Netanyahu : « Israël doit devenir une puissance mondiale » - Netanyahu: Israel Must Become a World Power
Netanyahu : Israël est « une puissance mondiale » en cybersécurité - Israel ‘world power’ in cybersecurity — Netanyahu
Le Mossad fête des 65 ans - Israel's Mossad celebrates 65th anniversary Netanyahu congratulates legendary intelligence service for 'irreplaceable role' in securing Israel's existence
Netanyahu: Israel determined to be ‘world power’
Likud aims to build ties with conservative parties abroad
En 1976, Rabin avait comparé les implantations au ‘cancer’, mettait en garde contre l' 'Apartheid'
In 1976 interview, Rabin likens settler ideologues to ‘cancer,’ warns of ‘apartheid’
Rabin in 1976 interview: Settlements are a cancer
Israeli Cinema Is Finally Tackling Rabin's Assassination, 20 Years Later The release of Amos Gitai's 'Rabin, the Last Day' and Erez Laufer's 'Rabin in His Own Words' highlights the contrasting approaches to the former prime minister's death taken by features and documentaries.
PM Rabin killing "written on wall", filmmaker Gitai says
Rivlin vows he’ll never free Rabin’s killer On 20th anniversary of assassination, president warns against ‘destructive potential of political violence’
'We didn’t realize how much Rabin was hated'
Rabin's daughter: Israel did not learn from my father's murder
Les extrémistes juifs israéliens s'en sont pris violemment au "traître" "nazi" PM Yitzhak Rabin qui a osé discuter de paix avec les Palestiniens et serrer la main au "monstrueux" Arafat...
Amos Gitaï rouvre «la plaie» de l’assassinat de Rabin L’enquête officielle s’en est tenue « aux échecs opérationnels : la pagaille à l’israélienne, le garde du corps qui regarde dans la mauvaise direction, le chauffeur qui oublie de mettre la sirène sur le toit de la voiture et retarde l’évacuation de précieuses minutes », regrette M. Gitaï. Elle a négligé « les forces sous-jacentes qui s’étaient fixé pour but de tuer Rabin. Son assassinat est le point final d’une campagne haineuse, menée par des rabbins délirants, des colons opposés à tout retrait des Territoires palestiniens, et la droite parlementaire, au premier rang de laquelle le Likud, déjà mené par Benjamin Netanyahu (actuel Premier ministre), qui voulait déstabiliser le gouvernement travailliste ».
Rabin film won't end conspiracies theories but it does highlight hate campaign, filmmaker says
Settlers furious after teens appear in movie about Rabin murder
Yitzhak Rabin’s murder: US public radio examines the holes left behind 20 years on, ‘This American Life’ investigates the mysterious bullet holes in the prime minister’s clothes and the void created in Israeli society.
Pas besoin de voir des complots partout, le tireur juif extrémiste était motivé et appuyé par des forces puissantes nationales religieuses d'ultra-droite.
Rabin: 20 Years Later (Chapter One)
The Israeli Assassination With the Most Political Relevance Today Rehavam Ze'evi was murdered by an Arab, so everything is clear and simple. Yitzhak Rabin was murdered by a Jew, and that doesn't suit us or the times.
Make Rabin's memorial a national holiday
20 Years After Rabin, Extremists Still Legitimize Violence in Israel How would Rabin have dealt with the challenge of the extremism that still burns within Israeli society—the same extremism that struck him down?
The Rabin Assassination: When Judaism Failed The religious and cultural failure that led to the Rabin assassination continues to threaten Israeli sovereignty and democracy today.
In Rabin Square, Few Lessons From the Murder of a General Turned Peacemaker
Tous les Israéliens ne pleurent pas Yitzhak Rabin
'Rabin, the Last Day': An important film In his complex and seemingly disorganized way, director Amos Gitai has crafted a memorial of the Israeli PM's murder and the incitement that preceded it, as well as a stinging indictment of today's politicians. From this perspective, 'Rabin, the Last Day' touches the raw nerves in Israeli society without resorting to clichés.
Amos Gitaï : “Le seul homme politique qui pose une alternative à Netanyahou est un homme mort : c'est Yitzhak Rabin”Ce sont deux visions radicalement opposées de l'État juif qui s'affrontent dans le regretté PM Yitzhak Rabin et l'actuel PM Bibi Netanyahou. L'un incarne la possibilité d'un État-nation ouvert et pacifique, opposé aux extrémistes nationalistes et religieux (responsables de son assassinat), alors que l'autre incarne le courant du judaïsme sioniste le plus proche du terrorisme (le Likoud vient du groupe terroriste Irgoun de Menachem Begin) et des extrémistes racistes suprématistes (ex: Jabotinski, dont le père de Bibi était secrétaire).
Saban et Adelson: les deux milliardaires qui commanditent respectivement le parti Démocrate et le parti Républicain aux États-Unis.
Jewish Journalists: Bar Jews from Temple Mount Prominent mainstream media journalists blame Temple activist Yehuda Glick for the latest terror spate.
Reconciliation Demands the Temple Mount Be Closed to Jews Prayer is not what's in the mind of extremist rabbis who encourage their flock to visit the Temple Mount.
Netanyahu flip-flops on Jewish-only Temple Mount ban PM's adoption of security panel's advice draws criticism from right-wing; says directive applies to Jews and Arabs alike.
Temple Mount is the issue, not terror
«Les terroristes se sentent libres» : Israël affronte l’extrémisme juif sur fond de heurts à Al-Aqsa
'Zionist regime's insult of al-Aksa foremost problem for Muslims,' Khamenei says
Jewish settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque with police protection
Which Comes First: Messiah or the Temple?
La destruction de la mosquée al-aqsa à Jérusalem est le but ultime de groupes israéliens
Les Etats-Unis fustigent la critique de l’ONU « unilatérale » sur le mont du Temple
Jerusalem's mayor warns Palestinians in holy site clashes: 'if they use violence we will hunt them'
Video: Why is Israel attacking Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque?
Saudi king urges Obama to stop ‘Israeli attacks’ on Temple Mount
Mont du Temple : la France exprime sa « vive préoccupation »
Des milliers de Jordaniens manifestent contre les "violations" israéliennes à Al-Aqsa
L’archevêque Hanna: Nous sommes tous unis face aux agressions israéliennes
Palestinian Journalists Say They Were Beaten by Israel Police During Jerusalem Clashes
US Calls on Israel to Maintain Ban on Jewish Temple Mount Prayer
Israel Desecrates Islam’s Third Holiest Site for the Third Day
Raw Footage: Israeli forces storm Al-Aqsa Mosque
Jewish snipers inside Al-Aqsa mosque on third day of clashes
Des fanatiques israéliens poussent à la prise d’assaut et à la profanation de la sainte mosquée d’al-Aqsa
Les policiers israéliens entrent dans la mosquée al-Aqsa, troisième lieu de l'islam, causent des dégâts.
Israeli forces attack Palestinian women at Aqsa mosque
Zoabi: Temple Mount should be Jew-free Arab MK says there is no scientific proof of Jewish Temple at site, accuses Israel of ‘trying to occupy al-Aqsa Mosque’
Malaysian Premier Invokes Torah Wisdom to Bash Israel in UN Speech
Leading Shas Rabbi: Jewish ‘Provocation’ on Temple Mount Behind Latest Violence
‘France advancing plan to deploy international observers at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount’
Israel says will not accept international presence in east Jerusalem
Israel and U.S. Cooperating Against French Bid for Int’l Presence on Temple Mount
Jerusalem furious at French bid for observers on Temple Mount
Israel seeks to thwart French initiative on Temple Mount Security Council proposal condemning Israeli actions requires consensus of all 15 members; Israel says proposal rewards Palestinian terror
![Rabbi Ovadia Yosef](http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/upload/200746/images/1013_rabbi-ovadia-yosef.jpg)
"Hating Arabs is not racism, it's values!"
"Hating Arabs is not racism, it's values!"
"Hating Arabs is not racism, it's values!"
VIDEO - David Sheen: Connection Between Netanyahu and Lehava
VIDEO - David Sheen: Measuring Racism: Israeli Education
VIDEO - Temple movement rabbi proselytizes for genocide DO NOT MISS | À NE PAS MANQUER ! Un discours du leader du Sanhédrin, 9 septembre 2015. (S-T Anglais - English Subtitles)
Rabbis: Killing Palestinian resistance fighters ‘a religious duty’
Hate-Mongering Israeli Rabbis Call Killing Palestinians “a Religious Duty”
Le Sanhédrin passe un jugement contre le Pape François et Barack Obama sur le Mont Sion. Par Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz – Le 10 septembre 2015
Sanhedrin Passes Judgement Against Obama on Mt. Zion
Connections Between Sukkot and the War of Gog and Magog
Hassidic Rabbi: War of Gog and Magog Already Began in Syria
‘Let the People of Israel Enter the Gates and Kill Arabs’
Good Jews Roam Through Jerusalem Attacking Palestinians, Screaming “Death To Arabs!”
VIDEO - Death-chanting Israeli mob rejoices as Palestinian teen is executed
Far-right Activists Chant 'Death to Arabs,' Assault Passersby in Jerusalem After Terror Attack Several violent incidents reported as hundreds march through capital, block traffic.
'Let the People of Israel Enter the Gates and Kill Arabs' Racist violence has erupted following terrorist attacks in the past, but this time it seems that the Jewish mob which took to the streets was accepted by Jerusalemites with understanding, if not downright approval.
The Right-wing Loonies Bully Me, and So Does Facebook I got suspended from the site for criticizing ‘armed pagans.’ Too bad they didn’t suspend all the people who wished for my murder.
Why Should Jews Celebrate a Torah That Calls for Genocide and Homophobia?
«Les terroristes se sentent libres» : Israël affronte l’extrémisme juif sur fond de heurts à Al-Aqsa
National-religious revolution is completed Op-ed: Israel's new police chief, Roni Alsheich, joins a long list of senior appointments in politics, in the government, in the defense establishment and in the media of people who were raised in the Religious Zionism movement, controlling the direction of Israel. If there is a revolution, it has been completed. The national-religious Jews are already here.
When Israel’s Great Brainwashing Began In the '50s and '60s, there was just one Israel as far as we were concerned — Holocaust-survivor, Ashkenazi Jewish, socialist and secular.
Israel’s Left Is Finally Bringing Its Racism out of the Closet
Why Israelis can burn Palestinians alive and get away with it
Wipe Out the Jewish Terrorist Nest? Nah, We Can’t Reveal Our Sources
Israel’s Convoluted Legal System: “Administrative Detention” and Israel’s “Moral Imperative”
Israel's 'Jewish Majority' Obsession What can we say about the Jewish majority if it's a majority for fascism, racism and hatred of Arabs and foreigners?
HA'ARETZ-Justifying War Crimes in the Name of Judaism In contemporary Israel, the idea of the universal mission of the Jewish people has morphed into something else – and all in the name of the Jews’ supposed moral supremacy.
HA'ARETZ - Time to Exorcise the Racism From Judaism's Roots Words meant to comfort us when Jews were weak and victimized have become tools of vengeance now that we have power and weapons.
Si on écrivait un article comme ça disait qu'il faut expurger le judaïsme de toute la haine qui est à sa racine, on serait considéré comme de vils antisémites, n'est-ce pas?
"Israël" protège les colons juifs terroristes
Court upholds administrative detention for Kahane’s grandson
Israeli discourse plagued by hatred
How relevant is the Old Testament in understanding Jewish behavior in the Middle East and beyond
Ya’alon: No Arrests in Duma Arson Due to ‘Difficulty’ in Putting Attackers on Trial
Ya'alon: Administrative detention used on Jewish extremists to prevent future attacks
Le ministre de la Défense nie savoir qui a tué les Dawabsha
'We know Duma attackers' Ya'alon claims to know who perpetrated arson attack in Duma, says no arrests had been made in order to avoid exposing intelligence sources.
Israeli Authorities Know Who Burned Palestinian Family Alive, Defense Minister Says Ya'alon says suspects not being identified to protect the sources; since attack that killed members of Dawabsheh family, three Jewish assailants have been detained.
Israel Has Identified Duma Arson Suspects but Won’t File Charges Yet, Says Defense Minister
Une minute de silence pour les victimes de Duma à la Mostra de Venise
West Bank Holocaust: The Holocaust of the Dawabsheh family Bébé brûlé vif, parents tués
Tsahal : Il ne fait pas de doute que l’attaque de Duma est un acte de ‘terrorisme juif’ Un militaire de haut rang a rejeté les spéculations selon lesquelles l’incendie criminel de juillet ait pu avoir été commis par des Palestiniens
Israeli Crimes against Humanity: Palestinian Mother Dies from Israeli Settler Inflicted Immolation
Palestinians in Duma are angry that no one has been charged for murders, after 38 days
Israel Clamping Down on Jewish Terror - but Not Tightly Enough Israeli security services have cracked other cases involving arson attacks by Jewish extremists, but those who set fire to a home in Duma, killing a baby and his parents, are apparently still at large.
Deux extrémistes juifs inculpés pour l’incendie d’une tente de Bédouins
Pointing Finger at Americans for Settler Violence Shirks Israeli Responsibility Despicable criminals are only a fraction of Jewish-American immigrants to Israel, most of whom are law-abiding citizens.
'The Gatekeepers' Director: Netanyahu Is the Greatest Danger to Israel Film director and producer Dror Moreh says the prime minister is doing everything he can to undermine Israeli democracy.
Bibi's Plan for Next Elections: Israel's Own Republican Party Though he's occupied with Iran, the U.S. Congress and the gas deal, the prime minister is also thinking about the next elections – and a large right-center bloc he would lead to victory.
The Man of the Year Is King Bibi's Nemesis, President Reuven Rivlin Rivlin has turned out to be the people’s president, a seeker of peace and an impregnable wall against the forces that threaten to destroy Israel’s democracy.
Netanyahu rebuffs UK chief rabbi’s concern over settlements Ephraim Mirvis says settlement expansion troubles Israel supporters in the UK; ‘settlements are not the issue,’ PM responds.
Le déni de réalité n'est jamais un choix avisé, Bibi!
Netanyahu « La haine d'Israël mènera l'Europe à sa perte. Nous sommes les gardiens de la civilisation. »
‘We will prevail against militant Islam,’ Netanyahu vows in 9/11 tribute
No Room for Dissent in Israel's Schools Right-wing ideas permeate Israeli schools, and an educator who disagrees risks a witch-hunt.
Rabbinate: Boycott ‘dangerous’ pro-Israel Christian event
VIDEO - Radical Young Israelis and the Price Tag Attacks: Rockets and Revenge (Dispatch 7)
Israel seeks to legalize controversial settler outpost State asserts Adei Ad doesn’t lie on Palestinian land; defense minister dismisses notion of West Bank construction freeze
Olmert blasts Netanyahu's foreign policy, warns of risk of apartheid in Israel
‘Let the People of Israel Enter the Gates and Kill Arabs’
Good Jews Roam Through Jerusalem Attacking Palestinians, Screaming “Death To Arabs!”
VIDEO - Death-chanting Israeli mob rejoices as Palestinian teen is executed
Far-right Activists Chant 'Death to Arabs,' Assault Passersby in Jerusalem After Terror Attack Several violent incidents reported as hundreds march through capital, block traffic.
'Let the People of Israel Enter the Gates and Kill Arabs' Racist violence has erupted following terrorist attacks in the past, but this time it seems that the Jewish mob which took to the streets was accepted by Jerusalemites with understanding, if not downright approval.
The Right-wing Loonies Bully Me, and So Does Facebook I got suspended from the site for criticizing ‘armed pagans.’ Too bad they didn’t suspend all the people who wished for my murder.
KING BIBI is ‘the leader of the Jewish world,’ says top aide
Temple Mount is the issue, not terror
A Jérusalem, la « guerre de religion » masque un colonialisme pur et dur
Benjamin Netanyahu: A Prime Minister Detached From Reality This week's series of terror attacks is another warning written on the wall: A third intifada is on the way.
Netanyahu: Israel Will Expedite Demolition of Terrorists' Homes Day after two Israelis stabbed to death in Jerusalem's Old City, prime minister orders measures to curb terrorism; meanwhile, violence resumes in East Jerusalem.
Netanyahu : « Pas de limites » dans la lutte contre les terroristes palestiniens Le Premier ministre réitère son engagement en faveur du « combat à mort de la terreur palestinienne » annoncé à son retour de New York
Netanyahu ordonne d’accélérer les démolitions des maisons des palestiniens
How Dangerous is Nuclear Israel: A Short Independent Film Report
L’entité sioniste au-dessus de l’AIEA !
Republicans, AIPAC weigh support for bill ‘fixing’ Iran deal Maintenant qu'ils ont compris qu'ils peuvent pas l'empêcher, ils veulent le "corriger".
The military option is back on the table
Netanyahu in N.Y.: Daniel in the Lion’s Den or World’s Greatest Nudnik?
Nucléaire iranien : comment le roi des casinos veut contrer Obama Par Vincent Jauvert. Pour faire capoter l'accord historique signé avec l'Iran, le milliardaire américain Sheldon Adelson a plusieurs armes : des dollars et un lobbying intense et très organisé.
Olmert to Al Jazeera: Iran is a ‘done deal,’ Israel mustn’t fight with Obama
Netanyahu’s real message was to Israel’s Jews: “Talk peace but prepare for doomsday”
Hey, What Ever Happened to the 'Existential Threat' of Iran? I’ll leave out the speed with which the dreaded threat of Iranian weaponry has disappeared from Israel’s political agenda and been replaced by the supposedly equally deadly threat of teenagers throwing stones. Gotta love it.
AIPAC’s Democrat Problems Go Beyond Obama AIPAC and leading Democrats are pushing an explicitly pro-settlement bill through Congress.
After the Iran Deal, Vitriol Reigns as U.S. Jews Struggle to Move Forward At Jewish federations coast to coast, donors threatened to pull funding if group didn’t take the right public position.
‘TheTedCroos’ at Judaic-Values Voter Summit: ‘Vows to introduce Ayatollah to “72 virgins” if he’s elected President’Ça veut dire menaces de mort.
Everyone’s kicking AIPAC now that it’s down Hourra!
Israel will feel US rage after Netanyahu leaves Washington Analysis: White House officials already working on plan for day after Congress speech; Israel, which has asked for another $317 million for defense, may find out America far less generous than before.
Netanyahu Aims His WMD at Obama
Democratic Support for Iran Deal Is Obama’s Victory and AIPAC’s Debacle Tehran's behavior in coming months will determine whether GOP ploy of using Iran as electoral issue pays off – or boomerangs.
The American Jewish divide is about more than Iran Since the 1960s, American Christians have been waging a bitter culture war. American Jews are now prominent combatants on opposing sides.
Ayalon exhorte Netanyahu à mettre fin à son conflit avec Obama
Pro-Israel campus groups worry Iran deal debate will end in ‘anti-Semitic hatefest’ On the college frontlines, advocacy groups fear ratification of the nuke deal will expose a failure in Jewish leadership and have severe implications
Netanyahu Confidante Threatens to Nuke Iran and Slaughter Arab Civilians
Most Israeli Jews say Iran deal ‘existential threat’ — poll
Cheney: Iran deal endangers ‘future of the Jewish people’
Bachmann: US must send message of ‘peace’ to Iran by bombing
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz Blast Nuclear Accord at anti-Iran Deal Rally
House edges toward legal action against Obama on Iran deal Representatives pass resolution that declares president failed to comply with terms of Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act
Does Iran deal rift mean Jews will go GOP in 2016?
What was Netanyahu thinking when he kept fighting Obama?
Joe Scarborough accuses the American left of anti-Semitic rhetoric on Iran deal
Influential Pro-Israel Group Suffers Stinging Political Defeat
The Iran Deal and the End of the Israel Lobby
Former Mossad chief slams Netanyahu: 'The problem is Iran, not President Obama'
Ex-Mossad Chief Dagan: Israel Must End Criticism - Problem Is Iran, Not Obama Meir Dagan tells International Institute of Counterterrorism that Israel has made a 'strategic decision' to adopt a policy against U.S.
Michele Bachmann est « extrêmement excitée » par l’Accord avec l’Iran parce qu’il provoquera le jugement de Dieu sur le monde comme prédit dans Zacharie 12:3.
Dick Cheney : L’accord sur le nucléaire iranien est une "folie" Les nazis ont mis 7 ans pour tuer 6 millions de Juifs, mais il faudra seulement « un jour » à un Iran nucléaire pour parvenir au même résultat, a déclaré l’ancien vice-président de George W Bush.
Le New-York Times publie une liste des « mauvais juifs » qui étaient contre l'accord avec l'Iran
Jewish groups blast NY Times over chart listing Jewish lawmakers opposed to Iran deal
New York Times removes ‘Jew’ column from listing of Iran deal opponents
NYT: ‘Jew’ column in chart listing lawmakers opposing Iran deal ‘unnecessary’
New York Times’ list of Jewish lawmakers raises hackles Infographic showing where Congress members stand on Iran deal and marking them as Jewish or not ignites social media firestorm (JTA)
Next Hurdle for Iran Deal: AIPAC’s Plan B (Endorsed by Post)
The Israeli military option against Iran
Campus is seen as next battleground against Iran Deal — by ‘rightwing fanatics’
Israel, US working to prevent discussion of ‘Israel’s nuclear capabilities’ at IAEA meeting
Jeb Bush’s Jewish team includes brother’s backers, staffers
Obama ‘refused to oppose Palestinian UN statehood bid’ In latest sign of Washington-Jerusalem rift, White House said to have declined repeated request to come out publicly against unilateral PA move
Report: Senior Democrat failed to obtain Obama commitment to veto Palestinian state at UN
The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion
Blame America? No, Blame Neocons! By Ron Paul September 22, 2015
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to receive 2015 AEI Irving Kristol Award
Netanyahu to receive conservative think tank’s award on day he meets Obama
VIDEO - Mark Glenn on Press TV’s The Debate–Islam-bashing big business in US
Frank Gaffney Defends Ben Carson's Islamophobia
Hagee on “God’s” foreign Policy
A marriage of Jingoism and Fascism: Has Netanyahu Found His Preferred Choice For ‘President’?
Sheldon Adelson Is Ready to Buy the Presidency
Israel’s Agent of Influence – Senator Ben Cardin shows how it’s done
Jimmy Carter gets cancer for hating Israel!
Jeb Bush Unveils ‘Jewish Leadership Committee’; Members Include Eric Cantor, Michael Mukasey
Mukasey était le juge du 11 septembre et du WTC-1993!
Eric Cantor [Orthodox zionist jew] almost became first Jewish Speaker of the House, Boehner aide reveals
Quels candidats pro-Israël pour combler le vide au Sénat américain? Le président démissionaire John Boehner laisse un état de service très pro-Israël, et son successeur en héritera très probablement
Rand Paul Finally Confronted About Israel At Live Event, Tells Questioner "Not Right Now" As He answers Everyone Else's Questions
Israel will never hand over parts of the West Bank, says Deputy FM Hotovely
Le président égyptien A-Sissi, appelle les pays arabes modérés à une normalisation des relations avec Israël
VIDEO - Palestinian woman shot, left to bleed by Israeli soldiers
VIDEO - ‘IDF saying woman had a knife, trying to justify unjustifiable action’
Video of Palestinian police beating man goes viral
Shooting Children Becomes Israeli Policy
Ministers toughen measures against stone-throwers Cabinet approves use of .22 Ruger sniper rifles against rioters who endanger Israelis, a minimum four-year prison sentence
HA'ARETZ-Israel Is a Stone's Throw Away From Becoming the Roman Empire On Jewish holidays, we're used-to identifying as the resourceful downtrodden that manage to bring an empire to its knees. This year, as our gazillion-dollar army takes on masked Palestinian teens, we find our role reversed.
Analysis: Should Palestinian parents pay for minors’ rock-throwing?
Erekat: New Israeli measures against stone-throwers ‘dehumanize whole nation’
Ha'aretz-Jews Throw Stones Too, but Arabs Get Harsher Sentences In verdicts over recent years, Arabs are much more likely to get prison sentences that approach or exceed a year.
Israël: la police autorisée à tirer sur les enfants lanceurs de pierres
VIDEO - Documentary on Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion
Polémique : l’islamisme radical découle-t-il de la guerre des Six jours ? La réponse [du sioniste] Michel Hazanavicius aux propos de Philippe Lioret qui accuse Israël d’être à la source de l’islamisme radical.(Vidéo complète de l'entretien de Léa Salamé avec Philippe Lioret)
Est-ce-qu'Amnistie Internationale a perdu la tête ? Par Norman Finkelstein
Est-ce qu’Amnistie Internationale a perdu la tête ? Quatrième partie. Par Norman Finkelstein
Est-ce qu’Amnistie Internationale a perdu la tête ? Sixième partie. par Norman Finkelstein
Conservatives condemn graphic anti-Israel posters plastered around Montreal (Canada)
Journalistes de l'AFP agressés par des soldats israéliens en Cisjordanie
Rescapé d’une tentative d’assassinat de l’armée israélienne, le journaliste J.M. Bourget remporte une grande victoire judiciaire
Israel’s Collapse Imminent Due To Lack Of Diversity According To “Jews For Social Justice”
Israel Is Destroying Its Own Freedom If there is a symbol of the reality of Israeli rule in the occupied territories it is the photograph from Nabi Saleh.
Meet the Hasidic woman who manages risk for the NSA
Israël menace de détruire 13.000 structures palestiniennes en Cisjordanie
Dennis Ross: Netanyahu agreed to West Bank pullout in 2010
Lone Palestinian Terrorists, Settler Vengeance Worrying Israeli Security Authorities The fear is that unlike in previous times of tension, right-wing extremists may carry out vengeance attacks, like the deadly arson which killed three members of the Dawabsheh family.
Over 100,000 Brits Want Netanyahu Arrested. He is Scheduled to Arrive in London on September 9
California city commissioner fired for proposing Israel divestment
Labeling settlement products gets further push as European Parliament backs move
Netanyahu compare l'étiquetage des produits des colonies à l'époque nazie
PM: EU vote to label Israel settlement products echoes Nazi era
Netanyahu: EU plan to label settlement goods ‘unjust’
Bayit Yehudi MK proposes bill to keep boycotters from entering Israel
Rivlin: Labeling of settlement products an ‘obstacle’ to peace
Who's Behind Website Targeting Pro-BDS Activists?
SodaStream chief says boycotters are anti-semitic
Israël : grève des écoles arabes en solidarité avec les chrétiens
Arab state school students join Christian schools’ strike
With Schools Starved of Funds, Christians Question Their Future in Israel
Christian Schools On Strike in Israel Over 'Discrimination'
Colonialisme et falsification historique… Il n’y a pas d’histoire juive
Israel Advocacy Groups Muzzling Dissent on U.S. Campuses, Claim New Reports Responding to anti-Israel campus activities 'is also free speech,' says ADL in refuting the studies issued by two groups critical of Israel.
Republicans, AIPAC weigh support for bill ‘fixing’ Iran deal Maintenant qu'ils ont compris qu'ils peuvent pas l'empêcher, ils veulent le "corriger".
The military option is back on the table
Netanyahu in N.Y.: Daniel in the Lion’s Den or World’s Greatest Nudnik?
Nucléaire iranien : comment le roi des casinos veut contrer Obama Par Vincent Jauvert. Pour faire capoter l'accord historique signé avec l'Iran, le milliardaire américain Sheldon Adelson a plusieurs armes : des dollars et un lobbying intense et très organisé.
Olmert to Al Jazeera: Iran is a ‘done deal,’ Israel mustn’t fight with Obama
Netanyahu’s real message was to Israel’s Jews: “Talk peace but prepare for doomsday”
A Jérusalem, la « guerre de religion » masque un colonialisme pur et dur
Rupert Murdoch: Propaganda Recruit for Reagan [Neocon Zionist Tool], by Robert Parry
FLASHBACK: The world was right about Iraq– though Israel got its ‘Clean Break’, June 14, 2014
Enter the Bush Doctrine The four pillars of the president's strategy for winning World War IV. By [ULTRA-ZIONIST NEOCON JEW] Norman Podhoretz Updated Sept. 2, 2004 (Editor's note: This is excerpted from Mr. Podhoretz's article, "World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win," which appears in the September issue of Commentary.) Voir la version française (et résumée) de Réseau Voltaire.
Podhoretz sur les Troisième et Quatrième guerres mondiales: "For these reasons, I agree with one of our leading contemporary students of military strategy, Eliot A. Cohen, who thinks that what is generally called the "Cold War" (a term, incidentally, coined by Soviet propagandists) should be given a new name. "The Cold War," Mr. Cohen writes, was actually "World War III, which reminds us that not all global conflicts entail the movement of multimillion-man armies, or conventional front lines on a map." I also agree that the nature of the conflict in which we are now engaged can only be fully appreciated if we look upon it as World War IV. To justify giving it this name--rather than, say, the "war on terrorism"--Mr. Cohen lists "some key features" that it shares with World War III: that it is, in fact, global; that it will involve a mixture of violent and nonviolent efforts; that it will require mobilization of skill, expertise and resources, if not of vast numbers of soldiers; that it may go on for a long time; and that it has ideological roots. There is one more feature that World War IV shares with World War III and that Mr. Cohen does not mention: Both were declared through the enunciation of a presidential doctrine."
Netanyahu veut une enquête pour « incitation » contre Zoabi
Netanyahu's Own Camp Is Turning Against Him As unrest intensifies, the prime minister is in the unenviable position of facing the wrath of an impatient international community, an anxious constituency, and members of his party and his coalition.
Alarmed European Jews Want Netanyahu Replaced with a Leader for Peace
Obama’s ex-pastor: Israel is apartheid state, ‘Jesus was a Palestinian’
L'envoyé de l’UE : je ne comprends pas pourquoi Israël fait tout ce tapage autour de l’étiquetage
EU envoy: I don’t get why Israel makes such a fuss about labeling
Safed chief rabbi: Destroy enemy to deter attacks
Safed Rabbi: Terrorists Must Not Be Allowed to Survive Attacks
Palestinians will never have a state and will be ruled by Israel — says Israeli minister
Israeli Intelligence Using Fake Facebook Accounts to Spy on Protesters
Both BDS and Israel supporters feel victimized on U.S. campuses
Israeli Soldiers Surround Palestinian Woman At Bus Station, Then Open Fire (VIDEO)
Settler aggression escalates with army support in al-Khalil (Hebron)
Israeli settlers carry out attacks in East Jerusalem, West Bank
Les Arabes en grève contre « les tentatives d’écarter les Musulmans du mont du Temple »
La France juge la situation en Israël « extrêmement dangereuse »
Ad Hoc Israeli Facebook Campaign Battles Hatred of Arabs But it’s not nearly as popular as the racist posting that spurred the group on.
LEST WE FORGET: Paul Eisen: Judaism is NOT religion of peace
Lest We Forget–Judaism is NOT a ‘religion of peace’
Yair Lapid's Shoot-to-kill Policy Makes for a Sorry Ethics Code If fear has addled the former finance minister to the point where he can’t maintain human decency, he should remove himself from the public arena.
Zionist Settlers Storm Al-Aqsa, Attack Villages near Hebron
Knowing What Will Happen to Their Families Doesn't Deter Palestinian Attackers Three Jabal Mukkaber residents knew their homes and families' lives would be destroyed, yet they still went on a killing spree in Jerusalem last Tuesday.
VIDEO - Israeli police kick and beat journalist
Selected Articles: Ethnic Cleansing and Zionist Supremacy in Israel
Dermer: Linking settlements to terror wave ‘very foolish’ Ambassador takes dig at Kerry statements but emphasizes renewed US-Israel partnership following Iran deal acrimony.
Il faudrait surtout pas faire ce lien... trop pertinent! trop juste!
Krauthammer: Obama's remarks on Israel are 'shameful'
Justice Minister Shaked: U.S. Criticism 'Unacceptable' and 'Distorts Reality' In opening session of Israeli expat conference, Ambassador Dermer says Israel and U.S. formulating 'common policy' against 'continuing dangers' from Iran.
Dennis Ross: Obama Doesn’t Understand Israeli Concerns Former peace negotiator Dennis Ross and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz criticize U.S. as lacking a Middle East policy.
Settlers forcibly evict Palestinian families from Silwan homes
Israël: un mur de béton isole un quartier palestinien à Jérusalem-Est
Israel’s system of segregated roads: where your number plate dictates which road you can drive on
Israel’s Leaders Are Fulfilling Their Zionist Ideology I disagree with my friend on a lot of things, but we agree that whether a Palestinian is a collaborator or an ISIS member, most Israelis will stick to their dogma.
Are UN Workers Stoking Hatred of Israelis?
Not just BDS: Why it's hard to bring singers to Israel
VIDEO - Vidéo facebook pour la campagne BDS (avec Naomi Klein, Roger Waters, etc.)
Hypothesis: Cappuccino Israelis will be radicalized against apartheid
Israeli brutalities caught on camera
Israel, its media coverage, and the anatomy of a pathological society
VIDEO - Israël : Un soldat tué, 11 blessés, 5 dans un état grave. Un Érythréen tué par erreur car noir. (version plus longue)
Police start probe into lynch 'The security officer yelled terrorist, and we didn’t think twice. If he was a terrorist - people would be thanking me,' says participant in mob.
Israeli bus station attack: IDF soldier killed, police mistakenly shoot dead foreigner
VIDEO - Le lobby israélien mobilise ses troupes en France: Bernard-Henri Lévy menace les Européens On croirait entendre Bibi juste avant les attentats de Paris de janvier 2015...
Israël accuse Paris de vouloir "récompenser le terrorisme". À quand des casques bleus en Palestine ?
Selon France 2, il n'y a pas d'antisémitisme en France' C'est ainsi que les juifs de juif.org rapportent le propos du journaliste, pourtant le reportage ne nie pas la hausse des incidents antisémites en France au cours des dernières années... On voit le niveau d'honnêteté intellectuelle de ces gens...
VIDEO - Une Israélienne parle: "de toute façon, là où vivent les Palestiniens c'est chez nous!"
VIDEO - Extremists zionists of settlers encourage israeli occupation forces to arrest & Assault of a disabled palestinian child at the Occupied City of Hebron 23/10/2015
VIDEO - Scène de violence gratuite contre un cuisinier palestinien
VIDEO - Jewish extremist attacks Israeli activist with knife
L'ex-Premier ministre israélien Ehud Barak poursuivi en justice aux Etats-Unis
Israel Minister Ayelet Shaked Wants To Imprison Young Palestinian Children
« Il n’y aura jamais d’Etat palestinien » disent-ils. Si ça n’est pas une provocation !
The Subhumans Among Us The Palestinian body has become fair game. The prisons are full of them. Their release is our downfall.
The lynching and the cover-up
Most religious Zionists want Arabs out of Israel, study finds
Israel's Government, Army and Police Must Calm Down This Wild West Atmosphere The fear of terror attacks is difficult enough for civilians to cope with; it must not be exacerbated by the horror of unrestrained shooting.
VIDEO - Guénolé, du concret: "La France doit reconnaître l'Etat palestinien !"
Pro-Israel Americans demand $80m aid cuts for Palestine
Pro-Palestinian New Yorker’s Dwarf Pro-Israeli Gathering
Israël dénonce le vote "honteux" de l'Unesco sur les lieux saints musulmans à Jérusalem
Les mistaravim où comment les soldats israéliens infiltrent les Palestiniens
Number of Israelis visiting mental health clinics goes up by 100%
J. K. Rowling tops list of UK artists opposing Israel boycott
Harry Potter’s author J.K. Rowling & Other Brits Write Open Letter Opposing Cultural Boycott Of Israel
Femmes palestiniennes empêchant les forces israéliennes d'entrer dans la Mosquée Al-Aqsa
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters rips Howard Stern after Israel comments
Les nouveaux incendiaires de la République
Manifestation anti-AFP de la Ligue de défense juive : un journaliste pris à partie
BuzzFeed journalist attacked by far-right Jewish extremists (terrorists) in Paris
Le journaliste David Perrotin de BuzzFeed pris à partie lors d’une manifestation de la LDJ
La LDJ violente un journaliste en plein Paris, mais le gouvernement ne bouge pas
Far-right French Jews Assault BuzzFeed Journalist Armed with batons, dozens of violent Jewish activists who had gathered to protest the news agency’s Israel coverage, assaulted David Perrotin.
Netanyahu denies Palestinian claim that he agreed to settlement freeze
Des milliers d'Israéliens manifestent pour la paix avec les Palestiniens
Car Set Ablaze, Hebrew Graffiti Spray-painted in Suspected East Jerusalem Hate Crime 'Death to Arabs' sprayed next to burnt car in Tsur Baher; Police launch investigation.
Netanyahu Mulls Revoking Residency of Palestinians Beyond E. Jerusalem Separation Barrier The prime minister raised the possibility at a recent security cabinet meeting; ministers note the 'dramatic political implications' of the measure.
Netanyahu’s Latest Ethnic Cleansing Scheme: Forcibly Displacing East Jerusalem Arab Residents
God’s Chosen People? — Guest Column by Stephen Lendman
Checkpoints stir Palestinian anger in East Jerusalem
VIDEO - Rabbin attaqué au couteau par un colon juif
The pornography of terror on Israeli media
Jerusalem mufti: Temple Mount never housed Jewish Temple
Il en reste vraiment aucune trace, mais les historiens sont quand même convaincus qu'il y a eu un Temple ou des temples juifs sur cette montagne, juste en se basant sur des écrits anciens... Or les écrits anciens sont parfois à lire dans un sens spirituel (ex: château du Graal).
57 Palestinians, Including 13 Children And A Pregnant Woman, Killed This Month
VIDEO - Caught on Camera: Israel’s extrajudicial killings
New Israeli execution of school girl in West Bank (Video) Nos médias parlent des exécutions, mais seulement quand elles sont le fait des "fous d'Allah" et autres "sales arabes".
Lieux saints de Jérusalem: l'Unesco condamne l'agression d'Israël
Israel’s descent into unmasked, right wing extremism: A new generation rises to fight occupation, settler-colonialism, apartheid
Boycott des produits israéliens : une décision de la Cour de cassation inquiétante pour la liberté d’expression
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters: ‘I Won’t Waste One Breath on A**hole Howard Stern’
MSNBC Opts To Apologize After Airing Map Of Disappearing Palestine
Israel ministers approve mandatory Arabic studies from first grade: "When the Jewish population will understand Arabic, the way the Arab public understands Hebrew, we will see better days"
How the Jewish Community Will Remember Stephen Harper
Yaalon: Israel’s disputes over Iran nuclear deal are over Échec retentissant pour le lobby juif international va-t-en-guerre. Enfin des bonnes nouvelles...
Inside The Big-Moneyed Network Rallying Around Marco Rubio
What you don’t know about Marco Rubio The GOP presidential candidate's main patron is a Jewish billionaire, he's hawkish on Israel and he has belonged to Mormon and Baptist churches despite being Catholic.
Marco Rubio’s big Jewish backer and 7 other things to know about him
Jewish billionaire investor throws support to GOP's Rubio
Pro-Israel Hedge Fund Billionaire, Paul Singer, Buys Large Stake in Rubio Inc.
Rubio: The Likud choice for President
Marco Rubio’s support triples: New Hampshire poll
Why Does Ben Carson Keep Talking About the Nazis?
How GOP bogeyman Sidney Blumenthal advised Clinton on Israel
Ross: US must move from distance to detente with Israel
‘America First Not Israel’: Detroit billboard urges US to restrict influence of Jewish Lobby EN RAPPEL. J'ADORE.
Are American Donors Helping To Fuel Jerusalem Tensions With Settler Push?
Struggling Israel supporter laments hardhearted Israelis and ‘hegemony of big donors’
VIDEO - (JOKE) Netanyahu Announces his US Presidential Bid C'est une proposition d'Ann Coulter.
OBAMA: Israel must end its 50-year occupation
Netanyahu Will Meet With Obama From a Position of Weakness Israel may learn the hard way that without a deep ideological pact with the U.S., it will not have a viable strategic alliance either.
VIDEO - Rappel: U.S. lawmakers forced to pledge of allegiance to Israel
Netanyahu Traps Israel in a World of False Images The prime minister is actually saying this: The right didn't incite to Rabin’s murder, although he was murdered, and you in the left are inciting to my murder, even though you won't murder me.
Bibi Nation: Everyone Can Stop Fighting Over Israel's Soul, Netanyahu Has Won Israel is now Bibi nation, wholly synonymous with Netanyahu: Bibi is Israel. Israel is Bibi.
Collective Punishment: Arabs in Israel Face the Sack Because They're Arabs Israel's local authorities are scandalously adopting the fearmongering and racism of parents demanding they prevent Arab workers from working in their children's schools.
An Organized Barbarity Called 'Demolishing Terrorists’ Homes' Insisting on due process in cases of demolition of terrorists' houses obscures the fact that this practice has across-the-board support.
Israeli Military Prohibits Male Palestinian Youths From Hebron's Jewish Settlement Directive doesn't apply to area's residents, IDF says; Palestinians call for mass demonstration and prayers – including in Cave of the Patriarchs – in protest of 'Israel's policies of execution.'
VIDEO - Why Do Palestinian Children Throw Stones At The Israeli Forces?
Interdiction des couteaux en Israël!
Thirteen Year Old Terrorist Charged With Attempted Murder An Israeli court charged 13-year-old Ahmed Mansara with attempted murder on Friday; Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Mansara had been executed by Israel.
Palestinian baby dies (killed) from Israeli tear gas in West Bank home
ADL slams British MP for accusing Israel of fabricating terror attacks
ADL chief: Western media's pursuit of equivalence warps Israel reporting
Rabbi of Western Wall denounces UNESCO over holy sites vote
Les Palestiniens accusent Israël de « nettoyage ethnique » devant la CPI
How the Middle East Conflict Is Warping Judaism
Max Igan Assaulted and Beaten After Delivering Pro Palestinian Speech
Rabbi Arik Ascherman: What I Wish for the Settler Who Attacked Me With a Knife In the moment my attacker nearly became my murderer, did he wonder why he was on a hilltop in the Occupied Territories, driven to violence because the Israeli army was protecting Palestinian farmers?
Le rabbin Arik Ascherman attaqué au couteau par un colon sioniste parce qu’il aide les Palestiniens !
Temple Mount Extremists Making Inroads in Both Knesset and Israeli Government Netanyahu is appalled at the possibility that Temple Mount activists will become part of the governing faction, but their agenda is already voiced by some ministers.
Jewish activists emboldened in struggle over volatile Temple Mount
How the Temple Mount Obsession Could Destroy Judaism
How the Rabin Assassination Exposed Two Israels While one Israel lost a leader, the other spawned his killer.
How Yitzhak Rabin's Assassin Succeeded in Changing History
'Yigal Amir was willing to die in order to kill Rabin,' assassin's brother says
Un parlementaire anglais accusé d’antisémitisme pour avoir évoqué “l’argent juif” des Conservateurs
USA: une stagiaire de l'ambassade de France écartée après des propos antisémites
No takers as NY theater offers refunds for Waters Wiesenthal Center wants New Yorkers to give anti-Israel activist ‘the reception he deserves: an empty hall’, but nobody has asked for money back
FRANCE BANS BDS (because it is “anti-semitic”)
BDS calls for culinary boycott of Israel
Rowling appeases readers British author tweets that she identified with the 'untold injustice and brutality' suffered by the Palestinian people.
J.K. Rowling: I understand appeal of BDS
Définition du révisionnisme 2.0 "Nier le lien du peuple juif avec la terre d’Israël"
Ménard: "Je n'ai rien contre le kebab, mais ce n'est pas la France" (Bien sûr, Bob, moi non plus je n'ai rien contre le burger, le spaghetti, la pizza, mais ce n'est pas la France.)
This is Netanyahu’s horror: “An open unleashing of raw racism that has always been a part of Israeli society”
Netanyahu: “We Will Forever Live By The Sword”, Indefinitely Control All Palestinian Territory
Netanyahu: ‘We need to control all of the territory for the foreseeable future’
PM rebukes deputy FM for dreaming of Israeli flag on Temple Mount Netanyahu clarifies yet again that status quo at religious site remains; Hotovely says she was expressing private opinion.
Zealots and Fools Should Not Oversee Jerusalem Holy Sites Only objective secularists can safeguard the holiness attributed to these sites, to preserve the holiness of humankind, and prevent bloodshed.
The Innocent Settlers in Netanyahu’s Warped Mind Actually, that group is the strongest, cruelest, most important, most determined and most dangerous power controlling the occupied territories.
Esplanade : Netanyahu rappelle son gouvernement à l'ordre après des propos incendiaires
Netanyahu blasts Israeli media for downplaying journalist’s ‘incitement’ against him
Netanyahou envisage de retirer aux arabes de Jérusalem-Est le confortable statut de résident
The Danger of Revoking East Jerusalem Residency Revocation of residency poses a dual threat not just to the residents of the East Jerusalem neighborhoods but to all citizens of the state.
The Real Blackout Throughout Israel Can't Be Blamed on Israel Electric While parts of Israel suffered a two-day blackout, Gazans have been living with minimal electricity for years.
The disgrace of Jewish extremism C'est un juif qui parle évidemment. De notre point de vue non-juif c'est pas une disgrâce, c'est juste la conséquence logique de leurs croyances débiles, attardées, barbares, dépassées depuis des millénaires...
Netanyahu Marks Rabin Murder With Nightmare Prophecy Israel's Future Still, I have to force myself to remember that nothing is forever. Even Netanyahu.
Rivlin vows he’ll never free Rabin’s killer On 20th anniversary of assassination, president warns against ‘destructive potential of political violence’
Twenty years on, what would have happened had Rabin lived?
