stance'?

Israeli on Gaza flotilla says saboteurs damaged boat Dror Feiler tells Arabic radio station ‘dark forces’ trying to stop ships; Arab MK defends decision to join flotilla
Gaza-bound flotilla claims ship was sabotaged
Swedish boat sets sail in bid to break Gaza blockadeLapid: Flotilla actvisits are terror supporters  While the Gaza flotilla approaches Israel's shores, Lapid issues a fiery statement decrying it as 'heinous' and provocative.
The 'Marianne' sets sail for Gaza from Greece with MK Basel Ghattas on board

Israeli settlements profit from Palestinian children  Palestinian children are working under exploitative conditions on Israeli settlements, ensuring handsome profits for the settlers. As Mel Frykberg reports from the West Bank, the children are too afraid to speak out.

Israel shoots four boys enjoying evening walk in Gaza

WhatsApp messages show Israeli soldiers knew they were about to kill a child

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin calls for removal of Israeli flag
Rand Paul Joins Politically Correct Leftists, Demands Confederate Flag Come Down, Flies Israeli Flag On His Campaign Website

‘Come home!’ Israeli minister urges French Jews amid terror wave Hours after Islamist attack near Lyon, Ze’ev Elkin warns that anti-Semitism is rising, terror is increasing; Netanyahu says ‘enlightened world’ battling ‘dark forces’

Wikileaks Sony Hack Reveals Hollywood’s Hand In Repairing Israel’s Broken Image

Israeli Jews Ban Christian Prayer in Jerusalem, Calling it “Pagan Ceremony”.

The Yinon Plan and the Role of the ISIS
Daesh menace de renverser le Hamas
Why is Israel concocting ties between Hamas and ISIS?
Israel to temporarily close southern Highway 12 amid Sinai tensions
Netanyahu: Israel now faces double threat from Iran and ISIS
Israel giving Egyptian army free hand in Sinai, official says On voit que l'Égypte d'Al-Sissi et Israël avancent main dans la main...
Israeli army says Hamas helping Islamic State in Sinai (Prétexte pour envahir le Sinaï!)
L’Etat islamique menace la bande de Gaza (Cette nouvelle contredit radicalement les déclarations d'Israel dans la nouvelle précédente, comme quoi le Hamas aiderait l'EI dans le Sinai.)
Tsahal : "le Hamas a aidé ISIS dans ses attentats dans le Sinaï"
L'EI revendique des tirs de roquettes sur Israël (Là c'est même pu la même version, c'est pas le Hamas qui a aidé ISIS, c'est ISIS qui a revendiqué les roquettes... Et si ISIS est une créature des américains et des sionistes, ça se peut très bien qu'ils fassent leur possible pour faire mal paraître les Palestiniens.)
ISIS in Sinai is a serious threat to Israel Time to re-invade Sinai?

Now Jordan Announces Plans To Invade Syria

Accord historique entre le Vatican et les Palestiniens 26/06/2015
Israël « regrette » l’accord du Vatican avec « l’Etat de Palestine » (Il me semble qu'ils ne protestent pas fort comme ils font d'habitude)

IDF Appoints Special Team to Plan Iran Strike
Le NYT prédit l’échec de l’accord iranien
WATCH: New ad urges Schumer 'to stand firm' against Iran for Israel's sake Influential Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has being doing a delicate balancing act when it comes to the nuclear talks with Iran — giving President Barack Obama room to negotiate but also joining Republicans in pushing for a Congressional 'backstop.'

Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran”
Clinton ‘suggests to donors she’s better for Israel than Obama’ Democratic presidential candidate said to assure potential Jewish backers she’ll be able to mend ties with Jerusalem
Israel losing Democrats, ‘can’t claim bipartisan US support,’ top pollster warns

In Photos: Israel Imposes Ramadan Restrictions at Bethlehem Checkpoint

Rejecting Israeli Narrative, Freedom Flotilla Campaigners Say Tasers Were Part Of Violent Assault On Ship At least nine people from Sweden, Norway, and Canada remain in Israeli custody.

Netanyahu blasts UNHRC for endorsing Gaza war crimes report
UNHRC backs Israel-bashing Gaza report, with full European support EU nations lament lack of Hamas criticism but approve motion anyway; only US votes against resolution which Jerusalem calls an ‘anti-Israeli manifesto’
UN Declares Highest Humanitarian Emergency Level in Yemen
Netanyahu vs. UN: Israel Threatens to Exit the UNHRC After Damning Gaza Report
Following Scathing Report, Israel Considering Leaving UN Human Rights Council

The settlements are not part of Israel The U.S. administration’s sharp message that protection of Israel from boycott doesn’t apply to the settlements should come as no surprise.
U.S. rebuking Israel? State Dept. says it has no objection to BDS aimed at occupation

Ariel Sharon’s son: My father would have responded to Gaza rocket fire with full force

Begin proposes bare-bones ‘Jewish State bill’

Israel seeks help of West to stop its officials from being arrested

BBC hands airwaves over to Israel’s minister for war

The Washington Post whitewashes the violence of Israel’s occupation

Roy Isacowitz, chroniqueur du quotidien de gauche Haaretz: « Ciblez-moi avec votre boycott, svp »
Haaretz Editor Urges Boycott, Collective Punishment of Israelis

Boycott-hit Orange may dump Israeli partner by mid-2017
A bigger threat than BDS: anti-normalization By seeking to police all interactions between Israeli Jews and Palestinians, the movement prevents any progress in advancing coexistence and achieving peace.
Intimidations et manœuvres sionistes pour contrer le mouvement BDS
'We will never join a boycott against Israel,' says Canadian railway giant

Uruguay: Israeli embassy worker suspected in planting fake bomb

Netanyahu’s 100 Year War against ‘militant’ Islam as the death blow to Western Civilization

De nouvelles révélations sur la guerre de 1967 mettent en évidence les atrocités israéliennes
Five Facts that the Israeli Government Would Prefer you did not Know

One year on, class of Palestinian teen burnt alive graduates without him

Israeli Spiritual Leader Calls for Jews to Return to Israel due imminent arrival of their moshiach (anti-Christ)

Culture Ministry to review Rachel Corrie play  Complaints against 'My Name is Rachel Corrie,' about an American human rights activist killed by an IDF bulldozer in Gaza in 2003, lead to reexamination of production's content.

Latest Netanyahu cartoon says west is allowing ISIS to build ‘atomic bombs’ aimed at US and Christianity
Why is Israel concocting ties between Hamas and ISIS?

Anti-Iran Propaganda Ad Seen On Cable TV, Funded By Adelson, Kaplan
Iran Defense Minister warns of ‘Israel’s WMDs’ threat to world
Netanyahu unloads: The Iran deal is worse than North Korea
Israel Prepares for US Congressional Battle Over Iran Nuclear Deal
Israeli-Firster Tom Cotton: “Iran should face economic devastation and military destruction….”
Netanyahu prepares to fight world over Iran deal
Mutual mistrust makes clash on Iran even riskier Any nuclear deal would have created friction, but with duos such as Sharon/Bush or Rabin/Clinton – and unlike with Netanyahu/Obama - the fallout could be contained.
WATCH: Chris Christie accuses Obama of 'giving Iran a nuclear weapon' 'Obama is giving Iran a nuclear weapon. The largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world is moving towards a nuclear weapon with the permission of the United States. It is outrageous.'

Released Clinton e-mail reignites question whether Obama reneged on Bush settlement commitments Issue was thrust into into the headlines in 2009 because of the Obama administration's demand for a complete settlement freeze.
Clinton: Rice Backed Obama Over Israel on Settlements


Clinton issues missives against Israel boycott movement
Clinton 'alarmed' over calls for Israel boycott, urges bi-partisan action In a letter to Israeli-American businessman and donor Haim Saban, Democratic presidential front-runner seeks advice on how to counter the attempts to 'delegitimize Israel.'

No Holds Barred: Will Samantha Power be the first American UN ambassador to abandon Israel?

Chris Christie: Blame Rand Paul For Next Terror Attack

State report: Boycott could cost Israel NIS 40 billion per year
Finance Ministry sees West Bank boycott costing economy NIS 2 billion

Donald Trump gives Israel political bear hug in midst of 'Mexican rapist' backlash

Report: Netanyahu asked UK to vote in favor of UN Gaza resolution accusing Israel of war crimes “Both the Israelis and the Brits will deny this,” the UK source told the Jewish Chronicle. “It sounds bonkers. But it’s true.”

A racist country with too much influence over US — Israel’s new image among Democrats


Following Scathing Report, Israel Considering Leaving UN Human Rights Council

Jewish extremist linked to US bomber acquitted amid UK prosecution “shambles”

PLO ambassador endorses Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Palestinian envoy says Jews plotting world domination At Chile conference, Imad Nabil Jadaa cites notorious anti-Semitic ‘Protocols’ forgery as ostensible proof of century-old Jewish perfidy

Arab-killing never hurt an Israeli cop’s record

Israel: African migrants forced to choose between deportation and prison

How Israel's media shows us only half the picture in Gaza

European Jewish group slammed for meeting with far-right 'xenophobic' politicians
Marine Le Pen toujours plus loin dans le sionisme

The trick to getting away with everything in the Israeli army

Secret Lieberman, Likud deal to grant right-wing veto power over judicial appointments

In Israel, it's the Jewish mufti who decides whether a citizen belongs

UNESCO set to condemn Israel for ‘endangering’ Jerusalem’s Old City

Vatican refuses to let Israel see details of agreement with Palestinians
Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court composed of 71 sages, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem.

A racist country with too much influence over US — Israel’s new image among Democrats

Abbas recalls Palestinian ambassador to Chile over anti-Semitic remarks Envoy Imad Nabil Jadaa quoted from 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' at a conference in Santiago two months ago, saying Israel was established to 'facilitate Jewish domination of world.'

Jewish extremist linked to US bomber acquitted amid UK prosecution “shambles”

U.S. Jewish leaders eye Iran talks warily, ready to attack ‘bad deal’ But J Street poll finds grass roots optimistic about accord.

Why Hillary Clinton is moving left on every issue except Israel
Clinton to Donor: In Next War, I Will Let Israel Kill 200,000, Not Just 2,000, Gazans
Hillary joins the chorus against BDS: On Israel, she aligns herself with the right, and people like Sheldon Adelson No middle ground for Clinton -- she's come out in support of Israel's most right-wing policies toward Palestinians
Can Hillary Clinton Please Both Pro-Israel Megadonors and Democratic Grassroots?

Obama administration will not enforce anti-BDS law on West Bank settlements
Q. and A. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: BDS aims to destroy Israel
VIDEO - Divestment movement against Israel gains steam
Leader of Christian Zionists tapped to head Adelson’s campus anti-BDS group
10 years later, how BDS became the politically correct way to delegitimize Israel Blurring the lines between opposing occupation and opposing Israel, the boycott and sanctions effort continues to make inroads, all the way to the 2016 US presidential elections

L'ONU et Israël : deux poids, deux mesures ? par Gilles William Goldnadel

Mike Huckabee: “There’s Really No Such Thing As A Palestinian”

US Isolated as UN Resolution Condemns Israel War on Gaza
UN says Israeli blockade of Gaza blocks reconstruction efforts
Israël va "collaborer" à minima avec la CPI

“Blame it on Gaza” say UK Politicians

Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

Radical jewish group breaks into Christian conference in Jerusalem
C'est la gang de terroristes appelée Lehava, qui a déjà mis le feu à une école mixte (pour enfants arabes et juifs).
Palestinian Christians sceptical as Israeli police 'investigate' church attack

Israel imposes media blackout on story of mother fighting for her child
Israel proposes law allowing execution of Palestinian prisoners
Israeli colonel killed Palestinian teen as he ran away
Israel bans Palestinian TV channel for Arab citizens
The BBC’s Shameful Film: “Children of the Gaza War”. Coverup of Israel’s Orchestrated Massacre
BBC documentary translates Gaza children saying 'Jews' as saying 'Israelis' In one such case a Gazan child says that the ‘yahud’ (Arabic for Jews) are massacring Palestinians, but the subtitles read 'Israel is massacring us.'

Republicans turn to Hillary Clinton in bid to sink Iran deal: Report

Clinton se bat contre le mouvement de boycott d’Israël

Lindsey Graham Calls Code Pink Founder “Radical Islam’s Best Hope”

Comment BDS est devenu la manière politiquement correcte de délégitimer Israël

Israeli Teachers Union denies supporting West Bank settlements boycott

Le boycott d’Israël pourrait coûter 40 milliards de shekels par an

Israel confiscates money allocated to help poor in Ramadan

Israeli Facebook users launch ‘Death to Arabs’ campaign
Et même après ces incitations au meurtre sur facebook, ce juif israélien n'aura pas le moindre problème avec la justice. Garanti!

Israeli professor: IDF killed one of its own soldiers to prevent Gaza capture

Video: Palestinian stone-thrower killed by Israeli officer was fleeing when shot Officer investigated under caution; video obtained by B'Tselem handed over to Military Police.

For you, Palestinian kid killed by IDF was just a statistic Abu Yasser has buried three of his brothers. His tragedy is heartbreaking; ours is that we are slowly losing our humanity.

Netanyahu makes thinly-veiled threat to the High Court Netanyahu fumed at the court's message, which questioned the legality of the prime minister holding se.
Why Israel's Reaction to the Hamas Prisoner Has Everything to Do With Race
Israel: Outrage as Netanyahu’s rep recorded threatening family of Gaza hostage

Israel Proposes Law Allowing Execution of Palestinian Prisoners
Netanyahu buries death penalty bill despite likely majority in ministerial committee

Incendie d’une église en Israël : des suspects juifs arrêtés
Israël : des suspects juifs arrêtés pour l'incendie de l'Eglise de la multiplication des pains
Israel police arrests 3 Jewish youth suspected of arson at Galilee church
Arrestations suite à l’incendie de l’Eglise de la Multiplication Plusieurs personnes soupçonnées dans l’incendie de l’église, le 18 juin, au bord du lac de Tibériade ont été interpellées
Two indicted for Church of Multiplication arson Yinon Reuveni and Yehuda Asraf stand accused of flagrant attack against Christian site of worship near Sea of Galilee.

The chilling film about Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's killer goes beyond the fear If you hoped to find out why a married mother of four fell in love with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassin, the film 'Beyond the Fear' will not leave you any wiser. But the controversial documentary about Amir, his wife and son, has other lessons.

Why is religion awakening in secular Israel, India and Algeria? Prof. Walzer’s new book analyzes one of the fateful questions of our generation: why young democracies constitute fertile ground for the rise of extreme religion.

AUDIO - Maria Poumier: Solve 9/11 by busting Israel for Argentine false flags | Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio (June 6, 2014)

Un leader juif européen critiqué après une rencontre avec Le Pen
European Jewish leader under fire for meeting with Le Pen

JSSNEWS-Marine Le Pen prête à expulser les frontistes qui soutiendraient BDS !
Europe-Israel: Marine Le Pen a dénoncé « l'antisémitisme ainsi que le mouvement raciste BDS ». Elle est prête à expulser les frontistes qui soutiendraient BDS

Six World Powers Now Subject to the Will of Israel: The World’s Only Undeclared Nuclear Armed State
"Si Israël accédait à l’arme nucléaire, ce serait un risque pour la planète tout entière"

Get ready for the pro-Israel NRA

Where does the Obama administration stand on BDS? A brewing battle over trade law relating to Israel and the territories may make the Jerusalem passport case look completely inconsequential.

Clinton can’t separate herself from foreign-policy buffoons Saban and Adelson
Crisis for the lobby: Clinton bucks Saban, AIPAC doesn’t know what to say
Saban’s PR firm promotes Israel’s illegal settlements– so when will Hillary Clinton condemn it?

Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei–Sectarian and tribal wars are there to protect Israel

Countering the Neo-Cold Warriors
US Neoconservatives: Seeking War to the End of the World

Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack



Did Barack Obama Hit Right Note in Call for Iran Deal Support?
(..)In his 20 minute appeal, Obama repeatedly weaved two themes known to strike a chord among progressives: the Iraq war, and the role of big money in Washington’s decision making process.  When put together it sounded something like this: Criticism of the deal, he said, comes “partly from the $20 million that’s being spent lobbying against the bill,” and “partly from the same columnists and former administration officials that were responsible for us getting into the Iraq war.“  The wording, though chosen carefully as not to conflate the two groups, treaded into a highly sensitive area for some in the Jewish community. The mention of $20 million is a clear reference to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is leading the lobbying efforts against the Iran deal and has raised, through a sister organization, this sum in order to fight for disapproving the agreement.  Tying AIPAC and those who pushed for military intervention in Iraq in the same argument, could be read as accepting the notion that the American Jewish community was behind the Iraq war. It is a notion the organized pro-Israel community has been trying to fight off for over a decade.  The idea that Jews laid the groundwork for the Iraq war stems, in part, from the fact that several national security and defense advisers in the Bush administration were Jewish neo-conservatives who supported the war. The organized Jewish community, however, did not call on the Bush administration to launch a military offensive against Iraq.  The reference was not lost on Jewish officials who are attuned to this sensitivity.  “Canard,” tweeted William Daroff of the Jewish Federations of North America as Obama spoke on the conference call. And while Obama may have had no intention of giving credence to it, the pronounced equation he made between those supporting the Iraq war and those opposing the Iran deal, is likely to make many in the community feel uneasy.  As is the reference to “billionaires” bankrolling the political effort to defeat the agreement in Congress.  “You’ve got a whole bunch of folks who are big check writers to political campaigns, running TV ads, and billionaires who happily finance SuperPACs and they are putting the squeeze on members of Congress,” Obama said.  Again, Obama made no direct reference to any individual involved in funding the drive against the Iran deal, but it is clear that most of the money raised by pro-Israel groups for this campaign has come from Jewish donorsAnd the Republican Jewish Coalition was quick to issue a statement condemning Obama for “demonizing” opponents of the deal and reminding Jewish leaders that when George H. W. Bush complained in 1991 about the power of lobbyists, he was criticized by Jewish groups for what was seen as a negative reference to the political power of Jewish Americans. (...)

VIDEO - Michael Collins Piper's book The Golem: Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb

Boycott : Camouflet américain pour Israël et son lobby

Senator Feinstein urges Netanyahu not to demolish Palestinian village

Analysis: Europe to drop sanctions on Iranian terrorists and entities

Congress needs to stand up for American people’s interest over Netanyahu’s

OBAMA BAD FOR THE JEWS – How Could We Have Known: The Jews Who Voted For Obama

Israel losing strategic value to US imperialism: Activist

Europe Has Had Enough of Benjamin Netanyahu

Education Minister Bennett fires ‘leftist’ curriculum chief Internal shuffle is standard with new ministers, but Nir Michaeli’s job was always on line because of his political views.

Lindsey “Bomb Every Country” Graham: Donald Trump Is A Jackass
Meet Michael Cohen - Donald Trump's Jewish enforcer

Hotovely demande à l’Europe d’arrêter de financer les ONG critiquant Israël La ministre adjointe des Affaires étrangères affirme que B’Tselem et d’autres ONG œuvrent à « ternir le nom d’Israël »
Deputy foreign minister warns Europe to stop funding left-wing groups Hotovely says B’Tselem, other NGOs are working to ‘blacken Israel’s name'; threatens ‘foreign agents’ legislation
Deputy FM warns European governments against funding Israeli left-wing NGOs Tzipi Hotovely tell European diplomats that lack of overnight will lead to government legislation on the issue.

THE ONLY DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST – Arab lawmakers not allowed to meet with European delegates in Knesset

Knesset votes down 'Zoabi bill'  Knesset votes down bill that would make it easier to ban politicians who voiced support for terrorism 41 to 38. Pour eux prendre la défense des arabes en Palestine et en Israel c'est faire de "l'apologie du terrorisme"...

Shaked’s ‘fast track’panel aims to legalize West Bank outposts

Oren: Jesus today would be a settler
‘Jesus, Mary, and John the Baptist would today be considered Jewish settlers’

IDF Looks to Bible to Prepare for Future Threats

World Jewry ever more uneasy with Israel, major study finds
Study finds growing criticism of Israel among Diaspora Jewry
Malaise de la communauté juive mondiale sur Israël La plupart des Juifs de la diaspora ne croient pas que le gouvernement actuel est sincère dans la quête pour la paix

Israël rejette le projet de loi Zoabi !

Palestine: The Nuclear-Armed Occupier versus Children Throwing Stones
Imprisonment for Stone-Throwing: Only in Israel
Human Rights Groups Making it Increasingly Difficult for Israel to Kill Palestinians
Israel’s Endless Misery for Gaza is Backfiring

Etat de tension suite à la prise d’assaut des Israéliens extrémistes de la sainte mosquée d’al-Aqsa

Israeli Bank Shares Fall After EU Sanctions Threats

French government's moves creating anti-Semitism  Op-ed: France's leaders are responsible for local Jews' grim situation due to government's clear pro-Muslim and pro-Palestinian policy, as well as its traditional hostility towards Israel.

Brothers gets jail time for Jewish-Arab school arson in Jerusalem
Brothers sentenced for Jerusalem arson hate-crime on Jewish-Arab school
Two (jews) sent to prison for torching Jewish-Arab school
Arsonists of Jewish-Arab school sing 'praise God' after jail sentence  Two of the perpetrators get at least two years jail time and ordered to compensate Jerusalem school; 'It was worth it,' they said upon leaving the courtroom smiling.
Jerusalem bilingual school arsonists given heavy sentences Nahman and Shlomo Twito sentenced to 30 and 24 months in prison, 25,000 shekels in fines; brothers say crime was 'worth the price,' burst into song after court session.

2 main Israeli power grids providing electricity to Gaza down for days
More Israeli War Crimes: Sole Electricity Plant in Gaza Shuts Down As Fuel Runs Out
Israeli forces destroy 450 olive trees, Roman-era well in Hebron
Israel denies Palestinian hunger strikers medical care

Israel lambasted over ‘abusive arrests’ of Palestinian children
Harsher punishments for stone-throwers
Palestinian Rock Throwers Will Now Get 20 Years in Prison

Social media sites asked to remove photos of Israeli officials in Nazi garb  Asheriko also wrote that the Israeli Left is worse than Hamas terrorists. He wrote that if he could he would send Leftists to ovens in the Treblinka death camp.

Just another anti-Israel educational conference Op-ed: When bodies like the Education International World Congress start treating the Palestinians as equal people who should be criticized for incitement, the chance for reconciliation and a compromise will be much bigger.
BDS supporters rap UK student leader for Coca Cola ties
Local Friends of Israel Chapter Ousted From British Trade Unions Festival

ICC decision on the Gaza flotilla raid is just the start of Israel’s troubles

L’affaire Orange Sur l’intimidation et les tentatives anti-BDS (Middel East Monitor)
Fighting hardcore BDS will take more than effective PR
University campuses are the battlefield for Jewish future, Sharansky and Cotler agree Sharansky est un refuznik, juif sioniste anti-communiste qui s'est exilé de l'URSS avant de devenir porte-parole néocon anti-Russie. - Des militants BDS qui avouent boycotter les commerces juifs et pas seulement israeliens - Désinformation anti-Israël : L'Express de Servan-Schreiber à Christophe Barbier - Estrosi (pro-Israël) en Tunisie: « notre ennemi commun, le terrorisme »

Londres lève son embargo controversé sur la vente d'armes à Israël. Cet embargo avait été instauré par un démocrate pro-palestinien

VIDEO - Naomi Wolf - Jewish Lobby in the US

Poll: Most Israelis opposed Gaza pullout, support return
Majority of Israelis say they opposed Gaza withdrawal, contrary to polling at the time

Le Likud dément que Netanyahu a dit que la construction était gelée
Likud denies Netanyahu said West Bank construction frozen

Deputy Speaker of Knesset ready to serve as Israel's new executioner Remember the name Bezalel Smotrich. If a planned vote this week on the death penalty will separate the True Right from the hangers-on, his place is assured.
Yes, the same far-right activist who was once reportedly held by the Shin Bet on suspicion of  endangering human life, malicious damage, membership in a banned organization and sedition.

Palestinian loses eye after being shot by sponge-tipped bullet fired by Israeli forces

BDS' useful idiots at Haaretz

Video debunks Israeli claim in teen’s killing

Lehava retakes J'lem streets 'Anti-assimilation' group has increased its presence in the capital, in order to fend off 'harassment' of Jewish women by Arabs.

Christian IDF soldier lies about assault by Muslims

Israel arrests hunger striker Khader Adnan day after releasing himPalestinian and Israeli media reported that Adnan was detained on his way to worship at al-Aqsa mosque on the occasion of Leilat al-Qadr, which Muslims observe during Ramadan to mark the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad.  Israel imposes severe restrictions on Palestinians living under its military occupation regime. 

Black American Jews Turned Away at Israel Airport

Rappel: (7 dec 2014) Le ministre de l’Intérieur et la LDJ manifestent ensemble

When Ariel Sharon became settlers’ arch-rival

Israel’s Behaviour Will Bankrupt It over Time

Screening of film about Rabin assassin under Israeli gov’t scrutiny

Biopic on PM Rabin’s killer stirs controversy c'était un extrémiste juif.

Analysis: Europe to drop sanctions on Iranian terrorists and entities

Congress needs to stand up for American people’s interest over Netanyahu’s

UN Casts Israel as Worst Violator of Economic and Social Rights

Israel, where a Las Vegas casino mogul’s stooge is God

NETANYAHU: “We’ll Continue to Build in All of Jerusalem”
Jewish left seeking to remove Netanyahu from power
Herzog: Netanyahu suffering from ‘Tisha B’Av syndrome’

Une délégation israélienne incluant le criminel de guerre Amos Yadlin arrêtée à l’aéroport de Londres… puis relâchée !
Contre des organisations des droits de l’Homme, Israël veut utiliser la diplomatie Après des tentatives législatives souvent bloquées, le ministère des Affaires étrangères s’attaque à la source en souhaitant empêcher le financement étranger des ONG
New Illinois law does not make BDS illegal
UK student organization censures president over Coca-Cola ties with Israel
Michel Boujenah veut « combattre » tout journaliste critiquant l’armée israélienne

IDF to probe more soldiers on Gaza war conduct
Breaking the Silence is a legitimate group that should be encouraged, not silenced The opposition's silence at the increasing attacks on the group reflect the apologetic and fearful tone typical of Israel's new center-left.
FLASHBACK: Breaking the Silence and its slanderers There are two sides to the IDF’s conduct during the Gaza war, but only Breaking the Silence’s soldiers are revealing the dark one.

Hundreds of young settlers clash violently with police at Beit El Confrontation erupts after protesters try to stop vehicle bringing security fence to be set up around two buildings slated for imminent destruction.
Netanyahu demands illegal West Bank homes not be demolished
Netanyahu scrambles to calm seething coalition after settlement evacuation Jewish Home lawmakers threaten to dismantle government over police takeover of Beit El project; PM says he’ll fight demolition order
Police swarm illegal settlement buildings, 50 arrested Preempting protests, special forces clear Beit El structures of barricaded Jewish settlers after court orders their destruction

Israel’s stolen children: where is UNICEF Israel?

World Jewry feels increasingly endangered, embarrassed by Israel, study finds

Israel’s Control Of Hollywood Exposed In Leaked Emails

VIDEO - Zionists Minimize Israeli Racism
VIDEO - Incited in Israel, Inflicted on Gaza

VIDEO - Michael Collins Piper: Zionism VS the United Nations

Update: Jewish Arsonists sing ‘praise God’ after jail sentence

Far-right Israeli won’t apologize for calling Muhammad a pig

Netanyahu green lights construction of 300 homes in Beit El  In victory to settlers, prime minister okays building of homes promised after the evacuation of Givat Ulpana in 2012; Sa-Nur squatters agree to leave, if commission is formed to examine return to settlement.
L'annonce de constructions dans les colonies israéliennes, un "crime de guerre" (OLP)
Benyamin Netanyahou s'oppose à une décision de justice exigeant la démolition d'immeubles construits illégalement en Cisjordanie
EU demands Israel walk back green-light for settlement building European Union officials say decision to authorize 800 units calls Jerusalem’s desire for peace into question
LEST WE FORGET: Israeli Housing Minister calls for the destruction of al-Aqsa Mosque (Jan 26, 2014)

Time Warner executive moonlights as speechwriter for Netanyahu  C'est pas une blague.

Jews that join the IDF from the west should be treated in the same way as Muslims that join ISIS
ISIS Horror and Rape of Women & Children — But Media Censors Judaic Rape and Horror! En photo: Meyrvav Wurmser, qui rigole quand on lui parle du contrôle sioniste de la politique étrangère américaine...
Gaza ‘Black Friday': Cutting edge investigation points to Israeli war crimes in Rafah
Israeli Soldiers Shot Hundreds of Palestinian Children with Live Ammunition
Israel passes law allowing force feeding of prisoners
Roger Waters: I hate apartheid, not Israel Special interview | The former Pink Floyd singer talks to Gideon Levy about his political views, tragic family history – and when the rock star-turned-activist will be happy to play in Israel again.

Gaza: Amnesty accuse Israël de "crime de guerre"
Israel accused of killing 75 children during day of 'carnage' and war crimes in Gaza war
Livni: Justice Minister Shaked will bring Israel to ICC
Israel rejects ‘flawed’ war crime claim by rights group Amnesty International says ‘strong evidence’ that bombardment after capture of IDF soldier disregarded civilian lives
Amnesty: IDF response to capture of soldier amounts to war crimes Rights group calls for prosecutions for the IDF's severe military response to the capture of soldier Hadar Goldin during Operation Protective Edge.

Survey reveals widening gap between secular and religiousSummer 2014 - Jews Watching and Cheering the Bombing of Gaza by IDF

Un juif orthodoxe poignarde 6 personnes dans un défilé de la fierté gaie à Jérusalem
Six stabbed at Jerusalem pride parade by same assailant who attacked parade in 2005 Marchers, media round on Jerusalem police for failing to thwart Yishai Schlissel, who’d just come out of jail publicly declaring his malicious intent

Benjamin Netanyahu is a danger to Israel The prime minister bears responsibility for everything bad that happens among us and around us.
A prime minister’s confession Spend the evening with Benjamin Netanyahu as he ponders his next cabinet meeting and whatever happened to his dreams of greatness.

THE HILLTOP YOUTH: A monster “Golem” turning on its creator?
La violence des colons est partie intégrante de la société et de la politique israéliennes
Bad weeds in our back yard   Op-ed: Jewish terrorists are an evil within us. We need to be remorseful, but we also need to be reminded we grieved this murder.    
Father of slain baby dies   Saed Dawabsheh, 31, dies after fighting for his life for over a week since the deadly arson attack.
Father of Palestinian infant killed in West Bank arson attack dies Hamas calls for 'open and comprehensive confrontation against the occupation' after Sa'ad Dawabsheh of Duma succumbs to wounds in Israeli hospital; he was laid to rest Saturday.
A Yitzhar, le cœur de l’extrémisme juif, l’hostilité envers l’Etat d’Israël n’est pas un secret
Jewish terror state already upon us, ex security chief warns In scathing missive, Yuval Diskin says crackdown on Jewish extremism too little too late to stop creation of ‘State of Judea,’ fed by rabbis no longer in control of their charges and years of weak efforts by Shin Bet.
Rivlin in wake of threats: Political assassination possible President tells Ynet he is not deterred by opponents, but political assassinations are now a risk due to the current violent discourse in Israeli society, while laying out his vision for peace and effective governance.
Rivlin is diregarding threats on his life
Ex-Shin Bet chief: Government does not want to deal with Jewish terror Lawless State of Judea is forming in the West Bank, warns Yuval Diskin, who says extremists are most dangerous than many think and law enforcement is 'shockingly weak' against them.
Meet the Jewish extremist group that seeks to violently topple the state Members of 'The Revolt' meet only at night, move from house to house and know how to maintain an alibi. And their violent tactics make 'price tag' attacks look like child's play.
Jewish hate crimes and vandalism are NOT terrorism
Israeli Army Raids Mourning Family Homes Following Death of 18-Month Old Ali Dawabshe in Arson Attack
VIDEO - Jerusalem Online: Jewish extremism expert discusses radicalism
VIDEO - Aug 9, 2015 News from Israel Two radical right-wing suspects placed in administrative detention
Think about it: What can be done about Jewish terrorism?  The battle against Jewish terrorism cannot be fought exclusively on formal, legal grounds. There is also the level of public opinion and education. And here the issue is much more complicated.
Gaza Disengagement: When Israel Lost a Slice of Its Sovereignty Over Settlers  Israel's evacuation of settlements in 2005 formed the bedrock of mistrust between the religious Zionist community and the state.
Bennett backs death penalty for Jewish terrorists Education minister also stands by use of detention without trial, albeit ‘with great caution,’ for terror suspects
B'Tselem slams approval of administrative detention for Israelis
Justice Minister: Jewish Extremists Who Killed Palestinian Infant Should Face Death Penalty
Nine Arrested in Crackdown on Suspected Jewish Terrorists A week after deadly West Bank arson, Shin Bet and Israel Police raid two outposts in northern West Bank; Ya'alon signs administrative arrest order for two Jewish extremists.
2 far-right Jewish activists to be held without charges Defense minister signs order to incarcerate suspects Meir Ettinger and Eviatar Slonim for 6 months without trial
Israel places two radical right-wing suspects in administrative detention  Police raid West Bank outposts in crackdown on 'hilltop youth,' as part of recent efforts to curb Jewish violence against Palestinians in wake of the deadly arson attack on the Dawabsheh family last month.
'Religious Zionism taking over Israel,' ex-Shin Bet chief warns

Jewish supremacist: Burning churches legitimate under Jewish law Radical right wing activist Bentzi Gophstein, who has narrowly escaped charges of incitement to violence, was recorded saying that he unquestionably supports the burning of churches and 'houses of idolatry.'
Catholic Churches File Complaint against Chief Extremist
Catholic Church heads in Israel file complaint against extremist group chief for incitement Complaint voices deep concern over rise in hate crimes, attacks against Christian holy sites; Vatican has been appraised of statements by Lehava chief Benzi Gopstein.
Israeli settler leader calls for burning down churches
Israeli Christians file complaint against extremist Israeli settlers' leader
Vatican calls on A-G to indict extremist Jewish leader following endorsement of burning churches
Jewish supremacist: Burning churches legitimate under Jewish law  Radical right wing activist Bentzi Gophstein, who has narrowly escaped charges of incitement to violence, was recorded saying that he unquestionably supports the burning of churches and 'houses of idolatry.'
Vatican Representatives Demand Israel Charge Jewish Extremist Leader With Incitement  In letter to attorney general and state prosecutor, Custody also criticized AG for 'procrastination' in action against Lehava's Gopstein, who called for churches to be torched.
Jewish supremacist: Burning churches legitimate under Jewish law  Radical right wing activist Bentzi Gophstein, who has narrowly escaped charges of incitement to violence, was recorded saying that he unquestionably supports the burning of churches and 'houses of idolatry.'

