Les grands médias ne nous ont jamais dit que le présumé responsable des attaques à l'Anthrax aux USA après le 11 septembre, le scientifique
Bruce Ivins, qui
étudiait l'Anthrax, était un sioniste ultra et un anti-Islam virulent!
The Frederick (Md.) News Post a publié des extraits de lettres d'Ivins, où il loue le refus d'un rabbin de dialoguer avec un religieux musulman. Ivins écrit:
“By blood and faith, Jews are God’s chosen, and have no need for ‘dialogue’ with any gentile.” (Littéralement:
"De par leur sang et leur foi, les Juifs sont élus de Dieu et n'ont aucun besoin de ''dialogue'' avec un quelconque Gentil (non-juif).") (Source: JTA -
Ivins believed Jews were God's Chosen)
Les grands médias n'ont jamais mentionné l'existence d'un autre suspect, Philip Zack, accusé d'avoir monté une mise en scène visant à faire inculper un chercheur musulman. Zack était le supérieur d'Ivins et a même été filmé par une caméra de surveillance en train d'entrer dans le même laboratoire...
Ivins s'est apparemment suicidé or il n'est plus considéré comme suspect dans ces attaques, selon des documents officiels de la Justice américaine (Washington Post). Dans ce cas, qu'attend la Justice pour rouvrir l'enquête?
Washington Post: Justice Department Questions Itself in Anthrax Probe
Investigators initially focused on the wrong man, then had to pay him a
nearly $6 million settlement. In 2008, they accused another man, Bruce
E. Ivins, who killed himself before he could go to trial.
Now, in the latest twist, the government has argued against itself.
documents deep in the files of a recently settled Florida lawsuit,
Justice Department civil attorneys contradicted their own department’s
conclusion that Ivins was unquestionably the anthrax killer. The lawyers
said the type of anthrax in Ivins’s lab was “radically different” from
the deadly anthrax. They cited several witnesses who said Ivins was
innocent, and they suggested that a private laboratory in Ohio could
have been involved in the attacks.
C'était pas des musulmans!
(...)Ce ne sont pas des musulmans qui ont mené une campagne de terreur en envoyant
lettres contenant des spores
du bacille du charbon dont la charge électrostatique a été altérée pour en
faciliter la dispersion, de l'anthrax de qualité militaire
en provenance du laboratoire de l'US Army Medical Research Institute for
Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) à
Fort Detrick. Ce
n'est pas non plus le
suspect retenu par le FBI qui l’a fait, le catholique
Bruce Ivins, qui,
contrairement aux vrais auteurs des attaques du 11 septembre, n'avait aucune
raison de cibler ainsi les médias et les sénateurs de l'opposition, pour les
forcer à accepter aveuglément et sous la menace la théorie de la conspiration des
« pirates de l'air Arabes ». Ivins est mort d'une
surdose, d’un présumé "suicide" en juillet 2008, après que le FBI eut
renoncé à jeter le blâme sur Steven Hatfill parce qu'il n'y avait
pas un
seul petit élément de preuve contre lui.
Logiquement, M. Philip Zack devrait être un
suspect, puisqu’il a quitté Fort Detrick dans des circonstances nébuleuses
en décembre 1991 après avoir dirigé
clique dénommée le "Camel Club", qui faisait du harcèlement racial contre le Dr
égyptien Assaad Ayaad. Une enquête de 1992 a révélé que Zack a été
par une caméra de surveillance entrant dans un bâtiment du laboratoire de Fort
Detrick à 20:40, le 23 janvier 1992, grâce au Dr. Marian Rippy, un
pathologiste de labo et proche ami de Zack. L'enquête a également montré que
quelqu'un était entré secrètement dans un laboratoire durant la nuit pour y
conduire des recherches non autorisées, à l'évidence sur l'anthrax de qualité
militaire. Presque dix ans plus tard, entre le 11 septembre et le début de la
campagne de l'anthrax,
le FBI reçut une
lettre anonyme qui essayait de faire passer le Dr Assaad pour l'un des "bioterroristes".
Les lettres à anthrax avaient apparemment été
fabriquées pour qu’elle ait l’air d’avoir été écrites par un musulman. Le
New York Times a parlé d'
certain « Monsieur Z », qui aurait raté les tests de polygraphe du FBI et aurait
été surpris avec sa petite copine à Fort Detrick "entourés seulement par les
germes tout gênés devant ce spectacle". (Version originale anglaise ici:

Les lettres à l'Anthrax, conçues pour qu'on blâme les musulmans
‘Suicide’ of Anthrax Scientist–Another Mossad Frame Up?