Over 300 British academics pledge boycott of Israel Days after J. K. Rowling and 150 authors call for dialogue with Jewish state, scholars publish ad decrying ‘illegal occupation’
UK : 343 universitaires s’engagent pour le boycott d’Israël
BDS movement to top chefs: Don't feed apartheid
Meet the ‘lifelong Zionists’ who called for an Israel boycott in the Washington Post
Anti-Israel Activism Criminalized in the Land of Charlie Hebdo and “Free Speech“
Israël: une ONG poursuit Facebook pour ne pas avoir bloqué des pages incitant à la violence contre les juifs
20,000 Israelis sue Facebook for ignoring Palestinian incitement
Jews Demand Strict Campus Anti-Semitism Rules at California Forum
C'est l'islamisme et non les « colonies » en Judée-Samarie qui cause ces assassinats par Gilles William Goldnadel
Pour ces débiles sionistes, la Palestine est une cause islamiste avant tout.
VIDEO - Moualek: Attentats sur Paris et Charlie Hebdo, nous retrouvons les mêmes ingrédients
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: ISIS massacres innocent Muslims and Christians yet refuses to attack Israel
Bennett: It’s either Israel or ISIS in the West Bank
Bennett : "c'est soit Israël soit ISIS en Judée Samarie"
Israel not worried by Islamic State, defense chief says
juif.org - L'irréparable commis par l'AFP, flagrant délit : pour l'AFP les terroristes islamistes sont des « militants ». Par Shmuel Trigano
Military Intervention Is the Problem, Not the Solution
‘US policy in Syria backfires in wake of Russian assault on Daesh’
Attentats de Paris : la grande récupération belliciste américaine
Inspecteur Colombo au Bataclan. A qui profite le crime?
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: US seeking to force Russia out of Middle East permanently
Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel
S. African president links Paris attacks to Israeli-Palestinian conflict Terror highlights imperative for Middle East peace, Jacob Zuma tells local Jews; Israel’s ambassador calls remark ‘unfair’ and a misunderstanding of Islamic extremism.
Anti-Terrorist Hacker Group Reveals 40 ISIS Websites Protected by US Tech Firm
Directeur de la CIA : les solutions militaires désormais «impossibles» au Moyen-Orient
U.S. Congresswoman: CIA Must Stop Illegal, Counterproductive War to Overthrow Assad
VIDEO - RAPPEL: Dominique de Villepin: "Nous ne pouvons pas gagner la guerre contre le terrorisme" - 26/09/14
Terror Attacks in Paris: Western Imperialism Is to Blame
Michel Onfray dénonce les bombardements français contre les jihadistes du groupe EI
VIDEO - Michel Onfray dans une vidéo reprise par l’État islamique
Did John McCain Actually – Literally – Choke on His Own Rage While Discussing Russia and Syria?
Russian ground troops arrive in Syria in unprecedented military action
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: US willing to fight Russia over global domination
US impose more sanctions on Russia over Syria
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Israel first diplomatic mission in Abu Dhabi will become a nest of espionage
Israel to open diplomatic mission in Abu Dhabi
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: US Prepositioning Turkish troops for invasion of Syria?
In the Dark on the ‘Dark Side’ The “War on Terror” – now more than 14 years long – has trapped the U.S. and other nations in the “dark side” of human behavior, a dilemma that is both moral and practical because the continued use of brutal methods has only made the crisis worse, as Nicolas J S Davies explains.
Lutte contre Daech : La guerre nous rend plus vulnérables, selon de Villepin
VIDEO - Onfray : "L'Occident a 4 millions de morts sur la conscience !"
Pourquoi Onfray et Villepin ont raison sur l'engagement de la France contre l'EI
Christophe Oberlin: « L’armée française n’a rien à faire en Syrie »
Les trois « pièges » tendus par Daech à la France, selon Dominiqe de Villepin
DeVillepin: “Une politique militariste, occidentaliste et moraliste qui nous a mis au premier rang des cibles”
La riposte de Paris au choc des civilisations Par Michel Warschawski (revue de presse : Union Juive Française pour la Paix – 26/11/15)
Islamophobie au service de l'idéologie occidentale
Netanyahu admits: Israel is operating in Syria Évidemment ils sont en guerre depuis des années
Israel Supports ISIS
Israeli Defense Goombah Amos Gilad–‘Syria is dead, Israel must prepare’
The Ideology of Humanitarian Imperialism
Russia sometimes breaches Israeli air space, top defense official reveals
De l’avion de ligne au chasseur bombardier, par Israël Adam Shamir
Le Front al-Nosra soutient les attentats de Paris, malgré son opposition avec l’État islamique
Lindsey Graham: Americans ‘better be’ ready to go to war with ISIS
VIDEO - Moualek: Michel Onfray soupçonné d'être un soutien à DAESH !
VIDEO - Former Mossad chief calls for Israeli-like death squads in the US and Europe.
VIDEO - Israel’s Connections To ISIS & Their Role In The Paris Attacks (COMPIL)
France and Israel launch a new war in Iraq and Syria
Kagan pushed regime change in Iraq, now says US must get over ‘trauma’ and ‘do Syria’
“The Terrorists-R-US”: Mainstream Media Propaganda Fuels and Fans the Flames of War
Watch Greenwald Blast CNN: Accuses Network of Warmongering in Heated On-air Exchange
U.S. Congresswoman introduces bill to stop illegal proxy-war on Assad; says CIA ops must stop
"La Turquie montre ses terribles facettes que l'Occident ne veut pas voir" (goasguen)
Rubio calls to ‘defend Turkey’ against Putin
Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope Of Western Cooperation
VIDEO - La Turquie a abattu ce mardi matin un avion Su-24 de l'armée russe, déclenchant un grave incident diplomatique avec Moscou.
Turkey Shooting Down Russian Fighter Jet Could be Spark that Ignites Messianic War À les entendre c'est tout le temps le début de la grande guerre de la Fin des Temps... Vous en faites pas c'est pas près de finir... On va en baver longtemps.
Glenn Beck predicts WWIII after downing of Russian jet
Wish Come True: US Candidates Who Called for Shooting Down Russian Fighters
Russia Suspends Military Cooperation With Turkey, Will Use Warships To “Destroy Any Threats To Russian Planes”
Plus de 500 jihadistes soignés au Ziv Medical Centre Aucunement subtil...
More than 500 I.S.I.S. terrorists cared for at the Ziv Medical Centre in Israel
The man behind the curtain: Israeli colonel captured among ISIL terrorist forces in Iraq
Israel and ISIS: Needed, a Thorough Accounting
After Paris, Israel So Wants Its Terror to Be Equated With Europe's These are good days for Israelis. Paris is reeling, Brussels is in shut-down. The shoe is finally on the other foot. But Israelis should dampen their Schadenfreude. Europe will return to normal – but we won’t.
After Paris: Hypocrisy and Mendacity Writ Large
Découvrez le fanatique rabbin suivi par le co-responsable du Bataclan
Thomas Guénolé à RT : la suppression de ma chronique, c’est de la censure
Sa chronique annulée après son topo sur la tuerie du Bataclan...
FLASHBACK: Netanyahu to 'punish' Syrians who attacked ISIL terrorists 24 June 2015 Netanyahou attaque les Syriens qui s'en prennent à daech!!!
NAFTALI BENNETT: To Defeat Terror, the World Should Follow Jewish State’s Example
If I #PrayforParis, Who Will Pray for the Victims of French Colonial Aggression?
Israelis on Facebook react angrily to Paris attacks — and to each other Is the world full of anti-Semites or is Israel overrun with right-wing xenophobes? Your Facebook feed affects your perception of reality, says expert
2 semaines avant les attentats, le patron des services secrets français était humilié par un va-t-en-guerre israélien
Netanyahu: 'We have to fight terrorism, like we fought the Nazis'
One Month Before Charlie Hebdo, Netanyahu's Angry Rant To France on Islamic Terror: "Does anyone in Paris talk about this!?"
Cukierman: "Nous sommes dans une guerre mondiale"
Bennett déclare la « guerre mondiale » et assimile Paris à la Cisjordanie Le ministre de l’Education estime que c’est le fait que les Palestiniens espère un Etat palestinien qui les poussent au terrorisme.
Do Paris Attacks Prove Israel's Point About Terror? Niet!
Netanyahu : Israël n’est pas plus à blâmer pour la terreur que la France
Netanyahu: Same terrorism driving attacks in Israel and Paris
Jewish French MP: Terror in Paris is the same terror as in Israel
Meyer Hahib : la terreur à Paris est la même terreur qu’en Israël Netanyahou et Habib: Même discours, mot à mot.
Rubio: Israel, Europe, US in same fight against terrorism
Marco Rubio: Shame About Terrorist Attacks In Paris, At Least It’s Good News For Me!
After Paris, Netanyahu demands world also condemn attacks against Israelis
Solidarité juive: "je ne suis ni Paris ni la France!"
Sweden’s FM cites Palestinian despair in discussing cause of Paris attacks
Israel condemns ‘hostile’ Swedish comments linking Paris attacks to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Israel slams Sweden for invoking Palestinian plight while discussing Paris attacks
La Suède lie les attentats de Paris à Israël !!!
La ministre suédoise accuse indirectement Israël des attentats de Paris
European Jewish group: Swedish FM ‘borderline racist’ for linking Palestinians’ frustration, Paris attacks
Sweden Is No Friend of Israel Despite the mollifying declarations by its foreign minister, Sweden's government won't unconditionally condemn Palestinian terror attacks on Israeli civilians.
Swedish FM's Remarks on Paris Terror Spark Israeli Diplomatic Protest Foreign Ministry chastised local Swedish envoy for minister Margot Wallstrom's remarks ostensibly linking terror to Israel-Palestinian conflict.
La ministre des Affaires étrangères suédoise déclenche le courroux d’Israël
Dutch politician: Paris attacks result of frustration over Palestinian-Israeli conflict
Shaked to JPost: Tying Palestinian frustration to settlements is incorrect
Sweden Connects Israel To Paris Terror Attacks, Relates Treatment Of Palestinians To Violent Extremism
Israeli-Palestinian conflict to blame for Paris attacks, says Dutch pol
Fatah cartoons blame Israel for Paris attacks
Le quotidien officiel de l’Autorité palestinienne : Israël a mené les attaques de Paris Une opinion publiée dans Al-Hayat al-Jadida affirme que le Mossad a orchestré les massacres pour saboter le plan d’étiquetage de l’UE
La chef du Mouvement Free Gaza : Israël impliqué dans les attaques de Paris ?
Palestinian rights activist raises possibility Israel behind Paris attacks
Paris: On l'attendait, les islamo-gauchistes de Libération ont osé « C'est de la faute d'Israël »
Le parti NPA anti-israélien de Besancenot accuse l'état français et demande la levée de l'état d'urgence
La chef du Mouvement Free Gaza : Israël impliqué dans les attaques de Paris ? En janvier, Mary Hughes-Thompson, avait déjà insinué que le Mossad aurait pu commettre l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo.
Un rabbin israélien : "Les attentats en Europe sont mérités" en raison de la Shoah
Rabbi Lior Analysis: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust
ALL ROADS LEAD TO AUSCHWITZ : In Aftermath of Paris Attacks, a Lesson from the Holocaust
Attentats de Paris : un rabbin se réjouit de l’attaque qui « venge l’holocauste »
Les attentats de Paris sont une juste rétribution pour l’holocauste selon ce rabbin Le Rabbin Dov Lior conseillait la lecture de Torat Hamelekh qui cautionne le meurtre de civils non-juifs dans un contexte de guerre selon la loi juive, il disait que le sperme des non-juifs donne naissance une progéniture cruelle et barbare, il autorisait les juifs à voler les récoltes et empoisonner les terres des Palestiniens, etc.
Les politiciens américains profitent des attentats à Paris pour attiser la xénophobie
US politicians seize on Paris attacks to promote xenophobia
IRAN MILITIA CHIEF:Writing Israel’s Name Instead of ISIL Decodes Dilemma of Paris Tragedy
WorldNetJewry columnist Burt Prelutsky: ‘Bomb Mecca Off The Face Of The Earth’
Michel Collon : «Eh, Zemmour, je vis à Molenbeek ! Et toi ?»
Rioufol : « On va devoir s’habituer à vivre à l’israélienne »
The real refugee problem? Bigotry
Quand Fourest pointe du doigt les Français musulmans d'origine «arabe»
Jeudi matin, à Nice, une équipe des forces de l'ordre réalise une perquisition administrative à 4h30 du matin, après avoir hésité sur la bonne porte à enfoncer. Finalement, l'opération se réalise... dans le mauvais appartement. Selon Nice matin, les policiers pénètrent violemment, blessant une fillette, victime d'éclats alors qu'elle se trouvait dans sa chambre.
US 'disappointed' with sentence of Israeli cop who beat American teenager
Une heure après que son parlement a voté, le Royaume-Uni bombarde la Syrie
Le parlement britannique approuve les bombardements de la Syrie comme la droite travailliste forme un bloc avec le gouvernementIs Britain Being “Prepared” For A World War?
VIDEO - Did the British just bomb the Syrian Army?
Au seuil de la catastrophe : Israël s’engage dans la guerre impérialiste contre la SyrieLe gouvernement allemand accepte de participer à la guerre en Syrie
Allemagne: le parlement vote l’intervention militaire en Syrie
Sortir du «choc des civilisations» paru dans Le Devoir, écrit par la revue Relations, une revue des jésuites.
Are We in a Clash of Civilizations? by Ron Paul
FLASHBACK: America’s ‘World Revolution’: Neo-Trotskyist Foundations of U.S. Foreign Policy by Kerry R Bolton
"By 1948 Shachtmanism as the Cold Warrior apologist for American foreign policy was taking shape. Hence this not insignificant faction of Trotskyism." Comment by Patrick S. McNally: Since his expulsion from the Fourth International in 1940, Shachtman no longer represented a faction of Trotskyism.
Attentats : la revendication de Daesh a été « divulguée » par un groupe israélo-américain (SITE, géré par Rita Katz)
Le Figaro - Taguieff : «Le complotisme fournit des justifications au terrorisme»
Panamza calomnié et menacé sur le site du Figaro
Après les attentats du 13 novembre, le fléau du complotisme
Le Figaro est en plein délire anti-conspirationniste depuis hier
Alain Soral attaqué par le "magazine de Daech" ... qui défend Marc-Édouard Nabe
VIDEO - La ploutocratie américaine et le monopole du dollar sur le monde.
Court: Haaretz Report on Group's Efforts to Judaize East Jerusalem Violated Gag Order Judge dismisses Ateret Cohanim's request that Haaretz be harshly penalized, only fines newspaper $1,900 in legal fees.
Quand tu découvres qu'Israël est une théocratie #wtf
How Israel pressures BBC into changing headlines
‘Je Suis Netanyahu’: Again, BBC Caves To Israeli Pressure To Rewrite Headline
Another Palestinian burnt to death in Galilee
‘Provocation’: Israel outraged over Spain’s Netanyahu Arrest Warrant
Israeli cities remove Jennifer Lawrence from Hunger Games posters
Jennifer Lawrence's image axed from 'Hunger' ads in Israeli religious communities
Palestinian homes vandalized in suspected hate crime
L'armée israélienne ferme une radio palestinienne, la seconde en un mois
Obama aide: No plans to change Pollard’s parole terms US deputy national security adviser responds after freed spy’s lawyers challenge monitoring of his movements, computer use
Israel has 115 nuclear weapons, says US think tank
Israel has 115 nuclear warheads, U.S. research institute saysAccording to a report issued by the Institute for Science and International Security, Israel has amassed between 400 to 915 Kg of fissile material since 1963.
How Israel's Dimona Nuclear Reactor Was Concealed From the U.S. Documents revealed this week shed new light on the story of Israel's nuclear program, and the role of John Kerry's father in the saga.
Israel's atomic arsenal could fall victim to a new U.S. nuclear policy
Israel's nuclear ambiguity no longer serves a purpose Israel’s policy of neither confirming nor denying possession of nuclear weapons emerged from the fear of automatic penalties that are enshrined in U.S. legislation. With the threat of such punishments gone, so is the need for ambiguity.
Time to “Defund” the International Criminal Court, Should the ICC be Disbanded?
Anti-Israel UN resolutions expected to pass
Israël se prépare au ‘bashing’ annuel à l’ONU Les résolutions pro-palestiniennes condamneront notamment la construction dans les implantations et blâmeront l’Etat juif pour toutes les violencesHas the Pro-Israel Lobby Hijacked the US Congress? Review of Kirk J. Beattie Book: Congress and the Shaping of the Middle East
Bennett: We should have killed more Arabs
Bennett: "Anyone who lifts a hand against Israel must die." My pictorial response
Israël demande la reconnaissance de l’annexion du Golan suite à la découverte de pétrole
Israel calls to dismantle Palestinian ‘refugee camps’
Israeli settlers burn (yet another) young Palestinian to death
Israel to revoke work permits of Palestinians who have family fighting against Israeli oppression
Strangling the Palestinian Economy
Former Israeli double agent shot dead near Putin's office Shabtai Kalmanovich, a former Israeli double agent who penetrated Golda Meir's government on behalf of the KGB, has been shot dead in Moscow.
juif.org - Médias : Israël sera toujours coupable ; Souriez un peu ! (Le grand complot des médias antijuifs! LOL)
Anthropologists Vote Overwhelmingly in Favor of BDS
US anthropological group sends Israel boycott resolution to full membership
U.S. Anthropologists Massively Back Boycott of Israel American Anthropological Association vote goes 1,040 for, 136 against; association’s 12,000 members worldwide will now be asked to approve or reject decision.
US academics vote for BDS American Anthropological Association passes resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions in landslide vote.
US anthropological association moves closer to Israel boycott
WATCH: Roger Waters, U.S. Artists Call for Cultural Boycott of Israel Video urges artists to sign petition declaring they won't cooperate with any Israeli institution, 'until occupation, colonization, and apartheid have ended.'
Is product labeling really an anti-Semitic move?
Europe's largest department store, the KaDeWe in Berlin, has removed Israeli products from the shelves following the EU's decision to label settlement products.
Israel to sue the EU over Settlement Product Labeling
UK – Labor Party boycotts security firm with business ties to Israel
Un grand-magasin berlinois retire de ses rayons les produits israéliens
Netanyahu to Germany: Take action against department store that removed Israeli goods
How Israel erases Arabic from the public landscape
Why Is a Mainstream Jewish Charity Funding Pamela Geller?
Zionist Organization of America Chief: Don’t Accept Syrian Refugees 'Because They Hate Israel and Jews’ Annual gala of Zionist Organization of America, featuring Sheldon Adelson, breaks into wild applause over far-right views and the prospect of a Republican president.
Why Is AIPAC Silent on Syrian Refugees? Many American Jewish groups balance the Holocaust’s tribal and universal lessons. The most powerful one doesn’t even try.
Dallas Mayor Says He’s More Fearful Of Armed White Men Than Syrian Refugees
Netanyahu's 'The Arabs Are Coming’ - Not Incitement to Racism, Says AG Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein's office finds PM had no racist 'intention' with Election Day call to voters, also apologized afterward.
In Europe, the penny still hasn’t dropped Op-ed: Years of accusing Israel of treating Palestinians like Nazis treated Jews, years of total blindness towards Palestinians' rejection of any peace proposal, have led to intellectual disability among Europe's elites in general, and Germany's in particular.
Ils sont convaincus que la puissance de l'islamisme en Europe et dans le monde vient du fait que l'Europe est malade de son obsession anti-Israël. Et si c'était plutôt Israël qui s'arrangeait pour nous faire haïr les musulmans, pour nous pousser plus ou moins subtilement à prendre parti pour Israël contre les Palestiniens?
juif.org - Pour quelle obscure raison Libé ignore les victimes israéliennes de l'islamisme ? Ces juifs extrémistes sont vraiment pris dans leur délire ! Croient-ils vraiment toutes ces conneries qu'ils écrivent?
‘Israeli blood is no cheaper than French blood,’ Danon tells UN Danny Danon addressed the UN General Assembly as it marked International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Le Canada reste le meilleur soutien d'Israel à l'ONU
Trudeau government opposes annual UN onslaught against Israel
New Canadian PM Trudeau Votes No on 6 Anti-Israel U.N. Resolutions
Amid terror wave, UN adopts six resolutions – all anti-Israel
L’ONU condamne Israël à travers 6 résolutions Les Nations unies ne font pas mention des attaques au couteau ainsi que des incitations à la haine perpétrées par les Palestiniens.
La Suède reconnait la Palestine, Israël rappelle son ambassadeur
Brussels terror expert has applauded Israel’s atrocities
Here’s where the U.S. sent $35 billion in aid last year Graphique très révélateur
FLASHBACK: Over half of US military assistance goes to Israel: US government report
Russia to Become More Active in Education of Palestinian Youth
How would Orwell feel about today’s college campuses? As students ‘occupy’ Brandeis University this week, a look at how the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is playing out at universities in a new post-PC world order
Le complot du lavage de cerveau pro-palestinien dans les universités? LOL Et ce sont ces gens là qui voient du lavage de cerveau pro-palestinien partout qui exigent plus de contrôle de la pensée dans les milieux universitaires...
Israel-funded group slams US labor federation for backing Palestinian rights
La Knesset vote sur la proposition de loi pour emprisonner des terroristes mineurs Les députés ont approuvé une version préliminaire du texte abaissant l’âge de l’incarcération à 12 ans pour les infractions terroristes.
Est-ce qu’Israël doit emprisonner des enfants âgés de moins de 14 ans ?Après des attaques menées par des adolescents et pré-adolescents, Israël cherche à abaisser l’âge d’incarcération à 12 ans
Defense official slams 'messiah claimant' Bennett for criticizing army
The Israeli Declaration of Independence: The World Continues to Ignore its Provisions and those of the British Balfour Declaration
Christian Zionist group to address EU parliament on Israeli settlement labeling
Netanyahu Demands International Endorsement of Settlement Expansion
Kerry Tells Netanyahu: U.S. Will Not Recognize Settlement Blocs in Return for West Bank Gestures Meeting between prime minister and U.S. secretary of state ends in stalemate as U.S. says 'a big no' to Netanyahu's offer from two weeks ago.
EU insists it will play role in peace process, even as Israel suspends cooperation
EU ignores Netanyahu ban, vows to be part of peace process European diplomatic group says ending conflict is ‘of interest to the entire international community’.
VIDEO - Israel Suspends Communication With European Countries Involved In Palestinian Peace Process
Israël suspend toute coopération avec l'Union européenne en réponse à la décision anti-israélienne d'étiquetage
Netanyahu Suspends Diplomatic Ties with EU Pertaining to Peace Efforts with Palestine
In anger over settlement labeling, Israel suspends contact with EU on Mideast peace process issues
Netanyahu calls for friendly countries to change their voting pattern on Israel
Netanyahu Suspends Contact With EU Over Israel-Palestinian Peace Process Israel's Foreign Ministry ordered to 'reassess' EU involvement with Palestinians after decision to label West Bank goods; 'decision is almost completely devoid of any real significance,' official says.
Netanyahu suspends EU peace role over settlement labeling Prime minister confirms dialogue with bloc on peace talks to be frozen pending ‘reassessment’
Étiquetage européen : Israël suspend le rôle de l’UE dans le processus de paix
‘Blessings of Israel’: Settlers find new ways to label products after E.U. decision
BDS activists in Germany inspect stores to force labeling of Israeli products
German Department Store Backtracks, Apologizes for Removing Settlement Goods From Shelves Reversal of decision comes shortly after Netanyahu called on Germany to intervene in what he described as 'boycott.'
Prominent Israeli settler runs over 16-year-old girl, then shoots her dead
Netanyahu responsible for executions of children, rights group says
Palestine Solidarity Activists Disrupt Israeli Official’s Talk in Bay Area
VIDEO - Le sionisme, un sujet médiatique tabou et censuré ! (COMPIL)
Israel orders demolition in Jordan Valley village
Israel demolishes al-Araqib village for 91st time
Israeli Jewish-Only Cities to Evict Thousands of Palestinians
Israel to displace thousands of Palestinian Bedouins Plan allows for the construction of five new Jewish-only communities, two of which are on lands of Bedouin villages.
VIDEO - QUIZZ: Je suis quoi, qui suis-je?
France: Le ministère de l’Éducation veut déconstruire les théories du complot
Jimmy Carter: The U.S. is an ‘oligarchy with unlimited political bribery’
Bolivia chose ties with Iran despite US pressure: Morales
B.C. Canada Day terror plot trial judge says RCMP may have acted illegally Mounties may be guilty of knowingly facilitating a terrorist act, says judge
The Sun, petites pépées et islamophobie
Does Hillary Clinton Have a Haim Saban Problem?
Saban Retracts Call to Step Up Scrutiny of U.S. Muslims: 'I Misspoke' Israeli-American media mogul says he regrets making religious distinction but stands by assertion that civil liberties should be suspended in face of security threats.
Trump hints at deep surveillance, special IDs for Muslims
Man calls all Muslims terrorists during VA meeting
Donald Trump veut placer les musulmans "sous surveillance"
ABCNEWS.com website lists the Israeli spies arrested on 911 as # 3 trending story
Raw Story corrects Trump, cites Israelis
Why Republicans' Fear of Terrorism Will Only Make Donald Trump Stronger Trump has persuaded voters shaken by events abroad that the greatest threats lie within the U.S. The idea that they will abandon Trump as they grow more afraid of terrorism makes no sense.
VIDEO - Trump and Carson have backwards 911 claims
Donald Trump Says He Saw ‘Cheering’ in ‘heavily-Arab’ New Jersey on 9/11′
Trump almost got it right: Some people were arrested for celebrating 9/11 — but they were Israeli
Trump’s claim of 9/11 celebration in New Jersey is based on arrest of 5 ‘laughing’ Israelis
Israelis not Muslims were arrested in U.S. after 'celebrating' 9/11
Israelis – Not Muslims – Cheered in Jersey City on 9/11
Trump: ‘Obama hates Israel, Jewish state safe with me’ Il va mettre une belle quenelle à tous ses fans qui croient que l'élection de Trump changera quelque chose dans le bon sens...
Trump sought backing from pro-Israel givers Adelson, Singer
Despite Cash Pile, Donald Trump Sought Support From Sheldon Adelson
Trump praises Israel’s separation barrier
Trump, Paul try to pry other candidates lips from Zio hiney
Donald Trump: I’d bring back waterboarding
GOP’s anti-Arab bigotry seen as having little cost
Report: PM's brother-in-law says Netanyahu 'very clearly against Palestinian state'
Netanyahu: Israel will not unilaterally hand the PA 'even one meter' of territory
Netanyahu: We will not hand over even ‘one meter’ of land
L’armée israélienne et les écoles travaillent main dans la main, selon les enseignants
Ex-Mossad Agent: Israel Uses ‘False Flag’ in Most Operations to Avoid Suspicion in Arab States
FLASHBACK: Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism by Michael Collins Piper
Canada's New PM supports Israel at UN
juif.org - L'Europe et l'ONU collaborateur du nazislamisme Palestinien
United Nations Committee Calls for End to Israeli Occupation. US, Canada Voted against Resolution
Avigdor Liberman: Israel should resume targeted assassinations
Néguev : les villes exclusivement juives projettent de déplacer des milliers de Palestiniens
Israeli Journalists Slam Netanyahu over Closure of Arabic Media Outlets
Treating Pollard Cruelly? Look What We Do to Vanunu Not only is the 'atomic-spy traitor' forbidden to talk to the media, he’s forbidden to talk to people who aren’t citizens of holy Israel.
Jewish Newspaper Exposed "Glenn Greenwalds Anti-Semitism" In 2013!
Israel Gobbling Up Africa? This Meme's Anti-Semitic
« L’antisémitisme est dû à l’implantation de l’islamisme dans notre pays » dixit Marine Le Pen
Israel meets with Google and YouTube to discuss censoring Palestinian videos
Roseanne, Israeli writer butt heads on Twitter Comedian calls Rogel Alpher ‘privileged fat skinhead,’ after Haaretz columnist urges French Jews to stay in France.
Elle est ultra sioniste...
Sun's 'Muslim poll' faces growing criticism
Robert Ménard « soumet » une charte islamophobe aux mosquées de Béziers
Les actes anti-musulmans se multiplient aux États-Unis
Armed anti-Islamic redneck group publishes personal details of Muslims and ‘Muslim Sympathizers’
«Alerte anthrax» déclenchée à la grande mosquée de Bruxelles
Goldnadel : pour en finir avec l'islamo-gauchisme Toujours le complot des médias antijuifs alliés des islamo-gauchistes! MDR!
VIDEO - Jewish Dominionists: Chabad
VIDEO - David Sheen: Hard to believe how bad Chabad hates non-Jews
VIDEO - Gars Lambda: Réponse à Ibrahim Nobel, Ali Ayin, etc : et si la dissidence était anti-nationaliste?
US Jews still haunted by Pollard affair Three decades have passed since the Israeli spy's conviction, and American Jewry is still finding it difficult to recover from the embarrassing affair. 'Voicing an opinion on the issue could help anti-Semitic bloggers seeking to question US Jews' motives,' says pro-Israel activist.
JSS News: Argentine: la fin de la présidence antisémite est arrivée !
British bishops call for revision of prayer calling for Jews to accept Jesus
Court: PM must provide details of conversations with Sheldon Adelson
Court Orders Netanyahu to Divulge Timing of Conversations With Adelson Channel 10 petitions court in effort to prove links between prime minister and Israel Hayom, the Israeli newspaper owned by Sheldon Adelson.
The Real Connection Between Netanyahu and Adelson's Israel Hayom I filed a Freedom of Information Law request on February 11, four months ago. Today the answer arrived. I nearly fell off my chair.
EXCLUSIVE: Adelson Encouraged Netanyahu to Streamline Israel's Gas Regulations At height of 2014 Gaza war, casino tycoon sent message on behalf of the U.S.-Israel Business Initiative - of which Noble Energy is a member; PM denies 'promoting Adelson's interests in any way.'
Netanyahu Pre-approves Headlines of Adelson-owned Israeli Newspaper, Economist Claims Israel Hayom, owned by American casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, blasts Economist report claiming the prime minister approves headlines; PM's office also denies allegation.
Zionist Union MK proposes unilateral ‘separation’ plan from Palestinians Omer Bar-Lev outlines steps to ‘keep Israel Jewish and democratic’; Likud’s Avi Dichter calls proposal unrealistic.
Israel confiscates ICRC tents from Palestinians in Jordan Valley
The Difference Between Identifying Jewish Terror Suspects and Putting Them on Trial The gag order and terse hints in the media may create a mistaken impression that authorities are close to fully solving the cases involving Jews who have committed anti-Arab terrorist acts.
Israel's Terrible Identity Complex Will Lead to a Forced National Consciousness The Israeli government's fear is that until the nationality law, or nationalism law, is passed, the public will walk blindly without knowing its nationality or where its identity is hiding.
Jew who burned Palestinian teen alive pleads… insanity
‘There is no justice here in Israel’: Two found guilty of murdering Mohammed Abu Khdeir, but ringleader verdict delayed
Jewish settlers threaten to burn family of female captive
IDF excitedly plans autonomous killing machines
How Can anti-Arab Israelis Complain About Ashkenazi Racism? My Mizrahi brothers and sisters, only if you denounce the disdain against Arabs within your own community will you have the moral right to protest against racism.
US women's academic group votes to join international BDS movement
U.S. Women’s Studies Group Votes to Join BDS Movement The association condemned injustice and violence against Palestinians and Israeli Arabs; decision sponsored by Feminist for Justice In/For Palestine.
American feminist association join BDS
Israel ‘apartheid’ wall in London
Jewish U. of Michigan student under fire for confronting pro-Palestinian demonstrators
AU NOM DU TEMPLE (Charles Enderlin, France2)
juif.org - Charles Enderlin se lâche encore contre Israël !
La clique des pro-Taguieff jugent que Charles Enderlin (ancien correspondant de France 2 à Jérusalem) est un antisémite...
IDF Censors Israeli Media Report Exposing Israeli Double Agent Yesterday, I broke a major story revealing for the first time that Boris Krasny, a wealthy Israeli business and political fixer, once was a KGB agent turned by the Mossad, who became an Israeli double agent. He is credited with exposing another major spy in Israel, Marcus Klingberg, who’d worked for the KGB for nearly 30 years, while serving as a high-level scientific researcher in the field of biological warfare.
VIDEO - Phil Giraldi on US release of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard
Zionist extremist named head of British cyber security — Who needs Zio spies like Pollard?
Joe Catron: Pollard release shows Tel Aviv’s impunity in US
Jeb Bush cites George W. as leading influence on Israel
NY Times Magazine Editor Ed Klein: Hillary Clinton Would Be A Dangerous President
Ted Cruz: Vote for Hillary is vote for nuclear Iran
Ted Cruz says he fears California shooting may be Islamic terrorism
USA : les candidats présidentiels républicains à la Coalition juive républicaine « Je déchirerai en mille morceaux cet accord nucléaire iranien catastrophique », a promis le sénateur Ted Cruz
Netanyahu sends condolences over death of ex-Clinton adviser (Jewish Sandy Berger)
"Israel Is Everything We Want The Middle East To Look Like In The Future!" Marco Rubio
Rubio takes on Trump in address to Republican Jews
'Israel might not want peace' Rubio slams Trump comments: 'Some in our own party have actually questioned Israel's commitment to peace. They are dead wrong.'
Head of Republicans in Israel: Trump can’t be, won’t be president
Anti-Defamation League defends Trump against charges of ‘anti-Semitism’
Donald Trump Tells GOP Jews: I Don't Want Your Money
Trump to GOP Jews: You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money
Trump courts Republican Jews with offensive stereotypes
Donald Trump Stumbles in Pitch to Republican Jews
One yuuuuuge mistake: Donald Trump just delivered an anti-Semitic speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition
Trump’s Response to Jewish hecklers at rally– ‘You don’t support me because I don’t want your money. You want a politician you can control’
GOP contenders highlight Obama as a wedge in Jewish support
GOP prostitutes ‘dance to the Jew’s tune’ in DC
Obama: Daech ne menace pas l'existence des USA
Les conséquences du remodelage des pays arabes : Boomerang et chaos aux architectes du Chaos
VIDEO - Nabe: Nabologie du terrorisme
VIDEO - (all. s-t fr.) C'est pas les musulmans qui ont généré tant de violence ces deux derniers siècles, c'est plutôt l'Occident impérialiste guerrier.
VIDEO - Jean Bricmont sur les attentats de Paris, le terrorisme et la liberté d’expression
Rita Katz Deserved an Oscar Nomination
Bennett : annexer un bloc d’implantations majeur de Cisjordanie
Bennett: Annex major West Bank settlement bloc
Netanyahu: We could destroy Al-Aqsa, but we don’t want to
Netanyahu : Nous pourrions détruire Al-Aqsa si nous le voulions
Israel failed to try perpetrators of settler violence: UN
Des élus PS dénoncent le régime d’extrême droite de Netanyahu Ça se passe en Belgique !
Poll: Over a third of Americans back punitive measures against Israel over settlements
US: 1/3 want Israel sanctions A survey conducted in the US has revealed that 37 percent of Americans support sanctions against Israel.
Israël: arrestations après un incendie ayant décimé une famille palestinienne
Shin Bet: Several Israelis Arrested for West Bank Arson Murders Weeks-long gag order partially lifted: Suspects are 'young people suspected Jewish terrorist carrying out terrorist acts;' outgoing police chief Benzi Sau said this week that he was 'very optimistic' about progress.
Israel arrests Jewish terror suspects in deadly firebombing Gag order lifted on investigation into attack on Dawabsha family that left three dead, but identities and number of people arrested remain muzzled
Jewish Terrorism: Despite Arrests, West Bank Arson Case Is Far From Solved If the investigation fails, residents of the territories will see this as further proof that Israel does not value Palestinian lives, even when they're innocent terror victims.
Erdan : Il n’y a pas assez de preuve pour inculper les terroristes juifs
'Israel is anti-Semitic state' Father of suspect arrested over Duma attack claims his son was nowhere near the scene of the crime, and compare Israel to Third Reich.
Bien sûr ça prend des nazis antisémites pour faire enfermer un juif ayant tué une famille au complet en mettant le feu à leur maison.
An anti-Israel agenda disguised as human rights Bin oui, les droits de l'homme, c'est un complot antijuif, tout à fait. MDR
The Mossad accelerates its strategy against BDS
Plus de 1.200 soldats et policiers israéliens envahissent le camp de réfugiés Shuafat à Jérusalem
EU flags PMO sources deny Israeli 'blacklist' of countries who strongly pushed settlement labeling
Don't Be Surprised When Student Activists Connect Israel to Campus Rape
Marine Le Pen's Front National makes political gains after Paris attacks Mais c'est pour toutes les mauvaises raisons possibles...
VIDEO - Réponse à Ibrahim Nobel, Ali Ayin, etc : et si la dissidence était anti-nationaliste ? Ces gens sulfureux salissent tout ce qu'ils touchent, donc le fait qu'il appuient les nationalistes Assad et Poutine va plutôt nuire aux nationalistes tels que Poutine et Assad... Pour vraiment aider ces nationalistes Poutine et Assad, il faut surtout pas leur envoyer des Dieudonné et des Soral dans les pattes, ça peut juste leur nuire!
VIDEO - (all. s-t fr.) C'est pas les musulmans qui ont généré tant de violence ces deux derniers siècles, c'est plutôt l'Occident impérialiste guerrier.
German MP: bombing Syria, too, is terrorism
Syrie : Fabius ne fait plus du départ de Bachar al-Assad un préalable
Fake “Just Wars”: Britain’s Parliament Vote to Bomb Syria
Israël s’engage dans la guerre impérialiste contre la Syrie
Yaalon : les USA cèdent le leadership au Moyen-Orient à la Russie et à l’Iran
Donald Trump Breaks With the GOP on Israel
Trump at the rightwing Jewish conference
Trump courtise les Juifs républicains avec des stéréotypes antisémites grossiers
Report: Trump draws jeers at Jewish Republican event, tells crowd he doesn't want their money
Donald Trump Tells Pro-Israel Crowd He Can’t Be Bought, Gets Booed
Trump–Adelson will mold Rubio into ‘perfect little puppet’
Jeb Bush says he’d order crackdown on BDS as president
La ministre suédoise Margot Wallstrom récidive : « Israël exécute des Palestiniens »
Swedish FM accuses Israel of ‘extrajudicial executions’ Margot Wallstrom calls Israel’s response to stabbing attacks ‘disproportionate’; Israeli envoy: She’d do better to condemn attackers
Sweden’s Foreign Minister slams Israel’s ‘extrajudicial executions’ of Palestinians
Israel slams Swedish FM’s ‘delusional’ extrajudicial executions claim
Swedish FM accuses Israel of 'extrajudicial executions' and ‘disproportionality'
Netanyahu Blasts Swedish Foreign Minister for ‘Outrageous Comments’ About ‘Extrajudicial Executions’ of Palestinians
Elliott Abrams wants John Kerry to STFU about Palestine
Netanyahu Responds to Kerry: Israel Will Not Be a Binational State
Netanyahu Tells Saban Forum: Solution Is Not One State, but a Demilitarized Palestinian State Earlier, Netanyahu responded to Kerry's warnings that Israeli-Palestinian conflict is heading toward a one-state reality.
Lapid veut une séparation des Palestiniens et une normalisation avec le monde arabe
PM fingers Palestinian denial of Jewish state as root of conflict
Netanyahu : « Les implantations ne sont pas le cœur du conflit »
The Troubling Link Between the Hanukkah Miracle and Modern Israeli Policy-making Israelis may feel the need to stand up for what they believe in regardless of the circumstances, but it may be wiser not to.
5 Signs That Bibi's Split With Generals Is Now a Crisis
Israel’s Cynical Approach Is Feeding Unrest. Netanyahu Wants to Censor Social Media
Netanyahu Pushing Region towards a “Religious War”. Banned Islamic Leader, Wider Assault on Palestinians Rights
Relative of Jewish terror suspect: He’s a gentle, caring soul Mother-in-law of central suspect in killing of Dawabsha family does not believe he was involved: ‘He is interested only in Torah’.
Si on dit "il ne s'intéresse qu'à la Torah": ça inspire la confiance alors on a envie de lui donner une seconde chance. Si on dit "il ne s'intéresse qu'au textes islamiques", la peur s'installe alors on serait même pas choqué qu'il soit envoyé à Guantanamo!
Israel says too early to try suspects over torching of Palestinian home
Right-wing Israeli groups 'raid' Al-Aqsa Mosque compound
VIDEO - David Sheen on Israel-Palestine: Is it dangerous for you as a journalist?
La famille royale britannique ‘ne visitera pas Israël jusqu’à la fin du conflit’
British royals ‘won’t visit Israel till conflict solved’ Boycott royal de la terre sainte d'Israël? shame shame!
Republican Candidates Pander To Jewish Forum
First Trump announces Israel trip, then CarsonBritons launch campaign to ban Donald Trump from the UK over hate speech violations
David Cameron ‘may be directly descended from Moses’ Quel délire...
WATCH: Rubio to Obama, 'Show Me Evidence of Discrimination Against Muslims' 'The cynicism tonight to spend a significant amount of time talking about discrimination against Muslims. Where is there widespread evidence that we have a problem in America with discrimination against Muslims?'
Banning Muslims in US not unlike FDR's WWII policy
White House says Trump's Muslim comments disqualify him for president
Donald Trump veut interdire aux musulmans d'entrer aux Etats-Unis
Trump’s anti-Muslim Outrage Makes Him al-Baghdadi’s Useful Idiot Netanyahu also incited against Arabs on Election Day but he stops at red lights while the GOP’s brash billionaire may have no brakes at all.
Trump demands ‘complete shutdown’ on Muslims entering US GOP presidential hopeful proposes immigration ban until lawmakers ‘can figure out what is going on’ with radical Islam; White House says it’s ‘totally contrary’ to US values
Donald Trump Calls for 'Total and Complete Shutdown' of Muslims Entering U.S. 'Trump running for President as a fascist demagogue,' O'Malley tweets, first in a wave of widespread condemnation of Trump's proposal; but Republican candidate unfazed by critics: 'I don't care,' he tells supporters at South Carolina rally.
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Donald Trump’s comments echo evil US political system
VIDEO - Mark Glenn Interview with CII International Radio–Trump’s statements about Muslim immigration to the US
“Furor” in Israel as Trump to be hosted by Netanyahu after remarks on Muslims
Republican Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Threatens to Nuke ISIS Targets
Le tonitruant Donald Trump bientôt reçu par le très controversé Benyamin Netanyahou
Colère des Musulmans : Donald Trump envisage de se rendre sur le Mont du Temple
Why Is the Republican Jewish Coalition Silent on Trump’s Bigotry? In all the condemnations — from politicians, both Democratic and Republican, and from Jewish organizations — denunciations from one organization were notably and shamefully missing.
Trump's anti-Muslim remarks scramble Republican appeals to Jewish-American voters
Trump proposal to ban Muslims from US relies on debunked poll from pro-Israel think tank
To meet or not to meet? Netanyahu’s Trump conundrum
PM rejects Trump’s comments on Muslims, but will still meet him
Trump claims Netanyahu agrees with him on Muslims
Borat: Trump is a Sacha Baron Cohen character Théorie: en disant tout haut et crument ce que les juifs sionistes pensent, il leur nuit plus qu'autre chose, et certains juifs rusés comme Sacha Baron Cohen ont flairé l'astuce. Comme quand Borat professait son antisémitisme, cela servait en fait à attirer l'attention sur l'antisémitisme des pays d'ex-union soviétique.
Trump Polling Lead Surges After Anti-Muslim Comments
Donald Trump’s Campaign against Muslims and the Rationale of Exclusion
Réhabiliter le populisme Par Bruno Bertez
Le populiste Trump va-t-il vraiment devenir Président tout puissant?
Populisme. Le Pen, Trump, Orban : ils jouent avec nos peurs
Friedman in the New York Times Goes After Donald Trump: Hey, Massive Bombing Was MY Idea!
Trump holds big lead in first poll after anti-Muslim comments
It’s a Pity Trump Isn’t Coming to Israel The truth is that Netanyahu and Trump actually deserve each other. They’re made of the same psychological materials.
VIDEO - RyanDawson: The anti-mooslim rage is hypocritical
Trump in High Heels? Meet Miri Regev, the Big Mouth of the Israeli Right In the utopian Jewish state of Israel’s firebrand culture minister, Arabs are welcome to stay, as long as they understand that ‘this is our country.’
Rabbi Fischer: Don’t Just Ban Muslim Immigration, Pay Muslims Who Are Already Here To Leave
Should Israel's Mossad Accept Donations From Jewish Millionaires? On the line with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman.
Netanyahu nomme Yossi Cohen à la tête du Mossad
Netanyahu names Yossi Cohen as next Mossad chief
Netanyahu security adviser named to head Mossad
Clean, Religious and Close to Netanyahu's Wife: Who Is Yossi Cohen, Israel's Next Mossad Chief Sources say Cohen, a politically-savvy observant Jew, was the 'natural choice' for the job.
Jewish terrorism: The missing linkPM accuses Sweden of hypocrisy over Israeli response to terror
Netanyahu slams Swedish double standard toward Israel on terrorism
Palestinian lawmaker sentenced to 15 months in Israeli prison for incitement
YouTube becomes Israel’s new battleground against Palestinians
Spies infiltrated BDS campaign
Surprise, Surprise! San Bernardino shooter’s dad: He was ‘obsessed’ with Israel
CA attacker 'hated Israel'
JMSM Attack CAIR For Quickly Denouncing San Bernardino Shootings
San Bernardino shooters were radicalized 'for quite some time,' FBI says
"He said he shared the ideology of (ISIS leader Abu Bakr) al-Baghdadi to create an Islamic state, and he was fixated on Israel," the elder Farook told La Stampa newspaper.
Pardoned Jewish Kremlin critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky back on Russia’s wanted list
Australie : l'Occident doit proclamer sa "supériorité" sur la "culture islamique", dit l'ex-Premier ministre
Imperialism, the “War on Terror” and Anti-Muslim Hysteria
The Jewish State is Not in The Business of Promoting Terrorism. Israel’s “Humanitarian Support” of Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” in Syria
Rubio snags support of billionaire hedge fund manager
Forget BDS, Sheldon, These Are the Real Threats Facing Israel
If Sheldon Adelson and his friends think they’re about to save Israel from the boycott threat, they’re even more out of touch than we suspected.