Hatred is killing the foundation of Israel's existence  Op-ed: Freedom of expression is a noble value, the air democracy breathes; but the court has failed to equip democracy with tools to defend itself against those who are using freedom of expression to recruit hate criminals. (Il s'est trompé, il aurait dû dire "Hatred is at the foundation of Israel...")
Israel Is NOT a Democracy
Does Jewish law allow killing a captured IDF soldier?

Une policière israélienne protégée des attaques des colons par deux Palestiniens: la photo fait le tour du monde
Palestinians Protecting Israelis from Israelis

Norman Finkelstein sur la guerre à Gaza : Est-ce qu’Amnesty International a perdu la tête ?

Bébé palestinien tué : Christiane Taubira incite à la haine du Juif (Pour eux, condamner l'inexcusable, c'est de la haine du Juif!)
Antisémitisme encore à l'AFP
Antisémitisme encore à Euronews

The Americans who aren't allowed to visit Israel U.S. citizens of Palestinian origin are routinely humiliated upon entry to Israel, yet representatives of their country refuse to come to their aid.

New Samaria Regional Council head Dagan asks Netanyahu for more settlement building

Netanyahu nomme un brillant habitant des implantations comme Ambassadeur au Brésil

What BDS and Israeli settlers have in common The settlers have done everything they can to make sure no one distinguishes them from Israel proper. That’s playing into the boycotters' hands.
Working behind the scenes to confront Israel boycotters In a farewell interview, Israel’s outgoing ambassador to Britain and next anti-BDS czar reflects on leftist media outlets and the ‘chill factor’ of the delegitimization campaign.
‘No weapons for Israel!’ Protest group pours fake blood in Belgium airport

Nablus residents protest Israeli water supply cut-off
Why Israelis have cut down 800,000 Palestinian Olive Trees

Netanyahu: I'm waiting for world to condemn terror against Jews Quel culot!

Enquête sur des vidéos montrant Netanyahu et Rivlin en nazis
State orders criminal probe of suspects who posted video of Netanyahu, Rivlin in Nazi garb Man banned by judge from FB for incitement, switches to WhatsApp and is rearrested

L’armée rase deux avant-postes illegaux sous des jets de pierre

Oprah Winfrey’s magazine turns back delegation & letter asking her to renounce Israeli diamond mogul Leviev

Dimona qui tu es, je te dirais qu’Hollande ment

Vanunu tells Channel 2: Israel's nuclear program a danger to the world

'In a normal country, Vanunu would be rotting in jail,' ex-Shin Bet chief says
Nuclear whistle-blower Vanunu: State is punishing me because I'm of Moroccan descent
Israel lets Vanunu discuss its nuclear program on primetime TV
Vanunu fights travel ban  Former prisoner for nuclear espionage asks High Court for permission to visit wife's family abroad.
Police probe nuclear spy Vanunu over Israeli TV interview
Vanunu jailed after television interview
Nuclear secret-leaker Vanunu arrested for giving TV interview
Nuclear whistle-blower Vanunu arrested over Channel 2 interview
Israel re-arrests nuclear whistle-blower over TV interview

Sheldon Adelson Is Ready to Buy the Presidency

President says he is no longer speaking to Netanyahu ‘I think we’ve said everything that can be said,’ Rivlin explains, again criticizing prime minister’s handling of foreign policy

Visite de Netanyahu à Londres: manifestations devant Downing Street

Ya’alon: No Arrests in Duma Arson Due to ‘Difficulty’ in Putting Attackers on Trial
Ya'alon: Administrative detention used on Jewish extremists to prevent future attacks
Le ministre de la Défense nie savoir qui a tué les Dawabsha
'We know Duma attackers'   Ya'alon claims to know who perpetrated arson attack in Duma, says no arrests had been made in order to avoid exposing intelligence sources.
Israeli Authorities Know Who Burned Palestinian Family Alive, Defense Minister Says  Ya'alon says suspects not being identified to protect the sources; since attack that killed members of Dawabsheh family, three Jewish assailants have been detained.
Israel Has Identified Duma Arson Suspects but Won’t File Charges Yet, Says Defense Minister
Une minute de silence pour les victimes de Duma à la Mostra de Venise
West Bank Holocaust: The Holocaust of the Dawabsheh family Bébé brûlé vif, parents tués
Tsahal : Il ne fait pas de doute que l’attaque de Duma est un acte de ‘terrorisme juif’ Un militaire de haut rang a rejeté les spéculations selon lesquelles l’incendie criminel de juillet ait pu avoir été commis par des Palestiniens

A New Unofficial Boycott Against Israeli Academics May Be Underway Academic told participation in conference conditioned on her denouncing the occupation.

Y a-t-il une place pour les Juifs dans un parti travailliste dirigé par Corbyn ?
UK Labour Party Leadership Candidate Jeremy Corbyn Backs Boycott of Israeli Universities Involved in Arms Research

Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People?

Pascal Boniface : « L’islamophobie et le radicalisme musulman se nourrissent mutuellement »

Affaire Charlie : l’étrange mensonge d’un témoin-clé

Netanyahu for US president? He’s been a citizen– twice!
30,000 sign online petition to arrest Netanyahu in UK next month

Michele Bachmann est « extrêmement excitée » par l’Accord avec l’Iran parce qu’il provoquera le jugement de Dieu sur le monde comme prédit dans Zacharie 12:3.
Michele Bachmann: Iran deal a cause for celebration because………..End Times
Michelle Bachmann: Obama's poor relationship with Israel will bring the return of Jesus
Bachmann: Iran nuclear deal makes ‘Christ’s return imminent’
Michele Bachmann’s creepy End Times fantasies: Why the religious right yearns for World War III "The prophets longed to live in this day that you and I are privileged to live in," Bachmann said. (Welp!)

Opposing Iran deal ‘is not meddling in US affairs,’ Israeli official insists
Obama criticized for implying Jews as warmongers
Obama Accused of Using 'dark, Nasty Stuff' Against Jewish Critics Like Schumer The NY senator’s intention to vote against Iran deal unleashes hints of anti-Semitism on social media – and wild counter-accusations against the president in a Tablet Magazine editorial.
US Should Bring Israel Down a Peg – Buchanan Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushes things too far with his audacious attempts to rip up Barack Obama’s Iran Nuclear deal, says political commentator and author Patrick J. Buchanan.
Netanyahu anti-Iran drive strains U.S. ties, isolates Israel: president
Netanyahu Must Stop Silencing Intel Chiefs Who Find Iran Deal Acceptable  There are those in the Intelligence Corps whose views on the nuclear agreement are at odds with Netanyahu's position; their opinions are being kept from the public.
Former Senator Lieberman to head anti-Iran accord group
Anti-Iran lobby chief backs Iran accord, steps down Former US senator Joe Lieberman has been named chairman of “United Against Nuclear Iran,” as the lobbying group’s president steps down because he supports the nuclear agreement with Iran.
Israel expects US Congress to block Iran nuclear deal, top Likud figure says
And Poof! Charles Schumer Disappears  Why, given that he's already burned bridges with the White House, hasn’t the Democratic senator launched a full campaign to block the Iran deal?
Un sénateur juif accusé de trahison pour son opposition à l’accord nucléaire
Treason claims leveled at Jewish senator opposed to Iran deal
170,000 Americans sign petition condemning Jewish senator over Iran
New Yorkers rally for, and against, Iran Deal outside Schumer office in midtown Manhattan
Jewish leader threatens to sue European companies who support Iranian terror with trade

I Stand With Israel's Threatened President Rivlin. Where Does Netanyahu Stand?  In this nightmare time, no one has to remind anyone here, that the monsters we've made are killing the Israel we love.
Israel Makes Arrests Following Arson Attack in West Bank
9 suspected Jewish extremists arrested after second arson death
Israel frees suspects in Palestinian toddler's death
Extrémisme juif: Israël relâche les individus arrêtés dimanche
Israel releases suspects held in raid linked to deadly firebombing
Israel raids settler outposts over attack that killed Palestinian toddler
Haredi school disinvites pres.   President Rivlin's visit canceled after pro-LGBT statement and condemnation of terror attack against Palestinians.
Phony Israeli Crackdown on Violent Settler Zealots
Palestinian arson victims not recognized under Israeli compensation law
The Hebrew State Is Disappearing, the Jewish State Is Taking Over  We are witnessing a mutation of Judaism, a new Judaism – fanatic, violent and now murderous as well. It is liable to bury the state, just as it buried the Second Temple.
Former Head of Shin Bet Says De Facto Jewish Terrorist State Being Formed On The West BankIf That's 'true Judaism,' I Don't Want a Bar of It Anshel Pfeffer got it wrong: true Judaism is not the same as the fundamentalist Judaism that burned a Palestinian baby to death; the latter ignores thousands of years of development and interpretation of our Torah.
Jewish-Arab School Hit by Hate Crime Targeted on Waze 'May God obliterate their name' was added to the location of the Max Rayne Hand in Hand school.
Un militant d’extrême-droite s’attaque à la voiture de Yaalon à Hébron

Israeli doctors firm in refusal to force-feed Palestinian hunger striker  Director of Ashkelon hospital says he would not allow force-feeding of Mohammed Allaan, who has been on hunger strike for 55 days, after gov't hoped he would help bypass other doctors' nay.

Israeli settlers set fire to Palestinian farmlands

Royaume-Uni : Netanyahu menacé d’arrestation
30 000 signatures pour faire arrêter Netanyahu au Royaume-Uni - Obama prend la défense des terroristes palestiniens

Jew comments on carrying out his religion: Gets damage-control repose from Israeli authorities

An Orgy of Violence
 and Closed Cases

Israeli Terror and “Justice”: Palestinian Family Victimized by Immolation Ineligible for Compensation

NGO calls to raze outpost homes: 'Israel's complicity in illegal building is outrageous'

Pyromania in the name of God  Op-ed: It's easy to see the ongoing harassment of clergymen and churches in Israel as an expression of the world-view of 'errant weeds'; unfortunately, these weeds may be errant, but are fed by fertile ground.

Israeli combat troops react angrily to new rules of engagement in West Bank

Emails show Clinton sought to counter Israeli film boycott

Hillary Clinton Under Fire From BDS Activists for Involvement in Scottish Film Festival Controversy  Can Clinton’s anti-BDS activities balance her support for Iran deal?

Netanyahu is a War Criminal: Sign the Petition to the British Parliament. “Netanyahu to be Arrested when he arrives in London”
Un mandat d'arrêt contre Netanyahu: 30 mille signataires d’une pétition britannique
Jimmy Carter Blames Netanyahu for 'Zero Chance' of Two-State Solution

When Israeli Politicians Forget They Hold Public Office  Both Justice Minister Shaked and Culture and Sports Minister Regev were embarrassed themselves this week on Facebook, when they reacted to the High Court ruling on the anti-Infiltration Law.

Netanyahu appoints Likud hardliner Danny Danon as UN envoy
L’opposition critique la nomination de Danon aux Nations unies Envoyer un ministre de droite à New York revient à « abandonner Israël au milieu d’une bataille », a affirmé Livni

Tous les Israéliens sont coupables d’avoir brûlé une maison palestinienne
Palestinian officials: Jewish extremists have committed 375 'price tag' attacks in 2015
Arson Suspect in Galilee Church Torching Charged With Sedition  Rishon Letzion court adds new charge against Moshe Orbach, who allegedly set fire to the Church of the Loaves and Fishes.
‘Administrative revenge’ — settlers are believed responsible for arson targeting family on outskirts of Duma
Jewish terrorists and the dilemma of administrative detention
How Hilltop youth plan hate-crime attacks, evade capture Two weeks after fatal arson strike on Palestinian home, former member of Jewish far-right settler group details how raids are organized
Jewish nationalism and ‘the settlements’
Jewish Terror Slow-Growing “Cancer” in Israel. “Acute Deficiency of Leadership”. Former Shin Bet Head
Zionists Finally Admitting Wave of Hatred That’s Consuming Israel
Israel’s Arrogance Will Be Its Comeuppance  The Jewish State has always been somewhat condescending toward Diaspora Jewry, but its recent retreat into itself has become a destructive, dangerous solipsism.
Un abri de bédouins incendié en Cisjordanie: une ONG accuse des extrémistes israéliens

Organ-harvesting allegations still posted on UN Web site

Israeli company cuts off water supplies to Palestinians in West Bank

Palestiniens chrétiens contre Palestiniens musulmans Israël, diviser pour mieux régner

Hunger Striker Mohammed Allan Falls Unconscious In Test For Israeli Force-Feeding Law The controversial law has elicited harsh criticism from Israeli doctors.

Is (jewish) religious extremism a threat in Canada?

United Church strengthens call to end Israeli occupation

No room for anti-Israel commentary in Canadian politics

Corbyn critiqué pour ses liens avec des antisémites et des extrémistes Blair prévient que son élection à la tête du parti travailliste britannique conduira à « l’anéantissement » du parti
Labour MP asked to prove he’s not ‘enemy of UK Jewish community
Israeli Concern That Jeremy Corbyn As Labour Leader Would Reinstate UK Law on Universal Jurisdiction
Jeremy Corbyn defends banned vicar who suggested Israel was behind 9/11
British Jewish MP blasts would-be Labor Party head
UK Labour frontrunner invited radical Israeli-Muslim cleric to Parliament for tea

United Church of Canada passes Israel divestment resolutionThe United Church of Canada passed a resolution Tuesday during its 42nd General Council encouraging divestment from Israel in order “to address the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories by the State of Israel.”

Neocons to Americans: Trust Us Again

ISRAEL ON THE EDGE OF THE ABYSS – MUST READ YNET – Analysis: Israel is willing to do anything to thwart the nuclear deal, including publicly threatening Iranian scientists, interfering with the internal affairs of the US, and dividing US Jews; meanwhile, Netanyahu’s mistaken 2002 assessment of Iraq is coming back to haunt him in his battle against Tehran.

Diaspora jews unconvinced over Israel’s desire for peace

Malheureusement, Danny Danon est le vrai visage d’Israël sous Netanyahu  Difficile d’imaginer une nomination plus myope, embarrassante et néfaste que celle qui transforme le faucon du Likud en émissaire à l’ONU. Un mauvais choix pour le Premier ministre mais aussi pour Israël dans son ensemble
Danny Danon appointment shows what Netanyahu thinks of UN
Israel's New UN Envoy Is the Wrong Man in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time  Israel’s ambassador to the UN has to deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on an almost daily basis - but the opinions Danny Danon brings with him are a red flag for many of Israel's allies.

Antisémitisme : Israël exige des sanctions contre un haut responsable de l’ONU

Amnesty defends senior official’s anti-Israel tweets

Probe into fatal stabbing at gay parade calls for dismissal of 3 senior cops

It's Time to Admit It. Israeli Policy Is What It Is: Apartheid  I used to be one of those people who took issue with the label of apartheid as applied to Israel. Not anymore.

Canadian parliament candidate steps down after Israel 'ethnic cleansing' remark

A visit to the grave of mass-murderer Baruch Goldstein

Israel Strikes Syria in Response to Rocket Fire in the North

Israël s’en prend à une représentante du SG des Nations-Unies
Israel Is Mocking the United Nations Why Israel appointed one of its notoriously most-undiplomatic politicians to be one of its top diplomats.

EU, UN ‘concerned’ by Israeli demolitions of illegal Palestinian structures in West Bank
Démolitions en Cisjordanie: Onu et ONG dénoncent un record de Palestiniens déplacés

Rand Paul Introduces Bill to “Defend Israel by Defunding Palestinian Foreign Aid”
Le seul problème qu'a Alex Jones avec Rand Paul c'est qu'il le trouve "pas assez concerné par la frontière mexicaine"... Quel con.

Huckabee in Jerusalem says West Bank not occupied

Fabius réitère la mobilisation de Paris pour la reconnaissance de la "Palestine"

US must take action on Israeli settler violence

‘There is no Jewish terror’: Conspiracy theory spreads among Israelis that Palestinians committed Duma firebombing

Tsahal : Il ne fait pas de doute que l’attaque de Duma est un acte de ‘terrorisme juif’ Un militaire de haut rang a rejeté les spéculations selon lesquelles l’incendie criminel de juillet ait pu avoir été commis par des Palestiniens

Ya'alon: Detention without trial of far-right activists prevented series of attacks on Arabs

Ya’alon: Tough measures necessary for Jewish terror suspects
UN official blames Israeli settlement activity for Duma deaths
Aux racines de l’extrémisme juif en Israël, une affaire de famille

Israeli settler to Palestinian farmers: “You will all be our slaves if you’re worthy”

Settlers, Palestinians clash near Yitzhar settlement in West Bank
Palestinian Christians clash with Israeli police over separation wall

Haaretz op-ed declares 'It is time to admit it - Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid'

Gideon Levy is the One-trick Pony of Israeli Journalism Opposition leader Isaac Herzog responds to criticism levelled against him by Haaretz's Gideon Levy, arguing that making peace also means fighting terror - not just accepting the Palestinian narrative hook, line and sinker.

How Israel excludes those 'not Jewish enough': Meet the 'second-class' Jews whose plight is sparking an uprising against Israel's supreme religious authority.

Moroccan Singer Cancels Participation in Festival to Avoid ‘Dirtying’ Passport With Israeli Stamp

Bar Refaeli cancels Istanbul gig due to anti-Israel pressure

Amid Matisyahu Storm, Israeli Filmmaker Rejected From Oslo Festival

Fabienne Haloui membre du Front de Gauche diffuse une affiche d'un magasin interdisant les produits d'Israel

Matisyahu ousted from Spanish festival for not endorsing Palestinian state  C'est ça qui doit arriver de plus en plus si on veut gagner. Les sacrer dehors tant qu'ils ont des idées antisociales, comme on envoie chez le directeur les élèves turbulents qui perturbent la classe.

Victoire BDS en Espagne: un artiste juif non-Israélien est désinvité d'un festival !

"Sharon est sorti de Gaza en 2005 pour sauver les implantations de Cisjordanie"
Ariel Sharon designed Gaza disengagement to save West Bank settlements

'Israeli bombing of Syria aimed at rallying US Jews against Iran nuclear deal'

Will Netanyahu be Arrested When he Arrives in London? Cameron “Says No”, War Criminals have “Complete Immunity”
U.K. Petition to Arrest Netanyahu for ‘War Crimes’ Reaches Nearly 80,000 Signatures

Israel se vengerait-il de la reconnaissance de la Palestine par le Vatican?

Shin Bet issues 10 restraining orders to far-right activists  Orders exclude the extremists from West Bank outposts from which Shin Bet claims the activists carried out attacks; attorney Ben-Gvir states: 'there are no indictments and no due process by which they can receive answers and defend themselves'.
IDF Issues Administrative Orders Against Some 10 Jewish Extremists  Some settlers ordered to leave West Bank, others placed under nighttime curfew.
Hold Israel, the Israelis and American Zionists Responsible for Terrorism
Des extrémistes juifs présumés interdits d’entrée en Cisjordanie et à Jérusalem Après l’incendie criminel, les services de sécurité ont délivré des ordonnances d’interdiction administrative à 10 extrémistes

Hundreds protest Israeli separation wall in Beit Jala
Israeli forces begin construction of Wall through monastery

Palestinian Hunger Striker Proves Israel Only Understands Force  How ironic: only as Mohammed Allaan lay dying did he become strong enough to force the state to release him.
Israel doesn’t know how to deal with passive resistance

Clinton confidant: Netanyahu driven by desperate need to please father In declassified email, Clinton seems to agree with Sid Blumenthal that Mavi Marmara was ‘Bibi’s Entebbe in reverse,’ in which he tried to emerge from slain brother’s shadow

Israel Asks Egypt: Stop Move to Monitor Our Nuclear Facilities  Netanyahu's advisers went to Cairo three weeks ago to discuss matter with Egypt Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, who heads effort to lobby internationally against Israel's nuclear program.

Israel’s Culture Minister says Unarmed Palestinian Protesters “Should have Been Shot”

VIDEO - Israeli soldiers hitting Muslim Palestinian women!

Jewish High Court Demands Pope Francis Apologise for Recognising Palestinian State

Education in Israel Is Based on Separation  Between Jews and Arabs, rich and poor, center and periphery, and between outstanding students and slow learners.
Dispute with Israel govt keeps Palestinian Christian schools shut
Dueling claims of racism, discrimination after kindergarten boycotted Government says children kept home as parents protested enrollment of Ethiopians, but city and Chabad group says refusal to open religious preschool sparked outcry

Three-year-old ultra-Orthodox Jewish children told that ‘non-Jews are evil’ in worksheet produced by London school Sympathique, n'est-ce pas?

Defense Ministry Didn’t Know FBI Probing Israeli Arms Dealers

Des failles et défaillances dans la théorie de la guerre des civilisations

VIDEO - Techniques de manipulations d’Arno Klarsfeld et complicité journalistique, par Scady "C'est toujours la fôte à l'extrême-gauche amie des terroristes et du Hezbollah!" dixit le sioniste.

Goldnadel : gauche de l’esbroufe n’amasse plus mousse Tous les problèmes des juifs et de la France viennent de la gauche selon ce sioniste juif débile et fervent partisan du conflit des civilisations.

La nouvelle peste brune Qu'ils soient Pieds-noirs, judéo-sionistes, immigrés italiens, polonais ou d'Europe centrale ou simplement identitaires français : ils ont tous quelque chose de commun. Ils ont en effet les mêmes rêves plein les têtes ainsi que les mêmes obsessions. Et désormais le même plan maléfique : semer les germes de la guerre en France. Et tous y trouvent leur compte. Pour les Pieds noirs et affilés, ils y gagnent, du moins espèrent-ils, une revanche sur ces «  maudits Arabes » qui ont tété leur haine depuis leur berceau, autant dire qu'ils l'ont suçotée des mamelles de leurs mères.

Le Hamas s’excuse auprès de l’AP pour sa caricature d’un Juif violant une Palestinienne Le groupe terroriste a présenté ses excuses à l’Autorité palestinienne pour l’avoir dépeinte comme soumise aux Juifs

JDL to picket Sherman-hosted Jewish fundraiser for Trudeau

Europe-Israel: Faux pro-palestiniens, vrais antisémites'
JSSNEWS: Honte sur Israel, vraiment? (Ils croient qu'ils ont pas à avoir honte du tout!)
L'AFP et Euronews accusent les « extrémistes juifs » sans preuves
Bébé palestinien tué : Christiane Taubira incite à la haine du Juif (Pour eux, condamner l'inexcusable, c'est de la haine du Juif!)
Antisémitisme encore à l'AFP
Antisémitisme encore à Euronews

Rupert Murdoch tweets support for Bloomberg 2016 candidacy

David Bromwich, The Neoconservative Empire Returns

L’armée russe commence à s’engager en Syrie

Is U.S. Taxpayer Money Subsidizing Jewish Terrorism Against Arabs?

Far-right extremists backed by 'new Sanhedrin' rabbis  Following the administrative detentions of right wing radicals, the new Sanhedrin issued a statement of support of the radical right wing for 'risking their lives for the holiness of the nation and the Land.'
Far-right rabbinical group pens letter calling Jewish terror suspects ‘praiseworthy’

US lawmaker wants Israel military aid halted over Palestinian deaths
Congresswoman Asks For Investigation Into Israeli Shooting Of Two Palestinian Teens

Settlers take EU to court for funding illegal Palestinian building

Israeli forces demolish 3-story building in East Jerusalem
Israel issues demolition order for mosque in East Jerusalem

Palestine, “Dying of Thirst”. The Drought is Deliberately Inflicted by Israel Think California's Drought Is Bad? Try Palestine

BDS impact on American college campuses is exaggerated, study finds
BDS gains campus cred in US, but pro-Israel efforts improving — report As the new academic year gets underway, Israel on Campus Coalition says ‘disheartening media reports’ have been exaggerated

Dem congresswoman: Israel’s Treatment of Palestinian youth ‘unacceptable’

Israel’s “Thug Diplomat” at the UN. A Cruel Joke on the International Community

Official probe urged in US of radical Jewish Israeli NGO

US Muslims fear new wave of Islamophobia fueled by GOP candidates

God is on Israel’s side, but not the United States, says Israel’s new U.N. ambassador

Purge of Jeremy Corbyn Voters Unmasks Britain’s Labour Party

Un soldat israélien frappé par plusieurs femmes palestiniennes qui protègent un enfant | VIDEO
Videos: Brave Tamimi women of Nabi Saleh take down Israeli soldier assaulting injured child

Settlers furious after teens appear in movie about Rabin murder  Parents angry to learn their children appear as extras in new Amos Gitai movie 'Rabin, the Last Day' and demand to edit them out; movie production: All extras signed consent forms of their own free will.
In 'Moderate' Jewish Settlement, Signs of Extremism Rear Their Ugly Head  Two young men from Ma'aleh Adumim were recently detained as part of a crackdown on suspected Jewish terrorists. But residents are convinced: if bad apples have grown in their midst, it is not because of what they get fed here.
Can Israel's 'Ku Klux Klan' be stopped? Former directors of Israel’s internal security service discuss how the country must respond to the murders of Palestinian toddler Ali Dawabsha and Jerusalem teen Shira Banki.
Le Sanhédrin jugera bientôt le Pape François
En Israël, la rentrée dans les écoles chrétiennes en péril

Family ‘proud’ of soldier’s restraint in West Bank scuffle Father says tussle with Palestinian women, children who stopped his son arresting a boy could have ‘ended very differently’
Images of IDF thug trying to arrest Palestinian boy with broken arm go viral (VIDEO)
Israeli minister says IDF should have fired on unarmed Palestinian protesters for humiliating a soldier
An Interview with Ahed Tamimi: Behind the defiance Une jeune fille palestinienne d'un courage impresionnant.

"Jewish extremists" are Israel's own sons
Un mois après Duma, toujours pas de jury pour combattre les terroristes juifs Le ministre de la Défense affirme qu’emprisonner les suspects sans procès a évité une future vague d’attaques graves contre les Arabes.
Month after fatal firebombing, jury is out on fight against Jewish terror Op-ed: Defense minister claims jailing suspects without trial has prevented a further wave of grave attacks on Arabs. Dare we believe him?
National-religious rabbis issue letter of support for administrative detainees

15% of West Bank Settlers Are American
Israel to Remove Jordan Valley Settlers Farming Private Palestinian Land  Haaretz exposé prompted High Court petition over allocation of land to settlers.

Israeli War Crimes: ‘In An Endless War on Terror, We Are All Doomed to Become Palestinians’ Review of Jeff Halper's Book

Major US industrial union votes in favor of BDS movement

VIDEO - Christians harrassed by Israel
Archbishop Hanna Attends Protest over Settlement Plans for Church Compound
Israël : appel à la grève dans les écoles chrétiennes à la veille de la rentrée

Luxembourg chain pulls Israeli produce  Largest supermarket chain in the European country caves in to pro-Palestinian protests and pressure
Luxemburg: une chaîne de boutiques annonce son boycott des produits sionistes

Le parti communiste israélien favorable au boycott

Lessons from Veolia: Supporting the occupation is bad for business
Israël puissance maléfique pour un prof de l'Université Catholique flamande
Switzerland ‘regrets’ cartoon of doves defecating on Netanyahu

Petition to End Gaza Blockade Signed by Over 500,000 in One Day

Le BDS gagne du terrain aux Etats-Unis, mais les soutiens à Israël réagissent Alors que la nouvelle année académique va commencer, la Coalition Israël des Campus déclare que des « informations médiatiques démoralisantes » ont été exagérées.

Israel is “Targeting Christian-Palestinian Communities in the West Bank”. Confiscating Lives, One Hectare at a Time

UNRWA: Facebook page with racist posts isn’t ours

Israelis Are but a Walking Shadow at This Year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe Because of the high costs and political tensions, there have never been more than one or two Israeli productions at Edinburgh over the past two decades

University of Illinos Officers: Reinstate Prof. Who Lost Job Offer Over anti-Israel Tweets

La LDJ en train d’attaquer les Palestiniens à Hébron (Vidéo)

Jonathan Pollard: A “False Flag” Superstar
Is Jonathan Pollard's Release Bad for the Jews?
Obama Won’t Alter Terms of Spy Jonathan Pollard’s Parole, White House Says
Pollard’s Release Shows that Israelis Just Don’t Get America
VIDEO - Ryan Dawson: Keep Pollard in Jail

VIDEO - Rappel: Congresswoman Jane Harman Caught Lobbying for AIPAC (Pro Israel Lobby In US) via WireTap

Netanyahu arrest up for debate as UK petition hits target
Netanyahu Visit: Britain Prepares Major Security Operation in Face of Protests

Israeli Terrorists, Born in the U.S.A.

Mother of baby killed in Duma attack is clinically dead

Masked Israeli youth attack Palestinian in Hebron  IDF soldier detains Palestinian who is wanted for questioning by police, but before the cops could get there, a group of settlers arrived on the scene and attacked him. 

The Doctrine of ‘Superior People’: The Bond between Israel and World Zionism by James Petras

Israeli forces attack Palestinian women at Aqsa mosque
Gaza water shortage catastrophic: ‘We can’t drink, cook or wash with it’
Thousands of slaves in Israel, global study finds Mais on parle juste des esclaves de Daech

Why Murdoch Pushes for War Israel Grants Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild  Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy.

De l'aide pour Harper en provenance d'Israël

Onfray : «L’Occident attaque, prétendument pour se protéger, mais il crée le terrorisme»
Has Russia Been Right All Along About the ‘Arab Spring’? If so, why is Washington opposed to Moscow’s help in the war against ISIS?
US-Media Misinformation on Russian-Syrian Military Cooperation. Russia is Not Involved in Combat Operations
CIA releases files about Illegal weapons-grade uranium diversions from US to Israel
Selon la DIA, les Etats-Unis ont sciemment soutenu Daesh pour isoler Assad

Netanyahu Rejects Syrian Refugees. ­ ‘We are not a European country!’
Is Dropping More Bombs on Syria the Way to Solve the Refugee Crisis?
Dans le New York Times, Kristof exploite la crise des réfugiés pour une intensification de la guerre en Syrie
Soros’ NGO Aims to Oust Assad, Not Save Civilians
The ‘Refugee’ Crisis and the Creation of Greater Israel
How Neocons Destabilized Europe. The Prescription of “Endless Regime Change” Now Spreads Chaos in Europe
Migrant, Refugee or Infiltrator? How Our Language Affects Legislation  As long as public discourse remains laden with negative terminology, the common-sense immigration reforms that we'd like to enact – in Israel and Europe – will remain troublingly elusive. 
Palestinians to UN: Push Israel Into Letting in Refugees From Syria  Palestinians caught in Syrian conflict must be brought into Palestinian territories, ambassador Mansour writes to Security Council, General Assembly, and UN chief.
Israel Must Deal With Its Own Refugees First: The Palestinians  Instead of bickering over whether it is the Jewish State's moral duty to receive Syrian refugees, we should consider this: What has Europe learned from the Holocaust, and what has Israel yet to learn?
Israel's Anti-refugee Attitude Smells of anti-non-Semitism  With the rest of the world taking actions to receive refugees and Israel's historical success at absorbing them, why won't it let the African asylum seekers already within its borders stay?
Israel: the only true defense Europe has against radical Islam, Netanyahu says
Mindful of risks, European Jews urge aid to refugees Inclined to help, but some Jews worry that an influx of Syrian refugees may increase the anti-Semitism emptying Europe of its Jews
VIDEO - Les réfugiés, une nouvelle forme de traite humaine légalisée, pleine de bon sentiment...
Crise des migrants : La gauche allemande dénonce le rôle des Etats-Unis
Le Canada rattrapé par la crise des migrants, argument de campagne
Des hommes politiques allemands accusent l'Occident d'être la principale cause de la crise des réfugiés
VIDEO - SKADY: Photo Aylan Kurdi, manipulation par l'émotion !
Holocaust survivor: We owe it to mankind to allow Syrian refugees into Europe
VIDEO - Déferlante migratoire : Kadhafi avait tout annoncé !
En pleine crise migratoire, l'UE relance sa politique anti-juive
Operation ‘Syrian Refugee Crisis’ Accomplished–France to begin Syria reconnaissance flights, mulls air strikes
VIDEO - Moualek: L'immigration Syrienne est une nouvelle arme de guerre
The Syrian Refugee Crisis and the “Do Something” Lie
VIDEO - Un enfant Syrien : "Stoppez la guerre, nous n'aurons plus besoin de venir en Europe"

Netanyahu refuse qu'Israël soit "submergé" par des migrants syriens et africains
Poll shows few Israelis willing to take in Syrian refugees
Benjamin Netanyahu rejects calls for Israel to take in more refugees – and pledges to build 18-mile border fence instead
Israel Initiates Construction of “Security Fence” along the Occupied Palestine-Jordan Border
Fox “news” Andrea Tantaros: “Taking Islamic Refugees Would Be Suicide”
Limbaugh: European Refugee Crisis Is A “Massive Invasion” Of Muslims
Y a-t-il des djihadistes parmi les migrants ?
HA'ARETZ-The 'Secret Islamist Plot' to Take Over Europe  Satire: A Muslim living in the West lays the groundwork for fellow jihadists to arrive from Syria disguised as refugees. 
Canal+ de plus en plus à droite, avec Robert Ménard comme invité...

VIDEO - Corbyn on Iraq Iran Libya Afghan Wars And Austerity Snippets 2012

Assad : L’Occident pleure d’un œil sur le sort des réfugiés et les vise avec une arme de l’autre
Will Germany’s refugee embrace come at Jews’ expense?
Germany's welcome of Syrian refugees is being seen as a corrective for its Nazi past. But, ironically, Jews may pay the price.
Le nain politique Robert Ménard, les réfugiés syriens, et la civilisation française...

Has Canada’s love affair with Israel reached its climax?

Hagee on “God’s” foreign Policy

A marriage of Jingoism and Fascism: Has Netanyahu Found His Preferred Choice For ‘President’?