August 4, 2008
by Mark Glenn — crescentandcross
last week of July, all across America could be heard an almost audible
sigh of relief as headlines blared the news on the hour every hour that
‘he’ had finally been caught, the ‘he’ in this case being the infamous
bioterrorist (unknown and unnamed up to this point) who sent deadly
anthrax through the US mail system a mere week after the attacks of
9/11, leading to the deaths of 5.
What should have been heard
across America however was a disquieting ‘hmmmm,’ as Americans scratched
their heads and pondered the likelihood that the story being fed them
concerning the ‘suicide’ of Ft. Dietrich bioweapons lab scientist Bruce
E. Ivins was just another in a long string of lies, that it was not a
suicide at all, but rather just one more cog in a Zionist-organized
cover-up that has continued now for almost 7 years, beginning with 9/11.
are good reasons for Americans to be skeptical about the recent news
concerning the ‘suicide’ of bioweapons researcher Bruce Ivins
(undoubtedly destined to be dubbed ‘Dr. Anthrax’ now that he is not here
to defend his name) not the least of which is the timing of this event.
In the first case, the news of his death arrived only a month after the
US government was forced to pony up almost 6 million dollars to Steven
Hatfill, the bioweapons researcher whose good name and reputation were
destroyed as a result of the US Justice Department naming him a ‘person
of interest’ shortly after the attacks when the only ‘evidence’ linking
him to the infamous crimes came from a mouthy disinformation agent named
Barbra Rosenberg. Secondly, it is a mere month before the anniversary
of 9/11, and the fact that for the last 7 years the largest criminal
investigation in US history (codenamed ‘Amerithrax’ for maximum effect)
has turned up a big goose egg does not help things at a time when Uncle
Sam is suffering from a serious credibility problem, both at home and
Those not recognizing the relevance of the aforementioned
case involving Hatfill should keep in mind that the US DoJ losing a
civil case against him (despite the scant news coverage it received) is
like the town crier announcing to all within earshot that the case
involving the anthrax attacks is not closed, and that the killer (or
killers) is still on the loose. Obviously, given that the FBI always
‘gets its man’ this is gravely embarrassing, to say the least.
more importantly, as any good cop will testify, a case not closed means
a case still open, which means going back to square one and reviewing
the evidence all over again in the hopes of finding something possibly
missed. Obviously this means looking at information certain entities
(and particularly those interested in dragging the US into Israel’s
dirty wars) can’t afford to have exposed to public scrutiny, and in
particular the evidence revolving around a certain Lt. Col. Phillip
For those who bought into the made-in-Israel storyline
following the 2001 anthrax attacks that ‘the Ay-rabs did it,’ Zack was a
researcher at the same Ft. Dietrich bio-weapons lab where the now
‘suicided’ Bruce Ivins worked. Along with Zack and Ivins was also one
Ayyaad Assaad, an Egyptian-born scientist who became the butt of a
concerted anti-Arab, anti-Islamic campaign organized and executed by
Zack and some of his cohorts at the lab who collectively called
themselves ‘the Camel Club’. A few days after 9/11 an anonymous letter
turned up at a Marine base in Quantico Virginia accusing Assaad of being
a terrorist planning biological attacks against America. According to
Assaad’s testimony to the FBI agents who interviewed him, the personal
information contained in the letter could only have been written by a
co-worker at the lab, and surprise, surprise, a few days later, anthrax
turns up in the mail. Furthermore, a security film caught Zack entering
the Ft. Dietrich facility after hours at a time he no longer worked
there, and more importantly, caught him on tape entering a secure
section of the facility where the very same strain of anthrax used in
the attacks later turned up missing. Given that the anthrax attacks
amounted to the use of a weapon of mass destruction against the United
States, naturally investigative eyes were on all persons considered
relevant to the case, and–almost as if on cue–just about the time Zack
and his anti-Arab bigotry started to circulate as clues in the case, the
previously-mentioned Barbara Hatch Rosenberg floated the idea that
Steven Hatfill should be put under the microscope, which he was, while
all investigation of Zack slipped out the proverbial back door, never to
be mentioned again.
In sum, Hatfill being exonerated means all
bets are off and that more-likely culprits stand a good chance of being
reconsidered for their possible (or probable) roles in the anthrax
attacks following 9/11. More importantly though, it also means possible
public exposure of the fact that the anthrax attacks were part of a
carefully-coordinated false flag operation cooked up in the petri dish
called Mossad headquarters aimed at inflaming Americans into going to
war against Israel’s enemies, specifically Iraq.