Does Sheldon Adelson Really Want to Defeat BDS? Or is he just using the fight to isolate progressive Zionists, and push the Jewish world further right?
Adelson’s Maccabees 'A Camp for All in the Mainstream pro-Israel Community' but Not J Street U Funding starts with $20 million but 'the sky's the limit,' says anti-BDS campus group’s director, David Brog.
Carson claims new adviser is ex-Netanyahu chief of staff
New Mossad chief: Netanyahu's real foreign minister Analysis: The prime minister's decision to appoint his national security advisor, Yossi Cohen, as the secret service's new director reflects his clear preference for secret relations with countries that have no official diplomatic ties with Israel and with foreign intelligence communities.
Top Israel advocate uses San Bernardino killings to attack Islam
Hatred of Israel was reported motive for CA attack, but US press politely ignores the story
Former ICC prosecutor: High Court approval could save settlements from war crime label
Shaked: State will raze Jewish terrorists’ homes if attacks persist
Israël reconnaît avoir des réseaux d'espionnage en France pour fomenter des troubles
VIDEO - Les musulmans de France sont-ils perquisitionnés à la demande du FN?
Fouilles et palpations dans une école maternelle, ou comment traumatiser et terrifier la population dès le plus jeune âge
Enraged woman attacks Muslims praying in California park: ‘Allah is Satan and you are all murderers’
En Occident, un discours antimusulman décomplexé et d'une violence inédite
Muslim Store Owner in Tears After He’s Beaten by Man on Mission to ‘Kill Muslims’
It's "THE JEEEWWWS!" Alex Jones Angry Rant Against "All These Mentally Ill Jew-Obsessed People."
39% of Adults who attended public school believe "Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars," Neocon Study Group Finds
Ça ressemble bcp au propos d'Alex Jones un peu plus haut...
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Turkey acting as hired gun for US, Israel
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp caught bribing Australian Crown Prosecutor for news stories
A Circuit of Lies and “False Media”: Crimes against Humanity Go Unreported, The West Continues to Perpetrate Genocide in Iraq
Netanyahu Most Popular World Leader Among Evangelical Christians in US
Netanyahu Allies Donated to Groups Pushing for Third Temple Haaretz investigation reveals deputy defense minister and a key Netanyahu supporter in the U.S. donated to groups campaigning to impose Israeli sovereignty over Temple Mount.
Israeli Politicians Describe Incoming Mossad Chief as Netanyahu's Pet This week's prime-time announcement by the PM of Yossi Cohen as the spy agency's new head was itself full of intrigue and suspense – and not a small dose of humiliation for the institution.
VIDEO - Jewish Dominionists: LEHAVA
Jewish Home MK: Fatal firebombing that killed Dawabshe family ‘not a terror attack’
Un suspect de l’incendie criminel de Duma assigné à résidence
The face of Jewish terrorism Somewhere on the way, Rabbi Meir Kahane's grandson Meir Ettinger, has formed a radical and anti-Zionist ideology.
CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield: Should We Ban Jews Since They’ve Committed Terrorist Attacks?
Police Block Jewish Extremists From Temple Mount Radical group called 'Returning to the Mount' planned to light Hanukkah candles at flashpoint site.
Israel court says book on killing non-Jews ‘not incitement’
Killing Non-Jews in Israel: “The New Normal”
San Bernardino et l'Etat d'Israël : Discours de Benjamin Netanyahu au Forum Saban
Israeli restrictions destroying Gaza’s furniture industry
Israel attacks West Bank college twice in one week
Israel Sees Rise in Indictments for Online Incitement, but Mostly Against Arabs Various explanations offered by justice officials, including denial.
‘German spy who negotiated with Israel’s foes to head EU intel agency’
Des activistes du BDS poursuivis en France
La candidate du parti Les Républicains en Île-de-France s’est engagée à s’opposer à toute forme de boycott d’Israël
Pro-Israel academics launch network to fight battle against BDS on US campuses
IDF Soldiers Expand Their Combat Duties to US Campuses
Finkielkraut : « Le djihad est une obligation léguée par Mahomet à tous les musulmans »
Pour Laurent Wauquiez, un enfant doit manger du porc ou quitter l'école de la République
Are French Jews Falling for Le Pen's Siren Song?
A far-right, pro-Israel France? Expert says this is where all of Europe is heading
As French Jews vote for Le Pen, a case of the enemy of my enemy? National Front’s tough stance on terrorism and the long memory of French Jews expelled from Arab lands make for a growing number of Jewish voters for a party once deemed taboo
VIDEO - Gars Lambda: 50 % d'abstention, ce n'est pas la moitié des français
Le Pen’s Surge in France: Giving ISIS the Victory It Was Hoping for Marine Le Pen and the far-right in Europe may win the electoral battle, but the real winner is ISIS.
Marion Maréchal-Le Pen interprète les scores du FN comme "la fin du vieux monde politicien"
Le journaliste Roger Auque = Le père de Marion Maréchal-Le Pen franc-maçon et agent du Mossad !
Les "représentants" de la communauté juive contre le Front nationalLes organisations les plus en vue de la communauté juive continuent de combattre le racisme, mais c'est pour cacher le fait que les intellectuels juifs tels que Finkie, Goldnadel et Zemmour n'ont pas peur du néo-FN sioniste anti-islam. La même chose se produit aux USA, où les grandes organisations juives condamnent les propos de Trump qui s'en prend ouvertement aux musulmans, alors que dans les faits les juifs adhèrent à la thèse du choc des civilisations et favorisent la guerre mondiale contre l'Islam et le terrorisme. La haine contre Mohammed, comme lidée que Mohammed serait pédophile, vient des milieux juifs israéliens sionistes ultras. Les organisations juives s'arrangent pour garder les mains propres et nous laisser la responsabilité du mal qu'elles font, pour pas qu'on puisse leur reprocher la montée de l'islamophobie et de la haine anti-arabe. Or un ancien directeur de la CIA a clairement identifé la communauté juive américaine et Israël comme étant la source véritable du déferlement de haine anti-arabe et anti-islam aux USA.
Tel Aviv Court Convicts ‘Head of Israeli Mafia In New York’
Why Trump and Cruz Are Closer to Israeli Hawks Than Marco Rubio They share Netanyahu’s cultural pessimism about the Islamic World.
Which US presidential candidate is good for Israel?
VIDEO - The Elephant in the Room at the Last GOP Debate: Sheldon Adelson
Adelson top loser on Forbes list
Adelson calls Trump ‘charming,’ after discussing Israel with him
Bernie Sanders compares Trump's 'racist ideology' to Holocaust
Did Sheldon Adelson secretly buy a major Las Vegas paper?
Sheldon Buys Vegas Paper
Report: Sheldon Adelson Is Mystery Buyer of Las Vegas Newspaper The new owner of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, which was purchased in early December, went to unusual lengths to shield its identity.
Yes, Sheldon Adelson Bought The Las Vegas Review-Journal
Adelson son-in-law orchestrated family's purchase of Las Vegas Review-Journal
VIDEO - Thank God for ISIS… US Will Be in Middle East Forever
Israel Supports Islamic Terrorists
Top WH aide: Solving Israeli-Palestinian conflict won't defeat ISIS, but would help stem extremism
Israel, AIPAC bewail decision to put Iran nuke probe to bed Critics say report into past work toward nuclear bomb shows IAEA should keep probe open, delay implementation of deal with Tehran.
Republican presidential hopefuls make their pitch to GOP Jews
Democratic Jewish Group Downsizes as GOP Counterpart Gains Cash and Influence
Tonight's GOP Debate: Sheldon Adelson's Malignant Tentacles
Republican War Games and the Isolationist-interventionist Split GOP debate features lively disputes on national security, solid performances by Rubio, Cruz, Bush and Christie but Trump triumphant nonetheless.
Marco Rubio is trying to win the ‘Sheldon Adelson primary’
Watchdog Groups Ask Justice Department to Investigate Pro-Rubio Nonprofit
Marco Rubio Is Winning the Neocon Primary
If a Trump Presidency Scares You, a Cruz Presidency Should Terrify You
It’s Time to Worry About Donald Trump
Donald Trump's problem? He just doesn't go far enough The biggest impact he has had is making other Republican candidates appear normal
Trump: ‘Inappropriate’ of Netanyahu to slam plan on US ban of Muslims
Trump says he canceled trip so as not to pressure Netanyahu
Netanyahu tells 'Post' he did not not ask Trump to cancel Israel visit
Before Donald Trump's anti-Muslim Rhetoric, There Was Ann Coulter Coulter's massive success — fueled by massive media exposure — has shown other conservatives that bigotry sells.
Muslims entering US, Surveillance of Mosques: Donald Trump’s Religion Test for Immigrants Is Standard Practice in Israel
Trump Confronted On Dancing JEWISH ISRAELIS, Not Muslims
For GOP, Tough Sell to jews Just Got Tougher
Israel’s Bipolar Week: Doctor Rivlin and Mister Trump By tactfully rebuffing Trump and his anti-Muslim statements, Netanyahu served the interests of GOP candidates like Rubio and Cruz.
Trump's Jewish Doctor Has Out-Trumped Him
Three strategies for Adelson in dealing with the Trump conundrum
Is Trump really a fascist, or just an ugly capitalist?
What would Prophet Mohammad do to Trump?
At debate, rivals pile on Trump over Muslim comments Republican frontrunner suggests ‘shutting down parts of Internet’ to stop jihadists; Bush: Trump would be ‘a chaos president’
Un conspirationniste nommé Donald Trump
Pourquoi mène‑t‑on une campagne de haine contre les musulmans?
The Culture of Racism and the Donald Trump Phenomenon
In face of criticism, Trump surges to his biggest lead over the GOP field
The Nazi Next Time After Trump, the deluge?
Why I Prefer Trump's anti-Islamic Rhetoric to Obama's Idiotic 'Yes We Can' Why are Israelis attacking Donald Trump? After all, his vision of barring Muslims has been implemented for years here.
Wayne Madsen: Israelis celebrated 9/11 attacks, not Muslims
US officials: Netanyahu ‘myopic, untrustworthy, disrespectful of Obama
How The NY Times misrepresents Christian Zionist pastor John Hagee Pauvre petit John Hagee détesté par les "liberals" pour ses idées haineuses...
In rare move, Shin Bet lashes out at Jewish terror groups
'Anti-Zionist Jewish terrorists want regime change in Israel,' Shin Bet charges
C'est pas les antisionistes que vous croyez: ce sont des kahanistes qui trouvent que l'État juif actuel est antisémite!
Shin Bet slams 'slander' Security service releases rare statement about investigation into Jewish terrorism, the details of which are still under gag order.
Shin Bet responds to attempts at 'slander' The Shin Bet published a highly unusual statement on Thursday evening with regard to the ongoing investigation into Jewish terrorism, the details of which are still under gag order. The Jewish arrestees are defined as members of an 'anti-Zionist organization' that is working to violently overthrow the government.
Claims Shin Bet tortured Jewish terror suspects must be investigated, cabinet member says
At Least Four Detained Jewish Terror Suspects Have Dual Citizenship
The Difference Between Identifying Jewish Terror Suspects and Putting Them on Trial The gag order and terse hints in the media may create a mistaken impression that authorities are close to fully solving the cases involving Jews who have committed anti-Arab terrorist acts.
Three Jewish suspects in Duma arson attack to be kept from meeting lawyers
Court denies legal counsel for Jewish suspects in case under gag order
Father of Jewish suspect in Duma killings blasts ‘fuhrer’ Rivlin, ‘Arab’ Obama
Ya’alon: Not enough evidence to try Duma firebombing suspects - Defense minister says those responsible for ‘Jewish terrorism’ will be brought to justice but state still lacking evidence
Yaalon : pas encore assez de preuves dans l’incendie criminel de Duma Le ministre israélien de la Défense a certifié que les coupables finiraient par être jugés.
Father of Suspect in West Bank Arson Killings Calls President Rivlin 'Führer' Son is detained for the killing of three members of the Dawabsheh family in Duma; three suspects are being denied access to attorneys.
'Dawabsheh family not entitled to compensation'
Dawabsheh family set on fire and murdered by Judaic terrorists ‘not entitled’ to compensation
Op-Ed: Why ‘good for the Jews’ is bad for the Jews
Obama at Haaretz Conference: Israel Must Bring Those Who Attack Palestinians to Justice U.S. president tells HaaretzQ: with NIF conference that bonds between U.S. and Israel, commitment to Israel's security, are unbreakable.
Netanyahu Calls Palestinian Self-Defense “Terrorism”. Palestinians are Categorized as “Islamic Terrorists”
Lieberman launches campaign to remove Zoabi from Knesset 'Together, we will kick out terror supporters from the Knesset,' says Yisrael Beytenu leader who is promoting a bill to prevent Supreme Court from overturning decisions to ban candidates from running for parliament.
Israeli Fighter Jets Bomb Besieged Gaza Strip
Palestinian family buries second child in 6 weeks
Israeli forces kill Palestinian youth, 24, six weeks after killing his sister, 17
Palestinian indicted for inciting video Mais quand c'est des incitations israéliennes anti-palestiniennes, la preuve semble tout d'un coup très difficile à établir, ce qui fait que comparativement très peu d'Israéliens subissent les mêmes peines, aussi dures que celles subies par les Palestiniens.
Un réserviste de Tsahal brièvement détenu au Royaume-Uni pour « crimes de guerre »
A l’ombre du meurtre de Rabin, les anti-Rivlin testent les limites de la liberté d’expression
In shadow of Rabin murder, anti-Rivlin remarks test limits of free speech A public TV channel is under fire for saying the president ‘spat in the faces of IDF soldiers,’ but critics face criticism themselves for appearing to place the president above reproach.
Hateful post calls Rivlin 'Fuhrer'
What Really Scares Me (And It’s Not Im Tirtzu) The campaign against human rights activists? That is nowhere as frightening as the occupation, of indifference to injustice, sanctimoniousness and passing shock.
Im Tirtzu and the Proto-fascist Plot to Destroy Israeli Democracy The group's video portraying human rights activists as terrorist-supporting traitors is a symptom of a rapidly spreading, potentially terminal disease.
Im Tirtzu's Pernicious Video Equates Human Rights With Treason Only a distinctly anti-democratic organization would consider the efforts of these four left-wing NGOs cause for incitement.
Right-wingers Flag Up a Bigger Problem in Israel Even when we are appalled by the antics of some right-wing groups, their actions aren't always as absurd as they may initially appear.
The discourse of hatred: A victory for marginal groups This is a warning call: Something bad is happening to us. The margins are taking over the public discourse, turning it into a discourse of hatred.
Ils ont un tas de petits Zemmours très bruyants dans l'arène politique en Israel...
CNN Anchor Calls Out Jews as Terrorists
Francis Ford Coppola : « Les Juifs ont aussi été des terroristes »
Francis Ford Coppola–Jews were terrorists before Israel’s founding
Francis F. Coppola: les Juifs étaient des terroristes avant la création d'Israël
Coppola: Jews were terrorists before Israel's founding In an interview with Variety magazine at the 15th International Film Festival, the veteran filmmaker says: 'We were terrorists in the United States.'
Israeli spy says parole terms violate his ‘religious beliefs’
Les soldats camouflés d'Israël Les "mista'arvim" soldats d'Israël infiltrés dans le monde arabe
Kerry–‘US not after regime change in Syria, but Assad must go’
Neocons Object to Syrian Democracy
A GOP Split on Neocon Orthodoxy
1/3 of Republicans want to bomb Aladdin’s home Poll shows only 13% of GOP affiliated voters oppose attacking fictional city of Agrabah, over half say Muslims should be banned from entering US
Poll: 30 percent of GOP voters support bombing any Arab sounding nation
Putin my fan? It’s mutual, says Trump GOP presidential hopeful says Russian president is ‘running his country and at least he’s a leader, unlike what we have in this country’
Obama Accuses Trump of Exploiting Working-Class Fears
Rethinking Donald Trump
Trump, Marion, Zemmour, BHL et les autres : Haro sur les Musulmans des temps morts
Jewish Neo-Con Bill Kristol: ‘We’ll Have to Start’ New Party If Trump Wins Nomination
Sheldon Adelson Upbeat on 'Very Charming' Donald Trump
Oy Vey? Zionist Capo Sheldon Adelson summons Trump for ‘private meeting’ on Israel
The Donald’s Yiddish Hillary Insult
In political attack on Clinton, Trump uses Yiddish vulgarity
VIDEO - Front-Row Protester Tells Trump "ISRAEL DID 9/11!"
Judge in Adelson lawsuit subject to unusual scrutiny amid Review-Journal sale
Reporters at Adelson's Newly Acquired Newspaper Asked to Investigate Judges, Reports Say The casino mogul who also owns Israel Hayom daily was revealed this month to have purchased the Las Vegas Review Journal; revelation comes just after reporters asked to investigate Nevada judge who fined him $250K.
Nevada paper hints at motive for its purchase by Adelson Las Vegas Review-Journal reports alleged managerial demand to scrutinize local judge involved in case against the casino magnate
Sheldon Adelson's Jewish Media Secret Revealed
Adelson Grows His Media Empire to Include Jewish News Service
Adelson named as biggest funder of Jewish News Service
Why Adelson’s Campus anti-BDS Group Will Be a Bust The head of the Maccabee Task Force thinks that a ‘no-criticism of the current Israeli government’ litmus test can be applied in building pro-Israel and anti-BDS coalitions. That’s delusional.
7 things Miriam Adelson does — besides back GOP candidates Casino magnate’s wife believes she and her husband presage collapse of democracy, is key decision maker over allocation of funds
GOP candidate Cruz seeks to shutter PLO’s Washington office
Un parti arabe israélien compare Netanyahou à l'Etat Islamique
VIDEO - Jews Celebrate Wedding by Stabbing Photo of Dawabsheh Baby
Video Shows Jewish Radicals Celebrating Wedding by Stabbing Photo of Dawabsheh Baby Police seize clip showing youths dancing at wedding reception with guns, knives and a firebomb.
Clip shows far-right wedding-goers celebrating Duma killings Israeli youngsters, said to be friends of detainees in deadly firebombing, stab photo of 18-month-old victim; wave firebombs, rifles and knives at Jerusalem event
Un adolescent israélo-américain serait détenu dans l’affaire Duma Le journal Forward de New York identifie un suspect ; beaucoup de détails sont toujours sous obligation de silence en Israël
Foreign report says American-Israeli teen held in Duma case New York-based Forward newspaper names suspect; many details of case still under gag order in Israel
Family Claims American Teen Held as Jewish Extremist Is Being Tortured by Israel
Il défendent un gars qui a probablement tué une famille au complet! Souvenez-vous en de ça: ces juifs sont prêts à défendre un meurtrier qui tue des bébés en leur mettant le feu! Pourtant ces mêmes juifs exigent que tous les droits constitutionnels soient retirés aux présumés terroristes (non-juifs)!
Investigation Into West Bank Arson Murders Showcased a Weak Legal System Uttering the magic words 'national security' is enough to get all judicial values and human rights thrown into the trash can.
Four Duma terror suspects to be indicted Jewish detainees to be charged with involvement in firebombing that killed three members of Palestinian family in July
Analysis: Is the Duma case full of holes or does Ben-Uliel face jail time?
'Duma killers could have been arrested on night of firebombing'
4 Jewish suspects in Duma attack return to court for remand hearing Draft indictment expected later this week, with Shin Bet set to offer evidence linking detainees to 10 other cases
The hilltop youth circus These hilltop youth call themselves a “rebel group.”
Two Israelis charged over arson attack that killed Palestinian family Israeli prosecutors file murder charges against a man and a minor for arson attack in occupied West Bank that killed three members of a Palestinian family.
Israel charges two Jewish extremist youths in Duma killings
Israeli West Bank youth sentenced to jail for posing 'national security' risk
Sure, Oppose Murder, but What About the Atmosphere That Leads to Murder? A fellow Haaretz opinion writer chastises rabbis for not warning about the ticking bomb that led to the Duma murders. But that’s not enough.
You can't say the Jew's a wild weed while the Arab is a terrorist The religious Zionists will remain a state within two states, Israel and Palestine, in which Israeli law isn’t always enforced.
Religious Zionism must disengage from zealots
'No Such Thing as Jewish Terror' and More From the Poster Boy of Israel’s Far Right Lawmaker Bezalel Smotrich wants Israel to annex the West Bank, calls gays ‘abnormal’ and thinks the burning to death of a Palestinian family was not a terror attack because it was done by Jews.
Murder as a tool for redemption The notion of a price to be paid for Jewish blood has deep roots in Jewish underground movements.
2 ados israéliens inculpés pour avoir battu sauvagement un Palestinien
Settlement youths sentenced to prison for attacking police
Anti-Palestinian Hate Crime Drops After Right-wing Activists' Expulsion From West Bank About a third of the cases opened in past years were closed because police were unable to identify the perpetrators.
Six Yitzhar settlers jailed for attacks on security forces Two men, four minors get 8-month sentences in plea bargain for crimes including rock-throwing, disrupting police work
Jewish settlers bore into Palestinian children’s bedroom
Smoke grenades thrown into Palestinian home in suspected Jewish terror attack
Fascism in Israel? It's Up to You I'm sick to death of the Zionism of horseshit, of the incitement which prides itself on hatred and, yes, that 'beautiful face' of fascism. It's up to every one of us. We can stand up now, or be put down later. Like dogs.
A Plant Named Occupation Has Grown Into a Deep-rooted Tree When someone says something against the occupation, he is attacked as if he is the ultimate enemy of all Jews from the time of Moses to Yair Lapid.
Far-right activists protest outside Shin Bet chief’s home Demonstration follows allegations of torture by security service against Jewish suspects in Duma terror attack
Torture Allegations Pit Shin Bet Against the Settler Community The torture described by Jewish suspects in the Duma arson-murder case is strikingly similar to descriptions by Palestinian torture victims.
Israel’s Extreme Right Isn’t Jewish, It’s Totalitarian Hannah Arendt makes clear the real issue: the hatred of pluralism and an open society – the drive to have a homogeneous society without dissent.
Reform leaders call on Netanyahu to condemn ‘violent rhetoric’ against Rivlin, NGOs
Thousands March in Tel Aviv in Protest of Incitement Against Rivlin, Leftist NGOs Organizers of Tel Aviv demonstration call on Israel to defend civil society, Netanyahu to speak out against inflammatory remarks.
Hatred within the camp Op-ed: As an expert on the history of the movement which brought him to the President's Residence, Reuven Rivlin knows that once a leader deviates from the party line or causes damage to its image - there is no forgiveness.
Canadian Jewish group condemns Im Tirtzu ‘incitement’ video
Bennett accuses Jewish extremists of using ‘murder’ to destroy state
Bennett announces first dedicated academic college for Arab Israelis Ségrégation raciale dans les universités en Israël: une université juive et une université arabe...
Ban Ki-Moon: Wave of violence in Palestine bred from decades of jewish occupation
MK to rabbis: Help me base laws on Torah
Benjamin Netanyahu 'threatens to strip Jerusalem residency from 230,000 Palestinians'
Video of Israeli soldiers using dogs against Palestinian boy sparks outcry
Five live bullets fired by IDF recovered from body of Palestinian boy
Israel has ‘deprived 23,000 orphans of monthly sponsorship’
West Bank village punished for exposing Israel’s brutality
MK Zoabi apologizes for calling Arab police ‘traitors’ Apology comes as part of plea bargain that allows Joint List lawmaker to dodge more serious incitement charge for July 2014 incident
The Final War for Jerusalem (Why Permanent Israeli Victory Is Now Within Reach)
JUDAIZATION OF JERUSALEM – Israel removes Arabic signage from Jerusalem market
Israeli army introduces a new system of identification numbers for the 30,000 Palestinian residents in the city
Pour Israël, ses ambitions énergétiques nécessitent une « solution finale » à Gaza
American Jews urge US army to stop denying security clearances due to Israel ties
The Only Semi-democracy in the Middle East The time has come to fight for the sake of a secular democracy that belongs to all its citizens.
VIDEO - The Bullet, The Ballot And The Boycott [FULL] a presentation by David Sheen - Fall 2015
WATCH the entire presentation in 10 parts:
http://bit.ly/bbboycott - all 10 parts in 1 video
http://bit.ly/bbboycottt - playlist with all 10 parts
http://bit.ly/bbboycott1 - Part 1: Boycotting
http://bit.ly/bbboycott2 - Part 2: Firebombers
http://bit.ly/bbboycott3 - Part 3: Chabad
http://bit.ly/bbboycott4 - Part 4: Jewish Home
http://bit.ly/bbboycott5 - Part 5: Lehava
http://bit.ly/bbboycott6 - Part 6: Miscegenation
http://bit.ly/bbboycott7 - Part 7: War on Africans
http://bit.ly/bbboycott8 - Part 8: African Wild Ass
http://bit.ly/bbboycott9 - Part 9: Pinkwashing
http://bit.ly/bbboycott10 - Part 10: Dissidents
Des intellectuels mobilisés contre des activités anti-Israël sur les campus Ils veulent combattre les « efforts orwelliens » pour lier l’Etat juif aux problèmes de liberté d’expression dans les universités américaines.
Ça c'est de l'inversion accusatoire, sans aucune gêne!
Israel arrests 90 students at West Bank university
Ambassador to US makes political point with settlement-made gifts Ron Dermer counters BDS by sending items made in West Bank as embassy's annual holiday gift.
Defame, don't engage: The witch hunt against Breaking the Silence While whistle-blowers are rarely popular, the only malice is coming from those who want to limit Israel’s political discourse.
Israeli attacks on a dissident soldiers’ group could backfire
Le Crif demande à la mairie de Paris d'arrêter une exposition sur les Palestiniens Selon l'organisme, une exposition de MSF consacrée à la vie des Palestiniens constitue "une apologie du terrorisme". L'ONG dénonce des accusations "inacceptables".
Can Jews Back 'Black Lives Matter' and Be Pro-Israel?
Pranking Roger Waters, Erdogan and Greenpeace: Meet Israel's Infamous Internet Troll With her faux stupidity, ‘Dafni Gafni’ may have created one of the funniest Facebook pages of the year. Just don’t let her victims in on the joke.
VIDEO - WATCH – Roger Waters Talks About ISIS And War
L'Université de Barcelone a officiellement annoncé son boycott d'Israël
200 South African Professors Back Academic Boycott of Israel
New OISE project aims to counter academic anti-Zionism
Israeli Left Must Stop Clinging to False Taboos The left will continue losing the hearts and minds of the broader Israeli public if it doesn’t acknowledge that their fears are well-founded, even if the conclusions they draw are not.
Israeli Left's Struggle Must Go Beyond Cocktail Parties on 5Th Ave. Is a real political battle being waged, or is it a farce that provides a living for the participants at the expense of the truly oppressed?
VIDEO - Quand France Inter censure en direct une question sur la LDJ
The Murder of Yitzhak Rabin
Ben-Zion Gopstein, leader of Lehava, says Christians are “blood-sucking vampires"
Extremist religious leader says there's no place for Christmas in Israel
Jewish Extremists’ Leader: Christians Are ‘Blood Sucking Vampires’ Who Should Be Expelled From Israel
Une grève en Israël menace les pèlerinages de Noël en Terre Sainte
After 2000 years, Christians disappearing from Gaza
Le Monde affirme que Gaza est toujours occupée et même « annexée » par Israël
Jean-Luc Mélenchon dérape sur sa page Facebook en comparant des Juifs à des « mercenaires »
Israeli concern Troll: Warns Foreclosed Homes Will Soon House 100 Million Muslims
Les écoles de Virginie fermées en raison d’un "devoir islamiste"
Finkielkraut « Avec le pas d'amalgame on vient alors à dédouaner l'islam. Le djihad est une obligation léguée par Mahomet à tous les musulmans »
La communauté juive de Pologne dénonce la « rhétorique antisémite » d’un élu Pawel Kukiz a déclaré que l’opposition démocratique du pays était « financée par un banquier juif »
La Croisade de l’Apocalypse
VIDEO - Le lien entre l'Êxtreme-droite, les frères musulmans et l'Iran : la C.I.A ?
Révisionnisme : Quand l’islamo-gauchisme tente d’usurper l’histoire du peuple juif Pour eux comparer lsrael aux nazis et les musulmans aux juifs génocidés par les nazis, c'est une idée génocidaire car c'est vouloir remplacer les juifs par des musulmans...
VIDEOS - Right-Wing Watch Blog Bons vidéos sur la droite conservatrice débile aux USA.
Pascal Boniface | Twitter
Europe-Israel: L'antisémite Dieudonné M'bala devient la « personnalité » la plus détestée de France Il le fait exprès de toute manière, il dit depuis longtemps qu'il souhaite se retirer...
VIDEO - Ibrahim Nobel sur 'Dieudo clashe Soral' (Blog d'Ibrahim Nobel improbable prospective d'un musulman)
No, BBC, Jerusalem is not “Israel’s capital” Malgré ça la BBC est constamment accusée d'antisémitisme par les groupes juifs...
UN-sponsored conference accuses Israel of 'ethnic cleansing' in Jerusalem UN secretary general says wave of terror 'is bred from nearly five decades of Israeli occupation,' while a press release about the conference says Israel is working to push Palestinians out of Jerusalem.
“UN quietly admires Israel, but publicly bashes it”, Israeli ambassador to the UN
L'ONU critique Israël pour un usage "excessif de la force" contre les terroristes
C'est comme ça qu'Israel s'arrange pour qu'il soit interdit d'appuyer ses ennemis: ses ennemis ne sont que des "terroristes" et rien de plus.
Netanyahu, Herzog spar in Knesset over 'Breaking the Silence' and Rivlin
PM, opposition chief spar over Breaking the Silence, anti-Rivlin comments
Bennett fait interdire l'ONG «Breaking the silence» au sein des écoles israéliennes
Education Minister Bennett Bars Breaking the Silence From Schools Organization, which exposes army misconduct in the territories, spreads 'lies and incitement' against the IDF, Bennett says; Breaking the Silence: Bennett's message is that veterans are only good for cannon fodder.
Bennett bans left wing veterans group from speaking in schools Barring Breaking the Silence, Education Minister says ‘those who harm IDF soldiers do not have a place in education system’
Ya’alon bans Breaking the Silence NGO from engaging soldiers Defense minister says IDF-bashing army veterans group has ‘malicious motives,’ decries ‘hypocrisy and deceitful propaganda’
Right-wing NGO 'Outs' Four Left-wing Activists for 'Protecting Terrorists' in Video Clip Rightist organization calls Israeli human rights groups’ leaders 'foreign plants who are fighting us.' Meretz MK Rozin demands attorney general to investigate 'blatant incitement.'
VIDEO: Extremists Incite Witch Hunt Against Israeli Human Rights Advocates
Les responsables israéliens dénoncent 2 journalistes locaux qui soutiennent le boycott
Israel to US body: Shun BDS Israel's university leaders urge American Anthropological Association to reject decision supporting boycott of Israeli academic institutes.
AUSTRALIA – Uniting Church faces backlash on anti-Israel boycott
Adam Sandler rips Waters, BDS on Howard Stern Show
Sandler rips Waters, BDS in f*ck-filled Israel defense On Howard Stern’s radio show, actor protests that ‘All these f***ing nice Israeli people are getting a ‘f*** you’ from Roger Waters.
Listen to Adam Sandler’s expletive-filled tirade against Roger Waters, BDS
Israeli university heads protest US anthropologists’ boycott measure
Hooray for the Snitches of Breaking the Silence The Israeli soldiers who expose the crimes of the occupation are much braver than the cowards who shoot to death Palestinian girls wielding scissors.
Ex-IDF general takes out ad to support Breaking the Silence
Defining Anti-Zionism as Anti-Semitism “The EU’s actions make sense only as an example of anti-Jewish hate”.
Selon eux l'UE est le plus gros antisémite de la planète parce qu'ils aident le boycott anti-israel en imposant l'étiquetage des produits des territoires occupés... Les USA ont peur de l'UE, qui est pour eux bien anti-israel, et veulent l'asservir. Et nous on est censé crore que l'UE est le mal absolu... À qui ça profite de diaboliser au max l'UE sous sa forme actuelle?
Loving to hate: Social media incitement on the rise From hatred of Arabs to cursing LGBTs and despising leftists, a new investigation shows a worrying increase in incitement and racism on social media – and in calls for severe physical violence.
Integrating Israel Arabs Is a Worthy Cause for Israel Much still needs to be done to advance the conditions of Israel’s Arab citizens, but most in need are the Arab residents of East Jerusalem.
Jewish Identity Administration Presents: TV Broadcasts With 'Jewish Values' Almost half the funding for Shas-backed programs to come from state coffers.
VIDEO - La France est un pays profondément raciste. Nous avons, nous les blancs, 400 ans d'esclavage, 350 ans de colonisation; ça ne s'efface pas comme ça.
FBI on San Bernardino massacre: Alleged shooters did NOT post support for jihad on social media
Courriels de menaces : Los Angeles ferme ses écoles, mais pas New York Le Los Angeles Times a publié sur son site l'analyse du courriel du représentant démocrate Brad Sherman, qui dit douter de la crédibilité de la menace contre les écoles. Il affirme que le texte du message ne ressemble pas au style habituel des djihadistes. Brad Sherman était le président de la sous-commission sur le terrorisme de la Chambre des représentants. M. Sherman précise que le message ne fait référence ni à Allah, ni au Coran, ni au prophète Mahomet. Le message montre selon lui une meilleure connaissance des armes d'assaut que de l'islam. « N'importe qui au Nebraska aurait pu écrire ce message », a-t-il dit. M. Sherman poursuit son analyse en indiquant que le message contient un terme pornographique, ce que « les musulmans pratiquants et les extrémistes ne font jamais », a-t-il précisé. Il a indiqué que l'auteur du courriel a déclaré avoir été victime d'intimidation. Selon lui, le message manque de crédibilité. Il a dit ignorer si le message avait été envoyé par un djihadiste, une personne qui a une intention anti-islamique ou juste un farceur.
Meyer Habib dénonce la « gangrène islamique »
Meyer Habib (groupe UDI), ancien gros bras des milices sionistes devenu député des Français de l'Étranger (Israël pour l'essentiel), milite contre la campagne de boycott des produits israéliens. Français depuis 1982, Valls le rejoint dans son combat éternel.
Philippe Val : "Je suis néoconservateur" "Et j’ai défendu l’existence de l’État d’Israël"
AUDIO - Comment le sectaire Val est devenu millionnaire avec ses "caricatures de Mahomet"... et autres pourritures.
Zemmour, cet admirateur d’Israël pour qui les Français musulmans sont des « colons »
Éric Zemmour condamné à 3000 euros d’amende pour provocation à la haine envers les musulmans
Online store tells customer: 'We don't sell to Arabs' A youth from Haifa called the website of shop 'Class Deal' after the shoes he had ordered 4 months ago never arrived; a site representative swore at and insulted him: 'You dog, you terrorist, if I'd known you were a stinking Arab I wouldn't have approved your order.'
Jews demand expelling Christians out of Palestine
End political correctness Op-ed: When politics evades issues for fear of incorrectness, frustrated voters escape straight into the arms of non-institutional radicalism.
UK – Number of Hate Crimes Against Muslims Triple Since Paris Attacks
Judaic acolyte urges students to carry guns and ‘end those Muslims before they kill us’
US imam says mosque got threatening call from jewish group
juif.org - Le tour de passe-passe du journal Le Monde pour ignorer les victimes israéliennes du terrorisme Comme si les médias étaient pro-palestiniens et anti-israéliens...
Gilles William Goldnadel revient sur les attentats, la menace terroriste, l'antisémitisme et la christianophobie en France
Maintenant les sionistes s'en prennent à la "christianophobie" en France... Tout pour taper sur les musulmans!
Le message audio du "calife de l'État islamique" a été découvert et "authentifié" par un groupe israélo-américain SITE
Billionaires Adelson and Saban, at odds in campaigns, unite on Israel and hit Obama
Trump to CNN: Netanyahu's Condemnation of My Statement Was Inappropriate, but That's OK Last week, after a number of Israeli lawmakers condemned Trump's statements calling for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S., the Israeli premier also issued a condemnation.
VIDEO - New World Next Year - 2016 The Year of Populism?
Jews and the Global Tilt Towards Conservativism and Populism
Neocons Threaten to Start New Party if Trump Wins GOP Nomination
If Trump wins the nomination, prepare for the end of the conservative partyNeocon Bill Kristol–‘Trump will not be the Republican nominee’
VIDEO - Trump doesn't mind if you name the jew
VIDEO - 911: Mossad and Dancing Israelis v Trump and Infowars Islamophobia
« Il va mieux, Dieu merci », déclare le grand-père du survivant de 5 ans de Duma 5 mois après l’incendie, Ahmed Dawabsha est passé au pavillon de réhabilitation, ne sait toujours pas que ses parents et son frère sont morts
VIDEO - (ITELE) Une vidéo d'extrémistes juifs célébrant la mort d'un bébé palestinien indigne Israël
VIDEO - Israël: Une vidéo d'extrémistes juifs célébrant la mort d’un bébé palestinien fait scandale - Cette vidéo a été filmée durant un mariage…
Le Monde - En Israël, les images choquantes d’extrémistes juifs célébrant la mort d’un bébé palestinien
Libération - En Israël, une vidéo d'extrémistes juifs célébrant la mort d'un bébé palestinien fait scandale
Onde de choc après des images d'extrémistes juifs célébrant la mort d'un bébé palestinien
La danse de la mort - The dance of death
Injures au ‘Ku Klux Klan juif’ et contre le terrorisme La presse hébraïque digère la mort de deux Israéliens dans un attentat à Jérusalem, et bout à propos de la vidéo d’un « mariage de haine »
Le Shin Bet nie avoir rendu public la vidéo du mariage
VIDEO - Jews Celebrate Wedding by Stabbing Photo of Dawabsheh Baby
Video Shows Jewish Radicals Celebrating Wedding by Stabbing Photo of Dawabsheh Baby Police seize clip showing youths dancing at wedding reception with guns, knives and a firebomb.
Clip shows far-right wedding-goers celebrating Duma killings Israeli youngsters, said to be friends of detainees in deadly firebombing, stab photo of 18-month-old victim; wave firebombs, rifles and knives at Jerusalem event. Footage released on Wednesday showed dozens of young Israeli right-wing extremists, said to be linked to the suspected perpetrators of the Dawabsha family murder, celebrating the killing at a wedding last week. The images in the clip immediately sparked wide condemnation.
Radical right wedding shocks Guests are seen dancing with guns and knives, and even stabbing a picture of murdered Palestinian baby, in wedding video.
Video of far-rightists stabbing photos of dead Palestinian baby shocks Israel
Who taught the Jewish radical settler youth to celebrate murder? It's now clear from the shocking video of hilltop youth celebrating the Dawabsheh infant's murder that incitement to hatred is being taught in Israel's religious Jewish education system.
Outrage over video of Jews mocking Palestinian baby’s death
Israeli wedding party celebrates Dawabsheh killings
Don’t Be So Shocked by the Israeli Wedding of Hate’ This is what a climate of tolerance and acceptance of violence, racism and hatred looks like.
Police Investigate Wedding Video of Settlers Dancing With Weapons and Singing Revenge Songs The video also shows one guest stabbing a photo of the Palestinian boy killed in the Duma firebombing.
IDF to investigate army-issued guns in ‘hate wedding’ video
Police open probe into wedding video cheering Duma murders
Religious Jewish Wedding Songs Are Anthems of Hatred and Incitement In the background of the horrific video where the Dawabsheh murders were celebrated are songs glorifying murder that are commonplace at Orthodox weddings, and not just at the extreme and negligible margins of Israeli society.
Rabbi from hate wedding says Shin Bet, Arabs torched Dawabsha home
30 wedding guests to be questioned over clip cheering Duma murders
30 invités du mariage seront interrogés sur la vidéo célébrant les meurtres de Duma
Almost 100 alleged far-right extremists jailed, restricted or questioned, supporters say As security chiefs warn of danger posed by Jewish terror underground, backers publish names of ‘arrestees of Zion’ on Facebook, solicits donations
Meretz chief: Probe rabbis who back right-wing extremism Zahava Gal-on says young religious radicals would not be flourishing without the support and encouragement of spiritual leaders.
Lapid names 2 rabbis who he says inspire far-right radicals Religious Zionism cannot absolve itself, says Yesh Atid leader, citing Rabbis Ginsburgh and Lior; Jewish extremists are ‘not wild weeds. They grew in a well-cultivated patch of earth’
Rabbi: Shin Bet and Arabs committed Duma murders Daniel Stavsky, who participated in the radical-right wedding captured on video, says undercover agent provocateurs collaborated with Arabs to kill Palestinian family and frame rightists.
Inciting Rabbis Aren’t the Reason for Current Spate of Jewish Terror Today’s Jewish extremists are protesting against too-moderate rabbis, not acting on their edicts. Report: Deputy attorney general visited Duma terror suspects
Groom says ‘didn’t even see’ extremists’ behavior at wedding Yakir Ashbal, said to be friends with Duma suspects, insists he was unaware of revelers celebrating with weapons, photo of murdered Palestinian baby.
Yaalon : Inculpations "proches" pour l’incendie de Duma
Ya’alon: Jewish terrorists to be indicted soon for Duma attack Defense minister says Israel taking ‘draconian steps’ to prevent repeat of July firebombing that killed Palestinian parents and baby.
Jewish terrorism must be ‘crushed with an iron fist,’ former PM says Right-wing extremists ‘a direct threat to democracy, the state, Zionist enterprise,’ Ehud Barak says in televised warning.Netanyahu: ‘No comparison’ between Jewish and Palestinian terrorism
Shin Bet uses 'ticking bomb' methods on Jewish terror suspects The revelation that other radical Jews may carry out further attacks against Palestinians led to Shin Bet investigators receiving authorization to use harsher methods of investigation, including physical pressure.
Bennett at odds with Bayit Yehudi over Duma arson investigation While his colleagues Uri Ariel and Bezalel Smotrich call to close the Shin Bet's Jewish Division, Naftali Bennett stands firm with the agency and the state. Will he pay a political price for coming out against his voters? Bennett gets tighter security as he backs Shin Bet probe of Jewish extremists
If slain Palestinian teen had been a camel, Israelis would be outraged over her death The body of the camel that soldiers killed for a laugh in November was examined by an Israeli veterinarian; no one took witness statements from Samah Abdallah's family, and no one ordered an autopsy on her body.
A desperate war for our future Op-ed: How is it possible that this despicable gang of Jewish jihadists, celebrating a wedding while repeatedly stabbing the heartbreaking picture of a murdered Palestinian baby, is one of our own?
The Jewish equivalent of ISIS The Jewish extremists running amok in Israel have far more in common with the Islamic State than they realize. Both groups need to be confronted and destroyed.Israeli Defense Minister: Israeli Right Must Do Some Soul-searching Over Jewish Terror Naftali Bennett responds: Some politicians are cynically exploiting West Bank arson murders to 'silence or tarnish the entire nationalist camp.' The enemy within: The danger of radicalism Op-ed: The ultra-right extremists have become a problem that can't be ignored any longer. It's not enough to condemn. It's too easy. It's time to do something.
Rabbis Force Israeli Military to Rethink Limiting Religious Influence on Troops IDF’s proposal to lessen authority of its Military Rabbinate hits fierce resistance from religious circles both within and outside army. Why is the government afraid of coward rabbis? Op-ed: A country which has sent a former president, prime minister, ministers and Knesset members to prison has never had the courage to act against religious leaders who instigate masses and are bringing all of us closer to the edge of abyss.
Denying torture claims, Shin Bet decries ‘slander campaign’
Lawyer for American 'Torture' Teen Turns to Israel Justice Minister
Father of U.S.-Israeli Suspect in West Bank Arson Murders: 'He Confessed Under Torture'
Bennett: Jewish Terror Suspects Treated as Harshly as Palestinian Ones Minister refutes torture allegations, says Jewish extremists want to bring down the state.
Alleged Torture of Jewish Terror Suspects Opens Wide Cracks in religious-Zionist Community Habayit Hayehudi leader Naftali Bennett hesitated for a while before coming down firmly on the side of the Shin Bet - and against some of his party colleagues.
Shin Bet use 'ticking bomb' investigative techniques on Jewish terrorists
Shin Bet: Duma suspects treated as ‘ticking bombs’
Lapid: Jewish terror enjoys ‘political’ support
Bennett: Far-right protesters called me ‘traitor’ When murder is involved as in the case of the Duma killings, says right-wing leader, it’s no longer a matter of education, but must be handled with the firmest hand
Does Israel's government consider Duma arson a terrorist attack? Depends whom you ask
Netanyahu condemns Jewish terror, but says no comparison in scope to Arab terrorism
Israël contraint d’affronter l’extrémisme juif
Yesh Atid leader: Right-wing Jewish extremists have ‘wider circles of support’
Religious Zionism doesn’t need terror, it has taken over the state In Naftali Bennett’s criticism of the group that spawned the Duma killers, we could detect another message: Religious Zionism no longer needs this kind of terror.
Israelis Don’t Want to Confront the Ugly Truth About the Occupation That’s too bad, because in not one case have reports and testimonies collected by Breaking the Silence been proved wrong.
Religious Zionists Have Taken Over Israel First they built the settlements, then they killed off the two-state solution, now they are free to turn to their next target.
We've entered the final decade to save Israel There are three processes taking place in Israel that, if not reversed by 2025, will end this country’s life as a modern Jewish democracy.
What happens if Israel's extreme right gets its way? Let’s say we silence Breaking the Silence and outlaw all groups critical of Israel. Then what?
Shin Bet: Jewish extremists seek to overthrow Israel’s gov’t and crown a king
Ex-Shin Bet chief: Far-right threat today is ‘worse than before Rabin’s murder’
Politicians Put Up Strong Front for Shin Bet in West Bank Arson-killing Case Even settler friend Naftali Bennett is backing the security agency against the harsh torture allegations during the interrogations of Jewish suspects.