Jewish publication may drop Coulter over ‘F-ing Jews’ tweet  Coulter defended her ” f—ing Jews” tweet saying “It’s not about Jewish people; it’s about Republican panderers.”
Is Ann Coulter an anti-Semite?  The conservative columnist's infamous tweets marked a newsworthy nuance: Republican support for Israel is not about Jewish voters, but American interests.
C'est une désinformatrice néoconne qui dit n'importe quoi (ex: elle croit que le Canada a combattu au Vietnam!) alors les juifs vont lui pardonner, étant donné qu'elle est du bord des extrémistes sionistes. C'est juste les juifs de gauche qui sont fâchés contre elle.
Ann Coulter’s Faux Pas: Calling Attention to Jewish Influence
McDonald est idiot s'il croit que c'est un faux-pas. À mon avis c'est fait un peu exprès pour qu'on croit que les juifs sont de gauche et surtout pas comme elle, dans le camp des néocons! Il s'agit maintenant de faire passer les agents de la droite sioniste, comme Trump et les propagandistes néocons, comme des gens qui n'ont rien à voir avec les juifs, alors que c'est exactement l'inverse qui est exact. Des propagandistes néocons comme Coulter doivent maintenant tenir des propos anti-juifs pour pas qu'une investigation journalistique puisse remonter jusqu'aux juifs néocons qui les soutiennent. (Ce que Piper a déjà fait même si personne le lit.) Ça contribue à brouiller les pistes. Les gens vont croire que les juifs sont contre les droitistes à la Trump, Coulter, etc. Alors que ces gens sont en fait des chèvres de Judas de la pire espèce, militant de la guerre contre l'Islam, etc.
Coulter openly confronts Jewish supremacy in the West Le crétin fini John Friend tombe dans le paneau de Coulter et de Trump! Profondément et absolument crétin! Ou bien agent de désinfo??

Netanyahu: Campaign in Congress Against Iran Deal Didn't Harm Israel-U.S. Ties  After White House announces that Obama and Netanyahu will meet for first time in two years, PM responds to criticism: 'I think I know how to navigate Israel's diplomatic relations.'
California city commissioner fired for proposing Israel divestment

Le Congrès Juif Européen menace la capitale de l’Islande qui approuve le boycott des produits israëliens
'There are no Israeli products in Iceland'
Reykjavik, qui boycotte Israël, sur la liste noire du centre Wiesenthal
Reykjavik drops boycott of Israeli products, adopts boycott of settlement goods

"Israël" protège les colons juifs terroristes
Court upholds administrative detention for Kahane’s grandson

Israeli discourse plagued by hatred

Video of Palestinian police beating man goes viral

How relevant is the Old Testament in understanding Jewish behavior in the Middle East and beyond

Le changement de "climat" pourrait entraîner un deuxième Holocauste

Christian Schools On Strike in Israel Over 'Discrimination'

La bande de Gaza pourrait devenir inhabitable d'ici à 2020 !

The Iran Deal and the End of the Israel Lobby
Former Mossad chief slams Netanyahu: 'The problem is Iran, not President Obama'
Ex-Mossad Chief Dagan: Israel Must End Criticism - Problem Is Iran, Not Obama  Meir Dagan tells International Institute of Counterterrorism that Israel has made a 'strategic decision' to adopt a policy against U.S.
Michele Bachmann est « extrêmement excitée » par l’Accord avec l’Iran parce qu’il provoquera le jugement de Dieu sur le monde comme prédit dans Zacharie 12:3.
Dick Cheney : L’accord sur le nucléaire iranien est une "folie" Les nazis ont mis 7 ans pour tuer 6 millions de Juifs, mais il faudra seulement « un jour » à un Iran nucléaire pour parvenir au même résultat, a déclaré l’ancien vice-président de George W Bush.

Over 100,000 Brits Want Netanyahu Arrested. He is Scheduled to Arrive in London on September 9

Netanyahu: Israel determined to be ‘world power’
Likud aims to build ties with conservative parties abroad

Est-ce-qu'Amnistie Internationale a perdu la tête ? Par Norman Finkelstein
Shooting Children Becomes Israeli Policy

Israeli Crimes against Humanity: Palestinian Mother Dies from Israeli Settler Inflicted Immolation
Palestinians in Duma are angry that no one has been charged for murders, after 38 days
Israel Clamping Down on Jewish Terror - but Not Tightly Enough  Israeli security services have cracked other cases involving arson attacks by Jewish extremists, but those who set fire to a home in Duma, killing a baby and his parents, are apparently still at large.
Deux extrémistes juifs inculpés pour l’incendie d’une tente de Bédouins
Amos Gitaï rouvre « la plaie » de l’assassinat de Rabin Les colons sont vraiment pas contents de ce film! CAr on voit bien les liens du tireur de Rabin avec le mouvement des colons et les rabbins extrémistes qui l'ont poussé à l'acte.
Rabin film won't end conspiracies theories but it does highlight hate campaign, filmmaker says

Israël menace de détruire 13.000 structures palestiniennes en Cisjordanie

Rivlin: Labeling of settlement products an ‘obstacle’ to peace
Who's Behind Website Targeting Pro-BDS Activists?
SodaStream chief says boycotters are anti-semitic

Israël : grève des écoles arabes en solidarité avec les chrétiens
Arab state school students join Christian schools’ strike
With Schools Starved of Funds, Christians Question Their Future in Israel
Les Palestiniens suivent la presse israélienne, car plus fiable que les médias palestiniens Et Israel n'y est pour rien si le système d'éducation palestinien est si délabré?

Luxembourg : le lobby israélien fait plier un supermarché qui boycottait l’État sioniste

German museum’s 'Jew against Zionism' talk sparks outrage

French Jews advised to avoid use of the term Zionism
French voters compare Zionism to ‘Nazism, Jihadism,’ poll shows

France backs labeling settlement goods, but not boycotting Israel C'est déjà plus que ce qu'Israel est disposé à tolérer...

Sanhedrin Passes Judgement Against Obama on Mt. Zion

Pointing Finger at Americans for Settler Violence Shirks Israeli Responsibility  Despicable criminals are only a fraction of Jewish-American immigrants to Israel, most of whom are law-abiding citizens.
'The Gatekeepers' Director: Netanyahu Is the Greatest Danger to Israel  Film director and producer Dror Moreh says the prime minister is doing everything he can to undermine Israeli democracy. 
Bibi's Plan for Next Elections: Israel's Own Republican Party  Though he's occupied with Iran, the U.S. Congress and the gas deal, the prime minister is also thinking about the next elections – and a large right-center bloc he would lead to victory.
The Man of the Year Is King Bibi's Nemesis, President Reuven Rivlin  Rivlin has turned out to be the people’s president, a seeker of peace and an impregnable wall against the forces that threaten to destroy Israel’s democracy. 
Netanyahu rebuffs UK chief rabbi’s concern over settlements Ephraim Mirvis says settlement expansion troubles Israel supporters in the UK; ‘settlements are not the issue,’ PM responds.
Le déni de réalité n'est jamais un choix avisé, Bibi!
Netanyahu « La haine d'Israël mènera l'Europe à sa perte. Nous sommes les gardiens de la civilisation. »
‘We will prevail against militant Islam,’ Netanyahu vows in 9/11 tribute

Labeling settlement products gets further push as European Parliament backs move
Netanyahu compare l'étiquetage des produits des colonies à l'époque nazie
PM: EU vote to label Israel settlement products echoes Nazi era

L'AFP publie un article sur un terroriste qui voulait faire un attentat le 11 septembre...mais aucun média français n'en veux. Devinez pourquoi?
Florida Jew arrested for posing as online jihadist, encouraging terrorism
Le djihadiste australien était un troll juif américain

Israel critic heads UK Labour   Jeremy Corbyn was elected head of the Labour Party with more than 60% of the vote, in light of friendly relations with Hamas and Hezbollah.
Corbyn may say he’s not anti-Semitic, but associating with the people he does is its own crime

Israël déclare illégaux les groupes musulmans qui manifestent au sujet des lieux saints de Jérusalem

The Shameful Jewish Silence on Trump’s Anti-immigration Incitement A century ago, it was the ‘Hebrew hordes’ of Eastern Europe who were portrayed by nativist agitators as inherently criminal.
RAPPEL: Les intérêts Rothschild derrière Donald Trump
Donald Trump and the Danger of Scapegoating
Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed
The McCains’ Connections to Organized Gangsters; Trump Speaks Truth About McCain, by Jeff Gates
Donald Trump's surge in polls points to ‘very dangerous political times’: Activist

VIDEO - CAIR Surveys Islamophobia at Tea Party Capitol Hill Rally Hosted by Ted Cruz and Donald Trump: "Is Obama a Muslim?" "What would you say to muslims?"
Trump: 'Not my job' to defend Obama from Muslim jibe

Israel adds voice to concerns over Russia's role in Syria

For Syrian refugees in Italy, Israel remains enemy #1 Good!
Les "portes ouvertes" de l'Europe - La "forteresse Europe" est prise de court par les réactions de ses rues face à l'image d'un enfant mort, et semble être obligée d'accepter d'accueillir des centaines de milliers de "réfugiés" venant du Moyen Orient. L'Etat Islamique avait promis "d'inonder" l'Europe de réfugiés (et d'islamistes), c'est donc chose faite, et avec le sourire "bisounours" en plus !
Juste pour vous montrer que le discours de la "dissidence" est absolument identique à celui des juifs intégristes de! Ya pas un iota de différence... Mis à part le fait que la dissidence se croit "antisioniste", alors qu'elle est carrément manipulée et par les juifs sionistes en plus de ça!
Israel Keeps Making, Not Taking, More Refugees

U.S. State Department Official Definition of 'Anti-Semitism' - (Wow.)

Protest against Israeli PM’s brother at NY City College

Netanyahu Says Will Fast-track Legislation on Minimum Sentences for Stone-throwing
Netanyahu to convene emergency meeting on harsher punishment for stone-throwing

Israel Is Destroying Its Own Freedom  If there is a symbol of the reality of Israeli rule in the occupied territories it is the photograph from Nabi Saleh.

Netanyahu: EU plan to label settlement goods ‘unjust’

Bayit Yehudi MK proposes bill to keep boycotters from entering Israel

Israeli gov’t used my image for propaganda purposes without my consent

Jimmy Carter gets cancer for hating Israel!

Meet the Hasidic woman who manages risk for the NSA

L'AFP publie un article sur un terroriste qui voulait faire un attentat le 11 septembre...mais aucun média français n'en veux. Devinez pourquoi?

Israel's 'Jewish Majority' Obsession  What can we say about the Jewish majority if it's a majority for fascism, racism and hatred of Arabs and foreigners?

Torah Sage Predicted Almost 100 Years Ago a Third World War Before Redemption
Comme si l'ancien testament concernait l'histoire récente et actuelle... Faut vraiment être taré pour gober ça. Il y a des gens pas seulement tarés mais dangereux qui font tout pour que ça arrive! Si leur prophétie se réalise pas tout seul, ils font la concrétiser pour se donner raison.

Des fanatiques israéliens poussent à la prise d’assaut et à la profanation de la sainte mosquée d’al-Aqsa
Les policiers israéliens sont entrés dans la mosquée al-Aqsa, troisième lieu de l'islam, et ont provoqué des dégâts.
Israel Desecrates Islam’s Third Holiest Site for the Third Day
Raw Footage: Israeli forces storm Al-Aqsa Mosque
Jewish snipers inside Al-Aqsa mosque on third day of clashes 


Netanyahu to visit Russia over Putin’s Syria support

Glick: We’re here to protest against apartheid on the Temple Mount Les extrémistes juifs sont même rendus qu'ils récupèrent les "talking points" des Palestiniens en parlant eux aussi d' "Apartheid"... L'apartheid c'est mal seulement quand ça fait leur affaire.
Christian community to be divided by new section of Israel’s wall
Israel is dragging the region to a religious war: Abbas' aide
Joint List MKs threaten 'war' in visit to Temple Mount
Which Comes First: Messiah or the Temple?
La destruction de la mosquée al-aqsa à Jérusalem est le but ultime de groupes israéliens
Les Etats-Unis fustigent la critique de l’ONU « unilatérale » sur le mont du Temple
Jerusalem's mayor warns Palestinians in holy site clashes: 'if they use violence we will hunt them'
Video: Why is Israel attacking Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque?
Saudi king urges Obama to stop ‘Israeli attacks’ on Temple Mount
Mont du Temple : la France exprime sa « vive préoccupation »
Des milliers de Jordaniens manifestent contre les "violations" israéliennes à Al-Aqsa
L’archevêque Hanna: Nous sommes tous unis face aux agressions israéliennes
Palestinian Journalists Say They Were Beaten by Israel Police During Jerusalem Clashes
Israeli Attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque, 10 Wounded
Israel Attacks Islam’s Third Holiest Site
La Jordanie critique la ‘violation’ d’Israël du mont du Temple Des heures après les affrontements, le royaume hachémite dit que la visite par 1 200 Juifs le jour du deuil de la destruction du temple « visait à déclencher de l’hostilité »
US Calls on Israel to Maintain Ban on Jewish Temple Mount Prayer

Rabbinate: Boycott ‘dangerous’ pro-Israel Christian event

Wipe Out the Jewish Terrorist Nest? Nah, We Can’t Reveal Our Sources

Netanyahu Escalates War on Palestine. Israel’s War on Self-Defence “Terrorism” and Stone Throwing

Israel’s Convoluted Legal System: “Administrative Detention” and Israel’s “Moral Imperative”

Israel’s Collapse Imminent Due To Lack Of Diversity According To “Jews For Social Justice”

No Room for Dissent in Israel's Schools  Right-wing ideas permeate Israeli schools, and an educator who disagrees risks a witch-hunt.

Est-ce qu’Amnistie Internationale a perdu la tête ? Quatrième partie. Par Norman Finkelstein

Israel Rejects Compensation For Burnt Historic Christian Church

Arab Bid to Monitor Israel's Nuclear Sites Rejected at UN Atomic Agency  In big win for Israel, 61 countries vote against resolution led by Egypt, which also called on Israel to sign Non-Proliferation Treaty.
IAEA rejects proposal on oversight of Israeli nuclear facilities
Echec de l'appel à inspecter le nucléaire israélien

Declassified CIA Report: Israeli Offensive in Six-Day War Surprised US

Israel troubled by potential conflict with Russians in Syria
"Israel is Europe’s last Bulwark against Islam"
Ex-Stasi Jewish Activist Tasked with Eradicating “Xenophobia” on Facebook in Germany
Jews Call On President Obama To Take In Syrian Refugees

Les candidats Républicains contre Obama et pour Israël
GOP candidates united in disdain for Obama, support for Israel

Bernie Sanders: Trump's reaction to Obama 'non-American Muslim' question 'a disgrace'
Trump: ‘We’re Gonna Be Looking Into’ How We Can Get Rid of All the Muslims
‘Concern-Trolls’ Trump about “Them Mooooz-Lums”….

Israel calls Iceland capital's boycott 'pure hatred'
European Jews mull legal action after Icelandic capital boycotts Israel

'Israel, the Cancer' causes stir   Italian documentary comparing IDF soldiers to Nazis, screened in municipality-sponsored museum in town of Recanati; mayor apologizes.

GOP pundit attacks candidates for pandering to ‘f—ing Jews’
Ann Coulter Gets A Friendly Platform After Her ‘F***ing Jews’ Debate Tweets
How Ann Coulter Made It Kosher To Hate Jews
Barring apology, right-wing Zionists demand Fox News fire Ann Coulter for 'f---ing Jews' tweet

A-G approves police use of Ruger rifle against rock throwers in Jerusalem
Netanyahu: Israel Expanding Its 'War on Stone-throwing' Beyond Jerusalem  Two days after Israeli killed in car crash caused by stone-throwers, PM reiterates Israel's new policy in cracking down on suspects.

Nuclear Whistle-blower Vanunu Is Israel's Edward Snowden  Vanunu acted out of the same motive as America's whistle-blower, but was decades ahead of his time.

Israel's Chief Rabbinate blasts 'spiritually dangerous' Christian event in Jerusalem

VIDEO - Eric Zemmour et Eric Naulleau s’affrontent sur l’invasion migratoire

FLASHBACK: Finkielkraut: son plaidoyer pour la France C'est l'autre versant du même discours de propagande qui dit qu' Israel est le seul état qui résiste activement par son identité à l'irrésistible dissolution des frontières imposée par le mondialisme: "Quelles sont donc les motivations de cette gauche fétide pour qu’elle manifeste sa hargne, automatiquement et à tous propos, contre l’Etat du peuple juif ?  La première des raisons est, que ce pays aux mœurs occidentales est, à coup sûr, par excellence celui où la religion a droit de cité. Un pays, et donc un peuple attaché depuis plusieurs millénaires à son culte malgré les diverses oppressions subies de par le monde.  Véritable défi pour les gauchistes prônant l’abolition de toutes les croyances !  Le second argument est que l’Etat du peuple juif représente aussi la défense et la mise en valeur de la culture juive. Action qui contre, de fait, le multiculturalisme, ce mélange de cultures si cher à ces gauchistes !  L’Etat hébreu c’est également un état nation avec ses emblèmes, son drapeau, son hymne et sa mémoire du passé évoquant et exigeant la défense des frontières honnies par les gauchistes !  Si l’on ajoute à tout cela l’amour de cette patrie par la quasi-totalité du peuple juif, que ses composantes soient israéliennes ou diasporiques, cela transforme cette nation en pays à abattre !" (L'antisémitisme a dorénavant un nom: Palestine!

Blame America? No, Blame Neocons! By Ron Paul  September 22, 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to receive 2015 AEI Irving Kristol Award
Netanyahu to receive conservative think tank’s award on day he meets Obama

VIDEO - Mark Glenn on Press TV’s The Debate–Islam-bashing big business in US
Frank Gaffney Defends Ben Carson's Islamophobia

Complotisme : les inquiétantes amitiés de Jeremy Corbyn‏ Une collaboratrice de Conspiracy Watch s'en prend à Corbyn, à coups d'approximations et d'accusations de culpabilité par association... Ça vole pas haut!
British Army would use “Whatever Means Possible” should Jeremy Corbyn become Prime Minister. British General
Caroline Fourest à nouveau épinglée par @rrêt sur images
Corbyn et ses "amis intégristes" : Fourest ou l'art du raccourci
GB : Une baronne anti-israël envisagerait de rejoindre les Travaillistes
“By Means Fair or Foul”: The British Army versus Jeremy Corbyn

Pays du goulag levant (ex-USA): Combattre « l’exceptionnalisme » enseigné à la jeunesse dans les écoles (Oliver Stone)
Debunking the Myth of American Exceptionalism
Religious Fanaticism is a Western Tradition

Washington soutient et finance Daesh. Moscou soutient la Syrie contre Daesh

Un nouvel article publié sur le "Times of Israël" : l'axe Poutine-Iran-complotistes

Y a-t-il des djihadistes parmi les migrants ?
HA'ARETZ-The 'Secret Islamist Plot' to Take Over Europe  Satire: A Muslim living in the West lays the groundwork for fellow jihadists to arrive from Syria disguised as refugees. 
Canal+ de plus en plus à droite, avec Robert Ménard comme invité...
Pour les réfugiés syriens en Italie, Israël reste l’ennemi n°1
INFOWARS-ALEX JONES DIFFUSE LA BULLSHIT ANTI-ISLAM DE LA JUIVE ULTRA SIONISTE PAMELA GELLER QUI DIT: "Clockmeister Ahmed Mohamed’s sister was once suspended from school for threatening to blow it up" The scam continues - Réfugiés et migrants : manipulations sur la Toile Ya des juifs qui s'inquiètent de voir combien les résueax sociaux sont stupides et relayent n'importe quelle pseudonouvelle, souvent fabriquée...
VIDEO - Onfray : "Nous devrions cesser de bombarder les populations musulmane" De temps en temps il en sort une bonne comme celle-là.
Up to 50% of unaccompanied migrant children go missing within 48 hours of arriving in Europe
How Dangerous is Nuclear Israel: A Short Independent Film Report

AIPAC’s Democrat Problems Go Beyond Obama  AIPAC and leading Democrats are pushing an explicitly pro-settlement bill through Congress.
After the Iran Deal, Vitriol Reigns as U.S. Jews Struggle to Move Forward  At Jewish federations coast to coast, donors threatened to pull funding if group didn’t take the right public position.
‘TheTedCroos’ at Judaic-Values Voter Summit: ‘Vows to introduce Ayatollah to “72 virgins” if he’s elected President’Ça veut dire menaces de mort.
Everyone’s kicking AIPAC now that it’s down Hourra!
Israel will feel US rage after Netanyahu leaves Washington  Analysis: White House officials already working on plan for day after Congress speech; Israel, which has asked for another $317 million for defense, may find out America far less generous than before.

Israeli ministry plows ahead with ‘world Jewry’ project, even as funding and future remain uncertain
Avec Nathan Sharansky, le juif refuznik néocon...

Boehner’s Successor Will Be pro-Israel, but Netanyahu Should Worry Nonetheless  Surprise resignation of Speaker could harm GOP’s 2016 electoral chances and strengthen Tea Party types less attached to Israel.
Now Boehner can tell us what really happened with Netanyahu’s speech (...) Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer’s agreement to keep secret Boehner’s invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress — at the speaker’s request.  Boehner and Dermer have confirmed that the ambassador, who had consulted with Netanyahu, agreed to keep the secret, from the Obama administration, congressional Democrats and pro-Israel groups, including AIPAC. Boehner has said he asked for secrecy to keep Obama from nixing the speech.(...)  Dermer’s “yes” meant Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader in the House, had to enter the trenches in the effort to push back Boehner’s effort to kill the deal — which was ultimately successful.  Going forward, his “yes” means Democrats on Capitol Hill are no longer so eager to return calls from the Israeli embassy. It means there’s discussion on the Hill about whether the “Israel is GOP territory” tag will die when Netanyahu leaves office, or outlast him.

In a Moment of Euphoria, Netanyahu Made a Very Revealing Slipup
Thus spake the minister of defense, and his remarks have not yet been “seared into the consciousness”: “We know who burned the Dawabsheh family, but we cannot prosecute them because of the sensitivity of the sources.” That’s our Bogie, who was never considered the most guided and accurate weapon in the arsenal, and who even as a dairyman on the kibbutz would entertain the cows to increase their milk yield. Did you get that? It takes great effort to build an intelligence source, so it would be a pity to blow his cover. His immunity also gives the murderers immunity. Bogie knows, and that should suffice. That’s why we included him in “the list of the most unforgettable quotes”; we shall not forget.

Netanyahu : « Israël doit devenir une puissance mondiale »
Netanyahu: Israel Must Become a World Power
Netanyahu : Israël est « une puissance mondiale » en cybersécurité

Why Are Millions of Pounds Sent to Israel by British Charities, Tax-Free?

Israel’s Left Is Finally Bringing Its Racism out of the Closet
Why Israelis can burn Palestinians alive and get away with it
Jewish settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque with police protection
Israel-tied fundamentalist churches may exploit Mina against Islam

Video - Palestinian woman shot, left to bleed by Israeli soldiers
Video: ‘IDF saying woman had a knife, trying to justify unjustifiable action’

Ministers toughen measures against stone-throwers Cabinet approves use of .22 Ruger sniper rifles against rioters who endanger Israelis, a minimum four-year prison sentence
HA'ARETZ-Israel Is a Stone's Throw Away From Becoming the Roman Empire  On Jewish holidays, we're used-to identifying as the resourceful downtrodden that manage to bring an empire to its knees. This year, as our gazillion-dollar army takes on masked Palestinian teens, we find our role reversed.
Analysis: Should Palestinian parents pay for minors’ rock-throwing?

HA'ARETZ-Justifying War Crimes in the Name of Judaism In contemporary Israel, the idea of the universal mission of the Jewish people has morphed into something else – and all in the name of the Jews’ supposed moral supremacy.
VIDEO - Documentary on Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion

Israelis to Iceland: Please boycott our country
'EU must ban all products from Israel'

Rabin in 1976 interview: Settlements are a cancer
En 1976, Rabin avait comparé les implantations au ‘cancer’, mettait en garde contre l' 'Apartheid'
In 1976 interview, Rabin likens settler ideologues to ‘cancer,’ warns of ‘apartheid’
Polémique : l’islamisme radical découle-t-il de la guerre des Six jours ? La réponse [du sioniste] Michel Hazanavicius aux propos de Philippe Lioret qui accuse Israël d’être à la source de l’islamisme radical.(Vidéo complète de l'entretien de Léa Salamé avec Philippe Lioret)

The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion
BY HESHAM TILLAWI (...)Secret letters and secret meetings between Kennedy and Ben-Gurion give a clear picture of the difficulty Kennedy faced in negotiating with the Israeli Prime Minister who stated many times that nothing will save Israel but nuclear power. According to author Michael Collins Piper in his book Final Judgment Ben Gurion wrote Kennedy saying: “Mr. President, my people have the right to exist, and this existence is in danger.”

Outcry as anti-Semitic 9/11 doubter joins Greek government
Official quits amid anti-Semitism allegations

Why Does Everybody Sound So Anti-Semitic All of A Sudden?

Arno Klarsfeld : « Prévoir des programmes de rééducation en matière d’antisémitisme » Le fils du couple de chasseurs de nazis s’inquiète de l’éducation des réfugiés syriens tournée vers « la haine des Juifs et d’Israël »

Est-ce qu’Amnistie Internationale a perdu la tête ? Sixième partie. par Norman Finkelstein

Israël: la police autorisée à tirer sur les enfants lanceurs de pierres

'Zionist regime's insult of al-Aksa foremost problem for Muslims,' Khamenei says

HA'ARETZ - Time to Exorcise the Racism From Judaism's Roots  Words meant to comfort us when Jews were weak and victimized have become tools of vengeance now that we have power and weapons.

Pope praises Iran deal to United Nations

Corbyn's conspiracy theory: 9/11 attacks were 'manipulated' to make it look like Osama Bin Laden was responsible, says Labour leader

US support for Syria rebels illegal, Putin says ahead of Obama meeting
Des conspis à L’Express : des rebelles formés par les Américains ont donné des armes à Al-Qaïda

Le président égyptien A-Sissi, appelle les pays arabes modérés à une normalisation des relations avec Israël

L’entité sioniste au-dessus de l’AIEA !

Hey, What Ever Happened to the 'Existential Threat' of Iran?   I’ll leave out the speed with which the dreaded threat of Iranian weaponry has disappeared from Israel’s political agenda and been replaced by the supposedly equally deadly threat of teenagers throwing stones. Gotta love it.
À voir qu'ils parlent même pu de la menace iranienne mais juste des petits lanceurs de roches palestiniens, c'est à se demander si la menac iranienne était vraiment plus importante que des petits enfants lanceurs de roches...

Ted Cruz Slams Outgoing John Boehner Over ‘Early Reports’ That He ‘Cut a Deal’ With Nancy Pelosi Before Resigning

Jeb Bush Unveils ‘Jewish Leadership Committee’; Members Include Eric Cantor, Michael Mukasey
Mukasey = juge du 11 septembre et du WTC-1993!
Eric Cantor [orthodox zionist jew] almost became first Jewish Speaker of the House, Boehner aide reveals

Boehner's Resignation Raises Concern Among U.S. Jews  Jewish notables praise speaker of the House's unwavering support of Israel, while criticizing the Tea Party politics that contributed to his departure. 

Bible in hand, Trump woos evangelical Christians
Trump, Carson have Republican Jewish establishment worried

Op-Ed: Ann Coulter is not an anti-SemiteThe well-known commentator and provocateur should be judged by her pro-Israel record, not one angry tweet, a nationally syndicated talk show host writes.
Qu'est-ce que je disais... C'est exactement ce que je disais. Les juifs reconnaissent son positionnement sioniste (qui est gros comme un éléphant au milieu du salon), donc ils vont lui pardonner!

Erekat: New Israeli measures against stone-throwers ‘dehumanize whole nation’

Pro-Palestinian minister speaks in NY state despite death threats

Hotovely : L’étiquetage des produits de Cisjordanie par l’UE est une ‘ligne rouge’
Israel will never hand over parts of the West Bank, says Deputy FM Hotovely

Journalistes de l'AFP agressés par des soldats israéliens en Cisjordanie

Rescapé d’une tentative d’assassinat de l’armée israélienne, le journaliste J.M. Bourget remporte une grande victoire judiciaire

VIDEO - Discours de Thomas Werlet du Parti Solidaire sur la Palestine

The Dehumanization of the “Arab”: The Media Repeats Small Lies to Make “One Big Lie”
Fête de l'Aid, barbarie musulmane du mouton sacrifié pour être mangé? Comparez avec la barbarie occidentale qui sacrifie des humains... 

1938: Fr Coughlin explains the cause of Jewish persecution in Germany, warmongers falsely attack him as an Anti-Semite And Nazi

Blood Moon Prophecy’ Casts Shadow on Christian Embassy Sukkot Celebration  Some evangelical Israel supporters believe Monday’s lunar eclipse portends ‘End of Days.’

France to Probe Assad Regime for Crimes Against Humanity
La Russie est de retour au Proche Orient
Robert Parry on Obama’s “crude and deceptive propaganda”
La Russie met en garde contre la désinformation occidentale à propos du raid aérien sur la Syrie
Should US Ally with Al Qaeda in Syria?
Obama Accuses Russia of Going After America’s “Good Guy Terrorists”
VIDEO - CNN says USA in coalition with the Islamic State
US Complains As Russia Bombs its Terrorists
Putin 'worried' by Israeli strikes in Syria  Russian leader expresses concern over artillery strikes on Assad's forces despite security agreement reached with Netanyahu.
Russian air strikes targeted CIA-backed rebels in Syria: Senator McCain
Sen. John McCain: Putin Doing Assad's 'Dirty Work' With Airstrikes
Putin Hints Russia Will ‘Clip Israel’s Wings’ Over Syrian Skies
Netanyahu warns he will not allow use of Syria as Iran base to threaten Israel
Russia in Syria: Doom for Greater Israel
Is Israel Preparing For A Ground Invasion Of Syria?
Syria Is the New Israel: The World Is Bored With Israel-Palestine

VIDEO - Mark Glenn: US seeking to undo Iran’s 1979 Revolution

Haim Saban Leaves Pro-Israel Coalition Over Sheldon Adelson's Right-Wing Push
Billionaire Haim Saban Quits His anti-BDS Initiative With Adelson  Though he gave no reason for pull out, Jewish activists say Saban didn't like Adelson's push to the right in initiative meant to counter anti-Israel efforts at U.S. campuses.
Saban said to quit anti-BDS campus initiative he launched with Adelson Entertainment mogul reportedly opposed ‘right-wing tilt’; introducing alliance in June, the pair had made light of their political differences

Jeb Bush’s Jewish team includes brother’s backers, staffers

Obama ‘refused to oppose Palestinian UN statehood bid’ In latest sign of Washington-Jerusalem rift, White House said to have declined repeated request to come out publicly against unilateral PA move
Report: Senior Democrat failed to obtain Obama commitment to veto Palestinian state at UN

British PM David Cameron: “Non-Violent Extremists” Including “9/11 Truthers” and “Conspiracy Theorists” are Just as Dangerous as ISIL Terrorists

Corbyn chahuté pour ne pas avoir dit « Israël » dans un événement pro-israélien A l’issue d’un discours sur la reprise du processus de paix, le leader de l’opposition a été interrompu par un homme criant « Dites le mot Israël »
Corbyn speech confirmed worst concerns, Labor MK says
Siege of Gaza must end, Jeremy Corbyn tells Labour Friends of Israel

Israel a ouvert le feu plus de 700 fois sur Gaza depuis le cessez-le feu d’août 2014

Palestine flag raised at UN headquarters for first time

Israel seeks to legalize controversial settler outpost State asserts Adei Ad doesn’t lie on Palestinian land; defense minister dismisses notion of West Bank construction freeze

Israël : un gouvernement d'assassins patentés

Look Who's Going to Be Israel's Police Chief  A Shin Bet agent from one of the most radical settlements in the West Bank, that's who.

«Les terroristes se sentent libres» : Israël affronte l’extrémisme juif sur fond de heurts à Al-Aqsa

Israel Advocacy Groups Muzzling Dissent on U.S. Campuses, Claim New Reports  Responding to anti-Israel campus activities 'is also free speech,' says ADL in refuting the studies issued by two groups critical of Israel.

French cancer group said behind ‘Palestine’ map Distributed to schools in Paris, map labels Israel as Palestine; Wiesenthal Center urges Paris mayor to intervene

Student Leader in California Blasted for ‘Blatantly Antisemitic’ Remarks, Holocaust Denial - Mont du Temple : Fabius opposé à la liberté de culte pour les Juifs
En fait c'est qu'il y a le Dome du Rocher musulman (Al-Aqsa) et aucun "Temple juif" à cet endroit que les juifs appellent "Mont du Temple"... Les juifs ne font que semer le trouble quand ils vont sur le Dome du Rocher, ils vont pas là juste pour "prier" mais pour appeler à la destruction du Dome du Rocher afin de pouvoir rebâtir le Temple! - Complot juif mondial ? - Révisionnisme: Larousse révise l'histoire dédiée aux enfants en faisant disparaître Israël « Les Hébreux vivaient en Palestine' » Juste dire ou écrire le mot Palestine dans un libre d'histoire pour eux c'est du négationnisme.

How to Get Away With anti-Semitism: A 'Pro-Israel' Free Pass for Ann Coulter  If you're hardline enough, pro-Netanyahu enough, anti-Muslim enough, pro-Trump enough, and therefore 'pro-Israel' enough, can you also reap the spotlight with a gut-punch of anti-Semitism now and then?

ADL’s Abe Foxman joins Israeli security think tank Former anti-defamation champion joins Institute for National Security Studies to help tackle anti-Semitism, anti-Israel action

VIDEO - Hassan Nasrallah : Israël veut démolir la Mosquée al-Aqsa pour construire "le Temple"

The Western Media Is Dying and Here’s Why
NY Times readers protest anti-Putin editorial
John McCain, en réponse aux frappes aériennes de la Russie en Syrie, déclare sur Fox News et lors d'un discours: "Poutine est bien mieux de rester en dehors de notre chemin"!
Obama claims Russian airstrikes ‘strengthening ISIS’
Obama: Putin in Syria 'a recipe for disaster'
VIDEO - Syrie : la dissi-danse a les mains pleines de sang ! (Moualek VS Assad)
Syrie: Duel Aérien entre des Sukhoi SU-30 SM russes et des F-15 israéliens Pas certain de cette source car personne d'autre en parle.