And then, like a
bolt out of the blue comes the ‘suicide’ of one Bruce Ivins who worked
at the facility, and along with this a truck load of ‘evidence’ to
suggest he was the culprit. Court testimony from a social worker
claiming he was a dangerous psychopath planning on killing scores of
people given a mere week before his ‘suicide’, along with the supportive
testimony of psychiatrists who supposedly examined him.
who think it really is an open and shut case of suicide on the part of a
guilty culprit should ask a few questions. If he really was ‘the guy’,
why was he allowed to keep his security clearance at the weapons lab
where he worked and (more importantly) where other infectious diseases
that could have been used in additional attacks on America were stored?
If he truly was about to be indicted for the anthrax attacks, why was he
not scooped up by the FBI immediately, lest he flee the country, or
worse, ‘go out in a blaze of glory’ as the previously-mentioned social
worker claimed he swore he would do? Was Ivins about to go public with
information he had concerning the real person (s) behind the attacks?
And more importantly, where is Lt. Col Phillip Zack, the anti-Arab bigot
filmed going into a secure area of Ft. Deitrich where the Ames strain
of anthrax used in the attack was stored, after hours, where few (if
any) witnesses could be found? Can rational persons assume he is sitting
on a beach somewhere in Israel, far away from this discussion and–more
importantly–from this investigation that the US DoJ is now saying will
be closed as early as this week?
To anyone who recognizes the
proclivity towards lying, frame-ups and cover-ups that exist on the part
of Israel’s friends in Washington DC, the case involving Ivins wreaks
of yet another in a long line of similar crimes. Just as Iraq was framed
for 9/11 when not a microbe of evidence existed tying the two together,
so too does it appear Bruce Ivins been framed for the anthrax attacks
in order to protect the identity of the real perpetrators, the emphasis
falling on the synonym of the second half of that word–‘traitors’.
despite the fact that the present made-in-Israel wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan have cost them dearly–Americans will no doubt assume (as
planned) that the suicide of the bioweapons scientist indicates his
guilt. Just like Israel’s assassination of JFK (blamed on Lee Harvey
Oswald) to Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty (that both the Jewish
state and John McCain Sr ruled was an accident) to Israel’s role in
9/11, Americans will move on with their lives like dutiful little sheep,
not realizing that the death of Ivins, the war, and the rising cost of
fuel, food and just about every other necessary commodity are all
directly related to each other.
Meanwhile, in places like New
York, Tel Aviv and Washington DC, the persons responsible for all the
aforementioned planned chaos will get together, and amidst smiles,
snickers and handshakes and plot the next event designed to shyster
American parents into sending their beloved sons and daughters off to
fight and die for the Jewish state.
© 2008 Mark Glenn, Correspondent, American Free Press Newspaper
Censored Information Emerges About
Scientist Accused of Anthrax Terrorism
Bruce Ivins,
"anthrax terrorist." |
the controlled media was more than willing to expose every small detail
about the life of Bruce Ivins, the scientist who federal authorities
say killed himself several weeks ago, what they left out is perhaps even
more telling. Michael Collins Piper has uncovered some pertinent
information about the writings of Ivins that, he says, has been edited
out of every one of the thousands of mainstream news items published
about Ivins.
we are not likely to ever know whether accused anthrax terrorist Bruce
Ivins really committed suicide, one particularly interesting aspect of
the case has been buried by the mass media in America.
page after page of excruciatingly detailed information about Ivins’
personal life and career appeared in the major newspapers, the “big
secret” about Ivins has been blacked out: he was a virulent
Muslim-bashing supporter of Israel, a Christian by faith who trumpeted
the mantra that the Jews are “God’s Chosen People.”
The Jewish Telegraph Agency
acknowledged candidly on August 4 that these facts about Ivins were, in
its words, “significant” because the notes accompanying the anthrax
sent to various locales were designed to appear as though they were
written by “a radical Islamist,” featuring such rhetoric as “Death to
America, Death to Israel, Allah is Great.”
The JTA article, which was published in Jewish community newspapers across America, revealed that the Frederick (Maryland) News Post
had recently republished several letters that Ivins had written to that
newspaper over the last several years, including one in which Ivins
praised a rabbi for refusing to engage in dialogue with a Muslim cleric.