Heirs of Hatred: Jewish Extremists Are Settlement Enterprise's New 'Pioneers' A straight line links the arson-murder in Duma, the 'wedding of hate' video and a new law that passes funds to the settlements – and no one should be surprised.
We Need to Stop Playing Defense Against Israel's Right-wing Inciters Im Tirtzu is a warning sign for what desperation, failure and fear look like when they combine with right-wing ultra-nationalism and extremism. L’infatigable défenseur du mont du Temple pourrait bientôt entrer à la Knesset
Undeterrable Temple Mount advocate now next in line for Likud Knesset seat
Ex-settler Leader Dani Dayan: Netanyahu Hasn't Pressured Brazil Enough to Accept My Appointment as Ambassador Dayan tells Haaretz that if government does not act in his case, it could create a precedent barring settlers from representing Israel abroad.
The Brazil Crisis: The Minister Who Refused to Talk to Ya'alon, the Palestinian Campaign and Israel's Naiveté Palestinian diplomats pressure Brazil not to accept former settler leader Dani Dayan's ambassadorship; meanwhile, Brazil's defense minister stopped taking Ya'alon's calls. Israel vows to fight Brazil’s rejection of envoy pick
Israeli ‘freedom of worship’ bill allows Jewish settlers to pray in Al-Aqsa
Jewish Soldiers laugh while commanding military trained attack dog to Bite a 16 year old Palestinian boy
Israelis kill four Palestinians on Christmas Eve
USA Today Commits Front-Page ‘Anti-Israel Hatchet Job’ in Report on Gaza Christians
VIDEO - RAPPEL: Brzezinski: Le lobby israélien a un pouvoir considérable
Israeli ‘freedom of worship’ bill allows Jewish settlers to pray in Al-Aqsa
Rivlin Says Warned in 1967 Against Extensive Annexation of Arab Neighborhoods in Jerusalem The president, then a young officer, says he was among those who warned Moshe Dayan against annexing parts of East Jerusalem in 1967. Combat kit: Anti-JWO, pro-humanity affirmations, by Trevor LaBonte What was the REAL relationship between Hitler, Wall Street, Rothschild, and Rockefeller? There really wasn’t any, but why would anyone want to try so hard to convince us otherwise? Here is a fantastic article that cuts to the real truth. Written by one of the best truthers who ever lived, Michael Collins Piper.
Motion, PSC AGM 23 January 2016 to expel Israel from the United NationsApartheid : une route réservée aux Juifs, à l’intérieur d’Israël
Europe-Israel: Les chiffres accablants du boycott d'Israël par la société civile espagnole
Europe-Israel: Le palestinisme des médias français a encore frappé
VIDEO - Les binationaux français-israéliens sont si aimables...
VIDEO - Le Font National à la rescousse de Meyer Habib et de Netanyahou
État d'urgence coloniale
Au temps béni des coalitions
VIDEO - État d'urgence et lois antiterroristes en France: on est en train de créer deux catégories de Français
Houston mosque set ablaze on Christmas Day in suspected arson
Des violences sans précédent contre les musulmans : le gouvernement français joue avec le feu
Robert Ménard critique les musulmans qui ont protégé des églises durant NoëlLa pourriture raciste et islamophobe est à Ajaccio, la tête pourrie est à Paris
Gap-Toothed, Redneck Hillbilly goes on Anti-‘Mooooz-Lum’ tirade
Bethlehem-area village sealed by Israeli military for weeks
Merry Christmas and get out of Israel, you blood-drinking Christian vampires
Jewish Extremists’ Leader: Christians Are ‘Blood Sucking Vampires’ Who Should Be Expelled From Israel
Jewish Terrorists Burned An Israeli Church, Now Israel's Government Is Screwing The Church Out Of The Money It Needs To Rebuild
Torched Church of Loaves and Fish Still Waiting for State Compensation It's a pity thousands of tourists hoping to spend Christmas Eve at the historic church have to see 'what happens at the hands of Jewish extremists' says church official.
Creating an “Independent Sunni State”: Washington Calls for the Partition and Fracturing of Syria and Iraq
Tirs de roquettes sur Israël : l’Etat islamique revendique l’attaque
Impossible à prouver... C'est juste pour sauver la face, parce que tout le monde a compris et trouve ça très louche que daesh n'attaque pas Israel...
The Republicans who built Trump are now out to destroy him Analysis: Sane part of the Republican Party would rather lose presidential race than adopt a candidate whose greatness is in his racism, obscenity and tireless ability to instigate and spew hatred.
Trump cites Israel’s illegal separation wall to justify banning Muslims
Bloody Trump, by Mark Glenn Glenn était le plus proche ami et collaborateur de Michael Collins Piper. Il est moins bon, mais il est plus présentable dans les médias sur PressTV et même RT. Il va de temps en temps en Iran.
Trump: I won't rule out spying on Israel is elected president
Trump says he is open to spying on Israel if he becomes president
Release the Obama-Netanyahu surveillance transcripts Can Netanyahu's private conversations at long last give us, and the American president, a fuller picture of the thinking of Congress and American Jewish leaders on the Iran deal?Paul and Carson condemn NSA spying on Netanyahu
Obama wiretapped a cunning and dishonest foreign leader, for the sake of world peace
Israel and Its Lobby Lose the Iran Deal All over Again, in News of Damning Wiretaps
US Congress Reacts with Horror to NSA Surveillance of Israel: The US Congress is ‘Occupied Territory’
'Netanyahu at War' Takes Operatic View of Bibi's Feud With Obama
Israel’s Command of White House and US Congress, Financed by $6bn through the AIPAC Lobby in WashingtonNetanyahu Bribes Republican Congressmen to Change Their Iran Votes
Deux Israéliens inculpés pour avoir brulé vif un bébé palestinien et sa famille
Israel Charges Two Jews Over West Bank Arson Murders One adult charged with three counts of murder, one minor charged as accessory to murder. Two others charged with violence against Palestinians.
Three more arrested in far-right ‘hate wedding’ case
Jewish Terror Suspects Indicted, but Convictions, if Any, Will Be Long in the Making Prosecutors face several hurdles in the upcoming trial of Amiram Ben-Uliel and the minor A.: First of all, the admissibility of confessions obtained under torture.
‘Stood up by accomplice, Ben-Uliel torched Duma home alone’ Jewish extremist who killed the Dawabsha family carried out firebombing attack as revenge for the murder of Malachy Rosenfeld, Shin Bet says.
The Night a Jewish Terrorist Killed Three Members of a Palestinian Family Amiram Ben-Uliel had planned to attack the village of Duma with an accomplice, but when the accomplice failed to turn up, he set out alone, indictment filed Sunday alleges.
Letter to the Editor: Why Are So Many Jewish Terrorists 'Anglo Saxons'?
When the shoe fit, Shin Bet knew it had found Duma killer Investigators say evidence from the scene helped to incriminate Amiram Ben-Uliel, who also knew details of the firebombing that hadn’t been publicized.
Who Is Amiram Ben-Uliel, the Alleged Killer of the Dawabsheh Family? 21-year-old son of a rabbi spent several years with extremists in West Bank settlements, but had recently embraced Hasidic ultra-Orthodoxy.
Duma Attack and Jewish Terrorists: Quest.and Answers. With Haaretz's Chaim Levinson Put your questions to our correspondent about the West Bank arson attack that killed three members of the Dawabsheh family, and extremist Jewish youths in the settlements.
« Aidé par un complice, Amiram Ben-Uliel a incendié seul la maison de Duma » Le principal suspect dans le meurtre de la famille Dawabsha aurait mené l’attaque pour se venger de l’assassinat de Malachi Rosenfeld, selon le Shin Bet.
Amiram Ben Uliel and minor indicted in Duma terror attack
Analysis: The Duma terrorist and the 'Judean monarchy' ideology
Jewish terror suspect freed from 5-month administrative detention Mordechai Mayer, 18, suspected of torching Christian sites, is released without charges
Jewish man charged with July murders of Palestinian family in Duma Amiram Ben-Uliel, 21, allegedly firebombed home, killing Ali, Saad, Riham Dawabsha; second suspect, a minor, charged as an accessory; 5 other Jewish terror suspects indicted for anti-Arab attacks.
VIDEO - Video shows Jewish extremist reenacting deadly Duma firebombing Amiram Ben-Uliel charged with murder for the July attack that killed Dawabsha parents, baby
Jewish Terror Suspects Indicted, but Convictions, if Any, Will Be Long in the Making Prosecutors face several hurdles in the upcoming trial of Amiram Ben-Uliel and the minor A.: First of all, the admissibility of confessions obtained under torture.
Groom at Israeli ‘Wedding of Hate’ Freed Along With 2 Guests
Duma suspect’s wife: We want halachic state, but don’t burn people
Father of ‘hate wedding’ bride blames Shin Bet conspiracy
Soldier whose gun was used in extremist wedding celebration sent to prison
Soldier whose rifle was brandished at ‘hate wedding’ gets 21 days in jail
Religious ultranationalist Zionists have taken over Israel
The True Barbarians at 'Wedding of Hate' Are You, the Viewers The recent media storm over the ‘wedding of hate’ video proves that transparency has become the most-prized, and overrated, virtue in Israel.
Palestinians plan to turn Dawabsha home into a museum PA offers to donate $1 million to build memorial structure next to house burned in deadly attack by alleged Jewish terrorist.
Des “instructions” publiées dans une brochure pour nuire aux Arabes Le groupe d’extrémistes des « jeunes des Collines » pense que l’Etat d’Israël n’a aucun droit à exister
Soldier who ‘spied’ for Jewish extremists gets 45 months
FLASHBACK: Meet the Jewish Extremist Group That Seeks to Violently Topple the State Members of 'The Revolt' meet only at night, move from house to house and know how to maintain an alibi. And their violent tactics make 'price tag' attacks look like child's play. AUGUST 07, 2015
Israeli official calls for occupying Damascus based upon teachings from the Torah
Jewish Jihadists: How to Combat Violent Extremism in Israel Our most pressing challenge is to articulate an alternative to radicalism, a moderate but authentic Orthodox Judaism that rejects xenophobia and violence.
Meet Judeo-ISIS: The Inevitable Result of Israel’s Presence in the West Bank Footage showing settlers celebrating the death of a Palestinian baby 'outraged' politicians - who took no responsibility for their role in creating the monster.
The Other American Revolution Part 2: What part does their American heritage play in Jewish terrorists' murderous zealotry? La vraie question que personne ne pose en dehors des médias israéliens, c'est "pourquoi les juifs américains jouent-ils une si grande part dans le terrorisme juif et dans l'extrémisme juif"...
US taxpayers subsidizing Jewish terrorism in Israel, complaint alleges
Israel has always been xenophobic, it just used to be better at hiding it Long before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, there was no real democracy in Israel. There was plenty of hatred of Arabs, but everything was hidden, unlike today – so which is better?
Israël a toujours été xénophobe mais a toujours su le cacher
Israeli Extremist Leader Once Again Calls for Torching Jerusalem Churches
Jewish Extremists Divide Israel's Right Wing — Even as Orthodox Take Reins of Security Services
Greater Israel in the Making? Israeli Official Calls for the Occupation of Damascus
VIDEO - MUST WATCH!!! Jews openly brag about non jews being put on earth to serve the Jews
Judaic Indoctrination of American Christians
Israel’s Justice Minister: "NGO law protects Israel from existential threats"
IDF Reservists to Sue NGO Breaking the Silence for Slander
Washington Post: 'Transparency Bill' Is a Danger to Israeli Democracy Newspaper editorial says bill, which seeks to 'out' foreign-funded NGOs, 'reflects the kind of tactic that Russia and China have employed to squelch dissent.'
Hasbara group wants you to infiltrate human rights NGOs
Ms. Livni, Mr. Shavit: See the Israeli Army Investigate Itself As per Livni and Shavit's advice, two Israeli citizens complained to the Israeli system about the violence of its representatives. For all the good it did them.
Netanyahu's Racist Mudslinging Against Arabs Netanyahu is outraged when people cast collective blame on settlers, but has no problem drawing racist lines of separation when it comes to Israel's Arabs.
Netanyahu denies placing conditions on aid package for Arabs But minister confirms he and colleague were asked to draw up list of demands for community to get billions of earmarked funds
Netanyahu: I'm Not Moved by Criticism, Law in Arab Communities Must Be Enforced Prime minister says government will focus on boosting law enforcement in Israeli Arab communities, specifically highlighting enforcement of noise regulations against mosques.
Netanyahu's ugly generalizations Op-ed: The loyalty of most Israeli Arabs and their desire to live in this country are unquestionable, but the prime minister keeps inciting - just like he did on Election Day.
Netanyahu rejects criticism he singled out Arab minority
Netanyahu : nous traquerons l’anarchie, l’incitation à la violence chez les Arabes israéliens Sur les lieux de l’attaque de Tel Aviv, le Premier ministre promet une hausse “spectaculaire” des forces de police dans les villes arabes : “nous demanderons la loyauté aux lois de l’Etat”
Netanyahu: We’ll root out lawlessness, incitement among Israeli Arabs At scene of Tel Aviv attack, PM promises a ‘dramatic’ increase in police enforcement in Arab towns: ‘We will demand loyalty to the laws of the state’.
Where the fear of sex between Jews and Arabs trumps normalcy The "Borderlife" controversy pens a demonic tale in which ‘they’ take ‘our’ girls, unites all patriarchal cultures, which try to define themselves by means of racial hierarchy and chauvinistic possession.
Jewish-Arab love story excluded from Israeli classrooms is best-seller
Israel Bans Novel Featuring Palestinian-Jewish Romance, Threatens ‘Jewish Identity’
Jewish-Arab love story excluded from Israeli classrooms is best-seller
Attorney General to Probe Exclusion of Book About Jewish-Arab Romance From School Curriculum Yehuda Weinstein prompted to act following complaint by Association for Civil Rights in Israel, which accused the Education Ministry of having 'irrelevant and anti-educational motives.'
Dictature théocratique et raciale Israël : le ministère de l’Éducation exclut des programmes un roman pouvant encourager les unions mixtes
The Jewish Ban on Intermarriage Has Become a Curse Intermarriage is one of the most sensitive subjects for Jews and Arabs living in this land. This article, written by Gershom Schocken, is being republished in light of the Education Ministry's decision to ban a book about an Arab-Jewish love affair.
Israel bans novel on Arab-Jewish romance from schools for 'threatening Jewish identity'
What We Really Mean When We Talk of Assimilation's Threat to Jewish Identity The decision to ban a book, depicting a doomed love story between a Jewish woman and an Arab man, from Israeli schools shows how out of touch Education Minister Naftali Bennett is with the Jewish reality.
A Pathetic, Racist Milestone on Road of Nationalist Indoctrination of Israeli Children Even if the decision to ban 'Borderlife' from high schools is reversed, it won't be enough. Netanyahu's silence proves that his government is sending Israel into the abyss of darkness and racism.
VIDEO - Michael Collins Piper - Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism
Israel Admit To Spraying Poison On Palestinian Crops
Israeli Army Admits To Using Pesticides As A Weapon Of War In The Middle East
Netanyahu: UN anti-Israel bias hasn’t changed since ‘Zionism is racism’ libelU.N. human rights expert resigns after Israel refuses to let him enter occupied Palestine
American Jews at the Service of Netanyahu Who are U.S. Jewish leaders really representing when they lobby the American president on behalf of Israel’s prime minister? Not their fellow countrymen, for sure.
The great betrayal: American Jews stay silent as Israeli democracy withers The existential danger facing the Middle East’s only Jewish and democratic state may not be Iran, but Israel itself.
Why U.S. Jews Are Giving Netanyahu a Pass on His Hitler-Mufti Remark The Israeli PM's remark was secular Zionism’s worst nightmare. Yet rather than confront it, Jewish groups are praying it disappears.
Zoabi: Acute shortage of psychologists in Arab sector
Viral Facebook Post Showing Israeli Arabs Celebrating Tel Aviv Shooting Is Fake The post featured what claimed to be Arabs in Wadi Ara celebrating Tel Aviv attack, but it actually showed Lebanese residents celebrating the death of Ariel Sharon.
Israeli Arabs Taken Off Greek Flight Under Pressure by Israeli Jews
IDF allows anti-Islam activist to spread hate, chocolate to soldiers Beneath a cheery name, head of the ‘Hershey’s for Heroes’ organization disseminates messages against Muhammad, Allah, Dome of the Rock — sweetened with candy. Michael Ganoe, who calls Muhammad a 'blood-thirsty, child-raping false prophet,' has visited numerous IDF bases, spoken to soldiers, instructors.
Bennett : les autorités recherchent “un ou deux rabbins” qui ont aidé à radicaliser “les jeunes des collines”
Bennett: Authorities looking at ‘one or two rabbis’ who helped radicalize ‘hilltop youth’
Radical Israeli rabbis come under fire amid settler violence Recent attacks against Arabs have brought the teachings of extremists into the spotlight.
Israel's expansion of settlement bloc harmful to peace, US says
Israeli Defense Minister OKs Addition of West Bank Church Compound to Settlement Bloc The property at Gush Etzion was purchased by U.S. businessman Irving Moskowitz, a high-profile supporter of the settlements.
U.S. State Department’s Deafening Silence After U.S. Citizens Engage In Israeli Settler Violence The silence of the U.S. government when American citizens are actively engaged in anti-Palestinian terrorism suggests that we condemn Islamist terror while condoning Jewish terror.
Palestine occupée: Tsahal empoisonne des terres agricoles à Gaza
IDF destroys Palestinian crops in Gaza
Adjusting Israel's TV to the Right Removing Channel 33 from the broadcast lineup of Idan Plus in favor of Channel 20 symbolizes a worsening of the government’s treatment of its Arab citizens, who are now totally excluded from its official broadcast lineup.
Obama administration rejects likening Israel’s NGO law to US lobbying registry
The Hypocrisy of Claiming That Foreign-Funded NGOs Hurt Israeli Democracy
Pourquoi l’Europe finance-t-elle des organisations israéliennes de gauche ?
Why does Europe fund left-wing Israeli groups?
Joining forces to campaign against the occupation is no danger for the Jewish community David Bernstein is right – in the spirit of intersectionality, more activist groups are embracing BDS in solidarity with the fight for Palestinian liberation. But the Jewish community can't – and shouldn't – isolate itself from them.
Brazil senator: Rejection of Israel ambassador shows BDS support
Israeli firm cutting ties with France’s Orange after BDS controversy
Orange laisse tomber sa filiale israélienne qui a soutenu la guerre de Gaza
Indyk : Netanyahu a regretté que Rabin soit mort en ‘héros’
Netanyahu didn’t call Rabin ‘failed politician’ at funeral, says PM’s office
Netanyahu denies bemoaning Rabin’s death as a ‘hero’
Indyk: At Funeral, Netanyahu Lamented That Assassination Made Rabin a Hero In a PBS documentary, Indyk, who served as U.S. ambassador to Israel in the '90s, quotes Netanyahu, then the opposition leader, as saying that he would have defeated Rabin had he not been assassinated. The prime minister's bureau denies the remarks.
VIDEO - Indyk tells PBS At funeral, Netanyahu lamented that assassination made Rabin a hero Frontline, PBS
PM's Bureau: Netanyahu-Indyk Exchange at Rabin's Funeral 'Never Happened' Indyk quotes Netanyahu as lamenting that the assassination turned Rabin into a hero; Likud accuses the former diplomat of slandering the prime minister.
Dear Israeli Leftists: Things Could Still Get Much Worse Fascism, religious coercion, rampant nationalism, ethnic cleansing, censorship of books – if everything is really so awful, why isn’t anyone doing anything about it?
In Battle for Israel, Jewish Liberals Stay Aloof but Jewish Right-wingers Go All in American Jews are only 'engaged witnesses,' the Forward’s Jane Eisner writes, which won’t help much when the house is on fire.
Book Ban Exposes Hypocrisy of Israel's Lettuce-munching Left Any of the terrible things the right-wing government is ostensibly doing to culture, the enlightened left has already done better.
Fatal Attraction? Book Ban Mere Battle in Israel's War on Intermarriage Fear of miscegenation isn't some new craze of Israel's far right. It is an inseparable part of the Jewish State.
WATCH: Israelis and Palestinians kiss in defiance of barred book
Neocons want you to stop calling them Neocons, claiming anti-semitism. How stupid to you think we are, Neocons?
L'hybris néoconservatrice est pire que la némésis terroriste.
'Radical Islam' Is for the GOP in 2016 What 'Axis of Evil' Was in 2003 What the Middle East needs is not an intensified cold war between the forces of light and darkness, but compromises that help end civil wars.
Rubio pledges Israel trip would be first presidential visit abroad
VIDEO - Sen. Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage Re: his position on the special relationship between Israel and the US.
White Nationalist Trump Robo-Call: “We don’t need Muslims”
Conservative elite, sounding a bit panicked, says Trump will destroy GOP
Netanyahu Plots Revenge On Barack Obama At The United Nations
Obama’s Secret Post-Presidency Plan Reportedly Uncovered- Netanyahu Plots Immediate Sabotage
Israël : le nouveau patron du Mossad donne la priorité à la lutte contre l’Iran
Palestinien brûlé vif : la prison à vie requise contre 2 Israéliens
Israeli prosecutors urge life sentences for killers of Palestinian teen
VIDEO - The Gatekeepers - Enquête sur le Shin Beth [Arte Reportage]
À ne pas manquer! Excellent reportage, qui comprend l'extrait envoyé récemment "Le mouvement clandestin juif voulait détruire le dôme du rocher" Plus d'infos: Israel, le mouvement clandestin juif et le Mont du Temple
Israel tortures Palestinian children & keeps them in outdoor cages in winter
Man gets suspended term for dousing firebrand MK with beverage Right-wing activist poured drink on head of controversial lawmaker Hanin Zoabi during a political rally in March.
Video: Israeli sniper praised for shooting Palestinian protestors
American Jews' Concern for Israeli Democracy Ends at '67 Borders Anti-NGO law sparks protest because it infringes on a democracy that exists. In the West Bank, there is no democracy.
Why Israel has Silenced the 1948 Story of Nazareth’s Survival. The Only Palestinian City that was not Ethnically Cleansed
Israel sued in Washington over attack on Gaza-bound US ship
Pour Israël, la ministre des Affaires étrangères suédoise soutient le terrorisme et la violence
Sweden urges ‘thorough’ investigation into Israel’s killing of Palestinians
Hotovely says Swedish FM not welcome in Israel after 'extrajudicial killing' comments
Hotovely : Les officiels suédois ne sont pas les bienvenus en Israël
La ministre suédoise des Affaires étrangères interdite de séjour en Israël
Israel blasts Swedish FM for 'supporting terrorism, encouraging violence'
Israel to bar Sweden from any role in future diplomatic process with Palestinians
Palestinians praise Swedish FM's 'brave humanitarian stance' against Israel
Israel Slams Swedish FM for 'Delusional' Call to Probe 'Extrajudicial Killings' of Palestinians Israel's Foreign Ministry says Margot Wallstrom's call for investigation 'irresponsible and delusional,' adding that she is 'giving support to terror and thus encouraging violence.'
Minister Steinitz Calls Swedish FM 'anti-Semitic' Steinitz slams Swedish call to investigate Israel for treatment of Palestinians; Deputy Foreign Minister Hotovely says 'Israel is closing its gates to official visits from Sweden'; Senior official says no such decision has been made.
Israel Reprimands Swedish Envoy Over FM's Call for Probe Into Killings of Palestinians Foreign Ministry summons ambassador after Margot Wallstrom called for investigation to determine if Israel was guilty of extrajudicial killings of Palestinians during recent wave of violence.
PM: Swedish FM’s remarks on response to Palestinian attackers are outrageous
Netanyahu on Swedish FM's remarks: Outrageous, immoral, unjust, wrong and stupid
Minister Steinitz Calls Swedish FM 'anti-Semitic' Steinitz slams Swedish call to investigate Israel for treatment of Palestinians; Deputy Foreign Minister Hotovely says 'Israel is closing its gates to official visits from Sweden'; Senior official says no such decision has been made.
Ireland and Sweden have “Abandoned Israel”…
Netanyahu to Brazil: Settler leader only ambassador we’ll offer
Why Israel's Government of Inciters Can't Win The battle now is a battle for democracy, and therefore we will defeat you. That’s how it is everywhere in the world and that’s how it is here.
Knesset Transparency C'tee: Gov't unknowingly funding 'price tag' activities Funds transferred by different ministries to Samaria and Binyamin local councils used to fund NGOs encouraging Jewish terror activities against IDF soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians, says c'tee chairwoman Shaffir.
Israeli Attorney General Gives Netanyahu Cover to Leak Information at Will Netanyahu is fond of calling for hearings and investigations of leaks, as long as the leaks came from others, especially from others in his cabinet.
Shaked to U.S.: Israel Is a Strong Democracy, Do Not Intervene in Our Legislation
Shaked tells US not to worry about NGO bill US ambassador underlines concern over new legislation, urges justice minister to ‘protect free expression and peaceful dissent’
Left-wing Canadian Zionist groups decry Israeli ‘NGO bill’
NGO law: US ambassador meets Israel justice minister to voice ‘concerns’
A Creative Answer to Israel's McCarthyist Bill The proposed law targeting NGOs with left-wing agendas provides an opportunity to breathe new life into political philanthropy in Israel, by widening the base of donors.
Israel’s NGO Law Inspired by Non-democratic Regimes, Certainly Not by the U.S. Ayelet Shaked’s proposed bill is no pale imitation of any U.S. law, as the justice minister has tried to suggest. Instead it transparently supports discrimination against human rights activism in Israel.
Anti-democratic? Moi? Why Israel Ignores America's NGO Bill Warning Israelis and American officials are going through the motions: Israel transgresses, the U.S. expresses concern. And on and on and on we go.
Bennett: Both Duma Murderers and Radical Left Deny Israel's Legitimacy 'The radical left promotes the boycott of Israel and then goes and says that the world is boycotting us because of the right,' the minister says.
A BDS victory - US church pension board blacklists Israeli banks
U.S. Church Puts Five Israeli Banks on Investment Blacklist
American Historical Association Rejects anti-Israel Resolution This is the second year in a row the motion failed to pass.
BACKSTORY: Jews have faced BDS movement before Toujours les nazis...
Humanitarian Worker Deported From Israel for ‘trying to change Israel and make it free of racism’
Etiquetage de l'UE: un projet de loi de représailles gelé Ils sont tout fiers de pouvoir dire qu'ils ont laissé tomber la vengeance pour une fois... Quel humanisme!
JDL protesters disrupt U of T ‘Palestinian resistance’ event
A Flagship of Israeli Journalism Joins the Ranks of False Propaganda The investigative TV program ‘Uvda’ should be ashamed of the report it aired which depicted human rights activists as dangerous, while ignoring the occupation.
VIDEO: Left-wing group invokes Rabin to warn of rightist 'incitement'
Israel Terrorist Leader Gopstein Once Again Calls for Torching Jerusalem Churches
juif.org - "propagande anti-israélienne" d'AFP qualifiant le nouveau ministre de l'Intérieur, Arye Deri, de "repris de justice"
Israel’s Evasion of Moral Responsibility Former Israeli Interior Minister Arye Dery was jailed for taking bribes and is now returning to the exact same government ministry where he committed his felony. It’s kosher – but it stinks.
Arabs Made to Play Monkeys in an Israeli Circus During the manhunt for the gunman behind the Tel Aviv shooting, Israel's Arab citizens were shown their place.
Jew who stabbed Arab gets less than two years C'est donc pas considéré comme une tentative de meurtre... À moins qu'Israel donne juste 2 ans de prison pour tentative de meurtre? Ça serait surprenant.
Israel Must Stop With the 'Good Arab' Generalizations The settlements contain people who see the Israeli government as an enemy and the prime minister as a traitor - just like in the Arab community.
Alan Rickman, l'acteur-réalisateur qui avait donné une «puissante claque à l'État d'Israël»
Israël : une chaîne de supermarché accusée d'avoir discriminé une employée fréquentant un arabe
Israeli supermarket chain harasses employees who date Arabs, ex-manager claims
West Lifts Iran Sanctions After UN Watchdog Confirms Compliance With Nuclear Deal Israel responds to UN agency declaration with skepticism; with lifting of sanctions, $100 billion in Iranian frozen will be immediately thawed.
Republican debaters snipe at one another, Obama’s Iran policy
Americans get it, Obama doesn’t – just like Pharaoh
juif.org - Nouvelles critiques américaines contre Israël
Israël ne fait face à aucune menace existentielle, selon l’ex patron du Mossad
Israel faces no existential threats, says departing Mossad chief MDR!!
Do anti-Israel Emails From Hillary's Inner Circle Show Her True Colors? From an ex ambassador's suggestion to support Palestinian protests to a senior advisor forwarding his son's anti-Zionist articles, emails sent to Hillary Clinton raise questions about the presidential candidate's views on Israel.
Hillary Clinton’s Enemies Brand Her an Israel-hater Based on Email Dumps Do a bunch of outlandish ideas on the Mideast conflict submitted to then Secretary of State by her aides really represent the presidential candidate’s views on Israel?
Hey Ted Cruz, 'New York Values' Are Plenty Religious
Ted Cruz says Donald Trump has ‘NY values,’ the jews cry anti-Semitism
Was Ted Cruz Talking About the Jews?
Ted Cruz Hates “New York Values” But Sure Loves New York Money
Jewish terror bomber claims influence with Ted Cruz C'est le terroriste juif "Victor Vancier", qui disait à propos du terrorisme juif:
In 1986, the New York-based leader of the terrorist Jewish Defense League, Victor Vancier, gave a prophetic hint of what may have been finally played out on Sept. 11, 2001: "If you think the Shias in Lebanon are capable of fantastic acts of suicidal terrorism, the Jewish underground will strike targets that will make Americans gasp: 'How could Jews do such things?'" According to Vancier, quoted by Robert I. Friedman in The Village Voice on May 6, 1986, his allies were "desperate people" who "don't care if they live or die."
VIDEO - Chaim Ben Pesach (Victor Vancier) JTF This Week: Innocent Jew faces murder charge; JTF Ted Cruz blitz begins. Ce célèbre terroriste juif en campagne pour Ted Cruz et défend un autre terroriste juif qui a mis le feu à une maison palestinienne et tué une famille incluant un bébé palestinien. Aucune controverse, auun scandale on n'en entend parler nulle part...
Wailing and screeching over the word NEOCON
How Neocons Banished Realism
Neocons Revenge? With the end of the original sanctions now in play, Washington’s neocons and allies are down, but certainly not on the run. What is their greatest fear? That peace and prosperity will break out? In the meantime, what will be the impact on Iran – the country that is the clear winner in all of this
Ron Paul Rips Neocons: Their ‘Greatest Fear Is For Peace to Break Out’
Now it's Israel's turn to open its nuclear program to IAEA inspection, or face sanctions
Israeli PM: Yehudi Arabia is “an ally”
Israeli preference for ISIS suppressed by the media
Is Ted Cruz an anti-Semite? No, But… Is Ted Cruz an anti-Semite? Of course not. Many of his top aides and supporters are Jews. Is Ted Cruz exploiting hostility toward Jews in his presidential campaign? It’s complicated. He’s exploiting hostility toward liberals. And in American political culture, being liberal and being Jewish are so intertwined that the line between attacking the former and attacking the latter can blur.
Glenn Beck Endorses Ted Cruz For President
Beck: Trump’s Use of Nationalism, Populism ‘Dangerous Combination,’ ‘Makings of Adolf Hitler’ (D'après moi, s'exprime pas de son propre chef mais à la demande de ses amis sionistes qui appuient d'autres candidats que Trump.)
Donald Trump Breaks With the GOP on Israel
Trump Takes on the Neo-Cons
Meet Marco Rubio, Donald Trump’s Echo
Trump pledges to move US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
Donald Trump, Israel, and the Jews
With a Little Help From Chutzpah, Trump Wins Over Some Jewish Voters From one New Jersey rabbi to a famous comedian and everywhere in between - Jewish supporters of Trump are looking past the policy pledges that have been too brash for most, to see a personality of confidence, 'just like Israelis are.'
Trump retweets ‘White Genocide’ account based in ‘Jewmerica’
Donald Trump Retweets Creator of Pic Showing Bernie Sanders Sent to Gas Chamber
Trump retweets compliment from feed that posts fears of ‘white genocide’
UK Parliamentary Debate on Banning Donald Trump from Entering Britain?
Trump supporter goes full-whackjob on ‘Them Moooz-lums’
Trump says he would welcome Bloomberg candidacy
Bloomberg takes first steps toward independent bid for presidency
Could Michael Bloomberg become America's first Jewish president? Bloomberg would do more damage to the Democratic candidate than the Republicans. But his main campaign contribution would be his wholehearted championing of immigration as a key New York value.
'Bloomberg may run for pres.' NY Times: Jewish billionaire and three-time NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg has told advisers to plan a run as an independent.
Bloomberg said preparing possible White House bid If Sanders beats Clinton for Democratic nomination, former NYC mayor may well run for president as independent, New York Times reports
Former NYC Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, an “Independent” Candidate?
How Marco Rubio's Faith Could Lure Jewish Voters
Trump– ‘Good’ relations with Russia, China
Présidentielle USA 2016. Devant la montée de Trump et Sanders, Bloomberg prêt à y aller
Duke Exposes the Scumbay Slimeball Ted Cruz as a total ZioShill !
Clinton Campaign: Sanders' Mideast Policies Would Put Iranian Firepower at Israel's Doorstep Jake Sullivan, a foreign policy adviser to Clinton, depicted as dangerous Sanders’ proposal to normalize relations with Iran, made during the most recent debate for Democratic presidential candidates.
Christie promises to let Israel vent about Obama
Shapiro : Israël a « deux politiques – une pour les Palestiniens, une pour les Juifs » Le bureau du Premier ministre a dénoncé les propos de l’ambassadeur américain en Israël qu’il a qualifiées d’ ‘inacceptables’.
Israel employs double legal standard in West Bank, US envoy charges Furious Netanyahu calls critique from Dan Shapiro, on a day when murdered mother-of-six laid to rest, ‘unacceptable and incorrect’
'Two sets of laws in W. Bank' US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro leveled fierce criticism at Israel during a speech at a security conference.
U.S. Ambassador to Israel: Israel Has Two Standards of Law in West Bank - One for Israelis and One for Palestinians Shapiro voices sharp criticism of Israeli authorities, saying 'too much Israeli vigilantism in the West Bank goes on unchecked,' with PMO blasting comments as 'unacceptable and wrong.'
US ambassador: Too much Israeli 'vigilantism' in West Bank US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro leveled fierce criticism at Israel during a speech at a security conference, accusing it of adhering to 'two standards of law' in the West Bank.
'Perplexed' Over Israel's Double Standards in the West Bank? You Don't Say, Mr. Ambassador The U.S. ambassador to Israel has made a historical, if not archaeological, discovery this week. Maybe his country could also do something about it.
A message from the White House US Ambassador Dan Shapiro's condemnation of the Israeli government on Monday was a rarity, but no accident. It's no exaggeration to assume that Israel will no longer be able to rely on the US's veto at the UN or to enjoy the automatic support that we have been used to.
Shaked demands Shapiro recant comments about ‘2 standards’ in West Bank
Netanyahu, US envoy trade jabs over ‘two-standards’ of law in West Bank
Netanyahu aide calls US ambassador ‘little Jew boy’ in escalating controversy
Former Netanyahu adviser uses Hebrew slur against US envoy Shapiro
Faced with EU and U.S. criticism, Israeli insults fly
Israel’s Right-Wing Comes Out, Slurs Flying, Against US Ambassador Shapiro NYT Editorial: Israel's Criticism of U.S. Ambassador Shapiro 'Unusually Personal and Unfair' Gray Lady says Shapiro correctly identified a serious problem when he said Israel has a legal double standard in the West Bank.
‘Little Jewboy’ moment highlights coming divorce between US Jews and Israel
Israeli anti-Semites and American Jewboys, From Dan Shapiro to Wyatt Earp Blasting the 'unruly mob' of Gush Emunim protestors that heckled Kissinger and 'legitimized hatred of Jews,' Yitzhak Rabin wrote: 'I was ashamed.'
Les Etats-Unis soutiennent l’action de l’UE distinguant Israël de la Cisjordanie Le département d’Etat critique les activités “illégitimes” des implantations, et ne considère pas l’étiquetage des produits comme un boycott.
'US doesn't view EU product labeling as boycott against Israel' State Department spokesman also backs Ambassador Dan Shapiro's criticism against Israeli gov't policies in the West Bank and settler violence against Palestinians.
Obama Admin Backs Effort to Label Products Made by Jewish Businesses in West Bank
EU defends labeling goods made in Israeli settlements but stresses opposition to boycotts
juif.org - L'UE adopte un texte anti-israélien qui ne condamne pas expressément le terrorisme palestinien. Seuls les ministres grecs et polonais se sont opposés au texte
Union européenne: les pays pro et anti-israéliens
American Jews Should Move To Israel And Fulfill ‘End Of Days’ Biblical Prophecy, Says Activist
Israel feels the heat of U.S., EU and U.N. criticism
Netanyahu: "Où est l'Europe" face à la montée de l'antisémitisme
US restates labeling rules on Israeli products from West Bank
US issues telling reminder of labeling rules on Israeli products from West Bank Days after ambassador slammed Israel’s policies, State Department stresses requirement to distinguish between Israel, settlement goods.
Labeling Israeli products to raise awareness of Palestinian plight
Netanyahou accuse Ban Ki-moon d'encourager le terrorisme « Les tueurs palestiniens ne veulent pas de pays, ils veulent tuer des Juifs. Ils ne tuent pas au nom des droits de l'homme »
UN’s Ban in new swipe at Israel over ‘stifling’ occupation
Europe-Israel | Etats-Unis: la douane américaine applique les mesures de boycott antisémite sur l'étiquetage des produits israéliens
UN Security Council to Consider defining all Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territories as Illegal
Sweden investigating Israeli death threats against its foreign minister
Lunch With Sweden's Foreign Minister, the Woman Israel Loves to Hate Margot Wallström bears the brunt of Israeli diplomatic bullying, but one day she'll make Israel eat its words.
Spain ‘deeply worried’ over Palestinian deaths from Israel’s use of force
La Cour suprême a aggravé les peines des pyromanes de l’école judéo-arabe
Poll claims 25% of Israelis fear a second Holocaust
Israel’s deadly restrictions on Palestinian patients
VIDEO - Palestinian Kids Dodge Settler Attacks
Etat palestinien: Israël rejette les propos de Laurent Fabius
Netanyahu: French bid rewards Palestinian intransigence
France: We will recognize Palestinian state if talks deadlock persists
Netanyahu: French threat to recognize Palestinian state undermines peace initiative Pourtant pour E-R c'est Laurent Fabius le plus grand traître de tous les temps! Crypto-sioniste, E-R?? Oui mais très subtilement! Faudrait pas que le monde sache que E-R roule pour la droite israélienne "patriote" que Sora1 respecte tant...
FRANCE – Resistance to Israel censorship grows
VIDEO - En réponse à Valls, des militants BDS lancent une action dans un supermarché
Israel Rejects French Peace Bid, Saying Threat of Recognition Incentivizes Palestinians Not to Negotiate 'This is no way to negotiate,' Israeli officials say, but Palestinians 'welcome French call to end occupation.' Resistance to Israel censorship grows in France
Roger Waters love letter to French BDS activists: ‘you have my unequivocal respect and love’
Behind Israel’s Campaign to Vilify Peace Groups
The 'Professional Journalism' Behind the Silencing of Israeli Violence The media is always looking for new exciting 'stories,' but when it comes to the Palestinians and to Israel's rule over them, the threshold of stimulation is constantly rising.
Im Tirtzu Admits Mistake in Campaign Against 'Left-wing' Israeli Cultural Figures The right-wing group's director tells Haaretz, however, that the public has the right to know about cultural figures' left-wing affiliations.
Benny Begin : ‘Pointer de soi-disant traitres est une vieille technique fasciste qui est à la fois laide et dangereuse’ - Des députés de droite accusent des groupes “fascistes” de “dénoncer” des artistes de gauche Im Tirtzu critiqué après une campagne listant les membres de l’élite culturelle israélienne qui ont exprimé leur soutien à des causes de gauche.
Police Fight Court to Ban Left Wing Activists From the West Bank After court rejects request to bar Nawi and Batuvia from West Bank, police file appeal, claiming ban is not political.
Israeli culture minister to propose 'loyalty bill' in bid to control artistic funding
Israël : le monde politique condamne la campagne d'une ONG contre des artistes
Canada’s answer to J Street aims to fight anti-Zionism from ‘within the left’
Un magnat juif canadien met fin à son soutien à cause d’une fresque ‘antisémite’ Paul Bronfman a mis un terme à sa coopération avec l’Université York en raison d’un désaccord sur une oeuvre politique
Jewish Canadian mogul pulls support over ‘anti-Semitic’ mural Paul Bronfman stops cooperation with York University after request to remove politically charged artwork by Palestinian student goes unheeded
Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not an Agent; Mega Was the Boss' by Jeffrey Steinberg (À propos de Mega, une grosse opération du Mossad avec du cash des Bronfman et d'autres fortunes juives américaines)
Netanyahu: This land is your birthright In the opening lines of Netanyahu’s speech, Bibi uses a very interesting turn of phrase when addressing this group of young Jews (who, according to the Taglit website all range in age from 18-26 years) from the US saying ‘you are all MEGA for me’. It is unlikely that Netanyahu chose to use this word by mere happenstance. ‘MEGA’ was the term that was used within US intelligence circles in describing an unknown Israeli spy (or spy network) that had been inserted into the Clinton White House.
Voir les textes de EIR/Larouche sur Mega et ses liens avec Bronfman.
Poll indicates 46% of Israeli Jews don’t think Arabs should have equal rights
Poll: Only 20% of Jewish Israelis see Arab citizens as ‘equals’
Israeli State-funded Settler Group Sent Private Eye to Spy on Human-rights NGOs Haaretz investigation: Pro-settlement group Regavim commissioned and paid for private investigation into prominent human-rights lawyer and the organizations he represents. Breaking the Silence's Smear Campaign Only Serves Israel's Enemies The kind of concern the IDF displayed to prevent unintended ‘collateral damage’ in Gaza does not seem to be a high priority in the bombardments being carried out in Iraq and Syria by U.S., French, British or Russian forces.
Gérald Steinberg en faveur d’une action diplomatique Le professeur israélien est le créateur de NGO Monitor qui dénonce les abus des organisations non-gouvernementales. NGO Monitor est ultra-pro-Israel, selon eux les groupes défenseurs des droits de l'homme des groupes antisémites. N'oubliez pas son rôle dans la tragédie de Droits et Démocratie (élimination commandée de Rémy Beauregard par des agents du B'nai Brith nommés à la direction de Droits et démocratie par nul autre que le cabinet Harper).
Israel Cuts Funding for Jewish Pluralism NGOs, May Give Funds to Orthodox Groups Instead Groups curtail activities as Education Ministry funding earmarked for 'Jewish Renewal' fails to arrive and projects are in danger of stopping altogether.
'Dr.' Naftali Bennett Wants to Eradicate the Toxic, Highly Contagious Condition Known as 'Opposing the Occupation' The education minister attacked the country's diplomats last week by suggesting they had 'problematic DNA.' Israel's rightist discourse has now moved beyond merely labeling leftists as fifth columnists.
It's Not Only pro-Palestinian Students Who Use Intimidation to Silence Free Speech The behavior of pro-Palestinian students who disrupted a talk by Ami Ayalon at a London university was inexcusable. But too many British Jews also support shutting down free speech – of voices critical of Israel.
Anti-leftist Sentiments Must Not Be Allowed to Affect Israel's Justice System Deplorable as their acts may be, the selective arrest of Ezra Nawi and other left-wing activists looks suspicious in light of the draconian conditions imposed, including a gag order and an order barring them from meeting with a lawyer. Israel's Weak Center Is Letting Radicals Destroy Zionism Outflanked by the chauvinist right and the radical left, Israeli centrists have not proposed the third way that Tony Blair offered the British and Bill Clinton offered the Americans.
'I'm breaking the silence because I'm Zionist, Israeli and a patriot'
Arrests signal intensifying crackdown on Israeli human rights groups
Prison pour une jeune israélienne objecteur de conscience et pour deux militants anticolonialistes
Mossad-linked Israeli law firm loses anti-BDS against US labour
Mossad-linked group’s case against US trade union thrown out
U.S. Labor Tribunal Rejects Anti-boycott Case by Israeli NGO Israeli NGO Shurat HaDin argued that an American union had violated U.S. labor law by endorsing the anti-Israel boycott movement, but the tribunal disagreed.
The New Frontier for BDS: Targeting Settler Businesses Too many progressive Jews think criticizing Israeli policies on the occupation is enough, but it's not working. Challenging settler businesses to shut up shop is the new frontier for BDS.
SWEDEN – Adelson newspaper suggests Swedish foreign minister deserves assassination for questioning Israeli policy
Valls envisage des mesures contre les manifestations pro-boycott de produits israéliens
Slovenia's biggest supermarket chain takes Israeli products off shelves
Israeli Medical Association Says British Doctors Trying to Boot Israel From World Medical Association
British Doctors Accuse Israel of “Medical Torture”
Boycott: Des médecins britanniques cherchent à expulser Israël de l'Association Médicale Mondiale British doctors seek to expel Israel from World Medical Association
Brazilian official: Israel made ‘mistake’ in naming settler as envoy
Brazil: 'Appointing Dani Dayan as ambassador a mistake' Brazil closes the door on approving appointment of Dani Dayan as Israel's ambassador to the country, with a senior adviser to the president calling him 'a disturbance of the diplomatic protocol.'
Israel Erred in Tapping Former Settler Leader as Envoy, Says Adviser to Brazilian President The fact that Brazil refuses to confirm Dani Dayan's ambassadorial appointment has caused a crisis in the two countries' relationships.
Netanyahu: Israel to Permit Settlers to Return to Hebron Houses After They Prove Ownership Prime minister says Israel supports settlements, 'especially in days like these.' Netanyahu also thanks Obama for planning to attend Holocaust memorial event at Israeli Embassy in D.C.