Republicans, AIPAC weigh support for bill ‘fixing’ Iran deal Maintenant qu'ils ont compris qu'ils peuvent pas l'empêcher, ils veulent le "corriger".
The military option is back on the table
Netanyahu in N.Y.: Daniel in the Lion’s Den or World’s Greatest Nudnik?
Nucléaire iranien : comment le roi des casinos veut contrer Obama Par Vincent Jauvert. Pour faire capoter l'accord historique signé avec l'Iran, le milliardaire américain Sheldon Adelson a plusieurs armes : des dollars et un lobbying intense et très organisé.
Olmert to Al Jazeera: Iran is a ‘done deal,’ Israel mustn’t fight with Obama
Netanyahu’s real message was to Israel’s Jews: “Talk peace but prepare for doomsday”

Obama Pulled John Kerry and Samantha Power From Netanyahu UN Speech

Connections Between Sukkot and the War of Gog and Magog
Le Sanhédrin passe un jugement contre le Pape François et Barack Obama sur le Mont Sion.  Par Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz – Le 10 septembre 2015

Netanyahu attacked by right-wing flank for ‘not doing enough’ against terror

Israel’s New Police Chief Emerges from Shadowy World

Israel Escalates ‘Water-Apartheid’ As Illegal Settlers Contaminate Palestinian Water

Israel kidnapped 562 Palestinians in September: Prisoners’ advocacy group

Olmert blasts Netanyahu's foreign policy, warns of risk of apartheid in Israel

'Bon Jovi stands with Israeli settlers who burn Palestinian babies,' Roger Waters says
Roger Waters to Jon Bon Jovi: “You stand shoulder to shoulder with the settler who burned the baby”
Etats Unis: Les boycotteurs du BDS se plaignent d'être victimes de boycott en vu « d'entraver leur action »
Marginalizing the Momentum of the BDS Movement
Les socialistes du Conseil de Paris refusent de condamner le mouvement antisémite BDS
UK – Government acts to stop local councils boycotting Israel - Georges Soros, face moderne d'Amalek, oeuvre à la destruction d'Israël
Gilad Atzmon blâme à tort George Soros pour le projet du Grand Israel...

Why Should Jews Celebrate a Torah That Calls for Genocide and Homophobia?


British PM Cameron slams Russia for 'backing the butcher Assad'
Middle East would be more stable if Saddam, Gaddafi still in power: Trump Faire dire la vérité par un imbécile redneck... Bonne stratégie pour la discréditer.
« Que vos avions sortent immédiatement de Syrie » responsables russes aux Américains
Surprise, Surprise: Israel ‘thwarts first known ISIS plot inside Jewish state’
Syrie : La Russie prend-t-elle pour cible l’opposition syrienne, en faveur du régime de Bachar el-Assad ?
Tensions entre Israël et la Russie à propos de la Syrie
Israël met en garde la Russie : « Ne testez pas notre armée ! »
L'Otan appelle la Russie à "cesser ses attaques contre l'opposition syrienne”
Israel's crocodile tears as Putin outmaneuvers and neutralizes Netanyahu in brilliant strategic move
As Russia begins bombing campaign, Israel claims to uncover 'first suspected ISIS cell'
Pourquoi Israël craint-il la présence militaire russe, en Syrie ?  Adieu le projet de création du Grand Israël et du Grand Moyen Orient si la Russie décide de faire le grand ménage en Syrie et Moyen Orient avec tous ses alliés : l'Iran,  l'Irak, la Chine et Cie !
Courrier International: Vu d’Israël. Poutine seul maître du jeu en Syrie
Rubio calls Russia's Putin a 'gangster and a thug'; wants new sanctions on Moscow
New York Times Moving into High Spin Denigrating Vladimir Putin on Syria

VIDEO - Not The Nukes: What Israel fears most about economically robust Iran

Trump, Israel, and the Jewish vote  Analysis: Even though his daughter converted to Judaism and he keeps calling Netanyahu his friend, Jewish Americans will probably keep supporting Democratic candidates.
C'est pas le vote juif qui est important ici!!! Ils parlent de vote juif pour nous faire croire que Trump n'a pas l'appui des sionistes. C'est la puissance du lobby israélien et non le vote juif qui a vraiment une influence dans l'élection du président américain. C'est pas le vote juif qui pourrait faire élire Trump, c'est la puissance du lobby israélien. Quand Bush Jr a été élu, il a eu à peu près 0% du vote juif; les juifs avaient tous voté pour Al Gore! Il a fallu que Bush Jr. vole l'élection pour que ses maîtres (Israel) puissent le mettre au pouvoir. Les juifs américains ont été grandement surpris par l'élection truquée de Bush Jr. Le lobby israélien n'a pas besoin du vote juif, qui est insignifiant aux USA de toute façon, sauf dans quelques États (NY, etc.).

KING BIBI is ‘the leader of the Jewish world,’ says top aide
Benjamin Netanyahu: A Prime Minister Detached From Reality  This week's series of terror attacks is another warning written on the wall: A third intifada is on the way.
Netanyahu: Israel Will Expedite Demolition of Terrorists' Homes  Day after two Israelis stabbed to death in Jerusalem's Old City, prime minister orders measures to curb terrorism; meanwhile, violence resumes in East Jerusalem. 
Netanyahu : « Pas de limites » dans la lutte contre les terroristes palestiniens Le Premier ministre réitère son engagement en faveur du « combat à mort de la terreur palestinienne » annoncé à son retour de New York
Netanyahu ordonne d’accélérer les démolitions des maisons des palestiniens

‘Let the People of Israel Enter the Gates and Kill Arabs’
Good Jews Roam Through Jerusalem Attacking Palestinians, Screaming “Death To Arabs!”
VIDEO - Death-chanting Israeli mob rejoices as Palestinian teen is executed
Far-right Activists Chant 'Death to Arabs,' Assault Passersby in Jerusalem After Terror Attack  Several violent incidents reported as hundreds march through capital, block traffic. 
'Let the People of Israel Enter the Gates and Kill Arabs'  Racist violence has erupted following terrorist attacks in the past, but this time it seems that the Jewish mob which took to the streets was accepted by Jerusalemites with understanding, if not downright approval.
The Right-wing Loonies Bully Me, and So Does Facebook  I got suspended from the site for criticizing ‘armed pagans.’ Too bad they didn’t suspend all the people who wished for my murder.

Le Bureau de presse du gouvernement met en garde la BBC à propos d’un titre

Roger Waters (pro-BDS) à Bon Jovi : «Vous êtes solidaires avec le colon qui a brûlé le bébé»

Why BDS should target Saudi Arabia, not Israel  Op-ed: It's time to give Saudi Arabian authorities an ultimatum: Either you cease exporting religious extremism or you will be served the fare of boycott, divestment and sanctions served to Israel.
C'est ce qu'on entend tout le temps du côté de la "Dissidence": les méchants sont identifiés vaguement comme étant les "sionistes" mais les seuls qui sont identifiés clairement et reçoivent le blâme concrètement c'est pas Israël c'est l'Arabie Saoudite et le Qatar! Comme si les "Sionistes" c'étaient les Arabes!

WATCH: Trump, Carson Will 'Have Blood on Their Hands' if Gunman Targets Mosque, Says Jebreal  'In the realm of possibility in a country that is very armed that somebody that will be carrying weapon will go to a mosque tomorrow or after tomorrow and would start shooting people and then these people would have blood on their hands.'

Israeli Cinema Is Finally Tackling Rabin's Assassination, 20 Years Later  The release of Amos Gitai's 'Rabin, the Last Day' and Erez Laufer's 'Rabin in His Own Words' highlights the contrasting approaches to the former prime minister's death taken by features and documentaries.
PM Rabin killing "written on wall", filmmaker Gitai says

Former British MP George Galloway expresses support for third intifada

Entretien avec Youssef Hindi Écrivain et historien marocain: « Ce choc des civilisations fabriqué de toutes pièces est le faux nez d’un choc idéologique mondial »
Pour lui c'est pas le judaïsme qui est derrière le choc des civilisations. Il croit que c'est les sabatéo-frankistes f-maçonniques issus d'un mouvement kabbaliste... Manque plus rien que les illuminati et on a une théorie du complot toute garnie.

En Israël, les écoles chrétiennes veulent une égalité de traitement avec les écoles juives

VIDEO - Thomas Guénolé dresse le portrait d'Alain Finkielkraut #ONPC À NE PAS MANQUER! (Émission complète On n'est pas couché)
L'Oraison funèbre d'une France encore vivante.

Aux Temps Bénis du nationalisme Arabe Ce papier est publié à l’occasion de la commémoration du 45e anniversaire du décès de Gamal Abdel Nasser, chef historique du nationalisme arabe contemporain.

VIDEO - Nouveau désordre mondial?

Rupert Murdoch: Propaganda Recruit for Reagan, by Robert Parry

FLASHBACK: The world was right about Iraq– though Israel got its ‘Clean Break’, June 14, 2014
Enter the Bush Doctrine The four pillars of the president's strategy for winning World War IV. By [ULTRA-ZIONIST NEOCON JEW] Norman Podhoretz Updated Sept. 2, 2004 (Editor's note: This is excerpted from Mr. Podhoretz's article, "World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win," which appears in the September issue of Commentary.) Voir la version française (et résumée) de Réseau Voltaire.
Podhoretz sur les Troisième et Quatrième guerres mondiales: "For these reasons, I agree with one of our leading contemporary students of military strategy, Eliot A. Cohen, who thinks that what is generally called the "Cold War" (a term, incidentally, coined by Soviet propagandists) should be given a new name. "The Cold War," Mr. Cohen writes, was actually "World War III, which reminds us that not all global conflicts entail the movement of multimillion-man armies, or conventional front lines on a map." I also agree that the nature of the conflict in which we are now engaged can only be fully appreciated if we look upon it as World War IV. To justify giving it this name--rather than, say, the "war on terrorism"--Mr. Cohen lists "some key features" that it shares with World War III:  that it is, in fact, global; that it will involve a mixture of violent and nonviolent efforts; that it will require mobilization of skill, expertise and resources, if not of vast numbers of soldiers; that it may go on for a long time; and that it has ideological roots.  There is one more feature that World War IV shares with World War III and that Mr. Cohen does not mention: Both were declared through the enunciation of a presidential doctrine."

Israeli Op-ed–‘Putin is part of the problem, not the solution’
Russia, Assad Forces Launch First Joint Military Operation in Syria
Brzezinski: Obama should retaliate if Russia doesn’t stop attacking U.S. assets
Poutine à l'ONU, par Jacques Sapir
Watch Madman McCain lie about what is going on in Syria
Israel, America, and the West checkmated by Putin in Syria
VIDEO - Marco Rubio Would Risk War With Russia In Order To Enforce Safe Zone In Syria
VIDEO - Comment on Marco Rubio Would Risk War With Russia Over Syria
(ZOG of ) The West Fears Russia’s Success in Syria – Not Its Failure
Why Netanyahu stays quiet on Russian policy  Netanyahu tells CNN Israel does not support Russian policies, but stays silent to avoid unnecessary conflicts; Bibi, Putin share 'mutual respect'.
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Israel, America, and the West checkmated by Putin in Syria
Dankof to Press TV–Kerry slams Russia to distract attention from US failure in Syria
Seize the Chaos  Israel, the Neocons, and their Bloody, Blundering 'Art' of War
Attali craint une Troisième Guerre mondiale, par Michel Collon

L'antisémitisme des migrants inquiète les Juifs Allemands

UN chief condemns recent killings of Palestinians, without mention of Israeli terror victims

Arab-Israeli TV journalist goes back on air after being hit by stun grenade

VIDEO - FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Endorsement for Prime Minister Netanyahu
Donald Trump, Big In Israel, Endorses Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Why Won't Trump Stand Up to His Anti-Semitic Fans?

Sanders campaign apologizes to pro-Palestine activists threatened with arrest
New foundation will counter BDS by promoting Israeli high-tech

Temple Mount is the issue, not terror
A Jérusalem, la « guerre de religion » masque un colonialisme pur et dur

«Israël se diabolise lui-même chaque jour», par Shlomo Sand

Howard Stern Blasts Roger Waters Over Israel Boycott

Mossad Takes Pride in One of Its Worst Debacles  61 years after the revelation of the Lavon Affair, the original ‘false flag’ operation, Israel’s spooks believe it was more bad luck than embarrassment, if it was embarrassing at all.

Zionist Settlers Kill Palestinian Woman after trying to Remove Her Hijab

IAC, Campus Maccabees Confirm Saban Bowed Out of Adelson Partnerships The billionaires had collaborated on two pro-Israel groups despite other partisan differences.

Hassidic Rabbi: War of Gog and Magog Already Began in Syria
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: US terrified of Russian moves in Syria
Al-Qaïda est-il devenu "fréquentable" pour l’Occident?

Netanyahu offered vague terms for West Bank withdrawal, former US peace negotiator says
Netanyahu Says West Bank Settlement Construction Could Harm post-Iran Deal Talks With U.S.  During cabinet session, prime minister rejects demand to announce new West Bank construction in order not to disrupt negotiations on upgrading IDF capabilities. 
Dennis Ross: Netanyahu agreed to West Bank pullout in 2010

Susan Rice: Bibi Did Everything But Use The N-Word To Describe Obama
Does Susan Rice think Benjamin Netanyahu is a racist?
Dennis Ross: Susan Rice sees Israel 'more of a problem' than partner

Lone Palestinian Terrorists, Settler Vengeance Worrying Israeli Security Authorities  The fear is that unlike in previous times of tension, right-wing extremists may carry out vengeance attacks, like the deadly arson which killed three members of the Dawabsheh family. 

Donald Trump gets priestly blessing from Jew for Jesus

Bethlehem youngsters defy Israeli army after teen death

Israël: "Ce n'est plus une guerre contre Israël, mais une guerre antisémite contre les juifs"

Shas rabbi: Jewish 'provocation' on Temple Mount behind latest violence
Leading Shas Rabbi: Jewish ‘Provocation’ on Temple Mount Behind Latest Violence

Avraham Burg on 'The Coming Days'  Former senior politician is releasing a new book which calls on Israel to analyze its collective past to improve its future. Il a écrit "The Holocaust is Over - We Must Rise From Its Ashes""L'obsession anti-israélienne du Figaro": colon, colonisation, extrémistes juifs, Cisjordanie, "des termes pour stigmatiser Israël".

More than 48 Palestinian children injured in week of violence

VIDEO - Zemmour : "Le fleuve de gauche est revenu dans son lit libéral" Maudit que j'ai hâte qu'il se taise à jamais... "Toujours la fôte à la gôche..." Soral est zemmourien ; les soraliens seront incapables d'identifier l'ennemi.

Palestinian delegation to US decries Howard Stern’s ‘racism’

Patrick Klugman : Fin de partie? Les sionistes sont fâchés que Klugman ait refusé de signer le projet de loi anti-BDS

Le Pen fustige la « soumission » à l’Union européenne? Son bras droit est un serviteur d’Israël

Shot Palestinian woman stripped naked by settler

“Hating Arabs is not racism, it’s values” -Eden Levi, Israeli soldier.
« Sortir les couteaux contre les Arabes »: la LDJ relaie un appel au meurtre
New York Subway Must Run ‘Muslims Are Coming!’ Ad
Controversy Over Photo of Muslim Prayer Group At Wakulla Beach
French Jews Need To Stand Up for Muslims Right Now

Russia holds Israel responsible for Jerusalem tension

Rubio: Would Risk WW3 To Enforce No-Fly Zone In Syria
Guerre contre Daech : l’Iran entre dans la danse tandis que la France en sort
VIDEO - Russia achieved in two weeks in Syria what US could not in two years

Scottish Party Passes Motion for Boycott of Israel, Removal of Hamas From List of Terror Groups

‘France advancing plan to deploy international observers at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount’
Israel says will not accept international presence in east Jerusalem
Israel and U.S. Cooperating Against French Bid for Int’l Presence on Temple Mount
Jerusalem furious at French bid for observers on Temple Mount
Israel seeks to thwart French initiative on Temple Mount  Security Council proposal condemning Israeli actions requires consensus of all 15 members; Israel says proposal rewards Palestinian terror
Mont du Temple : la France poignarde les victimes israéliennes à l’ONU

Netanyahu Rebukes BBC Journalist: ‘Are We Living on the Same Planet?’ (VIDEO)
Israel’s Friday Bloodbath. Washington absolves Israel of Blame

Rabbis: Killing Palestinian resistance fighters ‘a religious duty’
Hate-Mongering Israeli Rabbis Call Killing Palestinians “a Religious Duty”
LEST WE FORGET: Paul Eisen: Judaism is NOT religion of peace
Lest We Forget–Judaism is NOT a ‘religion of peace’
Yair Lapid's Shoot-to-kill Policy
 Makes for a Sorry Ethics Code  If fear has addled the former finance minister to the point where he can’t maintain human decency, he should remove himself from the public arena. 
Zionist Settlers Storm Al-Aqsa, Attack Villages near Hebron
Knowing What Will Happen to Their Families Doesn't Deter Palestinian Attackers  Three Jabal Mukkaber residents knew their homes and families' lives would be destroyed, yet they still went on a killing spree in Jerusalem last Tuesday.
VIDEO - Israeli police kick and beat journalist
Selected Articles: Ethnic Cleansing and Zionist Supremacy in Israel
Dermer: Linking settlements to terror wave ‘very foolish’ Ambassador takes dig at Kerry statements but emphasizes renewed US-Israel partnership following Iran deal acrimony.
Il faudrait surtout pas faire ce lien... trop pertinent! trop juste!

L’ost-racisme juif, par Lotfi Hadjiat (sur l'islamophobie)

Lauryn Hill appears in video equating treatment of US blacks and Palestinians

Le Bloc identitaire et son choc des civilisations

Israeli Towns Move to Ban Arab Workers From Schools  Some local authorities are trying to remove all Arab workers, while others are targeting cleaning and maintentance workers.

Ce samedi des membres du betar (munis de gants et de casques) ont tenté de perturber le rassemblement de soutien à la résistance palestinienne.

VIDEO - France2 : 10h dans Paris avec une kippa Une vidéo mise en ligne par un journaliste israélien le montre marchant dans Paris avec une kippa. Crachats, insultes… et plus de 5 millions de "vues" sur les sites de partage vidéo. Est-ce la réalité pour tous les juifs de France ? Pour "Envoyé spécial" diffusé jeudi 15 octobre à 20h55, Thierry Vincent a lui aussi mis une kippa et arpenté les rues de plusieurs villes françaises... (Bref, c'était une opération de propagande sioniste produite par des ultra sionistes israéliens d'un journal de Sheldon Adelson, ami et financier de Bibi Netanyahou.)
Est-il dangereux de porter une kippa dans la rue en France ? NON !!!

Germany's Jews living in fear of thousands of Muslim refugees raised to be anti semitic MANY German Jews are now living in fear of the hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees coming into the country because "they have absorbed anti-Semitism from their mother's milk".

"Le journal de Béziers [où Robert Ménard est maire] dénonce les racailles anti-israéliennes de l'opposition communiste"

VIDEO - Complément d'enquête « Je n’aime pas les Arabes » : merci à É. Zemmour et toute la racaille islamophobe politico-médiatique !

Musulmans de France : la ratonnade permanente.
Jews only: Arabs facing discrimination in Israeli property market
Redneck rants about ‘Them Moooz-Lums’ and learning Ay-Rabic (sic) numerals

RAPPEL: Le livre "Les nouveaux désinformateurs" de Guillaume Weill-Raynal publié en 2007 analyse la stratégie de désinformation et de conditionnement idéologique réactionnaire en France à laquelle a participé Charlie-Hebdo.

Il y a 15 ans éclatait l'affaire al Durah en France et Pallywood... But what really happened? Our video below is as relevant today as it was when we first posted it in 2008. It chronicles the beginning of “Pallywood” – Palestinian efforts to stage false footage for broadcast in the mainstream news.
Il y a encore ces négationnistes juifs qui croient que la tuerie d'Al-Dura est un fake conçu par les médias contrôlés par les pro-palestiniens.
Goldnadel : misère ordinaire de la gauche antiraciste Toujours la fôte à la gôche...
Marine Le Pen prête à expulser les frontistes qui soutiendraient le boycott contre Israël
VIDEO - L'extrême-droite alliée des sionistes (vidéo Geert Wilders speech) (lien corrigé)

Netanyahu veut une enquête pour « incitation » contre Zoabi
Netanyahu's Own Camp Is Turning Against Him  As unrest intensifies, the prime minister is in the unenviable position of facing the wrath of an impatient international community, an anxious constituency, and members of his party and his coalition.
Alarmed European Jews Want Netanyahu Replaced with a Leader for Peace

Obama’s ex-pastor: Israel is apartheid state, ‘Jesus was a Palestinian’

L'envoyé de l’UE : je ne comprends pas pourquoi Israël fait tout ce tapage autour de l’étiquetage
EU envoy: I don’t get why Israel makes such a fuss about labeling

Safed chief rabbi: Destroy enemy to deter attacks
Safed Rabbi: Terrorists Must Not Be Allowed to Survive Attacks

Palestinians will never have a state and will be ruled by Israel — says Israeli minister

Israeli Intelligence Using Fake Facebook Accounts to Spy on Protesters

Both BDS and Israel supporters feel victimized on U.S. campuses

Israeli Soldiers Surround Palestinian Woman At Bus Station, Then Open Fire (VIDEO)

Settler aggression escalates with army support in al-Khalil (Hebron)
Israeli settlers carry out attacks in East Jerusalem, West Bank
Les Arabes en grève contre « les tentatives d’écarter les Musulmans du mont du Temple »
La France juge la situation en Israël « extrêmement dangereuse »
Le monde pense que tous les politiciens sont pareils, mais je suis convaincu que le FN ou les Républicains (ex-UMP) ne diraient pas ça.

Ad Hoc Israeli Facebook Campaign Battles Hatred of Arabs  But it’s not nearly as popular as the racist posting that spurred the group on.
US Anti-Islam Rallies 'Fizzle' Nationwide

VIDEO - Un ancien soldat israélien parle des crimes dont il a été témoin.

VIDEO - Israeli soldiers VS children

When Obama turned his back   Op-ed: The president could have put pressure on Israel and the Palestinians to stop the circle of violence but he chose not to do that.
State Department forced to retract statement suggesting Israel incites violence
U.S. ‘excessive force’ comment touches nerve in Israel

Following attacks by Palestinian teens on Israelis, #IsraelKillsTheKids trending on Twitter
Israel Will Not Return the Bodies of Palestinians Trafic d'organes?
Court Extends Detention of Jewish Teen Who Attacked Arabs  Suspect’s attorney says teenager suffers from psychiatric problems. 
Settlers injure 4 Palestinians with rocks, set fire to land in Nablus

Washington: European anti-Israel sentiment crossed the line into anti-Semitism LOL


VIDEO - Why Is Jerusalem Always On Edge?

The epic photo that’s thrilling Palestine supporters worldwide

Families given 72 hours to evacuate homes before punitive demolitions
Israël a arrêté 800 Palestiniens depuis début octobre, selon un responable palestinien
Stephen Lendman: “1300 Palestinians Shot Already This Month By Fascist Racist Israel”

We Warned You,’ Say Israeli Arab Leaders at Large Rally
Sakhnin’s mayor, Mazen Ghnaim, who is also the acting head of the Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, said at the rally: “We warned ahead of time and we said ‘stop the extremists,’ but no one listened. The Palestinian people went out to protect its rights and for independence and liberation from the occupation.
Israel's Sleeping Beauties Have Awoken From Their Deathly Silence  Israelis didn't know about the Palestinians' suffering beyond the dark mountains a half an hour away. For the most part, they didn’t want to know.
This isn't an intifada, this is what binational Israel looks like

'An Israeli Sniper Shot Me'  A 13-year-old boy from a refugee camp next to Bethlehem was killed by an IDF soldier for no apparent reason. The army's response: 'It was a mistake.'

Israeli Settlers: Are They ‘Civilians’ or Legitimate Military Targets?

Jewish Journalists: Bar Jews from Temple Mount Prominent mainstream media journalists blame Temple activist Yehuda Glick for the latest terror spate.
Reconciliation Demands the Temple Mount Be Closed to Jews  Prayer is not what's in the mind of extremist rabbis who encourage their flock to visit the Temple Mount.
Netanyahu flip-flops on Jewish-only Temple Mount ban  PM's adoption of security panel's advice draws criticism from right-wing; says directive applies to Jews and Arabs alike.

Krauthammer: Obama's remarks on Israel are 'shameful'
Justice Minister Shaked: U.S. Criticism 'Unacceptable' and 'Distorts Reality'  In opening session of Israeli expat conference, Ambassador Dermer says Israel and U.S. formulating 'common policy' against 'continuing dangers' from Iran.
Dennis Ross: Obama Doesn’t Understand Israeli Concerns Former peace negotiator Dennis Ross and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz criticize U.S. as lacking a Middle East policy.

VIDEO - Beck: America Was ‘Established For The Establishment Of Israel’ Un vrai débile profond.

UK – Government consulted Jewish security group to draw up anti-extremism strategy
Ex-BBC chairman Lord Grade attacks corporation over Israel coverage

Settlers forcibly evict Palestinian families from Silwan homes
Israël: un mur de béton isole un quartier palestinien à Jérusalem-Est
Israel’s system of segregated roads: where your number plate dictates which road you can drive on
Israel’s Leaders Are Fulfilling Their Zionist Ideology  I disagree with my friend on a lot of things, but we agree that whether a Palestinian is a collaborator or an ISIS member, most Israelis will stick to their dogma.

Are UN Workers Stoking Hatred of Israelis?
Not just BDS: Why it's hard to bring singers to Israel
VIDEO - Vidéo facebook pour la campagne BDS (avec Naomi Klein, Roger Waters, etc.)

Hypothesis: Cappuccino Israelis will be radicalized against apartheid
Israeli brutalities caught on camera
Israel, its media coverage, and the anatomy of a pathological society

VIDEO - Israël : Un soldat tué, 11 blessés, 5 dans un état grave. Un Érythréen tué par erreur car noir. (version plus longue)
Police start probe into lynch   'The security officer yelled terrorist, and we didn’t think twice. If he was a terrorist - people would be thanking me,' says participant in mob.
Israeli bus station attack: IDF soldier killed, police mistakenly shoot dead foreigner

Otherwise Occupied Every Palestinian Understands the Despair That Drives a Person to Stab Israelis Those who choose to launch knife attacks are concentrating on the most brutal symbols of the occupation: soldiers and 
Why Israel's Unwritten 'Shoot to Kill' Policy Is So Dangerous  Since September this year, death has been the fate of most knife-wielding Palestinians. Is this the result of 'excessive force', and what are the consequences for Israel itself?
When Israelis Kill Innocents for the Crime of Looking Arab
VIDEO - Le lobby israélien mobilise ses troupes en France: Bernard-Henri Lévy menace les Européens On croirait entendre Bibi juste avant les attentats de Paris de janvier 2015...
Israël accuse Paris de vouloir "récompenser le terrorisme". À quand des casques bleus en Palestine ?
Selon France 2, il n'y a pas d'antisémitisme en France' C'est ainsi que les juifs de rapportent le propos du journaliste, pourtant le reportage ne nie pas la hausse des incidents antisémites en France au cours des dernières années... On voit le niveau d'honnêteté intellectuelle de ces gens...

VIDEO - Une Israélienne parle: "de toute façon, là où vivent les Palestiniens c'est chez nous!"
VIDEO - Extremists zionists of settlers encourage israeli occupation forces to arrest & Assault of a disabled palestinian child at the Occupied City of Hebron 23/10/2015
VIDEO - Scène de violence gratuite contre un cuisinier palestinien
VIDEO - Jewish extremist attacks Israeli activist with knife

L'ex-Premier ministre israélien Ehud Barak poursuivi en justice aux Etats-Unis

Israel Minister Ayelet Shaked Wants To Imprison Young Palestinian Children

« Il n’y aura jamais d’Etat palestinien » disent-ils. Si ça n’est pas une provocation !

The Subhumans Among Us  The Palestinian body has become fair game. The prisons are full of them. Their release is our downfall. 

The lynching and the cover-up

Most religious Zionists want Arabs out of Israel, study finds

Israel's Government, Army and Police Must Calm Down This Wild West Atmosphere  The fear of terror attacks is difficult enough for civilians to cope with; it must not be exacerbated by the horror of unrestrained shooting.

VIDEO - Guénolé, du concret: "La France doit reconnaître l'Etat palestinien !"

Pro-Israel Americans demand $80m aid cuts for Palestine

Pro-Palestinian New Yorker’s Dwarf Pro-Israeli Gathering

Israël dénonce le vote "honteux" de l'Unesco sur les lieux saints musulmans à Jérusalem

Les mistaravim où comment les soldats israéliens infiltrent les Palestiniens

Number of Israelis visiting mental health clinics goes up by 100%

800,000 Refugees Returning to Syria Thanks to Russia
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: US has no right to choose Syrian president
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Refugee crisis is the end result of West-instigated wars in the Middle East
“Russian Warships Shut Down Israeli Air Force Access to Syria”
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Failed US strategies in the Middle East

Yaalon: Israel’s disputes over Iran nuclear deal are over Échec retentissant pour le lobby juif international va-t-en-guerre. Enfin des bonnes nouvelles...

What you don’t know about Marco Rubio The GOP presidential candidate's main patron is a Jewish billionaire, he's hawkish on Israel and he has belonged to Mormon and Baptist churches despite being Catholic.

Rendez-nous Jimmy Carter !
Bring Back Jimmy Carter!

Donald Trump Offers To Personally Help Wounded Vet in Iowa (10-27-15)Il faut lui reconnaître son talent: savoir comment devenir populaire...
Trump: ‘Obama hates Israel, Jewish state safe with me’ Il va mettre une belle uenelle à tous ses fans qui croient que l'élection de Trump changera quelque chose dans le bon sens...

Donald Trump Says the U.S. Should Have Stolen Iraqis’ Oil After Destroying Their Country Le monde (surtout les libertariens) se pâme devant Trump qui dit que ç'aurait été mieux de ne pas tuer Saddam et Kadhafi, mais ils ignorent la quantité phénoménale de conneries qu'il vomit dans ses discours publics et dans les médias!
Donald Trump, Ben Carson Owe Success to Backlash Against Corruption Trump et Carson ont compris que leur stratégie doit être de récupérer cette écoeurantite aigue des électeurs américains vis-à-vis la corruption et le duopole du bipartisme Démocrate-Républicain.
Why Does Ben Carson Keep Talking About the Nazis?

How GOP bogeyman Sidney Blumenthal advised Clinton on Israel

Ross: US must move from distance to detente with Israel

‘America First Not Israel’: Detroit billboard urges US to restrict influence of Jewish Lobby EN RAPPEL. J'ADORE.

Are American Donors Helping To Fuel Jerusalem Tensions With Settler Push?
Struggling Israel supporter laments hardhearted Israelis and ‘hegemony of big donors’

VIDEO - (JOKE) Netanyahu Announces his US Presidential Bid  C'est une proposition d'Ann Coulter.

OBAMA: Israel must end its 50-year occupation
Netanyahu Will Meet With Obama From a Position of Weakness  Israel may learn the hard way that without a deep ideological pact with the U.S., it will not have a viable strategic alliance either.

VIDEO - Rappel: U.S. lawmakers forced to pledge of allegiance to Israel

Netanyahu Traps Israel in a World of False Images  The prime minister is actually saying this: The right didn't incite to Rabin’s murder, although he was murdered, and you in the left are inciting to my murder, even though you won't murder me.

Bibi Nation: Everyone Can Stop Fighting Over Israel's Soul, Netanyahu Has Won  Israel is now Bibi nation, wholly synonymous with Netanyahu: Bibi is Israel. Israel is Bibi.

Collective Punishment: Arabs in Israel Face the Sack Because They're Arabs  Israel's local authorities are scandalously adopting the fearmongering and racism of parents demanding they prevent Arab workers from working in their children's schools.

An Organized Barbarity Called 'Demolishing Terrorists’ Homes'  Insisting on due process in cases of demolition of terrorists' houses obscures the fact that this practice has across-the-board support.

Israeli Military Prohibits Male Palestinian Youths From Hebron's Jewish Settlement  Directive doesn't apply to area's residents, IDF says; Palestinians call for mass demonstration and prayers – including in Cave of the Patriarchs – in protest of 'Israel's policies of execution.'

VIDEO - Why Do Palestinian Children Throw Stones At The Israeli Forces?

Interdiction des couteaux en Israël!

Thirteen Year Old Terrorist Charged With Attempted Murder  An Israeli court charged 13-year-old Ahmed Mansara with attempted murder on Friday; Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Mansara had been executed by Israel.

Palestinian baby dies (killed) from Israeli tear gas in West Bank home

ADL slams British MP for accusing Israel of fabricating terror attacks

ADL chief: Western media's pursuit of equivalence warps Israel reporting

Rabbi of Western Wall denounces UNESCO over holy sites vote

Les Palestiniens accusent Israël de « nettoyage ethnique » devant la CPI

How the Middle East Conflict Is Warping Judaism

Max Igan Assaulted and Beaten After Delivering Pro Palestinian Speech

Rabbi Arik Ascherman: What I Wish for the Settler Who Attacked Me With a Knife  In the moment my attacker nearly became my murderer, did he wonder why he was on a hilltop in the Occupied Territories, driven to violence because the Israeli army was protecting Palestinian farmers? 
Le rabbin Arik Ascherman attaqué au couteau par un colon sioniste parce qu’il aide les Palestiniens !