Ivins wrote:
“By blood and faith, Jews are God’s chosen, and
have no need for ‘dialogue’ with any gentile.” (The term “gentile” is a
term of derision often openly used by Jews to refer to non-Jews,
essentially meaning that non-Jews are akin to insensate beasts.)
no major media in America took note of these revelations regarding
Ivins’ ideology. And it has hardly even been noted on the Internet. A
Google search of the Internet on August 17 of the terms “Ivins” and
“God’s chosen” indicated only 564 references. A similar search of
Google’s “news” section on the Internet indicated only four references
to this story—and none of those references were in the pages of The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times or any other “mainstream” daily newspaper.
the masters of the media determined that American newspaper readers had
the right to know the most personal details of Ivins’ life, but chose
not to permit those readers to know of the pro-Israel ideological fervor
that drove Ivins to mask his murderous attacks as the work of Muslim
After all, this might cause Americans to raise
questions as to whether other acts of terrorism—ascribed to “Muslim
terrorists”—were really the work of Muslims at all, but instead “false
flag” measures by Israel and its adherents to turn Americans against the
Muslim world.
And if Ivins was involved in the mailing of anthrax-laden letters after 9-11, was he acting alone or at the behest of others?
Mark Glenn and Victor Thorn have written authoritative articles for AFP
regarding the Ivins case. Among other things, they noted data
suggesting Ivins was murdered and and evidence pointing toward
involvement in the anthrax affair by yet another pro-Israel scientist,
Philip Zack. Zack is accused of trying to frame a Muslim colleague for
the crime.
So the entirety of the scenario remains a mystery.
What we do know is that the controlled media is not telling us
everything we need to know.
Protected Audio: The Piper Report May 10, 2015
Posted by
MG editor in
Michael Collins Piper archives on 05/10/2015
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@53:15: Michael Collins Piper elaborates on Jewish terror framing Muslims, re: the Anthrax Letters
Scrutinizing the Israeli role in 2001 anthrax attacks By Brandon Martinez (Feb.16, 2014)
AIPAC trial and an Update of past events by Ryan Dawson (2009)
Who sent the Anthrax? All Roads Lead to Israel (again) Anthrax why the FBI is not interested. by Ryan Dawson (July 2008)
Philip Zack Steals Anthrax It's been five years since anthrax killed innocents and fueled America's paranoia. But the FBI keeps dragging its feet on the case. (2006)
While Media Spotlights One Anthrax Suspect, Another [Zack] Is Too Hot to Touch See other sources at the end of the article. (Aug. 16, 2002)
ANTHRAX COVER-UP? We know who the suspects are – so why no arrest? by Justin Raimondo (Feb.22, 2002)
Fort Detrick’s anthrax mystery Who tried to frame Dr. Ayaad Assaad, a former biowarfare researcher at the Army lab? Was it the same person responsible for last fall's anthrax mail terrorism? By Laura Rozen, (Jan. 26, 2002)
(...) According to interviews with Assaad and this scientist, along with additional Army investigative transcripts obtained by Salon, the Army’s biowarfare research lab in the early 1990s was an organizational disaster area. A big problem at the lab, which apparently contributed to specimens going missing, was that after the Gulf War, USAMRIID decided to phase out work some scientists had been doing on projects that the Army lab no longer considered crucial to their core mission of researching vaccines against bioweapons. Many scientists who had been engaged in other projects, such as Lt. Col. Phil Zack, who had been researching the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), were eager to continue working on projects USAMRIID said they should stop. What followed, the documents reveal, were scientists sneaking into the Army biowarfare lab to work on pet projects after-hours and on weekends, former workers like Zack, who left in 1991, still being let in to do lab work, pressure applied to technicians to help out, documents going missing, and deliberate mislabeling of specimens among other efforts to hide unsanctioned lab work.
Lt. Col. Michael Langford, an Army scientist who became head of the USAMRIID experimental pathology division in February 1992, was interviewed by a USAMRIID investigator in the spring of 1992. The transcripts of that and other interviews reveal shocking lapses of security and resistance to oversight by USAMRIID lab scientists, including some of the same ones who engaged in harassment of Assaad.
“At the time I took over the Experimental Pathology branch on the 3rd of February [1992] it was obvious to me that there was little or no organization of that group and little or no accountability of many things,” Langford told the Army investigator, Col. Thomas J. Taylor.
Langford describes walking in to work one morning and seeing a group of lab scientists and technicians huddled behind closed doors in the room that houses an electron microscope. What Langford concluded was that certain scientists were covertly working on projects at night and on weekends that had been ordered halted by their division chief. He further concluded that employees were desperately trying to find old specimens of biological agents, including anthrax, they could “re-label” to cover up specimens that had gone missing in the chaos of prohibited, after-hours lab work.