FLASHBACK APRIL 2015 Israel's High Court Blasts State for Giving Palestinian-owned Land to Settlers Court Vice-President Naor: 'I don’t understand how this could happen,' when hearing that state in 1990 gave Palestinian-owned land to settlers.
Israeli Forces Evict Settlers a Day After They Illegally Move Into Hebron Homes A few dozen settlers broke into the homes near the Cave of the Patriarchs, claiming they had bought the buildings; Defense Minister Ya'alon: The intruders trampled the law.
Security forces evacuate settlers from Hebron buildings
PM's Office Officials: Settlers Could Return to Hebron Houses Once Paperwork in Order Netanyahu supports settlements, appreciates settlers who 'stand bravely' against terrorism, officials say, following right-wing backlash over eviction of settlers who moved into Hebron houses illegally.
Dozens of Settlers Move Into Two Hebron Homes Near Cave of Patriarchs Jewish settlers claim to have purchased homes in Palestinian neighborhood, challenging borders of local settlement; defense minister expected to reject move due to lack of permits.
Des élus menacent la coalition suite à l’évacuation à Hébron Trois députés ont annoncé qu’ils boycotteraient les votes à moins que les Juifs soient autorisés à revenir dans les maisons évacuées
L'un de ces députés est un ancien terroriste juif reconverti dans la politique radicale droitiste. Hebron Settlement's Contribution to Terrorism The settlers who lead invasions into Palestinians’ homes and seize their lands will do anything to provoke the Palestinians and Israeli authorities, and foment unrest.
Israel Plans to Seize Large Chunk of West Bank Farmland
Israel destroys homes for Bedouins, builds homes for Jews
Israel Spraying Toxins Over Palestinian Crops in Gaza
Israël : la vidéo du terrifiant lynchage d’un migrant africain (érythréen)
Canadian Student Shot by Israeli Sniper in the West Ban
Comment: Wife of late Meir Kahane addresses hunger-striking grandson's administrative detention
Chief Israeli rabbi calls for executing Palestinians
Israeli Rabbi Calls for Execution Of All Palestinians
Don’t Celebrate the Israeli Occupation’s Impending Demise Just Yet The world will continue to pay hollow lip service in the form of absurd steps, like marking products from the settlements, for which it doesn’t stop apologizing.
Jérusalem: deux suspects juifs arrêtés après la découverte de graffitis antichrétiens
L'Abbaye de la Dormition vandalisée à Jérusalem, des extrémistes juifs pointés du doigt
Les terroristes du gang "prix à payer" écrivent des slogans injurieux anti-chrétiens à Jérusalem
Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti
Jews spray “Slaughter the Christians” on walls of Jerusalem monastery
Jerusalem church vandalized with crude anti-Christian slogans
Jewish Extremists Vandalize Jerusalem's Dormition Abbey The vandals wrote anti-Christian slogans such as 'Death to the heathen Christians the enemies of Israel' on the walls and doors of the building.
Hebrew graffiti at Jerusalem monastery threatens Christians
A new act of vandalism against Christians in Israel
Church Marked with Anti-Christian, Hebrew 'Price Tag' Graffiti At Jerusalem's Dormition Abbey
Israeli police arrest 2 Jewish suspects for church vandalism A 15- and 16-year-old were arrested on suspicion of writing anti-Christian graffiti on the walls of the Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem.
Graffitis antichrétiens: un adolescent arrêté
VIDEO - David Sheen: Connection Between Netanyahu and Lehava
VIDEO - David Sheen: Measuring Racism: Israeli Education
Netanyahu's pathetic primaries chicanery Op-ed: The call for early primaries in the Likud party and the decision to cancel them 4 days later lead us to an absurd situation. A sitting prime minister, whose power and influence are hard to even estimate, is afraid not just of future competitors, but even to compete against himself.
Interior Ministry Has a Stranglehold on the Publication of Newspapers in Israel Some 62 newspapers were unable to be published over the past decade due to the ministry's refusal to grant them licenses.
Ari Shavit, You’ve Fallen Into the Trap of 'Extremists on Both Sides' As opposed to the Haaretz columnist's claim, in reality not a single word has been spoken in support of left-wing activist Ezra Nawi’s statements about informing on Palestinians to the Palestinian Authority.
In Glock We Trust: Ultra-Orthodox Settlement Guns Up A gun sale sponsored by the municipality in the settlement of Betar Ilit highlights a near 180 in how the religious view gun ownership in light of recent violence: 'The more the merrier, regrettably.'
Jerusalem church defaced with anti-Christian graffiti
Jews spray “Slaughter the Christians” on walls of Jerusalem monastery
Jerusalem church vandalized with crude anti-Christian slogans
Jewish Extremists Vandalize Jerusalem's Dormition Abbey The vandals wrote anti-Christian slogans such as 'Death to the heathen Christians the enemies of Israel' on the walls and doors of the building.
Hebrew graffiti at Jerusalem monastery threatens Christians
A new act of vandalism against Christians in Israel
Jérusalem: trois adolescents israéliens inculpés pour des graffitis antichrétiens
‘Fundamentalist’ Jewish Terror a Growing Threat to Israel: Experts
Les terroristes du gang "prix à payer" écrivent des slogans injurieux anti-chrétiens à Jérusalem
The Duma Murder Is an Exception to the Already Violent Rule The murder of the Dawabsheh family did not mess anything up because Israel fully backs Jews stealing Palestinian lands, a subtle form of violence.
Father of Palestinian teen burned alive by Judaic terrorists–‘Demolish homes of his Jewish killers, just as you do with Arabs’
Child Survivor of West Bank Arson Murders Doesn't Know His Family Was Killed Four-year-old Ahmad Dawabsheh's grandfather tells NBC News that he plans to break the news to the still-hospitalized child later this week.
Israel employs double legal standard in West Bank, US envoy charges
'Two sets of laws in W. Bank' US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro leveled fierce criticism at Israel during a speech at a security conference.
U.S. Ambassador to Israel: Israel Has Two Standards of Law in West Bank - One for Israelis and One for Palestinians Shapiro voices sharp criticism of Israeli authorities, saying 'too much Israeli vigilantism in the West Bank goes on unchecked,' with PMO blasting comments as 'unacceptable and wrong.'
Netanyahu, US envoy trade jabs over ‘two-standards’ of law in West Bank
Netanyahu slams Sweden’s ‘immoral’ criticism, EU’s ‘illegal’ W. Bank building
Netanyahu: Swedish FM's Remarks on Killings of Palestinians Are 'Outrageous and Stupid' PM criticizes Margot Wallstrom for calling for an investigation to determine if Israel was guilty of extrajudicial killings; attacks EU decision to label settlement products as immoral.
Time for Israel to close its embassy in Sweden, former deputy FM says
Netanyahu slams 'outrageous' accusation made by Swedish FM
Liberman très remonté contre la Suède : "Les Suédois ont collaboré avec les Nazis" propos après que La Suède a demandé des enquêtes sur les Palestiniens tués par Israël.
Israeli Cabinet to Weigh Tit-for-tat Response to EU Labeling Government ministers to vote Sunday on whether to support a bill that would mandate labeling products from countries that label products from Israeli settlements.
Netanyahu Fears More EU Sanctions Against West Bank Settlements During the monthly meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels next week, a decision is expected on its next steps on the Israel-Palestinian issue, but it is still not clear how harsh it will be.
New EU Draft Resolution Draws Stark Distinction Between Israel, West Bank Settlements Israel working frantically to block pending resolution, expected to be published on Monday, that top officials says could lead to additional sanctions against Israeli settlements.
Israel said scrambling to counter new EU decision on settlements
EU hardens settlement stand Israel is battling an EU proposal that calls for all EU countries to restrict its international agreements with Israel to within 1967 borders.
New EU Draft Resolution Draws Stark Distinction Between Israel, West Bank Settlements Israel working frantically to block pending resolution, expected to be published on Monday, that top officials says could lead to additional sanctions against Israeli settlements.
Lemondejuif: Haine d’Israël : la France soutient une violente résolution de l’UE contre les localités juives
Craintes sionistes des nouvelles sanctions européennes imposées sur les produits des colonies
Europe-Israel: Boycott antisémite : L'Union européenne, qui n'a jamais boycotté aucun autre pays, décide de durcir son texte sur l'étiquetage des produits juifs contre Israël
EU ministers seek to soften resolution after Netanyahu lobbying
EU foreign ministers: Agreements with Israel must note no ties to settlements
Settlements are illegal, EU says, and all deals with Israel 'unequivocally' must not apply to occupied territories EU softens statement, but lays line between Israel, settlements Jerusalem successfully lobbies for less hostile resolution, which still slams West Bank activity, as leaders blast ‘double standard’
L'UE adopte avec peine un texte sur le conflit israélo-palestinien
EU criticizes Israel, builds on anti-settlement policy
EU: All Agreements With Israel Must Indicate Inapplicability to Occupied Territories Nonetheless, diplomatic efforts by Israel managed to soften the European Union's Foreign Affairs Council resolution's wording, dropping requirement to draw a 'distinction' between Israel and settlements.
Netanyahu Asks Five EU States to Oppose Resolution That Applies 'Double Standard' to Israel Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic asked to vote down resolution that sharpens distinction between Israel proper and West Bank settlements.
FLASHBACK: 29 nov 2015 Netanyahu Suspends Contact With EU Over Israel-Palestinian Peace Process Israel's Foreign Ministry ordered to 'reassess' EU involvement with Palestinians after decision to label West Bank goods; 'decision is almost completely devoid of any real significance,' official says.
Netanyahu Publicly Backs Bill Aimed at Leftist NGOs, Says Goal Is 'Transparency' 'I fail to understand how greater transparency is undemocratic,' prime minister says. Proposal requires organizations getting more than half their funding from foreign governments to wear tags in Knesset.
Witch-hunt Against Left Wing Activist Is the Prologue to a Stasi State One day, when things get out of control, some will be sorry that they collaborated or stood by, but by then it will be too late.
Espagne : une ville vote le boycott total d’Israël
VIDEO - Roland Dumas pour le boycott des produits israéliens
L’adolescence arrêtée : le développement interrompu des mineurs palestiniens en prison (Middle East Monitor)
Palestinian “Child Prisoners” and the BDS Campaign. Israel’s International Image Continues to Deteriorate
Israel furious at UN report detailing torture of Palestinian children Israel’s security forces have been accused by a United Nations monitoring group of torturing and tormenting Palestinian children.
VIDEO - Propagandistes sionistes confrontés à la télé française Intervention balayée du revers de la main pour "antisémitisme!". Colonialisme et vendetta sans fin au nom du peuple élu de dieu.. mais le dire ouvertement c'est tenir le discours antisémite classique?
Yes, Israel is executing Palestinians without trial
Israel and the South African Nuclear Bomb Documents
As expected, gap-tooth rednecks ‘react’ to Jewry’s latest propaganda film
French PM Manuel Valls: Attacks in France, Israel show we are ‘in world war’
Mossad proxy faked violent Facebook anti-Semitism
‘Death to all J-ws!’ — Jewish agents with links to Mossad stir up fake anti-Semitism
Jérémy Ferrari en 3mn a fait ce que Dieudonné n’a pas fait en 10 ans! Chercher l’erreur…!
VIDEO - Ibrahim Nobel: Dissidentologie
Here are the top 10 most callous and inhumane Henry Kissinger quotes
Troubler la sécurité du Sinaï et le blocus de Gaza servent des intérêts israéliens
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Israel after Mideast disintegration to dominate entire region
Why Are The Neocons so Desperate to Rescue Al-Qaeda in Syria?
Israeli Defense chief raps West over missteps in Iran, Syria
Jewish Analysis: Moscow’s alliance with Iran and Hezbollah threatens strategic Israeli interests
The Economist fait le parallèle entre le terrorisme qui frappe Israël et l'Europe (The Economist est un organe médiatique au service des Rothschild.)
Elliott Abrams: US Mideast policy will be more assertive under next president
Sheldon Adelson’s Still on the Sidelines: The GOP Asks Why?
9/11 was your brother's fault! Trump's extraordinary assault on Jeb Bush over George W's invasion of Iraq and claim he 'lied' about WMDs
Pro-War GOP Boos Donald Trump
Trump: GOP rivals want to ‘start World War III over Syria’
AUDIO - Jew Mark Levin moans, wails, screeches: ‘Trump a radical kook, 911 truther’ Trump: GOP rivals want to ‘start World War III over Syria’
The Walking Dead–Donald Trump as an enemy of ‘Greater Israel’ living every day of his candidacy in Netanyahu’s crosshairs, By Mark Glenn, 2016
VIDEO - Moualek: Aldo Sterone, Boris Le Lay parlez nous des agressions sexuelles commises par des blancs au Maghreb!
VIDEO - Moualek: Aldo Sterone et Boris Le Lay soignez votre haine elle est profonde (du contraste entre la réalité du trafic d'enfants de migrants et le mythe des "invasions de musulmans violeurs")
Kindergartens banned from serving pork, German Sharia Law and churches turned into mosques; the ‘pack of lies’ spread by ‘racist’ Pegida, says defector
GERMANY – Only 3 out of 58 detained suspects in Cologne sexual assaults are refugees
Is the Refugee Crisis a Front for Child Trafficking?
Netanyahu Calls for Banning Islamic Call to Prayer (Adhan), Causes “Unbearable Noise “
Netanyahu: l’Adhan provoque des « bruits insupportables »
De Bernard Lewis à Alain Finkielkraut ou du Choc des civilisations au Choc des races.
Rony Brauman : entre le voile et la kippa, « il y a deux poids, deux mesures »
Europe-Israel: Rony Brauman : la haine de soi juive, le meilleur collabo de l'antisémitisme
Europe-Israel: Rony Brauman-Alain Soral même discours: Pour lui le port de la kippa est « un signe d'allégeance à la politique de l'Etat d'Israël ». Il assimile Israël à l'Etat islamique !
NathalieGoulet @Senateur 61: La logique de la semaine: #KippaPourTous et #LeVoilePourPersonne, j'exagère un peu mais n'y aurait-il pas un double standard?
François Burgat : "Un bon musulman, pour les [élites françaises], est un musulman qui n'est plus musulman"
Crise migratoire : la peste brune refait surface en Europe
C'est pas la même "peste brune" que celle d'antan... c'est un nouveau mouvement raciste haineux populiste différent du fascisme. (À l'époque il y avait pas autant d'immigrants en Europe, donc forcément le fascisme et le nazisme historique étaient très différents des prétendus nazis fascistes d'aujourd'hui, qui sont rendus presque tous les idiots utiles du sionisme, même s'ils sont antijuifs, ça change rien au final, ils restent les idiots utiles du sionisme à cause de leur combat anti-islam et anti-immigrant, combat absolument identique à celui des Israéliens racistes contre les arabes, les musulmans, et les noirs, et tous ceux qui ont la peau foncée.) Comme disait Askolovitch, les anciens fachos étaient anti-démocratiques et autoritaires, alors que les nouveaux populistes anti-islam défendent des idées très démocrates et libérales libertaires et anti-autoritaires (ou bien, dit autrement, ils voient ne d'autoritarisme que chez les étrangers, en particulier musulmans)!
“Rape White Women without Mercy! C'est juste un canular évident... Comme si un annonceur de CNN allait appeler au viol. Il est très inquiétant de voir l'impressionnante quantité de débiles mentaux et de déficients dans la "complosphère" qui vont gober tous ces canulars sans se poser la moindre question...
La France imaginaire d’Anders Breivik — 27 juillet 2011
Unruly Israeli passenger causes flight to divert to Canada
In second time this week, Israeli charged in Canada after flight grounded 54-year-old man’s ‘threatening message’ prompts United Airlines flight to make unscheduled landing in Vancouver.
SOTT Report - Taharrush: Muslims didn't invent gang rape, they got it from the Americans
Fake photos flood Internet after sexual assaults in Germany
New Year's in Cologne: Sexual crime and the radicalizing of European society
Claude Askolovitch : "La réalité correspond exactement au discours de l’extrême droite"
Netanyahu’s Ban on the “Islamic Movement” in Israel
Jean-François Copé, de retour, prône un concordat Etat-islam
Chauprade : « Contre l’islamisation de la France, je lance aujourd’hui le mouvement des Français libres, le parti des forces vives. »
Les massacres sont-ils plus intéressants lorsqu’ils sont commis par des "musulmans"?
VIDEO - Un extraordinaire débat « complotiste » sur l’affaire Merah chez Schneidermann
La "guerre des civilisations" démontée par Raphaël Liogier
Raphaël Liogier a deux nouvelles pour nous. L’une est bonne: La guerre des civilisations n’aura pas lieu. L’autre est mauvaise: l’Europe souffre depuis soixante ans d’un Complexe de Suez dont l’aggravation actuelle cause «le vrai déclin français et du continent». Avec les deux ouvrages portant ces titres (et avec Le mythe de l’islamisation. Essai sur une obsession collective, qui ressort en poche avec une nouvelle postface post-13 novembre), le sociologue et philosophe, professeur à l’Institut d’études politiques d’Aix-en-Provence et directeur de l’Observatoire du religieux, remonte le courant des croyances générales, en s’appuyant sur un travail empirique et sur l’épreuve des faits.
Finkielkraut « Prix de la soumission: Je propose la maire de Cologne »
La dissidence s'est fait avoir : son pseudo anti-judaïsme l'a conduit dans le même camp que Finkie! La dissidence est rendue sur la même ligne que Finkie, la seule différence est que la dissidence se croit antijuive ou antisioniste... Comble de la stupidité: travailler pour son ennemi en croyant le combatte.
New Jersey teenager threatened with legal action by high school over pro-Palestine activism
Les chrétiens d’Israël face à l’intolérance religieuse L’appel à l’épuration de Benzi Gopstein, disciple de Meir Kahane
Unholy Alliance: Christian Zionists and the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
Mob Rule: When Israeli Jews Force Israeli Arabs Off an Airplane
Liberman : les radicaux de la communauté arabe doivent être traqués
L’État français « a facilité les actions d’al-Nosra », la majorité refuse toute enquête
Israel’s first foreign minister Moshe Sharett–‘IDF troops desecrated Christian holy sites in 1949 by defecating in them and stealing anything valuable’
Négationnisme : la municipalité de Tel Aviv efface le Dôme du Rocher de Jérusalem (photos)
Class-action Filed Against Israeli Supermarket Chain for Refusing Deliveries to Arab Towns Residents in northern Israel sue Shufersal for 450-million shekels for not making online deliveries. Plaintiffs say they discovered phenomenon is nationwide.
Likud minister accuses Netanyahu of serving foreign tycoons
Netanyahu, Revisionist Zionism and Nuclear Armed Submarines
Netanyahu, the Hopeless Liar: The Unspoken Objective is to Force Palestinians to Leave their Homeland
Netanyahu: Where's Europe when Iran, ISIS, Hamas call for another Holocaust?
Israël accuse Ban Ki-moon d’encourager le terrorisme
Furious Netanyahu slams Ban Ki-moon for ‘stoking’ Palestinian terrorismUN chief: It’s ‘human nature to react to occupation’; PM: There’s no justification for terror, the Palestinians want to destroy Israel Netanyahu Accuses UN Chief Ban of 'Giving Terror a Tailwind'
Israeli mayors initiate boycott of Sweden over foreign minister’s criticism
Terror boss Netanyahu reaffirms support for Jewish squatter colonies on stolen Palestinian land
Des colons juifs autorisés à retourner à Hébron, malgré l'opposition palestinienne Israel to allow settler takeover of Palestinian homes in Al-Khalil
Israel Approves New West Bank Homes, Marking End of Informal Building Freeze After almost two years, Civil Administration and other planning and building bodies have approved construction of 153 residential units in Samaria and East Jerusalem.
Israël approuve plus de 150 nouveaux logements dans des colonies de Cisjordanie
Bennett Is Building a New Messianic Order - and No One Says a Word The education minister and his public are restricting freedom, narrowing maneuverability and shattering confidence, in service of shattering democracy. And so far, nobody’s even peeped in protest.
Israeli mayors initiate boycott of Sweden over foreign minister’s criticism
juif.org - Suisse: les socialistes s'excusent après avoir diffusé une caricature antisémite
JERUSALEM – Another Church hit by Jewish extremists
Palestinian Woman Kicked in Head as Jewish Mob Debates Whether to Kill Her
Save the Bedouins of the Negev from the Jewish National Fund (JNF) and the Israeli Government
Two IDF soldiers sent to prison for shooting a camel Ils seraient moins sévèrement blâmés si c'était un Arabe au lieu d'un chameau...
Bronfman pulls support from York over mural
Media exec Paul Bronfman stops giving to university over pro-Palestinian mural
L’armement atomique israélien: un secret de polichinelle et une menace à l’échelle mondiale
The Neoconservative Threat To World Order: Washington’s Perilous War For Hegemony
Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License To Dick Cheney-Linked Company
US House panel wants to try Assad, Russia, Iran for ‘war crimes’ in Syria
Sanders getting advice from expert who said Israel may have carried out Syria chemical attacks
Sanders keeps his Judaism in the background, irking US Jews The Democratic senator has not made Israel a priority, not has he developed relationships with Jewish groups or leaders; 'Being Jewish is very important to us, but Bernard is not particularly religious. He doesn't go to synagogue often,' says his brother Larry.
Newspapers Demand Christie Resign for Supporting Trump
Glenn Beck calls for Cruz-Rubio ticket to take on Trump
Marco Rubio Blames The Media For The Rise Of Donald Trump
More Bad News for Marco Rubio: He Just Lost the Support of Fox News
‘I’ve never voted for a Democrat’: Ben Stein flips support to Hillary and Bernie because of Trump
If It’s Trump vs. Hillary, She’s the Pro-Israel Candidate
Votez Hillary, dit Robert Kagan, ancien de Reagan : “Le parti ne peut pas être sauvé, mais le pays peut l'être encore” La perspective de la nomination de Trump pose un dilemme aux républicains juifs La neutralité du candidat sur le sujet israélo-palestinien et le soutien de suprématistes blancs inquiètent les soutiens juifs du GOP
Vote Hillary, says Reagan admin's Robert Kagan. 'The party cannot be saved, but the country still can be' Prospect of Trump nomination poses dilemma for Jewish Republicans Candidate’s neutrality on Israeli-Palestinian issue and support from white supremacists has Jewish GOP supporters worried
Are Neocons Getting Ready to Ally With Hillary Clinton?
Neocons come full-circle: Kagan Endorses Hillary Clinton
Kagan Endorses Hillary: Clinton in Lockstep with Neocons
Israeli supporters financing Clinton’s campaign
Humeur de Loup : Réflexion sur les attaques mondiales contre le mondialiste Trump Par Bruno Bertez
Michael Chertoff: Trump is a threat to US Security
Trump’s anti-terror tactics could lead to Nuremberg-like trials, warns ex-defense chief
‘Dead Or Alive’: jewish journalist Jonathan Chait calls for Trump assassination on Twitter
VIDEO - Newt Gingrich on why GOP establishment hates Trump Selon lui c'est parce qu'il est "pas initié dans les sociétés secrètes".
Graham: We should have kicked Trump out of the party
Analysis: Trump declares war not just on international law, but on 'law of nations’
Trump: A “Joke Candidate” or a Threat? The “Political Establishment” in Outright Panic Mode
Ex-ADL chief: Trump’s ‘raise your hand’ gambit was deliberate, Nazi-style ‘fascist gesture’
Donald Trump Has Supporters Do Hitler Salute While Pledging To Vote For Him At Rally
Chomsky : Donald Trump est en train de gagner parce que l’Amérique blanche est en train de mourir
Trump Has Unleashed America’s Monsters The Trump supporters I met see America in two dimensions: A white and a Christian nation. And they feel, finally, that their moment is at hand.
Bashing Donald Trump Makes Him Stronger
The Rise of the Absurd: Donald Trump and the GOP Legacy
The Lion and the Sheep–Why they hate Trump
Trump’s march stirs growing sense of dread among Republicans Rahm Emanuel [Dem]: Trump playing with ‘dark forces’
Michael Gerson: Trump’s nationalism could be destructive
Ex-Mexican President Fox: Donald Trump reminds me of Hitler
Beck slams Trump supporters, Breitbart boss, compares both to Nazis
Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump
‘TheTedCroos’, ‘Little Cockroach’ gang up on Trump
Rubio charges at Trump: 'The Palestinians are not a real estate deal' In final Republican debate before Super Tuesday, the three leading GOP candidates - Trump, Rubio, and Cruz - square off on a variety of issues, including their stances on the Jewish state.
Cruz, Rubio escalate case against Trump Florida senator says he’ll ‘do whatever it takes’ so that ‘con artist’ Donald Trump ‘will never get control of this party’
Donald Trump Gets Clobbered on Israel by GOP Rivals
Rubio strikes Trump on Israel, seeking crucial Florida win
Cuban Crushers Cruz & Rubio Clobber Trump With anti-Israel Bat The unprecedented tag team assault on the GOP front-runner places the two somewhere to the right of Netanyahu, and Lieberman, and possibly Bennett as well.
John McCain decries ‘disturbing’ Republican race Former presidential candidate says campaign shouldn’t ‘focus on the size of people’s ears and whether they sweat or not’.
Trump’s Rise Sparks Apocalyptic Anguish Among Right-wing Ideologues ‘The candidacy of Donald Trump is the open sewer of American conservatism,’ Bret Stephens wrote in the Wall Street Journal.
GOP establishment frantic to stop surging juggernaut Trump
GOP Foreign Policy Experts Warn A Trump Presidency Would ‘Endanger America’
Trying to make sense of that ‘neutral,’ ‘totally pro-Israel’ Donald Trump
Jewish Republicans Scramble To Stop Donald Trump After ‘Neutral’ on Israel Declaration
Trump’s refusal to name a ‘good guy and a bad guy’ in conflict is ‘anti-Israel,’ says Rubio
Donald Trump Is Playing ‘Mr. Neutral’ on Everything From Israel to the Klan — and It’s Working
Jewish conservatives among Republican national security leaders slamming Trump
Neocon Armchair Warhawks Panic Over Trump Foreign Policy
Neocons declare war on Trump
Neoconservatism, RIP : Trump is writing the obituary Peut-être plus une métamorphose du néoconservatisme sioniste anti-islam en un populisme gonzo anti-islam?
Neoconservatives Declare War on Donald Trump
Arch-Neocon Robert Kagan–‘Trump is the GOP’s Frankenstein monster. Now he’s strong enough to destroy the party’
Trump’s Triumphs Demolish Netanyahu’s Fortress GOP Strategy The N.Y. tycoon is decimating the three legs of blanket Republican support for Israel: Evangelicals, Jews and interventionist hawks.
How Republican Jews Utterly Failed To Prevent Rise of ‘Toxic’ Donald Trump
GOP Jews Cannot Unite Against Donald Trump — Despite ‘Neutral’ on Israel Declaration
GOP frontrunner 'make America less safe'; his 'hateful, anti-Muslim rhetoric... undercuts the seriousness of combating Islamic radicalism'. Jewish Republicans slam feckless, dangerous Trump Anxious senior party members write open letter castigating ascendent, controversial presidential hopeful.
Where Donald Trump stands on Israel and the Jews
Neocon Nightmare: Trump Wants to ‘Get Along With Foreign Countries’
Neocons Line Up Against Donald Trump
Donald Trump Is Alienating Neoconservatives—and Antiwar Democrats Should Worry
Donald Trump’s (So Far) Unstoppable Run Leaves Neoconservatives Out in the Cold
Neocons Panic That Trump Presidency Would Mark End to Their New World Order
Cornered Neocons: Trump’s heresy on foreign policy has put Republican hawks in nightmare scenario — backing Hillary Clinton
Jewish Republicans slam Trump in open letter
Jewish conservatives among Republican national security leaders slamming Trump
Trump Went for the Muslims, and Hate Was Unleashed on the Jews C'est exactement ce que prédisait Mark Glenn, même moi j'y croyais pas.
As an Israeli who loves America, I am worried by Trump
VIDEO - Donald Trump’s rise is a scary moment in America
VIDEO - What’s sauce for the Trump goose is sauce for the Jewish gander (Donald Trump's rise is scary - a response)
Trump’s America is bad, very bad, for the Jews
The Jewish Case Against Donald Trump
American Jews voice DEEP FEARS as Donald Trump surges
Minister Louis Farrakhan Praises Donald Trump for Shunning ‘Jewish Money
L’ex-chef du KKK appelle à voter Trump
Donald Trump Conservative leader warns Trump ‘danger to democracy’ after KKK comments
ADL to Donald Trump: Distance Yourself from White Supremacists and Disavow Their Ideology
Trump disavows support from KKK ex-grand wizard David Duke
AUDIO - Dr. David Duke on Fox Radio: Americans should vote 4Trump ; NY Times says “Jews are taking over America”
Donald Trump Compares Jewish Federations to White Supremacists — ADL Calls Claim 'Obscene'
Donald Trump cites Jewish charity in explanation for not disavowing KKK
The media tries to “Trump up” KKK charges, but the voters aren’t buying it
Donald Trump cites Jewish charity in explanation for not disavowing KKK
Trump cites Jews in explanation for not disavowing KKK While asserting David Duke is a ‘bad man,’ presidential candidate can’t account for fumbling response to white supremacist endorsement.
Trump Cites Jewish Groups in Bizarre Defense for Not Disavowing David Duke and KKK Having previously blamed a faulty earpiece for failing to condemn KKK, Trump said he couldn't just come out and condemn groups generically because — what if they were Jewish?
Donald Trump cites Jewish charity in explanation for not disavowing KKK
Donald Trump Compares Jewish Federations to White Supremacists — ADL Calls Claim ‘Obscene
ADL: Trump’s statement on Jews and white supremacists ‘obscene’
Il appelle Netanyahu un “bon ami” mais est sceptique sur la sincérité du désir d’Israël pour une solution à deux états Essayons de saisir le sens de ce Donald Trump “neutre” “totalement pro-Israël” Que penser d’un candidat qui courtise les républicains juifs mais leur dit “je ne veux pas de votre argent”, a une fille convertie au judaïsme mais qui trouve compliqué de désavouer un ancien chef du KKK ?
Trump Cites Jewish Groups in Bizarre Defense for Not Disavowing David Duke and KKK Having previously blamed a faulty earpiece for failing to condemn KKK, Trump said he couldn't just come out and condemn groups generically because — what if they were Jewish?
Haim Saban calls Trump a ‘clown’ and ‘dangerous’
Mega-Donor Haim Saban: Trump would be ‘dangerous’ for Israel
Top Israeli-American Donor Saban: Trump a 'Clown,' Would Be Dangerous for World Businessman and Clinton supporter says 'Hillary would be excellent for Israel if you believe in two-state solution.'
Israeli billionaire and Clinton backer says Trump is 'a dangerous clown'
Saban: Trump’s a ‘clown,’ and would be ‘dangerous’ for Israel Major Clinton backer says Republican frontrunner ‘unpredictable,’ whereas Democratic candidate would be ‘excellent for Israel’
Jews, Oligarchs, and Plutocrats, Oh My!! A secret meeting to stop Trump
The Oligarchs’ Super-PAC Anti-Trump Savagery
At Secretive Meeting, Tech CEOs And Top Republicans Commiserate, Plot To Stop Trump
Will the Oligarchs Kill Trump?
Entire US establishment plotting to defeat Trump: Analyst
Does a JFK, RFK, MLK Moment Await Trump?
U.S. Secret Service Investigates Neocon Glenn Beck For Threatening Donald Trump
Glenn Beck Warns That Trump Is Adolf Hitler
Even Glenn Beck Is Comparing Donald Trump To Hitler
VIDEO - Kevin McDonald on Establishment’s Offensive against Trump J'abhorre la grille de lecture de MacDonald encore plus que celle de David Duke, mais il peut aussi avoir raison des fois (même si sa démarche intellectuelle est fallacieuse).
VIDEO - ‘Racists for Trump’ SNL ad mocks extremist support Skit takes aim at neo-Nazis, KKK supporters, and anti-Muslim bigots who are backing real estate mogul
Tellement gros, "over the top", que ça en devient ridicule, même si les humoristes ont peut-être pas tort, ils beurrent trop épais que ç'en est même pu drôle.
Is Donald Trump Really a Hitler-Style Fascist?
Sieg Trump: When Does 'Never Again’ Start? Since the Holocaust, American Jews' collective cry has been: Don't let history be repeated. That starts with zero tolerance for inflammatory speech. Trump’s campaign is made of little else.
9 times Donald Trump has been compared to Hitler
Donald Trump : "Le monde serait meilleur avec Kadhafi et Saddam Hussein". C'est étonnant combien il peut dire des choses sensées une fois de temps en temps... C'est malheureux aussi car il discrédite cette vérité en l'associant à son discours stupide. Les ignorants vont finir par croire que c'est du "trumpisme" de dire une chose pareille, alors que c'est la plus pure vérité.
Ahead of Republican debate, Trump says 'Islam hates' the West. Les néocons sont jaloux qu'il leur ait volé leur discours anti-islam et ils capotent en voyant qu'il pousse leur discours jusqu'à l'absurde, sabotant ainsi les chances qu'un de leurs candidats certifié néocon soit élu. Cela force les néocons à choisir Hillary, qui n'est pas leur premier choix, loin de là...
In the age of Trump, grim warnings from Holocaust survivors
VIDEO - FOX: If You Can’t Beat Trump, Join Him
To understand American Jews who support Trump, read this
Rabbi Avi Shafran: A Troubling America for Jews as Trump Awakes Its Bigots and Haters Even if, as is likely, Trump never ends up coming for us American Jews, the fact that he's gone after others is, or should be, offensive enough.
Jimmy Carter: I’d pick Trump over Cruz
Ted Cruz’s Palestine debacle: Let’s outsource American peace policy to Israel
Jewish leaders back Ted Cruz, say he’s the best hope for survival of Israel, West in face of ‘existential’ threat posed by Iran
Etats-Unis : le milliardaire Bloomberg renonce à se présenter à la Maison-Blanche
A Republican Win Could Lead to a Likud Dominated Congress
Israel Should Stay Out of the U.S. Election Republican and Democrat presidents have been both supportive of and hostile to Israel. What matters is the candidates' commitment to the bilateral relationship's heart: Israel's military security.
Sénateurs démocrates : Obama a “mal interprété” la loi commerciale sur les implantations
Obama’s trip to Cuba may put kibosh on Netanyahu attending AIPAC event
Did Obama Just Make It Kosher To Boycott Settlements?
Netanyahu nixes US trip, says he rejected Obama offer to meet Official says PM fears visit to AIPAC conference later this month could embroil him in US presidential contest.
Fait inédit, Netanyahu a refusé une invitation à Washington.
‘Quand le président vous invite, vous ne pouvez pas dire non’ dit un expert perplexe: Le soufflet inédit de Netanyahu à Obama défie toute logique Les raisons du Premier ministre pour ne pas se rendre à Washington ne collent pas, disent les experts. Et la façon dont s’est déroulée la saga a encore une fois ajouté des frictions inutiles à la relation éternellement tendue avec un allié crucial
'When the president invites you, you simply can’t say no,' says one baffled expert: Netanyahu’s unprecedented snub of Obama meeting defies explanation The PM’s reasons for not going to DC don’t add up, experts say. And the way the saga played out has again injected unnecessary friction into the relationship
Netanyahu Cancels Visit to U.S.; White House: PM Opted Out of Obama Meet 'We were surprised to first learn via media reports that the Prime Minister, rather than accept our invitation, opted to cancel his visit,' angry White House says, after sources at PM's bureau claimed no appropriate time for meeting was found ahead of AIPAC confab.
White House ‘surprised’ Netanyahu spurning offer to meet Obama
Netanyahu Snubs Obama’s Washington Invitation
Obama Recounts Confrontation With Netanyahu: I Live in the White House, I Know What I'm Talking About U.S. president recalls clash in interview with The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, who writes Netanyahu was speaking in an arrogant manner and tried to shift discussion from the peace process to other issues.
Report: Obama considering peace push, including UN Security Council resolution Serait-ce la raison du soufflet de Bibi à Obama? (Voir nouvelle précédente)
Obama May Back UN Resolution on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict The White House is exploring the possibility of supporting a new resolution before the president's term ends, according to the Wall Street Journal, whose report follows a Haaretz article on Israeli concerns for such a move.
White House Deliberations Over Obama's Legacy Leave Jerusalem Worried
Is there a plot to take down Bibi?
Israelis Must Draw the Obvious Conclusions About Netanyahu The diplomatic failure of the prime minister and his ministers is especially outrageous when compared to the sobriety of the security establishment.
Benjamin Netanyahu attacks David Cameron for saying Israeli settlement policy is 'genuinely shocking'
EU on Hannibal video: Saying we support terror is ‘unacceptable’
EU slams ‘appalling’ video targeting its Israel envoy Settler group’s film depicts Lars Faaborg-Andersen in a Hannibal Lecter mask, accuses ambassador of supporting ‘terror state’
EU Strongly Protests Israeli Settlers' 'Smear Campaign' Against Ambassador Facebook video from new settler organization portrays EU ambassador Lars Faaborg-Anderson as serial killer Hannibal Lecter from 'Silence of the Lambs.'
Foreign Ministry condemns video showing EU ambassador as the cannibal Hannibal
Settler group accuses EU envoy of supporting ‘terror state’
Israel’s new line of propaganda puts Orwell to shame Israel is resorting to lies and deceit about the occupation and its treatment of the Palestinians to fill the void left by the death of the peace process. Gideon Levy
Palestinian Violence Bred by Incitement? You Mean the Occupation? Did the killer of Shlomit Kriegman, who lives in the Qalandiya refugee camp, need a Twitter account to know that his life was in the dumps?
Warning: Israel's Government Has a Democracy Problem Why invest millions in hasbara when the Israeli government itself, advancing laws such as that seeking to oust Arab lawmakers, is doing its utmost to destroy our democracy?
Netanyahu: Palestinian terrorism not motivated by despair
Bennett Torpedoed Chief Scientist's Anti-racism Project Before Ousting Him Former Education Ministry chief scientist complains of government interference: 'Things like this happened only in the Middle Ages or in totalitarian states.'
In Israeli Government's Parallel Universe, Jerusalem Is United, There Is No Occupation While cabinet colleagues Bennett and Hotovely wage campaigns to convince the world that all is well in the Holy Land, Prime Minister Netanyahu and his once-and-future rival Yair Lapid engage in an undignified game of one-upmanship.
Israel Tells Itself It Sanctifies Life to Dehumanize Palestinians For only the dehumanization of Palestinian society enables Israel to justify its inhuman treatment of the people under its control.
Israël place 84 Palestiniens en détention sans procès en 10 jours (ONG)
Israel intensifies abductions of Palestinians amid crackdown
Why an Israeli Newspaper Wanted to ‘Flatten’ a City of Millions … Beirut
Confronting Netanyahu and the Ideology of Likud Zionism
PM: Thirst for destruction driving force of Arab terror for 100 years
Suspect Arrested for Deadly Arson Attack on Palestinians Was Top Police Target for a Year 'When a man declared a police target manages to commit a significant crime under the law enforcement system’s nose, that’s a failure,' says former police investigator.
Procureur général : Israël ne peut pas expulser les familles des terroristes vers Gaza
Nettoyage ethnique à la Knesset
Netanyahu endorses deportation of terrorists’ families, asks for A-G's opinion
Alleged murderer in Duma firebombing arraigned
PICTURE OF THE DAY: Young Ahmad DAWABSHE looking at a photo of his parents and baby brother who were burned alive by jews
Extremist Israelis insult Dawabsheh family in court
Knesset panel: It's OK for Shaked to meet family of alleged Duma killers
At least 10 to face charges over 'wedding of hate' Guests and groom Yakir Ashbal are expected to be indicted for incitement and illegal possession of arms after being documented 'celebrating' the Duma murders.
Meet the youngest female prisoner in the world … Palestinian teen Dima Wawi
Trying to Drive a Wedge Between 'Good' and 'Bad' Arabs The law to oust Arabs is designed precisely to avert the day in which Jewish Israeli society realizes that its dispossession-settlement legacy is dangerous to Arabs and Jews alike.
‘Sacrilege’? It's a Pretty Low Bar in Israel These Days Israel’s escalating culture wars turned surreal in late February, when a vitriolic battle of words erupted between right and left over this question: What is the biblical birthplace of the Jewish people? One side picked Jerusalem. The other side picked Egypt. Both sides were wrong. But days later the battle is still raging, from the Knesset to the op-ed pages to Twitter.
Foreign Ministry: ‘Price tag’ attacks increase anti-Semitism Statement deplores actions against Christians and Muslims, saying they contribute to international delegitimization efforts and damage Israel's image.
Jewish man accused of attacking police upon illegal entry to Temple Mount, indictment says
Un enseignant sous le coup d’une enquête pour avoir accroché une photo du tueur de Rabin Le ministère de l’Education a convoqué l’enseignant pour une audience disciplinaire.
Prominent rabbi compares IDF new beard permit rules to actions of Nazis
Au regard du droit, le régime sioniste est un régime d’apartheid et son boycott est légitime
Brian Eno: “Oscars’ swag bag is part of Israel’s cultural propaganda campaign”
Full-Page Ad in Los Angeles Times Calls on Oscar Nominees to boycott Israel
Supporting BDS is Akin to Shooting a Bible
BDS supporters disrupt pro-Israel lecture at Florida university Pro-Palestinian activists, including Tariq Abu Khdeir, cousin of slain Palestinian teen who was beaten by Israeli police himself, interrupt reservists talking to American students about the IDF's humane side.
Israel blasts German city council for €10,000 prize to pro-BDS group
German public university to host boycott Israel lecture
Why Does Canada Sanction Other Countries for Human Rights Violations but Not Israel?
US college backs professor’s free speech rights after anti-Semitic rants
JSS NEWS - Voilà comment Le Figaro transforme une victime israélienne en assassin !
EUROPE-ISRAEL: France: Des députés d'extrême gauche utilisent leur « réserve parlementaire », l'argent des contribuables, pour financer des associations antisionistes et antisémites
Progressive Except for Jew-Hate? Pure anti-Semitism on the Purely anti-Israel Left What happens when a leftist critic of Israel actually does veer into vile, high-octane, Klan-grade anti-Semitism?
The anti-Semitism Problem of pro-Palestinian Progressives Mira Sucharov’s op-ed advanced a familiar cabal: Jews level charges of anti-Semitism to stifle all criticism of Israel. On campus and elsewhere, its effect is to automatically delegitimize most claims of discrimination or marginalization against Jews.
Zuckerberg dépasse Ellison et devient le Juif le plus riche du monde Le magazine Forbes a publié sa liste annuelle des milliardaires dans le monde.
Rothschild Bank Now Under Criminal Investigation After Baron David De Rothschild Indictment
Mise en examen de la banque Rothschild en France
How widespread is the terrorist element among religious Jewish youth?
Israeli forces killed 41 Palestinian children in 5 months: Report
OCHA condemns Israel for declaring W. Bank areas “firing zone”
UK news site transforms Palestinian attacker in Israel to Moroccan teen in Germany The Sun claims footage of Palestinian stabbing Israeli shows Moroccan teen stabbing policeman in Germany. Le but est peut-être de faire croire que l'Europe vit la même chose qu'Israel.
UN raps Israel for 'wide-scale demolitions' of Palestinian homes
UN: Israel razed 41 buildings in West Bank this week 10 Palestinian families said left homeless by demolitions near Nablus; Israel says many structures in area built illegally
JSSNEWS -Le vrai message de BDS : rayer Israël de la surface du monde
After ‘Zionist pig’ incident at Brooklyn College, anti-Semitism probe launched
40 Columbia University professors sign BDS petition
VIDEO - David Sheen: Israel: How Far Gone?
VIDEO - Dans une conférence pro-Israel "je suis juif et je soutiens les Palestiniens"
YNET OP-ED: How Netanyahu twists the truth
Netanyahu Seeks to Limit Left-wing NGOs' Role in Future Israeli Elections Proposed legislation would limit expenditures of groups like V15, which campaigned to topple Netanyahu and his right-wing Likud party in Israel's 2015 election.
In Netanyahu's Israel, Only a Wacko Can Think Arabs and Jews Have the Same Rights The Jew’s supremacy and the Arab’s inferiority have turned into society’s ultimate axiom, not only in the West Bank but also within Israel proper.
Israeli Leaders Talk About Israel and Apartheid. So Why Can't We? If prominent Israeli leaders have made the apartheid comparison countless times, why is the word out of bounds for American Jews?
DCI: "Israel Killed 41 Children Since October 1"
The Strategy for Erasing the 1967 Line Nouveau settlers know they need to convince other Israelis that the line is purely imaginary, not an actual border, and gradually they’ll cross it.
Herzog: Radicals on left and right leading us to 'Israelstine' Ça sonne beaucoup comme l' "Isratine" de Khadafi... C'est leur cauchemar qui est en train de devenir réalité!
Israel's Government Reaches a New Moral Low A state that adopts the legal methods and laws of totalitarian states begins to look like those countries, even if it calls itself 'the only democracy in the Middle East.'
Netanyahu facing crisis as haredim vow to quit over Western Wall pluralism
An Israeli Theory of Justice Only for Jews People who were forced to abandon their homes during a war or riot are entitled to get them back, a professor says. Well, maybe not Palestinians.
VIDEO - Daylight Robbery Israeli settlers forcibly move into a Palestinian home in occupied East Jerusalem
From Mexico To Africa, Israel’s Dark History Of Training War Criminals, Gangs & Oppression
The Political Zionist Accusation of ‘Self-Hating Jew’
Right-wing Israeli Group Elad Received Millions From Shadowy Private Donors Donations to the NGO, which champions Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, topped $115 million over eight years, much from companies based in global tax shelters.