Temple Mount Extremists Making Inroads in Both Knesset and Israeli Government  Netanyahu is appalled at the possibility that Temple Mount activists will become part of the governing faction, but their agenda is already voiced by some ministers.
Jewish activists emboldened in struggle over volatile Temple Mount
How the Temple Mount Obsession Could Destroy Judaism

How the Rabin Assassination Exposed Two Israels  While one Israel lost a leader, the other spawned his killer.
How Yitzhak Rabin's Assassin Succeeded in Changing History
'Yigal Amir was willing to die in order to kill Rabin,' assassin's brother says

Un parlementaire anglais accusé d’antisémitisme pour avoir évoqué “l’argent juif” des Conservateurs

USA: une stagiaire de l'ambassade de France écartée après des propos antisémites

No takers as NY theater offers refunds for Waters Wiesenthal Center wants New Yorkers to give anti-Israel activist ‘the reception he deserves: an empty hall’, but nobody has asked for money back

FRANCE BANS BDS (because it is “anti-semitic”)
BDS calls for culinary boycott of Israel
Rowling appeases readers   British author tweets that she identified with the 'untold injustice and brutality' suffered by the Palestinian people.
J.K. Rowling: I understand appeal of BDS

Définition du révisionnisme 2.0 "Nier le lien du peuple juif avec la terre d’Israël"

VIDEO - L’islamophobe Philippe de Villiers fait pleurer une auditrice musulmane sur RMC
fdesouche: Philippe de Villiers : «La France va-t-elle devenir une République islamique ?» (MàJ)
"Philippe de Villiers se trompe quand il estime que la France va devenir une République islamique"
Les larmes d’une auditrice face à Philippe de Villiers: "Vous êtes un imposteur"
Pas besoin d'avoir une intuition fulgurante pour comprendre très vite qu'on peut pas faire confiance à ce type et que rien de bon ne peut venir de son camp droitiste! Car dès qu'ils disent une vérité c'est toujours pour nous passer une arnaque!

Bernie Sanders hugs Muslim student, vows to fight racism as Jew
Is a Progressive -Libertarian Movement Possible in the USA?

Ménard: "Je n'ai rien contre le kebab, mais ce n'est pas la France" (Bien sûr, Bob, moi non plus je n'ai rien contre le burger, le spaghetti, la pizza, mais ce n'est pas la France.)

This is Netanyahu’s horror: “An open unleashing of raw racism that has always been a part of Israeli society”
Netanyahu: “We Will Forever Live By The Sword”, Indefinitely Control All Palestinian Territory
Netanyahu: ‘We need to control all of the territory for the foreseeable future’
PM rebukes deputy FM for dreaming of Israeli flag on Temple Mount Netanyahu clarifies yet again that status quo at religious site remains; Hotovely says she was expressing private opinion.
Zealots and Fools Should Not Oversee Jerusalem Holy Sites  Only objective secularists can safeguard the holiness attributed to these sites, to preserve the holiness of humankind, and prevent bloodshed. 
The Innocent Settlers in Netanyahu’s Warped Mind  Actually, that group is the strongest, cruelest, most important, most determined and most dangerous power controlling the occupied territories. 

Esplanade : Netanyahu rappelle son gouvernement à l'ordre après des propos incendiaires
Netanyahu blasts Israeli media for downplaying journalist’s ‘incitement’ against him

Netanyahou envisage de retirer aux arabes de Jérusalem-Est le confortable statut de résident
The Danger of Revoking East Jerusalem Residency  Revocation of residency poses a dual threat not just to the residents of the East Jerusalem neighborhoods but to all citizens of the state.

The Real Blackout Throughout Israel Can't Be Blamed on Israel Electric  While parts of Israel suffered a two-day blackout, Gazans have been living with minimal electricity for years.

The disgrace of Jewish extremism C'est un juif qui parle évidemment. De notre point de vue non-juif c'est pas une disgrâce, c'est juste la conséquence logique de leurs croyances débiles, attardées, barbares, dépassées depuis des millénaires...

Women’s Liberation: Violence and Palestinian Women in the Third Intifada  Women make good terrorists: They don’t conform to Israel’s traditional security profiles, arouse less suspicion, and their actions can attract more international media attention. 

Netanyahu Marks Rabin Murder With Nightmare Prophecy Israel's Future Still, I have to force myself to remember that nothing is forever. Even Netanyahu.
Rivlin vows he’ll never free Rabin’s killer On 20th anniversary of assassination, president warns against ‘destructive potential of political violence’
Twenty years on, what would have happened had Rabin lived?

Over 300 British academics pledge boycott of Israel Days after J. K. Rowling and 150 authors call for dialogue with Jewish state, scholars publish ad decrying ‘illegal occupation’
UK : 343 universitaires s’engagent pour le boycott d’Israël
BDS movement to top chefs: Don't feed apartheid
Meet the ‘lifelong Zionists’ who called for an Israel boycott in the Washington Post
Anti-Israel Activism Criminalized in the Land of Charlie Hebdo and “Free Speech“

Israël: une ONG poursuit Facebook pour ne pas avoir bloqué des pages incitant à la violence contre les juifs
20,000 Israelis sue Facebook for ignoring Palestinian incitement

VIDEO - ‘We refuse to be enemies’: Israeli cafe offers 50% discount if Jews and Arabs dine together

Jews Demand Strict Campus Anti-Semitism Rules at California Forum

C'est l'islamisme et non les « colonies » en Judée-Samarie qui cause ces assassinats par Gilles William Goldnadel
Pour ces débiles sionistes, la Palestine est une cause islamiste avant tout.

J. K. Rowling tops list of UK artists opposing Israel boycott
Harry Potter’s author J.K. Rowling And Other Brits Write Open Letter Opposing Cultural Boycott Of Israel

Femmes palestiniennes empêchant les forces israéliennes d'entrer dans la Mosquée Al-Aqsa

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters rips Howard Stern after Israel comments

Les nouveaux incendiaires de la République

Manifestation anti-AFP de la Ligue de défense juive : un journaliste pris à partie
BuzzFeed journalist attacked by far-right Jewish extremists (terrorists) in Paris
Le journaliste David Perrotin de BuzzFeed pris à partie lors d’une manifestation de la LDJ
La LDJ violente un journaliste en plein Paris, mais le gouvernement ne bouge pas
Far-right French Jews Assault BuzzFeed Journalist  Armed with batons, dozens of violent Jewish activists who had gathered to protest the news agency’s Israel coverage, assaulted David Perrotin.

Israel’s “Blood Diamonds”: When a Diamond is Forever . . . on Your Conscience

Pro-Israel Harper faces drubbing as Canada heads toward vote
Pro-Israel Canadian PM defeated in elections
Actualité juive: "Le Hamas ou l'Amalek moderne" par le Rabbin Eliahou Zini

Netanyahu denies Palestinian claim that he agreed to settlement freeze

Des milliers d'Israéliens manifestent pour la paix avec les Palestiniens

Car Set Ablaze, Hebrew Graffiti Spray-painted in Suspected East Jerusalem Hate Crime  'Death to Arabs' sprayed next to burnt car in Tsur Baher; Police launch investigation.

Netanyahu Mulls Revoking Residency of Palestinians Beyond E. Jerusalem Separation Barrier  The prime minister raised the possibility at a recent security cabinet meeting; ministers note the 'dramatic political implications' of the measure.

"Why U.S. Jews Aren't Tearing Netanyahu Apart Over His Hitler-Mufti Bungle  The Israeli PM's remark was secular Zionism’s worst nightmare. Yet rather than confront it, Jewish groups are praying it disappears.
« Netanyahu et le Grand Mufti : fin de polémique » par Daniel Horowitz
Propos de Netanyahu sur la rencontre Hitler-Mufti : remettons les pendules à l’heure
L'apologie de Hitler par Netanyahu
Est ce bien l’ancien Mufti de Jérusalem, Hadj Amin al-Husseini qui a soufflé à Hitler l’idée de la solution finale ?
VIDEO - Moualek: La Dissidence et Netanyahu même combat la haine de l'arabo-musulman!
VIDEO - Moualek: Netanyahu nie les chambres à gaz
VIDEO - Moualek: J-M Le Pen valide mon livre "INSOUMISSION" et en fait la promotion!
Jean Marie Le Pen pense que mon ouvrage « INSOUMISSION » est un livre étonnant, très intéressant et nécessaire au débat démocratique!

Netanyahu’s Latest Ethnic Cleansing Scheme: Forcibly Displacing East Jerusalem Arab Residents

God’s Chosen People? — Guest Column by Stephen Lendman

Checkpoints stir Palestinian anger in East Jerusalem

VIDEO - Rabbin attaqué au couteau par un colon juif

The pornography of terror on Israeli media

Jerusalem mufti: Temple Mount never housed Jewish Temple
Il en reste vraiment aucune trace, mais les historiens sont quand même convaincus qu'il y a eu un Temple ou des temples juifs sur cette montagne, juste en se basant sur des écrits anciens... Or les écrits anciens sont parfois à lire dans un sens spirituel (ex: château du Graal).

57 Palestinians, Including 13 Children And A Pregnant Woman, Killed This Month
VIDEO - Caught on Camera: Israel’s extrajudicial killings

New Israeli execution of school girl in West Bank (Video) Nos médias parlent des exécutions, mais seulement quand elles sont le fait des "fous d'Allah" et autres "sales arabes".

Lieux saints de Jérusalem: l'Unesco condamne l'agression d'Israël

'We didn’t realize how much Rabin was hated'
Rabin's daughter: Israel did not learn from my father's murder
Bill Clinton to Speak at Rally in Tel Aviv Marking Yitzhak Rabin Assassination
20 Years After Rabin, Extremists Still Legitimize Violence in Israel  How would Rabin have dealt with the challenge of the extremism that still burns within Israeli society—the same extremism that struck him down?
The Rabin Assassination: When Judaism Failed  The religious and cultural failure that led to the Rabin assassination continues to threaten Israeli sovereignty and democracy today.
Rivlin vows he’ll never free Rabin’s killer On 20th anniversary of assassination, president warns against ‘destructive potential of political violence’

Israel’s descent into unmasked, right wing extremism: A new generation rises to fight occupation, settler-colonialism, apartheid

Boycott des produits israéliens : une décision de la Cour de cassation inquiétante pour la liberté d’expression

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters: ‘I Won’t Waste One Breath on A**hole Howard Stern’

MSNBC Opts To Apologize After Airing Map Of Disappearing Palestine

Israel ministers approve mandatory Arabic studies from first grade: "When the Jewish population will understand Arabic, the way the Arab public understands Hebrew, we will see better days"

ANIMATED GIF : War and Money

Marco Rubio’s big Jewish backer and 7 other things to know about him
Jewish billionaire investor throws support to GOP's Rubio

Neocon House Speaker Paul Ryan. Gutting Social Programs, More Spending for Wars

Israel legalizes 800 homes in W. Bank settlements, says homes aren’t new - Et Netanyahu, encore une fois, mange son slip ! Même Bibi est trop modéré au goût des extrémistes juifs

In Rabin Square, Few Lessons From the Murder of a General Turned Peacemaker
Rassemblement pour Rabin : son petit-fils est critiqué pour avoir parlé de politique Le fils de l’ancien Premier ministre et les organisateurs ont déclaré qu’un appel pour un État palestinien était hors-sujet dans cet événement non-politique
Rivlin: Israel won’t be sacrificed on altar of violence, fear In opening speech at Rabin rally, president warns against extremism, says that without hope and vision, ‘the people will be left desolate’; speakers appear behind bullet-proof glass screen

Truth? British MP says ‘Jewish money’ influenced politicians, calls Palestinian stabbings fabricated
Selon le député britannique Gerald Kaufman, au moins la moitié des attaques au couteau en Palestine sont des inventions de la propagande sioniste

Israelis Who Are Lost to Democracy  Israel is perpetrating horrors in the territories at a frequency and degree never seen before. Not that most Israelis seem to care.
Rightwing Israelis celebrate murder of a Jewish activist (and NYT won’t tell you so)

Over 1,300 Palestinians Shot In Last 11 Days
Israelis execute injured Palestinian — video and eyewitness

Un nourisson palestinien de 8 mois meurt par suffocation au gaz au sud de Bethléem
Israeli soldiers tell Palestinians: ‘We will gas you until you die’
"Nous sommes l’armée d’occupation et nous allons continuer à vous gazer..." (Vidéo)
Israeli forces to Aida camp: 'We will gas you until you all die'

Report: Israeli Drivers Refuse to Let Palestinians Board Bus to West Bank

IDF warns soldiers against CIA recruitment efforts (LOL!!!)

Attempt to boycott Roger Waters show falls flat

Le plan diabolique du « Grand Israël » s’ensable en Syrie, par Laurent Glauzy [Glauzy blâme encore les putains d'illuminati qui n'ont vraiment AUCUN lien prouvé avec cette histoire! L'art de s'autodiscréditer toutes les deux secondes.]

VIDEO - Mark Glenn on “The Debate”: Russia, Iran backing democratic principles in Syria

Reviving the ‘Liberal Media’ Myth Un mythe sans fondement depuis longtemps... Quand on voit combien d'animateurs radio, télé, internet, etc., sont des droitistes haineux...
Meet America’s Top 20 “Zionaires”: Billionaires Who Support Israel

Pro-Israel Hedge Fund Billionaire, Paul Singer, Buys Large Stake in Rubio Inc.
Rubio: The Likud choice for President
Marco Rubio’s support triples: New Hampshire poll

Neocons Launch 2016 Manifesto

John Hagee distributes $3.2 Million to 23 jewish charities

Israel’s Membership in “The Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Affairs” (UNOOSA): For the First Time since 1948, Egypt votes for Israel at UN

Israeli Diplomats Will Learn How to Defend Settlements, Jewish Right to Land

The Judaization of an East Jerusalem Neighborhood Gains Steam The NGO Ateret Cohanim is cooperating with the government to establish a whole Jewish quarter inside the Silwan neighborhood.

Don't Be Fooled by Netanyahu's Sleight of Hand on Settlements  Rejecting any claim that settlements play a part in the current violence, Netanyahu has adopted data showing he's built less than his predecessors. But don't believe the statistics.
Netanyahu Has 24 Hours Left to Apologize for the Incitement That Ended in Rabin’s Murder  It's true Netanyahu did not want a murder. But incitement doesn't follow the inciter's plan. It has ways to bring the hand to the knife, the finger to the trigger. 

Bennett furious after picture of justice minister with Hitler mustache surfaces

Call For Ban on Arms Sales to Israel

“It Will Become a Prison”: Palestinians of Hebron Required to “Register” in Preparation for Severe New Restrictions

Israel expands detention without trial to minors
Israel Torture and Imprison Palestinian Children. “A Severe Threat to the National Security of Israel”

Hotovely: Those who label settlement products are boycotting Israel

Israel’s encirclement of al-Aqsa ‘nearly complete’

World Jewry ever more uneasy with Israel, major study finds

Anti-Arab brainwashing by the US media


Véronique Genest dément les propos de l’AFP sur Twitter La comédienne française est également intervenue sur le parti pris pro-palestinien de la « Marche de la dignité et contre le racisme »

Le Parti "Nazislamiste" ridiculise le CRIF Dans sa vidéo, le CRIF dénonce un compte Twitter... parodique

VIDEO - Le F-M Cazeneuve et le drapeau français de 1848: les couleurs de l'alliance avec le dieu biblique

VIDEO - Thomas Guénolé, politologue, sur la mixité sociale : "La question identitaire est un piège à cons pour les pauvres"

Europe-Israel: BFM TV s'inspire du pur antisémitisme médiéval « le juif tueur d'enfant » à la sauce palestinienne! - Comment le KGB a inventé les Palestiniens
Jack Lang entend prouver qu’il n’y a jamais eu de peuple palestinien !

BHL : « La situation des Juifs de France aujourd’hui ce sont des morts en plein Paris »

Un célèbre journaliste américain dénonce la dérive «fasciste» de la France "Charlie"
#JeSuisUnAntiSémite ~~ VIVE LA FRANCE

La France est-elle antijuive?  Réponse de P-A Taguieff, dans son nouveau livre (2015)
Une France antijuive? regard sur la nouvelle configuration judéophobe (2015)
Comparez avec (2014) La France antijuive? La gauche antijuive? publié un an plus tôt.  On dirait presque que Taguieff a entendu parler de pascasher... ou bien c'est juste que la parodie de pascasher a bien visé. Car évidemment c'est pour se foutre de la gueule des juifs que pascasher titre ironiquement, "La France antijuive?" ou encore "Les médias antijuifs?" ou encore "Les médias juifs antijuifs?". C'est pour tourner en dérision leur discours extrémiste en montrant à quel point il est exagéré.   Aussi, pascasher se fout assez souvent de la gueule de Taguieff et de sa clique... (Il est peut-être pas juif mais c'est à toute fin pratique un intellectuel communautaire pour la communauté juive.)

VIDEO - Finkielkraut : "En Allemagne, les chrétiens sont l’objet de brimades et de persécutions!" Même ligne que les sionistes ultra et que la Dissidence ER! Finkie danse avec Taguieff...

VIDEO - La marche de la dignité ..... vous êtes sûr ? Confirmer les stéréotypes de la banlieue pro-palestine, c'est pas jouer le jeu des sionistes?

Ménard/CIA ou quand le Kebab devint politique !
Le kebab est né en Allemagne, Bob Ménard est né en Algérie...

Un franc-maçon est soupçonné de «manipulation» anti-islam : Valls le célèbre

It’s not just Putin that makes Zionists hate Russia

Israël : quand un conseiller de Netanyahu accusait Obama d'antisémitisme Le nouveau conseiller en communication du Premier ministre israélien cumule les déclarations à l'emporte-pièce. Obama, Kerry... Il n'épargne personne.
Quand le conseiller en communication de Nétanyahou accusait Obama d'antisémitisme
Le nouveau conseiller en communication de Netanyahu critiqué La nomination de Ran Baratz agace le chef de l’Etat ; le conseiller a aussi traité Obama d’ « antisémite »
US: Apology from PM’s media chief for calling Obama anti-Semite was ‘warranted’
Netanyahu’s new media czar called Obama ‘anti-Semitic’
President Rivlin Demands Answers From Netanyahu Over New Hasbara Chief's Comments  Newly appointed public diplomacy head Ran Baratz is in hot water over alleged 'anti-Rivlin' comments he made online.
Netanyahu Promises Kerry He'll 'Review' Tapped Spokesman's Appointment  Netanyahu has recently come under fire for considering Ran Baratz, who posted anti-Rivlin, anti-Obama posts on Facebook. 
Netanyahu Distances Himself From Tapped Spokesman's anti-Obama Remarks  Ran Baratz expresses regret for calling U.S. president an anti-Semite, among other remarks; White House calls apology 'warranted.'
Netanyahu's New Spokesman Accused Obama of anti-Semitism  Ran Baratz's harsh comments come to light days before Netanyahu is slated to meet with Obama for the first time in over a year. 
Likud Ministers Urge PM to Reconsider Spokesman Who Accused Obama of anti-Semitism  Ran Baratz's harsh comments come to light days before Netanyahu is slated to meet with Obama for the first time in over a year.

The Dehumanization Process Is Reaching Its Peak  The bleeding Palestinian body on the street is not the body of a person; it is, in the eyes of many Israelis, a carcass.
Where is the left's Bibi?
Dear World, Don't Take the Bait: The Israeli Right Wing Is Trolling You  Deporting cats? Mufti madness? Marking left-wingers? Has the right-wing in Israel finally gone insane? Not exactly.

Israel: A lesson in anti-democracy Op-ed: Justice minister Ayelet Shaked aims to label 'Israel haters' by making representatives of leftist NGOs wear badges during Knesset discussions. So what color will she choose for the leftist patch?

Attack on rabbi seen as sign of unchecked Jewish extremist violence

Rabin’s Killer Wasn’t a Jewish Extremist  Yigal Amir is a true son of the cultish, flattened and nationalist Judaism which has colonized traditional Jewish thought in Israel. He may die in prison – but savoring ‘his’ Judaism’s triumph.
Pourquoi le Parti travailliste ne s’est jamais remis après Rabin

Israël à l'UE: l'étiquetage des produits compliquerait encore la paix NON

Roger Waters and BDS: How ‘The Wall’ became anti-Israel

Humour: Les Protocoles des Sages de la Mecque. Des théoriciens du complot stupides ou islamophobes vont penser que c'est du sérieux.

How the Jewish Community Will Remember Stephen Harper

Renseignement allemand : "Les migrants vont augmenter la haine du Juif"
Jewish Press: Combatting the Haman of Today

The Jewish Billionaire Behind a New Christian Anti-Iran Group

MARK GLENN: November 4th is Iran’s 4th of July (must read)

Michelle Obama's Qatar trip marred by host's ties to anti-Semitic sheikh

‘Washington Post’ publishes Elliott Abrams’ diatribe against Palestinians without rejoinder

Trump sought backing from pro-Israel givers Adelson, Singer
Despite Cash Pile, Donald Trump Sought Support From Sheldon Adelson

AIPAC Pressured Democratic Think Tank to Host Netanyahu, Leaked Emails Reveal

Michelle Obama's Qatar trip marred by host's ties to anti-Semitic sheikh

Netanyahu’s craziness is calculated, to drive out Palestinians
Le froid s’intensifie entre Netanyahu et l’armée israélienne Un général de Tsahal dénonce une stratégie de provocation envers les Palestiniens

Are Palestinians Murderers From Birth or an Incited Herd? For Israel, They're Both  If there is no one to talk to, why is the Jerusalem municipality sending local Palestinian parents a letter about how to shield their children from ‘incitement’?

'Right' Man for the Job: Israeli Tea Party Type as National Explainer  Netanyahu's appointment of Ran Baratz shouldn't surprise anyone.

Avraham Burg, 'A Protestant Jew,' Presents an Alternative to Today's religious-Zionism  Burg tells his personal story, and through it the Israeli story. His father’s ‘Yekke’-style Judaism turns out to be a hidden treasure universal values.

Qaraqe’: “Imprisoned Children Subject To Systematic Violations, Cruel And Unusual Punishment”

Michael Oren takes on 'boycotting' author Oz for shunning Foreign Ministry events

La police israélienne menace des Palestiniens de les gazer « jusqu’à ce qu’ils meurent »

Israel Rejects Claim It Harvests Organs From Slain Palestinians as ‘Anti-Semitic’ Lie Il y a pourtant des preuves...
Palestine’s UN envoy: Israel harvesting slain Palestinians’ organs
AP : Israël prélève des organes des Palestiniens morts

En France on peut manifester contre tout, sauf contre Israël, par Glenn Greenwald

In rare move, state to indict former IDF soldiers in killing of Palestinian minor

President's wife put under guard  Due to possible incitement against President Rivlin on social media, a personal security detail has been assigned to his wife Nechama. (...)  Hagai Amir, brother of Yitzhak Rabin's assassin Yigal Amir, was arrested last week on suspicion of incitement against Rivlin. "Rivlin is a sycophantic politican," Amir said in a Facebook post.

A “Jewish Homeland” is One Thing: “Genocide” Is Another

Hotovely to Spanish FM: Labeling settlement goods ‘rewards terror’

La Knesset pourrait voter une loi, imposant l'étiquetage des produits des pays européens qui boycottent Israël.
Le boycott c'est bon juste quand ça fait leur affaire... juste quand c'est pour attaquer les "ennemis" d'Israël. Si c'est contre eux, alors c'est mal.

L’appel au boycott d’Israël officiellement interdit en France

AUDIO - Hubert Védrine : "Rien ne semble pouvoir arrêter l’évolution d’Israël vers l’extrême droite"

Why did Amnesty say one thing in English and another in Hebrew?

Munich mayor snubs Israel's request to cancel city-funded anti-Semitic BDS event

Un professeur israélien conspué dans une université du Minnesota

When Anti-Israel Activist Blasts Renoir, Media Sits Up and Takes Notice

VIDEO - Mort d’André Glucksmann, agent de l’Empire (département Anticommunisme)

The Demise of Incumbents: Resurgence of the Far Right and the Absence of the Consequential Left

‘Hell yeah’ Jeb Bush would kill baby Hitler

Netanyahu gave red line to Putin on Syria intervention

Michele Bachmann Claims There's Violence In Israel Because Jesus Is 'Coming Soon'

Rand Paul: "Hillary Clinton Is A Neocon, That's why I fear Her."
Rand Paul nous induit en erreur et c'est voulu, c'est lui le néocon plus néocon que les néocons! Les juifs ont peur d'Hillary, c'est pourquoi ils préféraient Obama et maintenant Biden à la tête des Démocrates!
Hillary Clinton Is No Friend of Israel

Politics, a sport for billionaires
Meet the Jewish Billionaires Shaping the 2016 Presidential Election
FORWARD 50 Most Powerful Jews: Sheldon Adelson
FORWARD 50 Most Powerful Jews: Haim Saban

Washington: Les retrouvailles entre Obama et Netanyahou s'annoncent tendues
Why Obama and Netanyahu Need to SCRAP  ‘Chickenshit’ vs. ‘anti-Semitic’: What Obama and Netanyahu need now is a truce based on a Sarcasm Curtailment, Reduction, and Abatement Pact.
Caution, Netanyahu Team: President Obama Knows Key Hebrew Negotiating Terms  Top aide says Obama used Israeli slang word 'freier' (sucker) to describe frustration at fraught ties with Netanyahu.
In Netanyahu-Obama powwow, what wasn’t said as important as what was
Israel to receive less US military aid than Netanyahu requested: White House Sources
Netanyahu learned his lesson  Analysis: The Israeli prime minister made such an effort to repair his image as an ingrate during his meeting with US President Obama that he didn't mention the nuclear agreement with Iran even once in front of the cameras.
Obama est devenu, à tort ou à raison, l’homme le plus détesté d’Israël, le président US le moins aimé de tout le pays. Certains vont même jusqu’à en faire un ennemi d’Israël en raison de sa propre filiation paternelle, ce qui est plutôt exagéré.
Nétanyahou embarrassé par les diatribes d'un collaborateur
Netanyahu, Obama et un conseiller offensant qui doit être renvoyé
Netanyahu, Obama and an offensive media adviser who must be dropped now
Biden says ‘no tolerance’ for comments from Israreli PM’s media czar pick
WATCH: Biden Condemns anti-Obama Remarks Made by Netanyahu's Tapped Spokesman  Vice president gets warm welcome at URJ conference, reiterates Obama administration’s commitment to Israeli security.
Report: Obama will not intervene to allow Pollard to travel to Israel

VIDEO - Senate Candidate Calls Congressman a "Whore for AIPAC" During Live TV Debate Elle est impressionnante. Comme elle dit, c'est tout simplement les faits, et les faits sont incontestables: ce sont les néocons amis d'Israël qui sont responsables de la guerre en Irak!
VIDEO - Meet Lee Whitnum—AIPAC's Worst Nightmare (2012)

Palestine : Vers une nouvelle Intifada ? Partie 1/2

Top minister: Labeling settlement products is veiled anti-Semitism Yuval Steinitz slams EU for not applying same standard to Chinese-controlled Tibet or Turkish-occupied Cyprus

Zoabi: Israel like Germany of 1930's - remaining silent as Palestinian homes burn
Likud politicians slam Zoabi for Israel-Nazi comparisons at Holocaust event
Zoabi ose encore comparer les juifs (d’Israël) aux nazis !

Israel attacks journalists to hide reality Palestinians face

Tous les Israéliens ne pleurent pas Yitzhak Rabin
'Rabin, the Last Day': An important film  In his complex and seemingly disorganized way, director Amos Gitai has crafted a memorial of the Israeli PM's murder and the incitement that preceded it, as well as a stinging indictment of today's politicians. From this perspective, 'Rabin, the Last Day' touches the raw nerves in Israeli society without resorting to clichés.

Jewish American activists unfurl banner in support of BDS at the Western Wall
Pro-Palestinian activists defy new ban on BDS across France anti-juif en Europe: suivez l'étoile'

Rabbinical Court Awards Custody to Suspected Abuser Because Mother Lives With a non-Jew  Rabbi rules in father’s favor because mother lives in U.S. and 'isn’t interested in the Jewish religion.'

Le soutien inconditionnel à Israël remis en cause par le nouveau gouvernement canadien En fait, le changement sera probablement juste au niveau du discours... Moins unilatéralement et fanatiquement pro-israel, plus équilibré mais seulement en apparence, seulement dans les discours! Plus rusé, pour mieux faire avaler la pilule...

Trump praises Israel’s separation barrier
Trump, Paul try to pry other candidates lips from Zio hiney

Mike Rivero interviews Dan McGowan Le responsable du panneau publicitaire "America First NOT ISRAEL".

Obama accused of treating Netanyahu worse than Khamenei
When Obama and Netanyahu ate from the tree of knowledge  Op-ed: There is nothing random or surprising in the decisions made by the US president since he took office. There are only interests. Like Frank Sinatra, he did it his way, even when the Israelis got in the way.
Netanyahu and Obama: Not all is forgotten  Analysis: Monday's White House meeting marks the beginning of the Israeli prime minister's probation period. The Americans will now follow him closely to ensure that he does not violate any of his renewed declarations-promises.
New hasbara chief proving diplomatic disaster for Bibi
Nasrallah 'proud' that Netanyahu and Obama discussed Hezbollah in White House meeting

Over half of US military assistance goes to Israel: US government report

King Bibi Rules, but He's Weaker Than You Think  Israelis may idolize Benjamin Netanyahu, but they worship at the church of the status quo.
10 Falsehoods That Netanyahu Told During His Appearance At CAP
PM on Facebook: I have no plans to uproot settlements

Netanyahu to EU: Shame on You for Decision to Label Settlement Goods  Prime minister says move hypocritical and will only harm Palestinians working in Israeli factories; Defense Minister Ya'alon, Justice Minister Shaked also slam the move.
PM: EU ‘should be ashamed of itself’ for settlement labeling
Lawmakers blast ‘anti-Semitic’ EU over settlement labeling
Etiquetage européen : Israël suspend une série de dialogues avec l’UE
Israel suspends meetings with EU over 'settlement' labeling
Israel suspends talks with EU amid settlement tagging scrap
European Commission Adopts Guidelines for Labeling Products From Israeli Settlements  EU Ambassador to Israel Lars Faaborg-Andersen was summoned to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem to be reprimanded over the decision.
Réactions après la décision de l’UE sur l’étiquetage des produits
Is EU discriminating against Israel by labeling settlement goods?
Israeli minister accuses EU of ‘anti-Semitism’
The EU Is Disengaging From the Settlements, Not From Israel  Rather than boycotting Israel, the EU’s new 'differentiation strategy' specifically separates out the democratic and internationally recognized Israel within the 1967 borders - with whom it seeks close ties - from the non-democratic and non-recognized settlements.
The secret weapon in the fight for the labeling of Israeli settlement goods

Three-quarters of British Jews believe settlements are 'major' obstacle to peace  New report issued by British pro-peace outfit Yachad finds 24% of British Jews would be willing to 'support some sanctions against Israel' if they thought it would push Israeli gov't towards peace with Palestinians.

Interdire le BDS en France: une fausse bonne idée? Même les juifs sont sceptiques face à l'interdiction de BDS en France...
Munich Mayor: No Anti-Israel or Pro-BDS Events in Municipal Space

The mood in Germany: Kristallnacht ‘nein,’ BDS ‘ja

Le maire de Londres rejette le boycott ‘gauchiste’ d’Israël
At Western Wall, London mayor affirms his Jewish ancestry

BBC could be perceived as ‘institutionally antisemitic’ says leading ‘academic’

Shin Bet: Feelings of Discrimination Driving Palestinian Youth Toward Terror

Un rabbin extrêmiste favorable au vol d’organes sur les morts palestiniens

Court upholds home demolitions for accused Palestinian terrorists

Likud MK Proposes That Israel Support Pollard for Life

Incoming Polish Defense Minister Praised Anti-Semitic ‘Protocols’
Polish ministerial nominee said there's some truth in Protocols of Elders of Zion
Le nouveau ministre polonais de la défense condamné pour ses propos sur la théorie d’un complot juif

Detroit Radio Show Booted by Pro-Israel Network for Blatant Antisemitic Broadcast

UK – Charity trustee accused jews of ‘monitoring Samsung mobile phones’


United Nations Slams Israel Over Child Prostitution Epidemic

Yariv Levin : Les Palestiniens sont une « récente invention »
Left-wing crowd boos Likud minister Levin as he tells peace camp: 'You have failed'


Singer who won’t return to Israel accused of caving to anti-Semitism

Netanyahu and Obama's blind date  The prime minister came out of his meeting with the American president this week glowing, and said it was one of their best ever; officials in the White House were a bit more even-tempered.
Ça va bien entre eux... seulement s'ils parlent pas de l'Iran!
'Obama treats Netanyahu with less respect than he gives to Iran's ayatollah,' Rubio says
We won't give up Temple Mount, Israeli rabbis tell Obama  Some 70 religious Zionist rabbis and educators issue a petition directed at the Israeli and American leaders, stating that the Jewish ownership of the holy site preceded the existence of Islam. Therefore, they say, the current visitation and prayer arrangements at the Temple Mount are 'only temporary.'

Dozens of rabbis demand death sentence for terrorists  Rabbis Dov Lior and Yitzchak Ginsburgh lead a petition calling on the government to 'take a firm hand against Israel's cruel enemies.'

'While Netanyahu freezes settlements, Bennett keeps quiet,' settlers say

Mouvement Chabad : « Tout Israël appartient aux Juifs ! Non à la solution à deux États ! » Et on veut nous faire croire que le sionisme a aucun rapport avec la religion juive?

Member of Israel’s Knesset Calls for the Internment of Palestinians in Concentration Camps

Israeli Media Is Buying What Netanyahu Is Selling  Power struggles among local media are nothing more than business disputes. There is no ideological clash here. At most, there's just disagreement over nuances.

Netanyahu Shows D.C. Liberals Why He’s the 'Armor-plated Bullshitter’  Instead of admitting his opposition to a Palestinian state, Netanyahu twisted the concept beyond recognition.

Were All Palestinians Killed in Hebron Recently Really a Threat to Soldiers?  There are two versions to the recent spate of killings at Hebron checkpoints: IDF says Palestinians attacked them with knives and were shot, while Palestinians question whether the people even had knives at all. Haaretz examines the evidence. 
Amnesty : Israël a un lourd passé d’actes de liquidations sommaires

Trudeau « inquiet » de l’étiquetage des produits des implantations
VIDEO - Aliza Bin-Noun (ambassadrice d'israel) : L'étiquetage est discriminatoire et anti-juif
EU's Labeling Policy Is Not anti-Semitism, but
 a Warning  The government is impervious to warnings from friendly countries, which feel that Israel is losing its place among them.
European rabbis: Product labeling is the face of new anti-Semitism  Conference of European Rabbis strongly condemns EU Commission's decision to label products from Jewish settlements, accusing the continent's leaders of adopting double standards towards Israel and its neighbors.

Israël : pathologie d’une société malade de sa violence et de son racisme

To Understand What 'To Neutralize' Means, Look at This Broken Palestinian Man  A young Palestinian participates in a tumultuous demonstration, Israeli undercover men knock him to the ground and shoot him point-blank. The result: Mohammed Ziada, 19, is partly paralyzed and wheelchair-bound.