“I walked in and the lights were on, the scope was off, and they were intensely looking for these blocks [of anthrax],” Langford described. “What was indicated to me was that perhaps these specimens were bootleg so to speak, they were going to cover them with old specimens, and when the old specimens disappeared, they were going to take these old anthrax blocks and substitute them. Well, when those were unavailable then these new blocks [of anthrax] mysteriously disappeared. So of course the probability is high that there was a problem there.”
Langford also described to the investigator strong resistance from his underlings and other scientists to his efforts to manage the group. Among those Langford considered management problems were Marian Rippy, a researcher in the experimental pathology division. (Zack and Rippy had also been reprimanded by the Army for harassing Assaad.) Langford said he considered a number of those on his staff to be “extremely difficult to deal with, would volunteer almost nothing, nearly almost always had to be given a written request to get a response, were very defiant, were very obstructive, and I also heard rumors that … Marian [Rippy] had made comments to the people in that lab basically to undermine me, you know, when I was coming in there,” according to Langford.
“We were not to continue any work; in fact I was aware that [Pathology division commander Lt. Col. Nancy Jaax] had secured the SIV materials and people because again it appeared from many sources that Phil Zack was asking people to work basically covertly and continue his SIV work against obvious clear mandates and directives of the division chief,” Langford told the investigator. (In an interesting side note, Jaax, whom Langford refers to, is the protagonist of the Richard Preston book “The Hot Zone,” about an Ebola outbreak in lab monkeys in Reston, Va., in 1989. The real-life events were also the basis of the movie “Outbreak,” starring Dustin Hoffman.)
It was during this period, from 1990 to early 1992, when scientists apparently pursued projects covertly at the lab, that the Army facility appears to have lost track of 27 specimens, including anthrax, Ebola and hantavirus. USAMRIID told media this week that any specimens that went missing were rendered harmless by various preservation and radiation processes — a contention Assaad says is not true. He says the specimens leave behind a residue that could be reactivated.
Assaad’s personal experience at that lab makes him particularly skeptical. He complains of behavior from colleagues that, while certainly not necessarily that of potential terrorists, does seem like symptoms of a poorly managed lab that was out of control.
In particular, Assaad, who is Egyptian-American, was the target of the group of USAMRIID scientists and lab technicians who called themselves the Camel Club. Among his antagonists were colleagues in Fort Detrick lab’s experimental pathology division, Zack and Rippy.
Using a stuffed camel as a kind of mascot, the Camel Club composed a poem, “The Rhyme of the Ancient Camellier,” with the apparent purpose of humiliating Assaad. It begins:
“Ayaad Assaad was the start,
with a reputation for not having heart
A ‘skimmer’ without equal
We hope there’s no sequel
In his honor we created this beast
It represents life lower than yeast
Whoever is voted this sucker,
you can’t duck her, You must accept blame,
And bear all the shame Unlike Assaad,
that first motherfucker”
The poem continues for five typewritten rhyming pages, ending with:
Well it’s time for the camel to pass.
So let’s all reach and raise up a glass.
Let’s give’m the credit,
the one who will get it,
the poor bastard we’re gonna harass.
Assaad theorizes that the Camel Club and the racial discrimination he experienced were at least partly an outgrowth of a dispute he had with Zack and Rippy over the authorship of a scientific paper for which he says he had done the research. Rippy and Zack, Assaad says, had done only minor work, but wanted to put their names on the research paper, and he says he felt they didn’t deserve it. Assaad says the dispute escalated, with Rippy and Zack threatening to be disruptive and humiliate him at a scientific conference where he delivered his paper’s findings. Then, he says, their harassment took an ethnic cast, because of his Arabic heritage.
Assaad said he filed a formal complaint with the Army after his supervisor ignored him. The commander of the U.S. Army lab investigated the complaint and found in Assaad’s favor, and singled out Zack and Rippy for criticism for being at the center of the Camel Club. (The Army investigation documents further revealed that the two, both married, were also having an affair.)
“Based upon your complaint, I directed that an informal investigation be conducted,” USAMRIID’s then-commander, Col. Ronald Williams, wrote Assaad in a memo in August 1992. “The investigation revealed that Lieutenant Colonel Zack and Dr. Rippy had participated in discriminatory behavior.
“On behalf of the United States of America, the Army, and this Institute, I wish to genuinely and humbly apologize for this behavior,” Williams’ memo continued.