From Mexico To Africa, Israel’s Dark History Of Training War Criminals, Gangs & Oppression
York University accused of allowing anti-Semitism to spread
Justin Trudeau’s Shame: Extending Carte Blanche to Israel
How Both Sides of BDS Debate Get Oberlin Anti-Semitism Wrong
College Professor claims Israel was behind 9/11, ISIS…
Netanyahu Mustn't Give in to ultra-Orthodox Pressure, Honor Western Wall Compromise The message Netanyahu’s government is sending to Jewish world is that it’s doubtful PM is capable of translating his grandiose statements – that he wants every Jew, from every movement, to feel at home in Israel – into actions.
Half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds
Israël accroît la destruction de bâtiments palestiniens financés par l'aide internationale (Onu
Les pays musulmans appellent à boycotter les produits des colonies israéliennes
1948, naissance d'une nouvelle extrême droite (antiraciste et pro-juive)
"Cessez de financer le terrorisme, boycottez les commerces musulmans" dit brijou57 sur twitter
French teacher to stand trial over charges of making up Islamic State attack Tzion Saadon accused of inventing his claim in November that he was attacked by ISIS supporters was fabricated; he is the second Jewish French teacher to have allegedly lied about ISIS attack.
VIDEO - Le pétrole de Daech Selon des chercheurs anticonspis, le pétrole de Daech se vend en petite quantités, contrairement à ce qu'on entend un peu partout (contrairement à ce qu'on lit dans L'Obs, etc.) VIDEO - Onfray: Daech m'a tuer
The New York Times Presents Islam More Negatively than Cancer and Cocaine, Says New Study
Sommes-nous menacés par l’islam ou l’inverse ? par P. Dortiguier
Islamophobia and the “Negative Media Portrayal of Muslims”
Éric Zemmour : « il faut que les musulmans se détachent de l’islam »
Thanks to U.S. Imperialism and Racism, Attacks on Muslims in Europe Increase
Le déchaînement des slogans antimusulmans, par P. Dortiguier
Le pape François parle "d'invasion arabe" en Europe Les cathos et les jésuites ont pas besoin d'être pro-Israel pour être dans le même combat anti-islam que les néocons et Israël... Dire qu'il y a encore du monde qui font confiance au Vatican... Faut vraiment être profondément désaxé.
Le pape François provoque la polémique après des propos sur « l’invasion arabe »
Geert Wilders: "Molenbeek ? La bande de Gaza de l'Europe occidentale"
Migrants : fort mouvement de retour dans leurs pays
«Molenbeek est la bande de Gaza de l'Europe occidentale», selon Geert Wilders
Armed Mossad agents found trespassing in Germany
Refugees without Sponsors
Vous pensez que l’Europe connaît une crise des réfugiés ? Regardez mieux
France - 4 mars 2016 - Le gouvernement aimerait bien pouvoir gazer au ziklon B tous ces animaux sauvages qui peuplent la jungle de Calais
"Jungle" de Calais: nouveau défilé de migrants bouche cousue
GERMANY – 130,000 refugees missing after registration
GERMANY – Thousands of Afghan refugees want to leave Germany and return home
Pour Zemmour, les musulmans doivent abandonner leur religion (vidéo)
VIDEO - L'islamophobie est-elle rentable? certains ont intérêt à créer de l'islamophobie pour les intérêts d'Israël.
Des mails de menaces pro-djihad envoyés par… une catholique ! Ya pas que les évangélistes et les protestants qui adorent cette idée (de source sioniste) de guerre contre l'islam.
Shlomo Sand : « Quand je lis Finkielkraut ou Zemmour, leur lecture de l’Histoire, je suis effrayé » Article non-relayé par la "Dissidonce fronçaise".
Alain Finkielkraut règle ses comptes « Nous sommes sortis de la période post-Hitlérienne de notre histoire, l’antisémitisme a pignon sur rue, il est le paquet cadeau du multiculturalisme, » s’est insurgé le philosophe à RCJ.
Je dis tout le temps que les néo-conspis deviennent de plus en plus identiques à la mouvance Zemmour-Finkie-Goldnadel, notamment quand ils fustigent comme eux le multiculturalisme comme source de tous les problèmes. (Pour Finkie, multiculturalisme et immigration sont le cadeau des gauchistes antiblancs défenseurs de l'islamisme, pour les néoconspis, multiculturalisme et immigration sont le cadeau des gauchistes anti-blancs défenseurs des juifs et des musulmans. Même discours, avec quelques différences minimes, l'un blâme l'islam, l'autre blâme les juifs, mais au fond ils leur reprochent exactement la même chose et mènent le même combat! Or c'est Israel qui a tout intérêt à combattre les prétendus "gauchistes antiracistes" et à tourner le monde entier contre eux car c'est ces "gauchistes antiracistes" qui mènent la campagne anti-Israel à travers le monde, le mouvement de boycott, la lutte contre l'islamophobie et la propagande sioniste, etc.)
Les violences de Cologne et la stratégie étasunienne de déstabilisation de l'Europe
Nouvel An à Cologne: de plus en plus d’incohérences
Benjamin Netanyahu demande a combattre les forces de l'ISLAM (vidéo)
Un ancien ministre accuse “certains” de propager l’islamophobie pour les intérêts d’Israël
« L’islamophobie est soutenue par l’Etat »!
VIDEO - Les bougnouls responsables de la shoah selon Bibi ! Les medias ont peur de parler d'Israël...
Valls : la même « guerre mondiale » a touché « Paris, Jakarta, Istanbul, et régulièrement Israël » Reçu par les Amis du Crif, le Premier ministre français a promis « un changement d’attitude » des pouvoirs publics face au BDS, « paravent du nouvel antisémitisme ».
German Jewish Leader: Muslim Migrants Bringing Judeophobia With Them to Europe Pourtant nos tizamis d' "extrême-droite" s'inquiètent de ces migrants... migrants potentiellement antisémites comme le soulignent les juifs... C'est le monde à l'envers!
Who is hunting Angela Merkel with 'rapefugee' hysteria? US network war against the German government Ça me fait capoter de voir les conspirationnistes gober vraiment TOUT ce que les médias de masse ont rapporté (hypermédiatisé!) au sujet de ces viols de masse commis supposément par des migrants ex: Jour de l'An de terreur dans les rues de Cologne)... Et le plus drôle c'est de voir les médias alternatifs de la complosphère crier à la censure médiatique alors que ce sont ces mêmes médias de masse qui suivent ça de près! Je me demande sur quelle planète ils vivent car ça fait un mois que j'entends parler de rien d'autre que des prétendus crimes des prétendus migrants dans les médias de masse et alternatifs! Faut être vraiment taré pour croire qu'il y a censure à ce niveau! Rappelons que la CIA se spécialise dans ce genre de déstabilisations, c'est pas du tout difficile pour eux d'engager des Arabes pour faire le sale boulot (comme pour le terrorisme) afin que du coup tout le monde se mette à avoir peur des migrants, à les haïr et à demander la destitution de Merkel. Les Allemands disent que Merkel travaille pour la CIA, mais en fait elle a pas le choix de collaborer avec la CIA et même que c'est bien possible que la CIA conspire pour retourner les Allemands contre elle jusqu'à possiblement la faire destituer. Je rappellerais que c'est notre bon Finkie qui est à l'avant-garde de ce combat contre les méchants migrants qui violent les femmes dans les camps de réfugiés et qui veulent pas s'intégrer parce qu'ils haïssent supposément les blancs. Les néo-conspis ignorent à quel point ils servent en fait les intérêts de la droite, car même lorsqu'il blâme les juifs, ils font tout simplement du copier-coller de la pensée développée par Zemmour, Finkie, Goldnadel et compagnie (ex: eux aussi blament le SOS-Racisme d'autrefois d'avoir supposément créé le "racisme antiblanc"). Le plus triste c'est qu'ils se rendent même pas compte que leur pensée est identique en tout point à celle de Finkie et de Zemmour...
VIDEO - Les spray d'auto-défense de Wilders contre la "testostérone islamique"
Charlie Hebdo se joint à la campagne raciste contre les réfugiés en Europe
99% des FNistes trouvent qu'il y a trop de musulmans, 38% trop de juifs. Et pourtant le titre est sur... l'antisémitisme ?! Tout va bien.
VIDEO - Le voile synonyme d'oppression ?
Deltombe : « L’islamophobie, un instrument de pouvoir qui permet de reformuler le racisme d’antan »
Finkielkraut : « Un grand nombre de nouveaux migrants n'ont pas la moindre intention de se plier aux moeurs et aux exigences de nos sociétés »
Clash : Finkielkraut ridiculisé sur France 2 - Des paroles et des actes VIDEO - Europe-Israel: L'imposture d'une militante pro Hamas qui a interpellé Alain Finkielkraut dans Des Paroles et des actes (Vous vous doutez c'est probablement pas une "militante pro Hamas"... C'est comme ça que les sionistes qualifient tout défenseur des arabes et/ou des musulmans et/ou des Palestiniens)
Finkielkraut interpellé à DPDA : le silence gêné face aux idéologues de banlieue
L'infamie française : le Barzoï à l’Académie.
Thierry Meyssan dévoile les liens entre le Front National et les services secrets français
P. Péninque dans le Parisien d’hier
VIDEO - George Galloway explaining to a Jew that they have no right in Palestine
'Rabin' director looks back 20 years to killing Amos Gitai, director of 'Rabin, the Last Day' and a frequent presence at prestigious festivals, talks about the perspective his film tries to bring to the 1995 assassination.
Israeli Tourism Minister Blasts U.S. Reform Jews, Says Chelsea Clinton's Wedding Shows Extent of Assimilation During government hearing on non-Orthodox prayer space at the Western Wall, Yariv Levin slams the U.S. largest Jewish movement, saying prayer space unnecessary since Reform Jews will be all but gone in three generations.
Documents Confirm Leak of Unexplained Deposits to Nisman’s US Bank Account
Six reasons Trump would be disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East
Marco Rubio ready to claim establishment vote
Cruz or Rubio? After close Iowa vote, battle for Jewish support will intensify
Rubio surge nearly catches Trump
Ted Cruz, l'ami « inconditionnel » d'Israël
Powerful Rival Factions of Top Republican Donors Get Behind both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz
Hinting at endorsement, Adelsons give Cruz maximum donation Power couple contributes $2,700 to Texas senator’s campaign, in possible indication of future backing.
Sheldon and Miriam Adelson Each Give Maximum $2,700 to Ted Cruz Campaign The Adelsons' donations, the maximum allowed for direct donations to a campaign, were reported in various media on Sunday after they were revealed in Federal Election Commission filings.
Mega-donor Paul Singer Gives Sheldon Adelson a Run for His Money Jewish New Yorker is betting on Marco Rubio as the candidate able to lead the GOP back to the White House.
Why Republican Candidates Responded to Immigration Questions With Answers About ISIS It's one thing to depict immigrants as people who depress wages and crowd schools. It's another to depict them as potential killers.
Obama Joins Israel Boycott? Labels West Bank Goods
Danny Danon: « Je vis l'antisémitisme au quotidien à l'ONU »
Israeli envoy Danon: ‘I live with anti-Semitism 24/7 at the United Nations’
Ban Ki-Moon: “Don’t Shoot the Messenger, Israel”
Ban fires back at Israeli criticism of UN speech: 'Don't shoot the messenger'
Polémique Israël-Onu: Ban demande à Israël de ne pas se tromper de cible Victor Perez: Ban Ki-Moon et « l'occupation israélienne »
Sweden’s Foreign Minister, the Woman Israel Loves to Hate
No Netanyahu, Not Every Attempt at Diplomacy Is a Threat to Israel Israeli officials have offered nothing by scorn for France's new peace initiative when they should be hoping the U.S. will get on board as well.
Netanyahu répond au chantage de Laurent Fabius « Vous donnez à l'avance aux Palestiniens une bonne raison de ne faire aucun compromis »
Netanyahu frustrated over France's Palestine statehood ultimatum
Israel rejects French ultimatum: ‘This isn’t how one makes peace’ Jerusalem hits back at Paris plan to recognize Palestinian state if talks fail; US official says ‘preferred path’ is negotiated solution.
Roger Waters réagit à la criminalisation en France du boycott d'Israël
Italie: large appel au boycott des institutions universitaires israéliennes
Israel Launches Electronic War Against ‘Global Boycott Movement’
Diplomatic cables reveal sharp increase in efforts to boycott Israel
Ex-IDF Intel Chief: Facebook is Greatest Threat to Israel
Im Tirtzu head suspends self over ‘culture mole’ campaign Matan Peleg blasts his own organization’s move to out left-wing artists and cultural figures, says he needs time to ‘soul-search’.
Israel's McCarthys Op-ed: As Im Tirtzu's supporters saw last week, the fervent quest to implicate others as traitors can quickly go too far. Israel's witch hunters need to stop now, before it's too late.
Shutting Down a Pinkwashing Event Is a Smart, Legitimate Protest Against Israel's Occupation We shouldn’t expect Palestinians and their allies to stop protesting for justice or temper their message because of the emotional toll on Jews.
Drunk on hate and mad at the world
Detention extended for Kahane grandson; 2nd far-rightist to go free Meir Ettinger to remain in custody for 4 more months; Defense Ministry won’t extend detention order for Eviatar Slonim.
Meir Ettinger to remain under administrative detention Ettinger, considered the leader of radical Jewish group in the West Bank, will remain under Shin Bet custody for 4 more months; Evyatar Slonim will be released under restrictions.
Defense Ministry extends administrative of ultra-nationalist Meir Ettinger
Jérusalem: trois adolescents israéliens inculpés pour des graffitis antichrétiens
Christianophobia – 3 Jewish Teens Charged in Vandalism of Jerusalem Monastery
A Colonialist Project of Dispossession in the Occupied Territories Israelis’ hardened hearts don’t let them understand that Palestinians are responding to the despair and purposelessness that characterizes their lives.
Pro-Palestinian Group Hands Out Fake NYT to Criticize 'pro-Israel Bias' The people behind the parodied edition are unidentified, but an organization called 'The Yes Men' reportedly produced something similar in 2008.
Anti-Israel spoof ‘New York Times’ handed out in NY
Dix faits que l’on devrait savoir à propos d’Israël
VIDEO - Cartoon: La réalité vs les médias en Israël-Palestine
Trumpism Was the Real Winner of Iowa's Republican Caucuses Marco Rubio didn't surge by challenging Donald Trump. He surged by mimicking him.
Zionism at Home Amongst the Republicans' Foreign Policy Realists Will Trump's emerging foreign policy adopt the 'realism' that such anti-Israel agitators as Professors Mearsheimer and Walt have made almost synonymous with anti-Zionism?
Trump calls for ‘new election’ after accusing Cruz of fraud in Iowa
After alleging vote fraud in Iowa and demanding a do-over, Donald Trump’s Private Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Nashville
Insane Islamophobic Ted Cruz Mailer Imagines ISIS Hijacking Washington The mailer declares that the United States is "under assault" from Islamic fanatics.
Most Jews Will Refuse Cruz, Despite His Warm Embrace of Israel The Texas senator’s constituency is limited to single-issue Israel voters and those Orthodox Jews who share his contempt for 'New York values.'
HRW accuses Israel of violence against Palestinians in annual world report
Israeli forces abducted 149 Palestinians in January
Throw Women Of The (wailing) Wall To The Dogs, Israel’s Haredi Deputy Education Minister Tells The Knesset
Female Palestinian prisoners are kept in severe and sadistic conditions in israel’s gulags
Investigation protocols reveal Duma murderer's interrogation Amiram Ben-Uliel led his interrogators through the crime scene, recounting the arson attack that killed three members of the Dawabsheh family.
Double standard seen as Israel sentences minors involved in Abu Khdeir murder to prison but no punitive measures
Abu Khdeir murderers convicted, sentenced Two minors found guilty of burning the Palestinian teenager alive; one was sentenced to life in prison, while the other to 21 years.
Minors handed life sentence, 21 years for Abu Khdeir murder
Une escorte policière en place au mont du Temple en raison des ‘provocations juives’ « Il n’y a pas d’égalité » sur le site saint à Jérusalem, a affirmé le chef de la police à des diplomates israéliens
Police escorts on Temple Mount due to Jewish ‘provocations,’ police chief says ‘There is no equality’ at the Jerusalem holy site, ‘to the disadvantage of the Jews,’ Roni Alsheich tells Israeli diplomats
Netanyahu: Those who comfort terrorists’ families don’t deserve to be MKsNetanyahu Calls for Punitive Measures Against Arab MKs Who Visited Families of Terrorists The lawmakers met with families of Palestinian assailants who are seeking the return of their bodies, which are being held by Israeli authorities.
Reform Leader Calls on Netanyahu to Stop 'Hate-fueled Comments' by Israeli Ministers 'We cannot ignore that these inexcusable statements keep coming from the cabinet level,' says Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the president of the Union for Reform Judaism.
Netanyahu’s Knesset on a Tragic Trajectory
Israelis Ignore the Gaza Ghetto Until the War Drums Are Heard Two million human beings, some of whom worked here for years, some of them even have friends here, live in abject poverty and petrifying despair, mainly because of Israel's blockade.
Israel's Leaders Are in Denial: The Occupation Is Already a Global, Not a Local, Issue For Natan Sharansky, the question of the occupation (and its human rights abuses) is an internal Israeli matter. The Palestinians? They're invisible, and play no part in deciding their own fate.
Les Palestiniens appellent l'Europe à reconnaître un Etat Palestinien
Ban Ki-moon's Occupation Comments Prove Ineffectiveness of Israel's PR Strategy We must compel the world to address the basic argument about the Jewish people’s deep roots in its land, compared to the Arabs’ superficial ones.
How the New Israel Fund Made Me the Leftist I Am Today This is a thank you to Im Tirtzu, which branded me this week, and also a warning: When your world is as narrow as the world of the ant, you will also end up being crushed like it.
Knesset rejects bill to make NGOs' private donors transparent C'était en fait pour mieux discréditer les organisations humanitaires (de gauche) critiquant le racisme et les politiques criminelles du gvt israélien.
Why Sharansky Should Have Stayed Silent About Breaking the Silence The head of the Jewish Agency rejected comparisons of Breaking the Silence and Russian dissidents, but his argument overlooked some key facts.
Amos Oz's grandson to Im Tirtzu: You are Israel's cancerRight-wing organization apologizes for 'moles in the arts' campaign
Im Tirtzu Founder Sings McCarthy’s Praises on Twitter, Gets 'Schooled' by Meretz Chairwoman Founder of Im Tirtzu, which recently put up a campaign 'outing' left-wing activists, says history vindicated McCarthyism. Meretz's Galon takes to Facebook to give him, fellow right winger a 'history lesson.'
The Battle for Israel Is Liberal vs Illiberal, Not Right vs Left The long-term goal of Israel’s new political right, led by its standard bearer Im Tirtzu, is to turn Israel into a closed society. This is how we can stop them.
Im Tirtzu Admits Mistake in Campaign Against 'Left-wing' Israeli Cultural Figures The right-wing group's director tells Haaretz, however, that the public has the right to know about cultural figures' left-wing affiliations.
'We were wrong,' rightist NGO Im Tirzu says in Facebook post
Israeli Academics Feel Shunned as Boycott Movement Gains Steam Although the movement ostensibly targets universities, not individuals, Israeli academics say they are often snubbed at the personal level. BBC says it was 'inadvisable' for TV chief to sign letter opposing Israel boycott Danny Cohen, who has since left the corporation, joined public figures including JK Rowling and Melvyn Bragg in criticising plans for a cultural boycott.
Soutien au cinéma Utopia de Toulouse vandalisé par des groupes fascistes pro-israéliens
Jewish Voice for Peace derrière la version anti-Israël du New York Times Le but de l’opération était de dénoncer la couverture partiale et biaisée du conflit israélo-palestinien
UK – Palestine meeting at parliament canceled after lobby pressure
Israeli Cop accused of ‘turning in’ Jewish girls consorting with Arabs
Institutionalized Racism in Israel
The Myth That Jews Are Always Victims of Persecution
Israel sending African migrants to other countries through ‘secretive deals’New Israeli Stop and Frisk Police State Law Targets Palestinians and Black African Asylum Seekers Exclusively
« Islamophobie », un mot, un mal plus que centenaire
Jewish frat members at U. of Chicago sent each other series of Islamophobic, racist emails
Europe-Israel: l'antisémitisme musulman en France
Goldnadel: Quand l'islamo-gauchisme est juif, ce qui est fréquent, et il est plus dangereux
VIDEO - Media mag France 5 décortique Finkie, sa propagande anti-islam et de victimisation
(Juif.org) Victor Perez: La presse toujours aussi "bienpensante"? Dès qu'on rapporte une nouvelle concernant Israel, ya ces médias juifs intégristes qui montent au créneau pour accuser l'antisémitisme que camoufle le "palestinisme" des médias.
Israël critique le titre ‘biaisé’ de l’article de CBS sur l’attentat de Jérusalem
Survey Reveals More Than Half of French People Think Jews ‘Have a Lot of Power’
59% des Français accusent les Juifs d'être responsables de l’antisémitismeSurvey Reveals More Than Half of French People Think Jews ‘Have a Lot of Power’
Sheldon Adelson-Owned Las Vegas Newspaper Endorses Rubio
Israeli Right rallies around Rubio
VIDEO - Glenn Beck wants to move to Israel
Ron Paul: Cruz Not a Libertarian, He’s Owned by Goldman Sachs
Neocons and a CIA Propagandist : The men behind Ted Cruz
When Ted Cruz slams Trump for ‘chutzpah,’ should Jews be offended or honored?
Sanders in 1990: Wish U.S. Would Pressure Israel Harder on Palestinian Issue In recently resurfaced interview with Haaretz, Democratic candidate also said that as a Jew, he feels embarrassed by Israel's arms trade with Latin American dictators.
Sanders en 1990 : les Etats-Unis doivent faire pression sur Israël sur les Palestiniens Dans un entretien accordé il y a 26 ans, l’espoir démocrate s’était plaint du rôle de ‘mercenaire du gouvernement américain’ d’Israël dans les ventes d’armes en Amérique centrale
Netanyahu thinks mild Ban Ki-moon incites terror
Israël sévit contre les constructions "illégales" de l’UE en Cisjordanie
France : un collectif d’ambassadeurs français antijuifs appelle à un boycott total d’Israël
Des ambassadeurs français réclament des sanctions contre Israël
Le Brésil inaugure l'ambassade de Palestine et envoie promener le représentant d’Israël
Biggest Israeli demolition in a decade leaves 100 homeless
Tsahal révient les familles de terroristes de démolitions imminentes "Yavait un terroriste dans votre village, alors on vient raser toutes vos maisons". Ça c'est de la belle démocratie. ET après ça Israel ose dire qu'ils ne pratiquent pas le châtiment collectif.
'Netanyahu inciting against us,' Arab MKs say after visiting terrorists' kin
Netanyahu Seeks Legal Steps Against Arab Lawmakers for Visiting Terrorists' Families Prime minister also expected to lodge complaint with Knesset ethics committee, after Israeli Arab MKs help campaign to return Palestinian terrorists' bodies withheld by Israel.
Arab MKs hit back at ‘fascist’ criticism over meeting with terrorists’ families Zoabi, Zahalka and Ghattas under fire for talks with relatives of Palestinian attackers, call for release of bodies
Arab Israeli MKs meet relatives of Palestinian terrorists Netanyahu says he seeks to punish lawmakers for meeting, which aimed to advance release of attackers’ bodies held by Israel.
Arab MKs Can't Give Up and Boycott Elections, That's What the Right Wants They could save themselves endless humiliation and allow the Knesset into something truly representative – a Jewish, racially pure, elected legislature of the chosen people.
No One Surpasses Israel in Chutzpah Neither the UN Secretary General nor the Arab Members of Knesset can match Israel in this quality that is a national source of pride.
La Liste arabe unie défend « la terrible rencontre »
Knesset suspends Arab MKs for meeting Palestinian terrorists’ families
Hotovely: IDF, Shin Bet wrong to say Palestinian terror caused by despair C'est pas le désespoir selon eux mais "LA HAINE".
Deux Israéliens condamnés pour avoir brûlé vif un Palestinien En parallèle, l’armée tente de tempérer le bellicisme de Netanyahu
I Was a Teenage Kahanist: A Naturalized Leftist's Guide to Israel's Right If you don’t conduct some sort of discussion with the most fanatic people on the other side, you won’t understand them – or yourself.
God Rains Down Divine Retribution Upon Detractors of Israel
Zionism was only about a Jewish state; Judaism is about a Jewish world-order
Monsanto Exposed as Source for White Phosphorus Used in Gaza Massacre
Israel’s Duplicity: Admits Close Co-operation with Egypt in Blockading 1.8 Million in Gaza
Israel Threatens Media Over Headlines That Are ‘Opposite from the Reality’
Israeli dissident ordered to submit Facebook posts to military censor
The Facebook Squad: How Israel Police Tracks Activists on Social Media It follows their Facebook pages, uses fake profiles to 'befriend' them and presents screenshots of posts in court – this is how Israel Police is adding social activists to its virtual surveillance list. 'They know what I write and do,' Ethiopian protest leader says.
IDF clamps down on web journalists About 30 bloggers and webmasters receive order to submit articles to the military censor for approval before pubication.
Des ONG israéliennes de gauche se sont mobilisées à Tel Aviv Cinq ONG ont organisé vendredi après-midi un rare évènement commun contre les campagnes d’Im Tirzu et le projet de loi de Shaked.
Leftist groups blacklisted by Im Tirtzu hold party in protest 1,000 people gather in Tel Aviv for concert and demonstration against radical right-wing group’s ‘shaming’ of left-wing cultural figures.
BDS Blacklist: Festival fights back against Israeli right wing
Israël: les ONG pro-paix harcelées appellent à la mobilisation
Jews call for the building of a wall encircling 28 Palestinian villages in East Jerusalem to preserve the city’s Jewish identity
Asylum Seekers Threaten Israel’s Identity, Says Foreign Ministry Spokesman In an interview with the BBC, Emmanuel Nahshon also defends Israel's refusal to grant migrants asylum because it would bring in more asylum seekers.
Genocide scholar blasts Israel's 'racist' teaching of the Holocaust Prof. Yair Auron's thesis is clear: Israel prefers to avoid, repress and minimize the suffering of other peoples in the Holocaust and other circumstances, to perpetuate victimization and isolationism.
Jewish groups decry JDL presence at protest unrelated to Israel
Israël : des tarifs en fonction de l’origine des employés Une hiérarchisation communautaire raciste assumée
Does Passover Celebrate the Death of Innocent Egyptians? Pessa'h = célèbre un massacre d'Égyptiens, Pourim un massacre de Perses et Hannoukha un massacre de Grecs. Il est absolument incontestable que ces fêtes commémorant des faits sanglants sont au coeur de la religion juive. Et on dit que le judaisme était pur et bon avant d'être corrompu par le sionisme inspiré par les Européens???
Columbine shooters had tense moment over Passover seder, mother recalls
Glenn Beck: “I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions”
Iraq War: Not a Mistake, But a Holocaust
Prominent American professor proposes that Israel “flatten Beirut” — a 1 million-person city it previously decimated
Arab social media abuzz over Sisi's reported praise of Netanyahu
Wikileaks: NSA bugged Netanyahu-Berlusconi meeting on US-Israel relations
NSA Tapped a Netanyahu-Berlusconi Call Over U.S.-Israel Relations A document leaked to WikiLeaks shows American intelligence intercepted a 2010 conversation about low point in Jerusalem's relationship with Washington; PM asked for his Italian counterpart's help due to an 'absence of direct contact' with Obama.
Netanyahu a demandé de l’aide à l’Italie pour son désaccord avec Obama Les Etats-Unis écoutaient quand le Premier ministre israélien s’est tourné vers Silvio Berlusconi après la montée des tensions suite à l’annonce de constructions à Jérusalem est pendant la visite de Biden en 2010, selon WikiLeaks.
Europe-Israel: Obama en faveur du boycott des produits de Judée-Samarie.
Times of Israel: Obama exclut les implantations de la loi pour défendre Israël du boycott
Ils disent implantations mais en fait c'est des colonies illégales.
Trump: What Obama has done to Israel is a disgrace Republican hopeful says it is ‘hard to believe’ that Jerusalem even talks to the White House after poor treatment by president
Trump says Obama 'the worst thing that's ever happened to Israel'
Trump, a condamné le président Barack Obama: « Israël est si important. Ce que Obama a fait à Israël est une honte »
Fascist Trump wants to reinstate torture - will the rest of the candidates fall in line? Looks like it!
Jew Mortimer Zuckerman Paints Trump as the Anti-Christ!
Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
Fascist Trump wants to reinstate torture - will the rest of the candidates fall in line? Looks like it!
Trump crashes Glenn Beck speech
Mega-donors shy away from fight with Trump
Anti-Trump super-PAC spent millions against Donald Time Is Running Out To Stop Donald Trump From Getting The 2016 GOP Nomination
Despite Warnings, Attacking Bush Proved Key to Trump's Appeal The Republican front-runner’s campaign speaks to people who feel that they are losing, and he now accomplished one thing for them – the satisfaction of watching ultimate fortunate son Jeb Bush lose too.
Lest We Forget–Lindsey Graham: Better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump
Resistance to Trump runs deep in the party establishment yet a big win for Trump marching toward GOP nomination
Why Ted Cruz's Preacher Sidekick Is No Friend of the Jews — or Israel
Wealthy donors drawn to Rubio White House bid after Bush drops out
Koch brothers’ D.C. guru joins Marco Rubio team
Sheldon Adelson and the missing $100 million
And the winner of the Sheldon Adelson primary is…Hillary Clinton
Haim Saban warned Clinton that Tea Party is ‘chickensh–‘ next to the neoconservative ‘Coffee Party’
‘Very rough’ talk with Netanyahu referenced in new Clinton email dump But transcript of phone call is blacked out; other releases from presidential contender’s emails relate to Barak, Livni.
Jerusalem Post responds to attack in Clinton e-mails calling paper 'Likud organ'
Fearing Sanders as ‘Closet Realist’
Netanyahu to Cameron: If not for Israel, terrorists would destroy Jerusalem’s holy places
C'est pas les muzz en tout cas qui veulent démolir le Dôme du Rocher de Jérusalem...
Israel’s Bennett: Palestinians must be killed, buried in secret graveyards
IDF chief claims Palestinian grief not equal
Bill Seeks to Increase Role of Jewish Law in Israel’s Legal System
Jewish MK pushes bill to insert Halakhah (jewish law) into Israeli Law
Knesset Legal Adviser Contradicts Netanyahu: Other Democracies Don't Suspend Lawmakers on Ideological Grounds Eyal Yinon says modified version of Suspension bill is substantially different than similar laws in other countries; Likud MKs Benny Begin, Yuli Edelstein also stress bill's problematic nature.
Duma suspect says interrogators beat him, made him listen to women sing In recording, Amiram Ben-Uliel, who confessed to firebomb murder of Dawabsha family, insists abusive interrogation led him to falsely admit he carried out the crime.
Report: Ringleader in Abu Khadeir murder found fit to stand trial, despite insanity plea
Detention without trial prolonged for Jewish extremist Amid Shin Bet crackdown on far-right activists, court extends Meir Ettinger’s administrative imprisonment by 4 months.
Israeli Psychiatrist: Main suspect in Abu Khdeir murder fit to stand trial, is only pretending to be insane
Jewish Fundamentalism Is Beginning to Infect Israeli Schools Education Minister Naftali Bennett reveals how far his religious political party has accelerated towards fundamentalism when he anoints himself Chief Censor for Israeli schools.
La police va enquêter sur un dirigeant extrémiste pour des propos antichrétiens Le procureur de l’Etat demande une enquête sur Bentzi Gopstein, de Lehava, pour un article comparant les chrétiens à des “vampires”
Police to probe extremist leader for anti-Christian comments
Israeli rabbi: Israeli soldiers can rape Palestinian women
Israël: un juif inculpé d'incitation à la violence contre des Palestiniens
France condemns IDF demolition of illegal Beduin school it funded
IDF preps demolition of supermarket terrorists’ homes
VIDEO - IDF Execute Palestinian Youth In Front Of Al Jazeera Camera
Plus de 700 Palestiniens emprisonnés par Israël sans procès (ONG)
The Immigrant invasion of Palestine by the West
VIDEO - Henry Laurens: L'État d'Israel ne peut exister qu'à partir du moment où les palestiniens ont été expulsés
L'Eglise catholique en Israël accuse l'état juif d'être responsable de la violence palestinienne
Report: Israeli city routinely refuses to register Ethiopians for marriage
En Israël, une question d'un examen universitaire compare les migrants africains à des rats
African refugees are likened to rats in Israeli exam question
Israeli professor apologizes for saying judges should be hanged for Palestinian suffering
Israeli indicted for posting ‘Death to Arabs’ on Facebook
Modi'in man charged with incitement after call to 'slaughter Arabs' 'Guys, we need to take the law into our own hands already and start slaughtering,' writes Eliyahu Eliav Mualem; 'It's very good that Abu Khdeir was 16. Let's hope the next Arabs who are murdered are younger,' another post reads.
‘New Yorker’ glosses my reality (when it renders ‘Death to Arabs’ chant as ‘I hate all Arabs’)
Israel Torturing Palestinian Journalist Muhammad al-Qiq to Death
Israeli interrogators threatened to rape al-Qiq and his family– so he launched hunger strike, lawyer says
Israel Health Minister Litzman likens gays to sinners as Knesset votes down LGBT rights bills Pas tellement loin des autres religions bibliques... et du soralisme.
Israeli Racism Is Evolving, but It's Okay, Because the Joke Is Being Told About Arabs There is a link between the discrimination against immigrants from Morocco a generation ago and today's anti-Arab racism.
VIDEO - Pub pour améliorer l'image d'Israël où tout le monde il est beau il est gentil, les Palestiniens démontrent le contraire
Is Facebook officially recognizing the Palestinian Nakba?
Facebook: Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Better Not Mention Palestine: New No. 1 Rule in Hollywood: Don’t utter the “P” word if you want to keep your career alive August 18, 2014, Michael Collins Piper
Roger Waters: Pink Floyd star on why his fellow musicians are terrified to speak out against Israel
'Musicians won't dare criticize Israel out of fear for their careers'
Roger Waters : «Les musiciens ont trop peur de perdre leur carrière s’ils critiquent Israël»
Roger Waters: Pink Floyd star on why his fellow musicians are terrified to speak out against Israel Exclusive: 'If they say something they will no longer have a career – I have been accused of being a Nazi and an anti-Semite'
In response to demands by businessman Paul Bronfman that the mural be taken down, Waters wrote Bronfman: “Happily York University students and faculty members seem to recognize that protest is ok, and that freedom of speech is a fundamental right and not for sale to the likes of you."
Bronfman pulled financial support from the university over the mural, which he called “pure hate.”
Roger Waters’ Support Of Palestinian Violence As A ‘Moral Duty’
Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters has taken sides in a controversy at York University in Toronto, where businessman Paul Bronfman has demanded the removal of a painting that shows a Palestinian holding stones as he faces a bulldozer.
Waters addressed his letter to Bronfman, who pulled financial support from the university over the artwork, which he called “pure hate.”
Waters wrote that Bronfman is wrong to “use his economic muscle” to try and force removal of “Palestinian Roots,” which is displayed in the York University Student Centre, a building on campus that houses the York Federation of Students.
Waters writes that the Palestinian depicted in the artwork “has a legal and moral right, under the terms of article 4 of the Geneva conventions to resist the occupation of his homeland,” adding that protesting Israel’s policy is not anti-Semitic, and is in fact “a moral duty.”
Mural calling for violence against Israelis still displayed at York University
The offensive mural prompted Paul Bronfman, a Jewish philanthropist, to withdraw his considerable financial support to York University. As soon as Mr. Bronfman pulled the plug on York and called on other donors to follow suit, Mamdouh Shourki, President of York, issued a statement confirming that the mural is, indeed, “offensive” to the Jewish members of York, but explained that the “continued display is the responsibility of the governing body responsible for the Student Centre which is a separate and distinct legal entity from the university”.
BDS Activist Roger Waters Supports ‘Anti-Semitic’ Mural at Canadian University
In late January, Paul Bronfman, a Jewish backer of the university, demanded that the image be taken down, calling it “pure hate” and threatening to pull his donations to the university if it wasn’t removed.
Waters’ letter, which is addressed directly to Bronfman, accuses the businessman of using “economic muscle” to forcibly remove the painting, called “Palestinian roots.”
‘It’s just pure hate’: Paul Bronfman on why he withdrew support to York University over painting
Déclaration de professeurs universitaires sur la liberté d’expression et le débat public à York
Excalibur: York University Community Newspaper: Faculty statement regarding freedom of expression and open debate at York
Jewish group attacks York University over ‘anti-Semitic’ move to divest from weapons manufacturers
Jewish Donors: Stop Funding Anti-Semitism – Divest From Universities
BDS activist to represent Holocaust survivors at Austrian state event
New British Anti-boycott Regulations May Not Do Israel Any Favors The scandal over Oxford's Labour Club and the new guidelines show exactly how toxic the Israel issue has become in British politics.
Anti-BDS motion backed by Liberals, Tories in Canadian Parliament
Germany Isn't Helping Israel by Ignoring the Occupation Chancellor Angela Merkel is fearless on many issues, but has proved a coward when it comes to confronting Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.
Oxford Firestorm Highlights Heated British Debate Over anti-Semitism and Zionism Some Oxford students claim anti-Semitic abuse from the radical left; others note that Jewish students find the mere display of Palestinian flags offensive.
JSSNEWS- La France : une hostilité sans relache envers l'Etat Juif
Chicago Billboard Calling for Israel Boycott to Be Taken Down Following Barrage of Complaints
Le gagnant israélien du festival de Berlin critique le gouvernement “fasciste” de Netanyahu Le réalisateur Udi Aloni, qui a remporté le prix du public pour son film sur un rappeur arabe, appelle l’Allemagne à cesser l’aide militaire
"Comment j’ai appris à aimer les sanctions", par Shlomo Sand
Les Palestiniens : l’interdiction du boycott d’Israël, c’est comme le soutien de Thatcher à l’apartheid
Des centaines d’affiches anti-Israël dans les métros londoniens Des militants BDS a visé 500 trains dans ce qui a été qualifié d’ « acte de vandalisme » par le Transport for London
Hundreds of London tube trains plastered with anti-Israel ads
Israel boycott ban is anti-democratic
Anti-BDS motion backed by Liberals, Tories in Parliament
Suggestion d'Estrosi de suivre les mesures israéliennes de sécurité ; réponse trollante et humoristique d'un internaute
Crying Wolf on Campus anti-Semitism: The Vassar College Talk Was No Blood Libel Charges of anti-Semitism on campus have become so hyperbolic that most criticism of Israel is considered anti-Semitic. Jasbir Puar's claim that Israel harvested Palestinian body parts was irresponsible and unsubstantiated – but it wasn't anti-Semitism.
Variety Refuses to Publish a pro-BDS Ad Accusing Israel of Apartheid in Oscars Issue After the sponsored trip to Israel included in the swag bags for the Oscars, the magazine rejected Jewish Voice for Peace ad due to the sensitivity of the topic and the rude tone it has.
Spanish city scraps BDS motion, denounces boycott as discriminatory
BDS : Des critiques se font entendre après le vote du Conseil de Paris La condamnation du boycott envers Israël est interprétée comme une atteinte à la liberté d’expression par des groupes pro-BDS
As anti-BDS laws spread across US, some say they go too far Critics claim bills seek to legitimatize West Bank settlements, infringe on free speech
Fury as German city plans tolerance prize for pro-BDS group
McGill BDS motion passes by solid margin
Une campagne d’affichage "BDS", dans le métro de Londres, s’attire les foudres d’Israël
Hundreds of London tube trains plastered with anti-Israel ads
House of Lords told there is a ‘double standard’ in universities’ treatment of Israel
British broadcasting authority warns TV channel over anti-Semitic programming
Police drop investigation in radio phone-in caller who said UK was ruled by ‘Zionist Jews
PDF - The Americanization of the World, W. T. Stead 1849-1912
« Washington ne doit plus s’embourber dans les marécages du Proche-Orient »
L'Occident doit se débarrasser de l'habitude "d'exporter la démocratie"
Israel Admits Role in Overthrow of Mohamed Morsi and Installation of President Al-Sisi, Planned in Cooperation with Egypt’s Military
In Alliance with Al-Qaida, Israel Is Stealing Syria’s Oil
La propagande israélienne met toujours en avant le mythe de l’État Islamique
Israel to urge six world powers to punish Iran for missile violations
Yaalon accuse Obama d’être délicat avec Abbas, avertit de l’hégémonie de l’Iran
Lawsuit over 9/11 attacks alleges Iran and Hezbollah involvement
Donald Trump on 9/11: "You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center"
'Saddam Hussein was great at killing terrorists,' Trump says
Report: Trump Is Partners With Firms Accused of Bribery in Cyprus Casino Bid Greek and U.S. firms join Trump's LLC in quest for lucrative gambling business on the Mediterranean island nation, Global Sources International News Magazine reports.
Adelson sur un soutien à Trump : “pourquoi pas ?”
Sheldon Adelson on supporting Donald Trump: ‘Why not?’
Is Sheldon Adelson Warming Up to Donald Trump? His Paper in Israel Offers Tantalizing Clues.
L'UE et les Etats-Unis "pas préparés" pour une présidence Trump (Schulz)
“Trump puts human species in deep trouble”: Chomsky
"L’antiracisme" américain à l’assaut de Trump Provocations et meeting annulé à Chicago
Why Trump Haters Really Hate Trump
Donald Trump is leading a political revolution in America — and that should terrify everyone
Informed opinions about Trump displayed on David Icke's forum
Donald Trump a été comparé à Hitler à 9 reprises
Nazi Card: David Brooks Suggests Trump Staging 'Nuremberg Rallies'
VIDEO - RYAN DAWSON: Screaming Hitler no longer works Zionist are desperate
Sarah Silverman’s ‘Hitler’ is ‘Bummed’ by Manhood Comparisons to Donald Trump
Sarah Silverman as Hitler: Donald Trump ‘gets it’
Chomsky says, ‘Don’t vote for Trump — he’s a threat to humanity.’
VIDEO - NazBol Alex Dugin: In Trump We Trust
Evangelicals accuse fellow believers of abandoning faith to support Trump
Anonymous declare “total war” on Donald Trump
‘Go Back To Auschwitz’ Shout at Trump Rally Is No Fluke
Donald Trump just hit a critical threshold for the GOP nomination — one that his opponents might not
'Go to Auschwitz,' Trump supporter yells at protesters
Trump Says 'Islam Hates the U.S.', but Why Do Americans Hate Islam? When Donald Trump mused on CNN: 'I think Islam hates us,' he validated a common sentiment among the Republican base. It’s not about Islamic extremism anymore – it’s a general prejudice against anything associated with Islam.
Trump Tells the Truth About Interventionism Opposes endless war supported by Clinton, Rubio and Cruz
Trump et l’intelligentsia libérale : accusé de racisme et de fascisme par d’hypocrites élites meurtrières
L’exceptionnalisme USA nous offre une élection sortie tout droit de l’enfer.
NEOCON DESPERATION–GOP donors pushing Condoleezza Rice to run independent campaign
Trump and Hitler: A Detailed Comparison (Obvious satire is obvious)
First They Came for Ben Shapiro
Ben Stein: "I Have Not Heard A Racist Word" Out Of Donald Trump's Mouth Stein: Trump Is "Not A Ranting, Blubbering, Fool, He's Making A Lot Of Sense, And I Don't See What's Anti-Democratic About Him"
JFK was as ‘friendly’ with the Jews as Trump is
Will Republican Elite Coalesce Around Trump or Sabotage Him to Save the GOP?
VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Zionist media seeks to destroy Trump presidential candidacy
‘We choose the nominee, not the voters’: Senior GOP official
Trump leaves Jews with no easy answers
Anti-Trump Groups Threaten ‘Largest Civil Disobedience Action of the Century’
A Donald Trump Presidency Could Mean Israel Losing $6 Billion in US Aid?
Citing moral objection to candidate's rhetoric, Zach Reizes says he plans, together with others, to stand silently as Trump speaks and leave the hall with head lowered. Student activists: AIPAC won’t let us protest Trump Pro-Israel lobby says email warning protesters they’ll be barred from all future conferences was sent in error, clarifies its longstanding policy of removing disruptive delegates
40 rabbis said to plan boycott of Trump’s AIPAC address Group of religious leaders to skip Republican’s address in protest of his anti-immigrant rhetoric
American Jews’ Fight-back Against Trump Starts at AIPAC
Can Israel Handle a President Trump?
With Trump’s latest wins, will Jewish conservatives finally embrace him?
Rabbis organize boycott of Trump’s speech to pro-Israel group
Judea Declares War on Trump
Do Jewish Grandchildren Solve Trump’s Israel Problem? This is what I've come to know: Any Jew who votes for Donald Trump is voting for an anti-Semite. The next time he asks you to raise your right hand, America, just say Never Again.
Donald Trumps the Hebrew media Israel Hayom steps out of the dark and all but fully endorses the billionaire businessman, while Yedioth watches the GOP front-runner and worries
Trump might be a nut, but he’s not anti-Semitic
WATCH: ‘The Daily Show’ take on ‘anti-Semitic incidents’ at Donald Trump rallies
Israel Declares War On Trump
How Jewish groups plan to protest Trump at AIPAC
Rabbis, Jewish leaders plan boycott of Donald Trump at AIPAC
40 rabbins projetteraient de boycotter le discours de Trump à l’AIPAC
David Duke : la comparaison Trump-Hitler pourrait réhabiliter Hitler
Former KKK leader: Trump-Hitler comparisons might be good for Hitler
American Jewish Committee : Les violences dans la course électorale mettent en danger la démocratie
Will Republican Elite Coalesce Around Trump or Sabotage Him to Save the GOP?
Don’t Tell US Jewish Republicans Israel Is Not Opposing Trump Enough Lea Geller's contention that Republican Jews have been 'silent' on Trump is wrong: they have the anti-Semitic hate mail to show for it. Instead, Jewish Democrats should ask themselves why they've been 'silent' while Obama wrecked US: Israel relations.