Israeli Knesset Bill to Deny BDS Activists Visas Passes

Anti-Israel ads OK’d to run in Boston subways

How the Rabbinate creates bastard children  In a recent case, a divorced woman was denied right to remarry because she has a baby and is subject to halachic rule of nursing. After asking her intrusive questions, religious judges decide to include her son on a secret blacklist of 'mamzerim.'

«Elle est belle celle-là» : il risque jusqu’à six mois de prison pour une «quenelle» à Manuel Valls

VIDEO - Boycott interdit en France : ce scandale expliqué en 5 minutes.

Du bon usage du mot « terrorisme » et de quelques autres termes Des concepts à dimension variable


Selective Empathy: Terrorist Attacks Rock Paris, Public Response to Tragedy Is Typically Disproportionate
VIDEO - Reynouard croise les déclarations du président de la République après les attentats terroristes et la réalité des guerres françaises dans le monde. Alors, le terrorisme aveugle comme réplique à nos bombardements aveugles?
VIDEO - Attentats Paris état d'urgence : Qui tue qui?

“C’est nous qui avons déclaré la guerre !” par Pierre Conesa
Les civils touchés partout, le cercle vicieux.  Raqqah est une ville de plusieurs centaines de milliers d'habitants.  L'armée française a largué vingt bombes sur Raqqa, détruisant un poste de commandement et un camp d'entraînement, annonce le ministère de la Défense.  Ce bombardement intervient au moment où, à Paris, on évoquait un véritable «tournant» dans la coopération militaire avec les États-Unis contre Daech.
Syrian Journalist Afraa Dagher–Paris massacre aimed at worsening situation for Syrian refugees
VIDEO - Villepin : "Faire croire que nous sommes en guerre est un piège" L’ancien Premier ministre remet Valls à sa place
Guerre au terrorisme: "Vouloir éteindre un incendie avec un lance flamme"
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: ISIS massacres innocent Muslims and Christians yet refuses to attack Israel

Military Intervention Is the Problem, Not the Solution
‘US policy in Syria backfires in wake of Russian assault on Daesh’
Attentats de Paris : la grande récupération belliciste américaine
Inspecteur Colombo au Bataclan. A qui profite le crime? 
Bachar al-Assad analyse le projet de l’empire au Proche-Orient Le démantèlement des États est l’assurance de guerres permanentes.
Fox Host: “Carpet Bomb” Syria, Regardless Of “Dumb” Civilians In The Area
Les politiciens américains profitent des attentats à Paris pour attiser la xénophobie
US politicians seize on Paris attacks to promote xenophobia
IRAN MILITIA CHIEF:Writing Israel’s Name Instead of ISIL Decodes Dilemma of Paris Tragedy
WorldNetJewry columnist Burt Prelutsky: ‘Bomb Mecca Off The Face Of The Earth’

The Emergence of ISIS Terrorist Fundamentalism Traced Back to Bush-Blair Decision to Invade Iraq
Has Israel’s Air Force Joined Obama’s Air Campaign against Syria? Israeli Jets Strike Damascus Targets
Paris Terror Attacks: Blowback or False Flag? France Declares a State of Emergency
Le Canada bombarde l'État islamique en Irak Des avions de chasse canadiens ont mené des frappes aériennes contre le groupe État islamique (EI), dimanche, dans l'ouest de l'Irak, ont confirmé à La Presse les Forces armées canadiennes. Ce sont les premiers bombardements ordonnés par le Canada depuis les attentats de Paris et les sixièmes à avoir lieu ce mois-ci. On ignore toutefois dans quelle mesure ces frappes sont liées aux évènements tragiques de vendredi.
Judaic Psychotic Bill Kristol Calls For 50,000 US Troops To Fight ISIS
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Press TV’s The Debate–Vienna peace talks and the future of Bashar Al Assad
VIDEO - Bahar Kimyongür rappelle la complicité de l’Occident avec Daesh... et se fait qualifier de terroriste

French airstrikes on Syria hit stadium, museum, clinics
France retaliates to Paris terror attacks, hits ISIS command center, training camp in Syria

Une heure après que son parlement a voté, le Royaume-Uni bombarde la Syrie
Le parlement britannique approuve les bombardements de la Syrie comme la droite travailliste forme un bloc avec le gouvernementIs Britain Being “Prepared” For A World War?
VIDEO - Did the British just bomb the Syrian Army?

Au seuil de la catastrophe : Israël s’engage dans la guerre impérialiste contre la Syrie
Le gouvernement allemand accepte de participer à la guerre en Syrie
Allemagne: le parlement vote l’intervention militaire en Syrie
Sortir du «choc des civilisations» paru dans Le Devoir, écrit par la revue Relations, une revue des jésuites.
Are We in a Clash of Civilizations? by Ron Paul
FLASHBACK: America’s ‘World Revolution’: Neo-Trotskyist Foundations of U.S. Foreign Policy  by Kerry R Bolton

"By 1948 Shachtmanism as the Cold Warrior apologist for American foreign policy was taking shape.  Hence this not insignificant faction of Trotskyism." Comment by Patrick S. McNally:  Since his expulsion from the Fourth International in 1940, Shachtman no longer represented a faction of Trotskyism.

The Ideology of Humanitarian Imperialism

Russia sometimes breaches Israeli air space, top defense official reveals

De l’avion de ligne au chasseur bombardier, par Israël Adam Shamir 

Le Front al-Nosra soutient les attentats de Paris, malgré son opposition avec l’État islamique

More than 500 I.S.I.S. terrorists cared for at the Ziv Medical Centre in Israel
The man behind the curtain: Israeli colonel captured among ISIL terrorist forces in Iraq
Israel and ISIS: Needed, a Thorough Accounting
Lindsey Graham: Americans ‘better be’ ready to go to war with ISIS


Netanyahu continues high-level talks in Paris with Canada's Trudeau and Australia's Turnbull
Attentats de Paris : Netanyahu n’a pas pu se recueillir sur les lieux pour des raisons de sécurité

Western Elites Already Spinning Paris Narrative to Their Advantage
VIDEO - Dawson: Isis bites the hand that feeds in France
After Paris attacks, pressure builds for big military response to ISIS
The Paris Attacks, the War on Syria, and the West's Collaboration with Terrorism
Hollande veut prolonger l'état d'urgence de trois mois
Patrick Pelloux, urgentiste et ancien membre de la rédaction de Charlie Hebdo, était sur le pont vendredi soir, pour porter assistance aux victimes de la tuerie parisienne. Patrick Pelloux, urgentiste et ancien collaborateur de Charlie Hebdo, a raconté ce samedi sur France Info que les hôpitaux s’étaient mobilisés « pour sauver un maximum de victimes »des attentats de vendredi soir à Paris, un exercice auquel le Samu s’était préparé, par hasard, le matin même.
Deux jours après les attentats à Paris, la plupart des journaux iraniens sympathisent dimanche avec la France mais les titres conservateurs estiment que Paris paie le prix de sa politique en Syrie

2015, la France bat tous ses records historiques en matière de ventes d'armes, devenant le deuxième exportateur mondial devant la Russie pour cette année George Orwell disait : "La guerre n'a pas vocation à être gagnée, elle est destinée à être continuelle. Son objet est pas la victoire (...) mais de garder la structure même de la société intacte."

Russian ground troops arrive in Syria in unprecedented military action

VIDEO - Mark Glenn: US willing to fight Russia over global domination
US impose more sanctions on Russia over Syria

VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Israel first diplomatic mission in Abu Dhabi will become a nest of espionage
Israel to open diplomatic mission in Abu Dhabi

VIDEO - Mark Glenn: US Prepositioning Turkish troops for invasion of Syria?

In the Dark on the ‘Dark Side’ The “War on Terror” – now more than 14 years long – has trapped the U.S. and other nations in the “dark side” of human behavior, a dilemma that is both moral and practical because the continued use of brutal methods has only made the crisis worse, as Nicolas J S Davies explains.

Lutte contre Daech : La guerre nous rend plus vulnérables, selon de Villepin

VIDEO - Onfray : "L'Occident a 4 millions de morts sur la conscience !"
Pourquoi Onfray et Villepin ont raison sur l'engagement de la France contre l'EI

Christophe Oberlin: « L’armée française n’a rien à faire en Syrie »
Les trois « pièges » tendus par Daech à la France, selon Dominiqe de Villepin
DeVillepin: “Une politique militariste, occidentaliste et moraliste qui nous a mis au premier rang des cibles”
La riposte de Paris au choc des civilisations Par Michel Warschawski (revue de presse : Union Juive Française pour la Paix – 26/11/15)
Islamophobie au service de l'idéologie occidentale

Israel Supports ISIS

Netanyahu admits: Israel is operating in Syria Évidemment ils sont en guerre depuis des années

Israeli Defense Goombah Amos Gilad–‘Syria is dead, Israel must prepare’

VIDEO - Moualek: Michel Onfray soupçonné d'être un soutien à DAESH !
VIDEO - Former Mossad chief calls for Israeli-like death squads in the US and Europe.
VIDEO - Israel’s Connections To ISIS & Their Role In The Paris Attacks (COMPIL)
France and Israel launch a new war in Iraq and Syria
Kagan pushed regime change in Iraq, now says US must get over ‘trauma’ and ‘do Syria’
“The Terrorists-R-US”: Mainstream Media Propaganda Fuels and Fans the Flames of War
Watch Greenwald Blast CNN: Accuses Network of Warmongering in Heated On-air Exchange
U.S. Congresswoman introduces bill to stop illegal proxy-war on Assad; says CIA ops must stop

"La Turquie montre ses terribles facettes que l'Occident ne veut pas voir" (goasguen)
Rubio calls to ‘defend Turkey’ against Putin
Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope Of Western Cooperation
VIDEO - La Turquie a abattu ce mardi matin un avion Su-24 de l'armée russe, déclenchant un grave incident diplomatique avec Moscou.
Turkey Shooting Down Russian Fighter Jet Could be Spark that Ignites Messianic War À les entendre c'est tout le temps le début de la grande guerre de la Fin des Temps... Vous en faites pas c'est pas près de finir... On va en baver longtemps.
Glenn Beck predicts WWIII after downing of Russian jet
Wish Come True: US Candidates Who Called for Shooting Down Russian Fighters
Russia Suspends Military Cooperation With Turkey, Will Use Warships To “Destroy Any Threats To Russian Planes”

Plus de 500 jihadistes soignés au Ziv Medical Centre Aucunement subtil...

After Paris, Israel So Wants Its Terror to Be Equated With Europe's These are good days for Israelis. Paris is reeling, Brussels is in shut-down. The shoe is finally on the other foot. But Israelis should dampen their Schadenfreude. Europe will return to normal – but we won’t.
After Paris: Hypocrisy and Mendacity Writ Large

Marco Rubio: Shame About Terrorist Attacks In Paris, At Least It’s Good News For Me!

Découvrez le fanatique rabbin suivi par le co-responsable du Bataclan

Thomas Guénolé à RT : la suppression de ma chronique, c’est de la censure
Sa chronique annulée après son topo sur la tuerie du Bataclan...

Zekri: «Les musulmans de France s’attendent à des représailles»
VIDEO - Monsieur Islam ou monsieur Amalgame ? Gilles Kepel associe la Dieudosphère et Soral aux terroristes
VIDEO - ‘Mooooz-Lums’, meet broad brush
French mayor: “We Must Ban the Muslim Faith in France”
French mayor suspended after calling for Islam to be banned
Attentat à Paris : Appels aux meurtres sur Facebook
Des actes islamophobes suite aux attentats
Sur France Inter : « Ce qu’ils veulent c’est qu’à Paris et en France on tue des musulmans en représailles »
A Lille, échauffourées entre extrême-gauche et extrême-droite sur fond d'attentats parisiens
Trump says he might close certain US mosques
Coulter on Paris: 'Trump was elected president tonight'
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Trump is liar and not qualified to become president
Canadian Sikh man 'to sue news outlets' after he is wrongly labelled a terrorist after Paris attacks
Florida Muslim family terrified after home targeted with gunfire following Paris attacks

L'islamophobe Philippe de Villiers ouvre le bal sur Twitter: "Immense drame a Paris, voilà où nous a conduit le laxisme et la mosqueïsation de la France. — Philippe de Villiers (@PhdeVilliers) 13 novembre 2015"
Je remarque que la Dissidence n'en parle pas... Ils parlent pas de lui quand il propage l'islamophobie. Ils parlent de Philippe de Villiers seulement pour le mettre en valeur! Quand il travaille pour l'islamophobie, la Dissidence va éviter de le critiquer en évitant tout simplement d'en parler!
Riposte Laïque et imbécile : les musulmans ne sont pas que terroristes, ils sont aussi cannibales !
GOP’s anti-Arab bigotry seen as having little cost

Netanyahu a donné l'ordre aux agences israéliennes de renseignements de fournir à la France « toute l'assistance possible »
Netanyahu: Israel shares intel with France in terror fight
Netanyahu Says Israel Passed Intel to France About Paris Attacks
  At a situation assessment at the Foreign Ministry, the PM reveals that Israel had information relating to those involved in Friday's attacks on the French capital.
Netanyahu Orders Israeli Security, Intel Agencies to Assist France in Wake of Paris Attacks  Israel stands 'shoulder to shoulder' with France in battle against terrorism, PM says; Israel asks French authorities to beef up security around Israeli and Jewish centers in France, will beef up security at its embassy.
Attentats de Paris : Israël aurait fourni des informations sur les auteurs
VIDEO - Moualek: Netanyahu envoie ses forces de sécurité en France pour lutter
Israël presse l'Europe de voter des lois antiterroristes
Netanyahu responds to Paris terror: ‘An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us’ (must read)
VIDEO - PM Netanyahu’s Statement after the Terrorist Attacks in Paris
Netanyahu envoie ses forces de sécurité en France pour lutter contre la montée du terrorisme islamique.
Chutzpah : Sarkö rencontre Hollande et nous fait profiter de son expertise !

FLASHBACK: The Attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the “Kosher Grocery Store”: Israel’s Mossad “to the Rescue”?
Le quotidien officiel de l’Autorité palestinienne : Israël a mené les attaques de Paris Une opinion publiée dans Al-Hayat al-Jadida affirme que le Mossad a orchestré les massacres pour saboter le plan d’étiquetage de l’UE

La chef du Mouvement Free Gaza : Israël impliqué dans les attaques de Paris ?
Palestinian rights activist raises possibility Israel behind Paris attacks
Paris: On l'attendait, les islamo-gauchistes de Libération ont osé « C'est de la faute d'Israël »
Le parti NPA anti-israélien de Besancenot accuse l'état français et demande la levée de l'état d'urgence
La chef du Mouvement Free Gaza : Israël impliqué dans les attaques de Paris ? En janvier, Mary Hughes-Thompson, avait déjà insinué que le Mossad aurait pu commettre l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo
Bennett déclare la « guerre mondiale » et assimile Paris à la Cisjordanie Le ministre de l’Education estime que c’est le fait que les Palestiniens espère un Etat palestinien qui les poussent au terrorisme
One Month Before Charlie Hebdo, Netanyahu's Angry Rant To France on Islamic Terror: "Does anyone in Paris talk about this!?"

‘French now realizing they, and not just Jews, are targets’ Pour que la France rallie le camp d'Israel?
« Les Français réalisent que chacun est une cible, plus seulement les Juifs » Pour le consultant politique parisien David Khalfa, le débat culturel sur une sécurité accrue comme atteinte aux valeurs démocratiques a conduit à des cibles impuissantes
West’s war against terrorism is Israel’s war, Chuck Schumer says
Netanyahu : Israël n’est pas plus à blâmer pour la terreur que la France
French Jews call for ‘merciless war’ on jihadists
Ya’alon: France should have beefed up anti-terror laws
Netanyahu: Same terrorism driving attacks in Israel and Paris
Jewish French MP: Terror in Paris is the same terror as in Israel
Meyer Hahib : la terreur à Paris est la même terreur qu’en Israël Netanyahou et Habib: Même discours, mot à mot.
Rubio: Israel, Europe, US in same fight against terrorism
After Paris, Netanyahu demands world also condemn attacks against Israelis
Des étudiants israéliens à Paris : ‘Nous sommes préparés à cela’
French Jews Warned Friday Morning of ‘Impending Large Terrorist Attack’
The best way for Americans to defeat the Islamic state is to end support for Jewish nationalism
Solidarité juive: "je ne suis ni Paris ni la France!"

Sweden’s FM cites Palestinian despair in discussing cause of Paris attacks
Israel condemns ‘hostile’ Swedish comments linking Paris attacks to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Israel slams Sweden for invoking Palestinian plight while discussing Paris attacks
La Suède lie les attentats de Paris à Israël !!!La ministre suédoise accuse indirectement Israël des attentats de Paris
European Jewish group: Swedish FM ‘borderline racist’ for linking Palestinians’ frustration, Paris attacks
Sweden Is No Friend of Israel  Despite the mollifying declarations by its foreign minister, Sweden's government won't unconditionally condemn Palestinian terror attacks on Israeli civilians.
Swedish FM's Remarks on Paris Terror Spark Israeli Diplomatic Protest  Foreign Ministry chastised local Swedish envoy for minister Margot Wallstrom's remarks ostensibly linking terror to Israel-Palestinian conflict. 
La ministre des Affaires étrangères suédoise déclenche le courroux d’Israël

Bennett: It’s either Israel or ISIS in the West Bank
Bennett : "c'est soit Israël soit ISIS en Judée Samarie"Israel not worried by Islamic State, defense chief says
Un des rédacteurs en chef de Charlie Hebdo: « Vous, les Israéliens, vous cherchez à voir du terrorisme partout!?»
Triste ironie de l’histoire, le journaliste israélien s’était aussi rendu au siège de Charlie Hebdo pour s’entendre dire avec mépris par l’un des rédacteurs en chef: « Vous, les Israéliens, vous cherchez à voir du terrorisme partout! Cela n’arrivera pas chez nous! ». Ce rédacteur en chef a été tué en janvier 2015 lors de l’attaque terroriste contre le journal.

Un rabbin israélien : "Les attentats en Europe sont mérités" en raison de la Shoah
Rabbi Lior Analysis: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust
ALL ROADS LEAD TO AUSCHWITZ : In Aftermath of Paris Attacks, a Lesson from the Holocaust
Le Rabbin Dov Lior conseillait la lecture de Torat Hamelekh qui cautionne le meurtre de civils non-juifs dans un contexte de guerre selon la loi juive, il disait que le sperme des non-juifs donne naissance une progéniture cruelle et barbare, il autorisait les juifs à voler les récoltes et empoisonner les terres des Palestiniens, etc. 

Moualek: Attentats sur Paris et Charlie Hebdo, nous retrouvons les mêmes acteurs

Daech revendique les attaques de Paris selon l'organisation SITE de l'ultra-sioniste Rita Katz.  En français  En arabe
L’origine de la mise en ligne de cette cassette est douteuse : "Pour ce qui est du site Web en langue arabe « lié à Al Quaeda » qui aurait diffusé le fichier vidéo,, il n’est plus en service. Le nom de domaine a été enregistré auprès d’un régistraire aux États-Unis le 7 janvier 2003 au nom d’un certain Omar AbuOmar, qui a donné une adresse fictive au Danemark, et une adresse de courriel Hotmail. Le service d’hébergement du site,, semble lui aussi hors service. Le nom de domaine a été enregistré le 13 janvier 2002 auprès d’un régistraire aux États-Unis. L’adresse citée pour l’entreprise est au Caire (Égypte), l’adresse des services techniques est à Riyadh (Arabie Saoudite), certaines recherches DNS pointent vers des serveurs en Malaisie". C’est la société malaisiienne de "web servers" de Kuala Lumpur, Acme Commerce Sdn Bhd, créée en 1998, qui était responsable du site, qu’elle fermera aussitôt en déclarant ne pas en avoir vérifié le contenu. Le gouvernement malaisien mettra en fait une journée à faire fermer le site. Aux Etats-Unis, imparablement, la "découvreuse" de la vidéo juste après Al-Djezira sera bien entendu l’inévitable Rita Katz. A peine la vidéo reprise, le débat éclatait... au sein de l’armée américaine, certains se plaignant de ne pas avoir réussi à en bloquer la diffusion via l’organisme ad hoc. Qui avait favorisé la diffusion de cette vidéo et pourquoi voilà bien tout le problème... En tout cas, il y en a une qui avait saisi l’occasion au vol (à moins de la mettre elle-même dans le réseau !). Rita Katz, la première à mettre en ligne en 2007 la fameuse vidéo de Ben Laden et même à se la faire piquer par la Maison Blanche, qui tentera avec elle un dernier coup médiatique après la diffusion de 28 millions de DVD sur le djihad sanglant ("Obsession", via le Clarion Fond ; fondé par l’extrême droitiste Raphael Shore).Celle du Ben Laden à la barbe teinte et devenu par la grâce de son dieu, on le suppose... droitier.

Attentats : la revendication de Daesh a été « divulguée » par un groupe israélo-américain (SITE, géré par Rita Katz)

Le Figaro - Taguieff : «Le complotisme fournit des justifications au terrorisme»
Panamza calomnié et menacé sur le site du Figaro
Après les attentats du 13 novembre, le fléau du complotisme
Le Figaro est en plein délire anti-conspirationniste depuis hier
Alain Soral attaqué par le "magazine de Daech" ... qui défend Marc-Édouard Nabe

Débat aux USA: « Il est temps de rejeter le politiquement correct. La majorité pacifique des musulmans ne compte pas face aux 15% de radicaux qui veulent détruire l’Occident »
Il est permis de contester la rectitude politique si c'est pour aider la guerre des sionistes contre l'islam et les arabes. Pas besoin d'être sioniste, juste besoin de s'en prendre aux ennemis d'israel, les arabes, l'islam, les antijuifs etc.

Saban Retracts Call to Step Up Scrutiny of U.S. Muslims: 'I Misspoke'  Israeli-American media mogul says he regrets making religious distinction but stands by assertion that civil liberties should be suspended in face of security threats.
Trump hints at deep surveillance, special IDs for Muslims
Man calls all Muslims terrorists during VA meeting

Michel Collon : «Eh, Zemmour, je vis à Molenbeek ! Et toi ?»
Rioufol : « On va devoir s’habituer à vivre à l’israélienne »
The real refugee problem? Bigotry 

Quand Fourest pointe du doigt les Français musulmans d'origine «arabe»
Jeudi matin, à Nice, une équipe des forces de l'ordre réalise une perquisition administrative à 4h30 du matin, après avoir hésité sur la bonne porte à enfoncer. Finalement, l'opération se réalise... dans le mauvais appartement. Selon Nice matin, les policiers pénètrent violemment, blessant une fillette, victime d'éclats alors qu'elle se trouvait dans sa chambre.
US 'disappointed' with sentence of Israeli cop who beat American teenager

VIDEO - La ploutocratie américaine et le monopole du dollar sur le monde.

Donald Trump: I’d bring back waterboarding
Donald Trump Says He Saw ‘Cheering’ in ‘heavily-Arab’ New Jersey on 9/11′
Donald Trump veut placer les musulmans "sous surveillance" website lists the Israeli spies arrested on 911 as # 3 trending story
Raw Story corrects Trump, cites Israelis

Court: Haaretz Report on Group's Efforts to Judaize East Jerusalem Violated Gag Order  Judge dismisses Ateret Cohanim's request that Haaretz be harshly penalized, only fines newspaper $1,900 in legal fees.

Quand tu découvres qu'Israël est une théocratie #wtf

How Israel pressures BBC into changing headlines
‘Je Suis Netanyahu’: Again, BBC Caves To Israeli Pressure To Rewrite Headline

Another Palestinian burnt to death in Galilee

‘Provocation’: Israel outraged over Spain’s Netanyahu Arrest Warrant

Israeli cities remove Jennifer Lawrence from Hunger Games posters
Jennifer Lawrence's image axed from 'Hunger' ads in Israeli religious communities

Palestinian homes vandalized in suspected hate crime

L'armée israélienne ferme une radio palestinienne, la seconde en un mois

Obama aide: No plans to change Pollard’s parole terms US deputy national security adviser responds after freed spy’s lawyers challenge monitoring of his movements, computer use

Here's what Bill Gates, Carlos Slim Helu, Mark Cuban, Donald Trump, and Warren Buffett all have in common.   Of course, they’re all multi-billionaires. But there’s something lesser known about these five: They stand amongst an ever-growing number of people that have or are currently investing millions of dollars in the Israeli tech industry. More specifically, Israeli tech startups.

Israel has 115 nuclear weapons, says US think tank
Israel has 115 nuclear warheads, U.S. research institute saysAccording to a report issued by the Institute for Science and International Security, Israel has amassed between 400 to 915 Kg of fissile material since 1963.
How Israel's Dimona Nuclear Reactor Was Concealed From the U.S.  Documents revealed this week shed new light on the story of Israel's nuclear program, and the role of John Kerry's father in the saga.
Israel's atomic arsenal could fall victim to a new U.S. nuclear policy
Israel's nuclear ambiguity no longer serves a purpose  Israel’s policy of neither confirming nor denying possession of nuclear weapons emerged from the fear of automatic penalties that are enshrined in U.S. legislation. With the threat of such punishments gone, so is the need for ambiguity.

Time to “Defund” the International Criminal Court, Should the ICC be Disbanded?

Anti-Israel UN resolutions expected to pass
Israël se prépare au ‘bashing’ annuel à l’ONU Les résolutions pro-palestiniennes condamneront notamment la construction dans les implantations et blâmeront l’Etat juif pour toutes les violences
Has the Pro-Israel Lobby Hijacked the US Congress? Review of Kirk J. Beattie Book: Congress and the Shaping of the Middle East

Bennett: We should have killed more Arabs

Bennett: "Anyone who lifts a hand against Israel must die." My pictorial response

Israël demande la reconnaissance de l’annexion du Golan suite à la découverte de pétrole

Israel calls to dismantle Palestinian ‘refugee camps’

Israeli settlers burn (yet another) young Palestinian to death

Israel to revoke work permits of Palestinians who have family fighting against Israeli oppression

Strangling the Palestinian Economy

Former Israeli double agent shot dead near Putin's office Shabtai Kalmanovich, a former Israeli double agent who penetrated Golda Meir's government on behalf of the KGB, has been shot dead in Moscow. - Médias : Israël sera toujours coupable ; Souriez un peu ! (Le grand complot des médias antijuifs! LOL)

Anthropologists Vote Overwhelmingly in Favor of BDS
US anthropological group sends Israel boycott resolution to full membership
U.S. Anthropologists Massively Back Boycott of Israel  American Anthropological Association vote goes 1,040 for, 136 against; association’s 12,000 members worldwide will now be asked to approve or reject decision.
US academics vote for BDS   American Anthropological Association passes resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions in landslide vote.
US anthropological association moves closer to Israel boycott

WATCH: Roger Waters, U.S. Artists Call for Cultural Boycott of Israel  Video urges artists to sign petition declaring they won't cooperate with any Israeli institution, 'until occupation, colonization, and apartheid have ended.'

Is product labeling really an anti-Semitic move?
Europe's largest department store, the KaDeWe in Berlin, has removed Israeli products from the shelves following the EU's decision to label settlement products.
Israel to sue the EU over Settlement Product Labeling
UK – Labor Party boycotts security firm with business ties to Israel

EU insists it will play role in peace process, even as Israel suspends cooperation

EU ignores Netanyahu ban, vows to be part of peace process European diplomatic group says ending conflict is ‘of interest to the entire international community’.
VIDEO - Israel Suspends Communication With European Countries Involved In Palestinian Peace Process
Israël suspend toute coopération avec l'Union européenne en réponse à la décision anti-israélienne d'étiquetage
Netanyahu Suspends Diplomatic Ties with EU Pertaining to Peace Efforts with Palestine
In anger over settlement labeling, Israel suspends contact with EU on Mideast peace process issues
Netanyahu calls for friendly countries to change their voting pattern on Israel
Netanyahu Suspends Contact With EU Over Israel-Palestinian Peace Process  Israel's Foreign Ministry ordered to 'reassess' EU involvement with Palestinians after decision to label West Bank goods; 'decision is almost completely devoid of any real significance,' official says.
Netanyahu suspends EU peace role over settlement labeling Prime minister confirms dialogue with bloc on peace talks to be frozen pending ‘reassessment’
Étiquetage européen : Israël suspend le rôle de l’UE dans le processus de paix
‘Blessings of Israel’: Settlers find new ways to label products after E.U. decision

German Department Store Backtracks, Apologizes for Removing Settlement Goods From Shelves  Reversal of decision comes shortly after Netanyahu called on Germany to intervene in what he described as 'boycott.'

Un grand-magasin berlinois retire de ses rayons les produits israéliens
Netanyahu to Germany: Take action against department store that removed Israeli goods

Etats-Unis: empêchés d'embarquer car ils parlaient arabe

How Israel erases Arabic from the public landscape

Zionist Organization of America Chief: Don’t Accept Syrian Refugees 'Because They Hate Israel and Jews’ Annual gala of Zionist Organization of America, featuring Sheldon Adelson, breaks into wild applause over far-right views and the prospect of a Republican president.
Why Is AIPAC Silent on Syrian Refugees? Many American Jewish groups balance the Holocaust’s tribal and universal lessons. The most powerful one doesn’t even try.
Dallas Mayor Says He’s More Fearful Of Armed White Men Than Syrian Refugees
Netanyahu's 'The Arabs Are Coming’ - Not Incitement to Racism, Says AG Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein's office finds PM had no racist 'intention' with Election Day call to voters, also apologized afterward.

Le Canada reste le meilleur soutien d'Israel à l'ONU
Trudeau government opposes annual UN onslaught against Israel
New Canadian PM Trudeau Votes No on 6 Anti-Israel U.N. Resolutions
Amid terror wave, UN adopts six resolutions – all anti-Israel
L’ONU condamne Israël à travers 6 résolutions Les Nations unies ne font pas mention des attaques au couteau ainsi que des incitations à la haine perpétrées par les Palestiniens.

La Suède reconnait la Palestine, Israël rappelle son ambassadeur

Brussels terror expert has applauded Israel’s atrocities


Why Is a Mainstream Jewish Charity Funding Pamela Geller?

In Europe, the penny still hasn’t dropped Op-ed: Years of accusing Israel of treating Palestinians like Nazis treated Jews, years of total blindness towards Palestinians' rejection of any peace proposal, have led to intellectual disability among Europe's elites in general, and Germany's in particular.
Ils sont convaincus que la puissance de l'islamisme en Europe et dans le monde vient du fait que l'Europe est malade de son obsession anti-Israël. Et si c'était plutôt Israël qui s'arrangeait pour nous faire haïr les musulmans, pour nous pousser plus ou moins subtilement à prendre parti pour Israël contre les Palestiniens? - Pour quelle obscure raison Libé ignore les victimes israéliennes de l'islamisme ? Ces juifs extrémistes sont vraiment pris dans leur délire ! Croient-ils vraiment toutes ces conneries qu'ils écrivent?

‘Israeli blood is no cheaper than French blood,’ Danon tells UN Danny Danon addressed the UN General Assembly as it marked International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Here’s where the U.S. sent $35 billion in aid last year Graphique très révélateur
FLASHBACK: Over half of US military assistance goes to Israel: US government report

Russia to Become More Active in Education of Palestinian Youth

How would Orwell feel about today’s college campuses? As students ‘occupy’ Brandeis University this week, a look at how the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is playing out at universities in a new post-PC world order
Le complot du lavage de cerveau pro-palestinien dans les universités? LOL Et ce sont ces gens là qui voient du lavage de cerveau pro-palestinien partout qui exigent plus de contrôle de la pensée dans les milieux universitaires...

Israel-funded group slams US labor federation for backing Palestinian rights

La Knesset vote sur la proposition de loi pour emprisonner des terroristes mineurs Les députés ont approuvé une version préliminaire du texte abaissant l’âge de l’incarcération à 12 ans pour les infractions terroristes.
Est-ce qu’Israël doit emprisonner des enfants âgés de moins de 14 ans ?Après des attaques menées par des adolescents et pré-adolescents, Israël cherche à abaisser l’âge d’incarcération à 12 ans

Defense official slams 'messiah claimant' Bennett for criticizing army

The Israeli Declaration of Independence: The World Continues to Ignore its Provisions and those of the British Balfour Declaration
Christian Zionist group to address EU parliament on Israeli settlement labeling
Netanyahu Demands International Endorsement of Settlement Expansion
Kerry Tells Netanyahu: U.S. Will Not Recognize Settlement Blocs in Return for West Bank Gestures Meeting between prime minister and U.S. secretary of state ends in stalemate as U.S. says 'a big no' to Netanyahu's offer from two weeks ago.

Israeli forces continue to target human rights activists during the wave of house raids in Hebron
Prominent Israeli settler runs over 16-year-old girl, then shoots her dead
Netanyahu responsible for executions of children, rights group says

Palestine Solidarity Activists Disrupt Israeli Official’s Talk in Bay Area

VIDEO - Le sionisme, un sujet médiatique tabou et censuré ! (COMPIL)

Israel orders demolition in Jordan Valley village
Israel demolishes al-Araqib village for 91st time
Israeli Jewish-Only Cities to Evict Thousands of Palestinians
Israel to displace thousands of Palestinian Bedouins
Plan allows for the construction of five new Jewish-only communities, two of which are on lands of Bedouin villages.

 VIDEO - QUIZZ: Je suis quoi, qui suis-je?

France: Le ministère de l’Éducation veut déconstruire les théories du complot

Jimmy Carter: The U.S. is an ‘oligarchy with unlimited political bribery’

Bolivia chose ties with Iran despite US pressure: Morales

B.C. Canada Day terror plot trial judge says RCMP may have acted illegally Mounties may be guilty of knowingly facilitating a terrorist act, says judge

The Sun, petites pépées et islamophobie

Does Hillary Clinton Have a Haim Saban Problem?

Why Republicans' Fear of Terrorism Will Only Make Donald Trump Stronger Trump has persuaded voters shaken by events abroad that the greatest threats lie within the U.S. The idea that they will abandon Trump as they grow more afraid of terrorism makes no sense.