Before the investigation ended, both Zack and Rippy were reprimanded. Then Zack left USAMRIID in December 1991, first heading to the Army’s Walter Reed Institute, then going to the private pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly, and then to a company in Colorado acquired by St. Louis’ Nexstar Financial Management. Several calls by Salon to his last known phone number and address in Boulder, Colo., went unreturned, and Nexstar says it no longer has any record of Zack. Rippy, who left USAMRIID shortly after Zack, in February 1992, worked for a while at Eli Lilly, but could not be located by Salon.
Assaad is puzzled that after clearing him of the accusation that he could be a bioterrorist, the FBI showed no interest in talking with him about his days at Fort Detrick. “The whole world wants to talk to me, except the FBI,” he said, as his lawyer’s phones rang nonstop this week, with media organizations seeking interviews with him. “Something’s wrong here.”
But while the FBI may not be interested in talking with Assaad further, federal authorities increasingly seem to believe that the anthrax letters were sent by a U.S. government scientist — and not by the Iraqis or al-Qaida, as some hawks have continued to insist over the past few months, while hundreds of Islamic and Arab-born immigrants have been questioned and detained by the FBI and INS.
“I can tell you there are scientists out there who do have military connections that we are focusing on, at least that connection,” Kevin Donovan, FBI special agent in charge of the Newark bureau, said at a press conference Wednesday.
For his part, Assaad says, “I want people to know the truth,” and wants to show the American people that Arab-Americans are not the enemy. Should the FBI trace the anthrax attacks back to his former lab, Assaad may have gone a long way toward his goal.
Laura Rozen writes about U.S. foreign policy and the Balkans crisis for Salon News.
(..)Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the lab building at night was Langford's predecessor, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992, apparently by Dr. Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close friend of Zack's, according to a report filed by a security guard.
Zack could not be reached for comment. In an interview this week, Rippy said that she doesn't remember letting Zack in, but that he occasionally stopped by after he was transferred off the base.
"After he left, he had no [authorized] access to the building. Other people let him in," she said. "He knew a lot of people there and he was still part of the military. I can tell you, there was no suspicious stuff going on there with specimens."
Zack left Fort Detrick in December 1991, after a controversy over allegations of unprofessional behavior by Zack, Rippy, Brown and others who worked in the pathology division. They had formed a clique that was accused of harassing the Egyptian-born Assaad, who later sued the Army, claiming discrimination.
Assaad said he had believed the harassment was behind him until last October, until after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
He said that is when the FBI contacted him, saying someone had mailed an anonymous letter - a few days before the existence of anthrax-laced mail became known - naming Assaad as a potential bioterrorist. FBI agents decided the note was a hoax after interviewing Assaad.
But Assaad said he believes the note's timing makes the author a suspect in the anthrax attacks, and he is convinced that details of his work contained in the letter mean the author must be a former Fort Detrick colleague.
Brown said that he doesn't know who sent the letter, but that Assaad's nationality and expertise in biological agents made him an obvious subject of concern after Sept. 11.
anthrax attacks, coming on the heels of Sept. 11, had enduring effects.
They deepened fears of terrorism and helped advocates of a U.S.
invasion of Iraq make their case to Congress and the public. They
prompted an expensive and risky expansion of federally funded biodefense
laboratories.” (
LA Times)
Anthrax: The Case Still Isn’t Closed (Aug 8, 2008) Malheureusement aucune mention de Zack!
is hard to overstate the political significance of the anthrax attacks.
For reasons I’ve described at length, that event played at least as
much of a role as the 9/11 attacks in elevating the Terrorism fear
levels which, through today, sustain endless wars, massive defense and
homeland security budgets, and relentless civil liberties erosions. … in
essence, it was anthrax that convinced large numbers of Americans that
Terrorism was something that could show up without warning at their
doorstep — though something as innocuous as their mailbox — in the form
of James-Bond-like attacks featuring invisible, lethal powder.
Moreover, anthrax was exploited in the aftermath of 9/11 to ratchet up
the fear levels toward Saddam Hussein, as ABC News‘ Brian Ross spent a
full week screeching to the country — falsely – that bentonite had been
found in the anthrax and that this agent was the telltale sign of Iraq’s
chemical weapons program, while George Bush throughout 2002 routinely
featured “anthrax” as one of Saddam’s scary weapons.”
Malheureusement, aucune mention de Zack!
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"There Will Be A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight!" Un projet de film de Michael Collins Piper, en réponse à l'abject "Inglourious Basterds" de Tarantino
L'empire est de retour en Irak...