Krauthammer: I Laughed at Donald Trump Six Months Ago. I Was Wrong
What Trump Means for Israel
The woman who gave the nazi salute at the Trump rally in Chicago is a jew
‘Go to Auschwitz’ video fuels Trump Nazi worries
VIDEO - Neocon Nightmare: Trump Wants to ‘Get Along With Foreign Countries’
Times of Israel: Stop it now, Donald Trump!
Après s’être aliéné le lobby sioniste, Donald Trump se met à dos les néoconservateurs
Jewish Neocon Krauthammer: Debate Moment To Slow Down Trump ‘Simply Didn’t Happen,’ Seems Trump’s Opponents ‘Out of Bullets’
With ‘Jewish Super Tuesday’ Looming, Republicans Take New Plunge Into Deep End on Israel
The Republican establishment, in collusion with the leftist media, is launching full-scale attacks on Donald Trump.
American Exceptionalism Presents an Election Made in Hell
American Jewish Committee: “American Democracy” At Stake In 2016
Will a Trump Victory Actually Dislodge the Neocons?
Hating Trump Might Be All about Israel
Lors d'un débat sur CNN, Trump assure : «Personne sur ce plateau n'est plus pro-Israël que moi»
Trump: 'I have tremendous love for Israel. I happen to have a son-in-law and a daughter that are Jewish, OK?' ‘Most pro-Israel’ Trump: Semblance of neutrality needed to end conflict Amid criticism from fellow candidates, Republican front-runner says his approach is the most likely to lead to peace
Donald Trump invokes Ivanka’s Jewish family to defend ‘neutral’ Israel stance
When I Cringe at the Views of Israelis — and Donald Trump
Trump’s pro-Russian policy threatens Israel
Why Donald Trump’s anti-Neoconservatism might not be enough to prevent WWIII
Bill Kristol Is Trying to Get Tom Coburn or Rick Perry to Run Third Party
From left to right, Israelis sour on ‘opportunist’ Donald Trump
ADL calls on Jewish organization to redirect Trump donations to fight hate
AIPAC conference nervously awaits Trump speech Republican front-runner to address leading US pro-Israel group, but some worry that he is a wild card who has yet to fully explain his views on Israel — and that his support from known racists is a red flag.
Trump Wins Over AIPAC Audience With Strong pro-Israel Stance 'President Obama is the worst thing to happen to Israel,' Trump says to massive applause at AIPAC gathering, vowing to pressure Palestinians to accept Israel as Jewish state and Jerusalem as its capital.
AIPAC braces unhappily for Trump, the ‘most pro-Israel’ presidential contender There’s a Jewish candidate who chose not to be seen here. And an ostensible Israel-lover with whom many would much rather not be seen. A surreal day dawns for the pro-Israel lobby
Trump abandons talk of Israel neutrality, wins cheers from AIPAC
Trump wins over AIPAC with ‘true friend of Israel’ speech
Trump cheered at AIPAC for vow to dismantle Iran deal, oppose UN Controversial frontrunner draws laughs at pro-Israel confab with claim he knows nuclear agreement better than anyone; Kasich declares ‘unwavering’ support for Israel; Paul Ryan says first trip as speaker will be to Israel
N.J. rabbi to lead anti-Trump protest at pro-Israel conference
Trump Implies Israel Will Pay Back Military Assistance
Trump Ahead of AIPAC Speech: Israel Should Repay U.S. for Aid Trump says he’ll make Israel pay for defense aid
John Boehner Backs Dark Horse PAUL RYAN for President, Calls Cruz ‘Lucifer’
Ted Cruz Has Been ‘Called And Anointed’ By God To Be The Next President
Meet the Evangelical Christians Behind Ted Cruz — They’re Super Jewy
Ted Cruz’s foreign policy advisor: Think tank founder who spread rumours that Obama secretly Muslim
“Gran’pa” Cruz puts together Israeli-Firster team: Gaffney, Abrams….
Ted Cruz, A Bush By Another Name
Is Ted Cruz a Dominionist?
Cruz Father: Ted Cruz “Anointed” To “Bring the Spoils of War to the Priests”
Ted Cruz’s New Adviser Is Even More Anti-Muslim Than Donald Trump
Cruz takes aim at Trump and Obama in AIPAC speech
Cruz jabs Trump for being ‘neutral’ on Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Cruz: Together We Will Stand With Israel and Defeat Radical Islamic Terror
Republic presidential candidate Ted Cruz begins AIPAC speech with Purim analogy Presidential candidate Ted Cruz began his address to the AIPAC conference in Washington D.C. with a timely Purim analogy, with the Jewish festival celebrating the Jews' escape from the jaws of extinction centuries ago set to begin on Wednesday evening. "When we come together, we can defeat tyrants. Today we are reliving history," Cruz said, linking America's fate to Israel's.
Avec Rubio hors de la course, c'est Cruz le plus dangereux candidat juifiste sioniste.
Kasich slams ‘Palestinian culture of death’ at AIPAC
People Vs. AIPAC: Mighty Pro-Israel Lobby Loses Grip in US
Lingering disunion over Iran nuke deal complicates AIPAC activism As pro-Israel lobbyists head to Capitol Hill, they’ll have an app with talking points on the peace process and defense assistance, but not on thwarting Tehran, where divisions remain deep
People Vs. AIPAC: Mighty Pro-Israel Lobby Loses Grip in US
Combustible mix of protesters descending on AIPAC
VIDEO - Anti-Israel activist and famous rabbi verbally joust in front of AIPAC forum Deux vedettes juives états-uniennes, l'une du sionisme l'autre de l'antisionisme, se confrontent dans la rue aux portes de l'AIPAC...
The Imperial Myopia of Candidate Bernie Sanders
Sanders wins Democratic primary in Israel
Sanders: ‘All options’ on table if Iran cheats on nuclear deal
Roger Waters urges Bernie Sanders not to speak at AIPAC conference
Sanders tells pro-Israel lobby AIPAC he won’t speak at conference
Clinton bashes Trump at AIPAC for 'neutral' stance on Israel
Hillary Clinton to AIPAC: Donald Trump’s foreign policy ‘dangerously wrong’
Analysis: Clinton shows AIPAC supporters she knows what troubles them about Obama
The Gloves Are Off: Trump Accuses Hillary Of Being "Involved In Corruption For Most Of Her Professional Life"
VIDEO - Bill Clinton Admits Hillary-Soros Connection Soros, qui n'est pas spécialement sioniste, est la bête noire de la fausse dissidence (Alex Jones, E-R, etc.).
George Soros’ Anti-Trump Campaign
VIDEO - Trump Calls Out George Soros In New Ad
Soros, Alarmed by Trump, Pours Money into 2016 Race
Billionaire George Soros funds $15M effort to stop Trump, mobilize Latinos
“Pluto-Zionists” Support for Hillary: The “Marriage” of Plutocracy, Rightwing Zionism and Hillary Clinton By Prof. James Petras
On Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton Is the Only Republican Left Standing Clinton’s the only candidate left who holds faith with the platform that’s guided the U.S. since WWII: classic liberal interventionism, more familiar as the globocop policy that fueled both Bush presidencies.
Survey shows Israelis prefer Clinton over Trump
Trump Will Bring the Jews - Even Bernie’s - Home to Hillary Fearful of selling out, Sanders’ young, progressive and universalist Jewish supporters won’t go canvassing for Hillary; they may even be considering not voting at all. But Trump will change all that.
Sondage : Les Israéliens préfèreraient Hillary comme présidente
Rubio Campaign Slams Trump's Israel Policies as Extension of Obama's Marco Rubio's Foreign policy adviser, Dan Senor, says Trump would yield another term of Obama's policies toward Israel during visit to Florida Jewish temple.
Rubio Slams Trump as ‘Anti-Israeli’
Rubio: When I’m president, US will be on Israel’s side Florida senator slams Trump for advocating appearance of neutrality in Mideast conflict, says Palestinians uninterested in peace
VIDEO - Marco Rubio: ‘An agreement with Palestine would weaken Israel’ – video
Rubio Says He's 'Not Entirely Proud' of Personal Attacks Against Trump
Marco Rubio at Florida synagogue: Israel ‘will not have a better friend than me’
Rubio Missing From AIPAC: The End of the 'Good for Israel' Neocons Rubio was the last neoconservative in the race ideologically tethered to using the U.S. military to promote democracy and freedom abroad – whose vigorous support of Israel invoked a generational struggle against Islamist terror.
The metoric rise and crushing fall of GOP golden boy Marco Rubio After emerging as young conservative star, Florida senator drops campaign with parting shot at rival Trump.
Trump Knocks Rubio Out of White House Race, GOP in Chaos Clinton's victories in Florida, Illinois, Ohio and North Carolina cast doubt on U.S. Sanders' ability to overtake her for the Democratic Party's nomination.
Rubio’s defeat means the downfall of neoconservatives
Marco Rubio Defends Trump Attacker, Who In Return Posts Little Marco's Videos (!)
Obama says Republican politics created Trump’s candidacy GOP officials face the fact that highly unpopular Cruz may be sole chance to stop billionaire’s march to nomination
Dennis Ross: Next US administration will want to improve ties with Israel
Pourquoi Netanyahou n'a pas rencontré Obama
US-israel ties the worst since 1948
'Netanyahu nixed meeting with Obama because of defense package hold-up'
Obama’s Tortuous Ties With Benjamin Netanyahu, Inside Out Jeffrey Goldberg’s 'Obama Doctrine' shines new light on the complexities that created the most dysfunctional relationship on earth.
Barack Obama Tells Bibi He Knows Harsh Reality From Growing Up Black in America
Pour Obama, Netanyahu est le plus décevant de tous les dirigeants du Moyen Orient The Atlantic : le Premier ministre israélien a “sa propre catégorie” quand il s’agit de ceux qui frustrent le président ; l’article cite une leçon “condescendante” de Netanyahu, affirme qu’Obama le voit comme “trop craintif et politiquement paralysé” pour assurer une solution à deux états
Le danger de l’empire: Mascarade, mensonges et grand cirque politique pour une continuelle hégémonie mondiale
The Jew Who Brought Disaster to Libya is Doing it Again
Neoconservativism in a Nutshell
‘Christian’ Ted Cruz celebrates Resurrection of Christ by calling for killing of innocent civilians
Jewish voters keen on Clinton, Sanders, widely dislike Trump, Cruz
Dreuz.info: George Soros, vrai ennemi de l’Europe Soros n'est pas spécialement sioniste... Donc il est perçu comme le "vrai ennemi" par les sionistes qui ont tout intérêt à détourner le blâme vers un bouc émissaire facile comme Soros. Former NYC Mayor Says Hillary Clinton is 'Founding Member' of Daesh Vous voyez maintenant ce que ça vaut cette accusation d' "Hillary fondatrice de Daech", c'est le genre de chose qui sort de la bouche de Monsieur 9/11 super-mafia inc., j'ai nommé l'ex-maire de NY Giuliani. Que c'est désolant de voir la complosphère relayer stupidement les âneries qui sortent de la bouche des néocons...
Rudy Giuliani, maire de New York durant 9/11: « Hillary Clinton peut être considérée comme membre fondatrice d’ISIS »
Prenez en considération le fait que cette "nouvelle" vient du site pro-sioniste ultra Dreuz.info!! Réfléchissez à tout ce que ça implique... Peut-être que ces discours conspirationnistes anti-Soros et anti-Hillary font grand plaisir aux sionistes, c'est en tout cas ce que j'ai remarqué!
Billard à trois bandes en Syrie : la stratégie d’Israël révélée par les e-mails d’Hillary
Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel: “The Best Way to Help Israel”
Critics Aghast at ‘Disgusting Speech’ Clinton Just Gave to AIPAC
Obama et la solution finale de l'Etat Juif' Le temps est compté
Obama’s Break with the Establishment
Dreuz.info: Obama, un chrétien si musulman MDR! Obama est clairement aligné sur les sionistes, pas sur le monde arabomusulman, les musulmans ont été les plus victimisés par les guerres qu'Obama a mené et continue de mener.
Obama’s Final Task: Don't Veto UN Resolution on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Obama has an opportunity to create a historic change of direction and to move the peace process beyond the highest hurdle of all – the first one.
Glenn Beck tries to blame Drudge for his anti-Trump slur as his business collapses
Trump: ‘I want to get along with Russia’
Trump to NATO: You’re Fired!
Will Trump Get NATO off Our Backs?
Trump questions need for NATO, outlines non-interventionist foreign policy
Trump fustige Obama, attaque l’accord iranien, jure de soutenir Israël, et conquiert l’AIPAC
AIPAC slams Donald Trump over 'attacks levied against Obama from our stage.'
The Purim story: A parable for the rise of Donald Trump
A l’AIPAC, Clinton matraque Trump et montre aussi qu’elle n’est pas Obama
Donald Trump Works His Magic on a Frustrated AIPAC
Trump at AIPAC: A Jewish Betrayal of the United States The most dominant Jewish organization in America is indifferent to what happens to America
C'est pas David Duke ou des antisémites islamo-gauchistes qui ont écrit ça, c'est Haaretz, un des plus prestigieux journal israélien!
Why the Jewish Elite Hates Donald Trump
Trump: Israel Is Spying Against Us
juif.org - L'AIPAC se tait sur l'accord nucléaire avec l'Iran mais hurle contre Trump le pro israélien
AIPAC Now Creepily Resembles the NRA AIPAC polarizing US Jews Op-ed: The purportedly bipartisan pro-Israel organization has become increasingly identified with right-wing politics, and its recent conference provides evidence of that.
Sans Trump il n'y aurait pas toute cette panique... Mais est-ce une fausse panique destinée à lui faire de la pub?? Possible! Mais peu probable à mon avis.
VIDEO - Propos d'Américains pro-Trump et anti-islam (VF) Ils savent pas que les extraits cités viennent de la Bible et trouvent ces extraits révoltants et choquants. Quand on leur révèle finalement que c'est pas des extraits du Coran mais de la Bible, ils se ravisent en disant que c'est pas grave, les extraits ne sont pas choquant. MDR:49,2% des Américains croient que les Palestiniens occupent des terres israéliennes
Trump, the Most Moderate Candidate in the Republican Presidential Race The prevailing liberal idea that attributes Trump's meteoric rise to populist manipulations that have hoodwinked the ignorant American is not only condescending: It totally misses the logic of his candidacy. American Jewry's Greatest Enemy The glowing reception accorded Donald Trump at the AIPAC conference showed just how far American Jews will go in the name of the occupation.
Poll: American Jews have unfavorable view of Trump and Cruz
What President Trump will mean for Israel
Duke: Why the Jewish Elite Hates Donald trump
Adelson Is Right About Trump's pro-Israel Credentials It's a feather in Trump's cap that Sheldon Adelson, who will make Israel one of the tests for his support, is prepared to back him. And today's speech at AIPAC is Trump's chance to win more of us over. Dreuz.info: Pourquoi je peux voter pour Donald Trump, Ted Cruz ou John Kasich Publié par Jean-Patrick Grumberg
Sanders Snubs AIPAC, Trump A Rothschild Tool
Bernie Sanders “Israel Has Done Some BAD THINGS! Killing Civilians! Blowing Up Hospitals & Schools
Trump veut faire de Jérusalem, une capitale israélienne
Trump Puts Divide Between Israel Lobby and American Jewry on Vivid Display
AIPAC: U.S. presidential hopefuls, including Trump, focus on the Palestinians at the conference.
Astucieux! Brillant! Parler des Palestiniens alors que pour l'AIPAC la Palestine n'existe tout simplement pas!
AIPAC’s Applause for Donald Trump Sends a Shameful Message
AIPAC apologizes for cheering of Trump’s Obama knock
Blumenthal: Did Trump Play AIPAC? Max Blumenthal says Trump's embrace by AIPAC overshadows his shifting positions on Israel.
Visiting ADL leader slams ‘mainstreaming of bigotry’ in US presidential race
Trump espousing ‘noxious ideas,’ unleashing extremism, says ADL chief Jews, beware of Trump and the narcotics he peddles
Trump Appoints Aide With Anti-Semitic Ties
AIPAC’s Applause for Donald Trump Sends a Shameful Message
Trump enfume le lobby pro-israélien AIPAC
Donald Trump et Israël
Putting the Rump Into (the Name) Trump
Trump Is Not Hitler and He’s Not Haman — He’s Ahasuerus Pour eux, tout a toujours à voir avec leurs foutus textes saints passés date depuis des millénaires...
Trump s’est-il moqué des juifs américains de l’AIPAC ?
Trump's Warm Reception at AIPAC Makes Our Fight Against Him Even More Urgent Having led the protest movement against Trump's speech to the pro-Israel lobby, I have a message to Jews: Unite against bigotry, xenophobia and misogyny; unite against the Republican frontrunner.
Racial GOP Rhetoric Propels Jewish Not-For-Profits Into the Fray
VIDEO - Robert Parry Discusses the “AIPAC ‘Pander-off'”
Absent de l’AIPAC, Sanders critique « l’occupation israélienne »
Bernie Sanders Slams Israel After Skipping AIPAC
Rabaisser Israël – par Donald Trump et Bernie Sanders
Le mouvement fantôme de Bernie Sanders
Jeb Bush endorses Cruz for the GOP presidential nomination.
VIDEO - Ted Cruz’s Flashy New Line Against Trump Comes From a Sorkin Film
Cruz chides Trump for ‘Palestine’ references as they vie for pro-Israel support
US Muslims decry Cruz’s call for community surveillance
ADL condemns Cruz for call to patrol ‘Muslim neighborhoods’
Crazed, whack-job Judaic acolytes play concern-troll over ‘Them Mooooz-Lums’… Trump backs tougher border security, waterboarding after Brussels attacks
Ted Cruz Blames Donald Trump For Brussels Attack
YouTube locks video of Ted Cruz blaming Donald Trump for the Brussels attack.
Terrorisme - La peur interdit la pensée
Muslims Are the VICTIMS of “Between 82 and 97% of Terrorism-Related Fatalities”: US Government
Raphaël Liogier: Enfin des propos sensés sur le terrorisme
Frénésie anti-israélienne au mémorial des victimes de l'attentat terroriste à Bruxelles Officials Stoke Anti-Muslim Hatred Following Brussels Attack
Netanyahu to AIPAC: Brussels attack and terror in Israel part of same assault
Lest We Forget-Netanyahu to EU states: ‘Pressure Brussels to change its attitude toward Israel’
VIDEO - Bourdin ne se rallie pas au modèle sécuritaire israélien appliqué à la France
After Brussels Attack, Gran’pa Calls For Police To ‘Patrol And Secure’ Muslim American Neighborhoods
Lest We Forget–After France, Belgian parliament next in line to recognize Palestine
Palestinian security official says Europe to blame for attack
Palestinian FM urges EU to draw line between terror and his people's resistance to Israel La technique sioniste est de diaboliser la résistance palestinienne en l'assimilant au terrorisme purement aveugle et haineux. L'UE est favorablement disposé à distinguer les deux et c'est ce qui inquiète grandement Israel. Ceux qui disent qu' "Israel contrôle l'UE" se mettent le doigt dans l'oeil. Ils essaient, mais n'y arrivent pas tout à fait. C'est probablement pour ça qu'Israel a fait tout plein de false flags en Europe ces dernières années. Je dis pas que l'attaque de Bruxelles est forcément un false flag 100% commandité par l'Occident et Israel, mais le fait est que Israel a joué un rôle central et très important dans le passé pour constituer des groupes terroristes "musulmans", lesquels ont été lâchés dans la nature et peuvent ainsi maintenant opérer par eux-mêmes sans avoir nécessairement besoin d'être guidés dans toutes leurs actions par les services secrets d'Occident et d'Israël.
Netanyahu: Brussels attacks shows it's not the occupation that drives terror C'est peut-être ça le but de ces false flags: couper court à l'argumentaire pro-palestinien selon lequel le terrorisme est motivé par l'occupation israélienne. Peut-être que ces false flags servent à "démontrer" que c'est pas l'occupation qui pousse au terrorisme, mais d'autres raisons liées à l'islam et aux arabes eux-mêmes, qui seraient plein de haine, qui voueraient un culte à la Mort du héros-martyr, etc.
Après l'attaque de Bruxelles, l'exemple israélien examiné de près L'aéroport Ben-Gourion de Tel-Aviv est réputé pour être le plus sécurisé au monde.
Attentats de Bruxelles: un ministre israélien accuse l'Europe d'avoir ignoré le danger Ils tiennent surtout à pouvoir blâmer l'Europe d'avoir tenté de justifier le terrorisme en disant que celui-ci est motivé par l'occupation.
"Attendez-vous à une vague d'attentats terroristes en Europe" La député Anat Berko (Likoud), une experte en terrorisme, a parlé mardi au site internet israélien Aroutz Sheva au sujet des attentats de Bruxelles plus tôt dans la journée, qui ont fait 35 morts et des centaines de blessés. L'attaque a plus tard...
Israel-bound traveler tells 'Post' how he missed Brussels explosion by minutes Un autre miracle de Pourim!
Europe must confront its reality Op-ed: If Europe and particularly Belgium want to overcome the current crisis and thwart future attacks, it ought to reform their education system and end incitement against the Jewish state.
Selon les sionistes juifs, c'est le discours critique anti-Israël des européens qui est la véritable cause des attentats terroristes dans le monde!
FRANCE – more jews gloat at the Brussels attack: everything is Karma
Brussels, PNAC and United Hatzalah
Brussels Attack: ‘Tighten security instead of eating chocolate’ says Israeli minister
After Brussels, Will Europe Finally Crack Down on Terror Israel-style? Israelis have long understood that living with the threat of terror means relinquishing a bit of privacy and convenience in favor of security. They wonder when Europe will learn that lesson.
Dreuz.info: Faycal Cheffou, le 3e terroriste de Bruxelles est un gentil journaliste qui aidait les migrants
Un rabbin de Bruxelles : les autorités belges ne connaissent rien à la sécurité
VIDEO - Pascal Blanchard : Le musulman est devenu l'ennemi commun
VIDEO - Moualek: Molenbeek: Le Parisien, BFMTV accusent les musulmans de terrorisme potentiel
Obama: Stigmatizing all Muslims plays into hands of terrorists President calls Muslim-Americans ‘our most important partners’ in fight against violent jihadis
Dreuz.info: Djihadiste, un profil psychologique qu’on ne rencontre que chez les musulmans
Dreuz.info: Les journaux italiens censurent le mot « islam » pour parler du terrorisme Un petit exemple où le mot islam est retiré, censuré... face à des milliers d'autres exemples de martèlement de propagande anti-islam. Et probablement face à des milliers d'exemples où ce qui a été retiré est le mot juif -- si c'est pas carrément toute la nouvelle qui disparaît...
VIDEO - (Humour) Al-Baghdadi's Projects for the Caliphate
Dreuz.info: Bat Ye’Or: «Nous avons toléré une Eurabia fondée sur la charia» Bullshit!
Far-right riots at Brussels shrine with Nazi salute, calls for ‘death to Arabs’ (On croirait que c'est la LDJ.)
VIDEO - Yann Arthus-Bertrand : Nous on envoie des missiles, eux, des kamikazes Lien corrigé.
VIDEO - Double attentat à Bruxelles - Texte d'Olivier Mukuna
Israel Blames Brussels Bombing on EU Imposed “Labelling of Goods” Produced in Israeli Settlements in Palestine
Likud Minister: Brussels was targeted because of the EU boycott of israeli products
Netanyahu lie les Palestiniens et l’EI, dit que tous les terrorismes ont le même but
Zionists celebrating today's Brussels attacks.
Attentats de Bruxelles : les rois de la récupération politique
Claude Gueant : « La France doit prendre exemple sur Israël dans la lutte antiterroriste »
Claude Guéant : « Il faut assumer une politique de sécurité comme Israël »
Israeli security expert: Brussels attack a wake-up call for European airports
‘Europe must sacrifice some personal rights to save lives’ says expert
Senior Brussels rabbi: Belgian authorities know nothing about security
Israel recently warned Belgium of lax airport security
Former Israeli Intel Operatives Run Security at Brussels Airport
Un responsable de la sécurité de l’AP déclare que l’Europe est à blâmer pour l’attaque
Un responsable palestinien vous accuse, vous les Européens, d’être responsables du terrorisme
Such Lovely Folk: “Happy Holidays Everyone”
Avis du site Dreuz.info, site sioniste, sur les attaques de Bruxelles:
Le Bourdin et le bourdon
Arrestations en série : l’Europe sort un court moment de son islamophilie
Gilles-William Goldnadel : «La Belgique, c’est la France multiculturaliste, en pire»
Selon le site ER: "À Molenbeek, le discours de Daech s’infiltre à petites doses" Déstabilisation oligarchique par les quartiers (le sous-titre en noir est de ER). Comme Zemmour, ER s'aligne exactement sur le discours de la droite juive extrême : juif.org: "Les jardins de l'Europe: dans les quartiers négligés... poussent les fleurs du mal"
Le Sun rappelé à l'ordre pour un article sur les musulmans britanniques
The Refugee Crisis Looms: “A New Idea, Turn Greece into a Concentration Camp,[Powder Keg]!”
Allemagne: Un responsable néo-nazi secouru par deux réfugiés syriens
Finkielkraut : « Je suis allé à Molenbeek. Nous étions hors d’Europe au cœur de l’Europe »
VIDEO - Entretien TDP avec Shlomo Sand : la fin de l'intellectuel français (dans son livre il réagit surtout à Finkie).
Shlomo Sand : “Il y a une décadence de la pensée française”
Les discours extrémistes français ou la guerre totale.
Purim cancelled in Brussels Belgian police request the Jewish community cancel their Purim celebrations as they are unable to protect the community.
Pour les juifs ce n'est pas un hasard si les méchants attaquent le jour d'une fête juive aussi importante que Pourim. Pour eux c'est un signe que ce sont eux les bons et que Dieu est de leur côté. Nous par contre on sait qu'ils font exprès de créer autour de la date de la fête de Pourim des événements chaotiques et dramatiques comme des assassinats (Staline, les tsars Alexandre II et Nicolas I, etc.), ou catastrophiques comme des guerres (les deux guerres d'Irak, la Lybie, etc.
Purim in recent history, 1994-2016
Purim-inspired Hanging of Black-faced Effigy Condemned in New York Local director of Jewish Federation says effigy was meant to represent 'evil Haman who wanted to kill all the Jews,' but African Americans unconvinced.
But while Harper was ostensibly the man of the hour, the current prime minister, Justin Trudeau, did not receive such a warm welcome. “The long, intimate hug that Trudeau shared with U.S. President Barack Obama on his recent state visit to Washington, D.C., is proof that Trudeau is a danger, like Haman,” said Ravi Benhihi, president of the recently renamed Friends of the Hollywood Center for Holocaust Research and Education. “The holiday of Purim teaches us that we need to be on the lookout for enemies of the Jewish People at all times, and this latest act strongly suggests that Trudeau is a character straight out of the Megillah.” He added: “As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained, very indirectly, in his 2015 speech to the U.S. Congress, Barack Obama is an enemy of Israel, and therefore of the Jewish People. “So the fact Trudeau pals around with him is prima facie evidence of the prime minister’s evil nature.” “I hope that logic isn’t too hard to follow,” he added. Mere minutes after Benhihi’s remarks to reporters, Jonathan Lessthan, former CEO of the Sons of the Covenant Canada, which declared bankruptcy the day before the event, went one step further in smearing Trudeau. “Justin Trudeau is the reincarnation of Haman, only with much better hair,” Lessthan said in a statement sent out from his organization’s last remaining computer, a 2003 Compaq Presario laptop. Other more moderate voices at the dinner took issue with the characterization of Trudeau as a modern-day Amalekite.
Quelle belle façon de penser. Édifiant, enoblissant! En particulier le Livre d'Esther, qui ne mentionne pas même une seule fois le mot "dieu"... "Livre saint" vous dites?
Purim: Reversing Assimilation The month that was ostensibly bad for the Jews, turned out to work in our favor. Just as our ancestors reversed course from assimilation to enthusiastic faith, so was their misfortune reversed.
La source du problème juif: l'endoctrinement des juifs contre l'assimilation.
The subversive message of the Book of Esther Un texte qui fait froncer les sourcils... même chez les juifs! Aucune mention de "dieu", de la "terre promise", des commandements de la Torah...
During Purim celebration, Israeli settlers use Ibrahimi Mosque loudspeaker to sing racist songs and call for expulsion of ‘Arabs’ from Hebron
Black-faced Purim effigy in Rockland County draws condemnation
POURIM - Le chef d’état-major israélien représenté en roi perse cruel Le police enquête sur une incitation contre Gadi Eisenkot après l’étalage d’affiches l’appelant à démissionner pour avoir « mis en jeu » le sang juif, suite au tir dans la ville de Hébron.
BDS and the Purim story: disturbing parallels
'UN resolution will kill peace' Netanyahu tells AIPAC conference he hopes the US will continue to reject Security Council attempts to back Palestinian statehood.
UN names democratic Israel as world’s top human rights violator
Conseil des droits de l'Homme de l'ONU: un Conseil des 'droits des terroristes'
L’ONU va établir une liste noire d’entreprises israéliennes
UNHRC creates blacklist of companies doing business linked to the settlements L'UNHRC antisémite??
UN approves blacklist of companies profiting from settlements
UN Human Rights Council Votes to Form 'Blacklist' of Companies Operating in Israeli Settlements Abbas rejected Kerry's request to soften UN resolution targeting settlements, Palestinian official says.
Israel to the West: Don't Honor UN Human Rights Council's Vote to Blacklist Settlement-linked Firms Prime minister says UN Human Rights Council has become anti-Israel circus, routinely ignoring gross human rights violations in Iran, Syria and North Korea.
Israel, U.S. Working to Block UN Resolution on 'Black List' of Settlement-linked Firms UN Human Rights Council to vote on Palestinian initiative calling on international companies to avoid direct or indirect transactions with businesses linked to the West Bank.
Israël dénonce la création d’une liste noire des entreprises israéliennes par le CDH
UN body to compile blacklist of settlement
UNHRC nominates pro-Palestinian Canadian legal expert as special investigator on Israel
Expected UN appointee has history of anti-Israel bias, Canadian Jewish groups says
Dreuz.info: Stéphane Dion dénonce la nomination de Michael Lynk, qui veut l’élimination d’Israël, comme rapporteur spécial de l’ONU pour les « territoires palestiniens »
Le Canada déplore la nomination de Lynk au CDH
Stéphane Dion asks UN to review nomination of anti-Israel prof
UK – Labour Party Suspends Member Who Thinks I.S.I.S is Run by Israel
Corbyn, Not anti-Semitism, Is True Target in Labour Party Saga
UK PM tells opposition head to 'sort out' anti-Semitism problem in Labor party
Bolivia declares 'Israel a terrorist state'
Israël renonce à une figure de la colonisation pour son ambassade au Brésil
Israel abandons effort to make settler leader ambassador to Brazil Netanyahu retracts Dani Dayan’s appointment in face of implacable opposition from Brasilia, names him as consul general to New York instead.
Dear U.S. Jews: Israel's Sending You the Apartheid Choice for N.Y. Envoy. Send It Back If you are an American Jew who wants to foster the values of democracy, equality, self-determination and human rights in Israel, now is the time to stand up and raise your voice against the appointment of Dani Dayan.
Le chef de la NSA « fait un voyage secret en Israël »
France concerned about Israel’s land seizure in West Bank
Argentina’s Jewish Leaders: Assimilation To Gentiles is Akin To Terrorism
Israël: première étape pour un projet de loi sur la suspension de députés
EU ambassador: West Bank product labeling not a boycott Lars Faaborg-Andersen defends the European Union's position on Israeli West Bank products, and argues that the only way to end the BDS campaign is by solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israel Seize 580 Acres Of Palestinian Land In West Bank
Israeli Soldier Filmed Executing Wounded Palestinian Man
Ya'alon to Bennett: Pleasing an Extreme, Violent Minority Could Lead Israel to Anarchy Israeli defense minister slams lawmakers who he says are waging a campaign of incitement against the IDF.
Liberman slams Netanyahu for 'field trial' of IDF soldier who killed wounded terrorist
Hebron settlers file complaint against Palestinian who filmed execution
New video shows soldier shaking hands with far-right activist after shooting subdued Palestinian attacker Jewish terrorists threaten life of Palestinian who shot video of execution
Controversy Surrounding Hebron Shooting Is Hypocrisy Indeed Is this the first time a soldier has executed a Palestinian in cold blood, or did the fact that it was caught on film make the difference?
Israelis rally around soldier filmed executing injured Palestinian
35,000 Israelis Sign Petition to Award Medal to IDF Soldier Who Murdered Wounded Palestinian
After killing stabber, soldier shook hands with far-right activist
On Hebron Shooting, Netanyahu and Bennett Follow Enraged Public All the Way to the Right Cabinet members seem to be riding the tiger of public opinion — which, at least on social media, is vehemently and crudely backing the soldier who shot and killed a wounded Palestinian assailant — and are afraid to anger it.
Netanyahu defends soldier caught on tape executing wounded Palestinian: ‘IDF is the most moral army in the world’
Chief Rabbi Yosef: If a terrorist is trying to commit an attack it is a mitzvah to kill him
Israeli medics are leaving wounded Palestinians to bleed to death
Why Did Israeli Police Ambush and Shoot at Palestinian Kids? The Border Police shot a Palestinian boy in the leg during a protest. The army says he was using a slingshot; his father thinks he was deliberately targeted.
Israel Approves New Law To Punish Palestinian ‘Terrorists’ Under Age Of 14
No One Would Serve in the Israeli Army if They Knew The absence of a critical approach prevents Israeli teens from examining the army and the state before they enlist in the IDF. With one, they could turn their theoretical red lines into actions.
Israelis Have Had Enough of Netanyahu, Poll Shows A Haaretz poll indicates the public is ready for a new political order, but no Big Bang will occur unless an alternative to Netanyahu wins over right-wing voters; IDF chief Eisenkot is crowned Israel's most popular leading figure.
Settlement Products Wikia
Bibi, Leave My Grandparents Out of Your Politics
An Anti-democratic Revolution Is on Its Way in Israel
Think of the Gaza Strip the Next Time You Drink Tap Water The easiest, fastest and most logical way to prevent a humanitarian and environmental disaster would be to pipe a lot more cheap water from Israel into the Strip.
VIDEO - Forces israéliennes au camp d'Aida "Nous vous gazerons jusqu'à la mort de tous
VIDEO - Renegade Jewish Settlers
Non-Jews are forbidden by Jewish law to live in Israel, chief rabbi says
Grand rabbin : les non juifs ne devraient pas avoir le droit de vivre en Israël Le rabbin Yitzhak Yosef dit que les non juifs qui n’appliquent pas les sept lois de Noé devraient être “expulsés en Arabie saoudite”
Non-Jews are forbidden by Jewish law to live in Israel, chief rabbi says Sephardi Chief Rabbi Says non-Jews Forbidden From Living in the Land of Israel Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef argues that Jewish law prohibits non-Jews from living in Israel unless they have accepted Noachide laws, adding that some non-Jews live in Israel to serve the Jewish population.
American Jews, Demand Action on ultra-Orthodox Hate Speech Israel’s own policies, ceding control of Jewish life in Israel to the ultra-Orthodox, legitimatize the now-commonplace defamation of Reform Jews by Haredi leaders.
Avi Mograbi : “Israël est un pays raciste où la question de la pureté de la race est sans cesse posée”
Survey: 85% of Israeli Arabs fear rising levels of racism
Israeli Agency OKs Right-wing NGO's Plans to Build Large Visitors' Center in East Jerusalem After pressure from the Justice Ministry, the National Planning and Building Council overturns a decision to limit the size of the center, which the Elad group is planning to build in Silwan.
Armed Israeli Settlers to Police Illegal Palestinian Construction Near Jerusalem Group known as the Jerusalem Periphery Forum planning to patrol road in Gush Adumim, between Kfar Adumim and Jericho, with police's blessing.
Le consul d'Israël à New-York: « JStreet n'a rien de juif ! » Pourtant J Street est un lobby juif sioniste, c'est just qu'il est plus doux que les chiens enragés de l'AIPAC, de l'AJC, du ZOA, de l'ADL, etc.
Israel's New N.Y. Envoy Dani Dayan Calls J Street 'un-Jewish' Before his appointment became public, former settler leader Dayan slammed liberal advocacy group for 'endorsing all the anti-Israel candidates.'
Pro-Israel group targets Jewish professor over Palestine activism
Israël : Le Point et l'AFP perdent les pédales
Pour le journal Marianne les civiles israéliens victimes du terrorisme n'existent pas. Les médias juifs fidèles à leur traditionnel manque total de nuance (exagération extrême).
VIDEO - Netanyahu, l'accusé principal du Dernier jour d'Yitzhak Rabin ?
In Targeting Breaking the Silence, Ya'alon Is Shooting the Messenger All such tactics have the same goal: To divert discussion from the injustices that left-wing organizations expose into a debate over the organizations themselves.
Human Rights Groups Must Demonstrate Solidarity With Breaking the Silence Investigation of actions in the Israeli-occupied territories must go on and go deeper. For this, a coalition is needed of all human rights groups.
Breaking the Silence Is Only a Danger to Israeli Right's Ambitions The unavoidable and rather painful conclusion is that if the left wants to have an impact, it must regain its foothold in the IDF. And that’s a conclusion that won’t be easy to implement.
L'un des dirigeants du mouvement BDS palestinien "La création d'Israël était un complot, à l'instar du 11 septembre"
Face à des accusations antisémites, NYU perd des fonds
Fox News May Soon Have an Israeli News Channel
Le parlement de l’État de Géorgie passe une loi anti-BDS
BDS is an existential threat Op-ed: The Israeli economy is under threat from the BDS movement, with severe implications if it succeeds. In order to address this threat, Israel must understand and answer several questions to create a solid front against this movement.
Roseanne Barr: BDS are fascists pretending to be left-wing The Jewish comedienne, in Israel to attend Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth's anti-BDS conference, argues BDS is not interested in peace talks because 'to absolute fascists, negotiations mean losing.'
Rivlin: BDS doesn't believe in Israel's right to exist Speaking at Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth's anti-BDS conference, the president argues there's a difference between criticism and de-legitimization, stressing that 'we must show BDS claims originate in hatred towards the State of Israel.'
L'Université de Californie adopte une résolution condamnant « l'antisémitisme et l'anti-sionisme qui n'ont pas leur place à l'Université »
University of California board weighs proposal barring anti-Zionism Governing board of California's flagship public university system to vote on proposal condemning anti-Zionism as a form of anti-Semitism; proponents say it would trample on academic freedom.
Anti-Zionism is a hateful ideology. It has no place at UC
Erdan : le BDS constitue une menace pour le monde entier Israeli minister calls BDS a danger to the whole world À mourir de rire.
Une militante BDS arrêtée pour avoir porté un T-shirt appelant au boycott d’Israël
Des militants BDS collent des étiquettes anti-Israël sur des produits au Canada
Illinois Names Names under anti-BDS law
Israeli boycott stickers spotted in stores across Canada
BDS calls on EU to boycott Ynet conference
Citing Tony Kushner’s BDS ties, Toronto federation distances itself from event
How Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism Are Converging In response to Mira Sucharov: How can the explicit denial of national rights only to Jews be anything but anti-Semitic?
Dreuz.info: Jean Luc Mélenchon est-t-il antisémite ?
Blaming the Romans for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
VIDEO - Why US and Israel wants to ban this video... Documentaire amateur sur la situation des Palestiniens expliquée par une jolie jeune demoiselle juive américaine. Un peu long mais très bien expliqué pour les néophytes! (En anglais seulement)
Does Congress Represent American Citizens or Israeli Settlers?
33,1 millions de dollars levés pour Tsahal « Si Israël et l’armée avaient existé avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’hypothèse est que la Shoah n’aurait pas eu lieu, » a déclaré Sheldon Adelson
SWEDEN denies Israeli claim that it opposes BDS J'y ai cru quand Israel a dit que la Suède s'était excusée et a admis qu'Israel a "le droit d'exister"! La Suède dit que c'est faux.
Nouvelle vague de condamnations contre Israël à l'ONU et aux Etats-Unis
Le Congrès juif européen indigné par l'omission d''Israël' dans la déclaration de l'UE sur les attentats terroristes au couteau
EU says Israeli land seizure threatens peace process
L’UE déclare que la saisie de terre en Cisjordanie par Israël menace la paix
EU: Israel's 'land seizure' threatens peace process Appropriation of 579 acres near Jericho 'risks undermining the viability of a future Palestinian state and therefore calls into question Israel's commitment to a two-state solution,' EU's foreign policy service says, echoing similar denunciations by the US, Germany and France.
EU concerned West Bank land seizure will threaten peace talks Russia can ramp up military presence in Syria within ‘hours,’ if needed, says Putin; Supreme Court Justice Zilbertal to retire
Poles: Israel is aggressive A survey conducted by the Israeli embassy in Poland shows widespread misconceptions about Israel among Polish people.
Israel: UNHRC is mentally ill Israeli envoy slams United Nations Human Rights Commission, saying it has 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder regarding Israel'.
Lapid: UNHRC advocates terrorist rights, not human rights
Terror victim's son to UNHRC: You encourage murder UN Human Rights Council convenes to discuss a series of anti-Israel resolutions, as 300 pro-Israel supporters demonstrate outside; Micah Avni slams the council for not condemning the murder of his father, who was killed in a terror attack in Jerusalem five months ago.
Pour Israel, le conseil des droits de l'homme de l'Onu fait la promotion du terrorisme et de l'assassinat des juifs! Juste débile! Tout simplement.
‘Israeli sovereignty to the Tigris and the Euphrates’
Israel's Father of the Year (And Netanyahu's Potential Successor) Sure Ignores Palestinian Kids The racism of Likudnik Gideon Sa'ar, who is taking a time-out from politics, is just as bad as the others', only quieter.
Nettoyage ethnique à la Knesset
IRAN – 2 jews arrested for a “death to Haman” graffiti
Israeli Facebook users launch ‘Death to Arabs’ campaign
Extremist Israelis (JEWISH TERRORISTS) threaten to kill Palestinian hunger striker Al-Qeeq
Jewish terrorists burn home of only witness to Duma arson attack
Home of Key Witness in Duma Arson-murder Catches Fire Police say findings appear to rule out deliberate arson by Jews; Home of Ibrahim Dawabsheh reportedly targeted, human rights group says, months after he witnessed his relatives being killed in a firebomb attack.
Police and Shin Bet: New Duma fire not arson attack by settlers
Israel Confiscates Large Tract of Palestine Land in West Bank. UN Secretary-General Urges Immediate Reversal of Seizure
Israel Forces Routine Attacks against Palestinian Schools. Disabling the Educational Process Violations Against Palestinian Educational Process in 2015
It's Never Israel's Fault: Two Gazan Children Are Dead and Their Story Goes Untold It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened had Hamas killed two Israeli children, brother and sister, with a Qassam.
Israeli soldier says it is his job to frighten 5-year-old Palestinians (VIDEO)
Un rapport révèle que l’essentiel de l’aide humanitaire destinée au Palestiniens, va dans les caisses d’Israël
Study: At least 78% of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians ends up in Israeli coffers
Israël : un agent du Shin Beth abat un collègue pris pour un Palestinien
IDF Propaganda Ignores Occupation When Explaining Palestinian Violence
Israël nomme à la tête du Shin Beth le cerveau présumé d'assassinats ciblés
VIDEO - Australian documentary film on Israelis torturing non-Jewish children
Israeli Chief Rabbi to Troops: Ignore Courts, Commander, Just Kill Armed Palestinians
“Mowing the lawn” – new jewish airstrikes kill two more children in Gaza
Satmar Rebbe: Settlers causing terrorism "the real culprits are the settlers in Israel who agitate the nations of the world in the country and throughout the world, which causes serious hatred of Israel and the severe wave of attacks."
Israeli rabbi: ‘killing Palestinians commanded in teachings of the Torah’
Israel Bans Palestinian Products Inside Palestine
Israeli Aircrafts Drop Toxic Materials on Jordan Valley’s West Bank
The pro-Palestinian Jewish Activists on U.S. College Campuses Supporting the Palestinian cause, as they see it, is not a betrayal, but rather an affirmation, of their Jewish values.
Israeli extremist who wrote Jewish terrorist guide sentenced to 2 years
Leaders of Jewish right and left face off in revealing Las Vegas debate
Swastikas on Campus: Anti-Semitism Blamed on Anti-Israel Academics The BDS movement fuels intolerance and hate on campuses across the country
Israel Should Back Off anti-BDS Fight on U.S. Campuses, Jewish Leader Says In candid comments, Jay Sanderson tells Haaretz that aggressive efforts to combat the movement repel most Jewish students and ultimately do more harm than good.
The BDS Movement: Israeli Apartheid and Canada’s Duplicity
Pourquoi les familles juives désertent des écoles publiques À cause de la radicalisation du CRIF ?
Anti-Zionist group protests lectures by far-right UK politician
Sociologists' boycott of Ariel University is 'semi-fascist,' school says
Leading Israeli Sociologist Calls for Boycott of West Bank University Prof. Uri Ram, who heads the Israeli Sociological Society, urged colleagues to boycott academic institute in settlement of Ariel.
Pro-Israel group barred from ‘Social Justice Week’ at Oshawa university
VIDEO - Extrait du film Le Serment : "Les checkpoints ne servent qu'à une chose ; rendre la vie des palestiniens impossible"
I Was the Pro-Israel Poster Boy at Brandeis — Here’s Why I Quit
Anti-Zionism Isn't a 'Form of Discrimination,' and It's Not anti-Semitism The University of California's draft 'Statement of Principles against Intolerance' conflates both, a grave error that could end up with restrictions on Palestinian solidarity groups on campus.
VIDEO - Roger Waters parle de BDS et de la Palestine à l'émission québécoise de Tout le monde en parle
Israel blasts TIME’s insistent depiction of terrorist as victim
Israel jails Jewish extremist who wrote handbook for violence Moshe Orbach sentenced to two years for publishing instructions for attacks and calling for creation of extremist cells to fight the government.