Trump almost got it right: Some people were arrested for celebrating 9/11 — but they were Israeli
Trump’s claim of 9/11 celebration in New Jersey is based on arrest of 5 ‘laughing’ Israelis
Israelis not Muslims were arrested in U.S. after 'celebrating' 9/11

Ex-Mossad Agent: Israel Uses ‘False Flag’ in Most Operations to Avoid Suspicion in Arab States

FLASHBACK: Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism by Michael Collins Piper

Canada's New PM supports Israel at UN - L'Europe et l'ONU collaborateur du nazislamisme Palestinien
United Nations Committee Calls for End to Israeli Occupation. US, Canada Voted against Resolution

Avigdor Liberman: Israel should resume targeted assassinations

Néguev : les villes exclusivement juives projettent de déplacer des milliers de Palestiniens

Israeli Journalists Slam Netanyahu over Closure of Arabic Media Outlets


BDS activists in Germany inspect stores to force labeling of Israeli products

Treating Pollard Cruelly? Look What We Do to Vanunu  Not only is the 'atomic-spy traitor' forbidden to talk to the media, he’s forbidden to talk to people who aren’t citizens of holy Israel.

Jewish Newspaper Exposed "Glenn Greenwalds Anti-Semitism" In 2013!

Les Juifs ne souffrent pas tant d’antisémitisme que d’antisionisme LOL - L'hostilité anti-israélienne systématique de Charles Enderlin

Israel Gobbling Up Africa? This Meme's Anti-Semitic
Knesset cancels 'no opinions' clause in Public Broadcast Law

L’armée israélienne et les écoles travaillent main dans la main, selon les enseignants

BBC Watch Conference Cites Systemic Anti-Semitism in Coverage of Israel

VIDEO - Jewish Dominionists: Chabad


Israel meets with Google and YouTube to discuss censoring Palestinian videos

Roseanne, Israeli writer butt heads on Twitter Comedian calls Rogel Alpher ‘privileged fat skinhead,’ after Haaretz columnist urges French Jews to stay in France.
Elle est ultra sioniste...

« L’antisémitisme est dû à l’implantation de l’islamisme dans notre pays » dixit Marine Le Pen

Robert Ménard « soumet » une charte islamophobe aux mosquées de Béziers
Robert Ménard propose une charte de bonne conduite aux imams biterrois

Is political correctness over Islam and 'refugees' putting lives in danger?

12 pigs’ heads dumped next to Dutch refugee centre site
Islamic center in Kentucky receives emailed death threat: ‘I’m going to kill everyone in there you Muslim f***s’

Sun's 'Muslim poll' faces growing criticism
Robert Ménard « soumet » une charte islamophobe aux mosquées de Béziers
Les actes anti-musulmans se multiplient aux États-Unis
Armed anti-Islamic redneck group publishes personal details of Muslims and ‘Muslim Sympathizers’
«Alerte anthrax» déclenchée à la grande mosquée de Bruxelles

Goldnadel : pour en finir avec l'islamo-gauchisme Toujours le complot des médias antijuifs alliés des islamo-gauchistes! MDR!

VIDEO - David Sheen: Hard to believe how bad Chabad hates non-Jews

VIDEO - Gars Lambda: Réponse à Ibrahim Nobel, Ali Ayin, etc : et si la dissidence était anti-nationaliste?

US Jews still haunted by Pollard affair Three decades have passed since the Israeli spy's conviction, and American Jewry is still finding it difficult to recover from the embarrassing affair. 'Voicing an opinion on the issue could help anti-Semitic bloggers seeking to question US Jews' motives,' says pro-Israel activist.

JSS News: Argentine: la fin de la présidence antisémite est arrivée !

British bishops call for revision of prayer calling for Jews to accept Jesus

Zionist extremist named head of British cyber security — Who needs Zio spies like Pollard?

Court: PM must provide details of conversations with Sheldon Adelson
Court Orders Netanyahu to Divulge Timing of Conversations With Adelson  Channel 10 petitions court in effort to prove links between prime minister and Israel Hayom, the Israeli newspaper owned by Sheldon Adelson.
The Real Connection Between Netanyahu and Adelson's Israel Hayom  I filed a Freedom of Information Law request on February 11, four months ago. Today the answer arrived. I nearly fell off my chair.
EXCLUSIVE: Adelson Encouraged Netanyahu to Streamline Israel's Gas Regulations  At height of 2014 Gaza war, casino tycoon sent message on behalf of the U.S.-Israel Business Initiative - of which Noble Energy is a member; PM denies 'promoting Adelson's interests in any way.' 
Netanyahu Pre-approves Headlines of Adelson-owned Israeli Newspaper, Economist Claims  Israel Hayom, owned by American casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, blasts Economist report claiming the prime minister approves headlines; PM's office also denies allegation. 

Accused of lying about campaign spending, scandal-plagued Likudnik facing criminal investigation

Zionist Union MK proposes unilateral ‘separation’ plan from Palestinians Omer Bar-Lev outlines steps to ‘keep Israel Jewish and democratic’; Likud’s Avi Dichter calls proposal unrealistic.

Israel confiscates ICRC tents from Palestinians in Jordan Valley

The Difference Between Identifying Jewish Terror Suspects and Putting Them on Trial  The gag order and terse hints in the media may create a mistaken impression that authorities are close to fully solving the cases involving Jews who have committed anti-Arab terrorist acts.

Israel's Terrible Identity Complex Will Lead to a Forced National Consciousness  The Israeli government's fear is that until the nationality law, or nationalism law, is passed, the public will walk blindly without knowing its nationality or where its identity is hiding.

Jew who burned Palestinian teen alive pleads… insanity
‘There is no justice here in Israel’: Two found guilty of murdering Mohammed Abu Khdeir, but ringleader verdict delayed

Jewish settlers threaten to burn family of female captive

IDF excitedly plans autonomous killing machines

How Can anti-Arab Israelis Complain About Ashkenazi Racism?  My Mizrahi brothers and sisters, only if you denounce the disdain against Arabs within your own community will you have the moral right to protest against racism.

US women's academic group votes to join international BDS movement
U.S. Women’s Studies Group Votes to Join BDS Movement  The association condemned injustice and violence against Palestinians and Israeli Arabs; decision sponsored by Feminist for Justice In/For Palestine.
American feminist association join BDS

Israel ‘apartheid’ wall in London

Jewish U. of Michigan student under fire for confronting pro-Palestinian demonstrators

Se référant au boycott, une universitaire juive refuse d’aider un enfant israélien L’ex universitaire de Cambridge, où elle ne travaille plus depuis un certain temps, selon Paul Holland responsable de la communication de l’université, a noté qu’elle était « membre de Jews for Justice for Palestinians (Juifs pour la Justice pour les Palestiniens). Je soutiens Boycott, Désinvestissement, et Sanctions ».  Elle a ajouté : « Vous pourriez être un enfant, mais si vous êtes assez âgée pour m’écrire, vous l’êtes aussi pour en apprendre davantage sur l’histoire d’Israël et sur la façon dont cela a eu des répercussions sur la vie des Palestiniens. Peut-être que votre famille a les mêmes points de vue que moi, mais j’en doute. »  Levine a renvoyé Shachar sur le site de Jews for Justice for Palestinians, et en particulier une page qui saluait le travail des « nouveaux historiens » israéliens qui « ont dans l’ensemble confirmé les conclusions des historiens arabes… et inversement ont réfuté les affirmations des traditionnels historiens ‘sionistes’, dont le travail a été démontré comme comportant un grand nombre de légendes nationalistes ». - Charles Enderlin se lâche encore contre Israël !
La clique des pro-Taguieff jugent que Charles Enderlin (ancien correspondant de France 2 à Jérusalem) est un antisémite...

IDF Censors Israeli Media Report Exposing Israeli Double Agent Yesterday, I broke a major story revealing for the first time that Boris Krasny, a wealthy Israeli business and political fixer, once was a KGB agent turned by the Mossad, who became an Israeli double agent.  He is credited with exposing another major spy in Israel, Marcus Klingberg, who’d worked for the KGB for nearly 30 years, while serving as a high-level scientific researcher in the field of biological warfare. 

VIDEO - Phil Giraldi on US release of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard
Joe Catron: Pollard release shows Tel Aviv’s impunity in US

Inside The Big-Moneyed Network Rallying Around Marco Rubio

Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Eight Teenagers In Jerusalem

The ‘only Democracy in the Middle East’ shoots Palestinian man for flying a flag in Gaza

Shaked to European Justice Ministers: Ignore EU labeling directive

Espagne/Mavi Marmara : mandats d’arrêt contre Netanyahou et six anciens ministres
Netanyahu faces possible arrest in Spain over Marmara affair

Israel gets to use violence. Palestinians don’t. That’s the rule

2 Israelis to be extradited to US in massive hacking case

South Africa issues arrest warrants against 4 Israeli commanders

Jeb Bush cites George W. as leading influence on Israel

NY Times Magazine Editor Ed Klein: Hillary Clinton Would Be A Dangerous President

Ted Cruz: Vote for Hillary is vote for nuclear Iran
Ted Cruz says he fears California shooting may be Islamic terrorism
USA : les candidats présidentiels républicains à la Coalition juive républicaine « Je déchirerai en mille morceaux cet accord nucléaire iranien catastrophique », a promis le sénateur Ted Cruz

Netanyahu sends condolences over death of ex-Clinton adviser (Jewish Sandy Berger)

"Israel Is Everything We Want The Middle East To Look Like In The Future!" Marco Rubio
Rubio takes on Trump in address to Republican Jews
'Israel might not want peace'   Rubio slams Trump comments: 'Some in our own party have actually questioned Israel's commitment to peace. They are dead wrong.'
Head of Republicans in Israel: Trump can’t be, won’t be president

Anti-Defamation League defends Trump against charges of ‘anti-Semitism’
Donald Trump Tells GOP Jews: I Don't Want Your Money
Trump to GOP Jews: You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money
Trump courts Republican Jews with offensive stereotypes
Donald Trump Stumbles in Pitch to Republican Jews
One yuuuuuge mistake: Donald Trump just delivered an anti-Semitic speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition
Trump’s Response to Jewish hecklers at rally– ‘You don’t  support me because I don’t want your money. You want a politician you can control’

Banning Muslims in US not unlike FDR's WWII policy
White House says Trump's Muslim comments disqualify him for president
Donald Trump veut interdire aux musulmans d'entrer aux Etats-Unis
Trump’s anti-Muslim Outrage Makes Him al-Baghdadi’s Useful Idiot  Netanyahu also incited against Arabs on Election Day but he stops at red lights while the GOP’s brash billionaire may have no brakes at all.
Trump demands ‘complete shutdown’ on Muslims entering US GOP presidential hopeful proposes immigration ban until lawmakers ‘can figure out what is going on’ with radical Islam; White House says it’s ‘totally contrary’ to US values
Donald Trump Calls for 'Total and Complete Shutdown' of Muslims Entering U.S.  'Trump running for President as a fascist demagogue,' O'Malley tweets, first in a wave of widespread condemnation of Trump's proposal; but Republican candidate unfazed by critics: 'I don't care,' he tells supporters at South Carolina rally.

VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Donald Trump’s comments echo evil US political system
VIDEO - Mark Glenn Interview with CII International Radio–Trump’s statements about Muslim immigration to the US
“Furor” in Israel as Trump to be hosted by Netanyahu after remarks on Muslims
Republican Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Threatens to Nuke ISIS Targets
Le tonitruant Donald Trump bientôt reçu par le très controversé Benyamin Netanyahou
Colère des Musulmans : Donald Trump envisage de se rendre sur le Mont du Temple

Why Is the Republican Jewish Coalition Silent on Trump’s Bigotry?  In all the condemnations — from politicians, both Democratic and Republican, and from Jewish organizations — denunciations from one organization were notably and shamefully missing.
Trump's anti-Muslim remarks scramble Republican appeals to Jewish-American voters
Trump proposal to ban Muslims from US relies on debunked poll from pro-Israel think tank
To meet or not to meet? Netanyahu’s Trump conundrum
PM rejects Trump’s comments on Muslims, but will still meet him
Trump claims Netanyahu agrees with him on Muslims
Borat: Trump is a Sacha Baron Cohen character Théorie: en disant tout haut et crument ce que les juifs sionistes pensent, il leur nuit plus qu'autre chose, et certains juifs rusés comme Sacha Baron Cohen ont flairé l'astuce. Comme quand Borat professait son antisémitisme, cela servait en fait à attirer l'attention sur l'antisémitisme des pays d'ex-union soviétique.
Trump Polling Lead Surges After Anti-Muslim Comments
Donald Trump’s Campaign against Muslims and the Rationale of Exclusion
Réhabiliter le populisme Par Bruno Bertez
Le populiste Trump va-t-il vraiment devenir Président tout puissant?
Populisme. Le Pen, Trump, Orban : ils jouent avec nos peurs
Friedman in the New York Times Goes After Donald Trump: Hey, Massive Bombing Was MY Idea!
Trump holds big lead in first poll after anti-Muslim comments
It’s a Pity Trump Isn’t Coming to Israel  The truth is that Netanyahu and Trump actually deserve each other. They’re made of the same psychological materials.
VIDEO - RyanDawson: The anti-mooslim rage is hypocritical

Trump in High Heels? Meet Miri Regev, the Big Mouth of the Israeli Right  In the utopian Jewish state of Israel’s firebrand culture minister, Arabs are welcome to stay, as long as they understand that ‘this is our country.’

Rabbi Fischer: Don’t Just Ban Muslim Immigration, Pay Muslims Who Are Already Here To Leave

GOP contenders highlight Obama as a wedge in Jewish support
GOP prostitutes ‘dance to the Jew’s tune’ in DC

Obama: Daech ne menace pas l'existence des USA

Les conséquences du remodelage des pays arabes : Boomerang et chaos aux architectes du Chaos

VIDEO - Nabe: Nabologie du terrorisme

VIDEO - Jean Bricmont sur les attentats de Paris, le terrorisme et la liberté d’expression

Rita Katz Deserved an Oscar Nomination

Bennett : annexer un bloc d’implantations majeur de Cisjordanie
Bennett: Annex major West Bank settlement bloc

Netanyahu: We could destroy Al-Aqsa, but we don’t want to
Netanyahu : Nous pourrions détruire Al-Aqsa si nous le voulions

Israel failed to try perpetrators of settler violence: UN

Des élus PS dénoncent le régime d’extrême droite de Netanyahu Ça se passe en Belgique !

Poll: Over a third of Americans back punitive measures against Israel over settlements
US: 1/3 want Israel sanctions   A survey conducted in the US has revealed that 37 percent of Americans support sanctions against Israel.

Israël: arrestations après un incendie ayant décimé une famille palestinienne
Shin Bet: Several Israelis Arrested for West Bank Arson Murders  Weeks-long gag order partially lifted: Suspects are 'young people suspected Jewish terrorist carrying out terrorist acts;' outgoing police chief Benzi Sau said this week that he was 'very optimistic' about progress. 
Israel arrests Jewish terror suspects in deadly firebombing Gag order lifted on investigation into attack on Dawabsha family that left three dead, but identities and number of people arrested remain muzzled
Jewish Terrorism: Despite Arrests, West Bank Arson Case Is Far From Solved  If the investigation fails, residents of the territories will see this as further proof that Israel does not value Palestinian lives, even when they're innocent terror victims.
Erdan : Il n’y a pas assez de preuve pour inculper les terroristes juifs
'Israel is anti-Semitic state'   Father of suspect arrested over Duma attack claims his son was nowhere near the scene of the crime, and compare Israel to Third Reich.
Bien sûr ça prend des nazis antisémites pour faire enfermer un juif ayant tué une famille au complet en mettant le feu à leur maison.

An anti-Israel agenda disguised as human rights Bin oui, les droits de l'homme, c'est un complot antijuif, tout à fait.  MDR

The Mossad accelerates its strategy against BDS

Plus de 1.200 soldats et policiers israéliens envahissent le camp de réfugiés Shuafat à Jérusalem

EU flags PMO sources deny Israeli 'blacklist' of countries who strongly pushed settlement labeling

VIDEO - (all. s-t fr.) C'est pas les musulmans qui ont généré tant de violence ces deux derniers siècles, c'est plutôt l'Occident impérialiste guerrier.

German MP: bombing Syria, too, is terrorism
Syrie : Fabius ne fait plus du départ de Bachar al-Assad un préalable
Fake “Just Wars”: Britain’s Parliament Vote to Bomb Syria
Israël s’engage dans la guerre impérialiste contre la Syrie

Yaalon : les USA cèdent le leadership au Moyen-Orient à la Russie et à l’Iran

Donald Trump Breaks With the GOP on Israel
Trump at the rightwing Jewish conference
Trump courtise les Juifs républicains avec des stéréotypes antisémites grossiers
Report: Trump draws jeers at Jewish Republican event, tells crowd he doesn't want their money
Donald Trump Tells Pro-Israel Crowd He Can’t Be Bought, Gets Booed
Trump–Adelson will mold Rubio into ‘perfect little puppet’

Jeb Bush says he’d order crackdown on BDS as president

La ministre suédoise Margot Wallstrom récidive : « Israël exécute des Palestiniens »
Swedish FM accuses Israel of ‘extrajudicial executions’ Margot Wallstrom calls Israel’s response to stabbing attacks ‘disproportionate’; Israeli envoy: She’d do better to condemn attackers
Sweden’s Foreign Minister slams Israel’s ‘extrajudicial executions’ of Palestinians
Israel slams Swedish FM’s ‘delusional’ extrajudicial executions claim
Swedish FM accuses Israel of 'extrajudicial executions' and ‘disproportionality'
Netanyahu Blasts Swedish Foreign Minister for ‘Outrageous Comments’ About ‘Extrajudicial Executions’ of Palestinians

Elliott Abrams wants John Kerry to STFU about Palestine
Netanyahu Responds to Kerry: Israel Will Not Be a Binational State  
Netanyahu Tells Saban Forum: Solution Is Not One State, but a Demilitarized Palestinian State Earlier, Netanyahu responded to Kerry's warnings that Israeli-Palestinian conflict is heading toward a one-state reality.
Lapid veut une séparation des Palestiniens et une normalisation avec le monde arabe

PM fingers Palestinian denial of Jewish state as root of conflict
Netanyahu : « Les implantations ne sont pas le cœur du conflit »

The Troubling Link Between the Hanukkah Miracle and Modern Israeli Policy-making  Israelis may feel the need to stand up for what they believe in regardless of the circumstances, but it may be wiser not to.
5 Signs That Bibi's Split With Generals Is Now a Crisis
Israel’s Cynical Approach Is Feeding Unrest. Netanyahu Wants to Censor Social Media
Netanyahu Pushing Region towards a “Religious War”. Banned Islamic Leader, Wider Assault on Palestinians Rights

Relative of Jewish terror suspect: He’s a gentle, caring soul Mother-in-law of central suspect in killing of Dawabsha family does not believe he was involved: ‘He is interested only in Torah’.
Si on dit "il ne s'intéresse qu'à la Torah": ça inspire la confiance alors on a envie de lui donner une seconde chance. Si on dit "il ne s'intéresse qu'au textes islamiques", la peur s'installe alors on serait même pas choqué qu'il soit envoyé à Guantanamo!
Israel says too early to try suspects over torching of Palestinian home

Right-wing Israeli groups 'raid' Al-Aqsa Mosque compound

VIDEO - David Sheen on Israel-Palestine: Is it dangerous for you as a journalist?

La famille royale britannique ‘ne visitera pas Israël jusqu’à la fin du conflit’
British royals ‘won’t visit Israel till conflict solved’ Boycott royal de la terre sainte d'Israël? shame shame!

Republican Candidates Pander To Jewish Forum
First Trump announces Israel trip, then Carson 

Britons launch campaign to ban Donald Trump from the UK over hate speech violations
David Cameron ‘may be directly descended from Moses’ Quel délire...

WATCH: Rubio to Obama, 'Show Me Evidence of Discrimination Against Muslims'  'The cynicism tonight to spend a significant amount of time talking about discrimination against Muslims. Where is there widespread evidence that we have a problem in America with discrimination against Muslims?' 

Should Israel's Mossad Accept Donations From Jewish Millionaires?  On the line with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman.

Netanyahu nomme Yossi Cohen à la tête du Mossad
Netanyahu names Yossi Cohen as next Mossad chief
Netanyahu security adviser named to head Mossad
Clean, Religious and Close to Netanyahu's Wife: Who Is Yossi Cohen, Israel's Next Mossad Chief  Sources say Cohen, a politically-savvy observant Jew, was the 'natural choice' for the job.

Jewish terrorism: The missing linkPM accuses Sweden of hypocrisy over Israeli response to terror
Netanyahu slams Swedish double standard toward Israel on terrorism

Palestinian lawmaker sentenced to 15 months in Israeli prison for incitement

YouTube becomes Israel’s new battleground against Palestinians

Spies infiltrated BDS campaign

Surprise, Surprise! San Bernardino shooter’s dad: He was ‘obsessed’ with Israel
CA attacker 'hated Israel'
JMSM Attack CAIR For Quickly Denouncing San Bernardino Shootings
San Bernardino shooters were radicalized 'for quite some time,' FBI says
"He said he shared the ideology of (ISIS leader Abu Bakr) al-Baghdadi to create an Islamic state, and he was fixated on Israel," the elder Farook told La Stampa newspaper.

Quelle horreur! 7 décembre 2015 | John R. MacArthur est éditeur de «Harper’s Magazine».
"Oui, je pense que les frappes aériennes contre le groupe EI (avec les inévitables victimes civiles) alimentent les terroristes ; oui, le choix de François Hollande de singer Barack Obama dans sa politique étrangère et d’insister sur la démission d’Assad comme préalable aux négociations a été contre-productif ; oui, je soupçonne la complicité des Saoudiens dans le financement du groupe EI ; oui, je pense qu’une nouvelle stratégie au Moyen-Orient doit commencer par l’éloignement de la France et de l’Amérique de l’Arabie saoudite et par la condamnation de ses subventions à la construction de madrasas et mosquées à travers le monde musulman. Selon Le Monde, ces « lieux […] prêchent une vulgate intolérante, soubassement idéologique des exactions pratiquées par les séides d’Al-Baghdadi ». Et oui, je pense qu’un état d’urgence prolongé est aussi dangereux pour la France démocratique qu’absurde dans le contexte d’une Europe libérale sans frontières."

Il met les choses au clair concernant la diabolisation de l’Islam par les médias En passant la citation de Richard Martineau "Tous les musulmans ne sont pas terroristes, mais tous les terroristes sont musulmans" vient en réalité du propagandiste anti-islam et idéologue néoconservateur juif Daniel Pipes, qui voit dans l'Islam le nouvel avatar de l'ancien complot communiste contre l'Occident. Nullement crédible.

Pardoned Jewish Kremlin critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky back on Russia’s wanted list

Australie : l'Occident doit proclamer sa "supériorité" sur la "culture islamique", dit l'ex-Premier ministre
Imperialism, the “War on Terror” and Anti-Muslim Hysteria

The Jewish State is Not in The Business of Promoting Terrorism. Israel’s “Humanitarian Support” of Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” in Syria

Rubio snags support of billionaire hedge fund manager

Forget BDS, Sheldon, These Are the Real Threats Facing Israel
If Sheldon Adelson and his friends think they’re about to save Israel from the boycott threat, they’re even more out of touch than we suspected.
Does Sheldon Adelson Really Want to Defeat BDS?  Or is he just using the fight to isolate progressive Zionists, and push the Jewish world further right?
Adelson’s Maccabees 'A Camp for All in the Mainstream pro-Israel Community' but Not J Street U  Funding starts with $20 million but 'the sky's the limit,' says anti-BDS campus group’s director, David Brog.

Carson claims new adviser is ex-Netanyahu chief of staff
New Mossad chief: Netanyahu's real foreign minister  Analysis: The prime minister's decision to appoint his national security advisor, Yossi Cohen, as the secret service's new director reflects his clear preference for secret relations with countries that have no official diplomatic ties with Israel and with foreign intelligence communities.

Former ICC prosecutor: High Court approval could save settlements from war crime label

Shaked: State will raze Jewish terrorists’ homes if attacks persist

Israël reconnaît avoir des réseaux d'espionnage en France pour fomenter des troubles

Top Israel advocate uses San Bernardino killings to attack Islam
Hatred of Israel was reported motive for CA attack, but US press politely ignores the story

VIDEO - Les musulmans de France sont-ils perquisitionnés à la demande du FN?

Fouilles et palpations dans une école maternelle, ou comment traumatiser et terrifier la population dès le plus jeune âge
Enraged woman attacks Muslims praying in California park: ‘Allah is Satan and you are all murderers’
En Occident, un discours antimusulman décomplexé et d'une violence inédite
Muslim Store Owner in Tears After He’s Beaten by Man on Mission to ‘Kill Muslims’

It's "THE JEEEWWWS!" Alex Jones Angry Rant Against "All These Mentally Ill Jew-Obsessed People."
39% of Adults who attended public school believe "Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars," Neocon Study Group Finds
Ça ressemble bcp au propos d'Alex Jones un peu plus haut...

VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Turkey acting as hired gun for US, Israel

Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp caught bribing Australian Crown Prosecutor for news stories

A Circuit of Lies and “False Media”: Crimes against Humanity Go Unreported, The West Continues to Perpetrate Genocide in Iraq

Netanyahu Most Popular World Leader Among Evangelical Christians in US

Netanyahu Allies Donated to Groups Pushing for Third Temple  Haaretz investigation reveals deputy defense minister and a key Netanyahu supporter in the U.S. donated to groups campaigning to impose Israeli sovereignty over Temple Mount.

Israeli Politicians Describe Incoming Mossad Chief as Netanyahu's Pet  This week's prime-time announcement by the PM of Yossi Cohen as the spy agency's new head was itself full of intrigue and suspense – and not a small dose of humiliation for the institution.

VIDEO - Jewish Dominionists: LEHAVA
Jewish Home MK: Fatal firebombing that killed Dawabshe family ‘not a terror attack’
Un suspect de l’incendie criminel de Duma assigné à résidence
The face of Jewish terrorism   Somewhere on the way, Rabbi Meir Kahane's grandson Meir Ettinger, has formed a radical and anti-Zionist ideology.
CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield: Should We Ban Jews Since They’ve Committed Terrorist Attacks?
Police Block Jewish Extremists From Temple Mount  Radical group called 'Returning to the Mount' planned to light Hanukkah candles at flashpoint site.
Israel court says book on killing non-Jews ‘not incitement’
Killing Non-Jews in Israel: “The New Normal”
San Bernardino et l'Etat d'Israël : Discours de Benjamin Netanyahu au Forum Saban

Israeli restrictions destroying Gaza’s furniture industry

Israel attacks West Bank college twice in one week

Israel Sees Rise in Indictments for Online Incitement, but Mostly Against Arabs  Various explanations offered by justice officials, including denial.

‘German spy who negotiated with Israel’s foes to head EU intel agency’

Des activistes du BDS poursuivis en France
La candidate du parti Les Républicains en Île-de-France s’est engagée à s’opposer à toute forme de boycott d’Israël
Pro-Israel academics launch network to fight battle against BDS on US campuses
IDF Soldiers Expand Their Combat Duties to US Campuses

Finkielkraut : « Le djihad est une obligation léguée par Mahomet à tous les musulmans »

Pour Laurent Wauquiez, un enfant doit manger du porc ou quitter l'école de la République

Are French Jews Falling for Le Pen's Siren Song?
A far-right, pro-Israel France? Expert says this is where all of Europe is heading
As French Jews vote for Le Pen, a case of the enemy of my enemy?  National Front’s tough stance on terrorism and the long memory of French Jews expelled from Arab lands make for a growing number of Jewish voters for a party once deemed taboo
VIDEO - Gars Lambda: 50 % d'abstention, ce n'est pas la moitié des français
Le Pen’s Surge in France: Giving ISIS the Victory It Was Hoping for  Marine Le Pen and the far-right in Europe may win the electoral battle, but the real winner is ISIS.
Marion Maréchal-Le Pen interprète les scores du FN comme "la fin du vieux monde politicien"
Le journaliste Roger Auque = Le père de Marion Maréchal-Le Pen franc-maçon et agent du Mossad !

Les "représentants" de la communauté juive contre le Front national Les organisations les plus en vue de la communauté juive continuent de combattre le racisme, mais c'est pour cacher le fait que les intellectuels juifs tels que Finkie, Goldnadel et Zemmour n'ont pas peur du néo-FN sioniste anti-islam. La même chose se produit aux USA, où les grandes organisations juives condamnent les propos de Trump qui s'en prend ouvertement aux musulmans, alors que dans les faits les juifs adhèrent à la thèse du choc des civilisations et favorisent la guerre mondiale contre l'Islam et le terrorisme. La haine contre Mohammed, comme lidée que Mohammed serait pédophile, vient des milieux juifs israéliens sionistes ultras. Les organisations juives s'arrangent pour garder les mains propres et nous laisser la responsabilité du mal qu'elles font, pour pas qu'on puisse leur reprocher la montée de l'islamophobie et de la haine anti-arabe. Or un ancien directeur de la CIA a clairement identifé la communauté juive américaine et Israël comme étant la source véritable du déferlement de haine anti-arabe et anti-islam aux USA.

FLASHBACK: The Iron Wall (We and the Arabs)  by Vladimir Jabotinsky The Jewish Herald November 26, 1937

Google: Removal of Search Results Not Related to Israeli Businessman Who Was a Russian Spy  Search engine hints that references to former double agent for KGB and Shin Bet disappeared due to libel suits.
Tel Aviv Court Convicts ‘Head of Israeli Mafia In New York’

The Criminalization of Parliamentary Democracy

Le procureur argentin demande la réouverture de la plainte de Nisman contre Kirchner Le nouveau gouvernement argentin a officiellement rompu l’accord qui permettait à l’Iran d’enquêter sur l’affaire de l’AMIA.

Nothing to fear but the fearful themselves

VIDEO - Mark Glenn: West voracious for Mideast resources

Why Trump and Cruz Are Closer to Israeli Hawks Than Marco Rubio  They share Netanyahu’s cultural pessimism about the Islamic World.
Which US presidential candidate is good for Israel?

VIDEO - The Elephant in the Room at the Last GOP Debate: Sheldon Adelson
Adelson top loser on Forbes list

Adelson calls Trump ‘charming,’ after discussing Israel with him
Donald Trump: Unstoppable Republican Aspirant? “Hillary is a “War Goddess”, Trump a “US Warlord”

Bernie Sanders compares Trump's 'racist ideology' to Holocaust

Did Sheldon Adelson secretly buy a major Las Vegas paper?
Sheldon Buys Vegas Paper
Report: Sheldon Adelson Is Mystery Buyer of Las Vegas Newspaper  The new owner of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, which was purchased in early December, went to unusual lengths to shield its identity.
Yes, Sheldon Adelson Bought The Las Vegas Review-Journal
Adelson son-in-law orchestrated family's purchase of Las Vegas Review-Journal

VIDEO - Thank God for ISIS… US Will Be in Middle East Forever
Israel Supports Islamic Terrorists

Top WH aide: Solving Israeli-Palestinian conflict won't defeat ISIS, but would help stem extremism

Israel, AIPAC bewail decision to put Iran nuke probe to bed Critics say report into past work toward nuclear bomb shows IAEA should keep probe open, delay implementation of deal with Tehran.

Republican presidential hopefuls make their pitch to GOP Jews
Democratic Jewish Group Downsizes as GOP Counterpart Gains Cash and Influence
Tonight's GOP Debate: Sheldon Adelson's Malignant Tentacles
Republican War Games and the Isolationist-interventionist Split  GOP debate features lively disputes on national security, solid performances by Rubio, Cruz, Bush and Christie but Trump triumphant nonetheless.

Marco Rubio is trying to win the ‘Sheldon Adelson primary’
Watchdog Groups Ask Justice Department to Investigate Pro-Rubio Nonprofit
Marco Rubio Is Winning the Neocon Primary

If a Trump Presidency Scares You, a Cruz Presidency Should Terrify You

It’s Time to Worry About Donald Trump
Donald Trump's problem? He just doesn't go far enough  The biggest impact he has had is making other Republican candidates appear normal
Trump: ‘Inappropriate’ of Netanyahu to slam plan on US ban of Muslims
Trump says he canceled trip so as not to pressure Netanyahu
Netanyahu tells 'Post' he did not not ask Trump to cancel Israel visit
Before Donald Trump's anti-Muslim Rhetoric, There Was Ann Coulter  Coulter's massive success — fueled by massive media exposure — has shown other conservatives that bigotry sells.
Muslims entering US, Surveillance of Mosques: Donald Trump’s Religion Test for Immigrants Is Standard Practice in Israel
Trump Confronted On Dancing JEWISH ISRAELIS, Not Muslims
For GOP, Tough Sell to jews Just Got Tougher
Israel’s Bipolar Week: Doctor Rivlin and Mister Trump  By tactfully rebuffing Trump and his anti-Muslim statements, Netanyahu served the interests of GOP candidates like Rubio and Cruz.
Trump's Jewish Doctor Has Out-Trumped Him
Three strategies for Adelson in dealing with the Trump conundrum
Is Trump really a fascist, or just an ugly capitalist?
What would Prophet Mohammad do to Trump?
At debate, rivals pile on Trump over Muslim comments Republican frontrunner suggests ‘shutting down parts of Internet’ to stop jihadists; Bush: Trump would be ‘a chaos president’
Un conspirationniste nommé Donald Trump
Pourquoi mène‑t‑on une campagne de haine contre les musulmans?
The Culture of Racism and the Donald Trump Phenomenon
In face of criticism, Trump surges to his biggest lead over the GOP field
The Nazi Next Time After Trump, the deluge?
Why I Prefer Trump's anti-Islamic Rhetoric to Obama's Idiotic 'Yes We Can'  Why are Israelis attacking Donald Trump? After all, his vision of barring Muslims has been implemented for years here.

Wayne Madsen: Israelis celebrated 9/11 attacks, not Muslims

US officials: Netanyahu ‘myopic, untrustworthy, disrespectful of Obama

How The NY Times misrepresents Christian Zionist pastor John Hagee Pauvre petit John Hagee détesté par les "liberals" pour ses idées haineuses...

In rare move, Shin Bet lashes out at Jewish terror groups
'Anti-Zionist Jewish terrorists want regime change in Israel,' Shin Bet charges
C'est pas les antisionistes que vous croyez: ce sont des kahanistes qui trouvent que l'État juif actuel est antisémite!
Shin Bet slams 'slander'   Security service releases rare statement about investigation into Jewish terrorism, the details of which are still under gag order.
Shin Bet responds to attempts at 'slander'  The Shin Bet published a highly unusual statement on Thursday evening with regard to the ongoing investigation into Jewish terrorism, the details of which are still under gag order. The Jewish arrestees are defined as members of an 'anti-Zionist organization' that is working to violently overthrow the government.