11 septembre 2014, l'Islam à nouveau diabolisé, la victime toujours blâmée... Indignation sélective et interventionnisme à géométrie variable: tous ces politiciens qui crient au meurtre maintenant sont restés muets cet été lors du carnage israélien à Gaza. Les crimes de guerre occidentaux sont la cause réelle de la formation de l'État islamique; nos médias leur ont fait une pub du tonnerre, rien de mieux pour accroître les rangs de l'EI! Al-Qaida ne faisait plus peur, il fallait donc qu'un nouveau méchant de service prenne sa place... Serons-nous bernés encore une fois?
Dans la série des terroristes juifs dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler: L'incendie criminel contre une école bilingue arabe-hébreu en ville sainte, un attentat politique du groupe extrémiste juif Lehava. Aucune accusation de crime haineux? Et ils retrouvent leur liberté même si leur leader a dit qu'ils n'arrêteront jamais de terroriser les Palestiniens et combattre le métissage
milliardaires juifs et magnats des médias Haim Saban (Démocrate) et
Sheldon Adelson (Républicain) en compétition pour le titre du plus grand
juif fauteur de guerres mondiales, insistent qu'il faut bombarder
Willam Kristol, fauteur de guerre juif, roi du PNAC néocon, appelle à "défier l'idole de la fatigue de guerre" en se préparant et en se mobilisant pour la guerre
Médiats juifs anti-juifs? CNN et le NY Times mentionnent l'arsenal nucléaire d'Israël, qui explique pourquoi ses voisins se sont dotés d'armes chimiques
John McCain et les guerres pour Israël
Netanyahou (2010): un retrait des troupes d'Irak pourrait mettre la sécurité d'Israël en danger
autre grand comique juif, Sheldon Adelson, qui s'autoproclame "le juif
le plus riche du monde", appelle à bombarder l'Iran avec du nucléaire,
donnant ainsi raison à Jack Straw
False flag raté et terroristes juifs dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler...
Il y a vingt ans, l'attentat terroriste du loubavitch kahaniste Baruch Goldstein à Hébron montrait la fête de Pourim sous son vrai jour
Médiats juifs antijuifs? La chaîne CBS rapporte que l'administration Obama a demandé à Israël de bien vouloir cesser d'assassiner les scientifiques iraniens
À quand une purge mondiale des individus considérés anti-juifs? Assassinats extrajudiciaires et menaces de mort d'Israël contre ses ennemis perçus ; l'Iran dit avoir reçu une enveloppe portant le sceau d'Israël contenant des insectes morts accompagnés d'une lettre menaçant les "ennemis d'Israël" d'extermination au moyen d'armes biologiques (virus)
Le groupe Stern (Lehi) a tenté d'assassiner le président Truman; selon Victor Ostrovsky le Mossad a déjà tenté de tuer le président George Bush, qui disait "Je ne suis qu'un petit homme isolé qui se bat contre la puissance politique d'un millier de lobbyistes du Capitole"
Médias juifs antijuifs? Le Jerusalem Post confirme qu'Israël savait que le USS Liberty était américain
Encyclopédies antijuives? Menachem Begin, un terroriste exemplaire, selon Larousse.fr
Le terroriste le plus meurtrier de l'histoire
L'idole terroriste de feu Israel Asper
Ex-terroriste, futur président -- l'Israélien Menachem Begin : "Nous avons créé la terreur chez les Arabes"
Einstein contre l'état terroriste
Einstein considérait l'Irgun, la Stern gang, et les PM Israéliens Menahem Begin et Yitzhak Shamir comme des criminels terroristes
Yitzhak Shamir, le terroriste devenu président d'Israël qui joua un rôle central dans la conspiration contre JFK
Oklahoma City: la connexion israélienne serait plus significative qu'on croit
La main de la Ligue anti-diffamation dans la tragédie d'Oklahoma City
Derrière la tragédie du 11 septembre et la guerre au terrorisme
11 septembre 2014, l'Islam à nouveau diabolisé, la victime toujours blâmée... Indignation sélective et interventionnisme à géométrie variable: tous ces politiciens qui crient au meurtre maintenant sont restés muets cet été lors du carnage israélien à Gaza. Les crimes de guerre occidentaux sont la cause réelle de la formation de l'État islamique; nos médias leur ont fait une pub du tonnerre, rien de mieux pour accroître les rangs de l'EI! Al-Qaida ne faisait plus peur, il fallait donc qu'un nouveau méchant de service prenne sa place... Serons-nous bernés encore une fois? L'essentiel est de provoquer le penser.