VIDEO - BDS Backlash: Pro-Israel lobby wants to 'criminalize dissent' in US
Outrage over report alleging NGO seeks classified data on IDF tactics
‘Apartheid Week’ really does threaten Israel, some experts warn Going against prevailing wisdom, pro-Israel voices sound the alarm on Students for Justice in Palestine’s flagship project, saying the annual campus onslaught fuels attacks on Jewish students, erodes support for Israel
WHY BDS CANNOT LOSE: A Moral Threshold to Combat Racism in Israel
BDS : la Cour Européenne des droits de l’Homme (CEDH) saisie par les militants de Mulhouse
Methodists Restarting BDS War Against Israel
Campus Anti-Semitism Prompts New York Lawmakers To Slash Funds
Une journaliste française arrêtée à Tel-aviv
Fausse agression antisémite : le professeur sera jugé pour « dénonciation mensongère »
In Spite of the Leftist Media, Israel Is Finally Renouncing the Religion of Peace Open debate on the social networks has helped the public turn, with pangs of painful disillusionment, from the path of false promises and temptation.
Israel robs Gaza family of two children in one night
How Meir Dagan, Israel’s Legendary Spymaster, Became Bibi’s Worst Nightmare
The anti-Semitic Clouds Gathering Over U.K.'s Labour Party A mounting number of recent incidents and accusations of anti-Semitism has party members and Jewish leaders wondering if Labour is still welcoming of Jews.
Arkush : les Juifs ne peuvent plus faire confiance au Parti travailliste
GB : Une membre du Parti travailliste à nouveau suspendue après des propos antisémites Le dirigeant du parti Jeremy Corbyn a été critiqué pour avoir réadmis l’ancienne candidate, Vicki Kirby, au Parlement.
How the U.K. Labour Party’s 'Zionist Problem' Started Once a warm home for left-wing Zionists, the British left developed a campaigning language of anti-Zionism that adopted analogies to apartheid and Nazism and accusations of 'divided loyalties' whose effects are reverberating today.
UK – Lord Levy to leave the Labour Party… unless it stands up to antisemitism
Le Crif lance une campagne contre Pujadas : son émission saute
VIDEO - FRANCE: Woman arrested for wearing a pro-BDS T-shirt
Vidéo : Laurent Fabius, l’homme qui voulait faire tomber Israël Les juifs extrémistes considèrent Fabius comme l'ennemi prioritaire en France, et pourtant E-R, ces niais, tapent sur lui comme si c'était le sioniste en chef...
Haine d’Israël : l’évêque Jacques Gaillot, silencieux sur les prêtres pédophiles, soutient le boycott de l’Etat juif Il apparaît un peu trop évident qu'ils ressortent les scandales de crimes sexuels juste pour fermer la gueule aux clergé qui pourrait être tenté de condamner les injustices de notre politique étrangère.
It’s Getting Ugly: Anti-Israel Hate at the United Church of Christ
Israeli Textbooks for Arab Schools: ‘Bad for Arabs, Bad for Jews’ Arab schools in Israel prepare for break over syllabus after revised civics textbook depicts Palestinian citizens as ‘immigrants in our own land’.
Boycott Israel stickers cropping up on products throughout Canada
Illinois becomes first state to list companies banned for business due to BDS
Boycotting Israel is a free speech right
'NGO investigated for treason' Ya'alon about Breaking the Silence's alleged use of classified materials: 'If they distribute this information outside of Israel, this is treason.'
Netanyahu: Breaking the Silence crossed another red line Report on Channel 2 shows activists of the organization on hidden camera trying to obtain sensitive and classified operational intelligence about the IDF from soldiers.
Le procès de membres de la LDJ, dans l'indifférence générale - "Ma vie s’est arrêtée le 12 avril 2009", Hatim Essabbak, agressé par des membres de la LDJ.
Procès des voyous de la LDJ : justice sera-t-elle-rendue ?
Peines de prison pour 6 voyous de la LDJ
Six members of Jewish Defence League participated in ‘lynching’ of two men and chanted ‘Death to Arabs’ during 2009 assaults
Jewish vigilantes jailed over Paris attack on Gaza fundraising event
Une hotline créée pour dénoncer les relations mixtes entre juifs et non-juifs en Israël
Israeli group sets up “hotline” to attack mixed marriage
Arab NGO report says Israel racism doubled in past year The report documents 465 alleged racist incidents from March 2015 to March 201.
Leaked details of Mossad assassin’s fake Canadian passport under RCMP scrutiny
Israël : début du procès d'un ancien grand rabbin pour corruption
FBI Raids Upstate New York Yeshivas
Quand l’«ami» des journalistes algériens Robert Menard impute les crimes de l’OAS au FLN
VIDEO - Raphaël Liogier Le terme "islam modéré" banalise l'islamophobie (Leur chaine youtube a sauté, alors je reposte la vidéo en donnant le lien facebook, où la vidéo est tjrs disponible.)
Une révolution conservatrice dans la laïcité - Retour sur la loi antifoulard du 15 mars 2004
UK – MSM fans flames of Islamophobia through terror coverage – study
Finkielkraut propose la réconciliation nationale sur le dos des musulmans
Zemmour : « Le grand remplacement est une réalité en marche qu’on ne veut arrêter » C'est toujours plus clair: le juifiste Zemmour est le leader de l'Extrême-droite française (inféodée au sionisme). Je poste le lien mais c'est pour fins de dénonciation et non de promotion!
Le "Grand Remplacement" ? Un "projet" soupçonne Eric Zemmour
Repenser la philosophie Michel Onfray s'est penché sur le Coran, la biographie du Prophète Mohamed et il a pris des précieuses notes. Une approche certes plus « académique » que la pensée « post faits-divers » d'Alain Finkielkraut. N’empêche qu'on a frôlé le pire. Et le pire est qu'il ait opté pour une traduction du livre le Canon, plus une bonne biographie d'Avicenne et le voilà un grand exégète-dentiste dans une petite ville bourgeoise de sa Normandie natale. D’où l'urgence de repenser la Philosophie, en somme, et pourquoi pas de la réhabiliter.
Rudy Reichstadt: «Une vision du monde de plus en plus paranoïaque» Reichstadt écrit: "Cela étant, quand on s’intéresse à la partie la plus active et la plus dynamique de la «complosphère» sur Internet, on observe que son principal thème d’obsession, c’est le «complot américano-sioniste». Avec pour navires amiraux les sites qui gravitent dans la galaxie Soral-Dieudonné (lire page 6), qui fonctionnent en circuit fermé, se reprenant et se citant mutuellement avant que leurs théories ne se diffusent vers d’autres plateformes. Mais le conspirationnisme prend aussi corps dans d’autres milieux extrémistes qui peuvent être diamétralement opposés à ceux-là. Sur un site objectivement islamophobe tel que Riposte laïque, par exemple, qui manie les thèmes du «grand remplacement» et du «complot eurabien». Ou encore sur le site néoconservateur et pro-israélien Dreuz."
Bon commentaire de Rudy. Merci à Rudy d'attirer notre attention sur ce site sioniste qui fait drôlement penser à E-R!
Exemples de bullshit sur le site Dreuz.info:
Des suédoises sexuellement agressées par des migrants se taisent, de peur de passer pour racistes
Il y a quelque chose de pourri au Figaro quand il parle d’Israël
Le nouveau dogme allemand et européen : tout patriote est un nazi Aujourd’hui en Europe, être patriote, aimer son pays, son histoire, sa culture, vouloir les défendre, s’opposer à l’invasion musulmane font de vous un populiste, un raciste, un nazi, et obligatoirement un membre d’extrême-droite.
GERMANY – Foreign Minister Steinmeier: Refugees must reject jew hatred Comme si c'était ça la vraie urgence humanitaire: l'antisémitisme des migrants! LOL
Israel Raising Height of Egypt Border Fence to Keep Out Asylum Seekers
VIDEO - David Sheen: Israeli standards for accepting refugees
I Bought Four Syrian Children
VIDEO - Bientôt une dieudoscopie? Dieudo clashe LLP
VIDEO - Le Havre, 14 mars Dieudo clash LLP, ....bientôt la Dieudoscopie (tellement évident)
VIDEO - Au final, une perte de temps, au mieux, une distraction, mais rien qui va à l'encontre du système
VIDEO - L'invité et le mystère : commentaire du commentaire des commentaires de la vidéo d'Ibrahim Nobel
VIDEO - Soral rêve d'un milliardaire islamophobe pro israélien en France!
VIDEO - L'humoriste juif Yonathan Sayada fait des révélations sur Dieudonné
VIDEO - Dissident Converti au Chiisme: Werlet, LLP, etc?
VIDEO - Rappel: LLP clashe Dieudo (12 dec 2015)
VIDEO - Ahmed Moualek clashe d'une drole de manière (sur plusieurs vidéos) Dieudonné et son épouse Noémie Montagne
Que penser du succès d'audience des documentaires télévisées sur Hitler?
VIDEO - Fear, Inc. — The Islamophobia Network
VIDEO - Aldo Sterone soigne ta haine elle est profonde!
Jews, the Refugee Makers
Thousands of “Child Refugees” to Britain Deported to Afghanistan and Iraq. Report
Pourquoi le Monsieur antiracisme de Valls refuse de parler d'islamophobie
VIDEO - Gérard MORDILLAT : Rions un peu avec Finkie ! Autour du Monde Diplomatique Par Autour du Monde Diplomatique
VIDEO - RAPPEL: 24 jan 2016: À l'émission d'Elisabeth Levy, Finkielkraut répond à la jeune prof qui l'a interpellé Le discours de Finkie est bien plus intéressant que par exemple celui de BHL car BHL a zéro crédibilité et se ridiculise tout le temps... Finkie, lui, il dit tout haut et clairement ce que pensent les Français endoctrinés à l'islamophobie sioniste. Finkie dit vers la fin "C'est le cadeau du multiculturalisme!"; on croirait entendre le discours de la "Dissidence".
VIDEO - "Peut-on encore parler d'islam en France ?" 40 ans de unes des hebdomadaires français. (Par Contre-attaque(s) - Pour en finir avec l'islamophobie)
Bernard-Henri Lévy, les guerres et l’anti-nationalisme : un simple problème de judaïsme ! (Attention article de propagande pro-blanche sous couvert de nationalisme!) J'entends dans la complosphère et la dissidentosphère que "BHL serait la source numéro 1 d'antisémitisme en France". Je crois que c'est de la pure désinfo. Les Français n'ont pas attendu BHL pour être antijuifs! Et je suis pratiquement sûr que les musulmans antijuifs ne pensent pas en premier à BHL quand ils pensent à un méchant juif. Je retourne le propos à ceux qui prétendent que "BHL est la source numéro 1 d'antisémitisme en France": je vous demande qu'est-ce que ça peut vous faire que l'antijudaisme grimpe en France? N'êtes-vous pas vous-mêmes antijudaïques? Pourquoi ne pas plutôt vous en prendre à ceux qui propagent l'islamophobie voire carrément la haine anti-islam dans l'intérêt des néocons? Vous pensez pas que si BHL fait monter l'antijudaïsme il travaille en fait pour vous, contrairement à ces juifs qui font plutôt monter l'islamophobie et qui travaillent pour le néoconservatisme? Entre le juif BHL qui fait monter l'antijudaisme et le juif Finkie qui fait monter l'islamophobie, qui est notre véritable ennemi, d'après vous (sachant que la ligne néoconservatrice est anti-islam et pro-juive)? C'est là qu'on voit le manque d'intelligence de la Dissidence... Elle attaque les BHL qui travaillent pour faire monter l'antisémitisme et ils servent la soupe à Zemmour et Finkie qui propagent l'islamophobie! Cela pourrait presque me convaincre que la Dissidence est une chèvre de Judas contrôlée par le sionisme. C'est presque évident dès qu'on y pense deux secondes, mais il y a pas de preuves tangibles.
Ce genre d'article est typique de la posture d'ER qui dénonce l'anti-nationalisme de BHL-Attali mais se pâme d'adoration pour le discours de Zemmour (en faisant complètement abstraction de son sionisme et son judaisme). Les attardés de la Dissidence prennent l'antinationaliste BHL le symbole du judaïsme! Ils sont gravement en retard de plusieurs décennies dans leur lutte! Les attardés de la Dissidence ne comprennent pas que les juifs sionistes d'aujourd'hui ne voient plus le nationalisme (ni l'extrême-droite) comme leur ennemi prioritaire, comme ce fut le cas au 20e siècle. Au 21e siècle le nouvel ennemi prioritaire des juifs est l'islam. Les nouveaux juifs sionistes savent pertinemment que leur plus grand ennemi aujourd'hui n'est pas le nationalisme ni l'extrême-droite, car les forces nationalistes et d'extrême-droite sont presque partout cooptées par le sionisme. Le nationalisme n'est plus menaçant pour les juifs sionistes car ils ont réussi à l'assujettir et à l'instrumentaliser à leurs fins. Depuis la guerre de six jours d'Israël contre ses voisins arabes, en 1967, le nouveau juif sioniste se range dans le camp nationaliste, afin de s'en servir pour mener sa guerre contre l'islam. En effet, les néo-nationalistes européens sont presque autant islamophobes et arabophobes que les juifs sionistes nationalistes, ils deviennent ainsi très utiles pour alimenter et propager la haine envers les arabo-musulmans. Ainsi le discours nationaliste récupér par les sionistes leur sert de couverture et de bouc émissaire dans leur guerre contre l'islam. Car si quelqu'un doit porter le blâme pour tout ça dans les médias, ce ne sera pas le juif mais plutôt le nationaliste qui sera stigmatisé et qui s'en prendra plein la gueule. La haine contre les arabes-musulmans sera mise sur le compte non pas du sionisme mais du nationalisme, ce qui contribue non seulement à disqualifier le nationalisme en le faisant passer pour un discours haineux et raciste, mais aussi à faire passer dans le mainstream le discours haineux qui était autrefois limité aux milieux d'extrême-droite. Ainsi le centre est de plus en plus proche de l'extrême-droite et les idées d'extrême-droite investissent le centre, désormais normalisées et acceptées dans le débat public. Les nouveaux juifs sionistes d'avant-garde critiquent la posture anti-nationaliste cosmopolite de BHL-Attali, les nouveaux juifs sionistes ont adopté la posture nationaliste (que ce soit en Israël, en France ou ailleurs) pour justifier leur haine des arabo-musulmans, des immigrants et de la gauche en général (une gauche qui, faut-il le rappeler s'oppose de plus en plus à la campagne de haine sioniste-néocon envers les arabo-musulmans, d'autant plus que le racisme du projet néocon s'affiche toujours plus ouvertement). BHL est partout dans les médias mais plus personne ne le prend au sérieux. Son rôle est de nous faire croire que les juifs sont toujours aussi résistants cosmopolites anti-nationalistes et anti-racistes qu'ils l'ont été (à l'époque de SOS-Racisme). (Voir: BHL : "J’ai passé ma vie à m’engager aux côtés de musulmans".) Mais depuis la fin du 20e siècle (notamment depuis la guerre de six jours), le symbole du juif béhachélien n'est que poudre aux yeux, pure distraction destinée à berner les Gentils et à donner aux juifs le sentiment d'être du côté du bien contre les tyrans et tous les ennemis de la liberté. Tout comme Attali, BHL est un reliquat d'une ère révolue, le fossile d'un ancien courant juif antiraciste dépassé, mythique, de la juiverie de gauche cosmopolite, anti-nationaliste, antiraciste, pro-immigration, apôtre d'un monde sans frontière. Ces juifs là sont en train de se faire marginaliser non seulement par des antisémites comme Rysen, mais aussi par les juifs sionistes eux-mêmes: les Zemmour, les Finkielkraut, les Goldnadel, et les intellectuels communautaires comme Taguieff! Les juifs sionistes sont de plus en plus le fer de lance du néo-FN anti-islam, c'est-à-dire du nationalisme européen coopté et récupéré par le sionisme.
VIDEO - De Villiers à Polony : "Les élites mondialisées nous ont plongés dans le désastre" De Villiers sait quoi dire pour nous en passer une petite vite... Et ER sert la soupe aux islamophobes en son genre sous prétexte qu'ils combattent le mondialisme-immigrationniste! ER dit carrément une chose et son contraire, exactement comme chez les Jèzes, quand ils disent que le blanc est noir alors le blanc est noir.
Daech menace de s'en prendre aux militants du FN Comme il fallait s'y attendre... Car récemment, depuis l'attaque terroriste de novembre, on a pointé du doigt le FN comme vecteur principal du discours islamophobe, ce qui en fait un allié de Daech, car Daech n'attend que ça: que le dicours islamophobe se généralise afin que les musulmans quittent l'Europe et se soient poussés dans les bras d'organisations terroristes musulmanes. Comme on signalait que Daech ne menaçait et n'attaquait jamais Israël, ce qui est plutôt louche, alors Daech s'est mis à s'en prendre verbalement à Israël (rien de concret ni de très menaçant en fait). De la même façon, comme on accusait le FN de jouer le jeu du terrorisme de Daech en propageant l'islamophobie (car Daech est certainement très conscience que leurs attaques accroissent forcément le niveau d'islamophobie ambiante), maintenant Daech s'en prend au FN (verbalement et par écrit mais rien de concret). Rappel: Words are cheap....
Réfugiés : des réactions hystériques qui déchirent l'Europe
VIDEO - Excellent édito d'Askolovitch qui dit que la réalité est rendue conforme au discours de l'extrême-droite et que l'extrême-droite n'est plus anti-démocratique, elle défend des idées libérales et égalitaires contre l'Islam!
Un commandant de l’Etat Islamique arrêté dans un centre pour « réfugiés » Nouvelle que je trouve très douteuse voire suspecte... Mais que ce soit vrai ou pas, ça aussi c'était extrêmement prévisible. En effet, depuis la récente grande vague migratoire, les sionistes (notamment les candidats américains mais aussi les sionistes de la nouvelle extrême-droite populiste en Europe ainsi que leurs représentants médiatiques Zemmour, Finkie, etc.) n'arrêtent pas d'annoncer que "l'État islamique serait infiltré avec les migrants en Europe". Il fallait donc que ces peurs se réalisent, pour confirmer le discours des sionistes. Avec ces prophéties qu'ils réalisent eux-mêmes le plus souvent, les sionistes peuvent conquérir les esprits en "prouvant" au monde qu'ils ont raison et qu'il faut avoir peur de ces vagues de migrants (surtout arabes musulmans) comme de la peste.
UK – Far-right groups call for more attacks on Muslims Anti-Islam groups rally across Europe Anti-immigration rallies held in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Denmark and other countries; protesters clash with police, counter-protesters.
L'islamophobie, cette stupidité qui fait le bonheur des terroristes
Pour la députée Isabelle Attard, l’état d’urgence “ne sert à rien” pire il est “anti-musulmans”
Immigration : les approximations d'Alain Finkielkraut 11/04/2014
Wiam Berhouma face à Alain Finkielkraut sur France 2 : une polémique qui dure
Coup monté de France 2 ? Finkielkraut revient l’émission DPDA « L’antisémitisme à la télévision en première partie de soirée, voilà le monde dans lequel nous devons évoluer »
Zemmour, Finkielkraut, etc. Le débat intellectuel français tourne-t-il à vide ?
Alain Finkielkraut, un Immortel contesté
Qu'est-ce que la "gauche Finkielkraut"?
Finkielkraut, le raciste antinoir et antimusulman
Cherki (PS) : «Si Finkielkraut n'était pas juif, il serait porte-parole du FN»
VIDEO - A. Finkielkraut à l'académie : juif d'abord ?
VIDEO - Moualek: Merci Jean-Marie Le Pen pour votre honnêteté concernant la binationalité! Les psychopathes Soral et Dieudo (Dieudo est plus malhonnête que Soral selon Moualek).
Observatoire de la laïcité : "Il fallait que ça pète" Sénatrice PRG de Haute-Garonne et membre de l'Observatoire de la laïcité, Françoise Laborde regrette le fonctionnement, trop peu collégial à ses yeux, de cette institution que préside Jean-Louis Bianco.
Valls et Bianco s'écharpent sur la laïcité : la polémique en 3 actes
LAÏCITÉ. Valls s'en prend à Bianco et Cadène : deux poids deux mesures, et une faute grave, par Guillaume Weill-Raynal, 22 janvier 2016
VIDEO - Gars Lambda: J'ai discuté avec une juive
Ces quartiers français qui se rêvent en Palestine «Une France antijuive?» de Pierre-André Taguieff
Yet another fake ‘migrant rape’ case
L'Union Européenne cherche une « solution finale » à la crise des réfugiés
American Jewish Committee agent tries to dig up anti-Semitic dirt in a German refugee housing block
German far-right leader: Police should ‘have right to’ shoot refugees illegally crossing border
Crise migratoire de l'UE : attaquez-vous aux guerres criminelles de l'Occident, au lieu de blâmer les victimes
VIDEO - EU on the brink: European leaders making refugees scapegoats for economic crisis
Répondre aux attentats en intensifiant la guerre « contre le terrorisme »?
Gollnisch analyse le virage idéologique de Finkielkraut
Europe-Israel: Ce que nous devons à Alain Finkielkraut par Jacques Tarnero
Un sioniste entre à l’Académie française.
Jewish man writes London radio station: 'Let's remember Muslims on Holocaust Memorial Day'
Cette «obsession de l’islam»…. : Un danger pour le vivre ensemble
VIDEO - La desinformation - (pourquoi autant de trucs faux sur Internet)
Megyn Kelly Prods Chris Christie To Be More Islamophobic In Fox News “Debate”
« Islamophobie », un mot, un mal plus que centenaires Finkielkraut et son obsession de l'islam - Un danger pour le vivre ensemble
Qui est Alain Finkielkraut ? Pour E-R par la revue Faits & Documents
Alain Finkielkraut à l'Académie française : les internautes s'en donnent à cœur joie
Pleurniche: Finkielkraut et le nouveau « Statut des Juifs » à la télévision française Il s'est fait ramasser publiquement... "Antisémitisme!"
Merkel: Refugees Must Leave Germany Once War Is Over Despite appearing increasingly isolated, Merkel has resisted pressure from some conservatives to cap the influx of refugees, or to close Germany's borders.
Greek Migration Minister: Belgium told us "Push migrants back to sea, we don't care if they drown"
GREECE – Brussels said ‘push migrants back to sea’ – Greek minister
EU migration crisis: Stop illegal wars, don’t blame the victims
GERMANY -Jews urge action to change Arab refugees’ anti-democratic values
GERMANY – Intelligence Services ‘Recruit Asylum Seekers as Informants’
Towards a Refugee “Final Solution”
First they came for the Muslims: Mob of masked men beat up refugee children at Stockholm station
Des néos-nazis attaquent des réfugies en Suède
Gangs, populism, and conspiracy theory overshadow West’s role in refugee crisis
The IMF’s Prescription for Europe: Exploit Refugees with Low Wages
The mechanics of globalism – Migration as a weapon of war and ethno-engineering
VIDEO - Déchéance de nationalité : Cherki (PS) dénonce la démarche "hypocrite, fondée sur le mensonge" du gouvernement
French justice minister quits over controversial anti-terrorist measure
Pentagon to release (only) 198 photos of tortured Afghan, Iraqi prisoners under court order "Viol" semble être le mot d'ordre depuis le début 2016, depuis les événements du nouvel an à Cologne...
VIDEO - [HUMOUR] "Pourquoi la déchéance de nationalité, c'est bien !"
Bennett: We’re literally the border between Islamic State and the free world
Rabbi Fischer takes the bait on chain email hoax: No Muslims in Japan
Sophisticated Orientalism in the New York Times
Elisabeth Badinter : "Il ne faut pas avoir peur de se faire traiter d'islamophobe"
Charlie, nouvelle religion d'État
VIDEO - Alain Finkielkraut : « La radicalisation islamiste prend des proportions très alarmantes »
Finkelkraut : la France doit s’attendre à d’autres attentats
Vidéo - L’essayiste Lydia Guirous « il y a un ennemi intérieur, des Français qui ont pour objectif d’éliminer d’autres Français », dans certains quartiers « ce sont les islamistes qui font la loi »Mini-Finkie.
L’Occident malade de lui-même. On ne construira l’Europe qu’en la déculpabilisant "Causeur" c'est le journal d'Elisabeth Lévy: une sorte de Soral (grande gueule gueularde) qui surfe sur l'anti-rectitude politique, mais qui se bat dans le même camp fanatiquement anti-islam que Finkie et Zemmour, ces juifs sionistes qui se croient plus Français que les Français, plus nationaux que le FN. Causeur fait dans cet article la promotion de Alexandre Del Valle, un ancien de l'extrême-droite devenu aujourd'hui partisan de la lutte contre l'islam, promoteur de la théorie du complot islamo-américain. Semblable à la théorie des néocons comme Frank Gaffney qui disent qu'Obama est soumis à l'islam des Frères musulmans, etc.
La répression identitaire bat son plein... Bottez-moi le cul, je suis blanc et catholique ! par Richard Martineau
Le site vigile est vraiment en train de sombrer depuis un bout de temps dans le marasme des préoccupations identitaires, ça fait d'eux les idiots utiles des promoteurs du choc sioniste des civilisations entre l'islam et pratiquement le reste du monde au grand complet... C'est une subversion du mouvement souverainiste par des éléments identitaires, que ce soit des blancs canayens-français ou seulement catholiques romains occidentaux mais au niveau des "valeurs" , étant non-pratiquants. Les groupes identitaires sont souvent les plus ardents promoteurs de l'idée de guerre ("choc") des civilisations entre l'Islam et l'Occident. Ils vont souvent tenir le discours anti-rectitude politique, ce qui leur attire des millions de sympathisants qui aiment se faire dire ce qu'ils veulent entendre. Toute leur notoriété et leur gloire vient de là, du fait qu'ils ont l'air de brasser la cage de la rectitude politique. Et pendant ce temps là les vrais diseurs de vérité sont tus ou seulement enterrés par le bruit ambiant.
RT - Philippe de Villiers : «Pour l’islam, la France n’est qu’une portion de la terre à conquérir»
Un autre exemple mieux articulé que Martineau mais en plus conspirationniste, bien qu'ayant le même discours de fond: tout aussi anti-islam. RT publie parfois de vrais torchons remplis de ...
Sur ce blog:
Médias juifs antijuifs? Selon Enderlin (France 2 à Jérusalem), cible favorite des extrémistes juifs, Israël tombe aux mains d'extrémistes juifs religieux alliés à la droite radicale pendant que la gauche plie bagage... Israël veut devenir une superpuissance pour conquérir le monde. Le documentaire de Charles Enderlin "Au nom du Temple", basé sur son livre, maintenant disponible sur youtube
Conspiracy-watch nous fait de la pub!
Bébé palestinien brûlé vif par des colons israéliens: Israël forcée de dénoncer le terrorisme juif, tente hypocritement de nous faire oublier le massacre de milliers de civils palestiniens, incluant femmes et enfants, commis par l'armée israélienne dans les dernières décennies. Des politiciens israéliens condamnant le racisme et le terrorisme juif menacés de mort par des juifs extrémistes.
David Brog, le nouveau leader juif anti-BDS choisi par le milliardaire juif Sheldon Adelson, est le directeur de l'organisation sioniste chrétienne du télévangéliste John Hagee: Christians United For Israel
Dans la série des terroristes juifs dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler... L'organisation terroriste juive Honenu, qui prétend "défendre les Israéliens face aux agressions arabes", a-t-elle mis le feu à l'Église de la Multiplication à Jérusalem? Des suspects interpelés. Imaginez si c'étaient des arabes palestiniens ou des musulmans! Pendant ce temps, la United Church of Christ aux États-Unis rejoint le mouvement de boycott d'Israël
Qui était tout près du métro de Londres au matin des attentats du 7 juillet 2005?
Des rabbins jugent que le cancer de l'antijuif Jimmy Carter est une punition divine pour ses péchés contre Israël et les juifs
Un sénateur a déclaré en 2002 devant le Congrès états-unien que les attaques du 11 septembre étaient une punition divine visant les États-Unis pour avoir été trop durs et exigeants envers Israël. Il critiquait l'administration Bush qu'Israël trouvait trop proche des pétromonarchies arabes et qui posait à Israël des "conditions inacceptables", comme le rappelait l'ancien général du renseignement pakistanais Hamid Gul, récemment décédé, qui dénonçait le Mossad et la CIA comme véritables auteurs du 11 septembre. Certains demandent: le 11 septembre était-il une "surprise de septembre" israélienne pour Bush? Le mouvement pour la vérité du 11 septembre est une imposture! En posant ex cathedra le dogme de l'"Inside Job" il a défini les paramètres du débat: ou bien vous croyez la version gouvernementale ("officielle"), ou bien vous dites que c'était un complot de l'État américain ("Inside job", un concept de Jared Israel), mais surtout ne dites jamais que c'est Israël! "BLAMEZ BUSH, CHENEY OU UN VAGUE "ÉTAT PROFOND", MAIS SURTOUT NE BLAMEZ JAMAIS ISRAËL! TOUT LE MONDE SAUF ISRAËL!"
Pire que la menace iranienne: la menace du boycott anti-Israël! Après la réunion secrète d'urgence organisée par le milliardaire juif Sheldon Adelson (parrain des Républicains) sur la menace que BDS représente pour les juifs, les puissants milliardaires juifs Adelson et Haim Saban (parrain des Démocrates) mettent en garde contre le "tsunami d'antisémitisme" qui suivra inévitablement la montée du mouvement BDS
Pendant que le gouvernement canadien de Stephen Harper envisage une loi protégeant l'État juif contre les méchants boycotteurs, le milliardaire Sheldon Adelson, soi-disant "juif le plus riche du monde", magnat des casinos connecté au crime organisé, parraine la formation du nouveau gouvernement de Netanyahou comme il parraine (et contrôle) le parti républicain états-unien. Le nouveau gouvernement Netanyahou et le parti républicain d'Adelson sont à ce point identiques - judéomaniaques et anti-arabes, contre l'Iran, la Palestine et l'Irak - qu'on jurerait qu'ils ont été séparés à la naissance... L'Israélienne qui incitait publiquement à "tuer les mères des Palestiniens" est nommée ministre de la justice. Le ministre israélien qui avouait publiquement n'avoir "aucun problème à tuer des Arabes" devient ministre de l'éducation.
Médias antijuifs? Sur les ondes de MSNBC, discussion sur les néocons responsables de la guerre en Irak pour Israël, leur délirante théorie du complot irakien et leur guerre de cent ans contre le monde arabo-musulman
Médias juifs anti-juifs? La chaîne NBC révèle qu'un Israélien sur deux souhaiterait qu'une lettre contenant le virus Ebola soit envoyée au président Obama pour son anniversaire
Médias antijuifs? Sur les ondes de C-Span2, l'ex-agent du Mossad Victor Ostrovsky lève le voile sur l'influence du Mossad dans la politique étatsunienne
Rappel: silence médiatique sur la piste pro-israélienne dans les attentats terroristes à l'Anthrax aux USA, juste après le trauma du 11 septembre. Tout en ravivant le trauma, il fallait faire croire que c'était des musulmans...
Médiats juifs antijuifs? Pour l'Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith, même les médiats Rothschild doivent des excuses à Israël pour avoir attiré l'attention sur le lobby juif et son rôle dans l'impasse des relations irano-américaines
Médiats antijuifs? Le journaliste de Newsweek Jeff Stein soulève l'ire des juifs pour avoir attiré l'attention sur un rapport étatsunien accusant Israël d'avoir dépassé les bornes de par l'ampleur de ses opérations d'espionnage en sol américain. Aucun autre allié des États-Unis ne les espionne autant que le fait Israël. Un ex-chef du Mossad qualifie ces allégations de "délirantes". Israël et le lobby juif, quant à eux, se scandalisent que les États-Unis s'obstinent à refuser l'exemption de visas aux Israéliens.
NY Times: Sans ennemi extérieur à combattre, Israël est voué à l'éclatement
'A CLEAN BREAK': un document incontournable du gvt israélien pour comprendre le projet du Grand Israël et les agressions impérialistes au Moyen-Orient
William Kristol, fauteur de guerre juif, roi du PNAC néocon, appelle à "défier l'idole de la fatigue de guerre" en se préparant et en se mobilisant pour la guerre
Brochette de sionistes juifs néocons, au bien cuit de Dick Cheney
Le mouvement juif Néo-conservateur : du trotskisme au bellicisme sioniste
Les fauteurs de guerres
Les mensonges de Richard Perle
Le printemps arabe: "une incroyable opportunité pour Israël", selon l'ancien directeur du Mossad Meir Dagan et le Maj. Gen. et criminel de guerre Yoav Galant
Un officiel égyptien accuse Israël d'avoir fomenté le chaos en Égypte
Pourim 2011 (19 et 20 mars) et l'attaque atlanto-sioniste en Libye
L'alcool fait dire à George Tenet que "les Juifs" néocons de Bush ont voulu se servir de lui comme bouc émissaire dans le fiasco des Armes de Destruction Massives
11 septembre et tout le reste: c'était pas les musulmans!
Qui est Amalek? Quelle géopolitique du Moyen-Orient peut-on tirer de la Loi juive?
Révolutions arabes? ou balkanisation-remodelage du "Grand Moyen-Orient"?
L'Occident "chrétien" complice de l'éradication des Chrétiens du Moyen-orient, pour aboutir à un monde culturellement découpé chrétien et laïc occidental versus islamo-traditionnaliste oriental
Guerres sionistes et Option Samson: vers la délivrance ultime
"De la dictature à la démocratie"
Les milliardaires juifs et magnats des médias Haim Saban (Démocrate) et Sheldon Adelson (Républicain) en compétition pour le titre du plus grand juif fauteur de guerres mondiales, insistent qu'il faut bombarder l'Iran
Médiats juifs antijuifs? Le milliardaire juif ultrasioniste Sheldon Adelson est "tout droit sorti des pages des Protocoles des sages de Sion" selon Uri Avnery, ancien membre de la Knesset et correspondant dans de nombreux médiats israéliens
Un autre grand comique juif, Sheldon Adelson, qui s'autoproclame "le juif le plus riche du monde", appelle à bombarder l'Iran avec du nucléaire, donnant ainsi raison à Jack Straw
Un lobbyiste pro-israélien appelle à provoquer un nouveau Pearl Harbor pour déclencher une guerre contre l'Iran
Selon le propagandiste juif sioniste anti-Islam Daniel Pipes, Netanyahou devrait menacer de nucléariser l'Iran
PNAC King Kristol
David Frum, l'inventeur du concept d' "Axe du Mal" veut y inclure le Pakistan
Grands prêtres de guerre: la guerre en Irak comme tremplin des néocons vers la domination mondiale
Du trotskyisme au néoconservatisme: The High Priests of War (PHOTO SECTION)
Le réseau criminalisé Netanyahou-Adelson-Romney
Dieu merci, le parrain des néocons, Irving Kristol, nous a quitté
Un sinistre canadien dénonce le complot onusien-médiatique contre Israël
Guerre en Irak: pas seulement pour Israël
La guerre en Irak était une célébration de Pourim
Derrière la tragédie du 11 septembre et la guerre au terrorisme
Philip Zelikow (signataire du PNAC): La Libye est un modèle pour la redivision du Moyen-Orient
Traître à la nation américaine: Philip Zelikow, conceptualisateur du "terrorisme catastrophique" et auteur de la commission d'enquête du 11 septembre
Zelikow et le mythe fondateur du 21e siècle américain
Médias juifs antijuifs? Le Jerusalem Post confirme qu'Israël savait que le USS Liberty était américain
L'utilisation d'armes chimiques en Syrie (en 2013) pourrait être un false flag israélien, selon l'ancien chef de cabinet de Colin Powell sous l'administration Bush, le colonel à la retraite Lawrence Wilkerson
NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL - PLUS JAMAIS DE GUERRES POUR ISRAËL! Prévisible false flag israélien et pressions sionistes pour envoyer l'Occident se battre pour les intérêts d'Israël
Les médiats juifs tels que le New York Times dissimulent les efforts des groupes juifs pour pousser l'Occident en guerre en Syrie pour lsraël; l'AIPAC confirme timidement son rôle de fauteur de guerres la veille de Roch Hachana, dit le "Jour du Jugement"; les groupes juifs craignent d'être associés à de tels efforts et soutiennent que c'est un devoir moral pour eux de prendre la parole, vu qu'ils s'y connaissent tellement en gazage; leur agent John Kerry (Cohn) dit qu'Assad est comme Hitler et Hussein; une victoire de "l'axe Téhéran-Damas-Hezbollah" gênerait fortement lsraël qui cherche à d'établir un précédent en Syrie afin de faciliter une guerre contre l'Iran. Désespéré, Netanyahou devra recourir à un nouveau false flag, celui-là peut-être plus agressif et contre ses Alliés Occidentaux...
Devoir de mémoire, devoir de faire tomber l'axe Iran-Syrie-Liban
"Rothschild du Nouveau Monde": gibier de potence talmudiste, Edgar Bronfman Sr. en enfer. Son rôle dans la guerre en Irak et quelques autres de ses crimes moins connus
La piste israélienne n'est plus ignorée dans les ouvrages de référence sur JFK, panique des néocons dans les médias (National Review, Washington Free Beacon) - Extrait de la fin du livre "The Letters of John F. Kennedy"
Rothschild et JFK: les liens de l'avocat "montréalais" Bloomfield (à la tête de Permindex) avec le clan Rothschild documentés par un auteur québécois
Théories de conspiration: Ahad Ha'am (Asher Ginzberg) est-il vraiment le père des Protocoles?
Le sionisme secret d'Asher Ginsberg (Ahad Ha'am)
De la fausse opposition entre judaïsme et sionisme
Théorie de "conspire à Sion"?
Jérusalem occupée par l'anti-Christ
Ça commence à sentir la fin...
L'option Samson comme justice ultime
Le retour de Netanyahou et la réalisation du Grand Israël
Projet Apocalyptique à Jérusalem: un bunker réservé aux dirigeants d'Israël
Les médias israéliens incitent à détruire la mosquée Al-Aqsa (dôme du Rocher)
Rebâtir le Temple, restaurer les sacrifices, alors ce sera la Fin de l'Histoire
La télé antijuive? Des organisations juives condamnent et tentent de faire interdire une série télé d'un réalisateur juif britannique des plus respecté, qui se demande comment Israël a pu réussir en si peu de temps à s'aliéner le monde entier. Rien n'avait préparé le réalisateur aux attaques vitrioliques du "lobby sioniste" qui allaient déferler sur lui... Toujours pas vu à la télé états-unienne.
Dans la série des terroristes juifs dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler: L'incendie criminel contre une école bilingue arabe-hébreu en ville sainte, un attentat politique du groupe extrémiste juif Lehava. Aucune accusation de crime haineux? Et ils retrouvent leur liberté même si leur leader a dit qu'ils n'arrêteront jamais de terroriser les Palestiniens et combattre le métissage
False flag raté et terroristes juifs dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler...
Il y a vingt ans, l'attentat terroriste du loubavitch kahaniste Baruch Goldstein à Hébron montrait la fête de Pourim sous son vrai jour
ENCORE UNE FOIS... Pire qu'en 2012, la dépopulation de la Palestine va bon train... Châtiments collectifs contre les Palestiniens: conséquence de la culture de haine en Israël et de sa dissimulation par le puissant lobby pro-israélien international. Israel sera-t-il récompensé du Nobel de la paix? Le parrain Netanyahou "prévient" les Français que les terroristes vont frapper chez eux s'ils continuent à tolérer les manifestations "pro-Hamas"... Jimmy Carter, considéré antijuif pour son livre PALESTINE--PEACE NOT APARTHEID (qui a scandalisé la communauté juive pour avoir omis d'y mentionner la divine Shoah!!), accuse Israël de ne pas reconnaître le Hamas comme un acteur politique légitime.
Le sanglant sacrifice rituel de Pourim 2012: la pire attaque contre Gaza depuis Plomb Durci
Soulignons la semaine internationale de l'Apartheid israélien | Un documentaire dérangeant demande: Israel qui vit de ses ventes d'armes (testées sur des Palestiniens) a-t-il intérêt à faire la paix avec ses voisins? Qu'en pense le producteur hollywoodien ex-agent du Mossad et plus grand trafiquant d'armes israélien Arnon Milchan?
Déni de l'holocauste palestinien (Nakba) et criminalisation de sa mémoire par Israël
Médiats juifs antijuifs? La chaîne CBS rapporte que l'administration Obama a demandé à Israël de bien vouloir cesser d'assassiner les scientifiques iraniens
À quand une purge mondiale des individus considérés anti-juifs? Assassinats extrajudiciaires et menaces de mort d'Israël contre ses ennemis perçus ; l'Iran dit avoir reçu une enveloppe portant le sceau d'Israël contenant des insectes morts accompagnés d'une lettre menaçant les "ennemis d'Israël" d'extermination au moyen d'armes biologiques (virus)
11 septembre 2014, l'Islam à nouveau diabolisé, la victime toujours blâmée... Indignation sélective et interventionnisme à géométrie variable: tous ces politiciens qui crient au meurtre maintenant sont restés muets cet été lors du carnage israélien à Gaza. Les crimes de guerre occidentaux sont la cause réelle de la formation de l'État islamique; nos médias leur ont fait une pub du tonnerre, rien de mieux pour accroître les rangs de l'EI! Al-Qaida ne faisait plus peur, il fallait donc qu'un nouveau méchant de service prenne sa place..
John McCain et les guerres pour Israël
11 septembre et tout le reste: c'était pas les musulmans!
Le prochain 11 septembre sera-t-il concoté en Israël?
Ariel Scheinermann, dit "Sharon", en enfer après plusieurs années de retard... Couvert de malédictions kabbalistiques, associé au légendaire ennemi des juifs Amalek, tout comme Kissinger et d'autres juifs américanisés... Même lui n'aura pu satisfaire les colons israéliens qui l'attaquèrent pour avoir "bloqué" l'expansion des colonies illégales
Encyclopédies antijuives? Menachem Begin, un terroriste exemplaire, selon Larousse.fr
Le terroriste le plus meurtrier de l'histoire
Ex-terroriste, futur président -- l'Israélien Menachem Begin : "Nous avons créé la terreur chez les Arabes"
God's Jewish Warriors
Y a-t-il un terrorisme juif?
Saint Baruch Goldstein
Petit manuel d'exterminateur: la Torah du Roi
Ovadia Yossef, grand rabbin sépharade d'Israël, ira déverser sa haine en enfer
Israël et le problème des colons
Les militaires étaient en mission à Gaza pour expulser les Gentils
Les soldats juifs avaient l'ordre de "nettoyer Gaza"
Selon le Grand rabbin orthodoxe sépharade Ovadia Yosef, "les Gentils n’existent que pour servir les Juifs" et ce sont des ânes
Le rabbin Shapira, auteur d'un livre qui approuve le meurtre des non-juifs, est soutenu par une douzaine de rabbins israéliens importants
Le rabbin Dov Lior: « Le sperme des Non-Juifs donne naissance une progéniture cruelle et barbare »
Un mandat d'arrêt émis contre le rabbin Dov Lior pour incitation au meurtre des non-juifs déclenche la colère de centaines de fanatiques
Un rabbin autorise de voler les récoltes et d'empoisonner l'eau des Palestiniens
Rabbi Yosef: il est interdit de soigner un non-juif le jour du Shabbat
La plus pieuse armée au monde
Propos honnêtes de gens qui ne le sont pas
"Les Palestiniens et leur gouvernement doivent périr", déclare le grand rabbin orthodoxe sépharade d'Israël
Le rabbin Meir Kahane, fondateur du groupe terroriste Jewish Defense League, expliqué aux enfants
Un autre disjoncté appelle à la destruction du monde arabe
Célébrer le meurtre des Palestiniens est une Mitzvah (bonne action), déclare un rabbin d'une colonie illégale
Les Arabes seraient chassés méthodiquement de Jérusalem
Un rabbin sioniste [Dov Lior, un zélé de « La Torah des Rois » selon qui « le sperme des Goyim engendre une progéniture barbare et cruelle »], appelle ses compatriotes à se préparer à reconstruire le prétendu temple sur les ruines du Dôme du Rocher!
Et si la Torah se substituait à la loi israélienne?
Le Conseil talmudique d’Israël a statué : "En temps de guerre, même des enfants ennemis peuvent être exterminés"
Un rabbin autorise de voler les récoltes et d'empoisonner l'eau des Palestiniens
Une comique juive au parlement israélien: je ne voulais pas heurter la mémoire de la Shoah en dénonçant le cancer de l'immigration africaine en Israël
Les Arabes musulmans ont le dos large, les vrais terroristes ignorés
"Kerry a déclaré la guerre à Dieu!" Menaces de mort contre Kerry-Haman: c'est pas des musulmans! Les antijuifs de plus en plus décomplexés inquiètent... Mais qu'en est-il des menaces de mort à peine voilées proférées impunément par des juifs contre des hommes d'État?
Israël assassine des présumés terroristes en sol américain
Avigdor Liberman veut retirer la citoyenneté aux Arabes, Joe Liberman veut retirer la citoyenneté aux présumés terroristes
Le croisé anti-terrorisme Lieberman lié à un groupe pro-terrorisme
Le sioniste juif orthodoxe Joe Lieberman et le projet de loi visant la suppression des droits constitutionnels des personnes soupçonnées de terrorisme
Rothschild, notre ennemi traditionnel
Le racisme permis est israélien
Le jeu des devinettes: qui a dit "Si je suis réélu, je vais foutre les Juifs"?
De l'incohérence d'attribuer à Adolf Hitler et à l'Holocauste la paternité de l'État juif en Palestine: la "mémoire de l'Holocauste" n'a pris d'assaut la psyché américaine que dans les années 1960-70, dans la foulée du procès Eichmann et des guerres israéliennes. Les Sionistes les plus influents de l'époque ont eu grand peur que l'extermination des juifs d'Europe sonne le glas du sionisme. Quel intérêt peut-il y avoir à systématiquement assimiler le sionisme aux nazis? À faire croire que c'est toujours la faute aux nazis? Et à qui cela profite-t-il?