Claims Shin Bet tortured Jewish terror suspects must be investigated, cabinet member says
At Least Four Detained Jewish Terror Suspects Have Dual Citizenship
The Difference Between Identifying Jewish Terror Suspects and Putting Them on Trial  The gag order and terse hints in the media may create a mistaken impression that authorities are close to fully solving the cases involving Jews who have committed anti-Arab terrorist acts.

Three Jewish suspects in Duma arson attack to be kept from meeting lawyers
Court denies legal counsel for Jewish suspects in case under gag order
Father of Jewish suspect in Duma killings blasts ‘fuhrer’ Rivlin, ‘Arab’ Obama
Ya’alon: Not enough evidence to try Duma firebombing suspects - Defense minister says those responsible for ‘Jewish terrorism’ will be brought to justice but state still lacking evidence
Yaalon : pas encore assez de preuves dans l’incendie criminel de Duma Le ministre israélien de la Défense a certifié que les coupables finiraient par être jugés.
Father of Suspect in West Bank Arson Killings Calls President Rivlin 'Führer'  Son is detained for the killing of three members of the Dawabsheh family in Duma; three suspects are being denied access to attorneys.

'Dawabsheh family not entitled to compensation'
Dawabsheh family set on fire and murdered by Judaic terrorists ‘not entitled’ to compensation

Op-Ed: Why ‘good for the Jews’ is bad for the Jews

Obama at Haaretz Conference: Israel Must Bring Those Who Attack Palestinians to Justice U.S. president tells HaaretzQ: with NIF conference that bonds between U.S. and Israel, commitment to Israel's security, are unbreakable.

Netanyahu Calls Palestinian Self-Defense “Terrorism”. Palestinians are Categorized as “Islamic Terrorists”

Lieberman launches campaign to remove Zoabi from Knesset 'Together, we will kick out terror supporters from the Knesset,' says Yisrael Beytenu leader who is promoting a bill to prevent Supreme Court from overturning decisions to ban candidates from running for parliament.

Israeli Fighter Jets Bomb Besieged Gaza Strip

Palestinian family buries second child in 6 weeks
Israeli forces kill Palestinian youth, 24, six weeks after killing his sister, 17

Palestinian indicted for inciting video Mais quand c'est des incitations israéliennes anti-palestiniennes, la preuve semble tout d'un coup très difficile à établir, ce qui fait que comparativement très peu d'Israéliens subissent les mêmes peines, aussi dures que celles subies par les Palestiniens.

Un réserviste de Tsahal brièvement détenu au Royaume-Uni pour « crimes de guerre »

A l’ombre du meurtre de Rabin, les anti-Rivlin testent les limites de la liberté d’expression
In shadow of Rabin murder, anti-Rivlin remarks test limits of free speech A public TV channel is under fire for saying the president ‘spat in the faces of IDF soldiers,’ but critics face criticism themselves for appearing to place the president above reproach.
Hateful post calls Rivlin 'Fuhrer'

What Really Scares Me (And It’s Not Im Tirtzu)  The campaign against human rights activists? That is nowhere as frightening as the occupation, of indifference to injustice, sanctimoniousness and passing shock.
Im Tirtzu and the Proto-fascist Plot to Destroy Israeli Democracy  The group's video portraying human rights activists as terrorist-supporting traitors is a symptom of a rapidly spreading, potentially terminal disease.
Im Tirtzu's Pernicious Video Equates Human Rights With Treason  Only a distinctly anti-democratic organization would consider the efforts of these four left-wing NGOs cause for incitement.

Right-wingers Flag Up a Bigger Problem in Israel  Even when we are appalled by the antics of some right-wing groups, their actions aren't always as absurd as they may initially appear.
The discourse of hatred: A victory for marginal groups This is a warning call: Something bad is happening to us. The margins are taking over the public discourse, turning it into a discourse of hatred.
Ils ont un tas de petits Zemmours très bruyants dans l'arène politique en Israel...

CNN Anchor Calls Out Jews as Terrorists
Francis Ford Coppola : « Les Juifs ont aussi été des terroristes »
Francis Ford Coppola–Jews were terrorists before Israel’s founding
Francis F. Coppola: les Juifs étaient des terroristes avant la création d'Israël
Coppola: Jews were terrorists before Israel's founding  In an interview with Variety magazine at the 15th International Film Festival, the veteran filmmaker says: 'We were terrorists in the United States.'

Israeli spy says parole terms violate his ‘religious beliefs’

No, BBC, Jerusalem is not “Israel’s capital” Malgré ça la BBC est constamment accusée d'antisémitisme par les groupes juifs...

UN-sponsored conference accuses Israel of 'ethnic cleansing' in Jerusalem  UN secretary general says wave of terror 'is bred from nearly five decades of Israeli occupation,' while a press release about the conference says Israel is working to push Palestinians out of Jerusalem.
“UN quietly admires Israel, but publicly bashes it”, Israeli ambassador to the UN

L'ONU critique Israël pour un usage "excessif de la force" contre les terroristes
C'est comme ça qu'Israel s'arrange pour qu'il soit interdit d'appuyer ses ennemis: ses ennemis ne sont que des "terroristes" et rien de plus.

Netanyahu, Herzog spar in Knesset over 'Breaking the Silence' and Rivlin
PM, opposition chief spar over Breaking the Silence, anti-Rivlin comments
Bennett fait interdire l'ONG «Breaking the silence» au sein des écoles israéliennes
Education Minister Bennett Bars Breaking the Silence From Schools  Organization, which exposes army misconduct in the territories, spreads 'lies and incitement' against the IDF, Bennett says; Breaking the Silence: Bennett's message is that veterans are only good for cannon fodder.
Bennett bans left wing veterans group from speaking in schools Barring Breaking the Silence, Education Minister says ‘those who harm IDF soldiers do not have a place in education system’
Ya’alon bans Breaking the Silence NGO from engaging soldiers Defense minister says IDF-bashing army veterans group has ‘malicious motives,’ decries ‘hypocrisy and deceitful propaganda’
Right-wing NGO 'Outs' Four Left-wing Activists for 'Protecting Terrorists' in Video Clip  Rightist organization calls Israeli human rights groups’ leaders 'foreign plants who are fighting us.' Meretz MK Rozin demands attorney general to investigate 'blatant incitement.'
VIDEO: Extremists Incite Witch Hunt Against Israeli Human Rights Advocates
Les responsables israéliens dénoncent 2 journalistes locaux qui soutiennent le boycott

Israel to US body: Shun BDS Israel's university leaders urge American Anthropological Association to reject decision supporting boycott of Israeli academic institutes.
AUSTRALIA – Uniting Church faces backlash on anti-Israel boycott
Adam Sandler rips Waters, BDS on Howard Stern Show
Sandler rips Waters, BDS in f*ck-filled Israel defense On Howard Stern’s radio show, actor protests that ‘All these f***ing nice Israeli people are getting a ‘f*** you’ from Roger Waters.
Listen to Adam Sandler’s expletive-filled tirade against Roger Waters, BDS

Israeli university heads protest US anthropologists’ boycott measure

Hooray for the Snitches of Breaking the Silence  The Israeli soldiers who expose the crimes of the occupation are much braver than the cowards who shoot to death Palestinian girls wielding scissors.
Ex-IDF general takes out ad to support Breaking the Silence

Defining Anti-Zionism as Anti-Semitism “The EU’s actions make sense only as an example of anti-Jewish hate”.
Selon eux l'UE est le plus gros antisémite de la planète parce qu'ils aident le boycott anti-israel en imposant l'étiquetage des produits des territoires occupés... Les USA ont peur de l'UE, qui est pour eux bien anti-israel, et veulent l'asservir. Et nous on est censé crore que l'UE est le mal absolu... À qui ça profite de diaboliser au max l'UE sous sa forme actuelle?

Loving to hate: Social media incitement on the rise  From hatred of Arabs to cursing LGBTs and despising leftists, a new investigation shows a worrying increase in incitement and racism on social media – and in calls for severe physical violence.

Integrating Israel Arabs Is a Worthy Cause for Israel  Much still needs to be done to advance the conditions of Israel’s Arab citizens, but most in need are the Arab residents of East Jerusalem.

Jewish Identity Administration Presents: TV Broadcasts With 'Jewish Values'  Almost half the funding for Shas-backed programs to come from state coffers.

VIDEO - La France est un pays profondément raciste. Nous avons, nous les blancs, 400 ans d'esclavage, 350 ans de colonisation; ça ne s'efface pas comme ça.

FBI on San Bernardino massacre: Alleged shooters did NOT post support for jihad on social media
Courriels de menaces : Los Angeles ferme ses écoles, mais pas New York  Le Los Angeles Times a publié sur son site l'analyse du courriel du représentant démocrate Brad Sherman, qui dit douter de la crédibilité de la menace contre les écoles. Il affirme que le texte du message ne ressemble pas au style habituel des djihadistes. Brad Sherman était le président de la sous-commission sur le terrorisme de la Chambre des représentants.  M. Sherman précise que le message ne fait référence ni à Allah, ni au Coran, ni au prophète Mahomet.  Le message montre selon lui une meilleure connaissance des armes d'assaut que de l'islam. « N'importe qui au Nebraska aurait pu écrire ce message », a-t-il dit. M. Sherman poursuit son analyse en indiquant que le message contient un terme pornographique, ce que « les musulmans pratiquants et les extrémistes ne font jamais », a-t-il précisé.  Il a indiqué que l'auteur du courriel a déclaré avoir été victime d'intimidation.  Selon lui, le message manque de crédibilité. Il a dit ignorer si le message avait été envoyé par un djihadiste, une personne qui a une intention anti-islamique ou juste un farceur.

Meyer Habib dénonce la « gangrène islamique »
Meyer Habib (groupe UDI), ancien gros bras des milices sionistes devenu député des Français de l'Étranger (Israël pour l'essentiel), milite contre la campagne de boycott des produits israéliens. Français depuis 1982, Valls le rejoint dans son combat éternel.

Philippe Val : "Je suis néoconservateur" "Et j’ai défendu l’existence de l’État d’Israël"
AUDIO - Comment le sectaire Val est devenu millionnaire avec ses "caricatures de Mahomet"... et autres pourritures.

Les soldats camouflés d'Israël Les "mista'arvim" soldats d'Israël infiltrés dans le monde arabe

Kerry–‘US not after regime change in Syria, but Assad must go’

Neocons Object to Syrian Democracy

A GOP Split on Neocon Orthodoxy

1/3 of Republicans want to bomb Aladdin’s home Poll shows only 13% of GOP affiliated voters oppose attacking fictional city of Agrabah, over half say Muslims should be banned from entering US
Poll: 30 percent of GOP voters support bombing any Arab sounding nation

Putin my fan? It’s mutual, says Trump GOP presidential hopeful says Russian president is ‘running his country and at least he’s a leader, unlike what we have in this country’

Obama Accuses Trump of Exploiting Working-Class Fears
Rethinking Donald Trump
Trump, Marion, Zemmour, BHL et les autres : Haro sur les Musulmans des temps morts
Jewish Neo-Con Bill Kristol: ‘We’ll Have to Start’ New Party If Trump Wins Nomination

Sheldon Adelson Upbeat on 'Very Charming' Donald Trump
Oy Vey? Zionist Capo Sheldon Adelson summons Trump for ‘private meeting’ on Israel

The Donald’s Yiddish Hillary Insult
In political attack on Clinton, Trump uses Yiddish vulgarity

VIDEO - Front-Row Protester Tells Trump "ISRAEL DID 9/11!"

Judge in Adelson lawsuit subject to unusual scrutiny amid Review-Journal sale
Reporters at Adelson's Newly Acquired Newspaper Asked to Investigate Judges, Reports Say  The casino mogul who also owns Israel Hayom daily was revealed this month to have purchased the Las Vegas Review Journal; revelation comes just after reporters asked to investigate Nevada judge who fined him $250K.
Nevada paper hints at motive for its purchase by Adelson Las Vegas Review-Journal reports alleged managerial demand to scrutinize local judge involved in case against the casino magnate

Sheldon Adelson's Jewish Media Secret Revealed
Adelson Grows His Media Empire to Include Jewish News Service
Adelson named as biggest funder of Jewish News Service
Why Adelson’s Campus anti-BDS Group Will Be a Bust  The head of the Maccabee Task Force thinks that a ‘no-criticism of the current Israeli government’ litmus test can be applied in building pro-Israel and anti-BDS coalitions. That’s delusional.

7 things Miriam Adelson does — besides back GOP candidates Casino magnate’s wife believes she and her husband presage collapse of democracy, is key decision maker over allocation of funds

GOP candidate Cruz seeks to shutter PLO’s Washington office

Un parti arabe israélien compare Netanyahou à l'Etat Islamique

VIDEO - Jews Celebrate Wedding by Stabbing Photo of Dawabsheh Baby
Video Shows Jewish Radicals Celebrating Wedding by Stabbing Photo of Dawabsheh Baby  Police seize clip showing youths dancing at wedding reception with guns, knives and a firebomb.
Clip shows far-right wedding-goers celebrating Duma killings Israeli youngsters, said to be friends of detainees in deadly firebombing, stab photo of 18-month-old victim; wave firebombs, rifles and knives at Jerusalem event

Un adolescent israélo-américain serait détenu dans l’affaire Duma Le journal Forward de New York identifie un suspect ; beaucoup de détails sont toujours sous obligation de silence en Israël
Foreign report says American-Israeli teen held in Duma case New York-based Forward newspaper names suspect; many details of case still under gag order in Israel
Family Claims American Teen Held as Jewish Extremist Is Being Tortured by Israel
Il défendent un gars qui a probablement tué une famille au complet! Souvenez-vous en de ça: ces juifs sont prêts à défendre un meurtrier qui tue des bébés en leur mettant le feu! Pourtant ces mêmes juifs exigent que tous les droits constitutionnels soient retirés aux présumés terroristes (non-juifs)!

Smoke grenades thrown into Palestinian home in suspected Jewish terror attack

Fascism in Israel? It's Up to You  I'm sick to death of the Zionism of horseshit, of the incitement which prides itself on hatred and, yes, that 'beautiful face' of fascism. It's up to every one of us. We can stand up now, or be put down later. Like dogs.
A Plant Named Occupation Has Grown Into a Deep-rooted Tree  When someone says something against the occupation, he is attacked as if he is the ultimate enemy of all Jews from the time of Moses to Yair Lapid.

Far-right activists protest outside Shin Bet chief’s home Demonstration follows allegations of torture by security service against Jewish suspects in Duma terror attack
Torture Allegations Pit Shin Bet Against the Settler Community  The torture described by Jewish suspects in the Duma arson-murder case is strikingly similar to descriptions by Palestinian torture victims.
Israel’s Extreme Right Isn’t Jewish, It’s Totalitarian Hannah Arendt makes clear the real issue: the hatred of pluralism and an open society – the drive to have a homogeneous society without dissent.

Reform leaders call on Netanyahu to condemn ‘violent rhetoric’ against Rivlin, NGOs
Thousands March in Tel Aviv in Protest of Incitement Against Rivlin, Leftist NGOs  Organizers of Tel Aviv demonstration call on Israel to defend civil society, Netanyahu to speak out against inflammatory remarks.
Hatred within the camp  Op-ed: As an expert on the history of the movement which brought him to the President's Residence, Reuven Rivlin knows that once a leader deviates from the party line or causes damage to its image - there is no forgiveness.

Canadian Jewish group condemns Im Tirtzu ‘incitement’ video

Bennett accuses Jewish extremists of using ‘murder’ to destroy state

Bennett announces first dedicated academic college for Arab Israelis Ségrégation raciale dans les universités en Israël: une université juive et une université arabe...

Ban Ki-Moon: Wave of violence in Palestine bred from decades of jewish occupation

MK to rabbis: Help me base laws on Torah

Benjamin Netanyahu 'threatens to strip Jerusalem residency from 230,000 Palestinians'

Video of Israeli soldiers using dogs against Palestinian boy sparks outcry
Five live bullets fired by IDF recovered from body of Palestinian boy
Israel has ‘deprived 23,000 orphans of monthly sponsorship’
West Bank village punished for exposing Israel’s brutality

MK Zoabi apologizes for calling Arab police ‘traitors’ Apology comes as part of plea bargain that allows Joint List lawmaker to dodge more serious incitement charge for July 2014 incident

The Final War for Jerusalem (Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach)

JUDAIZATION OF JERUSALEM – Israel removes Arabic signage from Jerusalem market


Israeli army introduces a new system of identification numbers for the 30,000 Palestinian residents in the city

Pour Israël, ses ambitions énergétiques nécessitent une « solution finale » à Gaza

American Jews urge US army to stop denying security clearances due to Israel ties

The Only Semi-democracy in the Middle East  The time has come to fight for the sake of a secular democracy that belongs to all its citizens.

VIDEO - The Bullet, The Ballot & The Boycott [FULL] a presentation by David Sheen - Fall 2015
WATCH the entire presentation in 10 parts: - all 10 parts in 1 video - playlist with all 10 parts - Part 1: Boycotting - Part 2: Firebombers - Part 3: Chabad - Part 4: Jewish Home - Part 5: Lehava - Part 6: Miscegenation - Part 7: War on Africans - Part 8: African Wild Ass - Part 9: Pinkwashing - Part 10: Dissidents


Des intellectuels mobilisés contre des activités anti-Israël sur les campus Ils veulent combattre les « efforts orwelliens » pour lier l’Etat juif aux problèmes de liberté d’expression dans les universités américaines.
Ça c'est de l'inversion accusatoire, sans aucune gêne!

Israel arrests 90 students at West Bank university

Ambassador to US makes political point with settlement-made gifts  Ron Dermer counters BDS by sending items made in West Bank as embassy's annual holiday gift.

Defame, don't engage: The witch hunt against Breaking the Silence  While whistle-blowers are rarely popular, the only malice is coming from those who want to limit Israel’s political discourse.
Israeli attacks on a dissident soldiers’ group could backfire

Le Crif demande à la mairie de Paris d'arrêter une exposition sur les Palestiniens  Selon l'organisme, une exposition de MSF consacrée à la vie des Palestiniens constitue "une apologie du terrorisme". L'ONG dénonce des accusations "inacceptables".

Can Jews Back 'Black Lives Matter' and Be Pro-Israel?

Pranking Roger Waters, Erdogan and Greenpeace: Meet Israel's Infamous Internet Troll  With her faux stupidity, ‘Dafni Gafni’ may have created one of the funniest Facebook pages of the year. Just don’t let her victims in on the joke.

VIDEO - WATCH – Roger Waters Talks About ISIS And War

L'Université de Barcelone a officiellement annoncé son boycott d'Israël
200 South African Professors Back Academic Boycott of Israel
New OISE project aims to counter academic anti-Zionism

Israeli Left Must Stop Clinging to False Taboos  The left will continue losing the hearts and minds of the broader Israeli public if it doesn’t acknowledge that their fears are well-founded, even if the conclusions they draw are not.
Israeli Left's Struggle Must Go Beyond Cocktail Parties on 5Th Ave.  Is a real political battle being waged, or is it a farce that provides a living for the participants at the expense of the truly oppressed?

VIDEO - Quand France Inter censure en direct une question sur la LDJ

The Murder of Yitzhak Rabin

Ben-Zion Gopstein, leader of Lehava, says Christians are “blood-sucking vampires"
Extremist religious leader says there's no place for Christmas in Israel
Jewish Extremists’ Leader: Christians Are ‘Blood Sucking Vampires’ Who Should Be Expelled From Israel

Une grève en Israël menace les pèlerinages de Noël en Terre Sainte

After 2000 years, Christians disappearing from Gaza

Le Monde affirme que Gaza est toujours occupée et même « annexée » par Israël

Jean-Luc Mélenchon dérape sur sa page Facebook en comparant des Juifs à des « mercenaires »

Israeli concern Troll: Warns Foreclosed Homes Will Soon House 100 Million Muslims

Les écoles de Virginie fermées en raison d’un "devoir islamiste"
Finkielkraut « Avec le pas d'amalgame on vient alors à dédouaner l'islam. Le djihad est une obligation léguée par Mahomet à tous les musulmans »

La communauté juive de Pologne dénonce la « rhétorique antisémite » d’un élu Pawel Kukiz a déclaré que l’opposition démocratique du pays était « financée par un banquier juif »

La Croisade de l’Apocalypse

VIDEO - Le lien entre l'Êxtreme-droite, les frères musulmans et l'Iran : la C.I.A ?

Révisionnisme : Quand l’islamo-gauchisme tente d’usurper l’histoire du peuple juif Pour eux comparer lsrael aux nazis et les musulmans aux juifs génocidés par les nazis, c'est une idée génocidaire car c'est vouloir remplacer les juifs par des musulmans...

VIDEOS - Right-Wing Watch Blog Bons vidéos sur la droite conservatrice débile aux USA.

Pascal Boniface | Twitter

Europe-Israel: L'antisémite Dieudonné M'bala devient la « personnalité » la plus détestée de France Il le fait exprès de toute manière, il dit depuis longtemps qu'il souhaite se retirer...

VIDEO - Ibrahim Nobel sur 'Dieudo clashe Soral' (Blog d'Ibrahim Nobel improbable prospective d'un musulman)

Zemmour, cet admirateur d’Israël pour qui les Français musulmans sont des « colons »
Éric Zemmour condamné à 3000 euros d’amende pour provocation à la haine envers les musulmans

Europe-Israel: Dieudonné termine sa tournée, prend l’argent et se « fait la malle » au Cameroun
Dieudonné clashe Soral : commentaires de LLP
VIDEO - Boycott Dieudo et Soral
VIDEO - Dieudo, Soral et les attentatS
VIDEO - Salim en Syrie ?

AUDIO - Gars Lambda: LLP clash Dieudo, Dieudo clash Soral - Dieudo lance l'ananassurance, Laurent Louis au chômage
Dieudonné: un gros tacle à Alain Soral avant le départ pour l'Afrique?

VIDEO - Arnaud Van Dorn, producteur du film « Fitna » qui a insulté le prophète Mohamed, se convertit à l’Islam !

Online store tells customer: 'We don't sell to Arabs'  A youth from Haifa called the website of shop 'Class Deal' after the shoes he had ordered 4 months ago never arrived; a site representative swore at and insulted him: 'You dog, you terrorist, if I'd known you were a stinking Arab I wouldn't have approved your order.'

Jews demand expelling Christians out of Palestine

End political correctness  Op-ed: When politics evades issues for fear of incorrectness, frustrated voters escape straight into the arms of non-institutional radicalism.

Ce que de Villiers et Zemmour doivent à l’Action française Le mouvement national qui fascine (et terrorise) la gauche
Succès historique de l’extrême droite française au premier scrutin après les attentats

UK – Number of Hate Crimes Against Muslims Triple Since Paris Attacks
Judaic acolyte urges students to carry guns and ‘end those Muslims before they kill us’
US imam says mosque got threatening call from jewish group
“Israël est la tête de turc de l’Europe !” Gilles-William Goldnadel pleurniche un coup - Le tour de passe-passe du journal Le Monde pour ignorer les victimes israéliennes du terrorisme Comme si les médias étaient pro-palestiniens et anti-israéliens...Gilles William Goldnadel revient sur les attentats, la menace terroriste, l'antisémitisme et la christianophobie en France
Maintenant les sionistes s'en prennent à la "christianophobie" en France... Tout pour taper sur les musulmans!

Don't Be Surprised When Student Activists Connect Israel to Campus Rape

Marine Le Pen's Front National makes political gains after Paris attacks Mais c'est pour toutes les mauvaises raisons possibles...

VIDEO - Réponse à Ibrahim Nobel, Ali Ayin, etc : et si la dissidence était anti-nationaliste ? Ces gens sulfureux salissent tout ce qu'ils touchent, donc le fait qu'il appuient les nationalistes Assad et Poutine va plutôt nuire aux nationalistes tels que Poutine et Assad... Pour vraiment aider ces nationalistes Poutine et Assad, il faut surtout pas leur envoyer des Dieudonné et des Soral dans les pattes, ça peut juste leur nuire!

AUDIO - « De gré ou de force » (par Scady), tous, même la Dissidence, nous sommes idiots utiles de ce système

Comparez ces deux articles:
Cela démontre que la Dissidence ER est sur la même ligne (finkie-zemmour-goldnadienne, ou néo-Répubicain/FN) que des groupes juifs extrémistes comme le média juif Europe-Israel. C'est toujours le même discours: "la gauche est la source du mal"! Selon ER, le pire mal c'est la gauche sioniste (incluant forcément la gauche israélienne anti-guerre et propalestinienne). Selon Europe-Israel, le mal c'est la gauche antisioniste (incluant aussi forcément la gauche israélienne anti-guerre et propalestinienne). Autres exemples qui viennent tous du même site:

No Holds Barred: Roger Waters’ unnatural preoccupation with Jews (must read)

The Protocols of Anti-Semitism Part One: The Protocols of Joly  (
Refutes the nonsensical claim about the Protocols of Zion being a "forgery", which, for example, is based on a claim that Russian secret police were hard at work "forging" a document to smear the Jews, and they inexplicably chose to reveal their secret plot to a woman who'd just been exposed in the press in April of the previous year as a destitute confidence trickster, and had been released from prison in August of the previous year for crimes of forgery, fraud, bribery and blackmail - and they show it to the fraudster's friends. (!) And the Jews' argument that anti-Semites fabricated the Protocols to make people hate the Jews relies on a claim that a Jew helped to write the Protocols to make people hate the Jews. More importantly, it shows who really wrote the Protocols, and how the perpetrators plagiarized Joly to steal his Machiavellian program for world domination for their Zionist project, which allowed them to get away with their next two massive hoaxes: the Hoax of the twentieth century and the Hoax of the twenty-first century.

Sur ce blog:

Théories de conspiration: Ahad Ha'am (Asher Ginzberg) est-il vraiment le père des Protocoles?

Le sionisme secret d'Asher Ginsberg (Ahad Ha'am)

De la fausse opposition entre judaïsme et sionisme

Théorie de "conspire à Sion"?

Ça commence à sentir la fin...

Guerres sionistes et Option Samson: vers la délivrance ultime

Le retour de Netanyahou et la réalisation du Grand Isr-ël

Jérusalem occupée par l'anti-Christ

L'option Samson comme justice ultime

Vers un scénario de Troisième Guerre mondiale? Le rôle d’Israël dans le déclenchement d’une guerre contre l’Iran

Projet Apocalyptique à Jérusalem: un bunker réservé aux dirigeants d'Israël

Les médias israéliens incitent à détruire la mosquée Al-Aqsa (dôme du Rocher)

Rebâtir le Temple, restaurer les sacrifices, alors ce sera la Fin de l'Histoire

La télé antijuive? Des organisations juives condamnent et tentent de faire interdire une série télé d'un réalisateur juif britannique des plus respecté, qui se demande comment Israël a pu réussir en si peu de temps à s'aliéner le monde entier. Rien n'avait préparé le réalisateur aux attaques vitrioliques du "lobby sioniste" qui allaient déferler sur lui... Toujours pas vu à la télé états-unienne.

Dans la série des terroristes juifs dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler: L'incendie criminel contre une école bilingue arabe-hébreu en ville sainte, un attentat politique du groupe extrémiste juif Lehava. Aucune accusation de crime haineux? Et ils retrouvent leur liberté même si leur leader a dit qu'ils n'arrêteront jamais de terroriser les Palestiniens et combattre le métissage

False flag raté et terroristes juifs dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler...

Il y a vingt ans, l'attentat terroriste du loubavitch kahaniste Baruch Goldstein à Hébron montrait la fête de Pourim sous son vrai jour

ENCORE UNE FOIS... Pire qu'en 2012, la dépopulation de la Palestine va bon train... Châtiments collectifs contre les Palestiniens: conséquence de la culture de haine en Israël et de sa dissimulation par le puissant lobby pro-israélien international. Israel sera-t-il récompensé du Nobel de la paix? Le parrain Netanyahou "prévient" les Français que les terroristes vont frapper chez eux s'ils continuent à tolérer les manifestations "pro-Hamas"... Jimmy Carter, considéré antijuif pour son livre PALESTINE--PEACE NOT APARTHEID (qui a scandalisé la communauté juive pour avoir omis d'y mentionner la divine Shoah!!), accuse Israël de ne pas reconnaître le Hamas comme un acteur politique légitime.

Le sanglant sacrifice rituel de Pourim 2012: la pire attaque contre Gaza depuis Plomb Durci

Soulignons la semaine internationale de l'Apartheid israélien | Un documentaire dérangeant demande: Israel qui vit de ses ventes d'armes (testées sur des Palestiniens) a-t-il intérêt à faire la paix avec ses voisins? Qu'en pense le producteur hollywoodien ex-agent du Mossad et plus grand trafiquant d'armes israélien Arnon Milchan?

Médiats juifs antijuifs? La chaîne CBS rapporte que l'administration Obama a demandé à Israël de bien vouloir cesser d'assassiner les scientifiques iraniens

À quand une purge mondiale des individus considérés anti-juifs? Assassinats extrajudiciaires et menaces de mort d'Israël contre ses ennemis perçus ; l'Iran dit avoir reçu une enveloppe portant le sceau d'Israël contenant des insectes morts accompagnés d'une lettre menaçant les "ennemis d'Israël" d'extermination au moyen d'armes biologiques (virus)

11 septembre 2014, l'Islam à nouveau diabolisé, la victime toujours blâmée... Indignation sélective et interventionnisme à géométrie variable: tous ces politiciens qui crient au meurtre maintenant sont restés muets cet été lors du carnage israélien à Gaza. Les crimes de guerre occidentaux sont la cause réelle de la formation de l'État islamique; nos médias leur ont fait une pub du tonnerre, rien de mieux pour accroître les rangs de l'EI! Al-Qaida ne faisait plus peur, il fallait donc qu'un nouveau méchant de service prenne sa place... Serons-nous bernés encore une fois? L'essentiel est de provoquer le penser.

11 septembre et tout le reste: c'était pas les musulmans!

Le prochain 11 septembre sera-t-il concoté en Israël?

Les terroristes: qui sont-ils vraiment?

Ariel Scheinermann, dit "Sharon", en enfer après plusieurs années de retard... Couvert de malédictions kabbalistiques, associé au légendaire ennemi des juifs Amalek, tout comme Kissinger et d'autres juifs américanisés... Même lui n'aura pu satisfaire les colons israéliens qui l'attaquèrent pour avoir "bloqué" l'expansion des colonies illégales

Encyclopédies antijuives? Menachem Begin, un terroriste exemplaire, selon

Le terroriste le plus meurtrier de l'histoire

L'idole terroriste de feu Israel Asper

Ex-terroriste, futur président -- l'Israélien Menachem Begin : "Nous avons créé la terreur chez les Arabes"

God's Jewish Warriors

Y a-t-il un terrorisme juif?

Saint Baruch Goldstein

Petit manuel d'exterminateur: la Torah du Roi

Ovadia Yossef, grand rabbin sépharade d'Israël, ira déverser sa haine en enfer

Israël et le problème des colons

Les militaires étaient en mission à Gaza pour expulser les Gentils

Les soldats juifs avaient l'ordre de "nettoyer Gaza"

Selon le Grand rabbin orthodoxe sépharade Ovadia Yosef, "les Gentils n’existent que pour servir les Juifs" et ce sont des ânes

Le rabbin Shapira, auteur d'un livre qui approuve le meurtre des non-juifs, est soutenu par une douzaine de rabbins israéliens importants

Le rabbin Dov Lior: « Le sperme des Non-Juifs donne naissance une progéniture cruelle et barbare »

Un mandat d'arrêt émis contre le rabbin Dov Lior pour incitation au meurtre des non-juifs déclenche la colère de centaines de fanatiques

Un rabbin autorise de voler les récoltes et d'empoisonner l'eau des Palestiniens

Rabbi Yosef: il est interdit de soigner un non-juif le jour du Shabbat

La morale juive: un mythe?

La plus pieuse armée au monde

Propos honnêtes de gens qui ne le sont pas

"Les Palestiniens et leur gouvernement doivent périr", déclare le grand rabbin orthodoxe sépharade d'Israël

Le rabbin Meir Kahane, fondateur du groupe terroriste Jewish Defense League, expliqué aux enfants

Un autre disjoncté appelle à la destruction du monde arabe

Célébrer le meurtre des Palestiniens est une Mitzvah (bonne action), déclare un rabbin d'une colonie illégale

Les Arabes seraient chassés méthodiquement de Jérusalem

Un rabbin sioniste [Dov Lior, un zélé de « La Torah des Rois » selon qui « le sperme des Goyim engendre une progéniture barbare et cruelle »], appelle ses compatriotes à se préparer à reconstruire le prétendu temple sur les ruines du Dôme du Rocher!

Et si la Torah se substituait à la loi israélienne?

Le Conseil talmudique d’Israël a statué : "En temps de guerre, même des enfants ennemis peuvent être exterminés"

Un rabbin autorise de voler les récoltes et d'empoisonner l'eau des Palestiniens

Une comique juive au parlement israélien: je ne voulais pas heurter la mémoire de la Shoah en dénonçant le cancer de l'immigration africaine en Israël

Au tour des colons fanatiques israéliens de brûler le Coran

Les Arabes musulmans ont le dos large, les vrais terroristes ignorés

"Kerry a déclaré la guerre à Dieu!" Menaces de mort contre Kerry-Haman: c'est pas des musulmans! Les antijuifs de plus en plus décomplexés inquiètent... Mais qu'en est-il des menaces de mort à peine voilées proférées impunément par des juifs contre des hommes d'État?

Déni de l'holocauste palestinien (Nakba) et criminalisation de sa mémoire par Israël

12 règles infaillibles pour publier des nouvelles en provenance du Proche Orient dans les grands médias

Les États-Unis négocient avec les terroristes: "Libérez Pollard en échange du gel de la colonisation [illégale]"

Israël assassine des présumés terroristes en sol américain

Avigdor Liberman veut retirer la citoyenneté aux Arabes, Joe Liberman veut retirer la citoyenneté aux présumés terroristes

Le croisé anti-terrorisme Lieberman lié à un groupe pro-terrorisme

Les rabbins pourraient être formés pour combattre le terrorisme

Le sioniste juif orthodoxe Joe Lieberman et le projet de loi visant la suppression des droits constitutionnels des personnes soupçonnées de terrorisme

Le Congrès juif et les alertes de sécurité

Rothschild, notre ennemi traditionnel

Le racisme permis est israélien