11 septembre: les détails techniques ne sont que des détails, il importe bien plus de savoir qui sont les ultimes responsables et pourquoi ils l'ont fait. Et c'était pas les nazis!
Les "Israéliens dansants" du 11 septembre et l'implication du Mossad, en français!"
Les preuves que la fable du 11 septembre est un tissu de mensonge
11 septembre et tout le reste: c'était pas les musulmans!
Premières démolitions contrôlées de maisons palestiniennes par Israël: à peine 10 minutes après l'attaque du 11 septembre à New York!
Lesley Hughes, qui a pointé du doigt la responsabilité des sionistes dans le 11 septembre, fait payer le Congrès juif canadien pour avoir détruit sa carrière politique
Analyse du rapport du FBI sur les "Israéliens dansants"
Les attentats du 11 septembre et les fameux "Israéliens dansants": encore plus de preuves de connaissance préalable
Les documents du FBI sur les fameux "Israéliens dansants" arrêtés le 11 septembre 2001
Les 5 Israéliens dansants et le camion rempli d'explosifs du 11 septembre
Lobbying sioniste et libération des "Israéliens dansants" du 11 septembre
Le prochain 11 septembre sera-t-il concoté en Israël?
Des membres d'un réseau d'espionnage israélien liés aux "terroristes" du 11 septembre
Derrière Northwoods: Israël et "Team B" (néocons)
Les terroristes: qui sont-ils vraiment?
Pourfendeur de l'Islam militant, ardent pro-Israël, Newt Gingrich ne baisse pas moins la tête devant les terroristes iraniens du MeK
Selon Frank J. Gaffney (PNAC), les Frères Musulmans ont infiltré et contrôlent l'administration Obama
Détenteur d'un important arsenal nucléaire et chimique, Israël est responsable de la course à l'armement nucléaire et chimique au Proche-Orient... Qu'attendent nos chères démocraties pour condamner cet état terroriste partisan d'al-Qaïda et le compter parmi leurs ennemis?
Al-Qaida ou Al-Mossad?
Y a-t-il un terrorisme juif?
Au tour des colons fanatiques israéliens de brûler le Coran
Les Arabes musulmans ont le dos large, les vrais terroristes ignorés
"Kerry a déclaré la guerre à Dieu!" Menaces de mort contre Kerry-Haman: c'est pas des musulmans! Les antijuifs de plus en plus décomplexés inquiètent... Mais qu'en est-il des menaces de mort à peine voilées proférées impunément par des juifs contre des hommes d'État?
Les États-Unis négocient avec les terroristes: "Libérez Pollard en échange du gel de la colonisation [illégale]"
Israël assassine des présumés terroristes en sol américain
Avigdor Liberman veut retirer la citoyenneté aux Arabes, Joe Liberman veut retirer la citoyenneté aux présumés terroristes
Le croisé anti-terrorisme Lieberman lié à un groupe pro-terrorisme
Les rabbins pourraient être formés pour combattre le terrorisme
Le sioniste orthodoxe Joe Lieberman et le projet de loi visant la suppression des droits constitutionnels des personnes soupçonnées de terrorisme
Le Congrès juif et les alertes de sécurité
Guerre en Irak: pas seulement pour Israël
Rand Paul se distancie des idées de son père, se rapproche des juifs et reçoit l'appui de l'establishment républicain et des médias
La Judée déclare la guerre à Ron Paul. Judea Declares War on Ron Paul
Ron Paul explique le non-interventionnisme dans les affaires étrangères
Un "new Israel" au Texas? Pourquoi pas?
Michele Bachmann est comme Sarah Palin: plus sioniste que les sionistes
Les fauteurs de guerres
CLEAN BREAK': un document incontournable du gvt israélien pour
comprendre le projet du Grand Israël et les agressions impérialistes au
Moyen-OrientWar Made Easy: propagande guerrière
The War Party: Zionism and American Neocon Foreign Policy
Le mouvement juif Néo-conservateur : du trotskisme au bellicisme sioniste
Le président du National Endowment for Democracy (marionnettiste du "printemps arabe") est un ancien de l'Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith
Le complot islamo-gauchiste contre l'Occident. Par l'humoriste juif Daniel Pipes
Une obsession sioniste
La sainte croisade contre les musulmans
Netanyahou: "Nous vaincrons l'Islam militant"
Les plus importants pourvoyeurs de haine anti-Islam aux USA appartiennent à quelle communauté, d'après vous?